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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

>Final Fantasy XVI

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>482990676
FFXVI is the worst storytelling ever seen in video games
Meant to say 7 Rebirth
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>Final Fantasy General
>>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
cute game, where can I play it??
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Rent free. FFXVI must have been very impactful if you're rushing to shitpost it so quickly.
FFXVI was 10/10. A really phenomenal experience through and through.
I personally found the story to be very well written and told, and the aspects ranging from gameplay to characters, art design and soundtrack to all be spectacular and top notch.
I have taken many screenshots of my multiple playthroughs of this excellent game, and have already posted several in /ffg/ on many occasions.
As a longtime fan of the series, I was very glad to see Final Fantasy return to its true high fantasy roots with such an impressive title.
7 Remake set up expectations that 7 Rebirth didn't capitalize on
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least obvious falseflagging shitposter or most obvious breainwashed yoshida cultist monkey
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ridiculously satisfying to shatter a boss level enemy with one blitzball throw
most based poster or least obvious Final Fantasy enjoyer
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You triggered and made her steal your post, she's as original as Yoshida
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For a 2001 game, FFX looks great
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Reminder to buy a Final Fantasy shirt from Unikweh >>483297019
Buy an ad.
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You don't want to support Square Enix and Final Fantasy?
Why not?
pic related
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I'm the only person so far who has posted an image of a Final Fantasy game
let's change that, post your most recent screenshot
So have we created Barry.ai yet? The official /ffg/ shitposting software? Includes hundreds of annoying prompts to generate shit like: FFXV development leaks, Toriyama self-posting, made up French lyrics, Vayne did nothing wrong, gayposting, ffxivtardposting, squatposting, Eiko is my waifuposting, general waifuposting, ffxi mentally handicappedposting, FFXVII development leaks, fake ending spoilers, ff hating, moogleposting, being a complete retard, troonsposting, Cloud did nothing wrong, talking about dead games, aerisuposting, FFI development leaks, Yoshi-P selfposting, Necron did nothing wrong, Marioposting, and many many more.
First post nails it, as usual.
>being a complete retard
That's literally me...
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A poor screenshot. I tried to get an image of the bosses being sliced up by Odin. Alas. With the final tablet in my clutches, it is time to visit the Void. I will probably farm up some dragon fangs and turtle shells first.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
>slavery is…le bad! also fight your fate lmao
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Looks like it's time to post this again.
It can't help it, Yoshida lives rentfree in his head.
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Threadly reminder that XVI is subpar and inferior to XIII.
>yoshidahater trying to drag XIII in his autistic crusade
Don't worry, he'll grift to IX when the remake/remaster comes out.
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Looks like yoshidacultist couldn't handle the truth.
They will never recover from "XIII > XVI"
I'm surprised it hasn't tried to pretend being a VI fag.
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Should I play FFXIII-2?
>he doesn't know
...what a fucking, miserable piece of shit.
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Wait for the remaster.
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"fraid so
what happened to this general..?
It's been exactly like this at least since covid. The only thing that has changed is that XVI is the new shitpost target rather than XIV, but the goal is the same either way - shitpost Yoshida. Nothing else has changed, except that I think a lot of the non-shitposters left, so the echo chamber seems louder.
xvi bombed
OO shutdown
their fanboys like >>483348491 have been in eternal melty mode ever since.
One autist with a hateboner for Yoshida, the successful developper of FFXIV. He's samefagging very intensely, under the false idea that shitting on Yoshida's game will somehow make FFXV good.
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this person >483348559 is just a shitposter
The current downward spiral actually began when Square Enix failed to release Rebirth's sales numbers. This eventually resulted in namefag theatre, where half of every thread was literally one person melting down about his boogeyman that he stalked for literally 5 years and supposedly found all of his various accounts across the internet. This happened directly because Rebirth flopped harder than XVI
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What a fucking, blissful admirable chad.
>The current downward spiral actually began when Square Enix said XVI bombed and lost 2 billion in stock value
sad really
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Sounds like you struck a nerve, since he doesn't even dare to answer you directly.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Yoshida.
Barry won. XIV ended in 5.3. SE will die within our lifetimes.
>random 4chan search term for jimbo
what a very strange cope and deflection
But Anon, the Yoshidahater said so, and he confirmed it when he answered himself on his phone, so it gotta be true!
>>random 4chan search term for jimbo
Nope, but you know that. However, I can make it more "precise" if you want.

>>strange cope and deflection
Just the truth. The 3-4 month namefag theatre arc of /ffg/ began directly as the result of Square Enix being so ashamed of Rebirth's sales numbers that they still haven't released them. In the earnings report, they only said that it flopped worse than XVI because Rebirth couldn't even meet initial sales goals, thus explaining the complete radio silence about its sales. This sent /ffg/'s most prolific shitposters into fits of rage that would last 6 hours at a time where they would declare that everyone in the thread is their boogeyman, and interestingly enough, this accuser never seemed to get banned.
>Just the truth
I know, it is cope and deflection.
>The 3-4 month namefag theatre arc of /ffg/ began
about 9 years ago when the aussie was too retarded to not be autistic for 5 minutes. Big guy, Yams, vaynefag, and jimbo were also names long before XVI flopped.
You're new because you started off in /xivg/ and you want to feel like you belong after you played XVI. You think deflecting away from xiv and xvi will make your obsession with yoshida worth it.
But it won't.
>massive projection as a means of deflection
>used projection to deflect so hard that he forgot to discredit the refined archives results as "random"
I know, he >>483351350 does this all the time.
I assume its samefagging will be too obvious otherwise. Always sus when 3 posts defend the same shitty take.
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>even more projection as a means of deflection
>followed up by "every post I don't like is the same person"
It's just so tiresome.
Yup, it did it again. Clearly it's seething.
XVI-Chad here. Yes, you should play XIII-2 because it's 100% much better game than XIII. It also has much better characters, story and no ugly Vanille.
>xvi “chad”
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So, you're saying Frenchie, aka Dreamboum, aka BarrXVI, got exposed as the FF7 hater, and that's why he went into a frenzy.
No coincidence that all of this happened during GOTY discussion, which FF16 didn't even get nominated for, despite Frenchie having spammed these threads for years.
It's been like this for a while. /ffg/ is for shitposting until a new game is announced nothing more. It's not even like anyone here pretends otherwise anymore if you're not shitposting you won't even get replies most of the time but say one of the 20 canned shitposting responses don't worry the whole general has a reply and a samefag ready to go for you. I've complained enough about it but /ffg/ won't ever change so it's just about enjoying the moments now.
>/ffg/ is for shitposting until a new game is announced
Even then, it's just more shitposting.
kek based /pw/ chad
you watching Raw?
This is incorrect, I was never exposed
I love both Stillbirth and FFXVI
yeah exactly
you mean tranny
No, we don't mean the XV cult.
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Here's hoping 40 turtle shells and fangs will be enough.
Why do you even need these?
uguu sorry >>483357497 here
finger slipped and i missed a key, i meant XVI
Mix ingredients. They allow my chemist to buff and debuff. Important stuff like changing enemies to dragons, or boosting my party level to increase damage.
Those shitxel shitmaster effects look disgusting

Oooh, there's a Chemist class? I need to resume my playthought of it, then.
You're gonna spend all thread seething over OO, huh? Another day, another BEape melty, with a side of L.
>asking how to play a game is "seething about it" now
What a day day for /ffg/, that even a honest question triggers the drones.
XVI was kino.
He's shitposted with Relm at times.
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>post your most recent screenshot
Does it count?

What a cuck.
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Evidence seems to point to something else
>rebirth selling worse than XVI
>OO living inside the heads of haters - rent free, while fans keep posting screenshots
If it was truly random and had nothing to do with you, you wouldn't reply. You seem awfully defensive and exposed, cute retard
Yojimbo obsessor... not everyone you see online is the same exact person...
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>once again pretending to be retarded and blind
Weird how this sissy fag has the memory of a goldfish and forgets all the times it's been answered. Or how many times it's asked. Must be the HRT or something getting to it's brain.
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Uh oh XVIsissy is having a massive meltdown right now
All day, erry day.
He's even linking to months-old namefag drama now, grim as hell.
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>she says this as she responds to a 5 hour old post to seethe about a simple joke while flaunting her schizophrenia
not very smart, OOfag
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Vivi is the most iconic FF character, second only to Cloud.
Another L for the fagOOts
>while fans keep posting screenshots
As opposed to actually playing the game? OH WAIT
>while fans keep posting screenshots
which young Sephiroth is your favourite?
What exactly am I supposed to be seeing in these links? Most of the posts aren't even from /ffg/
ignore the yoshida fanboy in schizomode.
That makes our resident shitposter look even more schizo since he's all over the place.
You triggered her, king
Sheesh, a multi post melty all because of >>483360939
>Most of the posts aren't even from /ffg/
"Most" of them actually are from /ffg/.
>nooo you can't just enter a thread and start talking to people, you need to scroll down!
I guess it's only okay when you do it, huh?
You need special eyes to see what he sees
Tidus will be in Part 3
Time Jannies are back again despite fanboys saying they were done and gone
And sadly, Rebirth sold very poorly.
Hello, archive bro. Gonna go look for more yuffie posts?
Not your boogyman, schizo.
Bro no only he's allowed to do autist archive diving, nobody else can.
Why are 7fags always scared and afraid? You'd think they'd be happy with a new game this year.
Underrated post.
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All because XVIsissy just can't handle the truth. Unfortunately, very sad.
Please understand, every post he doesn't like is the same person
They don't enjoy life.

oh no no france/jim hater bros...
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XIII > XVI is just irrefutable
Anon careful, you're gonna trigger the gachalOOser.
you mean yoshitpiss the deranged tranny enabler
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It's amazing how Rebirth with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI.
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>OO shitposting
>one again immediately preceded by (and occurring concurrently with) Yoshida shitposting
This general has never lived up to its moniker as “false flag general” more than it has now.
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Stop noticing!

