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|Beautiful skeleton| edition
Previous thread: >>481920684

>Current version: 1.0.64
>Latest important announcement (February 6, 2024)
>Kenshi 2 Announcement:
Soon (tm)

>What is Kenshi?
"A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story."
"Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear."
>Demo Link

>Tips for beginners
Learn to pick your fights, don't hesitate to run away and don't reload unless you die, any fight you survive makes you stronger. Building an outpost will attract trader caravans and hostile raids. Building one too early might be more than you can handle. Pressing F1 will open the tutorial screen. Mousing over the stats screen and HUD will reveal useful tooltips and additional info. If the enemies feel too difficult - get crossbows for your units. And don't be afraid of the RP autism - engage in it whenever you can. And do unlock the sliders.


>Some mods
>AND a link to the giga muscle-girl mod

>Some moonrune mod archive on the LL Kenshi thread

>LL modding thread
>post with jonijonikenshi mods (like milking mod) after he deleted it all

>LL mod index

>Kenshi Fuck Mod

>The package of optimization mods from Nexus
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mods to try
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>"You look lovely, Agnu"
By the way, do I shove this into the original spiky scrap armor mod or do I put it in a new folder?
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June is almost over...
Just replace the original. You can just overwrite since it's the same files +4 new.
>It seems like the Santana as a whole have the ability of making their enemies talk way too much.
Sarin seems to be quite a bitchy roboharlot.

Growing food inside doesn't NEED a fucking AI core, Chris is a moron.

>Yuuka teaches their Yagioushi companion the basics of lockpicking.
Never trust the catlanders.

>I say we feed those damn cows their own horns!
Feed the good cows with the horns of the bad cows. Recycle them.

>Older men were always more interesting, anyway.
That succubus of Narko wants to suck the last remaining bits of his life force away!!

>Even some appropriate dialogue or some interesting NPCs to explain how their way of life is would have gone a long way to flesh out the main factions.
Instead the game gives you 9999+ lines of dialouge, barks and whatnot about HOLY NATION VERY BAD, SHEK VERY GOOD, WOMEN NINJAS ARE VERY GOOD, MEN ARE VERY STUPID. You know who to thank for that.
It's just a folder of my doodles with Natalie ballbusting Beep with a hachigane.
>Anyway, I don't think Nat thought about any of this.
Perhaps she did, women are more than willing to be a part of harem as long as the man keeps his pimp hand strong.

>The bars in the Holy Nation have female recruits.
Yes, so Nat can use them as mouth-pieces.

>but in the Holy Nation, civilian leadership roles could be filled by crippled war veterans.
They proved that they weren't cowards, they did their best, and now they deserve some cushy jobs.
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How's it look on the shkek man? Does it need any tweaks?
IRON TRAIL is at last the pyramid head wannabe he was always meant to be, thanks
Can he see alright in that shit?
You don't want the rest of the armor then?
I think the helmet gives a serious perception debuff
I fear dudes would look weird in the bikini, and the alternative would be to redesign the armor to make it sexy in a masculine way, no?
Unless.... you're suggesting berserker twinks?
When Dardino approached the skeleton inhabitant, this one seemed welcoming --or as much as its body would allow-- to the guest. Less interested in the dead robot on his shoulder, it invited the support officer to a brief conversation.
...This thing gives Dardino the heebie jeebies, but it's totally the kind of thing uncle Victor would love to look at. It sounds like this skeleton is more interested in adventuring than being holed up in the Calatrava lab, though...
Crazy that even in imgur exile I forget to attach pics
What a day.
I'm trying to go the Holy nation route, but Phoenix keeps telling me to capture Seto (and I captured her long ago), if I tell him I want to destroy the shek kingdom.
Is this a glitch?
I'm on vanilla.
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bugs are cute
>ask to destroy flotsam
>capture moll
>ask to destroy shek
>capture Seto
>"now the shek are warring"
>they suddenly come to my stead with a big army with "invincibles" and Esata herself
>capture esata
>Shek capital now belongs to the berserkers
>ask Phoenix what to do to destroy the shek
>"go capture seto"
did my game get messed up?
I don't even have any mods installed...
was I supposed to kill them instead of capture, so I reset the thing on an import and try all over again.
btw, my farm had the "house" icon (like all the holy farms/mines), does anyone knows the requirements for icon changes of the settlement?
I saw it change when I added my well, but it suddenly became an X later, and I'm not sure why, I didn't even remove any buildings.
I'm inclined to say it's indeed a bug; the game doesn't register Esata being dead or captured. My suggestion would be to import the game, and if the problem persists, kill Esata next time you defeat her.

It changes based on the amount of buildings, as well as the number + strength of walls and gates
>It changes based on the amount of buildings, as well as the number + strength of walls and gate
anyone has the exact numbers?
it seems strange for it to suddenly "downgrade" and I remember one time I was trying to aim for the tower thing, and the thing I lacked was a research bench or something like that.
Not a clue. I know it just takes a longhouse with a wall and a gate + people actively in it to be a tower
>people actively in it
maybe it was because I left to the shek kingdom to fight the invasion coming (it was an X and I didn't tend the wheat farm for a while)
Things I want in Kenshi 2
>ability to do actual slavery
>more "very hard" starts
>trade routes
>less easily guaranteed ways of making money like Hashish
>your start giving you access to unique dialogue and interactions
>faster dodging and/or a countering skill for martial arts
>people acknowledging you in areas where you fucked up the world state (NPCs cursing you for letting them be overrun by cannibals)
>fix gate clipping
Dardino isn't too sure about allowing a demon to tag along, but he should at least bring him to the doctor...right?
I want a chat window I can have active so I don't miss out when some rando npc is asking for something before beating the shit up of my party in another part of the world...
And actual ridable mounts to make caravans funnier (the ridabble bull mod was fun, but didn't convince me).
And being able to actually gift stuff to mercenaries, so they can wear better equipment if I give them something better than what they are wearing.
Barely on their journey out of the floodlands, the robot starts making very curious observations. Dardino could learn a lot about this thing.

Don't forget
>Crafting stations let you search items by name instead of scrolling through the whole dang list
btw, while trying to roleplay as holy nation, I didn't know what to do with the dust bandits, I mean, should I pay them to "be friends" (even when that doesn't even change the relationship) or what would an okranite do?
they prey on innocent okran loving farmers
Dardino and his new companion successfully return to Alto Calatrava. Looks like they're busy...

Rebirth those bratty heretics!
>Rebirth those bratty heretics
for some reason rebirth stoped accepting every person I brought them (I started bringing them fogged to raise relationships, but after a while they just stopped accepting them and just let me do the dialog to give up my character).
Does anyone have an idea of what could trigger this?
I already had 100 of relationship by bringing bounties to the inquisitor at the city.
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shit matters
The second Great Crater Explosion won't ferment itself
After conversing with doctor Calatrava, it's decided for Dardino to keep "Burn" in the vanguard corps.
Personally, Dardino is not at all thrilled to be responsible for a team comprised of
A) A scorchie who doesn't hide her interest in him anymore, and whom he can barely pretend to not be interested
B) A nubile and mindbroken Stenn-cow who's too busy thinking about submission to understand personal space
C) The quiet crazy dog lady Don Pedro assigned to be his babysitter (which, mind you, also defected from the Flotsam, like Yuuka)
and now D) A plain-and-simple demon.

Ah, if he makes it out of this alive, Dardino believes, his faith in Okran will rival the Phoenix.
He just has to do his job and keep his soul un-darkened...
A moment of inspiration later, cursed OC
skeleton eyelashes cute!
They make her feel like a pretty little harlot again ^^^
Meanwhile, we've got another side arc!
In today's episode of Kenshiites being retarded, The flotsam ninjas have decided they're going to start throwing their little temper tantrums at dr. Calatrava's lab.
Pretty big oversight for the Flotsam to have brought kids to the fight...
Is Gut the ultimate base location?
>infinite supply of meat and leather literally walking right up your doorstep
>has iron
>has copper
>amazing fertility
>close to a nation with several shinobi towers for easy hashish farming
Literally ideal in every single way
*easy hashish selling
I meant reworking the plate, as for the bottom it's either redoing bikini into shorys (near impossible due to how textures are packed) or copying some plates around the crotch in the leggings model.
Either way, the worst thing are the fucking weights.
>faster dodging for martial arts
saw one mod that adds new evasion and roll backwards
>female skeleton
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>a Samurai patrol starts guarding my squad
>think this will be great for going through Stobe's Garden more safely
>make a quick stop by Black Scratch for more food
>the Samurai's relations with the Tech Hunters are still bad from numerous civil wars in Heft
>the Samurai all get slaughtered
Feels bad man. It's almost Import time.
Swag too strong.
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>guards stole my edge type 3 falling sun
might need to start keeping a fragment axe in my back pocket
I hate the meme bug.
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Well, I believe my idea would work correctly, if it wasn't for the fact that both kenshi bones and meshes are different. It's hard to wrap my head around those differences, I am only slowly starting to comprehend the relative effects of bones in poses (like why the fact female I-pose) being different from male I-pose almost pretty much doesn't affect the animation).
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Red - original mesh
Blue - armor deformed to fit male skeleton automatically (same mesh as the pic above)
Skin - ugly male for scale
They have the stupidity, but they don't have the plot armor to back it up. Amusing.
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I bitched a lot about Chris, but his meshes at least could be broken down. This shit is untouchable because there are texture seams everywhere and deleting any edges will break this shit faster than Ruka's horns.
>I bitched a lot about Chris, but his meshes at least could be broken down. This shit is untouchable because there are texture seams everywhere and deleting any edges will break this shit faster than Ruka's horns.
What are you talking about. Chris's meshes are full of seams. Most of his furnitures use a single shared texture and as a result his UV maps are all over the place.
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>What are you talking about
is this just that choker? jesus
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I just realized that you can keep fogmen prince alive after removing their head if you do the following:
>KO them
>heal them so they don't die (or just wait if you used assassinate[still not sure why is it called like that if you just KO them instead of kill])
>wait nearby (you may need to use sneak if you are too strong, because they might select to play dead instead of getting up in that case)
>right click on them so the menu appear
>wait over the "loot" option
>once they start waking up, select loot
>loot them while they are getting up/running
>if you take their head on this moment, you can take it without them dying
I guess this might also work for fishmen
>I guess this might also work for fishmen
It works on wild animals too. I made skimmer unkillable by taking all death items like you did with the head. No one can butcher it for meat.
Never tried it with my own animals. I don’t know if it’s possible to loot them. And the animal may unglitch after import.
Sseth's Kenshi video has ~7.700.000 views.
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Torso/arms, but having this many faces in random places means one part of mesh has 5 (though according to picrel the collar and its spikes have like 100 fucking UV islands...) different seams in random places. It's probably good for saving texture space, but an absolutely abhorrent mesh in combination with that type of UV means you can't edit fucking anything.
all me
>It's probably good for saving texture space
Not really. There's a bunch of duplicate islands here. You could delete all but one and have the UV maps overlap.
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Hm, good eye. I assumed this was textured by hand, but now I see the dupes are from same object copied twice, which suggest some massive retardation was going on as well.
How would an Okranite react to the black dragon ninja invasions?
I hired some mercenaries, but it's just 4 dudes, the ninjas don't demand a thing, they just go and get near a chest in my main house, I'm not sure if they are trying to steal something, but after a while of them clustered near the chest, they just leave.
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your twinkplate, sir
This shek flotsam better hope that strike killed her...

