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eagle 1 edition
prev. >>483254909

Helldivers 2 is a 2021 first-person shooter game developed by 343 Industries and published by Xbox Game Studios. It is the sixth mainline installment in the Helldivers series, following Helldivers 5: Guardians (2015). The game's campaign follows the human supersoldier Master Chief and his fight against a mercenary organization, known as the Banished, on the Forerunner ringworld Zeta Halo. Unlike previous mainline entries in the series, the multiplayer portion of the game is free-to-play.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Helldivers is a 2001 first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox. It was released as a launch game for Microsoft's Xbox video game console on November 15, 2001. Helldivers is set in the twenty-sixth century, with the player assuming the role of the Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced supersoldier. The Chief is accompanied by Cortana, an artificial intelligence. Players battle aliens as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Halo, a ring-shaped artificial world.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






June 18th https://steamcommunity.com/games/553850/announcements/detail/5998312279144802695

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we're looking for fluted armor
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>bot MO
it's in leaked text files space station now moving to [.....] system
station now orbiting [.....]

and so on
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just point the arc thrower
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>platoon exclusive super super destroyer with recreational activities like a bar, minigames
>only accessible after a successful operation
but you know it's only gonna be a WoW guild list
You want something to reliably pick off shield heavy devas when they face an awkward angle for the hmg and eruptor is just the best for it.
You want some AOE to soften stacked up enemies and eruptor is really efficient at that
Also kill striders nicely
Very good at clearing FAB
oh sweet
>but you know it's only gonna be a WoW guild list
can i get a quick rundown?
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Nasty. Fire rate of 'next to none', literally zero punch, sounds more like sticking your fork in an outlet than a lightning strike. Not satisfying to use.
If gacrux bugdiver niggers had contributed to the phact bay defense, it would have succeeded. I am forever astounded at how the playerbase at large has no sense of strategy. Anytime joel starts up the defense spam its going to be tons of lost planets.
you don't know how many teammates i saved from those bots with the shield. it stuns them each time
today's patch will get us on track
I still haven't found snowballs on a snow planet
Arc is still really good for both side when they work. If they just fix the arc targeting jank, I would put it on top tier support again
People really undervalue cc, especially AOE CC in the game, then complain when they get ragdolled or aimpunch or staggered by the enemy.
>drop into blitz bot mission
>literally get ragdolled around nonstop by 4 gunships and rocket devastators while a detector tower is watching me and calling in dropships
>also there's 2 turret towers firing at me the entire time but missing
>eventually after a full minute of ragdolling around one of them hits and kills me
>drop in again
>the same shit happens again
>abandon mission
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"today's" "patch"... Oh, right, the patch, the patch for today... The patch made specifically for today, this week - today's patch. That patch...?
i want fortnite/cod style crossovers in this game
because they dont bother me personally but i want the fanbase to suffer and cry
at its core it's essentially just an extended friends list with an exclusive guild chat where everyone can type.
i hope i am wrong and if this >>483376643
is correct then maybe it'll be better
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Why does this piece of garbage exist? I will fix it in two stroke.
>get rid of AOE and stagger
>have it do enough damage to one shot devastators from anywhere on body.
there, fixed.
I was born on draupnir, seeing it contested once again and remembering all the trauma the community there has gone through is almost too much
accidentals are mostly a thing of the past too
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Looking at the current state of the support weapons, they're remarkably balanced. I don't think I would change a single one.
I would decrease the durability of a lot of enemy parts to buff the Railgun, though. And give it a less shitty optic. But its stats are fine pretty much, it's just the enemy designs that make them kinda shit
supposedly the carpet bomb stratagem is a space station stratagem
wonder if it works like the SEAF artillery and everyone shares it and so it's exclusive to if the station is orbiting the planet you're on so there would be some bonuses

I suppose the expectation is the clan you're part of can only have the station in one place at a time, so you can still go to what ever planet you want but will get bonuses for being on the one it's orbiting
also makes me nervous about joining someone if that's the case and not just starting my own even though I have few friends. I want the keys to the ship
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I just want more backpacks.
>ghillie suit backpack that lowers enemy reaction time on you
>belt-feed backpack that removes the reload on MG weapons, replacing it with an overheat bar
>Radar jammer backpack that increases enemy call-in times
>Hellbomb backpack that just explodes you on death
I'd like a signal/radio backpack that lowers stratagem call-in and cooldown times for surrounding allies
>replacing it with an overheat bar
no deal
Holy shit they tank now a shame they still get one tapped by chargers/vile titans
I'm pretty darn sure that hulks, gunships, factories, and tanks are just straight immune to fire
even when shot at their vents
Firing until your barrel turns white hot is based but there's should be a punishment if you fire for 20 seconds straight. Just let it cool off for a second like a laser gun
>there's should be a punishment if you fire for 20 seconds straight
I don't know........
Nah, accidentals isn't the problem. The problem is the arc shot getting stuck on terrain, some random bush/tree/debris, or dead bodies.
just turn it into a pseudo laser gun
heatsinks into spare barrels
>still wrong OP post
That’s the second time you got played by hg troon. Do you even read what you post?
That's what I was thinking. Laying off the trigger or having to unscrew and rescrew a new barrel on (length of normal reload animation) would work. Also I don't know how guns work so please don't tell me you don't unscrew barrels
>Also I don't know how guns work so please don't tell me you don't unscrew barrels
not exactly
you just pull them out on most of them
also obvious thing to do would be to give it a penalty to accuracy once the barrel gets hotter, LC already does that with recoil no?
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Is there actually going to be a patch today? Based on fucking what?
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maybe on thursday
>super earth is... le bad!
This is why we won't ever get a community hub
wait, why would those people play the game?
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Once again, based on what? What reason do you have to believe there will be one on thursday?
I just really hope that it has it's own slots similar to the experimental weapons.
I just had two 7's in a row go horribly wrong either because of bad luck of the draw with pubbies or our loadouts being shit, but you know what, instead of the usual shitters dropping when things started getting rough everyone stayed and played it out. Just going the distance and dropping a "lmao" in text chat after a complete debacle of a mission. Almost like a little bright spot on otherwise average day.
patches usually come on tuesdays or thursdays
it's just wishful thinking
I'd run this every game. A suggestion I saw one time when I brought it up was to make it interactive, something like it's own strat you have to input with it's own cooldown but when you do it it reduces the cooldown of everybody's strats by a certain amount.
How would you even buff the Liberator and Peacemaker?
Is it just okay that they're kinda bad, since they're the starting weapons? The only thing I can think of that either one has going for them is that the Liberator has a really fast 2-shot on bots. But that's it.
give it six additional magazines and cut the recoil in half
the base liberator is in a fine spot, it's not really bad
Call me a pussy but is anyone else genuinely creeped out by the automaton marching chant? It reminds me of seeing the old Lord of the Rings orc marching song for the first time as a kid
liberator is servicable, I use it from time to time on bugs, it just lacks punchy-ness against things and feels more like a smaller stalwart (I guess thats pretty much what it is because they use the same ammo). I find myself usually emptying full mags with it.
its a neat gun but unfortunately outclassed by the grenade pistol, verdict, and senator almost completely. Maybe if it had minimal recoil and a lightning-quick reload being standard-issue, as well as bringing its ammo count and magazines to be a bit higher than average, it could be more flexible. Honestly id just like to see weapon customization instead.
Peacemaker just needs more ammo and a faster reload to make it stand out. Unfortunately though every secondary is competing with the grenade pistol which makes it really hard to justify almost anything else.
>waiting at extract, nothing is happening or spawning
>can see SAM sites firing at something
>suddenly 20 berserk spawn out of thin air on top of us, including tanks/hulks and striders
everything here at minimum https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Helldivers_1:AR-19_Liberator plus an attachments system, allowing conventional rifles to pack what amounts to an extra secondary weapon as underbarrels, giving them a utility angle versus more frontloaded high firepower primaries

extended mag upgrade and AP bullets, again per the original https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Helldivers_1:P-2_Peacemaker
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>game is suddenly crashing and stuttering and breaking at the seams
And they didn't even touch anything. What's the over under on the next hotfix (tomorrow) breaking more than it fixes?
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>Spear crashes the game
>Superior packaging broken and devs are gaslighting us saying it was never supposed to do what it says
>Apparently the rest of the tier 4 ship upgrades don't work either
>Performance somehow gets increasingly worse every patch
>Lose 40% of your fps by pressing esc until the game is restarted
>Need to dive/move forward to crack behemoth leg armor with rockets
>Change to spawn less armored enemies on bugs but forgot to apply that change to behemoth chargers so they are more common than normal chargers
>Biletatan sometimes takes no head damage
>Arc weapons still target and jump to corpses
>Reinforce bug still exists
A-at least we got damage over time effects working after 4 months
Cool it with the death threats, think about the devs mental health before you speak.
>>Spear crashes the game
it gets better
it only crashes the game on planets with trees regardless of whether spear is interacting with the foliage or not
>Arc weapons still target and jump to corpses
what's worse is that they treat ambient particles as obstacles
>>Need to dive/move forward to crack behemoth leg armor with rockets

That one isn't a bug

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Double the liberator's ammo capacity
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We are going back to the creek aren't we?
Daily reminder you can use stuff like Process Lasso to limit gameguard raping your CPU by limiting it to 1-2 cores. Don't let this shitty gook malware shorten your CPU's lifespan for no reason.
not anon but bc ah needs something to pull players and get the focus off their shit updates.
Does anybody have that kino poster about remembrance? IIRC it had a yellow background and had a ghost helldiver scaring a living helldiver not to dishoner his memeory.
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Nvm, I was thinking about this one.
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>doing blitz, wrapping up and heading to extract
>shitter is trying to call resupply, but the beacon keeps de-spawning
>half the team suddenly disconnects
>somehow they took the extract beacon with them, its just fucking gone
GG, Swiggers. Cooked??? Its fucking RAW.
>also makes me nervous about joining someone if that's the case and not just starting my own even though I have few friends. I want the keys to the ship
My concerns are what is required regarding upgrading/maintaining the station? Is it something where you need a horde of terminally online players to keep the thing fed, or is it something like the Fleet Carriers in Elite Dangerous where one autist can keep the thing running?
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I'm just feeling so dang patriotic

I mean what can I say, I love my friends, I love my god, I love my country

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would've been really cool if the "well-developed" Liberator platform had access to a fuckload of mods being "the" SEAF service rifle
either just more mags would be able to put it on par with Sickle, or a universal change of making even small ammo boxes completely restock Primaries (and certain Secondaries) would be nice
A lot of weapons in this game just need more fucking ammo. It's like this game's ammo economy was balanced around D5 for most weapons.
Are you the one that's shitting tens of these AI generated songs on YouTube every week? Please stop.
better than any song a human has made about this game
I dunno, I play 7-8 and feel like world drops plus efficient use of resupplies feels like it keeps you stocked, I feel like I only start getting uncomfortable when I freelance off on my own to pick off side targets so no resupply access (or a fellow lone wolf is hogging them themselves)
>more mags
12 magazines

the standard set by Helldivers 1 was 12x30 round magazines upgrading to 45 for the Liberator, or 12x35 upgrading to 75 for the upgraded Patriot carbine, or 12x20 upgrading to 30 for the Adjudicator equivalent full caliber rifle Justice with infinite punchthrough

peg all basic rifles to carrying a whopping 12 magazines maximum as your super overloaded starting point and Helldivers 2 will begin to heal
The irony poetry, if it exists, lies in these swedish wads.

The circumstances that made the creek what it was have been designed and ran out of the game. Joel must have control and the devs MUST have their story be told; damn and befoul what is unfurling before them. Absolute blindness ro something being made and flourishing beneath your garden of turf and weed.

The creek only exists because we were allowed to do what we wanted for a while. We were just playing, and we found a planet we liked. No major order pointed us there, no fucking forced ass narrative. It was the ONE AND SOLELY organic fucking thing to come out of this game and it's all because AH can't imagine just letting their system they built work.

