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Previous thread: >>483342938
Happy birthday to Vermeil!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Ela is 110 to spark. You get 10 free. Maybe 20 I don't remember.
You are at 75 correct.
You should be able to pity break on shu then.

My soulmate...
Let's see if /akg/ can go 1 thread without talking about cuckshit/NTR
>You should be able to pity break on shu then.
Thanks bro.
Good thing I was skipping Shu anyways though.
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>Let's see if /akg/ can go 1 thread without talking about cuckshit/NTR
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>muelshit thread
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I'm tired sorry. Ela is 120 to spark, you get 10 free, maybe 20 so you only need 110 rolls
You should pity break on shu. You get 24 free rolls. Then the orundum lotto gives another 10 so you're entering it at 34/~65 to pity break.
Oh that's Aria
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Finally, a doctor as retarded as the elf
You're good. But thanks, if I really have enough for Shu I might just go for her but I'm honestly just thinking she'll be a free roll and dip, she doesn't doo much for me besides liking flat girls.
If Lapland got into a fight with a Sarkaz royal, how would she behave? Just accept death gracefully? Run? Treat it like the fight with Zarro and just fight until she can’t anymore? Would she actually be scared of any of them?
>So blinded by hatred the shitposter can't even recognize Indigogo
Play Arknights or fuck off nigger
i bet vermeil is really stinky down there haha
This Mumuschizo is broken
>Treat it like the fight with Zarro and just fight until she can’t anymore?
>Would she actually be scared of any of them?
Absolutely not
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>Vermeil's birthday
>Doesn't use an image of her getting fucked for the thread pic
You disappoint me.
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It's her birthday please don't lust over her...
I like this game, but I think it kinda sucks.
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30 rolls for a 6* is about as good as things get. It's just economical.
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>All these people saying their wife but I can't say mine because she gets shafted out of getting emotionally fulfilling content
Feels bad
every time...
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I heard you talking shit about Amiya.
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OP disappoints me too
Not even the Nachzehrer King?
>draw girls with pointy ears
>these are not elves btw
>draw another girl with pointy ears
>this is an elf
Explain, Arkeks
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Seele! I mean, Vermeil!!
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Bros, finally, A15 skadoo...
I don't even have Degen's module yet because I haven't hit 100 trust but I finally understand why the fuck everyone was hyping her.

>got rid of breogan's portrait for flames of the inquisition
>get +18 SP relic and Yan enlightenment
>she helidrops into the middle of a transformed skadoo, takes no damage, then racks up enough SP for another cast before tremble even wears off
>had 35 HP and was hoping to leak in the worst case but cleared leakless

Same thing with Highmore and Water and Fire Union, it was getting extremely dicey at parts and she got me out of a ton of tight spots the entire time. Wondering how I can replicate this for Izumik.
Netzach'arel is a chill old man
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Vermeil is a good girl
her oprec is cute
>Jacks off her FAT sp cost
>Gatling guns her load all over the empty tiles while the enemies out of range laugh at her
>Passes out from exhaustion and embarrassment. But also a fresh boner
>Drones fly over her
>bzzt bzzt bzzt Mission Failed
Why did HG give the mascot character such a tricky skill?
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Is the only thing she fears Red?
I forget if tomimi or the wiki or somewhere had the JP/CN names for the stages. Could try searching bili with those and degen's name to shake out some degen izumik clears. Most of them wont be named but all you can do is try
Even if she fears red she wants to fight her to the death
So what did we learn in the past 24 hours?
I was doing too much damage to harold and wasn't minding the extinguish windows. It was much easier once I synced up
Where's the PV you promised?
If you post something I don't like, you are a shitposter and a troll.
Vermeil's unwashed vagina on my face
So…what would the Sanguinarch's commentary on the various RI vampires be? Which one would he have the biggest boomer hate-boner for?
She's trying to wash it now get your beard in there good.
2 days
Luv me wife
>Which one would he have the biggest boomer hate-boner for?
Probably Warfarin for her pacifism and role as a doctor. That would strike a nerve for him.
right here bro
*spreads butthole*
No, she'd fear the royals too; however, fear makes her want to fight more.
I feel like he did say something about them but I have no clue which stage story it was or if it happened at all.
*deep inhale*
Can a nuker take Harold past -25% hp in one go or does the invul clamp it?
That Vermeil has more fans than I thought a shitty 4 star sniper would have.
it's just porn addicted losers
Yep, but you have to nuke him during his skill animation, like Damazti
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real smooching hours
She's cute and sexy of course she has fans
When she catches you railing your assistant on your desk
God this makes me miss having an Arma 3 group to play with.
There is maybe one or two actual vermeil fans
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I smoocha
Did the sanguinarch kill his own brother for being a weak sack of shit?
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Are you rolling for summer uncle?

My dad works at hypergryph and says he'll be broken
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Delpipi would be a good mother.
Summer Blaze coming soon
I think your dad got the wrong info. Summer elysium he probably meant
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Where can I find this cowe? I wish to have sex with it.
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Happy Birthday Vermeil!
Getting sick of more Skade operators desu
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Isn't it always?
i could go for a chicken sandwich...
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This fucker should die
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Degenbrecher smooch image where?
Calm down Doctor geez
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Wasted design.
Say that to my face again.
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>generic catgirl #1251
>wasted design
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Check the bar, maybe ask one of the other alcoholically inclined operators.
That's all the Feline's bro.....
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*stares at you*
>open event page
>penis music starts playing
why would they do this
don't recall hearing this
>Wanna fuck Marge
>Wanna fuck Zofia
>Wanna fuck Maria
>Mlynar does nothing for me.
What am I not getting? He just seems kinda pathetic.
>TFW always bring Ash to every IS run so I instakill him anyways.
probably because mlynar is kinda pathetic
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His whole deal is being actually kind of a loser, either you insert as his to power fantasy as the strongest knight or you want to polish the gold beneath the shit.
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I dont actually have very many photos of her with other people
He's not even pathetic is a sort of endearing way like Gnosis. He's just a total bitch and I can see why Nearl's mom went for his brother.
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If that's what you're looking for.
I can comfort him (the Knight Nobility) (with my pussy)
That's what you're missing
frost would never...
I don't want to comfort him. I want him to stop being a bitch.
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xof anime when?
cute. source?
news doko
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Mlynar ISN'T really defeatist, he still strains and refuses to bend as much as possible but his standards for Kazimierz and Knights are simply delusionally high (even his "handler" Toland chides him on this). Margret's ideals are also voiced as too lofty via files confirming she trips up and gets exiled again.
His brother and his wife got unpersoned by the KGCC leaving him alone to protect actual children. He did what he had to in order to keep them alive, even when not one but both sisters were hellbent on killing themselves for no reason. The moment they were big enough to be their own girls he bucks Kazimierz and leaves. He's more of a Father than you'll ever be
Mlynar is a faggot shut the fuck up.
Nothing's stopping you. The Suss mmd model got released. I think there's a Suzu mmd model. So you only really need to make or commission a vermeil mmd model and you can just make a crappy 3d anime yourself.
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Its just a shame he was a massive gaping asshole bitch about it the entire time
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My beautiful hoonter wives
You're just jealous he has eyes only for Toland Cash

Never babysat your relatives or younger sibling? Kids are fucktards.
Aside from training Marge as a kid literally all he did was shit on them without ever trying to have an actual conversation. And last I checked it was Margaret who saved Maria's ass when she almost got murdered on national TV despite apparently being stronger and more skilled than Nearl. He uh... Just sat there.
Margret was Mlynar's Mini-me and he shut down by the time Blemi was old enough to learn anything (Her dying grandpa has to train her to fight ffs)
I have
I personally have never criticized and berated every waking moment of my siblings lives to the point of calling them disgusting or a dissapointment to the family name.
Mlynar is a cunt
What wagie did is called tough parenting and there is nothing wrong with it, kaltsit did it on passenger and he turned out fine.
It's been a while but didn't she learn everything from Zofia? I thought she just didn't give a shit about being a knight until she decided to join the major to save the family.
Maybe doctor should give her some.
No one ever accused the writers of being good. You go seem to forget though that the sisters would have been killed a long time ago if wagie didn't wagecuck like a beaten dog after his brother got ran out for not cucking.
Maria refused to listen, she has to grow into a woman and accept consequences.