>I meant reworking the plate
Gotcha. In that case, it sounds like a pretty good idea and perfect for berserker/barbarian type playthroughs. Fingers crossed it doesn't kill you in the attempt.

Honestly impressive, considering her's for sure the lamest of the Santana zoomers

That's a fun mental image

Cute boobs + choker uwu

Pretty interesting!

Black Dragon raids aim to steal food. If you don't have a food chest they shouldn't disturb you much - They're still bandits.

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I think it more or less werks, unlike my mouse scroll wheel.
As the battle ends, the guards and the wardens get to checking for survivors among the Flotsam...

What's gonna happen to the legplates?
I haven't raised my Holy Citizen stealth because "it may be disonorable" (I'm not sure about how okranites see that).
Holy Lord Phoenix told me to use stealth for Capturing Seto.
Should I take that as an autorization to raise stealth?
are there any instanses some Okranite raises it?
I haven't raised thievery, nor lockpicking either.
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wish I knew
Okranites are wrathful and have no mercy on criminals. Bandits all get sent to Rebirth, I suppose you can consider recruiting the human bandits to work for Okran.
Moments later, the lab is back to normal. The girls are back cooking...

A codpiece might help the front, but it's really kinda designed as a jockstrap lmfao
Agents are not thieves. It's not about skills, but how you use them.
agents must be really good at that, because I haven't seen any yet (just paladins of different ranks).
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>implying I don't already have a 1051324-polygon 4K-resolution codpiece with custom Kenshiâ„¢ HDRI in place
one must be ready for bong's sister, anon
Paladins are bigger fans of making a big show out of capturing and punishing heretics, but nowhere is it said they "shun" covert tactics. Really, playing smart is probably how they've survived for so long despite being outnumbered and outflanked
>He doesn't know about the Holy Ninjas
I checked the "wiki" (the only wiki I saw online), and none of the units in the holy nation seem to have sneaking levels (except the shop guard which is said to have 10).
I was wondering how they have assasination without raising sneaking, and I found out that if you pause the game, activate stealt, pick to "assassinate" someone, remove stealth, and then remove pause, you can actually do that KO thing without raising sneaking.
I see it as runing and trying to hit their heads as surprise.
Doctor Calatrava invited Izumi to a cup of sake to ease her nerves after the attack. She's relieved the guards took care of things, but she wonders why they were taking the survivors into jail instead of throwing them out or finishing them off...
>"a cup of sake"
>take a look at the screenshot
>no cups of sake on the table

It's on their hands!
...Meanwhile, at the worst place to be this side of the Island...
The plants shall grow greener.
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iunno how to do the weights on this shit
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>this grog bussin fr
There's a lot of heretics to process... Warden Felo reckons his pet can help dealing with them quicker.

>Babygronk dun rizzed up lady Sanda???
RIP silly ninja hoes.
I don't know why, but my characters are prone to aggro'ing on prisoners sometimes. In any case, I just felt like gut-punching a random flotsam prisoner was a very Felo thing to do

Oh no, they haven't earned their RIP just yet
As the warden gets going with the flotsam, the cannibal picks out her night's meal.
i want less blueprints and research
not less craftable stuff, mind you, but less things required beforehand to make those items
i fucking hate having to research every single weapon grade instead of just having there be like 3 research projects for catun/skelesmith/edgewalkers
same thing with armors, why do i have to both research chainmail at the tech bench AND find a blueprint for it? didnt i just research it? and the same for hydroponics, why do i have to research hydroponics AND hemp hydroponics? why doesnt hydroponics unlock all the hydro farms?
>I just felt like gut-punching a random flotsam prisoner was a very Felo thing to do
His power over the prisoners corrupt him. At this rate he'll have to relocate to the UC one day.
Sometimes Okran's trials are so tough you just got to wail on a darkened for some stress release.
Best turret?
Another feature that should obviously be included in Kenshi 2 is being able to interact with characters/shops from an enemy faction if you're in disguise.
Felo's other two underlings picked out one of the harlots to entertain them for a while. She can keep the Warden's pet shek company while she's useful

No kidding. Problem is, Don Pedro's on his way to get rid of the UC right now

I do not care for the 6-bolt turret
...What in Narko's sugary tits has Izumi gotten herself into?....
In any case, she's going to need more sake
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Until the day the world learns to fear the standard of Okran, the ground of places like Alto Calatrava will remain soaked in Santana Red
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Okran give me strength.
Meanwhile, Valle Santana also has visitors...
Nat's onlyfans will come sooner than Kenshi 2.
>Kenshi 2
I wish I could make a settlement and "sell it"/"donate it" to another faction, and they populated it with shops/guards so I could help to add forts to strategically advantage points.
The tech hunters were probably, at least, prepared for the town guards, but I don't see them being ready to meet the domesticated shek!
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>City Heroes have the Holy Flame in their Fort
>weapon rack in use
is this a mod
None. Chris can't ass himself to sprincle lore implications like that.
I think in vanilla weapon racks can spawn with items but it's impossible for players to actually display stuff that way, at least that's what the wiki says.
I feel like I never see them spawn with them on it either
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So, found a mod on LL/Workshop that adds a Viera strip club in the desert.
Now, because I'm not a retard I figured out that shit was fucked and separated all the files in the folders into their own mods. However, even with the club town loading and the wedding mod separate, I still get this going on.
Anyone else had this and sorted it?
I don't think you can go wrong with any of the harpoon turrets, they all do great damage. Double barrel is probably the best overall.
Meh. I tried to instal the mod on the gabenshop, it didn't work, so I just uninstalled it. Waiting till the modder regains his interest to Kenshi and finishes the mod.
>porn addicted furfag is a pedophile
Why am I not surprised?
Explain your reasoning, or is this simply an american moment?
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I guess he looked at the Viera and thought "these are furries!"

And of course he thinks that anyone who uses images of lolis for memes is a PDF. I can bring twitter screenshots where the loudest "protectors of the children" were jailed, but I am too lazy at the moment.

Anyway, post your donuts. /keng/ is about Kenshi.
Aye, seems that way. Then again my profile is furry as fuck so he's not wrong on that part.
Loli isn't real though so yeah, twittertards gonna tard.

Sorry, I don't lurk the general I just popped in so your meme is lost on me.
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Oh, I see, you didn't say the whole thing, usually I see it as ohceedonutsteels because long-windedness is funny.
I'm not autism to take many screens but I did make a loli squad a while back on a lost save.
>I'm not autism
and yet you play Kenshi. Curious...
I did put a buttload of time into modding it and perfecting the load order so there were zero conflicts, so, maybe a little bit of 'tism.
Naruhodo. Do make more screenshots in the future.
Fucking Beak Things keep clipping through my fucking gate
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so what happens if my donut has 1 leg and 1 prosthetic leg?
does it get benefits from the prosthetic and the shoes?
does it only gets half the benefits from the shoe?
is the defense and such from the shoes just calculated on the leg wearing it?
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did techwizardry, then bong engine destroyed everything as always
made the stilts look less stiff by having them use the foot bones and tweaking so they don't look too horrible
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incredibly homosex, I need hory water after this shit
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Made the dudeplates slightly bigger. Not showing how it looks from behind because I couldn't be bothered to give the man a backplate.
kenshi tummy
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Okay, finally can say fuck you to this armor. Couldn't do anything good about the back because I suck. Harness not included, the dickshield is a part of the bottom armor.
The stickman I found doesn't do the armor justice unfortunately.
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Mint has never looked more dark souled.
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>leave PC
>come back just as Mint KO's a holy man
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Token giraffe looks cool in the holy mans armor.
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Made this lad to test armor, since there were no human males in stout.
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We have Elden Ring DLC at home.
Collar is fucked, but I wouldn't even know where to begin to fix it honestly.
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Added this low-effort freshly-unwrapped backplate to cover the vital organs and your virgin eyes from too much exposure. Looks better in this situation than usually. Looks good, even.
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>so what happens if my donut has 1 leg and 1 prosthetic leg?
One of my donuts is like this, they do get an athletics boost from the shoes. I doubt he's only getting half the benefits because his agility goes from 30 to 34.
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Btw btw btw
Male skeleton is missing left hand. Completely. Double-checked. Animating this shit will be FUN. REALLY FUN!
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Do skellies have souls?
Newer version, has everything except the bikini-harness. Codpiece is a part of bottom mesh as stated earlier. Right glove clips a little when hand is bent. Left glove... doesn't move because there is no left hand bone.
Why would she need sunglasses at winter? And how is she not freezing?
>Why would she need sunglasses at winter?
The sunlight reflected from the snow can be pretty bright

