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This is the Friday Night Funkin' General.
Discuss the game, fan-made creations, & series that have crossed over with Friday Night Funkin':
>Spooky Month
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Week #2579 - She Believes In You Edition

>Pit Stop Update has released
>Funkin Crew's most recent blog post
>Ninjamuffin & PA did an AMA on /funkg/
>Phantom Arcade's stream summaries

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Last Week: >>483196651
hey gays
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I love Senpai
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BF gets femdommed
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Garrett (RIP)
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i think it was confirmed that he is the top
now Pico on the other hand , i feel that no matter who he ends up with the two will always battle for dominance until they both sleep of exhaustion without doing anything
Here’s to another COMFY Thread, /funkg/!
they don't actually look like this btw
nta yeah they look far uglier
>anon discovers that grass is green
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Arrow Funk GF
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Watched that new soft shit out of boredom
Holy artstyle clash batman
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why are you doing this
doing what
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This is Ryann2005 btw
I'd rather you not accuse me of being that cretin.
i can see but who is Emily?
just found the worst fangirl oc of all time
>crush on dan vs
kinda based
I had a dream about this general being some kind of secret garden, should I kill myself?
why did this song make anons grind their teeth and blow smoke out of their ears in anger?
a rappets sml mod would be funny
it didn't
it was just meh and over all shit and the name itself could have been the toy board instead,
it's just feels like "wow look we did the thing! are you happy?" it's just another forgettable mod not just this but rappets as a whole
>it didn't
but it did, it was the start of the whole desucrew hate
you saw this place as the fake eden of FNF it is
people always hated them anon
I don't know why nor care especially cuz I heard they are more or less dead because no one is making shit but it's the truth
Vs Scrapper V2 when
>people always hated them anon
No they didn't people didn't hate them until the whole "Desujew" Stuff
i'm not him and i'm not even sure where you got the idea from, basically i think you're an idiot
i meant like the desujew shit appeared before the rappets shit
It was first said because of rappets /v/ https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/444197131/#444242170
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not really
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Oh my fuck.
Doxxie will appear in panzus next original mod and she will be 30 years old after being released from prison
Holy fuck
Even after 3 years you guys are still talking about the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE
Shut the fuck up
I only wish you could.
Doxxie isn't real
Make me
it's just a buzzword, ignore
the main focus of the post is doxxie though
when was she arrested
In this, at the very end https://youtu.be/eWA0AI3mQd She was also revealed to be Arch in this video
Fucked up the link https://youtu.be/eWA0AI3mQdg
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the idea of Pico having a part time job helping the bots sort the Newgrounds files is adorable
was it intentional? i mean not only does it look like Ifu but it also says Legacy
Shut up PLEASE.
He just wants to share stuff about Pico bro
i can't say something is adorable now?
Yes. It couldn't be a coincidence.
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nothing at all of interest to show huh? weekend one didn't last shit, then again how could it when it wasn't all that from the first place
KILL fakerskyanon
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Nostalgia Critic
I want to go back to 2021
tbf that's because of the leaks, if it was new content the reception would be better
>soft goku
What would other shonen characters be like in that universe?
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Damm I wouldn't even fuck that ugly ass dog
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kys softnigger
that annoying orange aethos song is (unsurprisingly) pretty bad. the melodies are better than actual aethos at least, and the chromatics sound nice in the way theyre used, but the song as a whole is just a big buildup to… nothing, the climax (which im guessing is SUPPOSED to be the last 20 seconds) has no actual payoff, its just the same thing as the rest of the song but in a different key and because of that the song feels like it ends abruptly. it really IS just a knockoff astral projection.
also whoever on twitter said the lyrics didnt rhyme was right, the singing part just sounds pointless
i found this post
also I just say it's truly beautiful to see the community shit on soft
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Friend inside me
I am Ice Palace, Chapter 5!
that pico sounds so gay
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oh yeah,long live tracie, death to soft mod
this shit fucking sucks man
You will never be a real theory. You have no charisma. You have no originality. You have nothing special. You are an unfunny meme poisoned by irony into a crude mockery of schizo's perfection.

All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your theorizer is disgusted and dissapointed at you. Your "fans" laugh at your unfunny words behind closed doors.

Everyone is repulsed at you. Decades of internet evolution has allowed people to detect disingenous theories at first glance. Even tranny fanchapters that "passes" look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your grayish colors are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a professional to do shit for you, he'll turn bolt and run the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected plastic skin.

You will never be special. You keep telling yourself there's a "friend inside me", but deep down you feel the depression crawling like a spider, ready to bite you into unimaginable pain.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - your creator will be exposed for shagging a dog, making everyone drop everything they worked surrounding you, leading you into the void of abandoned fan theories. Your original creators will find you, happy that they will no longer have toddlers thinking of trannyshit when they see their toys. Your body will decay until there's no trace of you, and all that will remain is shitty fantracks that retarded kids had to create.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
that's not soft mod dumbass
i didn't say it was good I said it was found
for what?
Any decent songs from that new soft mod?
you're a faggot for expecting something decent from the faggy mod
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We have truly lost David Brown forever
what happened
the moms last song and the first 2 christmas songs were pretty
>Nothing but him posting a joke from Smiling Friends in response to a video
You lot love to overreact over nothing
...because he used a clip from smiling friends?
I don't blame him, dramafags on twitter constantly react like this
but Anons, that means he finds it offensive, he has clearly been infected by WOKEster and TRANNuky!
so? he's still around a bunch of newgrounds cavemen + oney for most.of his life he'll be fine.
I honestly doubt he gives a shit and just wanted to post that clip
he's just referencing the clip from the show take the stick out your ass
whatever you say, you won't be laughing when the rapture strikes the funkin crew and newgrounds as a whole...
pretty sure he just couldn't resist the opportunity to post a joke from a show way funnier than his game
yeah i'll be rapping against it
bo pee bo
Wokester is funny as shit I should start calling him that
For shutting the picotard up dimwit
Just reminds me of the anon who dreamt about everyone heading to the Newgrounds HQ and Tom Fulp being shot and killed
retard he didn't really do anything other than complain about an innocent post
Is Pico ruined here or something?
I mean it when i say that the both nghaters and ngautists are on the same level of annoying and insufferable
It's just a website calm the fuck down
If anyone walked into that place with bad intentions, Jeff would show up and beat the entire horde
you stupid nigger!
Why don't you just ignore them
>ruining something that's already shit
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You guys post more about the shit you hate rather than the shit that you like, do you all have stockholm syndrome or something?
he would probably have doom inspired bulky weapons too
Gonna make AI voice models from these Soft mod dialogues.
fnf people are very pessimistic

