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Successful Reworks Edition

Previous: >>483251125

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Rain Shepherd] Milio and Fizz
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
has any1 else not gotten a single esports drop recently
I'm gonna try xin zhao mid today
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I'm madly in love with a fictional woman...
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>pass gives a shitton of chests but barely any keys
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they've been EXTREMELY stingy with it this year for some reason. i've "watched" (afkd) LEC/LCS/worlds/msi for the past 4 years and i gave up on doing it anymore this year because most days you won't even get a single drop. i have to assume it's bugged because otherwise the nerf is just insane.

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when will yasuo let his hair down like this
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Briar won
the model would look so bad though
it would but he'd be hot
ae idk if an1 eva told u dis but you have autism
its tru
u make this post every day
nothing else can explain it but autism
im sry u had to find out dis way
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actually it could also be ocd
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I got tested for it and surprisingly I don't.
yet you still post this every day
what lead you to test for it really? it cant have been that
What roles / Champs everyone playing these days?
shes a hasbeen

get her outta here
>briar won
>even doe everyone stopped caring about her once the bunny was revealed
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i queue as fill, but rengar jungle and renata support. i'm looking into replacing rengar with naafiri jungle, though, but we'll see how that goes. i'm not sure if it's doable/fun.
i ban nafifi
>ugly noxian-jinx
>true autistic princess
after playing Briar for so long it feels kind of crazy to play a champion that doesn't take control away from you... it's almost like I've taken off my training weights
you don't have to be autistic to ritualpost. it's like how many people have catchphrases. it's just fun for them
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why? nobody plays her and she's not that good.
Nice, I think they put some recent buffs in for her to go back in the jungle. Renata I can never make work on SR. ARAM she's goated if they have 2 champs that go forward.
i play zoe mid sometimes
>naafiri jungle
they're letting her jg again?
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what is the best role and why is not top lane?
i wonder if it's viable to build her for low cooldown autoattacks from her w paired with low cooldown E
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She won a skin!
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I did not realize I was winning so much
>that Vi winrate

ignore the J4 wr that's trying damage builds and limit testing
>saying mirin about your own self
what is wrong with zoomers
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i noticed and tried her out on practice tool a little after the patch went live, but i think she's still a little lacking clearspeed-wise, especially when it comes to taking objectives. to be completely honest and also to answer this anon
(yes) and i really think they should just commit to making her a jungler and balance her around that instead of trying to make her a viable laner. ad assassins don't really work as laners too well because of their itemization in my opinion. just give her the ekko treatment and get her out of lane and into the jungle and i think she'd be healthier for it.

that's understandable
big ego what can I do
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>try playin that elden ring thing
>spend 3 hours on character creation
>give up and go back to league
riot employees get paid to do this shit, not me, what a shit game tbdesu
can't you google character sliders to make a cool character
Not too familiar with her damage output but she seems like she needs set up in lanes to get anything off. They are keeping an eye on her tho if I had to guess
and shoes, finally!
i tried to make jin from samurai champloo but it was way too hard and there wasn't any good hair for him
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I started practicing adc again- I really like xayah. the role itself is quite fun I like having reliable damage since I'm used to skillshot mages
I want to start playing singed again but it's been years and I know I'm beyond rusty so it's intimidating
she has won enough to earn herself the best shoes a monstergirl can have. be fair, please.
I just lost to naafiri mid because I have no idea what this champ does.

I still don't care enough to go to lolwiki and read desuu-
same as it ever was
I'm madly in love with a certain lolg
at least her toes are still out
when will he come back
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uh oh
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i don't think she has anything keeping her tied down as being a solo laner. if anything, i'd say her fundamental issue is that she's supposed to be an assassin yet her burst is quite lengthy (landing both Qs) and telegraphed (her W altogether). to be completely honest though i don't know where i'm going with this or how this pertains to the laner/jungler discussion either way but i just hope she gets some more jungle monster damage in a future buff or something, like sylas got recently.

i don't know who you mean sorry anon
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ai kat
and if it is?
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Song of the thread: https://youtu.be/Lmyd9LTkpfk

Be the schizo you wish was in the thread, anon.

>Watching League of Legends
It's so boring!
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Elden Ring sucks balls. I played ages ago and came back to it because of the DLC and I remembered exactly why I dropped it within 5 minutes.
>walking down path and huge enemy teleports in out of nowhere
>start wacking him
>each hit deals maybe 1/50th of his health
>get hit once and lose 80% of my health despite wearing heavy armor and having lots of health statted
>I can hit him once, maybe twice before needing to back off so I have enough time and stamina to dodge
>he unleashes 6 swing combo with fakeouts which I have to dodge 6 times before I can hit him once again before he unleashes another retard combo, no stamina
>if you back off to heal he jump stabs you from a mile away or throws shit at you
>half the enemies are so big that I have swipe at their ankles and the camera is so close I can't see what they are doing
Its just tedious. But I suppose thats part of the HARDCORE appeal.
be my gf
anyone on NA add me and we can play.
I'm a girl so don't be weird

r u a girl
Damn boy thats some nice vi play my guy
I'm in the same boat, I started practicing ADC/ bot lane in general. haven't played SR in years consistently and the rust is real. I used to play mid top but I wanted to give adc a try. Been doing twitch / ziggs for ad ap.
no you won't come join us on rdrama
the game is made with the assumption that youre going to look up a guide to learn the op builds and strategies and pathings etc etc so if you arent the kind of faggot that does that its pretty terrible
you don't need to have an email just come say hi https://rdrama.net/signup?redirect=/, we collect many schizos who do similar things to you!
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>Feet still showing but shes wearing stompers
David won
blacked poster why don't you like me come make friends on rdrama
I dunno, I went in without knowing dick all about the game and still had fun. Can't speak for the DLC tho because I tended to farm people and level up when I was stuck on a boss.
can they rangeban this guy already
can people keep harassing blacked poster to be my friend on rdrama when I am not around
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teamdisparity on my team no way
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I need to find some more Aurora images to add slurs to
she is the most 4chan champ they've ever made
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I made her with a fidget spinner
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who will i make mad
you're supposed to make bait believable
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remove? as in from the game? needs context
yeah just remove it from the game in general due to , uniqueness, funness (opponent AND yourself) and specific balance for that champ is hard to balance beyond theme
A rotating roster for ranked would be cool. Have maybe 60% of the roster available for each split.
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>remove yuumi, lux, smolder and naafiri
BETTER IDEA! an angry jaguar should remove your face instead.
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well, there's lots of extremely unique/fun (which i define as taking skill/opponents having outplay potential) ones in the remove category, such as neeko, gnar and vel'koz. on second thought, i surprisingly agree with alot of your picks, atleast on the remove part. one question, though, why is kindred in the change part? what would you change about them? or better yet, what's wrong with them in general in your opinion?
no come tell me on https://rdrama.net/?sort=new stop ignoring me
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If Briar got removed I'd be sad
please sit on my face
you would be crushed to death under the immense weight
Change Vex how?
This makes me miss Zaunties.
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I still hate Seraphine has a concept the most. However the champion I dislike the most in the game is Ezreal.

The quality of players in the last few days has dropped tremendously. It's weird.
make her say the n word
>she is the most 4chan champ they've ever made
that would be draven
based vanguard killing the euw clique and na trannies
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As is tradition
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this but unironically. also, post your hairline.
it makes me kinda miss blindpick because that was like a toned down less intense norms mode which is perfect for getting back into the rhythem. it has since been replaced by quickplay and somehow the people there are even more sweaty and angry than ranked for some reason
seriously, why are they so mad kek
I accidentally raged out loud cause my team mates lack the basic brain function to look at the map during a team fight
you mean reddits sweetheart?
that champion is synonymous with reddits beloved loltyler1 thats not 4chan
>Have to play five fucking games of normals before I can get back to ranked
>This already after a 15 day ban

Fuck riot the CPP cock suckers
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good night, /lolg/!
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still no
they think vex is balanced around anti melee but she's just better as a squishy bursty reset mage that role hasnt really been filled
i missed u
What's up with all the Yoricks lately? He's easily my most hated top laner but normally I don't ban him due to my logic of "okay well I'm gonna play vs him once every 100 games, feels a bit wasteful to ban him every game" but I've played vs like 5 of them in the last 2 days
I can't stand how Yorick being picked basically makes top lane irrelevant, you just spend the entire game matching him. Yorick picked = whatever team rolls the better 4 members wins. Anyways gonna go back to banning him
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yeah super based, thank God we have this faggot spamming blacked shit all day and night.
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>It's been nine champions since the last skill champion was added to the game
>Now we finally have a new champion with actual skill expression in her kit.