>And how is she not freezing?
Sometimes you have to suffer for the sake of fashion

>Captcha: GJ KYS V
Good job. Kill yourself. V...
Who would've guessed it was /keng/ and not LL that would pioneer twink mods
>that would pioneer twink mods
the OG Mad Max movies were about wastelands and battle twinks in leather.
Body keeps sleeping for 9 hours. I am not sick though. Weird.
It's so over.
What's bad about that?
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At least the imgur exile is over once again.
I never got around to posting these, did I?
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>playing at Holy Nation
>see some starving bandits
>"oh no"
>they completely ignore my character
>reload because did some shit
>see same bandits
>they decide to attack this time
How does the "asking for money" from the starving bandits work?
I want to befriend them as soon as possible with those mechanics, but I'm not sure what's the best way to trigger them.
You have to find the leader of the starver gang and give him as much money as you can. Avoid them when they're aggressive, and heal them if you fight them
I think it's totally up to chance if the leader asks for money or not. The chance increases as you gain reputation with them.
>find the leader
yeah, but I mean...
does it have a cooldown?
sometimes when I somehow get that message from them, I save after, reload and sometimes they suddenly become aggressive.
I found this group near the foglands, and I tried to make them say the thing, but they always just attacked or ignored my character, I'm not sure if there's actually a chance for them to trigger those lines.
I also have seen them coming to my settlement, and ask for help, but most of the time they just start attacking.
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Well, the house-sheks are getting by alright, but it's time to return to the crusade.
As dawn comes, the Crusade begins its foray into Bast
will the borderlands shade mod demand more resources?
I don't have a really powerful pc, but it may look nice.
Also, does it add trash like new factions or is it merely aesthetic?
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I forgot to attach an image so my post doesn't get ignored
Clever anon.
The only reply I can give you is not to trust the Bong code. The surefire, albeit long, way to do it is to just approach bandit groups and run away when it goes wrong

Just aesthetics. And it is a little extra weight on the pc
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what is this?
First pic has the sauce
It uses AI to generate assets for a clone of the chrome dino game
>Cue Samurai-killing montage
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>still playing holy nation
>made base near blister hill
>contracted the human mercenaries there to protect my base
>there's only 4 of them
>steal their clothes and replace them for high grade stuff I made myself
>they can beat almost everything now without too much issue
Will their equipment change someday?
is there a possibility of them despawning?
I'm not sure how the mercenary generator thing works
>One down; dozens more to go...

I believe you can rehire mercenaries after the contract ends. Besides that, as long as you don't import, I don't see why they'd despawn.
I'm not really sure how Kenshi chooses who despawns and who doesn't. I know that mercenaries hired in bars don't despawn, in fact I once ran into mercenaries I hired for my base on the way back to the waystation I hired them from. I would say Kenshi remembers everyone in towns and only despawns random encounters.
>Will their equipment change someday?
No. They won't just suddenly spawn new clothes.
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Gigachad Preacher.
Interesting that Legendary of Kenshi turns this guy from NWDM black too.
You know, these pack bulls would be a godsend in earlygame... if you antagonize the UC that is.
Is this the pillory mod?

It's the second killing time mod. I think it's named something along the lines of "Killing time gore+"?
Finest bong coding. Buy Kenshi shirts!

How are they supposed to see?

>dark souled.
This reminds me that no nihonjin modded the "armor set" of the desert sorceresses. Quite puzzling.

Why did he go so deep into the Great Desert?

the long neck is needed for the chocking fetish.
damn im dumb
Oh right. I've got CMKillingTime and CMKillingTimeAddOn but not that, I found it, it's called CMDarktime.
Is there a mod that places the weapons a bit further from the body?

Who tried to eat her?

Maybe the "penis bone" was supposed to be the hand?

The robotic harlots have no shame, no future, and no souls.

It has never even began.
>Who tried to eat her?
Paladins took it. Bast training is intense.
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You pray to Okran with that mouth?
Are there really no homods for Kenshi on LL? I thought there sure had to be some by the virtue of it being LL.
Cute united ponytails, sure hope rebel farmer bandit uses them as handlebars
>Why did he go so deep into the Great Desert?
I had donuts run all the way from AK to the desert city to get a male donut I could edit for armor display. Because Mint is banned from Hory Nation and wanted in 97 public places.
>the long neck is needed for the chocking fetish
Built for trenchwar, forced to fight in desert.
>Is there a mod that places the weapons a bit further from the body?
Afaik weapon models are placed in a specific spot with an offset handled by game, but I don't think that offset exists in FCS. You can always edit all sheath/sheathed meshes to have an offset, but that will just break the hip placement unless they are heavy weaps.
>Maybe the "penis bone" was supposed to be the hand?
>hand fused with dick
Nah. That is a control bone (pretty sure it has a name and not quite sure it is even needed for kenshi), it controls the whole body with its transforms (movement, rotation, scaling).
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I have to figure out how to pass animation over to the "he's literally not me" skeleton. Will absolutely add the missing bone to have 2h animations, god rest its sovl.
>female and male skeleton use different animations for the same action
chris just made this personal.
I'm going to hazard a guess that the modelling wasn't too difficult, but did you custom make the textures? And was the weighting a bitch or did you apply auto-weighting with blenders thing that it does?
I'd like to make some sexy custom armours myself, but what would hold me back the most is making the armour morph with the body morph like when you make the tits or thighs bigger.
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Actually worst part for me to keep textures okay. I used edit mode to change the shoes and then move some plates from legs to the ass and scale some stuff like shoes/calves to be wider, but from then on it was sculpt mode. Sculpt mode all the way. Draw, Elastic Deform and Inflate, specifically.
Make sure to use mirror editing (works even on uneven meshes) to save time making general changes and Topology (brush settings) to edit single surfaces instead of ALL the mesh in area.
Non. I did have to fix the shoe UVs (hated every second of it due to seams being everywhere and final effect is bad, but okay for Kenshi) and unwrap the back plate.
>weighting a bitch
>apply auto-weighting with blenders thing
Heads - no change
Torso - no change + hand tweak
Shoes - auto + manual tweaking for feet (because of the offset)
Legs - Voxel heat diffuse and corrective smooth baker from an addon. To make it work, I had male body mesh be a part of the leg armor mesh. For diffuse part, standard settings + Protect Selected (with body mesh selected in edit mode). For Corrective Smooth, sharper Twist Angle (70 I think, because that codpiece was stubborn while running) + Bake Range set to Selected (with entire armor selected and mesh deselected).
That's a lot of words I don't understand.
Damn, maybe modding sexy armours just isn't in my future.
Which words? The addon shit is just button pressing.
Oh I see, that's a lot better then.
The most I've ever done for other games like Haydee was editing existing meshes and adding static objects that haven't needed much weighting.
Yeah I had issues with this armor in particular and it forced me to finally install this addon and test it. That video saved my sanity for sure.
Side note - seems like I didn't even have to join male body with the armor to make it work, just select/deselect it in edit mode.
Neat. Well, I'll be lurking in the thread as I work on things, or attempt to, hopefully you don't mind me picking your brains on occasion.
That's a very gmod level of ragdolling.
That or
level of movement.
I just noticed you can see the accursed jaw bone affecting the jaw here as well.
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This is for greater good, snake in whore's clothing...
And yeah sure, I'm more than happy to run my keyboard. Share your things so I can feel inadequate.
The way the swords are being held in game triggers my 'tism greatly. A thousand lashes upon Bong's ass!
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I.. uh. Need to have someone without right hand to test left hand sword positioning. Figured the only feasible way of getting there was modifying an armor to only leave right hand vulnerable and... well, as it turns out, katanas have some absurd piercing that cannot be stopped by FULL cut and blunt protection? Mint was chipping through this armor even with its FCS stats maxed out and the second I made her switch to crossbow, it stopped all the attacks except for the right hand hits.
Does anyone know what the hell was that with the katana going through armor? Could it be the +10% to human damage?
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Huh. Well this is retarded, isn't it?
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Giraffe season is over.
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Nevermind. Apparently the left-handed combat animations ONLY activate when the character actively uses an equipped melee weapon. They refuse to fight one-handed otherwise.
But this reminds me the block pose is ABHORRENT.
Any ideas for a better block animation? I accept stickman drawings.
>cripple her arm with crossbow
>sword sheathed
fuck's sake
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I am currently editing that new Nat01 mod on the workshop into both an EN version and an 18+ addition mod.
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Used all my tricks, she won't use the fucking sword.
Why does she have negative hip space and thus a hank hull arse?
Okay I have no idea how to trigger the left-hand animations.
If anyone sees male/female using any weapon with just the left hand, please post the screenshot of it and tell me what attack it was. Otherwise I don't know how the weapons are bound to the left hand (different bone) and can't make animations work for the left hand.
You know, I wouldn't put it past Chris to ""make everyone right-handed" and have them not fight when the main hand is crippled
No, the left-handed combat exists, I saw it and there is records of it online. I specifically want it checked after reading that the left-handed animations use the other Prop bone, and knowing that bone is ALL over the place.
I really need to see how it looks in game.
>that new Nat01 mod
the what mod?
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Sexo roboto.
The armour comes off and there's nips and slight puss.
Me being me, I'm increasing that and adding sexual shit. Right now there's only intro dialogue and nothing else, but I'm going to make them lewd as fuck.
I'm also currently editing the mesh to make the nips/areola thicker and the puss more defined. Hopefully it doesn't fuck with the armour too hard as I've no idea how it will be affected. The armour didn't import with the mesh, nor did the skeleton, so I'm fairly certain all my buggering about is for naught.
It's been so long since I saw a femdonut with underwear...
I used the nude mod but then felt like it doesn't fit. Coomer mods will never be my thing unless they are subtle.
The semen-fueled robots! Narko's demonesses!!
Relax, chumbo, live a little and be unholy once in a while, I'm sure Okran engaged in a little Shek-fucking on occasion.
>a gachimuchi gym fight between Okran and Kral