Maria learned from Zofia. Marge was only politically shielded by her grandfather who then instituted the infected larp to yeet marge out of Kazimierz before they killed her for rocking the boat.

You're also not a nearl and your siblings should try to not antagonize the honse-cartel into killing her.
>Destiny2 will eventually converge and Coomsnek will construct a fleet of bombers for Elliot's nukes
>and he turned out fine.

when is blemi going to start a country in a sargon desert?
Mlynar chose the wageslave life rather than become a primus or take the family fortune and get his family somewhere infinitely safer before they had any ideas.
>Maria refused to listen
To him never actually explaining why he didn't want her doing that and instead just shitting on her the whole time?
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>It's been a while but didn't she learn everything from Zofia? I thought she just didn't give a shit about being a knight until she decided to join the major to save the family.
Maria was taught the basics by her Grandpa according to V(MN-1A), her module([X] "the shadow of a spear"), and she even flashbacks to conversations with him during her fights. Maria quit practicing when margret got exiled but golden pegasus hacks let her copy Margret's move from memory too.
Nah Nearl's exile is gonna start the Kazimierz boogaloo instead.
will she be sex?
Blemi will get groomed by Darksteel to be the next Blempress
Hey, you, yes you, post your favorite arknights related nsfw work
Bro I was sleeping wtf I'm calling Fiammetta
Thanks bro, still fucked up Zofia was better for her than her uncle.
Becoming a primus wouldn't solve the issue and you're forgetting he's THE Mlynar Nearl. The horsecock nuke himself. He's a major military threat
She could just listen.

Is this the true power of the Blemusha eyes?
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When do we get this goat on the landship?
>shows up for one scene
>has like two lines of dialogue
Never. They already don't give a shit about her. Ratatos and Sciurus have more chances of becoming operators.
Not going to lie if I woke up like that I'd probably freak the fuck out.
>Go on a mission to Kjerag
>Come back
>Blemi and Cannot founded nation in the Columbian Frontier

Zero. She's both a moron and a murderer.
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He's...just...like... me......
Didn't actually have it so you're lucky I managed to find it.
They've done a bunch of Vermeil stuff, mostly with Executioner, Flamerbringer and some with Suzuran, besides their own OC too.
Hope you don’t get banned
Such lovely milkers yum yum
There are both retards and killers in Rhode island.
Name 5 operators that slurped down retarded lies then murdered someone significant that was important to RI or the wellbeing of a nation based on retarded lies.
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>still fucked up Zofia was better for her than her uncle.
THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The Nearls plus Zofia are essentially an ideological compass. Zofia is willing to compromise her ideals and envies the Nearls for being getting the limelight but still loves them enough to be willing to share everything. Mlynar is a man of extreme ideals to the point they can bring him to abandon and cutdown his friends because they leave the path. Margret tries to uses everything she can to enact her ideals. Maria has no aspirations of her own only seeking to help people along her path (this might just be a trait of golden pegasi because Kirill seemed to be that way too).
>She could just listen.
She DID listen but nothing was getting better and she doesn't resent him for all his harsh words anyway
bless. yeah that's why I dislike twitter, nobody ever tags their stuff so a lot of it is just lost..
It's not like it stops anyone. Porn spammers have been at it for almost 2 decades
They were fine. They didn't need a lofty title. Wagegod knows honor comes from within.
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Sex with both at the same time is nice...
Any art of Doctor and Exu smooching?
I'm still not sure if it's ooc or ic for tomimi to get bred by someone other than Gavial or tricked by Inam
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>horn can one shot harold through the invulns
I kneel..
In character if gav suggests it
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do I really need the Weedy PusY?
Anyone can oneshot Harold through invulns if you hit him during his artillery attack.
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closest to that i have on hand is this
Asky Wasky...
Elfschizobros, can we please stop embarassing ourselves like this? >>483379198
No but upgrading to two huge+1 pushes is nice. But it's also reliant on blocking 2 so yeah
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I just can't think up a stage where it would be useful
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Goat booty
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I am elfschizo and I hate Muelsyse. Give me a wife.
Pushers rarely are. If you're trying to push stall elites it lets you yeet two further to try to avoid leaking. Which is worse than just deploying a better dps setup. That's why it's not really for casual play.
With that said, the reduced redeploy time on the cannon is helpful for light gimmick enemies and objective based things though. Still not worth modulating, try to land a jap with one if you can.
Nice, those are pretty good. I didn't think Leizi was anyone's favorite. She doesn't even have a skin yet.
>degen 3rd skill doesn't get the auto attack debuff
Who the fuck designed this operator? I am yet to see any flaws on her
I have a great desire to touch caprinae tails.

/akg/ is a fortress of Leizi worshippers.
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>I am yet to see any flaws on her
Yeah, I think that's what they were going for.
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>I didn't think Leizi was anyone's favorite
I think she's a character a lot of people like a lot (having a strong aesthetic and personality) without being a favorite. She's not my favorite character but the set is just really good
Just cause she didn't get a skin doesn't change that she got the sex synthesia official art
of course my Leizi is maxed out I have good luck with rolls ever since
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Dangerous room...
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Building social credit with Leizi...
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Yan will grow larger
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A damn shame. Leizi, Shaw, and Panda all look so good here.

What do the moonrunes say?
You can rip the text with Google Lens' OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Then you can slap that into google translate, deepl or what the fuck ever.

When you clear a 3-star level, Rays says "You can do better," but when you clear a high difficulty level, he praises you saying "You did well," so please play against me!!!!!!!!! lele!le
Mark as complete

Post reply
2024/03/01 00:52:47
Rays, even if you clear a 3-star level, he encourages you to aim higher, but when you clear a high difficulty level, he starts straight out with "You did well," which is unfair...
Aside from that, when she is suspected of breaking the air conditioning, she says "I don't even need a remote control to operate the air conditioning!" which is too adorable for me. I'm falling in love with her, I already liked her.
Mark as complete
Post reply
Rays's mom always scolds me saying "You should reflect on your actions!!" I love you.
There are too many Rays
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>Artist asked about favorite voice lines
>If you clear a 3 star level, Mr. Ray's will say, ``You should be able to do better,'' but if you clear a high difficulty level, he will praise you and say, ``You did a good job.'' I look forward to playing against you!!!!!! !rere!rere
>Ms. Leizi, even though he encourages me to aim even higher even after clearing a 3-star level, when I clear a high-difficulty level, he just straight up says "good job" and is so cunning...
>On the other hand, when he is accused of breaking the air conditioner, the line that comes out is, ``I don't even need a remote control to operate the air conditioner!'' I love it so much. I fell in love with it, I already liked it.
>Leizi momma always scolds me and tells me to "reflect on this hard!" Chuuki.
Artist note on the last Leizi drawing
>There are too many Leizis
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My wife is more cool than your wife.
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Nuh uh
>jobbed to chadfred
I lost respect for her
Didn't she flee to columbia instead of taking responsibility?
Bro... Your wife calls herself Ass Clown...
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Maybe, but I like my wife more.
Smooch bloodied goat.
>Failed to protect her shogun
>Did not commit seppuku in disgrace
How can she bear to show her face?
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Manfred has the fattest plot armor in the game tho
Will Ch14fred make Kazdel great again? Considering his vision so far he might be the one
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I'm willing to audaciously claim Leizi has the best voicelines in the game. They feel refreshing unrestrained compared to a lot of others.
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I had fun posting with you guys today, hope you did too.
Goodnight, /akg/
Fred becomes partners with Wuh (after she blows up his base) according to her profile, he'll probably just be her straight(gay)man in most of his future stuff.
Theresa ordered Asky to to protect RI, Amiya, and Doc
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Die in your sleep.
Sleep well
You stupid dumbfuck why would you spend like $90 on a blu-ray disc when you're poor? WHY DON'T YOU NYAA LIKE SMART POOR PEOPLE.
Cum in your sleep.
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After Theresis gets btfo Manfred will nominate Hoe as minister of education, ending illiteracy in the sarkaz population.
Don't blog
Except for Wuh.
Was the full kill la kill box set costing like $400 real?
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She is improving!
kally go to sleep, it's already late
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>The Babel faction is an arrow pointing up like their logo
>The KMC faction will likely be directly below them and oriented as a down arrow just like their logo
Lowlights UI design is top tier
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It's being worked on
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Seems like the artists for an old art book have been given permission to upload their pieces online.
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>Fate Grand Order Futa - 5.2% of all FGO doujins
>Genshin Impact Futa - 2.3% of all GI doujins
>Blue Archive Futa - 2.6% of all BA doujins
>Arknights Futa - 9.9% of all AK doujins

