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4 days until Livestream edition

Last: >>482980201

Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu," will air on June 28 at 19:00 (UTC+8)
https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezero (EN)
https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezerojp (JP)
https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_Official (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_JP (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Teaser
>More hyped for this than FFXIV and Elden Ring

MMO fags... owari da..
>playing MMOs in 20 24
I hope you only use them to erp
Was watching this video a while ago
And does Miyabi share the same VA as Holo? What's her VA, even?
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RIP Mihoyo. RIP ZZZ.
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And you thought ZZZ's censorship was bad
>no release date
goddamn it cygames. just announce it
What's up /z0g/gers
>SB world beyond delayed by 1 fucking year
>uma EN """""""""soon""""""""
ogey cygames
perfect time for zzz to release a horse girl
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>literally no porn
Gakuen is infinitely better
you wouldn't want to be called horsefucker
Naming your game ZZZ is insensitive with the situation going on in Ukraine...
>ZZZ gets a horse girl
>She mogs the fuck out of japan's horsegirls
i can only imagine the seethe
zzz is the most kino gacha game ever
the only thing it needs now are hot himbos
are they having mass sleeping?
what are they going to show in the livestream? the game isn't even released so why are they already doing livestreams?
there is also some roundtable collab with streetfighter
No Mihoyo actually likes making money.
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These semen demons
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>the game isn't even released so why are they already doing livestreams
I don't know, maybe show the fucking game?
1.0 content and introducing characters. HSR also had a release stream. Just view it as any other patch livestream.
mihomo will capitalize on the furry market
you WILL accept lycaon as your lawfully wedded husband
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if you want that, there's plenty of other gacha. leave this to the furfags
these look fucking ugly though
only thing good about them is the refreshing color pallette
so tired of seeing black and red in most characters' designs already
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>furfag game!
>two(2) furries
>leak has 0 furry
>the males are furry
>the females are not furry
every time
why the fu
And yet they're going to be loudest in every thread, because they can't go one second without telling the world how much they like to fuck dogs.
do you want more furries like lycaon or more literal animals like ben?
i want more of the latter because that is fucking hilarious
would love to see literal bunny or cat or a duck run around holding a pistol or rocket launcher lol
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I want to fuck Von Lycaon from ZZZ.
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no really, what's the point of hyping up the furries and robotfuckers when the only limited male is just a generic genshin twink?
womensisters, our dirty secrets have been exposed to the world
is nikke even worth playing without the coom
i really don't know. furries are just gonna hold their gacha currency until the next one. so it's either going to be the only furries released for the game or they're gonna accept a banner where they just not make any money. lose-lose unless every furry is just going to be A-rank from now on.
Is this for CN?
??? there's plenty of honse porn, check panda
games that don't follow the waifu code are doomed to fail
Ben is based
For our king!
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I’m fine if they go with more unique designs. Both furries or a duck with a gun both sound good. ZZZ does look like it’s trying to be more out there with characters. Only problem would be if they end up like Genshin with fujo pandering. But otherwise, so wild. Also add Furry women
imas always got kneecapped for the west
it's never getting an EN translation ;_;
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Waai Fu (Arknights) and Rinpoo/Katt (BoF2) are the only acceptable furball girls
Haven't watched anything other than the official trailers but for me it's gotta be Grace, I love women and I love mechanics, and her sneakers look cool.
Lycaon man also looks cool as fuck, he's like Wriothesley if he had his thrusters on his legs instead of his fists.

Who are you excited for so far?
Fake News. I have both on my account and they are uncensored.
There isn't a CN server so I think this is just a troll image.
I dont like her hair but would still roll for her. I love sword and shield.
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this is the only character I'm interested in
will she be available on launch to roll for or will I have to wait like 4 months for them to limited release the only good character?
She was only playable in cbt1 and has not appeared a single time in the current story of the game. Make of that what you will
Definitely the Ayaka of ZZZ
I hate this fucking company
they did this same shit with ayaka
Ayakas have to be for (You)
Dont see it happening. She's her own thing.
It's for ads, there's a dozen of these censored ad designs
If people stopped creaming over katanas then she could've been a standard character
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Miyabi and Soukaku are yuri
They're hanging out on a rooftop watching fireworks together. That basically screams gay.
Ayakacard revoked!
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More meant that Ayaka was the same way. In CBT1 and then was held off until a year later. That said, she strikes me as the cold strictly business character that has a soft spot for (You)
No, being the "Ayaka" of ZZZ means that they were in the beta/CBT, then later released in 2 years or so. I think you're mistaking the comparison with Firefly.
Will be really bummed out if it's the case. I hope she'll instead be the Kafka of this game. Released too early so there wouldn't be much hype around her. Kafka was released in 1.2 with barely any character building. She just dropped and that's it.
begone yuri fag. you do not belong here
it's not my fault that a hime cut shrine maiden kemonomimi with a katana that does Virgil shit is cool as hell
why even make other characters, honestly
>tfw they are the only members of their Section 6 faction, so they'll only be getting art together for a long time
Kafka is the very first character that appears on screen in HSR, and the very first playable character as well for the tutorial. She was plenty fleshed out when she came out unlike a certain blonde man that came out before her and still hasn't had any development.
The third member will be a furry male. I'd prefer a robot though.
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>section 6
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>Ayakas have to be for (You)
Retconned, she's a lesbian now

Wow, very subtle mihoyo...
>can't spell vergil correctly
>probably didn't even play the game where vergil was at his coolest(dmc1)
>can't name a single "anime katana guy" that existed prior to him like Yukinosuke
Return to tiktok or twitter, broccoli-head.
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you just made yourself look even worse
If there is a character that flirts with (you) will it be the same for any MC you pick in this game?
There wasn't from what I remember in CBT 2 or 3.
there are none thus this game will be dead in a year
>nyooo you can't shitpost from work!
>higtroon admitting to being a shitposter
yep yep yep.
it doesn't even make sense for there to be such a character, the protagonists are always in some distant cuckshed. incest is more likely.
Belle and Wise still go out to meet characters in person. But yes, most of the interaction with them is via Eous (their bangboo).
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i hope to see more unique designs and fun characters like ben, billy and soukaku
maybe a polar bear who has a rivalry with ben
it sucks that they scrapped the red pig man thing; but i have a feeling he was reworked to become part of lucy's character (her character sheets show a small version of red pig man, which is apparently her "pet")
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Miyabi waiting room
Insider here:
Look forward to a Playable Lobster.
>think normies need constant babying and affection from the devs in the form of 2d pussy for the game to not die
gacha players really are either pathetic losers or gambling addicts huh?
basado if real
For me? It's her
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just believe
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How much shitpost will pic related generate when he gets announced
>game hasn't even released yet and femcels are already seething at normal straight men expecting the thing that all successful gachas have
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Even on a good month most coomer gachas aren't doing that hot. Hell most of the popular ones shilled here are doing worse than the yuri png vn game with mostly ugly girls but really good music.
you must be one of those limbus fags. this genre isn't for you. go back to life is strange
>In Hebrew, Yulie (יולי) is a gender-neutral name that translates to "July."
>look at this list of literal who gachas
>also please ignore the fact that HSR is currently breaking records with the firefly banner
delicious femcel tears
I thought firefly flopped, all the shitposters say so
Firefly couldn't even beat DHIL. Its time to stop coping.
>is the file name about the month of May y u lie condensed or kike for July?
Be smarter anon.
>misses the point because it is inconvenient
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was the puffy nipple really necesary?
Apparently not, since she doesn't have that ingame
no, it's just another case of false advertising
was it confirmed he got scrapped or was that anon cope? faggots be damned he actually looks kinda cool. almost out of place in this sort of game
>shlomo looks for a way out after typing the wrong month
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It's just Ganyu all over again. Visible nipple present in one or two pieces of official art but not ingame or anywhere else.
Yes goy I posted the chart from 2 months in the future. You caught me.
they confirmed them as draft character design concepts, but didn't said they are scrapped nor to be ingame
just announced the loli idol trio
everyone knows that your (((group))) fabricates those charts months in advance. you fucked up so bad
loli trio pretty cute, the colors are nice
it's not totally confirmed, but he's the only member of the biker faction without a 3D model and there's a character that looks suspiciously like him in the blonde girl's kit
it's not looking good for the pig
>your (((group)))
What mental illness is this
>there's a character that looks suspiciously like him in the blonde girl's kit
you got a pic?
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If anything the fact that there's a boar on ceasar shield just confirms more that he might be playable
The boar might just be a symbol for the gang.

