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Run E-scape edition

>OSRS Metal Mixtape Out Now!

>Hallowed Sepulchre Instances & More

>New Slayer Boss - The Araxyte

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: zezima

last >>483113668
First for brighter shores
are there any bosses that are still good GP/hr even without unique drops
moons of peril is good money on paper but you make hardly anything unless you get lucky and hit a unique drop
nth for hey
saw an ironman with GM helmet and he was lost and directionless... really got me thinking that i should stop and smell the flowers you know
you should do what you find fun in game
nth for nike air girl my fiance
my focus for this week is HARD DIARIES the tasks i have left are ANNOYING i will begin with MAGE TRAINING ARENA
2024 threadgirls list:

Rikka Neko
quit shouting bitch omg
nth for desperately huffing d333cays bhole
fancy new necklace
yeesss bitch well done it looks so good on you
i should do mage training arena too i need the boots and maybe the book and the wand
gz also me on the right
we coukd do it together but i need a bit of time to settle down and read the wiki and fuck around and get ready and this and that
got a kalphite task. time to actually do the desert diaries and knock out under cursed sands for e z KC on kq
omg settle down stan kimbra
we can settle at a table
a table for two
maybe i'll just get the boots
here in michigan with jaycutie
as for me ill be getting my peach boned then getting tf out
this is how you're supposed to play the game
>final terrorbird of the night before bed
>it drops me the sceptre
osrs activity for this feel?
that's a good looking 50
hes japanese
thanks and goodnight.
i already did 3 of the mta rooms what a pleasant surprise please wish me luck in the bone room
Someone explain to me what the people find so appealing in the tiny amount of shit they've revealed.
>you can auto/offline grind, this is totally a good option over just not having any grind
>rs3 grafix with that ugly grid based look to every room
>I don't know what else, some shit with combat classes being magic based
the bone room is what i call d333cays poh bedroom
good luck
thats a weird name for a place of comfort and security
her comfort is in the dog kennel
that might be my comfort too im not sure ive never tried

new ironman just dropped, and his wife sounds hot so i am going to watch this guy
i did used to go in the dog kennel when i was little its quite cozy in there
she does have a hot voice but I do not fw bitches named heidi
the kennel seems cramped but ive been told im quite puppy coded
i would join you in the mage training arena but its time for bed gn(m) osg
ew he name dropped all his exes then posted a pic of his wife
okay sleep well xx
mad he had more bitches than you
no d333cay and eala scissoring in the bone room...
these bones are bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s
Twas a long day of plundering. gn x
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>tfw just gave the equivalent of 1B+ to a cam model

what are some PvMing activities to financially recover from this?
and with that hideous disgusting post id say its time to catch some zeds
im mining daeyalt :3c
R u cute comfy and cozy lil anon? c:
i don't understand the point of the c in the :3c emoji what does that represent
she is holding her lil paw up to her mouth
maybe it's just me personally but as a traditionalist i don't think hands should be anywhere near emoticons unless it's like a middle finger
Met someone in game a week ago and he helped me get ready for dragon slayer, I was logging on almost every day to get leveled for it so we talked for hours. Asked me if I wanted to be his RuneScape gf and gave me a diamond ring but a few days ago I found out he was a furry so I gave his ring back and friend zoned him. Completed dragon slayer yesterday finally. You win some you lose some I guess
anon if i did this would you give me a gz
gz babe x
sorry i dont talk about which other personalities may or may not be me
WAIT that doesnt capture the full gravity of the situation would you gz me if i did THIS anon
now get your quest cape and elite lumbridge diary
youre toon has crazy eyes
no i told you already i get to procrastinate by doing the other hard diaries before i have to do my quest cape
well you're obviously never going to do ba unless your simp legion carry you
maybe i will maybe i willnt
my fav rapper got kilt while i was in the inferno shit made me die im sick
you better not say foolio was your fav rapper
Post ur toons
i cant post mine the toon im in bed :c
ill carry you through ba if the next pic is a pit pic
why didnt i earn a carry from the first one greedy bitch
that was weeks ago your carry ezpired
Lil anon I am in bed too
im going intot he wilderness dont follow me
there's player rapers out there be careful
when are you going to post your toon
I don't have a toon
why not
gn i already fell asleep once just now :3c
Gn lil anon
Enjoy a super cozy comfy sleep
well did u have a toon before you had Responsibilities and was she cute lmk
I always had a male toon as I am a mysogynistic chauvinist sadistic Dominant (also a billionaire and a Vampire)
alright nvm
pegasus be like show me your toon
did you get player raped at the mage arena i heard eliop of dmm all stars fame is the king of the mage bank
no i didnt go to the mage arena i went to near the lava maze
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nah afking vyres in PvP is peak comfy and xp efficient because irontrannies are scared to come
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whats that on the top left?
its the prayer altar, makes this place AFK. Reminds me of the gorillas on ape atoll from back in the day
shes talking about your gay little desktop background that youve left in the picture for attention why dont you just tell us about it
oh that was a webm from a transgender hate thread I was lurking on /gif/