Why? How are those 2 related?
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I love how XIII with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI.
Every post I don't like is shitposting
>OO simps shitposting
>immediately preceded by (and occurring concurrently with) Yoshida tranny defenders shitposting
Look ma, I can do it too
I blame gachafagOOts.
>he doesn't realize that his post just proved me correct
Another day on /ffg/ another open and shut case of XIII > XVI I'm afraid.
sanest lOOser
>he doesn't realize that his post just proved me correct
>XVItard is a filthy (dead)gachatard
Can't get any more pathetic than that.
They have become 5 year old children, just repeating the posts that they dislike back at the person who said it.
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My wife Eiko is super cute!
What are they falseflagging as?
Child pregnancy with Eiko.
The OOfags are the ones falseflagging.
You didn't answer my question.
OOfags be like that
>wants her question answered
>can't quote properly
such many cases of brain dead OO players
I don't need to. I'm just going to keep saying that I'm right and you're wrong.
Bait OP and associating the dead gacha with XVI.
How so?
I'm now redpilled.
XIII is mid, but XVI is worse
XIII-2 on the other hand? Pure unfiltered kino
meant for >>483353503
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If you need a redpill, this thread was, iirc, the first time that it got bad, but certainly not the last time:
Why did you link to that post?
Based, you pissed the XVIsissy off
He finds it especially upsetting, for some reason
Archive bro? You mean the guy who keeps posting random archive links? >>483349834 >>483368512
It’s ok when he does it.
This may come as a surprise to you, but not every post you dislike is made by the same person. I'm also the same person who got warned for spamming/flooding when someone here begged me to provide "Proof?" that everyone knew the Whispers died at the end of Remake. It's clearly not okay when I do it.
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I think I need to teach Lenna Mix to take on Omega. Slammed my head against that for a bit, but no W. Then cleared out most of the void bosses. That's it for today.
how surprised would you be if FFXVII releases on Steam and Switch2? considering the fact that Sony Playstation is in dire situations. why the hell are they even in california? I thought they were in Japan? Or Hawaii?
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
I mean it's accurate to do so.
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"Princesse! à jalouser le destin d'une Hébé
Qui poind sur cette tasse au baiser de vos lèvres,
J'use mes feux mais n'ai rang discret que d'abbé
Et ne figurerai même nu sur le Sèvres.

Comme je ne suis pas ton bichon embarbé,
Ni la pastille ni du rouge, ni Jeux mièvres
Et que sur moi je sais ton regard clos tombé,
Blonde dont les coiffeurs divins sont des orfèvres!

Nommez-nous... toi de qui tant de ris framboisés
Se joignent en troupeau d'agneaux apprivoisés
Chez tous broutant les vœux et bêlant aux délires,

Nommez-nous... pour qu'Amour ailé d'un éventail
M'y peigne flûte aux doigts endormant ce bercail,
Princesse, nommez-nous berger de vos sourires."
"Princess! in envying the fate of a Hebe,
Who appears on this cup at the kiss of your lips,
I use up my ardor, but my modest station is only that of abbé
And I won't even appear nude on the Sévres porcelain.

Since I am not your bewhiskered lapdog,
Nor lozenge, nor rouge, nor affected games,
And since I know that you look on me with indifferent eyesy
Blonde whose divine hairdressers are goldsmiths!

Appoint me ... you whose many raspberried laughs
Are gathered into flocks of docile lambs,
Nibbling at all vows and bleating deliriously,

Appoint me ... in order that Love, with a fan as his wings,
May paint me fingering a flute and lulling this sheepfold,
Princess, appoint me shepherd of your smiles."
Bro, the spergout about yuffie and hashes last thread and the one before?
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It looks like the spent yet another entire day shitposting about Yoshida.
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Another L for the haters.
Claire save us from the Yoshitroon menace...
I know right, there's that one Yoshidafaggot stll spamming that 10/10 review from literal who journos
Yoshitroons be like that, they must defend him (for free) 24/7
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Is she aware that she looks ridiculous?
Too right sis, we can never let them praise Yoshida here.
Shitposting Yoshida off cooldown 16 hours a day is a much nobler endeavour
>BE stream is a big nothingburger
>this is what apes were hoping to save the game after months of content drought
>shitposting explodes
I wonder why the shitposter has a short trigger today
No one cares in Nova Chrysalia about our normalhumanfag fashion preferences. In the context of the world where the action takes place, it's pretty normal attire. People in LR are literally crazy, which is a reflection of the world they live in: this atmosphere of absurdity and general madness is reflected in fashion in particular.
I think Claire looks silly in Moogle Queen garb, and yet she's still very pretty and cute.

She will. Let them cook. Picrelated.
looks like oo simp is still mad that her game is dead
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High on his own supply and obsessed with Lightning, just like the shitposters here... Hmmm
Thank goodness the cursed Fabula Nova Shittalis trilogy is dead and buried.
No one is hoping for anything but a quick painless EoS announcement at this point.
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>Had to crop image but its in Danbooru
>dead thread
>time to falseflag with tifa pics
>even though i hate her
Why is she flaunting her armpits?
>I wonder why the shitposter has a short trigger today
That, coupled with Dawntrail fast approaching and Rebirth being confirmed to have flopped harder than XVI, things are just not coming up Milhouse lately.
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Pictomancer soon
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The best
In retrospect, the 5 years I spent screaming about jimbo for 12 hours a day while combing every website I could in the hopes of connecting random posts and accounts to him was a complete waste of my time
Not Final Fantasy related
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If you're going to larp raping a minor eceleb at an XIV fanfest, at least have the decency to pick Midna. Zepla's not even cute
You're right. I only wish I'd learned that lesson sooner. I thought I was protecting everyone from a shitposter, but in fact I was shitting up threads worse than anyone.
I'm sorry guys.
Afraid so.
>FFXVI is the worst storytelling ever seen in video games
Sadly true.
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I hope new AST doesn't suck. I liked current AST.
>everything I don't like is shitposting
You stupid fucking schizo.
Too true.

Grandpa Gooch
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He's never going to do it with Tifa.
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She's just following her husband
Are these the graphics update? Looks kinda bad.
>Are these the graphics update?
No they are not, but you were going to say it looks bad no matter what.
>No they are not
I see.
I really love my wife Aerith
>Zack's used goods
Would pump and dump I guess.
>giving young rydia an ifrit doll
what happens
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One of my biggest complaints about 16 was the lack of vibrant color in the environments and the fact that it felt like they'd forgotten the "fantasy" part of the name while making the game. Are these nitpicks still present in the DLC?
>As opposed to actually playing the game? OH WAIT
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Yoko Taro should direct a Final Fantasy game.
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Yoko Taro director.
Keiichi Okabe OST.

Final Fantasy XVII.
Never ever.
Yoko Taro is lame
>t. guy who doesn't like anything anyway
If this the FFVII killer?
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No, that was Rebirth..
more like stillbirth
Why do you spam and samefag your shitty threads on /v/ non stop?
Meant for >>483430182
16 easily has the dullest and most generic visual identity in the entire series.
So why do you spam them?
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How does it feel to be so wrong all the time?
More generic than 9?
9, dull? Confirmed for shit taste.
>dress up as WoL
>walk up to Prishe
>take hairpin and leave
rate my plan
>all generic and dull as shit
I guess the lavender skies everyone hates during the endgame is visually distinct enough.
XVI has good fidelity. That's basically what you're showing there. The fidelity of the visuals is very high. But the colors....not so much. Just throwing spell effects all over the screen in a dark, dingy environments does not equate to good color design. The skies might actually be the worst part of the color design. The whole game I was desperately asking for the skybox to be more interesting, and only at the end does it change and everything looks dramatically worse and more gray.
What dragon age game is this?
I've been noticing IX is in the crosshairs of certain kinds of posters recently. Something to do with "j-action"
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has brightness, fun, color and style, but worse fidelity than XVI in most cases. Yet Rebirth looks much better.
Ever since Yoshida said he wasn't (thankfully) involved with a IX remake, his cult followers don't have a reason to like IX anymore.
You should post the stock price from 2023 next, when XVI launched!
16 is a trash game no matter how hard you try to shill it. The fact still remains.
It sure seems that way.
I still remember oneguy viscously pretending that everyone will hate IX Remake because of Yoshi.
Wonder where he went....
post alts that will be dying due to blacklist rework
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you made some people here very upset
Silly anon, 13 in roman numerals is XIII
can you guys post some prishe I like her
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Sure, I post het with her boyfriend as bonus
cute, thanks bro
do you want me to post the carrot picture?
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>spell effect on outside of combat
>that shit resolution
>that shit compression
typical XVI poster, my friends
FF9 is my favorite FF.
I had honestly forgotten Yawnfail was even coming out this week. DoA expansion.
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>can't turn off quest markers
>brutally linear gameplay
>very weak sidequests
>too easy, too accessible
>non existent RPG elements
these are all completely true and valid. the game would be much better if these things were not true.
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she deserved better
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game immediately becomes twice as good if that city was explorable in any way.
I can't even describe the disappointment I felt running toward that castle only to be met with an invisible wall.
it's not just about creating a mystery in the distance. it's about entertaining the player. the game lacks that portion, and being teased about it seriously puts a bad taste in my mouth.
Clive deserved a better game.
Dion deserved a better game.
Cid deserved a better game.
Jill? She deserved XVI.
No Joshua? I don't fuck with you!
Joshua and Jill are the best parts of the game. Joshuas brotherhood is the heart of the story. Jills undying loyalty. Not Clive, not Dion. Cid is cool when he lights up his cigar with a crystal and that's about it. The fact that the game fails it's two central party members that Clive has known and cared for since childhood is an absolutely abysmal outcome. It's actually an affront to good Final Fantasy games that take their time to develop their characters.
>Flaseflagging at 5am
Sad little Floridaman. Go back and play your ER DLC.
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I wish to be free from work…
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Final Fantasy XVI is 7/10
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Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is 9/10
Explain your score.
I'd give it a 6/10 and I'm being generous. The characters, voice acting, OST, and graphical fidelity are all great, but as an actual video game its so halfbaked and empty that its honestly astonishing.
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is one of the best FF games ever made. It's at 9 because it failed to stick the landing with the ending, and it's a bit too long/overstuffed with side activities that hurt the otherwise extremely tight pacing. The gameplay, controls, voice acting, music, is all absurdly high quality. ATB Synergy is the best combat system they have ever created. And the overall charm, character, and substance that is to be found throughout it's runtime puts it into exclusively elite company.