Locy literally wears a boar mask on her neck and boar boots
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dude spikes lmao
TTGL collab?
Not saying that he will be playable, but if anything it would make sense that the boar is the leader of the gang.
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is it Independence Day yet?
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now this would be epic
though it's out of the time frame for the aesthetic they're hitting at, so unlikely
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The idol group
>furry donut steele.jpg
>Kafka is the very first character that appears on screen in HSR, and the very first playable character as well for the tutorial.
Oh yeah, you have that as well.
Just sort of thought her Luofu segments were pretty short. She just lets herself get captured and leaves. Her character quest was also really nice. But overall, you'd wish there were more to it than that. Especially her being that much hyped. I hope we see more of her in the next planet, apparently it's greek themed.
I'm glad the pig man was scrapped
he looked boaring
*ba dum tsss*
Anyone that like these characters I crossed out has bad taste
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>no males
>crossed out the Delicious Brown
I like all of them
Where are the male characters?

>Drill guy
>That one leaked dude named lighter

Meanwhile datamined shows future character as:
>3 female idols
>1 female cops
>3 female biker gang
>1 female fox girl

This is it?
Looks like 5 male characters too many
they should raise it from 1:2 to 0.1:9, you faggot
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No zzzomers allowed in this thread!
You will never be 1337 like ginyu-sama
This can't go on desu. I refuse to let you ZOG this Mihoyo-KINO.
Return to tradition. It should be /zzz/
begone sleepy demon. we tolerate alternative name generals here
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Reminder that we need to be like Dislyte females that are "sexy with style" rather than the current "male gaze" designs.

If you like ZZZ, you are an INCEL!
False, since /zzzg/ is more traditional.
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guess you might say the pork got the chop
It was /zzz/ during the CBTs
Only for a single CBT, which was CBT3.
/hvg/ - Hoyoverse General, Pre-release/beta threads, CBT1 and CBT2 had /zzzg/.
Is this the worst male mc out of all hoyo games?
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Idolm@ster collab when
Why was hvg used for? HSR and ZZZ?
>HSR and ZZZ?
Yeah, when Mihoyo switched their name to Hoyoverse and announced a bunch of projects. It was a "containment" general, since /gig/gers would complain about getting spammed with off-topic shit.
Maybe it could be revived again, since there's that new leaked Animal Crossing game that's in development. Same with that Honkai MMO IP. And even a shooter too.
/hyg/ was a battle of shitposter vs. shitposter vs. shitposter is a battle for attention and proving MY game is better than YOUR game
They should compare males. Whoever has the most males loses because that's all people care on 4chan.
Is that the place that started the Genshin v. Honkai wars? And was that also the place where the Nahidaschizo/Teripedo ascended to schizohood?
reckon that stuff went on long before somebody ever decided give birth to the amalgamated bastard that was hvg, but yeah, it ran rabidly rampant in there all day every day
Hope this game is good and gets a good reception. Feeling slight doomerism due to the big tiddy ghost chick's video having such low views on youtube.
Anyone know how many views HSR characters got on YouTube before release?
>tfw only the male furry trailer had a decent amount of views
At least we'll know they'll carry this game financially.
I remember a CN gacha being brought back to life from EoS after they pandered to furries, releasing furry males back to back. I think it's name was Dislyte or something?
>Go looks dislyte
>Western style art
>Even censored Nicole is shows more than any female there
Holy shit taste
I miss you zzzebra bros
Maybe there is hope yet for ZZZ
This person is literally a femcel seething at ZZZ for the past week.
Summer 2022 kino...
That is a man anon. Know the signs.
hoyoverse will need a board at some point
I think only by the time they release 2 more games
He is an actual character so one of the better ones.
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Best I could find was March 7th's trailer which has over 3 million views and came out 5 days before the game released. HSR's newest trailers seem to do better but no where near Genshin at its peak. ZZZ's regular trailers mog a lot of HSR's but thats also because the game has a lot more style (HSR's are very similar to Genshin trailers) and the fact it was shown off at every event imaginable for the last 2 years. When you compare views for the two games, the highest viewed trailer for ZZZ is its announcement trailer where the highest for HSR is Bailu's followed by the 2.0 trailer. The idea of ZZZ seems to be more popular than the actual product. I think part of the problem was when HSR released, Genshin was doing a lot better and HSR took a lot of Genshin's players. This is where the 1+1=1 meme came from. HSR is doing better but Genshin has been in freefall, so normies aren't as tuned in to what Mihoyo is doing. Genshin was the gateway drug. ZZZ probably isn't going to capture the Genshin/HSR players. It will probably be the red headed step child but seeing as it isn't open world, it might do fine with fewer players.

I do think Lycaon's trailer was botted or used as an advertisement since its significantly higher than the others. That said, I remember troons on Twitter sperging because Itto's twitter reveal had more likes than Raiden even though his banner sales were no where near her's. It might just be women being more active on social media. A lot of Genshin guys have high view trailers too.
In the context of power? Or in terms of appearance?
Because if it's the former, then I guess so, if it's the latter? You can't really do worse than Aether.
I think in the future the popularity will look like this:
AC > ZZZ > Genshin > HSR
but it's really hard to tell for sure because it all depends on what Mihoyo does
I see, thx
>Star Rail
>AC clone
>Nuclear Reactor

The best action here would be banishing them all to /vmg/. Would improve the site by 10 fold. And the posts per minute would be slower. Basically what Hoyoverse generals actually are without their shitposting spam.
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Bro, you are delusional if you think ZZZ will be more popular than GI and HSR.

The AC one might have a chance but ZZZ? I think we will be Nikke+ tier.

They bring in like 20 million a month. Add in CN that's probably 30 million
>ZZZ that high
Unless they somehow change shit drastically in the CBT, in no chance it will surpass much.
So far it's just your typical Hoyoslop styled gacha, do your story content for 4 hours, monthly content for 1 hour, then the rest is just Login Zone.
ZZZ doesn't differentiate itself that much from the other Hoyoslop gacha. It's even competing with Hi3, for Christ sake.

