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Previous: >>483323245

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Event] Nanmei Yumihari Eight Dog Chronicles
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Kyokutei Bakin Pickup Summon
2024-06-04 01:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Eight Dog Chronicles Minamoto-no-Tametomo Pickup Summon
2024-06-07 21:00 - 06-24 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Boy love
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Kama Love!
/fgog/ tongues my asshole.
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>Why isn’t drake more popular?
1. Ugly garish hair colour.
2. Used goods, roast beef.
3. Ugly scar.
4. Ugly silicon tits.
5. Boring personality, one-dimensional.
6. Her NP is kinda lame.
7. She's Shinji's wife.
Kohaku love!
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why doesn't BB do anything about Isreal and Palenstine?
it's probably still going on in 2033
Would I cuddle with Salome? Would I breathe air? Would I drink water?
>7. She's Shinji's wife.
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NP5 Kama before NP16 Parv
why must my Sakuras tease me so...
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He calls her mommy, but she's his wife.
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Can your favorite servant beat Super Blood Eric Ultra Axe?
Taisui arts loop with Sure Hit CE
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My kama looks weird bros.
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/alter/, did (you) have sex with Arcueid without my permission?
Team Sexo
Boys are not soft like girls so no thanks.
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It's over, I never got a CE drop this whole event.
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Sounds fine to me bro. Parv isn't limited!
Shit happens
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What a great idea!
i look like this
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Imagine the paizuri
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If your dragon servant comes to you and says she needs sex in order to fix her dragon reactor, how do you confirm its the truth?
Kronii sex.
what is with Drakes and being pedophiles?
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do Ceres
Melusine is gonna leak on my bed again...
who has bigger tits
so fvckin kino
I'm ready for cunnies.
I'm a security guard and I listen to EMIYA's theme when working while I do his pose
Do you try to emulate your favorite servant?
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Which pose? Archer's or Shirou's?
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Goho reference in Tsuki:re ehe... ehehe...!
Could anyone?
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This event's the first one in a long time I haven't completely grinded the store/ladder out, I just couldn't be arsed to do more than half the ladder.
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post taira no kagekiyo hopping
Her voice is not cute.
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cummies inside ______ tummy...
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>BB, Melt, and Lip if it's possible.

When I put Melt on the center the AI sends her to the back
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lmao I like the frustrated Melt
melt love
indian tranny
Can you somehow add Violet?
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Dead game.
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Nice, post some more.
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can you somehow also add kazuradrop
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>2 hours before anniversary
>thread is dead
What happened?
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Elden Ring.
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I'm testing to see if Kazuradrop or Violet work
Kazuradrop seems to work, her kimono is not completely accurate but her face/hairstyle does though
Because the BIG QUARTZ isn't for more than a week.
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Here you go br-AWAWA!
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Ishtar Ring >>> Elden Ring
holy based
Ishtar Toe Ring>>>all
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Honey, be nice to your friends.
/bag/ is over there, bro
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What pose?
Summer this year for sure
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Summer Nemo will wear a bikini
I'm boycotting AI spam
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Oberon love!
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Blanca is so fashionable, I want a watermelon bag like that too
now do shiori
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ishtar does not have a fat ass
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If Medusa had a reality marble, what would it be?
im not familiar with most vtubers I just like Miko and some clips here and there, and fap to La+ and some others
she literally, canonically does, and guda got a face full of it and didn't get hard because he's unironically homosexual
shiori novella
Unlimited Pandemonium Cetus Works
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If this post ends in an even number then Melusine is NOT a homewrecker
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Blanca will always be a cutie.
Blanca Alter when...
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Friendly reminder to check your dog warior expeditions one last time before the event reset, thats easily 5 super embers and 3m QP + some mats.
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None of that allowed. Blanca stays cute and innocent.
If I start them before the event ends will I get the rewards after? Probably not, right?
If this post ends in a 3 then she will go back on the statement of your post.
you get raped by her and her different versions
muramasa betwixt thine bosom
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>event ending
>already finished ooku
now what?
i wouldn't risk it but go ahead if you feel brave.