honestly we need some optimism in the fandom
that's just twitterfags
we had 3 mods release yesterday and none of them were good.
hopefags get the rope
Don't you think it's annoying to see people complaining and making drama about things that no one cares about?
I don't like positivity
I just want picofags to hang themselves is that so much to ask?
why do you hate them so much anyway?
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Some tard being too autistic shouldn't stop you from thinking anything is neat, you're just as much as a tard if you think that. Anyway post fanart.
>What kind?
The series listed in OP? Any of those + Funkin.
Autistic petty little bitches
post mods nobody remembers
many fans of different characters are like that
No fucking duh
so why the Pico ones specifically?
imSure hes one of those fags who do a thousand mental gymnastics to say that pico is not connected with fnff
Just cause
no that's completely different and we are not opening that shit again, it doesn't matter if he is connected or not both suck ass
Alright? Good
Suck a dick btw fag
hey guys
I assume the update is long dead
Do you have the link to the song
How does it feel knowing your creator abandoned you for better and more successful projects
yea here it is
your weekend story will end up with you dying buddy, make sure you spend your last days wisely pal
Why is he singing with Lois when it should be Cleveland
Fulp never made anything on NG more successful than Pico
>what is castle crashers
no clue the cover maker did it that way
>he created picos day because pico popularity was dying
good morning funkg whats happenin today
that's not the song anon was referencing
nothing much
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>they gave pizza ya san to a fucking self-insert
They what...
cathode raybots and drop canon are more fun games
nightmarecops is not linked to the behemoth but rather directly to newgrounds...yes the fucking huge indie game is technically going to be a newgrounds game
that's jeff
in NG he means
no he created pico day to celebrate newgrounds but was planning to rename it to newgrounds day when pico's popularity dwindled
hit single is now about Lord Jew and his seven Gazardians!
Ao Oni? Mortal Kombat? Yume Nikki? Metal Gear? Pizza Ya San? All songs are for those transcore recolors!
>drop canon
if ppf doesn't make an appearance in base game then the bitch from that game will
gotta wank fulp at any chance is the davey boy law
the what
Punch Punch Forever, anon.
looks boring, but the girl is hot
man, joe really wanted/wants fnf to be the primary source for lord x content didnt he
there was a ludicrous and frankly unfair amount of lord x songs planned for vs exe involving elements of the β€œLore” that hadnt so much as been mentioned outside of their planned existence in the mod
i know he’s never going to make the lord x game but honestly this is just pathetic when you think about it
in drop canon? yeah. same va as mm and nene btw.
ppf will never be the next big thing out of ng
hey sling, wanna play with my dingaling
i hate to break to you but it already is
Hit single will obtain 8 more lord x songs in the next 4 years and they won't actually be lord x songs they will be aliens and creatures that look and act like him
what was churgney thinking with joyous
Oh to top it off, they still won't top trichael
I am 100% sure that this man is somewhat related to the dearest family
>aliens and creatures that look and act like him
i never understood what the fuck was up with that, joyous stood on its own as just a cool song that was a parallel to trichael in which lord x will continue existing even if it means killing joe, but for some reason it had to be a tjoc reference?? even though that arguably makes the story being told worse??
so retarded
I was laughing my ass off at Silly billy when he started singing like a homosexual
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didn't knew she was the same
could be mommy mearest's ex

