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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7085 - Ω Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483254939
The lamest thing Ian has tried introducing into the canon is the name “Super Badniks” for stronger robots. That’s gay and lame. Badnik should just be used to deecribe the Classic enemies, at best. “Super Badnik” is a gay fucking nerd term and I don’t want it used to describe Egg Hammers or E-Series robots. I don’t care, fuck you.
omega kisses with neo metal sonic btw
Last thread reminded me of this jam


Everything he says is true to this day
>Egg Hammers or E-Series robots
you mean super motobugs?
Oh my god who fucking cares what an absolutely fucking retarded thing to get your panties in a wad about
Saint Santiago, the confuscious of classicnic
Evian cared enough to give shit that didnt need names or classification names...
Damn this is a bop
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op rn
The year is 2018 and you are now the writer of IDW Sonic. As far as directions go, you are told to make a comic that feels like the games and that you aren't allowed to make any major changes to the status quo of the game characters. You must introduce the currently existing comic characters, but besides that you're allowed to do whatever with them (except write them out, you can't introduce them just to make something up so they never appear again). You also must take into account that the comic takes place after Forces, but that's it. How would you have the comic play out with that in mind?
I find the term unneeded.
It's literally impossible to make a passable story when you're not even allowed to acknowledge linear time. Sega marketing is absolutely fucking retarded and should have absolutely no place in a writer's room.
family guy sitcom where they all sit around reminiscing previous stories
June 23rd 1991
Let loose, I knew you were born to run
Six zones, one boss, it was all I needed
Dashing, ring collecting, unimpeded
But now you're everything from half a werewolf to a race car driver
You've lost some weight and your eyes are greener than I recall
And as I understand there was a game where you became King Arthur
Bring back the days when playing Sonic was still cool
Keep your princesses cos
Sonic doesn't need a story
He runs fast and gets rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart
Sega, learn from your mistakes
Now it's time to sit down and leave out the cutscenes
Cos we don't care anymore
We accepted Tails and Knuckles too
Flickies took some time but they were cute
Chaotix started to push my patience
Amy Rose was an abomination
His name could be Robotnik, but it could be Eggman, what's it matter
As long as he still has that flying egg machine
Don't let me play as him or tell me more about his dead grandfather
Just swing his marble ball and chain across the screen
Keep your Olympic games cos
Sonic doesn't need a story
He runs fast and gets rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart
Sega, learn from your mistakes
Now it's time to sit down and leave out the cutscenes
Cos we don't care anymore
Don't want Silver
Don't want Dark Gaia
Don't want Rouge the bat
Don't want Blaze the cat
Don't want Shadow
Don't want Shadow
Don't want Shadow
Don't want Shadow
Hover skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound
Hover skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound
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Describe good gameplay you piece of shit cause pinball platformer is the anti thesis of good gameplay.
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Sonic is a kiwi
You're essentially just asking how we'd write the comic differently using the same parameters as Ian did

I'd just go for the funny option and have the Ruby tease a return for Archie characters, odd portals, distant half-memories, just for Brutus to enter the portal and laugh as everyone finds it's STC time
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no way anyone would buy a plain generations with nothing new. and incompatible with all mods out there.
I don't get what you mean, is it that your not allowed to make any major changes to game characters that's the problem?
What part of
>Don't want shadow
>Don't want shadow
>Don't want shadow
>Don't want shadow

Don't you understand old man?
I don't know what parameters Ian actually has so that's why I worded it that way. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming that his rules are far more strict.
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Opinion discarded.
Because HE SELLS
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We need old Rouge back
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Yeah this series is screwed. I can't imagine what's going to become of Maria.
What is the purpose of this consulting firms anyway? Now just being just an idea man can give you money? How does it work?
We're doomed
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>make it gay and lame
Istg if Sega doesn't have the balls to fucking say NO
"Consulting Firm" is corpospeak for a social credit score inspector. They make sure your product is nice and woke for the sponsors.
>Corporate bean counters want insurance that they won't be twitter cancelled
>Hire outside contractors, because companies don't like to pay permanent staff and it gives them an external company to offload blame to
>Contractor gives list of changes that have to be implemented regardless of if they are good or make sense
>Bean counters happy because they can check off their little box
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Reminder: ZERO consulting firms for Kinostars.

Hopefully, Shadow Gens isn't too fucked up.
See >>483305121 but only Sonic, Shadow, and Eggman ever appear
They have had their hooks in since Forces. For nearly 10 years SEGA has been listening to those vultures.
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Holy shit I fucking hate Western gaming so much.. I hope Sega can be as protective with Sonic like Nintendo does with mario
Yeah but this game still sucks and put Classic Sonic on ice for a while.
Hopefully losing all that money on Hyenas "Join the ACK" has taught them something.
>I hope Sega can be as protective with Sonic like Nintendo does with mario
Nintendo is pozzed with ESG. Look at how they're treating Princess Peach and now Princess Zelda.
>A...anon? Is it really true you like... Mobian girls? But your not even the same species!

How do you respond?
You've not read about the TTYD remake have you?
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No, Im saying that the average Human man can manhandled even the strongest male Sonician sissies
Sega always takes the wrong messages from their succeses and failures, wait for them to see idw slop and xitter and assume ESG and woke is why frontiers succeeded and go full steam ahead
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Its already too late for nintendo. The pikmin and paper mario remaster scripts were censored and changed for a "modern audience now." Paper Mario was probably even more ridiculous with the censorship. And I'm not talking about tranny vivian either, dumb shit like saying "crazy" and "health nut" was also completely censored out. Nintendo has been pozzed since they let treehouse take over for localization. Don't get me started how they butchered the 3DS Fire Emblem scripts and shoehorned in outdated meme references in Pokemon X and Y and Zelda Triforce Heroes.
>A...anon(male)? Is it really true you like... Mobian boys? But your not even the same species!

How do you respond?
I want to hug_ Jewel
What are you a mobianphobe?
I'm not so sure about that. Daddy Sega wants yearly releases and Superstars did over a million units if the estimates are to be believed.
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Hit Detection also works on Silent Hill remake
Its just game about the female characters? I don't really see how it's "woke"?
What's a TTYD
The Thousand Year Door
>princess peach game and a zelda game where you actually play as zelda
two things fans have wanted for at least 30 years.
THIS is the real problem with nintendo.
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antiwoke grifters are anti american traitors
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Can we blame HD instead of Ian?
Or do we blame SEGA for letting HD do their consulting?
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Why does the chick on the cover look alright?

Is it not too late?
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The fucking Jews won't even let us game in peace goddamn
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channel is the guy who had a melty about PRONOUNS btw
Check the filename behind spoiler
>Bald British Man who managed to beat Microsoft
For all the problems Advanced had its really where I wish 2D Sonic had gone. It feels like the evolved form of that type of gameplay.
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What Sonic doin?
damn I'm getting sleepy and it's late too, I thi k I go sleep guys
>Hello Classic Amy, who is not Modern Amy and is in fact an entirely unrelated character that I've never met. Have you seen Baldy McNosehair? I have to run fast, collect rings, and hit the bad guy!
Rise if she was good
How to fix Sonic from a video game perspective;
Make it like Warframe & Jazz JackRabbit.
How to fix Shadow the Hedgehog the video game ; turn it into furry Grand Theft Auto in liberty city.

How to fix Sonic from a TV Show perspective;
Sonic is an antihero just like Bugs Bunny. (he already is just like his "he's just shy" BS, but he never owns it).
Tails has 3 forms; small little infatuated girl, big girl the age of Sonic and big girl older than Sonic. Each form has a personality, sometimes multiple depending on the writer.
1) Tails has the wise old sage smug personality where he doesn't give a shit cause he saw it all and he's above it all. This is the holie than thou angel personality and the responsible one who memorized all of Sonic's bullshit.
2) Tails has a yandere personality, a sadomasochist personality especially for Sonic as Tails is Sonic's rival. This Tails actively races Sonic and promised Sonic he'll torture him. They often compete for the chaos emeralds. Basically another Knuckles & Shadow, except not antisocial.

These 3) and 4) th ones are more boring
3) Responsible boring friendly neighborhood girl next door AKA Sally
4) The cute innocent one who actually is secretly edgy and a total sick fuck, heavily contrasted by the fact Tails is a very little girl in this version playing with dolls.

Amy's personality;
1) Old chainsmoker gypsy who reads your palm and practices chaos magic who uses illusion to appear young. Often teaches Sonic in exchange for him to wear rings and shoes and act as his maid as she's just being a pervert on his ass.