Please, explain this to me, /akg/
Mostly K-san
Glad that faggot is gone.
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>checking older threads
>some guy has a meltdown about Wamiya
>his argument is that the ship is from chapter 14
Was that retard not here when W released and the ship started...? He's probably a seething newfag isn't he?
Unrelated to your post but I'm a seething newfag.
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Wow I guess we have quantity AND quality. AK has better futa doujins than any of those.
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Bottomless slut
Stop replying to a shitposter
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How do I kill those casters in this stage without raping me?
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Are you getting this skin?
Use puller
Nuke them quick
post the version with wuh
Now that you have degen, it's easy. She is put in the two tiles below the mages spawn point. Activate her skill only when the mage is about to charge up.
It lines up and kills a bunch of stuff.
Make sure to have Ines invis reveal so the invis swordsman die too.
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When was this chapter released?
why is is3 so fucking hard compared to the other two
on EN a year ago
Is there anyone else here that likes a CN voice more than the JP one? My wifes JP lines are way too constipated.
got any links?
>Have a bunch of metashitter units to win
Nice gamemode lol
RNG and mechanics don't help you, only harm you.
Oldstinkies only, newbro
How does having sex with Arturia feels like?
In retrospect my main problem with IS2/3 is the RNG involved in getting ending encounters. IS4 improved on it a lot but on the other hand, bosky abuse, free shop refresh, and especially Foldartal effects make it way easier to tilt the run in your favor.
How would /akg/ balance IS4 so it still retains the challenge?
remove bosky
remove free shop refresh
remove foldartals
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The ocean giving you trouble, friend?
It's already fixed by the expansion.
Just up the difficulty to balance it out.
>Don't take Bosky
>Never refresh the shop
>Don't use Foldartals
That's how I usually run.
I didn't know you can refresh the shop.
Do you not have a job?
How to make IS unfun 101
Remove concord effects
Make shop refresh cost index or ingots
Reduce bosky spawn rate
What's the problem? Mr. Nothing can permastun highmore phase 1 if you toggle his s2. He can permastun phase 2 unless you get speed relics. Then you just toggle his s2 to do it anyway.
TLK gets cheesed by Mr. Nothing and Erato.
Fishe you just spawnkill
Izumik you yeet into the trash bin.

Cliffheart, Mayer, and Erato give you a lot of consistency for clearing out the hovers but there's an option in every class to do it.
>Insider as Ken by Ryan Gosling
Holy shit. He is literally me. Also, pink does look good sometimes ngl
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Nothing specific, but it's all over twitter and weibo. Just try looking up アークナイツ on the former and 明日方舟 on the latter.
Only to specifically make you mad by giving HG more data that we want these kind of skins
>trans pride
>palestine flag
Will these people ever make up their mind
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Not that anon, but do you need to upgrade his module for the extra second of stun to pull off the TLK cheese?
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she sleeps, saving her energy for Wednesday...
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Wedding dress... doko...
Yes it's cheap and helps smooth over application gap. You gotta remember Erato's being chilled to get that sleep attack out the door.
Well fuck, good thing I promoted both of them already to get their Operator Records.
One more thing I forgot to ask: does the Izumik push strat require the shift strength collectible or can you just do it relicless with S3?
Ascalonfag... It is cringe to reply to yourself...
I think it does? You'd have to look it up
rerun art of the worst event
I'm actually... a different Ascalonfag... shocking I know... I really want to smooch her... *sigh*
You lie... There can't be two people... this cringe...
Learning to draw takes time...
Would you really put Assclown in a mermaid wedding dress that cinched down to only 8 inches wide at the knees?
>worst event
Second to zwillingstürme
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I will defy the wedding dress posters. Ascalon should be in a suit.
Resting my face on Hoshi's hoshis
I'm only halfway but I'm enjoying the current event a lot. I wish Arknights had more lighthearted stories like this.
>easier to tilt the run in your favor
Nigga, try playing on A12+. The mode becomes an RNG clown show as soon as you're unable to see what nodes are you going to. By far the worst of all IS.
That's the same reason I liked the great chief returns a lot
Relic isn't an absolute must but it needs to be substituted with Angelina S3 or Weightless (usually Ho'ol) when missing and might require two pushes instead of just one. Weedy alone isn't quite enough. 2-push strat also needs a slight SP gen buff iirc. You can look up YT guides on how to do it.
IS3 tourney had people running Caster/Spec squad to pull it off more reliably. Discount and free promos for Weedy, Ho'ol and FRDs.
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Rolling for Ascalon and putting her in a wedding dress then asking Theresa (forma de fantomas) for her blessing is NOT cringe!
*splurt* yes
Her default outfit already makes her look like an OL
The last time I remember them having something silly of this caliber was Gavial's event + IS1. That's a really fucking long time ago now, even summer events that are supposed to be low-stakes and comfy have turned into bittersweet stuff like Eyjalter's event.
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Skill issue
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Anyone max out Harold yet? Should I use him over Honeyberry or is he better as a backup elemental damage healer? I don't have Eyja so she's not an option.
If you don't have any of the elemental healers like eyjaberry, honeyberry etc built, then just build harold instead. If you already have eyjaberry, don't bother building anything else. If you have honeyberry built, don't build harold.
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I've never used this. What's it for?
I have. A12 is way, WAY easier than its equivalent on IS3, I ground out every single ending on A12 with every squad with absurd consistency because I just kept going up and down the map by burning my index. Better to do it now since I've heard the stickers will auto-update if I do it before expansion.
If you're a latelet it unlocks stories for older archived events. I think you unlock something like a welfare op for some events after you get all their stories
If you are a newbie, Harold is all the way down on the list of priorities to build. First, build DPS, second raise laneholders and other units. You will want to E1 units to around level 50 and not e1 max units unless you are going to e2 them immediately. Even once E2'd you likely don't want to max them. Finally, other niche units like berries/harold
>stolen screenshot
If you go to Archive > Intelligence > Special Operation, you can use those to unlock vignettes from old omnibus events.
I like those dresses with the patterned sleeves and collars...
I defy your defiance. Asky could pull off a military uniform but I don't think she wouldn't fill the groom roll because of her reserved temperament outside of situations where she can fight.
>asking Theresa (forma de fantomas) for her blessing
My delusional ass can't help but view a few scenes from Babel as Theresa shipping it...
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>but I think she wouldn't fill the groom role
I should go to sleep.
it lets you get the ceobe warning profile image
Don't spend red certs on these, wait for an event that lets you get it with the event currency instead
After the 9th time she "trips" and faceplants into your meaty pecs will you call her on it?
Thanks. I'm a couple months in and am playing a lot of IS3 right now so I'm in need of elem healers. I have Honeyberry but only at E1 lvl 30 so she's not so high up that I wouldn't consider alternatives. Is Harold really that bad compared to the others or is the difference minimal? Excluding Eyja, I mean. I know she's the best one of the bunch.
Here is the fundamental difference between IS#3 and #4 and why some people think it's hard and some easy, at high asc.