Maybe they could go the Yakuza route? Have a bunch of fun minigames to distract you from how simple the combat is.
We're pretty much a week away bwos
Very exciting days
I think ZZZ will fall short of Nikke. I don't see this game taking off. It doesn't appeal to what Mihoyo shills like and the interest just isn't there. I think it's going to do fine but will not be this massive hit that Genshin or even HSR was. AC is really dependent if they can get women to roll.
>do animal cross abyss
>you feed the monsters
I don't get it
your views are being limited by this echo chamber. the target of ZZZ is potentially bigger and more profitable than the other games
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ok, mind explaining this? why do you think this is the case
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I heard that the shooter was cancelled.
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>can't do worse than aether
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what are people's prediction for 1st month? 40 million?
wtf ?
The same amount that star rail did about 70 to 80 mil
>bondage hog
this w-engines are WILD fr fr :skull:
w-engines are going to be anything that is spherical enough look like
wait a second i could swear there was some toy that looked just like this in the 90's
like you put a smaller pig inside the big red pigs mouth and squeeze it to shoot it out
somebody else has got to remember this
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I bet she hits this boar as a baseball
9 Days left
star rail had seele tho
all we have is a maid shark
hsr seele is an immense downgrade from the original, what's your point? if you didn't skip her, your account is bricked
is anby free bros.. what team would she use?
Abby is free but I'm not really sure what teams. You can probably google it or wait until release to get more info
I went through those Reddits just for shits and giggles and it was fun seeing them seeth. I don't get a fuck about HSR but God bless Firefly for making the Homos seeth. Didn't see as much seething in the Wuwa subreddit unfortunately.

Also not surprising that all the homos play Genshin
She's a Stun character so she'll work with anyone who wants to use chain attacks or attack a stunned enemy. Billy is in her faction and has a gimmick that buffs his ult every time he uses a chain attack. Corin gets a damage buff against stunned targets, and her skill tends to be suicide to use on a free enemy.
The weapons suck visually in this game, at least in HSR you can see a cute photo of the character, but here there is just a ball that I can barely distinguish from the others.
Still better than weapons archetypes like genshin/wuwa. each character can have their own unique thing they use as a weapon
Soldier 11 will become meta later on. Don't be tricked by day 1 meta.
does she have anything in her kit that would lead well to being powerful? or that a dedicated support would make shine?
Pure dps
even in Genshin they're probably about to have a mental breakdown with 9x 5 star female characters released in a row
She has no synergy with anyone right now. Someone is going to fill the gap.
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5.0 will probably be the girl from the trailer too. Melty potential is definitly there. As for Wuwa, kind of seems they are going for more girls so give it 6 months and the melty will happen there too. I'm all for seeing the homos seeth. Lets hope ZZZ goes all in sexy girl gacha game to satiate Dai Wei's thirst for Yuan
I'm getting deja vu sisters...
Yanking 11 :)
Ceasar look great. I just hope they didn't do anything to her cleavage. Nicole still has her showing.
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it would be weird for a really well designed character like him to not be in the faction that seems to be literally themed after him, but this is mihoyo, so dont get your hopes up
>he wants to play as an ugly ass pig

Get better taste
his appearance is boring, but his clothes design is the best of all hoyo mcs
zzz is already looking very niche
yes, it is very stylish, but the gameplay is probably going to drive away a lot of players after release
go back to discussing your shitty chingchong wank game with thousand different chinese dresses, shart rail nigger
If staying here makes you seetheclike this I think I'll stay
Truly sad that HSR have THIS many chink characters in similar outfits.
I want more Belobog characters. (In ZZZ too).
I like both games anon.
I'd be impressed if ZZZ doesn't have a chink patch.
too straight for hoyo
self-insert shit doesnt mesh well with us
The game favours Same Element teams currently.
Go back shipxister.
how do enemy weaknesses work? will we need to have teams for each element?
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How does the weapon banner work here? Are Bangboos the weapons?
no, W engines are the weapons. bangboos are little pets that are like a pseudo 4th member of your team.
>inb4 some honkai fag calls them something else
No bangboos are like pets and you can only get their banner currency by doing weeklies, bp and events
Same as Star Rail (75/25 and a pity if you lose the 75)
I think they're just resistances for now. Much like any other gacha
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>belobog team

yup, you can tell this team pays respect to honkai. ZZZ is a honkai game in the world tree. It is linked with the honkai IP
you will always be bullied here so all is good, sharty
Kill yourself hrtfag
What are your predictions or expectations for the collab with "Street Fighter"?
Where is all the BBC porn? I thought waterkuma being the artist was going to cause an overload of it. What a fucking waste of a coom artist.
He's a /gig/ger SEAnigger that lives in Canada. https://archived.moe/bant/thread/20454245/#q20454791
Started avatarfagging as Stelle after retards in /gig/ gave him the most replies, (previously he would avatarfag with Lynette and ERP with people)
Did the same "troll" posting in /wuwa/
Doesn't even play HSR nor Wuwa, nor even ZZZ when it will launch.
Reminder to ignore, report and filter all of his posts. He makes it really easy since he has "signatures" on his filenames.
i think it is just a round table talk like how hsr dev had that tals with the dev of trails.
it's just a roundtable discussion about development while showing off gameplay
Maybe people should spread the word more? Try posting it on Shadman's twitter page or something.
But people will realize soon anyway how BBC coded the character designs in this game are.
Anon.. https://www.pockettactics.com/zenless-zone-zero/interview

As for any subtle nods to other games, you might want to know if you can expect anymore after players spotted that the Belobog Heavy Industries faction in ZZZ shares a name with a city in Honkai Star Rail. Well, no, that isn’t a nod, nor is it a connection.

Devs just like to use Slav God's names to make Russian factions .
why is /wuwa/ constantly picking on ZZZ?

Aren't they the GI killer? Every thread they post how ZZZ will fail? Why pick on us, an unreleased game?
Keep crying
They are afraid
So is this trash supposed to play like the typical mobile shit action game press ultimate?
What else did you expect? What general are you from?
i'm from wuwa, a game for real gamers made with gamers in mind.

we are about to steal the crown as king of gacha
cause the only hoyo game they can comfortably say isn't better than theirs is the one that doesn't yet exist
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>shart railers
yep, this general is off to a good start!
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one zenless z0ne to unite them all
ok sperkle, explain then. you know it's true
ok, where r u from then?
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i played them all for at least 5 or 6 months (except wuwa, played that for one day lol)
but i don't play any of them anymore and it feels great
gacha free cleanliness with a fresh zzztart babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
>BBC coded
What does this even mean?
wonder if the fox will have wet socks
the wet socks fox
Mental illness don't engage
I think he meant BBCode.
pre release poll. lets find out which gacha everyone is from

You are fully aware of what it means.
I don't in this context...? What implies that the characters are BBC coded?
is there an option for none?
just dont vote
From /alg/
Surely shitposter will be honest about where they came from
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at one point or another, I posted in all of them
what do you even play in that game? I heard story and gameplay is non existent. Juts looking at live2d png?
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your overconfidence is so cute
You have convinced me anon.
Story exist. Gameplay is autoplay just like HSR .