Shadow's personality
1) Less MUH PRIDE Vegeta tier and more ... literally SonWukong's shadow who was very mischevious.
1) double agent tier who was playing Eggman for a fool all along. Secretly a demon straight from space hell.

Silver/Trunk's personality
1) Actually a no nonsense android who will kill you in a second and his answer is always violence. Basically Boom Shadow. Lacks a personality.
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/sthg/ federation, give me your most prized headcanons.
Those are some attack eyebrows

Design choices aside, the one on the left iirc is a pre-rendered cut-scene in 2, while the one on the right is the in-game model. Depending on the studio, Ps2 era cut-scenes looked fantastic, especially to rival in game graphics of now.

I don't get the point of remakes to begin with, just port the damn thing. Silent Hill 2 is still a good game, it doesn't need to be improved by more action orientated gameplay, a new dub or a new coat of paint. Just release the game as is and accept that games get old. Work on something new. Or is it because, Konami, everything you've tried making after 3 has had worse and worse reception
How would you do a Sonic RPG? I keep going back and forth between battles being actual 2d gameplay like Zelda 2 or some kind of simulated "speed battle" that's turn based but looks like the characters are running to give the illusion of a kinetic battle. I think a turn based battle with Bravely Default's turn system, where characters can accelerate for extra turns, would be cool
he's about to get canceled
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Sonic Forces didn't have a shit Amy (or a shit Rouge for that matter) despite having Hit Detection consulting. It's Ian and his lesbian fetish.

I mean, even in IDW, Evan will actually have Amy fawn over Sonic. Hell, recent issue had Amy be a damsel for a moment. It's Ian Flynn's fault.
Blaze has a schoolgirl crush on Big
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Rise is already good >:(
Jesus, this doesn't even looks like the same character.
This is incoherent. What the fuck are you even blaming Ian for at this point
It's just a really ugly fucked up model.


Who knows, they might fix it before release.
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Being Espio's human wife. Pulling my cute chameleon husband into my lap. Tenderly caressing Espio. Feeling Espio's scales as he spills his thoughts to me. Smooching Espio on his cheek.
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He likes em' young and ripe
Oh man its the Transgendered Maria discussion
>open random video about Sonic Adventure mods by some random youtuber
>"this game is really really bad-"
>close video
Sonic's dimension is the Dominion of time and Blaze's is the Dominion of space. Sonic's world has a lot of time traveling shenanigans and deities who revolved around the idea of time manipulation, where as the Sol Dimension has artifacts such as the jeweled scepter which can control all of space ("the power of the stars" is flowery speech)
also Fang is from the Sol dimension and Slinger was his counterpart
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Why did the Japanese version of Frontiers have different dialogue for Amy, anon?
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Sonic franchise is good
>I have to run fast, collect rings, and loop-de-loop my way into your heart!
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I was about to engage with woke/ anti-woke debate, but these posts reminded me what /sthg/ is about: being obsessed with rubberhose animals.
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I am going to exorcise my love for Amy, rip it out of me.
It's so annoying how that stupid song is catchy, he could have written some good lyrics celebrating the classic games he supposedly likes and it would have been good, instead it's just a joke.
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Good job anon...
No, that is not an OC. It's Mighty!
Fang ending up in the Trip dimension
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explain this
nobody cares bitch
I care
tails spoiling the mood always being on his ipad bringing up politics he's reading from it 24/7
Maybe someday the bad sonic song will be as much of a meme as dear seeger
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Oh yeah and there's a third unexplored dimension that's essentially the domain of death and it's were the Phantom ruby/the End originate from. The ruby essentially brings the transitory realm of death and rebirth to reality, and what you experience is supposed to only be experienced after you die.
That’s a clone made by Eggman
why is there guy with broken english who comes here every night to have a meltdown, i assume this is the same person seething about the human men joke.
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The one and only Classic Shadow: Terios!
Sounds like something a Gray Sonic denier would say
Tails doesn't care about politics
Blaze: Democrats? Republicans? Woke? I do sometimes get woken up by peasants not wanting me to be absolute monarch and insisting on some kind of democracy or republic... They're fun to set on fire!
Is he the same guy who seethes about how racist americans are trying to destroy Japanese canon
It already is here pretty much, just needs to spread
I mean the person who keeps hyping up the japanese (it's not entirely japanese) whiteboard speaks like a brazillian so...
I haven't read the conversation but that is correct
I always liked that idea people had before the game came out that the phantom ruby granted illusionary desires, so Santiago was created by Tails's desire for Sonic to return
What do you think about Aqua Planet Zone from Sonic Chaos? Just like the Sol Dimension, that place is also located in another dimension different from Sonic's.
Good morning saar! I lav Ian flynn and IDW, I just thought of hilarious joke. What if cartoon animal open bob and vagene! Britisher shocked IDWndia rocks!
Where did that whiteboard come from anyway?

I like that idea, I don't think I've heard it before
There he is
reverse night time schizo
Do you mean the guy who sees about that or the guy who seethes about the fact that some people prefer Japanese canon because those are two different schizos
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Amy and Blaze!
Got any screenshot of his posts?
>What will you say then?
>"The main game of Generations has no story!"
Tails would be into eugenics because he can’t cope with being a two tailed freak in a fit of hypocrisy.
Knuckles would siege for Mystic Ruins, killing all its visitors to reclaim the glory of his ancestors.
Amy Rose would swing her hammer in the name of God as she smites homosexuals as she falls deeper in the trad wife meme.
Sonic wouldn’t believe in what they do as everyone is free as the wind, so he lets them free to do as they wish.
Don't want Silver

Don't want Dark Gaia

Don't want rouge the bat

Don't want blaze the cat

Don't want Shadow
Don't want Shadow
Don't want Shadow
Don't want Shadow
Pretty sure that's Sonic.
He was right though.
SEGA considers Sonic Generations and Shadow Generations two separate games. Sonic X Shadow Generations is officially referred to as a collection of two games. The official website separates them and gives them individual different logos.
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Good point, there is a guy who keeps insulting the japanese canon, posting ai Archie Ocs and talking about how everyone is a "purist". He's annoying too.
I can tell it's him because he really gets the "Archie good games bad" argument going and people take the bait until he starts using his AI characters.
We have the worst of both worlds.
The japan purist guy just shows up to say some illegible shit and then gives up quickly at least.
>A water planet in an alternate dimension... Strange creatures are roaming around. Don't forget to take a breather after going underwater.

Sounds like Sonic went to the Sol Dimension earlier than he thought
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>How do you respond?
sonic protects the eggman empire and fights blaze
>Flatty McNosefur!
What if Archie mediocre and games mediocre
leave the night time schizo alone. His poor english makes his posts cute.
>hyping up the japanese (it's not entirely japanese) whiteboard
What I thought that was funny
I like this take.

T. Archie and IDWfag
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>I mean, even in IDW, Evan will actually have Amy fawn over Sonic.
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just read the first three issues of sonic legacy. i tried to keep an open mind hoping it'd get better as it went on, but it instead only got worse. there goes roughly two hours of my life i'll never get back.
This does not happen
It had different dialogue for everything.
when a comic does something annoying i can laugh at it but when a game does something annoying i have to solve it.
>that forced it doesn't matter reference
why is idw the way it is
It's an adaptation of the classic games, of course its boring.
the night time schizo is an ESL beaner, it's pretty obvious from the way he types
sonics gero
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Sonic? Pfft.
Guess what, Sonic Heroes? It's the ultimate life form born to ensure peace and justice amongst all of mankind!
>human men joke
Qrd on this one?
Damn this art has soul, what happened to that artist?
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>Sonic shorts come back
>it's shit which recycles old jokes
You're telling me there ISN'T a guy who shows up every other day to post headshots of anime archie OCs saying things like "We need a human canon" and aggressively shitting on the mainlilne games in favor of Archie because Archie has a "fleshed out world"?
If he reads this posts he'll try and fix his english which will be funnier because it'll just be more obvious.
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Compare these pages.
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You can always tell because while everyone makes mistakes, they make special types of mistakes.
I learned american english all by myself gringo not a lot of people speak english here :(
Yes I am saying that exactly. And before you go panic digging in the archives for somebody saying the games are shit know that your deranged persecution complex does not prove an Archie conspiracy to corrupt gook canon exists.
furry gooners posting buff human men
Holy shit, did ABT start doing drugs or something? The spring comic got delayed like 2 months and his personal art, although cool, are incomplete sketches most of the time.
Blaze may be built like a twig, but she has the one thing that truly matters...





