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>M. Bison Gameplay Trailer and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483277449
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I just want him to start at level 1 with his target combo and scrap level 0 as a concept.
I'd even take scrapping his damage scaling concept too, so no more 110% at max drunkenness, just a flat 100% at all times

The character would genuinely be completely saved if they made these two changes
Please clap.
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shoto players dont even play neutral anymore they just look at you like this
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This one.
There's no fucking way this isn't modded
V trigger added more gameplay for people. As in the act of getting and activating v trigger was technically gameplay, so the player felt like they were doing more each round, feeling better in the process and thus having more fun.

Before SF5, your characters strength depended on your abilities and techniques you've learned over the years. Your Ryu could be stronger than someone elses Ryu if you had better spacing and could do difficult combos. V trigger was meant to reduce this gap in power that skill created. Everyone is supposed to power up significantly when they activate V trigger (whether or not it worked in practice, that was the intention) and weak players can feel strong.
Just got a perfect ko against cammy cpu level 5 during my ryu training.
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OP isn't modded, not so sure about this >>483351950 though. Hips are looking a bit too thin
holy sigma
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V trigger took away something that should have been part of your character's moveset, sold it back to you as a 'new mechanic', and then said
>"Look at this shit, isn't this cool???"
When you should have had it all along

V trigger was a fucking mickey mouse disgrace
I agree, its confusing that he has 5 levels and they start at 0, only codecels think like this. But he should have extra damage at max level because he's supposed to be very strong if he gets turnt.

Even if red jamie had an instant kill, he would still be low tier because jamie players are compensating for their lack of skill by picking the character that gets stronger after each knockdown.
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nah lily got a huge gyat in game
>V trigger took away something that should have been part of your character's moveset, sold it back to you as a 'new mechanic', and then said
>"Look at this shit, isn't this cool???"
this is a common practice in games now. You even see it with non gameplay things like colors and costumes and music. It extends past games too, our entire western society (at least in north america) is squeezing the middle and lower class more and more as capitalism reaches its final stages.
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And a pretty damn decent chest.
Yet triggers let me snowball harder.
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I think if they were to go with a G-style system of base Jamie (previously level 1), and three levels on top of that (previously 2/3/4), they'd be justified in taking away his extra damage.
It'd be completely fine because he'd have a divekick and he'd have his target combo from game start.

He'd still be tricky, but now he'd be functional at round start, when currently he's the worst character in the game and if he loses interaction #1 he probably loses the ground.
yo im tired of playin the sidelines
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If SF6 was a kamige, jamie would lose levels every time you knock him down.
Never mind I'm confusing myself, G was base/1/2.
But yeah, cut out level 0 and remove his scaling damage
Which fighter do I sub?
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For me it's Juan Pablo
who ordered this? nakayama or matsumoto?
+5000 drive tickets
I did.
he's already my main, Im just getting burntout today
every thread a new person gets bundapilled
You know it.
when is it a good idea to delay tech and when should i just take the throw
>noahthebum plays on wifi
fgc is just villainous
lilygawds always win
he just played punk on stream on wifi
You should take the throw midscreen since your opponent won't get any throw loop oki. In the corner is where taking the throw is dangerous. You will want to delay every so often so your opponemt doesn't get free throws on you every time they get pressure.
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My cutie wife.
Why do all NA pros shit on Noahtheprodigy constantly?
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Because he plays like this
he has really shitty internet and it lags a lot against other players which he was known for, and he plays like a complete retard and it works out for him
Like he has a 10mbps plan and torrents 8k porn levels of bad netplay?
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Once people adapt to the season 2 changes NoahtheFraudigy is done
We're already seeing it
he plays like a retard but he keeps winning, I have to admit he's doing something right.
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laggy ass nigga
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>consistently ranked as top tier by pros, some even saying she was secretly the best character in the game
>no tournament wins at all as far as I know

what gives with Chun?
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1f rollback and 75ms latency is 100% fine though
she wins though fundies so she looks unbeatable to sf6 players who can only think in terms of drive mechanics
maybe not that bad, but when Du played him in bracket he always complained about Noah lag spiking all the time. Punk complained about it a lot too. He might have got a new internet plan since because he got goofed on a lot for it
>using Mickey without permission.
This nigga gonna get killed by the Diz Squad in an hour. Under ten if he's in Florida
>fullscreen cr.mk into drc
>yep, im a fundies god
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Like the other anon suggested I'm just going to focus 90% of mental stack on anti-airs from now on until it becomes second nature. I will probably drop to 800MR doing this.
Anyway what's a really basic gameplan for Chun-Li so I won't only depend on the opponent jumping for anything to happen? Like the fireball DP shoto gameplan equivalent for her

Most honest DR in the game btw Mickey is a fundies GOD
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Oh my goood i love SFV so muuch!!!! any fellow jivebucks around?~
Based OC poster finally some quality content...
>Thread so dead this didn't even get 2 (you)s instantly
Dead thread dead game, Smash by year 2 had 4 threads per day daily.
poke with cr. mk at tip range to keep the opponent out. cancel into fireball if you have charge
throw out a random fireball every so often to keep your opponent on your toes
try to keep them out so you force them to make a mistake or you walk them into the corner
find out how they are beating this strategy mid match and adapt
cancel into dr every so often for the confirm or free pressure situation, but don't blow your meter on it
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>Bocchi is getting more comfortable going outside
>Decides to go out on her own and get her arcade account to master
>She picks Juri and barely makes it into arcade mode before she gets a match
>It's against a plat player, but she's still in her placements
>Easily double perfects him
>A wave of anxiety surges through her body
>He can't talking about her, right
>She beats him again, he gets some stray hits in so they aren't perfects
>m-m-m-m-maybe if I give him a round he'll calm down
>She starts spamming jump-ins, drive rushes, and raw di in neutral
>He fails to deal with them and she accidentally wins anyway
>Ayo Dale look at his tag
>LTG looks on the other side of the arcade cabinets to see who he's been playing against
I'm done playing this season until they nerf Rashid. Faggot ass fraud character. Have fun
Bocchi would be a Modern Chun player not a filthy Juricel
>Bocchi: Juri Costume 3
>Kita: Chun Costume 1
>Nijika: Blanka-chan
>Ryo: JP Costume 2

So it is written
lmfaoo how you niggas make this shit?
So it's SFV past S1 all over again?
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shuddap nerds jamie secret S tier
Tournament success doesn't determine whether character is good or not you retard
Timmy said good characters don't need to win
I am unironically too big brained to play Cammy.
All you have to do on this character is ape with jabs and throws, but I keep returning to neutral to actually play the game.