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lol, lmao even. Melu is so fast not even false allegations and numbers can catch up to her
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Is this accurate to Violet?
She has like 3 individual fanarts, obviously some details like the chest jewel aren't exact but it does seem to "get" somehow the hair style
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which device should I emulate for fgo
I'm tired of not having automata in my iphone and I don't want to download chink malware
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I'll take it
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Melucosine is faster.
All I remember is that it worked a lot better with certain ones and I had to google it
>"v" for victo-ACK
Anniversary in two weeks.
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>Super Blood Eric Ultra Axe
And he doesn't even have his full horns out.
I thought that was feces from the thumbnail
And next I suppose you'll point out that he hasn't got a bloody axe?
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Im so excited
It will be in enough time
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>Step aside pretty ladie, ill handle this YEAH
do Demeter or Aphrodite. idk what other characters have much art
Theres an image like that too
But Blanca Alter would be cute too...
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Post em
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Do they have some anti emulator bullshit going on?
I keep getting this screen even though google chrome works and I can connect to stuff like youtube on the emulator
I only have pics of Tamamo actually pooping
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I will later to see if any of the NPC work
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That's a good point too. Imagine how much more powerful he must be then.
what the fuck haha
You just increasing my curiosity by saying that. Litterbox it is then
Lavi sex.
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I wonder what they changed, the AI now seems to "get" faces and hairstyles way more frequently, but still struggles with accurate clothing and body details if the character doesn't have enough fanart
I tried to give her the drill hand but turned it into drill hair instead
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our collab....
because the AI knows how to do porn, which is often nude but the hair is always there
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>iliia n friends collab with everyone alongside sheeroo gang
>we are stuck with internal property's only collabs
anyone rolling for kirei
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Is it really two weeks out, didn't that login campaign just say our 7th anniversary was TOMORRROW?

Is Albert delaying Arcueid for another epic convention reveal?
When are we getting prillya 2 collab damn it.
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>that shading on kuro's chest
That is underboob. Tiny, barely swelling, loli underboob.
we are afaik getting her on the 7th reset aka next week saturday to sunday reset.
The anniversary is always the same time as the FGO panel at Anime Expo. I don't know why you retards seem shocked about this every single fucking year.
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How many quartz are we getting for the anniversary?
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Lip love!
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>be nip
>live in a country that has areas that never rise above freezing during winter
>fail at winter sports
Thanks, bro.
How many non-welfare servants not counting Habetrot and Seiba Lily do you have at full ascension?
Multiply that by 3 and then add 150. About that much.
nips can't compete against aryan chads like Bjørn Dæhlie
>she's wearing a covidcuck mask
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With the 30SQ from tomorrow, I will officially have enough SQ to pity Skadi.
But let's hope I don't actually need to pity her
And that I can score at least 2 copies of Wu
Bros, would Saber Lily hug Melt if they met?
I have 1 SQ and 9 fragments.
Feeling good about my Ibuki chances.
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how do I beat this
No way!
>From 1992 to 1999, Dæhlie won the Nordic World Cup six times, finishing second in 1994 and 1998
Hot damn.
>not knowing nips wrote masks even before covid
Melts son + resident gayposter + resident archivecuck
3 turn it with Taisui
Just from praying to skadi
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I made a transparent version of this if you wanna use it from now on.
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Uhh...I used Oi forma de Forina and Castoria.
My son+2x castoria
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how can nips compete
>Married Morgan
>Old Anus Burn daily
>Urine worst
>Born daily
What a bunch of weirdos, only the italian is normal
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just 3t with Maou
That isn't the point, retard. Who the fuck is she going to get sick while running a half pipe on the side of a mountain?
Fucking hell, do you have two brain cells to rub together?
can aislop gooners die already
My favourite part about watching skiing is the announcers completely butchering norwegian names.