>Amy's personality;
1) Old chainsmoker gypsy who reads your palm and practices chaos magic who uses illusion to appear young. Often teaches Sonic in exchange for him to wear rings and shoes and act as his maid as she's just being a pervert on his ass.


Amy Rose is Sonic's "Minnie Mouse", she is the Love Interest character, and she is meant to be a cute and energetic tomboyish girl.

Stop acting like you're some creative genius who knows what's best for Sonic, as if your ideas are a gold mine, when all you're showing here is that you do not actually like or care about "Sonic" or these characters at all.
the issue isn't that it's boring, it's that it's written like shit. sonic isn't sonic and tempest is an annoying bitch who would only serve to weigh sonic down if he weren't written to be incompetent.
jesus christ the fucking ego on this faggot
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>the issue isn't that it's boring
It is for me.
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Ian's fan fiction?
reddit is down the hall and to the left
ABT discovered crack
Embarrassing that this is the only thing keeping Superstars and Fang from falling into the sea of unconsciousness
Ian has no involvement
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>Nipponic purists shook by the roots again
Are you that Sparky anon guy?
>h...hah yeah the guy who rants about how evil archie is s...sure is annoying, y..yeah. B...but you know what's REALLY annoying? Archie fans! I...I mean I don't hate Archie but I just think the fans are a little mean to the game fans and they shouldn't want Sally Acorn to be in a game because she wouldn't fit and she's a fucking Furry WHORE WHO CANT SHUT HER RANCID FURRY PUSSY AND RICHMUNK HAS BEEN READING MY MAIL AGAIN EVEN THOUGH I BOOBY TRAPPED THE MAILBOX AND HE WAS GANGSTALKING ME LIKE THAT TIME THE CASHIER AT THE GAS STATION ASKED ME IF I WANTED CHANGE I KNEW SHE FUCKING MEANT CHANGING THE GAMES TO BE MORE LIKE FARTCHIE AND I JUST WISH THE POLICE WOULD ANSWER MY CALLS AGAIN
It's honestly better you don't know
fair enough. i wasn't bored reading it, i was just annoyed by the awful characterization and writing.
sonic paradox's fanfiction
hold his hand, trip

let him know even he deserves love...
Post the Ai image Archiebros
Tails is good as a boy, which is what he's designed to be. Making him a girl is just worse.
Why do you ask?
why does archie sonic's eyebrows looks so weird and grotesque
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Let me guess, you're the comicfag who keeps posting this shit saying they need to make the archie shit canon
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Uhh should I not?
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Anyone who thinks Tails should be a girl just wants Cream. And if they wanna ship Sonic and Tails, what they're really doing is shipping Sonic and Cream.

But that one guy isn't doing either of these things, what he's really obsessed with is turning Tails into "Gadget Hackwrench" and/or Sally Acorn or whatever.
You did exactly what I said you would do: dug out a completely unrelated post of someone saying the games were bad and that as proof of your mental illness. Please for the love of God take your meds
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Thoughts on the Freedom Fighters? Are they unique enough? Rotor seems irrelevant compared to Tails.
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This is really cool and a little funny at the same time. Was this on purpose?
there was a guy last thread who said gamefags 'hated when sonic had an actual character'. I tried explaining that game sonic does have a character but he said he refused to read it. i dunno if I'd call him a schizo but he wasn't very nice
anon... I like Archie, I just don't like the guy who says Archie is good and the games are bad.
Why are you so concerned about the identity of an anon.
>turning Tails into "Gadget Hackwrench" and/or Sally Acorn or whatever.
Are you just randomly throwing out names?
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>Seething fag trying to start shit up again
Cream has her own personality beyond "young female sidekick", it's more like they just want to turn Tails into a woman and that's even dumber.
What does he do exactly
>tails comes out as a girl
>suddenly shadow is interested in her
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They're good for Archie but they don't belong in the games. They are my favorite Sonic characters. Sonic and Sally are a great duo.
Just give him a specialty.
No, that one guy has mentioned Gadget Hackwrench before in relation to what he thinks Tails should be.
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Did someone say mental illness?
all built for sex with shadow, especially Antoine.
That's kind gay ese
Why isn't Marine allowed under the covers?
They were created for a medium based on what the creators had access to at the time. I can't really hate them because of that. That being said I think SatAM would have been a lot cooler if they had access to the Sonic Team vault
honestly nothing concerning, he just gets uppity about anything not from the games, eagerly posts to say he doesn't care about it. He is a standard purist fan who just happens to have terrible english. He can get annoying but he's not even on par with Sparky.
He'll reply to himself which is cutely obvious because of his bizarre and consistent choice of english dialect. Lurk and you will learn to spot him.
As for the AI guy, whenever I see anyone starting to argue that Archie should have been canon, I assume it's him baiting.
He is arguably the winner every time because he succeeds in his goal of pissing the general off.
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>bizarre and consistent choice of english dialect.
Gives us an example.
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Archie has its ups and downs just like the games. These two parts of the fanbase should be able to recognize that both in terms of quality are equals.
>bizarre and consistent choice of english dialect
Antoine is Sword Sonic.
Bunnie is Dhalsim/Rusty Rose.
Sally and Nicole can fight together and be a walking jojo reference.
Rotor is boring.
Not going to out my favorite schizo, sorry. That's all you get.
I read that exchange and he was right. The people who whine about how the games are pure and being besmirched by the existence of the comics don't have a single coherent thought in their heads about what Sonic should be other than contrarily dickriding Sonic Team. If the comics do something then there's suddenly a flurry of twittards saying that actually Sonic would never do that because [headcanon] and if Sonic Team does something retarded then it's "actually if you have a degree in Japanese literary conventions this makes perfect sense."

That's literally what it all boils down to: people working themselves up into a frenzy over Sonic doing anything at all.
Fucking hate rotor
archiecels reached the bargaining stage
>Design a character with no mouth
>Can talk
>It's even worse in the movie cutscenes where the lower face moves as if he has mouth
What were they thinking?
just make your own shit if you want to see sally making out with sonic all the time and arguments about feelings fuck
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¡Ay ay ay! Muy burritos
"Oh shit we have to make a character quick let's reuse Shadow's model and take off the mouth so we don't have to lip synch"
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Sonic should be in a duo Sally are a duo whether they are in a relationship or not. It would be cool if they had a close bond like Tails and wasn't just a normal Sonic friend to him in reboot.
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>Lurk and you will learn to spot him.
And why is she so tall?
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Never happens again under Ian's writing.
If you look at Tails and the first character you think of when it comes to other characters is Sonic, you have failed.
Retard. It's meant to be unsettling that he's speaking with no mouth.
Si paco! Aye caramba!
The point is that he is Sonic's sidekick, how is that a problem?

Is it a problem to look at Luigi and think of Mario? Or look at Robin and think of Batman?
...this artist looks familiar...
Oh, c'mon! Don't be a greedy anon; share his linguist secrets with us!
>dead and buried
based Ian removing boring shipping slop for cool references
You fail, I have nothing more to say to you.
"let's make a cool villain for Shadow's story"
>Mimic infected Whisper with HIV
Explains a lot.
It's a TGT thing
Explain yourself. The point of my post was that I have no idea what you're actually saying.
I assumed it was because he was born from a literal shadow
It's a reference...
Sonamy was never all that interesting or funny so I'm glad it got downplayed
This fanart is probably older than me
>Amy is a bad character because she only wants to fuck sonic
>Ian is a bad writer because Amy doesn't want to fuck sonic

lmaoing @ you tards
stalkermy is a pointless character now
Did you read my longer post? I said that Sonic's canon characterization CAN be done in the west and doesn't need to be explained specifically with the "Japanese culture" stuff. IDW and Prime and stuff just don't do that, since IDW prefers going into introspection with him like a more standard protagonist and Prime seems to try to ape the movies. I do think IDW is a lot closer in terms of his character than Prime, I read the recent Riders issue and I actually liked the exchange between Sonic and Eggman more there, so they're headed in the right direction. Just bury the hatchet on the Mr. Tinker thing.
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I didn't expect to see another volume of Sonic Shorts
We just might get Casino Calamity in our lifetimes
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Tarkatan Mephiles.
Pirating 30 years old games
Sonic girls for this feel?
Shut up, coolerfag.
I hate this take
I don't like the ship at all. I like basically ever other Sonic ship out there more than it. I do get why some like it, but its still near the bottom of Sonic ships I like.
>12 years, 7 months ago
get out
It's just fine when actually written and executed well, with the actual intent of both characters' portrayals being conveyed and understood properly by both the writers and the audience.

