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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>483006925
First for fuck anime.
anime won
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Second for anime
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Fourth for psychic rat children
sixth for BURN THE BOOK
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Night bump dont die
hand holding with revias!
very anxiety-inducing room
>double bed

Literally what is weird about that at all? Bathroom aside my bedrooms are pretty similar.
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Agreed, I might copy it as well. I'd probably put something like a plant on this tile though.
Look closer

That's not Corin's room
A faction leader came to raid me by herself? Was this some sort of long form execution?
bed immediately facing the door is a no-no in feng shui, plus the stall door right next to it makes it feel less anchored. I'm confident I'd feel tense sleeping in that room
but don't make the mistake of taking my post seriously. it's fine for ribworld purposes
it's RIBAORLD get it fucking right
alright /rwg/ let's make a modlist together and see if groupthinking is a viable modlist creation method or if it'll create an abomination (hopefully the funny kind of abomination)
let's stick to just mods that can be found on steam workshop pls
and preferably nothing that has ridiculous amounts of dependencies or basically expects you to build modpacks around them
also if you post an entire modpack's worth of mods at once then i'll laugh at you for missing the point of this
everything owlchemist
Everything ferny.
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Anomaly is saved.
aaaaa I'm going insane
Needful QoL mods.

>pick up and haul
>kanban stockpile
>mend and recycle
>better workbench management
>take it to storage!
>trading spot
>LWM's deep storage
>steel extraction
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I fucking hope.
Everything Vanilla Expanded
sar apparel

this is just one mod, lets be honest, who would use rjw without sar
Replace Stuff
I would, SAR is cursed as fuck
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The town decided that the best way to celebrate almost collectively getting killed was a binge party. The very next morning the second Profaned raid comes and apparently a traveler got unlucky and ran into them.
Can Raiders and traders use vehicles yet?
That's from Oskar's patreon for Vanilla Vehicles Expanded.
Vehicle Framework is being developed by Smash Phil and he's the one doing the vehicle AI (lol). He's also the reason why vehicle caravans suck so bad.
I hope someone invests into making realistic rail one day.
Are there mods where I can pave paths between settlements so I don't have to walk slowly between them every time? Preferably something not packaged with other bloat, I don't really like transport pods
Roads of the Rim?
It's particularly resource expansive, but you can craft items and enlist factions to help you.
It's a chink faction, it's probably some way to preserve the mandate of heaven so her dynasty doesn't get gangbanged by the peasant masses
Hey that's pretty cool, might be exactly what I wanted. The higher tier roads look pretty expensive but I'll judge it when I try it out, cheers man
There's a machine you can research so you don't have to lug a a couple thousand worth of materials for the stone and asphalt roads in exchange for a slower build rate so it isn't that bad. With three pawns of decent construction skills you can knock out a tile and change of stone road and about 3-6 tiles of dirt path per day
>>LWM's deep storage
into the trash
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Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
It'll always be ribworld in my heart
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The current bounty crew.
I need to organize them a bit, they're all just wielding whatever weapons we found so far, without really paying attention to their skills and genes.
The ghillie suit on that person with angel wings and a halo of light around their head is hilarious
Any mod that utilize the pit gate system yet?
She really wants to be tacticool so everyone just humors her.
pls get aqua a proper weapon
I'm going to vomit
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But I worked hard on those....
Oooooo I like the Corsair and Stellic a lot
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>Mad goose bites my 3 day old lamb's leg completely off
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Uh oh VE Bros we have a challenger
do RJW fans play with default vanilla textures like a maniac or do they go all anime or something
I had a colonist, full health, power armor get their head bitten off in 1 attack by a cobra
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I think there was a vehicle
the van from VE vehicles?
but it might have just been a test
or not yet finalized as a mod
is this the guy who made rimworld or just his clone?
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Surprisingly lot lewd Moyo stuff on pixiv.
Have you guys had any problems using transport shuttle permits after using SOS2? I can put people inside but I can't set to load cargo anymore.
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Interesting. Where can I find more?
I want to stick my penis into them
rimvore, rimround, rjw races and lolium
can't have a modlist without little succubi voring their lovers
What happened to all the Empire/Rebel posting?
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Is there a way to make a colonist marry an animal? Asking for a friend
Perhaps surprisingly, yes
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Glory for the Empire!
>made by the rjw dev
I kneel
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you are a good friend
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I sent Oscar my updated copy of Vanilla Textures Expanded - Save Our Ship 2, and he agreed to upload it to Steam Workshop as an official update until he gets around to updating it properly with new textures and masks for the shuttles.
ngl I just played for 10 hours straight. combat womb mods are peak.
>combat womb
What does this imply
everything. and that's the point.
What? What do you mean?
Thanks for the delete site tip from last thread, worked on all the sites but the moonbase.
Any of you guys know if there is a way to make items rare in trader inventories (of the trader types that can have them obviously)?
Try messing with the TraderKindDef's <stockGenerators> tag.
A very mod-specific question but do Silkieras really only have fucking godawful armor choices? There's a thermoplate armor that's super expensive but it's way worse than a recon armor, and everything else are just regular clothes. I wanted to try one of Ayamezuki's HARs so I just picked one, but do I actually need to install other mods of theirs like the Nearmare one to get something resembling actual armor? My Silkiera slut keeps getting one-shotted because of her trash defense and I'm sick of this because she's built for combat.
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ship landed directly in the middle of the enemy's stockpile of mortar shells and chemfuel. some of those were EMP shells, frying the brains of all but our nurse. what do?
Stop playing with shitty OP mods.
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>be superior Gith
>Pretty much protect the colony alone with your sick psycats and combat skills
>Survive 3 almsot colony ender events, have a harem of girls of your own for a while
>Get cucked by a pink haired lowmate who works at 50% speed
Lol. Lmao.
Fuck how do I keep this fucker happy he's extremely mad all the time at his wife and bull.

Also, might give up and finally try it. What's the basic RJW pack? Like, the go-to nude mod for it that causes less incompatibility issues.
And is RJW pregnancy compatible with biotech one?
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Hilda is ascetic and demands a small, shitty room
Sorry Anon, (You) have to live with it
No problem. I had an enemy ship get stuck and it had been yonks since I saved so I struggled with the same issue
I'm running on the assumption that <thingDefCountRange> is for how many different items in a tradetag can show up for sale. While, <countRange> is saying how many of each of those different items can show up. I guess having the first at 0~1 should work since my item is the only one in that tradeTag while the second being 1~1 works for only one possibly appearing. I just wish I could make it rarer, but I'm not 100% sure that is how those work in the first place
kek, good one
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(You)'re one lucky guy, Anon
>implying you can take Hilda home
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>Big and Small Races
I love it when schizoposting is done with confidence.
but i need my shitty OP mods so my OC donut steel waifu characters dont get killed every fight
BrainShock mod
For the love of God, use shelves or any storage mod.
>1.2 compatibility
thank you, this works perfectly
that's an enemy base, actually.
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She obviously let Anon take her
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I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm confused. It is supposed to be 10 by the way. Besides this problem, this is done. Though it would be neat to make a custom sprite for this
gold and silver are "small resources"
cost gets multiplied by 10
et tu?
Wish all the things I looked at had said anything about that. Thank you. Bothers me it says 1x in the mini readout, but I just probably never noticed it before normally. Whelp that is fixed. Only one thing maybe left
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why can't i bury this dead warg all of a sudden? i enabled animals for the sarcophagus and set it to critical. and i was able to bury another warg years ago too.
>it was as if she was looking at walking garbage
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nvm. rip warg
>not just bringing him back
shamefur dispray
What's a good weapon to give someone with 4 shooting (and 1 melee lol)? I gave her a pump shotgun since her accuracy is shit.
I'll eventually upgrade to a chain shotgun but I don't have the research yet.
Something that goes pew pew very fast so her shooting goes up.
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i have like 84 colonists and 45 animals. i have to save my tps somehow.
Fastest thing I have is the lever action rifle from vwe, I'll make one and equip her with it.
Hate it when wife/husband has to burry their significant other
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>a stunningly good looking stranger is approaching the colony. He wants to talk
aiiyeeee netorare man get out
i was about to write a long sentence on how it was fitting until >>483409480 made me get the joke. i might be actually retarded
Are you implying that I'm betraying someone? I don't understand.
I saw someone in SOS2 discord said they were working on the VTE SOS2 and even showed their progress, and their name is Brutus
Oh, that's not me. I'm looking at his post there and it looks like he hasn't posted for almost a month. I just made the mod work for 1.4 and 1.5. I then saw Oscar saying in the comment section of VTE SOS2 that anyone is free to send him a working version of his mod and he'll make it official. No one has done that before me, apparently, so I decided to try, and my version was accepted.
Sarg has finally released his take on animal prosthetics, bloatmaxxed as usual. But I will be looking at how he made the prosthetic's melee attack damage scale with that of the original's limb...
>netorare man get out
Wrong. He gets to be the colony's boyhole twink.
incase anyone's wondering how bad the vehicle framework memory leak is
>32GB of ram
>185 mods
>every save load made the game take 4-6GB of ram
>using an external program to force-dump memory (such as ram map) doesnt work.

