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first for street fighter 6
pyra mythra frottage
not from a fighting game
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>"my schizo general died and the other one is dying, so let me hijack this one again!"
Why are Xenokeks like this?
I will pump and dump this slut.
mashen 8 dead as shit bruh
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>/xgg/ actually died
the absolute state of Takahackshi.
Will harada get fired?
he controls everything, it's been 17 years since he should've been fired, nothing can stop him now
Delzethin wants to do video on a Zelda fightan' game, which is PAWG and better than Smellsh Bros.

Vote here:
Don't let those smellies win.
what do you think this means?
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You know what I mean.
Perfect hip to waist ratio. This is how to draw women correctly.
Bison will save us from the Akuma army.
...the fuck you waffling about, Timothy?
I want to play 2XKO you stupid CHUDS!!
>even Broski likes it
Riot will save the FGC I can't believe it..
wish i was link...
I wish I was Urbosa..
>no auto combos
Already better than dbfz
Literally built for me to breed
Rock has run-stop links in CotW? Poggggg
cheez you're too flaccid to breed
just so flaccid
What a flaccid response. As expected of flaccid timmy.
>n-no u
concession accepted
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It was me, I killed Tekken 8, i convinced Harada to add heat and make the game nothing but none stop aggression, i led im down the wrong path intentionally, all the while telling him that's what the people wanted, "trust me bro all the westerners will eat this up" aaaaahahahahahaha!!!

Thats what he gets for making the robowaifu look like a human instead of an actual robot, i wont stand by the injustice any longer!
absolutely based poster making all the timmies seethe to death
So the pelvis poster is cheez right
No im just a normal person.
I approve of your concession
Why is there a colored fella there
does cheez really not know how to banter in any way besides repeating what the first person said
he's almost 40 how is he still at middle school level on this
Flaccid take
He's literally autistic, go easy on him.
>he won't engage with my shitposts in the way that I want him to!

Touch grass
Seek help
While Cheez was busy going "I know you are but what am I" I had sex with Morrigan, Lilith, Reina and Bridget
You're too flaccid to be able to have sex timantha
I was but I had some viagra with me, I was able to satisfy all four of Cheez's bitches but now my erection has lasted more than six hours and I'm getting kind of worried
Viagra doesn't fix your dead dick, timantha.
That's not what Cheez's bitches were saying a few hours ago, ooh la la
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Anon... you just admitted to being a tranny that has to use viagra
Timmy Trooner
Yeah I'm not too proud of it but at least I'm still able to pleasure Cheez's bitches.
I respect a person who can admit to their shortcomings and try to overcome them. Meanwhile Cheez just stays flaccid because he won't accept that he needs pills...
Taking dick pills isn't trying to overcome them. It's admitting defeat.
I mean at that point what else can you do?
Mickey 8
Crashen 8
Mashen 8
Microtransacten 8
Goofy ahh 8
Pachinko 8
Partykken 8
>admits to being a dog fucker
Why is this place filled with so many furry degenerates?
2xko not beating the double kusoge allegations
My bitches are for my cock and my cock alone.
Kill yourself for being a worthless troon with a broken dick
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Flat chests are amazing
so wait cheez has dogs that he fucks and then timantha took dick pills to fuck cheez's dogs?
what is even going on here
Hai, Cheez-sama.
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did niggers really replace the fuckin music in mvc2 because it wasn't like the fucking third strike soundtrack? have these people ever heard of fucking tone? why are boomers like this?
timmy's mind gonna explode when he finds out le epic mango sentinel wasn't in mvc2 either
only when they're paired with fat hips and thighs, timmy
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Timmys gonna find out real quick when they hop on to mvc 2 online in the collection.
How many copies are you buying, Cheez?
im talking about the music dumbass. I can hear the chirping from here.
Nuh uh
Probably a physical for switch and ps4 and a digital for all 3 platforms.
For what purpose?
cheez really thinks if he buys 5 copies of it they'll make mvc4 lmao
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All the right moves.
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Running wild and slime free!
Made for the ChrisGcock.
took the best design in 14 and made it better
pure harajuku kino

Roster is already godlike and these aren't even all the characters...
Almost like "sex sells" is indeed a myth. Sure as shit didn't save Stellar Flop.
the spicniggas are roasting /ourgirl/ wavie...
Roster won't save the characters from uglification or the game from being another flop
But enough about sf dix
lol? I would side with spicniggas over some grantrooner ape 9 out of 10 times

....but what happened now?
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Simply put, Brazilians are one of the strongest groups in fighting games and for some reason, a lot of Americans have a problem with that.
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Ewww what happened to Jenet?
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that nigga ryukishi07 was making VNs with art like this that managed to become staples in its medium...and you seriously can't make ONE fighting game?
love that they are FINALLY showing the g-string on her model. no safe horny non sense here.
He was already popular with Higurashi with even more SOVLful art. You should've used that instead.
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umineko is more popular with the anime fgc
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Why aren't they playing Ougon Musou regularly then?
this series got a fighting game spinoff with bouncy high quality sprites and rollback eventually and the anime niggas that are constantly posting about this shit don't even play the game.
She doesn't even look bad in the 2D art, what happened to the execution??
nah she still looks ugly asl
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She looks very cute in game as well
The eyes are smaller in-game.
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Sorry for being extremely late, had to get groceries and medicine for my grandmother.
Mahvel 3 is now.
i'm too old and tired to fight the tide these days. might just have to boot up duty slimer enjoy just be be happy we got a new crapcom fighter at all
Thank you, SNK. Thank you.
nigga.... a VN is much easier to make than a fighting game, coding wise
You don't even need a good story.
Just make a retarded anishit story and you retards will eat it up
Ougon Musou even has rollback, why aren't you trannies shilling it?
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>normal wh*te guy makes a minor sleight about anyone
>mentally ill guy in a wig calls for total BR death
>"I'm sure she can learn from this experience and come back a better person, let's give her another chance"
Why is the FGC like this?
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Isn't there in fact an SNK VN called KOF Kyo or something like that?
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man, these little shorts were so good.
lol you cant apply any pressure to deranged trannies unless the upper jews grant you the permit. these niggas infantalise themselves and refuse to be held or hold each other to adult standards. "skrunkly" "top surgery" "bottom surgery" "oomf" literal googoogagaga baby speak we need to PAPAPA these troons
remember the emily situation where this troon was on discord slinging slurs and this entire disgusting tranny ghetto underbelly of the fgc was in touch with him and instead of saying anything they just kept using events for gay sex meet ups and the moment the drama started some troon started talmbout being raped and vicki was like "DOOD YOU RAPED MY FRIEND WHAT THE HECK" but then it wasnt actually rape but instead it was rape by deception because the troon told another troon it was single when it wasnt and that gay nigga landon d was dating this tranny? thats what the fgc is now
the funniest part about that situation was that they claimed Shadow was lying to make trans people look bad and that it wouldn't be the first time that happened in their community (without giving examples), but then then just immediately believed the tranny rape claims and turned on emily after that
DOOOOOOOD JIYUNA STOPPED BECAUSE HES GETTING HECKING OLD.... "dood" jiyuna just hosted a suite in japan, where the deranged loony troonies are too break to reach him LMFAO. he literally had to stop because he didnt want tranny rape drama on his CV. nigga was NOT tryna get cancelled because some groomed minors got up to troon business at his suite. niggas really think he was just getting old LOOOOOL these troons ruined the anime community (was already stank asl) and you cannot hold a suite anymore. imagine going back and telling niggas that disgusting wasteroom would no longer be held because the community got too nasty for it das crazy
you niggas talm too much
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For real the FGC is cooked on god. We in the dark timeline frfr.
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They're really doing it.
averaged mid two hundreds on human benchmark again ...
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Anyone wanna play some games?
I’ll play some +R if you want
remember when trandem said "stop saying guys, it's very exclusionary. let's call each other autobots instead"
I'll admit that one made me laugh but they were serious
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Code is HHHHHH
So where is your fighting game, my negro?
none of you played Cris's game and he even posted about it here for you
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Aaron Stavely made his own fighting game and you all laughed at his misfortunes.
>Stellar Flop.
Why do people lie on the Internet about things that are extremely easy to verify?
There are roughly 20k people playing the big three right now. 730k are playing a game called Banana. Make of that what you will
Yeah. So strange how one alt-right grifted duped a bunch of neckbeards into thinking sex not only sells, but sex alone will save video games. Meanwhile... where the fuck is his game?
banana isnt actually a game
You need good art, music, character design, and writing to make a good VN. And all of that can take over a decade to accomplish. VN players are also notoriously picky and will heavily scrutinize your product.