But we never got that, ever. Because either the writers butcher their characters, or the audience doesn't know what the characters are actually like, and the confusion on either end or both creates a serious problem that harms the characters and the relationship dynamic.
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whisper thinks she is a speed type...
The Ai spammer is worse because he's here and you can see him damage controlling his daily schizoid posts about how "Archie isn't really that bad".
>People have issues with 1 dimensional joke character
>But also don't like a hack writer retarded enough to make a 1 dimensional gag character out of character?!
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Pirate retro games, you say?
>Just let me shit my awful opinion into the thread unprompted about my anti-Archie schizo fantasies
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Now I'll have to be hyper vigilant to avoid beaner-specific mistakes so I don't get confused with the purist schizo.
who is the AI spammer and why do you think they shill Archie
I don't get it
Is ABTs stylistic inconsistency seriously just him changing his style to align with Evan's?
Fine might even be pushing it for me. I just plain don't like the way they interact with each other, unless its platonic and as friends. I like ships where Sonic isn't running away or pretending not to like the other.
are the archieschizos newfriends since /co/ banned sanic?
Ariem doing this with her panties in front of Knuckles and they're soaking wet
>/co/ banned sanic
Did this actually happen? I thought they only deleted like one thread and people here were exaggerating.
Ron Lim Sonic is the best Sonic. Is it off model, sure. But him being so tall and having such long quills makes him look so cool.
Shadow gay for tails
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You should be happy that you don't come here often enough to recognize posting styles. Live your life kid, this is the coldest summer for the rest of it.
I can tell when I see sparky, I can tell when Amy hater is posting thins other than Amy hating. I can tell when I see scribbz and tdfwnn palling around. I can tell when I see Eggfag's specific takes on the games, I can tell when the surgefag with the gun image is awake. I can tell when Sparky is trying to contain his autism.
I have been here every day for the last four years. Nobody should be like me.
Different guy, but isn't that from therealshadow?
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>AI being gaslight by AI
I can only watch in horror as the only flesh and blood person in sthg
I'm more confused by what they're doing in the same room
ela é nordestina
>this types of post
Are you guys women?
They occasionally delete threads that are deliberate attempts at shitflinging
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I can't tell what's more cringe worthy about this art. The fact that its "revenge" art played straight by having Whisper and Tangle's fan kid beat Surge. The fact that Whisper and Tangle had a kid at all that seems to be their biological kid. Or the fact that they probably had this kid by fusing together since that's a thing they can do with this artist.
thats right
Which posters are harder to identify?
>AI vs AI
>"I'm not a robot, I'm a unicorn."
Need Nicole vs Sage.
So it's not actually banned then, cool
>I like ships where Sonic [acts out of character]
The point of SonAmy is that this is how Sonic responds to romance, period. He runs from Amy because he is running from romance in general. That's why you can't ship Sonic with ANYONE unless that other person is pursuing him just like Amy does.

So what you're really saying is that you don't like Sonamy because you don't like how anti-romance/relationships Sonic is, which would mean that any Sonic- ship is something you wouldn't like because every single one can only exist at all if the other person is chasing after Sonic and he will run away just like he does for Amy. The closest to NOT running away is SonElise, but Sonic didn't pursue or initiate anything with her, and it took a while for Elise to really come to terms with her feelings, so the whole thing didn't go anywhere, and Sonic already shot it down before it could by letting Elise know that once he defeats Eggman, he will leave and never look back.

In short, the reason SonAmy is the way that it is is because Sonic Team had to create a love interest for a guy that would never chase after a girl or be tied down by a relationship in any way.
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>But we never got that, ever.
Then how would know it's ever written well?
Ugh I hate Sonic's shitty friends!

Nobody actually gets offended by the Brazilian schizo because he is sometimes nice, even to archiefags. He seems to be a "hate the sin, not the sinner" type. Even when he's mean it just sort of gives a whiny dog vibe.
Cállate, pendejo
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>seems to be their biological kid
>that last line.
Drawfags, would you kindly?
>that seems to be their biological kid
No, they found him and changed his eyes to match theirs
Supernatural powers
Its not cringeworthy is extremely cool. I love this image so much. I love this kind of stuff.
I have cum to that gif harder than I have ever cum in my life
she's just magical
Ugh I LOVE Sonic's friends!

The majority of drawfags except sparky don't have clear personalities. Colono will announce his presence but that doesn't make it clear who he is. TDFWNN is frequently playing Shadow the Hedgehog.
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Speak inglês, dear anon!
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Amy is older than Knuckles and Vector was in the concept art for Sonic 1. But I suppose very few people knew of him outside of Chaotix
*he changed his eyes on his own
to be exact
What things does amyhater do besides hate on amy
So is the baby an Alien, demon or something else that shape shifted to be a mixture of the two of them?
Why that nigga pregnant?
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We'll tell you when you're older.
fuck off slashy
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Looks like the typical carioca to me.
goon to BUHrazeuuuuuuu
While we are exposing people I must say I've been a man this entire time
Ah I see maybe I should leave this place and find shigh paying jobs, thank you random anon
yes, everyone in this thread is a woman
even you
Most normalfags back in the day haven't played CD or Chaotix, so they wouldn't even know they first appeared in the classic Sonic titles.
I don't think what I said was accurate to what I actually meant to say.

Sonic & Amy have been written well before. Sonic & Amy's interactions have been written well before. The problem in those cases is that the audience completely fails to understand what's going on when it happens because of their preconcieved notions of Sonic & Amy's characters which are very inaccurate to the actual Sonic & Amy.

They don't understand why Amy chases Sonic. They don't understand why Sonic runs from Amy. Thus, they don't understand what "SonAmy" even is. And then when those people get behind the wheel, they completely butcher Sonic & Amy in their attempt to "fix" what wasn't broken. Which breaks it.

What "breaks" Sonic and Amy's dynamic is simply that nobody understands Sonic or Amy, so they don't get what the actual idea behind their relationship is.

What SonAmy needs is an actual story that centers around and properly showcases Sonic and Amy's relationship. One that communicates to the audience who Sonic is, who Amy is, why Amy likes Sonic, what Sonic thinks of Amy, why Amy chases Sonic, why Sonic avoids her, and where it's all meant to go (if anywhere).
Playing hard to get eh?
>sorry sonic, but shadow taught me to be FEARLESS
We do not need a fucking shipping story as the main plot of a sonic game. You have an endless supply of fanfiction and you want more you sick fuck
Just because its canon doesn't mean that people have to like that ship.
Amyhater likes Sonic, Tails & Knuckles being the iconic trio, and also Metal Sonic.
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I find it kinda funny how the Prime Sonic VA said his favorite scene is the one where he got to actually act like Sonic
blvd just ordered a yappucino with extra FrOHIOnch fries naaaah x_x
>Sonic & Amy have been written well before. Sonic & Amy's interactions have been written well before.
It isn't explained, neither is Tangle and Whisper being able to fuse into Whistle.
Not a lot of thought goes into the fankids of lgbt ships, even when they are adopted kids.
If I were to draw smut of Surge lezzing out, who should I partner her with and what should they be doing?
Amy hater is a paramountfag who dislikes the idea of the "brotherhood" being tainted by Amy.
>We do not need a fucking shipping story as the main plot of a sonic game.
We do when Amy exists as a "Core" character in the main group.
Me too, nothing wrong about it :)
Women don't browse the internet
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I'm glad Amy's problematic behavior has been removed. Now they can be chummy and focus on having fun adventures
Thoughts on these two?
this they probably think its some kind of makeup brand
Can you stop posting that? It feels.. Wrong
I want more shadamy beyond tmosh.
Nice try scribbles.
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Do you guys ever feel like half the people here aren't really that invested in what they're arguing about and it's layers of falseflagging? Imagine if the guy you're arguing with actually held the opinion you're falseflagging as and vice versa and conversations here are just a strawman battle
Erafaggotry was a mistake.
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I'm... Anon, the hardest poster to identify!
I'm the true incognito of /sthg/!
No one knows who I am!
This is WHO I AM!
*cue evil laugh*
charmy seems the type to yap about needing more trains, railways and walkable cities
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Uh bring back stalker Amy right now!
Okay just to recap how many schizos do we have here??
Gone, but not forgotten.
That last comic of his was wild.
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No you don't. You could just not include that part of her character and just leave her as a bubbly energetic girl
I do not argue in this general because often times it's either obvious bait or an angry stupid person.
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western "sonic"
There is nothing to bring back because Amy was never a stalker in the first place, and believing that she was is the problem in and of itself with how she's percieved and portrayed nowadays. If you hate or like Amy for "being a stalker", then you do not understand her character.
me me and meeee
amy having her panties ripped off and surge slurping on her clam
Do I need to know?
PLEASE fuck my OC
who do you miss sthg?
Shadow probably is the better choice for her, the wind is cold, shadows promise light and warmth.
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One, but he has multiple conflicting personalities.
Amy was a stalker and that made her fun
Fartchie Artchie
Amy with Sonic getting hard watching them
That piece of shit watch fell apart so fast...
I'm an uncultured brute. Please define what 'schizo' means.
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Sonic the Hedgehog
AImy Rose my beloved.