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whats the point of this shit i dont give a fuck
to annoy you
ive got a headache
OSRS GENERAL FlLTER LlST: https://pastebin.com/JELkxvc9

If this post is annoying please add this to your filter: /osrs general filter list/i;boards:vg;op:no
why do u have inventory tags for karambwans are u stupid man like what the fuck
its for triple eating
that doesnt explain why you need them highlighted
is this some sort of lure post
dinosisters..it's up

dino w hes so much better than odafail LOL
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I'm going to make a custom plugin to cheat ahhahaha i win jagex
the thread really really sucks today i had a good post planned but i think ill honestly just wait for the next edition
noooo you cant do that thats cheating it goes against the terms of service ur gonna make mod ash sad
is mod ash top or bot
top g bruv
the best part its all client side so its literally undetectable unless jagex goes out of their way to make the game take screenshots of your computer and send it to them like other games
i need a feeder rsbf so bad
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that's cheating you better not do that.
i am racist to a point
some call me the scotizhoe of loona isle
im racist against everyone but that makes me not racist.
im the spiderman 2 of osg

are there any epic runescape version of this?
Can someone give me a QRD on DMM AS?
qrd dino W oda L
oda w
Solomission W
how do i make 15milion every 40 hours to repair my varlamore armor sets
When Varlamore 2?
there are people in this thread over 25 go listen to your radio grandma
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gm osg today i will acquire mixed hides and i will finish more diaries
this post has been removed by the poster
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I tried gauntlet
got clear
got cocky
tried corrupted
got raped
got crestfallen
went to 'todt to reflect on my failure as a player.
do people really give up that easily lol I prob died 30+ before finishing my first cg and subsequently did 300 more
I am mentally ill and perceive all my value related to being "successful" or "succeeding" at a task.
based and giftedchildpilled
based lil chuddie owning the troonies in the wildy
hes a combat 58 pretty fitting for a chud i dont think hes owning anyone
owned you for talking about him freak trannyzoid
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me rn
can i be your sigma but have you got a gyatt
what runescape skill is this?
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can any mexicans in chat translate?
should we follow?
gracias amigo
you should be
just dropped the jaytroonie down the toilet
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when will kronii start playig osrs
I did not break logins I promise
why the fuck can't jagex just add bank pin on login? I'm doing 300s and can't be fucked to bank all my gear at logoff time and regear every fucking day.
is despa here i have a question
why do u even have a bank pin lol
wait why are you banking your gear every time you log off wtf lol
this is literally a self imposed problem
odablock doesn't have a pin and his bank is worth more than the posters on here combine.
I work in cyber security so I'm incredibly confident of my security but I still bank everything. Only takes one mistake either on my side or jagex to result in a compromise but a bank pin just adds an extra layer of security to that. Hopefully I'll never use it but I'm just extra paranoid about it
post your bank worth
Youre an eceleb lover fuck you
and you should be in my bed its freezing
i don't have a bank pin or authenticator
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having a fight with my rsbf in june 2024:
>me: lets work it out on the remix
>him: huh?
nice tits d333cay
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asmongold is reacting to a j1mmy video
idk who those people are
jimmy's videos are mid as fuck
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wait, heres a screengrab that's osrs related
rsn NOW
that might be why asmon is roasting his ass
i lied. i watched his latest video and it's pretty bussin, but other than that his videos sucks
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>asmongold is reacting to a j1mmy video
thats not her she looks like shes never seen the inside of a gym
um? she has a thigh gap?
my dick has seen the inside of d33cay pussy though lmaooo
Please spanish girl..your rsn..
does anyone wanna go to the loona concert in october with me
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no leagues 5 might release in october
warsaw ive bought my ticket already so im not changing
oh its sold out :( enjoy
>adding content in 2004
hey here's some cool stuff you can go do, have fun
>adding content in 2024
you need to clear this minigame 300 times in order to purchase a one-time allowance in order to be allowed to do the content, but only if you've also done a completely unrelated task 100 times

People will still play the game without stapling an arbitrary carrot on a stick to every single facet of the content. Have some confidence in your work you fucking goobers.
any creepy stalkers in the thread?
oh I'll be coming to the loona concert
if you know what I mean
*wink wink*
anyone else cultivating their seed rn
no i dont could you elaborate? sorry english isnt my native language
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Any of these quests I should knock out for some unlocks/big xp rewards?