or D.D.'s father

who knows
has there ever been a henchmen fangirl? Or even a DD fangirl?
It is now
hit single wishes it had the amount this guy had in a single song
There was newfriend
peter respects cleveland and he would never call him a nigger. and he does not respect lois
>Carlos was the true hit single
no thanks
sworry i joined in late 2022 i didn't had the time to learn about the billion throwaway ocs this general has made >:(
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>henchfan is forgotten
sad... she was cute
>He doesn't know about Henchfan or the DD fanboy
Why don't newfags lurk anymore? Get to it if you want to know everything
there was both a fangirl and a fanboy for both respectively
They’re very distant cousins
>She even makes little bleep bloop sounds when she speaks
new generation of anons
Kill yourself
shiggy niggy (silly billy but mac tonight and moon man sing it)
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he looks very zesty ion know what to tell you bud
Why even ask if you don't even care to look it up yourself
you are right my bad, i'll ask someone to draw some interaction art with them both to make it up for my mistakes
>you are right my bad, i'll ask someone to draw some inter-
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is there anything more wholesome than a little boy and a tall girl?
why did you say it like that.
a marriage of tall demons who try to make the little boy's life a nightmare
who is ion?
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its true though
boyfriend is a little boy nearly everyone is taller than him and girlfriend is his tall queen who he fights valiantly for
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No literally searching henchman fangirl instantly gives you stuff from 2021 same goes for the dd fanboy you're just making yourself look retarded
>i'll ask someone to draw some interaction art with them both
Be my fucking guest anon
what does hit single have to do with this
Is no party good or at least decent?
I think both versions of it are neat
i think its one of the better mm songs
top 5 imo which is surprising considering it shares a world with paranoia (garbage) and overdue (garbage)
it's one of the best songs in the mod
>has more views than no hope
oh thank sweet christ
>Be my fucking guest anon
thanks i'll make sure it's fucking ludokino
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I think I can safely say there's absolutely nothing wrong with female pedophilia in the slightest.
Think about it for a moment, please. When you picture a male pedophile, what comes to mind? A violent, sex-crazed beast intent on ruining a little girl for his own selfish pleasure. This stereotype doesn't exist the same for female pedophiles, because not only are women generally the more compassionate sex, the power dynamics between men and women are completely different. With male pedophiles, it's all in self-interest. Males generally get more out of sex, as its uncommon for women to orgasm during penetrative sex. For female pedophiles, it's much more selfless rather than selfish. You see how so many men get thirsty whenever a girl gets exposed as a cougar who likes them young? A woman decided to gift that special young boy the joy of sex, and within every male mind no matter the age, the thought of copulating with the opposite sex is a constant. Most young boys who've had sex at younger ages don't regret it while most young girls do regret it.
The word penetration also marks a key difference between the two. It's a horrible word in the context of a male pedophile, he's ignoring her well-being for his own sick, selfish desire. He can seriously hurt her, but he doesn't care, as long as he gets his orgasm. With female pedophiles, it's much less so, because there's very little risk of pain during intercourse. The boy penetrating is small, so it's unlikely the woman will even feel it. This also wraps back around to it being a selfless act - she's doing it for him, rather than for her own pleasure.
So, let Girlfriend enjoy her little blue-haired shota boyfriend. She's earned it, and she'll take very good care of him. He raps his heart out for her, standing up against so many people who want to split them apart, and she reciprocates the feeling in earnest. They truly are made for eachother, even if her mom and dad don't think so.
>what comes to mind?
a /v/ poster
You actually wrote all of this
This is a good copypasta
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master of yapping just for lusting over teenagers
didn't you marry chi-chi when she was like 15 goku?
is this an old copypasta im too NEW to recognize or did you genuinely sit here and type this out, giving birth to a new one
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i dunno man i thought that sonic rush thingy was pretty cool
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What has been the most recent game /funkg/ has played, that ISN'T FNF.
hi kevin
Jackie Chan
Black Souls
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does anyone know what software does sock.clip uses to draw?
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Meat Boy, I've been on a mission to get all achievements recently, if you're curious, it's not going well in the slightest.
clip studio paint
rogue soul 2
kirby super star
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Do you think they gave their daughter unsupervised internet access?
you joke but
any specific brushes she used?
swords and souls: neverseen
we need more funkg exclusive porn funkgbros..
Postal 2
minecraft with my friends
the new update is pretty good
think he meant the big sis from ppf
nta but meh it's one of the recent popular ones but it ain't the next big thing by any chance, not unless it reaches fnf's peak or gets a similar reaction
hotline Miami no not the ritual poster
of fucking course, why do you think her brain is constantly fried?
>think he meant the big sis from ppf
no i'm talking about the young protagonist
don't know, sorry
you can ask her on newgrounds
the Big Catch demo
real good shit
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Try to name a song that got butchered harder than his,
Nier Replicant
Pic rel, dr robotnik ring racers is the most asinine and tone deaf game i ever played, it makes fnf modders look receptive to feedback by comparision
give me the tl;dr
i've heard it be compared to post-shift 2 (a fnaf fangame with like 100 different instructions to read) but thats about it
It’s better to just find the brushes that work for you.
imagine f-zero but you kill yourself by going fast
like, on the spot?
because if so that sounds antithetical to a racing game, you already have to put in a lot of work in to keep your speed in racing games by not crashing
>Trannies made a hostile takeover the games development
>Made the game a overcomplicated and bloated mess for the LE DEPTH meme (tutorial is infamous for lasting an entire hour and never teaching you properly)
>Inmediately people told kart krew the game's shit
>Absolute meltdown that ultimately concluded into a pair of bandaid patches
>Me, My New Extra Terrestrial Friend, The Mech owned by the guy were gonna beat the shit out of
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no it's like your main mechanic of going fast can get you into debt and the slightest hint of using rings kills you, which kind of sucks when the ai is cracked to shit and there a bunch of mechanics like a bubble shield rebound and a fuck ton of items which makes the game a unfun sensory overload
It's more so that using rings makes you go in debt, which is you so much touch someone without them you'll spin out, combine this with utterly demential AI that rubberbands to shit and maps that make SNES rainbow road a walk in the park and you have just a clusterfuck
is this old? looks good, it's a good thing Pico befriended the little guy, hominid destroyed far bigger shit but Pico doesn't have anything fancy like him
Wanna see my pencil?
>is this old?
It's from 2021.
nufurnace snippet
Can someone explain to me what the fuck after midnight is supposed to be based on.
I'm not even sure but its supposedly related to ourple
but not slop
shocking i know
Why does furnace have a weekend
Cause weekends are the new hip thing introduced by base game
>but the first one suck-
I think you would all know by now that this community could not give two shits when it comes to quality
Tomodachi Life?
>>but the first one suck-
it doesn't though?
2hot and Darnell Sucks, Lit-up is ok, and only Blazin is good
i personally thought it was neat but weak too, but thats the general sentiment regarding weekend 1 anon
i prefer the upcoming weekend culture to β€œshove a shit ton of slop in freeplay” culture, its a slow but sure return to form
the one that Jeff keeps streaming
yeah, it's always weird how there were mods where the titular main content was the weakest part
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>listening to hit single schizo neo instrumental knowing he could’ve lived had i not become such an asshole
it’s a feeling i can’t really describe
who are you
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don't feel bad anon you did a great service for the rest of us
fuck you mean β€œwho are you”, newshitter
>listening to kevinteenbucks
>a spider crawled on the lamp
>it danced to the beat
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Brandon posting
thank you for your service
Idk who you are
I mean it would be easier for the both of us if you just told me who you were
im not against the song itself, but the concept of giving furnace a weekend seems dumb
Because Pico weeks are called weekends
no you're not
Is Pico gonna beat go toe-to-toe with Furnace?
Seems redundant to have another week with two characters switched only to have the same outcome of the main week
Alright I’m not and your not retarded and I’m not being sarcastic no nooo :)
are you the one posting this nigga in trash?
You’re not me, you fucking nigger.
I thought it was alright, but I prefer furnace whitty since I thought it looked cooler
redial needs the clout that furnace is giving him so he's bloating the mod
to see Nene naked of course!
jokes aside it's just the new thing since the base game did it, people want to make Pico songs now and hell they already experimented with it before
>to see nene naked
well when you put it that way
I just hope they give her a good pose, like covering her boobs with her knife while looking deceptively at the camera
Faggot LARP alert
i was mostly joking but it does feel logical to happen
then you shouldn’t have whitan
shut up pajeet
Do any of you guys listen to a song and think "I wish I was listening to this other song instead"?
That's how I feel with Silly Billy and Subterfuge, Silly Billy is just a worse version of that song
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boygfriend (the sprites are kinda fucked but i planned on fixing them later)
>the concept of giving furnace a weekend seems dumb
This but unironicaly
That's why I'll be making an audio series called Walk of Meltdown, featuring Furntec and 1940 F, and in said series the duo will have rap battles against other iconic furnacebrews such as Magnus, 120Β°CB and MetalHot
>heart instead of balls
he looks like he takes it like a slut
why do the miss poses reek of weebshit
2016 Tumblr, they want their tranny artstyle back
troon design
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As redundant as it is I'd rather the furnace pico weekend just be the original Cherno concept
can a schizo from /exeg/ decode this for me and tell me what specific characters and mod this is referring to
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i dunno about that LOL heres his icons too why not
Mushroom fusion kingdom
are you a masochist
but isnt that what funk pak is doing
Came back for the attention
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i like these significantly more color-wise than the ones you posted for the opponent but i still think they'd probably look better with only one color (with an exception for the mouth, i feel like that needs the different colors as pure black or white would probably look weird)
? no i just like posting my art this isnt about attention i like posting my funkin shit. i dont do this for attention man its a genuine "i like posting stuff to funkg" thing
twink ass faggot getting head
nta in case it wasn't obvious, most here don't like you nor want to see your shit, it's fine since you are not the only one
i am not even trying to be mean but it's obvious that this place isn't really suitable, why not share your stuff in other corners like xitter or some discord sever? i am sure people there would appreciate you more and actually give more critic
I've been playing funger 2 a lot recently and it makes me wanna draw a moonscorched bf
i appreciate the criticism, im a big fan of multi-color icons because its a personal thing, but i can probably play around with colors to see what it works. i have icons for gf as well, which follow the same style
it's just a copy from this
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alright, but if you're to keep it multi-colored i recommend making the skin and hair the same color with the hat being a different one. it keeps consistency with the other icon being 2 colors (red and brown, if i remember correctly) as well as just being more pleasing in my opinion
women LOVE getting degraded and insulted
LOL there's no real women in funkg
>b-but m1n
you know that is a lie
He looks a lot more cartoony and humanlike
you will never fit in
Hi fluxwaffle
gotcha. either way, im just making my shit and having fun w it, not out to please too many people really
its either i post my mod stuff or im a drawfag on here so i guess it depends on the day
i feel like thats one of the best approaches to modding, more power to you i guess
Hi rxdial
You will never be a real modfag. You have no history, you have no charm, you have no skills. You are a drugged child twisted by the alphabet cult into a crude mockery of funkan's perfection.