How the fuck do you people play this bitch? Why? She's so boring.
my name is jeremy
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I should have lost the set.
this is actually peak. I wish nexus mods didn't require fucking login shit
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>fighting your moms boyfriend when he gets home from work as a pizza hut delivery guy while smoking weed behind the trailer while blaring rap metal type combo
you aren't high you're just partying like a rockstar the mom's boyfriend is high
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aki is more popular in tournaments than chun, cammy, and every other girl
aki moggs your waifu and it is not even close
And she will not return to SF7
nigga what are you on
pass that shit
Overrated character, she isn't very good
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I can hear Ryu saying during the super
muffled "t-t-totally duuuude" in the distance
same happens with cammy
it is all shoto propagandists ensuring nerfs for everyone else
shut up
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for me it has to be Jamies EX sip. I shouldn't be telling you guys about it yet but Season 3 is gonna be insane.
I don’t get this meme. I’ve seen it twice, I’m not gonna look up a source
what teh fuck does cammy do in the gief match up
this nigger character holds downback and i have no way to open him up
then i die if i make one mistake

this game is terrible
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reddit nigger character has barely any bad matchups
Oh ok. That’s probably a poison/Lucia and Laura skill
gief automatically wins cammy and juri, the match-up is so one-sided might as well change main, one of the worst match-ups in SF history
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You fuckers still didnt suggest a sub fighter.
Are you telling me I SHOULD play Ed and that I SHOULD commission a bunch of shota Ed art?
How am I supposed to progress as a newbie playing classic if the newbies playing modern can do 14 hit combos and instantly reverse me ???
I've said this before and I'll say it again, Chun is hot garbage unless you're a fundies gawd. In which case, you will do well on any character. So why not play any other character who have gimmicks on top of their neutral?
with cammy or chun? this is important
The newbies playing modern have no fundies and should be able to get the hit on you
>in SF6
You don't play.
nice meme tierlist
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>nice meme tie-ACCCKKK
kind of weird that nobody else is doing this with zangief
bro what the actual fuck
unwinnable btw
ayo? sex with lily?
chun has the breast for milk but I like mommy cammy too
Weren't lily players saying this MU is like 7-3 in Sim's favor?
>Jamie players underrating their annoying ass character pt.1256
>its a good matchup you just have to drive rush in after every knockdown and do a 50 50
Rashid level 2's every other round
idk man some days i just cant play good idk how to describe it
literally a 100 mr range between my good days and bad days
AI will take shitposting to the next level
This is not a fighting game, man.
Tired of people exploding across the screen or converting to 40% off a cMK that takes up half the screen.

I'm tired.

I don't want to play this game anymore.

It's going to be here for like, 6 more years.

Holy fuck.
because referring to yourself as a prodigy while being a completely unremarkable player makes you a colossal faggot
He's shit lmao.
Dhalsim players are retards, @4:30 hes got the lead, keeping him out with fireballs- WINNING. gets bored and decides to do a random yoga mummy to close the distance vs A GRAPPLER. Fucking carried random move using bitches
I like fighting games because they were the one part of my life I had a modicum of control in. I could use skill to win in a predetermined set of rules, which is more than what can be said about real life. But skill doesn't even matter anymore in street fighter 6. The fact that I can beat someone in 99 different games doesn't mean shit if they beat me in SF6.
I'm genuinely curious how many fighting games you played. V is the only game in recent memory I was not able to fuck someone up off a forward confirm.
I just found out people are hacking
now I'm checking my replays and 75% of my opponents aren't real, they're just bots/hacks
got the game like 2 weeks ago, feel like I've been scammed
I think Jamie players are shit. He has everything you need, and I can't think of a good reason to say he specifically is shit.
buh buh but he needs to drink once to become bullshit!!! Jaime fags acting like taking a sip is hard
Awwe yiss I found my sub
2d games need to die for the genre to evolve.
yeah man all the others shitters in bronze are hacking, except shitters that can't even beat you
they saw the asian guy and thought it was finally their turn to pick the top tier. Jamie players think he'll be the best character because he takes the most work. So they're mad that they aren't winning with him.

The drink mechanic makes it so it feels like your chances of winning goes up with each drink, thus if you lose then its the drink's fault.
try to learn a single combo then???????
Getting super meter for being hit = comeback mechanic
Ultras = comeback mechanic
V trigger = comeback mechanic
Drive system = gorilla steamroll mechanic
That's by design, capcom wants modern to be the perferred method of play. You are SUPPOSED to feel bad when a modern player does a 50% combo on you without either of you knowing what your buttons are. Its like how companies make the free version of a program or subscription shit and frustrating. They are TRYING to get you to CONVERT to using modern. don't you want to be strong too?

The entire point of modern is to allow people to play without knowing how to play, its that simple.
upload a clip of one of your ranked matches. let's see the skill you're talking about.
you are still thinking within the confines of the game. I'm shitting on the game and you're thinking that maybe I should drive rush more or not press buttons there. Your scope is inside the game while I'm outside it looking in.
Or you haven't even touched the game.
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had a feeling I'd get this response
but yep it's mostly hackers in plat
just check your replays and look at their inputs, you can tell in the first 2 seconds of the first round
constantly doing 1 frame of neutral, like pic related
you literally can't grab them because they have 100% perfect reaction, etc
holy fuck you're retarded. where do you think youre position is between left and right
A single combo doesn’t help when they are instantly reversing you every move you make and then going into a 14 hit combo, completely unplayable in any rational sense for a new player on classic controls. Now I see why modern controls are so bad and why fighting games are a niche genre, you'd need to come up over the years with the various street fighters of the past to be able to play classic nowadays and all new players are relegated to the new modern controls lest they be completely destroyed over and over.
>"constantly doing 1 frame of neutral
>2 frame neutral in that picture
that doesn't mean anything
this is what cheating actually looks like
do people really pay for the fighter pass things ever? the monster hunter one doesn't count and yes I will buy the next monster hunter fighter pass as well for the kirin slut armor
they're all different people but play identical
they press DI 3 frames after I press a button (always exactly 3 frames, no variation), sometimes even when they're on the other side of the screen and shit
then I play a normal person and they have normal looking inputs
just check your replays and you'll see
then fucking leave scrub, why are you posting. if you can't emotionally stomach someone just doing two lights into a special move (99% of modern combos btw) then go back to league and bitch about how hard it is to learn when your teammates are garbage or whatever excuse you use there
I want to paint falkes psycho obaries with my pp milk...
LTG is unironically right about SF6, even if he isn't good at it
This game is fake as fuck and you can lose to ANYONE, I'm deep in Master rank and I still haven't seen a single who stood out to me as remarkable
Haven't been impressed once
upload a webm of a match where this happens. if someone is botting, why are they only at plat.
from what I can tell these bots can't deal with certain things
like I can throw out an unsafe move over and over and they don't punish it
but things like grabs they get perfect 1 frame jump full combo 100% of the time
once I figure it out I think they will be free wins
this paladin nigga trying to have conversations with god jesus mid tournament set
How do you deal with Manon's standing medium punch? She can delay pressing after it to beat counterpoke attempts, it's impossible to whiff punish on reaction, it leads to a combo on drive rush. I hate this move. I know she's not a good character with a cracked low forward or a drive rush so she needs moves like this to be viable, but God damn if it isn't annoying
>complaining about manon
this fucking thread
hoooly shit

im out
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A character can be bottom 1 and still have very good or annoying parts of their kit that are hard to deal with. Everyone complains about Jamie's stand HP and sweep, but no one thinks Jamie is top tier.
Tell me a good beginner combo that I can learn in training/arcade with ryu classic, that I can use in ranked especially against modern fags.
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lmao what even is this
these inputs are literally impossible how can anyone dispute this
I generally like SF6 but I feel like this game is more volatile than it is balanced. But if you dare to suggest that people come out of the woodwork to show you charts of how akshully most characters hover around a 50% win rate. Yeah I'm not calling the game fucking MvC2 but I just don't understand how you can be far enough up Capcom's ass to not see how drastic the difference is between a Ken/Akuma/Luke and say a Honda/Lily/Manon.