For a fighting game all you need are some Mugen sprites and add in epic Mahvel and Turd Strike references and mechanics and the ghetto spicniggas in the FGC will eat it up.
even worse
not true, you need 120 fps bouncy disney sprites or sajam will laugh at how your game looks and send his tranny army after your artist
sajam ignored the kyanta guy because his sprites weren't good enough
lol? Nasu has written nothing but slop for 20+ years and you incels still eat it up. All VN failures care about is whether or not the main girl is a virgin, and that's like the only thing it takes to make them happy, you can literally just pay some filthypino to draw one girl, recolor her hair and eyes, then the shit eating otaku audience will still buy it up LMFAO
I have no idea what the fuck you are babbling about but Stellar Blade sold well.
Arguing against sex appeal in a thread dedicated to fighting games is extra retarded btw
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Is this the real Luvcheez posting on /mlp/ 12 years ago or was it yet another imposter?
Of course this nigga would be a brony
What makes you say that? I don't think cheez likes feral women that much
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CEO is next weekend amigos
I'm surprised TFH never caught on here. It's an entire game of furry girls
tfh is unironically fun
>Stellar Blade sold well.
Speaking of lies on the internet
>Arguing against sex appeal in a thread dedicated to fighting games is extra retarded btw
Do fighting games really need to be softcore porn for you to enjoy them?
tried taking the tag party pill and threw that shit up smdh
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You're responding to a bot. There's this crazy guy that used to post here called Metajini. He set up an RSS script to respond to certain keywords because he wants fgg to end up like sc2g.
If you say something like Stellar Blade or bring up Virtua Fighter, KOFXV, etc, the script activates. It's best to just ignore it, as it goes through this song and dance over and over.
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StellarBlade did fine
The only thing people kept reposting about was its Japan physical sales, which nobody gives a shit about at this point what that little island buys
Do you honestly think Capcom cares if Street Fighter does 200k in Japan when the rest of the world will buy 2 million?
are gamefinger buttons worth it? i want some for to play mostly shmups
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>you seriously can't make ONE fighting game?
I'm one nigga. What the FUCK you want? I can't animate/design/make music/make sound at Capcom's level. At best make kuso for that jewish nigga that talks through his nose and other Cali buttbuddies to make Youtube bux off my kusoge with titles like "Weird Fighting G ame/This Uknonwn Fighting Game Is Good :o*soiface*"
if the sales were over a million for stellar blade overseas, they would have announced it by now.
I'm gonna try to tune in to the lesser known games this time around. Starting to lose interest in watching the main games.
If you can find them, yeah. But they're very hard to find now.
Thanks m8, I was typing a reply calling it a faggot but you are surely right, it's best to just not give it more attention.
niggas forget all those VNs with dogshit art were made in a completely different time period compared to now. No one would read your VN with shitty MS paint drawings and royalty free music unless your writing is godlike and that spread through word of mouth.
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/v/ said the same thing about Lost of us 2 and Horizon sequel.
"Durrr why didnt they announce sales figures??"
Turns out both did millions anyway
i'm going to play killer instinct since it plays the closest to sfv
>that jewish nigga that talks through his nose
That's like 5 different Youtube guys
>StellarBlade did fine
Keep telling yourself that, buddy
Millions more than Stellar Ass
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My game would be too transgressive and groundbreaking, so all of the FGC people would be too low IQ to appreciate it. It's like when Sakurai made Smash and all of you ghetto stoners went nuts on him and declared it not a fighting game because you couldn't comprehend his vision.
ggs man. I'll try to play longer next time, I need to sleep.
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>that one guy that doesn't even play fighting games anymore and only comes to fgg to defend stellar blade and gacha games he likes from botposts
Ngl I kinda wished Heihachi’s lost daughter turned out to be a 70 year old hag like Madame Bo from MK1 instead of Asuka Kazama with purple hair
ggs man. And no worries it is pretty late.
How do you know he doesn't play?
He told us that he doesn't own SF6 yet because he spent money on gacha rolls and junk food
Dodged a bullet right there, SF6 is fucking trash.
What is playing other games in the genre for $300 Alex?
Fighting games have gotten so bad, it's still the best game of the generation by default...
you'd think he'd have given up after the honey moon period wore off and people realized they dropped $70 on UE5 nier with worse designs,music, and story
Yeah, no.
Strive and Granblue are both better than it, KoF XV too. I haven't played Tekken 8 yet but I don't doubt it is too.
That literally LITERALLY was not me, I have never posted there once in my entire life. This was NOT me.
No other game matters
Based and one-game pilled.
024er piece of shit pile of meat slaughterhouse.
kofxv > granblue >>> sf6 >>> t8 >>>>>>>>>>> strive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dnf
Why did some guy impersonate you 12 years ago and post about the arcade you go to? Was i just people from here trolling like usual?
I actually like sf6
my jr would have this hoe convulsing
There are some really sick people out there.
ponies are that sick?
It’s a fun fighting game in my opinion.
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I knew you guys were sick, but jacking off to technicolor horses is a new low even for y'all.
Yeah, it's exactly like that time someone made a Reddit account in Luvcheez's name and spent 11 years posting the same kinds of things Luvcheez always posts, all for the sake of humiliating Luvcheez by asking Angela White to dress up as Morrigan during a AMA. Just impersonating him on Reddit for 11 full years all for that one moment.

Yes this was his explanation.
Shadowcheez posts awful racial and gendered slurs on here all the time pretending to be cheez, why is him doing it on reddit so much more farfetch'd?
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SNK is just better.
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We love horse bitches, lil TimTim. LUHNEIGH
Probably because that explanation requires Shadowcheez to have quietly done that for 11 years without once alerting /fgg/ all for the purpose of that one gotcha moment which he could then post to /fgg/.
The irony is that all of you chuds would hate Mai if she was a new character because she actually acknowledges sexism and insists women are just as strong as men, that Andy's school is backwards because they wouldn't let women visit their shrine, and so on.