All the "support" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people dunk you. Your parents are ashamed and disgusted of you, your, "team members" laugh at your uncanny appearance behind closed doors.

Modfags are utterly repusled of you. Decades of human evolution have allowed modders to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even newfags who "fit in" look uncanny and unnatural to a modfag. Your hand-structure is a dead-giveaway. And even if you manage to get an oblivious talented artist in your team, he'll turn bolt and block you the second he gets a whiff of your disgusting, abhorrent hedor.

You'll never have talent. You scribble shitty doodles and interaction art every single morning and tell yourself it's gonna be ok, but deep inside you feel the rejection crawling down your spine, ready to take over your feelings.

Eventually it'll be too much to handle - you'll post a dot poll on twitter, grab a knife, and stab it right into your throat, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birthname, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a retarded child is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is shitty FOTM music that will unmistakably forgotten after your parents die.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
nta you can make whatever you want but if you want to share it, why here of all places when it's clear that it doesn't match well? why not make your own space on xitter or what have you and go there instead? would be genuinely more productive
Hi ninjamuffin99
people on twt arent the biggest fan of me after everything happened w the hifidemise shit. i usually lurk here but sometimes i just like to post my shit. it doesnt really hurt to show something new yknow? i try to have a positive outlook on shit here
>why here of all places when it's clear that it doesn't match well
you niggers are never happy with the modfags you have here
Is this the part where we accuse you of being random namefags?
Hi bbpanzu
i think you're the first person i've seen that thirsts/thirsted for lectro
Hi Keeby
positive outlooks doesn't really work here of all places to be brutally honest with you anon(even liked modders get tons of shit flung at them from here), using this place as some kind of sanctuary is genuinely a bad idea that happened multiple times before and didn't end well for anyone, besides fuck did you do?
not trying to be an ass, but i am not going to lie and say i like something i don't when i see it, be it this modder or another
Hi lectroanon
i am big lectro fan
>stands on his toes when up posing
Hi cupcakeanon
>even xitter doesn't want the troon
biiiig big tldr, but a bunch of people accused me of a bunch of heinous shit, saying i was "worse than aetherdx", got my info doxxed, and when i finally debunked it all with actual proof people just didnt care. so im just doin what i can now
shit sucks
it's cupcakeTROON, ya dingus
Hi namefag
that's kinda sad to be honest(and explains a thing or two)
but I still think making a small discord server with the people who actually care about you and your work would be a ton more productive than posting them here anon, sure not all hate your shit but come on this feels incredibly clunky and shit
maybe tumblr would work, that place is calmer than xitter right?
truly the perfect place to ERP and let the project to rot for months
now where do i have heard this before
eh, ill consider my options. but i do like it here, whether people dont like my shit or not, so ill probably lurk here and there and drop my opinions/drawfag shit if i feel like it
>drawfag shit
you taking requests would have a 50/50 chance of getting you shit on more or having anons warm up
worked with jasper on /exeg/ until things came crashing down
>Hit Single Real: Tropical (Ft. @Ironik0422, @duccly, @spacenautics, @honkish)
here's your rockette progress that one anon in the chatango
Yeh, I haven't drawn anything about Brandon yet (creative block)
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that bf voice is ass bro
>pollute a community to the brink of no return with 90% of mods being an unoriginal copy of what came before it
>"wtf why dont people like our humble little community?"
i sure do wonder
i really don't understand why you would like it here at all
but suit yourself i guess, but please do tone it down a bit will ya? again sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but i think acting a bit less...like you do in a place that clearly dislike you would be a bit of a better strategy in general, like don't expect to be showered with hugs at all("refugees" can be annoying especially when they stay), ya dig what i am trying to say? expect to be hated
its a placeholder, im trying to make a new one that doesn't sound as annoying
most of the requests are from from the same fag
isnt he banned right now?
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oh hi nyarla
hope so but he’s not the only one that does it.
is senpai still racist in this au or is now into BBC
Does 2017X have a penis?
He used to, but they had to cut it out because he kept shagging dogs. Now he's a powerful, independent trans wominx that puts kids with cancer in xer game to save their life
he's mad at soft bf because he broke grace's heart and wants to crush softie in a rap battle
about racism? he hasn't seen any blacks
this ones gonna bring in a new wave of self inserters
Sounds very pretty, glad she's getting something this cool
Who? (Literally)
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>they gave pizza ya san to a fucking self-insert
no we didn't shut up.
We oughta put that one on priority again at somepoint we did a whole sven co-op session of both parts so long ago.
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you got that right
same goes for skyverse community, but instead of polluting the fnf community with thier shitty revival mods, they polluting with their unoriginal and boring variants/clones, redesigns and flanderize the original Sky 3 times, and brainwash almost everyone on the community by thinking that Skyblue is not an shitty oversexualized version of Sky.