It's insane.
and that at one point we lost access to the creek because the supply lines got cut off, but the people who were there at the time it happened were still able to play there so it's like there was this emerging narrative where we had men trapped behind enemy lines trying to survive until reinforcements could get to them
Is there a quantitative argument to be made in favor of the Liberator being "fine" or is it just a feeling? Because it feels fine insofar as the game isn't hard enough to force you to pick optimal weapons every time but there are similar weapons that outperform it pretty significantly.
Yeah, so recoil buff, reload buff and spare mag buff seems okay. They buffed the damage once already. I was also thinking it could have its noise profile reduced but I don't know if that's a thing that actually varies between different ballistic weapons? Does anyone know?
Ammo limiting seems purposeful in most instances, I feel like the Scorcher for instance would be kind of nuts if you could just mindlessly dump it all the time. You can go to PoIs or take Supply Pack if your loadout has ammo problems
here's /not a rule/ but basically you're trading noise for performance
muzzle brakes make your gun go BLAM BLAM BLAM but also makes it more stable, suppressors pretty much do the opposite of that
The suppressed pistol and Liberator are both coming in a future Warbond I think so it's less fun for me to imagine they just add that to the Peacemaker.
Although, in a theoretical weapon mods system, that would be a cool inclusion.
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Note to self don't drop onto a bug hole to try and close it.
you can close it by dropping on its edge
it doesn't trap you this way
but if they give weapon mods they wont be able to justify selling things like the short barreled liberator in a warbond for $10
or the breaker nail splitter and bug biter variants which are just regular breakers that have different handling characteristics
why do you keep posting shitty unrelated music in every thread
another victory for the white side of history
I wish
>come back to a destroyer crewed by mystery meat
It's over, super earth has fallen. Billions must dive.
get real dudies

if the troons can will their fairytale make-believe narrative into reality then so can we
Unfortunately I'm just not attracted to white women
They're a poor investment in the future, 25 going on 60
It should be used as the baseline, despite the fact that i think its underpowered. If it had higher penetration stats it would have a more versatile role. In fact all ARs should - all these complaints about their terrible damage really stem from the fact that on enemies that weapons should be balanced around the primaries are only doing half damage, or zero.
over status?
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This thing is an amazing AA turret against bots
I thought it doesn't target dropships
it does
it even aims for engines
it's literally just the Mort defense that dropped 5 minutes ago, no other planets are under threat
I assume the blob will get its shit together to defend 1 planet with 300k health in 24 hours in order to get 45 medals
would you apply that increase to the MGs, too?
AC turret is best turret for bots
if we get involved in a war on 3 fronts we're fucked
by the time ah gets around to releasing the squids there wont be nearly enough players for 3 fronts. Joel will have to scale back major orders. I dont think squids will get released until later this year seeing how bad the patches and hotfixes have fucked this game.
Waffle primaries are strangely balanced because its balanced around a "universal" light penetration threshold. If they wanted shotguns and pistols to appear less able to penetrate armor, light armor would need to be split into two, Light 1 and Light 2, with rifles doing full damage to Light 2. Of course this automatically makes shotguns worse if the enemy commonly has Light 2, but its alright if only one faction (bots) has Light 2 while bugs and squids have mostly Light 1 wherever it is light.
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>me when I get 6 squad impact on Mort in 2 minutes by blowing up an Illegal Broadcast on Trivial and then killing myself with the Eruptor 6 times
It FUCKS gunships
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They fixed hulk heatsinks and factory strider bellies being immune to the direct damage the flamethrower does, and tank both tank engines and heatsinks also take damage.
(hold your horses, for time I cut out it taking a whole tank before this)
we had a light 1 penetration weapon. It was the breaker spray and pray
it fucking blew absolute horrific chunks, like the actual worst gun in the game when it only had 1 pen

Behemoth charges should replace all regular chargers on higher difficulties. You're a fag if you disagree.
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How do you do that? Active processes>GameMon64>???
It also had the worst damage in the game. Their version of a "high damage hard to control version of the Breaker" had 1/3 of the damage and double the ammo of the Breaker. The way it was balanced made literally zero sense. 1 point blank shot from the S&P would do less damage than a single shot from the pistol. That was truly a shit weapon.
Btw the way it's currently balanced still doesn't really make sense. It's just a shit Breaker that for some reason gets to have a stendo mag. If it had *more* damage than the Breaker, but less pen, then it would kind of make sense. And also would make perfect sense in terms of the game's way of using damage numbers to simulate ballistics too
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Do you love a stratagem so much you'd upscale it and make it fit on your entire forearm?
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can't wait until AH announces that the factory strider's belly being susceptible to AMR/AC magdumps is unintended and make them nigh invulnerable like BTs are
you can just pop them in the eye with the same weapon. nbd
Amazing as in it wastes all it's ammunition on dropships and achieves nothing? Yes.
if its placed by a fab it will waste all its ammo there too. still s tier turret for bots when placed correctly

They should because its too easy to kill them now as is.
cant wait for the patch today :)
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Well its maybe probably this week, and it should maybe hopefully (you better hope because not even AH knows) fix the SPEAR.
just dropped for me
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Right now
thats it?
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The full patch notes as of right now.
>Fixed so the Quasar cannon has the correct change to its heat when on hot and cold planets.
>for real this time guys we promise
>Peak physique fixed
somebody tests it right now
So, since the game now officially dead and abandoned (those “patches” are not serious) what are you planning to buy on steam summer sale?
two weeks and this is it? this game really is over
youre not serious about your life, loser
Just find yourself another game to ruin Alexus, you can’t be this attached to surstromming
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I'm hoping the Forever Winter devs announce some kinda closed alpha in 35 hours
Now THAT'S a game with constant updates
Helldiver will be the only game I spend money on for now.
>Fixed Peak Physique armor passive not properly affecting weapon ergonomics.
anyone can confirm this?
For the love of god WHY is there always orbital scatter and extra call-in time for strats on D9?
I'm so sick of this shit.
Can we have 1 positive modifier in the game?
is alexus in the room with us right now?
you get to eat shit and farm SC
>Modifier: Helljumper
>All helldiver will land on the enemy base first.
>Fix for crash happening when players with unique hellpod patterns leave during hellpod launch cutscenes.
Just about anything and everything new they add can cause a crash in one way or another.
Would be fine if the game didn't had the annoying habit of constantly land us and skip the entire drop in time and aiming
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>Spear fix
>Peak Physique fix
This is actually all I wanted from a hotfix to be quite honest
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>Superior Packing not fixed
>Bile Titan hurtboxes STILL not fixed
>"Some weapons’ descriptions are out-of-date and don’t reflect their current design."
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friendly reminder to verify game files after every patch
Friendly reminder to verify game files before every launch*
The bug where you will be matched with random difficulties when you quick play and you cant see missions in progress randomly until you verify files is still in sadly
>Still no fix on the ballistic shield.
>handful of fixes
>major shit still not fixed
yeah Im thinking its over
I guess we soon find out if any of these fixes work.
holy nothingburger
>devastators range was broken
Go check it out, The heavy and rocket devs will aim with perfect accuracy at 150+ meteres now (tested at max 174)
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>all 8008 files successfully validated
>hellpod skin (???) was causing crashes
Can we fix the cringy Halo shit for the next OP please
Need to stop letting bitter /copeg/ niggers run interference
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I expected nothing but fixes and I'm still disappointed
Can confirm, DCS moves like butter now. Thing is a god damn scalpel.
Seems like it's worth dropping recoil reduction buff for. Now I only need peak physique armor that doesn't turn my Helldiver into a Floridian.
Fries on pizza.
>JP voices globally available now
That's nice I guess, I was always curious how those sounded
Voice 4 sounds very polite and proper (until he Light Yagami laughs by holding down the trigger for too long)
owari da...
Downloading now.
Spearkings, are we eating good now?
That sounds pretty fun
it don't crash no mo
awww shiiiii
I've heard some banzai but not as a battle cry
Trying out the eruptor, is there a way to make its handling not feel like ass? Swapping from target to target, especially when its a fast moving one is aids
There's definitely a JIYUU BANZAI ("Ten thousand years of freedom!") when you get a kill streak.
Apparently the Peak Physique armor passive just got fixed, so try that out.
use the new armors, they fixed the passive not doing anything to help with handling
Eruptor is one of those guns like the Pummeler or the Concussive that gets stronger the more friends you have. Casually shooting into the side of a column of bugs with it is very easy and effective. Trying to peel Hunters off of yourself with it is practically impossible
Aim with the circle in 3rd person, not the cross hair.
Use your secondary or support to hit fast moving light target. You should be only taking eruptor shot at medium target or a clump of enemy.
In other word, treat the Eruptor like a impact grenade you can "shoot". That should kinda help you get better at using the Eruptor.
if you ever let it slip that you're using the jp voices in my lobby you better be prepared to demonstrate at least N2-level knowledge in Japanese or else you're getting kicked
N2? Is that when you know two slurs for blacks in the language?
>load in
>drop support weapons
>fire primary

See you all next patch
You swap to your secondary and vow to never bring that piece of shit again
Ah c'mon it's not that bad.
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>2nd game
>infinite hellpod drop loading screen
>what are you planning to buy on steam summer sale?
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Holy shit Peak Physique is strong. Try out the AMR or the Autocannon with it
What the FUCK is happening on mort
I will never be black
Tried it, not good enough, going back to extra padding which has the upside of not turning me black
When is Korosan playing helldivers?
community defense speedrun any%
Not until they let me choose my skin tone
When Sony stops being a faggot about perms
Pretty neat, still not a great reason to run Flamethrower on bots but at least it gives you an option
>at least it gives you an option
It doesnt give you shit. A full tank of flamethrower + extra half is over 10 seconds of continous fire from underneath the strider. The flamethrower is also dogshit against every else in bots.
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>Will probably be no more updates until next warbond
what is your favorite support weapon and why

what is your favorite GTA radio station and why
it goes up and down and doesn't afraid of anything
vladivostok fm
because i like leningrad
based ESL poster
railgun prenerf because fun
arc thrower post nerf because i get off on frustration

Radio los santos because you got gap teeth so my dicks gots to fit
machine gun, it's standard issue and SEA knows best

either vladivostok or k-dst im not sure
It's just so satsifying to blast devs, tanks, hulks and AT-ATs with it, and it isn't completly braindead because you need to manage the reload, recoil and poor ammo economy
reminder that popping devastator heads with the DCS is immensely satisfying
senator is cooler and more fun
It's a tie between AMR because it's incredibly satisfying to stop a hulk in 2 shots, and HMG because DAKKA
Okay, but what did they break?
heck yeah cowboy

something i can bro-op with my friend. hd2 was great, but the game i bought in march is not the same game now. my friend uninstalled in late april, i've played about 3 hours in the last 60 days. squeezed a good 200ish hours, friend did almost 400. it's been real but time to move on because these retards have no idea what they're doing ans i've played enough paradox games to know what the new CEO is going to do. i'll be surprised if this game has over 10k players in december.
The only thing even worth shooting at with it are hive guards. I'm not dedicating my whole primary slot for that.
Too bad 80% of the time there is some kind of fog or other environmental bullshit going on
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So now that it works, what's better for controlling heavy weapons: fortified or peak physique?
>joking about le child gf is so wacky haha
it's pretty competent at killing groups though
especially if you use the swap exploit lol
I tested it out and I preferred peak physique, the crosshair moves faster and takes longer to settle and stop moving after movement with peak physique. Still kinda sluggish but its a bit of an improvement.
>buys Viper Commandos
>wear the suit
>Black Helldiver
>I'm East Asian

Great dishonor on my clan. I will now uninstall in shame.
for my money it's definitely Peak Physique
a Peak Physique User can go prone and remove 60% of his recoil
a Fortified user can't get those sweet ergonomics no matter what he does
meant to say it takes less time to settle*
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do you guys think Eruptor and / or Crossbow need a buff
also how would you fix Thermite grenade. like I don't even know what the deal with it is. is it broken? is it working? what exactly is the point of it
hmg needs a larger ammo bag, 75 aint enough
deal w/ it
(a backpack feed would be cool though)
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Hellpod loading screen?
Put 3 more rounds per mag in crossbow and it's fixed.
Either expand explosion radius or add shrapnel back to eruptor and its fixed.
It's so easy and they act like they are having to actually physically manufacture these guns irl to make changes. Rather than just edit a single line of code.
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Eruptor needs its exlosive radius buffed, I legit forget its even there half the time until i accidentally kill 2 chaff with the same bullet.

