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Previous: >>483307579

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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aaanff.. ahh h god ahh ah fuck ahh.f.. miss spunkle's doll feels so good inside..mmphgf ah ahh ah !
The fuck is this OP image
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Firefly my beloved
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this is a hag thread, by posting here you accept hag superiority and dominance
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yes mommy jade
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Prydwen AS tierlist doko?
What bosses are people having more trouble with in DU? For me it's Sam, the 3rd phase is absurd, the only one who can survive while dealing enough damage to not be overwhelmed eventually is Aventurine, Cirrus who I see a lot of people complaining about gets raped by Blade and Huohuo with the 3 star shared healing blessing
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Blushing before being blasted by bird brap...
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My girlfriend is so cute
It's the game, do you play it fag?
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Cute retard.
Hopefully never because they're Clowns.
Serval > Mid Yuan and she's placed two tiers below him btw.
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>skip Jade, Argenti
>skip Yunli, Huohuo
>skip gay fox, probably skip Black Swan because I have 0 other dot characters
>still have a ton of content to go through
I guess I'm blowing like 500 rolls on SW and Acheron when they rerun.
>en voice of dehya voices yanKING
i see... the bricks...
LOVE black panties
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Is Misha any FUN?
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Total hag love
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>NOOOOO Fua is expensive
>It's okay just roll for your fua carry and get Topaz use what you have as a sustain and support. Until your ready you can run your FUA carry in a hyper carry team
>Do 90% of max potential damage
>FF team. Don't have Ruan Mei lose 60% damage
>Don't use TB lose 30% more damage
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>Blade and Huohuo
Well, there's why nobody can do it. The ownership of those two units is really fucking low.
Disingenuous post especially the 90% damage part lmao.
Geo microwave
Razor salad
Clorinde+Qiqi superconduct spam
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>want the pom-pom phone wallpaper from that food event
>people sell codes for it for 14 USD
Overpriced but I want it, do I risk getting scammed
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TB is free nigga
Qrd on Jade's gameplay? I know Yunli is just a better Clara, so she's a skip.
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
And E1S1 Ruan Mei?
Caelus pags are absolutely fucking mentally ill, holy shit. Worse than Yumejo.
Ruan Mei is effectively free because 100% of accounts have her
>>Don't have [Strongest generalist 5* Harmony which is also on their rerun] lose 60% damage
>>Don't use [Free E6 unit handed to you] lose 30% more damage
Literally better value than the shitty battle pass icons, you don't even get a phone background with that.
Tell me about Feixiao, why does she wield the gunblades?
>finish story
So Robin basically sold both her home planet and her brother to the ICP. I wonder how much they paid her.
same shit with dot. roll kafka, bs, huohuo to make it usable. somehow people see no issue with that
Nigga I was shilling Ruan Mei from day 1, half of you were calling her a brick and skipping.
E0 S5 Cogs is more than enough. Why are people trying so fucking hard to make Ruan Mei look like an expensive unit? She's not Sparkle or Robin.
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Savour it in my place
>>FF team. Don't have Ruan Mei lose 60% damage
>>Don't use TB lose 30% more damage
This is genuinely stupid and you know it. Not rolling for RM if you even care for a little bit about meta is retarded. HTB is completely free and only requires some elbow grease to get to E6.
They're are of the retarded mindset that if you're not the optimal pick for a given slot then you're unusable. Kafka's a better Lightning DOT than Serval? Trash character.
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>got low rolls
fuck me
As usual, the moral of the story is to never trust w*men and alwasy expect them to betray you.
You forget the Eidolons on both teams. E1S1 Topaz, E1S1 Aventurine and E1S1Robin. Same for FuA except Ratio who's fine with S1 only and RM can use Cogs or whatever.
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You can replace RM with SW and your dick would 100% harder
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>He's using a 3 star cone on his premium wife
This post reeks of poor and cope
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I bought it off of ebay but it's too bright for me so I changed it after 3 days.
Banjomori sex (I didn't read the post)
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I genuinely do not know what the hell my second team after Firefly is supposed to be after looking at all the upcoming banners. It feels like I won't be able to build anything good this year.
Shut the fuck up, that's a godly piece. You can just brag if you want, don't do this fake "aww damn" shit.
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>just roll Topass
>just roll limited FuA related
>just roll Firefly
>just roll RM
>HMC is free
>Gallagher is free for several patch as 4* selector.
Firefly won
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>You forget the Eidolons
Yet Topaz, Aventurine, Ratio and Robin all statistically have the lowest average lightcones and eidlons.
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I did this but with Sparkle to roll an extra EIdolon for Ack
I like Ack more than Hotaru specifically because of how free-spirited she is.
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Anon, Serval is an aoe character with a DoT. Not a DoT character.
She's not my wife and I'm rolling on her cone. I already won two coinflips with her and FF. That's 8 in a row.
Argenti tier 3. People that just had their banners suddenly demoted once it's over because no sales to make, anti FuA bias, people having to beg them to raise Pela up...
There are many fucking things wrong with their lists.
Just use your e6 Misha as a hypercarry, I am not coping
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She's so precious I just fcking can't man, I love her so much
>4kids dub
I'm still the strongest btw
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>Character-focused event in which a group of playable characters that have chemistry interact with each other a ton and endear you to them
Why the fuck can't all events be like this? Why do we get NPCslop or even events where you don't even learn about ANY (living) characters, like the cockie movie event?
Yeah, uh, just wait until the Acheron rerun I guess. It's kinda rough for new players.
I don't get the complains about
>nyoooo you need to roll a character
Fucking faggots, that's the only thing you do
>cut off the best part (gui's floppy hanging tits)
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Also, fuck that bitch Dan
and Welt
Because this shit is kind of like a main story patch in of itself
You can probably roll for Yunli who's a Clara upgrade or Feixiao who's just another break DPS supposedly
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What's the most overrated event in your opinion? Mine is the Fyxestroll garden halloween event. It was so boring to get through. I was almost crying at the last two hours of grinding it out because of how mind-numbingly boring it was, yet it gets praised here constantly.
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No shame in being a goober
But even the big events like that don't actually focus on characters interacting... like, even the museum one was just Pela (with bare minimum interactions with staff playable characters), and the restoration one was BARELY Sushang, so on, so forth.
No yous for you. Get better bait.
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Mine is E0S0 (at least I have tutorial), is she better and Asta or Pela on dothag team? Haven't used her in over a year probably
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Have you considered that your opinions might be shit?
we know KING yuan
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If Firefly was capable of dreaming while asleep she would have PTSD nightmares and wake up covered in your blood and entrails.

So really, it works out fairly well that she can't.
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SAM transformation theme
Not having Tutorial is the reason why I'm not really considering pulling Silver Wolf.
>Someone is enjoying something
>Time to make a bait!
What urges a man to be like this?
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I love Ruan Mei.
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(my) NPChocowife cocona
Anyone regret getting FF to E2 instead of just settling on E0?
Yep, and that didn't square with the truth, so the only conclusion is that you fags are wrong.
Yes. I love Misha!
MAn, why the Traveler in Genshin has a shitty skill set but in Star Rail, the Traiblazer is more useful?
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Help me out bros use my code. I need to finish my firefly.
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Qingque is canonically 140 cm tall and underage. what are your thoughts on this revelation?
That aside, it's nice that we're rewarded for not letting her kill herself and she's happier.
You don't want to use RM's cone on FF's team lol, you want her on an energy cone and her E1 is completely skippable. My FF is E0S1 with E0S0 RM and her side takes 1 cycle in current MOC.
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She's sexier than anyone else on that team
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Nope, I love going unga bunga FAST
They sure do love words that literally not a single English speaker uses.
>am I out of touch?
>no, obviously everyone else is wrong!
Show your S5
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Child labour and child soldiers seem commonplace in Space-China.