Blogpost: Logged back in after not playing for some years, so far did agi from 94->96 and rc 94->95
does anyone want to go to the bladee concert in december with me
is there a way to clear a bush patch while something is growing in it i accidentally planted the wrong thing for my contract farmer jane is gonna be pissed
no sorry im using up the last of my vacation days in october
p sure you can right click > clear on a growing push
or just use a spade on it
no right click clear and when i use a spade The Toon gives me some snarky attitude :(
oda vs dino is a microcosm of the israel palestine conflict
dino had more resources but oda had the support of the people
Song of the Elves is an allegory for being trans
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when is the osrs cooking minigame coming out? you should be able to combine any amount of edible ingredients to create something
thats not how cooking works well it is but youre not going to get anything edible it will be like zelda where you get the censored mystery food!
im sweating my ass off drenched in sweat and my balls stink
how am i supposed to do sepulchre for 12 hours a day like this
im going to do cardio and sweat my ass off then im plundering pyramids
imagine the temperature in that pyramid it probably smells so bad in there with all the girls looting urns
pyramids have air conditioning built in them one of the three mysteries of anceint egypt
what are the other two mysteries
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I told him off last night in his comments. He is trying to make osrs into rs3 again
mind your own business
i think looking at egyptians in books gave me a fetish for brown girls and feet
okay sorry :( ill just go :(
can you not mention feet or anything sexual im trying to cultivate my seed
last time I checked this was america and in america we have freedom of speech
118 crafting can i get a gz
you can only go up to level 99 in runescape skills are you cheating
no gz
we can go gyatt for gyatt fuck that we can go rizz for rizz
my friend with no quiver just claimed 4mil of stuff over a sol attempt with a chance at a onyx, he had 3.5 brews and 4.5 restores too...
what the fuck is wrong with this retard
understandable if he hasn't gotten more than 10 kc
THOUGHEVER you should have practiced for sol using the simulator while afking anyways
my rma'd mouse is stuck at a fedex facility.

i am racist to a point
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New nightmare mode
omg yayyy hes alive
he can literally already do jad pussy nig jew
dontt think anyone cares about nightmare mode anymore bro
i remember when this place wasnt all eceleb dick slurping
for me it's d333cay pussy slurping
>welcome to nightmare mode
>in this episode i will be doing something that's usually very easy simple and boring
>but because i only have 1 hp omg it's so tense and stressful!!!
>now i'll spend 15 minutes explaining basic game mechanics that anyone who plays the game already knows
why would a company that sells gaming pcs advertise on videos for a game you can play with a laptop from 2009
alexa play 50 50 cupid
did settled die?
settled this settled that why don't you settle down with a woman and start a family
drdisrespect officially quit
this is a grim day for osrs
i'm the brian ortega of /osg/
whos that
hah, glad you asked.

he's the eagle of varlamore
varlamore feels more like an osrs fanfic than an actual osrs expansion
ive never been to varlamore
t. 2277
anything added after the gowers left is fanfiction
im a guam star
whats that
bro varlamore is like 2 weeks old, most people haven't been there you aren't special
um actually the token mystery has been going on for over 2 months
what mystery
i solved that crap like 5 weeks ago im surprised you didnt get it yet
whats the reward
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why can't 1H and shield be good in osrs...
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*** ALERT ***

new settled is up!
108 her blore can i get a gz
did they scrap sailing yet
defenders really were a mistake we're supposed to be knights and shit not duelists
do you think settled listens to charli
sad cooker
not me, i'm a duelist.
more like doolist cause you're doodoo
me I'm more of a chad knight, or chight as I like to call it
because in osrs spear guy would actually be trying
swordie cope the spearchad owns the battlefield for centuries
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stranger things have happened...
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firecape achieved today

how am i doing as a GIM /osg/?
I am in love with you.
we need to queen out with settled and a bag of wine listening to brat
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spears fight other spears by touching tips
I think that's pretty gay
Is that you in the picture
anyone else think skulling is gay?

there should be a PvP world where two people can fight, both being skulled
that's a biological male's clavicle
you're retarded
I am angry.

