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Poppy Playtime General #12
Full of Love Edition

Previous Thread: >>481742450
/i/ Drawthread: >>>/i/781633

>Play Poppy Playtime

>Official Twitter (MOB)

>>Show Bibles<<

>Playtime Adventures

>Smiling Critters: Friends Forever!
>Let's Hop to the Moon!
All the polls so far

Favorite Critter: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYXplYpye

Favorite ships: https://strawpoll.com/mpnb1a1wEy5

When did you become interested?: https://strawpoll.com/PKgl3LWX1np

Your age: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlGK4Jye
do...do bb's glow?
The game hasn't explicitly stated that they work for the Feds, so technically no.
No, unless Sawyer had CIA connections.
Huggy is pretty tight lipped, he could be an agent, and CatNap does share some Mormon qualities
He's also pretty thick-lipped too, if you know where I'm going with this :).
>4chan try not to be racist challenge (Impossible)
>Where do you think you are?
Idk a place to talk about a video game and some cute gay ass critters? Not somewhere to act like some edgy retarded 12 year old?
More art from that discord summer contest

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Wish I saw this earlier so this could've been the thread art instead

Still going with the beach theme, I see?
It feels so weird seeing the Huggies with their mouths open that much now that I think about it.
Also the artist of the top one didn't do a good job of conveying that Kissy is wearing a dress, she has that American female physique going on
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All of these Afterlife AUs have no explanation as to why the humans that were Dogday and Catnap have their BBI forms in the afterlife.
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They really don't need to explain that? But regardless, the majority of the toys don't have memories of their past lives, they truly believe they're the characters they are now (Look at Mommy) The kids spiritually (not literally) died when they got transformed
one of these things is not like the other
It's hard to say...
I think Huggy and Boxy in cartoon depiction have the teeth, but I can't recall any official art where they do
And everyone has the maniac eyes, so it's obvious they're meant to be the BBs but the artist didn't do it for CatNap?
I dont blame the artist, BBI catnap is hard to draw.
I want to speculate on Huggy's pre-experiment identity, since he is the only main antagonist who doesn't have one.

Judging by the fact that older Experiments like Poppy and Proto have their memories and mental functions intact suggests to me that either
>The process to create the toys became less sophisticated after creating the Prototype
Unlikely, since the Huggies and Boxy are the only BBs who can't speak, so it could be
>They were intentionally made that way
This begs the question of why? Why would you intentionally design them to be inferior? We know they needed them to be loyal but did that require a hit to intelligence? Well no since the Delight's were loyal to the company, so loyal that they didn't question the fact they weren't teaching the kids anything useful, just company propaganda. And they were seen as a genuine threat to the toys because of their loyalty to the company. So loyalty and intelligence have nothing to do with each other.
My very best guess, is that Huggy and Kissy were exceptionally young by the program's standards. So young they hadn't even learned to talk, let alone think for themselves, just reacting to whatever stimuli they receive. It lines up with their behaviors that they behave purely on instinct instead of with any reason- no matter how deranged, and they do exactly as they are told without questioning it. They were, probably, literal babies when they got created. That could be why our guy feels so guilty about them, they're actual infants who had a negative chance at life, everything they could've ever achieved and the joys they could've experienced was whisked away before they truly knew it.
Daily Delight

also found out 4chan doesnt have webp support
god I hate webp
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Now Miss Delight would never eat people, she knows they're extremely unhealthy
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My favorite type of Daynap art: Crafty gets cucked.
Don't bully our princess
>My very best guess, is that Huggy and Kissy were exceptionally young by the program's standards. So young they hadn't even learned to talk, let alone think for themselves, just reacting to whatever stimuli they receive. It lines up with their behaviors that they behave purely on instinct instead of with any reason- no matter how deranged, and they do exactly as they are told without questioning it. They were, probably, literal babies when they got created. That could be why our guy feels so guilty about them, they're actual infants who had a negative chance at life, everything they could've ever achieved and the joys they could've experienced was whisked away before they truly knew it.
Makes sense, people also believe that the mini critters are also feral in nature because they were very young before getting turned into toys. It is also possible that they just fucked up just like what happened with Bobby, and the reason why some BBIs are better put together is because they were made at a later point in time after some experimentation.