Really outing yourselves.
why did ellie skim the snk wiki for the fatal fury lore if she only cares about 3d games?
Is this a bot reply too?
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Not reading that.
chun's thighs would have my jr looking like a deflated balloon
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Anyone wanna play some games?
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that's just our resident pet tranny schizo, he does this every day almost
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I see.
Thanks for clearing that up, here's a Mai.
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sorry guys.
lobby's closed.
That isn't me.

I like mileena and orochi leona.

These also aren't me. But shadowcheez is right. Bronies are sick and disgusting.
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How do we finally put an end to the cheez menace?
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cheez you're not fooling anyone we know it was you
when I say feral women, I'm referring to women that are actually animals on 4 legs and have snouts and shit in the forest and eat raw meat
We get Shadowcheez to lend us the time machine he's been using to impersonate Cheez 12 years in the past and we go back to his childhood and we raise him right
dude just never takes responsibility for anything does he
what's wrong with royalty free music
Noone was pretending to be you 12 years ago and he even said the specific arcade he was playing at. It was you.
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That's still Leona , she was born in South America
I don't go to reddit. The layout sucks and it's just a mess to navigate compared to this place. Every sub reddit is also run by a bunch of timanthas. Even back then, but especially now. I never even heard of that chick until you started posting about her in here.

The real menace is the timmy menace and the timantha MENace.

With the exception of snouts, mileena and orochi leona do most of those things...

I've said what arcade I used to visit before in here.

This isn't me.
>I don't go to reddit. The layout sucks and it's just a mess to navigate compared to this place. Every sub reddit is also run by a bunch of timanthas. Even back then, but especially now. I never even heard of that chick until you started posting about her in here.
Yeah so Shadowcheez just used a time machine to make all those posts over the past decade?
"I don't go to Reddit."
"But I also know how Reddit is run."

Hm... Curious.
>Even back then
Even back when? You mean when you started posting there years ago?
>how reddit is run
Holy ESL...
I'm really curious why it's so embarrassing to him that we found out he asked a porn star to dress up as Morrigan, you'd think he would be proud of having the guts to do that.
if people are so hyped about mvc why arent they playing infinite?
Huh? What's ESL about that? Do you know what that even means?
because they're playing umvc3 on parsec instead
What are the chances of MVC4 or whatever the fuck they´ll call it?
i would be if anybody else was
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You're in the wrong thread for that. This is anything but fighting games.

Not embarrassed. I'm just stating the truth. I didn't do what you think I did. And I won't take credit or blame for something I did not do. Simple as
None. Even if Capcom really wants to and even if there's renewed interest due to the collection, Disney isn't interested so that's a hard no.
Touka was fucking hot
mvci is genuinely a good game, it's greatest sin was being fugly
was disney interested with ultimate alliance3, buying fox, the new rivals game or even the spider man games that have zero avengers in them?
>I didn't do what you think I did.
It was posted through your Reddit account, dude. Nobody believes your story that it was some imposter laying down a cover for 11 years just so he could embarrass you, just like nobody believes someone impersonated you on /mlp/ 12 years ago for some unknown nefarious purpose. Just own up to it, man.
its a small nitpick but why did the got rid of the Z input for most characters?
Yes? I don't know what point you're making by asking this.
thats like the one thing about infinite that bothers me, it really fucks with my muscle memory on top of it just not being as comfortable for me to do as a dp input
It wasn't my reddit account because I don't have one. And you have no way of proving that it is my account, that I have access to that account or have ever used it before.
It literally does not fucking matter, Disney didn't have an input in any of those things, other people had. its not an imposibility.
So this devious impersonator just behaved exactly like you for 11 years for no reason? That's really what you expect people to believe?
okay but who is cheez's favorite pony?
game devs are super picky with how they simplify inputs sometimes, like i dont think anyones barrier to playing a game like marvel is gonna be the dp motion lol
yeah down-down doesnt sound that comfortaqble to pull out on quick succesions, i mean would't that affect how you do a quick dash?
Disney owns the IP, dude. You literally can't make a Marvel product without their approval. If they don't want another Marvel vs Capcom then it's not happening.
the saudis hacked my account and pretended to be me for 10 years
i think simplification should be an option, not a default setting, that allienantes veteran players. i think sf6 nailed it with that aspect even if fighting against modern players is ass
It turns out the real Cheez died 12 years ago and we've been dealing with nothing but imposters.
I mean if there's a market dude, it is still not impossible for it to happen. personally it just brings me joy to see peple talk about the franchise in a positive light, specially after the collection got announced
Friday: 1.5L Fanta
Saturday: 2L Irn Bru
Sunday: 2L Irn Bru
Monday: 2L 7up
luvcheez faked his medical records
Bronycheez drinks 4 liters of Diet RC Cola every day, get on his level
Remember when Luvcheez tried to pass his mom's tax returns off as his own and then got really flustered when we asked him where his $200k annual gross income comes from?
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He's just an autist addicted to shitposting and was going to shitpost regardless. With or without using my name he was going to make his shitposts. For whatever reason he was probably triggered by me a long time ago and just decided to use my name to kill two birds with one stone. He could shitpost to his heart's content and if he ruined my name/reputation in the process then even better for him. There's very little reason that goes into these unhinged and deranged people when they go off the rails after being triggered. Just look at the whole nubi/metajini/ellie stuff that still goes on in here everyday.
>remember when (headcanon happened)
No I don't
Yeah, I'm sure this nefarious person spent 12 years doing this, just posting exactly the same way you do for 12 years. That sure is a believable story.
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Remember when MVCI got revealed?
I can't believe Morrigan was married to Impostercheez this whole time
niggas talmbout open world fighting games
After seeing how unhinged all the nubi/metajini/ellie stuff is and the fact that it's been going on for literal years now, if I was a skeptic I'd say it was fairly believable now.
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What even happened to half of these guys?
They all retired to impersonate Bronycheez
I thought Ellie was /ourgirl/
sounds kino in my mind
All ellie ever does is draw different young males as femboys and call people here racial slurs even if they're white
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why did sfv drive everyone nuts
sf6 isn't perfect, I'm just happy I don't have to pretend to like strive anymore
this nigga pretended to like strive
How is SF6 better than Strive?
im playing sf5 RIGHT NOW
Sometimes people change, grow old and grow out of things. It's wasteful to do the same thing forever when there's so much else to do
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Can we just paint the baby white and hope he won't notice?
It was the real me that posted leona
The real Cheez warned us about you, we see through your lies
why cant sniffs exist in real life
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never post something that isn't L cup minimum again
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wtf why does tekken still have the retarded notation I thought they were switching?
i said sniffs and you posted a sf6 cac
i dont even play tekken and it pisses me off. koreans literally invented tekken and they use numpad, but for some reason its impossible for western players. fuck you!
Clayton just said that if he ever went to a tournament he'd might have to pack a heater incase schizo haters confront him and try to do something to him. IMO I think he's right, but what do you think? Is he's right in this reason?
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is coffee good for you?
Hopefully Clayton kills someone and goes to jail and I never have to see another one of his videos again
why do they get so offended when you refuse to use their archaic notation that requires a personal numpad to understand? why not use "calculator notation"
i personally dont mind the regular tekken notation system or the numpad system, i just find it weird that all the other games adopted numpad notations, but not tekken or mk
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>personal numpad

What, you guys don't have phones?
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no one uses "numpad notation". literally no one uses that shit
sf6 uses numpad on the supercombo wiki
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Growing out of your interests is a thing. Also a good amount of them changed roles into more background stuff like helping TOs in the background or doing commentary. Some have even managed to break out and do youtube content.