fuck off tranny
skulling is a necessary part of the PKer vs. PVMer ecosystem
thats why i said a special pvm world where two consenting pkers can both fight unskulled
you said skulled
it was a misclick
normal PVPers wouldn't use it because they're all degenerate gamblers addicted to the rush of risking 200m
PKers would use it to hunt skillers looking for uncontested rune rocks though
bruhs using an onscreen keyboard blud is clicking letters
I only watch King Condor and FlippingOldschool
i just signed up for the biggest osrs event of the year i cant wait omg
you're a cuck knight that does everything the king says, i'm a vegabond chad duelist that does whatever i want.
bro... I got bad news for you...
do any of you guys remember when evscape and wildmudkip and some other dorky osrstubers got an airbnb for runefest one year and wildmudkip was just trying to be himself and do his thing and evscape got really nasty to him and started bullying him
thats a high risk world it already exists
no because i dont exist elbow deep in these peoples anuses i know their names thats it
bro... I got bad news for you...
odablock's BH HCIM died....
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>As an Ironman, you might not receive kill-credit for this monster.
rsn? i would like to date you if thats ok
oda L
midzy W
dino W
that's what he gets for listening to blink 182 and not 50 cent.
rikka neko
thats pretty obviously d33cay
shes chubby
d333cay is not chubby but i wish she was
she has cankles
why not team jaycutie since you like chubbies so much
shes posted her tummy 3 times moron
actually koalas are an australian thing we dont have them in america
i like girls not it/thems
you shouldnt talk about people that way
d333cay looks like she has really nice feet but i agree she does look a bit, erm, homely
shes normal weight. im plundering soon
jaytroonie is not a koala
shortys rockin that white knight set im dyingggg bro is playing defense
d333cay is normal weight and by normal weight i mean femboys are in shambles
i'm going to get a slopbowl from chipotle and look at d333cay tummy pics
i hear morbid obesity is getting to be pretty based lately
That's not d333cay thats the spanish girl
im scanning my mcdonalds prize codes and I'm getting so many free apple pies
those things are so gross
my mcdonalds order is 2 double quarter pounders and a strawberry shake
thats absolutely disgusting
i only get brekky at mcds i order a bacon and egg muffin with orange juice but i only have that twice a year maybe talk about oldschool runescape osrs im mining amethyst
personally one double quarter pounder is enough for me maybe even a little too much
i eat a 20 pc nugget and a large fry all by myself, i use 3 to 4 tangy bbq sauce packets
imagine how much hp i'd heal in osrs with all that haha prboably like 300 at least
um im doing laps of the ardougne agility course just clicking the obstacles over and over
they banned me from entering more codes today they probably think i stole them
me? im anglerfishing
americans be like "can i get a large fry"
I would give her flowers, a cake, complement her poem, and then give her a ring if you know what I mean ;)
whats it say about d333cays aura that her pics get less responses than the random women spanish girl posts
why do they call them agility "obstacles" anyway
obstacles block your way
at best, these are agility impediments
the same reason they are called obstacle courses
anti lol
The spanish girl really just has excellent taste and I'd love to take her on an rsdate to the gnome restaurant
i havent had mcdonalds in 8 years
me personally I call them agility courses
anime woman is going to do a 99 prayer stream im so excited
mfs here say 'd333cay is chubby' but i would actually alch my whole account just to cuddle with her, im so freaking lonely
can someone explain what grease is and why my pepperoni pizza is so much greasier than the plain one? greasy fingers negatively affect my osrs gameplay
she's at 99 already????
mfs always in the barbershop
god i wish i was jimmy runescape
she has a poll on her next stream and her viewers voted for 99 prayer so they're going to give her superior dragon bones to 99
um i dont know, normally i get the margherita pizza i don't get pepperoni
j1mmy rawdogs fluttens fertile pussy every night
flutten is probably really annoying or mentally ill off cam, being cute like that comes with a cost
i do not condone drug usage
jimmy looks stoned all the time
I wonder if he does that to cope with having a gf like flutten
this much is obvious she and j1mmy own prairie dogs
do you think jimmy has ever experimented with another guy
I didn't expect some genuine sadness from Oda. I missed the part where he flames trans people for his death.
flutten isnt his gf she's his wife you idiot
L Oda
what a suicide
dino raped odas mussy
oh well in that case
if they are married
then jimmy isn't getting any pussy
because women = bad lol
ermmm what the sigma i just got a kyatt task i wanna be your skibidi rizzler
some motherfuckers always tryna ice skate up hill
oh yeah im thinkin its vorkytime
back in my day we had to ice skate uphill both ways to kill vorkath
i cant kill vorkath im a f2p uim
sticking out your gyatt for the midzler
you're so shenkansan
you're so d33cay tax
your so last wintertodt
is that link safe to click
oda L midzy L (gnomonkey w?)
NightmareRH W
Sparc Mac L
why didnt they invite real streamers like sparc mac and a friend to gaynor games
lmao thats so me
why did you make me watch this
I want my 5 seconds back
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daily reminder to play Vidyascape, it's free!
what do chinchompas taste like?
because they are both antisocial and only play runescape as their job, they don't enjoy the game
sparc mac is such a lolcow, if runescape wasn't such a niche game compared to other MMOs like WoW he would've had his own kiwifarm thread
sparc mac would smoke everyone in gielinor games pull ups challenge
did you know sparc mac owns a mustang
why no skateboards in the game
what strange and funny things does he do?
scams people, begs clan chat for money, his old rant about no1s perfect
took me a second to remember who no1s perfect was
I'm perfect
nothing wrong with me...
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i do not like hunter rumours no i do not
bro did some hunter rumours bro didnt like them
nothing wrong with me...
bro said bro did some hunter rumours bro didnt like them im dead
do you ever feel trapped in your own body i mean really restrained like having your hands tied behind your back
no but i wish i had a friend
if u want to change your body you should join the osg discord they can help with that
get hrt
thats not the same as removing the soul from the vessel are you dumb
i do wish i was a girl but fortunately im not delusional enough to think thats a reality thats possible so instead i self insert as my runescape girlie :3c
ummmmmmmmmm if you had idle transfiguration you could change the shape of your soul look it up chud
the faggy dudes vocals ruins the new sophie song the whole album better not be like that amethyst old school runescape
got greedy and tried to go for two vorky kills without leaving to restock and my hubris was my downfall those damn metal balls also check out this captcha
>f2p noob
just cutting trees
average osg player
who are you talking to use the reply function
i can do 3 vorkath kills per trip i have torvus amor
i have blessed dhide a blowpipe and a dream of a blue backpack
>blue backpack brandon
lmfaoooooooooo its fucking 2024 its so embarrasing
who is brandon
i am proud of my firecape dont call it a cheesecape its made out of fire not cheese
why does my dick get so angry when people talk about trannies?
its not gay if they have a bigger dragon sword than you
its not gay at all
trans women are women
yea but its even more not gay if they have a bigger dragon sword than you some might even describe it as tantalizing
im aerial fishing
black frost is so cool hes just like me fr
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oh yeah!
nice top mayhaps you should take a pic of your toon wearing it
how the fuck do i mine silver without getting aids from scorpions? everyone else seems to be able to ignore them but they aggro to me constantly
did you find my diary from when i was 10 years old
as for me i buy silver from the ore seller
nope just new
back in my day we simply put the rock between the scorpion and ourselves
ore seller i require your purest silver
if osrs was like army of two you and another toon could go back to back to shoot the scorpions
i forgot that game existed omg
its called the nightmare zone but its a dream come true for gamers who prefer a more laid back approach to combat training
why do you still play troonscape in 2024
you wont find a bitch playing this shit game
actually i met my wife playing this game and we've lovingly married for 20 years
i found the love of my life right here in this thread
isnt the concept of a 'zerker' obsolete now with all this new gear? why is it still a thing in lms and pvp arena
i found my fiance in this thread
mining an iron's mlm vein should make it so they don't get paydirt from that vein until it respawns
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rngesus loving me at barrows
is there an easier way to tell if I can collect tears of guthix than scrolling all the way down in the quest list and finding the quest?
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you can speak to the snake and ask her to turn on a notification and then it will tell you in the chat box when you login
hold up you mean i can turn that off?
most mobs stop being aggressive if you are twice their combat level +1
not all but you don't have to worry about the exceptions right now
what game should i play if i want a gamer gf?
valorant. bitches love valorant. but you'll have to compete with other simps.
ffxiv but she'll probably be trans
he said he wants a gf not a fbf (femboyfriend)
beggars can't be choosers
i met my gamer gfs on maplestory and imvu girls love to make little avatars
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Is this gear overpowered for cannoning?
looks kinda weak to me
i like demonic gorillas because all of the switching makes me feel like a bad ass pvper like odablock :)
>grinding security stronghold mobs
just got back into oldschool whats the cc for /osg/
im dwunk on margaritas in motherlode mine :D
i should be able to build an airport runway in my poh with a gnome glider, quetzel and eagle
gnome django unchained the g is silent
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wha ok if you dont beleive me
margaritas arent good for your weight
have you ever tried the pre mixed costco margaritas pretty good you dont need a costo membership for their liquor store also clean your desk please
iv been a good girl i havent eaten any meals today i jus play runegame and smoke
flutten needs to lay off the pies innit
i havent been to costco since i stopped living with my ma, and i will clean my desk just for you <3
yayyy thank you
what's for lunch d333cay
idk maybe banh mi
Oda died lol
odablock L
midzy W
dino W
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my wife
Vorkath for me, he is consistent with bones, hides and alchs. He has one unique but that one is so worthless it barely adds something. I use the DHCB because my melees suck and dragon ruby (e) bolts smack him for big damage.
bondie moment