About fucking time. Why does Riot hate making champions that can out play? Naafiri was the worst one, literal babies first assassin with pre-rework Talon level abilities.
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I think it could be interesting but it will never happen. Players would just stop playing if they couldn't play their OTP for a season. The current shake up they do once a year is supposed to keep things fresh but in reality they only really change jungle and middle.
You know... it might not be a lot, you might think it's silly... I mean it's just a few words on an imageboard, it's just a grain of sand in the universe... but in a world this cold and cruel, reading the words "stay positive" to cheer us up... I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's still some warmth and it feels good... not to the point of making me smile or chasing away the bad thoughts and stuff... but it's a dim, tiny light that's there, in the middle if it all. It's not nothing...
>we got lyra at home
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I missed you guys too. glad to see I didn't miss much threadwise nor gamewise
Our ADC went 1/13
now that my love is back my days are much brighter
>"Losers queue doesn't exist"
>Teammates that don't know what Milio's kit does
>ADC's that brainlessly push into the fed enemy laners repeatedly
>Junglers that afk farm all game
>Always stuck as first pick
i just had a zyra jg that was tilted in the pregame lobby, spampinged, and basically just tried to int the game
it didnt work though
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skill issue
does it need to be as long as we're talking about league of legends?
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pom alt account spotted in the wild?
it's always the little things
i wish theyd re enable the capsule drop things, i wanna get the rammus emote
>>Teammates that don't know what Milio's kit does
literally me

>>ADC's that brainlessly push into the fed enemy laners repeatedly
literally me

>>Junglers that afk farm all game
literally me
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why do asian and white women not want you?
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am I gonna be this threads only Aurorafag or will others join me for /our/ 4chan waifu?
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how the fuck do paypigs do it,
all 19 of those rolls were free but I still feel like I got robbed
bardslut was posting her too
the bbc poster isnt an aurora poster he posts every female champion

same thing here
everyone was posting her
>enemy mid picks malphite
>sylas is a champion I own
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thats why I'm wondering if I'm the threads only Aurorafag
I'm fine with it desu shes a qt
what makes one avatarfag better than another?
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shame that no one picks yuumi/lulu with draven even doe those are the most fun supports to play with
its not about being better mostly just being consistent
bardfag is named after bard but doesnt post bard
look at swainfag, rakafag, namifag, morgposter

the niggerspam is subhuman their posts arent actually posts so you can ignore them
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I love Lissandra!

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my waifu folder expands
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>"I mainly play support in League."

Yuumi can be fun. It's weird how she can be weak with many ADC's and then there are a couple she makes extremely overpowered.
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Play zoe, perhaps.
be my Yuumi irl
zoe just feels super low impact even if i really like her design
skill issue
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>Queue in alt to practice some jg
>It's another episode of hard stuck mastie tryhards in gold to his heart contents but runs down a completely winnable game when someome actually good outplays him
>Repeat 3 times in a row
Meh, i'll learn in another ocassion.
>smurftranny malding that he got exposed
>learning anything on an alt
lmao, just be honest that you want to smash noobs.
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Have they announced any upcoming prestige skins? I have enough points for one but if nothing interesting is releasing I will probably buy Senna's. I wish Riot would bring back the Louis Vuitton collaboration. I was in a country with horrible internet at the time and missed it.

It's because her kit is problematic and hard to balance so Riot left her in a weakened state until they rework her. I feel the same way about Senna. Even 40 minutes into a game often it feels she doesn't do enough damage to justify her slow ramping.

Your floating magical cat that talks?
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>Queue in alt to practice
also clingy and always by my side
But norms aren't hard enough and i don't like being wrecked by 8kk mastery points Lee Sins
why do you post ahri now anyway?
Bot lane mostly smolder and revisiting vex support after not playing it for a while
is that you zaunite
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finally took the Tyler1 pill and ran it down mid and dropped trans suicide stats until I got perma banned. Im free. Im finally free.
the tyler1 strat is to have a kid and settle down in a happy life
also post screenshot or it didnt happen
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These days it's just Talone mid and secondary Garen top if I have to till Aurora comes out for me to try
>NOOOOOOO you can't just tell the internet your ex friends girlfriend had an abortion that she tried to keep secret noooooooo that's going too far
see you in a week
she only plays smolder in supp role though doesn't she?
No I was playing smolder even when zaunite was here
talk about league faggot
okay, well, will you be my gf anyways?
just took my meds, goodnight
cuckxanna heheh... (sylas is volcel)
okay I had success when the enemy jungler was squishy I just walked in a fucked with him but if it was warwick or some tanky shit I struggled
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yes she is
shes autistic unlike any other champ in the game
>i don't like being wrecked by 8kk mastery points Lee Sins
how the FUCK do you think you're gonna get better
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its so depressing looking back on my games today and knowing i could be 5w 0l instead of 3w 2l if i had just 1 semi-sentient being on those teams. why am i the only person such dogshit happens to?
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What's the build and rune page for Sion if I wanna focus on constantly split pushing?
I'm gonna dox you and see how (You) like it
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Briar owes me sex.
play a different champ sion sucks
cute teeth
How about Garen then for a split push build?
How about a champ that requires 2 hands
only if you're me
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Lamb won.
what did you do to earn it
>Don't want to try hard sweat and worry bout LP
>Go into some norms
>Our Mid is iron 1 vs Emerald 1 (Last season Diamond 2) mid laner

This is why no one plays this shit game
fun build: triforce > profane hydra > collector/LDR depending on if enemy team is tanky or not > the one you didn't buy
win build: bamis cinder > unending despair/abyssal mask depending on if enemy is ap or ad > the one you didn't buy > overlords bloodmail
for runes take grasp with either build unless you're vs some champ who's wincondition is to lock you down with slows ie darius, olaf, nasus. Then you can take phase rush
I dont like playing norms because people are a lot more toxic there, i can go 0/7 as rammus and my team will be like "its fine" in ranked but in norms ill get told im worthless and a waste of air or somethin
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nuh uh
Post more Kaisa blacked you useless fucking nigger, nobody cares about Evelynn or Aurora
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your rune page depends on your lane matchup
grasp demolish (second wind or boneplating depending on matchup) unflinching Baus says overgrowth is shit because you already are stacking health but idk
secondary doesn't really matter but biscuits + approach velocity is goated
COWARD! just build bruiser and you'll be fine.
he's good (recall whenever you want, clear waves fast) but I don't know a build that takes towers fast. I like PD but it gives no AD and it really shows.

Jax and Trynd are still the best splitpushers in the game. I'd say Fiora too but I can't win on her anymore
Have a really big crush on her.
You didnt make shit. IA faggots are starting to think they actually have some talent by typing shit on a keyboard
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nice, I got top damage! really the game was all brand he was on top of everything. I felt a little guilty I couldn't make time to visit vayne however
is uh, melee botlane the new thing?
That build is so bad sis you are going to die instantly to any champ with any % dmg whatsoever
youre so cute my love
I'm retarded and forgot the second rune page
the grasp runepage is for matchups where you can actually lane.
if you can't lane and need to proxy, phase rush manaflow absolute focus gathering storm
secondary is demolish conditioning

yeah you're not supposed to build all of them, these are just all the options you got
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Okay, in your opinion what's the most raindead champ to play?
I was having this discussion with 2 friends like 30 minutes ago.
One of them thought that Garen was the most braindead champ
Another said that Malphite was the most braindead champ
And I said Trundle because I honestly think that when you're playing Trundle the game basically plays itself
What would you say is the most braindead champ?
It's objectively yuumi and any other answer is some smug nerd emoji trying to be quirky
It doesn't matter how braindead random point and click top laners are, they have to walk around, they have to farm, they have to dodge abilities
udyr and it's not even close
your gameplay loop is only
>spam skill > two autos > spam skill
that's his kit.
yuumi has to aim a skillshot so she's automatically harder than udyr
that's not enough otherwise she owes all of lolg sex!
Garen unironically
no, she does not have to aim a skillshot
you can most definitely win games and have a good score without hitting a single yuumi q
nice contrarianism tho. maybe ull grow up someday
August himself said the whole point of Yuumi is for your friend who just started playing a week ago to be able to pick her and not make the team lose by default
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TFT is so comfy but I feel retarded talking about it
it's like playing a kid's game
not implying League is a big boy game
it's just that every single Little Legend look like something out of a cartoon for babies
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lets get this shit Aurora simps
Just use default river sprite
Today i learned more about how to play rammus into gwen, thank god baus exists
you still haven't answered my question? >>483357975
>if this champion doesn't use the main tool of his kit it doesn't do anything
>August said
yeah it teaches newbs how to aim skillshots
put the same guy on the magic hobo and he'll actually get worse at the game
>haha *my* reply will be the one to finally epicly own it!!
just stop, report, and filter
goddamn tourists
another day another dollar

live laugh love i am the only constant

my gameplay strongly affects the outcome of the games im in:
[X] Strongly Agree

(vayne got 9 kills straight through me her real score is 0/12)
I'm happy to know that they're replying to him, it means we're still getting newfags
>Managed to do the most damage on the team as Senna
I was super surprised! She can be so fun but feels really inconsistent!