Now I'm leveling every ship to 125.
My goal to oath and 125lvl every Russian ship is done, now I'm moving to Italian ships.
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>poal is mostly hsrg

of fucking course its them. Since that game has autoplay they swarm newly released game to play in their free times than they all drop it after a month to go back autoplaying.

/wuwa/ was mostly hsrg at launch and the general was fast as fuck, now they barely move even with 1.1 around the corner cuase all the hsrgkeks left
>no mention of /gbfg/ or other cygames gacha
how the mighty have fallen...
ZZZ is and will be a bad game
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just the cygames complacency
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>other cygames gacha
>World Flipper EoS
>Dragalia Eos
>Priconne EN EoS
>Granblue Foster home
>Horsefucker still no EN
Who took this cutie's eye? Lemme talk to em'
>hes playing this over Wuwa 1.1

Stop! Calm yourself a realise that Mihoyo WILL deliver once again. /wuwa/ decrees it.
uh oh melty
it's confirmed kuro is scared shitless to Z0g
Uma just announced a global version
it will flop though, GL never whales as much as JP or CN, also the game is years behind in updates so no hype
also idolshit lmao
>wuwa 1.1
>no Livestream
>no one talk about it
>general is dead without tourist
>people preparing to quit if Kuro can't fix the game
great game bwo
>On these specific dates

I hate gacha games.
>no livestream
what are they doing? even the most crappy FF gachas that I've played got livestreams for updates
A game without firefly is it's main selling point
Atelier-GODS stand with our fellow Yuri appreciators at MHY, ZZZ is a winner

Oh no no no
Think they're firing and rehiring a bunch of people.
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None of the launch or 1.0 limiteds really interest me
How long before Miyabi or some hoyo expy releases
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this is the waiting room
I'm sure another wave of mass firing will foster healthy workplace culture
There won't be any expies in this game thankfully.
Miyabi or Rina

Which of these Zenless should I fuck to?
Different characters are kino in this game because of the playstyle. I was told the gun girl is satisfying to play.
i know you genshitfags think 10 pulls is significant but it's really not, even 30 barely breaks the boundary of being "generous"
pulls only have value to you, not the company. in reality, they have no value at all, they're just a number on a server. the companies can hand them out in the 100s without a second thought. they're literally free, nothing is lost, and to an extent, the more they give, the more people will be willing to continue playing, and to "give back"(the idea that you're giving back is lunacy, as is the idea that such a bribe is sufficient reason to remain, but this is off-topic), older games can afford to hand out 1000s without a single care for their profits
games that aren't mihoyoslop make their money from skins anyway, pgr has a ton of those, they'll eventually make it into wuwa if the devs have any sense
You really think they're above milking the players with yet another Raiden Mei?
>Hoyo expy

Hopefully never. But they'll probably cave and put someone.
bro it's mostly railkeks here >>483381164
if you want to mald at genshinfags go to their general
Will this game have cute girls for (you) or just another hoyoslop?
you bang your sister
Zenless Zone Zero General
Yes. Even if they do another japwank character, she's not gonna look like Acheron/Raiden
Think it all depends on how it goes for the game. I could see them do it if it looks dire.
why r they like this?
ZZZ is a waterkuma game, chud. BBC-coding was expected
Name one BBC in Honkai.
but he said hsr
what does BBC have to do with any of this? Aren't they a news network?

I remember my dad watching them
the bug boss
the centaur
That nigga in HSRs IPC trailer
That nigga in HI3s Anti-Entropy Visual novel
this is an unironic cuck game lil paggy, no previous hoyogame even touches it in that department, better look elsewhere
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Z bros we won!
Nice shitpost setup nigger
>Tiktok trailer vs kino-ad
Our views are too low. Quick we need another celebrity.
Are there lolis? That will decide if I play your game or not.
It worked for Call of Duty, right?
Why would you even make that kind of trailer?
Why not have it as an animated short that actually shows some of the lore in-universe of the game? It reminds me of those Pokemon trailers where you're in France but then Charizard shows up.
It reminds me of trying to achieve the shit Ape Escape did but without the soul or how funny or based it i s.
No there are no lolis. Ahh what a shame man I guess you have to go and play a different game and never touch this game ever or post about it in this thread.

I can recommend Genshin though! They have a great assortment of mental il- I mean lolis.
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Is rerolling going to be a thing or is this one of those games that makes rerolling as tedious as possible?
>where is our animated trailer!

why would they release the trailer before the livestream? The trailer will be this friday
She is the breaker for the lightning team
>t. wormpedotrannyfujo
You already know the answer
Yes I'll post them for you lolibro
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dont listen to that guy. This is loli enough. If your talking about potatoes like Klee in GI or Bailu in HSR then there isnt.

im going to melty now
Whatever bro, you post the same insult every thread on every general.
Is the one sitting a brat? God i hope so
The backpack one
wuwa meltiez keep the hype from going to zzzero
thankz broz
The spiked mace one
Honkai Impact had a system like the called ELFs. They are basically a little helper with support abilities.
This one for instance was mainly used to gather enemies and also buff ice damage.
Bangboos are like ELFs but you don't have a button to control their ult.
The robot one
idol group is for the trans fanbase
The hype will not go to zzzero! We will keep the thread alive!
time really flyzzz we're so cloze broz
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they are transcoded but wuwa is straight coded
If a game has PVE and PVP it becomes a PVP game
>You now remember the Christmas photo Eula ass censor ft. Mika
>If i eat meat and vegetables then I'm a vegetarian
jeez these look ugly
bangboos look cute
>retarded food analogy
Dumb fuck
>If I have white and black blood I'm white
it depends on if the rewards are tied to performance or not
"get beat up by a whale 5 times and have some free rolls" doesn't make you pull for pvp but "get top 1000 and get a free unit's worth of pulls" does
>fags here are unironically scared of thought of PVE but with a leaderboard...
why is straight coded wuwa doing so poorly at rank 132?
ZZZ has arcade minigame pvp, and weekly boss co-op
>Wuwa gets killer trailers
>We get zoomer-core

What's next, a Netflix special for ZZZ
zenless zarcane zero???
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>killer trailer
>general is dead
Get it?
>tectone is only reacting to withering slop
>won't touch zzz
I am becoming increasingly worried
>This is suppose to be bad
Go watch asmongold react or something
That's a good thing we will be free of his drama baiting
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uh oh melty
time to take your meds!
hoyo lives rent free in his head, he will 100% do it if zzz gets successful
>mihoyo game
You're better off buying an account with whatever character you want for 1-10 dollars.
hoyo refuses to sponsor him anymore so all he can do is whine about them
Nta but for me rerolling was never an option since I'll be using the same account I use for hsr/genshin, and I want everything on the same account
I don't think any of the initial high rarity characters are hype enough for me to buy a starter account. I'll just roll with what I get and save for some new characters.
Will be skipping Ellen and that pubsec girl, they felt clunky to play in the beta tb desu
I don't know what to roll for until I know what they are shilling
Keep him away from zzz. Holy shit this guy is drama queen.
Is belle a 5-star
She's not playable at all.
>hsrg first

kek, this is what no gameplay does to a person. Swarming new generals like ants to quench the thirst for something to do

