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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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HOOOOOOOOLY I love miscolored sniffs so much
Drive Cancel
tekkenball lil nigga
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I declare this thread zoomer unfriendly.
All zoomers will be janied on sight.
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Was he right?
Is there even a single male incel in existence thats a genuinely good or at least decent person? They're always garbage human beings in personality.
vf3 stages are pure sex, same goes for the funky doa stages they had in 2-4
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Let's go with good vibes
What positive fighting game opinion will have you like this?
timmies who listened to the mvc2 ost through fgc video essays finding out nobody liked that shit when it came out was a good bit
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Found this template sitting around my folders. Reminds me of the old days.

When people ask to play games and actually play them in the thread.
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I remember those. I saved some like the Nights card and the Void card.
Who should I fap to next?
rainbow dash
reddit function
i played in your tournaments, but you stopped holding them, so.
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i mean people have already written this game off because of the simple controls, and the people who play tag fighters tend to like execution to be challenging. nothing they can do is gonna bring those players in. it does not have the issues dnf has (being just ass) or mvci (competing with dbfz on top of not living up to previous games in the series).
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playing UNI with /v/ was a great feeling, probably the only time I liked going on /v/ sometimes.
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Nice. I'd have to dig through my old laptop for mine.

Life's been pretty rough the past few months. I swear tournaments will be back soon though.
nobody here plays fgs anymore, it sucks man
The HxH game will be dogshit because the FGC is treating it like an ironic 2010s goat simulator meme where IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SHIT ON PURPOSE XD so Eighting will have no reason to actually make it better.

That's gonna me be my strategy when I make my game, just make some awful unplayable dogshit and say its'a parody of bad games lmao
VF3 is garbage
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What does Metajini's card look like?
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we had like 3 lobbies in the last thread...
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>Do you think she has a shot, Bronycheez? They have guest fighters now, but would Capcom be willing to use one of those slots on their own IP?
and about four times as many people spamming the word timmy and talking about sniffs, like what the FUCK is a sniff
this gens lingo is more retarded than gen alphas brainrot skibidi ohio gyatt fucking kill me bullshit
harada typed out this long ass tweet during his lunch and the first reply is maxd00d saying "i'ma make this into content"
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A sniff is a woman so attractive that you wish to walk up to her and inhale the scent of her hair.
Just like America's president Joe Biden.
He asked you a valid question, not sure why you're upset.
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this but her armpits, ass and pussy
>and about four times as many people spamming the word timmy and talking about sniffs, like what the FUCK is a sniff

holy newtimmy
weirdo snuck armpits in there
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Your question was not asked in good faith, timmy. Perhaps you'd be better off being a "reporter" for CNN.
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okay but what the fuck does this have to do with fighting games you fucking dumb fuck
fucking kill yourself, im here to talk about fighting games

like look, morrigan
id love to play darkstalkers, i love the character designs and animations, but whoevers idea it was to have fightcades default settings be maximum speed needs to be fucking shot, it is simply too fast for me to be able to comprehend literally anything going on
and nobody plays marvel so im just kinda fucked for getting my darkstalkers fix, it upsets me
Fighting games have attractive women. The people referencing "sniffs" are letting others know that they find these characters attractive.
iktf bro these threads are worthless
fightcade just uses tourney settings, if its too fast just go into the arcade bios and change the setting after the game starts.
Vampire Savior runs at turbo speed in tournaments as well. The settings used by fightcade reflect how people play the game competitively.
It's not really that difficult after a brief adjustment period, just takes some getting used to Turbo.

Also, people play MVC2 on FC2 pretty commonly (but also on Turbo, of course)
...then why not just call a character hot??
i dont know last time i played i was barely able to do anything, the game felt a bit unresponsive even when im doing the most basic combos of 2lk 2mk 2hk, but thats probably just me being bad so fair enough
is it weird that as a mainly rushdown focused player i sometimes switch to zoners in games im not that familiar with?
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Modern fighting games are so slow now that the new generation literally cannot play the old games on turbo...
It's merely silly slang they use. If people here could talk normally or have normal cognitive function, they probably would not be here.
i play tekken, im used to everything being slow in terms of the numbers, but fast in the sense that theres never a moment where things arent happening
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Riddle me this, batman

if fgg is so bad, why do you people keep coming here?
turbo lowkey ruined the old games and made them mashier. waddle whiff punish kino would've been established since the alpha games if turboschizos didnt get their way
because i want to talk about fighting games in a space that isnt JUST street fighter or JUST snk, like where else am i gonna talk about stuff like blazblue?
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>waddle whiff punish kino
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Well that explains part of it. Old 2D games regularly have moves 3 frames or faster and 1 frame throws. Contrast that to tekken which is much slower in terms of frame data.
Vsav's chain system is a bit different from other games, especially newer games. You have to get used to the timing for inputting the magic series.
I wouldn't really call that weird, just a sign that you're trying to avoid getting to close to potentially dangerous characters before you know what to do.
Why is Bronycheez so upset tonight?
rest in peace /afgg/
afgg was even worse than fgg by a significant margin
it was literally just homosexuals talking about thread celebrities and nothing more
Doesn't turbo outright skip frames and in some games does it at inconsistency intervals?
timantha's response to not being able to do a combo is to immediately threaten gun violence
so the same as here
it least it was with games i liked
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To be fair that's Timantha's response to everything.
hey now
all tabby did was threaten to tackle lunar, no one mentioned guns in that one
lunar would have had his ribs broken and several internal organs ruptured
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You would incur less damage being shot than taking the tabby tackle
you know from experience bronycheez?
Only if you are using a BB gun I guess
It's just plain obvious. It's like, would I rather take a bullet or get smashed by the hulk?
Technically speaking, 300 pounds of force being applied to your body at once is more damaging for the body overall than a concentrated shot in one vital area.

It's why swords fell out of common use.

Yeah, a sword can inflict huge damage and lop off a limb, but they require more skill to get a clean, fast kill. A bullet concentrates the necessary amount of force into one place and it's easier to kill that way.

Which is why a gunshot death often looks less gruesome and violent than being culturally enriched by Daesh.
Do we think 2XKO has a chance?
people talk about fighting games on fgg all the time, is this just a meme that we discuss porn all day or what? you guys had a meltdown about terry for 4 hours
you make a good point, bronycheez
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Exactly. At least you have a chance with a bullet. You're not surviving getting run over by a train.
isn't cheez like 300 pounds too?
>300 pounds of force being applied to your body at once is more damaging for the body overall
That's assuming the fatass was mobile enough to reach you or having gravity help him out.
So this is what you guys enjoy talking about?
I can talk about Blades and Beasts if you want.
Used to be like 7 years ago.
yea. sako's bb hood infinite is inconsistent because of the frame skipping, for example
how's the coding going?
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Now that marvel is back, doa just needs to make a return.
i'm going to play killer instinct since it plays the closest to sfv
I'm still in the process of learning various functions in Fighter Maker 2nd to get certain things working better. Turns out there's a bit more English documentation than I initially thought. In addition, I tried to scour and old forum for information, but most of it was locked behind needing to register, thus was now inaccessible with the wayback machine. But I'm able to piece together things little by little from what I do have and by looking at other people's completed characters. e.g., I'll look at how someone coded something, wonder why it has a cancel script in a certain place, turn on the debug mode to see how that functions, then try to implement something similar on my character.

At the moment, I'm still trying to polish things up for Winifred,but I want to move onto prototyping Gwendolyn at some point as well.
>marvel is back
not sure if a rom collection counts as being back
only if it ends up doing well
show me your picks for a MVC4
All of you would pay for a DOA 1-4 HD Collection with rollback, crossplay and lobbies
fggappa be seething when mvc collection sells good and evo 2025 has mvc2
bronycheez thinks if he buys enough copies they'll make mvc4 lmao
theres not a single good mvc game
i mean thats kinda how it works is it not?
company makes thing, you buy thing, if enough of thing is sold and received well, company makes more thing?