Thermite grenades need to stick to whatever I throw it at, none of this bouncing off charger's heads shit.
They also need to shorten the fuse since all the damage is done on the explosion, then up the explosion damage.
K-DST, Radio X and V-Rock
>read shitscord for 2minutes
>try not to have an aneurysm
>they act like they are having to actually physically manufacture these guns irl to make changes.
theres some truth to what they say but its still their own retarded fault.
apparently the shitty old engine the game runs on requires spinning up a rube goldberg machine of ropes and pullies to make the game have the changes you want. Its why packing methodology broke again with a patch that had nothing to do with it.
>devs need to re-code the entire game just to un-fuck the friends list
Its so over like never before.
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>Challenge level: Impossible
dont have a trannycord, but what is it this time?
more vomit/clown emojis?
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Do your worst, nigger.
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probably newest peak at 23K
expected more since 30K already payed 39, so they might've fucked the formula again
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mid divers
Tried out the flamethrower with the fixed peak armor. Its actually pretty cool. Maybe not really necessary but being able to micro adjust quicker while firing does seem to really help
More like L Divers.
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glitch divers
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how long before the list of "known bugs" requires scrolling to view it all?
Considering they're not keeping it up to date, we might not see it get any longer now.
>spend 6 weeks doing pretty much only fixes and tweaks to damage and cooldowns
>list gets longer after this patch
untested jank kino...
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i hope somebody johnny silverhands sony hq and every corpo shitnigger rat faggot company that turned video games from art to product
anyone got names on the jap VAs
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Every update is a fucking monkeys paw. Every time they fix something two more things break
>most weapons still shoot below cross-hair when ADS
This is still a thing? Jesus christ I hate sweden
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Uh oh...
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i love infinite loading screens!
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You think that's bad?
Look at this shit.

The only reason i'm here is because of the patch that landed today.
>tfw can't enjoy DRG anymore
I should be happy i got 800 hours out of it but i wanted to have fun with the new season...
What is there left to say? AH took the golden goose out back and cracked its head over a rock.
>launch ER to know if i feel like playing the DLC
>the game runs like shit on my pc now
>still no new stratagems
>swedes on vacation
Yep. Playing something else
Peak physique makes you a nigger
No one will use it
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>Arrowhead is using filler MOs because they don't want release the Illuminates during the Erdtree hype
Brother if ER runs like ass on your PC post AC6 where From actually got a grasp on how to optimize their foliage, i'm sorry to say, you play on a toaster.
t.1440pchad with 140+FPS in ER on a last gen card.
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>give in and decide to give it another go
>verify files, all up to dte
>ctd after dropping in

unironically fucking doomed, I want a refund
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>Explain the problem
I tried to play the game
>3 crashes in 250 hours
God it feels good to live in the first world
skeleton crew just dunno how to even activate them
shit, it took them 2 months to reactivate supply lines
they might be waiting for us to finish off 1 of the 2 factions
game will be dead(er) by then
if they want to railroad that hard then make us kill a faction through a week long MO again like last time
truth is they don't have any of the squids functional lmao
It's peak holiday season in Sweden right now. They probably have the bare minimum staffing to keep things running, everyone else is off. I honestly don't blame them for not releasing any new content right now since I'll rather wait an extra month than get something hardly playable.
>it’s literally nothing
If the AMR had exactly one more bullet in the magazine it would make me so fuckin happy
oh hey, the all time peak is finally above the helldivers daily, took em long enough
I'm excited to find out what new bugs and problems this hotfix for a hotfix for a patch will introduce this time
Maybe this time they coded everything right and there'll be no problems
but what we have now is hardly playable
>stay and work tirelessly trying to cater for crybaby community split between reddit and here
>go on vacation with your heaps of money that you made from the game

I mean I can't exactly blame them
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Physique armor is worth using if you're using the dominator, DCS, spray and pray, or eruptor as primary, and/or the autocannon, any machine gun, or AMR. It makes these weapons cross a threshold from clunky to either serviceable or downright snappy, with the autocannon and machine guns especially being noticeably much, much better. I wonder if they have a different formula depending on which weapon you're using, because the dominator and eruptor didn't seem to improve as much as I expected, while support weapons are noticeably better.

I would even use physique armor with something like the recoilless rifle, since you can really pull off such clutch saves with it compared to the quasar or EATs, where there's a charge or unfolding delay on aiming anyways. The weapons that seem to benefit most are weapons that have "medium" handling since they now feel like snappy light weapons, while light weapons don't see much improvement and heavy weapons only go to medium and still have some sway/drag to them.

Overall, it's a legitimate contender with fortified armor for me, now. It's a shame there's no armor available with the passive that doesn't show your skin, though. It's really annoying that just wanting to pick a character that looks like you is now something which people will assume you're racist for.
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>Move from weekly hotfixes and updates to a longer cycle
>Shit breaks even worse than before and takes longer to fix
>Each update releases with more bugs than fixes somehow making them the most incompetent devs i have ever witnessed
>They already sold more than their lifetime expected sales so they can just fuck off and leave the game on life support
Its fun now which is nice. I just want them to up the increased melee damage so you can one shot trash.
Yeah, it's baffling that the melee bonus isn't 100%. It's not like you would hit any insane breakpoints, you could just bonk trash more consistently. It's not like you're going to start slapping bile titans across the map lol
is he ok?
don't worry, you're all subhuman monkeys to us, don't get over yourself
>Watch video about why people prefer to play bugs over bots
>"Bots have more armor than a bug"
>Close video
I'm surprised at how stable my game has been from the very beginning, I've heard a lot of complaints about crashing and slowdowns and my friends have also all always crashed at least once per session.
I am playing on Troonix.
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>Maybe this time the swedes coded everything right and there'll be no problems
Lol. Lmao even. You must be new around here
Yes they were able to sponge up the blood and put it back in him he's doing okay now Anon.
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>spear "fixed"
What mystery bug do you think it will have now?
It isnt THAT ba-
>2nd mission is infinite hellpod even after they "fixed it"
>verify files
>all there
>cant quickplay into chosen difficult
>verify files 1 found and fixed
>CTD as soon as I join a game
I was literally laughing out loud while I was listening to a particular YouTuber at work the other day because he was talking about how certain weapons shaped up against bugs versus bots, basically saying that you want to bring all medium penetration primaries to bots and light penetration primaries to bugs when it's literally the opposite which is true. Since all small and medium bots have lightly armored weak points that you want to be shooting for anyways, I would bring the tenderizer over the adjudicator, but since bugs don't really have weak points in the same way but often have annoying medium armor that cock blocks you no matter where you shoot (without flanking), I find weapons like the adjudicator, dominator, incendiary breaker, and explosives much more important for bugs. I just thought it was really funny because there's going to be so many people bringing the adjudicator to bots now, thinking it's the way to go, and dumping an entire magazine into a devastator's chest and maybe getting one kill per mag, when I'm running something like the tenderizer and killing half a dozen bots or more per reload.
>trying deep rock
>ugly ui, ugly maps
>tutorial didn't teach me how to buy ammo after it ends
>had to figure that while running from a giant mob
>now what?
Close the game, uninstall, never again.
Is that game even fun to play with ramdoms or you need friends to play with?
Autocannon crashes your game when reloading, but only from specific magazine intervals
>>>>>>>>>>>>JP voices now global
what the fuck is the answer to brawlers
they have no weak spot
their entire body is durable
You DO use the AC-8 NiggerShredder on every mission, both factions, right?
this game is strangely addicting
AMR and HMG on bots, Spear on bugs. I need a break from AC after 150 hours straight
brawlers are the basic bot troopers that have blades for weapons, if you're having issues with them you might want to pick up any game that isn't played in real time
HMG assrapes devaniggers
Brawlers are regular troopers with a pistol/saber combo. Do you mean hulk bruisers? Hit its eyeslit with your support weapon which you picked according to the meta because you aren't a contrarian retard.
Hopefully you mean Berserkers or Hulk Bruisers? Because brawlers are just the regular-ass bots with swords for hands.
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what did he mean by this...
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What's the best balance for mobility and survivability, anons? Medium padded or 129 fortified?

You mean berserkers, the guys with chainsaw arms? They're an unarmored, high HP gear check on a faction that normally has high armor but low HP that favors lower DPS, precise weapons. I either overwhelm them with my support weapon (AC, AMR, LC, RG) or, if I'm running them, the tenderizer, bushwhacker, redeemer, dominator, diligence (either), or even the slugger. Slugger kills them in 1 headshot, not sure if the dominator does off the top of my head but it should, it's just harder to land it.

Like everything else on bots right now, it all comes down to the tendie and hitting them in the head. It's like 3-4 shots to kill them that way. I've had fantastic results with the bushwhacker though, since you can fire it while walking/running away, they never catch up to you and it's a 2-3 shot kill every time.
I know, but the ammo economy still pisses me off, especially now that superior packing methodology got rekt by spiteful devs.
What's the best primary for bots? I've been using the dominator, since firing enough bullets means you can kill anything short of a dev but people often say the Plasma or the Scythe is better
Sir, your supply pack? Infinite ammo, grenades and stims all mission
>Is that game even fun to play with ramdoms or you need friends to play with?
It's superb with friends and meh with randos.
Tenderizer if you can hit heads, plasma punisher or scorcher if you want to body shot. Scythe would be GOAT if it had a good sight, dominator just isn't consistent enough for me, with the bad handling and slow velocity, but might be better now that peak physique is a functioning passive.
Heavy Devs are annoying to deal with the HMG, i feel like i burn a belt just to kill one
Isn't the heavy armor guy white but very tanned?
They're all different depending on the "seed" of your current spawn after you die, regardless of armor choice.
Dont full auto them, tap their heads with single shots. Or shoot their packs if they stick out
Is Viper Commandos a better pick over Cutting Edge now?
Stun grenade alone is better than the entire viper warbond
Hell no.
I’ve resorted to just shooting their arms off. Sometimes I still have NA aim moments because reasons but that’s what my adjudicator is for
>dying now means you can come back as a nigger
My only theory is that there will be "melee" weapons soon that scale with the bonus. What's so stupid is that this is what the knife should've been. Imagine if pressing the grenade hotkey let you swap to a knife if you had one for increased melee damage % (something big), which scaled with the armor passive.

It wouldn't have been very good, but at least it would've been cool.
Nope, not at all. Cutting edge is probably the best warbond in the game at the moment.
It probably isn't the best, but I like the Breaker. It handles shit up close faster than anything else and I have the AC for longer distances.
Redpill me on the stun grenade
Why does it wear the pin
It's great but I like red pokeballs and it's not fun to take one less just because Arrowhead is having a faggot attitude about weapon balance. I want the HMG to be awesome on its own.
I like the Railgun
I played after the nerfs to it, but it consistently lets me kill hulks quickly
I can't imagine how deadly it was before
Revisiting the fact that light armor makes you take boosted damage regardless of armor perks or actual protection value, does anyone know the % debuff that light armor has coded into it?
It wouldn't make sense that the Eruptor doesn't count. Sounds to me like a classic case of them overlooking things again.
Why are you posting this shit on a sfw board you fucking third world nigger. But yes you are correct in your assessment.
Nah, it's not an overlook, they just have a grudge against it like the railgun. It's a "brainless playstyle" according to them, remember.
Retards who are into that kind of stuff think everyone is, or they're just edgy kids who go "heh... to piss off pussies like you.... I love seeing a corpse in the morning~"
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daily reminder the AMR scope are still misaligned
>unfolding delay
unless you dive
daily reminder if you complain about the bad first person view in a third person shooter game you're fucking retarded
>Cutting edge is probably the best warbond in the game at the moment.
I just wish the armor effect wasn't completely useless
ok alexus
It'll be good once the illuminate comes out bro, trust me
put this in the fucking OP already
Game balance could very easily be balanced around penetration levels with some tweaks. Make light AP weapons have higher base damage and the problem is solved. Diligence is suddenly really good if it has 150 damage out of the box.
Okay, what's his source?