Don't engage with those types, it'll just give them the excuse to start another of their weird rants
By picking actually comfy sports, like soccer, beach volleyball or baseball
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why does bakin never stop talking holy fuck
ok retard
>max is over 1000 quartz
ok retard
your brain has zero folds
This. Except this year we may get her midday instead of maintenance after reset, we'll know closer to the date
that's shadow from the swimsuit and her ribcage you depraved autist
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Let her Kuuk.
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I guess it does makes sense in that regard
Turns out that weird snake Bhima carries around is his dad.
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thank u anon
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jeanne archer ascension 2
its just me, or the amount of /bag/ crossposters increased lately?
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That was easy
1st try blind
Please explain to me how anyone will either infect someone with an upper respiratory illness or be infected by one when you are dozens of feet away from anyone, outdoors, in an area with heavy wind.
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>"that was easy"
>3 CS used
I warned you not to engage...
When skiing it's nice to have a mask, so the air you breathe is warm and humid.
Who? I think you might be in the wrong thread.
Bro your dog points?
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Ajarakamokuren, kyuuraisu, tekerettsunopaa!
Because breathing cold air sucks so using a mask helps, in my opinion of course
sorry playing elden ring
So wear a ski-mask.
Who is bhima?
Give me little girls.
it's exactly what Daikokuten would want. the cooking and cleaning is a bonus.
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Can i farm 900k bond before annie????
No fuck you.
Arjuna's older bro.
god i want to bang bakin so bad
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The chubby bro in RRR
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What's the difference? So because it's the more expensive option it stops being a cuck mask as you said?
There is no character by that name in this game.
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>its just me, or the amount of /bag/ crossposters increased lately?

I'm pretty sure most anons play BA alongside FGO
Or at least, must be familiar with the franchise because most doujins and fanart on social media and pixiv are BA related
I don't play BA but when I browse /a/ there's always a thread active shitting on the BA anime though
bhima balls
lmao gottem
Rani's Rild Ride???
It's just to hide her face for privacy reasons duh
>put the term "ackshual" in archive search.
>102 extremely high-quality posts
Hmmm, well I simply can't filter this one, too bad...
>What's the difference?
A ski-mask actually protects you from the cold and wind, a thin sheet of paper does not.
There's also no Kuku, Tonelico, or Aoko.
The teacher licking his students feet are the only thing I know about BA
Japan has fallen....
I feel like that's not a particularly unique thing to say, and when people type like that I doubt they always spell it the same anyway
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you fucking idiot don't just that out loud, now he will change it to bypass our filters.
Yes, and? That isn't an argument against my position in any way at all. You might as well have replied that
>the sky is also blue
>grass grows out of dirt
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>102 extremely high-quality posts
I think a regular mask does an ok job for a cheap price.
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My bad it's called BRD aeschually
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If you had that term filtered you wouldn't have seen my post.
The archives speak.
bros does bakin have milkers this big
I have measly 40 sq. How much time do I have left to save for Nero Draco?
Okay, here's sn actual argument against your position, even though you don't really deserve it. Any retard with even the most passing interest in the game is aware of the servants we get in two years or earlier.
I still don't understand why they didn't give an Omichi ascension but somehow Fusehime has one.
And here is an ironclad argument against your position
/fgog/ and /alter/ aren't the same thread.
Don't get me wrong, do what you can for it. I just feel like if I want to do that sarcastic "actually" thing I just fit random extra letters in
Don't care. You're such a minority it may reasonably be said you're in the wrong thread.
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>Event will be doggone in less than an hour
Will you still be able to claim one last time since the shop sticks around for a week after?
>2 (two) dead weeks after a three week event
ooku rerun just dropped (this week's content) and tsukihime remake drops in a bit over 3 days.
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our anniversary is next saturday, use this time to farm bond or QP if you are planning to go all out.
Someone said yes and the news seemed to corroborate. If not I will take my pound of stakes from Albert.
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Did you get him all the daggers he wanted yet?
She arrives in April next year so if you started today with 40SQ then you'd have, just by way of login, master missions and monthly shop, about 672 SQ and 137 tickets, not counting any campaign or event. With events, campaigns, bond levels and other sources you could easily double that or maybe triple it.