It would pretty much need to do everything previous ports did and then some more.

>evo 2025 has mvc2
No one wants a "3S at Evo JP 2024"
>i mean thats kinda how it works is it not?
They are under no obligation to do so at all.
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Timantha doesn't know how capitalism or businesses work since they're a heckin epic communist.
We've been over this. Ellie is Charmander and the tanuki. Both pretend to be other people to make them look bad
It would have to sell incredibly, incredibly well for that to happen. Collections like these aren't meant to test the waters for interest, they're meant to be cheap cashgrabs. Capcom expects this to generate enough interest to garner sales but not enough to make them invest time and resources into an all new entry.
where can i get the latest exe for GBVSR?
shit updated and i cant run the demo anymore
mysterydem thinks america isn't communist
fair enough then i guess
hang yourself
hey remember that time you bought like 8 copies of capcom fighting collection and it let to a new darkstalkers?
the new darkstalkers is so much fun to play thanks for making that possible
>Rollback netcode
>Never seen before artwork
>6 great games + Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter
>Having the ability to legally play a great series
blades and beasts for the exa arcadia
they need 3 mill tops to make a new game, considering the fact that no mvc title has sold more than 2 mill
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You first timantha. 41% chance you will.
not trans, kys
This is especially true after MvCI's failure. Yeah we know there's a lot of factors that have since changed (like X-Men no longer being an issue) but from a corporate perspective it's just going to be "the last one bombed so let's not bother with another one"
You are and you will never pass. 41% yourself.
bronycheez needs some new material
>im not trans
>yes you are
what the fuck is this called again, egg culture? i forget
It's called calling a spade a spade
it's just so flaccid
all of cheez's material is so flaccid
it's so flaccid I just don't know what to do
You need to consider the fact that the game needed to sell 2 million copies for it to be considered a success
more like pot calling the kettle black
Why don't you suck his dick? Then it won't be flaccid anymore.
I'm down for it if he agrees to suck mine as well so I won't be flaccid either
>no goyplay but they included jewback
lol, misplaced priorities. goyplay is far more important than kikeback but capcom let a hook nosed troon lover convince them thats not the case lmfao. I will not be supporting
also it was literally made with a shoe string budget so technically speaking, not a big lose. if they're to attempt a new one they already own the film rights for the x-men and the fantastic 4 so its a matter of will they won't they
can you quit it with the pol/ shit and answer the thing like a normal human being?
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Imagine the meldown on fgg when MvC 4 finally gets revealed.
yeah just like the meltdown when morrigan was going to be in sfv season 5 right
I gave you an answer troon quit replying to me disgusting ass nigga
I'm talking about waht the DC ports offered.
>Having the ability to legally play a great series
on PS4, Steam and the fucking switch lmao. PS5 and Xbox guys can't play it. Also companies can pull the switch on online or limit its functionality.
Season 5 was cut short in favor of SF6.
has any game ever had crossplay without rollback ever? I seriously can't think of one
S5 offered the full 6.
You know PS5 is retrocompatible with PS4 games right?
yeah and morrigan wasn't in either of them lel
SF6 is literally not finished yet.
she won't be in it bro
Cheez has been doing the "Morrigan is going to be in SF just wait you'll see" song and dance for like 10 years now
morrigan in the horror engine got me crying imagine the mumbai modellers trying to model her dash niggas gonna get an aneurysm
the worst part is bronycheez won't see the problem
she could be worse than manon and he'd still insist she's perfect
Just like how everyone said there wouldn't be guest characters, especially not snk characters, until there was, right?
lets say, they announce an mvc4, then what?
people like terry and mai
nobody gives a shit about morrigan
she ain't getting in bro sorry you had to find out this way
lol? Kuji was so mad about Terry and Mai he started ranting about Saudi slavery and war crimes out of nowhere.
>nobody gives a shit about morrigan
dumbass nigger
that would have never happened in a real street fighter game, dix is just a parody of sf
well then marvel would indeed be back
hakan and abel wouldve generated more hype than those two
Often times not seamless or ideal.
and then what?
This is real street fighter now, timmy. Get used to it.
I dunno, I guess we play marvel
.... no
Okay I need to know, does Cheez not know what Timmy means? He seems to just call everyone that
Few do honestly. She's been so seperated from her source material that she pretty much has been divorced from the DS franchise.
who knows, its just a stupid fucking buzzword that apparently just refers to zoomers and white guys? its fucking retarded
he literally thinks it refers to the kid from fairly oddparents
not even making this up that's what he thinks it means that
Morrigan is more popular than her own franchise. You can't say that about mai or terry. When terry got into smash people thought he was a pokemon trainer. If morrigan had got in they would have said, "oh it's that marvel vs capcom vampire."
>Morrigan is more popular than her own franchise
this isn't a high bar
...you can say that about terry and mai
evryone thinks they are from kof instead of fatal fury
>You can't say that about mai or terry
i can and i will, especially about mai
I seriously doubt the 12 year olds (and manchildren) that only play Nintendo games would know Morrigan.
Justin Wong went to various anime cons asking people if they knew fighting game characters and all they knew was strive because they love trannies.
>Morrigan is more popular than her own franchise.
She's tied to the hip or Marvel. Same way with Captain Falcon and Smash.

>You can't say that about mai or terry.
They literally appeared as cameos in various media and as guest characters alongside being icons.
smash players think everyone is a pokemon trainer. These people have never played a game not from Nintendo and think that Mario invented RPGs.
"the soulless"

more music, enjoy
nigga thinks lil timmy would see morrigan and start talmbout marvel vs capcom
Even Scott the Woz knows Morrigan because he bought TvC since it was on the Wii
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let's be honest, the capchuds would be doing flips and splits over Morrigan or even Ingrid over Terry and Mai. That's how much they despise other company's games and characters.
MFs would really be out here claiming there would be more hype for Rufus and El Fuerte than for KAZUYA MISHIMA
it's an anti-white slur negroes use to puff themselves up. in theory, it should just refer to nerds/band kids, but it is used in practice to refer to any white male they seek to belittle. chris arizpe thinks he's black like justin wong, so he has taken to using the term indiscriminately
what's wrong with that?

Of course an anime con filled with crossdressing timmys is only going to know about the newest flavor of the month anime fighter.

My point exactly. She's also in project x zone 1 and 2 and the capcom fighting collection is on switch. She's on plenty of games on nintendo platforms. Plenty of nintendo players know who she is now.
you good 'immy?
Because Scott only knows of "Morrigan the crossover"
were you dropped on your head as a child? did your mother smoke and/or drink while pregnant?
when's el blaze
>it's an anti-white slur negroes use to puff themselves up
That's like saying Karen is an anti-white slur retard. Anyone can be a Timmy.
>more hype for Rufus and El Fuerte than for KAZUYA
That's true doe
karen is chiefly an anti-white slur just like becky, and in fact has been used on occasion to justify jumping older white women. timmy is never used to refer to a black or asian male
how many not-pro wrestling wrestlers are there in fighting games? like real wrestlers, the kind youll see in mixed martial arts
we make fun of timron all the time
This. These timmy ass timmys still don't understand what makes them a timmy.
big difference between a tommy and a timmy
>karen is chiefly an anti-white slur just like becky
lmao how deluded can you be.

