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Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)
Magfest Campaign - (06/10 - 06/24)

Unite & Fight MC skin - live
Side Story menu update - 06/28
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Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

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06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
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Previous thread >>483284150
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man i love my wife
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I love my mama
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i love my wife
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more evidence femgrubbers (real) carry this game...
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Tyra sisters... what's going to be our next cope when NM150 setups keep not only using Bowm*n but also adding a second m word character to the team and our girl isn't used?...I don't want Jitta to be close to these creatures...
Troonix and Bowman are getting dropped for 150 albeit
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>editing a pic into homoshit and then blaming someone else
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>get shonenkino with the MC
>make it gay because you can never be satisfied
/gbfg/ will never be happy
why does her hip look broken? hip bones shouldn't move like that...
Remember when Raiden was a one off gag character and not going to be a permanent fixture of the game we're forced to deal with until EoS? What happened to that?
Tyra will be used.
plap plap plap
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It was already gay. Shonenkino doesn't need their lips to be 1cm apart.
/gbfg/ would look at the kino Alpha 2 cover and come up with homosexual fantasies about it
shounen is at its most kino when they're 1cm apart, fact.
Sex with Momoilogia
#1K - PCS - 12.27B
#2.7K - Fleet - 7.35B
#3K - 中出しの幸せ - 6.84B
#3.1K - Grapes - 6.63B
#3.5K - (You) - 6.08B
#3.6K - Bullied - 5.88B
#4.1K - ニーア! - 5.35B
#4.1K - カトルボーイズ - 5.35B
#4.2K - BellaBarca - 5.26B
#4.8K - TOOT - 4.72B
#5K - Aion no Me - 4.53B
#5.3K - Lilypals - 4.33B
#5.4K - COWFAGS - 4.24B
#5.8K - ChocoCats - 3.92B
#6.3K - Bullies - 3.57B
#7.8K - ONIONS - 2.68B
#8K - 小さな女の子 - 2.59B
#9.5K - Cogfriends - 1.85B
#20.2K - (You) Too - 517.90M
#23.8K - Nier!! - 381.95M
#25.1K - TheBathtub - 341.98M
#26.1K - Sixters - 318.01M
#27.5K - OppaiSuki - 284.66M
3 unranked crews
Shonen kino
Shit fujo bait for homos and women
>Ok schizo just because lesbian couple #4596 was just released doesn't mean FKHR doesn't listen to the fans
>Naked apron Wilnas is funny! See Twitter agrees
>Raiden was just a one shot, they'll give you your coomer zodiac event shut up!
>Ok maybe next year on the zodiac event
>Actually we love Raiden here and hopefully he gets a grand soon
/gbfg/ crews are washed up......
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I'm still astounded people watched this past episode 2. It's supposed to be about ninjas but the MC wears bright orange and wants to date a girl who wears bright red but he drinks spoiled milk then shits himself and thats the episode. Also he kisses the guy in your pic and it's supposed to be funny. Also apparently he stole the most important item even though he's a shitter and no one manages to locate the guy in bright orange.

Granblue Fantasy.
I still think wilnass is funny, but less funny now that i know its not just for laughs but a certain someone's twisted fetish...
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release Aster's SSR!
KEKAROO slurpers do be mentally ill like that
Fukutroon doesn't read the popularity poll results
yeah sis that fujoslop totally isn't gay
>couldn't have had Aster SSR cunny event to please the fans
>instead we get more sumo homo shit that nobody asked for
BAfags will never forgive Rengoku for winning
Style change
It's generic shounen pose dumb padjeeta
Akaza is literally straight in canon
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A cat is more than fine as well
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faint wife
>series is so homo you actually have to explicitly point out an individual character is straight in canon
bitch that's the default. being straight is the default. if it's even remotely in question your shit is gay.
Why does Fukutroon like Raiden?
>why does HIVbrain like homoflops
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That gay edit was made by a jitard though
>all that BA art
Grub is cooked.
Padjeeta "sis" do be like that
pakis are freaking nuts
I mean, dxitasisters WISH that faaggot would kiss them but they like to project their fantasies on us GranGODS
Double the comics on the right soon
soft wife
fkhrt doesn't give them any new material to work with ever. dragon got a big response out of artists, and then they just dumped her like they did rabbit.
I fucking hate our devs, bros...
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>Raiden is probably going to have 2 pages of Grandblues strips after this event
One of his many self inserts
Bloody bastard do not redeem the archive to make beautiful women Jitta playa look bad I rape your gran
>maleringing raidenflopper hates choco girls
maleringers are friggin nuts I tell you
FGO collab will save Grubs
Lyria being lion'd will improve the game.
Lraph ringed both nigflops albeit
Also ringed monkey and europa but still hates females, what's your point HIVbrain?
is their Ereshkigal popular enough to get into a grub collab?
>global Uma
>after what happened to dragalia lost, world flopper, priconne en and is currently happening to grub
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why is this game so intent on shilling these popularity-void homoflops
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My husband got shitposted outside of leotard memes desu...
Why is FKHR like this?
Don't care, still playing Uma
maleringers are subuhmans like that
Save /gbfg/ society Stuey...