The game isn't perfect, in fact I hated the ending. I cannot stand the fact that this product isn't just a straight up retelling for a new generation. It's a fucking nonsensical KH reimagining. Final Fantasy VII is my favorite obviously, and so I would much prefer the straight forward retelling approach that Rebirth does take for around 80-90% of the games runtime. That last 10-20% can sour a lot of people so much that they could actually believe it's a bad game. But there is simply far too much fun, too much whimsy and joy to be had while playing the game for it to be anything other than a 9 out of 10.
He means gameplay aspects, something that XVI doesn't have.
Falseflagging as who, anon?
And congrats, you've gone over 20 minutes without backing yourself up. Looks like you're finally dealing with those insecurity issues.
Unfortunately you still have a lot of work to do since you can't let a 9 hour old post that made fun of you rest without responding to it.
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unfiltered soul straight into my veins? thank you please
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>both XV and XVI had some of the same level designers
Suddenly it all makes sense as to why both games had absolute dogshit-tier level design.
if you were to say top game was in the same franchise as bottom game, no one would believe you.
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I wouldn't say that. Just slap the same ATB Synergy system and blue UI on it and suddenly it would be instantly recognizable as a Final Fantasy game
Not really. It just likes you photoshopped in FF UI over a random game, especially since jill and torgal aren't playable party members. The only thing in the actual screenshot itself that looks like its from FF is the buster sword.
I still can't get over how bad Shula's outfit looks. She looks like she's wearing shit a level 24 leveling Gladiator in XIV would wear.
Nah man I disagree. There's plenty Final Fantasy flavor throughout XVI. Especially when you consider the enemy designs and Eikons. There's no mistaking that.
It's the gameplay and presentation that is foreign.
Enemy designs and eikons/summons/espers/aeons are probably the only things consistent within the entire series. Even then there are odd cases like XII that has its own unique cast of summons.
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I like the Eidolons from XIII a lot.
They are incredibly unique twists that are all uniquely playable compared to the typical summons from most games. I think only X has a better summon system.
XVI certainly is very "safe" with it's designs. Maybe that's why you think it doesn't look like FF? Too conventional?
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Thats not Johnny tho?
>>BE stream
How many people watched the BE stream? OO had anywhere between 1k-2k people watching it live (let's say "1.5k") every stream. I tuned in for one Ever Crisis stream, and the viewership hovered mostly around 400, though it did get to 500 a couple times. How many people are watching a BE stream?
No. Last bits of Omega tower are Exdeath's castle and Mysidia is a tropical jungle.

>nooo not final fantasy, anything but that!
She'd sniff you out.

Sadly your theory is not true. IX's main hater is still cut from the same cloth as Yoshi haters.
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I wouldnt say FFVII rebirth is one of the best FF games, but the best over all. Its the most realized vision of what FF is.
>Its the most realized vision of what FF is.
Final Fantasy is not Kingdom Hearts though.
Reasonable. Good to see a non-sperg view (that includes XIIIfag being a sperg).
Nah, 8 or 7. Remake is 7 or 6.
V, VI, VII all beat it easily. VIII, IX, X, III, XII barely beat it out. Never played the MMOs. And since it's apparently a spinoff, that means it's lower than both PSP Dissidias and Crystal Chronicles.
KIngdom hearts is FF-esque, created from the mind of Nomura himself, which worked on FFX, FFVIII and FFVII.
So its not like FFVII rebirth is kingdom hearts, but kingdom hearts is FFVII rebirth.
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>Remake above X
You keep saying that when the KH shit only applies to a tiny portion of the game.
X is a good game but the enemy design, minigames, and linear aspect of the sphere grid brings it down.
>So its not like FFVII rebirth is kingdom hearts
Yes, that is exactly the issue with saying that "Rebirth is the most realized vision of what FF is.", because Rebirth is Kingdom Hearts.
In some ways sure, but there are examples where XVI had its own unique interpretations of classic FF enemies, like XVI's tonberries are wholly unique to the series.
Then again in other ways it felt like a lot of designs and assets were lifted straight out of its sister game XIV, like the moogle and the chimeras were just taken from XIV with little to no modifications.
Nah, not really. Ive played kingdom hearts games. Its not the same writing, its no the same style, its not the same themes when it comes to story, not even the battle system is remotely close.
Reminder that if you don't like Final Fantasy IV, then you simply do not like Final Fantasy. You may like a few Final Fantasy games, but you do not truly enjoy the essence of what Final Fantasy is
So if I put an ATB bar or something on Tales, Xenoblade, Elden Ring, or Dragon's Dogma you'd believe it to be an FF game? What makes Dirge of Cerberus, Tactics, or Crystal Chronicles FF then? Or Spirits Within? Or Kingsglaive?

Move IV and III up
Drop II down
Drop Remake to C
Drop XIII-2 to B
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sorry chief but the true canon objective FF tierlist has already been decided
Enemy designs (not bosses) have been safe since X.
>Rebirth is Kingdom Hearts
This. Nomurafags just want you to believe that FF has always been Kingdom Hearts.
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But anon, you just replied to the "XIII fag being a sperg" three times.

I think Rebirth is better than VIII, IX, and all the NES games. XII too. There's only really a handful of games that could be compared. I mean technology and visuals alone puts Rebirth into the highest tier. Gameplay and the overall quality of basically all aspects of the game make it truly elite unlike most games of the past ever were. X is better, VII is better of course. But that's about it.
X and XIII should be lower desu
they just don't feel like FF
5,6,7 all have better casts, better gameplay, and are more memorable. Also don't have anything holding them back like no missing characters or a bad ending or gay shit like Andrea. 6 and OG 7 have better OSTs too.
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>the "new" zoomer XIII-fag exposed as just a larping VIIRgin this whole time
>Nomurafags just want you to believe that FF has always been Kingdom Hearts.
Its backwards.
Kingdom hearts is FF.
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>"gay shit" as a knock against Rebirth
concession: accepted, friend

I played XIII after Rebirth actually and of course it's nowhere near as good as Rebirth is. But it's actually a pretty strong game all things considered. ATB system gameplay is fantastic and might be the very best traditional ATB system
you triggered the XIII troon
We all knew this.
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Yeah, it's weird revisionist history perpetrated by grifters. Nomura's Final Fantasy VII is Remake, just like everything that Nomura makes happens to be Kingdom Hearts. However, Kingdom Hearts is not Final Fantasy.
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got any proof at all that I have ever posted a single image, anything at all in this general before April?
I think that's a decent enough answer. Kinda how I feel. Mostly enjoyed my time with the game, though some things irked me. Time ghosts of course, the changes to Nibelheim, and Cait Sith in general. Hopefully part 3 can clench a good finish.
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>XIII should be lower
True. It's probably the weakest entry in the series. Snooze-inducing characters, story and especially the combat's mockery of the great ATB system. that OO perfected
I thought everyone knew it was just a larping VIIRgin who was never actually praising XIII, but just using it as his new gimmick for shitposting XVI/Yoshida.
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Someone has a crush on me
>So if I put an ATB bar or something on
No, I said photoshopping an ATB bar onto a screenshot doesn't make it look FF.
Elfs have such acute sense of smell?
can you point out the "ATB bars" in my mockup btw?
they aren't on the screen.
those are health bars, and limit break bars.
>Kingdom Hearts is not Final Fantasy

*for now
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>that OO perfected
based department?
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>yfw there are no ATB bars in the mockup I posted
why so mad about it btw?
I don't think that Final Fantasy has to have a strict design philosophy when it comes to it's art and it's world
but I do believe that it does have a strong design philosophy when it comes to menus and UI
>*for now
No, Kingdom Hearts never was, never has been, and never will be Final Fantasy. If Nomura isn't fired for catastrophically fumbling fucking Final Fantasy VII which is something that no one thought possible, if they have the audacity to give him any more Final Fantasy games, he may eventually turn Final Fantasy into Kingdom Hearts, but at this hopefully hypothetical point it will still be Kingdom Hearts, and not Final Fantasy.
>can you point out the "ATB bars
>Just slap the same ATB Synergy system and blue UI
>Not really. It just looks like you photoshopped in FF UI over a random game
I already gave you the answer. Now you're saying that isn't the ATB bar but you forgot what you posted. You tried to do a gotcha but you have the memory of an Alzheimer patient.
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>catastrophically fumbling Final Fantasy VII
is not something that the Remake project is doing
>Kingdom Hearts never was, never has been, and never will be Final Fantasy.
>[In reality] Sakaguchi: Just make it like FF lol, that's all the advice you need lmao.
>Did you get advice from Hironobu Sakaguchi during that time? What did he think of the project?
>Nomura: When I started working on the first Kingdom Hearts, Sakaguchi gave me a little suggestion. He asked me what kind of game I intended to create, and I told him that I wanted to make a simple adventure, at the end of which the protagonist would defeat a witch. He told me that it wasn't a good idea, and that I should create a story that Final Fantasy fans would like, so it shouldn't be simple. That was the only advice he ever gave me and after the game came out he never gave me any feedback. Before the release he simply said to me: "I don't need to play your game because I know it will be well done and it will be fun. You don't need suggestions from me."
The image depicts a blue UI and some controllable party members in the d pad command menu, not the ATB synergy system.
that would require a lot more work that I wasn't gonna do for a simple mockup of how XVI UI could be more Final Fantasy. Which I made and posted here weeks and weeks ago
>/ffg/ shitposts for 9 months that XVI flopped for selling 3 million units in 6 days
>Rebirth still hasn't sold 3 million units
It is a catastrophic fumble. Keep in mind that this is Final Fantasy VII. This isn't "we hate Yoshida game", this isn't "random indie JRPG #420", this is Final Fantasy fucking VII that sold less than XVI.
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>catastrophically fumbling fucking Final Fantasy VII
Afraid so.
I don't think Nomura's coming back from this one, Gav...
Final Fantasy is squarely in the hands of Yoshida-sama - the chosen successor of Sakaguchi-dono.
Irrefutable that XVI and XIV >>> KHslop and consumers have shown that with their wallets as well. (and that's a good thing)
What if your favorite FF game had time jannies added? How would it change things?
>It is a catastrophic fumble.
for XVI.
Since we know the budget was the most expensive in the history of the franchise. And 7rebirth reused assets from the first game.
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>Yoshida defense force in full riot gear as they press the "we hate Nomura" button
>Nomura defense force is always at the ready, waiting for someone to correctly refer to Rebirth as Kingdom Hearts and not Final Fantasy
One might call this cult-like behavior!