I suspect it's mostly that the "right" characters are top tier. Shotos. Rushdown like Juri/Cammy/Rashid. Guile. Talking out of my ass but does anyone else feel this way?
is dhalsim a good character to learn the game with? i remember having fun beating my dad with him in sf4
I am honestly too smart to play Cammy
All I have to do is the same two setups over and over without interacting with my opponent but I insist on playing neutral and losing because of it
I've never experienced anything like this
I can play characters 500x as hard as her in terms of gameplan and execution but I have a sub 50% winrate with Cammy, when she's for toddlers

I don't get it
waiting for ur comissions with chun
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who cares if he is mashing
The tier differences don't feel that abysmal to me. As far as fighting games go. I rarely feel like any specific matchup is unwinnable.
Two words

Psyco power has an odd effect on her than makes her more curvy and produce more milk desu desu
I guess I'm more questioning what tier differences even mean. Like yes a matchup can be winnable but in a game like SF6 where rounds are often two or three touch encounters, any character can win but some are so clearly privileged over others. Ken and Luke have insane toolkits.
breh are you mentally challenged
those inputs are not humanly possible
I guess but like is that ever not the case? I can't think of a fighting game that doesn't have some characters be stronger.
lets hope lifen doesnt catch that...
haha could you imagine gaha.
wouldnt it be funny haha if li fen went from loli to milf haha.
wouldnt it be crazy haha if she were strapped to a milking machine haha
>Punish Ryu player 500 times
>He keeps doing the stupid shit
>Kills me in one hit anyway
fuck this game
got in a fight with a literal troon while out tonight. in the middle of the scuffle I remember that clip of Gllty assaulting a guy in that one offline tourney and started laughing my ass off.
found the clip. man, I miss this FGC.
I'm considering trying Marisa, any tips ? Having tried almost everyone but her, it might be a good character to play until Elena is out...
Is Aki any fun?
lmfao he's using a turbo you retard
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I'm also a beginner and watching the ceelows guide for Ed. I did the in game guide and focused on very short bread and butter combos to punish and pokes. You just have to limit your moves and play calmly focusing on their VERY OBVIOUS mistakes when start spamming reversals ands unsafe specials like apes. Just keep it simple and focus on your mistakes and you'll improve.
>was mid 1500s weeks ago
>went on a massive losing streak after rage queuing
>stuck in 1300-1400 since
>take even a day off from playing and my rating goes down at least 50 points
I got considerably worse at this game almost overnight. I literally can't play anymore. I can't anti-air, I can't counter DI, everyone plays like an escaped zoo animal and I can't stop them at all. Trying to play neutral gets me killed and I don't know how to play like they do so I also get killed. I have never felt this bad playing a video game before in my life, I think it's over for me.
she's a ton of fun, lots of diverse routing, and her basic gameplan is honestly pretty cheap when you learn it (lots of safejumps, frametraps and plus frames)

just start out slow and do baby combos until you learn how her juggles work, its a lot to get into
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I did it bros. I bought SF6. The last time I played a fightan game was Soul Calibur IV some 15 years ago. I'm ready to start training again.
st.lp st.lp heavy shoryu for up close

cr.mk into light/medium donkey kick from a distance.

that alone will get you out of gold, at least if you know how to anti air also

when you get level 3 you can cancel shoryu into that as well.
at that rating you're mostly fighting bots, you're probably losing to them and beating the real players
that's my experience right now
if they never DP your jump ins, its a bot
seems whatever this bot is literally is not programmed to anti air
Assume that I am about to go to sleep.

How many more sleeps until Bison is out?
have you considered that you're bad at neutral. do you actually try to whiff punish or are you just pressing buttons in the midrange hoping for something to happen.
I'm bad at neutral and was just being a manbaby and venting here
Maybe it was not a good idea learning hitbox when I was getting pretty good with stick and reached 1820 MR with it. I'm struggling with the most basic stuff I used to get the hang of with my previous controller.
Thats funny
that's a lot of fucking samefagging for some pajeet ai slop
Good luck lil nigga. You decide on a main yet?
At least he's not samefagging about Juri's Cuck this time
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I just wonder what Li Fen pedo's up to!
I wasn't going to (you) but it makes the Capcucks seethe, so now this is based in my books.
this is what leverless inputs look like
nta but the latter
Generational post
I used to play Dhalsim back in my day. He any good?
I'll try her.
Shes just been sitting there... staring at me
Is this real?
yes, he's great. but he doesn't play pure keep-away anymore. he has tools to be aggressive and you do have to sometimes use them
Chun-li's husband...
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if you think this is botting you are genuinely retarded. if you don't want people to jump you, maybe don't do gief 6HK a million times.
Chat is this real?
Can you link this song?
Its in the Akuma thread
that's literally what I'm referring to here

>like I can throw out an unsafe move over and over and they don't punish it

this bot, which I've now fought a ton of times, always plays exactly the same
they can't anti air, they can't punish certain buttons at all
Not him but I feel there's difference between how the characters were designed and blocked out. Especially when a lot of the nitty-gritty is being more analyzed as the game goes on. When the smaller issues or flaws pile up into one big one that breaks the camels back, or how you just have shit like Manon having negative defensive capabilities or some characters outright lacking a way to deal/punish DR.
Chadkey for Season 3
they are literally neutral jumping in place while you throw a million gief overheads and try to grab them, with the grappler. youre fucking stupid
Mickey will never come to SF
Aki.... but in mating press
But the gief won? I don't undersetand
Scrooge McDuck for season 3?
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One balance patch PER YEAR

18 character base roster with essentials like Bison and Akuma sold as DLC

Despite the small ass roster, characters have extremely limited movesets.

All characters end up playing the same with minor variance due to slime rush mechanics that skip neutral

Game has awful horror engine graphics with obnoxious hit stops and particle effects out the ass. Characters look like RE NPCs.

Worst music in any SF game ever. Did Capcom fire its OG composers?