More news at 11.
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>the last two hours of grinding it out

It's true. parts of that event really did drag. But overall it was better than Aeth wars. It had a lot of story and lots of very cute moments with Guina. I enjoyed it a lot overall since it had some of my favorite characters in the game actually getting screentime. HebeGODS won

>What's the most overrated event in your opinion?
Technically fyxestroll garden for the reasons you stated

>What's the most underrated event?
The current event is so good and ties with Aeth wars for fun factor alone.
She's 200
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I got E4 - zero regrets, will get E6 at rerun.
uhhhhh where's your RUAN MEI?
>You don't want to use RM's cone on FF's team lol
>You want her energy cone
>Brags about doing 1 cycle so that ER is now useless
???????????????????????????? Are you coping that you don't have S1 or are you retarded?
>Banner dps and support clear fast in shill MOC
Imagine my shock. Wait until the buff changes and the enemies aren't fire weak.
What does this code give me? If it's not jades you can piss off.
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Idk why but this feels like it came straight out of persona
Too many hagfags polluting our hebe game
>implants Fire weakness
uh ok?
I don't particularly like Ruan Mei but she seems busted. Should I get her? Or wait for Acheron or Black Swan?
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>our hebe game
Never was one to begin with
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Oh my god no. Any less than E2S1 and I would be seriously let down with her kit and game feel. She WILL be bricked in the future and it will be so easy to do. They will wait to release another superbreak support and make you choose between FF and the new hotness that does the same thing but in a relevant element rhyme. Anyone who disagrees is just fooling themselves.
that's underage by Xinazhou's standard
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It's possible that some inspiration has been taken from Persona 5 in some places.
Maybe read her skill before posting bwo...
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Is this some sort of retardation? Literally everyone and their mother was saying to use her cone at least on HMC because it's better for FF teams and suddenly it's dogshit? What is this...? It's also good in other teams you know.
Costs SP, only targets up to 3 in enhanced state. It;s not 100% uptime lil bro.
>Implants weakness
Okay now what? Fire weakness is the least of her worries lol
>W-wait until they had toughness lock
Never an issue. Only comes up with SUD, who then decides to suicide since it'd just grab HTB and RM on Auto and Deer, which is a non-issue.
If he can 1 cycle without using her cone then that proves her cone is useless. When future content forces you to take more cycles with the Super Brick team you will be glad she is on Memories or Cogs.
If you have RM S1 you would use it on HMC, not on RM. RM S1 on RM is awful for Super Brick. It's good for her other teams.
>pulling for ruan gay
lmao even
Not my American standard
loli* gacha
>ruan gay
Yes you are
Actually the implant is only on one person. The sides get half toughness damage compared to main.
I don't know if anyone even overrates it these days, but I used to see good things about the museum event long ago. It's pure dogshit, with 100 fetch quests disguised as a management game.
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>local pedo is uppity again
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I think you might be gay for not pulling for this Ruan
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The boy I love's got another girl
He might be fucking her right now
I don't have an apartment
Thought if I was smart, I'd make it far
But I'm still at the start

Guess I'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran
Fuck, that's what they all just end up doing in the end
Take my car and paint it black
Take my arm, break it in half
Say something, do it soon
It's too quiet in this room

I need noise
I need the buzz of a sub
Need the crack of a whip
Need some blood in the cut
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Pull for Ruanald Meidonald.
>If he can 1 cycle without using her cone then that proves her cone is useless
A boss that's tailor made to be her punching bag proves that
>Fire weak already so the adjacent targets still take full break
>Absolutely fragile toughness
>Takes even more damage when broken
There's a reason why even Himeko can be used there to clear it. It's a joke for a boss and shouldn't be used as a metric for effiicacy.
That is my S5
peak comfy hsr. and it's not even close
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>Okay now what? Fire weakness is the least of her worries lol
ST and cost SP, only targets 3 in enhanced state.
>Toughness lock is never an iss-
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What are your roilling plans, bros? I'm probably saving up everything until 2.5, after which I'll have to use THAT for SW, Acheron, Kafka, and Sunday.
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I like how there's no timegates and it's just numbers go up. Numbers going up soothes me to my very core. It always has.
Isn't Gallagher burst + enhanced and FF skill enough so break him before he transforms?
It's been forever since they used this guy.
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Both RM and HMC should be on MOTP for the 3 turn ult setup
Firefly saved this homogame
>he sides get half toughness damage compared to main.
Therefore less effective on non fire weak stages. Thank you for your concession.
Any non-retard would break this Chinamen machine before it call it's gold fish
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Ratio... forgotten...
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>memories of broken hopes resurface
>march on banner
I refuse to believe that this guy isn't just a genshin tourist
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This side quest was cute
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shut up WHORE
>Two S5
Good thing mine isn't and it's on banner right now so I won't be mad if I drop RM cone.
Also Trailblazer E6 can get away with RM cone, she gets extra energy from her skill.
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Call it
>The current event is so good and ties with Aeth wars for fun factor alone.
it's a great event gameplay-wise but it probably has the worst event story yet desu
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I just realized Acheron and Ruan have the same last name
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The future of waifufags post-Firefly
>Bro just roll the gacha 4 star cone 10 times
Are Firekeks retarded? All of a sudden they post stupidity when it comes to defending her.
>He can't break him before he calls his fish goons
oh no no no no no
Might get Huohuo since I really liked her in the halloween event, but I don't think I'm ever really gonna use her so eh.
>TB being a wingman for Topaz and Aventurine
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>15 banners overdue
>not on the forecast
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did she just say device nine? Is that a localization goof? Or was it 9 all along instead of i x
2 into crit-rate, 3 into crit damage.
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By the order of the Ten Lords... Execute the Mara-Struck! HEE YAH!
First off, I wasn't the anon you were arguing with, so kindly go fuck yourself with that snide remark.
Second, all I did was add extra information to show there's more to her weakness.
How is Robin expensive? She has 2 cope cones, and 1 was given away for free
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Bros, could it be that Jade's real name is Eve? I know the chapter name is another movie reference but her signature does look like it says Eve...
Like I said, if it's a MOC that asks for 3+ cycles to clear from Firefly's team then MotP/Cogs are even stronger. You are just proving the point harder.
This has been discussed and calc'd to death already. If you have RM's sig it should be on TB while RM should be on S5 MotP.
How do u even play like that?