We are losing on every single planet atm lol
Am I allowed to Spear now?
Thank you poster of arcane wisdom
Good. Maybe we’ll finally get pushed back to Super Earth and the new Super Earth biome will be released.
Dumbass joel needs to attack Bore Rock so we can have 2 jungle planets that way at least one will be open for a while.
What? I logged off at like midnight yesterday and all planets were 100%
The decay system is retarded
a true flutey fan would work through that
>it’s another no bonuses on cape episode
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Shit's fucked.
>frag grenade
>Tesla Tower
>AC Sentry
>Rocket Sentry
It’s democracy time
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I've pretty much resigned myself to stop playing. Game isn't fun if it keeps crashing on me every "patch". I don't feel like playing with tryhard randoms when I host that will sabotage the game and lead to me kicking them. Bored of the medal grind leading nowhere. No endgame upgrades or goals to work towards. The game really lost its charm despite me pumping in roughly 240 hours. Things just started going downhill late April and early May. Wake me up when we invade Cyberstan with a meaningful mission that isn't bugged to hell like Meridia was. The illuminate will breathe small life into the game and then divide further because the games going to still be an unplayable mess with nerfs, fixes and crashes all around. I fucking hate swedes. Wish this game was pushed onto some competent developers that could actually fix their fucking game.
Sayonara niggers i'm gonna go beat my meat to mmd sex dances
>nooo i saw gore on 4chan fucking n-nigger!!
newfags are so sensitive
Spear needs more ammo at diff 8 and 9. Otherwise is use it everytime
works 4 me
Imagine if you could pick 2 perks per armor.
>less recoil and better ergo
>grenades and stims
>throwing distance and scouting pings
>stealth and explosive resistance
which 2 would you pick?
report on how many times you kill yourself with tesla
that shit SUCKS
Maybe this sit isn't for you. Might I suggest reddit... a safe haven for like-minded frolicking faggots such as yourself
Extra Padding and one of the stronger effects. Probably Peak Physique's weapon handling.
See you next week
I'm basically only going to play this game when my friends feel like playing. I've ground out the SC for every warbond so far but I'm unsure if I will keep that up.

I've got half a mind to just drop the game completely until a time where they can actually deal with all the bugs and shit. But after months of floundering and such a shit track record with every single update I don't know if they ever will.

Also it'll probably be a while until I get the elden ring DLC out of my system.
Engineer plus servo assisted
It does, which forces me to pick strats that help me focus armor even harder. I take it as a personal insult that this many fucking chargers exist without my consent and all of my friends literally won’t put down AC so I am anti armor man, 410757864530 dead behemoths, Alexus is a fuck, etc
you can fuck a charger with AC no problem
No worries, I'm getting to Vandalon as we speak
OK valdedictorian
yeh when there’s one charger it’s not a problem. When you get caught in an endless ring around the rosie with multiple chargers and behemoths with their shit AI and jank movement not so much. I can just lock on and instantly help my homies manage their situation. You can also blow out a bile titans abdomen with an AC fairly quickly if they decide to take damage but spear is better at tackling that problem as well. It lends balance to the squad kit
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Not sure if I missed any

The names are kind of irrelevant because there's 'engineer' armors with different perks inside of them.
Is the Spear FINALLY fixed?
What I want is a new mission type where you instead board automaton ships and destroy them while in space (if you need a dive mechanic to keep in theme with the name of the game, just have it be that the destroyer is above an automaton ship and your divepod is punching through the bot ship's exterior). And instead of granting points to the planet itself, it instead depletes the enemy regen rate via these space boarding actions. Unsure what to do for a bug equivalent, I'm just kicking things around in my head. Thoughts?
the current code can barely handle planets not being buggy messes with bots shooting through rocks or the player getting stuck
I know, anon, I know. I'm just imagining what this game could be if it was developed by a more competent team.
I guess it should have been obvious that no one picks engineer for crouch recoil.

Grenades plus throwing range, my man
dominator and scorcher are still the ol reliable standby priamries
tenderizer got a big glow up with its damage buff and its limited ammo doesn't hurt as much on bots as it does on bugs
and unironically the scythe is actually pretty good against bots if you can aim, especially when paired with the laser cannon so you can never have any down time needing to reload. They even reduced the size of the dot in the sight so it doesn't completely obscure the target anymore.
they'll just end up with an "event" where all the patriotic children of super earth pitch in the drive back all the enemies of super earth back to their starting positions because they don't want to have to make the super earth map

assuming they don't just fudge the numbers (like they always do) and prevent them from getting past a certain point
>assuming they don't just fudge the numbers (like they always do) and prevent them from getting past a certain point
>"the bots and bugs, uh, got tired and stuff. they went back to their homes and left behind a note that said let this be a warning or, uh, something. idk lol"
>super earth has buildings
>automatic 20 fps max gameplay
On a blue board you fucking retarded newfag faggot nigger. Newfags have no respect for rules
>rigged system that is being kept in a constant state of stagnation because they are on rolling holidays for the next 2 months
>any actual form of development
>D9 bots
>host dies 5 times in one ore survey, doesn't know how to circle a tank
>one guy brings an airburst
>other guy with a LC misses 6 continues seconds of tracking a single gunship engine

Also post hand
>doesn't know how to circle a tank
How does one circle it? The stub grenade didn't work
>Newfags have no respect for rules
correct, mods are fags and so are you, bootlicker
>get a nice fps boost by editing the .ini
>it's gone with the new update
Sometimes I wish Russia would just nuke all of Scandinavia
literally just walk around it
the regular tank turrets turn slower than you can walk around them
the exception is the shredder tank though as it turns faster
>stealth and explosive resistance
wouldn't it be stealth and melee damage?
Known Issues: Super Earth Planet type causes crashes when loading in

the 20fps will be from a patch 5 months later that allows 20% of players to now play
THe melee damage is nothing.
it's not that, it's about fitting the stealth theme
What's the source of this chart?
How quiet your weaponry is doesnt actually matter all for stealth, because an enemy dying emits a "sound" (even if its silent) that alerts nearby by enemies.
The throwing knife is silent but the act of killing anyone with it will instantly alert everyone nearby to you. Its fucking retarded especially when a lot of bots and bugs dont make a lot of noise when they die.
Meleeing an enemy in the back number one: wouldnt even kill them even with the melee damage, but even if you did, would instantly alert everyone.
found a random DCS on the ground, tried to pick it up, crash.
So thats new
>picking up dropped weapons now crash the game
>playing the game crashes the game
>launching the game crashes the game
>crashing the game crashes the game
>you thought about the game at all in your head? crashing now
Can I kill it with the Railgun or does it have durable damage or building damage or whatever it is that makes it invulnerable
Unironically some people are having crashes when quitting the game. It's not a major issue but it's still impressive in its own way.
Lmao nigga just don’t walk near it dumbass like wtf are you retarded
I wonder what kind of insane spaghetti shit they have going on behind the scenes
"You thought I owned a surstromming restaurant? No. I'm actually the majority shareholder for The Cheesecake Factory."
>still no reward for the save duh kids MO
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Have you you played this game before wtf?
Autodesk/Stingray is the engine they've used and it's been discontinued since 2018 if I remember correctly. Make of that what you will.
Has anyone else been getting 25fps since the previous patch? Has the newest patch fixed it?

It was running about 60 before the massive patch, but...
The anti-nigger cannon is the chemo to all the cancerous enemies in both factions
Also keep in mind its an engine made by swedes, and is also used for the vermintide and darktide games
Its swedish coding all the way down
>shooting vents with railgun
have fun
Are you retarded?
>ragdolled into a rock
>stuck there forever
Thank God for the patches
pros: you can kill it from the front with an unsafe charged railgun
cons: minimum of nine shots
>ragdolled across the map
>die under a rock or ruin
>samples are inaccessible
Both the tanks are 100% durable all over the tank, so the Railgun deals only 90 damage to them from anywhere on full charge.

Oddly enough, helldivers.io claims they're explosive immune despite the fact that you can kill one with 2 impact nades onto the vent.
>Things just started going downhill late April and early May.

nah man, things went downhill with the railgun/breaker nerf. they needed to buff weapons up to the level of those. the truth is it's been over from the start.
>mmd sex dances
the good (loli) ones are being purged off boorus and I hate it.
The NPR parody from 4. It’s hilarious and was clearly made by someone really familiar with the channel.
when did they give level 6 three super uraniums?
explosive immune just means it cant be "destroyed". In the same way you can destroy a charger body but you can destroy its legs and ass and head
the last big patch
>The NPR parody from 4

my brother of enhanced melanin. i love the conservative radio one just as much with bastion's buddies. it was the worst of times, it was the best of times.
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guys its a screenshot from a game journo...
How's my flamethrower doing with it? Also, do you count stalwart with the other two MGs? Not home atm to test myself.
is the game more or less stable now?
is worth the bandwich I will use or the game is still crashing by just looking at the icon on my desktop?
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Super earths finest weaponry
That looks like it got ran over by a car
But it lists stuff like Scout Raiders, Hunters, etc being explosive immune over many body parts that can be destroyed...
In the same way a tank will be destroyed when it dies.
But Scout Striders and hunters obviously arent actually immune to explosions, and will also not explode into paste when they die because of the explosion immunity. The hunter flops and dies and the scout strider collapses.
>That looks like it got ran over by a car
It looks like a Cybertruck.
Why does it look like that?
got a super low settings ini from nexus mods
I meant if you throw an impact nade at them, often they'll have an arm or a leg or wing go flying

The Scout Raider's (jump jet guy) backpack also explodes and sets him on fire when you shoot it, but is labelled explosive immune

I had just assumed that the explosive damage is hitting their "Main", whereever that is
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Its so bad its almost fun to look at
Nvm I failed
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flutey still talks about the kids
>Oddly enough, helldivers.io claims they're explosive immune despite the fact that you can kill one with 2 impact nades onto the vent.
Because the tank is broken into two separate entities and not included together in the same entry. The "annihilator tank" entry that says the rear is explosive immune is for the hull. The turret is one of the "cannon turret" entries and its vent isn't explosive immune.

>explosive immune just means it cant be "destroyed"
Go shoot the grenade launcher at the rear hull of an annhilator tank. Despite the explosion having 3 pen and thus doing 200 damage a shot, which should kill the tank in 8 grenades, and despite the rear hit zone having 100% transfer to main, the tank will never die. ExplosionImmunity means it takes no damage from explosions, full stop.
>haha what if we just drop a factory strider right on top of you or whatever you need to do
i suffer from bot fatigue
it is kind of anoyying that the faction that requires the utmost positioning can place enemies wherever they want
I just wish shooting dropships wasn't a detriment and actually did something. The crash should have a bigger explosion, since currently all it does is give the bots a fortified position to gun you down from.
There's reasons people don't like bots beyond "muh casuals"
The game simply doesn't do enough with the bots to truly change the genre
skill issue, just don't get spotted by detector towers
It makes a massive difference with the flamethrower. Night and day.
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Dropships crashing in a dramatic explosion but not killing anything underneath it is the direct equiavalent of chargers just ignoring animations and physics and deciding to randomly slide around and hit you with the force.
Both feel like shit and both clearly shouldnt be intended
The conservative one was good but god damn if it wasn’t overshadowed by the Republican Space Rangers. IMO it’s one of the best Bush era parodies. Good days for sure.
or shoot you right through the corpse of the ship while you cant
speaking of I was trying the LC earlier because I fucking hate gunships, but a lot of times it can't shoot through hulk corpses when other guns can
As a botfag I think the faction is okay, but it requires a lot of... maintenance to actually fight in a fun way
Bots are fun when they are on one front, you and your team is facing that front, and your flanks are secure, it feels like an actual fire fight with pot-shots and tactical decision making
Bots instantly becomes cancer the moment you get flanked, which is especially prevalent with all the patrols spawning up your ass constantly now
Yeah, if they tuned the bots so that you actually face them as a cover shooter, it'd be great, but as it is they spawn more units than the bugs, and it ruins the cover shooting
Bots are supposed to be an actual thinking faction, not an infestation, they shouldn't get infinite spawning like the bugs do
Cutting of their factories should have some general effect
You could have just destroyed the tower with Orbital Precision Strike, which you had, instead of the hellbomb.
That's actually a really good point. Biasing the dropships to drop close to bots that are already on the ground would be a definite improvement.
>tfw epic battle with clear fronts gets shat on completely by the AI just dropping a massive army right behind your squad
who finds this fun
>teleports behind u
Nothing personnel, kid...
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>use spear for the first time since they finally fixed it
>mfw insta killing most enemies and destroying fabricators from afar
I'm so sorry for not being at your side and demanding the fixes sooner, Spear bros.
Is there any destruction objective that OPS can't take care of?
i haven't played since a lucky orbital laser was the only consistent way to take them down without the hellbomb so i don't know all these things yet
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>D9 bots again
>everthing going smoothly
>try to make a few call outs like how I'll get to the gunships with my LC in just a second
Wait, I get this is a mod, but it looks like just some LOD assets that would be rendered at a range where the details like disconnected polygons wouldn’t be visible.
But why are they such a mess? Is the LOD stuff automated?
Every weapon needs its bugs fixed. Every weapon should fill a role. Every weapon should have a purpose and niche.