>timmy is never used to refer to a black or asian male
I've seen it been used to many refer to guys from either lol. Also calling anything Timmy isn't a new idea
there are some mma and judo characters with throws here and there like Paul Phoenix
Tommy is Timmy if Timmy was actually a chad
Buy the game broke ass nigga
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half this board now is just two black guys arguing about who is the blacker between them....
call me ass and I will lick you.
niggas talmbout timmy but they too timid to talk to some bitches
niggas talmbout karen but they aint never had no bitches caring for them
niggas talmbout becky but they have no bitches at their beck and call
Now they're going to pretend chang isn't a racial insult
it only refers to chinese...
This girl triggers my dysphoria every time
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So what's this guy's deal?
That is my real name
Timantha whose father wasn't around to raise him right.
i unironically plan to
i wanted to finish the battle pass for that sweet sweet witch bea first, but i started like two weeks late and i wasnt sure i had enough time
i wouldnt be having this problem but i was tempted into partaking of the forbidden fruit by a friend
it looks like im the clear now and im just hoping the game will be on the steam summer sale
you people specifically refer to him as too white whenever he says something you don't like
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you wouldnt fuck a greyskin...... right anon?
only ellie does that
She called tenryo an uncle tom race traitor as well
Keep up the fighting spirit man.
Playing with the people that like to play is good vibes.
what games are we playing in these tourneys?
>the idea isn't new
the distinctly malicious way people use it here is certainly a demented ghetto take on it, I tell you what
We all know that language and the use of words change over time
This is like claiming people use incel the same way now vs 10 years ago
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>the distinctly malicious way people use it here is certainly a demented ghetto take on it, I tell you what
It's shitposting anon.
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someone tell me rn in 10 words or less why this 'immy going nuts
Is the schizo moron clayton still spamming the thread as his alias ellie?
Roddy Ricch dropped Feed Tha Streets and everything since then has been worse. Sad to see
No bbc = anger!
'Imanthas never learn
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This appeared on my youtube front page and for a good few seconds I genuinely wondered "why is there a middle aged lesbian doing a street fighter video with Punk?"
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Raven was in Injustice?
An average fight gamer should be able to go through a soulsborne game blind just fine right? It's all about reading your opponent and countering them at the right moment and vise versa no?
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Wednesday "Raven" Addams
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Will do.

SF6, T8, Uni2, GBVS:R, +R, P4U, Type Lumina, KoFXV, AH3, Chaos Code, BBTAG, BBCF, DNF Duel, FighterZ, DoA, Idol Showdown, KI, MVC, w/e on FC, COTW and Project L
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why not human jon talbain in dix? literally just give him neutered moves and a nacali/bloody roar furry mode for a level 3.
thinking about trying dark awake, how do you actually go about playing it online?
>people want street fighter characters in street fighter

Generally. Soijam was quickly able to clear the first Dark Souls due to treating it like a fighter and learning the tells and how to parry in most scenarios.
Bison hate is so retarded when he's one of the most popular characters in the series
A long time ago I used to play soulcaliber, melty, and blazblue, what should I play in the modern era?
The problem people have is what's even the point of making and building up other villains when Bison's centerfold nearly every game? It's the same with trying to give each game a protagonist when Ryu is always taking the stage.
PoV: Sethanie squished you!
I looked up Charmander again, and I really hope that isn't what Ellie looks like. Why are all of Clayton's haters so disgusting looking?
Every modern game is soulless trash compared to those.
zauce on that raven pls
You can still play blazblue if you want
tl;dr harada said soul calibur's dead because all the people who had passion for it are gone
more specifically, jappa companies pressure their employees to move into higher positions leading to talented/driven teams to inevitably get splintered as time goes on
anybody want to play a bit on soul calibur 6?
i'll make a /fgg/ lobby. trying to improve as a cassandra player
Morrigan is my favorite fighting slut so I hope she does get into SF6
Nobody cares CuckG.
Whoops I meant everyone cares ChadG
(me) had a good set against a chinese guy (i assume) but couldn't say gg's cause he left after so thank you.
Whoops meant CuckCheez
Wait Cheez just called Morrigan his favorite fighting slut?
trying again soul calibur 6 lobby /fgg/ lets play
you guys suck ass
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He's right you know..
who is playing what?
make a lobby!
post a challenge!
what is this thread?
Soulcalibur 6, Melty Blood Type Lumina, and BlazBlue Centralfiction of course
If you want to attract people to your lobby, post a provocative or inflammatory image to get people's attention. That's what everyone else does.
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i'm playing gacha
>no one here gives a shit about any of these games lol dumbass. just post porn and they will come/cum lol
That was not my implication. Rather, the idea was that it's easy for a post to get lost inthe sea on here. I remember I used to ask for matches on /ggg/ and no one would see half of the time (didn't help that there weren't many EU players to begin with,), but then I would post a funny picture and people would notice and join my lobby.
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you guys always ask to play when I'm busy working.
What games were you interested in playing?
soul calibur 6, arcana heart 3 6 stars whatever it's called. guilty gear xrd rev 2. garou mark of the wolves. any of the vampire games on steam through the recent collection
If so, I can play Rev 2 in about an hour. I just woke up and need to eat, brush my teeth, et cetera.
lets play in an hour then. ill open a player lobby about that time.
Whoops meant everyone cares Chadcheez
Soulcalibur bros...
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Any thread debunking the tourist/femboyfag idea that Bridget is not a girl is the best thread
Surprised to know the fed doesn't understand chan culture
sakonata is the guy that always posts about bridget here
the gay spicnigga that plays grnablue played in his lobby and named him after he got annoyed by him spamming the thread all day, probably the funniest thing he ever did
Aren't Sakonata and Metajini one and the same, and Ellie by proxy?
i will show you the greatest nightmare!

nevermind you're echoing the ghost of shitpost past
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So much for horror engine lmao
how hard is it finding games in blazpoo? should I add it or +R to the roto?
So is Ellie a 40 year old man or a 20 year old zoomer? Is she British, American or Canadian? If she's a tranny, why do we call her "she"? And how come her "art" is stuck in stagnation hell?
there's a lobby in na gg2 rev
Mashen girls are all one featureless doll
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just in time for sajam's will it kill to return!
alright, I'm on my way
they are all nubi
dayum whos this sniff
Only because you got headstomped into thinking they are
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>Do we think 2XKO has a chance?
It's League it should last. I only want Poppy, NIGGA. WHEN'S POPPY? GODDAMN.
>it's League
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Yes its going to be the dominant fighting game for over a decade.
they sent these games out to die by not making them available on their launcher, steam users don't know what league is
If Morrigan was Korean, she would have Seoul Fist.
we gotta kill this timmy
If Morrigan was a Guilty Gear character, she would have Sol Fist
If Morrigan weren't a Capcom character, she would still have a chance to be playable in a new video game.
despite losing consecutively thanks for showing up guys
England playing soon, good bye slopgg
Ain't no real nigga busting a +1 to Chimperly, Manrisa, MANon, Acki or GobLili. LuhROAR. Ugly ass ESG jewish nigga chars for the lil Timmy audience
Just admit you don't know what Riot Forge is.
Don't worry. That's part of the learning process.
Though I think that you should use your burst more. A lot of times, you will get hit by a big combo, but then just eat it instead of escaping.
Manon only has 200 less entries than Reina anon
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chippp sama my ass hurts
>The King of Fighters doesn't have King of the Monsters characters
>Tekken doesn't have Splatterhouse characters
>Mortal Kombat doesn't have War Gods characters
How so?
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You indianiggas fap to WEGs all day, stop pretending to be high and might now
nigga the point is that just because it's league doesn't mean it's a guaranteed commercial banger let alone the number one game in a genre
sf5 is so fucking fun
Except the riot forge games were all good and well received :)
The trick to beating Chipp is to not let him get started. He has low health, so if you can just knock him down and do a few big damage combos to win. So if you're playing a character with a reversal, it's best to use that to get him off of you.
Dead or Alive Legacy Collection? Would they drop the Halo girl so it can be multiplat?
BBCF is not that difficult to find other players in at the beginner level at least. There's around 200 people playing it at any given time.

I think more people play +R than CF here, however.
alright but when are we playing THEM'S FIGHTIN' HERDS?!?!?
Oh wow, the game just crashed for me out of nowhere.