Numerically, pre expansion 4 is Harder than 3 with the sole exception of Knight escort+kill.

IS#4 though has more tools to boost your team, though it has weaker relics overall (no Glory pack etc.), it depends more on what kind of TEAM you have. If you lack Ines, Reed, Typhon you will be in for a very hard time as your vouchers will get wasted if you get those medic/sniper/vg ones a lot.

IS#3 on the other hand, the teambuild is less strict, the broken relics can carry a run.
No clue but I will say Honeyberry's regen and low sp cost is simple and effective. I'd say the main gap right now is A. will a player just borrow eyjaberry and fuck off. or B. They're new and they got Harold for free so they have berry range without having to pay an expensive 600 red certs as a newcutie. He's probably better than chestNUT so yeah
Is there even anything you can stun cheese in IS4 that you care to? Isn't sami/deernig/crazy/grandpas all status immune?
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Sona feet
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If you have been around the Arknights community, then you might have seen some of the comic strips TessiZdx made, especially the Abyss Hunters one. Unfortunately, not everyone is a fan of it. In his latest comic strips, which as of now have been removed, some Ulpian fans think Ulpian is too out of character in his comic strip and harassed him over it. So he decided that he would not make any more Abyss Hunter-related comic stripes.
Based on what I have seen over the discussion of this drama, this kind of harassment had been going on for a while.
It's honestly an unfortunate news. His art style is my favourite out of all the content creators I've seen, plus I really enjoyed his Abyssal Hunter AU works. Always sad to see a talented artist forced to stop their work due to harrassment.
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I think I can talk a bit about this, Izumik A15 in IS3 has been filtering me for months and I finally got a clear, though funnily enough in the no E2 Degen run. Got carried hard by Shawl and luckchadding the 300 DEF and 30 RES Enlightenment. I didn't find her that good against Highmore since ASPD slow if no helidrop relics but she really makes WaFu way easier, and any helidrop/SP relics make her stupid (and she cheeses sharmy for obvious reasons). Maybe, probably its skill issue but in my experience the problem with Izumik is his Shock makes perma Tremble stall hard if not impossible due to 30 sec CD alongside 25% HP thresholds. If he eats all jellyfish so you don't get swarmed by the endless horde of 6 min respawns, he gets absolutely ludicrous ATK and any melee Op short of Determination + NG or RES buffs will get deleted from existence due to damage + stun. S3 has immunity frames but can't keep Tremble perma up, S2 with SP relics can but will die when Shock comes down. Good to kill jelly swarms though, if you're an esports god going for jellyfish murder strat she can carry well there
>If you lack Ines, Reed, Typhon
Hahaha it would really suck if you you somehow don't have a single one of them haha...
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I was just shitposting, I wasn't even the anon you were talking to
I fucking kneel Dr. R...
They are all immune but that's the thing, there is no relic cheesing at all.
This was one of the few complaints about IS#4 in CN, relics were too straightforward and the fancy ones were all weak. (Friston, 16 coins rare relic, a measly +5 aspd for emergency cleared)
I kinda disagree on IS3 relics being more broken with the exception of Fincatcher's Shawl and Flames of the Inquisition. Some of the alterform relic effects in IS4 (deployment limit, free temp recruits, tactical transceiver, toolbox ingot rebate) are pretty strong and then there's stuff like Lakebed Aegis which IS3 doesn't have. A relic like Flames that awards SP on hitting Collapsals would be pretty neat though.
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>meaty pecs
More like "fat fucking beer belly" lmao but yeah
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Do your SSS
The elemental healers at 5 stars are all side grades so though they do different things, the difference is kinda minimal. Eyja alter is busted of course, but costs 300 in pulls to spark (plus she is more of a QOL unit not a dps that newbies lack) so she's not really worth it and you mostly go with one of the 3 at five stars. because harold is free, obviously you'd go with him if you didn't already have honeyberry e1 level 30.
Sounds dumb when there's so much OOC content out there not just of ulpianus but many popular AK characters (not saying it as a bad thing). Those comics are good shit, the PoL strips were great. Damn chinks, I hope it turns around.
What is Lakebed Aegis?
And yea you just named more broken relics that completely change your run. +2 sp per hit is godly, everyone becomes Godssenger.
Camouflage for every ranged unit was changed to (8 tiles will have camouflage) but it's random. Still good but nerfed.
Nyo. Shyit myode.
If you stop stuffing your fuckhole and move a bit you'll work it off. It's not even hard.
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i am not moving from here until i get my chicky nuggets, father
It's a fun mode. Stack buffs on your wife and win
+1 shield then 60% HP if you have any shield before a battle starts. It's basically Unknown Instrument but cheaper, stronger, more common, and easy to maintain at higher difficulties if you can rack up perfect wins. Combine with Silence foldartals and the standard +HP% relics and you can just tank your way past a lot of oneshotting bullshit like phase 2 Cresson.
>stacking buffs on Ptilopsis
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How did this piss easy stage filter people?
>It's a fun mode
I'd rather play RA than this shit.
IS is the best mode anyway and the only thing worth playing in Arknights.
Where is your Chongus?
HE with Walter and Logussy is awesome
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Gnosis is such a fucking faggot
Is it more sanity efficient to farm those in events?
>Horn/Dusk fires s1 every shot
>Penance s3 spam
>Cob s1 bind spam
>Leizi permaslow
>Gnosis permafreeze
>Amiya/Shalem machinegun
>Fields of Dusk s3 freelings

So the red cert tapes are very sanity expensive. But in an omnibus event there's a bunch of leftover shop currency you can use to buy the tapes cheaply. And for now other than buying Absinthe for a second ST caster to go with Amiya there isn't really anything in the Omnibuses worth rushing
Damn, I didn't know that set had so many images
Eh, there's also Broken Wand Solution which on Caster teams just gives everyone True Damage, Distant Home Guide on a luck check can give SP spam up the ass, Unleashings can be pretty ridiculous on some maps and teams, and Flashing Swords on Isharmla/Mizuki runs can give +105 ASPD just for doing your job, there's quite a few relics in IS3 that you can shift into and highroll really hard.
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>It's a fun mode
I guess if you a a masochist everyone can find fun on somethinf
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So cool...
>just get a good deck bro
>just stack operators on top of each other bro
>just choose two new operators to add to your deck before moving to the next stage bro
>aren't you having fun bro????
Ew, at least IS has more freedom, mechanics and thinking put into than the garbage that SSS is
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Shu's teleportation skill works on HE civs hehe
That's a very easy way to grief yourself on the boss
I know right? used to be just ines and suzu fucked you.
Movement speed debuff like Mostima S3 and clown S2 works on them as well
While we're naming things that can cause snowballing, Scarred Amber is probably the single most godlike relic I've ever seen in any IS theme, especially if you can concord with a Migrate sticker. Cannot's Mark makes it so you can splurge hope almost non-stop if you get it early, and it's a fairly common relic. I don't disagree about the powerlevel of IS3 relics, I just think that IS4 isn't shabby in that department either and gives you more control over your floor routing / planning in general.
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Wife shaped lupo
meant for >>483397570
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waifufags are so fucking cringe.
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Putting my Penis in Penance
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*blocks your path*
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Imagine the stale stench
pinus cameo!
That's a lot of lupoposts, good sign to go to bed.
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*Ignores Penance*
Yeah it's fun to make a deck and fuck around tweaking it.