Modern controls and slime spam means you're no longer playing SF. Might aswell be a phone game at this point. It's all the same.
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there are literally 3 people other than me in this thread and bison is only 24 hours away from being released, terry and mai really did kill the s2 hype
your guess is as good as mine he was bitching about that match in particular. if you look back thorugh that guy's matches its just him throwing out a bunch of slow or unsafe shit, but against people who know how to block.
Can't find it
>all those (You)s to AI slop
New generation is fucked.
It's all the same nigga. Not the first time he does it either.
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I’m here…
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ah I see you misspelled Chadley, it's nothing to worry about; as the "L" and "K" keys are right next to one another its a rather easy mistake to make.
>all those (You)s to AI Kino
New generation is fixed.
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You can’t recognize samefagging?
This general has a schizo or two that calls any poster he doesn't like "samefag" ruining the integrity of the word completely.
We're in an AI thread
ok maybe I fucked up and that guy in particular is legit, was just scrolling through and looking at a few seconds of each replay
but I promise you, next time you fight some guy who has miraculous DI and jump timing just watch your own replay with inputs on and you'll see
look at this
it's gotta be this, plays the same
I can only speak for myself, but Terry and Mai killed my hype for S2. Guest characters are creatively bankrupt, I'd unironically prefer more controversial characters like Rufus or Necalli over guest characters.
There's at least one poster here who thinks literally every post they don't like is all one /fgg/ poster
Irrefutable, I am afraid.
I can't recognize my own penis. I'm so fucking fat when I'm lift up my flabs to takea look I get trauamtized because it feels like some stranger flashed his penis at me!
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Japanase love phone games!
And the local Juricel who got mindbroken by JH so hard he changed his twitter name to Juri Husband and dilates with anger whenever JH is mentioned/posted here.
/sfg/ has quite the gallery of schizos.
jive isn't in that pic tho and they hate spinoff 5?
I posted about Bison earlier. I’m not interested in playing more until he releases so I don’t have much to post here. Bison has almost 2 million views on his trailer in 2 weeks so I think the hype is up there.
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Whats the point of perfect parry in the game?
You love to see it. This game’s popularity will never cease to make discord fighter players seethe.
Top 5 best posts of all time in /sfg/
More like bison, terry and elena killed the hype. 4 character pass + 3 garbage is too much. 1 guest is fine but half of the small season pass. Especially after the trash s1... Im not playing until Mai.
at 22:13
>mind you, they don't have anti airs
yep fucking said so
>literally is not programmed to anti air
plat is full of this specific bot/ai/whatever the fuck it is
it has godlike reactions to certain things and plays like wood league against other things
it probably doesn't understand that dhalsim has stretchy limbs and just gets washed by all dhalsims
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Tommy went from bbc posting to just spamming slime to just straight talking about smash
To just lying and pretending to be black
Now it’s this..tsk tsk
not saying that bots don't exist, just that you're a schizo for thinking that plat has them. you can script an extremely simple bot to get into master if you want. you're just fucking awful.
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It's only popular in Japan desu
Is that based on SFV Blanka reveal? Kino
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>"X game did it"
Another vtuber gets master rank and you couldn't. Whats your excuse, /sfg/?
I just got the game of course I'm awful
but I bet you I'm gonna figure out a perfect cheese strat to beat these bots every time
Im gonna bully all the new bison players with my JP
It’s the most popular fighting game everywhere. Sorry. Tekken hasn’t been above Street Fighter since release, and Akuma got twice Tekken’s peak again. I really am sorry.
Then why are only Japs playing o Twitch?
It’s 2 am in America and there are English streamers still on too.
Damn I just noticed it.
because it's 3pm in japan and morning in the other relevant regions
Damn with an HONEST low tier too
>opponent goes mickey mode
>i don't
if bison isn't the most fun i've ever had with an fg character i think i'm gonna give up
>Leaking Season 3
mickey trigger was only in spinoff v tho?
kekkenbros do NOT check steamcharts during bison release I repeat do NOT!!
Stop crying and go green
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Bison world tour first
His arcade
Then play ranked after some trials
Oh yeah…
im not talking about green im talking about red
Then you go the right color to counter Red, its a Simon Says game, you know how it goes right?
When the opponent goes RED you go...?
>want to play bisons content in world tour
>have not touched wt at all
>would have to sit through 40 hours of dogshit story and then postgame grinding just to see him
i'll prob just watch it on youtube
React to it. Don’t use it unless punishing a move they can’t cancel or reacting to their DI.
That’s what most people do. I’m one of the few who enjoy and played WT, ending sucked ass.
Based Michael Keys "Mickey" Mouse
>just react
but more importantly, they removed hitconfirms and then made it to where if you simply buffer cr.mk>special there's a chance you'll get di'd for 50%+corner+burnout
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as opposed to your opponent simply walking and blocking your buffer AND THEN killing you? yeah I guess they can also gamble on going red
Can't wait to slime in Bison flavour doods.
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It's your fault for playing a wiggle woman/jiggle gentleman in SF5. You traumatized Matz and now we got this.
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>omw to steal problem x's tech
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my beautiful wife cammy
there actually are in fact specials that would've been safe on block and that would've meant something in other games but, again, they can simply turn red
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my beautiful wife cammy
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wait are the DragonGAWDs plotting a thread takeover?
I’m interested in his arcade mode story
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>still running into ed players
>blocklist is full
just kill me
j-japan's matchmaking region has a much higher variation in skillbase
a-also im sure a bunch of simps lost to her on purpose
jk it was well deserved, I'm diamond 3 and am just taking it slowly/lazy, going to try and steal some wins and get some wins from the bison mains that try to climb once he releases
Could she have gotten an equivalent rank in SF4 or SF5?
im going straight ranked.
Im not really interested in world tour as it feels like a hollow yakuza game.
cute duck
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this game fucking blows
We know
yeah probably. would take longer but she could do it.
no because any normal person gets filtered immediately by the sheer amount of labbing required to play this game at the most basic level
>equivalent rank
I'm sure she could reach Super Silver in sfv.
master is plat thoughbeit
It's like that all the time. Even when Japs are supposedly asleep
Left is organized shill damage control posting doctored images.
bison tomorrow
are you ready to get drive rushed at
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they keep revealing the lil qol changes they're making but they need to triple the number of players i'm allowed to blacklist
Sure thing LTG
Shame all the newcomers are tranny tier
>get matched against a guile that always one and dones me when he wins
>beat his ass r1
>perfect him r2
>he immediately hits rematch
tonight, YOU taste MY cock bitch
>3 hondas in a row
Nah, I'm dodging that shit
Fuck that glue-sniffer character
S3: Flubber, Rufus, Eternity, Azam
You forgot ___Twelve___
>south americans with shit connections
>people who teabag
>ed players
we need more blacklist slots because this is like 80% of my games
I have brought shame to my family
>>south americans with shit connections
sis you can filter by connection quality
yeah but if i do that then the game takes forever to find anyone
Game is dead outside of Japan
ok bros, after lots of deliberation and testing, I can confirm this is, indeed, the worst street fighter game of all time.

Yes, even worse than Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game.Yes, even worse than Street Fighter ii: HD Remix. YES, even worse than the original Street Fighter.

this is based purely off of the gameplay. thats not even counting all the globohomo and negro worship in the game

in short, I will be waiting for Garou.

verification not required.
BASED what snk games do you play currently btw?
I play uhhh... you know the uh.... uhm.... the king of... fighters! yeah! I play the king of fighters 3 a lot! I'm quite good at it too...
Fucking LOL
Why are the biggest fighting games in the world all heavily flawed? Project L won't save fighting games either, will it?
nothing can save fighting games now
The king of mexicans
>one button specials
>rumored to be launching next year
>we've only seen like 5 characters and they've teased 2 others, meaning it'll be launching with 8 characters at absolute most
>league is currently dying due to vanguard lmao
that shit is beyond doa
this nigga redditposting
dont forget
>root level anti cheat
riot anti cheat absolutely rapes your PC and can never be removed. Even if you uninstall the game. The game is already unplayable
play inside a virtual machine
have you ever actually tried gaming inside of a VM? I dont think you have. no I wont be wasting my time with that bullshit
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I demand outfit 4 NOW
One of Project L's biggest haters is a LoL faggot who is asshurt because they think Riot ruined LoL when in reality Mobas were shit from the start.
They are the bastard child of RTS.
>Project L's biggest hater
Who is it?
Is just the Capcuck standard. When they get tired at throwing imaginary insults about the gameplay, they start to double down and start to fight strawmans in their head.
I think there are two or three capbucks, but one of them is AkiraSchizo since he talked about lol on twitter before.