>oops all SPD
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For you bro? 10 spd
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Honkai needs German dub to become a better game
I cannot believe how obvious they made the Jade/Argenti banner with the 4 stars. It literally screams "do not waste your rolls here".
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got e1s1 firefly, skip everything else since I already got e0s1 ruan mei on her first rateup
roll for yunli's LC for clara, unless black swan gets a rerun tentative skip on jiaoqiu since my acherons already good enough and im not rolling e2 to make him work in DoT teams
see what fei xiao & lingshins kit is, might skip lingshin unless e0 hard power-creeps e6 gallagher for break/firefly team
skip patch
roll sunday & tingyun
I got what I wanted this patch with FF, I'm not stupid enough to think that Mihoyo will ever do this again so I'm content.
Anyone got some sexy Misha?
saturationGOD you deserve the full spd
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She knows who the winners are
>has a snake
>holding an apple in her official art
seems pretty likely desu
had to stack Firefly's banner as much as possible please understand
Device IX is something unknown deep within IX.
Some believe it's a faction like the illuminati and other believe it's some greater being.
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Makes sense with the snake and the biblical reference, also Dubra is related to her in some way and she's dressed like a pope and there's the apple, so I can buy that Jade is referencing Eve and Lilith
German is one of the most unattractive languages a (anime) girl can speak and I'm saying this as a Fleming.
Give it to me straight
Is Star Rail ACTUALLY more generous than Genshin?
That's impossible to do without triggering sanction mode
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wow you think?????
bro this is her splash art, make an effort I beg of you
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Madam Foxhagsag the First is coming back never ever
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My crit rate is at 25% now
I dont know why that snip saturated the fuck out of the picture lol
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nta but i think he's referring to the fact that EN acheron pronounces it as "device nine", not "eye-ecks" which is what the EN dub always uses for the name of the aeon
>Shaoji is also behind the new chinawank
I doubt it.
>one of the most unattractive languages a (anime) girl can speak
that's chinese
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WTF was the point of these guys
Both are not f2p friendly.
You shouldn't be playing any Hoyoverse games if your poor.
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A little bit but not by much and most of the generosity is exaggerated.
Constance sexo
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hagfags will inherit the earth
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Is Silverwolf for (You)?
I think we're gonna meet the scattered squad at random points, probably the LG and the mom first.
yeah this >>483328239
Weapon banner is at least 5x more generous. Like 25% more pulls per patch and you can get them instead of scavenging in 4000(whatever the fontaine number is) chests a 2 gems per chest.
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Cute and canon
Only if you roll supports and enablers
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constance is our dot sustain, just wait and keep on having faith, it WILL happen
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Always has been. Also I think Trailblazer used "they" towards Aventurine at some point in text messaging.
Ah I see.JP also calls it ick-se instead so if we go by CH=correct then every language fumbles that.
Yes it cares about your time
Time = money
Also less walls of literal text. Genshin has events with wall of text longer than main archon story KEK
I know about the biblical reference, but her real name hasn't even been hinted at yet in-game.
pompom is clearly a man
It's litterly impossible.
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They were announced way way earlier than they should to btfo leakfags with their trailer. We literally never even heard about these characters before then, and they were salty about the SAM leak
I'm glad I didn't go for E2. She feels so fucking retarded strong at E0 already. I don't see any fun in turning the game into a total joke. If I feel like it's needed I can get E2 on her rerun.
post his dick then
Why not
>Has a panic attack once a day unless you do something about it
>does nothing but clean and nage
>never goes outside
I dunno about that my dude.
You get a lot more pulls, but you also need like thrice the amount of built characters to do anything in the game.
Yes if you care about pull quantity.
No when you care about characters you want to pull.

Genshin is pretty damn good at not making you want to roll like ever. Makes it easy on the wallet.
Here? Fuck man. It's like every patch has a Mona or Nilou.
You don't have enough toughness break in 3 hits to melt it's bar.
Just spent 100 on the game to buy some pulls. Got a bunch of useless stuff. I don't know how you guys do it. It feels like pissing money away. I'm kind of jealous some of you have enough money to not be bothered by it.
What if I turned my head and smooched Sparkle when she leaned in real close?
Yes, you should absolutely get Ruan Mei
Pom pom is my girlfriend
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>saw some people saying Aventurine and the other stonehearts are Emanators of Preservation
The amount of readlets playing this game I swear
Where is that confirmed? I heard Shaoji got put onto Natlan
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Hey, they're each 1/10th of an emanator, so technically...
Firefly applying her fire weakness alongside having her own break eff + RM break eff and Gallagher using his ult + EBA toughness nuke should be enough, no?
wtf why are those 5* so obscenely specific
did you buy an account?
Nowhere near enough
I don't wanna get banned..
If they can use the power of an Emanator they should be counted as one, technically. That's what Jingyuan fags do anyway.
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Constance soon
They have Emanators powers albeit
She'd recoil in disgust then never text you again, Sampo would look at you weird and you just hope she hasn't told anyone else.
Anon's just coping, if you do it right you'll have enough since it's just an elite and probably only has like 500 Toughness.
oh so just how it is in real life
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My heroes+Robin
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Firefly is popular with homofujo?
Post a video of it's sheild being insta broken.
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I've been thinking about this lately. I still hesitate to use the word generous in a game that is designed around you spending max energy refreshes to make it feel like a game you bought for full price in 2001.

That said, the banner pity in Star Rail is what makes it so friendly. Compare this to FGO, Nikke, and probably more that I don't know about. Many games have single banner pity with no carryover. Most gachas have time limited pull rakebacks instead of Twilight Shards which can be used whatever. Most games have Paid Gems that are only for special pull offers. Those don't exist for Orneric shards.

If the pity in this game was any less generous I would not play it out of principal.
NTA but a well set up Firefly team has a fuckton of Toughness damage before they can't do much.

Tech + Gallagher + RM alone provide 60 + (30+60+90)*1.7=366 toughness damage alone. Few elites have this much toughness. Gallagher should have vonwacq and the correct setup to do this.
Aurumaton Gatekeeper has 300 toughness. Firefly isn't even needed outside of her tech.
Yes until you realize they release 5* at twice the pace and powercreep is off the rails and almost all 4* are useless
It's pretty much the same
jade should've been DoT desu.
The mood is set--
get the rubert empire occurence event first bro, you get 2 of the 3 then rng luck the 3rd from shop instead of trying to get all 3 1 by 1 and potentially bricking your entire run it also counts even if their destroyed too so you can get them from events that give you destroyed curio's and 3rd 1 will transform it into the OP 1
>Is Star Rail ACTUALLY more generous than Genshin?
>Is Star Rail generous?
Fuck no. Most gachas exist to milk your money and HSR is no exception
that person has 1600 jades. I don't think so
>La petite mort (French pronunciation: [la pətit mɔʁ]; lit.'the little death') is an expression that refers to a brief loss or weakening of consciousness, and in modern usage refers specifically to a post-orgasm sensation as likened to death.[1]

>The first attested use of the expression in English was in 1572 with the meaning of "fainting fit". It later came to mean "nervous spasm" as well. The first attested use with the meaning of "orgasm" was in 1882.[1] In modern usage, this term has generally been interpreted to describe the post-orgasmic state of unconsciousness that certain people perceive after having some sexual experiences.