How does one make a mod that isn't "bloated"?
Either whatever content it adds is based or uses vanilla stuff, therefore the gameplay loop will barely change if at all, or it does introduce new stuff or changes to existing systems, which then is bloat.
Either the mod changes stuff with 0 player interactivity, or it adds something with it that will bloat the game, as the interactive part of Rimworld is just point and clicking.
Hell, even mods that just add new systems have been called bloat because now they pille more sutff on every tick.
How is that even possible?
Also, post pics.
For me, it's when a mod adds more than its name and purpose imply. For example, Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids adds a whole fucking factory system alongside the actually mechanoid stuff. That's bloat. Alpha Implants adds "work chips", which allow animals to do work. This isn't as bloated, but that still sounds like something that should go into a sub-mod that than be non-negotiable.
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IMO, You need to think of something that when you were playing made you think "I want to do this to achieve that, but there is no straightforward way to do so."

Having 20 different Recreation buildings on the same tech tier is bloat. Adding the missing production buildings with fueling methods (Electric Stonecutter Table, Wood-Fired Crematorium, etc.) isn't.
I'd argue that adding intervals between certain items/buildings is not necesarily bloat, but their existence needs to be properly justified.
>e.g. I'd like to see Chemfuel variants for various buildings that use fuel-sources in their most basic form (Chemfueled Stove, Chemfueled Heater, Chemfueled Crematorium, etc.) but a Chemfueled Stonecutter's Table would be bloat.

More or less.
Having an entirely different item-creation method that does not require work is ok, but why doesn't that naturally integrate with the already existing features from the base game.
Colonists and Mechanoids already cover being able to do Work for your colony.
Multiple things doing same shit.
100500 new guns with +-0.01% same stats == bloat.
anything i don't want is bloat, and anything i do want can't be bloat. if i want 30 different recreation buildings on the same tech tier, then it's not bloat.
You're all overthinking it. All bloat is is simply stuff that doesn't fit the theme of the mod.
That's it.

the tl;dr here is just examples.
"example modder tweaks" is never bloat because the purpose of the mod is to just compile all the tweaks made by this one modder, even if it has 1000 different unrelated tweaks.
Mods that add subsystems that have nothing to do with the mod theme is 100% bloat everytime even if those systems are good. Because if those systems are good because then you have the situation where if someone wants to use that system they have to cherry pick away 100 different xenotypes that still show up in various events because cherrypicker isn't perfect.
>All bloat is is simply stuff that doesn't fit the theme of the mod.
But that's exactly what I (>>483416862) said.
I accidentally bloated my post by quoting you
Do you think Sarg will be upset if I take inspiration from his mod's implementation of the implant damage scaling for A Dog Said 2?
if you don't directly copy any code, you don't even have to mention anything. If you do copy code you also don't have to do anything but you might get hounded by their discord.
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He is fine with you copying his code
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20 days in this area already gives me -5 to mood so I guess it's time to leave. Got a crow girl and a slime girl, which I think will be the last of the crew unless I feel the need to collect all the slime types like pokemon.

Also it absolutely bothers me that the species of the slime girl is "pink slime" but she is blue. wtf
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The Stellic is my oc donut steel armor, Corsairs are from Alpha Meme.
Oh, that's a very uplifting thing to see. Shame that this mod isn't on Github, I'll need to decompile it.
>Mentioning subscribers
It's interesting that he cares that much about that. I also like seeing the number go up, but what matters the most to me is making a mod I want there to be. And what I want my mod to be is a more lightweight alternative to Alpha Implants.
Here https://github.com/juanosarg/AlphaImplants/
NGL since I published my mods seeing numbers go up feel good too.
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mid move we were ambushed by a bunch of moyo drug addicts
Why are the slugs using syringe? Why is one of the rats using a blue axe?
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I appreciate the free food.

the rat is a mole, and moles are near-sighted and have strong melee, so I gave him a cryo axe, from the cryo weapons pack I got ITT.
Tho his main gun is a heavy submachinegun, the ax is his backup.

The moles were drugging themselves before the fight, some blue drug that gives +20-30% to pain tolerance, consciousness and sight.
I think it's made with their own blood, which is weird.
ok fine I won't use that armor then
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this will be our new home for the next 20-30 days.
Why the hell are those trees in the middle?
there are a few other familiar faces in there.
>corin not riding a horse
missed opportunity
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>only small pond on the side
This makes a sad Moyo.
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>Saki Yoshida
What's going on here
Corinchuds.... we're back
That would be cheating, anon!
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It's up.
Thanks Buns Buns Cat.
>Q: Reeee this is bloat! I like my things that add things to add less things to the thing!!!
>A: Please ask your kindergarten teacher for permission before playing violent videogames like this one.
literally living rent free
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It's up.
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>He does it for free
gz really, must be nice
You missed: >>483414910
Looks soulless.
The "A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetic 2" Anon should "steal" the code for the attack adaptation.
I'm already planning to do that, read the thread.
>be grug
>smash skulls, get "vanometric power cell" as a reward
>buy huge television from trader in exchange for shiny rocks
I'm using the biome transition mod so maybe it has something to do with it?

she'll live.
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cool tree
Is there a mod for that? It's making me crazy too.
the tribe has fallen
Not as far as I know. You could try perspective: buildings (rip owlchemist) to move the growing area, but then it would be off-center.
Or you could edit the tree's texture offset, maybe, but that would affect all of the trees of the same kind.
what happened to owlchemist?
Killed by the CIA AND the KGB.
what? why?
Because he's the only one who could have stopped the war in Ukraine.
He was knew Boeing's shady secrets
>they pulled Anon's killswitch, rotting his brain mid post
Owlchemist is fine and alive. People who say otherwise are intentionally spreading misinformation and should take their medication.
Anons i don't have much time, the arch
Everything is fine fellow humans. Disperse. Nothing to see here.
Owl didn't kill himself
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Actually, we didn't kill Owl. His bloodwork suggest he ingested a 1.9mg dose of Fentanyl before his death.
aaaaaaa why do my cherry picker settings keep getting reset
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took me a while to figure out where I wanted to put the tents but this is fine.