Speak for yourself Craftyfag, we're here for the gaynap
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Based artist doing all the less common ships

1 2 3 4,
I declare a shipping war!
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Dangerously based poster.
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Since it's 5 (or 6) more days until the end of the month, I would like to bequeath to you my edit template.
Have fun shooping!
Glad I'm not the only one who has thought of a FFXIV job for the critters.
Huggy if he republican
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You think just cause its been like 3 months I don't still have this?
Dad and baby
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I almost thought Kickin was holding that flashlight with his tail for a second lol

Here are NotGlue's socials again btw



Because that's who they associate themselves with now. None of the kids have any real knowledge of their human lives. Like, Catnap MIGHT know that he was named "Theo" at some point but anything beyond that is both unknown and irrelevant to him. The others don't even have that - from their perspective, they are literally the characters themselves. So it makes sense that in the afterlife, they'd only appear as the characters.
>Dogday wanted to be the hunter
He's so desperate to be a huge edgelord.
I mean he's an American cocker spaniel, which were bred to be hunting dogs
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Kickin ships my beloved

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Holy shit you are still around.
I'm the autist who's been posting all these twitter links, I haven't gone anywhere lul
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I'm just going to say it, and I don't care who it offends. The devs fucked up because there's no bathrooms anywhere deep in the factory. Like none. That's bad world building. They don't have to be accessible but there should be some doors throughout the chapter that clearly tells you this is where people pissed and shatted. However over the top evil Playtime Co is supposed to be depicted as, they'd experience significantly less productivity if their workforce was shitting themselves because they're deep in Playcare a million miles away from the toilets in the Huggy Wuggy lobby. So simple is simple as, the devs need to do better.
Chicken soon
Do you think half the sociopaths in charge gave a single fuck about where their employees (slaves) had to go to take a piss when they were busy trying to become God?
Yes, but he's scared of lightning. He can't be a good hunter if he's not prepared for every eventuality.
What's he getting up to now?
Starving, dying, y'know the usual
If employees poop their pants, number will go down and there's a chance that a Huggy Wuggy with a Kissy Missy neck tie thing ends up being sent to shop instead of the incinerator.
Kissy seems to have a close association with trains.
When we first see her cutout it's in the Gamestation, she's dressed like a ticket collector and her lines exclusively are her playing as one.
There is also her relocation, which happened during the HoJ and saw her loaded onto a train bound for Playcare to help sure up security.

I just think this connection is neat, and that she's very cute. Predicting that since there is a system for trains to get into the factory that Kissy will find and reconnect with us using said system.
Who's made the better Reverse Smiling Critters?
Pachi or Eggritos?
Yeah, Kissy did the train conductor thing before certain raccoon.
>Pedophile or someone annoying
Gee, I wonder who made the better characters?
Toys exist to be toyed with
Toys have no rights
Both suck for their own reason. The common one being that in neither makes sense for them to be "friends" let alone an ensemble.
>A literal shitpost
Add the Catholic Flag of the Kingdom of Jerusalem
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Well I already had this edit handy from a friend
I didn't know Pachi made any
Come on everyone! What are your Chapter 4 hopes and fears?

Huggy returns
Huggy is dead
Overall I want answers, how does the toyification process works, what is the Prototype, why is the PC there. I honestly would hate for the story to just end with no answers at all. But I'm not sure if a stupid answer like remnant could be worse. No, actually something like we are in limbo or in a coma would be way worse.
I hope the prison is full of fucked up half finished abominations and I fear the prison not having said abominations
It would be funny if he somehow evolves into a butterfly-dog hybrid that can (again, somehow) fly.
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If only Lune wasn't so autistic and they didn't almost completely drop their SewnTogether au. It could've coexisted with Morning & Mending...

