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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous Thread: >>483325963
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kanekobros... I thought the japanese prefered the old lilith...
Whatever happened to Jakyou Manor?
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I don't think that man has seen Soul Hackers Lilith desu.
i ate er
Giggling and kicking my legs like a girl here
VV confirmed PM is a pleasure dom
>tfw your conscience doesn;t sound like Tsudaken
Yakumo still feels like a wasted character
So if Aogami+Kei are Susano-o why none act or look like him nor have his memories.
Its weird than in a game were "saving Japan" is a core theme one of the main japanese gods just gets namedropped. We have to guess Aogami is Susano-o but he is nothing like him
The lore is weird in V.
Appearantly susanoo, amaterasu and tsukiyomi were always proto-fiends and izanagi created the whole system.
Even the susanoo that killed orochi and married kushinade was just one of many susanoo units.
protofiend is "artificially created god"
Tsukuyomi, susanoo and Amaterasu are artificially created gods because they were created not by procreation, but as a result of misogi
I remember an explanation that Lilith was meant to looks like a clone of Adam, hence why she look so mannish.
I blame Nocturne wank.
This is still a worse design compared to her famicon form with bare tits and womanly charm
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This one?
yeah,the colored version i good too https://files.catbox.moe/ctbt4m.png
Explain to me why its okay to release a game thats just 4x recolored desert with no assets beyond broken cars, vending machine and grey concrete rubble?

You could have cobbled these maps together in a week, and thats not even hyperbole. Soul hackers had more visual variety.
They blew the money on the open worlds part and creatively bankrupt at the last legs of the game which is quite funny tbqh desu
>brings up SH2 at the end
I wonder who made this post
>So if Aogami+Kei are Susano-o
No, just Aogami is. Its his power and memories in a robo man body. Who then got amnesia. V-kun has his knowledge, and together they become a nahobino which was the original power gods had. Though presumably would've just looked like themselves cause there was no union with a human needed.

They weren't always proto-fiends, though they were created fairly early. Izanagi used the power of his children so they already existed
>Lilith was meant to looks like a clone of Adam, hence why she look so mannish
>literally it's ok when Japan does it
Don't care, make her hot, not some ugly tranny.
>put assets in a game that actually listens to what the audience wants from it
I too wonder why people won't buy things that don't pander to them, truly a mystery
>Soul hackers had more visual variety.
You know, bait is supposed to be smart.
>no one cares about the fake Vesk psyop anymore
It's over
>We missed on robot Amaterasu
Satan has 850 vit on godborn
They wanted to make the fusion place more special to the Nahobino, thus the new Jakyo no Sekai.
They were always protofiends in V/VV's universe. Base V had a vague line from a researcher about Japan having a tradition of proto-fiends since ancient times, but VV actually is specific about it, referencing Izanagi creating the 3 original Susano-o, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu proto-fiends from parts of himself and even has Kushinadahime talking about how her lover was a proto-fiend.
Metaphor won.
...and then I woke up.
I guess ProtoFiends are the modern interpretations of any gods who were "created" instead of being born.
Does new form along with battle theme stay until the end of the game?
...and realized my dream became reality.
You keep it until the last few bosses
What else is there to talk about? We know she's crazy and suffering from some kind of bipolar disorder based on her actions.
I dunno, I like reading that one anon's posts who apologized to her and is genuinely afraid of consequences. He seems pure and innocent albeit a bit dumb
That's good to know because I really like that battle theme
No matter what the outcome is, it's severely fucked up and removed any remaining trust with them.
Sex with Vesk
>No matter what the outcome is
Here are the two outcomes:
#1 She faked the screenshots (extremely likely) and nothing happens
#2 She cooperates with authorities and they figure out she's the one who distributed the picture(s) and she faces legal action

Either way, get your popcorn and enjoy.
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Debisama translation when?
I guess I'll see what happens when this thread shitposts about it.
Nobody cares about Vesk, stop astroturfing
>Japan having a tradition of proto-fiends since ancient times
I assumed this line was referring to tokusatsu-esque heroes. I don't know.
Now that the dust has settled, what does /smtg/ think about VV?
>Base V had a vague line from a researcher about Japan having a tradition of proto-fiends since ancient times
I thought that was in reference to Tsukuyomi using the Koshimizu series to help govern Japan across history. Susano-o can't have been a protofiend since the beginning either because you meet the human who created Aogami in the dlc. I think Izanagi set his power aside in case of an emergency so if the real amatsukami were wiped out the protofiends would be available
yoko hiromines ass on my face
Who is more difficult
Satan or True Masakado
Satan because he's a damage sponge.
Max power V-kun versus all of the protagonists at once, who wins?
I don't think she'd have looked too different from Panagia Tao.
Like I said, VV outright has Kushinadahime saying her lover was a proto-fiend when you talk with her in Shinjuku after doing the quest-line of the Japanese gods there (it triggers after the end of the Shinjuku story).