Go back to your general!
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for me this is the loli for me
was the same in wuwa. nothing but shitposts with hrs images attached
Praying that the robot form is what she stays as. There's enough human idol girls in the gacha industry, just let robot bros have this one.
wouldn't mind if she goes in an out of it with gameplay, could make for a sick henshin animation, nice and flashy, maybe with some mecha anime style metal parts clanging together violently
very cute one
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/ZenZ0/ bros.... it was our turn....
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well they are nice images
we will catch the next one
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How cool would it be if hoyo made w-engine bakugan toys?
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>Go back to your general!
This is my general too
I am going to groom hrt cuties
that and their incredibly dogshit character designs
i guess they finally got tired of the chinese dresses
march looks like a monkey with those large monkey nostrils
Ok but can we finalize before release, I don't want to spend first week bickering the most pointless shit on earth(thread title)
Yeah we should just call it /Z3/
/zzz/ is good
No ZOG, otherwise I don't care
we should call it /zenzero/ like the japs do
We should decide this before the stream that's when we will get the first wave of posters and shitposter will be here, it would be good if we had this resolved by then
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stylize it as /z3/
Call it /1z+1z+1z/ and I will call a truce
>power of 3 symbol doesn't work
just call it /zzz/

its literally the exact name of the game. people who calls it zog or x3 are all trannies projecting their insecure fantasy
can we please rotate between all of them? all of them are good names.

/zzz/ is already perfect
but /zzz/ = sleeping and we don't catch zzzs because our hype is eternal
I like /NNN/
>nenless none niggers
/z/ has more meme potential because you can combine it with stuff like /z/iggers
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ZZZ producer interview

>double down on reducing difficulty
>considering auto-battle
>striving to match Genshin and HSR
>dev team has 400 people
This game wasn't designed to be "niche" at all. They are casting the biggest net they can to recoup that development cost.
/zzz/ Da Wei already name it for (You) use it
it'll also attract annoying russian posters
Annoying ukranians*
400 people fo rthis??
you know that's what the finalized general name is, right? either zzz or zzzg
we are just trolling before release right now
just put it to a poll
it worked for /wuwa/
both suck if they turn the threads into offtopic /pol/wank
/zzz/ all the way
Polls are biased to reddit lurkers. /wuwa/ is the most reddit general.
>As for the automatic combat that everyone is concerned about, the team is still considering making it, but has not thought about it yet. Li Zhenyu said: "We don't want to take a step in this direction before we can judge the real needs of players. Because we want to do something really interesting for players, not just make it easier for them to leave the keyboard."
Auto battle being considered is interesting. I don't think it should be included but if it eases the daily log-in time, I'll allow it. ZZZ devolving into an auto game is what they should think about. Maybe including an assist mode instead for casuals and disabling it for endgame?
>"It's not that we didn't intentionally create a healing role," Li Zhenyu said, "it's just that we haven't found the right appearance and fighting style yet."
I'd rather they make interesting playstyles than try to fill in the "healer" role. He should follow what he says when developing future characters:
>"When we started making ZZZ in the early days, we didn't know if the market would be saturated. My focus was on making a fun and fun game, and then letting players choose to try it. I thought that was enough, and the type of game didn't matter. "As long as the product I make is interesting, it doesn't matter what genre it is - as long as it's a fun game. "
>>considering auto-battle
This is a good thing, building characters in cbt3 was a slog so if they make that easier I'll welcome it.
I think any stage that has been cleared manually once should be auto-able. Hollow Zero honestly also was kinda cancer to repeat the stages of desu. But Shuyu Defense obviously shouldn't be.
>game is called zzz
What's wrong with reddit?
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Why not /三Z/?

It use the Chinese characters for 3 to pay homage to hoyoverse's home nation (best country)
this based
would yiff
i agree
This. And it would filter out all the anti-china fags
pubsec girl stays off field for most of the battle and her kit is "hold left click" when she is on field, how the FUCK is that clunky
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is gud
We are Japanophiles here. Give me the Japanese name for 3 and we have a deal.
not doing a bery good job of fitting into your own claim, anon
>/wuwa/ was mostly hsrg at launch and the general was fast as fuck, now they barely move even with 1.1 around the corner cuase all the hsrgkeks left
Does that just mean that's the true speed of the general? Might even EoS into /vmg/ in a few months.
It's a Slice of Life so far. Not much romance. Even less so than Genshin and Star Rail combined.
Glad someone remembered /snowg/, kek.
Why did you vote for HSRG here in this pic?
Any general name will still show up in the catalog if you search ZZZ, so it doesn't really matter what the general name is.
They could just have auto-sweeps just like Snowbreak or PGR
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What if they allow you to earn in game pulls by watching ads.
Hoyo won’t do that until the gacha trend has died and been buried and is all but forgotten
They might do that indirectly through a 2nd or 3rd party website.
Hoyo wants to be seen as a proper, non-gacha, game dev.
the KINGU....has died
still warm… and clearly jiggly…
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I hope you're wise enough to pick the right MC
Will this game be better than Daytona USA?
not likely
Ruzzians are based.
I'm German, btw
Prove it
I like having my grandmothers raped by CHAD Ruzzians
reckon we play both
Playable character or enemy?
Is there a list of leaked characters in general?
Male MC all the way

But it doesn't matter this time. Both MC are canon and working together.
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GTFO you fucking cuck.

Last thing this game needs is NTR fags like you creaming their pants at the idea that the characters are cheating on them.

Hell no!
This game is literally all about watching playable characters interact with each other while (you) watch from your cuckshed via Eous bwi.
She's playable. There isn't any official list.

3 idol loli
1 police short girl
1 male gang member
2 female gang member
1 female nun

Kill yourself. Never use this autistic made up term again when you address me.

And gwo, bwo, gwi, etc aren't allowed too.

Go back to /e7g/
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>German e7g NTR fags are here
Why act surprised?
this game is literally made for germans
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Cringe fetishes. We need fan artists to draw something more respectable, like futa.
any tips for keeping our fur suits ventilated
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>akg are futa dick suckers
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Post it!

Design/gameplay wise
In terms of design
are you surprised when a good portion of arknights women look and act like bishounen
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this was always a cuck game, stop coping
cuck genre anyway
I thought we could be different...
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Are you going to create another fake melty?
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>None of the posters are from /v/

Are you so naive, that you think we cannot tell from a single sentence where a poster is originally from? Back you go /trash/ Discord-kun!
>This is a good thing, building characters in cbt3 was a slog so if they make that easier I'll welcome it.
Nah. Autobattlers are cancer.
These are all actually weirdly similar.
>Soukaku that low

Garbage taste
>Start up Blue Archive due to much praise and success
>Game plays itself

I don't get autobattlers. I get it if it was like a Digimon World game.
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my tier list according to designs
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>everyone like the shark maid

What went so right?
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Making this I realized that there's only 4 males so far in this game.
>I WANT to sit through the same stages dozens of times!
You have issues, unironically.
What about Autosweeps? You just farm out their sweep tickets for tedious shit, then save them when you're doing more engaging shit.
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And it's only going to get worse!