Leona. You right click the enemy and spam all of your abilities.
how did you even lose this
>lil bro gave up on irelia and just abuses malzahar now
(vayne got 9 kills straight through me her real score is 0/12)
>doesn't know the difference between tan and brown.
that anon is right though. replies should be discouraged because it goes nowhere and only shits up the thread
>instantly gets an ad while clicking your stream
thats how twitch works, you use to be able to turn off ads now you just cant
wow, you think we're stupid.
can you control how often ads play on your streams?
no you can always add more but you can never reduce the amount below the minimum

I think youre stupid since youre talking about something you have no clue about but everyone else can look it up and understand
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yeah, he can.
miss fortune and caitlyn are really sexo but I don't enjoy playing them that much. I really enjoy playing vayne but I don't find her that hot
>Yone wearing crocs
hahahah based
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Alright then dipshit, please inform me with your infinite wisdom how I can turn ads all the way off?
where here does it say I can?
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wdym vayne not that hot

she's hot and batshit insane

she's perfect
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stop roaming and get back to bot you fucking retard
I don't like glasses on women
you crocs wearer?
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Love Briar
Simple as
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Nah pic related is my choice of footwear, I just think it's cute and need crocs wearing gf.
I'm really handsome so I am allowed to be picky with girls
click disable preroll ads.
post skin color
if you dont want preroll ads you're going to have to manually run them every hour or so, probably like in between your games or something
your 2 viewers should all be using an adblocker though, i havent seen twitch ads in years
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which skin do you wear

You think the feeling is mutual?
ik ik I just thought the general was completely dead after Vanguard
I genuinely feel relieved
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I think crocs are ugly on it's own but that's wife so it becomes okay. He can wear anything.
>Now we finally have a new champion with actual skill expression in her kit.
Suit yourself
sadly i think its people too dumb to recognize when he occasionally switches up his posting style to get replies, new or not
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look at these juicy thighs
>Yone wearing jammies
What I wouldn't do for Yone and Kayn to get pajama guardian skins.
whats your problem?
the problem is they aren't wrapped around my head
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>manually run them every hour or so
oh is that really unavoidable? I really wanted to become an affiliate so I can doodle cute emotes for people to use, but I don't want to annoy anons with ads
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Soraka my cute wife!
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Aurora stole my job
are you feeling emasculated because you are the equivalent of a league brony
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I'm surprised Riot has never tried doing anything like Pajama Guardian again where it's alt versions of a skin. I guess the gimmick didn't do well enough for Riot to try it again while chroma's succeeded.
nta but i like being emasculated and i play league
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butt how cute is she

I feel you sis im unemployed too :-SSS
being a sex slave isn't a job, dumbass.
>giving yourself (You)s
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sup butticorn
riot mashed that gimmick and the chromas together then slapping a 200 dollar price tag on it
I seriously love those skins so much. They were too cute so riot deicded nah, back to lunar revel, soaring sword, divine whatever slop skins. ;(
May I have a bite of that banana?
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nami is cuter
not me
I just want a cool pet who follows me in Howling Abyss
WOH!!!!!! strange fish,,,,,
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that's what nta means anon
I guess that's a fair assessment.

Remember when Riot actually had quality control for their skins and canceled a batch of skins? Now they release shit like Infernal Karma.
yup, they're required now
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butt don't call me that

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Butt how do i play irelia
why do people always leave immediately after they shit talk in chat
No, but how about you get up for some league?

Fish Nami is pretty cute but this >>483374360 Fish Nami is the cutest.
play safe
>No, but how about you get up for some league?
will do, gimme a sec
because you touch yourself at night
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kill yourself nigger
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Ask me why Aurora won
Ask me why fishe is janitor
I got the "chain loses" tag on my summoner search thing
How much longer til Nautilus becomes an unpopular engage champ and stops getting banned a ton so I can use him in mid-lane?
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-50% discount for the goat today
why are you stalking people
>4 hours later
nah maybe tomorrow
never, he was complete dogshit at the start of the season but he was still very high pick/ban anyways
Imagine this but with Nami and it says
>full of coke!
why aren't you stalking people
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Good. we're gonna take it all.
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butt coke is illegal
sorry it takes forever for me to restart and everything, still coming.
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butt im not selling any :D retard
>Remember when Riot actually had quality control for their skins and canceled a batch of skins? Now they release shit like Infernal Karma.
They also forgot their skinlines had specific qualifications for the thematics. Project being the best example, They're supposed to be humans that had some sort of bladed weapon or gun and like hair so they could make it white. Naafiri should've been in battlecast and Jax definitely did not belong. Mordekaiser and Renekton definitely belonged in mecha. Also why the fuck have they not turned like giant enemy crab urgot into a kaiju skinline? Skarner would be perfect for a similar kaiju skin.
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Hows feel getting owned by the goat

Yeah butt i gotta go sleep now its 7am GNI
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just won as earthshaker
be my gf?
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crazy to think that this game used to have better graphics than league
these characters look gay
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yeah, nothing beats the classic feesh
how's new PvE more btw?
thats interesting, okay so I guess Ill start my stream running an ad and then post
an ad per champ select kinda sucks tho how many intervals need to happen?
I also use twitch adblock I try to get adblock for everything
im not drowqueen if thats who you think it is
lol nice one
yeah the direction they took hats in the game really made it all look a turn for the worse theres some real slop
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>Game goes on so long that your 10.2 cs per minute turns into 8.5
how do I find a lolg gf?
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King stream Street Fighter you coward!

If you could make a wish and instantly have the highest game sense or the best mechanical skill in the game which would you choose?
you tame a sissy and turn him into a girl
>friend is telling me how rammus top is inting and only a low elo pick
sad.. i wish he didnt say everything i did sucked..
I can but its not very on-topic for this general
ur friend is probably dogshit at the game anyways
i can be your new friend jhin and ill tell you rammus top is a high elo meta pick
lolgs for this?
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Become a variety streamer! You don't have to only stream League.
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5/9/14 guy looks the most fun to play. what's his name
I did stream sf6 for the street fighter general for a min
but sure hop back in and I'll do some streets
go meriipu! play Dota
Would someone explain to me why I cannot click on enemies and read their abilities. Even for champs whose abilities I roughly understand, I'm not going to remember exactly how their abilities function. I just want to play Viego without having to furiously google the entire enemy team's champions in the time before the match starts.
to filter dotards
thats pudge, the most picked hero in dota
he's the only hook champ in the game (other than clockwork who is a reverse hooker)
he is fun but has the stigma of being useless sometimes, but if you get some good hooks everyone will love you
is he really..
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>bunny girl has a generic white chick voice instead of a cute accent like Viera or something
trundle is a champ for drooling retards
get a job
you can't use champs you don't own
would you date an Evelynn main?
I feel like that champion attracts either unhinged women or really horny trannies
it doesnt
it just attracts men who have repressed urges to troon out
It's not out yet. But we will soon know.
>unhinged women
hot. to be fair though most league players are unhinged in general
evelynn is only played by elo boosters what the fuck are you guys talking about
This is true in 6'2 buff white dude with a beard but whenever I play Evelynn I imagine myself as a cute girl getting fucked by hung black men
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damn, I wish I had the league installed
Wild rift gets a rideable dinosaur
my friend is saying that sion is actually broken and everyone just sucks at him now
For some reason I was expecting her to have an Irish accent.
the Baj effect
I mean...
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Reinstall, anon! You can still have fun!