Any new flooxKINO?
do not redeem the bridal cog SIR
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She's decently popular but doesn't really get much content. Her sister Ishtar would have a way better chance to since she's FGO's main Rinface
Faa has been shitposted for many other things, you are a bit slow sis
KEKAROO padjeeta xisters do be like that
De La Flopper is going NUTS
nyier is so pure and beautiful...
can't wait for localizers to completely butcher golshi
Nintendo's fault
>world flipper
it's amazing it survived 3 years after their second banner accident and if anything a poof that even if uma flops they will keep it alive
>pricone EN
crunchyroll problem
Global Uma was confirmed in-house too so it won't just die a week before golden week birthday
FKTRN selfinserts as dxita, that should tell you everything you need to know.
It's likely coming straight from their commiefornia office, outlook guaranteed odds
>lil 'roonchie is known for rigging /gbfg/ pools in xher favor
>cygayme's popularity pools have a surprising amount of homos in the top
>nobody likes them
Mmmmm i am nyoticing... it's like... the homos always rig every pool they see...
Fair but there was no gay edits desu. Do not drag my husband into stupid shit!
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everyone loves nier!
Uma might be self publish, most of those in your list died due to problems between cygames and the publisher
In fact they might have delayed global Uma because of all the publisher issues with other games and them taking notes.
only versus subhumans hate her
Remember when we had a new harvin galgeGOD but FKHRT drove him off with shilled homoflops like Juri and Lowain? Why did he do it?
it's not a popularity poll
the only thing xe hates more than harvins are harvin enjoyers
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so true
Nah the game really isn't that interesting
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Ready for NM150?
Same reason he killed Polaris and we get a Raiden event instead of a Maglielle one; Harvins are FUNDAMENTALLY too galge for FKHRT+
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for something as irrelevant as R/SRs it basically is.
The only one cygames fucked up was wafuri, that was entirely on them, the game was never going to be a blockbuster but the nerds they did were shameless and pissed everyone off.
Finall, some funny.
You're not even bursting why use her
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>uma's equivalent of granblue_en tweets like a tranny
Nice start to your global fanbase umakeks
>driven off by some homo
that probably sounded better in your head
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Remember when they showed a pic of them playing ff11 and fkhr was the only one NOT playing a tarutaru? What was THAT all about?
I bet it's run by the same person
Sorry faayume, but the troons here who selfinsert as djeeta need to rage at Gran like that.
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Only homosexuals play anything other than Caucasian human male in fantasy games.
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>started koikatsu for the uma smut
>uma and chinkge models looks almost 1:1 to their respective source material
>look up koikatsu models for grub out of curiosity
>all of them looks extremely amateurish

why is that?
Lraph BTFO
I don’t want them to die, I just want them to be permanently removed from their positions.
so thats why fkhr played a mithra huh.....
That’s what happens when you don’t have 3D models to use as reference beforehand.
xingflop stay flop
brownmanflop stay flop
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For anyone wondering Nier has as many as fan favorite lil Moog. Also Kaguya who has been in the game since 2015 and has a grand only has 5; Raziel who's getting a swimsuit alt only has 4.
She's super popular to the point where they had to make her playable (used to be only NPC) yet the devs hate her, never gets any content; she tops the swimsuit poll every year yet she still doesn't have a swimsuit alt this year for sure
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we should all go back to RoB, at least they gave their players what they wanted
>not a single artist did a tkg-shaped deer
man what a disssapointment
"why would you use the unit that double dispels and deals 5 million damage on foe special attacks? Thats a bit odd isnt it??"
FKHR was the reason why we only got Shantotto as a summon and not playable
>need 2000 agastia mats to uncap and awaken everything

fuck this
The smaller you are, the bigger the tiddies of everyone else get.
Please understand Lraph is a little slow in the head after ringing so many homoflops.
>double dispels after she's been hit 3 times
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we need more girls with short skirt and school uniforms
Lraph doesn't play the game, he just copy builds from chinks on bilibili.
now that he hates them because of the boycotting male characters fiasco he knows literally nothing about the game, that's why he lost to a rank 200 in the first place.
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that and eating fat fucking Ls hourly.
Granblue Fantasy, not Granblue Reality.
don't point this out..........
Whose dad will get a FUCK YOU in sumo2?
remember when he saw 3 videos of DLF and thought she was the next must have dark unit?
what was he thinkiiiiiiiiiiing
Lads I finally have 2 celeste fist. What kind of grid can I make for nm 150/200?
Thalassa's dad of course, he might already be fucking dead though
Your school arc?
Your Mysteria academy?
We'll meet Poz's dad
I want to keep this Harvin as a personal semen tank.
That motherfucker thought Washington DC was in Washington State. Of course he doesn’t know anything.
That's my fat Grape right there
LMAO true
an original donut steel character named homofuko will show up and make a monologue about his father raising him wrong and blames him for making him meet that uncle who touched him out of nowhere.
>"3 videos??? That'll show those meanie LichCHUDS!!!!!!"
that was particularly sad lmao.
i dunno man i don't even know how i am supposed to get hp in magna dark
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When is she getting in Versus/Relink? Why is KMR leaving his most popular character out of his games?
No idea, use the m3 garrison and skill weps too?
there's a reason why he became a toilet cleaner.

people with normal intelligence don't fail middle school geography.
we don't know either, wait for it to drop and experiment like the rest of us retard
The knife and katana?
Kek that was fucking hilarious
The washington thing was a falseflag retards
the second two. overtrance is unlikely to be used.
desu why do states even exist?
>muh different laws
>no not like that!
The getting beat by a rank 200 thing was a falseflag retards
Since when is Gran so fucking angry?
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>I was just falseflagging!!!