>campfire in space
aaaah save me science man
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These niggas need to stop being so fucking racist
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>Finished researching electricity
I can now start playing the game
Also Toxos caught the plague (again)
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I have this nice little plaza. What should I put there?
A statue?
A flag?
Or just leave it like that, it's comfy
>pawns just insta die if they accumulate 150 damage
>this isnt usually a problem in the vanilla game, as most parts are low enough that a vital will get destroyed on a pawn with some form of pain block, or a limb will get destroyed and remove its accumulated damage
>but if you have mods that can increase part health it'll easily lead to situations where the pawn dies long before any single bodypart can get close to destruction
any mods that just remove the hard damage limit? or try to scale up the hard damage limit based on average part HP.
A stele or a grand sculpture.
I tried the beta from the VTE discord
Had a few aya race guests spawn with animal implants (the silkiera with a bionic beak was especially cursed)
Dropped it immediately in favor of ADS 2, fix your shit or fuck off
>using an external program to force-dump memory (such as ram map) doesnt work
And if it did you'd be shredding your SSD. It makes sense given that the pages are probably continously being accessed by the GC collector
just a flesh wound, i think
do not redeem the sex mod sar
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milking goats

no more lethal damage threshold.
Id milk Buffy if you know what i mean
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mysterious dog girl
yay or nay?

what does slug milk taste like?
Does this do anything other animal prosthetic mods don't? I'm unsure if XP or ADS have work implants or chemfuel nodes.
she'd make a good slave.
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We're against slavery so I just accepted it.
She has some fucked up powers
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mmmmm chip
ADS 2 just has animal prosthetics. Although I'm planning to the ability to transplant animal organs. Sarg's code for limiting recipes by size might be useful for this.
What's this?
Dog girl with immense need for a baseliner male who she will dedicate her life for as a perfect loyal wife and birth him many children
>read about zomboid drama
And i thought Tynan was bad
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time for more bounty hunting.

Honestly no idea. First time I'm seeing it too.
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Imagine if in 2014 Tynan promised to add Mechanoids by still didn't do it in 2024.
None of the features in pic related (posted in 2014) are complete. Most of them aren't implemented at all.
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I have no idea how these angel powers work but they're flashy
Wait doesnt this mean star citizen had more progress than zomboid?
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bounty captured. We got a couple of bad hits (Adam took a shot to the shoulder that almost took his arm right off) but having a healing slime girl and a literal angel means anything short of death is easy to patch up.
Is there a reason the game lags hard as fuck in 1.5 now when I have one colonist drafted with 20 psycasts? No mods.
"Optimization" is mentioned twice in the book and neither times it is about game performance.
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
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see this cute doggo here? Currently on a mental break be cause she feels lonely?
Well right she went on a mental break, she turned a raider into the pile of twisted meat
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*a pile of twisted meat
>mfw minor grammatical mistake
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Impromptu beer party

Anon, no! You'd be cooked into a not very tasty lavish meal (+8 lavish -10 twisted = -2), it's not worthy
Are there any E.Y.E divine cybermancy armor mods?
Finally food has fallen from the sky, my people are starving
horses have trouble kissing
How the fuck do I keep pawns with Body Mastery happy?

They don't sleep, so no bedroom bonus
They don't eat, so no dining room/food quality bonus
They don't need comfort, so no comfort bonus
They don't romance (creepjoiner) so no relationship happiness bonus

I've been feeding her tea, beer and smokeleaf but honestly it's worse than a normal pawn. Why do people like this trait?
Any clue as to what could be happening? Recipe, hair and research defs (but not thingdefs for some reason) get re-enabled every time I load a save or return to the main menu. The log doesn't have anything to say either.
you just turn them into ghouls
>release a race mod meant to pair with another mod
>said another mod is still ways off from being released
Cmon Oskar you can't just give us insektors and not insectoids2, jelly is a surprisingly rare resource in vanilla unless you allow infestations to fester.
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>in vanilla
heh nothin personnel.... kid
She has double passion shooting(18) and social(17)
I was hoping to use her as a moral guide/soldier, not a glorified lifter mech
Are you trying to make a sauna or some kind of human air fryer with that steam vent?
prisoners don't get so uppity when they're unconscious from heat exhaust do they
If he released both packed in one mod named Insector Race or Bugs Expanded, you guys would call it bloat
Corin feet?
Corin orgasm face?
Corin is incapable of achieving orgasm
Turns out that horses are shit at fucking can't possibly bring a woman to orgasm.
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Not with that attitude.
unlike dolphins
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I will say one thing about the nomadic meme. It cures my restartitis.
I'm looking at this camp and feeling it's not as appealing as the first camp that had a single shack, the big manufacturing shack looks too uncomfy.
But instead of restarting, I can just let go cause in 15 days I'll change maps again, and I can try to make something better.

I think next base I'll build each crafting station their own run-down shack.
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...I'm installing the war crimes mod now
my only multi-generational saves ever were the ones where the base was relocated multiple times
usually, the transition from wood to electricity or a lot of people dying serve as good pretexts to rebuild elsewhere for me
>not keeping rapefugees in a secured camp

Even the Swedes figured this shit out anon.
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What was your longest (ingame years) playthrough?
don't forget simple warrants
raiders will bounty hunt your surgeon because of the torture
That's a cool idea
>start stone age
>once ding to medieval, move
>and so on from industrial to archeotech
using mods like science never stops or beyond our grasp
ideally with fast aging so you're encouraged to try and make kids.
That feeds 3 insektors for about 1 quadrum.
infestations are not guaranteed to happen every quadrum. I may need to forbid my other colonists from eating jelly, since that stuff goes fast.
Though my average is probably less than 1 year
3 years
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Sounds fun, I'll install that also
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>Corin orgasm face?
>Corin is a denial slut
That shit pisses me off so much

Mismatched art between weapon mods
Spicy main menu art replacers, post em (links)
oh nyo
Just don't have more than one (author's) weapon mod.
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All the weapons there are based on real world weapons tho, the biggest mismatch is how bloody big that pistol is.
That only bad one is the suppressed pistol.
I'd get that one, but apparently it runs like shit
14 years. The game can't seem to handle very long runs.
hey guys who remembers vanilla expanded lyncanthropes? https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3114453100 this was such an awesome mod that changed everything
>donkeys are better at things over horses IRL that can't be portrayed ingame
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bounty hunting!