Now we just need the guy who does them as sexy bunny girls to come back
sthg im going to the symphony in september what should I expect
short for schizophrenic, basically means a nutjob, a wacko, a crazy guy who wants attention
Romantic Love is the centerpoint of Amy's entire existence. She IS shipping. "SonAmy" is what she is built around and why she was created. Trying to avoid shipping while Amy is right there next to Sonic is pure madness.

No, she was never a stalker, what you think "made her fun" is not accurate to how she was actually being handled. What makes Amy fun is that she is an energetic and optimistic girl who is not at all shy about her very passionate and often overwhelming emotions. Emotions that are too much for even Sonic to handle. Sonic is a fast-paced adrenaline junkie who hates waiting, but HE would be the first person to tell Amy to slow down and wait. That is the very root of Sonic & Amy's dynamic and what makes it fun.
It's uhh.... A person uhhh ermm.... Who is... shit idk
Would you please gives us an overview of his personae?
I don't know if this makes me a schizo but I want to have sexual intercourse with scribbleanon
I don't know if this make me a schizo but I like Sonic the Hedgehog
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He hates everything and anything purely to be contarian and he's a massive attentionwhore.
He chases away artists and other content creators because they roach his attention.
Ask them when are they coming to Mexico, this is a sincere request from me
If he's a Sonic fan. I'm pretty sure he'd notice Sonic acted like a pussy through most of the show. OOC.
Who is our greatest schizo?
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newfags need to be corrected
Hey that's pretty cool, at least someone working on that show knew what Sonic is like
I literally stopped posting art because of drawfucker
Its not fun for me at all. Sonamy sucks, because their chemistry does not click with me.
Fiona up against a wall.
Overall, It might've been Mimicfag.
Sex is an impure act. I'm a being of light, and I will never partake in such foolishness!

From which perspective, does it not click with you?

Is it Amy's passionate emotions, or Sonic's avoidant response to it?
Draw her getting vaulted
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>missed sonics birthday yesterday
Why are the new Sonic shorts skits so fucking long
It's just become a buzzoword for shitposter.
I've started posting more because of him.
>AImy Rose my beloved.
I am the guy who mentioned in thread sometime yesterday that I turn to AI cuz I'm deeply in love with Amy but have no drawing skills. I work as a mechanic so time can be tight. Some anons here are truly inspiring, though, so I think soon I will try to find the time to at least attempt drawing, for her. In the meantime, I slop.
Sonic's response to them. If he faced her and went along with her I would like the ship better than if he just ran away.
Nebula Pixels (the artist who got kicked out of Sonic paradox) must be retarded.

Sexting teenagers is the dumbest pedoshit you can do. Teenagers don't keep dms secret. Teenagers don't keep ANYTHING secret.
LC-Kun is still peak and nu-posters will never top him
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>still Silver will be laughed at for his coleslaw
>meanwhile Shadow
Because the guy who made it is a transgender women who fucked little girls
Where is this from?
So what you don't like is how Sonic responds to romance.
Godspeed, Mechamyfag.
What the fuck is that
Alien food.
>She IS shipping
And that's something some people believe should not be in Sonic
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Surge needs some love
It's just the case of Americans showing their Xenophobic nature against the Japanese
She's a woman butthurt Metalfag too.
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>Trip finally stands up to herself
>Fang now wants to fucking kill her this badly

This music sounds sad. Who was in the wrong?
I've been here for about a month and nobody has recognized me despite constantly essay posting, headcanon posting, fanfiction posting, mass replying, being included on the thread simulator, getting sucked into philosophical/ political debates, and my idiomatic way of communicating because I deliberately include different tells.

Me, and it's not even close.
This. Everyone who tries here is pathetic compared to him.
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(You), the destroyer of worlds, the annihilator of life... the eternal bringer of Armageddon!
Obviously Whisper
Don't be stupid. Even DragonBall has shipping. Relationships are just part of life and it is one of the most basic and human experiences no matter what angle its coming from.

Amy exists for that reason.
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Why does this song sounds like shit
No I genuinely think you guys are idiots
Evens, borgor break
Odds, hotdog break
>Amy was never a stalker in the first place
I thought Sonic X was accurate?
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Borgor supremacy.
My new favorite is the guy who pretends to be hopelessly in love with Amy.
Me whenever I interact with Sparky because he’s too dense to realize I like to mess with him constantly, but he thinks it’s a different person.
I’m not on his villain list so I know I’m doing something right.
where did you get this picture of me
>She IS shipping
She hasn't shipped a single person
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ignore the result. go get some dogs. get 7, and have them all in your hand
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SEGA HQ cafeteria
Black sesame mapo tofu
>what is that red thing?
>Even DragonBall has shipping.
Says who? Toriyama specifically mentioned that he hated romance and would avoid it at any cost. It's why Bulma x Vegeta being a thing was never properly explained as he needed a quick excuse to bring Trunks into the story.
She wasn't a stalker in Sonic X. But I don't usually consider X!Amy to be the most accurate anyway, except for specific moments or episodes. The problem with X!Amy, in my opinion, is simply that they take 'Amy is very passionate about her emotions' and then they removed 'Joy' from her emotional framework and put 'Anger' at the wheel so CREAM can be the cute, uplifting and optimistic one, and this turns SonAmy into a weird tsundere-esque version of itself that makes Amy look bad for sick jokes.
I would respect usagerbil if he didn't let schizos drive him out. We have countless drawfags who learned to ignore them.
Dragonball has relationships that evolve and then put on the backburner to focus on action, not a character whose sole existence is to be shipping which has to be made front and center when they appear
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Mecha Fang's theme song has a cool Mega Man X vibe to it!
Where is Usagerbil now? Does anyone have a link?
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I'm sure you mean that in an endearing way
Amy is a love interest that also craves action and adventure, rather than being a wife that'll just stay at home.
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Cream isn't even in Riders and Amy still attacked him out of anger after he saved her from Eggman.
Not at all. My endearment ended years ago
so glad that usagifaggot is dead now
his coomer slop was never good
>SEGA HQ cafeteria
Interesting. Got any more pics of the menu?
He needs to evolve into his next form, the EUrat.
Stop talking about anons you hate and start talking about anons you'd fuck because boy oh jee oh gollyfucking cum buckets I'd Fuck Wolf Amy
>someone asks how Trip would act if she meets other Sonic characters and when she meets Fang again
>Ian answers for every character he can think off except Fang
What's going on?
Was usagerbil bullied off?
Hungry for some sauce? Here's the source:

i raped usagi
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He was clearly getting better, I don't get why you're pretending to hate porn
That's a insult to actual MMX music.
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I'm sorry you're not that interesting
Imagine the sex
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Why the fuck did they re-design her face that was fine?
Every drawfag does coom so fuck off
It took you two hours to read three issues?
Do you need glasses?