I am surprised no-one drew this so far.
I seem to be having a bit of a fucky-uppy-wuppy with blender. The method I knew of importing things usually starts with the skeleton and then the mesh with the skeleton selected, and it's apparently the same for Kenshi from a tutorial I saw.
However, I imported the mesh alone first and started buggering about, and forgot the skeleton. I have the mesh in a blend file and I can't import it the usual way from the mesh with the weights, can I do it arse-about-face somehow? I'd rather not have to re-do the sculpts.
>I imported the mesh alone first
If you import mesh without armature, it will not import the vertex groups so uh, yeah.
>I have the mesh in a blend file and I can't import it the usual way from the mesh with the weight
Does the mesh have weights in that blend file?
..Oh now I understand
>Reading Comprehension increased to 11.
Give me a moment to think.
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>does the mesh have weights
No, fuck. I did not realise. Well, there goes 2 hours of autistic sculpting!

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>correctly import the mesh you edited to poach its organs
>add Data Transfer modifier
Vidrel. But since you've done some modifications to the mesh, play around with mapping (the thing I hovered over for a second). That thing determines how the weights are translated between the meshes. You will have the live preview of all the generated vertex groups for as long as the Data Transfer is active.
On a second thought, you might wanna manually separate the arms and the rest first, to do them separately. I imagine the blender will shit itself with all that clipping geometry.
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You beautiful bastard, I owe you a drink. Or something. You saved my robots tiddy.
There's only slight mesh issues with the arms overlapping the chest but that's an easy fix with a bit of removing weight painting seeing as I don't know what you mean by separating the arms from the rest.
>seeing as I don't know what you mean by separating the arms from the rest
Cutting the limbs off and making them their own mesh by pressing P. Or just selecting the limbs and pressing P. That way you can apply the weights without any overlapping shit.
>fully modeled nipples
Now add nipple bones and make them lengthen during animation
>Cutting the limbs off and making them their own mesh by pressing P. Or just selecting the limbs and pressing P. That way you can apply the weights without any overlapping shit.
Do you mean like, separating the skeleton first, THEN doing the whole vertex weight data transfer thing?
>Now add nipple bones and make them lengthen during animation
I wouldn't know how to make them lengthen for any sort of proper flop, but I can definitely make the new bones and weight the nips solely to them.
Though, I don't know how Kenshi handles importing a new skeleton and recognising them enough to flop around. I don't believe the base game has flopping boobs, it's been forever since I did vanilla but I think boob jiggle was added by the bouncing boobs and idle - bouncing chest +, which might overwrite the base skeleton, but I don't know.
I don't touch that deep because I don't want to massively fuck everything up.
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I meant picrel. Arms are separate object from the rest, moved them only to make it clearer.
You do this for both meshes and then use two data transfers for arms>arms and body>body. Then you combine both again and merge by distance to seal the mesh again.
>Bouncing boobs
I'm using that mod as basis for combat animation fix. It just has Boob A and B move around for some animations and it does replace the original skeleton rather than make changes in the FCS, yes. I'm going the same route of just replacing the skele.
You could make a custom skeleton for your race and then plug it into FCS.
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flying bull was no match for my waifu in single combat. we defeated krals chosen and it only cost us a single hive prince leg!
Man I fucking hate exporting skeletons. A week in and I still constantly get bugs and have no idea how to actually properly do that. Just realized my animations didn't export at all, despite being told I don't have to have animations checked in NLA. Ree.
>You could make a custom skeleton for your race and then plug it into FCS
I'm already lost on what seems to be basic modding, what makes you think I can get that running? I'd have to somehow make work with Kenshi's animations and the bouncing boob mod and the idles and the idles - bouncing chest+ and-
It would be a major headache, unless FCS will accept a skeleton with nipple bones and magically make them move like the tits, it's not happening.
what the fuck is "bouncing chest+"?
Gives some of the idle animations bouncy tits when the animation plays, it's very nice.
I love Big "Big Bosom" Bo.
fuck's sake...
It's one reason I don't want to go fucking with skeletons, because this one uses its own skeleton, but somehow the Kenshi skeleton with bouncing boobs also functions perfectly fine and the two magically manage not to conflict.
I figure it's a very delicate gestalt and disturbing it will be more trouble than it's worth.
I fucking hate kenshi modding. You can't fucking do shit between 2 different skeleton replacers and 4 SHITTY, BAD animation fixes that function from within FCS.
That is not even counting how subhuman Kenshi and getting information how it works is.
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Hivers with prosthetic legs remind me of Oddworld's Sligs.
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Oh god, the one thing Kenshi didn't need. Now Scrabs and Paramites on the other hand... They'd be on par with Beak Things and Blood Spiders for their deadliness.
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If Chris didn't have an evil imoutou - the max vanilla tit size would be 250, and Bo could have been a middle-aged scorchie shortstack. Imagine.

>Now Scrabs
Already in the mod. Paramites soon (tm).
I hope Kenshi 2 is way better about scaling your companions to your in game accomplishments. Seto and Yamdu being so weak is fucking bizarre considering what you need to do to get them.
wat the hell
>Kang is equal in strength to Seto
>found a generic skeleton p4 unit engineer
Name ONE thing more kino than finding a generic skeleton recruit.
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The mod is on the Gabenshop, do check it out.
Dang, the stars aligned for you there
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Teaser for how the Santana adventure has been going:
Anyways, the Bast incursion is once again interrupted by unwelcome visitors. Torres just keeps having to earn his place as town speaker...
Shouldn't it be "under AN order of the Empire" ?
I think it works. For example, "By decree of the king..." is a thing. If you were to analyze the sentence you could infer it means "I have arrived under orders of the empire to kick your ass", which then comes out as "Under order of the empire... I'm going to kick your ass."
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Combo kills are so satisfying
So what the general prep for taking on robot enemies? Iirc they are more weak to blunt weapons, but what's the recommended toughness and armor to use when delving into ruins?
Blunt and Hacker work great on skeles. As far as armor is concerned, it depends: Rookies would do best with heavy armor. Tougher fighters would do good with medium. Your best men ought to use light armor for the stat boost... Assuming you're not critically underlevelled.
>but what's the recommended toughness and armor to use when delving into ruins?
You'll be fighting security spiders then, those things fucking suck. I recommend training a character's Toughness to the 80s, outfitting them in specialist armor, and giving them a hacker like the paladin's cross if you plan on fighting them. Otherwise you can go the stealth route, I find that's it's easy sneaking to the third floors of ruins generally but the third floor is where security is the tightest.
Of course there's also just sending in all your characters to fight as a group, bit of a gamble but as long as you have crossbows it might work out.
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I'll continue on this anon's post regarding group fights:
Watch out. Fight carefully or all your guys will get cleaved and you'll look like an idiot.
Set everyone on HOLD, and if you outnumber the enemy fight them between two guys, and keep any surplus units waiting in case a fighter falls.
Because of how kenshi group fights work (combat slots) it's very likely that if you set a bunch of dudes on one enemy most of your characters will just be standing there and taking damage for fun.
>in Kenshi 2
Sorry, sirs. Small team, pleases understand.
In a reasonable world, Kenshi would have been fixed before work on 2nd one began.
Those are funny rock formations.
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Reminder Chris made $23 godzillion, allegedly has 33 employees and STILL has to hire professional 3D artists to make armors:
Picrel Zeno Clash because fuck kenshit.
I still have OSTs on my PC. Some of the tracks fit Kenshi rather well.
el Beep
el boop
I hope Beep meets a trucks soon
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No friggin way
It's Berserk!
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He can't beat the MKII though.
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He can still throw hands though.
I hate my wage cage
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As much as I hate that my 'tism won't let me leave shit alone when I think I can improve it, it's SO fucking satisfying to weight shit correctly so all the fun bits move properly.
is anyone working in Lofi Games?
Do you think those normies even know what is four chin dot com?
I didn't mean this
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One thing I've always been lost on and had to just painstakingly repeat was the painting weights of two symmetrical meshes.
Here I've painted a stripe around one leg as an example, and then tried to mirror it onto the other leg, but it never copies across perfectly so I always have to paint one leg a little, then move to the other leg and paint it a little, over and over until they're both symmetrical. I'd like to paint one leg and mirror the weight onto the other leg but it never functions.

Left left with example ring.
Right leg only mirroring half the ring.