The animatic they made still goes so incredibly hard

They got popular enough to have their own music video
Dude, they got popular enough to be content farm slop
What does catday have a hand on his tail?
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so she can hold more coffee, obviously.
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How would the Critters shrink and grow? Any logic behind that?
The artist who drew these >>483438307 made a video showing their art of all 28 possible Critter ship combinations lol

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I love these designs for the boys

Funny I considered for OP
Might be the worst Poppy design yet
lmao nice
I dont get it
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Probably some form of stretching and compressing their bodies as needed. We know that Huggy can do similar.
Which PPT girl is the cutest?
Why is he like this
It's one of the oldest and I like it, really captures the whole "40 year old poser midget" side of her
She's an unaging doll, not a 40 year old prostitute
It will have to do. Thanks
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Those smiles are the smiles of a bunch of mischievous little shits that are up to something.
I feel like this is a rip on some real toy but I can't name it
We need Daddy to make an appearance. I don't expect him to be alive, but new notes and tapes with him and Mommy would be appreciated. I actually expect him to be a part of the Prototype already, dangling right next to Mommy. If the toys inside the Prototype are kept alive somehow, then that would also provide an opprotunity to see them interact.
If he does appear it's gonna be the case that Playtime Co forced them to be together against their will or some shit.
Best boy. He deserves the world.
No that I think about it, The Prototype must be living in hell. Not just because he's a giant monster living with unending pain, but because he has to babysit all the retards that died. Imagine having Mommy and CatNap in the back of your mind constantly, screeching and fighting with eachother like children.
I'm still not sure if the other toys actually follow the Prototype, I'm not sure what reason they would have to do so.
You know, it was about high time someone actually drew the crossover with this. What took so long, anyway?
That would be such a wasted opportunity. They could easily make Mommy a more compelling villian by making them lovers. Heck they don't even need to be lovers and they could do what you suggested, just have them be co-workers who are on friendly terms but aren't really in love. Mommy makes a big deal out of being alone, so including a backstory of the closest people to her being killed would add to that.
canon btw
He's the star student.
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While some people here want to automatically forgive her because of the kill or be killed scenario she went through, let's not forget Delight was evil in her own right.
The sisters were created for a simple purpose, they were the teachers for the kids in Playcare. However we are told through the notebook that they were employed first to teach company propaganda to the kids so they're turn out to be obedient little consumers. We also never find anything really advanced within the school that would contest this or would suggest kids got more than the most basic 2nd grade education alongside the brainwashing.
We also can't discount the fact she was an employee, deep enough within the company to know about the experiments and willingly took part. So she would by extension know about the torture and maiming going on, all done on her students.
Now she isn't the most evil person, she makes no mention of her human life and seems to genuinely believe the others are her sisters, and she asks if the children are safe. This implies she cares about them and has forgotten her role in the experiments and the company's evil, however she could also be trying to save herself. Near the end of her tape she speculates that CatNap assumed she'd kill the kids. This goes one of two ways, either she thinks CatNap doesn't trust her when she'd be fine around them, or she was looking to finish them off. Obviously, the answer dictates heavily where she stands on the moral compass.

Hopefully we get more notes from her, or she appears again. Her body is missing if you enter the school again, and the halls are so tight I have a hard time believing that 1006 could actually fit inside there to grab her. Not that she has the frame to be any use to him, I can see where Huggy or CatNap could maybe be replacement backs and legs to help him move more efficiently, but Delight is so tiny in comparison that she can't be used for anything.
Are you insane or do you just think its perfectly reasonable to think these women were working for playco as normal employed teachers and willingly let themselves be turned into toys...? The only instance of a toy being someone who willingly volunteered that we know of is the older man who was going to die from a disease getting turned into Bron, and he clearly did not know what that actually entailed.