Is just laughable the dude spreading fake news about the AC being some kind of super potent virus that fucks your PC over, over some allegations on twitter that has been proven to be false months ago.
we have known that vanguard is invasive dogshit since the minute it dropped for valorant dude
>mario makes a debut in sf6
your honest reaction?
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Guys check out this post about fighting games from 1996
Would be incredibly kino and I'd buy the Dr Mario costume as soon as it releases
He's right
super art animation should all be shortened to 2 seconds max
Mortal Kombat 3 is fun
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street fighter for this feel?
el fuerte
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my beautiful wife Chun-Li
your abominable abomination
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Ryubro checking in at the end of day 3 classic newbie training, to get this out of the way I’d like to announce that I have 9 wins and 45 deaths on ranked online. Today I did all of the ryu character guide tests, beat the arcade 12 on hard and did 2 more ryu combo trials. There is 2 images in my pic related, the top part is just now before bed I popped back into ranked online to try some overdrive stuff with ryu. I was able to go on a 2 fight win streak beating akuma in the last fight, my iron lp went from 1000 to 1104 after the 2 wins. The bottom image in my pic related is the intermediate 4 ryu combo trial I’m stuck on now, any tips on getting this trial done ?
genuinely not trying to condescend but im not sure how you could be struggling on that trial, it seems pretty straight forward. you are trying land the uppercut after the guy bounces back at you from the wall yeah? remember you can watch a computer demonstration of the combo trials in the menu to see the timing for things
is there a version of that ryu vs zangief ragequit clip but with sound?
God, DR is so fucking boring
Yes, but the timing and trying to do it all fast and unbroken is very hard. I’ve tried probably 50 times, can’t even come close to getting the uppercut off in time.
I thought you were a lukegawd now
We can't really help you if we don't know where and how you're failing, post a clip or something
i dont like the ost for 6, and im not talking out of nostalgia, it just does't pump me up like in other fighting games
yep game sucks
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The way shoryukens are represented with this Z makes people think they are harder than they are. If you can do a fireball quarter circle input, a shoryuken is just the same except press forward before you do the quarter circle
Absolutely based. One time a Luke did that to me too. When I finally beat him, I waited for him to rematch first so I could quit on his ass. He quit anyway. Little bitch.
they went too much in the direction of making themes for characters, rather than making themes for FIGHTING GAME characters, does that make sense?
Why are you doing trials? Just get in ranked dude, have fun, try different buttons, see what works for you etc
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it's easy to shitpost in an anonynous forum
It was a lapse in judgement, I’m going through the motions trying to learn this game from newbie level.
I’m on ps5 so can’t post clips, but I’m struggling going smooth and fast from begin of combo to end and most of all at the end of od kick into dragon punch. I can’t pull that last part off, feels like I’m trying to strangle my fight stick.
>reset neutral
drive rush after SPD is still massively in Gief's advantage even if it's not a perfect throw loop
Are you holding your fight stick right? Did you watch some videos on how to use a fight stick?
Why do I get this feeling when I turn on any of Betty's streams....
Just took a massive Zangief
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Akuma is the perfect example of SAUCE that Chun just doesn't have. Can't contest his fireball spam because yours needs charge. Free mixup when he jumps. Whole screen long pokes that convert into combos AND leave him plus, so just walk back into jumpscare lmao. Command grab??? And this this carried fuck actually has the audacity to teabag??? Fucking bitch. Finally felt some satisfaction from this game after all this time.
So yeah anyway the anti airs only thing isn't really working out yet, most things are un-antiairable because of Akuma mixup or wrong spacing or and Bison is going to be the same judging from his trailer. And everyone plays so aggressive I don't have space to get space.

I’ve been using 2 df motions quickly to make a dragon punch.
I get my ass blown off for the most part in ranked, usually get pinned down by a modern control or destroyed by a high level that is using a low level character. So I do trials and training then go into arcade hard and finally finish in ranked to try and get some of the stuff I learned to work, I’m struggling like fuck with combos though.
I don't understand how wine glass grip is supposed to work. It isn't comfortable at all
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
you just took a massive reddit?
I’ve been holding the rod between my pinky and ring finger, so far I think it’s been most accurate. But I will watch some vids now that you mention it.
How do I get from being absolutely horrible at this game to at least okayish?
By understand what makes you lose games and trying to fix that
that 3d porn game nigga is truly the worst ritualposter in this general
That was a cool air throw
Probably the horror engine and mickey poster too
Being a GAWD is kamilike doebeit
My brain can't process what's going on quick enough so I mash buttons.
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>I’ve been holding the rod between my pinky and ring finger,
I have never heard if this grip the fuck?
Im at work but try holding the stick's ball like this.
imagine a ball between the thumb, index and middle finger.
see if thats an improvement because theres tons of ways to grip
you just put the shaft of the lever between your ring finger and pinky finger
don't actually try to hold it like a wine glass your palm facing up because that isn't comfortable and offers no dexterity
I think he's using the wine glass grip
I’ll give it a go, thanks.
oh that grip.
It FEELS safe because you have a good snug grip on it but yeah dexterity goes to shit if you dont play with that grip your whole life
maybe people will eventually acknowledge what a brilliant joke it is if he keeps posting it in every single thread
Thanks it was an accident. Air throw is the only thing I've found that semi works against Akuma air bullshit and it's all luck
I just watched this video, and think it might be able to help my ryu training.
I’m going to watch it again in the afternoon before training, I have almost not been using my parry at all.
As JP I have to use my ground spikes whenever he spams air fireballs
Does that trade? I saw Chunbro suggest Sweep to trade with his airfireball but if he does something else I'm fucked so I just go for air throw or walk back to neutral most of the time. It's so frustrating
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Am I crazy or something?
Who the fuck actually likes Darkstalkers
I've never seen a tournament for it
I've never seen anyone play it on stream
The most exposure the series has EVER had was morrigan in MvC
Where the fuck does this devotee level of support come from?
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Can you guys keep an eye on my Jamie for a second? I need to get up.
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Too late, he just got knocked out of another tournament before top 64
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they're fun games but absolutely posercore.
VSAV/Darkstalkers 3 is the most popular game and it has a very small playerbase on fightcade
If I remember correctly, akumas air fireball can only be used on a forward jump so I just have to wait until he does it then do a medoum spike.
it trades but I do more dmg and get a knockdown to set up a departure.
He also cant fireball during demonflip so keep your light spike ready for that
He can fireball during EX demon flip and it's incredibly hard to react to lmao
block those.
at most he wasted two bars doing the same spam.
Also he drops wherever he decided to fireball to you can still trade with advantage
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If Terry doesn't have his iconic THICK Japanese accent, then this game truly is soulless. I will be maining him day one either way.
That would be racially insensitive, zero chance nu-capcom allows it
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I feel like in jive I could kind of just jump on ranked immediately after turning the game on, as a lot of pressure and combos were quite straightforward, some might call it braindead, but it was easy to just autopilot in and that was fun. V trigger could feel very bad but most of the time it wasn't a huge problem.

If I play SF6 ranked without warming up with like a FT5 or something first it's the most stressful shit in existence. Every single moment of the game, whether it's neutral, offence or defence, is just DECIDE DECIDE DECIDE, and you have to pick an option.
For the record I think the lack of plus frame normals are good, punishing autopilot offence with a counter hit or perfect parry feels great. Also every character having all of their kit (except Jamie) is very good too

tl;dr ALWAYS do drills or a battle hub set before ranked
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The art for this game was amazing, but the actual game itself looks like something on a mobile phone
SNK have a really bad problem with that
thanks for the advice, genuinely
i get really shaky before ranked and training room doesn't alleviate that
Don't play training room, play a FT5 with whoever casual match gives you.
Don't play any more than a FT5, resist the urge to say "Fuck you, FT10" when you lose it, just accept the outcome.
That's the biggest hurdle for ranked anxiety, accepting the result
>lose set
>fight in custom lobby
>doesn't accept
guess im the better player.
Nothing new, it was supposedly common sentiment from dudes at the time that ST was terrible and marked the death of the "purists" street fighter for adding supers. Jeff Schaeffer talked about this in youtube video before, basically everything after Hyper Fighting got worse title by title.

And MK2 dudes never liked UMK3 because of run and dial-a-combos. MK Tom brady and JamesMK did a podcast about MK in the arcade era and bring up how UMK3 was actual a complete flop in that era and wasn't anywhere near as popular as MK2 and that the game only began to catch on in competitive circle during the 2000s, prior to that MK2 was the one recognized as best MK game and the one played competitively.
Do good players and people in high ranks throw out heavy pokes? In gold it feels like I can't use heavies ever because of how much my opponents spam DI, if a move doesn't recover fast enough to be able to respond to a DI then I get blown up for using it.
Watch the Fchamp video, he emphasises using moves with low recovery so you can respond to DI/jumps
Akuma jumps.
>Ok if it's a normal jump anti air him
>If its a fireball walk forward and try to punish
>If it's divekick you probably can't react so just block
>If it's EX just block also
>Gotta watch out for for chop too
>Keep an eye out on the left right mixup
If i get my anti air special out in time its hitbox should be the whole fucking screen change my mind
Don't even pretend to play footsies in low ranks, most people there are apes who will do nothing but jump or random DI, throw special cancellable pokes and try to play defensive, make sure to find a good normal to antiair with
based game evaluator
Akuma isnt called tge king of mixups for nothing.
Do you think SF7 will keep the characters old or go back to their normal appearances? Or maybe pull an Alpha and make everyone even younger than normal?
can you tell me why only FT5? i'm a new fighting game player and i usually go to battle hub and lose about 20 matches before getting tired then moving to ranked
Season 3 dlc
The real question is whether Capcom will give up on the terrible RE engine and SF will return to having appealing characters and visual style.
>SF will return to having appealing characters and visual style
Hasn't had that since the move to 3D with SF4. Just give up on it already.
I wouldn't be surprised if they go back to the past like what Moron Kombat did
Big problem in modern fighting games, Strive did the same shit.
Do they call him that? Anyway this is my first fighting game and to me it seems just like power creep. Almost everybody has a free long range plus on block normal or special for a mixup, the DLC's characters get even more, other DLC characters get to break what seemed like fundamentals rules etc
>Diamond 5
>Gief M
>Akuma M
>Juri M
>Dhalsim M
>Honda M

