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Slutkini Edition

>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR News


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy , Sardine

previous: >>483032585
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tfw no shai bikini
first for drak milkers
I don't see it, good.
>Awakened Nova - a million APM with carpal tunnel - 10k trash
>Awakened Woosa - a braindead lazy combo loop - 19k trash
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong with Nova.
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This is going to be so fucking cancerous to fight against.
Naturally, I'll be grinding one right away.
T. Zerker
isn't succ woosa better?
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first for whores?
Do any of you guys pay for Garmoth premium? I'd appreciate if you could post the top grinding classes at Jade.
Woosa specs seem pretty even in PvE
Top class is Awakened Nova without a doubt, you don't even have to look it up. It's just too much work to do.
Id still like to see them.
I don't have it, sorry
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that you are
nice DSLs on this one
cute piggy
Zerker is eating good right now
his kit just got a like +50 DP boost on skill use
that accessory is coming up, and he will be the best user of it due to his massive HP pool
And soon the sovereign weapons will give crit rate %.

Zerker and Shai have multiple 0% crit chance skills that become VERY powerful with boosted crit rate, so Shai will gain a large chunk of power as well from a Sovereign florang.

If you want to blame anyone for this, blame the Koreans for outright refusing to play him.
shut the fuck up
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what are some easy classes with many chainable iframes? im kinda interested on trying to grind in places hard for my gs just for the sake of it and i think that'd be a good thing to have.
people used to talk a lot about sorc but is that still the case? nobody ever mentions her anymore
Shai has very easy to use I frames and high hp but it's annoying to get it setup and you have to keep buffing yourself every 60seconds which some people will find off putting.
sorc is dogfucker class for animal rapists. PA ignores them because terrible people don't deserve anything beyond disdai. just play fox girl brap queen like everyone else who wants to sweatygrind
what the PUMP
i don't really like shai but i'll give her a try again. thought she was just a lame team buffer and not ideal to do what i want to.
since when maegu is good in difficult spots?
back to osg, troon
Shai is easy to learn but you really gotta learn the ins and outs of it to make it effective and it's advancement doesn't tag well so prob best to go with another class.
Shai has always seemed to be in a good spot for PvE. She was always kept shit for 1v1s tho. One of the people I used to grind with told me to tag my shai to grind Oluns with them, but I only made that class for the music.
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>If you want to blame anyone for this, blame the Koreans for outright refusing to play him.
But anon, zerker doesn't look like a k-slop idol. Why would the koreans play him if he doesn't look like he's had multiple plastic surgeries?

I don't have it at the moment, but I remember seeing something like 50k to 60k trash per hour for awak nova. Might have changed in the few months I was gone, though, so maybe a different class is on top after the newest changes. I don't know if you'd want to go by those numbers, however, since the highest end PvEers are probably suffering from immense autism instead of being an average autist like me or you.

>You will never have a goth gf that gives you a circumcision you with her scythe.
Feels bad man.
Queen of slampigs
someone needs to sling some webs on that sorc asap
pvmping this kosher cutie
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>sling some webs
Spiderman, why are you posting on 4chan when there's crime to fight? NYC's crime rate is going up RIGHT NOW.
>master 26
>fishing: D
I will never catch up...
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>guru 26
>fishing: A
tfw still so far from the top.
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it's being taken care of. shoot your shot goonerman
any orgasm denials in the chat?
mmm yea, whenever i'm grinding
no better feeling
If I don't complete 8 hours of grinding per day I'm not allowed to finish, simple as.
cage status?
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Do you really need to ask?
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>dragon mount for top pvp guilds
can we get a fuckin turtle mount or something for top lifeskill guilds
Spent 3 bil on alchemy mats again...
Make sure to be safe when afk crafting meth. I heard it can get explosive.
Phosu I sent you my dick please respond
that is a genius idea
>its slower than running
They already did that with the alpaca so no reason they couldn't do it again.
You fool. This is the opportunity to make a proper land-water accessible mount, not just gimmicky like the Dine mechanic. Slow on land, boat mechanics and increased speed in water. Then they give it a diving action.

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>Turtle mount becomes the submarine mount.
Literal nigger stealing my hunting spot when he has 20 other empty channels he can swap to.
Fucking insane.
Just switched channels and activated guild mission idc
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A fellow hunting chad.
My performance enhancing elixirs are completely legal!
I'm like 45 hours in this spot and every single interaction has been fine until now, some people actually end up shooting a few before realizing the spot is taken and swapping but this is the first time witnessing a worthless sack of shit intentionally trying to ruin someone elses spot.
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They might be new to hunting and don't know how to be a chad. Or they're braindead from having too much melanin.
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>MY spot
ow seems Ive missed ownership label on this piece of land sorry not sorry
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Musa/Mae dash is a spammable PvE iframe for as long as you have WP and Stamina
filthy communist
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oh wow it seems that my polished stone preorder got fi.....
oh wow it seems that my strike preorder got fi...
that's cuz sorc sucks now her iframes don't matter
Can i grind darkseeker without kabua artifacts?
help me find a new main bros
only if you skip your food rotation too
Ranger because elves are superior.
awa witch insanely ez op iframes
i need more loyalty points ive spent all the ones i had i need moar character slots :((
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ERP with someone on the moderator team. Easy way to get loyalties.
duh, just make sure you hit the AP cap or you might as well grind somewhere else.
What's the minimum i should have for it to feel good? Or actually, worth my time?
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uh oh
i shidded in ur 2 seater...
i'm sorry...
Shut the fuck up you retarded low IQ faggot.
Yes you can, unless you are terribly undergeared. You should be fine at 380 DP. Start with an elixir rota just to be safe, and later use only the offensive ones.
he would be better off running frenzy since he's probably undergeared for the spot
He worries about survivability. A frenzy won't help him as much as an elixir rotation.
i have 405 DP
>i have 405 DP
I was grinding there at 385, stop being a wuss. All Ulukita spots are exaggerating on their DP recommendations.
>elixir rotations
shit this game sucks so much ass
First it was just one Shai, she was curious if can accommodate her request. Can you believe it? She really wanted to get fucked by a horse and since I got a full stable of Tier 8 stallions she came to me and asked.
Anyways, I had to modify the breeding mount to allow that Shai to get strapped in with her ass and pussy exposed for the boys. It ended up working out quite well and my horses didn't mind the new experience, they may even like having a Shai to relief themselves in.
So I started to charge that Shai for my stable services, two-fifty million silver per hour and she wouldn't stop at just one, sometimes spending the whole night there. The entire stable had to be cycled through to keep up with her.
The craziest thing is, over time more and more Shai have been coming to me asking for the same damn thing, don't know what it is with Shai and horses, some sort of nature-attuned thing but they love this. I've had to raise the prices to accommodate more horses, stables and so on but I'm making billions of silver per hour now, with several Shai strapped to the breeding mounts getting fucked all day long. Occasionally I even get a human girl asking for it, Sorceress and Witches mostly. Anyways horse training is great for semi-afk income my friends.
oh no americans waking up its time to hide eubros
>europoors are constantly thinking about americans
go preorder some pearl outfits or something bitch, oh wait hahahahahaha
If you hate elixir rotations or don't have a fairy good enough, sure, stick with frenzy + bracing. But elixirs make you tankier.
waking up???? bitch the wagies are almost done with work
This is clearly fake, Guardians are the horse lovers
Can confirm. Currently at work like a douche instead of playing comfy BDO
I need a new mmo so bad
Pax dei?
Pax dei? That shit lookin max gay
No, it is impossible to grind the area that drops kabuas without kabuas.
will dosa get their own leveling event? or should i save season for it?
how would the belly of a max weight ranger full of cum look like?
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This general was better when it was on the edge of death
so was your mother when i was fucking her
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Peak gaming discussion.
>gooning with your bros
>not gaming
aight then
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I was talking about that anon's mother being fucked by half the world's population. We're eskimo brothers now, that's peak gaming.
Why are all O'draxxia houses so fucking shitty? The most egregious part is that there are good looking houses BUT THEY DIDN'T MAKE THEIR INTERIOR???
dunno. i dont recall them mentioning anything. for scholar I did season though.
just tag that nigga and grind orcs for an hour
someone is gunning for a tickling from the tickle monster
If by tickling you mean raping and by tickle monster you mean my cock, then i'm something of a tickler myself
>bludy bastard bitch i fuck your mom benchod
stop trying to be my friend after talking one time. i don't HAVE an opinion on the elden ring dlc
I dont get it... Boomer hands bad but also pressing shift is also bad?
I presume boomer hands=slow
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blud ain't got an opinion on the elden ring dlc
>Boomer hands bad
Where was this said?