The Miss. Delights can cleanly be compared to the "Joo Dee's" from Avatar: TLA. With massive levels of brainwashing involved (Before or after the toyification process)

Also the kids are taught "propaganda" about the company, but only to a certain degree just so they view it in good lights and stay loyal. Many of the kids do actually get adopted, so they can't just be taught nothing or else it'll come back at them.
Needs more edge.
You just know Bubba is that kid who's smug about being the smartest in the class.
He's the group smartass, of course he's gonna be the teacher's pet.
needs teacher correction
Why is the cartoon version of CatNap portrayed as talkative so often? Supposedly, one of the complaints about him was that he NEVER talked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfvTIB1iuQQ (Go to 10:25 .)
Anon, if artists cared about canon then they wouldn't make jack shit for this game.
To add to this, CatNap and DogDay in AUs don't feel like CatNap or DogDay, as their basic character traits are unappealing to anyone trying to write a sad and gay love and reproachment story
>Doesn't like or care about anyone but the Prototype and himself
>Insane but not sadistic

>Not much to go off, but his is disgusted by CatNap and his god and wants to be the line of defence when things go wrong
wtf Mommy
Mommy went for that B Bee C, didn't she?
Please tell me I'm wrong, maybe he's just adopted.
They're all fanmade except the actual BLL. The only bee we see in-game is also a girl.
Absolute kino
Post more of these kids drawings, I find them amazing
>Their basic character traits
My brother in Christ Dogday was left chained up dying for who knows how long and then "Died" within 1 minute of us meeting him, and we've only seen Catnap speak like 3 sentences at most. We have no idea what either of them were like before the hour of joy when things would've been more "peaceful". Can you not tell the difference between the bigger body versions and the cartoon ones btw?