>Susano-o can't have been a protofiend since the beginning either because you meet the human who created Aogami in the dlc.

Nitta can have worked on creating the current Aogami for the war without being behind the original creation of the soldier/Susano-o type protofiends.

Although I think some of the other new VV lore clashes even more with that Mephisto quest. One of the researchers talks about how the Proto-fiends were outright created with the idea of fusing with humans, even saying the protagonist would be compatible with the Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu types even before the mid-game twist, while Nitta seems completely surprised by the idea of a proto-fiend fusing with a human and how that achieves what he wanted to create for a long time (a "proto-human", a proto-fiend with a human soul).
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Does somebody have a HD scans of the SMT 1 Final Story novel?

All I can find is this
But there are too many unreadable pages
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>The most Chadest artist is a Lawfagg
How do you feel about this?
I know you're just doing /v/ speak. But it is kind of weird how there hasn't really been any need for dust to settle, its been pretty uncontroversial. Fairly direct improvement on V in most areas. At worst you still might not like what V was trying to do, not enjoy the characters, just not what you want from SMT, or felt they could've taken the changes/new content further. If it does click with you then the pieces add up into something interesting over time. Tao and Yoko are interesting as flawed teens trying to figure out what they believe. The original idea of societal issues feels more present, fake Tokyo has stuff going on, demon haunts adds so much personality, and the gameplay is second only to 4A. I'm sure in a month there will be some big issue everyone turns on the game for. But nothing game ruining sticks out to me, when my biggest complaint is you could do more it means I like what the game is doing keep it coming.
looks dogshit and nothing like smt 2
>you can actually do damage to shiva now at lvl 80
lol lmao they draw aleph x lucifer yaoi
BL is literally in the bio
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cause idk if it's a man or a woman
of course he does,no wonder the series went to shit
no need to be political correct just call him a faggot, either way it would be true
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You annoy other people and then shout "SEETHING" at them
fucking lol
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you could simply accept your defeat and stop replying lawbro
spam more go ahead
take part in being vermin
please do
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sure, if you want me to
so why is amaterasu so sacred that we cannot fight her or use her powers?
You are exactly like the cooks the indian street food webms
true embodiment of shitting up your surrounding with no regards to others
also I am a neutral fag, not that this matters anyway
Is there a list of all the Doimons somewhere? I had a look but can't find one.
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>just beat satan
>can't even fuse him until I clear godborne and get lucifer
what's the point NIGGA!
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you could just collapse the reply chain but you won't...
I want you to shit up the thread so other people know what kind of people post here
So please spam more
best smt so far
I believe you get Lucifer after beating Satan, you just have start another cycle to unlock him
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what kind of people post here, do tell
the kind who collect art? you could be asking me to post your favorite demon instead
the kind to dumb scat images in form of yaoi
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don't have that kind of image, sorry
posted plenty already
Get a room you faggots
This thread is your room and I want him to shit on your floor
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NTA but you can have this last one, featuring Beelzebub from Majin Tensei 2:
I’d argue the gameplay is outright the best in the series. Innate skills feel like a genius carry over from EO and ailments are now a valid strategy. I remember when a major complaint for EO2U was the bosses being damage sponges but that’s because the game gives you the tools to shit out big damage and the same applies to VV.
reminder. do not try to take off her hat. it's part of her head and could injure her
*aggressively rips off hat*
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>I’d argue the gameplay is outright the best in the series
I had a dream that you could run into yoko in taito having a short moment to herself just enjoying the view (and drinking lemonade ?)before you get to close and spook her into teleporting away
>myriad slashes is actually useful now because of masakado passive
In this house we spam almighty STR based
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I've found the plot funny up until now but this is downright stupid. He knows he can't trust demons like that and this retard goes against three demon summoners at once hoping something will change
>enjoying the view (and drinking lemonade
cute! wholesome!
They had to replace the forced melodrama scene from CoC with a new forced melodrama scene
You really can't take it seriously, things only happen to force things in a certain direction.
Yoko and Tao aren't demon summoners.
the HECK is you're problem man
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SMT writing isn't what it used to be.
Atlus made too much bank with persona.
>Finaly beat satan
>need 999 glory to be able to level to 150
I really wanted to try godborn asap but do I need to farm glory or will glory just be givin to me as I play in godborn mode?
Looking back at the dorm room cutscene, Yuzuru had no right to bark at Dazai about underestimating demons, this dude nearly got Hayataro killed in the second area, and he was dumb enough to believe the hag demon could be trusted.
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I just have a few hang ups that make it difficult for me. Magatsuhi till needs some work in most areas, its hard to use in interesting ways unless you know an exact busted composition. Generally want more flexibility and uses. Timed buffs I don't mind in theory but it is way too short. Puts you off using them till you get ma skills or ones that apply multiple. The unlock system isn't very good, if you want move and demon slots it means pretty much ignoring everything else till they all unlock. There's also little QoL that gets lost over time like less fusion options. The world design could also do with some more tuning. More movement abilities, obstacle types, restrictions that make you think. A lot of these issues are because they have made advancements. Its is mostly really minute details but 4A pretty much got everything right about what 4 wanted to do by comparison.
CoV character assassinates Yuzuru I think. I know he was barely a character in CoC but he was shown as being a pretty competent and composed summoner who could get the job done, whereas the new route just makes him look like an overly emotional idiot who fucks everything up.
He's a siscon, anon. Siscon are retards.
It is melodrama, but the point is he really will do anything for his sister. Characters being purely rational logic robots is how we get Creation Yuzuru. Who may say he cares about or thinks about stuff but has no real sense of existing in the world.