I think Legacy has a lot of areas it could have improved on though, I agree with that.
Yep. The list of successful removed problems of /sthg/ is something
>Russian blazefag
Aw man the thread is getting slow, I think I'm done for today
I love AZ, makes for entertaining discussion on Nerdrotic groups.
>Do you need glasses?
yes, but that's not why it took two hours. i just kept getting distracted and losing interest.
I liked WolfAmy.
You can bet it's me! No one here recognizes me!
I think Russian Blazefag is a stupid faggot but I think he was too stupid to be bullied off. He just gave up on life before anyone can push him off.
>Remake game
>Somehow shocked everything isn't the same
Retarded Amyfags, everyone.
>Russian blazefag
Are you retarded?
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>Amy still attacked him out of anger after he saved her from Eggman.
This was 100% justified and reasonable, anyone who thinks otherwise is just the type of guy that doesn't understand women or their feelings or that their actions have consequences.
Is he wrong?
Who's next on your shitlist?
>This was 100% justified and reasonable
actual shizos lol
>Hating espioyume
Literally die
Yes I am, I like to play games with Sparky after all.
Why you like her so much?
Sonic attacked Eggman and got Amy caught in the crossfire, and then expected Amy to just be totally fine with being blown away in the tornado. She was not okay with it because it just looks like Sonic didn't care about her presence or well-being, and of course she's rightfully upset about it.
Bulma started off as a girl going on an adventure interested in getting a boyfriend too, now she's married with two kids and a loving husband, still going on adventures and helping.
Stay outta Sonic's way you dumb pink bitch!
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I want Shadow the hedghog 2 with extra wings, extra spice, customizable bike, and Jason Griffith swearing.
I think russian and his gf always ingnored shizos
I will never be bullied by you.
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The difference is Amy is in love with the main character AND she is a fighter.

Eggman captured her and was holding her in his hands as leverage over Sonic, but Sonic attacked Eggman anyway with the tornado attack that blew both Eggman and Amy away.
Sonic literally said "FUUUUUUCK!!!!" after Eggman took Amy out of the bushes to use as a hostage, he knew and he cared, if he didn't he wouldn't have stopped at all.
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We cool, Sonicbros?
If you had the chance to become the supreme emperor of /sthg/ empire, what would you like to do with this place?
Fucking stupid faggot, that doesn't mean you should veer away from existing models.
That's one gnarly shadowtaur
Captured by Eggman
Worthless all her fault amy a shit!
I think the decision to retell the classic games and Tempest being too similar to Sonic means there's nothing really new to observe. There's the Mobius Legends strip which attempts to throw in some different lore about Eggman but I don't think that the Eggman we see there believably turns into the Eggman we see in the main comic.
Although I know a common answer they have is >Wait and see, you won't believe what's coming up, we have big reveals to come up
And I think they probably hoped they'd be further along in 5 years, because it's a long wait. Making fancomics is hard so I understand, but for me at least I haven't found an angle I can really care about this comic yet, and I don't think the story or writing is really for me
Get some glasses
>Sonic literally said "FUUUUUUCK!!!!"
He "literally" did not say that.


Sonic's actions from Amy's perspective reads as "he didn't care that I was there and attacked anyway". Sonic's actions are a "logical" yet impulsive but efficient way of resolving the problem quickly, but failed to live up to Amy's emotional expectations.
Humor and relationships being put on the backburner to focus on action is why I like Dr Slump more
Make fankids illegal and punishable by corporal punishment. Followup by capital punishment
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Burn every non-image poster at the stake.
Then I'd put every pictured post under taxation.
Telling you just wanted to start characterfag shit.
Slop all you want my friend. especially if it's coomer art
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>ywn be blazes bra
>blaming the damsel for being captured against her will
What is wrong with you?
I come to dragon ball specifically for the action though not really the original, because its less action oriented and has lower stakes so I don't want to watch it.
Samus? No, it's the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
Of course not, she doesn't use them.
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>still going on adventures and helping.
She's barely relevant past the Namek Saga. Hell, she wasn't on the cover for the Buu Saga in the anime AND manga version while Android 18 was.
>He "literally" did not say that.
He did, don't verify.
>But how did you know it was a fake?
>Because you just told me, fox boy!
Why would you want to be useless?
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Mmmmm double quarter pounder with cheese
How else was he supposed to save her?
He's only 1 year old. Cream is 6.
Oh wait, ages don't exist anymore.
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>Amy is a damsel
Their glad that's done and dusted no games need to be made starring characters like Amy as the hero.
Yes they do, stop this nonsense
Ew, look at her tongue! Unbelievably disgusting!
The Classic Core 6 plus Eggman...
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baldy wokehair
Amy is the damsel who overcame the damsel role and became a hero.

Like "Danger-Prone" Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo.

But this franchise is cyclic and sometimes some characters aren't allowed to have agency, so Amy is likely to be reduced to damsel just as Tails may be reduced to junior sidekick, because that is the roles the re-emphasize that SONIC is the HERO*.

*Sonic is not a "hero".
>I think the decision to retell the classic games and Tempest being too similar to Sonic means there's nothing really new to observe.
i think retellings of the classic games can be done well, legacy just doesn't.
>There's the Mobius Legends strip which attempts to throw in some different lore about Eggman
didn't make it that far, obviously. if they gave him some kind of crybaby tragic backstory though, that's retarded. i'd rather him just have no backstory.
>Although I know a common answer they have is >Wait and see, you won't believe what's coming up, we have big reveals to come up
fucking classic excuse
>And I think they probably hoped they'd be further along in 5 years, because it's a long wait. Making fancomics is hard so I understand
this is why it's better to just write fanfics instead. much easier to actually complete and there are less story compromises you have to make.
i will eventually, i just don't have a car so i have to rely on others to take me places
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Now that we've confirmed the Sonic franchise is getting infiltrated by the "consultants" at Hit Detection, how long do we have? It only took one woke dumpsterfire to kill Crash. Is there a way to avoid the iceberg?
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Explain yourself.
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what the fuck do you mean with "consultants"
Wokeshit is in the comics, movies and Prime and Sonic is still alive. It doesn't necessarily work to kill a franchise when the fandom is already full of leftists and is accustomed to bad products anyways
We're going to see what Maria in Shadow Generations. I'm expecting her to look good, despite what she looked like in previous games.
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>"You are this world's hero now."
>Sonic doesn't reject the title
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>that doesn't mean you should veer away from existing models.
Why not? FF7R veered away from existing models, XC1DE veered away from existing models, OoT 3D veered away from existing models, Trials of Mana veered away from existing models, SM64 DS veered away from existing models, Castlevania DXC veered away from existing models, SA1 DX veered away from existing models, and even Kirby RTDL DX veered away from existing models as shown with King DDD.
There's no reason to get upset when a remake does things differently because THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF A REMAKE, which is to do shit differently in terms of looks and gameplay. If not then what's the point of a remake? Might as well just play the original since it's not going anywhere.
Espio the Glazer
when can i see marie buttnaked
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>ywn get to stare lovingly into espio's eyes as he autistically infodumps about bugs
why even bother...
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It's too late for this series. It's time for Metal Sonic to get his solo game.
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>Thorn Rose has this exact same haircut
These "consultants" are never good, but what do you have to ruin in Sonic? Blobians arent allowed to feel, love or express any emotions. There are no humans that means no forced diversity, no lgbt.
Sonic is so bland that they can't ruin it
woke won
It just ruins Amy.
I think Knuckles had more shipping teasing than Sonamy did in the last two years.
I want to make a visual novel.
ok? Why does this upset you so much? Why should a childrens franchise be stepping on the toes of its audience?
Amy Rose can't make rent so she makes a deal with her human neighbor to do something she's never done before
>Sonic is so bland that they can't ruin it
>There are no humans that means no forced diversity, no lgbt.
just because they're not humans doesn't mean they can't be gay anon. i don't understand your point here.
I'm talking keeping it faithful to the model sheet.
The only thing woke would do is make Silver gay, but that's a good thing.
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Is this "forced diversity"?
Sega mandates keeping the woke at bay. The "no romance" mandate in particular.
Are about a strong male father figure guiding Sonic with an emphasis on family. Even the Knuckles show was about that. Woke don't do strong male figures so no. And Jewkles was fucking hilarious.
Is fucking dead. Managed to be forgotten despite that "everything is canon lol" nonsense.