Every op should be fun
oops it arced off an enemy and hit you outside the radius
if feels like 45% of my time is spent checking if my flanks are secure
45% is fucking booking it across a giant open field with no cover because a patrol spawned behind us and now we're all bolting to a new position to set up and spamming stims because of it
10% fighting bots
This is what d7-9 feels like these days
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You know how boring the SEAF Artillery setup is? Carrying those huge shells, walking slowly, do it X times and then you can play the game. I skip it when I can because it's a chore.

DRG is that except all the time.
>Carrying those huge shells, walking slowly,
he doesn't know...
New passive now that it works and recoil reduction. I am the laser beam MG now.
>LOD stuff automated?
has to be as no way they have pre made LODs that bad lol
Conservatards are all about muh tradition until men in their 30s marrying teenagers is brought up.
Even with the drop exploit it's still a fucking boring chore.
>he can't kick the shells
>the drop exploit
he still doesn't know....
haha cute
sounds like a bug, brb telling the devs right now
Then explain already, jesus.
NTA but I've got a 3080 and 13th gen i7 and I can't get a stable 60 fps at 1440p what magic are you doing.
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>tfw graphics so shit the shells literally don't render in unless I'm on top of them
out of sight out of mind
teammates issue :)
Sony will come demanding they add a Horizon crossover.
switch to a weapon while carrying a shell and you drop it
you can move forward a regular speed and pick it back and continue the process
like how you can spam drop and pick up the flag in halo
You can also just spam E while sprinting and you dribble it like a basketball. Perfect for the new nigger armor.
Hunkering down and facing them is awesome, storming their bunkers too
But you can never properly do that bc you're constantly getting surrounded by patrols and a never ending cycle of patrols and finding you and calling dropships
I counted once, 6 dropships in 3min
I only use support weapons that I find in mission.
drop the shell with E and then immediately press E again while switching weapons and you'll yeet the shell half way across the artillery base
I'm not racist but why did that make me laugh wtf
>I'm not racist but
You don't need to lie here anon.
>I'm not racist but
Nothing wrong with being one.
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>I'm not racist but why did that make me laugh wtf
woman hands typed this post
They said that patches and warbonds will be coming out slower now. Only exceptions are hotfixes.
I'm not racist but where's the content?
"Im not racist" is the exact same as saying "no offense", youre basically confirming that the next thing youre about to say is racist.
its funny watching some people at my office who've come from abroad use that phrase with me and I have to tell them to never say "im not racist but" in front of anyone else.
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>I'm not racist but

it's ok anon you don't have to hide here.
*ting ting ting ting ting*
Your mom
iirc detector towers explicitly call in Bot Drops that are more aggressively tracked to your position.
And it will fly in a random direction half of the time.
I wanna use the OPS but the ball bounces off randomly against their structures
>Do a solo 6 dive for fun
>Gunship factory is sandwiched between two stratagem jammers
I quit the mission.
no but sometimes the swede quantum code decides that it wont destroy the thing right next to it, sometimes it iwll
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>drop cope supply 5km away from a gunship fab
>order your local fuckboy to order a nice juicy hellbomb while you cosplay Tunguska
I love spear
There's a lot of missions that are almost unfeasible solo, not because of difficulty as much as time and placement
>Do a solo 1 dive for fun
>The objective is to kill a single devastator
>Get too stressed out at the thought of it shooting at me
I quit the mission.
can the scorcher one tap devs in the head?
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>an article before the railgun nerf
Why don't you play the fucking game before giving advice holy shit faggot
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Go to Sweden and find out
>activate radar tower
>three (3) POIs
They really went all out gutting the SC drip feed huh.
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>>activate radar tower
if you want to farm super credits trivial is the place to be. no outposts to take up POI spawn locations, no secondaries to take up spawn locations, only a single main objective, and 90% of the time the POI's are either clustered on one half of the map or in a ring along the edge of the map
you kid but i mentally anticipate the aim flinch every time i lock eyes with a heavy devastator even if he's across the map
It's also very comfy
Find gameguard when it opens and limit it to 1-2 cores through Affinity.
How many shots for the Plasma to kill a hulk?
I'm thinking of carrying the Spear for heavies, Plasma for mediums and tye Senator for medium
Cape suggestions for twigsnapper armor and jaguar helmet? I'm using true citizen cape for the green and yellow atm.
You're a viper commando now, negro
This is your cape and your flag forever
Difficulty 2 you only get 1 secondary which, as far as i can tell, is always the radar tower on specific mission types and even with outposts you still get basically the same number of POIs.

I will run to the radar tower first because on the right kind of planet you can see it from anywhere on the map and then mop up the POIs after I know where they all are.
you should be able to figure that out yourself by just looking at the cloaks

agent of oblivion is what i like to use
cresting honor also works
and obvously any of the camo cloaks
the current railgun has pen 5 in safe and pen 7 in unsafe, both at full charge, so it kills tanks just fine. but its terrible durable damage means it'll only do 60 (actually 30 since safe pen matches the tank's armor) or 90 damage per shot, at best, to the turret that has 750 HP
>railgun is described as a poweful armor piercing weapon
>actually sucks ass against heavy armor because pathetic durable damage
Why does AH love lying in the descriptions so much?
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does it not pierce armor as described?
The OPS is just a 380mm arty shot. So basically anything except for gunship towers which have the highest armor rating that only hellbombs can penetrate. It's pretty good on command bunkers if your laser is on cooldown. better than having to use 2 500 kg bombs
yes but areas with high armor can also be durable
so yes you're piercing it, but your game is reduced by like 90%
clearly that gun is meant to be used differently. like 1 tapping hulks
use the HMG if you wanna kill big shits
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>cant join lobby is private
>cant join lobby is private
>cant join lobby is private
>cant join lobby is private
>cant join lobby is private
>cant join lobby is private
Yeah, the durable damage is so low that I don't even see a reason for it to have AP7. It's only really good for medium armored enemies in its current state. Being able to one-shot dev chest plates, brood heads, and hulk visors is all it's good for.
The durability system in general is just confused. Armour is a rating of how hard a part is to penetrate and that works just fine. Durability is supposed to represent both how much volume that part has and how vital that part is. They justify charger and nursing/bile spewer butts having high durability because they are big and have few, if any vital organs in them so small caliber bullets, though they can penetrate, don't really do much to seriously wound the entity. But then they have bile titan heads which aren't exactly all that massive, and contain the brain also be 95% durable. Gunship engines are 100% durable when they really should be very vulnerable to high velocity projectiles spalling and fragmenting the very sensitive and fine-tuned components necessary for such a device to function.

I get the intent but somewhere along the line they lost the plot as to what durability is supposed to represent and made it a way to justify why small arms fire can't kill big tough enemies when the real reason they shouldn't be able to is armour, not durability.

That being said, a railgun projectile is a very, very small projectile, no bigger than a rifle round, so it shouldn't be able to do massive damage to large volume parts with few if any vital organs, but at the same time a fucking head that contains a brain shouldn't have high durability. The problem lies not in the railgun having low durable damage, but in certain body parts having too much durability when they really shouldn't.
The Berserkers are so radically different in both behavior and style to the rest of the Automatons.
They literally scream and laugh, physically they're just wrecked Devastators, but why do they have spikes and skulls on them? It's not like Automatons care about that sort of stuff.
They really hate us after what happened to cyberstan.
the fun part is that the railgun needs nearly 3 seconds of charging to fire that pen 7 90 durable damage shot, and the arc thrower needs one second of charging to fire a pen 7 50 durable damage shot. even factoring in the fact the railgun does have several hundred meters of maximum effective range on the 35 meter capped arc thrower, it's still fucking silly that the AT out DPSes it on 100% durable targets
>It's not like Automatons care about that sort of stuff.
hulks scorchers also have spike racks with 'trophies' and automaton outpots are decorated with heads on spikes and the eviscerated and dismembered corpses of super earth citizens and SEAF soldiers
The clutter around automaton structures also has spikes and gore.
What does Eagle-1 smell like?
Every system in this game comes with a fucking monkey's paw.
I think it should be able to kill gunships quickly then. If it's a medium killer it should kill those, same with the AMR. They're armored like heavies for no reason. I can take stratagems to cope with not killing tanks and chargers if I get to blow up bugs and headshot hulks
That's true. Is it just a purely logical thing for them or are they capable of feeling genuine hate and do they understand psychological warfare beyond rational "severed head = demoralized enemy" kind of thinking?
Yeah, I don't really follow why the engines are durable in the first place. I thought "durable" was code for "non-vital" like the charger abdomen. Those thrusters should be the most vulnerable thing in the world if you break through the armor.
eagle sweat
new car and jet fuel
They aren't actually robots. They're just so cyborg'd out that they are effectively brains in machines, like Raiden. They 100% are capable of feelings and previous in-game messages have shown they have expressed sympathy for their fellow automatons' deaths.
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>first few skins for the commando armors was white
>went black a few days ago
>Will never go back to white because I dont die
Im surprised no one has killed me for my melanin yet, its been 3 D9 operations where I expect all the autists to be
I don't mind playing as a black Helldiver but in no way does Yuri Lowenthal sound like a black guy
I dont care if im black im never going back to the other armors. The handling on flamethrowers and ACs is just way too fucking good with that armor.
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>They're just so cyborg'd out that they are effectively brains in machines, like Raiden.
stop saying such unpatriotic things, citizen
Crazy to think about how many people were gaslighting themselves into think that armor effect was actually working prior to this.
Unfortunately Swedes are cucks and they will never give us a Super Black voice.
>shiiiit, gottuh sampul
when throwing a stratagem and taking damage like LIBERTY SAVE ME
>bots, bitch
Hive ships
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>training robot models exist in the code
There are a surprising amount of arrowhead apologists. Some even in this very thread.
they should've gone the saints row route and had
>an extremely american voice
>an extremely black voice
>an obnoxiously british voice
>an unintelligible zombie voice
Telling the automatons "You Will Never be a Robot" is an insult to them, though.
it's almost 300yrs from now. the negro-speak will be gone
do you think they said that 150 years ago?
I don't see regional accents dying out completely.
>finna call in a sentry
>ayo hook a brother up with an orbital
>I cant breathe! (bleeding out)
>shieeet sorry homie
Black sayings have been absorbed into white culture for decades. Finna, Gyatt, Rizz, mid, then the butchering of regular words by removing letters and only saying part of them (black people do it because they never learn to say it properly, white people copy it because its cool)
I never understood this kind of roleplaying you and others do when people talk about this shit. How in democracy's name would it not work for Super Earth to go "See? SEE?! They literally shove their people's brains into cold unfeeling robot bodies. Killing them is therefore not only justified but morally correct. We dont do that, however, because Super Earth is the best. We allow our citizens to be free."
But no. Everyone is all "hurr democracy officer."
super earth is a paradise and the "propaganda" is just true
>Black sayings have been absorbed into white culture for decades.
Only among absolute brain rot zoomers who can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
I want to LICK Eagle-1's...
You will never be white.
Based schizo said what wasn't said.
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>E-710 Extraction
>"Look at all dat juice"
>Only among absolute brain rot zoomers
Black sayings have been absorbed since the 60s though long before lil zoomies were born. The crib, chill, groovy (jazz). If a saying caught on post slavery it was nearly always from black people first.
... ears right after she takes off her flight helmet coming back from a mission.
Wow, black people are so valuable. I wonder when African countries are going to ask for them back so they can get all that value for themselves.
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>Muh zoomies
>Muh jews
every single time
Never said that. Its just a very obvious pattern. It definitely wasnt as bad as the current trend, but thats mostly because american schools and standards have been on a steep decline for 4 decades, where they dumb down everything more and more so as not to leave anyone behind.
Okay, thanks for posting!
>hellbomb instead of OPS
>shows intelligence, saves the OPS for emergency detector tower kills, uses hellbomb when opportunity presents itself
>game drops factory strider on Helldiver, surprise combat round ensues
>hellbimb destroyed
>Helldiver does not panic much
>takes stock of available support weapons, knows he can damage the strider
>begins to do so
>throws stuns to keep control of the situation
>comes out ahead, using the explosion of the strider to blow up his original target
You have fatigue because you have peaked. The only way the bots can kill yo now is dropping more striders on you or kill you with glitches.
Thanks my chocolate brethren
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People on discord are a special breed of retarded. They defend the devs on every occasion even arguing that the railgun is in a better state then it was ever before. According to them it can take out gunships with 2 shots. Yeah, you heard right, they use flat out lies to support their argument. This are the same people who tryed gaslighting everyone that the new armour passive wasnt bugged.
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HMG feels so intensely satisfying to use now with the new passive. Proper burst fire is great, especially if you hunker down for it. Been chewing through dev drops like butter with it on lowest RPM.
>imaginary situation to make yourself look good
Wow. You have the debating skills of a spoiled child.
They posted a thing
Haven't tried HMG, but lugging around the AC with that perk active felt really smooth. Very nice.
You think this is a debate? Wowee
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Holy shit its literally a filler flashback episode
>they mention the 2 billion bots failure but not the 2 billion bugs victory
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Ah yes the Helldivers 2 section of the Steam Forums, thats the perfect place for this person to spread their idealogy.
>ten minutes of botnigger autofellatio spiel
why did I watch this
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They don't want to embarrass the little baby bot divies and make them cry some more about "muh harder faction"