>How would it change things?
It would become Kingdom Hearts, not Final Fantasy.
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XVI easily recouped its budget day one
Meanwhile Rebirth blew the budget because Nomura wanted to plagiarize The Greatest Showman
>XVI easily recouped its budget day one
Did not meet sales goal.
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>yfw XVI made less profit than XIII
>and XIII-2
>even Lightning Returns has a comparable bottom line
>I will reference Sakaguchi when it benefits my argument
>I will also discredit Sakaguchi references when it benefits my argument
I don't get the point of this block of greentext you had at the ready.
Well, I was hoping we'd get more specific answers. Like what if Bartz could save Galuf from Exdeath?
>every person I disagree with must hate sakaguchi and only use him when they feel like it
schizo moment
>could not refute what sakaguchi said
guess kingdom hearts truly was just FF all along.
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Actually it did though
erstwhile Rebirth couldn't even meet initial expectations
quite a shame
luckily both games were really good
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KH was already more FF than XVI because of time travel shit
>kingdom hearts truly was just FF all along
always was.
is this news?
I knew it was Final Fantasy the moment Tidus, Wakka and Selphie were on the screen in the first 5 minutes of the game
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Well, the Whispers haven't actually changed anything. They're just inserted so Nomura can turn Final Fantasy into Kingdom Hearts while sitting smugly with his back to the camera, thinking he is some genius that he is not, and saying "hah, you didn't want me to do this, and I did it anyway, but nothing is actually different, so you can't be mad."
>Actually it did though
that isn't the sales goal
Initial expectations and actual sales goals are two different things.
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very ironic statement considering X was already a drastic deviation from true FF
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so then....why ARE you mad?
>Final Fantasy into Kingdom Hearts
see >>483461001
Kingdom Hearts is just FF.
So you're complaining that FF is turning into FF at the end of the day.
I think you might be in the wrong franchise.
>Kingdom Heats is now more Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy
The mask is starting to slip, and the Kingdom Hearts Nomurafag is beginning to reveal his true form.
don't forget how Yuffie, Squall, Cloud and Sephiroth also all appear within a few hours.
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Don't mess with us FF7 fans
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>Kingdom Hearts is more Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy XVI
>Whispers haven't actually changed anything
Yeah I remember playing the original FF7, and they had to recruit Cloud after a ghost tripped Jessie and she sprained her ankle. Classic scenes like that made it a legendary game.
>why ARE you mad?
I'm not mad though. Why do you feel like mad? Someone said that Rebirth is the most realized vision of what Final Fantasy is, but it isn't, because the Remake trilogy is Kingdom Hearts, not Final Fantasy. I just pointed this out, and suddenly I'm the bad guy.
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>a couple multi-timeline Nomuraslop games supercede a dozen+ high fantasy FF kinos
>a couple multi-timeline
so ff1 and ff8?
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Mana series is now more Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy
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FF1's based time travel plot is not at all like Kingdom Hearts' convoluted nonsense. Stop trying to force that.
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>Final Fantasy X is not Final Fantasy
The XVI sissy reveals himself more and more....very, very interesting revelations here today friends
>FF1's based time travel plot is not at all like Kingdom Hearts' convoluted nonsense.
they're both time loops.
Point out the anger in my post. Also FF never really focused on UI that much.
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>/ffg/'s shitposters are actually Kingdom Hearts fags
I guess that makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Nomura is, after all, a troll.
XVI-Chad here.
I never said that. I like X.
*poker face*

Don't shitpost with Tifa.
>Kingdom Hearts is just FF.
This is a real statement that people are actually trying to make in /ffg/ now.
*real statement that the creator of FF said
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>X is a drastic deviation from "true" FF
>he posts XVI defense night and day
I see exactly what's happening here
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Here's some other real statements from the creator of FF.
Guess KH is just FF after all.
>anon is using a quote filtered through Nomura, and not actually something that Sakaguchi said, as "evidence" that Kingdom Hearts it Final Fantasy, when in fact it very much is not.
>the quote is actually just "Sakaguchi told me to make a game Final Fantasy fans would enjoy, and then he never played my game"
No. And besides, using this argument obligates you to give 100% credibility to anything Sakaguchi says, which we all know you don't do. And it isn't even Sakaguchi saying it, it's Nomura saying it.
FF was ALWAYS kingdom hearts!
Anyway here's my 12 hour lore breakdown video explaining how the seven alternate dimensions in FFVIIR work.
>y-you're wrong
>he's lying
>you have to think I'm right now...
all this cope because sakaguchi made KH what it is today by giving advice to nomura.
how does it feel to have your whole ego crumble thanks to a simple google search?
Time travel in KH actually has rules and logic. Time travel in FF is all over the place and I'm not even mentioning FF8 and 7R yet.
Not only are your opinions terrible, but you're coping.
The quote says:
>Nomura: Sakaguchi told me to make a game that Final Fantasy fans would like, because KH has FF characters in it
>Nomura: Sakaguchi also told me that he doesn't need to play my games. He will continue playing Final Fantasy though
>Nomura: trust me, I'm Nomura, and you can believe that Sakaguchi said these things. This is not a quote from Sakaguchi, this is a quote from Nomura.
You also must believe that Sakaguchi thinks XVI is a fantastic game and a perfect example of Final Fantasy and whatever else he's said about XVI. Sakaguchi said those things himself, it wasn't filtered through Nomura. Sakaguchi has also played XVI, because it's a Final Fantasy game. We still don't know if Sakaguchi has played Kingdom Hearts, we only know that he said he doesn't need to.
meant for >>483464943
You retard. So close to not sperging out, yet so far.
No, I specifically and unironically replied to the original coping retard.
Kingdom hearts being used as a pejorative is such a reddit thing
Its like seeing your childhood being stolen by your drunk rapist uncle
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>the shitpost of today is massively misrepresenting quoted text and then saying that Final Fantasy was always Kingdom Hearts
KHfags need to go and stay go
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Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy more closely resembles the golden age of Final Fantasy on PlayStation than it does it's contemporaries and the other post 2000's FF titles. It is a mirror facing the classic science fantasy influenced titles like VII, VIII, X and X-2, with it's shared creative conceptions, game designs and themes. It resembles those games far more so than it resembles the other "modern" Final Fantasy games of the last 20 years that constantly throw out the old system. Including games like XI, XII, XIV and XV. Maybe that's why I like it so much. It had the courage to be Final Fantasy with ATB for a new era, pushing the cinematic aspect forward with over the top presentation, seamless battles and stunning, top of the line graphics. Released in an era when people in the West absolutely hated these turn based RPG's with "cringey" story, "bad" voice acting, and "boring" gameplay, it was doomed to be forever hated by people who all wanted something else out of it's contents.
the yoshida cult need anything they can get to bring down other games to their level after xvi flopped..
they whine about ix, 7reb and kh but all are memorable and well liked then xvi is.
Hiding behind XIV isn't going to work forever.
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Guis dis is some great and visually stunning fights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GKcY3lTwrM
No one is whining about IX. The only people whining about IX are the Yoshida hate cult when it seemed like CS3 might be doing the IX Remake. No one is even whining about Rebirth, it just can't be the most realized vision of what Final Fantasy is, because it's Nomura's Kingdom Hearts.
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I mean just a few posts ago we had one of them claim that X isn't "true" Final Fantasy...while posting XVI....not a joke
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Here, something we can all agree with:

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the most realized vision of Kingdom Hearts. At least while Nomura continues to decline to make Verum Rex for another decade.
Good thing Square is moving away from exclusivity. Now none of their games will flop like FF16.
XIII killed FF
you're very lucky XIV:ARR cast Raise on it
PS2babs really need to play other games than KH and X
>claim that X isn't "true" Final Fantasy
Still don't know what they meant be that toobeehonest
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>anon says "drastic deviation"
>the Yoshida hate cultists leap at the opportunity to misinterpret this on purpose to use it as ammo against their perceived enemies who actually like Final Fantasy
>XIII killed FF
XIV 1.0 did that.
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So...who is it that posts the same exact images of review scores?
The same exact Sakaguchi article post?
The same exact Xitter posts?
Day after day after day after day, it's the same posts over and over.
I have a strong feeling it's the same person that is posting the modded IX gameplay calling it slow.
Same person who is coping about Kingdom Hearts right now.
Same person that types "J-action"
Because I actually am very new here, this web of schizos is a bit confusing.


which one is this? Jimbo?
a frog
barry here
all me btw
I finished 9 twice, 6 10, 11 on a pserver main story/zilart/cop.
dropped pretty much every other game out of boredorm in the series besides 16, 13 sequels, and 2. never played 16, 13 sequels, and 2
what do i do now. i kind want to give 7 another chance but also i kind of what to replay 9 a third time. god damn i love 9. i could also actually give 11 retail a shot and experince the later expac stories but even thinking about getting all of addons/windower working/doing my limit breaks is giving me a headache
>quotes multiple people
>insists they are all the same person
>further insists that they are all his named boogeyman
Sanest cultist.
>sissy claims Final Fantasy X is a drastic deviation from true Final Fantasy
>posts XVI
>gets dunked on
not my monkey and not my circus friend
It took me everything I had to NOT drop 16 out of boredom.
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11 is so fun and the expansion stories are fantastic
just join a linkshell and have someone powerlevel you through the bs parts
love that my falseflag generated so much seethe from our resident FFX-only locked ironman
>modded IX gameplay calling it slow.