if it wasnt for Skyverse and character being owned by annoying people, Sky at least could be beloved by everyone and appear as a cameo in mods like back then and not being satanized and hated like nowdays
snarky comments doesn't hide the fact that you will never be a woman, faggot
That looks good but you gotta remove that choker it looks shit
fuck is pizza ya san?
thanks again, I knew deep inside I was a man, I'm happy you accept me
they already are a woman you retard
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woa i had no idea this guy had a few more songs
Requesting someone draw this with Lane (on model or off model idc)
There needs to be an epilogue where these two have kids and live a happy life together while BF and Pico die of aids and get forgotten
wow okay
she's a woman by default judging from the comment, im not sure if that works. do you mean she will never be a man?
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You forgot your image
Incredible, they somehow made the straight man even more of a faggot than the protagonist
And to top it off, they tainted lagtrain, god I hate soft
Yes, they will never be a real man.
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nta are you trolling? or are you actually one of the named assholes who keep showing up here
Give me another (You), tranny
Provoker was always shit
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your fetish is garbage
kys tranny
what fetish you talking
And in said epilogue, Chudnell will set his corpses on fire while he makes out with nene
well can you stop it, it's getting a bit annoying
just stop replying to these fuckers and giving attention
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Can someone draw boyfriend in this pose saying thus
being β€œtrans”
i just can't tell if it's actually some weird asshole from that bunker or just a random troll who went to that place and shared some shit for fun but you are right
Looks more like something pico would say.
so a fetish?
for the love of god anything funkin instead of chatango assholes being retarded to talk about?
>Soft releases
>Threads become worse
i felt weirded out by sonic saying that until i remembered the sonic x jap version
No boyfriend's sonic pico is knuckles anon.
I mean if you want to call it that during hot steamy sex then go ahead
nta no Pico is his own thing, if Tom described him as the mario of newgrounds he wont just be the knuckles to some retard
at least make him shadow
But anon shadow is worse then knuckles.
purge sonicfags outta here
making a bumper for a week in my mod
it would be funny if there were official funkin puzzles for the stupid kids
>shadow is worse then knuckles
who was the one BTFO'd by a human in his own series?
didn't think so
Wouldn't Tankman be the Mario? Wouldn't that make Pico Sonic?
damn at least take me out to dinner first
bumpers can be way shorter than 40 seconds yknow
he is cooler than sonic and i am tired of pretending he ain't
oh yeah he later said that he changed it for tankman is mario and pico is that ancient kid they used to rep the fanboys of nintendo
true... this is a video that plays on loop though on the week selection screen until you press play
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Lanefag contain your lust please
anon for all we know this could be some random shmuck on a Ferris wheel who shared some shit they thought neat from the bunker after visiting it once and is trolling you like that out of boredom
I am not Lanefag. I do not have masterful photoshop skills
Yea no shit sonic.exe mods took over the fanbase and once sonic autism takes over you always lose.
>It's the year 2030. The funkin crew has managed to release the full game, but at the cost of giving mutilated creatures 10 weeks. Unfortunately, they were turned into these creatures in the process, with Jeff being the only survivor. Other Newgrounders have also fallen into their hands, even Tom Fulp himself has turned into a woman against her will.
>On another hand, Sonic Legacy 2 was cancelled after Revie was found dead in his house, with his body hanging from the ceiling. His soul was sacrificed for the Ultimate Refsheet, a creature who was merged with Churgney Gurgney that purged over 40% of humanity, with JoeDoughBoi being the leader of this disgusting massacre.
>Now, survivors of both teams must unite forces to defeat the true evil masterminds: Cupcaker and Nyarla
it's not that funny really
was just a random thing I pulled from my ass
fnf fans will never be aryans
Because Aryans always fail good point anon.
I think I can safely say there's absolutely nothing wrong with this image, Boyfriend is so cute!
Go outside please
shut up Cassandra
Not!Sling released a too-good-to-be-slingmingo song
What if Slingmingo was in the Base Game?
thats what people said with aethos before
wouldn't she like Pico?
>throwaway ocs
is a buzzword only newfags that want to be jannies use
in this universe, she became obsessed with Boyfriend after resurrecting
so true my /funkg/ sista, i can't wait for Agate and Quam's mods to release in 2026
remember where we are
are you fucking retarded
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nothing beats Pico and Cass except maybe Pico and Nene, shit's a classic
But anon nene has herpes
Seething luhmeow
the lyrics are good but the singing is kinda rough
still leaps and bounds better than that annoying orange shit
Meet your mingo mogs this and the rest of slingslop to Oblivion
only contentfags or ocfags sperg out when they see those words
nah Mc and Tom removed that shit a long time ago even before funkin did it for their version of Nene
Pico only has to worry about her psychopathic tendencies
>only contentfags or ocfags
No, every single person in this place consider them buzzwords
you're retarded
can this fucking trend die I'm fucking tired of twitterfags trying to be funny by pretending to be sling. First it was this shit and now it's that shitty annoying orange aethos ripoff. PRETENDING TO BE SLING ISN'T FUNNY YOU'RE JUST BEATING A DEAD HORSE. KILL THIS SHITTY TREND
But I would not expect Senor Taco Paco over here to know basic English.
just make your own mod or play something else or go outside for a walk
stop using twitter you brain dead zoomer
But Anon-Kun, if he does stop using it, he can't make fun of what other kiddies do and talk about it in a mongolian basket forum
and you keep being retarded
I don't use xitter but I see communitygame play these mods and it makes me mad
>And you keep being retarded.
Kirby and the forgotten land
what's that
>watching jewtubers instead of playing mods
it's your fault faggot
>the busty ghost mod got a update
You are learning. I am proud.
Is there a sex week
peopΒ΄le who use this meme are fucking annoying
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Mid thread
That one song making fun of sling posted last night
>made the tits and ass even bigger
hell yeah
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>slap boobs to a ghost
>call it a man
Why are asians like this?
i have to see this
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Didn't you had enough with your last update?
after midnight literally bfos anything that has preceded it that is ourple related
i'm not that guy, and i never say no to a good sexo
just go jack off to Lady Bow instead of this tranny ghost for christ sake
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2024 is the best year of FNF so far
cashmoney and bite are still good
Meh, I say it's more like
2021 > 2024 > 2022 > 2023
Only because the actual game is getting actual updates, without that i'd say its just as garbage as the last year
not even close
furnace takes a shitty
Oh, you're the twitterfag from here who is seemingly obsessed with Friday Night Shootin'
>2024 is the best year of FNF so far
Not really, I'd say it's 2021 and the same reason as >>483323250.
The previous year was horrible because people only paid attention to twitter drama and exe stuff (making outsiders believe that the fnf fandom has an obsession with horror stuff)