Any advice, blenderAnon?
I have discovered that something is wrong with the symmetry, it seems.
Knowing this, I don't think weight painting the thigh with symmetry will be possible.
Painting the entire left leg, we see the entire scope of the affected right leg.
I've never encountered this so I've no clue what the issue is. It's like a layer mask.
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Blame millionaire bong and unpaid blender devs alike. Bone names need to start with "L " or "R " (including space) for Blender to know they are to be mirrored. Make sure you have "EasyWeights" addon enabled (otherwise idk, download it), it expands the shitty weight context menu on the right.
Also yeah, asymmetrical vertices seem to not get copied. If you want to get messy, duplicate your mesh, flip it on the X axis, separate the side you have weights on (cut off the rest), get your weights named correctly and delete other weights, then use Data Transfer to get those weights to the other side, ignoring incorrect topology, ignoring no "R " or "L ".
Oh, and if you for whatever reason want to subtract or add weight groups, there is a Weight Mix modifier. It seems useless for everything that is not related to what its name implies.
Gotta admit, weights are my weakspot. If you find some better addon or method to wrangle vertex groups on asymmetrical meshes, let me know.
>>476225458 blast to the distant past
This is one of the reasons why I was shitting on bong for making body meshes asymmetrical. This is precisely why you keep meshes symmetrical wherever you can. Little topology differences are meaningless and invisible (in kenshi's case very visible in editing software), but lead to a plethora of issues when trying to edit those areas later.
>for Blender to know they are to be mirrored
er, I meant knowing they are a part of a pair and which part they are.
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Yeah the bones have that, they're Bip01 L Thigh and Bip01 R Thigh. Only the boobs start with L and R, it doesn't seem to matter where in the name that they go?
And, oh, so THAT's why the tits on every model are off centre, must be the skeleton bones.
And here I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
As for easyweights... Nothing is EVER fucking simple bro, I hate it. God forbid I manage to just install something with one click and not have to fuck around for hours.
>Bip01 L Thigh and Bip01 R Thigh
No, the names need to START with "R "/"L " or it doesn't work. Trust me, I once yoinked a python script just to rename that shit for me (no idea why).
>And, oh, so THAT's why the tits on every model are off centre, must be the skeleton bones
Huh? Bones only affect the mesh during animation, meshes are off-center by default.
I hazard a gues that it's not easyweights, it's the blender you're using. Get 4.1 or 3.6.
Ah, I won't be using easyweights then, I can't run the model editing for OGRE meshes in anything later than 2.9 for some reason, it just crashes whenever I try and import anything. 2.9 works well enough.
>I can't run the model editing for OGRE meshes in anything later than 2.9 for some reason
whah? which addon are you using? the shit that lofi made is outdated
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I don't know, some tools I grabbed that's lost within my files somewhere where it's installed when I first starting trying to do Kenshi stuff years back.
Also even with all L and R vertex groups renamed it doesn't seem to do much.
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So iirc, 3.6 has is the version that introduced "new" python and is thus compatible with all (most?) addons. That is why your 2.9 sharts. Please export your mesh and get one of these (with corresponding Blendahr):
>Lo-Fi addon updated to usable state and maintained
for Blender 3.6 (usable with, but might encounter issues with higher versions)
>Nippon steel custom addon
for Blender 4.1
goddammit gimme that mehsh
I'm full procrastination mode with my animation project anyway
I switched over to 3.6 with the new tools and wondered if that might be what's causing the symmtery issues, but no, still absolutely buggered.
I painted the left side and goddamn, look how much shit is like it's masked on the right. What the fuck did the guy do with this model?
Can you just pass the model so I see for myself? Unless you are really protective of those bulging nipples, ofc.
Oh that's easy enough, all I've done is change the nips and some weights, the original works just dandy and will have the same issues.
Know an alternate share host to Anonfiles? It's been dead a while. Catbox doesn't take zips it seems, or if it does then my zip is too large.
Try underscores instead of spaces?
Catbox allows zips up to 200MB
Huh, then Catbox just hates my zip file.
maybe just put the mesh there?
It's alright, Litterbox works fine for it too.
Go nuts, see if you can fix what I cannot.
>go into edit mode
>press alt+J
>consisten crashing
What the fuck? Is my PC a toaster already or is that mesh cursed?
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>merge by distance also crashes
and why does this model have 32k fucking faces
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Okay, turns out that me importing the mesh to 4.1 was the problem. Doing it in 3.6 works.
Point stands.
Is the picrel texture correct? Looks fucked but that's how it imported
Was thinking of trying out Reactive World after playing a good amount of vanilla for the last few months. According to the description it has some neat stuff, but wondering what you guys think. Especially since I can't find a complete list of changes.
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Uhm, so what was the problem exactly? All of the vertex groups seem to be correct. I've cleaned up the sharps, there was some shitfuckery going on with those. Probably due to export.
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>huge squad of martial artists spawning in the Border Zone
Not sure how I feel about ManyMoreMercs yet, the squads are pretty cool.
go on...
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Welp, it works for me, sorry if I was of not help anon. This is the mesh after I played with it (fixed sharps and whatnot), the weights seemed okay so I didn't touch them.
But also, thanks to this model I finally understood how to do the boob physics properly. Also added some lights and actually rendered vidrel like god intended.
>It costs 60 megabytes to play this animation in its original form for 1 seconds.
Why is Rayman trying to fist me?
The issue was mirroring the vertexes.
There's some kind of mask when you apply symmetry and pain on one side, it doesn't reflect on the other, so when you try and copy one side across to the other it doesn't do it 100%
Are the sharp meshes an easy fix? I'd not mind doing it for my nips model.
Oh so you gave me the basic mod and... right. I wanted to get the nipples model to see what would be the best solution or just do it myself, lol.
Best solution to what?
But here, it'll be the exact same as the original I expect, unless the entire problem in general is just how everything is importing.
When I import the model normal the model's weights aren't correct, like on the body at the back it's meant to be entirely red, but the sides are less weighted whilst the hands extend some of their weight up onto the upper body.
Wow it exports without the vertex groupings even though I exported it with the skeleton.
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So the problem is how the weights import/export?
Idk if this is your problem, but Kenshi allows for only 3 or 4 weight values per bone. Picrel automatically recalculates them, but even if you don't do it, Kenshi will ignore your smooth weights.
This is why I dropped high-poly ass project.
It imported with vert groups for me... and also it seems like it's the same mesh I sent you, but without the UVs? I'm really confused.
I uploaded the tiddy nip mesh version.
Unless I am literally retarded and uploaded a different version...
Yeah, this should be the same mesh, unless I cocked up somehow, it's almost double the size of the original due to all the tiddy.
And no, the issue is
I want to paint one leg, then copy that weight across to the other leg to avoid it not being the same. I can't do that because there's some kind of masking present that prevents the mirroring from happening.
Look at the thumbnail >>483721663
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Crucify me if you want, but they look fairly similar to me anon...
Oh, kek.
...Please look at
They look similar because the guy weighting it painted them separately I think.
I want to redo the weighting because it's functional but not the best, the thighs don't connect to the arse the way they should so moving the thigh by itself leaves the arse anchored in place. You'll notice the Spine and Spine 1 weighting is a lot smoother and connects the armour to the movement, and includes the arse because that's what I've done so far.
Point being, select the foot, either one, and paint a line down one side with symmetry on, you'll see the mask issue or whatever it is. This is what's preventing me from mirroring. So if I do one legs new weights all perfect I can't mirror it across to the other leg to save time.
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Idk I just kinda "mirrored" the left thigh onto the right thigh manually. Not perfect but not bad either?
As for mirror-anything... only Sculpting mirror works good on asymmetrical meshes. Editing and everything else there is will shit itself with mirror on.
>Mirrored manually
As in you painted it by eye?
That's what I do for meshes I can't mirror.
Usually to mirror a mesh I copy it, rename it what the other opposite bone is, and mirror it in the options, that usually doesn't work.
I thought it would work here because whilst the boobs are slightly off, the legs seemed perfectly symmetrical.
>Usually to mirror a mesh I copy it, rename it what the other opposite bone is, and mirror it in the options, that usually doesn't work.
Right well, I did that and it didn't work...
Would you mind starting that from scratch and taking a video like you did with the data transfer?
Tomorrow, I gotta go soon.
Fair doose. I don't know how you're getting it to work but I'll have to just do it by eye or focus on other weighting for the time being.
What's different in the file?
Mirrored L Thigh, Calf and Foot to their R counterparts.
Oh I see. So what's the sharps issue you were on about? I noticed that on the base mesh too, I thought it was something I did but nah.
i think the new UWE update fucked my old save big time since it crashed every fucking time i tried loading my saves. on the bright side, the game got too bloated anyway and i want to start fresh again
>476225458 blast to the distant past
Post was deleted, what did I miss?
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Actually, there you go. Forgot cursor, sorry for that.
*archived :]
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>He doesn't have 4chan X
It links back to show some info regarding the models and how Kenshi does shit, and memes.
It is as follows:
>be chris
>give tits more vertices than any other part of the body
>make the boob mesh as bad as humanly possible
>make tits asymmetrical so changes cannot be easily made
>jack off to your masterpiece until midnight
>flood the neighbor below
>pass out from exhaustion
>in the morning quickly whip up the most disgisting, low-poly ass mesh that mankind has ever seen
>call it good enough, now that the coombrain is offline
>crawl into bed in the cumstained clothes
>fall sleep as the sun rises on the horizon and screams of the people being stabbed in the streets slowly come to a stop when the vampires are forced back into shadows

The other image was a shot of someone redoing the arse that had all of 5 polygons.
The summary was

>a blatant case of overthinking vertices
>practically afterthought-tier jaggedy mess
honestly pretty funny, so this is what a game made by a true n proper boobs guy looks like
Never tried it, can't help.

Install the Grineer mod, it will balance out the MA squads there.

How doesn't she sink in the sands of Kenshi?
>so this is what a game made by a true n proper boobs guy looks like
Nein. A tit man would make the max vanilla tit size 250, and if anyone bitches at him he would shrug and say
>"Don't like it? Don't make your characters that big, simple as guv. Buy my shirts by the way."
I will give that a go if I can find the option. I may need to slam my head into a wall and get easyweights working for the option to appear there, right?