You can build a good deck. Most ops work with stacks.
That do be the gimmick.
You build a fairly robust skeleton so the draft can't brick you.
It's fun enough to cap and finish missions at least. I like to play it a couple times a month just to fuck around with newly raised ops.
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Bro, medics are good in the Sea one. With the lantern equipment.
Here is Izumik and Ishar-mla examples of push strat, and you can branch of others from these videos. Like the others said, in the IS3 tournament they did it a bunch with Angelina and Hool only but you need insane management, Weedy new module for +1 push blocking two enemies helps though. Push relic makes it really easy. This is Weedy push with shifter relic but no Hool or Ange that I recorded for reference.
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Team photo doko
how do blazepipis feel about her probably being a Sonic the Hedgehog reference?
There is like 0% chance of that.
i wouldn't put it past hyperpipi considering the montis' name is essentially an elaborate shitpost
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Our heroes...
Popucom bros we are fucking in
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Red woman
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Is the boss immune to her?
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Mating smooch
I'm the doctor of Rhodes Island, and I'm shorter than 5'4.
Her response?
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I'm scared of women
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Just bee Urself
Neat, thanks for the info. I'm assuming you let him take all the jellyfish since you got Shawl?
>got Determination as well
The ASPD buff seems pretty risky to deal with considering how few promoted ops you were running, what exactly were you doing earlygame to rack up perfect runs?
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arknights wife for this?
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Few more weeks until Endfield nyews!
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Get fucked
It's been so long since I've interacted with women in any meaningful capacity that I've lost grasp on what people are even like. Ironically giving up has made talking easier.
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How did La Pluma became so docile or even submissive despite participated in the most bloody civil war battles?
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She just doesn't think about it too much
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You know, Endpipi's hair kind of reminds me of short haired Arturia.
Endpipi is Doctor and Arturia's daughter confirmed
Did he die?
She looks like Eunectes
What happens with the civilians then? Do they just panic in place?
translate it weebs
He lures them down the hole
They just stand in 1 place
God, that Penance weapon looks so bad
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This is the full relic list, I got Neurodegeneration, the Enlightenment happened in floor 6. Class relics are Divine Bolts. and + HP/-DP on Snipers and more ATK on Guards. It actually worked out because I got Caerula Arbor for Light in floor 4 middle alongside Underground Scorch, reducing wins needed for Determination from six Perfects (fifteen times six) to five (twenty one times five), plus it meant I could leak once and didn't lose the light cap. Early game was carried by SP generator and ASPD boosted chenalt, IIRC I got Folinic by the time of Caerula Animus. Shawl and Glory Pack made most normal fights trivial, specially Glory Pack (why I picked Yatovg). I also just ended up playing a god gamer run for it, though I had to rob Cannot to get enough fights to guarantee Determination Light since I got CA so late. Remember robbing him no leaks counts as a clear for the Light gain, was risky as fuck and blocked the floor 6 shop so it's a last resort. For Izumik, yeah I let him eat all the jellyfish and endured a few leaks since his map wide nuke every five eaten hits through shawl, using some FRD and sacrificial stallers until he ate twenty and I could deploy everyone
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When is THAT Suzuran doujin getting updated again
Thou shalt not skip shu
Jessica is a better starter than Degen
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in bed
>149 cm
I can't wait for this to be an actual, unironic argument for Shu oil salesmen
>bro, she TRIVIALIZES the Gardener, don't you know that NGA rated him as the most difficult non-IS boss?
Short haired flat girls are made for anal
Why is /akg/ so cringe?
We have to deal with you, that's why
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What's wrong with being cringe?
Bareback Weedy position
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Constructive analysis?
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Petting Theresa
Kill yourself ugly pink devil.
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Lovin' Moose melons
Tits too small.
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You made a retarded post and got called a retard, hope that explains it
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I wish that were Theresa...
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Calling Civilight Eterna Theresa until it gives up
Degen kills stuff better
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Wrong, Jessica killed MILLIONS of my children
What's the story behind Civlight Eterna? The crown somehow replicates memories and creates some kind of body double?
Read her profile
She is my wife Theresa
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>didn't include grub
So….Seaborn. Are they still set to overrun the landmasses of Terra? Or is it more of a mysterious biohazard that’s evolving and scary but not an immediate threat? I’m unclear on this now. Also, early lore seemed to suggest that they were giant monsters but now it’s a swarm of little beasties.
As a starter, before S3, Jessica both blocks and kills better. Starting with Degen and relying on her S1/2 is going to make you leak to certain early maps like beasts awaiting slaughter, making your run less flexible. Degen is unquestionably better if both are at E2 though, even if Jessica isn't bad.
Arknights attracts a lot of gayshit. And all /u/ roads always seem to end at futa for some reason. Doubly so when we have horsegirls
I'm not him and I got offbannered so I'd like to know the difference to know if it's worth spending 17m juggling my sole degen out of my friend list
So are Ascalon's arms part of her real form or is it some kind of Arts?
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>Starting with Degen and relying on her S1/2 is going to make you leak to certain early maps like beasts awaiting slaughter,
What? its a cakewalk even with E1 degen

real and canon
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A little of column A, a little of column B, but the gist of it is that, as we are told in Under Tides and Stultifera Navis, seaborn generally do not attack things on their own. It's always either self defense, roused by other entities like the Church of the Deep, or when they expand their territory. There are many seaborn of many sizes. Sea Terrors are the normal enemies you usually see in their events, small but numerous. Sea Monsters, like The First To Talk, Garcia (kind of) and similar smarter, bigger seaborn are a more evolved version. In some profiles and op records we are told of big ass seaborn, best example would be Quintus when turned completely due to his madness. Kal, being the long lived she is, is worried about them since they'll eventually beat up everything if left unchecked and they expand too much or some COTD fag makes them go zero sanity, she already saw what happened with The Great Silence in her profile.
So you know how when you're sad you wish you had a hologram of Prime Minister Abe to cheer you on? That's Civlight Eterna.

Grub came out before that shitposter was born.
Why is her mouth green?
They are not a threat when ishamel is not there.
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>for some reason
The reason is that lesbianism isn't a thing, it's just women repressing their natural, instinctive lust for cocks and males because of some past trauma
Lesbian sex is deeply unnatural, hence why they need to put a cock in their fantasies about gay ships
>that Skadi post
So this is the true nature of Skadoo lovers...
based? yeah, i guess so
hey ay kay gee i can't find an image of Poca (rosa arknights) where, its like two panels, and it's Rosa looking distressed as Doctor asks her about, the people that starved, iirc. Anyone got it?
futa is an invention by dudes who wanted to fap to yuri but can't relate unless a dick is present so they just put a dick on one of the girls
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>how when you're sad you wish you had a hologram of Prime Minister Abe to cheer you on
Wtf how did you know???
>Mouthbreathing imbeciles missing the point.
A mentally deficient gibbon can beat IS4 A15, exactly as your clears demonstrate. It doesn't take any skill or intelligence, what it takes is winning a bunch of coinflips that you have no control over.
>Start with 2 anti-interference index, can't see shit.
>The game decides not to give you any more index as post-battle drops or relics.
>Bosky passage? Oh, it was on the route you didn't choose because you couldn't see shit.
>Ending 2 or 3 nodes? Nope, wrong route, try again next run.
Literally nothing in IS2 or IS3 is so poorly designed. You can beat OOC with leaks. You can cope with metastatic with pipis and multiple ways to remove it. You can't do shit about the game not letting you take the steps mandatory for playing it.
Not reading your schizo babble
Skill issue
good morning, I love Suzuran
What you have to realize in order to comprehend such plot points in any Chinese game is that the Chinese brain have been fried to crisp by Blizzard and Starcraft. So in a way they help themselves and always introduce aliens that are godlike in nature and adversaries that have to ascent to said godhood but always decide against it in the very last second.