>3 loli idol
>1 new female police girl
>2 female gang
>1 nun

And males? Just 1 guy named lighter.
the game is basically overrun with furries. insane
>And males? Just 1 guy named lighter.
He unironically looks like a Isekai Harem MC.
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Purely in terms of looks(pre-censorship), I'm not a beta(tester).
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ZZZ is a Canadian game
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hard to screw up a shark girl
congrats on coming out as trans
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prove it
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Go back to >>>/vg//gig/.
Needs to be lower t b h
I'll leave after you go back to your home board >>>/lgbt/
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Here's your S pull bro
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So true, bestie!
maybe they will
>Trusting Cygames after Dragalia Lost, priconne global and World Flipper global
Any bets on how long this one will last
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Finally some good fucking food
nope just another hoyoflop
I'm going to sleep, plz don't let the thread die...

We've come so far keeping it alive for almost a month now
So, is it better to try to get the shark girl or to wait for the cop's banner?
>going to bed at 7 A.M.
Minty, not only are you mentally ill, but you're also a SEAnigger.
But don't worry, I'll keep your thread nice and warm.
wtf is a minty?

I'd this supposed to be some term I'm supposed to get?
No one actually knows because the game isn't out yet and you'll probably want both. Go watch a youtuber if you want a stupid answer for your stupid question.
The furry, Shark, and Goth are the only 3 SS tier units currently.

Ignore him, it's some schizo I've seen in hsrg who starts seething when somebody posts a image of a screenshot from their phone.

He gets into a melty everytime he sees this and think it's some imaginary sea big named "minty"
Is mtash playing our game? I hope not
Who's a sea big?
Sea nig. Auto correct
>exactly 1 min and 30 secs apart
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Ok retard
>guy having a melty over non existent person
>even gives him a nickname

Holy delusional. Minty BROKE YOU
What's the livestream even gonna be about?
probably similar to 1.0 hsr

new mission, new area, new character, new stuff thay added
That fucking owl better not be there.
owlbert is cool, gwi
>No one actually knows because the game isn't out yet
You act like the cbt didn't exist and no one got to try out the characters yet. They may get some changes once the game is actually out, but they won't be all that different
i'm minty
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I'm minty!

Look I have the screenshot in the file name. I'm him!
He was clearly asking who's stronger, the stronger someone is during beta the more likely they are to get nerfed pre-release. Guessing at who's better or worse before the game releases is literally just wishful thinking. Even guessing at it after release when you know the final numbers is retarded. If you still haven't figured this out, it's a skill issue. You and him deserve more abuse than I even have the desire to give.
I'm pretty sure it'll just be about CBT3 with little to no changes
Yeah, I don't expect anything new besides a complete chapter 3
nobody actually rolled the pubsec girl because nobody even knew her banner would be running in CBT3, so everyone blew their load on the shark
>has nice tits on a slender frame
>has a Pixar mom dumpy
>has an even heftier tail
>has a cute face
>has a top tier gameplay gimmick
Is she the one for me-
>has the most retarded country ass hick ass hillbilly sounding name in the game
Never mind.
Grace? She's only interested in robots and calls some of them her kids
Please stop referring to her as "pubsec girl" or "the cop"
She has a name you know.
Sorry, I got overwhelmed with all the chink names from recent games. But I remembered, Zhu Yuan right?
it is a really good month
zenless zone zero releasing soon, heartopia also seems close to release
both have presentation on june 28
both are games i have been looking forward to for a long time
oh, and roco kingdom finally obtained a license, which means it is close to release too
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Grace doesn't have a tail retardanon
Is she related to a commander of a space alien army with an ugly ass mole on its face?
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>Many leak animation of sons of calydons members
>Except Lucia
They afraid to post her model or something?
Where on earth are they getting the leaks from
>biggest tits in the game, even more than Rina, Grace, and beta Nicole
You already know why, and what's about to happen. The Nerfening is imminent
She is the most incomplete model in game so far.

She might be part of a new faction since she does not have the boar theme
She IS the boar. Look at that fucking piggo!
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My roll plan is just immediately saving for all three of them
Lycaon is honestly really chill from what I’ve seen of him, the bear does nothing for me though
>They censored the game for the sake of femcels (they don't spend money)
>Femcels hate this game anyways
This is the funniest (and saddest) part about this gacha
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>I'd be impressed if ZZZ doesn't have a chink patch
The game already has a chink faction, pubesec, they are cops.
w-wait... no chink dress? No way, it's almost as if this game has actual good character design by an real artist instead of whatever the fuck AI model is generating those Genshin/Honkai designs...
> it's almost as if this game has actual good character design by an real artist instead of whatever the fuck AI model is generating those Genshin/Honkai designs...
If they don’t man up and let him add cunny I don’t know what I’ll do
Don't worry, the twink dude will bring in all the fujos
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(Big /bag/got cock)
Neptunia-bros...We Won
Bros what other gacha games do you play
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none right now
only games i play on my phone right now are pokemon platinum and pokemon white
will pick up both zzz and heartopia when they release
I don't like how big and useless her tail is. If she actually used it to do attacks or something that could be cool, but it just seems like a pointless encumbrance.
Looking at her pose on the selection screen, I don't even think she likes her tail.
rn just genshin and bd2
Atelier Resna
Snowbreak Containment Zone
Honkai Star Rail
Genshin Impact
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For me it’s hsr and wuwa
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I want Ellen to perform a EX Special Attack on me!
It's probably stronger than her scythe. You could likely die.
Sex with Anby!!!!!!!!
The tail is quite present in both her EX skill (double tap) and ultimate animation imo
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Zensored Zone Zero
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Anyone else doing the stock up thing
Can you remove the bumbling retard
sometimes I wonder where these people get confidence to be so wrong about something so easy to check
Why do you keep promoting that bald fuck.
guess which game he's promoting
good to know shart rail fags will continue seething about censorship in zzz generals while still shiteating their lame chinese dress characters
Escalation Heroines
I dropped Wuthering Waves because I hated the unskippable story.

This will be my first Hoyo game, aside from trying out Honkai Impact for a bit years ago.
Yes, got the same.
Didn’t he try to jump from hsr to wuwa recently and unironically get filtered by the difficulty
I play star rail and will continue doing do while trying zzz
I found wuwa fun enough to suffer through the story but I can understand getting tired with it. Either way I hope you enjoy zzz, looks fairly promising but I don’t know what to think of it yet
How optimized is this game? My potato phone has like 70 rating score on nanoreview. Will that be enough?
Why Shart Rail fags?
Because it’s a falseflagger trying to stir up thread wars
The only person in real life I know who has played WW is the girl I am dating.
She is getting filtered by the endgame unironically where she is tired of a weekly you have to fight six times (did not ask what that is) and farming Echoes.
mods will fix this (surely)
Bros tectone gangs are laughing at our marketing ads..
tectone is free marketing
Why do you care about what some bald clown says?
I hope he doesn't play this game, he should just stay in wuwa
I hope that retard never comes here
nice (you) farm bwo
Meant for >>483437375 >>483437640 >>483438234 >>483438692 >>483439819
Not farming when its true you can look for yourself
you should drop all expectations after the initial launch roster and expect nothing but the usual
the black + red color theme is already very prevalent in most character designs, even more in leaked character designs
Loli hating loser. Opinion immediately ignored.
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What about the cunny I was promised
those look like usual hoyo slop, seapag
>goes into zzz general just to whine and bitch all day while having no interest in the game
This seems like seapag behavior however
seapags are hoyocumslurpers, however
Herta is a big dummy!
He says while posting in a hoyo general
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Why is the robot blushing? That's kind of hot
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I can’t play the game yet so (mostly by portraits since I’ve kind of forgotten what they look like in full body)
/zzz/ should be the general name
it should be /nicg/
dead thread lol
Help me out bros:
>if thread is alive
>lol look at all the disgusting mihomo players waiting for their furry banners
>if thread is dead
>lol no hype /wuwa/ is better
Why play this instead of PGR which has superior combat?
they got censored already bwo
I played it since release and quit it for wuwa
one kuro game is enough
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the orb mechanic is garbo
>hoyo will never make a monster hunter gacha clone so we have to settle for this
that and warframe gacha are on my wishlist honestly
actually why even play this when Wuwa combat exist? outro/intro skills, parry systems and light/heavy attacks vs only ONE ult for the entire squad, parries are locked to certain character only and ONE button attack
I had more fun with cbt3 than I had with wuwa that's all