every single vanilla race expanded combinded is less interesting than big and small genes.
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there's quite a lot of tribals here
They could move faster on mountain tiles
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this is anti-horse propaganda
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>combat extended still not updated
This is true though. Horses have no sexual endurance.
>still no rjw submod to fuck anomalies
No, actually. Torture from WCE2 doesn't count as torture for simple warrants, but beating them with a stick does.
go to their discord retard
ok? corin has a stable full of horses so large, that when she finishes getting creamed by the last stallion, the first is ready to go again
I'm going to kill the catposters
holy based
Ah yes, two of the rarest events within 2 days, thanks randy retard
>vanilla events prolapsed
oh nonoonononononnnoonononoonnonnnnoo
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No, why the fuck would I do that? I know I can play with an in-progress bleeding edge version from github, I'm not going to.
If you've got something to say, say it
What do you want me to say? The events added by the mod are shit, and the ability to disable events can be replicated through scenario conditions.
>I know I can play the release candidate version of combat extended that works fine, but I would rather complain
kill yourself now nigger
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>release candidate
Not touching it until there's an actual stable release that's gone through at least some QA.
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donkeys have small penises, are impotent, and sterile. no one will ever love a donkey
One man's trash is another man's treasure
That's mules, you dumb anime coomer.
>"why does [problem] not have a solution!"
>"here's a solution"
>"bah, I don't want it"
Suit yourself, I'm having fun with it
The absolute state of CE trannies.
You're playing with rjw and anime-faced HAR races.
Anime is based, CE is for trannies
I don't.
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Cool. Still won't touch it until there's a stable release, simple as.
>tfw firefox ESR, LTS kernel, debian stable, nixpkgs stable
Bleeding edge sissies doing all the work so I can enjoy my stable experience.
>no yayo's or vanilla combat reloaded
>not even a single combat-altering mod in sight
Why proud yourself in gobbling up garbage vanilla combat? Or do you just disable raids and play a shittier version sims?
I have ascended to an higher state of being and I enjoy the bullet gacha.
We both know that it's stable
If it had the "stable" label you'd have downloaded it already, simply because the devs said so. A stable release can still be buggy
You seem to have a grudge against CE, did something happen?
I reckon that not everyone wants to do things your way. Crazy, isn't it?
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It took forever, but my rat child has finally reached psylink level 6
>I reckon that not everyone wants to do things your way. Crazy, isn't it?
I'd argue preferring vanilla combat is way crazier.
Maybe that's the ultimate destination for all of us
Once you've mastered CE, yayo's, VCR and whatnot, what's left? Higher difficulties? What happens once you've mastered those? Maybe the only way to feel something at that point is to throw yourself at the mercy of RNGesus
Your favorite mod is shit. SHIT!
Damn right
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from my point of view, /rwg/ is shit!
Anyone try out the Vaults of Vagar mod?
I love the chunky bolters but it does feel a little broken and OP
Yet, after all, why not? Why shouldn't I post lewd pictures of Corin?
Oh no that would be horrible.
I don't remember star wars 3 enough to continue
I quoted Lord of the Rings, you're fine.
did you ever hear the tragedy of corin the horsefucker?
One of those is from the lord of the rings, anon
I thought not. It’s not a story the CE trannies would tell you.
corin was a horsefucker so horny and so powerful that she could even take thrumbocock
This is /rwg/. Niggas just want to bitch while pretending that isn't the sole reason they typed their sperg out
You mother fuckers are dorks. I enjoyed that exchange
she became so horny that the only thing she was afraid was rupturing her asshole, which eventually of course she did
I miss Esther
unfortunately, she fucked a horse so many times that the horse raped her in her sleep.
You cannot rape the willing, anon.
is it possible to learn this power?
She could bring sexual ecstasy to others, but she could never find sexual reprieve for herself.
Not from a Bloatskar enjoyer.
what do (You) do when it's early in the game and nothing is fucking happening
youtube in second monitor or doomscroll on my phone
think of every time that happened, leading me to get lazy and forget about my wealth accumulating and end up gigaraided up the ass later, then build more defense
Draw plans on 4x speed.
are sarg's alpha mechs supposed to barely ever spawn?
I triggered about 4-5 mechanoid raids and 10 clusters to troubleshoot and got exclusively vanilla stuff aside from one (1) daggersnout, which means the mod does at least work a little bit
Maybe your threat score is too low?
10000 points raids tend to just spawn more centipedes, so probably not
from my experience they are more common in crashed ship parts, to the point that i dont even get any vanilla mechs in them. also >>483517901
but at the same time my factions were fucked up and i had to manually fix them.
There's a time limit before Biotech mech bosses are allowed to appear as regular enemies in raids/clusters. It's shown in dev mode somewhere, but I can't remember exactly where. Perhaps Alpha Mechs have a similar restriction?
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Wow, this is choice paralysis nightmare fuel.
>No, why the fuck would I do that?
Because you are a retarded tranny who needs xer CEslop. You belong in discord circlejerk.
Can you land Frog/Toad/Goliath at a specific spot when you send them back at your base? Or is the landing zone random?
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I hate this.
Currently 16. Will probably go beyond that. But I'm honestly ready to be done.
You can change that in Vehicle Framework Mod Option
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I'd prefer a red moyo
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Sex but red
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I would post more Moyo sex, but this place is too prude for that.
Is there a weapon mod any of you have seen that has weapons with their gimmick being higher chance to dismember? Doubly tell me about it if it doesn't rely on a framework for such a thing.
Post it immediately
I demand it. Just because i can't have sex with my Moyo gf because we're not married yet doesn't mean i can't jerk off
Just get it off pixiv.
thoughts on Moyo2.0-Blood stained business_Beta?
Lewd drug slugs for everyone!
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Any mod(s) similar to underground vaults https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3021706489 , but without broken slav english?
I don't know man if that vault doesn't have Moyos in it im not interested
any mods that let you re-do the monolith activation sequence and get void touched on more pawns?
Nope. There can only be one niggerman master
Really no mod for it yet?
Usually a "no limits" or "infinite X" mod is the first thing to be made.
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>hey bro I'm going out of town for a while can you look after my pets
Now this is story.
>17 rats as pets
>also they all have blood rot
that's stupid
it would be a bit more bearable if smaller creatures needed less medicine for diseases
with high enough medical you don't even need medicine for things like bloodrot
time to nerf medical then
I made one of each and learned their quirks.
early game heavy weapons mech, outdated.
first general purpose mech, outdated
>field command
can lead your mechs
>escort lifter
>shaft worker
best melee mech, can wield the mono/plasma/cryo/etc weapons
Anti-building mech
absolute unit, extremely tough, can tank an anti-grain warhead.
your general purpose combat mech. When in doubt, make more phalanxes
heavy weapons mech, can wield the VE heavy weapons
Spotter of the sniper spotter team
the sniper of the sniper spotter team
can turn invisible, good scout and mech cluster trigger
flying mech, kinda pointless
flying invisible command aura projector, combines well with jaegers, allowing you to send an invisible party without risking your mechanitor.
fast mech, outdated
first generation general purpose mech, outdated
first generation heavy weapons mech, outdated
first generation mech leader, outdated.
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Is it cheating?
Depends. I just wish you could flip some buildings, like cryptosleep caskets or mech gestators.
no anon, the mod that serves a pure aesthetic purpose isnt cheating.
yes anon, the mod that changes core mechanics like that is cheating.
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What is it with this game, why aren't insects eating this anomaly weirdo?
there's a good chance that insectoids and dark entities arent hostile to each other, use devmode and show hidden factions.
no anon, it's your game, you can play how you want
I don't know
Manhunter packs are such a fucking boring waste of what could have been a raid. I hate them so much.
i had a thought but it has one major problem.
how could you make a nomadic mechanitor save work? does vehicle framework have any mods that add recharger vehicles or do you NEED to stop and settle down every few days to make sure your mechs dont just fucking die.
use scenario amender to disable the incident. I don't have qualms about doing it since that actually makes the game harder
Falcon's niche is that it's an extremely quick explosives carrier that only costs 1 bandwidth. If you have CE you can load them up with RPGs and just zoom out, unload a barrage of rockets and duck back into cover, but other compatible rockets in vanilla will work. Flamethrowers should also probably work if you have anomaly and that 8 c/s speed is a massive boon for repositioning or flanking. Also them being easy to down works out oddly in their favor since they rarely actually die and usually just lose a rotor or two and go down for repairs, rather than need a full repair from death.
Soldats are good in roles that need bodies, since once again, 1 bandwidth cost. Phalanaxes are the much better raw frontliner force for sure though, but soldats add more HP than a falcon will and can hike around elephant guns.
Grenadiers are mostly useless yeah, their main benefit is the sniper grenade rifle is your earliest long range weapon, and that they can babysit mortars for 2 bandwidth. They're also much earlier to get tech wise.
Segeant is something that at least has a bit of staying power compared to nocula (also wider command range) but isn't a bullet magnet like the field comand is. Also costs less bandwidth than the field command and gets you 3 falcons/soldats per year which you can also use as an emergency reserve force in a pinch.
Mechs don't run down in power while caravaning, though yeah if you're needing to repair them after combat or the like that will drain power.
Dead Man's Switch really needs an update. The riot gear from that mod can't be crafted because the required research don't unlock them.
that sounds trivial to fix
>Mechs don't run down in power while caravaning
ah didnt know that, thats convenient.
so it makes a nomadic mechanitor reasonable if you also have minify everything, so that you dont need to rebuild chargers and gestators all the time.
next big problem is bandwidth, but there are plenty of mods to fix that
there are various solutions to this problem:
>minify everything
minify rechargers and solar panels, bring them with you
>scavenger meme
gives full refund on deconstruct, so you can build and rebuild however you want.
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Little Graves has finally become an adult and has come to a realization: she is a dork.
Fuck, i want to hug and protect that slug
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Update roo's minotaur, satyr and fawn xenotypes.
I am no longer asking.
cute slug 10/10 would not salt
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No dying you bakas
>More Debauched
Doink kinky stuff with dork Moyo!
>drive car over a bunch of enemy pawns
>suddenly car immobilized
>no driver
>search for driver
>nowhere to be found
>click on driver wife
>"driver is off the map"
>driver just disappears from the hotbar
>can't find him even with character editor
vehicles are so fucking janky man
Get portable appliances mod for the portable mech rechargers (their portable generator is a measley 300W, don't use it) and RH2 Uncle Boris' Used Furniture for the 1kW portable generator. Also some boomalopes for portable chemfuel production.
dumb question but im using a few VE food mods. now i just want the variety but i dont care about the effects. if i delete everything inside the hediffs def, will i save a couple of tps? any other ways to modify VE to save tps?
those rooms better be color coded based on the pawn's favorite color.
>chair and table
how do you restrict rooms to one person? last time i did that i just had everyone take a quick snackbreak in the bedrooms and make any sleeping pawns quite upset.
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That's the same room in different
And it was before favourite colour feature
>how do you restrict rooms to one person? last time i did that i just had everyone take a quick snackbreak in the bedrooms and make any sleeping pawns quite upset.
I've always used lock the door mod
i have a similar problem with SRTS sometimes
>launch ship to a quest tile
>ship lands inside a mountain
>all pawns sent (always involving my main fighter) land inside of a fogged zone.
>since i dont have access to the fog, the map insta closes and i lose all the pawns inside that ship.
>dont even get any death messages, the pawn's just gone.
>13yo adult
I know children will mature fast on a rimworld but that still seems too young
That's how it works in vanilla.
I know but it's still weird to me
remove scaria from the game like a functional person
>censored sex
what happened to /rwg/ are there only puritans left after anomaly made the rjw chads leave?
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you wouldn't get it
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You dare question the book?
It's a rib rib world out there.
I'll put on rjw again when I can sex the anomalies.
Anon, it's 12pm.
that's right I'll install anomaly only if I'm able to worship the tentacle monster and have it brainwash the whole colony
Thinking of doing a segregation based playthrough next where one part of the colony lives in a normal base but the other lives in a slum-like area. Any mod recommendations?
the outposts mod, alpha mechs for bandwidth, and a bunch of implant mods
>your main colony lives in hedonistic wealth with legions of mechanoids to do the bulk of defense and work along with bionic enhanced slaves nerve stapled with with the servitor module from advanced bionics expansion
>outposts are all composed of lessers and given jack shit to help them
>bionic enhanced slaves nerve stapled with with the servitor module
Based thank you
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its pretty much a biodrone implant that makes the host a backseat in their own body, perfect for a slave caste.
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Here's my christian yayo manufactorium.
Imagine a tank busting through that south door
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weird but ok
>barracks with minimum needed for best mood
>out of place super rich chairs to maximize mood
>just throws shit on the living room floor because the out of place gold floor cancels the beauty penalty so it's good enough
>slop dispenser
>used the "move interact spot" not for aesthetics but to maximize space in the workshop.
Nice chinese colony bro
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The problem is that I first built a living room, then built that wall wall around when it was still mostly farms, and have been trying to fit everything inside since.
I'll own the fact that I'm too lazy to build proper storage for most of the shit besides food and meds. And that I did solve above "is moving spot a cheating?" conundrum. But slop dispenser hasn't been in use for few years now. And that barrack was originally 3 rooms, but they weren't coming together. And it's still not that bad.
Also this ain't gold, it's all rugs my man. Sure as hell didn't put effort into aesthetics this time around.
also your pigs will be the first target for raiders, not sure if that's intentional or not
or at least that's how it goes in my experience, raiders just have a thirst for the blood of colony animals, seen a few shrugging off automatic fire so they could go kill a baby goat.
quite comfy, although it looks a little hard to defend
tatami mats are a creative way to work around bridges not letting you customize floors
not anon, but I've had the opposite experience. animals are surprisingly adept at not dying even if you do nothing to ensure their safety
Raiders rarely target pen animals.
so will they murder pets that are roaming around?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on the anomaly DLC? Worth including in every run? Bloat? Useless?
It's kind of intentional, as in it did cross my mind that they'll get targeted, but frankly I bought them as a frivolity and I always underestimate just how much fucking space pair of pigs needs for a pen in this game. Had very few raids until now anyhow on strive to survive/Randy. They aren't really essential. I really do need some beasts of burden though.
Yeah, it was made like pre-Ideology, so quite a long time ago. And the goal in itself was to make stupid weeaboo water town so it was quite heavily modded to that end. Had it went on, it'd have probably gotten burned/bombarded into oblivion. but it did look cool.
I need a small floor light for an helipad. Any good mods for that?
Preferably one that can change color.
you play it once and then resume the routine you had before
it's like a mod that adds scripted content rather than a framework for endless fun
Pets and pen animals (even outside of pen) are different. They will try to murder your hecking cute beagle puppy.
It's shit
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What a fucking nightmare.
how do you build proper base defense these days? I take it killboxes aren't as popular as they were 3 or 4 years ago?
So that's why they kept murdering my animals, I was still building their pen.
I uuuhhh just build a few barricades and station my pawns there
I just tried to build embrasures, and during my last attack guys with long range guns showed up and shot at my pawns behind the embrasures, and my pawns couldnt shoot back becuase they didn't have snipers. what do? just exclusively use long range weapons?
you're on the defending side so it should be perfectly fine to fall back and let them approach, no?
never built embrasures myself because then I'd be cheating
Retreat your pawns so the enemy is required to push forward, try to flank around them, build safe routes that allow you to close the distance, use mortars, use fast-moving animals to attack/distract/act as shields.
are embrasures cheating? I assumed they weren't that much different than barricades
I don't use it, not because I think it's bloat or cheating, but purely for the fact that I think working at the edge of a workdesk or bekind it or on the edge when you're gonna need all of it is unrealistic and breaks my immersion.