its 8m per completion or 5m without uniques (though uniques are pretty common compared to other content)

if you're good you can do over 2 completions per hour if you're shit like me and fail 30% of the waves its still like 11-13m/hr
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I got an elven signet from a crimpling today
marry me? i planted it inside that impling
moons of peril is like 1/20 for a unique, you don't need to get lucky lol wtf
dont give implings jewelry you make them free imps
post setup
max range (including venator ring even though it doesn't give a max hit wiki says it increases dps by 5%) + scythe and torva switch for final boss.
i don't do melee runs because they're too sweaty for me
what if I cant wear a scythe or torva
you can use tent whip or sealador at boss
what about a dlong or dclaws
bismallah one of the smartest osrs players
raw kyatt skibidi rizzler but what the sigma hold on and let me cook ok now its cooked kyatt
a picture
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lol idiot i tricked u i havent even done coloseum i cant even do cg or jad get troled did you forget your on 4chan bud? better luck next time kek
i love him so much
this is painful
most retarded escape room ive ever seen its not supposed to have random messages and shit sent by a fucking cheat client
it was made by an oda viewers please understand
lets see your escape room then you catty judgmental bitch
if oda watched ece he would have known the answer was fairy queen stupid noob
i don't farm i'm a f2p uim
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can't believe oda repeated this for 5 minutes out loud and didn't think of 207 / 3 = 69 he's actually retarded from the muslim inbreeding
i just got to the part where the dude says "ill let you google what a century means"
where did my wife miu miu xoxo go i miss her
I need about 1.6m rc exp. Which is gonna make me want to kill myself the least: Guardians of the Rift or Ourania?
ourania makes me feel like a lab rat id go guard that rift
zmi is chill its like a full minute of watching your other monitor while your toon runs to the altar
new colosseum dark technology unlocked
is that link safe to click
i spent 5000 hours in ms paint can i at least get an anti lol
i dont read cartoons so i dont really get the reference
my computer is too crappy to run all the camera plugins that make zmi chill
bluds playing on a dell from 2009
bed time gn osg i love you
gn babe
women be having borderline personality disorder and men be having oppositional defiant disorder
i wish i could have a friend
i think i have both disorders
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talk about the game
for me im a boy and my osrs toon has avpd
i smell homeless
i want to get better at cg but i want to keep my normal gauntlet kc as low as possible so i look like a l33t gamer even though nobody will ever see it except me
i could gangstalk you if you give me your rsn and then i could be impressed cause your a l33t gamer
im too shy to post my rsn on here sorry
thats ok + i love you
shy boys drive me crazy
i love you too thank you for respecting my boundaries
i was fake luring today,(aka luring just for the sake of the reaction and not intended to go through)