But I have to go now anyway.

Ggs, everyone.

Looks like I forgot how to Jump Install. I'll have to remember that for next time.
Any hopes/predictions for reveals at EVO this year?
Capcom blew their load with the season 2 reveal already, so I can't imagine there being any significant SF6 reveals (outfits maybe?)
Namco seems to be waiting for EVO to reveal Lidia's release date. Maybe they'll announce the next battle pass then as well. Kek.
I guess we'll get some 2XKO character reveals.
Marvel vs Capcom collection release date reveal.
All in all seems like it will be an extremely weak year for reveals at EVO. MVC4 announcement would be amazing, but unlikely.
Terry bogard
Capcom will drop the Terry WT trailer more than likely.
Bamco will show the Lidia release date along with a tease for the next character.
2XKO will show a character reveal along with a date for the beta.
MVC collection release date is more than likely.
SNK will show off more COTW stuff.
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Chun-Li for Tekken 8.
Team Street Fighter for KOFXV
Trust the plan
Almost forgot, probably French Bread will show a trailer for their first Uni2 DLC character.
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kamiblue will win
they really should release vikala as the 5th character but datamines imply that won't be the case
>Any hopes/predictions for reveals at EVO this year?
Everyone else covered the obvious stuff so I'll go into the unlikely predictions:

Blazblue X Guilty Gear will be announced to be in development
DBFZ 2 will be announced to be in development
HxH Nen Impact will get a release date and not get delayed for polish
DNF Duel is NOT dead and will have a season pass 2 announcement
It won't be a new MVC or CVS that Capcom announces but a revival of an old IP (either Rival Schools since they were testing the waters with Akira in SFV or Power Stone since it was in the Capcom Mega Leak list of titles in development).
The KOFXV character to be revealed will be a new boss character that will be formally introduced in Garou CotW.
what the fuck is the point?
I really liked it but there isn't. Just make an update and give us more characters from GT, movies and Super.
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what are we going nuts about today?
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did half of you get arrested last night or something?
feed me the funny shitposts already!
Is this a video about watching a video?
im playing tactics ogre lil timmy, maybe later
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Is this what MK niggas are up to now?
I almost feel bad for them because half of their DLC pass was just capeshit
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just finished jacking off
finna sleep
the only nrs player I care about is tom brady
You're so fat that you become exhausted from touching your microdick?
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I feel bad for Sonicfox haters and Bridget deniers. Losing to a nonbinary in a fursuit and cute transgirls must really hurt their fragile cis male egos
didn't you go nuts because some gay BR beat you in Strive, sakonata?
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>tactics ogre
isn't bridget a guy?
Are you just speaking gibberish now?
Was. She's a girl now
Fill in the missing Z characters (Raditz, other Ginyu Force members, other Frieza/Cell/Buu forms, Mr. Satan, Saibamen/Cell Jr., Yajirobe, etc).
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i don't play party masher strive NIGGA, i only play kamiblue and kami6
Since when do you like furries, ellie? You cry about that one guy wanking to bbw bear hentai all day every day because he beat you in Xrd.
Ellie is a furfag in denial
is that in the new game or something?
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Yes. And I can't wait for them to double down. She's a cute transgirl in every spinoff she's in and happier for it
I said FUNNY shitposts, you people are just regurgitating your usual crap!
Hi, Ellie!
Why are you going nuts over Sonicfox?
...another new gacha slave? why do we keep getting these?
that seems weird to put in your game but i support it
Why does losing to a furry bother you so badly, chuddy? Is there something you want to tell us about yourself? Wink wink
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he will finally get results in a capcom game and prove the haters wrong
What's so weird about a cute girl in a fighting game?
isn't it weird to put transgender stuff in a game kids play?
Why do furries make you so upset?
....kids play guilty gear?
Any thoughts on gauges in fighting games? Are they necessary in order to have a good fighting game?
They are not required. 3d games proved this for several decades.
But if we're speaking of 2d games, then still. You can do a lot without gauges.
With that being said, I actually do like gauges.
But I would really like to see how a game would be designed now without a single gauge.
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Do you prefer Ruby or Black?
He is.
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We can cope
why do black women like kingdom hearts so much?
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>hehe how come pedophiles upset you? i'm trans btw

Uhh... because they're pedophiles???
>>483480440 >>483479420 >>483477519
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At 1:12, Steve gets hit by Bryan's f4,1 and then recovers doing a backflip. What is the backflip and how do I do it?
Testament is an adult.
Transgenderism is inherently pedophilic
what is gender euphoria
does she have nudes, doe?!?!?
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Fuck, bros. I'm at rock bottom here. Just spent the last 4 hours in a hapless daze of playing fighting games and getting increasingly rageful. Things used to be so much better. I used to be so much better.
When I was a kid, me and my brothers shared an SNES with street fighter 2 on it. We were dumb little kids and didn't know how to play fighting games, but my oldest brother managed to figure out the input for the shoryuken. I begged him to teach me and he relented. It took a solid moment, only doing damage to each other so when the clock ran out, we'd be able to have one more round to help me figure it out. And when I finally did it consistently, I never felt happier. After that, my brothers called me a button masher for using it so much. Part of me wishes that I never craved that kind of joy ever again.
It's been downhill since. Every win feels more hollow than the last, every enemy who teabags brings me to a lower point than ever.
Anyone else feel the same?
Low-effort low effort shitposting is now real
goth yordles owe me sex
2 years later and Bridget is still a crossdresser in hentai doujinshis
What this is like an ai template or something?
Plural? I Thought they only had one of them.
if one exists there must be more
Who else is going to use the penis?
so this phantom you constructed doesnt believe in frame data, but wants to keep casuals away, but thinks tournaments are toxic, hates "tryhards" and doesnt believe in tier lists? literally doesnt exist
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Nah because I play dead games and appreciate any matches I can get with a human opponent
isn't that just sonicsol?
sonicsol believes in frame data and tier lists so no
niggas really ai generate memes now, too? technology has gone too far
fixes the lack of drawfags problem
Half the L posts are bots already.
I'm actually a professional illustrator, but I would never draw for fgg because you schizos would try to link me back to my work and get me fired
Not to mention you people would request stupid dosghit like DRAW LUKEGAWD AND HE'S TELLING MANON TO NOT ENTER THE WOMENS' BATHROOM LMAO XD TRANNIES
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Requesting Manon telling Lukegawd to not piss all over the toilet.
imagine hating this pawg just because.................... she has superpowers
You'd die if you try to fuck her.
my jr built different
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>I'm actually a professional illustrator
Is that even a flex in 2024? This person got paid and is a pro, too.
that's better than everyone here
Have you ever heard of CONDOMS?!?!?
nigga gonna need rubber so thick he aint gonna feel anything anyways whats even the point
The illya poster draws better than that.
imagine hating this pawg just because............................... she has a wide nose big lips dark skin violent tendencies low iq and the fighting game gene
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...a pawg orc?
do orcs have the gene
orc wives
ellie is a pro, she did that calendar
They quite literally live for combat.
dr.disrespect is retiring and yall wanna talmbout orcs?
swear he was sexting minors
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nigga thinks I care about some zoomer bait pedo streamer than big booty orc hoes
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If thats true then why was Twitch the one paying him out in the settlement? Yet you slander his name without looking at the facts just like twitterfags.
you guys posted about it on here about him doing that, so I'm going off of what you incels informed me
nigga keeping up with the dr disrespect lore
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mental illness hours already?!??!
Cheez is back?
You have to live with mental illness.
Calibur is officially over.
Post amy cunny
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do you guys have fun being insane all day?
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fgg - masturbation and shitposting
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No way a drawfag from here drew this
why so?
Holy.... finna slide my BBC jr up in them tiddies
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stop being horny
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>Calibur is officially over.
>only Mashen gets to live
This sucks bros... I like Soulcal's movement better.
Harada said at the end that there are a few people still left with interest for SoulCal so all is not lost.
ono said that with darkstalkers and look where we are now
Darkstalkers wouldn't work in 2024 anyway, they would butcher everything that made the game what it is, from the overall aesthetic to its fast pace gameplay.
Okubo left, it's dead.
if vsav came out today all of you would say it's too fast
which fighting game slut should I cum trib
If any of you had sex you would all say its too fast
People would mod Demitri to have the trans colour palette and you would go ballistic because of Midnight Bliss.
princess sissy from matrimelee
who in the fuck
>He doesn't know
the trannies would be more upset about demitri than the chuds because he has to turn you into a girl before he can drink your blood, which is homophobic
Turning people into girls against their consent is a tranny fetish. Especially kids.
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Okay but why does he turn morrigan into a little baby doll thing?
Could be a reference to The Vampire Doll. Morrigan is already as sexy as she can be so making her a stupid doll is more humiliating.
that actually gives them gender euphoria, dobeit
morrigan turns into a lil girl while bb hood gets big ass tiddies and a maid cafe outfit
It didn't work in the 2010s either apparently.
they gave cyclops an amazing design then decided to make him a lame ass nigga. how do we feel about that
Morrigan was aware Touhou would be big in the future, and forked her appearance to prank Demitri.
None of our drawfags are anywhere close to being talented. Baron traces, Ellie airbrushes blobs, Shuckle just makes memes
The illyfag said he did cleanup. That just means he traced some guy's sketch with the stabilizer cranked up to 100 in photoshop, so I could see that happening.
Does anybody have the isos for Soul Calibur 4,5, & 1?
>they would butcher everything that made the game what it is
You mean what made it shit?
they would probably keep what made it shit and remove everything else, like serving nothing but crust
Tell Cyclops I made him a convertible
You guys didn't tell me that ZomB almost died.
I remember he used to post on afgg
>turns everyone into girls, sluts or lolis before sniffmolesting
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The real answer is because he hates her family
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that's a shitpost prolly, but let's be fair
that is definitely better than baron, ellie, shuckle, etc
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....why do you draw CP?
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Why is /fgg/ the unholy fusion of /ic/, /lgbt/, /trash/, /pol/, and /int/ at any given moment?
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Have you ever seen how those other clowns draw, breh?
best fgg artist is Doug and he even drew wacky pictures of namefags for us
if you want sc1's iso just to play it (i.e. not for ripping or anything), you can go into the fightcade room with json scripts and it'll download the dreamcast chd
as for sc4 and sc5, there's always myrient. you can get the ps3 isos here: https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%203/
nigga slurping a corpse
uh... he made a video just 2 months ago?
nigga subscribed to doug
While I don't mind drawing fanart, I would much rather make original characters these days. I feel like when I draw someone else's character, I'm just living in another person's shadow and making no original input. Yes, we all already like Chun-Li, Tifa Lockhart, Harley Quinn, Princess Peach, et cetera, but my aim is to make a memorable and appealing character all my own.