>Doesn't like or care about anyone but the Prototype and himself

Its wrong to say he doesn't care about anyone but the prototype (I doubt he cares about himself either) the kids at home sweet home warmed up to him for a reason, and he was very protective of them. He idolizes the Prototype because "he'll save US", Catnap wanted everyone to be saved, but slowly become more insane and obsessed with the Prototype, to the point of killing anyone who'd go against him.
>Can you not tell the difference between the bigger body versions and the cartoon ones btw?
I was mostly refering to the heaven AUs where the line is blurry.
Kickin looking good!
Their marketing budget seems to be pretty small compared to the resources committed to their actual games, they can only afford to hire one person to manage their X and YT accounts. This it goes to assume once that guy finishes announcing the Critter plushies, they will start work on the first Ch4 teaser trailer.
Well, even if it was just one guy I dont think posting these images once every 2 or 3 weeks takes a lot of time, not to mention that the pics seem to be provided to them by CultureFly, the people who make the plushies.
Why didn't the toys bring guns to fight the Player?
Honestly why don't security in Playtime Co have guns?
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Didn't fit the theme they were going for, they wanted everyone to feel infantilized as much as possible so they'd be less lilely to strike
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So the whole bigger bodies thing started because Playtime Co wanted slave labor, but what the fuck are the mini-wuggies, mini-critters, and PG Pugapiller supposed to do?
In fact, I don't think any of the toys have helped cut costs in any meaningful way.
>Huggy Wuggy
Stands around the main foyer. He's security but Playtime Co already has its own security team. In fact, they have a security team on payroll because the bigger bodies might try to escape.
Disposes of employees who are potential wistleblowers. Another big investment borne from them starting the project.
Looks after the orphans
>Bunzo, mini-wuggies, and PJ
Tests the orphans in various attributes
>Catnap, Dogday, and the other critters
Looks after the orphans in Playcare. Catnap uses gas to put the orphans to sleep.
>Ms Delight
Teaches the orphans
>Kissy Missy
None of them are handling Huggy boxes, or stocking shelves, or assembling the toys, or anything. Most of the bigger bodies toys seem to center around the orphanage specifically to help make it easier to make more bigger bodies toys. Everything else seems to remain the same cost-wise or is now more expensive.
Interesting question, thanks Marvin
>>Catnap, Dogday, and the other critters
Thanks to the notebook we can't be sure what anyone but CatNap did. He did his orphanage job, but the others are stated to just wander around the factory doing whatever they need them to do.
>>Kissy Missy
Her relocation tape mentions she was being moved to sure up security in PlayCare in prep for some experiment. So her job was probably like Huggy but she moved around more.
I think there is a better explanation, they're lying about the cost thing. The actual goal from the heads of the company seems to be to just do the experiments for the sake of it, trying to obtain eternal youth and enhanced physical form. Stella says implicitly she wants to live forever, Pierre only cares about his experiments and new technologies, those two are officially the highest up on the food chain you can get, and the former sounds a little unhinged while the latter seems disinterested in making toys. It's entirely possible that once Ludwig died they took inspiration from him and shifted gears fully to making the experiments. They sunk everything into them, it's why the SCs didn't just die after the CatNap incident because the toyline was so closely connected to their work that killing it would affect the project. They created monsters that looked like toys to disguise them in case anyone asked questions and to make the job of luring in kids easier. Really the entire factory in how it was run screams of a bunch of autists and schizos getting control of a company and running it into the ground, everything not related to the experiments was neglected and they were already on thin ice with the public, their employees and the law.
He technically isn't dead while he's chasing us though. You can hear him gargle and cry out some words during it. The Mini-Critters are just puppeting him
That makes a good deal of sense.
More merch slowly rolling out.
This figure has to be the best one so far.
They also made more keychains
Are these meant to be paperweights?
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Who made these? I want them to get Jakks to make toys. They did an amazing job with the Bendy figures, fully poseable ball joints and great detail. Some Poppy figures of that quality would be awesome to see.
>Who made these?
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Who wins an eating contest?
Didn't Delight eat all of her possibly hundreds of sisters?
They gave them tazers. Also probably didn't want to harm the BBs simply because it would be a waste of resources.
Because literally nobody thinks a non-talkative Catnap is interesting. Even in-universe, since it was an explicit point against the cartoon versions that led to the show failing.
Why would there be hundreds of them? We only ever see like 10 in the HoJ anyway
is picky okay
Sassy Kickin best Kickin
More commonly used to take up space in landfills
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Rip Hoppy

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bobby also got deleted
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Eggritos verison
It kinda feels like the artist already started another drawing and repurpose it for the summer contest lol.
B-but Crafty's coat is basically hair on her body, not her skin.
How does that even work?
Now she ate everyone but hundreds is a little much. Has anyone counted the bunks and cradles in HSH? The average classroom in the USA has 20 students according to a quick search.
At my school the way it was done was you had a "homeroom" and you'd switch throughout the day to different classes and teachers who'd teach different things, though this is the elementary schedule which seems to be how it's done here. So for every 20 students they'd need 1 new teacher to manage them and teach the subject.
If anyone with the Chapter could please go through and count them I'd appreciate it.
About the Delight dilemma, you would only need seven of them. One for two grades (One Delight for grades 1 and 2 as an example), plus preschool and kindergaden. The 8th one would probably be a principal.
In the best way possible
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This thread blows
>Truckusaurus Rex
Finally, the perfect toy for 5 year old boys everywhere.
>SDCC exclusive
Shit like this is why we gas the cats.
craftycorn plush if she real