Sega may be stupid but they somehow have kept thing together. And Rouge is still hot with cleavage instead being turned fugly. Meanwhile, Crash got humiliated almost every scene of Ass 4 and was a side character in his own game.
Sonic being "Sonic" makes him anti-corporate, so much so that corporations have no choice but to attack Sonic and remove his "soul" to make him a perfect little mascot.
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Not just a hero, but you are also a toy.
It's 88x71 px image, I can't see jack
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softimagenic my beloved
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>ignoring the crying lesbians and gay cocks in the comics
>ignoring the interracial couple and Jew dicksucking in the movies
They're all woke.
Right be she was a villain which is the only way you can get away with that. Streets of Rage 4 and Doom2016 are two examples of this.
There's a brown woman next to Gerald.
Which type of visual novel?
If i post some gay (as in, sexually gay) edits of Sonic characters later, will you guys think i'm cool?
i made a couple the past year or so.
I imagine that there would be no black female scientists in Soviet Union in 1950s
I also imagine that there was no person in space until 1961
Sega keeps that shit out of the comic and confirms nothing Ian or Evan says on the matter. They are literally fucking with the shippers.
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SEGA should replace Sonic as their mascot and let Sonic Team crash and burn with him without their oversight so he can silently be faded out.
i will love you anon for that
but first, deliver
Rouge doesn't have her wings. It's always lazy fucks.
The owl is gay with the rooster though. What SEGA does is keep romance shit out, you can't make a pre-existing character enter a relationship unless they're already and permanently in the relationship.
I like gay shippings but I don't want this to be in the actual material, let fans do this sort of thing, SEGA is right to restrict this sort of thing
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>Come on, Fang! Join us!
There's still the issue of most female ocs being good, the male ocs being evil, and nothing interesting being done with the Neo Diamond Cutters beyond crappy melodrama.
I think the original artist apologized for making it and genuinely regrets it.
Good. I hope he feels deep shame for daring to mock the most autistic community in the universe. Sonic fans never forgive and we NEVER forget
Sex with underaged mobian girls
>GamesBeat: Why was there a desire to bring back Sonic Generations?
>Takashi Iizuka: When we released Sonic Colors Ultimate, there was a huge response from the fans. “This is great. We want Generations next. Give us more Sonic Generations.” The team and I took that to heart.
But people were asking for Unleashed though???
It took inventing the Diamond Cutters for Amy to stop being the weakest female fighter.
>Owl and Rooster Gay
>Cuz Evan said so
Sega can nip that in the bud at anytime. It ain't canon until butt stuff happens in the comic. It's just queerbaiting until then.

That is honestly for the best.

Yeah, that'd be on IDW. At least they fired the male feminist editor.
No one fucking asked for generations. Izuka is such a fucking asshole. Every time he lies his teeth rot a bit more
I remember people saying "They're going to do Generations next, aren't they", that's probably what they meant lol
>ignoring the jew cock sucking and the copius amounts of blacks in the movies
Can't wait for Lost Worlds remastered

>Zetis are based on the 7 deadly sins
>there is a 7th Zeti who is stronger than Zavok
>it's Zroly
They will force Sally to be canon because she's a strong independant brown girl who don't need no man and is impowered to fuck 5 guys at once
Amy will continue to hold that title until they show up in something that isn't mobile or party game slop
>4 Adventure style Sonic games, 1 Adventure style Shadow game
>4 boost style Sonic games, 1 boost style Shadow game
The ratio is balanced now, they can start making Adventure style games again alongside Open Zone.
What about Trip?
Not a fighter.
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Sally isn't black coded like niggles. They might as well make a series set in the Confederate south on a plantation.
bro trip had her own solo adventure and solo'd fang's bullshit mech
>Not a fighter.
Oh, then, Rouge, or is she a spy?
Then Blaze will beat her and kneel on her neck cause "I'm the only no-nonsense princess allowed in this franchise".
you guys think whisper and blaze go insane when they smell silver's pheromones
Remember how Ian confirmed the sexualities of Starline and the old Diamond Cutters after they died?
people were chanting for unleashed during the SXSG interview
Doesn't line up with the Classics.
>6 Classic styled Sonic games, 1 classic styled Shadow game.
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given eggman is several times older than sonic, why didn't he just take over the world before the rodent was born?
How old is he?
Mania and Superstars don't count because they're not Sonic Team games, I didn't count the Dimps games either
I'm sorry I forgot my own post lmao, I'm tired, Trip would rock Amy's shit.
Rouge's lifestyle involves a lot of fighting, Cream's doesn't, Cream has G-merl to fight for her and Vanilla, Rouge can stalemate Knuckles.
that's why sonic boom was originaly being made
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Forces "Uleashed" soon
He didn't start trying
Of course it is. "Diversity equity and inclusion" is "forced diversity" by a different name.

You are a reactionary to reactionary politics, read theory and unfuck your brain.
4 classic style Sonic games, 1 classic style Knuckles game
Unless he's very unlucky, old enough to turn bald.

He's based on those old men in Ghibli films, with probably older inspirations than that, Japan loves their homages. Even in his modern design he still captures that aesthetic. I'd say anywhere between 40-60.
Eggman is not older than the wind

>with probably older inspirations than that
Like what?
I like 2D portaits where you can see your character and the sprites interact, like in Rush or Battle. Not a fan of first person visual novels. Unless I misunderstand you, and you mean something else?
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clearly at the very least twice sonic's age
elaborate please?
seems a bit overly plot convenient, no?
are you implying sonic had a predecessor that fought eggman before him? if so, why is he never brought up?
>like what
I don't know, but I've been fooled enough times to think someone did something first to realise it's actually an homage to something before. It might be a strictly Ghibli invention that others have copied, they might have got it from before that, but I don't know enough Japanese media.
>You are a reactionary to reactionary politics, read theory and unfuck your brain.
I don't know what this means.
It is if your brain is too fucked to not realize that it is set on a fictional universe.
>Rouge can stalemate Knuckles
This. People forget that she was originally conceived as a fighter/power-type/knuckles/Knuckles clone. Whether or not she can match his raw strength is irrelevant considering she's arguably just as skilled a fighter.
>Trip would rock Amy's shit.
lethal levels of terminally online brainrot, feel free to simply ignore
>are you implying sonic had a predecessor that fought eggman before him?
Not necessarily. But if the world needed a Sonic, he would have been there.

Makes sense.
>seems a bit overly plot convenient, no?
According to Sonic 1 he didn't even start doing the animals in robots thing until that game, and only did it because he was so mad at Sonic for ruining his plans. If he was trying beforehand, it would be at a much smaller scale. Sonic's influence heightens Eggman's ambitions.
Amy trains and has weights.
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Not counting the portables tie-ins (Colors, Gens, Lost World), that Five games, two of which are %50 Blaze games.

Four games Sonic, One game Blaze.
Stop acting like you're some creative genius who knows what's best for Sonic
>, as if your ideas are a gold mine, when all you're showing here is that you do not actually like or care about "Sonic" or these characters at all.
They are pure diamond ideas. Also indeed I do not give a shit about SEGA's disgusting interpretation of the Blue Felix the Cat character.
I wouldn't consider weighted buttplugs as weightlifting.
Amy is a fat pink hog.
Piggy Rose.
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Sonic and Tails train too.
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>The plotline for the game would have explained the origins of Sonic, with him and Doctor Eggman once being friends, only for Eggman to break their friendship after an incident related to time travel causes them both to have a feud
>Eggman was also meant to be playable
We're onto something
Your ideas are garbage, precisely because you do not like Sonic and do not have any respect for Sonic. If you do not like Sonic, then leave and find something you actually like.
>that body type on Marine
Neurons activated.
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Amy needs to be nerfed.
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Rouge should have her own game.
You're so funny, go talk to a girl.
>go talk to a girl.
So not you then?
Why does "Eggman" look like a character from Psychonauts?
Bat sexo
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Give Amy and Surge their own adventure.
iizuka cried when he saw this btw
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I think she's even beaten him once or twice.
This is from the era where SEGA of America wanted Sonic media to be anything but Sonic media.
Will do, let me just get home, i'll post via Catbox.
Fuck is her neck at?
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>This is from the era where SEGA of America wanted Sonic media to be anything but Sonic media.
They stopped?
I didn't stutter. Trip is weaker than Amy, Amy has to help and befriend her.
>GamesBeat: Was there ever any thought of giving him guns again?
>Iizuka: No guns in Shadow Generations, but we do have new abilities for Shadow
Why didn't Iizuka say if they considered it? He just changed topic.
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8-bit Sonic games
Chaos, Triple Trouble, Blast, Labyrinth,
Four Gamegear Sonic games, 1 Tails game (Tails Adventure)

Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Spinball, Meanbean Machine
Four Gamegear tie-in Sonic games, 1 Tails game (Tails Skypatrol)