So I guess I should send out my doggies?
>ooku rerun just dropped
Even if you could call a third run of the thing content it's already over unless you wasted half a day of AP.
It's not like you lose anything if you don't
Yes. Do it now.
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kuwabara kuwabara
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It's done.
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>Please... muramasa-dono... muramasa... KAMI... PLEASE fuck kama!!!!!!!!!
>Daily sq for three weeks
Dumb dog
Not doing it again.
>tsukihime remake
Already played it.
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plot twist
Play SMT VV, bros.
I already played the original and wasn't into it so no thanks
Gimme Persona 6 already
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>I already played the original
Rookie move. You should have known Fatlus would release the real game after a short wait.
Does Vengeance do anything different than base? I played V on release and didn't even finish it, when SMT:IV is one of my favorite games.
Nopan wife
additonal route, though Area 1 is mostly the same but it differs greatly after that.
lots of new demons
every demon has a passive now and some of them are bonkers.
combination magatsuhi skills
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When will her event be revealed for JP?
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Okay Keno, I'm sending you out to get this weird egyptian feathery brooch thing now
See you in 12 hours
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One of the destinations for the doggos should've been the life and death zones of Tunguska Sanctuary. Then the dogs could get FRICKING TRAUMATIZED by guns plants.
It really is ridiculous at this point how they just release a "better version" 2 months later and then a "betterer version" 5 months after that and then a "this is the best I promise" a year later until next gen where "the ultimate super amazingest version" comes out
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This event was OK, but I absolutely hated having to watch in-game ads in order for the dogs to come back with the mats faster. Especially since all the Localized™ ads Albert picked out had gay interracial couples in them.
FGO is slowly trying to pretend Tunguska doesn't exist. They went from making clearing Tunguska a clear condition for some future event to goin uhm never mind you don't have to. And then there's times where they just go back to pretending Koyan is a fox.
How many of the writers even know she isn't, I wonder.
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Veteran spotted.
Like how Tamamo cat says woof?
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canon fuckers
Nobutsuna fucks. I don't get why Kama is included.
The difference is that one is very much a joke which even the characters in the game notes.
Better to just keep thinking she's a fox than a mentally retarded rabbit who thinks humans have something built into their genome that attracts meteors
Good for him. Good for him. And he backstabs her in the end too.
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They’re both jokes. I’d say Cat is smarter than Light and Dark Koyan put together. If you made them switch places in the story, Cat would’ve gotten all her tails and even Melu in LB6.
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>humans have something built into their genome that attracts meteors
Maybe we do. You don't know.
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They are going on their last expedition. They will not return.
You seem to be missing the point...
Everyone knows Tamamo Cat is in fact a fox and a mikon tail, and that when Tamam Cat does weird things, characters in the story are very much aware of it and even references it.
That is not the case for Koyan.
No, stop posting Boudica doujin. I’ve gone eight months without jacking off.
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That's it. I'm gonna read LB6 on type moon wiki. I can't take it anymore. The curiosity is killing me
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5* Nursery Rhyme (Foreigner) when?
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Sometimes, they Kam and go...
You can just stop visiting /alter/
Not like you're missing anything
>finding ice
>in a desert
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hey bros, I'm back after beating the Elden Ring DLC
pretty fun
Hey bro
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Actually it's precisely humanity's fault the planet gets stressed out and sends distress signals to space debris.
hey grownup monogamist
Hey bro, I'm taking it slow. The DLC is pretty beautiful though.
You made it in time for maintenance, I think.
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Very nice. Foreigners are for group sex.
Why do people like posting cropped porn?
Same time as 5* Jaguar (Ruler)
I wouldn't consider the russian to be a person per se
They're nice as reaction images for one.
>cropped porn
Its just cuckstance posting the pictures he’s told to take from his corner.
They set up for her during the recent Halloween Liz event. Who do you think you saw when you got the bad end for kissing Liz?