If they were serious about Firefly x TB this would have been Firefly's third "death"
I don't think $20 a month is a drain on anyone's money.
Both men and women love Firefly she is to most sucessful Mihoyo character since Elysia
Is Jade worth pulling if I am a total metaslave?
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The qualification for being an emanator is for the entity being given direct power by the aeon. The stonehearts are all being given power by Diamond, not Qlipoth. They're not emanators.
I am tempted to pull for her just cause the snake is so cool. Alas, I've learned my noobie lessons and am now a saveGOD
no. quantum is worst element despite having best girls. homogame
$20 a month shouldn't get you dick. It would take half a year to save for a character if you lose pity.
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>Naruto Mobiole
which are you going to play alongside HSR?
well it sort of is, lots of people are poor asf or from 3rd world countries

20$ a month is more than most subscription services, hoyo make a shitton off that

its 15 for me though? 10 BP 5 welkin
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do not quote the coom lore to me, I was there when it was written
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jade is hagsex but i hate the IPC so much.
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it adds up. 380$ a year with first time top ups, plus tax ofc
I guess kinda? She's pure fiction character and you have to do it once a month. Also she does sound kinda fun
There isn't a gacha right now that's as fucking stingy as Genshin is. The director sucks ass and yet people keep playing
Real life.
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I beat V6 against Sam. With ult spam from eudition + elation I just acheron ulted endlessly and instabroke him out of form. He also seems like he does damage than the other bosses, he never felt like he was going to oneshot my team compared to the other bosses.
Cirrus is also very easy with QQ, but the last part of her final lifebar is a nightmare. The freeze spamming dude can just end your run if he feels like it. I beat Cirrus on V5 with QQ, didn't ever get to fight it on V6 though.

The most difficult boss is the Dreameater imo, I don't even know how you're supposed to beat it if you can't kill it without it ever doing anything. It's only a midstage boss too. The prisons require more stacks everytime it locks someone down, I swear its impossible without a dot team, and even then.
So what does the food chain look like in Star Rail?
I know genshin has people like Alice at the top, the sinners, the other witches, the sovereigns, and finally the archons then most of the playable cast.
Misha is inherently sexy.
>the rubert empire occurence
Never seen or heard of this before. I can't just will a specific event into existence, but I guess it's more likely than getting the curios through other means.
I need a quest where (you) team up with Gepard and suicide bomb the IPC. Fuck the space jews.
>half a year
not in this game the fuck it takes like a quarter of a year max to get 160 rolls
We can agree that $20 a month is essentially F2P
>Counting technique
You need to do it in 3 hits, the higher amount of toughness break is 30

>They're not emanators.
Yeah I would say that the stoneheart pieces are more like Fu Xuan's matrix.
Buru Arukaibu
It's still a free game, spend your money wisely
too extreme
I don't mind paying for things that I like. I payed for genshin BP for a while and then stopped all together when I stopped enjoying it.
>I am completely f2p

+passes+first time top ups
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I fucking ran out of pity dust for my monthly free rolls in genshin. Think about how comically improbably that is in HSR.

Most notably, there is no 1 weekly free standard roll in Genshin. the only renewable sources of standard rolls is the battle pass and the monthly pity dust exchange, but you'll never have enough pity dust to actually buy the standard rolls from the dust shop after buying the limiteds.
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>DU destruction trotters no longer counter FUA to prevent infinite loops
>so now they completely ignore Topaz
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You can pay $15 a month for an online movie service where you can watch stuff like
>The Acolyte
>Robyn Hood
>Star Trek Discovery
>Rings of Power
>American Society of Magical Negroes
>Madame Web
Or you can spend it on a gacha game
nameless barely gives pulls. the 5$ value pass is the best for that

I have run out of embers a few times.
>he actually learned
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Same but only monthly and BP.
Is this why I deserved E2S4 Bailu?
I haven't watched a tv show in like 5 years and when I did it was just anime.
Alright, this is pretty good bait.
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>He didn't spend $100 within the first 3 hours to guarantee his whale seed

You are never going to make it.
What are Constancefags gonna do when Prostance walks onscreen
yeah but I'm specifically trying ot bait that on image of him under bedsheet
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BP+Supply is unironically f2p because the amount of extra rolls you get is absolutely not enough to distinguish you from someone who is even marginally more lucky on rolls than someone with toilet luck but 'subbed' since week one
pure f2p's regularly end up with more 5* on their warp tracker than non-whale premiums for the same amount of playtime and it hurts so much
so paying 20 a month gets you 1 cone and 1 guaranteed limited character every half a year?
Thanks for looking out for me Doroposter, renewed my monthly.
Huh? The enemy gets angry if you ult or skill it. 2 out of 3 parts of Gallagher are normal attacks. It doesn't care about those.

If you do exactly what I said, it's at 33% angry and breaks.
>paying for tv shows/movies
are you actually retarded? I have 1337x
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I love living the wild side.
>American Society of Magical Negroes
I thought you were trolling but it turns out there really is a movie called that. In 2024! Hilarious!
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Why are the four stars on furina's banner so bad. The genshin devs are so disgustingly greedy. They never put worthwhile four stars on good banners. At least Pagfly got Gallagher and Xueyi.
Minimally viable full stars Abyss party:
>Neuvillette + 3 randoms
>Furina, Xianyun, Bennett, Gaming or Nilou, Kokomi, Dendro MC, Collei
3 limited 5*s that don't require that much investment + fairly easy to obtain 4*s

Minimally viable MoC full start party:
>Firefly/Harmony MC/Ruan Mei/Gallagher
>Acheron + ???
I started playing for Firefly so idk
"negro" is long reclaimed, chud
here's your (You), paggot
>Alice at the top, the sinners, the other witches, the sovereigns, and finally the archons then most of the playable cast.
Huh? Alice is that strong? I thought there was only one sinner
you dont need MOTP on stelle to keep up the 3 turn ult if you have e6
put DDD on her
I only won V6 because I got Cirrus as the boss, getting Aventurine as final boss is a bricked run
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This does look pretty fun to play
I have an Animebytes account
HSR is more generous for light spenders.
Genshin is more generous for F2P.
>Minimally viable MoC full start party:
unironically all 4 stars
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Oh and another thing about Genshin is the beginner banner

>Beginner banner
20 rolls for the price of 16
Noelle (4 star sustain) guaranteed

>Departure warp
50 rolls for the price of 40
1 standard 5 star guaranteed

Also, Genshin does not have a standard 5 star selector like HSR has at 300 standard pulls. Win every 50/50 and you might never get a standard 5 star character. Because of the stinginess of standard rolls it's actually pretty hard to hit pity on standard, and the one time I did get there I got a weapon.
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>Lizard slave
>All males on the banner
Listening to old themes right now, and SW's is actually still the best.
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Good night, /hsrg/
coldest reply today. anon bodied
It's kinda sad Lil'Gui will age and die before her ghost hunting frens
sex with hebes! creampie hebes while fofo cheers me on!!! Star Rail Hebe SEX

obsessed and mentally ill
Who the hell is this week's Cyclical Extrapolation for? Fuckin Clara??
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Y'all should pick up Limbus Company
just need a better rope and chest piece now
I'll save for Acheron/Sparkle although I might be tempted to get SW for Ach or a mono Quantum team.
I face rolled it with Firefly, I didn't even read the effects
we've seen those ones
dont care, I just forced dot and won as always
looks like a shit team. yunli wants to be the only person being hit, you fail ult and have to use the cope ult because clara is there. A Jade, sparkle, or tingyuan would be better

Also the placement is completely wrong.
Should be
Do I need to play their other games to understand what's going on
>he plays a female char in a game with canon gf's like firefly
you are 2 steps away from trooning out sis
it will be the loli again and you will like it
I threw myself at it with DHIL and it seemed to work, I don''t
how should I place my characters? I've been putting the main dps on the left and the supports on the right
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Most soulless anti fun post in the thread
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lmao SW is a midget
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hello! I'm back!
>tumblr-core game full of fujos and shipshit
I can barely tolerate hsr as it is, ant that's only because of the lore
hmmm. Interesting. So many SPD rolls you can run atk boots. I believe it's only 8% BE for each 100 ATK so you are overdoing it. Find BE on spd boots and find a max BE roll on helm. Unless you want to be in the mines forever I don't think you can do much else than cope with what you have.