No that can actually be linked to him
Since the game decided to go full faggot.
The ringing a male thing was a falseflag retards
How many of you are burgers
Nah, I'm human
Hurry up cause after GW ends no one will ever join that shit again lol.
I got off sick due to severe allergies. I require huge soft warm female Draph breasts(Or any non Draph breasts of sufficient size). I have a soft(hard) spot for Kumbhira.
they exist so we can shitpost about which states are better.
>I require huge soft warm female Draph breasts(Or any non Draph breasts of sufficient size). I have a soft(hard) spot for Kumbhira.
didn't ask pigflopper
>no pink inner hair
its a good question to ask in the modern sense of america, but back in its inception it did actually serve a purpose before federal government overstepped its purpose
I asked, piGOD
sounds serious, hope you feel better!
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we do though?
Remember when pigrager was seething about pig being the most popular star character in /gbfg/? What was THAT about
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A fence is just one extra jump between me and your burgers.
yeah thats half the reason im farming them during down time, I know once GW is over these raids will be DEAD. At least I have a semi-FA setup that works
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it's over
>mentions recessive genes
>completely ignores how they function
What can fences do to prevent burglary when they are short as fuck anyway
That's just extra hassle when getting out car
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I shouldn’t have laughed.
That's not how it works, by the way.
gbfg is full of brainlets
America is not a thirdie shithole with burglar problems.
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really makes you think
what are these stupid things and why am i seeing them more often now
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I'm a leaf which is close enough
Which shithole do you retards live in to even worry about getting robbed?
>predictions for most tiers still down for this gw

wtf why is this gw so DEAD
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>did my pbhl last second
also granblue fantasy?
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I'm a burgerboy
unironically elden ring
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Elden Ring..................won..............
>sees house with open front yard
>first thought is burglary instead of friendly neighborhood
thirdies are a disease
ugly troon grand
galge ring dlc
that's the thing, I don't
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Anni flopped.
Elden Ring.
The announcement of our upcoming event.
what do I want for dinner /gbfg/
Let's be real, Firefly cooked us.
game is just dying in general
if people still cared about grub they could wait one week to play elden ring, but when actually faced with the choice they realized they don't value granblue as much as they thought
Grand Raiden will win.
We're not ready to admit this.
Literally just lock your doors and windows?
It’s not like grub values us either.
Fucking sumo 2.
...the homoflop awards
>pulled C3R1 Firefly
>going to pull C6R1 Furina in a day (currently C3R0)
>didn't even consider buying the perpetuity ring scam in Grub
The sumo shit should tell you the games being sabotaged
seen this one before, wait till 200 comes out as usual.
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FKTRN do be like that
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But why
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post nier
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
She loves me so she came twice in one ten pull.
God the meeting of the morose is painfully unfunny
They want Grub to die so they can replace it without people feeling scammed. To do so they need players to stop playing and/or feel the game was at its natural lifespan. But unfortunately for Cygames slurpers slurp no matter what, so we're in this arms race where FKHRT and KMR constantly up the levels of homoslop/scummy practices/etc. while slurpers reduce their hours of sleep so they can defend the game all day every day.
This won't end until the slurpers inevitably die of sleep deprivation.
failed basic geography
…said FKHRT as xe approved another Troonmo event
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Uhhhh, Bucon sisters?
>generic swimsuit slice-of-lifeslop vs sumokino
nobody will even care about the BA event's story they'll just skip the text to coom to swimsuit JKs
maleringer moment
>This won't end until the slurpers inevitably die of sleep deprivation.
And nothing of value was lost LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>What happened to that?
grub improved and made better decisions
slurping troonmo shit on cooldown lmao
ninty killed drag
crunchy killed priconne EN
world flopper just had bad gameplay and deserve to EOS (too much full auto not enough pinball)
self publishing is the future
>even MORE shipshit this summer
Grub? Washed and cooked
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>logia-kun auto dispel doesnt work with eresh
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Nier is everyone's favorite
>ringed homologia
Post discarded.
does it really matter if it involves two characters nobody cares about?
I mean seraph might get jealous at thalassa but that's it
Lraph loves getting cuckolded so shipshit is right up its alley.
niers boobs aren't that big..
>why do states even exist
because the colonies were run like separate countries under bri'ish rule and their local governments wanted to keep feeling important after they merged into the USA
hes obviously talking about tefnut and raziel
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they are hefty and supple for the many children i will give her
They will be after I breed her.
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something like this?
or MH the dagger and fit a second dagger or PNS or HP revans weappon in
fish is also shipshit retard
prove it
it's othergame's raiden equivalent
tl;dr Most states are as big as entire countries, so you need laws and governments specific to that geographical area due to cultural and population differences, even if there are still overarching federal laws. It's basically impossible to get the entire country to agree on anything to vote for, but it's much more manageable on a smaller scale. Same reason you still have city and county or whatever governments.
Remember to pay attention in school.
surprised there's no fkhr, poz or raiden version of these yet
>too poor to C6R5 cute girls on their first run
just uninstall, you don't belong
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the thought of Raiden becoming playable before my wife makes me wish grub would eos unironically
he's the superior version in art, personality, and seiyuu
you know they could just eos it out of mercy but instead they pull this and drag out its death slowly
That would require drawing talent
Based but /gbfg/ is not ready to hear it
homologia is shilled by FKTRN
momoilogia has more fanart and is beloved by all
Facts x 2
>sumoflop 2
Skipchads won again
dirtfags how are we holding up?