Please fuck off
I usually never saw any Modern user save for the occasional retard, but Diam 5 is infected with these fucks.
Akuma notoriously has great mixups with his HK being plus on block and demon flip conversions.
His attacjs also feal alot of damage while being a high mobility fighter.
however he has the lowest health in the game as a result cementing his glass cannon status.
Take you ass back to jive or fightcade if you can't handle modern chads because we ain't going no where.
its so hard pressing one button over and over for autocombos amirite?
They belong there clearly
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>getting taken back to the past
It's clearly a shitty game that sucks ass, anon.
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Tongue-punching Cammy's stinky anus. Simple as.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this post replying to my post about a hypothetical SF7 game
Because it's long enough to get you warmed up but not too long that you start autopiloting.
I'm stoned and I misread your post and replied with a joke based on shit that your post didn't even say in the first place. Forgive me.
It's me or Akuma's teleport is incredibly difficult to check?
Everytime he does it, I react it as a DI.
>tfw my mind starts wandering as early as warm up drills in the session
i dont think im gonna make it..
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I just got beaten by a Ken that just did his rekka (His beck kick) constantly, all the time, wherever he was hitting me or not.
I have NO idea how to counter this, I guess there's a way, but I don't know which one.

It was humiliating, I feel retarded
get perscribed adderall
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Did Brutus have a sook on social media or something? I have him blocked so I can't say for sure
What the hell is a sook
i did that a lot when he first released, but after fighting 40 million a day i stopped
roll toward him
The more you play the more you realized how carried most characters are.
Look up how to counter Jinrai Kicks on youtube, get ready for a whole fucking video essay.
He was getting called a faggot left and right for downplaying and deactivated his account, kek
based, fingers crossed he stays gone, of all the obnoxious faggots on twitter he might have been my least favorite
a sook, a whinge, just different ways of whining or crying on the internet about tuff
Break down the situations in game to only a couple of options between you and your opponent so your decision making is easier. Come up with a simple neutral gameplan that utilizes your characters strengths and weakens the opponent's options.
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It's the second time
do (you) play with your controller resting on your desk or with it resting on your lap?
lap, I tried it on the desk but it just felt alien
streamboars rise up
I am sexually attracted to Betty.
I don't think impure thoughts about Betty, the love of my life.
I like shuckle, she's funny but her liking gay porn all the time makes me uneasy
Need a Betty gf right now
tobanga is on
I'm watching it with my hero Momochi
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1st legend moke
It is endearing
that's a physically attractive woman of legal age you're talking about you sick fuck
What is Betty, like 25?
i'd pick a fujoshi over a faggot any day
Holy, Betty hag...
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how are you supposed to anti-air Akuma?
Early 20s
lariat hehe
I want to financially support Betty as her husband while she does nothing but play Street Fighter
She's 19.
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This but with some autistic cutie with a 3rd strike hyperfixation.
do not be like third strike players
dont be like kuroda who tries to groom young girls while being like 40+
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to be fair Q does look like the type of nigga to harass high school girls
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Finna take advantage..........
Snake Eyez plays like a burger compared to Itazan or Kobayan
kakeru switched from jp to akoooma for better matchup against redditief
speak american
ayyy im walkin hea
Turns out playing against pros all day every day actually helps the Japanese players
he's just hiding his tech for evo
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i have 4 characters at 1800 mr but i can't break 1900, what should i do
>Able to rewind replays
Thank fuck
Stop being a whore and focus on one character
It's time to pick an honest character like Ken to get fundie gainz
daigo washed?
So what's chun's fireball good for if you can't use it like this? Just dash back and light fireball for the DR behind it?
Where have you been the last year
>daigo getting wasted by a ken player
daigo the signs
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the signs say RETVRN TO RYV
Bracket link? Please
He's hardly hurting himself picking Akuma. Problem lies with age, washed status, alcoholism, or all of the above.
There's modern players everywhere, what's happening
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it is round robin
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Leave me alone.
grrrr.... stop posting this FUCKING video..... street fighter 6 is a legit game and you need to LEAVE it ALONE!!!!!!!! *turns into evil anon* YOU'LL BE SORRY!!!!
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It just isn't the same. Soulless one might say
I'm starting to lose quite a bit of matches because of PP and I don't like that at all.
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wake up tap parry into tap parry again
I get fucking tilted when someone parries me, its like the feel you'd get if you saw someone reaching into your backpack while they thought you weren't looking. You just want to beat the shit out of him. I don't think "well played, that was a smart tactic"
He should be going live at 11pm tonight in my timezone. Reminder that DLC fighters are usually added for offline use at the start of a maintenance period.
>i get really shaky before ranked
I just act like its the only mode.
in fact I dont ever touch casual, and I barely touch battlehub unless theres some kind of event.
The worst that can happen is you lose some LP and the best is cum while double perfecting your foe under a hail of abuse.
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Don't be a female and control your emotions...
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man you fuckers are gonna have him while im rotting away at my overnight shift.
Fuck cum shit damnit!!
At least keep me company ITT tonight
So when exactly does bison drop?
Would it be like tonight at midnight or some time tomorrow?
Swear to god PP happens way more often now since the last patch.
I think around 18 hours from now?
damage is hella reduced when punished after a perfect parry.
most people use the opportunity to position you with a combo like launching you to the corner or getting a good oki knockdown.
I'm tired to spend my whole fucking games into the corner into a guess inferno.
11:00PM EST for Fighting Ground and World Tour, 3:00AM for online modes.
You know, I don't even check certain chars drive rushes anymore. Like I just fought a 1750 something mr jamie in my last session and I just decided to drive reversal every DR attempt because i'm so fucking tired of trading or just losing out to it. Like that's just the game and yet ppl will look me dead in the eye and say with their chest out that jive was worse.
god i wish mexicans were real
It's not about the damage, it's mostly about taking back your turn. And you snowball pretty hard in this game, so it's very powerful.
Hell, it could be a 0 damage and reposition tradeoff, it would still be powerful.
youngbuck ken players will take over dix
>vtrigger was bad
>its okay that I can get the same effect of vtrigger from round start and get it 6 times a round
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Summer time is too hot.
Time for water sports.
Anyone got a place nearer the sea? May I crash the night at you place?
How would you feel about the drive system if just drive rush was taken out
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What would be Chunner's reaction to Dictator coming as a Athas (WoW) cosplay with Raoh's horse?
my character needs it for oki so i would be sad
I want all forms of parry anti-air removed
then it would still be bad because parry, DI and burnout are still in the game.
it would be better though.
why is everyone in the fgc suddenly using the word egregious
It would drastically change the game for the better. A few character would have to be adjusted because just raw drive rushing is part of the gameplan for/against them, they would also have to adjust the entire roster so that they have more ways to extend combos. Other than that it would be a much better game for simply removing it
>Give me the runback bro please bro give me a FT2 FT5 anything just please give me the runback bro
If your remove DR, you need to change the whole damn system. You'll have to tune DI as well.
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wrinkly, shriveled, smelly, uncut old man cock
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bretty good.
just go play jive
Dreece mindbroke him lol
>>>twitch chatter asks streamer for advice
>>>yeah just walk down (x character)
is that all these crackers know how to say bruh sajam diaphone brian_f are all the same person
why are you replying to yourself more than 10 times?
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The evil ones and vergil
WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO WITH ED AFTER HIS KICK JAB THINGS. how do I open up opponents? motherfuckers in thread be like
>just do his autocombo lil bro
I play classic I aint some R2 holding controller player. Something something punish counter with your frames bro I'm literally day 2 Ed I just learned mp hp qcb P bread and butter
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>Fighting Diamond 4 Gief in casuals
>He empty jumps Level 3's me in first game
>Win 3 games straight after finishing with an empty jump Level 3 on him instead
>Decline the rematch
Luv playing this fucking goblina
don't be jealous of my (you)s lil crabba
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Drive Rush should be nerfed universally and called "VIVID rush"
The guys from Biohazard/Resident Evil VIII (Village) should have been the guys to name the universal mechanic.