Most of the Japanese players are still playing though.
they couldn't gimmick people out with execution tricks in SF anymore, so half went to play dogshit anime games/tekken and the other half had to larp as adults finally
Are these still like that or have they been edited back?
some goober gave andy a proper writeup but mary's intro is the same
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Who is this ginger?
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Fighting games.
>not golden
It's shit
It would make funny headliner news.
"Local sick chad shoots and kills nerd at convention center"
The SRK wiki jokes were and will never be funny
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what are we going nuts about today?
You don't have a name or reputation to ruin.
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Are the combos in DNF Duel fun enough to use it as a combo boar handwarming training mode game? I used to use Marvel for that.
Is the srk wiki even updated anymore? The main page still has the same game icons from 5 years ago
Based Trans Seth
They can be for sure. Don't know about the DLC cast but I know the base cast has instances of microdashing in combos and ground to air to ground stuff if that peaks your interest.
Will the Tekken patch today ruin the game once and for all?
Isn't the game already ruined? I have yet to hear a single good thing about it from tekken players.
Tekken 8 is dying but its shills on /v/ are desperately hanging on for dear life so clearly there's still SOME life left in it.
>buying DNF Duel for any price when 2XKO beta is probably coming out in a couple of months or so.
Not gonna tell you how to spend your money anon but it seems like a waste of an investment.
imo if any game community deserves to die its the tekken community.
Which is what I WOULD say if I wasn't terrified of tekken refugees ruining virtua fighter once the next VF comes out.
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>2XKO beta is probably coming out in a couple of months or so
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Did I stutter bitch? The leaked update for the riot client previews 2XKO beta
dummy data they used for testing, you'll get your beta mid next year at the earliest :)
>mid next year
Are you retarded? 2XKO is fully releasing early 2025.
>Riot Games will rule the FGC with 2XKO
>Riot Games will rule the Minecraft/Terraria community with Hytale
I for one welcome our California game developer overlords.
>riot release dates
They would have if it wasn’t a tag fighter.
that's what i said about multiversus... twice
timmy really thinks league bbtag is setting anything on fire
Marvel vs Japcom
me and my gf after winning the riot blasterz cup for 10 milly
Strive tourneys keep growing, more keep appearing and more players want to compete.
The circuit is as big as you can imagine and the game, excluding a certain mechanic is as best as its ever been.

And yet i STILL see STREET FIGHTER 6 PLAYERS (lmao) say the game is ass
Wallbreak is literally a smash mechanic
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>Strive tourneys keep growing
no one plays on walled stages in smash
You would know
What will be the end result of all the MVC2 fake interest hype from the ROM collection?
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Fightan gaem!
the same as darkstalkers'
max and justin wong will make pogface videos for a week before every timmy drops it after getting destroyed by some spicnigga that's been playing it for 20 years
Anyone wanna play some games?
SF2: HF?
free my nigga gootecks
>that's what i said about multiversus... twice
>comparing WB with Riot games
Riot is guaranteed to succeed in all things.
>muh tag fighter is bad
Scrub talk. Everyone is currently shitting their pants over MVC2 re-release. Its time for you to grow an extra braincell and learn two characters at once if you want to keep up with the future of fighting games.
Why is timmy having a 'tism fit because people are excited over capcom's 2nd most popular fighting game IP? This nigga really thinks its a stretch the average fag online hasn't played the hecking capeshit vs street fighter/dmc game
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What is this non-canon garbage?
Jinx belongs to Lux and occasionally Vi
niche capcom fighting game series marvel vs capcom
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>Jinx belongs to Lux
>Chinese make an official slice of life League of Legends comedy cartoon
>Dedicate it completely to shipping Lux and Jinx
Absolutely based.
MVC2 is just paving the way for everyone migration to 2XKO
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is anybody actually excited about 2XKO as a game instead of it being their ticket out of the ghetto? I haven't heard any of you say anything about the quality of its mechanics, just talk about the roster, what goblin pawg you want to jack off to, how it's gonna make money, how it's gonna btfo marvel and skullgirls, et cetera.

It reminds me of people hyping up every Smash Killer specifically because it's not Smash and they want to have a war with Nintendo.... followed by the game losing relevance fast.

What is the actual appeal of the game to you personally?
I'm excited that it will kill Strive.
No one in their right mind thinks it will be a good game people will enjoy playing. They're just hoping it kills a game they don't like.
2v2 is the only appeal to me.
the game will be my ticket out of /fgg/
Everyone who was interested in gameplay ditched when it was revealed to be yet another versus game kuso
This type of game was a good idea in 2018 when marvel was dead and dooberz came out but now there's too much competition in marvel clones.
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2xko is being balanced and designed by silver essayists like pat the flip and trannoids like yohosie, it has basically zero chance of being good because of the anisoys ruining the project with their "vision"
Everyone who's played 2XKO says the game is fun. Plus I have faith in Riot actually making battle passes and single player content thats worth a damn unlike capcom and bamco.
quite literally he was paid to say that
they flew him out there and he got a free trip out of the caliphate of europe into a first world country for once, did you really think he was going to say anything bad?
>haven't heard any of you say anything about the quality of its mechanics
you just need to look up any video talking about 2XKO if you want that anon.
>No one in their right mind thinks it will be a good game people will enjoy playing. T
Watch Broski's video.
>quite literally he was paid to say that
Lol retard. The first thing he said in the video is that he was not paid.
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lol? You guys say broski is hypercritical of every game without the capcom logo because he called your dead party mashers dead
Now he's a shill?
Please make your minds up.
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The appeal is that it's a tag fighter in an era where the genre barely exists made by a big dev with the skin of a big IP and headed by 2 known and respected figures in the fgc. That's LITERALLY it. I don't doubt it won't be a solid game but it being a tag fighter you know it's going to be kusoville and the league timmies are going to be crying for balance patches day way. It's also f2p and we already see how Riot monetizes league and valorant.
>did you really think he was going to say anything bad?
You don't know Broski at all do you? If Broski thinks something is shit he'll say it. If Broski says the game is good then I trust him.
Alright. Ready.
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>The first thing he said in the video is that he was not paid.
>Free trip to what amounts to Disneyland for britbongs is not being paid off
If Mohammed bin Salman gave me an all expenses paid vacation to Saudi Arabia with free food, belly dancing girls, and a sneak peak access to his new game, SCIMTAR SLAHERZ (It's like Samsho, but with stronger oki, balanced by Arslasn Ash and Angry Bird), do you really think I'm not being coerced into saying the game is good? How stupid would I have to be to do a tranny rant about how the Saudis are war criminals and the game was bad after he already paid me and will continue paying me to hype of FITNA THE CRESCENT BLADE or whatever they call the burka chick with the curved sword and the crescent moon slash setplay?
You know for a fact you'd call that being paid off.
Yipes will have a can opener series for it sooner than later.
Broski defended launch SFV LMFAO
RPGmaker is a funny engine because it's predominantly aimed at people that can't code but want to make a final fantasy/dragon quest clone extremely easily but now it's that but also treated as a general purpose engine with artists who are terrified of writing a single line of code somehow hacking together shit like entire fighting games and platformers in it.
There's an RPG maker fighting game?
Remember when Broski said he loved KOF and that the Smash kids didn't belong in the FGC because they didn't recognize Terry, but then they added Terry and Mai to SF6 as DLC and he complained a bunch about them being wasted slots? What was going on there?
SFV at launch unironically wasn't bad. As I said. Broski knows what he's talking about.
Broski said BBTag was good, too. Tells you everything you need to know.
I also remember seeing a smash clone in rpgmaker on the jappa side of twitter but can't find it
You're going to play 2XKO and you will pretend that you had faith in it from day one. But I will never EVER let you forget the fact that you doubted the savior of the FGC for even a second.
>It's also f2p and we already see how Riot monetizes league and valorant.
The way league is monetized is unironically far more consumer friendly than Capcom and Bamco's monetization for SF6 and Tekken 8
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Daigo said Capcom was retarded for the launch state of SFV and that Street Fighter would have definitely died at that point if not for relentless community shilling.