That's part of why I like the Maroe character so much. Michiyoshi could have easily coasted off of just drawing Sonic characters or Sonic OCs for several years, but he made something totally unique and completely his that no one can take from him. I want something like that.
what's your approach when creating characters? i feel like that's something i struggle with
Sippin da bru
watchin x men 97
This is my general thought process.

1. What is the purpose of this character? What do they do?

2. What can I give this character to denote/accentuate point 1? Did some pre-existing character do something similar to this and can I put my own unique twist on that without just copying that character?

3. How well do the elements I came up with in point 2 mesh together? If something doesn't fit well and looks messy/cluttered, how can I fix it to be more cohesive? (generally the first pass is done by this point)

4. Look over the design again later and think "am I satisfied looking at this for the entirety of a hypothetical project?" If not, I make a list of what I think doesn't work well. But instead of just saying "this is bad" I think "Why is this bad? How can I improve it."

5. Look at the improved version and compare it to the old one. See if there's something I lost about the first one that I actually think would work well with maybe just one or two tweaks.

6. Play around with this new design, do some poses, tests, sketches. See if I really like it. If I'm satisfied, I stop here. If not, I look back to the original point of the character once more.

I'm sorry if this is a bit vague, but that's how I go about it. But you may want to take this with a grain of salt, as I don't really consider myself a great character designer, have never actually published a complete work, not a great artist, et cetera. However, I find this method to be the most enjoyable and effective for my projects.

If you want an example, though, here's one I used.
One time, I came up with the idea for a vertical scrolling shooter. I wanted one of the characters to be a veteran that had fought in many battles and represented "the old generation" in contrast to the other character being a new recruit based on the idea of "the new generation." The former was given kinetic weapons (bullets, railguns, drill, etc) for her robot while the latter used energy (cont)
weapons (beams, plasma sword, etc). But as for the actual pilot, the veteran one was given wider hips and a scar on her face to make it immediately obviously she was older and had fought more. I also wanted it to be obvious she was meant to be the more "aggressive" one, so she was given a primarily red outfit. Meanwhile, the younger new recruit character had a slimmer frame and a blue outfit so it would be more more obvious she was meant to be the "calm and level headed" one. Furthermore, with their machines they used, the veteran character's mecha was styled after a swamp witch, a more demonic and malevolent theme. But the new recruit character had a more angelic theme to her machine since she was meant to be more innocent. But those were just pilots you'd see on the character select screen. You wouldn't

But if you're looking for a fighting game example, I had a grappler character and the idea was that she was supposed to be very strong and have great range, so I thought "how can I give her something that benefits that?" So I came up with the idea of giving her a weapon for longer reach. She's meant to be able to take a lot of damage and have higher health as well, so then I thought "let's make her a little taller and have a higher amount of muscle and fat than the average woman." But in the story, she's a chef that cooks up alchemical food and uses this to her advantage in battle, making dishes for buffs but also able to transmutate her weapon into a pot for cooking. So I gave her a scarf and an apron for that. The apron was meant to make you think of either a chef or a blacksmith since she works with both food and metals. As for the "ideas from another character" part, I took some inspiration from Queen's Blade Cattleya, but mixed that with Bravo Pepperocine. The former has the apron and huge weapon while the latter has the cooking and summoning items. So I fused that together for the cooking alchemist. But I wanted to mix it up enough to be a unique thing.
Of course, I guess the alchemy summoning/transmutation thing, is somewhat based on FMA.
That's the real trick.
If you borrow from a character/show, you mix together in like 5 things to make it less like the thing you were thinking of.

If I recall correctly, Masashi Kishimoto said he partially based Naruto's appearance off of Goku, but it's obvious from how he looks that he obviously put way more into it than just Xeroxing Goku. I know another big inspiration Kishimoto had was Ninku. In fact, the Rasengan technique is very similar to the Kuatsuken technique that Fuusuke uses.

I think that one Ibuki super is based on that, too.
nigga just typing to himself fully knowing no ones read all at
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All this just to go with the most boring possible design to appease the sf2 boomers
is that who the hooded design is for? I thought that was to make him look fresh and different for the new generation
i read all that
corny corny corny corny corny corny corny corny corny
kill farmer matz
be honest now
i read it too
but why
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
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>I read all that
>I read it too
inceldem thinks I'm going to read him ranting to himself about nerd shit for an hour instead of doing literally anything more valuable with my time
you have read everything baron has posted, made notes on it and bookmarked it for later
niggas born with the ability to fly and control magnetism then you got niggas born the color blue who can make stuff smell like shit or something. mutant roulette is rough
why do trannies do that thing where they call guys nerds and incels and losers and mentally ill like they weren't the scrawny manlet getting thrown in their locker and having their pokemon cards get stolen 10 years ago? It's not chad taking HRT now.
Superpowers are usually a complete crapshoot in any given series with them. Look at the huge power disparity in Invincible or Watchmen.
That's a thing I don't really like about superhero team shows. The power levels are often pretty imbalanced and they struggle to give the weaker heroes something to do. But if a show focuses on a (relatively speaking) weak hero, then they have to come up with interesting and scaled threats more often.