I have been!
he hates baus and says that only pro players can play sion bc hes the hardest champ evah
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is this real...?
>thread is 6 hours old
dead game
yeah, that's gonna be a problem for a while
I have a lot of work related stuff on my computer and I don't want to risk vanguard messing it up
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Around blacks never relax

butt 2X KO!! third times the charm....? =D retard

butt i will not reinstall
dead website
tfw no league bf
>59w 38l in normals over 100 games
>win lane every time
>riot refuses to raise my normals MMR from around bronze 3
>queue for ranked, get put in gold/plat lobbies in first games and get shit on in lane because the shitters I play with don't pressure me like that so I don't get any practice
They getting elderwood Lissandra.
It's probably not elderwood but it'll have lots of plants.
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What is your favorite chroma?
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Turns out Riot does rig games
Why did Riot make it so all the most fun champions are best in the least fun role(toplane)
Which female champions would dress insanely slutty if they existed irl I'm talking about tight gym clothes where you can see pierced nipples and cameltoe in public like
youre a man
you will never be a woman
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Have fun!

>I fly like paper get high like planes!

That's okay. Are you playing another game?
Ahri and Evelynn
Eve would be all look but no touch. If you actually tried anything she'd slice your head off. Ahri would actively entice you to do more than look
please be my gf
But like.
>I was thinking this one poppers
That's not my preferred genre but it's catchy!

What are we supposed to be seeing here?
Omg it's Toki. Where is Asuna?
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i will not risk it
why do they prefer bbc??
attention anon, this user is not a woman. this user will not ever be a woman. beware beware beware
Oh ok I will wait...
yes im male i just want a bf
yes aramGODS will always get pussy from cartoons. play arams get good at arams envelope yourself within arams
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Did they nerf Liandries? It seems like it does less damage now for the cost.

Buy another computer, anon! I think you can buy one that will run everything from League to The Sims 4 with all of the mods for $4000 USD.
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Another Day. Another Dollar. (I hate autofill).
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Anima Squad Seraphine concepts and explorations!
-Battle Dove Seraphine
-Battle Sea Angel/Jellyfish Seraphine
-Battle Fox Seraphine
-Battle Squirrel Seraphine

I really wish we got Battle Sea Angel Seraphine
In the better timeline they did :c
Which one is your favorite?
oh ok carry on then i hope you find one and have a happy relationship
left->right top->bottom
built for kneeling before and worshipping her feet
built for holding hands and cumming inside while she giggles
built for sensual blowjobs with eye contact
built for hitting from the back HARD
thank you
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I won't let it access my work data. No way.
That isn't Asuna..
>Which one is your favorite?
The one where Seraphine is dead
>bro just blow $4000 no biggie
what is wrong with you
yknow im beginning to think that my friend isnt actually super good at league and even though he says he's diamond he's like na diamond so basically plat
he is very confident in himself though which is kind of annoying but he's the highest elo out of us so he always wins lane since he's in way lower elo games..
quick how do you do the thing where you move while using aatrox Q
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I love my wife Ahri <3
press the key next to q while q is casting
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xth for my hotwife Syndra!
what makes basement dweller incels spam tatted up anime girls for 20 hours per day for years
Because it's hot imo
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Riot gave first blood and rigged the game in my favor
brainrot its their way of jerking off
all of them if you have enough rizz
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Fuck all of you

oh no... we're just wrapping up with the boys... what region are you? NA/EU?
the only people who think BBC garbage is hot are virgins who's entire idea of sex comes from porn

league of legends
Um no.. Ahri is MY wife and loves me just as much as I love her.
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*sigh* im sorry to say this Ritualposterino, but Syndra is neither hot and your wife.
You're mentally ill, stop playing mage champions
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nice thread lmao
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I wonder if we would go far if we make a divegrass team for the /vgl/, we could have made one when we used to be the most active general on /vg/ years ago
To be fair, this general has the most braindead people in it that I almost welcome him. Fuck this general.
I'm EU!
No way!
She's my wife AND she's hot as fuck too!!!
FUUUUCCCKK imagine a huge white cock sliding out of her tight yellow pussy and it's so tight it's gripping the dick
I agree with that sometimes, like I'm glad a shitty spammer is killing /lolg/
its so funny that shaker is shilling his ahri skin in china, reddit had this narrative that hes some robin hood type hero that comes from a poor background so he hates expensive skins and loves poor nerds like them kekw
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>she's hot as fuc-
>no skin
Vex lost
>implying he plays league of legends
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>this general has the most braindead people in
When did you realize this?

You're EU butt you post during these timezones?

White cocks aren't huge they're 5 inches and ahri isn't yellow she's a vastaya (Bunny race)
Shilling it is part of his job, it doesnt really matter if he doesnt like it
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man what an unlucky game
however I'm happy I finally bit the bullet and dusted off the ol' singed. had a great time despite it all. hopefully I can make more time for him. fingers crossed he's not the arcane champ getting a rework
Just because I don't like her newest splash art doesn't mean she isn't hot.
Yeah! Why?
damn, my nigga MrFortnite480 couldn't carry that mid jg
no shit, it's 8.30am in western europe you fucktard
this is eu hours now
if anything americans like you should be in bed
but we know you guys never do this thing called sleep
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Aurora won

I must go to bed now im sorry syndra
they sleep during working hours (trust me they go outside and have sex they just do it in a different school lol)
what kind of guys do lolg girls like?
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Its summer break incel retard

Black guys
well we know they really dont like ugly mexicans with zero rizz
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Don't go!
But also goodnight.
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Kys retards alt f4

Not even during the break :-D

What bout bloomsbury with max rizz?
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>consistently top DPS with mage kog
why does no one play this?
it's fucking amazing shitting on everyone a whole screen away
Awww he stopped posting :(
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>doesn't mean sh-
gettin asu'd murdered soon
Well ya cant say I didn't try at least
takes skill
most magefags would rather play some braindead shit with a cc that guarantees all of their other abilities if it hits
if you dont know, he is a retard that always does this, since last year or maybe longer than that
he recently got caught posting from a wifi hotspot in mcdonalds located in finalnd
he is severely addicted and possibly dealing with some hidden or untreated mental difficulties
best thing you can do is ignore/report/filter
I know the finnish incel started doing it in the autumn of 2022
I'm not sure if it's the same person nor do I care
they don't
>got caught posting from a wifi hotspot in mcdonald
What do you mean by 'got caught'? xD How does this affect him?
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Well her old base model was kinda bad too, even if the new one's design is whatever.
It is what it is.
My (future) wife is back bros
I’m excited to play league of legends with her feels so fuckin good lads
the nami and soraka freaks gave me a brain tumor
the day they both get shot dead will be a great day
he had to move places and post from like 5 different mcdonalds in a span of two days once so presumably he got kicked out or something
a finn made a post about the ban notifications when he connected to mcdonalds wifis
Seems like a made up story desu. How does one catch someone like this if everyone is anonymous?
what are you talking about?
do you know what it looks like when you try to post while banned?
that's what a finnish anon was trying to do and the page showed that he was banned on the ip due to spamming blacked porn on vg
what's so unfathomable about this?
>someone in Finland shitposted from McD
>it must be this one guy in our thread!
I dunno the full story but it sounds inconclusive.
who bardmom? she's fucking some rich lawyer irl get a grip
this >>483388478
Just seems like a fake story.
so are you really just not supposed to go in range of morde ever post 6 no matter how behind he is
euros are retarded
?? just walk away from his abilities how do you even die to morde
I wouldn't know because I don't get banned. If that's how it works then where's the screenshot?
>he clicks on you and you die to his aoe burn
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>I wouldn't know because I don't get banned
you need to lurk more or go back
morde is a 1v9 champ in low elo at least if he's even a bit fed
basically win lane
Post screenshot?
How about you just leave?
Based, let em know.
it was a post on another board (maybe int) and someone crosslinked it
if someone has it, hopefully they post but I don't save shit like this
So it's fake then. Good meme bro.
>doesn't know how bans work
>hasn't seen the screenshot that's been posted here 100 times now
yes it is newfried
what do you mean he clicks on you and aoe burn his abilities tell you where they are going to land one second in advance
hes the kind of champ thats only playable in iron because of high base damage and players standing still instead of moving away from enemy abilities
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>still no evidence

here you go
there have been plenty of other posts but this was the first I found
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>fun kit
>is a playable league of legends champ
Post it to this general you fucking tard
yeah, you can easily beat a morde 1v1 that ulted you haha, only irons cant do that
do you hear yourself
post op.gg right now
>just get banned because I'm too new to use archives
kill yourself nigger
No evidence yet again. Schizo hours.
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It's honestly bananas how mad they get over nothing.
>post numbers aren't evidence
ok we are just trolling at this point, aren't we?
Literally no evidence I can see in this general. Try again chud.
go to sleep bbcuck
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>newshit can't use an archive
>newshit needs to be spoonfed
leave and don't return :)
you are so retarded holy fuck
and on top of that
imagine defending a blacked spammer
go 0/1//0 in-game
I too can edit HTML and images. Very good.
>spoonfeeding newfags
why does the bbcspammer get so much hate? hes better than the soraka and nami spammers
good thing you have the post number and board so you can verify it for yourself if you aren't a total nigger :)
Hahahahhaha holy shit /lolg/ is the easiest thread to make people mad in