I say cope, but your rolls are retarded. You will end up with ~170 spd with SPD boots but your BE will still be higher if u get SPD boots with 3 rolls so just do it imo.
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Nyo, but you should read the sinners' books to further understand the context behind their characters.
i WILL get Cuteli and her LC
i WILL get Fofo
im not gonna spend money on the game
They're clearly still shilling Firefly but the equations are crit based so you aren't bricked with other characters
nah she's just a kid like sparkle and clara
I do but I don't go to the trash /lcg/ threads

not really no. you'll miss out on references and previous events because they're all direct sequels but they're standalone stories
From what I've seen of limbus company, you'll never know what's going on anyway
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What if Danteh was a freak and got freaky on the bus, Freaky company
for (You) QQposter
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better go to sleep QQsis.
She has a FAT ass
theres no way sparkle is a kid
what is her niche again?
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>limbus company
>fgo JP+global
>reverse 1999 global+CN
she is, people just sexualize her for some reason
I look like this but shorter and fatter
Oh god why do all of these shitty ass games make you farm all these stupid fucking mats it's just a battery drain while I set my phone aside on auto and a complete waste of my time
>challenge battles
>mat farming
fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
FF is a skip.
Jade is a brick.
Yunli is looking like a skip.
Jaoqui is looking like a skip.

What is going on in this game?!
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characters you want to get hit or just have better defensive stats in the middle, characters you don't want to get hit in the sides
try to keep squishy characters away from someone who has higher aggro so they don't take as many AoEs
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/lcg/ is fine during content release weeks, it's deep droughts that brings out the worst in people
>failing your parry is le fun.
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>for some reason
None. Playing multiple gacha games at a time is a hassle and not worth the effort in the long run. I don't have that much free time to kill anymore
>t. played 5 gacha games simultaneously at my worst
>Yunli is looking like a skip.
Anon is looking like a cake boy.
It's filler patches till 3.0
analpinkworm flopped lol
shes not a fucking kid shes just a womanlet
I want to have HOT SWESTY OEDIPAL HAG SEX with Jade.
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I rabu Hotaru
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Pink fox will come home.
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No, that's the maid body. She's a kid. Sorry to inform you under such circumstances.
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FF banner is killing the game
You get more chances because there is two characters that parry and blast attacks trigger both of them
He'd look better pregnant with my child.
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clara is a kid and shes retarded + everyone comments about her age

SW and sparkle no one even acknowledges anything of the sort, they're just gremlins
be honest, if firefly was a boy instead would his backstory be more or less compelling?
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What is this photo missing? Hanya perchance?
No one wants to fuck Clara except the inuniverse guys who unironically bought imprints of her feet
Yeah, Clara is directly referenced as a kid and has a kid body. Sparkle and SW have the exact same body. QQ is also a kid btw. Whatever makes you feel better, but just know you're in the wrong.
If he was a boy we would probably dig in more on it instead of focusing on having dates with her so yeah.
sure if you get Miyano Mamoru to voice him
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He's MINE.

Why ask a question you know the answer to?
HAVING THAT BODY DOES NOT MAKE YOU A KID, plenty of asian girls irl which are like 4 feet tall, shorter than the avg 12 yo european girl these days, clara is just an actual kid, SW/sparkle womanlets, probably around 20, QQ is probably 200+ or some shit
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True and real
I don't think much changes about the backstory and their reason to live would still be some Pinocchio "I wanna be a REAL boy!" type of shit
Though the main and huge difference would definitely be his target audience, no doubt
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I absolutely MUST turn Seele into a trad wife and give her a MINIMUM of 6 kids. Ship her with Bronya all you want but both girls need to experience motherhood immediately.
Bro that is some cope. You're clearly having issues coming to terms with it, so I will just let you know how the lingo goes. You're supposed to say 'out of 10' and just lean into it. The cope just makes you look pathetic.
There's no point to do V6 again after you've cleared it once right?
>jaded office worker Qingque is a child
It's also the same model as Fu Xuan who is very unambiguously not a child
Is that a mod or does SW really have a nice ass like that?
I mean, I have trash luck so I consider it a "negative luck" tax.
They're asian, it's family name first given name last
So it's like 2 guys being named John
Firefly thread
Firefly board
Firefly game
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Today must be cope day. Your 200 year old vampire waifu is definitely not a kid even if she has a kid's body.
Go back to redddddddddit they'll give you gold for that cope
Kafka is old and busted
>yumes and fujos would have overanalized every single aspect of his backstory and proclaim he's the best written character of all time and btfo's every waifu in existence, ever
>waifufags would've hated him to death
It would've been compelling for a different demographic, that's all
I don’t want to play this game without the monthly battle pass the amount of shit you get helps a ton
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this, but huohuo
But Ruan Mei took the last names of both her parents
common stellaron hunter squad W
She is not jadded, she was a lazy gaming greminling from birth
I'll fight you over him BITCH
Glowworm-chan won
Nope, I am a REAL pedophile and I won't have you implying I am attracted too any of those old hags
clara fucks up your ultimates and you cope with worse damage over just having yunli getting hit everytime.

yunli 71% chance to get hit by single target, 90% to get hit by blast in sparkle or tingyuan/robin/yunli/huohuo
yunli 73% chance to get hit by single target, 93% to get hit by blast in jade/robin/yunli/huohuo
yunli 44% chance to get hit by single target, 94% to get hit by blast in robin/clara/yunli/huohuo

1% more difference for having clara for blast, and 30% loss for having clara in single target.
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not a mod but its better from some angles than others
my wife is so amazing...
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Are you living in a ori HSR or pro GI state?