>he was barely a character in CoC but he was shown as being a pretty competent and composed summoner
No he wasn't, he wasn't shown to be anything cause we're at best told. He somehow appears less in the story he is a rep for and doesn't die in till the end.
yuzurubros... we are fucking retarded
always were
he's displaying his character traits. relying on himself only to solve everything, not trusting other people and protecting what's valuable to him at all costs.
this serves to give him a lesson, he actually has a character arc here unlike Dazai
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Worth keeping in mind that before his boss fight Yuzuru
>Just had to defend his school getting attacked
>Had his sister get kidnapped
>Run around Shinagawa looking for her
>Had his hopes built up and dashed with the fairy village
>Was forced to be in the vicinity of Dazai
His sister would've been murdered right there if he hadn't agreed. I don't think he'd be a better character if in that moment he pushed up his glasses and went no I'd never trust a demon beano forces assemble.
why didn't khonsu just save scarf immediately and stop her brother from being a retard
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me and my pet
This didn’t bother me. In real life desperate people make stupid decisions all the time.
so VV is good or bad
It's better than vanilla V
>Finish the game with any ending (Canon of Creation or Canon of Vengeance)
What the fuck was with all the other guides making shit up about getting the true end on CoC then. I can just do the Masakado quest for his fusion and speedrun to fake neutral.
I'm going to avoid parroting another post in this very thread, so I'm just going to say I like it, therefore it's good.
V OG bad
VV fixes it enough to not be bad, but still has many flaws where saying it's outright good is also questionable for me to do so.
Well apparently the first round of suicides over the Vesk stuff is rolling in. The jannies need to step in and do something about this before more innocent retards fall victim.
> You could have cobbled these maps together in a week
Right? Because maps are just textures and assets. Fuck actual level design.
>What the fuck was with all the other guides making shit up about getting the true end on CoC then. I can just do the Masakado quest for his fusion and speedrun to fake neutral.