And the opposite is also true . Putting a cosmic level entity in the same setting as some costumed vigilantes requires them to scale his power extremely hard or come up with a reason for why he can't just immediately solve everything on his own like "he just didn't feel like it" ala Watchmen.
You can grow and change as a person in 10 years, chud. Shocking, I know.
they're trying to mimic how women gossip
nigga... you cut off your ding dong, what the hell grew down there lmao
I think Justice League handled that pretty well. They really played up Batman's intelligence so he could keep up with incredibly powerful beings at all times.
The World's Finest special did a pretty good job with that, too, as Superman wasn't used to an opponent as unpredictable as the Joker, which is how they explained him being able to trick Superman and get away with it.
Possible leak of the new virtual fighter https://x.com/KomajiroSwirls/status/1805656662855782842
.... its ugly
false and homosexual
but enough about luvcheez
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>discord logo looks like mickey mouse shorts
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stared at it for 10 minutes tryna visualise the mickey mouse pants that shit does not match
when the forehead is still big asl even with raised eyebrows you just gotta give up
what do we think of bison?
>source is midori
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>Virtua Grimer
how do you even find this trash?
still no vf5 for steam...
Shit, beat me to it >>483535712
It's all fake tho. "Concept art" is stolen and the slides show no VF shit aside from name.
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..... VF6?!?!?!
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Share the emotes
Forgot to mention the text is poorly aligned
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Nigga aint no nigga give a fuck bout no VF fuck outta here nigga
We busy gooning here
>NA got cucked out of Sandman's ass
>no ken
why are they trying so hard to phase out the second most popular sf character
they ended up basically sunsetting their autobattler clone as well since it didn't generate enough profit, reject L has approximately 1-2 years to live
It's projection. The timmys that were nerds/incels are the main ones going by she/they.
reminder that nigga midori is a middle aged timmy pretending to be a japanese woman
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Straight white male is bad in current AAA gaming. They will probably make him a tranny in SF 7.
one of the series' trans reps is a mentally corrupted capitalist "might is right" fuckhead, we don't a literal fucking nazi dictator to sink it deeper
made some tiny adjustments to the chorus segments
why do you guys talk about transsexuals out of nowhere every thread?
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Why does every corporation have to force DEI and alphabet slop into everything now?
SF6 is designed to make you frustrated
You can't even do the fake sjw larp right, update your scipt
Blackheart is cool because he's like a monster and just throws stuff at you.
But I like Ruby Heart's design more.
Tekken has multiple hidden moves and that's probably one of them you will have to look up
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>spam projectiles
>get mad and call opponent tryhard when they close the gap and punish with a tutorial combo
>"this ain't evo nigga it ain't that serious"
>call them a stream sniper and ragequit
this guy's content is top tier desu
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So does every fighting game have a comeback mechanic now?
Strive doesn't.
the damage is the comeback mechanic in strive.
Pot hits you once and then you die lol
Remember that time Kappa hated MVCI so much that they started saying Pokken was an underrated hidden gem and that's why the passionate Pokken community got in Evo over that game?
A year before that, they were literally making up fake screencaps of Pokken players doing chargebacks on evo donations and calling them all scumbag furries, lol

What was it about Infinite that drove them insane?
burst is a comeback mechanic
was it pokken which drove them nuts or were they just insane already
I think it was the idea that Pokken might get into Evo over UMVC3, which is why they started their original campaign against that.
Is that... a Spider's Thread reference?!?!?!
kappa literally made up some random furry as the boogeyman for pokken, like they searched some guy on e621 and used that twitter fake screencap site to construct something, then after people started sending him death threats for chargebacking breast cancer research he went "what the hell is Pokken?"
Remember that time someone shit in the pool and they somehow blamed smash players even though it happened during the smash grand finals?
They wrote up a whole fanfic about how the guy was trying to hurry to the tournament so he just poopoo'd in the pool to get there faster instead of considering it was just someone else.
why does she draw herself as as stonetoss character?
remember when capcucks called kof 14 a ps2 game then started crying when people didn't want to play mvci because it looked like shit compared to DBFZ?
capqueen suzi told me to buy it so i did
i fapped to suzi yesterday
I remember when Diaphone said the hardcore FGC didn't care about graphics to defend MVCI and HxH
What is the difference between "Emily", "Ellie" and Suzi anyway?
Plays Tekken, fucks "women" in the ass
Plays Vanguard Princess, fucks men in the ass
Plays Resident Evil, gets fucked in the ass
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grassroots hardstyle show: $5+ entry, people bring their own substance and watch, good vibes all around
grassroots art community event/workshop: $5+ entry, everyone brings their tools and shares their work, good times all around
grassroots smash community event: $5+ entry, people bring their setups and compete, good games all around
"grassroots" fgc event: $100 venue entry plus $10 per game, everyone expect state of the art equipment or punk will chimpout over a slight difference in blue LED glare, there's no AC, bathrooms reek of melty players and a furry changing their shit filled fursuit, nonbinary genderfluid muttoid fgcoc enforcement ID checking every korean passing male to DQ a suspecting wife beater, capcom spiccoids prowling around asking anyone if they have any mentally retarded children that need a sitter, jwong offering free should rubs to cute prodigies, james chen oogling busty anime figures by the merch booths, weird 4chan niggers randomly throwing sieg heils at the 4 man nitroplus majors, mandatory hearing loss when playing against mena and caba is his coach, arturo making stations reek of shitdick by ricky, hitbox white boys starting racewars, trannies gaslighting and planting blackmail on cishet males, kof neckbeard numales going 0-2 then orbiting the twink they want to groom from twitter, allegedly a good time
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'berly shoulda looked like this
maybe slavery wasnt that bad after all...
clayton said tournaments are fun
that is what capcucks longed for
he said he got left for dead after being drugged at a tournament and they stole his games
need suzi cleaning my jr while i grind MR in sf6
Valmaster wasn't even allowed to get a YouPorn sponsorship because it was "bad for the image of the FGC" but then Capcom lets a tranny porn star be their spokesperson?

I sense an agenda.
what makes you think that?
that builds character
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Infiltration had his character built by standing up to his wife and now all of you trannies hate him for it.
Why did Lunar react so negatively to Tabby trying to build his character?
being physically threatened by a 6 foot she/they is not "building character"
She was trying to toughen him up for the real world.
It's time to be a man and stop being afraid of people if you don't like it. No one is gonna sugar coat things for you just to make you feel good, you big baby.
you're never supposed to hit a woman, incel
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you trannies literally tried to get some white kid banned for swinging at a nigga twice his size over DBFZ and treated like it was some huge incident and started sending him death threats and calling him a schizo
Since when do y'all care about bullying?
I know you don't want to hear this, but no one wants to deal with some whiny little kid. Some people need to be put in their place and taught to shut the fuck up and get in line. This is how we have a healthy society. We beat that bad behavior out of you. It's not our responsibility to have to deal with some awful little whiny bitch for 80 years, so we nip that behavior in the bud as fast as we can since your parents failed in doing so. If anything, you should be thanking those people for setting you straight.
but how come the tranny wasnt beaten out of you?
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He was just trying to toughen her up for the real world :^)
that's 1:1 what right wingers say
I'd build some character for Tabby by pointing a loaded gun at em and going "pewpew"
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Clayton was right, the crybullies really do troon out just so they can call you homophobic for standing up to them.
Kliff is seething in heaven at what they did to his boy
are you familiar with the horseshoe theory? Most of these groups use the same tactics and behavior, just to get to different results.
It's why 20 years ago it was conservative Christian groups getting upset about Harry Potter but now it's far left trans groups getting upset about the same book.
>you called me a pedo? i'll fucking kill you!!!