I'll speak for him.
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it's good bro trust me, it's big fast bosses with 20 hit combos with giant aoes on each hit and so many particles you can't see what's actually happening and it's like fighting a drak+ninja+maegu in one character in bdo, so awesome
Controversial take: BDO probably has deeper RPG mechanics than Elden Ring, and BDO used to market itself on its combat system/PVP. Pretty sure BDO also has more lore, since FromSlop loves when the lorefags jerk off over "muh item descriptions" and lack of actual dialogue-based storytellling.

I keep telling people that FromSlop stopped trying to do bigger innovations to the main Souls series after the response to DS2. Their side projects like Bloodborne and Sekiro did more to change up the formula, but only minor things were taken into the mainline series. An example is the quick step from BB that's in DS3 and ER, which the devs had to give an FP cost because they were dumbasses who didn't just make it the default dodge.
Nioh 2's stance mechanics, yokai abilities, and "choose your own weapon skills" system are examples of non-FromSlop games doing more to innovate on the Souls combat formula than Elden Ring. ER has an unrewarding crafting system because they've largely avoided developing the "RPG" side of their "action RPG" series.
>it's good bro trust me, it's big fast bosses with 20 hit combos with giant aoes on each hit
This is a byproduct of FromSlop pandering to actionniggers and all the people saying "muh difficult gaem".

TLDR: BDO is arguably more of an RPG than Elden Ring.
Yeah elden ring was meh didnt even finish it
Sekiro was a k1n0 masterpiece though
>Sekiro was a kino
I agree, but unfortunately FromSlop devs have been smoking crack so they didn't make a second Sekiro type game despite everyone loving how it changed up the Souls formula.
My gripe with it is that they actually did seem to want to make it an action game but only for the enemies, when they might as well have just increase the base capabilities of the player character too. It's still pretty much the same that was in ds1-3 but it literally feels like I'm fighting BDO characters or some boss from DMC instead of dark souls enemies. To this day it's still crazy to me that after they made sekiro/bb which changed up the combat formula, they decided to settle on open world dark souls 3.5 with jumping and a horsey. They should have taken more from sekiro or fuck it even borrow some ideas from nioh, it's like they learned nothing at all. It's a big part of why I hope crimson desert actually releases and doesn't flop. Looks like a little bit of souls, a little bit of dragon's dogma, a little bit of bdo. It's gotta be better than what we're getting now
>Where was this said?
Last thread..
blud really thinks there was another thread before this one. there's only ever been the one thread. it's all in your head blud, you're going insane
blud got blud in his brain or somethin, that nigga straight lethargic
blud got that rfk brain worm fr
Brainrot strikes again
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blud be sayin pwnzorz, 1337 and xD like a boomer thinkin his brain ain't rotted too
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>Pretty sure BDO also has more lore
thats actually true and lore is pretty cool too
t. reads all quests AND talks to all npcs
bludnation RYZE UP
not a controversial take because no one cares to have this take. who actually gives a fuck about soulslop for the rpg mechanics?
any rizzers in the chat willin to make my ranger feel ohio? shes got dat gyatt certified garantee
BDO lore is human man fucks fantasy/monster girl and then bad things happen
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Who said it? All I remember seeing was "boomer hands are the lowest common denominator in action combat".
Lowest common denominator =/= saying it's bad. Lowest common denom is a math term, and in the case of last thread it was used to say that gaining access to the boomer hands market would require some kind of simplification of the combat inputs. Is it a bad thing? If you think it is, I won't stop you from thinking that way. But I don't remember it being stated that simplifying controls is inherently a bad idea.

>My gripe with it is that they actually did seem to want to make it an action game but only for the enemies, when they might as well have just increase the base capabilities of the player character too.
Yeah, I agree. I said earlier they should have just made the default dodge the quick step.
>feels like Im fighting a boss from DMC instead of dark souls enemies.
You aren't the only one to think that way, I've heard others say that exact thing.
>They should have taken more from sekiro or fuck it even borrow some ideas from nioh
Exactly, they didn't lean hard enough into the "action" side of "action RPG" like they did with Sekiro or Bloodborne. Now ER is an attempt to expand on the RPG elements, such as crafting, but look at aromatics for an example. They're crafting exclusive, but the damaging aromatics are invalidated with the new perfumer weapons if you wanted to do an aromatic build. The only aromatics the DLC didn't invalidate are the utility ones like Uplifting Aromatic.