If you want to make your workshops super tight you can fight other ways to make it work without this sort of mod, plus having everything that close is also a risk hazard and would make working impossible in most situations.
I think they're too one-sided to be called proper game design. melee attackers are completely helpless, and the AI isn't built to handle it either
>hazard and would make working impossible
>meanwhile my local makerspace is cramped as hell with machines touching their neighboring machines
>melee attackers are completely helpless
people keep saying this but in my games they just start digging trough walls if they can't path to your dudes.
>are embrasures cheating? I assumed they weren't that much different than barricades
Embrasure mods usually have a much higher coverage protection chance than barricades and sandbags, almost twice sometimes.
Plus with CE, the embrasures that are compatible with CE will protect all bodyparts except face and eyes.

I use them because I not only use CE, but also CAI 5000, and other difficulty mods.
I don't build killbox tunnel cheese that relies on the vanilla AI being retarded. I consider that the real cheating.

I'm sorry your colony's manager is giving you that -8 Cramped Space. Hopefully you treat your own Pawns better than whoever's playing you treats you.
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Get fucked cultists
How's my wife, Katya?
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She's just been researching in the lab the entire time
nice hat
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It's from here, I installed it so Katya wouldn't freeze to death during the first winter
It's certainly not worth the money I paid for it but i don't see a reason to turn it off. The occasional events are alright and not game breaking
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pwease repond
I'll respond but I'm expecting a dog picture as a reward, fuck cats
>floor light
>glass and lights
Floor lights 2
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Thank you.
cute retarded doggo
>average CE retard ruining the thread with his slop
I had a dream his name was Sylvester Tyrone
is that like a chocolate version of Sylvester Stallone?
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>start new colony. remember old cheese strategy of building a colony in a really hot desert so all human raids drop dead from heatstroke before they reach your walls.
>doesn't work anymore. all I get is mechs and anomaly creatures 99% of the time and occasionally imps during the 130F~/54C~ winters if I'm really lucky.
>prisoners routinely die to heatstroke in their prison cell
>guests and trade caravans leave almost immediately on entering the map
>rescuees routinely die to heatstroke in the hospital room
>can't caravan
>can't investigate distress signals unless its winter and with full devilstrand Irish suits
>can't get wood because even cacti die in winter let alone 190F~/88C~ summers
>100% of my meat supply rots 100% of the time during solar flares, eclipses, zzzts, etc.
>colony could die anytime to an EMP site popping up

the only thing that keeps me going is the goal of getting enough harvested dicks, tits, and pussies to turn all of my colonists into futas for futa sex orgies...
Which xenotype has the prettiest feet
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I couldn't remember the names of anyone in the colony so I gave the away team some very original nicknames.
wtf I can't unsee it now
The joke is that Vehicle Framework dropped the ball hard by not requiring vehicles to be 3D models so they can have perfect perspective always.
Redline please
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Look at this little weirdo watching Stream sacrifice a corpse
I like mint.
Mint is very strong
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>Majestic Foliage Framework[HH] is never gonna get updated.
I just want my bigger trees, man.
Why is Ms. Angel not helping Crow? Why is the Combat Medic not doing her job?
yep that is reason enough not to update
She's too busy showing off.
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goin' home after a hard days work.