Are we the responsible adult of the gang in game?
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Elliot Ludwig when he's told that toilets have to flush by pulling down the lever and not by solving a mini-puzzle with the grabpack.
Having to shit with your grabpack on sounds horrible.
>Official shotglasses exist
That is a very impressive suit.
Did Mommy hate Poppy? She just snatched her and locked her up above the Gamestation, she didn't say anything about her after that initial greeting. Yes she comes off as sarcastic and hostile, but she doesn't seem to care about Poppy.
It looks like the Singapore Expo outside there.
LORE https://youtu.be/06eI3Ri697M?si=JAM4sDxd3VRn0Au6
gonna buy one and pair it with the resident evil village whiskey
>The player was a high ranking employee at Playtime due to having his own office in a flashback and Mommy/Ms Delight recognizing him
>The reason Huggy was in the hallucination is because the player was involved in some way personally with Huggy's creation
>Huggy in the escape video was standing near Elliot Ludwig's house where that kid's body was found
>The text messages you get when you die are from the toys, as they only appear when being killed by the toys and not due to environmental hazards
>The toys in some way are under control of the Prototype and tell the player to get up so he can stop the Prototype
>The game will end by burning the factory to the ground. The toys can't be saved, and they know it, and implore the player to burn it all
>When you zap catnap he's shocked by the green hand, then he breaths out red gas and this causes him to catch on fire
>Early in the chapter you divert the gas from one canister to another, this sends the gas deeper below. The factory will be down from below
Personally I'm not convinced by his view of Player/Huggy
1. If the player is so high up and responsible for Huggy, he would also be responsible for everyone after Huggy. Maybe Huggy was his first experiment but I don't see why that cruel use of medical science should outweigh others.
2. It seems unlikely that the CEO of a company of the size of Playtime Co would still be living in such a humble abode. A bit subjective and maybe it depends on Ludwig's character, but I'd imagine he'd live somewhere much nicer.
3. This means when given the chance to be free, the bigger bodies will bee-line towards where their bodies were last found. It comes to question how Huggy learned his real body is there. A more likely scenario is that's the house the kid who became Huggy lived at as a kid prior to being an orphan. Or maybe it's just the first house Huggy came across between the factory, the surrounding forrestry, and that neighborhood.
4. There's the question as to WHY a kid's body without organs was found at Ludwig's house to begin with. Playtime Co has labs and medical wings needed to create the experiments. Hard working as Ludwig may be, it wouldn't make sense for him to bring something as damning as a mutilated kid's body over to his house.
Personally I think that was planted there by one of the employees. Maybe even by the player, trying to act as a whistleblower over what's going on in the factory.
The other stuff he mentions seem reasonable. It makes sense the player would be a higher up and watching a let's play of Chapter 3, Catnap does indeed burst into flame when he breaths out red gas and not before.
This has interesting implications about Project Playtime in the timeline and how if the factory is burned down and bigger bodies are dead at the end, then Project Playtime has to be a prequel. Maybe even just before or resulting in the events of Poppy.
Given that Project Playtime is about gathering parts for the Bigger Bodies Initiative, it could be that everything is burned to the ground in Poppy but then don't worry, Playtime Co started doing this shit and remade some of the toys in a different location too.
Also the first Huggy chase being what's in his nightmares could be because that chase was the most traumatic. It was the first chase against this abomination that's trying to eat him. By the time he got to Longlegs or hell, even PJ, he's already faced off against multiple of the toys. It may be less scary for him.
I hadn't made the connection of Huggy with the dead kid's body, but it makes so much sense now that it could be his, the entire nightmares section is building up to him so it could all be about him. I've also theorized itt about why we are connected to Huggy but we just don't have an answer right now, it's obvious we are but nothing yet explains why he is so important to us. And I didn't know that tidbit about Huggy going to the house.
I think the ending theory is plausible, not my preferred choice but it's a likely candidate.
> If the player is so high up and responsible for Huggy, he would also be responsible for everyone after Huggy. Maybe Huggy was his first experiment but I don't see why that cruel use of medical science should outweigh others.
See above, they'll probably give us new info soon or in Ch4
>There's the question as to WHY a kid's body without organs was found at Ludwig's house to begin with
Elliot was long dead by the time Huggy was made.
>This has interesting implications about Project Playtime
Project is reaffirmed in the Notebook to be a prequel.
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Extremely morbid but also interesting concept.
The idea was passed around a lot right after the Chapter released, it was fun too.
I can see the idea too, the Prototype only needs the upper half of Catnap to get the red gas and discards the lower half, then after losing Kissy Poppy decides to save Dogday to get a new bodyguard.
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I've saved so much art I can't even find some pieces I'm looking for
Would anyone have that piece of Delight dragging the Player's body then sleeping with CatNap?