But i accidentally lured a few guys into each other
this can of monster says "if you can open and close it with one hand then you probably dated a lot when you were younger" what a weird thing to say
how do you close a can
what does that even mean
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it has a little thing you turn on the top

just slayed
makes sense still a weird thing to put on a can
is unclipping a veracs brassard really that impressive
idk ive never had the privilege so i wouldnt know
d333cay would you be impressed if youre veracs brassard was unclipped blindfolded
yeah i guess i would be a little impressed
whats so impressive about pinching a clasp open and why does the blindfold matter if youre doing it from the front
there could be a mirror behind her like those wojaks
the reason its impressive is because for some reason a lot of people find it very difficult. now ive only ever undone my own but i feel like i have a good understanding of the concept and would be able to unclip someone elses veracs brassard with ease
protip you put you pointer finger under the strap and your thumb above the strap and do a greedy little pay up gesture it will pop right open
this is a finger heart we don't do those anymore the streets do chuu hearts now
isnt that a heart gesture i wish they would add it to osrs
actually i do the cody carson set it off heart gesture with both hands
your toon doesn't even have fingers
well what if you attached a giant crawling hand to your arm for the emote what then huh
i still do the heart thats like binoculars i tried to learn the one thats liek a fucked up sideways peace sign but im too old i think. love me runescape
how is The Toon meant to thread a needle with no fingers
gz when’s the 99 party?
idk how does minecraft steve hold a pickaxe
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did you dumb bitches never watch spongebob you just firmly grasp it
lift your hand now put it on the lid
uim in a jar
i'm not sure + partys give me anxiety
boys be like uwu im anxious and then talk about how hard their cock is
you dont know if she is a boy or how hard her cock is or if the state of her cock is affected by anxiety
im somewhat of a pure toon i will not be enticed by a harlots body
this used to be an ace general times have changed
it was merely going through an ace phase
how hard are tormented demons going to be i want to farm them on day 1 to get rich
depends whether they have anxiety
idk i cant do tormented demons im a f2p uim
of course they have anxiety why do you think they are tormented
well they might have ODD or BPD
bpdemons arent tormented we like the self destructive behavior
im a bit of tormented demon myself as for me personally i was never asked to spawn into this world
im extremely tormented by my bpd but thats just me
i just want a friend
me too but i want to be friends with an idealised version of one specific person and nobody else
not you...
which person
you woudlnt know them they go to a different website
theres a scary imp in the farming guild
ugh can you girls not vaguepost for once would it really be so hard to post your true feelings for all to see
whats scary about the imp
one more vorkath kill then im gonna go to bed
i didnt mean to vaguepost the point was just to share my personal bpd tormentations
he shouldn't be in the farming guild
eliminate him bestie
its like the sam raimis hit film spiderman starring tobey maguire as the titular character aunt may says would it be so bad to let mary jane know how you feel everybody else knows thats when the goblin attacks hes captured mj
he teleported away
its not like that at all ugh
ok my true feelings are that i dont have a single friend in the entire world of gielinor and it makes me want to cry every time i think about it past 8pm its like sundown and alzheimers but for runey and depression and i dont post my rsn because its like a charity case of someone adopting some abused blind starving dog thats missing a leg with diagnosed cancer with a 3 week lifespan its like the varrock stray dog was that true enough for you
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this is the context btw
girl the meme was like 3 hours ago its too late for context
if konar gives me an annoying task i am going to hit the thumbs down button and logout and feel really annoyed and maybe cry and then go lay down in bed and then log into osrs mobile and then do a herb run and farming contract and then do a birdhouse run and then log out and then sleep
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we are so back my beautiful wife came through again i wish i could hug her
im onyl 75 angeler fish away from level 95 fishing
mathematically speaking this is basically the best task in the whole game
i dont understand how to train fletching as an ironman?
me personally i cant fish anglerfish
try making bows
i can fish anglerfish but my toon is just a little baby and she doesnt have much use for them so im staying away for the time being
but that's so slow and barely any xp?
broad bolt/arrow packs and fletching maples from kingdom
my toon sells her anglerfish on the grand exchange shes an entrepreneur
my b*ndie days are over im afraid i accomplished everything ive wanted to on it and then ill do it again on this cute little helmie and then ill log out and never play the game again probably
as for me im only 6429 anglerfish away from 99 fishing
i cant wait until i finish my bondie so i can play my helmie ive many long grinds ahead of me yet
omg i just saw an osrs youtube celebrity and i spilled my spaghetti, he didnt respond... the thing i said was so short and ambiguous he probably didnt even know i was talking to him, so i just teleported away after a minute even though i kinda wanted to stay there
i saw settleds tileman on a farm run once it was the highlight of my year......
i always see soup/framed at ge and used to see flutten at zeah bloods
same except i tried to think of something funny to say so that maybe he would put me in a video but i couldn't think of anything so i just said what up and he ignored me and tped away
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i saw him running around once too :o
i never see anyone famous at port piscarilius anglerfish location
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me on the left >>483386762
that could be any man
you didnt take into account her red green colorblindness
what is she a dog
you don't even know any celebrities
wasnt she getting acquainted with tehnoobshow a few weeks ago
dumb monkeys are hitting me with every 50/50 and dropping prayer pots instead of food
youre right but i would recognise some of the names. on another note sometimes there are people on my homeworld named after minot australian celebrities and thats exciting to me
why does the toon have a thong on his face
i saw a girl named pokifeet a few weeks ago and that was really exciting for me and she had a lot of kc
i dont have a homeworld im a wanderer....*lights cigarette*
they should put cigarettes in runescape so that my toon can look cool and additionally they should put a vape in my house so i can vape it please please
If minecraft can have vapes osrs should too
when i first saw the runey add on mini clip i thought you had to run and escape from the spooky skeletons
k im retarded, what kind of movement do i need to do to get jad healers to be in a single file line so only 1 is attacking me?
i almost didnt find it since i heard it through word of mouth on the playground my brain heard ruined scape
my brother told me about runey he basically ruined my life
objection! speculation
OSRS should have tradeable walk animation override tokens like in RS3 but instead of being MTX they should be treasure trail rewards and also you equip them in your ammo slot instead of consuming them
this would save the game I think
jagex should have mandatory rsgfs for those of us who have difficulty finding rs gfs
this would save the game more i think
jagex should put blueberry jam on a bread roll for me so i dont have to get up off the couch to do it myself
ill be ur rsgf
are you being serious right now whats your rsn ill add you
im saving my rscherry for d333cay sorry
i have to do kq for diary but i died badly last time i tried so im scared
do you want me to help you im very strong
did you use the safespot or the flinchspot
u buggin haha
i think i have to do it by myself and i dont think i used any spots i should watch more videos this time but anyway check this out
gz ilysm
are you wearing your kebos blessing while fishing those
>>483393513 ty illyy