>He reads
Holy shit, based anon.

The devs because they tried to add RPG elements like a crafting system.
bros any horse gear that doesnt look like shit on t9 arduanatt? i dont really dig the naked pegasus look, but they dont let you preview them
You can hide parts of the horse gear by using the eye icons in the horse profile window, but it will still keep the stats so hiding them is entirely cosmetic. Other than that, I have no suggestions for horse gear because I don't buy the pearl shop items for horses.
I just dont understand how pressing shift is some sort of challenge...
pinky hurt after holding shift for long time. i can attest, i played awk mystic for 6 months. instead of having to get used to a shift rebind i just tagged another class for pve cause i can't be fucked to change up shift muscle memory
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That post from last thread was responding to "I dont get why people insist this game is particularly demanding on your hands". The game used to be harder when there was more focus on animation cancels, but as more classes came out there was more variety in the cast so you can reroll to something that's easier on your hands.

Also fuck it, I'm posting my valk because I'm bored.
happy valk
It can be an endurance challenge, affects how much you can get done in a day for sure. When I do 10+ hour grind sessions on my woke striker my pointer finger sometimes starts hurting from hitting the f key a billion times, shift feels easy on my pinky though idk why people always complain about that one.
>complains about his finger hurting from pressing X key
>doesn't understand why people playing other classes could have problems with Y key
yea, that's a stroker main.
EEG support when
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It's just an overuse issue. Too much strain in one place makes it an endurance challenge, regardless of which finger is being used. There's also the fact that people place their hand on the keyboard differently, and use different key bindings. My pinky pretty much stays on shift when it's in WASD position, and I tag different classes a lot so I'm not using 1 character constantly.
Ah those are the little egg shaped vibrators that react to donations right?
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>We're getting closer to a true VR experience like the matrix
Simulated smell when?
3rd worlders are so fucking funny
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Kings of comedy
that one isnt funny
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kek i love those guys
there's also a really cool doc about some congo dudes i recommend
bwos did scholar get any improvements since launch?
a large futa cock
bros i havent played since 2019, i forgot everything, my inventory is a disaster of gibberish items

is there a guide to figure this shit out or do i have to look them up one by one? i feel like im gonna fuck up
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>is there a guide to figure this shit out or do i have to look them up one by one?
You might have to go one-by-one guides, considering you were gone for years. Focus on whatever you enjoy doing first. If you're a lifeskiller, focus on learning about what lifeskilling updates you missed. Same goes for PVE and PVP. Also, if you never did the Jetina quests for gear, you should talk to Jetina. She's next to the southern stables in Heidel. I believe they released another accessory support item so you can get 2 pen Crescent Rings if you want to get caught up in gear.

Also, you missed changes to the class skills and addons. You'll probably want to go check out the new skills for your class, assuming you're doing combat related stuff.
Im samefagging from >>483508950

Forgot to mention the Jetina questing to get pen items involves dailies. You can either do a grind spot quest, or take the "bottle of river water" quest. Grinding should make the dailies go by faster because you get 2 of the yellow dust, but bottle of river water method is easy.

Also, here's a guide for the pen accessories:

Here's one for the pen boss gear:
is this worthless avatarfag nigger clueless or intentionally feeding people wrong info?
>worthless avatarfag nigger clueless
>doesnt just google "return player bdo"
>implying it isn't bait to get you to respond
he has autism and so do you
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>10 minutes of farming on my awk drak and it drops
wow. . .
didnt get the piece yet? sounds like a skill issue
I was just trying to finish my dragon fang stack from my first pot since I was at 87 when the piece dropped the first time
I'm still at 87 dfangs lol
correct him or ur more worthless fag

gz on drop anon
nice booba
she's gorgeous. and gorgeous people deserve nice things
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booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba booba
yes her booba is gorgeous
We warned you to not go for PEN debos
then you spent $10,000/grinded half your life to get PEN debos and it is immediately replaced by a new BiS.
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That anon you're replying to should have listened. The gear treadmill is a trap.
When the last sidecut trannoid is dragged from its lair shrieking about use value and patriarchy, and hacked into cubes of quivering gelatin to be swept into the sewers. When the last red-nosed tumbler illustrator is tortured for a confession and hanged. When the last worshipper of ugliness and degeneracy is blinded with hot irons, and put to the knife.

When, and only when. Then, and only then.
thanks chatgpt
thats not chat gpt
says that person is named anonymous
but im anonymous and i did not write that post
wait im anonymous
stop trying to steal my identity
>na will all be asleep soon
eu time???????????????????????????????????
blud thinks i go to bed lmoaaaaa
He's european, of course he thinks that. Euros can't into all-nighters.
go hug a tree or smth, loser
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But christcuks cut them all down!
only tree getting hugged is my dick when your mom is on it
why would my mom hug your tree sized dick when i could do such much more to it?
>eu fag thinks your mom jokes are funny
guys what do i do if i jack off so much my dick gets calluses

try to not be american
What the fuck. I go afk for a little bit and this is what I come back to. Well, at least the posting was consistent I guess.
What are you the thread-monitor or something
Thats even worse than a janny
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Yes, I am in fact a monitor lizard. Thank you for noticing.
Grind mobs? More like grind my dick over my sorc's fat ass and cum on her pantyhose and then kiss her neck a little bit and fall asleep in her arms as we cuddle haha
interior crocodile alligator
i drive a chevroelt movie theatre
Loneliness takes its toll...
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But good pussy really breaks a nigga
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Shameless Jealousy Plug
Timmy wants to do T1/T2 ;_;
>nafags falling asleep
eu time
post slampigs

pumping this
there's black crystals but why are there no white crystals?
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But I'm still awake, anon.