I think Daigo knows a bit more about fighting games than some random British guy

You couldn't even connect to the servers half of the time, the game had 8 frames of input delay, and the balance was preposterously bad. Even the biggest capshills admit launch SFV was a massive mistake.
why the fuck would you use rpgmaker for this
only RPGmaker games i have played are porn games
it's the engine they're most familiar with
Some people love doing shit with engines that it wasn't made for.
Daigo said 2XKO is good too.
Does riot really pay Chinese people to shill on here or is their cult just that powerful that they do it for free?
in lobby
Bronycheez, which pony is your favorite?
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Remember when you guys said the epic big company with the famous characters couldn't possibly make a flop?
League and Valorant are pretty big titles so they probably don't need to pay anyone to be fans of their IPs.
There is no reason to doubt that 2XKO will be a good game. The doubters only seem to be latching onto one thing in their assumptions that it will be bad and its the fact that it has 1 button specials.
Yet every single player says its great.
Broski said it best in his video.
>"When you look at a characters move list in 2XKO it seems small but there's a lot more things you can do with that small list compared to fighting games with large amounts of specials"
Like it or not anons 2XKO is going to be the biggest fighting game for the foreseeable future.
pawg applejack
>Needing to PAY anyone to praise them
Riot is the greatest game company alive right now. They've surpassed Blizzard at Blizzard's height.
>Valorant making CSGOfags seethe sweat and cope
>Acquiring Hytale
>Getting everyone relevant to the FGC to create 2XKO
Riot is on top of the world. They don't need to pay anyone to shill.
Licensed game crossovers are abit different and tend to not hold over well generally. There are some exceptions though but most turn out like Spider-Man and the X-men in Arcade's Revenge.
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Even Capcom couldn't revive tag games with MVCI, now y'all think a company that never made a fighting game will? lol
BBTag was quite the fun game
Honestly the fact that Riot's biggest "controversy" right now is an overpriced limited time skin that is obviously and stated to purely be for whales is saying something.
he wants (You)s so bad
Remember when Brick bought BBTAG day one and coped by saying he liked the RWBY songs.
Riot is bigger. And Multiversus never looked fun. 2XKO does.
Rarity is best pony.
BBTAG was objectively fun. Your attempts to discredit Broski are only revealing your own shit taste anon.
Do shills ever not defend the latest slop they're told to? I remember that time when every libtard on twitter was running interference for the Ghostbusters reboot and then they didn't even fucking watch it, lol. Flopped so hard that they had to reboot the reboot with something the fans actually wanted.
English is not his first language, so he probably didn't realize how bad they sounded.

It's like how you weebtards defend every shitty anime song that not even the Japanese like.
>Implying BBTAG wasn't incredibly fun
did you play Them's Fightin' Herds?
can't wait to play ruby again in...multiversus
You realize Riot games has several different decisions right? They hire experts in their respective genres.
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Yes and I would have liked it more if it wasn't incredibly difficult to find a match.
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This reminds me of that time Thundercats Roar came out and every industry shill was saying it was better than the original Thundercats and that only shut in 50 year old boomers hated it, and then no kids watched it and it flopped even with their intense and aggressive promotion.
>They hire experts in their respective genres.
if this was true why isnt clayton hired?
Remember the MK Kids cartoon that got canned?
the heckin
Because Rooflemonger sabotaged his resume
This looks abysmal how could anyone sign off on this?
>Everyone who's played 2XKO says the game is fun.
and everyone who played DNF prior to release also said it was fun
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NTA, but pic related.
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Started playing fighting games recently, and I'm having some issues with my keyboard (sometimes the keys won't "register"... i.e. doing down+right and pressing two action buttons).
I live in a shithole where exchange rates are overly prohibitively and everything from abroad costs 50% due to taxes.
What would you recommend to get? an used mechanical keyboard (from dubious quality) or a diy hitbox-style with some arcade buttons maybe in a tupper-like case?
Maybe bringin the buttons would cost less than an entire device.
You can put strive as super weenie hut jrs
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I imagine it was relatively cheap to produce.
The other two Thundercats series were outsourced to Japan, thus probably cost more to make.
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You mean the one where Scorpion looked like a cute kitty cat?
Teen Titans Go looks abysmal and is still going strong.
i look at blazblue like sf4 for people that play anime, both dumbed down dumpster fires
That was fake, RebelTaxi invented that fake shit to cope with his pitch getting rejected
A leverless controller would probably be best. The problem you're having is probably ghosting, many keyboards can't register many buttons at once.
Some of the popular ones hit well but yeah I agree most of it is generic j-pop/j-rock. The best ones are usually the creative ones that make use of the show's motif and try to be original about it, kind of like when American/Canadian companies create original songs for anime that they license for their intros.

Take Pokemon for example. Gotta catch em' all is far more popular than Mezase Pokémon Master
Just do what I did and graduate to leverless. Its the same thing as a keyboard in practice just more comfortable to use.
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I got a cheap keyboard with anti-ghosting and it works fine, you probably don't even need a real mechanical one.
But if you can make a mixbox/hitbox for cheaper than a keyboard that lists it has "anti-ghosting", then go for that.
I don't understand the context of this image.
Why is every tranny a furry?
While we're at it, how did this guy go from looking like a relatively average man to a complete abomination anyway?
Was Strive really so bad that it made this nigga become a variety streamer?
>/fgg/ slow general always
>2XKO gets brought up
>general suddenly becomes active.
Riot won.
This. Broski has zero reason to lie or blindly hype up anything that isn't Capcom.
>Why is every tranny a furry?
Everyone's at least a little bit a furry.
If SNK approached him about KOF, he would have said it was godlike because Mohammad paid him to
Riot did that
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Mentally ill projection
You get beaten up in the streets too much to know this isn't true, lil nigga

This is like gay people assuming anyone that doesn't like being around living STD farms is secretly gay and can't admit it.
>You get beaten up in the streets too much to know this isn't true, lil nigga
Not everyone lives in a bad neighborhood anon :)
Yeah, the thing is that even a chinese device costs almost 100usd (between shipping, taxes). The only thing cheap seems to be those 3d printed.
Going to check, the arcade buttons I can get are those "sanwa clones".. which I guess are the same sold at aliexpress. No named brand at sight. As for the raspberry pico (for the gp2040-ce) is the only thing cheap and available.
yeah mine doesnt have niggers
>living std farm
>posts panty
you know he did that on purpose
Dude just buy a Haute42 leverless off of Ali Express.
Amazon also has one for $60
Its what I use its great.
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........we really have furries on fgg?