Get baited ROFL
>lol I was just pretending to be retarded is this how le 4channerz troll bros?
It's still not evidence. Cope harder.
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>spamming is le bad
>except when the soraka and nami posters do it, then its okay
why is lolg like this
not a single retarded newfag has ever made this exact same post bro! le troll haha
failed.. it wasnt even him that psoted
I posted evidence but you just mental gymnastics around it by claiming I edited HTML on my fruitphone's mobile brower even though that's impossible lol
gg dieirl
>defend the bbc spammer
>possess dangerously low iq
what's the correlation
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This is how you look. You're so mad over the worst thread on 4chan. This isn't your 'home'. Seethe. Go outside.
I mostly play whatever I feel like.
Typically main queue is support which will be Zyra, Morg, Ori, Janna and Soraka though I'm trying hard not to play Soraka as much.
The secondary is usually jungle which is stuff like Vi, Elise, Sej and Viego.
Or adc which would be Xayah, Cait, or just Ori and Zyra because I've played ADCs enough to not enjoy playing them over the years.
Jungle and ADC seems to rotate in terms of filling low population queues though jungle will require jungle champs I can do whatever champ for bot which I like which I keep seeing people do so in my quick plays anyways and at this point noone seems to care not having an ADC so it's cool.
In terms of the game I want to feel less exhausted because I don't really feel like thinking about work all the time though I don't want to have a miserable time in the game either so I've been doing everything in the book to dodge that the second I notice bad queues roll over.
do you guys watch any female streamers
i only watch one because she's kinda funny honestly
you defend blacked porn
you're the one that looks like that
nobody is mad newfag
I try not to watch female streamers because I end up simping and giving them money. I can't help myself so I avoid watching them all together.

Male streamers are so boring and you're gay if you watch them so no thanks on that. I just don't watch streamers anymore.
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Top lane. My norms MMR is too low for interacting with my teammates.
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Also I need to grind the event stuff for multiple accounts and gather BE for the new champ which I think will be fun to play even after her eventual nerfs and adjustments post release. These are some things that are keeping me preoccupied atm which seems fairly alright.
>since last year or maybe longer than that
been at least 3 years now
>he recently got caught posting from a wifi hotspot in mcdonalds located in finalnd
no he just gave the info away freely to pompom the only guy in the thread who conversed with him
dont reply to tards and theyll go away they are only looking for attention
how do you gently let someone know you foresee a romance queue in their future
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no that's not how I look, this is how you look. Owned. League of Legends.
>no he just gave the info away freely to pompom
nigga... >>483390434
Listen to him, bitchbois >>483391518
Little beta submissive bois.
>bro if I make the last reply, that means I win
fucking based
why aren't there youtube videos about next week's skin sales anymore?
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What do you offer?
>why aren't there youtube videos about next week's skin sales anymore?
Because they're mostly shit nowdays
see >>483391251
Reeks of Reddit. Low elo ARAMfags are the people that think of others rank the most for some reason and play never-ending mental gymnastics to justify themselves as if 'uhh i am actually having fun chud' means anything when you are playing League of fucking Legends. For how much these people pride themselves about actually enjoying the game, they can't seem to get my shiny meaningless game badge from living rent free on their heads.I don't care about you being garbage at the game as long as you aren't my teammate on a ranked match, just please, stop projecting your insecurities on me and making it my problem.
Dilate tranny
this week we had highnoon tf and urfrider corki
it was pretty good I think
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I am a male but I want to be dominated by a man, is that normal? I play league btw
what about girls who watch a male streamer?
holy shit stop replying to him retard, youre just encouraging it more
>Ancient skins from a billion of years ago who already gotten a several discount offers in the past
>"pretty good i think"
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Why wouldnt it be normal?
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What was his angle here? Why all Darius players I've met always go for this extremely obvious lvl 1 middle bush cheese?
Bronze, Gold, Emerald -- everyone is the same. It's unreal.
Because ummm idk
>filename: 'darius cringe'
>playing mundo
>best tf skin in the game
>one of the best corki skins in the game
so, you are claiming that skin sales used to be better?
It's supposed to be "Darius' cringe" but I didn't include the apostrophe.
Also, Mundo isn't cringe. A bit strong due to his Warmog's abuse, but you have unlimited prio up until level 11, it's a fair trade-off.
>so, you are claiming that skin sales used to be better?
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>Also, Mundo isn't cringe
ofc a mundo player would say this, kys
what makes lolg posters either attracted to other men or addicted to bbc porn? this is not good
Damn, sorry Mundo counters your main, I can give you some tips if you want.
>>>>>NuMundo isnt cringe
i dont even play top. hes just cringe
I don't watch streamers in general, I think I did watch people and engage with some people here but most people are incredibly boring.
I've only ever watched male streamers I think, females are the least type of people I'd want to watch in that platform.
I'm just a youtube type of person and will occasionally watch some 3 minute video on Tyler1 that pops in now and then but nothing proactive.
This general is enough in terms of League desu, everything else is my own business and interests.
He plays exactly the same as before but now is only played top and lost his anti-MR tank niche, at least give me why do you think he's cringe.
Pretty normal, yeah
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Poppy love
True. Lolg is by far the worst thread outside of /b/
Only a mentally challenged amerimutt such as himself could get mad at shit itt
Plap Poppy,,,
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Man this general has some of the most pathetic people I've ever seen in my life.
I mean you're here too, what mental illness do you bring?
bbc porn is for closet gays
which lolg streamers were good/bad and why?
make yourself at home then
same, my agp just keeps getting worse honestly
>he recently got caught posting from a wifi hotspot in mcdonalds located in finalnd
>nerd raging in some meme tournament
this guy used to be a fnatic midlaner lol
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Whats wrong with liking men
CHADbelter clears AnChovy, Shaker, keknight, craps, Porkz and shitbeast.
It's just facts. He was held back by NA.
prob bc they're playing a champ that is "good" for 10 minutes and falls off so hard at 15 minutes that they can be 1v1'd by any 0/11 top laner, so they really gotta make those first few minutes count
good lolg streamers? there aren't any
but lolfirestorm is ok
midbeast could solokill him and destroy him like he did with faker, chovy and dopa. shitbelter is too scared to go on the oceania server for a reason
vex briar lover when he streamed
Yeah, but why not stand in the tribush? Tryndamere did a late invade, Fizz is trash level 1, I would basically have nowhere to go.
And you can abuse your early strength by trying to zone me off CS and constantly popping my passive if I dare to walk up with the lingering threat of an inescapable gank, not wasting Ghost after eating a cleaver.
But nope, they always stand in that bush.
- PomPom: Puts on requested music, plays requested champs even if unusual role, put on mic when asked, engages with chat, has bits where he gets frustrated or flustered causing him to mute chat but understandable.
- Merripu: SaltyTeemo but lolg.
- Coach Lewis: Actually communicates and engages with chat, got a mic when had, complains about his game and team slightly but nothing mentally ill for a draven player. No weird orbiting or any drama either.

- King Grey: Barely watched but has jumped at me in lolg so haven't watched, does orbit people and stuff, makes charts, nothing much else to say.
- Firestorm: Barely watched but seems alright and seems to have no drama.

- Bloomsbury: Coomposts in thread and stream, many mental breakdowns (typically politics or race or something) sometimes even lashing out at chat, kept complaining he had no money for food and was starving, donate $20, buys a pack of cigarette, doxes himself time to time, sometimes did stream movies and stuff which was cool, etc.