This is why no one wants you people around. Take the hint and fuck off already.
why wasn't the transphobia beaten out of you?
im not transphobic i want you to get help not mutilate yourself
You guys do the same thing quite literally if they call you a groomer/sex offender...
....YOU PEOPLE?!?!!?
VF shills will take any "leak" they can, even if it comes from unfunny zoomers
you posted that leak, ellie
bogged but strangely attractive at the same time
imagine both of them slobbering all over my dick
Hori's got you PC gamers covered.
Ellie doesn't post VF anything without snarking about how much it sucks compared to her precious Sloppen
...black or hispanic?
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Remember when Ellie was posting about Chaos Code and calling Tenryo a fat stupid republican nigger?

What was that all about?
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She's not wrong
Tenryo beat SonicFox in Chaos Code, that's why Ellie hates him.
That was you nubi
Funny how Tenryo never excluded anyone from entering his Chaos Code tournies including Hashimo who always crossdressed, but 'manthas who don't even play Chaos Code ban a black man from hosting the game he loved.
crazy how the Ameritroons acted up so badly that FKD just decided to make Chaos Code Next an exclusive to Japanese arcades so they wouldn't have to deal with them anymore
Tenryo is a corny fraud. Chaos Code making him a game ambassador has been a disaster for them, not unlike SNK's "horny on main" tweets
marisa should have looked like this
what was his fraudulent action?
Funny how regressive dickwads want to play the inclusivity and race cards, as if that excuses their arrogance and backwards attitudes
>Arturo hosted the Tenryu kumite
Hi, Ellie!
How do you feel about the recent VF6 leaks
The "innocent black guy who never excluded anyone" farce. He hates anyone further than Hitler and he hates being black
arturo was swiping the $6 prize pots from anikuso games too?
did he ban you from his chaos code discord, ellie?
Ellie not taking the VF leaks well at all, I see
>Turns out that one of the players is a community manager for this game (it's produced by FK Digital, which is a Aussie-based company.) Game is pretty cool, and stream seemed to enjoy it.
of course this grifter defends the other grifter.
How have we not gotten rid of arturo yet?
Did this lying ass coon really tell them he was a community manager because he said hi to the dev on twitter once? LMFAO
I'll take this >>483588280
as a yes
>inb4 "not your tranny boogeyman"
Tenryo is literally listed as Community Manager in the credits of the game.
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Let's be honest
IdolismJ would destroy everyone here in Chaos Code
>Tenryo is literally listed as Community Manager in the credits of the game.
Instant red flag
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what are we going nuts about today?
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Shib said he asked FKD and they said Tenryo was not an employee.
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Is this really the kind of guy you want as a community manager? Cuckervatives don't want community, they want a like-minded circlejerk. No wonder Chao Code died LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Chill out mantha, I was just trying to build character. Life is too relaxed sometimes gotta keep people on their toes
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>Chao Code
You're right he wasn't an employee. But he is listed in the actual game as a community manager. The dev trusted him with new builds of the game. He wasn't a nobody to FKD like you're trying to make out.
die paedofile
I hope you're happy, Tenryo. Thanks to your ignorance, the game you claim to represent is "getting" an arcade port from a company who doesn't even have rights to the games they're making ports of

And y'all are the same people that claim Justin laughing at SFTMTG is "literal slander killing the game" LFMAO
you trannies caused that by harassing the developer on twitter and @ing him over and over about a game you don't even play
And you guys wonder why Chao Code is dead
Which games do EXA not have the rights to? The games EXA are publishing are because they paid for the license to when other companies like Sega, Taito and Arcsys wouldn't.
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Alright, I'm sure I'm going to regret asking this, but

Why are you guys suddenly obsessed with this random Chinese party game?
why is troondem acting like CC was ever alive? no one had a problem with Tenryo for many years until trannies found his twitter
>muh horsemint!
You would not last in a professional setting, lil sis
Vanguard Princess, for one. I'm sure they never got rights for everything else in their catalogue either
The guy on steam didn't have the rights to VanPri either and you let that rock for 10 years....
Remember when gamers thought picrel would save gaming, only for it to be a major flop? What was that all about?
trannies censored it
EXA is still a sham of a company. But you guys are used to following any sham or grift if it means "owning da libs ebin style"
Didn't know Kim Tae Hyung is a tranny
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all the lil chuddies moved on to supporting black myth wukong now lmao
Why does Ellie know so much about Vanguard Princess and Chaos Code if she only plays Tekken allegedly?
>freeze peach
Why do you insane leftists say things like this when you quite literally threw a fit over Helldivers not having pride flags and call a black guy looking at you "death threats" so you can shoot him?
EXA has been around for almost 8 years developing and publishing games in arcades. Do you know a single thing about Japanese law or how much shit arcades themselves would get into for having these games displayed in public if this business wasn't done properly and legally?
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the trannies tattled to that troon lover Jebailey about tenryo hosting a game at ceotaku, stating he should more carefully vet who's allowed to run a tournament and even he didn't care about that shit LMFAO
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Kim Tae Hyung being a closet tranny makes perfect sense. None of his "art" looks like anything someone who genuinely respects women as women and not sex objects would make
Mickey Linn, the Chaos Code guy, is actually working on the VanPri EXA port because he's an expert on 2d fighter maker
Appeal to authority fallacy. Nice!
I accept your concession
You guys seem to care about that nobody and that party game
Shilling for a communist-made game made by known misogynistic creeps to own da libs
Can you read like at all?
There is a description. This “Article 67 of the Copyright Act” states that “If the copyright holder is unknown even after considerable effort, instead of obtaining permission from the copyright holder, the Minister of Culture must obtain a ruling and deposit a deposit equivalent to the normal usage fee.” It is a system that allows users to legally use the system. In this case, we were unable to contact the rights holder, so we have followed the proper procedures to make Vanguard Princess available for use.
Hope this helps!
EXA had all the devs of the FGs they're working on at their EVOJP booth but apparently they stole them.
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Who wore it better?
Just because he claims to be an expert doesn't mean he is one
Is reading not your strong suit? >>483591428
And yet they took the ad for the game down off YT. Curious
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A certain futafur started talking about it on here, so now it became a certain trannyfur's mission in life to find out everything bad related to it.

Very common occurrence here.
because eigomanga sent a DMCA request, exa did the same thing in retaliation and got eigomanga's VP trailer taken down
Doesn't make EXA any more reputable or innocent
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You schizos have been doing this for an hour
Arguing about games with less than 10 players on steam for an HOUR

Are we being raided?

What the FUCK is this shit?
No that's what the links to them legally obtaining the copyright are for.
>links to them legally obtaining the copyright are for.
That's just them covering their asses. They do not own shit
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Since when do you communist atheist wealth redistribution trannies care about copyright anyway?
White people really like putting generic rock music over PV's and CMV's and wonder why the view count on their videos are so low
Both of the people that made those videos were black....
The same reason retardlicans decided to champion piracy and emulation
Ellie did!
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mans going to bat over the copyright integrity of loli pantyshot grapplers
FF14 is doing its maintenance for the next two days in preparation for its next expansion so I’m back. How are things in the FGC? I’ve only been playing around with Tekken lately. Still waiting on a BlazBlue compilation.
Would using a Drake song really make more people care about Chaos Code and Nitroplus Blasterz of all things? I think those games are just generally unpopular.
>uncle toms hyping up sonic the hedgehog buttrock