In Seaborn's case they are nothing more that the Zerg re-imagined as sea-based lifeforms. Eventually they will get their Kerrigan and do their thing but they are just a bioweapon that is just misunderstood.
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A hero taken from us too soon...
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Reset Kal'sit
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Reset Priestess
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Reset Pram Returns!
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Reset Ceobe!
Also how old is the Sanguinarch? A few thousand years wasn’t it? So really old but still a child compared to Kal’tsit?

Why does the Military Commission tolerate Kal’tsit for even half a second? Shouldn’t she literally be Target #1 on their hit list? Moving the entire army to get rid of her one way or the other?
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Truly the Theresa of Earth...
Die monster
only one of you can live
Western women allowed to do whatever the fuck they want for several decades grow into sociopaths, no exceptions. You have to get 'em young and raise them into proper people.
IS3 has more coinflips involved with getting the fucking ending I want than IS4 ever had. Literally just earlier in the thread I cleared A15 ending 3 and the main reason it took so fucking long wasn't getting a good run, it was the fact that I couldn't get the fucking Ending 3 encounter to pop up. Worse, it turns out the Caerula Animus encounter straight up won't appear if you have less than 20 light, which happened pretty fucking often because I would constantly get Emergency Light or Luminous Corpse, so I was forced to fight fewer nodes only to get no encounters on floor 4 anyway and end up bricking. Don't tell me shit about IS4 having more RNG when IS3 is just as bad if not worse.
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Red woman love!
I want to skip leg day
I cheat on my wife with devils
I open every catbox link posted by Exuposters.
An image with yuri undertones.
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I love this xof
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I have a proposition
Don't question the bad writing
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the doctor looks like he smooches dogs
I saw Doctor mating with small vulpos
False. He likes big vulpos
I am tired sick of this place and the constant cycle of bait. I want to stop coming here but all the other places I tend to visit when bored are even worse shitholes
This but Ascalon when...?
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When you are that old friends and enemies become both synonymous and irreplacable.
I'm willing to accept this is a timing issue but literally how the fuck does this not leak sheep or collapsals with her 2 block and attack charging special. She also can't tank for shit when it's needed. There are so many nodes early I see better performance from Arturia/Jessica/Reed start, Emergency especially.
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Does Kal’tsit hate kids, like, she’s dealt with countless young people who never listen to her and must learn the hard way?
Maybe it only works on non-emergency and only some of the regular spawn sets?
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Timings are not even strict, bro....
Does arknights have more hags than other gacha on average?
she wasn't bready for that
would YOU piss the millenia old immortal precursor kot off without:
A) a good reason
B) a way to actually have her stay fucking dead
them not trying to bumrush kal'pipi is probably the smartest option when they got a country to fight, might as well keep a plan B to deal with her and just keep tabs with her
>Spoiled Elliot, Heidi, and Amiya
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Some shoddy MTL work, but should be good enough.
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>they all look mid-20
Yes? You can trap her in a sensory dep cube for tens of thousands of years to keep her off your back.

If you were decent at applying your makeup you would too!
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i can explain, i was trying to throw them at blaze who's standing right th- AIIIIIIIIE

>does the person who keeps adopting random orphans hate kids
i don't know anon you tell me
now if you excuse me i must go take my grandson to therapy before he nukes another city
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>pretend to be CEO
>walk round the ship flashing people with your butt all the time
It is about time we put and end to the Amiya question
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how fun would Blaze be as a babysitter?
would the kid she's babysitting end taking care of her instead?
No one would roll for hag-looking hags
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Cringe, female operators who don't use it?
I will
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Big Ch'en Love
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Mantra is right there
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i will do that
by grounding her a month without internet or mid-afternoon carrot cakes until she goes back to behaving her age
and then eat ice soup for the rest of the year because she docked my salary in retaliation
Lowlight's tacticool vision, thwarted by profit-loving coworkers...
That's cause most people are mentally sterilized and can't admit they like young girls. 99% hagsfags are not hagfags.
Intercourse, FINALLY a real 'badass' old lady.
fuck you, Mantra doko?
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Please post more pictures of Kal getting BTFO
I like both thoughever?
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Eat it... eat this thing... kill it...
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Oh, how wrong you are.
You deviants don't count, chinks wouldn't roll for grannies
chinese and koreans have shit taste, we've known that for a while
Are you backpedaling?
>No one would roll
Also >>483407138
>Went to an English board
>Said something retarded
>Bu-But chinks...!
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Degenbrecher's Japanese voice is shitty but honestly I can't really imagine that character sounding in any other way.
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Arknights highschool AU doko
I know for a fact that if such a character released on EN server they would flop miserably, so I don't see why you're bringing up asians
It really is the eternal question. We can all understand a flirty miniskirt. But that short? As the mascot?
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I never got why Highscool Au is that popular.
Same reason highschool is such a popular setting in media, it's relatable for people at that age and nostalgic for people older
I mentioned this in another thread but no one has an answer to how Terra, a world with so many immortal / ancient / godlike entities the people there show ZERO interest in trying actually learn from those entities. Kal’tsit and the Black Snake, the Beast Kings, Sarkaz Royals, Feranmut and the Sui etc, they’re everywhere and often live amongst regular mortals.

But NOBODY actually listens to what they have to say? Like, shouldn’t there be endless crowds paying whatever it takes just to get to ask Kal’tsit a question? Even those in positions of authority like the Sarkaz Royals never once are approached for imparting their wisdom by their people.
Too much effort to write
>seek out sarkaz royal for advice
>get fucking killed
You have cats mistaking dracos for wyverns. The average terran is as retarded as it gets and they probably don't know about Kal, the Immortals, the Ancients, the Beast Lords and the Sui.
Because politicians and leaders in our world listen to experts in fields, right?
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Jellyfish love
Personally I think it's a plot hole that NOBODY in this thread is currently seeking out sage wisdom from Tibetan monks right now?
>imagine paying to get text bombed by kal'tsit
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What fucking wisdom do they have?
>don't own anything and be happy
Create what you know. Depending on the genre it's a reasonably fertile setting
In general, chinks and other east asians think that westerns are extremely retarded.

It's quite common for them to date a white man solely for the purpose of a visa, then later divorce once they have a visa secured and then bring in the man that her family has approved.

Any husband has to be vetted very thoroughly by the wife and the wife's side of the family for things like educational status (in general, women will look down on anyone educated less than them), job (this is why a lot of asian kids are only allowed to be doctors, lawyers and other stuff, because they must be able to financially support their grandparents in their old age), income, medical conditions (you basically must pass the medical checkup first which will check for any problematic diseases and genetic conditions in the family) and the husband's family needs to pay a dowry.