Found it

Thank you very much anony

For reference it didn't take very long to find by just searching #Catnap #MissDelight on twitter
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But it was all a dream...
>the internet is srs bznz, okay?!
I swear this place is starting to sound like Twitter more and more every day.
I do like how the world isn't just the SC in the afterlife, but it also has its own weird little spiritual ecosystem that functions on its own.
This franchise blows
This anon blows.
>We'll never see CatNap on Zamination
This is truly the worst timeline
Don't worry, I'm sure we'll make do with some GameToons or whatever is on the menu now.
Female Boxy Boo is canon?
Yes, she's a skin from Project but is her own character
I wonder if we should include her as a character in the PA Show Bible.
It's implied that the Boogies were the low level factory workers that the BBI was supposed to create to help cut costs. Directly from the book:
>He loves music and he loves to party! But he also knows when it's time to stop partying and help with cleaning.
We see lots and lots of Boogies throughout the game, always strung up or torn apart, the only other toy that gets this universal hatred is Bron who we know was a worker.
Boogie Bot also made his debut in 1993, making him the very last toy they ever created and probably the very best they could actually do. His creation might've signaled that the program had actually started to bare some fruit and it was only a matter of time before they started expending it further, which now put a time crunch on the BBs trying to wreck the factory.
>The Roblox manga releases in 4 days
I know it isn't a lot but I'm interested. If anyone can scan it would you dump it here?
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What's Y/N?
"Your name" Its what artists use as a placeholder to show where your OC would go when you pay them to have them draw your OC in the art
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While I'm nearing the very end of the alphabet in regards to Delight art I have in my folder, there's still plenty(?) left. I do want to take a posting break soonish since the non-SC art output has been slow recently.

Speaking of SC-Art output, I won't really be able to easily find new art for the next week since Monkie Kid S5 just released and my feed is filled with spoilers I'd like to avoid.
But I'm still here
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What will happen when Huggy and Kissy actually interact in-game?
People love pairing the trauma buns together.
That's a very cute name for your ass, anon.
After a lot of time to really think about it, I want them to just throw an entire amusement park into Chapter 4. I'm afraid that the devs are going to try and go into a more grounded and serious direction, it's a natural turn after people praise them for the darker tone. But it doesn't feel right, I don't think replacing the outlandish and large locations with twisting and cramped hallways will make the experience any better. Having these little bits of fun in the factory like the train, the dome, and pit, it adds some cartoon insanity to the setting which makes it more enjoyable.
I wish I had Bunzo doing lewd things to my ass.
That could be very fun.
Ch3 speculation was fun
>this channel again
bit of a hot take but I would prefer it to get more industrial and soulless as we go deeper and the mask slips away I would like the monsters to go In a similar direction as well being failed experiments with overgrown flesh bursting out of the plastic shells and creature's designed for function over appearance never intended to be seen by anybody other then the people working in the portion of the facility they dwell in
So has anyone here ever been on the Tumblr ask blogs?
Are there any ones you guys like?
Never used tumblr, how does that work?
oh yeah, that
tumblr ask blogs still exist?
There should be an "ask me" section on the top corners of a blog somewhere. You should be able to figure out the rest from there.
Surprising, I know.
There's still quality art being made there, and still the usual tumblrisms and faggotry pervade on the site.
Not as much as it once had, of course, but these days it's really just a culturally-less virulent version of Xwitter.

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