Vivid Cancel
Vivid Drive
Vivid Iimpact
Vivid Rush
DRIVE is a SF4 name
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It's too hot and humid outside, bros. It feels like I'm swimming through the air in my room. I can't play like this...............
You're +1 afterward, it's still your turn, either strike, throw or shimmy.
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I know Akuma doesn't need buffs but can they please just let him consistently do a DP after his tatsu in combos? ending things with the crouching heavy sweep just looks so lame
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>Cammy is Top 1...
Cammy sisters... are we really all just delusional trannies to refute this any further?
light tatsu > sweep is an Akuma staple and it has better oki thoughbeit anyhow
Honest mid-tier LukeGAWDs represent
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>Starting to make a comeback while heavily behind
>Opponent EXDPs while poisoned at 80% health
Problem, shoto chuds?
Dis nigga Daigo really went for the 5th throw
>Manon players bellyache that she needs buffs
>almost in the top 5 winrates in high MR
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I was about to say "Why does he think he can't get away with that many?" but then I remembered that this clip exists.
I'm called a schizo when,ever I say she's strong.
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he seems to have a habit of overdoing something and regretting it afterward
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Umethrow loop
cute uncle
>no new comments in chat
they are watching in awe
>still unmarried
those japanese hags are missing out on prime Umelingus
Why did he do it???
Maybe I'm trippin', but I feel like I've seen more DIs in the past hour and a half of Topanga than I have in the entire previous year of western events.
Daigo is 40+ year olds virgin right?
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Elena bros should we be worried?
they should just put the kanji for "tierwhore" on his back and call it a day.
the game in burnout is already perfect

>b-b-but you are stuck blocking and taking chip!!!
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Chun S tier 1900+mr, C tier 1700+mr. Really makes you think. Wonder what tier she is even lower?
kimberly was designed by committe, elena will be left to the seasoned staff.
Chun is like Manon, footsies heavy character that is godlike on the right hands.
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She finds your lack of faith disturbing.
Daigo is a manwhore. I can't find the clip but Gachikun said the first time they met Daigo asked if he had an older sister
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Depends on the team, it took the Resident Evil team a while to get good looking faces in the engine, especially with a more stylized game it might take a bit of time before they really nail the faces in this game
Kim looked kinda cute in her concepts, I think her forehead and cheeks are a little too uncanny in-game. she can look ok at times though
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My hero
Divekicks are fucking retarded
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he was ABSOLUTELY slaying puss
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Hmm this reminds me of someone
should i get SF6 when bison drops? bison looks cool but is the game actually worth playing?
i give daigo 2 weeks before he switches back to ken
What race is this?
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>shitters cried about rashid all year just for him to get buffed
lmao this character rules

I never hear anyone talk about Rashid. The only thing I get annoyed with fighting him is the start-up of his throw looks like a kick but that's whatever.
game is terrible.

i don't know how wolfgang expects people to take him seriously when he looks like this
It's summertime and when dinner's done.
Gonna take you to the club, gonna dance and have some fun.
It’s summertime, I want to come in
Gonna take off all my clothes and put my balls on your chin
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Not even SonicFox gave his gay fursona pierced nipples
i hate furfags so much that it's probably unhealthy
fix the sneeding
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
My jr would make Sally scream
>yet another SF2 character
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Seriously why do every single furfags have to be always so fucking obnoxious about their shit fetish? They NEED to show everyone that they're into that shit
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Where patch notes?
I mean, look at this thread. jamarcus spams about wanting to eat cammy's poop
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Where Luke?
I wish I was an SF autist so that I could be completely devout to this game and finally git gud
Are you that retard who keeps calling anons names with shitty zoomer refs?
Shut the fuck up Timmy
that faggot >>483421918
Should I bother with the older games or go straight to 6?
Why do the movements in these always seem so uncanny
It's like they're mocapped but not in a cool way like the actual game
You think it's one person?
>but not in a cool way like the actual game
Yeah no actually, too many twitch zoomers in here.
it's some coomer software where you load models and they do the prebaked animations
go straight to 6. The previous games are dead
Smother him with buttons, his only 4 framer is cr. LK, and Cammy is rarely -4 if you know what you're doing
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Yes, the animations are extremely good
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Will Seth be in season 3?
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All of the day bro
rashit is a prime example of terrible hard to read animations in this shitty game
Spider-Man's a shoe-in if they gonna do Marvel guest characters in SF6, I wonder who will be the second if another comes with him.
>20 straight minutes of declining a wifi player every 30 seconds
That's a skill issue buddy
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how will he do at the esports world cup now that he has mastered the dual sense edge?
yeah on the animators end.
choking on jamie's balls
Should have learned leverless instead
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me on the left
doesnt matter. uma will take it.
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fuck i thought it was happening next week for some reason but its in august. i should say evo instead.
They’ll be semi-young, I don’t see the plot moving foward in years
RE engine is being worked on as REX so no lol. If you’ve ever sat down and read the documents or videos on RE future. It’s both neat and gives you an insight to how they treat it. They basically claim re is like a a CPS engine to them. An in-house engine for all their games going foward.
CPS3 to MTframeWork to RE to REX
Capcom needs to use a proprietary 3rd party engine like unreal so sf6 can have dogshit performance and input delay since the engine wasn't designed with fighting games in mind and can't be tweaked since they don't own it
Mai's pov
Based fujo
the problem isnt the engine.
the problem sits in front of the computers at capcom headquarters.
every brown woman belongs to a white man
I am finally starting to put together my Akuma bros. I must be the slowest learned in the world tbqh
The problem is that the game has to run on ps4 while being made with less budget and manpowers by other games being developed in the same building.
you cant expect the underage here to know avgn.
She is underage you sick fuck
out of ten
Yeah, like Clayton
desu he was called the prodigy by others when he was a little niglet mashing in marvel.
thats how you are meant to play the game though
Woah there buddy, you'll get a reply pretending to be someone else in a few hours when he searches his own name on the archive
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I can’t take it anymore
Everytime I see the school girls of Tekken and SF I feel like fuckin Kuroda. Just fiendin
Knowing Capcom USA denied me dating and sexing akira, they’ll pay…
its always a fucking nigger claiming to be some kind of prodigy or godlike when 9 times out of 10 they are complete shit, what the fuck is up with these subhuman monkeys and the compete disconnect from reality?
out of 10
why is sf6 loved by casuals and despised by veterans ?
I made it to 1800 MR. I'm entitled to a betty gf.
squinty bitch open ya damn eyes
i mathematically analyzed season 1 results and this is, objectively, the season 1 tierlist:

S: Luke Ken
A+: JP Rashid Chun-Li Blanka
A: Dee-Jay Cammy Guile Juri
B: Lily Dhalsim Kimberly E. Honda Zangief Manon Marisa
C: Jaimie Ryu A.K.I. Ed

ill post an actual image with the tierlist and more details in the next thread
a bit surprising guile and juri ended up that low.
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him and Enders started a new YT, he wants you to steal his tech.
shits on its legacy, dumbed down for outsiders.
The difference is Clayton actually has backed up everything he talks about. You're just mad he's good looking and not a incel. It's the only reason anyone hates him desu.
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Congrats bro
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she's right you know
I've never seen a single video of him playing a competitive set, or even an online set
Stay free to DSP who actually has the receipts for his career
Our mandem
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Jivies arent veterans
Such a missed opportunity to call it The Mandem
I would like Clayton's channel more if he was less of a narcistic schizo
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when is she coming back?
>sponsered by Mouse Esports
>Resist the urges
>even has a micky mouse like logo
She’s retarded
Older woman aren’t appealing
Nobody and I mean nobody plays the old lady character in overwatch. The pick rate on granny kungfu ain’t gonna be above 1%
It seems popular with new players and older competitive players. Tournament scene is thriving. New screenshot tomorrow.
Would treat him with a suitable level of respect if he just played in tournaments, even if he wasn't very successful.
But he doesn't, so he's as irrelevant as that Beast weirdo
He’s done so much for the community like…
Irrelevant infinites for dead kusos….and um…uhhh figthing routes for tag kusoFighterZ….and uhhhhhh
>Kimono Akira
S.. sexo...
who's sf's harada?
ono was
Clayton is a classic case of a nigga just going full anime. You never entertain the bathroom weirdos, ever. Leads you to getting into bad situations. Why do you think max/Jwong and other creator just steer clear of them. Roofle monger is in the same league as Majin Obama, not respected online or offline but just accepted that they sorta exist. Meanwhile max who rarely touches anime fighters is seen as a god offline
If Clayton wants to know why, he should look inward and realize siding with the bathroom people led him down this path.
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Pretty little young thing
Harada may be a fuck up, but I’ve yet to see post from Ono or Nakayama detailing the death of soulcalibur
He should just shut the fuck up and join tournaments, everything is online now so you don't even have to travel.
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Rose is pretty old
They made her look younger in 5
But the seeding…the seeding people will make fun of me for beating them!
>enters another dead kuso game with 8 people
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Please Capcom, give my Scrimblo a spot
If Clayton films himself playing a FT3 on fightcade in whatever game i’ll sub to him
sakura's will have her hair when she's added in s4
I'm not even making fun of him, he should just enter street fighter 6 or strive tournaments, the only relevant 2D fighters, one of them is even anime.
Did he enter FighterZ tournaments when it was alive?
god i want her to spit in my mouth then step on my face
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She used to call me on her cellphone
Late night when she needs my love…
>modern jamie tries to antiair me with critical art
>it doesn't work
If you're on Modern why not DP
Lmao no
He’s shown proof he played karnov and he also fought Mike Watson in alpha 1
I’d love to see his ST matches one day
headband tied into a bow would be really cute on her, actually
Who the fuck is Mike Watson
Forgot to say he was 2P in this set.
Skipped halfway in and both players are jumping like crazy and mashing random specials
The level of play is so much higher in SF4/5/6 it's crazy
Boomer FGC legend, like Alex Valle
Old Hyper-fighting and ST player. Basically the same era as John Choi and funny enough James chen, but somewhat earlier.
Ran super arcade when it was alive
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Reminder that after Bison there's only one more DLC release this year
Bosch shadow drop at EVO
Believe in Capcom
holy underage dixxie
Chun Li is like 40 in dix. AKI looks 50
This webm captures me too accurately
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They should copy paste sf4 characters like how tekken reuses ps1 animations
reminder that no matter who they add the game will be the same slimer garbage so it doesnt even matter
No fuck that. They should copy paste SFxT Tekken characters to save some time. Dimps did great work on em, just some small retooling on frames you’ve got dix ready fighters
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Summer costumes 2024
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No new niggas, nigga we don't feel that
Fuck a fake friend, where your real friends at?
We don't like to do too much explainin'
Story stay the same, I never changed it
No new niggas, nigga we don't feel that
Fuck a fake friend, where your real friends at?
We don't like to do too much explainin'
Story stay the same through the money and the fame
'Cause we started from the bottom, now we're here
Started from the bottom, now my whole team fuckin' here
I only need Bison
Is that Pokemon or something?
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>Is that Pokemon or something?
So we have 4 DLC characters this year, Ed, Akuma, Bison and Terry.
Bison should just psycho crusher my guts or head off already. This week is already off to a bad start, it sucks being human…
On a topic note, what color are you using? Me I’m using black gold
they should drop doing costumes for the entire cast and only make ones for the relevant characters. like why waste resources on a sim or a honda costume? that's two Chun Li costumes we could have gotten instead
Shut up
This. Only a handful of people want costumes for Dhalsim, Honda or Blanka
her eyebrows staying THICC near the center/above nose area looks a lot better than the more tapered out eyebrows on >>483417732
Comission Akiman at gun point, or knife point for costumes for Manon/Marisa/lily and chun-li
harada said mickey6 is dogshit
when is bison
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It's what Rashid wears in the bedroom before making AKI gravid with snake eggs
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Does kimmberly believe in “black excellence” or whatever the fuck it’s called?
She is a self hating black like Dale
Normal people don't let race politics define their day to day lives
>that bond scene where she explains, thankfully not voiced, how you “can’t trust niggas in America”
I felt that and I’m not even black
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Off to 750, then I’ll join your thread akira-nii
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Since it’s the last leg of the thread
Usless info
SF duel is rapidly running out of its list of characters to use. Nero/Vergil we’re made exclusively for world wide and now finally got ported to recently released Japan version of SF duel
Is this really happening?
Why the fuck is this game's roster limited to sf4? Licensing?
Back in global release we have gotten most of the fashion characters and bonus new characters made for China. Movie Guy, Makoto shrine maiden and fireworks Sakura. Now with fashion bison, and the Tmnt collab done. People speculate if we’ll get the Greek and Chinese god collabs since the license only gets us SF4 characters. However I get the feeling with how SF duel has progressed, I think Capcom will comission a SFV collab
You'd think Capcom would want easy money by making bikini costumes. Alas nothing is known at the moment
Pretty much. SF duel began life in 2016/17 with betas and closed tests in China only. Capcom JPN was only willing to license sf4 roster given it’s success compared to SFV at the time. After it came out in China and sold well enough for years, it wasn’t until 2020/21 where talks of a global version began. Crunchy roll was the only publisher/group willing to endure translating the entire game and distributing it globally. Once it came out and proved to be an ok release. Capcom with its current collab in the works (Tmnt) sought to make the units for the game with nickolodeons permission. The Tmnt collab never happened in China, this collab and the inclusion of vergil and nero were clear signs Capcom was willing to invest more into the game now. China was stuck with guess singers and OC gods and Dante(we got dante as well)
should I buy a seimitsu ls-32 or 56 for sf6? i wanna play lily and zangief
Sounds like a mess. Surprised it's still around.
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sanwa jlf-tp-8yt
I already have that and a bunch of korean sticks, I wanna try out seimitsu stuff
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get the 32 then
why? the 56 is too stiff or something?
way too stiff and snappier if you're trying to play churners like lily and gief
what are you talking about real veterans liked the game the only ones complaining are the ones too stubborn to learn new mechanics

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