BDO confirmed woke game.
euniggers can't make a good looking character even if their shitty lives depended on it
fetal alcohol syndrome looking bitch
post your slampig to show us what a good looking character looks like

get Akeylus to merge your guild(s) nerdo
Jealousy finally gonna war? Good for y'all, just make sure you get everybody's addons and crystals optimized, everybody tryhards capped now.
>nafags falling asleep
Nope, we're nocturnal.
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do indians even post here?
If the earlier posts are anything to go by, they've designated this thread as a shitting street.
nah those are just schizophrenic americans
they put weird shit in their water
That's what too many gook games does to a nigga.
>correct him or ur more worthless fag
no one did it so u have to do it urself
>gets raped by indians
Did we find the Indian poster? Must have taken a break from public defecation.
Shit, I'm in NA too.
Wait, we didn't get a weight transfer scroll from the Heidel Ball?
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they'll never give those out for free again. they only sell them for $100 in the pearl shop now
Is this a Valk? I understand how hard it is to make a good looking Valkyrie. You have my blessing if true.
Transfer the weight of deez nuts to your face.
No, I don't think we did.
Didn't we get one at Calpheon Ball?
I'm retarded.
pumping this dk
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what shai outfit should i get out of the heidel ball box?
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>killed the thread with 1 post
shai players
that was like 2 years ago lol
we should link up in protty cave
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>Pardon my manners kind sir, but uhhhh, I'm afraid we indeed do not have this "gook bop" in "Balanosu", or however y'all yeller fellers say it.
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Sure is.
Sure is.
Is Valk known to be difficult? I see a lot of sameface Maegus.
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People hear average, and their mind goes straight to pawel, thinking everyone has his gear and can pull his numbers. For every cocaine addict, hardcap player that can pull 60k, there are 10 more doing normal numbers.
Not sure what any of that schizo rant has to do with my question, but thanks for the image.
I think the avatarfag also said that >>483414005
>I don't know if you'd want to go by those numbers, however, since the highest end PvEers are probably suffering from immense autism instead of being an average autist like me or you.
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Thanks for the (You), anon.
It was about the other guys, and players in general thinking nova awak is the best class in the game, just because 1-2 youtubers advertise her as such, pulling double the trash loot than their class's averages. Meanwhile, as you can see, even after the crazy numbers of such players, nova awak is not even in the top 3.

Pretty much this. The whole playerbase's average is not even close to what the top 0,1% can pull and show it around as the norm.
post valk panties...
yes post valk panties
imagine the smell
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that works great because i locked myself here to grind so i stop wasting time in heidel
>grind spot
>never look at garmoth silver/hr
>don't know expected values of trash/hr
>don't know what classes are allegedly good/bad
>play on my main class I've played forever
>will play a new class for a bit every season
>don't know anything about other classes/my own class
woah same.
lol I got almost 300 ap and I keep grinding cups
its fun to sell them for 5b
I play Valk and I spent a ton of effort making a Valk I like. I rarely see a Valk that doesn't look downy (mine included).
dead general
dead game
How could we let it die again friends..
Thank you for your service.
Because muh dead pvp
take second pen mh or upgrade to pen awakening.........
Pen is in your mouth
they just shut it down...
maybe if there was something else to do people would stop complaining about pvp
take your pick
>it'z da pvperz!!!!!
>throw all grinded items in the storage
>silver worth value goes up
>neuron activation
same with worker shit
i have 10bil worth of crates that just pile up more and more
You forgot about Yarr.
>mmo with the best action combat in the market
>decides to play animal crossing instead
>mmo with the best action combat in the market
>you can also play comfy animal crossing in it
pretty comfy game, nothing else is like bdo and nothing will ever have bdo's comfy lifeskills with it's badass combat. simple as that.
the best action combat is in the bedroom with your mother
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she looks like a hot mom
>mmo with the best action combat in the market
Best doesn't mean shit when your competition is non-existent
BDO's combat, especially PVP is fucking dogshit by any decent metric
no.... NO!!!
>still bagholding a bunch of voodoo dolls...
What's a decent metric?
can you hold my bag too?
Literally any well made action/fighting game
What other arena fighters are there with a playerbase?
That's why I said MMO, I'm aware it doesn't quite compare with proper games. The issue is that the devs really don't know what to do with it, last pvp balance patch for example, they asked for quite a lot of feedback because they really didn't know what to do. It would be fine if there was any other content to do, they tried with Altar of Blood, Savage Rift, Atoraxxion, LoML boss rush, but they've failed to deliver most of the time, and when things somewhat work out, they take them out of the game like Shadow Arena, which they will never accept was a terrible idea
this free pen blackstar does not help me that much. yea it's free but fuckin hell i'm never gonna grind 120bil for a single purchase. I'll never get the new weapon either way. I just failed a bunch of pen taps the other day after using 2 of the hammers and some raw taps. all my 60 stacks on tri attempts, all my 150+ stacks gone. i'm fuckin burnt. It wasn't realistic for me to get pen before and it won't be realistic for me to get another one after this. idk how people get this shit on 200 stacks and one tap pen, i've literally never been that lucky. if i had pity on my blackstar from the past 12 months instead of since 2024 I'd have a 2nd free pen and then some.
you can get it either with 2*blackstars or with 1 and a flame from the (new?) black shrine bosses
the upgrade mats are timegated too so whether you get it week 1 or in a year when they give it away as a catchup mechanic you won't be far behind as long as you kept doing your weeklies
Post your aryan cutie DK presets
The rarely updated any of those modes, they just leave them to die, then scratch their heads as to why people weren't playing them. They're either slow to address issues, never update something or remove it completely. Pretty lame cuz I feel like bdo used to have more content. Even savage rift had its use back when memory frags were harder to get. Then they became more abundant and nobody needed to do that mode anymore.
oh damn dosa next week? i thought it could still be months away
literally free PEN blackstar
thanks anon, it's all a bit overwhelming still, im leveling up a season character for now, seems easier than sorting through everything right off the mat