On a somewhat related note, that's sort of the plot of this TV series called The Swarm. The plot is that some kind of undersea entity is sending parasitic worms (or that the worms themselves are the entity) to take control or marine creatures to attack humanity.
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I don't know but they make me sick
He really is a cuck huh.
how was it? is it good? hard? people are either bitching or creaming in their pants about it or both
Finally getting around to this FSR and I see Sasaki makes a sneaky appearance
How did they not use the chance w/ that event a while back to add his 5* Saber version? I personally give no fucks but I imagine it's something people really want
Okay I finished points now what
I thought the plot was some fat black girl needed concert tickets.
now we wait 2 weeks
Yuyu is going right after what she wants, damn.
You're probably thinking of an entirely different show
If you had to shit in a Russian outhouse all your life, you'd be a bit strange too
Make sure you don't have any dogs out hunting right now or else they die in 1 minute
Would you betray humanity for Foreigner pussy?
Time to log in and play some FG-
Welcome back bro, now you get to wait for content with us.
Musashi seething because even as a servant she got btfo by a regular human because he spent 5 minutes learning from Kojirou
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Here's a reminder that one day you're going to die and there's actually much more to life than jacking off to cartoons all day
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Time to relax.
Like what fag?
Well I don’t like one night stands either. Though if I’m too mean all the cool kids will feel bad and call me an incel or something that makes them forget how filthy and stupid they are.
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it is and 8/10 for me
the new map is huge, but plenty of areas that seemed very interesting at first are actually almost empty, which is a real, real fucking shame

lots of bullshit bosses as usual, leaarn their patterns to eventually beat them

lots of new weapons, spells and stuff to play with for all builds, some of them are downright broken/bugged so they will likely get nerfed in a upcoming patch because I don't think devs want people to beat their new final boss in 20 seconds spamming some dumbass shit spell or in single 2 hit combo that can dish out 10k damage with the proper setup

pretty fun and would recommend
>t. incel
This girl is freaky. She followed my into the toilet and held my cock while I took a piss, she aimed it all around the bowl.
Looks like I was thinking of Swarm. They came out the same year by looks of it.
Yeah like playing SQUAD with the bros.
Then jaking off
why don't one of you 1337 h4xx0rs just hack and crash the game 10 times a day and then we all get 40 SQ daily for maintenance?
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>woke up 10 min ago
>I'll login after reset, to both collect mats and login bonus :)
>maintenance, event is over
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I will be hosting another HGW thread over on /trash/
Post tributes
man i remember when the NAI would have a seizure wuth more than 2 girls
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Forgotten Idoru
The colossal bloodfiend bleed weapon is so fucking broken its unbelievable
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Honest question; without looking it up, do you know who this is?
Not him, but I generally can't get it to work properly with more than two girls. Even with two girls, it sometimes combines their features.
Dirty Red
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Good morning, bros.
Morning Greeting Lip.
change the order of the characters, liek with the cups you have a more consistent result with Chloe first, also use "," instead of "and" to avoid mixing, it sometimes does the trick
They should have Summer Miyu be the toilet to incentivize players to roll both.
Looks like some random eroge slut.
La protea
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Gentle Altera
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High Queen Bob
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Debugger Guda
Maintenance for fucking what??????
Voidstance moment
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Grand Axer
Who the fuck? Is that from F/GO?
Isaac Newton?
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Throat goat
What is she doing?
I always use a comma, but I guess I can try moving around the character names.
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Cannibal Siegfried
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Liz fan
Le spoiler face
please PLEASE give me the sauce!!
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Ultimate Rama
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Caith Con Cerpriestess
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pronto polizia??
squatting cups
>looked it up, VN doesn't have the "Sex with Others" tag

Looks like a kusoge.
Evil Neuro?
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Fire Lord Wu
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Melt monday
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Wait a minute
some ai generated girl? I don't know
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oh its just the spammer no one likes trying to make the thread reach image cap faster
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Smug brat
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Yamete Kudastop
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NPC Sprite #2
>not yamete kudaslop
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Thank you for indulging me. If you're curious, it was Atri from the 2020 visual novel "Atri: My Dear Moments." It's getting an anime adaptation this year.
that'd be a good name for an AI generated one
Beautiful Miss Blue
Looks like discount Shimakaze.