Slime-chan already bandaged crow up, you can see the bandages in the image.
Angel was busy smacking an uppity fox with her fire fan.
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imagine being paralyzed with no pants
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I think my helipad, labelled PAD in pic related, is a bit too small.
What the fuck am I going to do with that space?
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two got injured, so they get cycled back for R&R while the replacements go do the next bounty.

Open it to the road and make it the dumpster area
>dubs bad hygiene
Fuck me.
It's supposed to be a relatively high end area.
I use the infestation spawner that is the ancient ruin up north to dump my trash.
>not having dubs piss'n shit on at all times
lol, what kind of city isn't covered in shit and piss everywhere?
I don't have it either, it doesn't work well with caravaning on vehicles
>It's supposed to be a relatively high end area.
Every animal has an anus, anon.

Could also open it up to a garage perhaps. Since there a lot of mechanical and motorized stuff nearby it, it could make sense to be a utility closet of sorts.
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>enemy armor is too good for tranq darts
welp, time to beat her up the old-fashioned way. Dukes up everyone!
There is just something so comedic about the flat two-squiggle penis of these old animes.
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Stop perving on lil boys, woman:

>male rat
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it's a girl
oh thank god
carry on then.
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Why did you cover it now?
We've seen the previous screenshot
Now we've all seen this rat's vagina.
the name covered it in the last screenshot thoughever
so you just saw a lil' bit
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Is there anything these little niggas can't do?
>he's the only one drinking beer
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crows are assholes
What sexual acts does Angel consider sinful? Is she harsh and only does missionary stopping at the slightest mention of anal? Or does she go the deep end with the stuff like armpits and feet?
>game is super slow
>open dev mode
>check log
>massive wall of red errors
>start reading
>accidentally press numpad 0 (or 1, not sure)
>game restarts
why is this a thing
why would you need a quick restart hotkey
Anything their God does not permit. You just gotta ask what God are they an angel for.
It's only allowed for the purpose of procreation.
what the fuck is this a thing
feel free to try it out
dev mode, and press one of the lower numpad buttons. Now to wait 20 minutes for my game to restart