that's much fucking worse, LOL!
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even more disappointing
I know you can do better than that
so is this like chatgpt or are y'all doing a bit?
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>Vanguard Princess
kinda yikes and pedo of you to be quite honest
Virtua Fighter is better than Tekken.
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Maybe if you Epstein Flight list jewish niggas would stop infesting my motherfucking HOBBIES I'D STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU TIMANTHA ASS MOTHERFUCKERS. GODDAMN.
Why do you think that?
trannies play marvel?
Why does Ellie claim to care about Nitro+, GG, Vanpri and Chaos Code if she's only a casual 3D player? Why does she care about these while claiming to be a natural born woman?
baron said ruili was like a 3d character
ruili has the epic santaku???
As a Clayton enjoyer that's not what he said. It is telling however that you can still search twitter and there really still are many threads openly joking about leaving Clayton for dead for many years and how funny it was. Seemingly from Clayton's DMs even more disturbing is the fact one of the people that has done this also has sexual fantasies about Clayton and thinks they are in a relationship that no one else knows about.
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Can you guys please get a new, unique, expressive, distinct gimmick? For your sake.
I thought he said they gave him a weed brownie and it messed him up because they laced it. Did I imagine that part?
I jacked off the Jessie a few years ago, does that make me insane?
That makes you hetero.
Anyone claiming they would pick Jessie over James in this situation is lying
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my personality is..................... femboys
Unless you know James is crossdressing.
max payed a tranny millions of dollars to fix mvci
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sfg: Good things
fgg: Bad things

Wow, you guys are bad.

Ehhh too lazy to do the rest, you get the idea fill it in for me
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I am grateful to not have the brain rot to somehow think this looks ugly.
That doesn't mean the tranny plays the game.
looks like an NRS game
need kimmy gf
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IneeduJames. New Pokemon fg when?
pokemon type wild is getting a new version soon
da libs were not going to play those games outside of a few people party mashing for half an hour anyway
why didn't tabby just host her own chaos code tournament?
>women that most men are actually attracted to
roastie please
Chaos Code players liked and respected Tenryo. Tenryo was the only person FKD trusted with new versions of the game in the West.
Then why aren't conservacucks dominating the fgc? Hm?
>most men enjoy
aren't these the people that say every show needs to have a prerequisite amount of fat gay black trannies? Since when do they care what most men enjoy?
Sadly most videogame nerds nowadays follow whatever's popular in academia and that is social democracy which has been in vogue for many years.
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Either you're lying out of your ass or you're admitting the CC community (all 10 of them) is just a circlejerk
The conservative middle eastern players run Tekken now
Tenryo has been hosting CC for many years and maintained a close relationship with the devs. Why would people bounce on him to play with Tabby?
why won't FKD let the passionate chaos code community members like idolismj and vickiviper have access to the beta build of the new version of the game?
>women that most men are actually attracted to
someone post the chart
What do rightwingers even own?
I remember FlynnJeux encouraged other people to ruin Chaos Code tournaments just so people wouldn't have to engage with Tenryo.
And despite having his own platform and hosting a million other dead party games, he didn't actually offer to host Chaos Code himself, lol

The game is entirely irrelevant and it's just about their politics, they don't actually care about CC at all
>Anti butt rock = Liking hip hop
are you retarded? and No I don't think low income housing rhyming vine swinging music is what I was talking about. Any other genre would be better, mainly edm
nitroplus blasterz
What the fuck is buttrock?
Does /mu/ just invent genres now like pirate metal?
>What the fuck is buttrock?
Xrd and Strive Soundtrack
okay but how do we feel about titty rock
do you guys really hear a Japanese man barely speaking English while a guitar plays in the background and immediately start thinking about white people?
drake and kdot are the only rappers 'immies know luhmeow
>White people preferences to butt rock
>Japanese man ESL singing butt rock means no correlation to aforementioned White people like butt rock
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we love white people, vappa
tell me if this game is good timmy
I imagine fgg disagreements like this
you forgot kanye....
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Finally did it bros.
Good work
What training method did you use to get better?
block button makes sense for 3d and i prefer pkg over tekkens 1234. and ring outs are sick
The same devs who want nothing to do with him?
Thanks bro.

Honestly? I started playing other fighting games. Through playing them I started noticing issues in my gameplay bit by bit. Still not perfect or anything but I'm happy that I improved even just a little bit.
I like ringouts, too. They're a neat alternate win condition because they require good positioning and awareness of how the stage works.
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GachaGAWDS rule the FGC

there's not a single fighting game that has gacha/lootboxes as part of its monetization
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>possible collab clothes for build-A-WEG mode
Holy... Saars....
Do you ever watch your replays? I started doing that and noticed I press buttons on wakeup way too much and then I get counter hit
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They show Bison's butt in the story mode
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Injustice 2 had Lootboxes, actually. It was for cosmetics/gear, but yeah, still was there.

SFV had lootboxes, too, but you couldn't actually spend money on them.
Nope. Not at all honestly. I probably should though. But if you noticed yourself mashing on wake up make a conscious effort to not do it.
How do you think Elphelt's ass feels?
is dix made to be homoerotic on purpose or is it just a coincidence?
remember when they brought mvc3 back to evo and every single match niggas were just calling the game dogshit and the commentators had to pretend the slop on screen was serviceable? really exposed how garbage that shit really was, wonder if turd strike is gonna go the same way
that was just anitroons crying that they didn't put on blazblue
That was one of the best UMVC3 top 8s of all time since the level of play was so high with the incredibly optimized combos
>t-that was just anitroons
LOOOOL nah that shit was ass. you could see vappa opinion shifting in real time as you got closer and closer to top 8. by the time they were at the finals everyone was in agreement that slop was shit
Marvel is just melee for capcels because they literally shit on every game and insist on playing the same broken slop for 10 years
>timmy tells harada news outlets are hecking twisting his words about the state of Soul Calibur and calling the series dead
>Harada tells him if your series' branding is that fragile it might as well be
cant wait for him to be homeless so I can walk past his homeless tent wearing a dont ask me for shit shirt
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>conversion therapy is inherently pedophilic
Glad you got that out of your system.
Not the first time Nazis coopt organizations
Working for racial supremacy in games to own the libs.
Get's cucked by a dog.
>get hit once
>fail to block the incoming mixup once
>die again

Do people really enjoy this?
Harada is a millionaire, he can't go broke that easy
why do fat niggas always play grapplers and big bodies?
is he wrong?
my pawg queen....
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quite literally the most reddit team imaginable
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this is like a fgg shitpost come to life
>40 y/o man larping as hip and cool despite being a grifter in the community
Why do people watch him again? and don't tell it's cause he's like a SBFP tier personality cause that group was ass in their hayday as well
how so? what relation does either of those companies have to the FGC?
what did he grrit?
>White man in a position of power
>Robot chasing minorities
>White man with anger issues.
Are you dumb?
You just described 3 reddit mods at once there...
nigga said white man in a position of power
how is hulk reddit?
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Remember that time Haggar got a position of power over the entire Earth?
epic heckin armored big body grappler
remove all armor moves
Everyone is a grappler in Marvel because their grab is their fastest move and they can usually kill or at least do massive damage off of it.
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2XKO playtest confirmed for August 2024.
The NEW KING of Fighitng Games is almost here!

I'm so glad you retards don't get to design fighting games. I swear one of you is gonna make a game where the lore is you have some kind of goddess and she is just a clone of SFV Ryu
she hulk bgc
blast god crusher?
With big tiddies and a pretty white face
But will you let her fly and shoot lasers from space?
That he cares about fighting games / the fgc when there's been many repeat offenses he's done to speak ill on other people, games, or communities.
Also talks like an incel (prob had an escort to clear that) in a weird off putting way. He's not cool in the slightest and pushes his "Yo, I'm ghetto black" *yells very loud basedpog hype* gimmick, though I might be giving him too much credit to think he's a mastermind like that and might actually just be a low IQ black
He complains about other black streamers like SonicSol all the time for trying to get in on his territory, so you may be onto something.
He got especially upset about him once he mentioned he was interested in moving to Japan
wishi was nagoriyuki...
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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