WE're bREakinG ThE CODE!
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Competent and sexy!
>Why didn't Iizuka say if they considered it? He just changed topic.
Translation iffiness probably, he needs an interpreter and on-the-fly translation's always going to be weird. This is also the explanation for the vast majority of QnA answers BTW.
Proof that Amy is physically stronger than Trip?
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Thanks anon, I needed this tonight.
Your order, sir.
Please read political theory instead of passively consuming culture war bullshit from idiots, I beg you.
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I want to marry Whisper.
If I find any dog hair in their I'm getting the newspaper.
She has super strength.
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No problem, anon.
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So does Trip.
I didn't play her story.
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Thoughts on Steve Farfan?
wtf are you even doing bro
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>read political theory
Maybe I'll consider it if you tell me what that is and where I can find it. What books/websites/whatever are you thinking of? If I just look up that word I just find Greek philosophy. Are you recommending Aristotle?
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so basically,
>eggman starts off as a petty small-scale villain, likely just your average tech billionaire or something
>begins expanding his industries more and more, leading to more and more environmental destruction
>nature gets pissed off and sends sonic to deal with him
>sonic does so effortlessly, making sure to get comfortably under eggman's skin in the process
>eggman responds by building stronger and stronger machines, thus encouraging eggman to set his sights higher and higher
>this back-and-forth continues to this day
anything i'm missing or misunderstanding here?
ah, so they were trying to make eggman into doctor octopus. glad that was scrapped.
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>Sally isn't black coded
She's brown coded. Even her princess dress looks indian/arab
Blaze is also a pajeeta.
The only image I have of Trip is being low self-esteemed and crying that she was lost that Amy had to help her. I made it to the 9th Zone, then stopped playing.
Ask Rich Monk
>Stage 14: Sonic's Eclipse Cannon
Sounds right to me.
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STP was my introduction to furry porn when I was still a kid
I mean why talk about shit you don't know as if you know about it until someone askes you about it, seems pretty stupid to me.
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Sorry it took me so long, here's some of my edits. I don't have a drawpad so i can only use vectors, hope you guys like it.

I want human NPCs with dialogue in the next open zone game.
they should try making eggman into the green goblin
Silver's two wives
they should make him into The Joker
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Sonic needs new friends.

Here are Sonic's new friends starting with pic related.
That guy's an asshole though.
>Shaved bellies
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>anon delivered
I love youuuu
Knuckles is also Sonic's "friend". ;))

Jiequan would be a great "FRIEND". If you catch my drift.
That's very, very gay.
I love it.
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Do NOT lewd the male characters!!!!!!!!!
because I have no reason to think the main heroine of Sonic who we've seen trained to get where she is the weakest female.
nice watermark faggot
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Tails would work excellently with Ji's personality.
>a kot and a doggo
AI designs
Blaze likes to have a dozen men cover her in cum and then let the cum dry into her fur underneath her clothes. Ian confirmed this.
Are you okay? are you feeling well? Is the AI in the room with us now? What kind of AI is it?
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I'll be back in like 2-3 hours. Gonna do some intense hand exercise.
Sonic should be written like Pretty Cure.
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You're supposed to say sike when you're making jokes.
ian goes super sayaIAN and decapitates all his weird obsessed haters...
Well she is, unless you count IDW
>Sonic should be written like [series with good writing]
This meme gets old
I see one Ori and one Thick Sneasel, and I wanna shag both.
get used to it, companies love ai
Mina lost
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Sonic should be written like [>>483334002
What if Tails could morph?

I tried
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I'd make the argument now she's stronger than Rouge.
Would Iizuka use AI to design the next hedgehog?
>None of the characters will fuck trannies
>Has adhd
can we just let sonic be fucking fast without giving him some fucking mental disorder
>Shadow bleeds green
Shadow got cut in sonic x. He bleeds red.
>Shadow hates the government
Shadow works for the government.
I also dont know what the fuck half these fag flags mean. All Sonic characters are canonically slut and will fuck anyone (except trannies)
Ian already did that in Archie.
Sonic should just be like Adventure Games. That's it.
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Sonic should be written.
Sonic should be written like Peter Pan.

Think about it;
Peter Pan - immature 5000+ year old fairy who kidnaps little boys(and sometimes girls) who never learns his lesson.
Leader of a bunch of lost boys(and girls in Sonic's case).
Everyone keeps sucking his cock despite him constantly putting them in danger.
The world of Neverland would literally cease to exist if Pan just decided he wants to grow up. Basically everyone has to go off to make their own franchise/IP or else they depend on Sonic who can pull the plug on them any day. And yet they keep on sucking his fairy hedgehog dick.
While I don't agree with some of the decisions, more featureless blobian art is welcomed
What >>483332742 posted.
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Why does Elias have so many fans here
holy based

Ian is basically /sthg/ as a person as sonic is to the wind
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Have we forgotten the AI Shadow posters, of course he would!
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It's not a joke.
>sonic x
not canon
>everything is ca-
shut the fuck up
Ah, the /sthg/ mansion's beach
NTA These are great. I love that pair.
>Scourge is now canonically a tranny in IDW
Big oof

You failure, you deserve to get replaced by AI.
Which drawfriend are you I love you
Sad truth is that some people are just born better than others and no amount of training can make up for that.
raping sonazefags and silvazefags at the sthg mansion
Shadow bleeds red, cry some more.
>doesn't argue about Shadow not working for the government because he knows he's a double nigger

Sonic x has the most canon characterizations of the in game sonic characters and you know it
Suck his dick right now, woman.
Don't be mean, it was a first attempt >:(

I rarely ever post here but I've been getting into drawing again lately so might as well, but I'm seriously out of practice
I guess.
Tbh I'd reccomend just lurking leftypol to get the right mindset on how to approach "politics" before you even start looking at any text. I don't agree with them, but at the very least they're intentional.
mmmmmmm Elias sexo
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based chapocel
Hey can you fucking kill yourself if you're not going to contribute anything worthy to society?
>Shadow bleeds red, cry some more.
i don't give a shit, i'm just tired of you retards using x as a source for canon information when it's not fucking canon.
>Sonic x has the most canon characterizations of the in game sonic characters and you know it
this doesn't make it canxxy4on
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I won't let you. There's plenty of female characters to exercise your hand to.
Well done. A little off model but you nailed the visual style down.
>anon's great /sthg/ idea
>Sonic should kidnap children
Where's her neck?!
You winner, you don't deserve to be replaced AI.
I'm actually more of a moldbugcel, but I think dumping text onto people thay are just starting out will scare them away, and I'm not about to suggest 4chan/pol/.
I'm no woman.
But I would consider
captcha fucked up there, my bad
>be Whisper
>enter Silver's apartment
>casually chat with him
>suddenly Blaze shows up, crawls on all four and puts her head on Silver's lap
>she is also naked
>he affectionally pets her
>feel flustered
>Silver starts petting you
>he offers you a collar
>start undressing
Im not sure which one of these are edits. The ones of Sonic and Shadow on their backs are just pics by hauringu. Either way, I always appreciate some gay sonic twink shit.
Cry archiefag. X has everyone in character and matches the true vision of the franchise.
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Some AI can be good...
He's a handsome sexy boy.
Shadow bleeding green is less canon than him bleeding red
>but in shatdow the hedgehog 05 the aliens bleed----
They bleed green because of gay censors. They originally bled red. Shadow bleeds and blushes red.
Thanks man, i have some others i can try to remember next thread. Didn't expect people to like them much
The Sonic one is hauringu, but it's Scourge on Sonic and i wanted to make a human on sonic one since i want to fuck him. The Shadow one i made it from that as well
Sonic should be written like Garry's Mod | Dark RP.
Okay, but we can all agree he DEFINITELY has a mutant alien penis, right?
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Thanks ^^ I struggle with getting mobians on-model a lot because of their freakish proportions, I tend to make the hands wayyy too small like here. but I like to think I'm slowly getting the hang of it again
>Cry archiefag
i've literally never read a single issue of archie. try a different strawman next time.
>X has everyone in character and matches the true vision of the franchise.
this still doesn't make it canon.
i agree with you. i'm simply stating that x is not a reliable source for canon information and faggots like him need to stop pretending it is.
Surge really isn’t that similar to Scourge aside from being green. Surge was brainwashed into being a villain, Scourge chooses to be evil of his own freewill.
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I'm sorry, Elias is just too hot.
Silver is no longer part of his own timeline, which is how no matter what happens to his future he remains the same.

Now you have gone too far. That loser? that freak? that douchebag? Be you gay or be you standardless woman? You'd fuck just about anything, wouldn't you? you sick fuck. You whore.
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this is just digital tracing. It doesn't really contribute anything creatively. What made junio Sonic so great was how far removed it was from digital technology. It was hand drawn and hand painted. The apex of Sonic animation

AI is best used for shitposting and maybe as a tool for shortcuts in non AI animation (for example people can use AI to quickly color their animation. A normally tedious process which can dramatically cut time)
Why do you guys hate Silver so much?

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