SkipGODS literally always win
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We are so back if we get S.Raziel (I think she's light or water sadly).
It's over if we get Raiden.
If Raiden is a core normal pool character I stop playing dirt
If he's a grand I quit grub
fktrn will def poz out after the next event's skip metrics are disclosed
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Is this worth uncapping? I have enough copies
by poz out you mean give him a summer alt this year
>xeeta doesn’t change
It's not used anywhere
Would have Wilnas in the Valentines skin albeit
if it's free sure why not, might be fun with kengo or robin hood
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Am i good for Summer?
>Pant... Pant...
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looks like a maleringer issue
ummmm based?????
Maleringer moment
>djtroon about to seethe at cog again
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De la flopper going nuts again
Just mentally ill padjeeta things
Good for one of the final 2 banners if they are generous like last year, so pick wisely.
The 10th Anni year has been underwhelming so far though, it wouldn't surprise me if 2023 summer mogs this one in terms of free gibs.
okay but what's gonna be the second summer event???
I read that as niernigger...
Zodiacamp 3
Dearest Friend 2
>schoolgirl nier
>passed around by the boys of her class in the restroom
Angels/enneads unless they're in raiden
Plapping Huang and Bai on the beach
Too galge for FKHRT
too galge for FKHRT
Literally never ever, tigflops killed it.
Archiveschizo is going nuts
Why is padjeeta like this?
padjeeta is freaking saar
Samurai Trails: Onsen filler episode
yep yep it's a mentally ill padjeeta moment
Archiveschizo is friggin NUTS
You know that would just be sauna 3 instead
I see the usual suspects are acking out again. Also lmao at roonma english version being announced during Pride month, big W for our local Umaxister.
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nothing grubbers would want or enjoy that's for sure
your dearest friend but Belial is the protagonist this time around and you (as Belial) have to rape djeeta without being expelled from school
just give me a new event, man, one that isn't about girls schizoing out over their dads
Grub is a safe space for trans people chud
padjeeta has invaded the thread
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What were they thinking?
FKHRT will never forgive Galgevins for being more organically popular than xirs draph flops
>she's not even a bbw
If this were a galge djeeta would be naked like gran
This isn't a galge, I don't know why people try to keep lying to themselves.
someone please come kill this stupid fucking tree
it's been stuck at 5% for almost an hour
This used to be a galge until trangels ruined everything
>btfo fkhrt poster with galge party
>immediately derails the thread into gran vs djeeta
hmmm im nyoticing..
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>Dearest Friend 2
>it’s revealed that the dream isn’t actually a dream but a vision of the distant past
>Oronoshima from the first event isn’t it’s real name
>it’s actually Estalucia from before the world was changed by Bahamut
And none of this is what will happen in the event.
I'm actually thinking about dropping the game. These last two years have shown a complete disrespect towards their players in all imaginable aspects.
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gbfpags are mentally ill
thx homies
Not Aquarion chud
>just the last two years
so true
Why was the very first year full of shipshit events then?
Aliza is literally for netori albeit.
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fuck my xitter is flooded by horses now
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Good luck in round 2 /gbfg/
This but unironically. I was really, really hoping for the 10th anni to save da grub only for it to end up being our worst anni yet
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Is our troonmaxister right?
Post grid
>last two years
seven years*
yes, umaxisters think like this
>GODmaraging out of nowhere
The fear is tangible. Uma won.
yes very galge
Exactly. This year's been just like any other.
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Dont tell 'em this albeit
Don't know about 'extremely good' but I don't think most people here realize just how bad the localizations are on other gachas
Let me guess, it's that heles poster on xhitter
How many other gachas troon out NPCs?
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I look forward to EoS in under 2 years. How long did Priconne last again?
now make it naizuri
blessed tyratits will give me strength to complete this GW inshallah
worse, they gotta deal with localization
imagine how retarded goldshi and rice shower are gonna sound with their lines utterly raped
She just looks like Bremerton here
Wonder if they'll do the granblue special and pandering lines to be platonic
it already has plenty of subtle yurishit doesnt it? surely all the shipping isnt entirely based on two characters standing next to each other right?
wait is Uma getting an english version? i always wanted to try it but didn't want to deal with jap menus
>supernal (astral), astral (hoshi no tami), supernal plane (astral jigen), astral realm (hoshi no sekai)
>extremely good
y-you too
doros got canonized by the nikke corocoro manga
I had a dream that there was some time limited extra thing with the priconne collab that if you gave your phone number, Kokkoro would call you (to your real phone) and you would get a trophy ingame from it.
Too sovl for this kusoge
too galge for grub
tyra rape
You now remember Relink
Unfortunately the day one sales didn’t remember.
Gonna watch hours of umaschizo's music in celebration while grinding day 2 gw
why are you guys acting like anyone in /uma/ is happy with the news. they're doomposting like crazy over there
Our lil roon was happy about it last thread, we should be supportive of her
finally last round of GW.......................
why is seraph going nuts rn?
same reason they act like /bag/ or any other general that isn't cyshit gives a crap about us
post da 150 magna setup without vtiger la
3k meat spent
zero (0) droppings
watch out, he might have dropped a dirty toilet brush in your garden
the toilet brush's name? Uma Musume.