ill be on the lookout for the jetina stuff too
it's up
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Too many heretics and non-believers.
little did blud know, she was a biological weapon sent to infect his whole tribe with diseases
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* Starting June 26, 2024 (after maintenance), you can obtain the "Deboreka Accessory" at a very low chance from the Box of the Silent Dead.
ya, why do you think i spend all day in town
You should try the monsters camps too.
I appreciate the effort you put into these works of art.
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Hey thanks,
its a shame I can't put any extreme stuff on this blue board.
So what pen do you grab if you got a tet main hand and a tri awakening? Main hands looking good but never messing with an awakening weapon ever again is looking good.
I've never made the correction choice when ever they do this kind of thing in all my years of playing this lol.
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wow I'm typijng like a retard good morning
if you use both succ and awk you might as well get the bigger boost with pen awk
you're going to want both eventually anyways
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I'll have this at pen for everyone within about a week, if that.
You can thank me later for the free server-wide rewards.
first I need to get it to PRI myself
no way you fags are hyped for a random shitty fag
I play awakening. I never opened the free tet box. What do I choose for which slot? In the long run, is it better to choose both as main hand because getting a sovereign asap for sub stats is the way to go?
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Returning gearlet, besides getting the second jetina cresent ring, should I buy another tet disto?
caphras hitting a new low record
do you main Succ zerker? is that the previous free tet blackstar in your mainhand or did you buy/make it yourself?
If it wasn't the free one, go claim the free tet blackstar as an iron buster, and the new free pen one for axes, hang onto your tet axes to throw J's hammers at, make second pen jetina crescent, convert the pen capotia ring to a pen capotia earring then start working on your DP via finishing two armor pens through jetina(i assume the red nose is from magnus)
You're also about where you should start looking at getting a peak crystal page and lightstone set. I'd recommend Deathblow for your lightstone set if you keep playing zerk.
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Should I sell my blackstar mainhand and get a replacement from the free box or save it to craft the new weapon?
you posted this to piss me off didn't you
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>fellow mystic main chad with 2 PEN blackstars
>still wearing tuvala earrings
I kneel... mysticbro...
I'd save, either to craft, or to sell later, not when the PEN blackstar prices are crashing.
we don't know rare the flame will be or how timegated the upgrade mats will be yet so it's all pure speculation at this point
>do you main Succ zerker?
kinda, but I'm also interested in guardian and lahn, will it matter if I claim a tet blackstar awakening?
>is that the previous free tet blackstar in your mainhand or did you buy/make it yourself?
I bought it a while back

I'm gonna follow your advice, and save me some silver thanks anon.
>will it matter if I claim a tet blackstar awakening?
you gain about a 1/3rd portion of the listed AP at the top to your other weapon, and ALL of the species and monster damage at the bottom, so having that tet iron buster will boost your mainhand by quite a bit.
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I'm playing it as an idle game currently. I just log-in and try my luck with rewards.
prices could crash even more though

Yes but I could get a lot of AP and DP with 100b
I think I could get 15AP and 18DP
50k caphras in the stash now
mhm,, whisper me and let's knock boots
an.. Angel

Missed both hammers trying to TET but I TRIed my gloves, also dumped my dandelion for a FREE black star, ez afk login in gains. Also copied everything for one marni and the caphra extratc at 100% rate and free.
yo, harcore servers incomin kek
youre so fucking retarded it hurts please die
what is the fishing spot this time?
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I've been playing for 2 years and never did any content past kamasylvia
>do all dark rift
>open all chest
>no free debos
back 2 fappin and afking
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The Spot
Don't forget your fishing mastery.
no way you fished that many already
perfect looking whore
just look at this slut
the face, the eyes, the expression
you could have never even seen a woman in your life before and youd know that this is a certified slutty whore
a delicious looking whore
blud is in love with a ho
which place has the best atanis droprate apart from pollys? im tired of shrooms
what spot
I'm pretty sure its Dznu, usually i get about 8 or so atanis per hour there (with the drop rate event)
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THE spot
the what..
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>2014+10 (kill me)
>still doesnt know about THE spot
I can't believe he fell for it...
may he be berseker main
zerkbros i cannot tolerate this slander anymore
toonable goon pumps
i finally got a guardian gf...
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i am not your gf for fucks sake
if she (he) play a female char she a hoe (and therefore my gf)
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i finally got a timber crate +3 papu slave
its 20mins faster at packing the 25 set @45mins
guise imma be rich in no time now
this post is from another timeline isn't it?
i wonder if you know
how they live in tokyo...
where is real Heidel?
Bros where is our black dessert aco thread, this game needs 1 badly, so many cocks
Be Hashashin
You mean be a horse
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why did you guys revive this place?
hnnnnnng those giant massive mommy milkers
guardian, not valkyrie
100% where is our place to nut and post pics
blasting thick ropes on that tummy
Yep, Guardians definitely go for horses
I remember
Here's the spot, if you have to ask why, then you're a dumdum
>velia beach can give 50 event seals within 3 hours of maintenance end
wrong Spot bro
My ' key brings up a ping menu not the fishing menu
check next to the fairy,pet etc IU
Yeah I've been using that but I thought there was supposed to be a hotkey for it?
For me, it's thick elves.
for me, its p...
I really need to shoot a thick rope of c.. on some bdo
Anyone want to kill cull the naga population?
can i see your panties
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>kill cull
It's over.
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greetings, cumrag
>damn I'm on a roll
>this is great
>been grinding for so long
>almost break time

>it's been 4 minutes
zones/classes for this feel?
fuck...keep em coming...im close
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Not sure what to do about this free PEN. The most obvious choice would be take the mainhand to get that sweet extra AP and monster AP, but if I take the awakening then I'm ready for the Sovereign weapons immediately.
I also haven't claimed the free TET Blackstar, and I have the materials (minus mems, which is the only thing holding me back right now) to make like four more.
Built to strangle me in my sleep. Thank you.
blud got dem yappers working overtime today
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work on your endurance bro
thank you so so much, I blew so much
I definitely will so I can stay alive to continue looking at thick elves. Thank you again.
You know you've got to take a Hillsworn name if you're here longer than a season, right?
wtf is p
the threads free use slut
>none of the og bdoggy posters are here
lost in time... like leaves in the wind
sovereign weapons won't be here for months. can you grind a pen blackstar in a few months? mind you the price might drop a lot and then go back up once sovereign weapons release
whats the plan behind giving out an item worth around the same thing as my entire account? demoralizing me into not playing and waiting for freebies?
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I never agreed to that.
Should I main gook weedlord class? Can he even wear an awakening weapon yet and as such be forever gimped until they give him one?
nigga he's not even out yet how would we know
idk just guess maybe? what did they do for woosers and maegoos
they did the thing where they do the thing and then the thing happens and then 5 months later they get the second thing
never hurt yourself
shh stop typing
u wish
imagine playing half a class for 5 months...
>Tet godr ayeds have dropped like 20bil over night and still plummeting
Damn getting a second pen bs might actually be more feasible in the near future
You can only play one spec at a time, idgi?
godr ayed was always a noob trap
Buy it at duo then sell it when you don't need it anymore cuz same price as tet bs + more ap, or buy a tet and cron the taps since it's half as cheap as pen bs attempts. If they drop to at least 25bil I'm probably gonna get one and put it to the side for future taps.
so we can get the free PEN BS and trade it for a PEN Godr for the black purple glow!
midwit opinion
t. has a tet godr sitting in the mp
Who's on first?
what does you having a tet godr sitting on the mp have to do with anything?
all me btw
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i posted this btw
>>483618371 (me)
i'm trans btw
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As a EU hikineet who has just woken up i am cursed to live during am*ricanx hours and i hate it
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i miss her bros...
>gets entertainment and an alive thread due to based american posters
>complain about it anyways
some self-reflection would help you in life
The entertainment in question:
-pvp rants