How do we feel about the music?
I think its decent but not as memorable as I would like to
For me personally it's this one the guitar section reminds me of some old ps2 atlus stuff
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>c-come play wuwa
no, why don't you try begging in /e7g/
hoyo will never make a monster collector game to keep the pokefags in check
I like them but the games needs more so doesn't feel repetitive
Also I hope they add shit like
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Call it /zzz/ and pronounce it Zyzz
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praying the playable roster also has variety like this in the future
more playable robots and animals would be cool
daily reminder this woman is a whore and not to be trusted
are we gonna get spam of NPC appreciation post ?
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I just post what I found on internet that I think haven't been post here yet, do you prefer me to off-topic like (You)?
ellen probably wont be a successful banner
chinese players only roll for stereotypical overdesigned chinese gacha game waifus (and the women and gays roll for the husbando equivalents)
that's why the unique designs like billy, ben and soukaku are thrown in as free characters, even though they are well designed, instead of any of them being s class
furry will be successful
unlike ben, it is not an animal, it is a furry, and furfags are massive paypigs
that is also probably why zhu yuan was included as launch banner phase 2, since it panders directly to their main paypiggy audience
The npcs on zzz are really unique
What is this cope
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>Loli hating loser.
Battle music needed more electronica and less wubwub dubstep.
There's also a very noticeable lack of Synthwave for something that revolves around CRTs and VHS tapes.
Do you people unironically watch this
I liek Anby...
Is he really this disgusting or is the the shops?
Gacha 2 and Battle Theme 2 are perfect for pumping my cock to Ellen
Not going to listen until I'm playing the game desu
Picking multimedia apart into bits is silly, much of the reason why "going back" to opera music, game music, film music, etc. is returning to the already-formed memory of the entire scene and story of said multimedia
Honesly only like 23 for the battle themes and mostly because of the middle part. Feels like it's a game i will be playing with my own playlist instead.
From what I recall in CBT3, the only music I really liked were the event themes, especially the battle theme. Is that uploaded somewhere? Doesn't seem to be in there.
Oh wait I missed it, it's theme 9. Seems like the CBT3 version sounds a little different though:
The cbt3 version is most likely the finished version
Its alright but not as good as other similar games.
>Camellia golden week
Camellia collab soon? I mean we got Tiesto already, it's doable
need to fuck a shark
chinks are metafags
if she's strong they will roll
ellen is the only character that have second dodge
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Based and simple.
>seele is the only character that has extra turns
Seele sold though
What do you mean? All characters can dodge twice, Ellen just goes into her special sprint when she does it.
Their new honkai open world was rumored to include monster catching like pal world. Idk how true it is tho.
Ppl who hate Nicole are femcels
I don't think women are the ones hating on the icon of censorship
who are the 5 stars of ZZZ, and what are the banners?
It seems to have a different feel and it’s a rougelite so it won’t demand as much as wuwa. As long as zzz turns out well I think I’ll be happy with wuwa hsr and zzz as my gachas for a pretty long time
Grilled shark meat tastes near identical to chicken breast and has the exact same texture as well in my experience.
Tectone didn't like our trailer
Tectone is a waste of oxygen and I’m genuinely glad he’s keeping anyone who respects his horrendous takes away from us
1M views still a lot for a video nowadays on Twitter?
nah he is 100% going to farm for ZZZ. Twitch viewers for wuwa has been going down consistently and is already at 1/2 of GI and doing worse than HSR.

The problem is that every ship he jumps to, ni no kuni, ToF, wuwa just starts to sink so he always crawl back.

He 100% wants to jump of the hoyo ship and burn all the bridges, only HSR is keeping him on board for now but his community turned on him last 2 times he made hsr drama.
what is this, mintpickers anonymous?
Wuwa will spike again in 1.1 but he’s going to attempt a jump to zzz despite talking it nonstop so long as it does decently. Hasn’t he been getting filtered by wuwa anyways?
>his community turned on him last 2 times he made hsr drama
Really? so that's why he didn't start shitting on hsr before going to wuwa
he made some youtube video shit talking firefly trailer and being cringe and it was his most downvoted video. Then he tried to salvage the situation but even his own community said he should take the L.

then there was the hsr cc getting access to best build 1 week ahead and he was making a big deal saying it's bad because gacha smack, mtashed and his buddies didnt get selected.
nah there is better harder open world game now
So what are the chances we get it less censored? Will there still be jiggle? Because the mihomo CEO is confirmed to be part of the chinese lgbt cabal, so there will be yuri and bl so i atleast want jiggle
make a sylpha maid character
I genuinely prefer wuwa over soulslike stuff honestly
yeah but you don't need to gacha on soulslike one time purchase and everything is obtainable well you can also pirate it if you wnat
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the jiggles have not be changed

for censorship, you can use mod to get around it
the fact that the censored assets are still showing up in promotional material means we're stuck with them
This doesn’t satiate my gambling addiction
Nobody has problems with the kernel anticheat shit? Dunno if i want to install this on my pc. I wonder if the game runs well on bluestacks, the lesser evil?
you can always play GBF for gambling addiction anon
hoyo stuff runs like dogshit on emulators
but if you are gonna use an emu at least use LDplayer
>afraid of alpha furGODs
low test
I like wuwa though?
>be a dumbass retard who streams all day looking & acting like a dumbass retard
>lack the self awareness to realize the trailer is poking cheeky fun at dumbass retards
yeah seems about right
nobody like wuwa everybody like freebies because kuro always screwed up there is tons of freebies
I already have hsr on my machine so it's too late to care at this point
LDPlayer (9) runs like dogshit
>he says this while clicking autoplay
I like wuwa from a gameplay standpoint, why the vitriol?
wuwa gameplay is inferior parry sound like wet noodle should just BASS boost the volume like ZZZ since they follow sekiro sound direction