tf are you talking about?
absolutely fucking not
It would be funny to see a Mukbang video with him and GD.
I honestly miss them, even if they were utter cringe
hey anybody here can help in drawing a female body?
Last year was the worst, the only reason this year is better is cause base game is getting updated again
Now there are new things to enjoy and the dramafags seem to have disappeared because there were whole weeks without drama
>asking for female anatomy in 4chan of all places
I say it's worse than 2023
Depends on what exactly do you want out of it, if it's Realistic, try looking for photos or anatomy models as references to draw the body, if it's stylized, draw and simplify things while keeping a level of consistency and style, not just stappling curves everywhere
you’d have better luck asking the chatango or dm a contentfag
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use this as a reference
>the composer who likes to experiment produces much better tunes than the ones who like to do the same thing over and over again
if you ignore twitter, yeah
you are better with randomly browsing whatever is on gamebana rather than looking for twittertrannies
post art first
trace/reference porn
i am asking any artist, i have seen some here who can draw impressive shit for funkin
good idea
id rather not
ok...could work? not sure
>just draw what a 15 year old think is an attractive body type
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2023 was absolutely the most barren year in terms of FNF content, both official and mods
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>tf are you talking about?
You can't run and you can't hide.
Holy shit, Eduardo.
No not him I just loved your retort.

i still like the mod tho

that mod and schoolgrounds are my favorite pico mods ever
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help with what exactly
fine i didn't want to say...muscles on a woman
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most drama-tards I know left twitter or fnf in general

People are finally realizing that FNF is not only full of horror stuff

even this place improved since the inteference of the moderators
Look up references of Women muscle mass, to know what parts to emphasize and make more defined, a lot of people make the mistake of simply stappling a random bodybuilder figure, when that's not how it works
>People are finally realizing that FNF is not only full of horror stuff
I've seen outsiders finding the tankman and snoopy song quite charming
>inteference of the moderators
it was because of THAT im assuming
references, got it
bit unrelated, what about creating poses from scratch? like from the head?
i made a simple sketch for a buff lady but I had to use a random manga(i think) drawing from the internet i randomly stumbled upon
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based, shoulda said so earlier
most of what you'll need is a decent to good grasp on anatomy (something like https://files.catbox.moe/0rsgek.png helps a little, but most of your knowledge should come from actual artists, like Jeno Barcsay who has a whole book on /ic/ mega if im right. "Jeno Barcsay - Anatomy for the Artist" is the one that im talking about)
also use refs. multiple ones, or it will look ass. And DON'T reference other people drawings for anatomical details, because you might draw the errors they did too
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make a stick figure first for what pose and angle you want to make, and then draw on top of the stick figure
god she's so pretty and i'm so lonely
A gaggle of chudders up to no good
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>bit unrelated, what about creating poses from scratch? like from the head?
literally just miliage, draw enough and you'll start building a library in your head. Also knowing how to draw the basic "skeleton" can help out with thinking up poses. The specifics are up to you on how detailed or basic this gesture skeleton of yours will be
What kind of Darnells should I put to extend the Darnell collection?
Are you on high on crack?? That was an absolute nothingburger of a year
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Jeffy eat ur green beans
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If I suggest...
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helpful stuff
i made this but i am not too crazy about it, first time to try drawing such a thing (the tits are big because the reference was like that you know how anime is) i really appreciate this by the way
Clicked on this because it was on my recommendations and the character just looked cool in general.
Thoughts on it?
Dear god
no problem
also, do remember that, if unsuported, breasts sag downwards, because gravity
lol noted
>fluxwaffle was tracenigger
grandpa death sounds like shit
I like the samples used for the right nigger but the instrumental is too loud
this is weird in a cool way, i like it
no you're not
2023 was absolutely fucking dead you're absolutely tripping
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Guys, I'm done.
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name their one song
Chud Wars: Chuds of the Galaxy
>that's not a song name
I don't care, I like the idea.
Was it ever known who made this? It's a cool concept, even if it was tropey.
nta but
>fnmom update
>spookys saturday scare
>funk space
>fuck it im counting 17bucks too
off the top of my head. granted, its noticeably post-exe due to the bunch of horror mods, but they were soulful
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I noticed that Neonell was clipping to the left so I fixed it.
>but they were soulful
They were all mediocre
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Why did he do it bros?
Senpai threatened him
Practicing his aim for Pico.
this happened after the shitty weekend
next part of the comic will have Darnell fight DD or something?
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The next part would probably be Darnell fighting the Spirit.
Not a care for the world in that smile
wait second bros...what if pico's side story is him saving chud from dd?
But didn't Dave confirm that DD was watching the trio in WeekEnd 1 the entire time?
Peak FNF
yeah and the comic happens while pico deals with nene and cass in weekend 2 and 3 but the rest is him and nene saving chud after going through multiple assholes stalling them
Should’ve did flip side darnell or pico reskin darnell
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Pre-Chud era was wierd
Wasn't sling supposed to remake favor entirely for AMA
Is that still happening
He wasn’t, but he did admit to spamming gore and raiding a family funeral on zoom during the pandemic
Yeah but the SC that had a snippet of it is gone and lost media
see this is why i don't trust the British "people"
i dont trust gringos
ok you are tasked by fulp to design the weapons for Pico in a massive full ass sequel or spinoff or whatever
what kind of shit would you suggest? as long as it fits
>story of ACKtale stewie
Irony poisoning and it's effects needs to be studied
peak fnf modding