t-thanks bro
maybe stop sleeping all day and waking up at 10pm then you fucking neet
lmao i was the one who took this screenshot
ayy we famous
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yw brother
damn... big or small i usually don't mind but those are so bad i'd call them titslop
Before any accusations I'd just like to tell everyone that I'm NOT the guy who made this thread, I don't even visit /pol/.
who/where is she we need moar of the slut
i dont fucking know nigga that was several months ago
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Don't forget to practice your boss rushes.
thats literally a boy
>299 AP
reeeeeee where can I get 1 ap nooooooo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Yes, and?
If I actually did an hour a day of grinding I could definitely get enough mems to get my next PEN BS, but as it stands I barely do an hour a week.
My next goal is different anyway, I want to grind Ash until I get a TET Debo neck to use my hammer on, so I really need to start on that asap. A PEN Mainhand will definitely help with that goal. Plus as you stated, they're at least months away and I could always get lucky and get a flame.
sex with all trannys
Land O Morning Lakes
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bracket starts at 301 buddy, get some caphras in your offhand if you're desperate
Succ tamer seems underrated.. havent tried awaken yet
whats a premium pet that sells often?
I did those already. Every. Single. One. It was a fuckin nightmare.
hot, a/s/l?
Any p... I need some bdo mommy to spurrt
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only if you're a disgusting pig
i dont think you know what p is supposed to mean
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the hashashin attacks and then he is gone
Market place
fk mhm...one more. oink oink oink
mischievous shai up to something
huge respect for flamboyant faggots, nigger or otherwise
damn, nord girls fuck that? nice
me on the left
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>one more
where did you download that nun outfit?
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bros... wtf? I wanted ship materials...
no. I make all my mods.
enjoy your shitty crow coin trades
what tools do you use? how do you unpack the models and all that?
mommy i love you... oink oink
The pac <-> dae, injector tools on undertow. Blender.
so you gotta patch the files every time the game updates? thats lame
yeah, have to backup once a week for update or live without mods until whenever.
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of course
Got 3x trades with 6-9 flowers at least...
<3 I wanna c...
p i love you please post moar
Is it even worth selling a VP to the market place? Do paypiggies sell it out of the goodness of their hearts?
the urge of wanting to marry a whore... i don't think anyone could call themselves a real man if they never felt this feeling...
uh oh woke ESL detected
Guild disbanded and now I don't even want to play anymore. Jade kills anotha one
just join Jealousy
>eop mutt thinks anyone gives a fuck
foreskin status?
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see u at vell then
I have a succ woosa with 985 AP but i only pull 13k at darkseeker with agris+yellow, what am i doing wrong? I'm using tent, church, frenzy, courage and simple cron as buffs but i still feel like i'm missing some AP. When i have Z buff the grind speed feels really good and about the same from what i see on youtube, as soon as it ends though i'm back to cringe speed.
Am i missing accuracy? I have 865.
Do you have "miss" effects enabled? You can tell if you lack accuracy that way, but personally, Dark Seekers feels really awful to me on my Maegu, I just grind Yzrahid and I pull around 24-27k trash loot with agris, I probably have the same accuracy as you, but I never miss against these mobs. You might not pull the same number of embers as darkseekers, but honestly they feel the same to me on that front
*cums on your face*
*cums on >>483633110*
Can you even miss in pve now? I always keep misses on and I took off all my accuracy and don't even miss at crypt now.
Definitely do highlands, succ woosa is cracked there and you'll always have z buff up. Use your range to abuse the legs stomping mechanic so you can always hit the active leg and your numbers will be good even with sub 1k AP.
People talking about 1k AP this 1K AP that when I can barely reach 800 with all my buffs...
I'll double check my miss indicator and i'll definitely try highlands, thank you for your input.

*wipes cum off my face*
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I'm going to hang out by the duel arena on kama 2 for a bit, if anyone wants to try some duels and get a fight club going.
After fishy fun fish going up on the grill for the Jellygang.
Bro it's 2 in the morning.
Nice fish bwo.
I'm kinda jetlagged so it's okay. I skipped breakfast today.
Bros I'm getting cooked
dont care, kill yourself
Kill me yourself or shut the fuck up.
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nuh uh dont wanna
Outifts that include their own panties make me sick!
you'll pay for it anyway like the good piggy you are
Game actually crashed as I was plugging in my mouse, logging back in now.
why was your mouse unplugged in the first place?
k... keep me posted
i had it up my ass
is it possible to convert the TET mainhand blackstar to an awakening or sub weapon?
Damn, something must have happened.
thanks for the update, anything else?
truuu why do they do this to us
did it feel good?
No, thank you for reading my blog.
We have moderate rain in Heidel again with thunder in the distance. Stay dry out there
>enter elflands
>see this
what do you do?
bunch of trannies? 360 then walk away
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>*runs away*
Die a little inside because they're all twigs.
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what a king
Bdo bros... I got a tummy ache...
what did you eat?
Leftover salmon, cabbage, and some corn...
*blows raspberries on your tummy*
*also cums*
shouldn't have let him cum inside
What's wrong with trannies? some of them are pretty hot
2 is cute i think?
based zerker main
risky? only if you're american
Americans cant afford salmon, only expired fastfood
Awakening zerk, mind you. Don't want to be associated with those furry sonic the werehog wannabe spinfags
spin is not great aside from 200% in group pvp
claw spam though.....
I hate it. Succ zerk before reboot was shit but a cool class, I liked the smashy axe combos. Post reboot they're just claw monkey jump around dash lava piercer spam and a bsr bot, it's so gay. Current succ zerk should have just been a new class with a claw weapon or something
>Kemonomimi beast girl race/class with claw weapons
prime opportunity missed
PA literally throwing money away
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Is 2 tungrads in an hour at Protty's normal? First time I've ever gone there.
at current drop rates, 1/hr is about the average
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Okay, thanks. Still that's much better than I'm used to so I'll definitely come back. Plus the return trip to velia is very comfy.
why is everyone a tranny to you, please explain one more time
i admire you for not shitting up the thread the same way the avatarfags do. the heidel ball has been disastrous for this general in the past few days
I want panties and I want it now.
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>tagged a character to level instead of doing season
>no weight
>no inventory
>no tuvala
pushin p
should I buy the mana pot doe
>no weight
doesn't matter
>no inv slots
doesn't matter
>no tuvala
you did this to yourself retard
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Think the blindfold should of been a seperate accessory?
is that her...
barter tranny
Any sexy pic to cum on
Should I sell my BS now or hope the price recovers?