I want to run some tests and figure out which is better long time for more dakka but I imagine physique will win in the end for me because, as someone pointed out earlier today, physique users can crouch/prone and improve recoil whereas fortified/engi users can't improve handling.

I'll miss those extra grenades though.
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>fucking lip service
EoS soon
How are the new jungle planets? Do they work by having lusher planets sometimes giving you assignments in a jungle biome, or did some planets just get retroactively changed to be full jungles?
Different biomes? in MY space game?
No, as always its a planet biome and every mission you drop there will be that biome.
They updated further back planets to be jungle planets. The one in the bug sector is Gacrux
The new jungle planets feel like a strange mishmash of Dagobah and Endor. Trees might block a few stratagems at first, but the solution is to just keep blowing up trees until there aren't trees in the way.
Muh niggers. There, now the triumvirate is complete.
I wish the Orbital walking barrage was just eagle strafing run but massive Orbital shells. It doesn't feel like it salvos deploy in a straight line, more like a loose squiggle
These are cool. I like the pseudo-formal reports.
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shouldn't the overpenetration and matching penetration damage multipliers be flipped?
It's a WALKING barrage, it's supposed to mimic footprints.
I like the new biome planet (forgot the name already) but the rain splattering on my screen is something I can't deal with. These are good for atmospheric single player games but not in a co-op horde shooter where stratagems can wipe you out if you're footing is shit and more so when there's bug holes popping up.
It's a shitty Florida swamp, not a jungle.
Would be cooler if the whole thing wasn't on rails.
2 billion bug victory happened when their spaghetti code causes the TOTAL team kill to count as individual so every mission was total team kill X 4 for a full team. They tried not to remind people of that abomination
Exactly how is it on rails? Getting the aliens, yes. Everything else we can fail as we don't have the AT mines yet.
>Exactly how is it on rails?
You cant be serious or you've just started playing the game and havent paid attention to the decay and regen rates.
I want to like the orbital gatling but it just isn't consistent enough at killing things. Sometimes it kills everything, sometimes it kills nothing in its radius.
Also its call sequence is too long for what it is compared to other similar things like orbital gas or orbital airburst.
That's why we didn't clear 2 billion bots, right?
joel thinks he is on ex machina or something
If Joel doesn't want you taking or defending a planet, he will tweak the numbers on the backend such that no amount of players or player efforts will matter. He will draw new supply lines from nowhere with zero warning and zero explanation in order to continue making certain planets he wants attacked stay attacked. A 4 connection planet now has 5 connections, and there is no reason for it to not be a 6 7 or 8 connection planet if he suddenly deems it for his purposes.
I don't care about your explanations. Players decide where the game goes.
What were the consequences of that?
>He thinks the devs can tweak that kind of things on the fly without breaking the game in half
the main reason why is that bots are both not popular and don't swarm like bugs do
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Well crafted bait.
It says Acess Denied
My CPU is shit. so it likely wouldn't matter anyway
>EU hours
>Doomsissies en masse

Color me white.
Alexsus don't you have anything better to do, you know we can see the rates so why would you lie like this
Other anons literally have historical charts showing regen rates miraculously changing on planets with no change from player efforts. Literal deus ex machina shit for story/MO purposes.
You mean the completely inconsequential MO? Same as the AT mines mission where we failed 3 times and received absolutely no rammifications?
I guess its true, Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually believe that they're leading.
Stop (You)ing me. I'm right.
>gotta wait for new armor perk to roll around into the superstore
I love watching the goal posts shift. Which side am I?
Doom sissy.
So is the Spear fixed?
>>483470336 is not talking about decay rates you niggers, he's schizorambling about magical supply lines created out of nowhere
yes but no but yes but maybe not
it's functional probably
Current complaints on crashes seem low.
the what?
How are rates any different? If you're not supposed to take the planet he'll raise the rates or if we're getting close to the end of an MO we're supposed to win but won't finish in time he'll lower the rates. It's happened multiple times since launch and anybody who seriously thinks it's not predetermined is huffing weapons grade copium.
if your armor penetration is greater than the enemy's armor it does full damage
if it's the same then you only do half
Spear sister...
>schizorambling about magical supply lines created out of nowhere
Which happened you dumb nigger, we all saw it in Vandalon
Why would they bother creating both failure and success messages, and even fucking VIDEOS that won't ever (officially) see the light of day if we're railroaded into a certain outcome?
>we all saw it in Vandalon
I didn't
You're literally insane
>I didn't
That's because you'rew an inattentive retard
Why do they constantly reintroduce bugs that they've fixed multiple times? None of us know, but I do know that during the Meridia missions they constantly lowered the decay rate until we actually made progress. Which they did manually in steps rather than a progressive linear decrease that might at least hint at an automated system. Given that why the fuck would the plan for us losing or winning when they had to manually allow us to win, it doesn't make sense either way.
Alright if this isnt a troll you are mistaking the incosequential nothing MOs with actual "progress" MOs.
As of right now, we will never suffer consequences from failing an important MO and never fail an MO like the one for the TCS, the Meridia hole, the Automatons being wiped from the galaxy (for a bit), the MOs surrounding the gunships etc
Those key events will always end the way AH wants them to. In the MO cases like the ones for bots and bugs where we had to secure 5-6 planets and failed. As you can see, literally nothing of consequence happened at all. They just immediately added another MO to take the final ones we failed on.

There are absolutely not videos that exist somewhere talking about the helldivers failing to secure the planets needed for the TCS, nothing for the Meridia planet not being deployed with dark fluid. For the automations resisting our push to get them out of the galaxy (where they literally set automaton regen to NOTHING to force it to happen).
Some monkey typing up "oh no we failed this inconsequential MO aieeee" which is then immediately followed up an identical MO to take the final ones means fucking NOTHING.