Just mentally ill maleringer things
Just mentally ill archiveschizo things
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Big archiveschizo melty
Angels and Enneads will be in Sumo 2 since they already got announced.
archiveschizo ringing males rn
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good luck in round 2
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Why are you aggressively mentally ill?
looks like a mickey roon, fitting lmao
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archiveschizo do be like that
>46642 results
>no Sleepyhead
>get charmed
It's over.
It's like they don't even care about consistence if it isn't pronouns
People of the stars > astrals
Star crystal beast > primal beast
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I won
nyo... tyra is useless...
>he didn't roll for the cute little mushroom butt
>have sleepy
>still die
>have Sleepyhead
>still get boner
It's over.
overtrance or secret tried for this boss? help
magus..... STRONK
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A few extra clicks but it works, NM150 should be similar.
Oronoshima is a real island, retard
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>check opposing crew
Olivia still good. She should have her 5* by now....she would be 9.9 at least.
hymmm... nyo.
enjoy your harvinflop homoflop uncap grubba :3
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I will save GW.
>it's another fixed dmg buff buried under 1000 other buffs episode
marge, change the channel
She still strips 2 buffs when kot uses a special. Magus only removes one buff in comparison and only if there 10+ debuffs up (which bastet also removes)
>my NM100 Eresh is as fast as my NM200 magna Flogen
I hate Dark so much
Oh nah
Is there any good way to extend/recast her terror aside from qilin?
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It's the opposite actually. They're FGO refugees why would you come to gbf
yknow it was cute the first time "oh thats a fuckton of buffs" that you needed to remove, its not cute when every GW boss does it
FGO is unironically a worse game.
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that's not what kara means
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Embrace me and you shall be saved.
uuuuuh where is da six killer????
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Roonch was never being used anon
xingflop stay flop
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tigs are right there tho?
HalMal + Fediel + Magus + Lucikek support
so is tyraflop albeit
she's killed la.....
so is brownmanflop albeit
Is Nier there just for the field+def down from being killed?
That and buffing Ilsa after dying
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Good luck, friends! Don't let your crew down.
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is he in your party?
shan't be using harvinflops
thank you yaia
Of course 150 was made for Marquiares and Elemental Galaxy
>private profile
why are they like this?
>uses specials even with Olivia's s1 up
What the fuck? I thought only revans and above can cheat the mechanics
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wow 1/10 such a killer
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The corest
Maleringers lost as usual.
The top10 collage will be fun.
Oh wait, she removes debuffs at 50% and terror is removable for some retarded reason
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6/10 actually, homoflops lost
>he ringed dark males
Only 2 people used tyraflop
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Lets go bros time to migrate to a VN single player only gacha.
The claim was 0 would be using her so...
>tyra won't be used
>tyra is used
>yurishit game written by a hack
Hmm, nyo.
Reality: Six in the top 10
eternalflops stay flop
KEKAROO maleringers do be coping like that
>ring six for esports
>convince everyone he's le chungus brother 100 and you liking him isnt the gayest shit ever
>goes unused anyways
>tyra is used
>six is unused
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any FA setups? this is too manual
huh...? I thought tyra was supposed to be used...
>estimate is increasing
don't point that out
More galge than this kusoge
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is nm 95 still the best option to get boxes? (not tokens)
FAchads...post the comp...
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>yurishit game written by a hack
That sounds familiar...
His name is Sink by the way
hilarious how maeda's at his best when writing male characters but went to yurishit because who the fuck knows why
He's perfectly visible
sorry danchou i'll be sticking to 95. be sure to do your best to farm my badges!
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I am speed.

>Nier 1
>MC 1 (Viking)
>Ilsa 1
>Olivia 1
>Attack x3
huh...? where is she... the so called six killer...?
He's gonna retcon Otohashi being cucked by Yuri since she's Kanade's tardwrangler in the collab events and every girl has at least one pairing with each other. First Beast Iwasawa route is no longer canon since he has her waiting for Hisako so they can be gay in the next life together.
>21 bars
closed reported and called the cops
magnatroon status
post grid
In the 4th GW team, meanwhile xingflop keeps sinking.
six more like six feet under LMEOW
I only watch MizaGOD videos
i don't get it, the majority of setups are still going to use six
Just tyrafloppers coping
>sixters already having delusions
oh nonono
Exact same setup as >>483343040
Just pressing Nier's field allows me to skip needing a lot of extra buttons
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fucking WHY
>using a male
>using someone voiced by machico
The only winning move is not to play.
machicorager is fucking nuts
well where's six?
sixters i'm literally shaking right now
FAing and playing the better game.
shaking with delight knowing tyraflop isn't used
Because everyone shitted on his writing from his last anime so he went missing then came back wrote a yuri novel then said he's only interested in making girl's love stuff.
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I don't feel so good
...and then I woke up and tyra killed six
>pagix not used
>skip to coomer slop
>get to coom
>skip sumo slop
>get nothing
he really doesn't realize why people shat on kamisama, huh
nips started calling him flopix recently
Why is nobody using Six?!?!? Maleringers told me he was core…
it's so over
tyra... FLOP!
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How hard is it to make pic rel? On top of that field skills should be included in FA.
Him and Nasu are on the same boat on why people didn't like their last anime. But they make mobages that print money now.
Seraph please take your medicine
I hear raging online over fictional characters all day isn't good for your health
for cygames? extremely hard i imagine.
xingflop stay flop
tyrasuccess stay success
This but with the sixragers
Nasu is basically totally helpless without his husband to tardwrangle him.