Works fine on my machine, no need to compare the two when I’ll likely be playing both anyways
I play hoyos games on console so idk
/zzz/ or /zzzg/ or another name for next bread?
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>no MC wars
>no shitflinging over yuri/yaoi/etc.
/zzz/ will be the comfiest Mihoyo-related general.
Next, we have to get rid of the furries. So the seaGODS can enter
One of those, this thread title is retarded
/zzz/, the extra g is pointless
ZenLESS so the first z should not be included for /zzg/.
furgods are the pillars of our community
What's the lore reason for furries existing in this game?
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return to tradition
It was zzz back during the cbt3 threads that got constantly raided by culture warriors
I don't know man, the guy really fucking hates and loves trolling about Hoyoverse and seems to be full blown dick sucking mode for Kuro Games right now so I think he's probably just gonna play it and be a shit about it to entertain his audience of carefully cultivated haters.
If I cared about tradition I would be at church worshipping a long haired hippy
Who knows honestly, he just goes wherever he thinks he can get more clout being a boldfaced moron
They're like TMNT mutations that occured after the nuclear holocaust. ZZZ takes place 800 years after Fallout 4.
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should be /zzz/ and should have always been /zzz/ but i suppose it would be unreasonable to expect non-trollish threads until release
I don't understand how there's such a large sub-group of genshin haters that plays similar games and think they're somehow better. It's all gacha slop anyways.
Remember when HSR was the good game and just Genshin was the bad game instead of Kuro being the good company in general and Hoyo the bad company than general after WuWa came out.
This guy fucking gets it. With Tectone everything is really just about him and his metrics and what he can farm drama off of the easiest to ensure he can upload 3-4 shitty react videos a day like Asmongold who he's copied ever since joining his company. He doesn't actually give a fucking shit about anything he plays, he's just got his audience completely hoodwinked that he does because they're even stupider than he is.

He's definitely doing everything in his power with his affiliate CC's to try to will Wuthering Waves into being this big content goldmine though for sure and he clearly tried to pivot off of HSR a couple times already since it came out, but the games just too generally popular still, especially post Penacony, and he needs to work at his fanbase a little more first in de-legitimizing it if that's gonna happen. I could easily see him streaming ZZZ just to fucking shit on it and try to push it down while continuing to lift WuWA up since his audience doesn't seem to give a fuck about it at all like they do HSR. His problem atm is a lot of his current audience came to him for HSR=good, Genshin=bad rhetoric. Like I said gonna take some work and manipulation on that one, but if he keeps on sucking WuWa's dick relentlessly and casually shading HSR I think they'll get the message before long.
Seriously shit is insane. I way prefer wuwa over genshin but I’m able to acknowledge it as a preference instead of being a weird anti-genshin schizo like so many seem to be
>to expect non-trollish threads until release

It'll be just as annoying when it releases. With falseflagging niggers from other gacha generals shitposting.
It's just a matter of time before he starts doing with hsr what he does to genshin, the hsr community is just no toxic enough yet
well he is on the right patch since everytime he react or talk about ZZZ his fans just spam the sleep emoji or ZZZ
>try to will Wuthering Waves into being this big content goldmine
And he's failing at that, honestly it would funny if zzz became as successful as genshin hsr despite him shitting the game nonstop
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Not cute enough. He hates lolis like every westoid tourist in this space.
If you try to do this in game the model disappear
Because he wasn't invited
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Nun has been datamined to be NOT from the gang faction (ceasar and lucy, lighter is still debatable if he is a new faction or gang member). Looks like a cult faction

>Ahem. Attention New Eridu citizens! There's been some strange rumors floating around in New Eridu. A strange and unknown cult seems to be roaming the city late at night. Their members dress in red and black attire, and carry with them a very remarkable symbol: a barred eye with three tears. If you spot them or get approached, please flee to safety and report them to the authorities.
His animations with the sunglasses looks cool
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some combo attack
yes, it's a mod to not have that happen.
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her death animation
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Look at this masterpiece of a model man...
Just to be ruined by this lame gay cuck world...
There's no way this won't get censored
They need to uncensor everything if this comes live like this
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Don't mind if I do
I don't like the designs that look like they are from persona
What if they censored the characters just so they could get the Chinese license thing
It's honestly depressing, like watching someone burn the Mona Lisa
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There's no way she will make to live version like this
wuwa did the same desu but since hoyo is way too big on china yeah they will get noticed very fast compare to kuro
The problem is you are never going to replicate the gold rush that was Genshin. It was a once in a lifetime opprotunity. Free to play game that aped Breath of the Wild and released during COVID when a lot of areas were still doing lockdowns. No game is ever going to reach that heights, so these creators are never going to find that golden ticket again. Tectone can try and jump games but it's not going to be the same. MTashed has the exact same problem. None of them want to stick with a game enough to build an audience because they are focusing more on the grift hoping for that next payday. And yeah, you can't upend you audience. HSR people aren't going to be super interested in other games that are different from HSR. Either Tectone is going to have to keep working the HSR saltmine or start over in another game. That said, he's got an awful reputation so he is going to get pushback no matter where he goes. People like Leffen (Smash Bros player jumped to the FGC) found out that not every community is going to wash your balls, and if you are a fucker in one, they will treat you like that in the new one.

Also, I think reaction content is going the way of the dodo a bit. I don't see it anywhere near the same level it was before. Its kind of a short lived grift since you have to syphon other people's views which is going to result in less content being made that you can grift.
Also don't have a ZZZ folder so enjoy this cat
I like nuns but this does nothing to me. Probably one of the rare case of a character that censorship could salvage for me.
Hopefully she is left as is and the faction has a cuter nun but i doubt both will happen.
They could try... and if they get noticed and told off just say it was a prank... nothing bad could happen right? Too big to fail and all that
I hope thats the case (and there was a rumor as such). It seems weird that Grace was changed but these characters designs have been untouched. Other problem is Playstation and honestly I wished they'd stop bothering with them. It's not worth the small user base the PS5 has that actually plays games.
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Here a Google drive full of zzz stickers
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Thanks senpai. I'll probably get some artwork as well if I get into the game. I hope I don't regret getting back into the Mihoyoslop ecosystem.

Also the image I forgot to post
Why is Belle so tired?
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what did they mean by this one, bwos...?
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She's not lazy like the shark
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They meant Power can't you read, are you illiterate?
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He doesn't live in China right? Some of his other art going around would land him 50 years in jail there.
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Oh my
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>QQ fags are here

Why are they always like this. QQ in HSR is such a chill character that wants to slack off.

Idk how fags starts latching onto her like this
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Good artist.
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These QQ fags better not latch onto Ellen because she's the lazy archetype too
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You're not much better fofofag
>fofo poster complaining about qq
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>Lazy QQ
>Scared green haired thing called fofo

It's over before it began....
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>mfw he thinks the next thread will be named /zzz/ and not /zenzo/
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/zenzo/ nation will prevail over the religious fundamentalists
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Next thread better be zzz I'm done
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my stupid brain forgot to upload the pic
Here's another sticker folder I found
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make /our guy/ the next thread op
literally me
porky KING
Damn that's cool
>I need your clothes... your boots... and your motorcycle.
This is the ugliest character I have ever seen

I'm glad he's scrapped. You gonna have to be content as Lucy's baseball cause she hits it with her bat.
That's not her baseball that's the w-engine(weapon)
What's ugly about it, faggot?
That's not confirmed
There is animation of the pig getting hit. It's not a w engine
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do it zigger
You're actually retarded if you believe this. You aren't qualified to judge games or the actions of companies, and you're clearly self hating if you see games you willingly participate in as "slop" so I don't see why you think your opinions hold such merit that anyone wants to see them. cringe npc looking mf
my god you slurpers are everywhere
go back to twitter to like every tectone post or whatever you dickriders do
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she's hot and all, but that animation reminds me of gore videos of people getting headshotted and slumping down
ohh I like the Panty & Stocking style on these

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