>>483393594 yeas
i'm a f2p rs3 uim
i should sleep but i want to see something in 40m so i guess i'll fish some anglers
get out
whats happening in 40m
the lovely chuu is releasing a song
im lovely but my names not chuu
i am racist to a point
snow bunny moment
im fishing. in runescape
me too bestie
me three wow we are like the power puff girls of fishing
im bubbles i think
my toon looks liek blossom
great that makes me buttercup....
my toon does look like buttercup but like irl i just feel like more of a bubbles. personally
Im more like the double dee of the group
as for me im a rowdy rough boy of runescape
who invited the dweeb
more like the double D of the group haha can you even see your shoes jk you know we love u
kevin the type of guy to trick you into pulling wildy lever
omg he’s even dressed as the lever
kevin culdesac more like kevin bell
Jimmy showed up with an infernal cape one day and everyone refuses to call him out on it
If this thread was a PPG character it would be Him, no question
but isnt Him the devil
well the thread isnt one character theres several of us here and as we established earlier i am bubbles
and this blossom is going to bed gn(m) osg
okay gnmnbm i love you sleep well
it was good morning night and then some keysmash after that
keep zoning out x.x
anchovy toast tuesday?
hmm i will not be participating in that but i hope that you enjoy
suit yourselves
personally its anon blanket burrito tuesday morning i wrap myself up then i snooze and i snooze
i learned to cook from chef john from food wishes does anyone want to be my rsgf
hmm no that doesnt really impress me because im 99 cooking
if yo uwant me to be your rsgf youd better learn about food fishes
it's okay I am the same way :> sometimes when I need to cool down between runs i sit in the waiting room thingy and lookup other people who enter and exit and judge them based off of thier normal gauntlet to CG ratio and also giggle at the hardcore ironsissies that only do normal gauntlets.
99 cooking does impress me because you're not a f2p uim
that don't impressah me much
sins of the father sequel when?