>seraph out of nowhere
Tyrafloppers are so cooked
Surely there is some way around this other than stopping before 50%?
>For a boss that gets 2 buffs up a turn
could be so much faster if i had da six killas...
Go straight to 25%.
>out of nowhere
Lraph do be mindbroken like that by tyrasuccess
Ideally, you hit 51%->24%->dead
lil sis it isn't healthy to rage against six like that
>only averaging 4:10~4:20 on nm100
bros... I don't think I'm going to make it like this... these times are shit...
I thought m3 was supposed to save the f2pGODs...
pagix flopped
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I'm not looking forward to NM200
Dark Angel Olive Oil...
>no vtigs
Yeah you lost.
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Do schizos really think that no one can tell when it's them posting?
Ereshletbros how are we holding up?
That doesn't sound doable in 1t
Now that sounds more realistic but will probably take some experimenting to do
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I don't like dark
spark new dark exalto grubber
oh no no no no tyrasisters where's our damage?
i do think it's really obvious when you're calling random people seraph
>olivia is more core than pagix and brownmanflop
so many of you are actually playing the game, serious question
seraph hates six and calls him shillx all the time so I think you're wrong on this one
magnaflop stay flop
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But I have them, just don't see a reason to use them over Six, Ilsa, and DAO.
Where's the question?
Lraph is a contrarian so now the creature loves shilling homoflops to pwn them galgenazis
Don't forget flopra as well
You sound like a schizo.
We need a Baki collab to save us. Yujiro making a woman out of Gran is what will bring in the big bucks.
You're replying to him
NM200 will be a completely different team, either Soldier or RB with Logia.
This is my last GW. I've had enough.
>ra out of nowhere
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The unsung hero, 5* soon for sure...
Don't end your life, it's not worth it sixter
Celeste katana's dispel on ougi is comming in real clutch for chrysaor FA
>6 min magna FA
i hate this facking game..........
150 six is still a good alternative if you don't have Olivia
sixters... retreat to the 'cord
I remember seeing a 4x tag team setup with Logia on turn 2 somewhere on twitter
>don't want to bar exaltos
>don't want to use my rising code to uncap opus either
>only have a few hours to play because I have to wageslave
only 3 more days of manualing nm95 because it's the fastest honors/hour for me, haha...
Neither do I. Something about it and light are just so much more annoying than the other elements.
Tyra kinda hot... thank god she's not a kid so it's ok to have these thoughts
Don't let the theatre performance end, it very entertaining to watch while doing gw.
this one? there's also a funny version with chloe's assassin
Not in top GW teams that's for sure.
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>don't have extremity key
Yeah that was the one, I hadn't seen the Chloe version before though
What was wrong with it? I didn’t watch it but I saw the ending and it seemed kinda sweet.
Based but oppai tyra is even better.
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Show me the FA team that doesn't use Eresh OR YIlsa
man i sure love dodge
If I do two Faa0s tomorrow will I be able to get an extreme chain from it?
Manadiver fediel magus rat logia lich smagisa whatever
Yeah, so happy to be a waterfag. Can't wait for her summer alt.
The Chloe version looks promising, turn 2 burst with Bubs + Qilin.
>could have gotten Galge Olivia uncap
>instead get homoflop harvinflop uncap
Death is too good for FKHRT, it needs to suffer.
Olivia got a core tixable unit just a few months ago
Why so much effort for 90 mil minimum?
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And Sandalphon has two Grands. What’s your point?
now imagine if she had gotten a core 5* uncap instead of a nobody male harvin that will not see ANY use this GW
Wyell sandalphon is president of the shillclub so yeah he gets special treatment
What's wild to me is that they spent money on his VA, artists, and dev time just to have an uncap that literally nobody will tix for or use or read the fates for.
Like, it is the most fruitless choice they could have made. It apparently didn't push any lore, didn't sell any tix, did help any teams, didn't anything but deny Olivia an appropriate uncap.
Literally the same Nier death -> Olivia 1 setup as every other setup, press more buttons as needed
They also had to spend money to get Cho to voice Esta for the fates.
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This is your dark GW MVP.
Say something nice about her.
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that's a m*le weapon, anon. this is the dad element, after all.
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I need her... and 3 more GW for 3 fucking sstones
>m*le weapon
Sorry chuddie but that’s been debunked.
it's a female but she's shipshit with ibrahim
maleringer cope
tranny element. respect xis pronouns.
Did he get those in the same year? Stop with the whataboutisms.
maleringer is LOSING it
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>GW boss's veil makes magus completely useless
And her I thought she was gonna be decent for GW.
Raziel is getting a SSR and a summer SSR in the same year.
She's fine, just use her with Halmal and Shieldsworn/anyone else with EOT dispels
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>4:18 on my nm150
I'm not gonna make it, bros...
She still has good damage output and dispels.
Yeah I tried fitting him in a couple teams and he's trash. Cope option for newbabs at best.
Neither of those are uncaps so again that's a false comparison. You'd be better off bringing up V.Vira and G.Vira since she's the closest comparison, rather than rage against a character who's gotten zero content since his introduction like Marquires has
shieldsworn does not have EoT dispels and assault drive is not enough
>It apparently didn't push any lore
It did, you shouldn't talk about fate episodes you don't bother reading.
sorry sis my grubtuber is sagihara
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ehh, it's working well enough for me.
Eternal winner
>gbfg memed da six killa into reality
You know they'd be faster if they just used six right
how's that top 10 collage coming along
sorry my girlpills make me acting weird and i will not be doing top10 collage this gw...........