Because Satan speaks about you destroying the Mandala system in another world and people were convinced that only happened in True Neutral since Lucifer had a bigger exposition sequence about it there and it was the "True" ending. But in all endings he still talks about destroying the Mandala system, so it was just people telling themselves that True Neutral was the only one where that happened.
Jack tempest should have had innate pierce
I made it up
Still sucks and these /vg/ tourists need to fucking leave so we can stop talking about it 24/7. No one cares.
It’s clear that a lot of posters here don’t understand human emotions or behavior. The funny thing is that I bet a lot of the people expecting Yuzuru to behave like a 100% rational robot would shut down under far less stress.
*sighs loudly* enough of your bullshit, bitch. Get out of my sight.
> Because Satan speaks about you destroying the Mandala system in another world and people were convinced that only happened in True Neutral since Lucifer had a bigger exposition sequence about it there and it was the "True" ending. But in all endings he still talks about destroying the Mandala system, so it was just people telling themselves that True Neutral was the only one where that happened.
The thing is, it was also the only ending with an actual cutscene making all the others seem like fake endings.
You're going to anime expo to play Hashino's magnum opus, right?
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Decent, definitely a not insignificant amount better than the beta mess they released 3 years ago.
For me vanilla was like a 6/10 and VV is like a 7.5 - 8 depending on how generous I want to be over the pretty blatantly unfinished chaos ending
If you didn't already buy V its at the point where I'd actually recommend buying it now, if you bought vanilla though do not buy VV for full price wait for it to be half or less imo, its what I'm doing after playing the leaked switch version (waiting for the combo of half price + a lot of demon mods to push to roster to at least over 300 for the PC version to be a worthwhile purchase)
I think 99% of people would agree thats a fair verdict.
Metaphor: ReFantazio?
I do wonder how many demon mods there will be.
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Yes that's the game
I honestly hate people that are contrarian and try to pretend older SMTs are better. I wouldn't give up the better graphics, improved QoL features for anything. I hope they die.
She's not. They implied that Tao is h
Amaterasu's Knowledge but when she got chosen as Goddess of Creation her power grew so much it overwhelmed Amaterasu and they couldn't complete the protofiend.
What's it about?
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Yeah it feels like a lot of the fags riding this games dick are new to the series and or still in the honeymoon phase.
fully agree, this is a game I can recommend to people who want to get into megaten now
How's the performance on GayStation 5?
You as the MC, travel with your fairy companion to find a way to exorcise a curse put on your friend who is the prince, meanwhile the king gets assassinated which triggers royal magic that forces an election of the next ruler. Said magic allows anyone of any social status to become the next king if they're backed by the people. Your MC gets involved in this because it's connected to curing the prince.
It has press turns, fusion skills and job tree that works like mantra in DDS
Sounds cool, I'll play it if you can turn off the English VA
Doesn't every fatlus game have an option for JP voices nowadays?
SMT V doesn't
We definitely should have gotten a yung woman amaterasu
It does.
VV does but V doesn't
V had it, but it was free DLC rather than packed in.
See this description sounds kino and based just on this I would assume the game would be kino and up my alley, but then I actually look at the game and visually/aesthetically it is like kryptonite to me
Mastema also speaks about Nahobino defeating Lucifer during that quest's intro, which doesn't happen on the fake neutral ending, so I don't know if that ending even works.
... It's literally the same as any modern Persona/SMT game
>/smtg/ made something up to push an agenda
Reminds of me when anons here claimed Japanese people didn't have a stigma against NFTs and then an anon compiled posts of Japanese people hating dislking NFTs
No, I'm waiting for a demo release on Steam.
V-kun looks pretty different from Susanoo.
this will be fatlus's future
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
I don't like soejimas artstyle at all, is what I am saying.
I like it.
the models for the characters are horrendous so it doesn't help
it's not at all. it's kinda strange how much better the modeling team puts effort in adopting Doi's art into models compared to persona and metaphor
You do have Aogami talking about feeling familiar with the hydra battle and later the big "dragon slayer" moment near the finale. No memories because Susano-o from the myths was apparently a separate warrior-type Proto-Fiend.