I set mine to 400, the thighs to 200, and the height and frame to 150 so I can have big women.
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>so I can have big women.
It worked a charm, thanks Anon. Now I can redo the leg weights and have the bum moving with the legs.
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Janitor has a good day, huh? Good, good...
Late response.
>it's SO fucking satisfying to weight shit correctly so all the fun bits move properly.
I know, right? That is precisely the reason I am sitting in blender now. Finding out what makes things tick. Latest moment was today when I finally understood how to bake boob physics on Nat01, literally thanks to you. And then figured out some lights and made that render. Better than sex.
Picrel. This "shoite" is what I got when importing mesh from >>483715150. Autistically fixed, seethed at polycount and only then looked at weights in confusion (expected your model with half body weighted and got base model).
>greentext #1
>someone redoing ARSE
all me
>greentext #2
not me
>How doesn't she sink in the sands of Kenshi?
Because the wobblebot is by itself the very rock bottom.
>get easyweights for the option to appear
Yea. I wouldn't mention it if it wasn't important. Was about to say you shouldn't have to bang your head against anything in newer blender.
Makes me happy. Between 3 unfinished projects it's good to see my questionable knowledge is of use.
Well I still don't know how to bake in stuff because I'd make my own boob anim for her new tits then. I'm fairly certain it would be possible to add nipple bones at that point and make the nips animate too.
Alas, animation was never something I figured out and how you got the animation to play is beyond me as well.
I only ever learned to fuck around with existing meshes and weight them, I always just have to hope textures magically work after the fact.
Hell, trying to remember node shit just gets me this when trying to apply the few .dds files the model comes with.
Also also, to remove the jagged bits isn't it a case of hitting some shortcut to connect all the jagged points as they're marked 'hard' or something and need to either not be hard, or connected?
I vaguely remember doing something like that when I was fucking with the goat rabbit Sybil from Pseudoregalia, that mesh had very little issues beyond that.
This was the last thing millions of men from the First Empire saw before they were drained to death.
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Ah, I recalled the edge thing, it's a UV meme.
Never learned UV mapping too well, but this seam around the tits is what's meant to show the tits coming from the body on the original mesh I think.
Not sure what to do about the little square above the boob, it's still fucked even with the sharp fix and selecting the whole UV doesn't have the mesh's stretched poly's show up, unless I need to unwrap the UV to fix that? When I enter edit mode and go transparent to select vertexs with Alt+Z that little square goes invisible as if it's not there, which I thought was a backface cull issue or something.
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I would help, but at this point I'd probably just mislead you. Need to figure it out from A-Z first.
You need some of those to stay, that's the problem. Sharp edge basically tells the program that the surface ends on that edge, which affects the lighting. Without them, the entire surface will be treated as smooth with exception of actual 90°+ angles. With EVERY edge marked as sharp you get a picrel.
And then the wobbot died of starvation.
>Edit mode
>Select all faces
>[Ctrl+N] Recalculate normals outside (there was one face pointing inwards, possibly the one you're talking about)
>[Alt+N >Average > Set from Face]
You want to Set from Face every time you edit a mesh or change sharps or anything. I have that thing under quick favorites (right click in context menu to add anything there) to do it instantly at any time.
Oh aye, ta I shall endeavour to get that working and fix all the bits I see.
If you can inform me what you did to get the texture to show up it'll probably come back to me. I fucked around with texture stuff when I was doing modding for Haydee and Haydee 2 to make a big tiddy and booty version. I recall it being a pain to mess around with nodes and UV's because they were all over the place.
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>Select object
>Go to Materials (red ball icon on the bottom-right)
>Delete existing (if any)
>Make a new one
>(i think you need to name it here)
>Click "Use Nodes" underneath
>Open shader editor (or just node editor, lel)
>See Principled BSDF plugged into Output
>(for your purposes) Set Roughness to 1, Specular between 0.1 and 0.5
>Open folder with your texture in W*ndows Explorer
>Drag texture into node editor
>Image Texture generated
>Set alpha from "Straight" to "None"
>Plug texture into Base Color
Don't need anything else for simple UV corrections.
To edit UV
>Go into UV Editor
>Select mesh
>Put it into edit mode and select some faces
>They show on the left
Generally you want to avoid fucking with UVs, yes. I say this as someone who retextured the entire Outpost II&IV.
>And then the wobbot died of starvation.
They were programmed to think and behave like women, duh.
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Yeah I did that pretty much without the rough/spec changes >>483745349
But it still ended up not displaying the funny camo texture.
>UV things
Alas, they do not show up. Which is a bit strange as it usually does for other things.
...right um. So it would appear that your mesh is missing a UV map. Press U to make sure it's not a hiccup. If it unwraps... you know there is no UV map 200%.
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What in the- Boy, I say, boy, I say; what in the hell?!
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That boy ain't right.
I take it there is no UV map, then. Can you guess what you need to do now?
Suffer, clearly.
I don't know how you can import the exact same mesh that I gave you and have the UV function perfectly fine to show off the camo texture. I must have imported it wrong somehow, or some settings must be borked.
Big fan of the /keng/ blender arc. Autism hasn't been this strong in months

The world of Zenozoik is so fvcking kino

>The balloons at the top
Okran almighty...!
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Insult to injury, I didn't realise just how fucking uneven and non-symmetrical the mesh was.
It's the armour plating! It's all sharp edges and shit, how do you fuck that up?!
>Big fan of the /keng/ blender arc.
Aye. Didn't know such topic would come up here of all places.
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UV's are perfectly fine on the original model.
So it means I fucked up somewhere along the way when I was importing/exporting the new mesh, probably.
I think this means I need to start all over again because I do not want to spend twenty years UV mapping.
Unless it's piss easy to do.
I figure that I could cut off the tits as that's all I've done mesh wise beyond weighting, staple them to the previous model, and transfer the weight data, right?
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Hon hon hon. But have you ever seen me use YOUR mesh with a UV? I tried that, but assumed you gutted the UV to defend your texture or something.
Suffer, clearly. Suffer from insatiable lust towards Data Transfer. Yes. It will save your ass AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. You just need to find UV data in it.
>He's starting to learn
Anon I just.. I wish I could seat you in front of Outpost IV now. Show you what bong did to this game. Though even bong didn't put 32 THOUSAND triangles into a SINGLE CHARACTER. FUCK THAT MESH.
...try using Snap to Symmetry, see if that works for you (but keep in mind any clothes made for Nat01 will be made for its og mesh most likely, do you really wanna change it?). Also check out the pelvis "plate" from the back. Some nice "quirky" geometry there...
>Moot gif
Very based.
So the UV was fucked for you as well? It probably really was a me fucking it up with the export type of deal.
Am I able to transfer this base models UV data to the new titty robot the same as the weights? That would make me cum.
And burning. It wasn't bong that made this mesh all fucked but the spaniard/mexican that made it. I originally was just going to translate his robot mod into the Queen's RIP English but then the hooks sunk in and I thought 'This sexy robot needs some more definition and oh actually maybe I should do some texture work for when the armour comes off and oh how about some custom character in the world and oh how about custom dialogue and WORD SWAPS for adjectives to describe the monumental size and bounce of the robots amazing tits, hips, and arse for every single instance in the game and-
Suffering. The 'tism is real.
>Clothing, snap to symmetry, fucked backplate
Yeah I don't know why the clothing didn't import because it seems like she's got actual armour plating to cover bits I think, I'll have to double check, but that won't be an issue to redo that because that's my specific brand of 'tism. I did that for Haydee and Psuedoregalia. I don't know what Snap to Symmetry is, and yes I did see whatever the fuck that was at the back. Like what the fuck is that Private Pyle...
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We have about 3.50 posters now. /keng/ is making it out of Page 10 with this one.
To think this all started because chainmail tagelmust was clipping on Mint.
>Am I able to transfer this base models UV data to the new titty robot the same as the weights
Yeah, but honestly what you said here >>483760079 might be easier? Try both, see if either works. I don't know, but I think transferring UV might be a bit harder, because that model is made of a 1000 different surfaces.
>the robots amazing tits, hips, and arse
So about this mesh... Do me and your GPU a favor. Select all faces, press Alt+J. Keep everything selected, press X, choose "Limited Dissolve" and see how easy it is to unfuck an abhorrently complicated mesh. It's only affecting selected area, so you have control over what you dissolve. Just a trivia.
>don't know what Snap to Symmetry is
In the edit mode, in top bar, under "Mesh" menu. It tries to snap vertices on one side (-X) to mirrored positions of vertices from other side of an axis (X). Unlike "Symmetrize", this is nondestructive.
Anyway, i need to sleep...
Fair doose I shall endeavour to do such things and strive on until you return to suffer my faggotry as you possibly discover everything went up in flames. Murphy's law follows me around like a dead albatross around my neck.
Have a good sleep anon, and a huge thanks for all your help.
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>The mostly happy mesh screams out in horrific pain as you dissolve it
Yeah, I think I'll tweak it about selectively but I'm happy for my 2060 to take the hit.
Oh, and if you keep the Alt+J (tris to quads), you have to Ctrl+T (triangulation) before the export to avoid weird artifacts during export. Artifacts like unwanted sharps.
There are good reasons to work with quads though- some functions of Blender are made to work with them in mind, like loop selects which make your life SO much easier.
No, that is too steep of an angle. whaevetsfv
t. Hank, no probrem. goodnight
You owe me $3578.95 in consultation fees.
>post deleted

You negroes should stop doing that, my curiousity is torturing me.
It's gotta be fucked up for this shek samurai to go into the holy nation to get rekt by a mindbroken invincible
He just missed the 7 on the end of >>483763507
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...She better hope she's dead by the time the Wardens get to her.
>The size difference
Obligatory Labrea post <3
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A classic moment on Kenshi
In other news, Torres has a pet goat!
Cute little guy
Cute little girl* apparently. What's the occasion?
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She's just a silly gal :^)

The nomads brought along some animals to trade, and the goat was cute. The Santana could do with some pets.
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In any case, cue more Bast massacring
>Do you have a moment to hear the good news of Okran?
I only recruit skeletons and hivers to my crew. Fat fuck races need not apply.
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Keep a close eye on those skeletons in your crew bug man.