Well guys i have to go to the gym to take care of my exquisite body. I hope you guys behave once i come back, ok?
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Someone, at least one person here, certainly is in a cult....their posting behaviors would indicate that much is true. I can't count the amount of times I've seen the same post written with the same image posted. I'm just trying to figure out what I should call you friend!
Is it Jimbo? Is that right? I see that name a lot. And it's definitely not Barry. I know him when I see him.
You/they fight and fight and fight and fight to defend XVI's honor, reposting the same coping defense images while pretending that someone you are arguing with, anyone, is talking about Yoshida and not the game...it's really fucking sad
You need to post some Final Fantasy about it. Maybe try to play Final Fantasy X in Japanese. It's really great, memorable, satisfying, and I'm not bored to tears playing it. It has a fun challenge, wonderful and colorful characters, charm, fun, and it's a linear game that doesn't want you going off the beaten path. It's basically everything that Final Fantasy XVI should be.
still a billion times faster than mashing the same 3 highest damage ability spam combos to kill a single monster in 16
action games are a mistake
>already using IX to shit on XVI
You weren't supposed to start this grift until the Remake/Remaster came out
the game is modded though and that is visible in the video clip if you have eyes.
which brings into question the motive of why it was recorded in the first place.
yeah, don't post clips of how long it takes to kill a single enemy in XVI....the video will be 3-5 minutes long.
compared to the 1 minute IX clip which includes the entirety of the time it takes to load in and out of the battle (in a modded game) as well as the battle time itself (around 30 seconds)
You know what XVI should be?

Like this.
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holy kino
standard attacks actually genuinely do zero damage, its kind of crazy they spent all of this time making these systems but it all comes down to just spamming your big attacks that do 20x more damage
>the game is modded though
The load times are not. This has been demonstrated many, many times.
>using XVI to shit on IX
something certainly is amiss here my friend.
maybe you could point it out to me?
did someone come out and say they weren't making IX Remake or something? what gives?
I eagerly await news of a Final Fantasy IX Remake, since the game is a beloved classic and represents pretty much everything that you could love about Final Fantasy in it's essence.
>wahhhh this game is too slow
then don't play it. it's clearly too hard for you to handle
>in charge of reading
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I only have 3 issues with ff10 as a whole
1. seymor is a bad villian
2. non endgame combat is just pick the right attack to insta kill every enemy. auron to armor. yuna if taken down blm sphere/lulu to elementals, tidus to fast, riku to mecha, wakka to flying, cat man is also there.
3. endgame is such a drastic step up in difficulty you absolute need to get ultima weapons and grind a fuck ton to even start which is fine if that was just for the super bosses but no even the very first monster arena fight its like that.
other than that its a great game and it didn't deserve to have its corpse raped with its sequel
>in charge of integrity
They can't even make their own posts. They only copy others, without ever addressing the actual posts. They definitely can't read anything either. They can't keep their own quotes straight, and they can't read other people's posts either. I'll never know how someone can be so belligerently retarded while shitposting literally all day, every single day.
not gonna disagree there.
the natural evolution of X turn based/ATB mixed with real time elements? Hopeful for the future and I hope E33 delivers a memorable experience because alongside it and a game like BG3, Square needs to be looking at the writing on the wall.
unless you are actually talented at developing action games, don't make action games.
make RPGs
What a horrible thread
i just want to know whats wrong with standard turnbased/atb gameplay. it worked for square for years and it still works for them in terms of dragon quest/bravely default. why does final fantasy just not get to do it anymore?
smt/persona is doing great, pokemon is the highest selling franchise on the planet. I don't like action games, i think most of them are overrated garbage. it blows my mind there are unironic bayonetta fans lol. i beat the first game and it was literally spamming the same combo every fight because it just worked.
You're gonna think that I'm either a "cultist" or a contrarian, but I don't think this game looks that great. They artstyle is very bad imo. I said it before, but it's like if they took a Disney version of LotR and tried to give the Tim Burton aesthetic. I really dislike it. I'm also totally over the SMRPG style gameplay. I think in 2024, we need more than just what we've already seen in the past. We need turn-based to go in the Resonance of Fate direction, not this shit which is in my opinion a regression not a progression.
I just want to point out that the single most profitable and popular franchise in human history is still centered around a series of turn-based games.
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What exactly is the point of the IX webm exactly?
It's to shit on IX, right?
Does it not get reposted alongside the same tired "J-action kino" line that straight up cultists post?
Is that not precisely "using XVI to shit on IX"? Because that's what I've seen happen.
I think it's a bit interesting that (You) are denying this and pretending desperately that the opposite is true.
Like, anyone can shit on XVI all they want to all night and day. They can compare it to every single previous FF title if they want to.
The IX webm is being posted exclusively by people like (You), and not people like me.
I post Final Fantasy screenshots and share my opinions on the games while I play them. That's about it.
>the single most profitable and popular franchise in human history is still centered around a series of turn-based games
Pokemon is more about the Pokemon rather than the turn-based combat. I would hardly say it's "centered around" being turn-based, it's more centered around discovering and catching different Pokemon.
True, but pokemon being really easy to understand also it helps it stay relevant for everyone. imagined if every game was massively different in how it played, do you think it would still have the same appeal for as long as it did? no, there is nothing wrong with back and forth turn based combat. it works perfectly fine and everything surrounding it. the interesting bits like rpg mechanics, music, charaters, theme is what really sticks in your mind
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>whats wrong with standard turnbased/atb gameplay
Unironically just read this thread if you want an answer as to what is going on with FF.
There are people here who believe that Devil May Cry gameplay has more to offer them, and that's why they defend XVI's barebones experience night and day. Because the flashy action where they get to press lots of buttons and do lots of combos. Nothing more.
'People' want to press buttons and feel strong when they play games.
ATB/turn based is "too slow" for them. It's that simple.
>whats wrong with standard turnbased/atb gameplay
Nothing, but Square Enix already has multiple series for this. No worries, friend, but it seems like you're actually a Dragon Quest / Team Asano fan, not a Final Fantasy fan. There are many cases like this, and /ffg/ has this same revelation daily. The important thing is to realize this and then to make strides to better both your own life and also all of ours by not coming here anymore because Final Fantasy is no longer for you. It's happened to me several times throughout my life (Mario, Zelda, seemingly Monster Hunter now, etc) but you have to realize when a series is no longer for you, and you have to learn to move past it.
I wanna be in a cult. Do we get robes?
ehhh i think i would just replay the good old ones while nu action fantasy keeps underselling but thanks anyways
Same, tired old post from the same, tired old man pretending he's hip and "with it" huh?
Everyone knows BG3 ate Final Fantasy XVI's lunch.
Turn based RPG's are back in fashion.
if Square Enix fails to adapt to the market, AGAIN, it's on them whether the games sell well or not
You can absolutely do that, but you being here serves no one, least of all yourself.
That's what spinoff game like Mystery Dungeon and the Legends games are for.
Final Fantasy's problem is that EVERY mainline numbered game is effectively a spinoff. It worked for a long time when Final Fantasy was a household name, but now that its fallen on hard times and the future of the series is uncertain it might wanna settle on an actual core identity.
its a final fantasy general? most final fantasy games are turnbased/atb, what is this cope. go make a 14/16 only general faggot
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My love for Final Fantasy high fantasy kino transcends genres.
I am not married to any particular gameplay style or waifus like some of you.
lol ff16 wanted to be game of thrones so fucking bad but took so long to develop by the time that shit came out niggas fucking hated GoT
WAH WAH come up with an original idea next time yoshi piss
Based and true
>slavery is...bad!
Did Yoshida really think this was a relevant message in 2024?
>what is this cope
No cope, just the truth. You being here is the cope.
>go make a 14/16 only general faggot
What is this cope? XIV is effectively real time turn-based, and both XVI and VIIR are action. I don't know why you purposely omitted VIIR like that, unless you have some weird ulterior motive. I like Final Fantasy, and I also like what it has and is becoming. You're the one who doesn't like it. I also don't see any posts about the old turn based games other than anon's FJF run, which isn't happening right now. You just sit here shitting your pants about Yoshida all day, as evidenced by your plea for the people who actually still like Final Fantasy to go make a XIV/XVI general for some reason. When Zelda became BotW, I didn't shit my pants in all of those threads, I just realized it wasn't for me anymore and gave up on it. You would do well to do the same.

>Same, tired old post from the same, tired old man pretending he's hip
Pot, kettle, pottery, ironing, etc. I'm here because I like Final Fantasy. You're here to shitpost about something you don't like anymore.
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>cultists wants the turn based fans to leave and stop buying the games (they already have lmao)
>almost every single major Final Fantasy game that is successful has turn based influences