A lot of the breakups that happen is because when you marry someone in an asian country, you are basically married to their parents as well since a lot of families live together in multigenerational households and the newlyweds will have to financially support and physically support their parents in their old age (there is no such thing as aged care homes), so it's very unlikely for cross cultural marriages to survive.
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China dragons are asked for weapons/arts and some such. Some don't give that much of a information like Kalt'sit and most are not that educated to get anything useful from them. Why would they give secrets willingly? There is Kjera who only has reveled herself only to pram and she is one of the most forthcoming and progressive ones. Most nations probably would just shoot them down and make a cool rug with a power to make your shoes extra clean.
Exactly, it's not some ancient knowledge, it's just spiritual mumbo jumbo
Is it more gay to like Mizuki or Degenbrecher?
should I m3 second kalsit skill?
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Imagine having sex with a lupo and you were planning on pulling out but the lupo pussy is soo good that you can't hold yourself from cumming inside and the girl just looks at you, smirks and starts moving her hips again
I think someone is copypasting their skipkek shitposts from the archive, I have definitely seen all these.
I would rather die alone
Considering we're in a gacha thread on an Estonian sword dancing forum , more than anybody here.
>and make a cool rug with a power to make your shoes extra clean
Wtf I want a rug like that too!
Can't imagine that, I don't how sex feels like
Same guy who drew naked Kal'tsit being a crazy whore in Terran United Nations?
The banner's been up for 5 days now, people have already rolled. You can stop now
me in middle
Yeah, but then the problem is you also don't have any children to look after you, in your old age. This is the asian mentality, because the kids are the retirement plan.
Yes, its good for general use/arts tanking
Liking a character won't make you gay. If you want to fuck, then mizuki is gayer.
Is Kjera good for something? the skin looks good
No, this is his only arknights image
What is the official endfield youtube channel? Because I randomly got an ad short with the redhead Sankta and the Sarkaz nun. They are most likely releasing another build in the autumn.
Degen is male-coded, if you like her you're definitely more of a faggot than if you want to gape Mizuki's feminine asshole open like a crater
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aside from that
she freezes stuff but i dont think she can do it consistently on her own
I want to fuck this wolf
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Mizuki's Determination has been saving my runs but to Wait and See isn't bad either
She's ok but nothing that impressive, S2 having freeze RNG hurts but damage is decent. Gnosis makes her way better, if you want a caster to build for IS she wouldn't be my first pick but she's workable for low ascensions.
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Birthday fxo
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>Howdy, Baws!
Vendela is for Sarkazian cocks
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This fox is overweight
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Hot springs babymaking sex
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cool, i just wanted to know if she was bad like Frostleaf or not before getting the skin
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She can make herself lighter so you do all fun things to a plump xof that normally your weakass body can't. Sounds like a win
>your weakass body
S-shut up
>Abandoned by the artist for another girl with short blonde hair but with bigger tits
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You now remember the new smug
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They were right on cutting ties with the artist. Whenever I see Vermeil I just think of her getting her spine almost folded while getting the living daylight fucked out of her.
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Nourished foxes
It's more like HG being unwilling to give her more content or even skins
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A society that can't sloppily top it's weakest doesn't deserve to give nursing handjobs to it's finest.
We love evil women here.
so is delpipi
They've been at it for days now
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There's no denying it
nah, we don't
Is there a gacha community that's treats their fan content creators worse than arknights out there
We love retarded and mentally ill women here.
Bwos, my Leto looks kinda weird.
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Fuck this map, I will just farm the others.
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Nah I have a buddy who scavenges warzones and has a habit of picking up war orphans, he is literally raising up a army of fanatically loyal surrogate children. But some of them aren't quite up for the job so he does the horrible crime of selling them to a life of luxury and safety in western countries. Sleeping next to a girl who has been trained to sleep with men and cut their throats once they are asleep is a bit risky but what do I have to lose at this point?
Luv me pap chan btw
I know Genshit has more extreme cases of harassment and threats, but if you take out one artist like 20 take their place.
It's more noticeable in AK because we have fewer dedicated artists.
Yes we do. We smooch them all the time.
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I didn't forget, Lucilla's kit is a bit wonky but I still want her and I was pulling for Ulpianus anyways.
Her s2 causes 2 drones to lock on and follow something giving you an additional arts dps from a tile that otherwise wouldn't reach.
Her chill's -30 attack speed adds a modest amount of sustain for the duration.
Freeze is good when it's susceptible. Also helps her own damage.
Drone casters in general their drones continue to attack while their operator is stunned/frozen/disabled

Gnosis adds 32% fragile to chill and 64% fragile to frozen in addition to Freeze's built-in flat -20 res.
Aurora deals more damage to frozen targets. Any chill support drastically increases her base 3/9 frozen hits which are very easy to buff to 10k-16k per hit.
Pram has Res debuff, low chill chance, and weak enfeeble -atk for even more sustain

Hypergryph website should have a hub giving it.

God I wish that was me.
>newlyweds will have to financially support and physically support their parents in their old age
this is what saved me from yellow fever, fuck that shit
Allegedly the Mihoyo fans hated Arknights content creators so much that they doxxed a bunch of them and then harassed their relatives causing some to commit suicide. Then the chink police got involved in the cyberbullying case. This is probably just a continuation of that.
Her S1 seems nice for wave clearing, better than her S2 imo
anal sex
These are intellectuals with degrees in their fields, shame on you.
There are very few ops that are bad like Frostleaf.
>Allegedly the Mihoyo fans hated Arknights content creators so much that they doxxed a bunch of them and then harassed their relatives causing some to commit suicide.
Why are they like this?
People hold grudges against AKfans since they were extremely cancerous
S1 is a bit weird on first look, feels like they wanted to make a semi DPS 5* Supporter with it for IS or something when you need to cope for a voucher, can't say how good it is until I try it but could work. Lucilla S2 might be useful with fights that have a lot of normal annoying mobs, like Sanguinarch blood pellets, Maritus buffing mobs in PoL or Bloodknight blades so she might be useful here and there with it.
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don't b mean to my daughter kally wally
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Holy fucking CUTE valarqvin mating press NOW
Yeah but i don't have Gnosis..
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*skitters past your thread*
The theory goes that they are paid to do it by Mihoyo. But maybe all the game companies are doing it if the 'extremely cancerous AKfans' thing is true.
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we hate Kal'tsit here
Post sluts
>'extremely cancerous AKfans' thing is true.
They literally mas reported AL to CCP.
She's more a dps with it. Her stats aren't even bad, they're comparable to decel casters who are dps and the talent working on mooks helps with that too. Having a consistent aoe hit like that is pretty rare when I looked through the ops
see? you are a cancer too.
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Fuck off Kal'shit
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Reading operator files is always a mistake ;_;
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you leavy my baby kot alone, nevermind the fact she's biologically older than i am
If we go by biology, I don't think that thing ages.
Yeah fair enough, I'll check out some bili videos and later test her when the event comes on global. I might be underestimating the perma fragile for mooks
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Get along with your daughter for your wife's sake, faggot
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Londinium bus
Lungmen bus
Dossoles bus

These buses are free and thus affordable for the common men.
La Puta..
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Kys Priestess
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Here's her theme "song" if you want to feel extra sad


"Hold closely to the silent friends that are irreplaceable, tally the remaining rations.

"Solitary Journey", set off again, keep going, from dawn till sun shimmer colored the horizon again.

May the ethereal melody brings the courage for heading to the untravelled lands."
You don't need him. She's still there as a mild utility caster
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sadness overwrite
have her second theme about her happy and comfy life in rhodes island


I want 'em all, I want 'em all.
I want this too, I want that too.

Where could you be, huh?
You can't hide, you can't!
Even on the road at night or dangerous places,
I'll go after you, wherever you go!

Is there going to be a feast when I come back home?
*rumbles* My tummy is rumbling...
I wanna eat quickly, I can't wait!

Eat a lot of honey biscuits.
Sweet and crunchy, the taste of happiness.
I want more happy times
together from you.

I want 'em all, I want 'em all.
I want this too, I want that too.

I'm looking for treasure again today, so don't get in my way!
I'm strong, you know.
If you get in the way, I'll bite you!

Will I ever solve this mystery?
Hmm... That sounds difficult, but hope I can solve it.
I can't wait, because I'm hungry!

Someday, when I found the feast
beyond that door, I'll eat them all.
That's why I won't be kicked out!