Congrats on the anime, I hope it'll be a good adaptation
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all this maint for fucking nothing
>All Ages
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Synopsis of that one makes me think of something else.
>Why don't you... come to the planetarium?
All ages franchise, retarded shitposter.
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Never Ever
Yeah Fate is now. I spend enough time with the one thank you very much.
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If there's a new queen >>483375068, then there must also be a new priestess
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>Mash took this long to find out
Ultimate cuckqueen
After falling in love with Yuyu I've pretty much lost interest in VNs because I'm not interesting in romancing other girls.
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The girl that cries when you post spoilers
Abi, sex with Abi
Who is this Saberface?
What's this maintenance for? Just 30 quartz?
>Fate is now
Has been since Hollow Ataraxia, and it's not like Nasu was ever good at eroge.
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Probably to prep the hunting quests/advanced quests for next week
Does that mean she'll do anal now?
I know. I'm saying one All Ages franchise is more than enough.
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let her cook
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nice thread, losers
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>Kama boss fight
>unskippable monologue for 40 seconds
>break bar
>more unskippable monologue
I'm tempted to empty the gauge so I don't have to deal with this bullshit longer than I have to.
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7th anniversary countdown prep
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Also that big summer rate up before anni
so is there anything after this maintenance or just 2 dead weeks?
>longer than I have to
But this is the third time doing it.
I should probably stop checking this thread at the gym.
I generally wouldn't want someone seeing 4chan over my shoulder, but I can't say I'd care that much
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Everyone knows that anal doesn't count.
bros... it's like that penguin that goes to the mountains...
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I will miss them...
umm bro...? HA is not all-ages...
Well I’m the strongest guy here so it’s fine. (All the others are fat Mexicans or dyel brocculi zoomers)
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Maybe I should take the day off so that I can farm shells.
CBC when
Okay BoudiccaBro you’ve posted enough to convince me to impregnate her in koikatsu tonight
Does that even count as a boy?
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation?
Grats on np4.
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Should have saved more sq, EN
That's it. I'm grailing her. I was gonna anyway.
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I love Tsukihime so much it's unreal.
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Finally, Summer Medb!
I have 300 SQ and a dream!
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Would you roll Kama (true)?
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I look like this
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Ugh, no.
I bet you'd roll for the Kamapenis in a wheelchair though, slut.
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>summer medb
I implore you to reconsider
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She spooked me and to be honest she's kinda cool, the 1st ascension sprite is good and the design/voice are cute.
urinal morning
Why would you roll for her on a split rateup instead of using the limited ticket we get
Ati has been hospitalized after orgy stunt goes wrong.
Our reporter is on the scene to provide further updates where available.
You were supposed to post a chibi mom when asking that
I don't much care for Raikou though
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>Kiara and summer Kiara back to back
Holy shit, this is HUGE
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Here's a Kama there's a Kama and another Little Kama...
Make one of them brown
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All the Kamas...
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servant for this feel?
creampie sex
Ummmm I think the bloody axe king fits this one.
I don't want to wait until October of next year
for sure
fate goon order
Medb's OG design is so good, it baffles me how bad the artist got overtime, Summer Medb and Knoc are atrocious the eye color is not even right
I'd prefer them front to front with me in the middle.
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Buenos días sombreros.
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Roll for her!
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Oh shit. Summer/Anni soon?
In like 13 days yeah
Countdown to anni stuff is being added, anni is July 7th
I liked the new Schez interlude
Oh fuck I forgot to do that lol
It's over
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Top smug
it's up
Do hunting quests use Event supports? Do people want Teatime or Bella Lisa on Caster?
What's up?
>phoenix feathers and twinkling stars
Yeah, it's time.