Cancel it
A slingshot that shoots fire pellets
Shark rocket launcher (a rocket launcher that fires sharks)
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these are good starts actually, wacky weapons fit pretty well
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why won't you play with my dingaling
Gruo never released that Sneed cover didn't he?
died 2023
born 2024
welcome back virgin rage
this has no right being as good as it is
What's this
meet your lord but made out of spite
I’d say it’s more like brotherly rivalry than virgin rage, standalone song that’s fairly unique and then gets a billion copycats
Opening the song up with 'You stupid nigger!' was a good choice because I laugh whenever I hear it
this is fucking amazing on so many levels
>its actually a good song
>on top of that its better than anything sling could hope to make
>Hey Sling, wanna play with my dingaling?
my fucking sides
this is advanced shitposting
how the fuck can he be both people
no way he changed hairstyles
>the ending
I don't know why, but I have a feeling this may make Sling leave the FNF community.
Imagine putting in this much effort for a song about sling and his friend that jerks off to fat yoshubs art

what software is used to make them dance like that
it's been almost a month since it was posted
I doubt he gives a flying fuck
>not called sling your ming
I guess nothing can truly be perfect…
it's komsatik or whatever his name is
>almost a month of unnoticed kino
>people are just saying "bump" in the /i/ drawing thread now
Just draw in the thread already
For God's sake, Hamburgelfag was the last person to put effort into posting there. There's no point in bumping the thread for future use if no one's going to bother using it


remember what the moderator said?
quam is getting in komodoanons mod and her song is with darnell
I think the fact that they did his shtick of being a blankfan69 and proceeding to do the most goofiest and funkiest shit instead of something super deep and emotional is the cherry on top of the cake
Finished making that FNF Soft Grace AI voice model. What do you think? Here's a small demo of her.
>thread alive for a year
damn, /i/ really is slow
an otis song for the provoker mod shown and it seems to have cass in it too
like helping otis sing against pico
Talking about how no one will draw in the /i/ thread isn't drama nor are a good chunk of the posts you're replying to
>1 is answering a question
>4 others are talking about a song
I know what mod I'm NOT playing!
Sounds good in isolation (i haven't played or watched soft's update)
What the fuck.
why are you saying it here and not there
I wouldn’t call his posts β€œeffort” considering most of them are shitty edits he spammed here
The voice acting for the Soft mod is.... uh.....
that's not even what he can do....
>1 day ago
What the fuck
>is now in YouTube kids slop videos
he’s truly made it
>>Hey Sling, wanna play with my dingaling?
is that part TTS because there's no way an actual human being said that unironically
>I'm unleashing the dark music of Silly billy that was sealed away for centuries
Oh I can already tell this one is going to get silly billy autists mad
I remember watching Ssundee's videos when I was in like middle school. ahhh what a good life wasted
They better show Soft Darnell calling Ben a "gay ass nigga"
im positive it is
ive never seen modded among us before so excuse me if this is the standard for what its like but wow that spritework is actually really cool
that single sentence is unironically more compelling than the canon lore
i fucking hate this shit so much
like among us has mods that can fucking rival the funny funkin game and even exceed it yet it's mostly about retarded shit and causes videos like these
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Behold! My greatest creation!
nigga think he Reverse-Flash
why would you make him fuckable
he looks like he fucks human women
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>>I'm unleashing the dark music of Silly billy that was sealed away for centuries
How does a now-YTkids slop maker have better lore for him than what the rest of the FNF community could ever make?
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gay ass motherfucker
He looks like a wordgirl villain
Oh my fucking god, he's so hot...
>Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me, Lectro. I jerked you off at super speed to make it seem like you nutted to just a women’s touch.
he reminds me of a humanized sonic design I saw years ago
>Remember that time when you were around Valerie, and you almost jizzed right on her ass? It was me, lectro. I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it seemed like you nutted just at a woman's backsides presence.
hes not

you are just horny
nuh uh!
i'm not sorry btw
Is he capable of traveling through time
This is important
Why is he Lectro's rival he looks like a normal guy with yellow skin
how do him and blake interact
who would be the Thomas Wayne of /funkg/?
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it’s funny to think that zap was just some guy who decided that lectro was going to be his rival. lectro does not even know who he is.
Yeah, that's canon.
I too love vs. light grey square.exe
wait what the fuck was that did you guys saw it
Hfa will bribe Garbo to put agate in the lullaby revival and she will stand in for gf in the revamped grey/shinto week
Screencap this
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OSF is technically a FNF exe mod since it was made in Haxe
A black VA will definitely call him a "gay ass nigger"
your mom is a exe because nobody loves her
They don't have the balls to have the n word said in the mod even if it's by a black person
>lullaby revival
Oh yeah, is it close to releasing or are they just straight up working on V3?
could she stop her periods with her clocks?
No one knows because the only teaser they put out was the saster missingno remix and that was probably scrapped along with the Ssprite and hassenx lost cause
i don't think i ever posted this too far chart
So for the most part they are working in silence and that could either be a good thing or be a repeat of v2 where the mod leaks and implodes
the funkin crew decide to work in silence and everyone started bitching about if they are scammers or lazy mfers
>everyone started bitching about if they are scammers or lazy mfers
So basically free entertainment, got it.
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What leaks do we have for Funkin at Freddys and what is yalls opinions on them
this sounds nothing like lost cause by the way it's basically a new song entirely https://youtu.be/p8CK1Oa0z6A
idc about fnaf