What are your skeles + hivers doing now?
More people dying stupidly on Kenshi.
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Killing Blood Spiders for training and looking for ancient science books and engineering research. We've colonized Gut to the point where our specific area has no more Beak Things left. Trying to train 5 super soldiers so we can beat the Eyegore Assault

Serves them right for underestimating Okran's bloodiest soldiers

I like how you've got a skele handler and a bunch of buglets
>Time for Drin
Soldier drones look so cute if you ignore their actual mouths and pretend that line on their head is their real one
That's worse!
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we are many
I want to use the flintlocks firearm mod but it's got some dumb stuff in there. It goes from reasonable with the flintlocks and longrifles as plausible into handheld cannons and a gatling gun so...
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And since we're just killing people, we can check this out.
How've you anons been liking the Santana Crusade? It's the longest playthrough I've done yet, I worry it's become hard to follow the plot... if anyone reads it anyway lmao.

Gattling guns? You might be using the mod that includes both shoddy firearms and the pirate weaponry.
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>How've you anons been liking the Santana Crusade?

It's nice. Proper RP autism. Well written characters. Lakes of blood, but also pretty greenery. I am glad I discovered /keng/ in 2018, no normie would have such playthroughs.
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>How've you anons been liking the Santana Crusade?
I don't really follow the plot because I missed the start of the story, but I like it.
It's always nice to see pro-HN playthrough and I like your RP.
Grimm is pretty good for a companion. He's got a decent enough spread of lines

It was due
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You can't convince me the anti slavers didn't win eventually. This level of sloppy toppy is too potent
They have Nat's given plot armor. I ignore their existence, just like I ignore Beep.
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If I had to guess, the reason they don't just steamroll the United Cities is because they're too few in number and are quite paranoid about who they let in, even rejecting Hamut for some reason. So they stick to destroying the occasional slave camp instead of attacking whole cities. I suppose they could just ally with the rebel farmers if they want more of an actual army, but for some reason it's only the player that has this idea.
Crossbows and turrets go brrrr
Ah, I see you've devoted your life to the way of the sword.
Now stand and deliver.
*Firing line of ten men with tanegashima's forms up*
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Eww lol no
why is hash even illegal?
The UC nobles don't want peasants to feel good
The HN priests don't want the holy cities to look like San-Fran
The Sheks believe that hash is for puny lazy weak flatskins
It gives a super intense high, likely some Hangover type shit. Best to keep it out the hands of the dregs or they might do something stupid to nobles.
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>short characters stay floating in cages
damn... this ruins my immersion...
I wanted to make a midget who would bring down the holy nation
Shorties float, and long donuts get smushed into the floor up to their tits. Chris can't code.
God I hate waking up.
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Added a second 2H grip for left hand, because some animations just ended up breaking the wrist with the straight hold. The skeleton is now double -no- triple augmented.
Just had a cop visit, fucking hell what a fucking day. Can't even fix Ken's shit in peace.
Won't elaborate, but had coppsu. Back to positioning hands.
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Comparison on 37th frame of bigchopv2
Angled looks more comfortable
I fear I've come down with a virus. The last 3 days have been absolutely wasted. It's over.
By the way, what's with the weapon? Is it a combination of all the HW models?
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Vidrel is why I really wish I could have right hand follow the weapon instead of vice versa. Currently it's the weapon that is following the hand and you can see the amount of jitter it produces as a result. The reason I didn't reverse it yet is because the sword is parented to the hand, and every time you move the hand, it moves the sword with it, causing a cascading effect.
Resetting the sword in that position and then baking a single frame that way is not a problem, but it's simply not gonna fly for a whole animation. Firstly, it's a bit of a skill issue for me, I tend to fuck up the things I don't see happen in rea time and invisible positioning and "states" of bones are just that kind of thing. Secondly, it would be insanely fiddly to do that and a collosal waste of time when there has to be a simpler method. Alas, I haven't seen a "pin bone in place" (not for sword, but it would help for animating legs) or "make keys global" constraint for bones.
And won't break your wrist while handling a plank!
>anon asks about the eldritch abomination
Well I'll be damned. It's a combination of nearly all vanilla melee weapons (sans exile plank and one hacker needs a tweak by itself). I made it to correctly position hands in relation to the handguards and see the overall visual effect of the animation, rather than just having katana07_bare.mesh in there.
I'm actually really confused by how consistent the guards are in their positioning, it's fucking Kenshi, how are the guards not fucked up? I mean they are not perfectly aligned, duh, but still pretty solid.
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...Kenshi animations, everybody.
Is she trying to push it up her ass?
god i wish
no the wrist is just fucked, because bong wanted a thing he thought would work inside his head without consulting anatomy
Raptors genuinely make my skin crawl. Hate those disgusting cunts
Surely Unreal will fix incompetency.
Have you played the Outer Worlds?
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I'm really fucking pissed right now. Apparently combat animations have some sort of custom fucking weapon offset? What the fuck is going on.
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Installed the recruit prisoner mod after beating the shit out of the Eyegore raid with only two of my dudes. Bugmaster has been accepted as der honorable Okranite, the only one in the world on account of his longevity and respect of bugs. He had a mohawk for some reason
>I'm really fucking pissed right now
Only now? I would have thought that rage was your default state of being for a while now.
The point where it becomes anger is where nonunderstanding meets lack of desire to continue prompted by the shit I interact with.
he yelled "I WILL KILL YOU, CHRIS!!! I WILL KILL YOU, AND YOUR CUNT OF A SISTER!!!" too loudly, so the neighbors called the police on him.
>english language
>kill, not rape
As my lawyer said, this is a complete fabrication.
I... I think I know why nobody made the combat fix. It might prove to be virtually impossible.
Oh god. Honestly what the fuck?
It does certainly seem to be the case that Kenshi somehow functions under the bonnet through duct tape, string, and wishful thinking powered by English tea.
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After being forced to balance the nodachi on just her lower palm, Mint has agreed to perform extensive testing for us.
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I'm thinking about making an immortal race for the Bugmaster. Something like x8 regen with self-healing wounds.
And maybe a new game start like Blade of the Immortal, but idk how to make it fun. Any ideas?
The best way to do something like that is to create a wanderer in one of the remote parts of the map that kills anyone that travels through, whilst being very careful no important NPCs or traders do, and keep them between two points because of a fucked memory or something.
If you're thinking of making a race with custom limb data, you're in for a ride.
recruiting Eyegore has (funny) consequences
I hate the imgur exile I hate the imgur exile I HATE the imgur exile I HATE THE IMGUR EXILE
Buy 4chan pass goy.
I want a thirst mechanic.
Slavery, powder/flintlock guns, prostitution mechanics, more drugs to run, world state changing based on your actions just like with Living World and Reactive World, better character customisation, more races seeing as we're in the past, a reactive bounty system.
I have decided to document my current Kenshi run. But I would like to potentially write it down narratively. How would you recommend I do this? Cause so far it has been a pretty gamey opening (save scumming, meta knowledge, having to leave The Hub earlier than I wanted cause Bonedogs started invading the surrounding area) and I am not THAT creative.
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Take a screenshot, post the screenshot with a description of the events. If you want to document the run - save the texts to a word file once /keng/ reaches 750th post.
Got it. Well take a screenshot next time I boot it up.
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Scrabs and crabs are duking it out.

Seconding the extra drugs.
Seeing as Shek might've been indistinguishable from humans at the start and hivers weren't a thing, I wouldn't mind more human variety

How about a diary? Write down the days where important stuff happens and edit out the metagaming
>Savescummed a bunch to steal beak thing eggs
>Write "It must've been a one-in-a-hundred chance, but I made it out alive"
Also this >>483893764
There's only one drugs mod and it's like AHAHAH COCAINE AND METH AHAHA and it's annoying because I want semi-lore-friendly drugs.
Fights in tight spaces like these are a pretty god example of why the indoor penalty exists in weapons.

I feel like you could make gummies: dunk rice in bloodrum and prepare it into cold little balls.
You could also have fuel for huffing

It'd be funny if Kenshi doesn't have guns because the knowledge on how to make it was lost and what remained got snorted during the second empire
Seems I forgot to reply to you for the two last paragraphs
Well guns aren't a hard concept, as if we've discovered metallurgy and we can sort out robotics for limbs, we can most certainly understand the basics of black powder in a tube with shot considering all the mining and machinery we have in game.
The important part is that it's plausible.
>Skeletons are said to be capable of feeling every emotion
Likely the most advanced tech in all of Kenshi because that should literally be impossible
They were programmed to behave like women, why are you surprised?
Why not? We don't know the heights of which the First Empire rose to.
They must have felt some great measure of emotion before the fall of the First and rise of the Second Empire, and that humanity had massive mechs like the ones in Obedience, it's more than possible that Skeletons rose up with righteous fervour and feeling.
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I am adding something dangerous to this sexual robot.
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It's the Skynut all over again!
Like what? haven't noticed anything
Because it should be impossible. Emotions are a biological response. To replicate them in an artificial being to where they can actually FEEL is far above anything we could possibly conceive of doing even in this day and age.
Then the First Empire clearly was that advanced, and created a skele-brain capable of emulating the technological equivalent to the biology.
Plus it's fantasy, chill. It's possible because the game says it is.
It is impossible by the current standards of Kenshi's civilization. Nobody, not even Skeletons themselves, knows how to create more Skeletons. It is a lost technology.
>To replicate them in an artificial being to where they can actually FEEL is far above anything we could possibly conceive of doing even in this day and age.
Kenshi takes places like centuries into the future, Kenshi doesn't even happen on earth, the whole setting is likely close to something like Rimworld.
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The peak of Kenshi technology
yeah, hence why I said it's the most advanced possible tech. there was no complaint, only a statement of fact about how intricate they must be
Those are orbital death lasers, after all.
Fair enough, figured you were getting grumpy over Kenshi lore lol.
I wonder who aimed it at the planet. The Ancients would know how to operate it but it wouldn't provide much of an advantage as Skeletons are immune to the lasers, or maybe they didn't know that at the time? The Skeletons would benefit from having the lasers attack the Ancients but it seems like they don't possess the means to operate it.
Yo BlenderAnon, you about?
I usually suffer through not having the move tool centred on the object I'm working with but I figured you know the shortcut/way to fix it.
I thought it was a median point issue and you needed to switch it but that never does anything.
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Thousands of years, supposedly. If such time span sounds retarded - ask Chris why did he write it this way.
Do they -feel- emotion? Or do they know what is considered sad, what being sad is like, and simulate effectively?