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thread deader than katawa shoujo gen... just wrap it up albert
So this is how /alter/ dies... goodbye bros... all these years together... I love y
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Not much.
and probably pre-add stuff to avoid bugs, server clog and shit
I'd at least look at her ascensions/sprite first, they scuffed her art pretty badly. on the bright side rider medb got 2 really good costumes so you have options as a medb appreciator.
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How big is too big?
Post Florence
>ToT hags
>no caenis
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servants for this feel?
caenis is cringe
why aren't you reading the soulful OG version?
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eating canned corn rn
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Need a Caenis bf(gf)
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shoulders too wide hips too narrow
need caenis paenis
100% hetero btw
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thoughts on astraea's art?
as long as she can get pregnant too i agree with this statement
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I think I just found huntan on another game
he changes his name and everything but I know its him
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22 dollar nurse plushie
my caenis looks strange
stalk him and cum on his account again haha
just to be sure
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i look like this
>mordred mogged again
How soon until maintenance ends?
And then she smashed her skull. Brutal.
Should I farm embers during hunting quests or wait for anniv?
never hopefully
think of all the sq
Are these the gooning hours?
No, he just does that all the time
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It's always gooning hours for brainrot stancer
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It's always gooning hours if you're passionate enough
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48 hours. Remember that time she got us a whole 10 pull work of SQ? It's gonna be like that but twice as much.
more arc content?
I wonder. They've been stingier with compensation in more recent times. I bet we'd only get like 20.
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that would be cool
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>gamepress is still dead
How am I supposed to do events now?
What is this maintenance for?
Youtube cancer? Redditards?
Why is he saying fuck?
Yu would too if your lighter didnt work
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>cirnopedia is still dead
How am I supposed to do events now?
He heard that his arranged marriage bride made fun of his looks and personality
>long dark hair
>acts cute but is smarter than she looks
>cutesy catchphrase
>drinking problem

The High Queen is here, behave yourself, /alter/
He caught his fiancée fucking his sister
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this is the worst rebrand of a website ever
why did they feel the need to do this
Meant for
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post yuyu armpits
>this is the worst rebrand of a website ever
you say this every single time
when youtube got rebranded you said this
when reddit got rebranded you said this
when x got rebranded you said this
when 4chan will get rebranded you will say this again
>website gets an upgrade
>it's actually a downgrade
A tale as old as time

Because it's true
What this means is that each new rebrand tries to be worse than other previous attempts.
What are you guys going to get with your 5* CE ticket?
All these big websites have a bloated pool of programmers, so in order to appear productive and keep their jobs they make unnecessary/detrimental changes.
I finally got my fifth copy of Kscope in the last 6 months, so it doesn't matter a lick.
Black Grail
YouTube's latest rebrand was genuinely awful and had to be fixed manually by users (comments on the right side)
I don't even know if YouTube fixed it themselves
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Fuck I really need NP3 Summer Jannu but I also need to save for Skadi
I got 16 BGs and 15 kaleidos, so I'll get another kaleido.
I never got this update, but I don't think it is as bad as others think, twitch has its chat on the right side and everyone likes it but when youtube does it, turns out it's a bad thing
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One trick I've discovered is that players can get unlimited SQ by using their credit card.
you do not NEED np3 of anyone ever
you do need SKADI
Cute mother and daughter
Meant for >>483393338
What do I need Skadi for? Are there any OP Quick Servants in the future that I should get too?
Jets is eternal
If you have unlimited money yeah
But none of us do
I wish I had a futa Caenis gf...
Probably assumed you meant summer skadi
Alice, Dantes 2, and Ushi-Gozen will probably be good after the next meta shift, but you'll be wanting whatever new meta support they introduce for that rather than Skadi Ruler.
>Ushi-Gozen will probably be good after the next meta shift
No way
They can't even fix OG Raikou to keep up with poo god or morgan.
I need to roll for SSRs because of the dopamine hit I get when I roll one.
what do we get today? hunting quests?
have you heard about slot machines and sportsbetting?

Damn, I was willing to eat the vacation to post that too.
is there a synergy between them?