I could get 10 AP and 20DP with the money if I sell now.
if you sell you're a retard
you're not going to get another PEN BS for when sovereign weapons will come out
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Yeah but I'm still on tuvala earrings and only have 332DP

There's much more cost effective upgrades available for me.

Sovereign is 6 months away and we have no idea how hard it will be to upgrade.
sov weapon? more like slop weapon

1 AP for 120ish billion, you fucking with me? yeah sell that shit, 10 AP now will earn you more in the long run.
BDO is all about the long game though, evne if you want to sell the price of PEN BS probably go back up once LOML2 comes out
when did they block horses from protty cave?
sov weapons are gonna have 10 enhancement levels, iirc the DEC level was a 10-13 AP difference.
They also are gonna have configurable stat gains on them, like choosing to have DR or EVA and even stuff like crit rate or drit dmg
any cumslut... >////<
ask them for the papu bourdel
sov weapons gonna be a pay to win festival
selling out
I'm worried
gender lock is a sin
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Selling something you will 100% need to buy/craft again down the road is a sure way to burn money. By the MP tax alone, you are burning 15b, let alone the difference in price since all PEN blackstars dipped. These 2 PEN blackstars will make your early and midgame grind so much better and faster, and the game more enjoyable to you, that I seriously don't find a single reason why you would want to sell.
t. mystic main bro
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to battle!
plapaca returns!
>log in
>free 150 valks adv
is that easy
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>PEN lunar 17bil
is that drieghan?
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I popped a tire while driving to work.

Good morning, and remember to always carry a spare.
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Don't tell me the ni*** has a job and you don't.
class with best ability effects?
wtf how he learn how to do that
drakania, maegu, woosa, ninja awk, sage awk, maehwa are all my personal favorites for visual effects of their skills.
i don't main any of them though
vipiko sex
ah yes i do enjoy my screen being completely red 90% of the time i'm grinding
scroll your camera all the way out and adjust the effect transparency
woah, that's also my definition of "best ability effects"! tuning them down until i can barely see them!
people like you really needed your ass beat more whilst young
I wish I could play female hash
I'm enchanting manos fishing robes, better that mastery be worth or else
Why are you black
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perma horse horn or weight maxing
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sure! here are today's panties
Post Shai...
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>Change characters
>Change server
>Minimize to tray
>Change graphics
>Play the game
>Think about the game

Thanks Korea.
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trans shai?
works on my 2012 CPU
Works on my toshiba handibook
Both + as many maids as you can handle.
Most likely a connection issue if you're still crashing that much, I haven't crashed since the change to central servers going from 80 to 30 ping. Are you on a wired connection and what's your ping looking like?
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I'm gonna reform this whore and marry her.
witch btw
I love you.. >///<
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yeah... i looked at the price of PEN cook's clothes and it's also around that.

I paid 60 bils for them and i'm not even cooking anymore, oy vey where'd all my resell value go...
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/34Pl2DTuwoQ
fucking trash
A perfect fit for this thread, then?
>succ guardian lightning is fucking pink instead of blue
retard devs
looks more purple to me desu
Yep, it's purple. He's probably colorblind or something.
Nobody is ever getting ROI ever again.
if you're doing dehkia turos, does only one person need to fuel the flame?
they will just spawn for both party members right?
Yes. That's how it works
Perfect, thanks
Time to finally grind some big boy spots with the free pen BS
>party members
do you need a party member? i like to party
what class is fun to do black shrine on?
I got a grinding partner already
lifeskills didn't get a buff people were hoping for
cron manos made it easier to make shit yourself
people are maxing out on mastery and don't need PEN clothes when they have Guru 50 + TET manos
Join us at Olun's Valley!
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>tfw no grinding partner
haha, guess i'll live at gyfin forever...
fuck grinding partners i want some docking partners
Me when Lahn tries to take my spot
Those guys are from Hong Kong right? I was watching Hard Boiled the other day and it was so weird listening to them throwing out english words when talking.
my nut loving wife
Just came back after weeks of logging in for like 2 minutes to claim login rewards but barely playing. Why did I get a free PEN blackstar yesterday?
Damn so the progress in main quests is only per-character? I really really really don't want to start kama and O'dyllita all over again. So the only option is to tag an alt I haven't touched in over a year and get back to doing that? fuug man what the fuuuuuuck