>half of profiles are private
You're playing NM200 already sis?
>day 2 collage
What’s blud cooking?
da nm150 collab......
>tyra will not be used chuds
>ok well she's used but not that much by the top players
>look so what if most players used her because they don't have tranny'd six?! she isn't as good
what's the next cope?
What lore was explained?
Except most players have tranny'd six so tyraflop is not used
>top players make their profile private
Why are they like this
Except most players have tr-ACK!
whatever makes you sleep at night homolard
Because they're competing? Are you stupid?
Why're you acking out tyrasis?
>no meme arrow
we lost one tyrabros...
they unprivate it towards evening usually, except a few
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I've already killed her over 100 times today.
It's only a game, they're not winning any money.
>not that much by the top players
she's not in the top 10 at all anymore
>another GW where rat is my saving grace
I love that cheesy lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
Troonix won’t be in any post GW art
Tyra will be in tons of post GW art
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>Tyra is bad
>Tyra is good
>Six is replaced
>Six is core
I'm ending it right now, we're all going for a ride
Money has never been required for competition. Again, are you stupiud?
All private profiles? Tyrachads.
COGji & Fagmi? Unused and flopgotten
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how am i supposed to keep tyra from getting hit
comps for logia lets, halmalets and maguslets?
It's a game not a dick don't take it so hard. And stop shaking.
Just wait for the rerun so they can give us the uncap that deletes SHARTgumi and DEADbara so COGji and MANki can be usable.
Most retarded post ITT.
They're not winning anything getting top 10 yet they still do it.
Your ereshGODDESS burst?
Tyrasisters...? Our response...?
Brownflopman status?
Just admit you're stupid instead of writing this cringy gay-shit, nobody is forcing you to double down like this.
I see, so no lore was explained or furthered.
can i offer you an rat in this trying time?
Tyra is FAcore because of her auto double dispel
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GW's not over yet.
What can replace mama?
rat and blind
my never move single turn with the charmed...
until she gets hit 3 times and becomes dead weight
Lmao poopsocker mad
Have you tried killing the boss in 3 turns then?
relink 2 when bwos?
Bros I just looked outside the window and a man in a dress was hanging from a tree carrying nothing but a mop and a crusty image of the greek king of the sea.
You have 5 seconds to explain why you aren’t lifting weights during your 30 second Eresh FA.
10 more years bwo
>30 second Eresh FA.
the game isn't eos'ing until they shill all zodiacs, shill the new group after zodiacs for at least one year, and shill some other shit FKHR genuinely thinks will save this game

Will it's playerbase be essentially non-existent by then? Yes. Will it matter? No.
Except all the nip artists are using six over tyraflop
that wasn't a window anon... it was a mirror
I think I'm starting to get some firm footing. Does /gbfg/ have a crew with former dragalians?
Lraph still seething and it's only nm150
because i already did my workout before GW began
pixiv exists, you don't need to swipe your credit card in a mobile game to coom
kengoshitters status
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should I just buy the fucking eresh
nyou syee...
i couldnt make fa eresh stable in magna so im doing 4 minute manadiver fa instead
Buy Zosimos for NM200 instead
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You don't need it
should i turn off CA with manadiver???????????????
>shill zodiacs
Hmm yes dragon is very shilled
Unless you also have 3 exaltos you’re not going to be using it for 200NM.
Does nm150 just have higher atk/def than 100? HP and triggers are the same?
you know you're actually dumb if you think those two wouldn't use six instead if he was indeed faster
I love using azusex
First stretch break! Have you opened your chests yet? Did you get anything good? Make sure to get some water while you walk around too!
>paying for events
Last straight man on earth
mama 150 is killing me...
>Have you opened your chests yet? Did you get anything good? Make sure to get some water while you walk around too!
even if you have tranny'd six you wouldn't use him vs tyra lamo
Not really most of the ones I knew left
Que te jodan
But I've already taken multiple breaks.
Six can only surpass Tyra if they shove 6-hit flurry in his kit which would only be unlocked only on the last level of super trannyscend
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>12k meats used
>only 2 staffs drop
down to 1 player in the top 10 not using six now
same jeeter, same
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it hurts bros...
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I’ve gotten two bows and one staff. Not going to be able to uncap both at this rate.
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I can't even do nm100
>4 private profiles
you can still secure all the boxes and break 1bil with 95, keep fighting
Let's be real they're using six over tyra
1 and 2 were still private when sixragers were going nuts
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gen question. Is eresh still worth it? I mean, it's been out for wo years now and powercreep in this game is getting increasingly tight so I don't expect it to stay relevant for long. The only other weapons worth it are hrunt, hraes, and ura if you're a paypig for those elements (of which I'm not). I also don't have Yatima, who seems pretty integral to many comps involving eresh
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waddafack bwos, why i waste 150 moons if magna ereshlets can kill it in the same number turns
Bow is useless lol
>maxed opus
>mk2 agastia sticks
Yatima can’t call one time summons so it can’t call HalMal, right?
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I don't have a 3rd ES
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please post eresh FAs
Literally the only parts of this setup I can copy is the opus, class and Nier. I don’t have shit else.
stick them in with belial and then she'll call your other two
Wait until it gets another uncap or buffed. Get Hrunt, it's human rights for dirt and all dirt content is designed around it.
where is the staff...