Maybe it will be different eventually. But for now the important events (aka the ones with consequences) will always end the way AH wants them to.
Clearly only 4 connections
>play the next day
Has 5 connections
Hmmm.... I wonder. Big galaxy brain thinking time. But no, THIS anon says HE didn't see it, so the rest of us are all just crazy, guys. Even the redditors have talked about it, why would all of us make it up? Some /hdg/ unique lore? Lol.
>nothing for the Meridia planet not being deployed with dark fluid.
Damn thats so strange. I wonder why AH forced it to succeed despite it being bugged and only providing one star? If they had this why didnt they just let it play out instead of forcing meridia to fall despite their failure to test properly?
Maybe because player agency is real and we succeeded :)
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>play like normal
>evac like normal
>disconnected from server due to inactivity upon getting to the score screen
Every day this game breaks a bit more
the bugged mission still made the decay rate lower every time until it was nothing then the planet got steamrolled by people playing on difficulties with more than one mission per operation
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best-looking armor sets? show me
>I wonder why AH forced it to succeed despite it being bugged and only providing one star?
Are you exclusively playing on D1 and 2? Do you know operations have multiple missions in actual difficulties?
The non-twitch medic armors, of course. I love looking like a tube of Crest dental toothpaste, this time with Spearmint flavor.
Contrary to your autism, a 1/5 star from a 3 mission operation that can have 2 other 5 stars isn't that massive of an exp difference in liberation/MO completion values.
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screenshot from 3 months ago
>we succeeded :)
The player agency pushed the decay rate up to 4% and then slowly down?
Now I KNOW you're trolling. The mission giving 1 or 0 stars regardless of difficulty was incredibly well documented.
Well actually its a 30% drop with a 3 mission operation at minimum, going to 50% at 2 mission operations, which is pretty big when the decay rate is set to 4%
But I wouldnt expect you niggers to know basic math
I also think its funny you think the majority of the playerbase was doing difficulties that had over 2 missions.
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It gave 1/5 stars, but that doesn't fucking matter because there are two other fucking missions in an operation, let alone the exp multiplier from Helldives making it so a 1/5 + the two other missions being 5/5'd = more exp/liberation than any 1/5 from the one mission operations in the lower difficulties. It's not that huge of a difference, autist. Same way you don't actually have to 5/5 every mission in an operation to see a big number at the end of normal liberations/defenses.
I'm starting to think hd2's biggest issue comes from them dumping on too much content without dedicating enough time to fixxing their release version. Whilst also somehow fucking up balance because they had a retard in charge of it. Pair all that with their terrible community relations, and you get a recipe for disaster.
I stick to more neutral armors like the Kodiak or Tactical with the Steel Trooper helmet
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The insane decay rate was acting like armor protecting the planet's HP to simulate the supercolony fighting us, and they slowly lowered it as we were deploying the dark fluid until we reached actual progress threshold. You can literally see that, do you think they thought we could make progress against a 10% decay rate?
Don't forget the actual incompetence. I simply do not believe the team tasked with maintaining the game is the same one that made it.
Nobody gives a shit about your retarded theories
>too much content
Nigger you cannot be serious. They're still dripfeeding shit they've had done since launch. The vehicles were leaked in march and were only lacking finishing touches.
Their issue is that they do not test things and they barely play the game (upgraded from never playing the game last month).
Shit gets through every patch that would have been caught instantly if just a bit of playtesting was done
Explain how shit they've "fixed" the same bugs multiple times then and in some cases broken shit that wasn't broken at all while trying to fix it, ie SPM currently. The only retard he is you and AH.
>they slowly lowered it
Interesting, who is (they) in this scenario? And what does that answer mean when it comes to forcing successes?
>no the devs werent tampering with the rates they were just doing it this one time but they werent going to make us succeed
Genuinely bizarre that I can believe they're not the same caliber of swede either. Something slipped on release, and I cannot describe what. We aren't far out enough for it to be nostalgia the game is genuinely becoming worse now.
Poor version control, something they've admitted to.
>ESL'd myself
That's enough /hdg/ for today, you retards are rubbing off on me.
>Anon is discovering that the game master has to manually tweak numbers to simulate stuff
You're literally 6 months late to the party.
>it comes to forcing successes?
It didn't? The liberation wasn't magically going up, we still needed to play on the planet and we were on a timer.
Its not a wild accusation. The game was in dev for 8 years.
It would be much more unusual if there wasnt some turnover leading to talent/knowledge bleeding especially for a dev role that was using an unsupported engine used by very few games.
HD2 would do well with a Test Server call it the "Martian Proving Grounds" where you can test some gear on enemies whilst stress testing the game. Developers can get first impressions on functionality whilst catching obvious bugs in a controlled enviroment (the mission is the same every time).
>AH somehow stealth-hired a bunch of guys to keep the game running instead of doing it themselves
>Anon is discovering that the game master has to manually tweak numbers to simulate stuff
Read the chain dumb fuck, im replying to retards who dont think the main MOs are railroaded.
>It didn't? The liberation wasn't magically going up
How do you call out the GM tweaking shit constantly and not connect that with the GM making all of our progress mean shit until he decided to lower the decay? Go drink a glass of water.
the decay rate went down from doing the dark fluid mission
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>there are actually HD2 newfags ITT
>they buyed boughted this swede dogshit even after all the warnings
>He STILL doesn't understand how Meridia worked
Holy fucking shit
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i've never seen anyone use this combo
so if i see any of you faggots copying me on the field i will hunt you down
explain how you would simulate "this planet is extremely difficult to take because there's about a million times more bugs than usual on it" if you were in charge of the game's systems. keep in mind that they've thusfar demonstrated either an unwillingness to change liberation HP on a planet, or have an inability to change liberation HP on a planet, so it's fixed at one million.
it did feel like a real helldiver moment. For all the devastator ragdoll and flinch bullshit that enrages me there's also a lot i love about the bots
then i called in a HMG emplacement and gunned down all the bot fucking shits as well as a large gunship patrol far away that aggroed on the other guys. kino to the max
hey not bad
Yea, bot always is capable of giving you that "oh shit" moment even though you play a lot and get quite good at the game
Bugs just can't do that
I used to love the HMG emplacement. I do now, but I used to then, too.
the closest bugs get to an "oh shit" moment is shitting two or three BTs out of a single breach, and usually that's "can i throw strats at this or just fuck off so they despawn" more than anything
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>17 hour old thread
>still alive
so have people finally realized this is only a casual game?
>trying THIS hard to argue that the devs tweaked the rates this one time but it doesnt count because muh narrative
Literally my point and youre proving it
Go drink that water buddy. You sound demented
I regularly do this
i've seen it
>i've never seen anyone use the most obvious and easy combo
uh ok
I have literally run this combo several times prior to this post.
For me, it's pic rel
I've used this exact combo quite a few times. I'll have to kindly ask you to stop stealing my swag
yet oddly no corroborating screenshots
so you're saying after weeks and multiple MOs of leadup, meridia should have been over in eight hours?
Anyone know what this white blinking question mark is? I'm starting to encounter it more and more on bot maps. I've cleared everything but the white blinking question mark remains. Threw air strikes and orbitals all over it, interacted with everything possible but nothing changes. Happens to fabs of all sizes. Worst part is after extraction, it says we haven't completed it.
>There's actually more people playing on a bot planet on MO downtime than on a bug planet right now.
That's wild.
it's the bot base "star" marker
>say they fixed stim activation
>it's not fixed
>say they fixed patrols
>it's not fixed
>say they fixed spear crashing
it's just an unidentified base/secondary objective marker, you'll see them when you get close to stalker nests before they get revealed as stalker nests, most notably. the game struggles to properly update the map sometimes.
Hmm... you sure? Why doesn't it clear after everything is destroyed? And it remains red on the map and doesn't count towards completion.
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>so you're saying something you never said?
Truly a new level of intelligence on this board being shown.
Meridia was a complete shitshow, that proved both that the devs still dont test their game and also that the devs still cant play their game (wiping on diff 3)
Do I think they should have just replaced their dumb as fuck work around decay rate with a different bar that said "Dark Fluid Target" or something similar? Absolutely.
Is it far from the initial point that the devs tweak everything themselves and railroad MOs? Yes.
I like medium scout. I feel like it gives me enough surviability to not be splatted from 100% to 0%, but the reduced aggro radius makes it easier to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Unless I'm playing with my one friend that follows me around like a puppy since he makes lots of noise and stands right next to me with non-scout armor. Seriously if this was an MMO I would assume that he just right clicked on me with the follow command.
>change from medium padded to medium peak physique.
>Significant change in how quickly I get killed by random shots or swipes
Why does everything have to be a shit trade off.
Just give me a padded weapon handling armor.
because the map failed to update and the game is spaghetti
there's a good chance you dropped into a host-desynced mission
thank you for actually answering the question, now i'll follow up with, do you think they could be trusted adding a new mechanic to replace planetary liberation, versus the relatively safe option of setting decay extremely high and reducing it over time as players complete missions
We're getting very far away from my point. I dont trust the devs to do anything. All of this started because an Anon refused to believe the game was being railroaded because we failed MOs like "take 6 planets" which had the consequences of... giving us another MO to take the remaining planets.
AH had the option of having a more player aligned way of creating a narrative but they didnt take it and instead decided that a game master who tweaked everything was needed. They were right in a way because normalfags simply do not care and will get invested in it anyway as long as the game feels good.
many of the MOs that we've failed have been a result of a lack of player engagement, very blatantly so, because we've either been unable to overcome decay rates (due to liberation being globally capped and up to half of the playerbase refusing to engage) or due to a general lack of coordination because the game gives us very few tools beyond "there's a lot of people on this one planet" to tell where would be the optimal place to attack for a given order (see: that one failed "gambit" to capture a planet and deny supply lines to our actual target). joel's a dumbass but none of the MOs have been outright impossible to accomplish, beyond the playerbase refusing to engage with them.

i'd be more inclined to believe that shit's actually rigged if we had gotten the AT mines despite failing MOs for them three times. the fact that they had an alternate storyline ready for us failing meridia, complete with assets ready to deploy, lends a hell of a lot more credence to the high initial decay rate having been what was deemed an acceptable work around to make the MO actually last more than the average work day, than just joel jerking people around while always planning to just let the playerbase win. now, it'd definitely be better if special missions like that had alternate victory conditions other than liberation percentage, but i'd at least rather wait until AH stops fucking everything up every patch before giving them new and exciting ways to fuck everything up.
always leave it on the talk radio stations
I'm going to sabotage the A/C in Eagle-1's aircraft so I can SNIFF.
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mine, of course
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What's the best way to solo 9s? Light scout and just being a stealthnigger who avoids all combant and just loops around in circles while doing objectives?
>the fact that they had an alternate storyline ready for us failing meridia
They had this ready. But at this point I genuinely do not believe they would have ever used it, or put themselves or the community in a position where we could fail meridia. They already set it up to be impossible to fail to begin with.
Setting up some resources and assets for a potential alternate outcome but then going all out on the first one succeeding so you dont have to do anything with them seems pretty in line with AH and their clear struggles to add shit to their game
>REMINDER: any negative feed back of furry artwork WILL result in a time out, puke emoji's WILL result in a ban.

Furry divers rise up
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best as in fastest super samples? yeah
you're not really graded on anything other than objectives + time remaining, even if you're going for max XP. So the combat is kinda just there to be fun lol
>put themselves or the community in a position where we could fail meridia.
After all the bad press of nerfs plus the extra bad press from the whole PSN debacle, they would never do it. Failing Meridia would have actually killed the game 70% of the way.
jesus end this fucking population-tanking MO already
stop using the padded armor as a crutch and you'll get better at the game. same thing applies to people who "can't play" without the bubble. you have learned bad habits, now learn better ones.
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I think the first time there is a legitimate story repurcussion from a failed MO I'll accept that they can happen. Until then the evidence is overwhelmingly that failure means nothing and wont impact us and any important event will be auto succeeded.
the core issue being that the way they have set up the systems and the GM, it ALWAYS feels like bullshit or an inevitability to lose an MO because of the inherent nature of a single diver not mattering at all to its success or failure.
Its less a bad habit and knowing what you can get away with. Soaking more damage before stimming so you can quickly destroy a full heavy nest is just gameplay and knowledge that gets affected by armor rating.
You can argue that literally every armor passive is a crutch including weapon handling because they are. The only non crutch armor is the Arc one.
>hurr durr everything is a crutch
no retard. i directly referenced health/damage reduction being a crutch specifically because of stupid shit like what you replied with. those are the bad habits that have been learned
>The only non crutch armor is the Arc one.
that teaches you to use yourself as a conduit for your tesla coil and arc thrower buddies
really, the first meridia-tier MO that involves bots or illuminate would probably be the first major story MO that we could actually, potentially fail. bugs are easy and the entire playerbase is willing to play against them, and ultimately all of the MOs are a population participation check. we've also only really gotten big bug missions, everything on the bot side has been "take specific planet" or "defend specific planet" with the same missions as normal, while bugs have had multiple unique missions (even if most of them reused the same map heavily).

it seems like some lifetime buggers have made the jump to playing bots more seriously though, so who knows, maybe the illuminate will come to 3D in a way that's more palatable than what they were in the first game, and we'll wind up with a playerbase that can trash any MO.
>using armor is a crutch
>using boosters is a crutch
>using stratagems is a crutch
>using primaries is a crutch
>killing the enemies is a crutch

honestly if you're not like ohdough and just running away from everything you're using crutches
>Want to use machine gun on bots
>Constantly wishing I had the HMG to better deal with gunships, hulks, tanks, and FS

Why must it be like this.
> i directly referenced health/damage reduction being a crutch specifically because of stupid shit like what you replied with. those are the bad habits that have been learned
The medic armor is a crutch because it makes you reliant on stims and the additional stim time will make you trip up and overextend when wearing other armors
The engineer and peak Physique armors are a crutch because they give weapons an atypical amount of control and recoil reduction not found on other armors. Leading to bad habits that can be ignored while wearing the armor but not when wearing other armor
The democracy protect armor speaks for itself
The fortified armor gives you bad habits against explosive weaponry, creating bad habits because you will survive in situations you would not have, making you complacent in other armors.
The scout armor creates bad habits by allowing you to remain undetected at distances you otherwise wouldnt be. Leading you to sprint or walk too close to enemies when not wearing that armor because you are used to it

My original argument was literally
>I take more damage when im not using padded
which is factual, and you decided to make some unbelievably retarded statement around how knowing your damage limits and expanding them is a crutch
they once accidentally publishes the failure message and the success message and they were almost exactly the same except for changing the prepositions in the paragraph
>despite the helldivers valiant efforts
>because of the helldivers valiant efforts
that kind of stuff
>sometimes bro
>it's like I don't even know man
everything besides democracy (and medic armor and the explosive resist of fortified) isn't a crutch because it gives you opportunities you wouldn't have otherwise which crutches inherently can't do
fortified lets you use explosive weapons as a mobility tool or a way to deal with being surrounded (and lets you fire high recoil weapons more accurately)
peak physique lets you snipe at a much faster rate since you aren't waiting for the gun to stabilize as much
engineer lets you use more grenades than you normally would which means more holes closed or spewers killed (and lets you fire high recoil weapons more accurately)
scout armor lets you sneak around patrols or into objectives that would otherwise be too locked down normally
Remember when retards on reddit said that peak physique was working perfectly well? FUcking cum aids placebo retards.
Because Alexsus refuses to allow every weapon to be usable on every enemy (even if its not efficient or very effective).
democracy protects isn't a crutch, it's actually fun
it lets you take chances and create big moments that you know would otherwise be certain death but you can try to YOLO your way into somewhere and change the tides
people using it to just stay alive aren't using it right, you should be using it to mount aggressive offense
You can use the MG okay-ish-ly against Factory Striders(gutshot)
The fact that it's immune to AP3 and below from the front is kind of "the point" of the Hulk. But you can totally use the MG to kill it with teamwork, just shoot it in the heatsink.
As for the Tank and the Gunship... well, I'm of the opinion that tank tracks and gunship rotors should have their durability reduced to 50% or so. In principle though, you can take them both out with the MG, it's just "not efficient or very effective"
MG can be used on all of those enemies. It's just not very efficient or effective .
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fastest main objective for operation medals, I guess.
>lifetime kills:
>lifetime successful extractions:
>lifetime samples extracted:
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Hoods over helmets are kino and we need more
>we could give you useful advice, but were just gonna waste your time being cheeky ;)
Get in the woodchipper, shinji.
>everything is crutch
I fucked up and didn't unlock the actual armor that goes with this helmet and it's living rent free in my head. I had the SC for it, I just forgot to sign in.