overrated as fuck
We know what the entire roster for the mod is
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>generic rock music
Goodness, couldn't they have kept the original Lost Cause? Jacey wouldn't mind.
the mod shouldve been out by now. scope creep is possibly THE biggest enemy of any promising fnf mod in the modern day. i honestly wish fnf modding kept its feet on the ground if you know what im saying, every other large mod project keeps trying to push the boundaries which normally wouldny be a problem but it becomes one when you forget your roots and dont have a clear vision. anyway
somehow, not that bad for a 17 minute song
They got fnas in lol
No you don't understand they MUST redo every song and all of the art
They got plans to make an entire fucking overworld lol, no wonder it's gonna take so long
redoing the art will get rid of the banbuds curse
Why would Banbuds put a curse on his mods and Convict? Does he think they're too good for FNF?
I like this guy, got the electrician looks
At the cost of it looking shittier than before
Hell from what ive heard their discord HTMLs got leaked by someone, i dont know who though, but it would explain how the entire 17 minute song got leaked
the banbuds curse is only applied to convict and so far two mods have fallen for it
it's still following the storyline he gave and he gave them his blessing so the curse sticks
take a look at fanvict where vep drew the art, it still suffered from the curse
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Once Kevin became a neo Nazi, I knew the curse was just getting started.
actually real or just generic /pol/ tier shit
Wasn’t fanvict canned because nimbus schizo out
I can't believe keeby was right and they're replacing banbuds artwork
>or just generic /pol/ tier shit
Definitely that, because we're talking about an edgy Palestinian here.
Retard, that shit fell down because bimbus roped his traumas into VEP
Why did this man decided that boy dompler need to exist
>Retard, that shit fell down because bimbus roped his traumas into VEP
That was just the climactic result, I was talking about the sign of the Convict curse coming in play.
Nothing done for Convict but hey there's a pico exe song :')
Now we need girl pim
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sling has made it
Oh shit, I finally have an interesting mod to look forward to now.
You are going to get seven viruses
2021 was good but not perfect, it had its share of stupid shit like low quality corruption fanmods and Matt Shaggy spam
2022 also had other creepypasta shittery like the wave of retarded suicide mouse slop
2023 indeed was very barren, mainly since most modders were too busy remastering the same shit over and over again.
Also I’m surprised Darnell/leak shit isn’t present on this graph, the leak had an influence on some mods
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They reupload every new mod to their site
What the fuck, when did they get Grandpa Death on there?
Just today-yesterday I think, it's on psych engine for some reason
Is Furnace there as well
anon every mod gets on that shit
the fucking badass beatrice mod is probably on that site
Well Anon the post you're replying to says they just upload any new mod there
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Wtf is pervert problem
>the leak had an influence on some mods
true, there was a serious uptick in pico content after the leak to try and get a headstart on the inevitable leap in pico popularity
none of it compares to shootinKINO though
Even Rockette, Lu-C and Long Gone?
how do black people enjoy mods you'd think they'd consider them cringe and childish
a mod based on a russian meme I think
hold the phone
that quite rude ecounters one looks
look at wario dude
check if they have v1 maybe they updated the v1 upload instead of putting v2 there separately
What's Rhythmic Revolution, it looks cool
holy shit that wario in that deltarune mod looks sick
Shit, I forgot you can just do that with most mods. Probably a better idea since you don’t need the mods to take up half a gigabyte
>pervert problem
Nigga what
Shootin would have been good if burning sexuality actually knew how to make chromatics that don’t suck
they don't have furnace whitty
it doesn't seem to be a controversy problem as killshot is on the site
huh that's weird
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Hmmm I'm playing all these FNF mods and I just have this REAL URGE to jerk off

If ONLY there were "sex mods" with the most horrific porn imaginable.
Dawg what
There are at least 10 black fnf fans and there are 4 that post here specifically have you been living under a rock
you forgot that black modders exist, right?
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I genuinely hope only Matt is working on Visit V3, if it's worked on anyone then it's gone to waste.
did you forget about bbpanzu
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i don't consider bbpanzu a fan anymore
you will get goatse worm alien by radizcally and nimbus AND YOU WILL LIKE IT
im fairly confident that black people are a pretty even-split part of the community
got anything to share
No that's Spanish people
and jakeneutron too
Who the fuck composed the leaked debauchery song from Funkin At Freddys
Is that dismissor
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Oh well that's nice!
DAMN proud of you.
pretty sure that’s dismissor
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I just realized how catchy Murderface is.
fuck off with your skytrannies elsewhere
Forgot the link, my bad.
bro he just posted Dismissor sprites and you expect me to not say anything?
I agree, Tricky
It's a shame that he now believes he's Sonic
jacris manipulator....
its an unusual ship to ride on
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kino forever unfinished
Holy kino.
im baking
can we just post madness next thread
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what were ur thoughts on rushshot?
>unchanged bf and gf yet sky is in a completely different style
Can somebody gimme the full roster for the FaF update? I'm kind of curious as to what these developers are hiding.
shitty pa wannabe slop
closed source mod booo
When are you going to do requests fl0p?
how does fl0p still draw like that?
the music fucking sucks ass
it was shit
best hank voice
is it true that fl0p really wants to bang cassandra
just for that i wont
wrong https://youtu.be/xNbrXidFWu8?si=XnoT6Qo6ErS79jON
don't make this more difficult than it has to be.
It was cool
this sucks
I hate retards who insert/portray themselves as pre-existing characters so much it’s unreal
Page 7, new thread.
we saw
It alright could be better but it alright
Sometimes I feel FNF artists draw things based on how other artists (often PA) stylized them rather than trying to understand how their design would look realistically

An example of this is how everyone draws mic-holding hands the exact same way
Then how would you fix that?
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Ironik composed debauchery

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