I can't remember any others..
Something about this game attracts the fem male crowd. They're women through and through and taking e sometimes makes them crazy for guys.
Meant Zoe is trash level 1. She wouldn't help out much versus Trynda and Darius in a hypothetical 2v2.
tell them directly
i kinda want to stream lol one day but id have to voicetrain for 2 years first
i also noticed that bottoms, femboys and trannies love to play adc for some reason (sneaky is the classic example). nemesis got some tranny adc on his team aswell
bratty femboys play top lane, specifically lane bully types
I will main aurora because she basically a viera
Oh yeah Vex Briar Lover was also alright, had a good charismatic voice actually had gf/s before so wasn't such a weird coomer despite playing Briar, engaged with chat quite well then suddenly disappeared.
I remember watching Riddler Shen back years ago, he also had a wonderful voice, though I don't know much about him he did give some precise and awesome explanations around his plays or Shen in general which was kinda autistic but at the same time very respectable. I picked up Shen after and did as he taught and did quite well to be honest.
Both of them are in the good category.
whole list dismissed
I would stream, but I just know I'd get banned after accidentally saying faggot or nigger 10 minutes into the stream.
just delete the vod
grey says both of those words constantly
>accidentally saying faggot or nigger
Are you a child or something? Learn to control and censor yourself.
I've heard bad rumours about him (and that he looks like a crackhead) but I don't know about him that much, I have joined his streams and the above is all I have to say.
Maybe he's a weirdo or something but certainly didn't seem like it to me and his explanation was good enough for someone like me to carry games after.
He is masters which put him above 99.99% of lolg
That's good, there are only like 3 masters and 2 challengers in this gay general(the galio malph dude and pom pom)
nobody even streams in this general any more
back in the days we could say all those things and nothing happened. gaming is not the same anymore thansk to faggot zoomers
Can you not say them on twitch?
I like
Trials - he's super funny and he'll take the initiative to invite you to do things with him, plus he's actually good at video games so hanging out with him is always fun and exciting. He's also a great conversationalist and actually a very sweet self-aware and insightful guy once you get a chance to sit down and talk with him, but sometimes he goes too hard on the sexual stuff and the bad side of his persuasiveness is that he can be a bit forceful, so if you're someone like me who's a little more anxious or needs time to yourself he can be a bit much sometimes. Plus he used to have a pretty bad temper and get mad over dumb things but I think he's gotten a lot better at that
Tazmir phd - He has a really unique sense of humor that's hard to describe, people often try to copy him but it never works and they just end up looking dumb. His experiences as an incel have also given him the opportunity to make a lot of deep observations about society, so he's a good person to talk about philosophy and that kind of stuff with or at least listen to his insane schizo ramblings. Despite this he's a surprisingly great listener, I've always been a fairly private person and I go into these long periods of social isolation when I'm feeling stressed but this part of Tazmir was something that helped me feel comfortable enough to open up even during those times. But recently he fell off hard L
Majin - He's a really really good conversationalist and one of the most emotionally intelligent people I've met but you have to try really hard and dig really deep to get to that side of him, I think he just hates people and being misanthropic has sort of become his default attitude for dealing with things. But once you become friends you can talk to him about literally anything and the conversation will never go stale. He's kind of been on a hair trigger recently though and I got into a big fight with him over nothing, I'm not saying I'm perfect either but he
I wouldn't mind streaming but as >>483394681 said my voice is also incredibly awful.
The only way to recuperate would be have a camera on which I do not wish to do.
Also I don't think anyone would be interested in me playing this game especially as a support lol.
I think I'll stream a few days again and see if I have the desire to keep going
why is it an issue if nobody streams?
>the biggest simps/spergs in the general
>none of which have any lolg egirls who would back this up
okay tazmir
>lolg trannies cant stream because they have deep male voices
you can have a bad voice and its fine, better than being a tranny, no one would watch low elo tranny gameplay anyway its an oversaturated market
call me dr disrespect the way im fucking these kids
I do not like any of the guys here. Non of them seem interesting.
mine isnt deep at all but did you think the estrogen made your vocal chords female or something
>did you think the estrogen made your vocal chords female or something
where did he imply this?
hi rumia
Was just born with a terrible voice, didn't realise how bad it was till a record playback.
no its the one thing you cant just buy like hormones and facial surgery but have to work hard and train so obviously most trannies are too lazy to do it
i guess he didnt really, most trannies have too fucked voices to stream anyway not just lolg ones, i hate tranny voices
do you think tazmir ever scored any feetpics?
being a non shit looking tranny is a lot harder than you think
imagine glazing these losers years on end

wasted, pathetic life
why would vi be a dyke... stupid riot
its one of time, likely trials since he gets the least genuine attention
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/fullmute all
good luck anon!
>Riddler Shen
where did he go
Most of the human population is leaning towards homosexuality. By 2050 almost 90%$ of humanity is going to be strictly homosexual. We're already over 50% of the way there as of April 2024. The future really will be populated by same-sex pregnancies. Behold the wonders of modern science.
nigga go outside
can be a little difficult to handle when he gets like that.
PonyPrancer - My lolg crush <3. He's perfect
Apple Jelly - I don't know I just like him. He's funny
Kevin the Dot - he's a lot of fun to hang out with, he's not really the type to "lead the room" but he will enhance whatever vibe is already there. He has these sudden moments of fruitiness sometimes though, it's rare but I've seen it a few times.
Koiman and Frosty Canadian - like Kevin except less zesty.

Also most of these people have really big cocks, I don't know what that has to do with anything but it's just something I've noticed.

I don't want to talk badly about people but I will name a few that I don't like as much, just for reference
Taebak - he seemed nice at first but he was just one of those people who will throw you under the bus the moment something goes wrong, he thought I was talking about him when I was complaining about our jungler in one of our games and went completely psycho on me telling me to kill myself irl and ever since then things between me and him have only escalated and gotten worse. Taebak if you're reading this you should definitely keep drinking those 2L bottles daily, don't worry about anything and just focus on how good it feels
King Grey - I actually used to think he was cool a long time ago but now I just find him depressing, plus that phase he had a few months ago where he would constantly throw pity parties for himself in the thread and then completely turned his back on lolg when things were looking up for him just to come crawling back when didn't pan out was really off-putting. I even tried talking to him a few times in person but it usually just left a sour taste in my mouth.
Steel - he has so much potential but he'll probably never do anything about it, most of the time hanging out with him is an emotional rollercoaster for all the wrong reasons and it's just exhausting