Final Fantasy has to evolve...but what does it evolve into?
Devil May Cry?
Or maybe it evolves into it's own unique system that is influenced by the systems before it, like most every FF does?
Iterate, iterate, iterate. Elden Ring is literally Dark Souls part 6 and it's using the same basic engine and exact same animations. Nobody cares.
Iterate on what you have with Rebirth ATB synergy gameplay, and add even more roleplaying elements. Add Jobs. Add character creation and customization. Get your overworld system established for proper airship travel again, and let the artists and programmers take your established game systems and just run with it. Reward the younger team members innovations and put them in charge of making new decisions.
>falseflag shitposting with Yuffie again
Based and triggered the cultists
Kingdom hearts 1 is the best game square ever made mechanically. they could have literally just copied and pasted that over and over again and i wouldn't care. and look at that remake is kind of like kh but with an atb system to do your bigger actions. except even remake has more worthless party members when your not controlling them. kh 1 goofy can melt bosses or be the best support bot all on his own and even donald can insta clear rooms if you set his ai right
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VIIR is Active Time Battle though. It's right there in the tutorial for the game. It's ATB Real Time with Pause.
Why are you pretending otherwise?
>I'm here because I like Final Fantasy. You're here to shitpost about something you don't like anymore
where's your Rebirth playthrough at?
didn't buy it?
why not?
>nooo Final Fantasy needs to go back to being turn based! I don't like action!
>...it needs to iterate on Rebirth's action combat system
>...which only exists due to the experimentation of changing the combat system
>...which you are seemingly against, because you want it to go back to being turn-based
>...ATB and FFX's combat system (and the job system, materia system, everything you claim to like) were all the results of experimentation
I don't think you retards understand cause and effect.
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if you post Yuffie Kisaragi from FFVII Remake and also criticize XVI, well then you HAVE to be my boogyman!
Why have so many turn based games been announced lately? Don't they know turn based games are outdated shit for gramps that doesn't sell anymore? If they want sales they should upgrade to action combat like FF did
just face it the yuffie fag is also a shitposter
Shut the fuck up Action-troon
Turn based is a craft that your zoomer microbrain doesn't understand
impregnating Eiko.
the cult can't refute this btw
I don't remember that in the real game. Is that reimagined Gi Nattak?
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anyone can post Yuffie whenever they want.
they can post Eiko.
they can post Vanille.
they can say whatever they want too.
you're free to believe whatever you want about them as well.
but you're gonna get made fun of regardless, for being a pathetic, mindless XVI defending drone.
every single day.
until you stop.
Calm down, sperg.
Shitposts so far:
>general Yoshida shitposting
>Kingdom Hearts was always Final Fantasy, and is actually more Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy
>despite having many different turn-based franchises, Square Enix needs to destroy Final Fantasy's identity and just turn it into Dragon Quest
>...but also, we want Final Fantasy to iterate on VIIR's battle system, which only exists due to the experimentation it is known for
>also, VIIR is actually turn-based
>and no matter what you or anyone else says, I will misquote it on purpose and bend it to make it say what I want it to say so that I can use it to shitpost
Great thread for anyone who is here to whine about the opinions of others while never expressing their own thoughts or feelings. So much to complain about!
you exposed and triggered her
I'm a "boomer", and I like turn-based games. I also like action games. You don't need to turn everything into this weird cult tribalism thing that you love doing. The example that I use is that I used to like Zelda, but I'm not a fan of what the gaming industry refers to as open world games, therefore I no longer like Zelda, and I don't go shitpost in those threads or spend any amount of time doing anything with it, because it's not for me anymore. This same thing that happened to me with Zelda is happening to you with Final Fantasy. The difference is that I do still like Final Fantasy.
Someone reasonable? In MY /ffg/?
>>despite having many different turn-based franchises, Square Enix needs to destroy Final Fantasy's identity and just turn it into Dragon Quest
This is the most retarded Yoshidatroon argument, FF became famous for being a turn based RPG, retarded zoomie, that's its identity, which is being ravaged by hacks like Yoshida
just finished my hard mode rebirth playthrough
kino game desu lads
He really lives rentfree in your head, huh...
How sad, to be so obsessed.
nice, cant wait to play it in 3 years when it comes to pc. i refuse to buy a pissbox
>if you like Final Fantasy, you are a "Yoshidatroon" zoomie
Nah, I'm just someone who likes Final Fantasy. It's really that simple. I don't even give a shit about Yoshida, and unironically, his haters are the only people who give 2 shits about him, which is pretty funny when you think about it. Their entire life revolves around him somehow. I do understand the "zoomie" thing however, because that's exactly what I think nuZelda's target audience is, but I am probably older than you are.
>Square Enix needs to destroy Final Fantasy's identity and just turn it into Devil May Cry.
Said "someone" and their team who shall go unnamed
>Said "someone" and their team who shall go unnamed
No, no one ever said this. The people who hate Yoshida are very bad at reading and interpreting things, and then "quoting" that thing.
I hope so. If not I've wasted 5 years of my life.
Spotted the redditor who doesn't know how 4chan works.
Noooo cultist-sama I won't shit on XVI anymore, please give me some (You)
>I used to like Zelda, but I'm not a fan of what the gaming industry refers to as open world games, therefore I no longer like Zelda

Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece and has outsold pretty much every single Final Fantasy that's been released since by gangbusters I'm afraid....
so your taste is objectively bad then?
or you're a giant baby?
because you couldn't adapt your sensibilities to Breath of the Wild and enjoy it for what it did, despite clamoring for Final Fantasy to switch genres and copy other games?
that's why you defend XVI so damn much.
that's why you pretend Final Fantasy doesn't matter, as long as the logo is on the box.
that's why you spam the same tired "Yoshida hate" posts every single day.
you are just objectively wrong and misinformed about games.

Breath of the Wild replaced the tired old Zelda formula which had grown stale by the mid 2000's, with a FRESH game that completely shocked the gaming industry and made everyone adapt to copy it.

The fact that you bring that game up when discussing what's happening to Final Fantasy really does show me a lot.
Final Fantasy would KILL to have a Breath of the Wild style game. It would have print them money. But that was 10 years ago now. There's a new market.

You're just straight up wrong about shit lol. And you're so, so vocal about being that way every day in this general, fighting tooth and nail to defend XVI from being criticized.

Go play Rebirth and shut the fuck up. Play Tears of the Kingdom and then shut the fuck up and sit down talking about video games. PEASANT.
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You doing the four job fiesta?

I just finished my first playthrough a couple of weeks ago and I'm almost thinking of starting over just to give that a try. Game was such a blast I don't really need any excuse to play it again, though.
You triggered the cult, damn. Xe's seething hard.
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>XVI defenders don't like good games
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I love Vivi as much as the next guy, but I feel like him being iconic has more to do with the fact that the generic black mage design was already iconic.
They never defend xvi. Its too dull of a game to defend.
That's why they shit on everything else that isn't made by CS3
he totally dodged your post btw
>reddit spacing
Not reading this seethe
see >>483475358
You already did though.
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>shan't rebut it either
how curious
>I'm a "boomer"
sure you are bro, totally
i absolutely believe you, cultist
>she says this as she defends him for free 24/7
IMO you're more sad since you can't ignore those comments, but you do you, sister!
>the reddit spaced seethe post was by the XIII grifter who is purposely ruining Final Fantasy girls with false flag shitposts
>"Haha, me push few button, but lots of thing happen!!! Haha, pretty lights and colors move so fast!!!"
Based, you angered the tranny cultist.
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>Haha, me push few button, but lots of thing happen! Haha, pretty lights and colors move so fast!
I'm very pleased with this, by the way. You are improving but you still can't quite help yourself.
It truly is incredibly how Yoshida occupies every second of the hate cultist's thoughts. Not even the so called Yoshida "cultists" think about Yoshida this much.
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>XIII grifter who is purposely ruining Final Fantasy girls with false flag shitposts
every post I don't like is the same person! help me!
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Yeah. The Yoshidafans post about games more than the cultist does. It's sad!
Anyway, I think I'll go for Pictomancer.
>tranny cult is mad that people are talking about the games
>The Yoshidafans post about games more than the cultist does
kek that is also really funny and true
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it really does seem to be that way.
they never post any content about the game everyone knows the characters are dull and the storytelling is forgettable/without stakes/lacking deeper connection to the player through roleplaying gameplay and a feeling of real progression
The gameplay is fun! Yes. But that's really it isn't it? Even the music, which in battle is jam packed with bombastic symphonies, there are no strong character themes of note, nothing charming and crushingly beautiful that you remember and truly feel. A year later and the OST still is basically not to be found on official channels. Where is it? Is it because it's too large and unwieldy? Rebirth's soundtrack is as well, but even off the top of my head the Rebirth soundtrack is 10 times stronger.
>a game being monetarily successful means it is the best game in that franchise and is The Future
You most love Final Fantasy XIV resurrected by producer and director Naoki Yoshida, because it's the single most profitable Final Fantasy game that has ever existed.
>comparing a single release game to a "game as service" like a MMO with subscription based payments
cultists are retarded, holy shit
>You most love
smartest yoshida cultist
I accept your concession, and I'm glad you agree that Final Fantasy's future is as an MMO, likely with Naoki Yoshida at the helm.
Exactly. Yoshida's future is bright and full of successes.
>"game as service" with subscription based payments
What if you turn 1 game into 3 games that have each DLC along with a companion gacha game? What is that called?
I remember when shitposters here found out about Yoshida's gacha that never actually came out I think is what happened. We loved shitposting about that one! Good news is that it's okay when Nomura does it.
I fucking hate how Nomura put KH lore in a fucking gacha game.
>Yoshida's gacha that never actually came out
didn't even know this was a thing until you snitched on him right now
/ffg/ already had a field day shitposting about it in the lead up to XVI's release. Like I said though, it's okay when Nomura does it. In fact, I'm sure many of /ffg/'s shitposters play Ever Crisis and might even spend in it!
it's called "sequels" maybe play more games instead of your MMO slop, troon
>/ffg/ already had a field day shitposting about it in the lead up to XVI's release
I'm sure this scenario did happen in your mind.
>In fact, I'm sure many of /ffg/'s shitposters play Ever Crisis and might even spend in it!
At this point, I am almost certain that the two anti-yoshida posters are either 14 year olds or 30 year old 14 year olds.
I only know about it because /ffg/ was shitposting about it
this is the first I've heard of yoshida's gacha. where can I read more? Also, I dropped ever crisis pretty early on when it became apparent it was greedier than OO
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>vibrant color
Another day on /ffg/ another open and shut case of XIII > XVI
I'm sure it's only one guy.
>always come up at the same time
>always on the same wavelength, if one starts answering itself, the other will do the same, but if a post trigger him, that post will get several replies calling him a troon
>posting style is very oddly similar, always looking like a fast-paced rant that some child is typing on a phone through tears
>where can I read more?
I don't know. There are a few articles and there's a very small gameplay video. You can probably find it with like "Yoshida bloodborne mobile game" because apparently it was "basically bloodborne"
>Kingdom Hearts is more Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy XVI
Sadly true.
>make up a scenario in his head that this game was gacha just so he can whine about nomura being involved in gacha
what a self own.
I didn't make anything up. I don't know why you're crying
Is there a reason you always break up your seething into multiple replies over one post?
>epileptic camera
another game for ADHD kiddos
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You retards already shitposted about Yoshida being a gacha dev in the leadup to XVI releasing. I told you. Do you really not remember? It's okay when Nomura does it though
(note: the quote in this picture was actually someone who was shitting on the Granblue game for having aoe markers. I repurposed the text because it's always okay when Nomura does it!)
I thought normura said in interviews he wanted to do a more traditional remake of FF7
Nomura get a pass because the kids love Kingdom Heart for its "depth".
>I didn't make anything up.
>game wasn't a gacha
>b-but I swear /ffg/ made fun of this game because it was a gacha...
yep, he lied.
>not a single source said the game was a gacha
>the game bloodmasque is only specaulated to be the game they were working on. Retooled from the multiplayer game after yoshida left the project.
>thus, the game was not a gacha when yoshida worked on it.
yep, he's retarded.
And Hitler said he would'nt invade Poland. Funny, almost like horrible people lie all the time.
So true sis
FFXIV and FFXVI are real Final Fantasy unlike tranny XIII
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While calling you falseflagger AND Rebirthfag at the same time... Make it make sense.
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>had to reset my phone because Google was being shit and kept insisting I logged in my dummy account to do anything but the button was broken
>reinstall FFVII
>"continue" is greyed out
>lost my save where I had Beta and was on my way to the Gold Saucer
...life is pain.
>I thought normura said in interviews he wanted to do a more traditional remake of FF7
No, that's not what was said, that's just what Nomurafags try to pawn it off as. I don't have the quote because I'm not a faggot, but it reads more like "Nomura wanted to put time jannies in the game to fuck everything up, but he still wanted the major events to play out the same way"
I suppose he could be lying, but why lie about his creative works?
whoa! Vanille and Hope are so close...
do you think Claire and Fang will mind?
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>its just tonbarry and xis 8 phones
Nah, not a chance. Because Tomberries are actually cute.
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Speaking of lies, I still remember when people were making fun of Yoshi-P for lying all the time.
Yoshi-P only tells the truth
You just misattributed things to him like you do with Nomura
Someone post the Lies of Yoshi P image
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>Funny, almost like horrible people lie all the time.
this perfectly describes marxists
Who's that cute girl?
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>Yoshi-P only tells the truth
Not even his hardcore fans believe that.
I've been waiting on my Ramuh-Egi since Heavensward.
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Imma touch these ears.
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Sorry bro we replaced SMN pets and dots with J-Action kino gameplay from XVI. You're welcome.
>j-action kino in the mmo
>the one with built-in latency so bad you need a literal hack like xivalexander to even play it properly
Never used any of these and I'm fine. Maybe you need to get good.
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WoWfugee cope
I've played XIV since beta and never needed that crap for Savage nor Ultimates.
Prove you play it. I suspect you can't because you have yet to prove you've ever even played XVI.
Final Fantasy XIV is a good game, yes.
But it also is not that unique. It also owes another popular MMO for falling off a cliff conveniently around the same time...
Deflecting to XIV is not, nor will it ever be the dunk you think it is. It succeeds because of it's loyal community (You), and not because it's some game-changer.
It's just a solid MMORPG with Final Fantasy flavor. It's also really ugly and totally behind the times at this point in a ton of ways. They had better start their work on their new MMO by now since it's been a decade.
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More coping and seething
Meanwhile high fantasy kino just keeps winning
>if you talk about any game at all, it's deflecting
but this rule does not apply if you are deflecting as a means to shitpost Yoshida!
who ya greentexting, cultist
he's too retarded to realize that he's doing what he's complaining about.
>But it also is not that unique
Oh, you mean just like Final Fantasy took after Dungeon and Dragon? Or how FFIV took after Star Wars?
I really, really, really like this image.
It's only okay when he deflects to shitpost on Yoshida. Don't question him.
they truly are obsessed
How sad.
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Even normalfags were shitting on Yoshida for being a liar.
>Yoshida says on livestream that the Leviathan DLC will focus more on Jill
>she's literally only there to have one line telling you that the time stop spell is powered by Shiva's aether
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>replying to posts is "damage control"
>talking about video games is "deflection"
Not if you're shitting on Yoshida, though!
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Don't reply to the shitposter.
Wow, so manipulative.
they are NOT gonna like this one
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Pictured here is Motomu Toriyama
The father of VII and XIII
The greatest lgbtq2s++ ally at SE
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Normalfags also shit on Nomura for turning Final Fantasy VII into Kingdom Hearts. Maybe normalfags are pretty alright.