Fucking swede niggers and their rotating bullshit.
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I'm not 100% certain but I think that was his point anon
my fellow ODST attempter
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Where's everyone playing tonight? I'm back over to the bug side fighting on Gacrux now that the bot MO is on lock. Is there anywhere we should be focusing our efforts?
Farming SC is always a cruel divide on whether to not get the vaults or play with some retard that takes 5min to get to one
I meant to reply to the other anon
I'm farming on Novel 43 now that the western front is calm
the one thing i will say is that it definitely feels like we have basically no agency as players outside of the MOs, so you might as well just do whatever is fun while we wait for the MO to tick over.
Really? I try to join higher levels on diff 1 and everyone is always relaxed and chilling while trying to maximize bunker finds. Even better you get a full squad cos then you can check an entire diff 1 map insanely fast. Like 2-4 min, return to ship, do it again. Got a 100sc pickup today too! Whole squad was overjoyed.

Captcha: SOP4
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Just play the game on D7 or D8 as you normally would and the game is still somewhat challenging, especially if you're aggressive, and you'll have enough time to hit all the points of interest if your group isn't too bad. I've played D7 everyday since 3ish months ago and have never farmed SC or paid money for it, and I have everything unlocked. Your leisure time isn't worth $1.20 an hour, or at least I hope it's not.
I hate you
I usually play alone. Playing with strangers is often frustrating and my friends are all playing Elden Ring now
>70mb update
what is this?
read the patchnotes (:
Dive on the fucking Vandalon you bugnigger cretin. Joel dropped -2% decay on Gacrux so you bugnigs cant even take it anyway.
Stop being an autist and play the game with others, nerd.
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or just post a lobby link here
I've had a generally good time playing with other shitters from hdg and coopg
>JOeL drOpPEd -2% DEcaY
Dont care botfaggot
im diving
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Me working on my annotated fanfiction balance patch with 50 tweaked weapons, stratagems, boosters, armor passives, and enemies that I developed by autistically talking about Helldivers 2 with /hdg/ posters who LARP as being good at the game
(AH could implement 95% of the proposed changes by simply changing numbers on a spreadsheet with zero new code and it would resurrect hype and give YouTube shitheads two dozen videos' worth of content)
JP dub is fucking NICE.
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>Devs add 2 bugs for every one change
You cant win
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>diff 7
We need to defend Nivel, botfag
>Finish all objective of the operation beside the artillery which was bug
>100% death bases
>Squad impact 7
Fuck off high command.
if you have ammo issues in this game, you're bad.
its time to admit it
if you have ammo issues in this game, you're high impact.
ignore your dogshit team
I don't know why they 'buffed' weapons by just adding a few magazines to stuff. I can understand running out of ammo for special weapons though, like the MG or HMG
botbabys complaining that d7 was too hard
You would defend it easily but you prefer to dive on to Gacrux, bugoid. All subhumans on Gacrux should be put in front of firing squads for treason
Does Squad Impact even exist beyond some placebo numbers?
I just want a Cole Train type of hype voice. No whining, no crying, just pure TRAIN
if you're not orange and you call the resupply without permission I'm blocking you
>teammate takes all red strats
>drop him a support weapon and backpack after it's off cd
>ping it
>type in chat for him to take it
>he sprints past it
why are normalfags like this
I can see them selling voice packs
I'm only buying if it's Brian Blessed or Simon Templeman
If i wanted crutches i would bring them
he picked four red starts because he doesn't want a support weapon
it's not that difficult to figure out
>see everyone else bring backpack weapons
>bring no backpack or support weapon
>I never see them ever deploy their support weapons again
it's still not enough

12 magazines Arrowhead, TWELVE, you've already invented this wheel for all assault rifles, now RETVRN
I remember the leaks showing off a few, like cowboy and veteran. Where are they? Good question, but I'll easily buy a few because I love voice variety. I just want a haggard and dead inside veteran.
This isnt actually a coop game
>I remember the leaks showing off a few, like cowboy and veteran. Where are they? Good question, but I'll easily buy a few because I love voice variety. I just want a haggard and dead inside veteran.
probably filler for upcoming warbonds, just like skins and titles
>inb4 cowboy voicepack will come alongside the lever action in a year
I want juri hans english voice
>probably filler for upcoming warbonds, just like skins and titles
Yeah, I kinda liked that about the Viper Commandos
>every operation was defined by some kind of game breaking bug, Merida being basically unplayable over the weekend it was released because breaches would happen on top of the drill you had to defend
>2 billion kills for bugs was bugged, counting more kills for each mission than it was supposed to, led to a very early victory
>they then fixed the bug and gave the bots the same mission. Nevermind that the bots have to deal with far less enemy numbers than bugs. Normal mission for bots can have you with 200-300 kills while a bug mission you will have 600-700+ kills.
>AH pretending like the fucking rail roaded story Joel shits out matters in the slightest, or that anything matters in the galatic war narrative
Same. I dont mind spending some dosh of cosmetics since the weapons are in a pretty good spot for me. The spear no longer crashes me and can lock on, the tenderizer smokes everything it needs to while not feeling too wild because of the ammo, grenade pistol is still good, etc. They need to introduce squids before they fuck up the balance again
oink oink

Guess what brother, you're color blind.
Jap dub makes the game feel more serious to me. I think the line delivery does it. English is great as well, it's just a tonal shift between the two and I think it's refreshing
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Are the diver voices serious?
Yuri Lowenthal's squiggly teenager dying is funny but doesn't really match the game beyond your first few hours
How do Terminids go from planet to planet?
Space traveling spores? What propels them in a certain direction? How do they navigate the vacuum of space?
I tried out Spanish(LatinoAmerican) per the recommendation of a fellow diver anon. Would recommend. Their maniac screams during sustained fire are the best I've heard so far.
Yeah man, I got the disposable income, might as well look neat.
How do these spores leave the planet's orbit and atmosphere?
Super Earth seeds them on rebellious colonies to kill dissidents and then harvest the E-710 from the corpses of terminids after the Helldivers are sent in to clean up.
Don't listen to the others anon, good on you for trying to share.
The JP dub is way more "professional" as in they feel like professional soldiers. English feels more like 18 year olds fresh to the war, which is what they are though I prefer the more stoic and serious voices. This video showcases a good few of them https://youtu.be/UH-peVASEIk?si=GrogCNCCc_WdpJrI
The destroyer voice is ice cold
But it's the same regardless
Focusing on the objectives and ignoring everything else nets you the same amount of medals as clearing a map, so you can just do that and leave the vaults and what else for the easy difficulties
It's more efficient
jp dub is ass not because of any thing related to the voices themselves, but because it isn't complete.
>English feels more like 18 year olds fresh to the war, which is what they are
I was under the impression that the whole point of the satire was that the intro propaganda video makes you feel like it's all a walk in the park while real life is everyone crying and screaming while shooting on a diff 9.
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Whats with the bug that makes me unable to interact with consoles when i join a game? doesn't matter what direction i press the arrow it always fails
And can they at least acknowledge that bug that makes you eat up a magazine on reload? It sucks just losing a magazine for no reason because you canceled the animation and are forced to reload a second time
I dont understand the decision for gunships patrols to sometimes contain 4-6 ships. It's fine for shrieker patrols to have swarms of them because they're easy to kill, and don't do more than chip away at you, but can be dangerous on top of everything else in a bug breach, as well as having to aim upward.

But not only do gunships decimate you, but they're also a fucking pain to kill, and if you die and lose your support weapon, you're just fucked. It's fine for gunship facilities because they only shit out two at a time and after a long cooldown.

Either reduce sizes of patrols, weaken gunship durability, or add better anti air stratagems (not support weapons)

Either tone t
Gunship patrols only come in packs of 4 to 6 if you are in a full 4 man lobby. If you are solo they patrol in just pairs. What that tells you is that in this team based game that scales the amount of enemies based on how many teammates you have, you and your teammates should be working together to tackle the increased number of enemies. Teamwork.
This. I was using a walker for a good chunk of a mission just yesterday, and one of my teammates called me over to a bunker. He waits patiently as I stomp over there, I confirm his ping, he gives me a thank you. Soon as we get the door open, I tell him to hold position, and I call down another walker and ping it to try convey, "That's for you" Felt very cozy. Sharing cool stuff is fun.
woah nigga learn to format we aint readin dat
Gunships are a retarded concept, you can't expect a grounded fighter to fight a flying and highly mobile target, there's a a reason defense spends so much on Anti Aircraft
>Gunship patrols only come in packs of 4 to 6 if you are in a full 4 man lobby
I got 3 solo more than once
I think if options weren't so limiting in fighting them it wouldn't be a problem.
Patch 01.000.403
Small patch incoming from High Command!

For this patch, we have made improvements and changes to the following areas:
Crash fix related to the FAF-14 Spear
General fixes

Japanese Language Voice-Overs are now available globally on PS5 (also on PC).

Fix for crash happening when players with unique hellpod patterns leave during hellpod launch cutscenes.
Crash fix while aiming with the Spear.

Misc Fixes
Fixed corrupted text showing "?" for some characters when having Traditional Chinese language selected.
Fix for Plasma Punisher being unable to shoot out of the SH-32 Shield Generator Pack and the FX-12 Shield Generator.
Fixed so the Quasar cannon has the correct change to its heat when on hot and cold planets.
Fixed issue where Spore Spewer would appear purple on certain planets.
Fixed some cases where pink question marks would appear in missions on various planets.
Fixed Peak Physique armor passive not properly affecting weapon ergonomics.
Fixed issue where available Operations were reset after player reconnected from getting kicked due to inactivity.
It essentially is, but after 400 hours I kind of appreciate a change in tone, like the helldivers that survived just got more accustomed to it.
Known issues

These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.
Sending friend requests via friend code in game currently does not work.
Players may be unable to be joined or invited to the game.
Players added to the 'Recent Players' list will appear in the middle of the list.
Players may experience delays in Medals and Super Credits payouts.
Enemies that bleed out do not progress Personal Orders and Eradicate missions.
Deployed mines may sometimes become invisible (but remain active).
Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire.
Most weapons shoot below the crosshair when aiming down the sights.
Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location.
“Hand Carts” ship module does not reduce Shield Generator Pack's cooldown.
“Superior Packing Methodology” ship module does not work.
Bile Titan sometimes does not take damage to the head.
Players may become stuck in the Loadout when joining a game in progress.
Reinforcement may not be available for players who join a game in progress.
Planet liberation reaches 100% at the end of every Defend mission.
"Raise Flag of Super Earth" objective does not show a progress bar.
Mission count in the Career tab is being reset to zero after every game restart.
Some weapons’ descriptions are out-of-date and don’t reflect their current design.
Even something like a stalwart should work. Jet engines are delicate things - an entire hail of bullets fired from one or more magazines at 720rpm is going to fuck things up, I don't care how allegedly "protected" the engine is.
I take more issue with the lack of non support weapon options for dealing with flying enemies. Only the HMG emplacement, autocanon, and rocket sentry I think can actually target and damage flying enemies, and those are all pretty poor options. Just give me eagle and orbital anti air stratagems (and also weaken gunship engines).
It's literally not but whatever, I'm used to making the correct choices the first time I do something so I don't have to learn from making my own mistakes, feel free to make mistakes on my behalf so I don't have to waste my time.
File: allegedly green.png (15 KB, 534x68)
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I already knew that from when I tried to join the military and got rejected because I couldn't see the difference in shit like this and they use "color coded flags to relay information from a distance"

dumb fucking niggers I can tell the difference between red and blue for fucks sake, if you're using flags this close together in tone you have bigger problems than me
What brought this little temper tantrum, little guy?
What are all the weapons that can be reasonably used to kill gunships, primary and/or support? Are there any stratagems besides AC sentry and rocket sentry that are useful?
Support weapon:
Call in stratagem
>Emplacement HMG> >>>>>>>>>> https rocket sentry >AC sentry
If you find a SAM side obj, do it. It will absolutely shit on gunship patrol.
>Support weapon:
Reason you left out Quasar/EAT/RR or just an oversight?
>Emplacement HMG
Good one, forgot about that.

Are there any primaries besides scorcher that do good? DCS? Adjudicator? Dominator? Has anyone tried a Senator?

How does either exosuit do?
>act like a nigger
>get called out on acting like a nigger
>why do you hate niggers??
HMG emplacement still beats out all sentries if used right.
Yes, I will continue using rocket sentry despite that.

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