the thirst for 1 AP and the shit we gotta do for it fuck fuck fuck
nigga wtf is you talkim bout
because they gave them out? fuck you mean why
I just assumed there was a bigger reason or something. Every day I just log in and grab random crap out of my daily rewards, so the PEN BS surprised me.
in that case the answer is that it's the Heidel Ball and the pen blackstar is a gift for the event
yeah you need 4 pen blackstars now enjoy
Oh I guess it is that time of year. Makes sense. Thanks.
be grateful to the lord for that pen blackstar. i want you to cradle it, i want you to baby it, nigga i want you to deflate it, mutha fucka SAVOR it like a rack of baby back ribs. put eyelashes on the bitch, kiss on the hilt, put a garmoth heart on that hoe, wash it in bleach like you do with yo chicken, dry it out in the sun, snap crackle pop it, bop it, twerk on it, do the stanky leg with it, take it to the lake, tell it bout the birds and the bees
Starting from 0 FS
Hope its gonna pop
good luck my nigga
why are americans like this
>nigga ain't know bout that jazz
he got no pizzazz oh lord please help this child of god, he got them sticky fangas, this hash only got ass on his mind
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Grindset mentality is on, completely locked in.
it's time to make money.
dunno whomst to tag
dunno whomst to main...
dunno what to main
dunno who to choke
dunno why to keep playing
dunno who to goon to
thanks bro pumping this whore
same, i wish he'd post more
Fun fact, there are multiple femanons (female) who visit this thread. BDO attracts some crazy shut-in bitches. You've been advised.
but unironically
yet not a single one wants to give me a chance
Have you attempted anything?
This is true, I've gotten 2 of them pregnant with zerk sextuplets already. Sadly the mothers will not survive the birth.
no, im waiting for them to take the initiative
Every MMO that lets you make hot female characters attracts bitches.
>play Archeage
>people throw themselves at me
>quit, break up with the person
>play Archeage again
>woman throws herself at me
>scam the guild when I quit
>continues to throw herself at me for years
>break up
brother maybe you need to play a better MMO, or be more personable/engage with your guildmates
Keep waiting then
God damn bros switching shift to space feels a lot better on my hands but I just can't get used to the inputs.
I got used to it already
blessed be the anon who suggested it
best change ever
bros how do u know if the poster is a tranny or a whore
the nose nose
How long did it take? I'm grinding for two hours already and while I don't do any egregious mistakes anymore I still get that "brain lag" after using the old input by accident.
Adam's apple.
Like a week I guess until I felt good about it in daily nodewars
I still grind with controller on hyper ez mode
just do both
im gunna tyep the n word
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can I touch?
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>use the hammers on the blackstar I was using to build FS for my PEN Debo
>first hammer is a success
>realize I have no stack to tap for PEN Debo now
>funnel 30b of funds into blacksmith crons
>decide to tap for TET Debo ring
>it goes through in one go
>now I have enough crons to tap a second TET Debo ring, leaving me with only 1 earring to grind towards.
Feels good man.
My future wife.
hmu whenever youre ready to settle down
She's spoken for. Don't talk to her. Don't even look at her. Or I'll kill you.
lil timmy thinks she's gonna fuck him aahahaha
i wish guys would fight over me....
pavilla is BEST outfit fite me
hmm the best i can do i call you a tranny, deal?
I'd beat the fuck out of every hashashin just to suck on a cute pink trans clitty
the good news is you wouldn't have to because you're the only person on earth that wants to do that
but bro she's a dk
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>jealousy girls posting again
>he says this as he's gargling on clitty juice right now
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Call me lil timmy if you want, kiddo. At the end of the day she calls me daddy, and that's all that matters.
i can't breathe ahahaAHAHA
>nagas last words
jealousy girls look like THAT?
didnt know that being this cringe was still allowed in 2024
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You confuse high test with cringe. You'll never make me feel ashamed for being a man. I'm virile and proud til the end. Talk that limp dick flacid bullshit to someone else.
>these nogs'll succeed all the time
>buddy hits 2 Pen BS, all the compass/map treasure items in under 5 hours (1 exception being 10h)
>non-stop luckshittery
>all my T10 attempts fail
>all my enhancements fail
>no vell/garmoth hearts, ever
this on KR, or just a mod?
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Tf a faggot ass saiyan gonna do to a GOD?
i want to commit suicide
i look like this and talk like this
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There's only one God and he sure as shit doesn't go around trying to shame his creations for acting out the urges attitudes he imbued them with.

Begone, charlatan.
so we went from bludposting to spicposting?
>fighting over the thread's free use dk whore
shes just that good
how do i get anons to fight over me like this...? please...
a hashashin just fucked my gf
what do i do
idk, help a brother out? the bitch got three holes
She belongs to the sands now. Let her go.
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wheres the blindfold from?
bitch have you been wearing a blindfold the last week
reflect on what made you get with a scholar in the first place
im just getting back into the game, is it a new costume?
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post character and let judgement pass
nun outfit, but that video is showing a shai wearing it, which does not exist currently
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thanks my nigga
what the fuck is going on in this thread
i look like her... >>483737858
except i'm cuter and sexier....
>niggers getting lucky
Just like in my cuckold fetish videos.
based amerimutt
try playing warrior or sage, they do pretty well too
zerk if you like tamers or shai
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i want p to sit on my face
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shit tier
go away uggo
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then lets see it
come on bruh ive turned on 5 proxies just to call you a tranny from different ips
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ughh fine... i hate you guys...
ur dick out now
i'm not at my pc right now and don't have any pics... just believe me okay....
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Is sage good?
gets 100kills in capped nodewars good
Is 300 ap 400 dp soft cap yet?
is awakening kuno that really that bad?
*cums on your face*
literally mid game gs
he's the main character
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About 309/401 were the bracket softcaps but they won't be soon.
literally the protagonist
Awakening for PvE and 1v1
Succ for group PvP
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classes for this feeling?
awakening sage is good in group pvp too and succ sage is fine in pve, wdym. you can do anything with any sage spec. nobody gives a single fuck about 1v1s
>nobody gives a single fuck about 1v1s
have you considered that some people want to be able to hold their spot in Arsha to grind better, and give no fucks about lame-ass node wars and equalized arena slop?
yeah Sage is all-rounder and Succ isn't even that terrible in 1v1s, it's just he's optimal in those specs it's actually funny how good he is
>brings up group pvp when referring to succ sage
>proceeds to WAAAH IT'S SLOP
AHAHAHAHAHAHA look at this chudblud gearlet stomper.
blud be steamrollin noobs at arsha polly forest
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When are they releasing a 3rd tag so I can finally tag my 3rd zerk?
the more you repost that shit the less funny it gets
and it wasnt funny to begin with
It's pretty funny
blud's really yellin at beans
blud boutta bus' a FAT artery over som beans lmao
lol pretty funny
see >>483743316
for me, it's BUSH'S BEST Country Style Baked Beans
*cue the maegu, zerk & drak hitsquad flagwaving in ur rotation*
gl with those '''1v1s'''', bro
What outfit?
Hopefully never
mae'gul is good in pvp?
>armin quit ninja
oh no....
Fuck that guy, he's a total piece of shit. Horrible human being.
wow, he's literally me...
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Looking for bitches to spank and correct.
her braps strike fear into any who catch a whiff
i want p back
ya she's pretty good both succ and awk
people are only willing to bake if they get their feefees hurt
then just make it the dk whore or some shit
nah idc anymore
you better start fucking caring
else the thread dies
/bdog/ deserves to die anyway
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shouldnt have had a shitfit over a picture then
the funniest part is that im not even a faggot, i just found that archer pic funny because his ass looked ridiculous
here niggers
bros why is our only baker fucking retarded

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