Well I haven't really been scrutinizing their kits. You probably already have a few that'll be fine.
Anyway, it's still Buster for the foreseeable future.
>7gb extra download
What did they put in there???
>load up FGO
>loading screen is Lip
Lip Love!
Uhm there's still no content
They're going to put the streams as unskippable cutscenes from now on due to low viewership.
Nothing. Skadi is an ez skip when you've already got Castoria, Oberon, and Vitch. Besides even if you're interested in her, she gets rerun next summer anyway. I'll skip her and see how I feel next summer, will keep skipping her if I never feel like I've needed her and maybe throw some rolls if otherwise
>Castoria, Oberon, and Vitch
I have none of those because I'm not a gameplayfag
>200mb of nothing
Caren’s party drain isn’t working now after the maintenance, quick looping is already hard enough as it is…
Then that's all the more reason to skip Skadi unless you want her for her Koyama honkers, in which case you wouldn't be even asking if you need her in the first place
>after the maintenance
It already didn't work before that. I've been using her in Ooku and she didn't drain.
Based Caren enjoyer. I hope they get her fixed soon.
>Go claim expedition from doggos
>Claim screen schizos the fuck out
>oppai loli Lip
Dick status: MUH
> Due to the game engine update to Unity2022 we have planned for late June 2024, we will be changing our supported Android environments.
Are we on unity2022 now or is there another update in the next 5 days?
That happened to you, too? Surprised the hell out of me.
youre right i didnt ask
im rolling either way (after i get ibuki's ibukis)
Why are you rolling for NP3 Jeanne if you dont't have Castoria? Genuinely curious.
I would've attached a jpeg of it if we weren't out of images. Are you on Android too? Any iOSfag can confirm if they're also seeing the freakout
saw it as an iosER
Understandable, enjoy your gooning sessions
Iosbab here, seeing on my end too. It looks kinda funny.
I'm on BlueStacks, actually.
im not that jeanne guy
I will thank you
Lets get a new thread up already. I need to post pictures.
I'm rolling for NP3 because I want to grail her to 120, and I need Summer Skadi for my favorite quick servants.
Try and get Bakin to go on his rant so you can see the textbox works overtime to keep up lmao. The audio must last like 2 minutes.
I posted my results screen on the new thread. Does it look similar to yours?
Yep, looks like it's happening to everyone lel
Hand over the Con. I'm turning them in for QP
Sounds like bad taste to me
She’s the highest AoE quick Avenger already
She’s already better than dantes and the new one as well.
Wasting pictures
we are back
too bad she is less appealing than ibuki
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>mods in charge of fucking everything up
>the subhuman is still spamming in the other thread
Yes, we are
No one cares about ibuki besides gameplay.
Who doesn't like big onee-chan?
Anon do you even actually post in these threads?
Why wouldn't I? This thread isn't dead.
Unless they range ban him nothing is going to happen
>More setpiece sprite cutscenes
>More complex NP and attack animations
Okita Jet love
Aesc and Bob the dorks
I hate you all.
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Another sign! This is her year!
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And yet you are here, reading our posts.
next year
>the already delayed "anniversary" isn't even on the 4th this year it's on the 6th because aniplex cares that little about NA
it hurts
All those Sakuras
22 hour thread
Ibuki boobs
we gonna beat onii-chan's thread with this one
your brain broke
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>has Jeanne d'Arc summer Archer 3 times
>no Cas Altera
How over is it for me
24 hour thread. Dead game. Dead general. Dead board. Dead website
48 hour thread here we gooooo
I like the ditzy onee-chan vibe
Liz bump
Con... tent.............
Has a dick
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I'm all alone in my own little world. No one can see me or hear me. But most of all, no one can acknowledge me. It hurts.
Lonely General for a Lonely Me
Owner of a Lonely Heart
I walk a lonely road
Ĺïž Łọvē
does any of you play Grand Summoners? how's the game? that game has much much better summer swuimsuits that FGO does for the prillya characters.
Even better
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