Also, no one ever claimed that FFX isn't Final Fantasy. I don't know why we're restarting this narrative 3 hours later.
Reminder he's been doing the same song and dance for defending XVI from evil troll shitposters who dislike his GoT clone since more than a year ago almost every day.
Then again, the goalpost back then was about the game winning GOTY and selling +10M copies. LMAO.
I don't like Stillbirth, but calling for someone to be fired because they were just involved in a project? Dick move. You really think that the guy who animates Tifa's ass is allowed to voice his disapproval of Stillbirth's shitty changes?
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Anal queen
You made her damage control even HARDER, good job
I wonder how Edge manages to not constantly insist.
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Reminder he's been doing the same song and dance just shitposting Yoshida all day every day while defending Nomura from evil troll shitposters who dislike Kingdom Hearts or Whispers for over 5 years. And he was doing this exact same shitposting with XIV before XVI released.
Then again, he really backed himself into a corner when he spent 9 months shitting on XVI's 3 million sales, while Rebirth still hasn't sold that much. LMAO.
His name is Edge for a reason
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oh my! but why in the butt? she poops from there!
sex with Rydia should be strictly for pro-creation
>his name is Edge
>he's constantly edging
FF4 was ahead of its time.
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Holy based
You always say I'm mad, but never what about. Projection, maybe? Or wishful thinking?
Remember, for a joke to work there has to be truth to it! I learned that recently.
Don't make me laugh, I have high fever and I cough constantly.

I bet she makes the cutest moans as she's getting her ass pounded.
I'm still pissed that this touhou cosplay porn 4chan gave me once was actually touhou CROSSDRESSING porn.
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>top cultist copypasting the posts that are against him, down to the character that's being posted
cult xirs, this is NOT good. what about the "falseflagger" narrative?
Did you happen to catch my reply to you at the end of last thread with the trick to getting Float on your party to protect against Omega's Earthquake attack? Flame Rings are your friend in that fight, absorbing Atomic Ray is one of the best ways for me to heal most years. You gotta get Haste on your squad too, you can either do that with Hermes Sandals (in which case you need to Mix up the fire/ice/thunder immune buff to take Atomic Ray) or Mix up some Haste and wear the Flame Rings. Goliath Drinks are great because doubling your hp can go a long way, though it won't save you from Wave Cannon doing half your max every time.
Confusion is also a real bitch, you need confusion immunity to do anything in that fight. I think your best bet is giving everyone Lamia's Tiaras, as all four of your jobs can equip it. You can buy them in Phantom Village.
One of the best things you have going for you is Romeo's Ballad, but even though Omega can be affected by Stop, it wears off in less time than it takes for his turn to come up again, even if your Bard is hasted. You need two hasted people with Sing using Romeo's Ballad to keep him locked down, but I've heard if you immediately take their turns back to back, Stop will still wear off too fast, so you have to kinda stagger them, it's quite tricky.
Carbuncle to set party wide Reflect and then multi-targeting Thundaga on yourself is likely your best bet for actually killing the damn thing. Unfortunately, Omega has a built-in Shell effect that can't be dispelled, so he'll always take half damage.
Googling around I just found a neat trick you can try if you want: so long as your multi-targeted Thundaga actually hits at least one of your party members and isn't reflected off of that one, Omega won't trigger his bullshit counter attacks, which is huge. So you could put Reflect Rings on three of your party, then Mix up thunder immunity on the fourth and let rip with the Thundagas that way.
Good luck!
Remember, copypasting posts that are against you is only okay if you're shitposting Yoshida. If you're shitposting Yoshida, copypasting is the gold standard!
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I mean, remember when I made that, and the Yoshida hate cult immediately copied it?
The Yoshida hate cult loves copypasting and they've done so several times in this thread alone. But it's okay when they do it!
yoshida is the copy paste master though
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This. He's made a career out of ctrl+c and ctrlv+v.
i've been edging for so many years i can't get hard anymore.
>bottom right
I still remember that one. The cuck claimed that a mogstation that only sells cosmetic is worse than literally hiding parts of the story behind DLCs.
>copypastes WoW for your mainline title
>copypastes DMC for your mainline title
teehee, nothing personnel
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Looks like yoshidacultist couldn't handle the truth.
They will never recover from "XIII > XVI"
Why not XV, any of the Remakes, or XVII?
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Because shitting on yoshida is more important than improving Final Fantasy.
I do want to ravage Vanille despite my general dislike of XIII
You're comparing 2 different posters. Basically the equivalent of what >>483457529 is doing.
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This but with Rydia.
>Yoshidatroons still playing victim
Sounds better than constantly staying butthurt at a game day in and day out.