She an angel for the god of guns
any mods for giving role names to characters or categorizing? Like having "Melee" "Ranged" "Doctor" underneath their names or making seperate columns for that.
the only one I know is "guards for me" which as a side thing allows you to set the titles of a pawn to appear in yellow under their names.
I was sure there was a different one but never found it again.
>She an angel for the god of guns
So does that exclude giving footjobs in her sweet pantyhose or not?
It means every sexual act must end with ejaculation because her god insists on 'firing' guns
thanks anon, i'll give this a try
Thank you. if she marries a guy that's not the starting mole then name him Anon please.
>not sperging about butcher table being in the same space as the stove
step up your game
I saw the paste dispenser and assumed he was using it to avoid food poisoning
Post female pawns in the meantime
erm this female pawn with a beautiful trait wants to join my colony, she has this weird tattoo I haven't seen before though, it's like a queen of spades on her leg or something
Sounds familiar. What's her name?
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Bing Create is fucking shit.
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would you a choco-banana slime girl?
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the doggo girl that could turn people into twisted meat turned hostile :(
Always go with FEMALE PAWIN.
>gross monkey tail
yeah nah
yeah they do that. the other noteworthy outcomes is their organs start to decay, they summon a gorillian sightstealers when they die, or if there's no bullshit catch they just up and leave with a gorillian movement speed so you can't arrest them.
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>She an angel for the god of guns
So anything /k/-Approved.
yare yare... dog girl needs long time correction...
what is wrong with /k/
I do have the brainwash mod installed.
overdosed on /k/et/a/min/e/
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yes! yes!!
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Just like the military, being alone in the woods for too long changes a man.
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>fucking long ass relic dungeon where I'm forced to bring 11 of my pawn
>ready to leave
>pawn loses his shit, walking straight into the infestation
>an other gets a tantrum
>he rushes the horde
Anomaly but good
my penis but all the cat posters are riding it
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Face it, catposters are the most on topic posters ITT.
more anomaly variety. almost all of them are combat focused or intend to lead to combat.
tynan should have gone for the full SCP aesthetic instead of the lovecraftian bullshit. it could have still been the ending, but fuck its boring when the whole DLC exists just for that ending.
not like there's any lack of inspiration
>memetic hazards like the cube that'll spread throughout your colony if you arent careful.
>neutral anomalies that dont actively harm or benefit your colony, but provide an effect that could be extremely harmful or helpful in any given situation. such as a "dark shield projector" that puts a shield on EVERYTHING, effectively forcing melee combat.
>beneficial anomalies that have minimal risk, such as a gear anomaly or an animal never needs to be trained.
>harmful non-combative anomalies that annoy your colonists until you subdue or contain them.
>anomalous tiles on the world map, such as a tile thats always unnaturally dark, massively slowing down caravans as they collect wood for light and fight noctols
How do I cope with the irrepressible urge to fuck blue slug girls?
Tynan made a DLC about the last 15 minutes of Cabin in the Woods. I don't know what you are expecting.
why even bother with the containment then?
the new form of research is lame.
Now I want a mod like that aaaaaaa
The anomalous tiles sound especially interesting and could encourage caravaning
>Didn't read SCP shit
>Didn't play STALKER
>Didn't even read Lord of the Mysteries
>Instead Tynan based an entire DLC around the last 15 minutes of a shitty movie
To be fair, it's a decent movie.
how about you and me get into a discord call and we get you one of those butt plugs that vibrates when I press a button
Are there any mods that make dealing with Sightstealers easier? They completely ignore traps/turrets. The only thing I can do is have a detection alarm go off when they get near certain points. I'd rather be able to take them on before they're right on top of my colonists.
It should have been more subtle and explorative, with an emphasis on running into anomalies in the wild.
Also, common answer but more SCP/LobCorp with having unique handling of entities.
Don't you have flares?
That's something worn by colonists. Meaning they still would need to be super close.
Wall your base, set a guy with flares near the entrance and wait for the sightstealer to show up?
Sorry if I'm having trouble communicating what I mean, but I'm trying to largely automate it like I do with invaders via traps and turrets. Where I don't need to wake up my colonists and send them out to fight.
well my first idea was to make tribal niggerman worshippers but thats not really a thing
infact the game still does not function without electricity and they needed to patch in a non electricity way to even milk the niggermen for bioferrite
you can make a custom scenario where you disable the most annoying events while keeping something cool like the eternal darkness in
What clothing mod?
13 is just the age at which they can start doing all kinds of Jobs, so it's more or less adulthood when the most important thing on the Rim is the ability to wield and aim a gun.
have fun anon
Is there a version of VE pirates with the actual faction and war casket shit ripped out? I want to use that mod that lets you hire contract laborers, but it has VE pirates as a dependency to use the hiring mechanics.
I think the framework has it. Dead Man's Switch has contractors (even called pirates in the UI) and is only dependant on Vanilla Expanded Framework.
>I want to use that mod that lets you hire contract laborers, but it has VE pirates as a dependency to use the hiring mechanics.
sounds like a case of an incompetent dev. the code that handles that is actually in VEF, you should let the author know they only need VEF as a requirement and not pirates
revia tailjob
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>captcha 2rsSTD
>Run it with VE pirates
>It works
>Run it with just the framework
>No option to hire laborers appears
>Edit all the XML files and change the checks for VE pirates to checks for the framework
>It works
Thanks for the tip anons, l managed to get it working just how I wanted, and without all the extra shit from pirates.
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Any mods to nerf VPE powercreep?
I already have https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3265425314
>imagine crawling on the ground like some legless monstrosity
Or maybe shill me some psycast mods that aren't VPE or rimworld of magic.
haven't tried it, but there's A Rim Reborn
I have that on my radar, but having actually played ffxiv I can't see myself using it in a colony that isn't centered solely around other xiv mods from that author.
The main that mod does is stop you from turning silver into power while decreasing total wealth. You only need 1-2 schools to insanely powerful(and keeping powers learned low is better for being able to navigate the UI).
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No dying
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Wake uuuuuuuuuuup
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>still no 1.5
why 1.5
they haven't even fixed the performance issues yet
Implying that Tynan gives a shit about performance and will even do anything about it
By "they", I meant the modders, of course.
Oh, of course
Chop chop, mod slaves, the game isn't going to fix itself
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Unfathomably based. I unironically almost run the same thing under the same motivation. God I love Akasawa REDs succubus tail vore!
Kill yourself.
Can someone drop me a link for a modlist if you have one? I want to play a militaristic conquest type but my mind gets fried trying to put one together.
Is nal facial animation suppose to crash your game when you load a save?
haven't tried it in 1.5 though
Works for me.
Works on my machine.
depends on what the crash is.
your problem is either vehicle framework's memory leak (if its an actual outright crash or the game freezing) or a bad load order for universium, rimnauts, and SRTS (if the save fails to load and you get booted back into the world with everything comically buggy)
>tfw still playing 1.2
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Sounds based
This is peak fantasy.
He would if people stopped dickriding him and his low quality DLCs
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>*Adds subpar features already done better by mods made years ago*
>OMFG my lord Tynan is so smartu and amazingu praisu lord tynanu
We're still not at Bethesda and Blizzard fandom levels of brain rot yet but the current state is certainly not good at all
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>mining uranium right under nuclear reactor
should I be concerned?
why is the girl from that one asanagi doujin mining uraniun in the first place
Even life on the Rim is better than what happened there.
It's the good timeline where she was never corrupted, ended up on a colony ship and crashed on a rimworld
She knows a thing or two being drilled hard and deep for material reward.
get corins modlist. i used one of hos versions in 1.2 i think and it's really good for roleplay. he posts it from time to time.
Well, are the Owlchemist continued(s) safe to use?
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also i gotta commend these two. despite sparrow being a psycopath, he never cheated or broke up with kitty in all the ~30 years they've been married.
What if.
But with hexagons?
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forgot to turn off rjw debug mode. turns out rocketman messes with rjw animations
>done better by mods
>the mods in question:
>requires oscar's bloatware framework
>whittle down your tps with amateur coding, only noticeable after putting 20 hours into your colony
>has a slight chance of bricking your save entirely, increasing with every in game year
>somehow incompatible with your window mod
Yeah, great mods
>>whittle down your tps with amateur coding, only noticeable after putting 20 hours into your colony
Oh hey that's vanilla as well
the 1.5 update (not anomaly, just 1.5) has a performance impact worse than a rimworld of magic. the 1.5 update is one of the slowest rimworld mods ever made.
I run vanilla expanded framework in 100% of my colonies and play 10+ years without any tps issues.
But then again I don't use garbage like HAR gook/chinkshit races or rjw.
Skill issue
Also, the mods are free, the DLC are not. If you're not a brainlet you can always optimize bad mods, see performance fish, rocketman, custom mods on Dub's server etc.
So the good ends are organ decay (unless you're a tribal hick), and sightstealers (provided you don't let them die, ever).
Also I could swear I did capture a leaver too, but lol-unwavering, and they berserked constantly leading to their death before brainwipe.
*adds semen to your mailbox*
Just get a garden ghoul or two.
since they count as pawns, they'll aggro sightstealers.
since sightsealers are weak as shit, even baseliner unmodded ghouls will shred some before going down.
If you got a horde on your hands you're gonna have to micro anyway just as any large raid that downs your turrets or lolpods into your hospital.
Honestly I would argue that a better way to nerf VPE is to keep psytrainers and turn off experience gained by meditation.
>>whittle down your tps with amateur coding, only noticeable after putting 20 hours into your colony
but enough about the DLCs
that's a valid option too. and a good one. keeping psyformers and anima trees worthwhile
I always nerf the meditation exp gain, since I felt they advanced too fast, to a fragment of the default.
But even after said nerf psytrainers felt op.
This is because of the fact you can get any path unlocked through them. even ones that your pawn can't naturally unlock. as well as the fact you can get the top psycast of a path right away
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oh no... my tps...
Time to pre-bake the balut.
Chicken lovin'.....
Larry is sad!
Please find Larry a gf...
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He had one, but then I forgot that Larry was a pet, not destined to be slaughtered.
Now he has a loli (guinea pig) girlfriend.
Life is brutal but im happy that he has another love interest that he can hopefully bond with.
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Buy the boomrat plushie, you poorfag.
Also, the game is 20% off.
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Oh, thanks
>No DLC bundle for Ideology or Royalty
what did Tyrone Sylvester mean by this?
>Mahogany is significantly harder than many other commonly used hardwoods, which makes it an excellent choice for flooring. This superior hardness contributes to its durability and longevity, meaning it can withstand the wear and tear of high traffic areas without deteriorating quickly.
I see. smart
is she a riveter?
I NEED to mating press Rosie on the bed, the carpets and the sofa
Rosie is just your average bookworm... nerdy and weak. Her twin sister is trained in firearms and protects her against any vile raiders...
moar mods like LTS furnishing?
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forgot image.
>Personality type
What cursed mod are you using?
What's next? Some gook mod with abilities based on blood group?
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Its just for roleplaying/flavortext purposes. I dont think it has much actual ingame weight/utility.

Decorative Clutter
Un-Furniture (continued)
Uncle Boris used furniture
Extra furniture
>personality type: architect
keep human boys far, far away from her.
who knows what she'd do to their bodies...
I'd get one if I wasn't Russian.
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Do we have a proper (subterranean) Z-Levels mod yet that uses the original systems added by 1.5?
I think I read something about some future Vanilla Expanded mod adding something like ruined malls with electric escalators or something? Is it true?

Also, what about mods that add proper roofing into the game that isn't just a cost-free zone/layer?
I know Expanded Roofing (Continued) exists, but it's starting to feel a bit outdated by not.
I believe that's 1-2-3 Personalities
thanksies fren
I'd only use 1-2-3 Personalities if it had full integration with other vanilla systems, but as it stands it's pretty much just flavour and barely changes pawn behaviour with the second module.
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Is it actually glow in the dark because if so that's pretty cool
Why are you Russian
Because my father died when I was 2. My family would have most likely been out of here otherwise.
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My colony after three years starting with only children. Definitely going to finish the church and build an actual workshop/storage room before the year ends.
Don't worry about all the blood, that's from some wasters who got fucked.
Fuck I'm sorry Anon
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Seems it is:

Glowing Boom Animals mod when?
how does this special fabric work
It gives you cancer. Hug tight.
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Archeotech magic
ITT, we:
>play with dolls
>hug plushies
also we:
>put onahole on boomrat plushie and fuck it
why is performance analyzer so complicated
there's like 500 tabs! I just want to know what are the things that are ticking the most
I've tried a $80 onahole once and couldn't put it in
it was an awkward experience to say the least
Have you considered buying non-loli sized one?
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It's up.
You sick fucks.
I think it was normal, but probably way too soft?
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lmao the trees
>angel girl and slime girl are collectivelly eating 100tps due to constant resource ticks
Should have stuck to Biotech xenotypes, lmao.
I bet they both have superclotting
harmony patches tab is what you're looking for
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
No. But I have kissed a male pawn today
Have you?
I self-insert as the female pawn
>Rosie is just your average bookworm... nerdy and weak. Her twin sister is trained in firearms and protects her against any vile raiders
well anons did choose Zen over Setsuko so nerdy and weak girls seem to be a trend
Define 'female'.
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W-well, age of consent in the Ratkin kingdom varies around 14~ years of age, so if anon wants to wait two more years for Rosie to hit 14, then who am I to say no to what she wants to do with anon.