Eat a lot of honey biscuits.
Sweet and crunchy, the taste of happiness.
If you're sleepy, then let's go to sleep
and have a happy time exploring our dreams.

I want 'em all, I want 'em all.
I want this too, I want that too.
Yeah, the CCP is just like an overbearing parent that reflects the views of overbearing parents in the population. Hates video games/gays/transexuals/porn/japanese people/koreans and also bans gore, time travel and necromancy. All it takes one offended parent to get everything banned.
>People (me) hold imaginary grudges since [they're mentally unwell]
Yes, posting daily in a general for a game that you hate kinda gave it away
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La Puta del Bolivar...
>bans gore, time travel and necromancy
??? But Eblana?
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She will not survive. Make her last days the happiest.
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My wife is fucking dead bro it's so over, fuck kal'tsit
What was the purpose of this erotic shot of her thighs?
I wanna mate with this wolf
Texas? More like Sexas
It's only if you get reported. Also books and games are less rigorously patrolled than CDramas. Man, when they adapted a novel I was reading, not only did they remove the ghosts and necromancy but they also whitewashed the main character to make sure they didn't do anything wrong.
I like shark more and this Lupo is the worst of lupos.
stop fucking reminding me of it
Do you look at your doggo's thighs and get horny?
I splurt to Texas doujins at least once per week
To show you that her tail wags no more.
La Puta chupa todos sus vergas
Not canon.
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I prefer perros to lupos
>GG module
Hmmm... Blaze, GG, Ifrit, Degen... Who should I nyodule? Also Suzu's second module seems good. Too many options, too little blocks
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You don't?
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you see your dog die and this is the first thing you think
I gotta give artists credit. They work really hard to make Shu look sexy. She is completely and utterly unsexy in-game so their efforts are appreciated.
Why would China make a dog so happy and full of love and life and give her extra super bad rock cancer...
Degen > Blaze=GG >>>> ifrit
Ifrits delta one is better but we're just waiting on more burn users for it to work properly
every chink overpowered dragon looks ugly (i blame their clothes)
>She is completely and utterly unsexy in-game
that wont stop me
Tits too big.
What's the problem? qrd on her delta?
NGA Arknights section bombing incident on June 7, 2021


Subsequent impact:
NGA's traffic has been greatly reduced, and the internal malpractices of the NGA management team have been thoroughly exposed
Players of the original NGA Tomorrow's Ark section have set up their own portals
The attack power of some extreme players of miHoYo's games has been demonstrated for the first time
Give anyone a bunnysuit and they look sexy
That's why like 70% of the mumu art was bunny suit
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Goldenglow's module is good, should be a safe investment unless her 2nd module gives her 20 RES ignore or higher which feels unlikely
Operators we hate?
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iffy can wait to get her best friend nyodule(true)
>qrd on her delta?
Takes too long for her to proc it by herself, you need a full S3 for example. So enemies are just dead anyway by then.
If she had someone else to apply it for her she could receive the benefits of damage damage and RES shred from it. If we assume a burn ritualist will be arturia tier it means there would be plenty of burn being applied for ifrit
>completely and utterly unsexy in-game
I know this thread is overrun by women and homosexuals but come on now...
>posts image that proves the statement correct
You played yourself.
>Looked up the sauce on pixiv
>Saw all the R.I.P messages
There is literally nothing going on in this image besides armpits. Are you trying to tell us something anon?
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The great silence of Arknights NGA...
*snaps your neck*
If she'd only take off those pesky shoes of hers
But I thought I was her friend...
(you) *Splurt*
Thinking about La Puta...
Get some glasses you blind retard
Ceobe's curse affected the artist
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Is this why NGA is now filled with women?
>wake up from my daydream
Time to kill myself
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Post the Chinese sex poll
You can literally see all her curves here only her legs are obfuscated by her pants, otherwise her hips are tightly hugged, her waist is tightened with belts, and the rest is basically naked
This is one of the hottest designed operators by a mile
Just because she doesn't have giant tits like Typhon doesn't mean she's unsexy
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I can't believe Lowlight had enough foresight to make a cataclysmic, land changing event that changed how people are welcome and speak in a land in his game knowing it would be repeated IRL
this has to be rigged, no one ever coomposts about schwarz
Pass the cope bro
>poll with 20 unique votes
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because GG is a good girl and deserves the world so you should max out her module
>friend started playing Arknights
>Excited to share my knowledge and operators with him
>Realise he can't use my broken ops because he hasn't E2'd anyone and can't for a while
>Don't know what operators to tell him to raise for optimal good times because it has been years since I ever used an E0
>this list doesn't agree with my tastes? it must mean its fake
Based Solipsism schizos
a dress instead of pants and toeless thighhighs
>b-but coomer
Andreana is similar but way more covered and has 0 appeal, not cool, not sexy, not funny, nothing.
>only 1 devil
>only 1 lupo
She is a beut, but why you havta lie and call it sexy?
That's partially the reason iirc, with the normal players gone the fujos take their place. The last quoted gender ratio was 7 female:3 male, and like five out of ten posts is either Elysium x Thorns content or male op x doc stuff.
A lot of good content creators also got burnt out during the incident and subsequently left for other NGA boards or to other platforms, e.g. tieba, discord.
One xample I'd like to bring up is the best AK fanfic (imo) "Rhodes Village", which moved to the general dice-based fic board during the Great Silence. https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=23082471&_fp=11

Sasuga highdark...
Shu will get a coomer qipao and cure /akg/'s ED.
If you look at the lupospammers and don't instantly think "vocal minority", then I don't know what to tell you
I didn't vote so it doesn't count
did he bot the poll
I can understand the rest but Reed??
she doesn't have any curves for a qipao to reveal, coomers wouldn't care
i just appreciate how easy she looks to pick up and swing around, very small and slim.
The Doctor loves Reed.
>Andreana has 0 appeal
Don't be mean...
I am in the same boat with you on that one. Shit don't make sense. if I remember correctly Voivres were the female top 2 sexablest and none are even top10
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Shu is so unfeminine that when she initially leaked before the stream, people thought she was a dude. Then again considering /akg/'s demographic, this probably arouses you.
It's the /akg/ sexpoll bwo
Who the fuck is he?
Nice tail
Flat is sexy. They just managed to screw up an easy tube top/crop top and bolero. Nian already has it so you can't even tell me they don't know. they just sucked
Knowing HG they will give her some ugly shorts and a bad camera angle on top of that to ruin it, like the chink Ch'en skin
I know. I still don't get it. Characters popularity won't make her more sexable. She got nothing going on with her compared the others. Reeds popularity still eludes me.
>Flat is sexy.
Very homosexual post
They ruined Ines skin with retarded came angle as well
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reed is a dork
/akg/ love dorks
She makes my cock hard as fuck idk what else to tell you and yes I do masturbated to the in-game sprites
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Is that so?
>she doesn't have any curves for a qipao to reveal, coomers wouldn't care
It worked for BA's Kisaki tho
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fang,myrtle, kroos, amiya, some medic and defender. Its not complicated
>/akg/ love dorks
I guess. Never got the appeal of her and probably never will.
Lupo, Vouivre, and Sarkaz were the most sex races in that order in the same poll
didn't say busty wasn't. Dusk is still my favorite
I was saving for Reed and they pushed her event to be after Shu grr
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Saving yourself for Reed... I'm sure she'll appreciate that
*reeds furiously*
Utage running nudes by Kirara for "verification"...
Kirara only exists to take space from Utage's fanarts.
cute girlfriends
I hope doragon banner will leave me with some spare pulls for her
People like the nerd and stacy dynamic.
weedy position
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It took me a second to process that you didn't mean Reed with the doragon banner
You can block Kirara to get it out of the way

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