There are definitely a lot more for both but these are just off the top of my head
If you followed your own advice you'd see that I'm right. Ask 100 cis men whether they prefer their women with vaginas or penises and about half will answer penises.
>missed merripu stream
>cis men
nigga please touch grass
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>can't disprove what i wrote
Like before, follow your own advice. I have data and science and headcanon to back me up.
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At least post porn or something...
glad to see namedrop arc back
why wont riot release aurora already, what are they hiding?
loving these throwbacks and that list had a lolg crush too
almost back to the good ol days we just need some tantalizingly available egirls and were golden
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I feel like I'm actually getting worse the more I play
At first I was good in lane and won the games
Then I was still good in lane but lost the games
Now I'm hugging my tower all the laning phase because of how outskilled I am and I'm losing the game
I don't care about your delusions. you didn't state anything substantial, you are just assuming stuff
no, most men wouldn't say they prefer women with dicks
I don't get why you even used the term cis men either but it gives off "I haven't left my basement in months" vibes
>Kevin the Dot
literally who
now I want a list of egirl reviews
and dont be a sissy and post who you are too so I can tell if its trustworthy
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>At least post porn or something...
there are no egirls on lolg and there never were
I'm actually a top level scientist.
>why is it an issue if nobody streams?
humans are social creatures. even the loners here came here to begin with to talk to others
Any gapes to post? @_@?
I gapped your mom when she queued up against me
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No problem!
>be bottom
>queue top
>get gaped
why are they like this
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Post Lämb
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yeah that was nauseating
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start then
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Aww schucks I was hoping you'd post hole.
im so fucking ill
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Why are there some images that I can't post?
I don't even have an error or anything, the file just isn't sent and I can't post anything with this image attached anywhere on the site, it's been happening for a few specific pictures which aren't even NSFW
>noo i cant post my blacked edits
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Just a thing 4chan does sometimes. Those images are cursed and now you have to lift the voodoo with a sex ritual.
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it's a regular ass image
does it mean it has something embedded into it?
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Don't play if you ain't in it to win chuck.
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i have to reinstall because working out doesn't feel the same without the incoherent rage of a thousand mentally ill downs syndrome irregular chromosome count niggertrannies making the most anal "sex" retarded plays on the rift coursing through my veins
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I have a tranny friend I play with. She's very cute but very toxic and bad. I love her. What do I say to make her my gf? Who should I main to make her love me?
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>turns a 8/10 skin to a 10/10 one
riot-kun.. please bring it back..... just one more time
i need it on my other acc :)))))))))
pretty please i beg you
just flame her until her self esteem is destroyed. trannies are more likely to suck you cock when they are mentally broken
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Go anon!
dogshit skin even with the chroma
you do you
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I just found out what my supports have been doing all along
Anyone else in their 30s that has this weird pain in their chest when under stress or getting mad?
>client installs vanguard
>it fucking changes my desktop background right in front of my eyes
what the fuck is this shit
it's time to quit grappa
this game is not worth dying over
This game is worth dying over.
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you are now part of the great nation great man!
if you move over you will get a gov issued wife as well.
not in my 30's but I eat fast food, drink alcohol regularly and never exercise
I don't want to be that guy but playing any other adc after draven just feels too easy
so why play draven?
oh because he does like triple the damage of every other adc early and the only "hard" part about his kit is rightclicking on a highlighed area.
When does the new champ release
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because I fall asleep playing low apm champs
What's his counter? If he cheeses one or two kills in lane and comes back with a bf sword, hits are like 25% of my healthbar.
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>eat nothing bad
>diarrhea gank happens in my botlane ride before dragonsoul fight
>chose toilet over 90% chance of winning the game
>spill half of it before making it to toilet
Today god have taught me a lesson. Never again will i betray team.
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>heres 10 chests, cant give you any keys tho haha might want to buy some if you want to open them lol
fucking money sucking company. this is naked shameless capitalism right there
not in my chest but i get it in my neck and the back of my head
supp gap
the only counter to a snowballing marksman is having the better support
draven can't do shit without a support most of the time, outscaling isn't really an option for him
if you are afraid of draven, just don't pick low range ands or be extremely careful early few levels if you decide to play a mage into him
I love this game
drinking coffee strained through seraphines used panties
Which human male (or hybrid, looking at you Sett) champion is most hung?
early signs of a future heart attack. start working out and make better life choices.
Then I will play more back.
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Your favourite champ.
What sort of person mains Katarina?
Talon duh
draven is easy to counter for anyone but the adc
cait, kog and ezreal are probably the best picks into him
he is also very bad against mages but he has really good lvl 1-2 (only time when mages are not broken), so keep that in mind
the early bf powerspike is rough as fuck. try coordinating a 4 man on him
trying to catch axes means he has less time to look at the map and he isn't particularly good against dives
I remember when ryze was the league main character and he got like 3 reworks in a short period of time.
the only gimmick about draven is catching his axes and thats it
you dont need to hit your e if you position correctly, most of the time its for catching people
w is just a steroid
r is conditional and most of the time its guaranteed anyway
unironically a simple champion to play, you just need to not go full ape mode and int and track the jungle (basic skill that any adc player should know if they want to climb)
no real skillshot, has good dps and doesnt gets hard countered by any champ except jax and nilah and you can press to peel them off since they are in your face if they want to auto you
Thanks for the input. It's rare to face him these days, but when I do, it's otp smurfs. I will remember those strats though.
1/12/X 15cs in 30 minutes matches eastern european intlords
>daily draven seethe begins
jax and nilah don't hardcounter draven but 50 other champs do
To me I think Shen is as hung as I'd like for a man, Garen and Darius proportions seem a bit too much.
youre right, the only counter to draven is the drooling player behind it
thats why they seethe and cope all the time
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if a draven main first timed any champ in the game they would perform
if a non draven player first timed draven in ranked they would go 0/10
no, you can't play the game if the enemy has a skilled anivia ashe asol blitz braum cait camille ezreal gwen hwei janna jinx karthus kayle kogmaw lillia lulu malphite maokai milio nasus nautilus olaf orianna senna seraphine singed swain syndra udyr veigar wukong xin yasuo zilean or zyra
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I miss when the flow of the game was slower
I miss when people didn't care if we didn't have a jungler and we had dual top lanes all the time
I miss when there was just a few specific champions with dashes and blinks
I miss when we could play any type of characters in all the lanes instead of being reported if you don't specifically pick ADC marksman in bot lane
I miss league of legends
Are we ever going to have fun again?
Eat up new Ionian/Half-Ionian champions and you will have fun, goym!
>claims to know anything about draven
>thinks that nilah and jax are one of his bad matchups
why are they like this?
Certain mage picks have been and continue to be perfectly viable choices in bot lane
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With league of legends as a game? probably not, but who knows.

With the setting, characters, and fanart? Absolutely, yes.
>With the setting, characters, and fanart? Absolutely, yes.
Straight up letdowns aswell
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Only if you keep following Riot's shit.

Make your own stories. Or just do what most of this general already does, and fantasize about the champs.
press flash, too hard for you?
push and invade
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I don't know how people can just play game after game all day long... After one game at full focus I'm beat...
>111 games
I'm sure you aren't cherrypicking the patch/role/elo!
Why are they all brown except the white mean antihero guy and the white ridiculed man?
bros, i'm sóying out so hard right now
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why is she so bad at the game?
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happy now nigger?
or do you want me to cherry pick it by setting the rank to emerald+
i wonder how much money the ahri skin has made, it's probably obscene
no, I mean if you play in iron I can see why nilah is a hard match up for draven and anyone else
I'm sorry for assuming your iq
I wonder how many depressed sacks playing league to think about something else had one too many bad game of losersqueue and killed themselves with "defeat" still flashing on their screen.
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i accept your concession
now go back to iron since you like to project a lot and see everyone as your equal
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/lolg/ greatly exaggerate how hard Draven is. I find Vayne way harder as a mid/supp player. I just don't think his axe catching gimmick is not as hard as people make it out to be.
I don't think he is broken or anything but he is annoying to play against.
cool, now check any other patch for the past 5 years
now watch them talk about how a lux main is *insert insult*
i dont want to embarrass you any further
you can do that yourself if you want to
its ok everyone makes mistakes :)
next time make sure not to comment on stuff you've 0 knowledge on
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>his axe catching gimmick is not as hard as people make it out to be.

People say that...?
It's just a mini-mind game like kata's daggers... you can somewhat bait with it, but it's mainly a position that put you in danger somewhat, but... it's not hard to catch and it's generally just a bonus...

Draven always seemed very easy mode to me. You just run people down with a built-in resetable ghost/as steroid and your special trait is that you just outdamage anyone... yay, fun...

At this point I think every single adc takes more skill than draven. I say this often about enchanters because people love saying enchanters are easy, but from the simple fact that they lack movement options, they commit in a more risky way and need more precision, zoners in fighters in general are only cheap against idiots... they're actually harder to play than a rush-in dumbo stomping you in one rotation (like renekton)...
Which makes the easiest adcs like MF harder to play by default...

My opinions are facts btw, dr*venmains don't @ me.
stop embarrassing yourself, this is just pathetic
stuck in studies, all work and no play.
also i called my team retarded on the post match lobby and got chat/ranked restricted.
bronze is worse than iron, fuck.
never tilt, climbing is not about knowing how to win games, its about knowing what your team is missing.
i should never 50/50 a game on the chance that 4 retards magically all know how to end.
i still cant funplay with my funchamps, still have to get stompchamps to get to a decenter elo.
how has tristana not been gutted yet btw
the champion legitimately has no weaknesses
i'm not even baiting, i genuinely believe tristana does not have a single weakness
i play brand mid against trist mid, its pretty good since you just poke her. its harder but as effective with manual longshot champs like velkoz and xerath. maybe a leblanc.

if you're talking adc, git gud. play poke or something
she either stands away from the wave and just waveclears it with bomb as fast as you do or all ins you and you eat shit
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>how has tristana not been gutted yet btw
>the champion legitimately has no weaknesses

I agree... I personally never understood why people didn't complain about her sooner... she never stops scaling, outranges everyone eventually, she has katarina resets and if she jumps you, you're generally dead without any way of escape... And she was mainly like that for years, if not a good decade...
>but from the simple fact that they lack movement options, they commit in a more risky way and need more precision, zoners in fighters in general are only cheap against idiots...
Enchantersissy moment
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That's true though... immobile mages are very bad in the game because of that... require too much precision, lackluster damage because they're expected to poke a lot or play around vision moreso than anyone else... Lux is a perfect exemple of that, I ranted about her being way harder than most champs a lot in the past and people refusing to admit it...
Enchanters are only good when your team is already good, which is why their winrate increases exponentially as they get in higher elo... but as self sufficient champs, they're the weakest and hardest to play... it's just a fact...
you literally think that mundo is a complex champion, your opinion does not matter in the slightest retard
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>you literally think that mundo is a complex champion