Civil war 2.0?
>TB, Kafka and Firefly at the top
Cute and Canon
How does her being autistic factor into this
hebes and lolis are different. Pedos get the rop
Where's wuthering waves on the map?
I want to smell Sparkle's feet
This is exactly what I mean when I said you aren’t a fun person
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Alhaitham has the strongest F2P-friendly team actually. You just need C0R0 Alhaitham and Nahida and two 4-stars. Same as Firefly.
Based make more huohuo star rail threads pls
Now this is actual cope
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Nihility MC will make crit a thing for DoT
>Wuthering Waves
Where is it?!
The Firefly (I) pandering don't work with yumes, fujos and shippers (all females).
Their pandering is limited, is always tall successful dude, cute Manlet with charisma and evil dude.
Voting interference!
Wuthering bros, 2 more weeks to release the kraken.
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Why don't you boys just act like real men and appreciate a real woman like Topaz?
I didn't know that if you get gallagher after the fact that he died then instead of getting 3 emails you get a single one from micah instead, nice detail
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what did he pay to get this?
Same for Misha
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I'm in.
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This is truly the Stellaron Hunter game
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Having your ult get screwed is more frustrating than fun. Just say you don't care if it's anti synergistic you just want to use them both lol.
so diamond is an emanator but not even the toppest of dogs in the IPC? what's up with that?
retard. You don't even know what was taken from you.
>tfw Belabog Museum event but for the Reverie
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He's not dead... He's going to come update our logs on the train... ;_;
I do, it's just that she isn't my gf
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She is beautiful and kind hearted
Cute and canon
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Mr Legwork owes me sex
I don't know but I would pay the same
might have rolled if you remove the blatant (you) pandering
i'm still mad about the gay ass catfishing
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Check out my new gf guys
aether's only gf is lydney
Nah, you’re just meta gaming when it’s more fun to get hit by a blast and both Yunli and Clara attack together. That’s why you’re no fun. The moment you start calculating hit chances you lost.
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I literally fap every time I see topaz's ass ingame
The CCP decided to be a bit feisty today.
How do we make SW and Blade more popular?
You are into children, so you're a pedophile, I don't know what's so hard to understand about that
I just can't take a man in a crop top seriously
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The idea of burning trailblaze fuel just to outfit Gallagher's traces and relics makes me feel vaguely ornery
>credit card
so I guess that's completely fraudulent lol
holy fuck why are blades shoulders so gigantic
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Here's con2.
he is a STRONG man in lore. in game usage he is very mid...
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They already are
stellaron hunters are the biggest kino in this game
>oh no im in danger
Remember Firefly? Lol.
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He's worth it. I had 1k+ reserve stam to farm his new set. Still not done.
Officially make blade the caring uncle of SH.
Have more (you) pandering moments with SW.
If she is a big titty warlord with a big axe and double gunblades i'm really hoping she has a kind of pirate queen aesthetic
Would Stelle love (you)?
In lore he was never that strong, just immortal. even dan heng managed to kill him once on screen.
>unironic pedo usage
hoyobros we are normiecore...
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Does super break show up in the total damage on the top right corner?
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But Stelle is me
Should I try to upgrade me e2 ruan mei to e6?
woagh beidou in honkai shart fail...........
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>also loses to jingliu super easily
bladebros we fucking suck at everything except dying
Diamond is one of the seven board directors. We know that Taravan (another board director) is also an emanator, but all seven of them might very well be emanators. Other than that, there are only two IPC members above board directors, the founders themselves who are said to be almost Aeon-tier powerful.
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GallagherGODS, I need some advice.
Should I run 4pc cavalry or 2pc watchmaker/cavalry?
Should his rope be EER or BE?
sure seems like you are willing to spend and aren't f2p if you are asking that. just topup next character you want.
Hotaru love!
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ZZZ is going to gape our asshole
Diamond is not on part of the board though, wasn't he? He is fighting for a place in it against Oswaldo.
4p cavalry if possible and ERR
good, im tires of my damage dealers dying the moment i get unlucky and the enemy focus fires one of them. thank god i have blade to blunt this kusoge's bullshit
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You could not hope to win. My powers rival the gods themselves.
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Wat did they see /hsrg/?
funniest thing about Bladie being a sommelier is that shuhu's healing likely stops alcohol poisoning so he can't even get drunk
Emanator of what? Greed?
my 4 inch cock
Um? No he isn't. In fact Diamond is currently at war trying to get one of those seats at the board while competing with Oswaldo. Those two are P47 and the board members are P48.
Nobody is playing that furtrash game. I'm going back to wuwa in less than a week to roll for my other wife
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this will be me soon.
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Stelle owes me sex
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I never realized stats get reordered, makes it hard to know which 4th stat you rolled
If the Strategic Investment Division is all gemstones what are the other divisions? Rock types? Precious metals?
no thoughts going through that head
holy shit its sushang 2.0
Sushang cockphoenix.
that trash is unironically doa after the censorship fiasco
Man, i wish i had gotten luck with more crit subs or maybe switch to a C.dmg chest instead of CR. atleast i'll have 150+ be% when i start doing her traces
Based chad
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>Yunli's cone is better on Clara than Clara's own cone
Stelle the type of the girl that would sleep with (you), making you her little spoon (even if you're taller), and drool on your shoulder while you sleep.
She'd also be the type to wrap her arms around you and if you wake up earlier than her, tough luck, you're stuck next to her until she wakes up.
I will keep playing HSR until i get tired of it. Then i take a break and go back to genshin
Isn't 77 days for the next DU level reward reset kinda far?
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>boss fight with aventurine
wtf is this bullshit
Too fast. Build more Break Effect.
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>ZZZ will come out
>/hsrg/ and /wwg/ will slow down because all of the shitposters will move
Man, I wish save files lasted forever.
Sounds comfy
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ZZZ? More like ZZZ because it makes me sleep
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Reminder that the descriptions of Taravan say that he looks like an Ugly Bastard.
That's the next expansion, all SU expansions are released 3-ish patches apart
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>nobody will play ZZZ cause that trash is boring

Sounds familiar with another game....
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For some reason after reading this post i feel like lying down and never getting back up again
For Planar Ornament Extraction in DU, what's the difference between the different difficulties as far as rewards go? Is difficulty 2 reward a lot less than difficulty 5? It says you get more rewards for higher difficulty but doesn't say what they are.
>god tier jawline
>luscious lips
>strong gaze
>chiseled face
how is that guy ugly
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And then come crawling back like worms, see: woowaa
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Limited female 5*s primary appeal point.
Any objections?
It's just a tag name
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Does position matter in a team?
I always have my DPS/Sub-DPS on 1st and 2nd, Harmony supports on 2nd and 3rd and sustain on 4th
Those aren't mutually exclusive stats
kafka is 100% ass
Lady Fu armpit
Correct. You have same lineup with me.
Only if remove her coat with mods
is that xueyi? I'm still farming her traces but her current damage as hybrid is dogshit, might be better going full superbreak
how is the atk so high? are you running atk body?
If you have 168 speed, it's 13 speed more than you need. Or like 6 substat rolls that could be put towards Break Effect instead. I'm assuming you're running her with Ruan Mei. Otherwise forget everything I said.
This just shows that she's both honestly.
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sometimes yes. It's better to stick someone in the middle if you want them to get clipped by AoEs more often for energy regen
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The curse is going to strike soon....
Press E retard
Fuck, you're right. I don't know why I was so certain he was P48.
It only matters when the enemy uses cleave attacks.
I like pettanko too but wat that's definitely not her main appeal
rider bros
we were fucking robbed
meant atk boots
I don't like the art style and I don't like furries.
>Furry posters and seething hi3fags
Gonna play the gacha but not gonna use their threads
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she's the hardest character to build in the fucking game bro, she need cr,cd,be,spd,atk, back to the mines with you
putting himeko as anything but boobs is insane, firefly is clearly thighs
Owari da... EoS soon..
HSR eos is coming soon....
It has been fun bros...
If you put high threat units on the outside and blast attacks hit them you reduce party damage and energy regeneration.
Hunts are less likely to be the target so if you put them in the middle and presevation on the outside you can control it to a certain degree.
Or put your tanks in the middle if you want to draw more damage and live life like a madman.
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Firefly goes in the feet row tho
its over..
How the FUCK do you get 4k cosmic fragments? I withdrew the max investment for this run, bwos...
can someone explain this
Persona is such an overdone franchise collab. They should collab with Evangelion again.
Im still stuck in both trace and relic mines, i was just seeing what after having fun with her in DU. No, i dont have spd boots. my shit is genuinely bad
She already has 250% BE before combat, I just got really high speed rolls for some reason
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IDK how himeko got on there in the first place this shits for limited only desu.
my case with flyfly is that she has chest up naked cut-ins constantly.
i wish
I need more Fu slop
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now for the sequel
From the occurrences. I got 2k cosmic frags one time and got every hunt blessing another time.
me n my fire gfs
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Every once and awhile I feel like making a list of all many.. MANY gachas that had a collab with persona and are still around, but one thing important about the internet is understanding facts don't mean anything to memes.