You do get the Japanese gods talking about how the protagonist is like a reborn Susano-o when you finish the Orochi quest for them later on (and this happens even if you do it when you're with Koshimizu, who also interacts with them separately and gets acknowledged as Tsukuyomi).
is that even likely to happen
The dungeons and music atmosphere have that kinda grittier SMT atomosphere to it, same with the enemies, but the character design is more Persona-esque
Doi works alongside the modeling team based on recent interviews. There's even the Khonsu case where he didn't even finish a full illustration for him until Vengeance (since the modeling team wouldn't need it with him there to guide them). Don't know if the other artists work that close with the modeling team.
Does Bowl of Hygleia work with drain attacks like Eisheth's unique
It's be funny to overheal that much
once you realize how flat the character models are its over
I had a dream that there was a devil summoner game where you played as yakumo lmao
I think he's the only artist that does that. you see the soejima illustration and in terms of illustration technique it's so pleasing to look at, and non of that charm translates to the model
I really feel like the put too much effort into the UI and not enough into how stuff looks in game
So Alice is the best navigator?
Probably, devs know that sending an unknown JRPG out into the wild without a demo is basically a death sentence.
objectively speaking it might still be decarabia since you gotta pay for him
I wonder if Yakumo is intended to be a Kuzunoha. Doesn’t the game say that his maternal line has a history of being powerful mediums?
All the navs are the same
yeah, though kuzunoha is a title, not a literal line, seen in the first game where after the tutorial raidou passes the test and takes up the mantle of "raidou kuzunoha" with you also choosing his original name
That’s not true, the differences are obvious if you try out different ones. For example Ippon Dattara finds mostly battles, and Decabria finds way more jewels than other navigators.
They had different stats as far as what type of items they find more in V, and I could personally tell Alice and Decab find gems more than the others
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me and my chud wife
I thought Raidou was the title but Kuzunoha is literally the clan’s last name. It’s a reference to the mythological mother of Abe no Seimei who was a fox spirit.
so you can't go wrong with either?
Try killing yourself for proof
You're outright in the jewel quest in Shinjuku if you arrive there without jewels and a proper demon to search for a demon that's a specialist on them.
If all you want is jewels, sure
I mean the game literally tells you that Decabria is better at finding gems as part of the Attis sidequest. I’m not going to generate a spreadsheet of data when the difference is obvious from like 10 minutes of gameplay. I’m sure the differences are more subtle for the other navigators though.
is Lucifer's passive bugged? it only gives me pierce for my regular attack
Atlus is a small company and they make mistakes, please understandu
I'm using Alice and I'm getting a lot more than just jewels
I just asked because I wanted to know if better navigators than her exist
this UI and all these effects are giving me a headache
>Mastema also speaks about Nahobino defeating Lucifer during that quest's intro, which doesn't happen on the fake neutral ending, so I don't know if that ending even works.
Might just be atlus just not finishing things again.
The game looks like complete shit and I think most people shilling it are being 100% ironic or have zero taste
is the game made on unreal 4
the premise sounds cool and some of the ui looks cool but ahhhhhhh, i want a demo.
i really like the monster designs but thats about it
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Marici added
Sounds like a cope, most people who played the original recognize VV as amazing. So muh honeymoon and muh newfags isn't going to work this time.
Metaphor will win and it will be absolutely hilarious seeing all the fucking malding in this general.
Just like SH2 won huh
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wait is it really just persona 5 again
Fine faggot I'll play Vengence when it goes on sale if it makes all you assholes cum so hard.
Hashino hasn't made a bad game, seethe
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It looks like hes added some of them to the normal fusion pool as well instead of them exclusively being special fusions
>Hashino hasn't made a bad game
He made nusona
my pixie wife
pixie if she took hrt
It has press turns. they transform into the persona looking thing, and the boss uses Dragon Eye, it's more DDS with Persona aesthetic
you and your husband
Is Severing Bite or Aramasa better? How should the loadout for Str look around the point where you get the Type-C essence?
Post dog
Both are good but you should respec to mostly healing/buff duty
severing bite deals much more damage especially if it crits
aramasa hits less but you could fish for crits with it
In a hypothetical neutral route for the Vengeance story, would we team up with both Yoko and Tao, or fight against them?
You'd kill Yoko then Tao would run away while orange man sighs, crosses his arms and does nothing
I think the only way it'd work as the story turned out would be leaving them both. If it were convincing Yoko to join you and giving up her revenge quest it'd be basically the same as the Tao ending.