I thought it was just a meme
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Good idea, anon.
thats just you lil faggot ass nigga
$40+13 = 53 + 50% = 78usd
But nonetheless it's not 100usd.
Thanks anon
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fgg niggas pretending they wouldn't bang incineroar smdh y'all thugs trippin and LYIN
ggs silent

shotos v honda is supposedly 9-1 if you just throw jab fireball and anti air with sweep

he's too fat to neutral jump projectiles.
>*UWU*'s at (You) aggressively
ggs man, I kept trying to do different strength fireballs each time to throw off your jumps. Didn't know the matchup was that bad though.
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I remember I used to post on this forum with an annoying brony that spammed the board all day and when I told him he was annoying, he formulated a plot that I was secretly a huge fan of MLP and just didn't want to admit it.

Do you guys really live like this?
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What site do you think we're on?
An anime website, not a furry website.
Where's the furry anime?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
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when i was a lil nigga i used to want stocking but as i got older, and i interacted with regular beckys and goth beckys, i came to realize that panty was the better choice
you would take literally any white woman that so much as winked at you
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>Where's the furry anime?
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feels good being the only sane person here
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Furry anime exists, but it'd probably be on >>>/a/ or some porn board.

I think there was a pseudo-furry anime that was about dragon-plane things that soft-vored their pilots, but I stopped keeping up with anime a long time ago.
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>where's the furry anime
Created by the daughter of the guy who made Baki btw.
Remember when we thought CC2 were making a furry arena fighter?
>Where's the furry anime?
Imagine not knowing what kemono are
i used to chat with a cute slampig becky in uni but passed her because she smoked and her breath and teeth were rancid, stop projecting timmy
sounds kino, did you indulge in his fantasy or pussy out
it's still stocking for me
i pray for the day that bamco stops funding those party games and lets them do anything dothack related again
nigga said cute then described an ogre
The problem is CC2 love making that arena slop at the same time though. It was CC2 that made a prototype Naruto arena fighter and brought it to Bamco originally.
if you weren't a dicklet you'd understand
Weren't me.

Based. It's always been panty for me.
you said she got boost energy breath what are we doing here
Dragon Drive
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.... wheres the vore
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sounds like you messed up, incel, that was your one chance and now you sit here jacking off to goblins on fgg all day
>2nd anniversary

This shits been out for 2 years already?
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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
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Could have been that, but I honestly don't remember because I stopped watching anime years ago. Maybe it was a different anime, but I don't care enough to look for it.
y'all fap to some weird stuff
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we're getting modern controls in MVC2
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I'll play if you're still around. Chaos Code or USFIV?
not in ranked we're not
Sure. I'll play Chaos Code.
I will make a lobby shortly.
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Didn't they used to have a cute mascot girl?
they only use her for CEOtaku
>no VF
Tablecucked again!
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>What is the actual appeal of the game to you personally?
None at the moment. WHEN'S POPPY? What the FUCK, riotniggas?
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lowkey doe, a new darkstalkers would be bussin
What do you guys like about this character?
She's an oppai loli.
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What game?
>has BOTH stockings on
Headline says one thing, body says another.
Tired of CB.
you wouldnt play it thobeit
I just want capcom to do any other fighter parallel with street fighter. It sucks how they went from having multiple franchises to just one.
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I love my cute robot wife Sethanie (me in the cage)
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i don't play league, what's the best coomer team i can look forward to in 2xkuso
Since it's an old game designed for stick... is it pad viable?
darkstalkers is like smt games before 4 where timmies and 'manthas claim to be its biggest fans and go on and on about how hecking amazing they are when their interaction with it is watching some other timmy's videos about it
Nocturne sold so well in the west Atlus put Shin Megami Tensei on the name of every other game for a generation for their release.
why does this guy get so mad when you talk about video games on here
GGs! I would play more, but I have to do something now.
I still think Vein is your best character, but you were getting a lot done with Ray as well.
Basically, as long as you have way to use reversals/armor to get me off of you, the match will often shift heavily into your favor.
You made good use of Chaos Shift as well. That's useful on both hit or block, but half of the time, I'm just doing it by accident and forget how to follow it up.
Niggas didn't even know smt nine or majin tensei even existed until Marsh made videos about them but swear they played it before
ggs man. And thanks I wanted to try Ray out since he seems like a fun character too. I was trying to get good use out of Vein's normals to keep you at bay but I kept messing up and let you get in with Bravo too much.
I'm more concerned with why this guy posted a dog sucking on his mama's titties and we just all pretended that was a normal thing to have on your hard drive
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bruh I miss when fighting games had beautiful handcrafted spritework and fast and loose design that encouraged player expression- I'M NOT PLAYING NO SKULLGIRLS NIGGA
Why not hop onto fightcade right now and play those old games?
nigga implied everyone picking the same 3 top tiers and the same 3 assist is expression
my nigga in fur, skullgirls had a mirror match grand finals that year for evo lmao
Maybe he wants that but something new
The Marvel vs Capcom will be a new release :^)
He looked too old to be sucking titty milk but too young to be having sex with his mother. Bad middle ground
There's this game.
the newgrounds tier voice acting is soul
I'm more confused to that it would be a question that one of his hate cult schizos would try to do something. They already have before, and it's only gotten worse.
hsien-ko really got a niggas jr quivering icel imagine her in hd (not the puke engine) gawddamn
Riot hired people like Pat who was once a open huge Clayton dick sucker and had tumblr posts dedicated to him even. Since getting hired, he is part of the Clayton hate train. Clockw0rk was once a huge Clayton fan as well, but has gone silent about him ever since he started working there. Pretty telling. I still don't know why James even admitted on his Twitter that you aren't allowed to talk about Clayton on any stream in the first place. Admitting that was pretty stupid, I wouldn't be surprised if he got in trouble for saying that much.
meds you stupid pedo
Yordles are just midgets
>Hsien-Ko is a popular character, but it creeps me out whenever I think about how we'd accurately reproduce her zombie skin if we ever had to create her in realistic HD. (Ikeno)
Confirmed for a bad idea by the official.
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Sprites are way too expensive chud. Its not profitable in the slightest to make a sprite based fighting game.
For me Felicia had my BBC jr pulsating, NYIGGAAAA
Making realistic rotting Chinese zombie flesh in the horror engine with 4XXAA and shading on each individual pore is... cheaper?
Remember Zombie Guile?
Yes unironically.
It's not cheaper, but it has a wider profit margin because normies eat that slop up
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>muh horror engine.
Meds. Chun-Li, Cammy, Juri, and Lily are beautiful.
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Somehow I doubt that when Melty Blood Type Lumina with all new sprites was still cheaper to make than Street Fighter 6 or Tekken 8
It all could have been avoided if Metajini knew how to anti-air
Interesting. She even claims her insane schizobabble is a "trauma response" to Bridget turning tranny.
She's been at it for years
that's a mod
*pukes* What's the point of using modern technology if you make the bitches ugly as fuck?
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You forgot Kimberly....
kimmy tummy
kimmy is hot but i hate playing sf6
Her face feels like's she 8.
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You now remember DNF Duel
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when's vanillaware making a fighting game?
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
shit i gotta find time to play this, i enjoyed the demo
game was kinda easy tho
No idea, but I'll probably play Momohime and drop the game after a week.
ive never seen more one and dones than in sf6
i want to be her paypig
why so?
You just know shes actually seething
shes cracked at ultrakill
Love that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is in this
Even though Crash Team Racing makes more sense
they already have enough assets from their action games to shit out a vanillaware megamix if they cared about fighters
shes a goddess
MK8D has a bigger playerbase.
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Watching the Steve mirror match in Tekken 8 is a lot of fun.
Do you watch mirror matches of your main(s), Anon?
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what makes you say that?
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I only watch sniff matches.