i want to ravage Krile all day
That is in fact a way to improve FInal Fantasy, to get rid of that hack
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they'd rather play the victim than play XVI!
She's a kid, you yoshidahater.
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You pissed the tranny cult off, they didn't even dare to answer you directly.
Many such cases!
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Fantastic. Absolutely marvelous little statue. I want Final Fantasy to look like Terra on top of the Magitek armor again.
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>As opposed to actually playing the game? OH WAIT
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a big reason I love XIII
>so butthurt xe has to copy and paste a reply
Wow. Do pictures of OO bother you that much?
Please understand, the cultist is still waiting for the PC release.
You pissed the gacha lOOser off KEK
Wait, I don't get it. Can't you emulate OO?
Is OO playable?
I think so, yes?
And it happened again!
>button mashing
>ignores all the jump cancels, OTGs, and rift slips
your own clip betrays your point. dancing steel is cringe tho. those specials are shit for rank to compensate, but are still way overtuned
here's a dude killing a boss in 4 minutes with just clive's regular attacks and satellite https://youtu.be/cM4iUcXAhUQ?si=7foh0rGEVORCIsvk
>yoshida hate cult lying
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between kh3 and demake/rebirth i'm starting to think nomura sucks at his job
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>between good games, maybe nomura sucks
Delete this. Now.
I think Nomura can't differentiate between deep and overly complex.
He's the creator, not the developer. That's why games like TWEWY and SoP are pure kino.
What's that?
of course they schizo out when met with reason
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Based OO Chad
OO perfected the ATB system whereas XIII shat on it and Final Fantasy
XVI and XIV carry on the true legacy of FF
Meanwhile Rebirth is unfortunately just Kingdom Hearts
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Nomura's kino
Too bad OO is dead.
This. He also did a great job advising on SMRPG Remake and Crisis Core Reunion.
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I think Tetsuya Nomura is pretty based.
I think Naoki Yoshida is pretty based.
I think Yoshinori Kitase is a based retard.
I think Naoki Hamaguchi is the future.
I think Final Fantasy is fun as hell and I love most all of them and what they have to offer to people.
I can only ask that the games have a great soundtrack, beautiful graphics, an engaging unique strategic combat system, unique settings, and an ensemble cast. A party of many playable characters that are each compelling and jump off the screen at the player that you can't forget.
Final Fantasy has always been something that is supposed to be worth your money and time. An experience that can only exist in a video game of the highest production quality. And that's an important trust that the player has with the developer, that is also a quite fragile trust. I hope and pray for the future for these games I love that are so bold, beautiful, and brave.
How do I trigger the cultists correctly? I shit on their game and call their mother a whore, but they don't reply to me.
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A game better than XVI.
OO was the real FFXIII.
>You pissed the tranny cult off
Why would he piss off the Yoshida lovers? Maybe they are masochists?
>turns men straight in her path
Not a Final Fantasy game
Oh so it doesn't actually exists, got it.
Based, but KH is also kino.
You triggered the OO sperg LMAO!
LOL, shit is dead because it was... well, shit
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wtf is her problem
>actually exists
esl moment
I appreciate you're trying to merge Nomurafags and Yoshitroons together, but you can't merge water with oil. The same way you can't merge autists with average IQ people.
It had to be a Yoshitroon
So ff are the autists
Explains why everything after X was bad
Which meme? There are a dozen.
All me btw
why are you coping, yoshida sister?
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Why do you keep projecting?
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He can't handle the truth.
How does he live rentfree in so many heads?
Success breeds contempt.
I thought so!
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>X was bad
True. Thankfully XI and XII picked up the slack.
I praise Nomura and Yoshi-P games. Only the good ones though.
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>Only the good ones though.
What do you think of Kingdom Heart 2?
better than XVI
>yoshidahater has to hijack a discussion to make it about XVI
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That's what he always does. He's allowed to "deflect" though, so its' okay.
To be fair, that's a really low bar.
Just did some experimenting in XVI in the training area, and realized that by doing a Level 5 Zantetsuken after using Megaflare, it causes all of the individual Megaflares to lock on to that target, and start homing in on it. Are there any other synergies like this?
He's a slave.
He’s Yoshida’s number 1 fan. There’s no other explanation for this tsundere behavior.
I sure it's not an oversight or something most skills do? Because max Zant is just a screen AoE.
Carlos you mother FUCKER...
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>yawnfail has only slightly more than 500k pre-orders and is tracking significantly behind shadowbringers and endwalker in pre-orders
>mfw yoshida is cooking up another flop
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just copped
His life revolves entirely around shitposting Yoshida.
I tried a few other moves, and wasn’t really able to replicate it. It only really happened with Zan Lv 5. Like this vid.
where do you all get the energy to shitpost non stop for thousands of threads?
thousands of hours in ERP servers gave them practice.
A feel?
He couldn't help but shitpost in response to your question about shitposting
seems I hit too close to home.
you triggered her
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her butt is so nice it's kind of crazy they got away with it
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>trying to install Moguri Mod
>every time I download it I get this
anyone else seen this? downloading from the website and the nexus both gives me the same result
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Why content creators hated Rebirth?
What are you looking at? The download mini window or your folder after downloading?

It's not that good. But on the other hand, it is WAY better than remake.
>it is WAY better than remake.
that's WinRar failing to extract the archived folders.
I unzipped with 7zip and it's installing now
>anal rydia
>pull out
>dick brown
wyd /ffg/?
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30 fucking hours farming on FFX and i still need to play fuckng Blitzball just to kill Penance

yoou motherfuckers never talk shit about 16 again it is far better than all of your classic era shit
>great game
>hated it
Are you retarded?
Yeah it's not 2007 anymore.
>crying about having to grind in order to fight THE superboss
babby need milky?
yeah I guess I have been using it for a long time. what's a better modern alternative? 7zip just doesn't feel the same and is just as old if not older. there's something about that red blue green stack of books that just tickles me
Terrible game design suck it faggot
30 hours just to quick hit a boring boss in a boring combat system is terrible end game content
most people feel mixed about the changes and ending.
XVI ruined the FF brand
The FFX grind for the Ultimate weapons is pretty bad. Personally, I have literally never acquired Wakka's because I hate Bliltzball so fucking much. Most FF minigames suck, I don't know why people want there to be more of those fucking things. Creature Creator is the only one that's good
I think that the brand started to fall off with Final fantasy 1
The 15 came and it was mocked by Conan and Frodo Baggins on llive tv for hundred million people
Tabata really killed the respect that the franchise once held
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recording doesn't do justice for how silky smooth it looks
The most beautiful game ever made
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I used to appreciate XIII for some of the very small things it did right.
These days after seeing how obsessed XIII-fags are and how they shit on every other game to prop up their own, I can no longer appreciate the good.
It's not like I want the series to follow any of XIII's design philosophies anyway so why would I bother?
X-fags and VII-fags are similar but those games are actually good, so I ignore their cultists.
Honestly the one game-itis is just too strong on /ffg/.
It's hard to associate with you people.
I haven't played a single FF game that came out after IX
We know. You've told us this before. If not you, then someone else in the same position.
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game looks fantastic at 4k 60fps
Don't forget XV fags
It's like they play one FF game once and come straight here to shitpost
>Honestly the one game-itis is just too strong on /ffg/.
Too true. The shitposters here get one game-itis, and I think they just assume everyone else has one game-itis and that we're all competing or something. If this shitposters could just get it through their heads that it's possible (and likely) that people in a Final Fantasy thread like more than one Final Fantasy game, this place would be a lot more peaceful.
Hi Stellafag
Off topic
I don't know who that is.
Off-topic spam that has been deleted multiple time and (You) have also been banned multiple times for it.
When are you going to learn that you're not welcomed here.
Go back to /v/
Pretty much this
Now THIS is a based post
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you tell him king
You won
He lost (again)
Struck a nerve did I?
You triggered xer
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>IX looks fantastic at 4k 60fps
>boot up my old GBA FF games because I didn't know what I wanted to do on my Nintendo Switch
>Look up FFV Advance and see everything is 100 percent complete, levels in the 50s.
>Look up FFVI Advance and apparently I was doing a low level run and currently at world of ruin with everyone. Bestiary isn't even completed yet. character levels ranged from level 8 to 22.
>Unsure about IV DS but since I remember it's on the third playrun, i wonder what augments are set up. I don't think I ever got a dragon tail.

how the hell do both my GBASP and DS still manage to work despite not as functionable as it use to be. LR button is jammed on the DS. turning it on has to be pushed hard. my OG GBA doesn't have batteries. I think I pretty much stopped doing the LLG for VI due to being unable to escape certain battles. then again i do remember those weird head like enemies making you unable to flee. Guess I had love for V more.
>Guess I had love for V more
V is the quintessential FF after all
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FFXI also has some drama right now. Some dude called Spicy is having a melty and deleting a bunch of bg-wiki pages apparently.
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it really is!
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fuck, the quickstart 1-119 guide was alright to know what content opens up when.
Do i really have to start making local copies of wiki pages now too in case of meltdown?
Wait, there's a copy on archive.org. Fuck that nerd. I'll read his guide and he can't stop me.
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Nice, she's legal. Also, wtf, Japan's age of consent was apparently 13 until last year.
I found the quickstart guide kind of shit desu
hope something better replaces it
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"Ecть poзa дивнaя: oнa
Пpeд изyмлённoю Кифepoй
Цвeтёт, pyмянa и пышнa,
Блaгocлoвeннaя Beнepoй.
Boтщe Кифepy и Пaфoc
Mepтвит дыхaниe мopoзa,
Блecтит мeждy минyтных poз
Heyвядaeмaя poзa"
"Fronting amazed Cythera grows
A wondrous ever-blooming rose
Sacred to Venus, dearer far
Than all her votive blossoms are.
The north wind blows when Autumn closes
And Paphos is in ruin laid,
But in a world of fading roses
There grows one rose that will not fade" <3
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uh oh XIII-tranny woke up
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Why are you ban evading?
Your trolling and low quality posts got deleted a few hours ago
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Me, when I think of Claire.
Me, when I praise Claire.
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Whoa! This Claire is very sexy!1
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Claire Farron is very, very sexy and the most powerful woman in Final Fantasy history
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T-toriyama-sama, is that you?
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I watched some women's Olympic qualifiers today and I thought about Claire, and what kind of sport she would be into. Maybe she was a long distance runner. She would win lots of races. She can run and run and run and run. I would like to see what her pink hair looks like pulled back in a ponytail, bouncing side to side. Wearing running shorts? Oof.
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>yoshidatroon shitposting against FFIX AGAIN
I just made that clip MYSELF sir, maybe you could watch it
>Wearing running shorts
>pulled back in a ponytail

Yes, I think athletics or/and gymnastics are the right choices for Claire. She is very flexible, agile, has good coordination, reaction and is quite strong. Her endurance is also amazing: imagine running so much in a long corridor and then through the wastelands and city streets of Nova Chrysalia. Picrelated.
All the zoomers will lose their minds when they buy the FF9 remake and realize that it's turn based.
Now THIS is modded IX gameplay
visuals only
Doesn't he get tired of spamming the same shit over on every single thread?
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I like posting Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
>he doesn't know what moguri mod does
>"it's just visuals" he says
tell me what about that gameplay is different other than framerate textures and widescreen? I don't have any of the other cheats enabled. Why so defensive?
>Why so defensive?
>he says "no cheats", as if that was ever what was talked about in the webm by anyone other than himself
The one being defensive here is (You). The game plays a lot faster, obviously.
>XVI didn't flop, I swear...
>here's the same images from a year ago to prove it!

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