Before that however....
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>raiding need
>execution need
>lowered reputation
>crafting quality decreased (!)
seems fairly balanced to me
I don't plan to sell organs by the way, only scrubs would do that
Is it worth it? You might catch the plague kissing her.
No. I haven't played Rimworld ever since Elden Ring came out.
they are biotech
the angel girl has a unique "grace" resource that ticks constantly and the slime girl is constantly ticking about
>unique "slime" resource
>bodysize changing due to slime's unique mechanic of changing size depending on how much slime they have
And slimes have superclotting too lol
I knew I was right to remove nephilims for my current playthrough
>the grace gene constantly ticks
welp. i was going to use it as a metabolic boost, but i guess not. time to ripscan the nephilim i was farming, dump the genes, and remove that mod.
Would giving all of your pawns the never sleep gene improve tps? The game should no longer be checking for sleep needs, right?
I bet that instead the gene just spends more ticks refilling the need bar.
>A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics 2
anything you dislike or known issues with the mod?
I want 25 variants of eye implants. Get to work.
The slime gene is indeed neat, a shame that to do this trickery it eats up your tps.
Imagine a full colony of slimes lmao
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anon I'm not the dev
just asking because sarg's mod is 1.5 only since he's a bad person
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No idea, I use cyberfauna instead since it seems both more compatible and less bloated
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I'm not fond of mini components, and the mod appears strangely active even when nothing on the map has animal prosthetic hediffs
The mod also lets you restore permanent injuries so maybe it's looking for them
Just uninstall analyzer.
Ticks aren't real when you can't see them.
It's a significant improvement over the original. The only issue I know of is that the damage of the bionic limbs doesn't scale with the original damage of the animal. I would have asked that mod's dev to look into this, but I'm afraid that's me, and I'm too busy with Elden Ring at the moment.
I understand
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I've installed vanilla outposts expanded, so that instead of having people here in the base eating my tps doing nothing but researching and making food, we're going to establish forward operating bases that will do this for us.
Now to decide who's getting sent to the farm (not a metaphor) and who is staying.

Ham ham is definitely staying as she's the wife of Adam, the leader.
Lline is suffering from paralitic abasia so she gets to stay until she's healed at least.
Ham ham sells her body to traders when Adam is not present.
oh you saved Skit. Nice. Now send her away for a long, long time.
delet dis

might as well, besides the ability to turn people into meat her stats are kinda terrible
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I've decided to keep these people.
The decision was carefully made by looking at adam's social tab and picking the ones that he liked.
Has Ham ham ever accidentally spelled out her favorite customer/trader's name while having sex with Adam?
What mods in this would affect pawn carry weight? The modded armor (fallout power armor) that is supposed to give extra carry weight doesnt give the carry weight. Same with the saiyan mod saiyans not giving carry weight.
rentry c8ddya4r
stop spreading baseless rumours

that's cause caravan carry weight and inventory weight are different. You have to go in qol and add the proper carry weight modifiers.
VFE also messes with carry weight iirc
I have never actually used qol. Do you mean edit in the mod options somewhere or in the character editor?
Vanilla furniture expanded fucks with carry weight? How the hell does that even happen???
with qol you can just go to mod options, click "qol" and go to a piece of apparel or gene and add the correct stat.
Most mods don't ever add inventory carry weight so if you use stuff like sidearms or pocket sand you always have to mess with qol to get the proper values.
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For anyone playing with biorats does anyone else get this error?
Right clicking on the bench doesn't show the prioritize tailor button so I can't use it.
Er sorry, I mean Vanilla Expanded Framework. They should really name these better.
Part of RIMMSqol, which you should definitely get comfortable with using.
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>4 dependencies
>not mere integrations
Yeeaaah boooooy, it's VE gaming time.
Looks fine though.
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time to move camps again.
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since when are raiders complete freaks
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>64 yo revia virgin
well she's incapable of caring
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>64 yo revia virgin
I'll fix that.
>colonist gets humpshroom addiction
>VPE can't handle it, pawn instantly becomes a psycast god
Coom consciousness.
If you have the sex meditation focus mod, humpshrooms are ridiculously powerful focus points
>steam sale happens
>every dlc is 10% off except for anomaly
>base game itself is only 20% off
brabo tynen
Little Mint has finally become an adult and her cuteness has become widely accepted.
Also little Snowdrop has found some grey flesh, I wonder if anyone nearby possibly dropped it?
ok i'm gonna stick a grenade inside it
lore accurate boomrat plushie
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Do I really need to wait until another pawn is infected to do the surgery? Quite annoying honestly.
If you have an idea of who might be infected, arrest one of them and interrogate them (in the prisoner settings), and your warden(s) will try to force the metalhorror to reveal itself without needing the surgery.
Dumping loads of semen into thrumbos
Dumping loads of semen into female pawns
Dumping loads of horse semen into Corin's barren womb.
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yeah that did it
Dumping loads of wastepacks into tribal colonies
Is she okay?
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She will never recover from this
Dumping loads of semen into Revia tomboys
Dumping loads of semen into Revia femboys
revias are a female only species
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a cat is fine too
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I agree with the catposter.
You only think that because the Revian males are so utterly feminized that you cannot possibly tell a difference until you get the pants off
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be quiet
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>pawns pick the absolute worst spot to leave the map when caravaning
I really need to get that "choose your exit" mod, Jesus Christ.
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Camp #3 set up.
Now to bounty hunt some more.
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there are no revia males
the defs have the race's pawn types hardcoded to always be female
fuck off faggot
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Gender exclusive xenotypes are very cringe and very gay.
catposters confirmed gay.
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Bringing the new gal illine with a looted gatling gun, lets see how it goes.
I expect she will hit exacly nothing with her 6 ranged skill.
just shoot more often
moar dakka
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catposters can't even post ribaorld cats, for shame.
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the enemies draw close, the mole and hamster draw hanzo steel. I mean cryo steel.

she hit one shot out of 10 so far.
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btw is superclotting bad for tps or something?
Cause I just realized hamsters (Ham ham and llline are hamsters) have superclotting.
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She doesn't fuck horses and her womb is NOT barren
There's a 50% discount code on the first page of his book, you just need to buy it
correct. she fucks thrumbos and regularly gets bred.
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bounty #2
Oi mate, been meaning to ask which mod you're using for those faces, they look hilarious
That is not what I read in the news, and the imperial newsjournal never lied to me before.
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>be real fast
>but only on paved roads
>okayish carrying capacity
>shit armor
I don't know what I expected. At least I won't have to rebuild one ever again.
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8-bit faces
>believing the imperial basedjournal instead of the daily imperial
top lel
Toxos noooo what are you doing? You're too sickly and frail for a revia wife she's going to shatter your pelvis
>he doesn't read The Sophiamunda Times
Imagine reading fake news.
aren't those two girls
yeah, but do you really think that'll stop a revia?
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And he calls catposters gay.
The one time I did a run with Revias they were super aggressive towards their spouses and social fights were not uncommon, which the Revia would of course easily win.
but that's gay

>catposters think there's only one person posting wildly different colonies itt
New Thread

yes it checks for injuries all the time in case there is clotting to be done
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Recommend me _ _ _ _some______ mods. How's medieval overhaul on 1.5 and can I do anomaly content with it?
ANy patch notes for 4136?

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