Like in SFV I would find youtube channels that use modded Chun outfits for replays
bitch looks like a 50k follower instagram hoe
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how so?
my ass looks like this~
nigga really said it would be difficult to make her in HD like she isnt just a blue bitch these jappas getting on my nerves fr
Holy... Kimberly should have looked like that....
do you guys really like blue and green and red women now?
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we always have 'immy
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yummy, thx
this mf never played the PvPs.
do you play old fighting games on a crt?
The New Challengers was pretty slow. Hyper Fighting is way better even if it had less characters.
dont die on me /fgg/
its peanut butter jelly time!
15 minutes ago
nigga got notifications on for........................................ lordknight
man i hate giovanna. pretty awesome design coupled with a badass wolf and he has basically fuck all to do with her moveset. huge missed opportunity
you wanted another bullshit puppet character?
timmys bitched about giovanna not being a hecking epic puppet character but they all play her in their video essays
not really, i just wanted the wolf to actually incorporate into her design. if she didn't have the wolf and still had all the same moves no one would notice, because he doesn't actually do anything
I wish ryu was a puppet character doods, like he controls his headband. I wouldnt play him but imagine all the poggy streamboar moments when a ryu lands the scripted setplay after a knockdown
the wolf makes her kicks look cooler
She uses the wolf in nearly all of her specials/super. Better than Bedman where Delilah is literally just visual noise that does nothing.
i dont see anybody getting pissy that slayer doesnt throw attack people with his pipe
guilty gear characters are overdesigned, more news at 11
he literally throws people with his cape though
ky doesnt
bridget has a fat dick in her pants but doesn't use it???
she doesnt wear pants
see u there
*spats under her skirt
thank you
EVO announcment - slopstalkers
Game Awards announcment - Slopvel 4
evo announcement - pokimane suite 10k per nut
game awards announcement - arcus chroma goty
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gooning in the pokimane suite to avoid the 10k fine
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they're the troons doe
If only.
It's "what the playerbase hates".
Is there anything noteworthy happening before evo?
CEO is this weekend
No it's not. The original post talked about what each playerbase represents.
new koustics just dropped
is he spittin?
She plays with my joystick more than yours tho.
Bam, gottem.
dbfz was a great game smeared by the marvelslop tagshit community that couldnt handle a game that wasnt cheap cobbled together kusoge
I think P4A had the least bad autocombo system
nigga said p4a
swear its harder to find games in dead games now. is it because shit isnt centralised on ps anymore? pcslop acc killing the dead games when you deep it
Fuck people who just want to play Juri because they like her feet.
what do you want to play?
why the FUCK is third strike's ost regarded as good? this is actual trash.
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that tracks mid, most are good doe
quit breathing down my neck nigga
2nd impact is where its at
mogs shit punch so bad....
you dont play
Gill and Urien's themes too, wtf happened. Why did SEAN get a theme over Oro?
Because of the new rendition of Jazzy NYC.
I'll play CF again
Metajini isn't a bot. He's just some autistic tranny leaf
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Sorry, I just saw this message.
I'm heading out in 5 minutes.
However, I'll be back in an hour or so.
If you still wish to play at that time, I will give you another (you)
Is Ellie a furry?
so is nubi the made up one or metajini, feels like it used to be /fgg/ consensus that metajini was made up by nubi
Im the puppyboy on the right
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Ellie was made up by Metajini to smear Nubi and Baron. Nubi exists but doesn't post here anymore
You're going to summon him again.
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You decide
Take your meds, Ellie
What if the monkey's paw heard your wish and had him kill you? You should be more careful about this kind of thing.
Like clockwork.
Hi, Ellie! How's your doujinshi coming along?
what kind of """"chad"""" spends all day searching his name on discord and making hour long rants about random people mentioning him on his youtube channel where he can barely string together a coherent sentence without screeching? clayton needs a padding room not internet access
like cocktwerk
KOF is a 3d fighter
About as 3d as paper
Paper Mario is a 3d game, so...
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>Paper Mario is a 3d game, so...
Vivian will never be a boy
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the 2D genre is so shit right now. is kekken good? should I buy it? im tired of shit punch parryslop
T8 is the best 3d fighting game out now, but it's not like it has any competition
If you can get it on sale, then yeah.
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Tekken 8 is tanking Bamco. Our only hope is this Green Mario masher
im asking if its good g
You weren't even born when TTYD came out, Sakonata, you literally only cared about it after it became a trend on twitter. We asked you about this 10 times in a row a month or two ago and your NPC sonygro ass didn't even know who Mario was lmao
Why is the dog so fat?
Metajini is over 30 years old but pretends to be 28. He's more than old enough to at least know about SNES Mario
tis not
yeah, it's pretty good. I like it more than sf6, strive, granblue at least
fuck this genre ill just grind sparking zero then
bro what the fuck is this?
do you really save CP to your computer and flaunt it to us "as a joke" or what?
is this your cry for help?
or are you telling on yourself?
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timmies shit on mvc2's ost because jazz is "unfitting" for a fighting game and then years later glazed skullgirl for it
only black people complained about the MVC2 OST and they even replaced it with mods
that one female muscle clip curating youtube channel makes me wonder how bad my life could've ended up
is he really that bad off?
Finally, these always make the best vods
niggas had mvc2 modded with MJ's music in the barbershop waiting area
transfem swag
*pats on head to educate you*
Skullgirls takes place over 100 years in the past, hence the jazz theme
MVC2 does not take place in the 40s, thus the music seems like an odd fit (Note that I did not say it was bad, please calm your ass the fuck down, schizo)

It would be like having a game take place in space in the year 40080409 and then it has a bard from the middle ages do all the music and sing medieval tunes about super laser cannons burning through black holes.

That is why people thought it was strange.

There, glad I could clear that up for you.

*gives u a cookie for being a good little boy and listening*
do not talk shit about michiru yamane
Jazz used to be associated with thugs and gangsters, that's why Hit's theme is jazz fusion in DBFZ, given that he's a hitman.
Jive to sf6 is like Cars to Cars 2. Like City Hunter opening 1 to City Hunter opening 2. Like Dragon Ball Z to Dragon Ball Super. Ya feels me?
why did battle tendency have dubstep in the 40s
Because it's bizarre.
Only the hair is.
Post face.
niggas talmbout dragon balls but you aint ever dragon yo balls on no bitches
And you look like a girlfriendless nobody lmao
Megumi Bandicoot
50k followers pawg, is that you?
I fucking wish
Akuma, ibuki and Q theme hardcarry the 3s soundtrack, the rest is mid at best
As a matter of fact, Tanuki are known for eating a bunch of crap so they can survive the winter. It's like that episode of Spongebob where Sandy ate all those nuts for hibernation and then she looked like a bear when Spongebob and Patrick woke her up.