its only quest line i didnt space bar through
idk they havent mentioned anything about penance of the mother
im a f2p uim actually so youre wrong
is an untrimmed slayer cape a flex? yes or no be honest.
not really anyone can get it with fun weapons
no im not paying enough attention to what other people are doing to notice your cape
all of my skill capes are untrimmed
rsmv brrrr its cold in here something something atmosphere
the only untrimmed thing i care about is d333cays bush lol
smells like anchovies on toast >>483400661
making bread with her yeast and spreading her anchovy slime in the toast
what about d333cays nice untrimmed woodcutting cape
is it still untrimmed you seem like the type that would be too lazy to keep a cape untrimmed
yes it is indeed untrimmed i went and died on purpose and kept it in the death box but i was too lazy to go and get it back until last week when i died on accident
bondies complained so much they made the new amulet untradable unless you have 80 crafting and you have to buy a torture to combine it with
reading comprehension is a very important skill and you dont have any
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Would you ever buy an OSRS PC?
i would not buy a prebuilt pc because i own a screwdriver
>le build your own PC meme

what is this 2012?
if youll refer to the comments on the website you took this from youll see that its a $700 markup for them to assemble and badly paint this for you
It should need 98 crafting like the torture. faggots have been babied enough with ways to skip all skilling content with shit like being able to pay to get bowfa made to skip smithing and crafting.
>you have to pay more money for people to perform a service for you

just admit you dont know how to screw things together and go
Maybe your grandma thinks youre cool for putting together a PC , but building a PC takes no skill, youre not special.
if it takes no skill why would you pay someone $700 to do it for you
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75 ranged, 75 defense, 74 prayer, 80 hp yeyeye
their osrs pc is kind of a ripoff but the midrange one currently on sale is not that bad, i estimated the cost of the components and it ended up being higher if you assembled them yourself
i dont know, perhaps for other reasons you would pay for services you dont want to do yourself, convenience maybe?
it's literally osg
unless you make at least $700/hr it's more ehp to build the computer yourself
i am not impressed
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hdos is giga cringe
yeah it is
anyone that installs an hd plugin or hdos should have the account automatically ported to rs3
nah its based
it is not based you take that back
yeah based on rs3
heey guise

anyone wanna do some graardoor with me? got it for my slayer task. my stats are 82atk 97str 1def 55pray 99 range 99 mage 99 hp
i prefer 117hd rather than HDOS, because the animations on HDOS are absolute trash holy cow.
hdos is fun but i don't actually play the game with it
sorry i cant do graador with you i am an iron woman also why are you doing graador on a pure should you go do some pvp with your pvp build
hell nah
if you're gunna do slayer then do wildy slayer?!?!?
are you going to tell us again how you did wildy slayer thats such an interesting story
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didnt even break a sweat (i lost over a mil in deaths)
another oda L died on his hcim
it's fun to do different stuff sometimes, all i used to do on this acc was pk but recently ive been tryna do pvm, it makes it more interesting being 1def imo. just did dt2 and sote, next goal is getting 99 str thru slayer and then infernal and soulreaper before i go pk again. ig i just like having yo work out my own ways of doing stuff instead of just like follow the guide all the time
pures seem to like toa for some reason and you have the atk for fang go do that itd be less miserable than graador
oh yea ive been doing toa! it's fun and actually pretty easy on 1 def

i mean graardoor is fine on 1 def i have 20kc already, just wondering if anyone wanted to duo or whatever
how hard is toa what stats do i need for it is base 75 enough
based 75s is fine for low invo you could definitely do 150s+
good to know i just need to train range and mage a little
dinosisters keep winning
omg I just wanted an elite clussy
Any plugin to highlight animation ID's to make the tells of bosses easier to see?
u can use radius markers or better npc highlight if the boss changes its id or uses a specific id for a projectile. what boss were u planning on using this tho?
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if you can't pull a hot rsgirl at w301 ge you are certainly not going to pull one at barbarian assault
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>sweaty maxcape spunkthrongler steals my crystal impling
they should bring back gnomecopters
ive never seen such a reddit post
how come
not the gnomecopter post thats a 4chan post but calling someone a sweaty maxcape spunkthrongler
sounds like something a non-max lavacape spunkthumbler would say
Do I have to do anything special to get the teeth half of the crystal key? I'm a new Ironman and been grinding for keys to open the chest for the first time and I've gotten 7 loop halves so far but none of the other

Also what's the best way to farm them? From the wiki it seems Goroks or Magpie implings are the quickest, which is what I've been doing on and off
you did talk to the fairy queen right
Check the wiki.
why does blud need keys so bad. opening chests?
I believe so, at least after the quest

I did, and I don't seem to be missing anything, just bad luck I guess. But figure I'd ask since the wiki can be wrong and the game has a bunch of wonk

I want my first dragonstone and the falador diary
you have to talk to the keymaster in taverley dungeon
it is like shield of arrav you get either loop halves or tooth halves
this thread was one of the worst
Hello, can some please name THREE (3) methods for leveling Prayer?

Thank you.
you can gain some prayer xp doing shades of morton
Bury bones
Use bones on alter
Ectofungus daily
>I've gotten 7 loop halves so far but none of the other
that's really unlucky
varlamore bone shards
genie lamps
its ectofuntus not fungus
mandela effect shes just from the universe where it was ectofungus
it's eco fungus actually
Duke Succ's poison blob attack. It's not really a necessity, just something to make the fight more brain-dead so I can farm it on the side.
how is duke too hard for lil bro
it took me like 7 or 8 tries during the quest on release
im too lazy to make the next thread

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