Probably something like somehow draining the power of the throne to save Tokyo, without actually starting a new world or having a "king" ruling over it, so Tao would leave since you don't want Creation and Yoko would continue with her plans since she thinks this world is hopeless.
Fuck Drumpf
No, the other orange man
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if i buy smt v should i play through the og campaign or just start with the new one?
>Removed romance
This game is dead on arrival will sell less than SH2
Start with the new one. You can try the original as an extra afterwards, but you'll just have a better experience with the new story first.
>play godborn on hard
>dont hjave enough glory to unlock level cap
>hydra takes years to kill
>not even hard just long and boring
I don't know if I should just cheat and use the mitama DLC to grind the glory or lower the diffulcty to noramAL
The new story is an objective upgrade
oki ty anons
Or the great will itself comes up and is behind the system and the fact YHVH was one of it’s avatars, causing both Yoko and Tao to realize the problems is greater then they first realize.
*kisses her*
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Let's play some word association.
First word. Plap.
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need to goon to yoko and tao
It have romance people were just larping about that
I ain't going back to the COMP.
>Removes romance, even though he knows it's a popular feature
>In another interview calls Persona too easy and wants players to have challenge in Metaphor
Does Hashino hate personafags?
who doesn't hate personafags after being exposed to them?
holy based
I'd be happier if we had more SMT style games like SJ which are outside of a school setting. Every time I see a Japanese high school I want to commit crimes against humanity.
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I want more barely legal JK pussy in my games
make an archive i'm not clicking on shit journo baits
Only if can make a harem with them
How about you google "metaphor refantazio romance" and see a million other articles telling you there's no romance you gorilla nigger?
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I was never really anticipating or hyping up game in my head but I still can't get over how much the character designs changed and it turned me off from the whole thing.

I really like the bosch inspired monsters though
>put sahori in game
>give her vague angst and a tentacle monster demon partner
>kill them both because it's SMT, not a porn vn
What's the point of JKs if they're just here to make you facepalm at the cutscenes and then die?
waiting three years until all dlc expansions slops get released
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Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.
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how are they standing on the wall?!
I unironically like it when its about a group of characters like the temple knights, the samurai and the space marines. Give me more 'teams" so to speak.
Lahmu more like LAMEO lmao
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>takes photograph of screen with phone
>doesn't even hide the UI
>can't even orientate the picture right
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>Young man shall I tell you the story of when my brother threw his feces at our sister?
I wouldn't mind more SMTs that don't take place in Tokyo like SJ. I don't know how you'd top SJ though it'd be kinda weird to do space again. Maybe one where you travel the whole world.
when is smt vv getting an update
smt in present day india
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IMO I think some kind of great principality is inherit to the series. I think NYC or Rome would make for a good SMT setting.
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I am genuinely struggling to understand the benefit of them making goddesses of creation these weird original goddesses for either the writing or the story as a whole.
What about writing "uhhh tao is the holder of amaterasu's knowledge but uhh shes not actually amaterasu and she was separately possessed to become a goddess of creation which erased amaterasu from reality" is superior or more beneficial to the story than just "tao is amaterasu"?
It feels like a bunch of extra nonsense purely for the sake of nonsense, not actually benefitting anything at all
>Nu SMT's writing is shit and not well thought out
who would've guessed
smt never had good writing
Using OCs gives them more wiggle room to do what they want with them. Same way the series has always introduced original concepts, and avoiding the problem of 4A where they took gods and make them OCs. The amaterasu is awkwardly tying everything in though.
Atlus has been wanting to make the Goddess Reincarnation name not an artifact anymore but they really need to think how to do it better.
Almighty mastery or physical? Which do skills like Sakanagi scale with?
Tao yoinked V Kun of fusing into a nahobino Amaterasu
It was always pulpy and shit but V just feels sloppy.
How do periapts work
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Is he good in Vengence?
Phys mastery boosts phys skills only and has nothing to do with strength based skills of other elements, so almighty scales Sakanagi.
The name "Goko" is pretty close to "Goku" if you think about it.
holy shit your right
And Jirae is pretty close to Jiren.
"Goddess that accompanies the next person who will the throne of God and guides him" is too specific to V's setting and obviously doesn't exist in any mythology. You could force someone there and they've done stuff like it before, but it obviously would be unfitting in many ways, and this time the staff preferred to just go with an OC rather than completely distort some known god to fit in there.
No? Metaphor isn't Persona, so he's not trying to appeal to the Persona community. It's like complaining why Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't appeal to Devil May Cry fans despite both being directed by Itsuno.
Only thing good he has going for him is natural physical resistance. Everything else about him is mediocre including his unique passive.
What about Kudlak
>he's not trying to appeal to the Persona community
why does it have social links and le calendar then
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Speaking of megami's tensei-ing I always thought it was weird how in DDS:MT Nakajima and Yumiko are the reincarnation of Izanami and Izanagi but also Izanami and Izanagi are still just around in the present, you meet and free izanami in person. Maybe you could argue this is Atlus specifically muddying the waters in their adaption because as far as I know Izanami and Izanagi weren't still around in the books?
Just kinda weird.
>basically ”do what I say or I’ll kill her”
>he complies
Do you guys really think this is retarded
trusting demons is VERY retarded
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>Every time I see a Japanese high school I want to commit crimes against humanity.
Ah yes, the "I hate anime but I don't want to admit it" the post.
>”no, fuck you Eisheth”
>she kills your sister
You’re even more retarded then Yuzuru, the only reason Miyazu lived was because Dazai sneak attacked her
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>all anime is kawaii high school simulator
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You should watch more anime.
Those things were not invented by Persona.
Because he said it's what him and his team do well.
This game's story is an election where you gain people's favor and learn about their struggles to become the next king, a calendar and social sim absolutely make sense here.
Soon I hope
I can’t believe Persona invented the life sim genre AND was the first game to have a relationship system with party members and NPCs
probably because of story reasons + it's not exclusively a persona
pic related had a calendar system and its not persona nor was inspired by it
Where to find Mithras & Asura boss fight