Yeah turns out gachas desperate to not die collab with popular properties, and one of the most popular for this type of audience is persona. Who knew!
wasn't there an updated version of this with like 6 entries
I miss Dragalia so much, bros...
My friends...
I got the double frags curio and the got Run event for instant 4k
I dunno how they could make an eva collab as fun as when they did it with HI3
I literally cannot stop jerking it to Sparkle feet
Another Eden and AFK Arena are still up though. Another Eden is notable since they collabed fucking twice.
>Persona event
>No additional music, just re-uses the Doomsday Beast boss music

Grubble had a persona collab years ago..
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Persona is the greatest series in the entirety of video games bwo
we're gonna make it bros... don't worry
Can I get a translation on what he is saying?
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PSO2 seems to have survived the curse
We'll have to see if Phantom X survives.
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>Persona is the greatest series in the entirety of video games bwo
Persona is star rail main inspiration (alongside falcon) after all.
I think an atk body with some cdmg rolls would be better for this build
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Apparently there was
Should I run dual sustain on protocol 5+ or is just a keep trying until you get good rng thing?
it was the last I did, go full occurence, the one that takes 100 and doubles it and then takes 50% and doubles it helps a lot, also typical genius+gold coin+silver coin
I got the octopus curio at the very end and got something like 8k fragments
I would E6S5 Fuuka in a heartbeat. She’s my wife (real).
Im 52 into RMs weapon banner and I got S4 Memories.
I know I should stop but my autism is bothering me.
PSO2 is dead.
wrong, its kinda boring, I couldn't even finish persona 4 that game is way too long
The mario party of gacha...
I think it's
>I looked at their skills to see if there was skill expression and cool combos
>no, units literally press buttons to do big damage and win
>Get help from atlus
>Release the same content as before with nothing unique about it
kek classic atlus
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You'd have to E6 her in order to remove the 25% chance that Oracle kills your entire team. She's a 4 star by the way.

Couldn't be me. Mitsuru would be viable E0S0.
You have to really be into the story and universe to enjoy it. If it feels like a chore to you it just gets worse and worse.
nta, but 250% at S1? If so, thats kinda low. Sac some speed for better break rolls
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It's so over.
there is no hype for zzz
people will just try it and leave real quick
Motherfucker killed Smash too!
There hasn't been a new one since!
PSO2died when global became a thing and they rehired the guy who killed the game in episode 5 to be director of NGS who is now the overall series director
She used her stand to summon the BALTIC FLEET by playing celestial jade and flew there
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I fucking hate how you can't cheese DU with super nuke damage, i play SU for whacky fun times, not your gay nigger attempt at skill based rng bullshit
nah the world/chars were nice dont get me wrong but even if I finished it it'd just be a nice cozy jrpg, not rly on the tier of deus ex/kingdom come deliverance/witcher series/elden ring/rdr2 and all that