Still good for sandbox if you need to do that
Fire is the easier investment for burst since it only requires Alan, Percy, and Zeta.
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hraes is not worth it even for paypigs, too slow for bar farming and its execute niche got stolen by magna exogun grids

hrunt is usable in magna and if you dont plan on being a piggy and suptixing 12 optimus dupes + cashsparking 3 exaltos for any element to play [currentyear] primal, you are better off just buying that and eresh for your magna grids
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wish i didn't slack on 250 opus but oh well
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what did the 149schizos do when gabriel released anyway
based for me its
with my ilsex wife
dunno, uncap to 150?
no I'm already invested in fire and plan to spark third overrider this summer
so hrunt and eresh are human rights? (hrunt moreso than eresh from what I'm seeing)
>niche got stolen by an inferior setup
do people really believe this?
Eresh is QoL but not human rights.
fapping to dorafs
he's not wrong, hraes right now is insane investment for first 2 and last 2 days of a single gw.
i have the window open and im listening to my neighbor mow the lawn with a gas mower :)

>spending 150 moons just to janny a powercrept raid slightly better
it doesnt matter that the setup is inferior, nobody cares how fast the janny is and only shit rooms wipe before 10% to the point where you'd need a 20% janny
the only thing that matters is the binary y/n of "can you execute"
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Hrunt is human rights
Eresh is nice if you really like dark and already have the other pieces for it
Ereshgoddess at the top, flopmyoji keks lost
are there any substitutes/walmart brand Ilsa units that I can use as an Ilsalet
i have the galleon dakimakura ASMR on repeat
listening to asian girl music
and it has 0 presence in current endgame.
shishio is more worth it than hraes right now, at least it has raids that it makes a difference in
so mature...
Nobody in top 10 is using Tyra, wtf were you guys lying to me?
to add onto eresh, it's amazing QoL for event 20 boxing and sandbox farming
Check the private profiles
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who do i use to not die in 150? i don't care about speed, i just wanna full-auto this shit
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if you are a strongchad and kill the boss in 3 turns with twilight terror you don't care about buffs or triggers.
tyra is for the weaklings who can't 3T (or the chads who refuse to manual GW)
so hrunt is human rights but I'm not planning to do any serious earth content or main earth for the forseeable future it's fine for me to go hrunt and then just prioritize saving moons for hrunt right after right?
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>already invested in fire
>no yatima
sis your death alan gold bar farming team?
even magna with yatima + extremity is better at bursting than your halfassed agni without key summons
>tyra overwrites ilsa's 100/20% crit buff with her 70/30% one
god she's so fucking retarded...
Dark can also do it now with Logia and the PG gun. 2 turn 100% consistent setup for 16% execute with a magna grid (0 gacha weapons), can go up to 20% without dirt stacks. With Excalibur and a full primal grid you can probably get to 25%+.
If you can't clear NM100, you're not in a position to clear NM95 fast enough for 1b. Like maybe if you lived in Japan and had four days off, but otherwise not realisitically.
thats correct, the qol from eresh is superior to hrunt in everything except
>revans (you will farm this forever)
>subaha (powercrept raid, easy to get carried)
>hexa/faa (current endgame), and
though there are FA diaspora join setups that hit 4m honors without hrunt too now so you might cut revans out
what team for 150
>Starting to zone out and forget to press Nier's field
>Fail to 3 turns without it
>Get completely fucked by charm and dodge rate up
I hate this gw
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This shit ass element feels unfuckingplayable without Eresh good lord.
>10 years of grub
>still can't activate field skills with fauto
Surely there can't be any sort of legitimate reason as to why this is still not an option.
you can if you farmed the prelim and interludes, i had 603mil before 95 started, i have 924 right now clearing 95 in 1:24 manually
>2 turn 100% consistent setup for 16% execute with a magna grid
you can do a 0 turn setup for 10% as well, don't even need to join before 75% then
you will never be a dinosaur
I hope I get lucky with my spark then because I'd rather just kill myself than have to save for hrunt and then immediately after start saving for Yatima just to do anything. Not to mention the next providence is going to be ridiculous just like every providence is
still wouldnt help because death would kick first but...small indie company...
Watching someone build an automatic onahole from scratch on Twitch.
Even if you could it wouldn't help as summons would kill Nier first.
yaia aster kumuyu
The point still stands.
>20 boxing
That's piss easy for every element. It's never required Eresh.
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>listening to limp bizkit
i refuse to believe this
you could bring 5* nyier in with death and have her use field + s4
one team fits all is cozy tho
It's a balance thing probably, same reason they refuse to let green skills activate
Because they came first retard, what sort of question is this?
This, everyone knows linkin park is better
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I'm not done sandbox at all so worth. Thank you anon
eresh gives you a free 0 button double kaguya no lockout setup that works in any element event
it's nice to have although it's just qol, not needed -- you can always 0 button them with something else anyways
You can have a single 000 team
I'm listening to the in game music and sfx. What else would I be listening to?
>no double kaguya
I'd need 000 first.
You don't need double kaguya for 20 box events lmao.
>~1 minute manual nm150
jesus christ how horrifying
no thanks im straight
muh pot efficiency...
Percy 3 can also do that with double kaguya...
it provides the ability to 0b 99% of the "content" in this game, and unless cygames buffs event bosses or sandbox or whatever, it'll never be truly obsolete.

line up four niggas in a row and press orange and get to attack twice. what the fuck do you think?
Arius Squad
not 0b0c

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