I've heard they were originally used as terraforming tools
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Doing a run where I start as a skelly in the Ashlands and mostly stick to it outside of going to the Skin Bandits for their repair beds. Unsurprisingly, living in a shithole makes you get strong quickly. Outside of strength, anyway....
>Do they -feel- emotion?
They do. It's literally in their race description when you play as one
I sure hope the Eyegore raid triggers eventually...

What a grimy looking fella
I'll always lol at mercenaries and drifters staying still while you wreck the shit out of a bar

Truly artificial intelligence
are there mandatory mods for first playthrough?
Check this post


Vanilla+ should offer you some options, minus overhauls.
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After teaming up with a Samurai patrol and hiring some Police mercs from Many More Mercenaries I raided the Meatlord's domain. With Cannibals Expanded and Legendary of Kenshi he has a really scary posse.
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Meatlord swings very slowly but when he connects he's doing 100s of damage. Shryke was dangerously close to death here with her injured leg.
I'd probably just go with some performance mods. The first Kenshi playthrough is something special, maybe play for a few hours before deciding what improvements the game needs.
Reactive World and Living World.
They both make the world state change based on your actions.
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Having more attack slots kept him locked down despite the huge difference in levels, I worry about how this fight would have gone down in vanilla.
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With all these cannibal chiefs we got over a 100k in bounties.
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Sadneil gave us some of his wisdom after our most dangerous journey yet.
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I wonder what this is useful for. Perhaps I'll get reinforcements if I build a base in the Cannibal Plains.
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I fed the worst mesh in game (no exaggeration) to AI and I think it choked.
>to AI and I think it choked.
the Bong's spaghetti coding knows no limits when it comes to this

One way to find out.
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Coding has nothing to do with this.
blue - faces pointing in the correct direction
red - faces pointing away (invisible in game)
>something dangerous
Vagina dentala?
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I wasn't the one to find this abhorrence, was merely made aware of it by someone else.
A fully modelled vulva, clitoris, hood, and anus that may or may not milk the player dry and give you a 50% chance to not move in-game due to staring too hard.
This debuff does also apply to enemies.
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That is all.
What is the blue and purple?
I've never done stuff with normal maps and I assume it's that?
What what the actual fuck is that amount of faces on each area holy shit.
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Oh I see. Chris...
explained in >>483950663
Yeah I'm blind and saw it .2 seconds after I hit the reply button.
That said, normal/diffuse maps and the associated stuff beyond the basic applied texture are still wizardry to me.
>I usually suffer through not having the move tool centred on the object I'm working with but I figured you know the shortcut/way to fix it.
Tl;dr: Gizmo in object mode always appears at the object's origin point.
I would generally advise you use G, R and S shortcuts rather than that shitty gizmo. I never went back once I started using those. Personally, I don't edit meshes outside of Edit Mode either. Just select a choonk of vertices and move them, makes snapping much easier and doesn't require applying transforms when exporting (though that's a non-issue for Kenshi).
If you want to reposition gizmo for whatever reason, vidrel. You summon the 3D Cursor context menu using Shift+S. Can move it precisely (along axes) in the menu on the right.
To ensure responses, reply to me directly with questions, I don't read everything at all times.
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dropped muh cube
Goddamn, thanks.
Crazy how you try and find the problem online and it's like no one has ever had that one small issue.
Again, try using G for Move.
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How can one man be so incompetent?
I don't like that it moves it on all three axis all willy nilly.
But R and S will be handy.
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Press X, Y or Z while performing virtually any operation (like moving with snapping and UV mapping) to restrict it to that axis. Press Shift+X, Y or Z to restrict the operation to the other two axes.
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Alright, I might bugger about with that a little.
Well there are mesh Normals and Normal Maps. Meshes have basic normal data for the angle at which the light reflects off the surface (face and edge angles afaik, keep in mind this is extremely simplified and 5 mathematicians are on their way to my home for just typing this out) and Normal Maps are texture maps that add additional normal data for each pixel. All those magentas and purples (actually red and green channels only, blue is always 255) are just extra angle data for the engine when it's time for rendering BELLY BUTTON. The idea is to have SIMPLE meshes for games, with details baked into textures and normal maps. That is why 32K polygon mesh for a character is so atrocious. Half of those triangles don't make a difference, but they cost processing power.
For some reason the character normals are in different format, they use Green (iirc) and Alpha channels. It's not done for any particular reason and ONLY present in character models, despite \data\character\skins\hu\ folder containing old, unused standard normals for characters. You have Chris to thank for that.
Just texture. I think you know how to plug those into blender now?
Stop posting seductive images, I'm trying to focus.
Aye, and I see.
I always got that meshes should be fairly conservative with polys when you can have texture work carry the bulk.
But lighting data and such is... odd. I'm guessing it's not something some cunt spends 20 years painting over a drawn texture with... right? There's a way to just click a button on a 3D model and auto-generate that normal map like a static noise map, right?
Not at all, the most basic inner workings of biological lifeforms is not that different from those of a machine, we could be classified as very very complex organic machines. You feel emotions because an external stimulus makes your neurons give the order to make a certain chemical reaction and that chemical reaction in turn makes your neurons fire a certain way, not much different from a machine having a "sad" trigger.
Which is why if we ever build machines capable of properly simulating emotions, those simulated emotions will be just as real as our own even though most people will label them as fake.
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Tl;dr yes, normal maps are generated from topology and/or material data automatically.
I have never generated a normal map the way that "pros" do it. The way they do about it is more or less:
>Make an extremely detailed high-poly model (don't know the actual level of detail they go for or how they do materials)
>Break it down into low-poly model
>Bake normals from difference between high poly and low poly model onto the low poly UV map.
Software generates the normals from topology, basically.
What I've done with the sword was generating a texture and using it's black-and-white layer (overcomplicated shit, hate material generation) as a bump map (exactly what it says) and then baked it into normal map. Which resulted in normal map being generated from object topology (bad) and the bump data (good). I somehow, magically destroyed all of the sword's normals which resulted in smooth mesh normals (so no influence) and then it baked into picrel (bump normals).
You aren't a footcoomer, aren't you?
There are no feet in the picture?
Juri is adored by the footcoomers.
So you can't find her face lewd without being a footcoomer?
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Any good alternatives to bounty hunting?
My third no-reload run in a row just ended due to my overconfidence and fucked up RNG. Again.
I'm tired of patrolling the desert and the neutral zone, but this is the only not cheesy way to train the squad in the early game while you're making money.
>>Make an extremely detailed high-poly model (don't know the actual level of detail they go for or how they do materials)
>>Break it down into low-poly model
The other way around. You always make low poly-models first and copy that, because adding details is usually easier than removing them.
Level of detail is depends on how big you want your textures to be and much you expect to see in the final product. It's not a problem for baking if it's too detailed, but it's a waste of time to make those details, if it can't be seen in the final product.

Diffuse that match the normal maps (like if you have an indentation through normals an you want chipped of paint at its edges or something) are done similarly I believe. Make one of those smart materials by placing 50 nodes into the shader graph for the high-poly mesh. Then bake it onto the low-poly one.
>Make one of those smart materials by placing 50 nodes into the shader graph for the high-poly mesh. Then bake it onto the low-poly one.
I would rather kill myself.
Nah. It's just poor Juri provokes a direct assosiation with derr footcoomers.
Seems like you know a lot about this phenomenon
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One eternity ago I decided to look up Juri's fan art. All I saw were feet. Feet as far as eyes could see. I hate the footcoomers. I hate them more than I hate Chris.
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So bad news on the animation fix. I've done half of my homework to confirm and filter information I've been given, and the sword bone is indeed partially dependent on the hand bone in the combat animations (specifically combat animations, IT'S FUCKING NORMAL IN NON-COMBAT ANIMATIONS. As in - it is cursed by some location offset from the hand that is hardcoded into the game... to only appear during combat animations.
The X,Y position of the sword is partially determined by the hand... Which means that even if I could unparent the sword from the hand (that removes the hand offset for some reason), it would still only contain a fraction of it's original X,Y motion.
>fan art
Honestly what did you expect when the source material itself is blatant foot porn? Besides, aren't you the one who posted her this thread? I'm genuinely confused now.
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Had to tweak that picture to be more accurate. My brain can hardly comprehend this shit, lmao.
In my defense, this is so incomprehensible, that when the sword should be perfectly aligned with the hand (my animations), it ends up on the palm of the hand and then slides ever so slightly around that area.

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