I fucked up somehow and the dungeon started actually being very challenging at some point though
dead perhaps but as long as it's not EOS, the curse has been defeated.
I can't believe boobfags have the gall to look down on anyone. It's a fetish for BABIES who want their MILK
>no source
>last interview was in february and did not talk about DU at all
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Holy fuark QQ is 141.5cm.
wrong that's TRAILS
isn't the avg girl in ur country 140cm viet bwo...
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babu need milkers
After spending a week getting all the magic in this game. grinding in DU and G&G is literally child's play
You would have to get E2 for the 100% Marin Karin
Its obviously a mechanism of selective breeding.
Just like child bearing hips.
Nothing weird about it.
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Life is a constant desire to return to the peaceful warm embrace of our mother in the womb.
There was no hype for HSR either btw
>Vietnamese women are on average 153.59cm 5 feet 0.46 inches) tall.
Even QQ is a SEA womanlet. She's so small.
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So are you guys excited for Uma?
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Ratings boards say boobs are for adults
Biology says they are for children
Who is to say who is correct?
Only God knows
I've only had one gf and luckily she had big boobs, best part about the relationship was sucking the boobs, better than the actual sex, if I ever get another gf I hope she has at least some boobs....
you dont remember jing yuan and the xianxhou saving the day? its obvious you'd meet other xianxhou characters like QQ on penacony after...
If I want idols I have Im@s and blue archive.
By the time they're back (Acheron) they're powercrept.
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I already play JP Uma
Apparently it has the most pre registrations for a hoyo game so far.
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>no crunchyroll
We are so back
that's all natural. Silverwolf is just built like that.
Dont think that means much, gacha space is getting bigger and they had years of marketing from their other games.
FeiXiao is in 2.5, so use 2.4 to save. I hope you arent rolling fucking Jade. PF isnt worth it.
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You have to fight that urge. Go out into the world and take risks. That's the only way opportunity will strike young one. Now go! Leave the dream and live among the awakened!
Isn't there like no porn of that franchise?
Temari best Gakumas.
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rOlL F0r K4Fka, mY cI-IiLD
i'm here because friends talked about the games so idk
I'm rolling for FEET. Will skip jade and also every banner after Yunli for the rest of the year.
wait how? I thought only the japs used female VA's for male characters?
does EN king sound like a little girl?
I took that exact same screenshot, how is that ass even possible to be so big?
The Yakuzacels hunts the weak japoid male who dares to do that but once it hits global the furry community will mind broke those yakuzas
>Fofo e1
>fofo LC
>9k jades atm
bros im not sure if im going to make it
Who the fuck is even excited for that shit?
It's heavily p2w and no fun at all
It's actually kinda odd because I know a lot of gacha players and out of all of them only 1 guy is interested in actually trying the game. I would have tried it but after trying WuWa and dropping it after a week, I've realised that any gacha that doesn't have auto battle isn't for me.
Fixed that for ya
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Be honest, upgrade or downgrade?
Is it Silver SEX hours?
Everybody uses women for young boys everywhere.
Its been a thing since bart simpson and probably before.
I’m still only excited for Final Fantasy Tactics gacha. I’m sure I’ll quit in a week but I can dream it’s actually good.
Adventurine kid was voiced by a female too as well as Misha.
>It's heavily p2w
Spotted the poor.
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i'm rolling for the IPC
honestly wouldn't mind the help for pf
Can't wait for the future shitshow
>release globally
>westeners start to draw porn
>yakuza pressures cygames to take it down
The drama just writes itself
nah im into girls that are of legal age in many countries. They just aren't 18
based DoT team enjoyer
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>surrounded by Pepeshi
It's fucking over for QQ.
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It's not fair...
I watched like 10 mins of gameplay and stopped caring.
I like some of the girls, but thats not worth playing a game that limited in scope.
Same, I can't fucking 3* stars the last stage
Rare Kafka thread.
why does hsr have so few fanarts/lewds/doujins despite how big it is?
kafka needs to comeback next planet
bandori survived tho
250% is fine, your skill caps out at 360%
HSR isn't big
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It has a lot of lewds, but it lacks doujins, because doujin artists primarily do Japanese franchises.
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The prime fanart makers are women but since Stelle doesnt have a boyfriend they dont feel compelled to make fanart
Feel like I should pull for Yunli just because farming for the new Break Effect set has gotten me a mountain of relics Im pretty sure only Yunli wants.
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How do we know Silver Wolf isn't some fat bald dude in his 50s that just hacked himself to be whatever
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it might mean nothing to you all but I finally was able to clear SU world 3!
Hoyoverse niggas be like
>log in genshin
>loot chests for dailies
>spend resin
>sweet this artifact has great substats
>bad rolls
>log in star rail
>spend tb power
>sweet this relic has great substats
>bad rolls
>log in zzz
>spend zzz points
>sweet this historical object has good substats
>bad rolls
Doujin artists were bought off by Blue Astroturf
good job new-cutie
What are you on about? She's FUA.
She's almost 300 years old and all her income goes into yaku strategy guides and new pillows, she probably has a lot of money saved up
congrats and based on you for using xueyi
I have so many double crit relics for that set that I'm thinking the same.
I'll wait to see how good she is without her cone and Topaz before deciding, I think the new March can use that set too.
Chinese property
I hope Mihoyo gives us more QQtent and Bailutentl. The peak of Luofu stories.
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>auto battling DU
>auto battling gbf gw
Yep, this is the life.
Fujos make plenty of doujins tho
Her Lv2/3 counters count as Ult DMG.
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>Try out DU with Raiden
>They removed that elation blessing which made ults count as FUA
she's E6 and my best character right now
I sometimes fap to this that is why I rolled on Lady Fu's rerun
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you forget the part where the pedophiles jerk off to Klee and Clara
break damage has zero cap shes the main dps break stat is what you need.
Kek, that could be Al Zanzaber or whatever his name was
He was one of the first one's to discover Aether Hacking
new march wants either musketeer or the the new break set but with crits on it
it's not very big
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Fellow newbro, I also used serval for the entire fucking game.
They need to add a shop that let's you get it again. Or anniversary ticket or something. Only like 2 actual support nihility LC in this game it's stupid
i might have speedread too much
what's the difference between regular DU and cyclical extrapolation? (besides the +1000 synchronicity and relic mats)
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new SU blessings are all over the place. In general they aren't that good. it's wierd how only erudition has been unchanged.
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ERR Vonwacq rope or Talia rope for my RM? I don't have any Ice DPS so I can't use Penacony on her. Hoyowiki somehow recommend Xianzhou set for her too, is that good?
why does this exclude games that have had p5 collabs and havent eos
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>Got E1 cause people kept shilling the comfiness
>made no difference to me so far
...Did I get baited?
normal DU is whatever, you can pick what you want, cylical you have a specific set of equations handed to you as well as the last boss being specific, it wont change regardless of how many different runs you do
Your Tingyun? 1 dps needs to go at least lol
Cyclical is basically a "weekly" thing where you have to beat it every week for bonus stuff like more Spec points. Main difference is that Cyclical hands out specific equations for you to use.
When you run DU, Herta is being cucked.
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What's the matter? No damage?
Her counters count as ults so she gets benefit. I think shes about the only character that significantly benefits. Maybe Jade will too?
it's actually the natural number, most gacha companies commission artists to draw art of their games, mihomo doesn't want to spend money on gweilos though so the most they do is beg for art on twitter
Tingyun rerun when...
Because year 1 was a bore (belobog+lufou) penacony revived the fan art scene.
hsr has more koikatsu porn, only Azur lane got good doujins among chink gachas.
FuA got hit hard too though?
Like, half the paths got fucking gutted.
There was a doujin event like this month or the next. The real question you should be asking if why nobody scans them
Why does Ratio need E1?
Vonwacq for turn-1 ult (and 3-turn rotation)
Ageless Fleet is fine for DoT but it's really not worth losing the 3t ult rotation.
not just the 4pc relic the planar too. all yunli bis.
Now roll E2
Yeah, im getting them faster than the fucking break effect stuff im actually farming for. I feel like the game is telling me I need to get Yunli to spite me.
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Forgot to specify that I'm talking about Firefly
it's the most obvious bait yet you retards still take it every time
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talia is best. vonwaq is trash for 161+ rm. she 3 turn ults without it
I rather go for E1 RM. I dont want my Super break team to become a Firefly hypercarry instead
express bros....
S1 is what you should have gotten. E1 isn't noticeable enough.
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wouldnt salsatto be better on her? her counters are fua and ult damage
Stellaron Hunta won...
Finally got FF on both my accounts.
Neither for the 3rd one
Firefly E1 isn't needed if you're using Luocha/Gallagher as sustains because they shit out SP, all those "-20SP brick" posts were clearly baiting.
The real use case for E1 is DU where you can get a ton of actions chained together but DU also has the blue cheese anyways.
While the current best team of gallagher, ruan mei and HMC is very lenient on skill points, the future gallagher upgrade is expected to be more SP hungry, which will make it painful to run them without E1. Also, without it you WILL sometimes be too SP starved to use Ruan Mei's skill, HTB skill and FF skill in the same batch of turns. And it can come up as a problem in SU depending on your blessings, IE the Hunt blessing that keeps giving you free turns on break.

And finally on top of all that, it is one more step from E2 which is pretty strong on her.

I guess, I compare it to playing Dan2 without sparkle or with Huohuo or other non SP positive characters. You can do it, but youll have awkward choices to make sometimes you wouldn't have if you had invested a bit more.
I already have S5 motp and RM sig, so none of the 4 star cones matter to me. Doesnt feel like its worth the pulls
New thread
The 15% ignore is nice but you really didn't need to nullify her SP use. Maaaaaaybe in the future where you'll be using her in a more SP hungry team but you can easily balance it out with the meta one.
Yeah at E0 I never tun out of skill points, you just need to have some speed in your supports.
Canon groups in gachas are a mistake
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You were talking about Firefly? Why the fuck was it Ratio on the pic and question?
Is cogs better for RM and HTB if i only have S1 memories?
you can spam mc's skill, which results in a lot more of damage
Cogs for RM. Memories for HTB
HTB doesnt need cogs at all if they are E6. Its literally only if you cant maintain ult uptime.
There is a curio that does that now
Post the link on 3 lines, dipshit. Nobody's gonna read a single line reply post and move, see how slow the migration is? The readability is awful.
Firefly is ugly and boring, Ratio is handsome and funny.
Seconding. At E6 you can even run RM cone on HMC and still get your ult back.
God I want RM cone so bad. All these very strong vertical investments are so damned expensive as a lucklet.
resist, you don't need it to clear
Cogs is enough. If you're lucklet focus on characters, cones are a luxury a lot of times. RM E1 is more value overall if you did want vertical investment.
IPC already won, shes making sure it goes smooth
Some fag cleared MoC and Apocalyptic Shadow with Xueyi and Sushang, just build them
Nameless Pass is there to give you resources, should be enough to fully build a 5 star and half
I hit pit twice on standard during the process to get the selector
Got Bronya, Gepard, Clara cone and selected Himeko because i needed to get pure fiction jades
They were all going to be playable until Hoyo realized making a new overworld rig for Duke Inferno would involve actual work so they killed him off
I dont think anything outside of free icon rewards would be in HSR
But in Phantom X i can definitely see Argenti as a playable unit, he just pops in, solos everything, starts monologuing about the beauty and peaces out
Would Kafkas domination work on ACKeron?
Theres a equation that makes crits count as follow ups
foursome with yomi, kafka and SW while the chunni guy watches

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