Why do you put words in my mouth...? I literally never said that?...
you w the nearest minions to her and she more than usually steps back, and if she jumps in front of you, its an easy e-q stun.
the only scenario she can all in you is if there is minions in front of you.
and if she doesnt go for an all in burning ignite and maybe flash at level 2, then you pretty much can poke her early and irrevocably so she wouldnt even attempt a trade.

and in the scenario she tries to walk away when she was ever near the minions, its too late. brand is insane in poking down aa champs
>People say that...?
I mean I think that's why people say he's hard. The rest of his kit is pretty basic. I guess if you have to juggle like 4 axes at once it would be but in practice you don't really need to.
Kinda like how Yone is apparently a high skill champ then you play him and you just run at people.
what the fuck is that
Guys, today is the day...it's Seraphine legendary time
you can just wait for them to come on to you. or just bee yourself and tell em
these champs would be hard if they weren't overtuned like lethal tempo yone before LT removal was
but because they are overtuned they lose their skill-ceilings
a hard champion with an avg high winrate is busted and doesnt needs to perform at the same level if they were at 49-50% wr
next week you dork
>Enchanters are only good when your team is already good, which is why their winrate increases exponentially as they get in higher elo... but as self sufficient champs, they're the weakest and hardest to play... it's just a fact...
Good, low risk high reward role doesnt deserve to be self-sufficient
But the PBE updates today.......I'm confused
just messing with you
Oh geez you almost ruined my entire day because this is all I've been waiting for since it was announced and I have no other plans ^^
if you can't understand how and why mundo works, you can't speak on any champion that takes more skill than him (90% of champs cluding all ADCs)
idk how mundo works but i know how aurelion sol scaling works, is he inside that 90% or did you just make up a random number and or conclusion to incite argument?
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I keep laning against gold and plat players in normal games and I'm getting constantly destroyed
I'm a fucking bronzie
People say you have to play more and eventually the MMR will match you with lower level players but it literally didn't happen, i'm getting constantly crushed against people way stronger than I am, I've won like a single game in an entire week and it literally doesn't get better
I’m the best smolder player in the world
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he wants the dick
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>Fl*pper main
Ugh, cringe!
that is whats happening when anon says he is "stroking"
nice pic cutie.
youre playing against loserq tards. so they get temporarily lower mmr after a lose streak (thats also part of the algo) and then they match with you despite being silver+
the idea of the algo is that youre forced into a 50/50 winrate for that yummy maximum engagement addiction, you either had a recent winstreak or had some smurf gameplay marker checked and had your mmr spiked.

if youre funplaying, you shouldnt care. if youre climbing, then in bronze, you should be playing carry champs. theres a good chance you're matched against the retard of the enemy team, (same for the enemy smurf) and its a race to who gets fed faster. if you're against a premade combo, you either play the right hypercarry or scale champs like aurelion sol or you need a bible so you can pray.
asol is even more braindead than mundo tbqh you just pooooosh and don't need to worry about positioning like malzahar
and that's an arbitrary number, existing only to show that he's very easy to learn
I’m actually really cool and awesome not cringe at all
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yeah but what is this from
the villain's idiotic costume makes me think "marvelslop" but I don't think even they would stoop that low, but then again I haven't watched anything marvel for well over a decade so it may have changed
I lasted like 3 games playing this dogshit game
back to not being a loser nerd who plays this cancer
remember when enchanterfags hailed Nami as one of the hardest enchanters to play just for riot to say "Nami is one of the easiest champs in the game and should be overpowered" right in the patch notes
New bread >>483409969
Anon you are too early
bump limit is 750 mungo
>be a support main (AP blitz, braum, zoe) in trash elo (silver 4)
>do pretty well most games yet many games are still coinflips, hover at like 52% winrate
>hate myself for being a shitter
>say fuck it and start playing midlane, mostly Vex
>suddenly start winning a gorillion games and climb to gold nearly instantaneously
>if you can't understand how and why mundo works

What are you even talking about... You don't seem to make any sense, how do these post lead you to believe that there's something I don't understand about Mundo...?
I even posted webms back then of how I outplayed a high diamond mundo main, swapping lanes thinking he would have an easy mu against me and getting his face bashed in...
I even explained with words why I played the way I did and completely annihilated him... how can there be any doubt left? Genuinely confused but you're not the first posters making up crap and reposting it for weeks/months like a feral dog so I guess that's how some lolgs are... I don't judge... I have my fair share of mental illnesses...

Enchanters are mainly high risk low rewards though...
Except Soraka because she has busted healings, and Lulu maybe because I think her entire kit is extremely strong and kinda low skill (she has like 8 different spells if you take into account all the ways she can use them)... Take Nami, her Q is legit the hardest spell to hit in the entire game, Chogath's Q does the same thing but with a wider range, faster casting, lower cooldown, way more damage, and he's Chogath... which is a huge plus... Her W is a shitty heal and poke, sure it's easy to hit, but it's still subpart. Her E is one of the worst buffs in the game, and it got buffed now that it can proc off spells, which is a huge improvement... and her R is also pretty lackluster, while being a good spell, a ton of similar spells are better, and on better champs. I could go on for a while... but some champs are bad on both accounts, lackluster damage and lackluster cc (like lux morgana renata) and their strentghs are harder to explot... require more skill or other brain power from the player that most mages don't...
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>the idea of the algo is that youre forced into a 50/50 winrate for that yummy maximum engagement addiction
I have a 34% WR
have you seen all the champion gameplays, since champion playstyles is the only reason to play this game.
though u are correct this game is shit, it'd be a wasted opportunity if youre experience were playing shit champs like tutorial ashe, garen, darius and 450 be champs instead of kinomaxxed teemo, singed, ivern and other fun champs
recently or overall? if latter, you are hereby invited to be my retarded gf.
otherwise, losestreaks are a thing. i had my yummy 80wr on a few of my otps busted up to a measly 55wr after a disgusting loss streak
Some champs are MUCH better depending on the elo you play in...
Blitz (ap or not is kinda irrelevant) is extremely powerful in very high elo because the ability to displace this much is insanely game breaker, but it's only exploitable with players who are otherwise very good... Same with most grabbers. If you really want a cc machine, braum is somewhat better, leona is kinda easy and is an excellent frontline...

But in general, in low elo, you want a noobstomper that turbofeed itself with farm, xp and kills and destroy the entire game... With a good scaling preferably because low elo games last longer in average...
Mages are good, Vex is excellent. But above all else, what really matters is having fun, anon... Play stuff that you enjoy, that aren't too troll, and you will climb eventually...
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>ignored his own posts where he seethes that a scaling pick successfully scaled
it's ok, kid, you'll get it when you're older
>he seethes that a scaling pick successfully scaled

Scaling to this proportion is absurd (I don't remember the game 100% but he 1v5d my entire team in a very good pick from us, while we had every drake, soul, elder, nashor and red) and damage scaling off resistances is stupid. Still, how does it imply that I do not understand something...? Moving the goalpost from not understanding to seething... an interesting escape I suppose...
For the record, I actually love learning new stuff about the game and progressing, my lack of knowledge is probably my biggest downfall with the game and since I don't religiously read patchnotes I often lose track of advantages in games but it keeps everything fresh and entertaining in a way... though I didn't learn anything from this game or from any conversation with you, because you have nothing to teach me...
If you could transform into any champ which would it be?
not reading
post more boobies O_O
Veigar, because I'd get to fuck Senna

Alternatively, Kayn.
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rammus so i can roll everywhere
>Scaling to this proportion is absurd
see this is exactly what i mean
you don't understand why he's allowed to be a 1v9 monster
repeating myself for a 4th time:
mundo is the weakest 1v1 champion in the game until he gets level 6, and he's not functional until level 11
the sacrifice of an entire early game is a massive investment that gets channeled into him being a 1v9 machine in late game
get it now? likely not, but refrain from ever posting your opinion on who is hard and who is easy to play in the future, thx
don't bother, the average balance opinion poster thinks that lux is a hard champ
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what happens in the next picture
in the universe where draven is a hard champ (high elo), lux is also a hard champ.
shows name is the boys and its a parody on capeshit
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based smolder god
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bump limit hit lets go
zilean, i can live my dream of reading stories and eating fast food without a care in the world

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