I think the large breasts are supposed to be her version of male Tanuki being known for having large testicles, but I may be reaching with that one.
I thought Tanukis were a fake animal only in anime
the fuck is a tanuki
The stronger version of Mario's Raccoon suit that can turn into a statue.
so is this like some hentai thing?
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Gonna force contestants to use SimpleX[chat] for my クソゲー
When has Clayton ever "screeched"? Every video he is extremely calm and joking around with us that i've seen. For a guy that spends all day supposedly at home searching his name, why are there so many videos of him traveling the world, and surrounded by girls?
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>see obese raccoon in rec video getting kept by a Becky on her animal reservation
Damn. Now I want a cute tanuki in a fg
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Lmfao at discord trannies trying to pretend Clayton isn't a chad. What live stream was it where a bunch of girls came up to him and started flirting with him in front of the police? That was epic. I've never seen anything like that in my life. Only Clayton.
remember that time clayton talked about tanukis?
Yeah, that was for that combo video contest. Wait, are you telling me that Charmander is Ellie, and Ellie is the Tanuki who was stalking Clayton too? FFS it's only get worse.
kys clayton
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You're just mad Clayton is better looking than you. You probably stick a dildo up your ass you discord tranny while thinking about him comboing your dragon balls. Seek help.

Just enjoy his presence and bask in it like normal homos.
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>tanuki in a fg
Punish all zoomers.
remember when the claytonbot made up a stream where jiyuna and his house nigga were talking about obama's "desert dick"? why does he keep making up livestreams?
that one really did happen, I watched it.
why did he list basically the same thing twice?
extremely trans post
what game are you hosting?
>Is a little brat instead of a busty hag
What were they thinking?
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Programmer: MikeZ
Gameplay Designer: Keits
Composer: Masafumi Takada
Art: KojimaVideo
Scenario Writer: Suda51
Playtesters: punkdagod, unilunar, and brianf
nigga i didn't change shit on my dreamcast, it's timmy's fault the cave stage plays soulja boy
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GGs! I need to study dustloop once again, as I will occasionally get in a hit with Es, then completely forget what to do.
I can tell your combos have gotten a lot better in general, however.

I don't think BBCF is a game you can just play by ear like I was trying.
why fightcade boomers play ST and CE but not hyper fighting and new challengers
CE is the one that works best as a game, ST is the fast one with lots of shit. The others lack one of the appeals.
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I thought east of eden was an RPG, it's a fighting game now?
If you got Keits, there would be 3 way bursts on every hit....
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FGC now: Um... a Saudi sportswashing tournament? Yikes, I'm not entering that. That supports bad people. There are some things that matter more than money

What happened?
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The combo is marriage material.
Apparently /483356502, since our zoomer is too green. I'll purposely not enter, so VGS can't say shit.
Then I'll have casuals.
Probably will host on a disposable peertube.
Fuck monopolies.
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According to Eventhubs, after almost 13k votes, the most desired Street Fighter DLC character is Ibuki. How do we feel about this? Do you agree? Who would you want for season 3?
i thought yall said no one cared about ingrid...
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The funniest part is that capchuds would unironically tell you that more people care about Ingrid than Terry.
That's how deep they are in their own bubble.
It's like Smash people and Geno.
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Was this a fake leak?
most of that shit is wrong
>female top 5
why do so many incels post on eventhubs?
fuck ibuki, the only character to be in 3s 4 and 5 and yet no one plays her. curious
Toffee played her before all of you creeps made her leave the FGC
Tiddies on a ninja
Kimberly has those and you all hate her
She's not exactly big.
i play her
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they killed her in jive after you trannies complained about her
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this reminds me of that time they added mika to jive and first y'all said no one would pick her and she was a joke character, then she was a top tier and you all cried nonstop about how everyone was picking her and she was way too good

Some of you are never happy
Well if you look at the history of the last 4 or so years the only remotely true thing is probably Vira.
The MVC2 collection happened
They put Elena in SF6
Sandalphon is coming to Rising
Cham Cham is in Samsho now
The witch is coming to under Night 2 in the season pass
...smash got replaced by strive, too
Skulligirls is on Series X, too
what's wrong with being a lil tanuki?
lil tanigga
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You guys already have that.
I really don't like to be "this guy," but I'm going to risk something and ask:

Why are you people obsessed with tanukis all of a sudden? What an odd animal to have a fixation on since none of you live in Japan. Was it autism?
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>Hit Mighty Ruler in Tekken 8
>Suddenly just don't feel like playing anymore
Strange. Hopefully a temporary feeling.
we grew up playing mario lil spicnigga
>...smash got replaced by strive, too
This is implying they knew McRib was about to lose his control over EVO. Imagine if there were actually a plot to get rid of him, that would be wild.
>they killed her
based, its makkin time
Do you think she has a shot, Bronycheez? They have guest fighters now, but would Capcom be willing to use one of those slots on their own IP?
Why would you want Morrigan in horror engine?
maybe I should've developed a talent instead of grinding this shit genre
Really not sure if promoting your upcoming game by putting its most distinguished function in a competing and far more popular game is a great idea. Good news for a potential CvS3 though.
even britbong niggas are making games, you losers
>open /fgg/
>see Rouge the Bat
hm yes quite
they had to know he was fucking those kids
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Nitroplus niggas look like THAT?!?!?
Why would you make a fangame if you want to make money? Sounds like you're begging for trouble from the IP holder at that point. Might as well make your own edgy sonic recolor OCs at that point.
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So did you schizo ass niqqas already find some new white guy to mindbreak over nitrocunny and get to quit the genre?

That was fast.
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Why does she always hide her face now?
Made for rape.
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Did failpub even listen to his own video?
TheStoryTeller quite literally exposed the massive filter to AGD, and he can't put the two together.

Like, is he lukewarm IQ?
Sh'es a monster to begin with
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Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work hard.
Nothing worth it in life is free.

Do you think Phil Fish got everything handed to him in life? Put in some elbow grease!
yun popping genei jins this nigga popping double chins
>even britbong niggas
britbong niggas made Star Fox 30 years ago
kween doesn't need lil schizotimmies stalking her
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First you say white people hate black women, now we want to brutally rape and kidnap your sister? Please make your mind up, your boogeyman complex is getting RIDICKULOUS.
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Ok, NVM, I'm absolutely wrong, he's parrot-level IQ.
I feel sorry his parents never aborted him when they had the chance.
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>I'm anti-capitalist
>now support my sonic hentai patreon
timtim really said hating someone means you don't want to do bad things to them
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She's safer in my house than in your house :^)
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dont repost my art
most of the "don't repost my art guys" are maximum jews, I don't think they're actually ancap
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>A new study shows the African grey can perform some cognitive tasks at levels beyond that of 5-year-old humans.
This is, so sad.
Biggest oxymoron monarchists have mental-gymnastisized.
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Anyone can make a game in RPG Maker in like 1 year, it's not even difficult.

Get creative.
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i can't believe you niggas actually watched that shit i dropped that link and started saving cosplay pics that i could beat off to later luhmeow
lol her "bf" lives in spain why she get her back blown out in california.
negroes won't play a game unless there's a ball or a blue hedgehog in it
nigga saves cosplay pics
>merely pretending
I bet 25USD failbup is zoomerfag.
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i'll watch it for you lil bro
Where's the ball in Tekken?
Yeah, that's what I thought, chudcel
i still can't do a dp input so go to hell

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