I can't find it on vengeance route
NTA but aside from waifu faggotry, those elements are pretty essential to what i think of when i hear persona. However the lack of a highschool setting probably filters out most persona fans
Persona 5 invented jazz
You already did the Amon quest?
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Found amateur tao petrification fetish art on pixiv lol
Shinjuku, the stadium
Yea found him on the bridge in Taito
I kind of like the style desu
We need more fetish art
>Dazai scene but with Tao
kinda soulful ngl
I thought godborn would be alot more fun but, the enemies are just health sponges. maybe lowering it from hard to normal would fix this but so far not impressed.
Found it thank you
I wish they designed an Apocalypse mode equivalent instead of "give everything big stats in NG+ lmao"
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i like the SMT games more but if Metaphor doesn't have romance im not playing it
Will get some for sure, Vengeance is attracting a lot of newcomers to the series.
>Discord/Twitch emote
>Wanting romance in a JRPG when that never works well
>if the game doesn’t have content that doesn’t even make up 1% of Persona I’m not going to play it
>mastema pillars of salt was okay because he was gonna revert it later!!!1
what the fuck is wrong with normalfags??
Those are just SJ fags anon. They're known to be Mastema dickriders
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if im playing a game with story it better have girls sucking my cock, im not sitting through any of this boring ass shit. i'll just wait for modders to expand on SMTV instead.
Foul Tourist
Go the fuck back to /trash/, holy shit this looks terrible.
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Epic mod
Good afternoon /smtg/!
IV:A for its many character fualts had some amazing gameplay and diffulcty. I wish I had my old save. I only beat Stephen on hard and not on Apoc difficulty.
That's the balance lever for SMTV just make a number bigger. Boss too easy? Make HP bigger. Buffs unbalanced? Make MP costs bigger. In his fantasy slop Hashino at least makes a bit more creative approach to prevent buff spam by making party wide buff/debuff a fusion spell that takes 2 press turns instead of just increasing costs because he actually knows what the fuck he's doing instead of throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks
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My wife on the left, also I should probably emulate DDS after I beat the Raidou duology
Just played SMT 1 on SNES, what did I think of it?
IV:A > V > III > II > I > IV
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I'm renting it, and so far it seems decent to good at times. I agree with your statement anon
Doesn't this make the passives that allow magic to crit worthless by giving all this magic 30% crit chance? I think this nigger is just making changes without testing them. Some bosses are just going to have a 30% chance every attack to delete you.
Nanashi is the most powerful Megaten protagonist
Whoops I somehow deleted V:V. It goes inbetween IV:A and V but kind of just makes V obsolete since it’s the same game but better.
And that's why IV: A and V are the best games. Imagine playing SMT for anything other than gameplay, cool demon interactions and fusion autism
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>It is the first original game from Studio Zero since its formation in 2016 by Persona series director Katsura Hashino
lmao it looks like persona 5 with a fake mustache
It’s quite impressive that Metaphor is generating seethe from all the right people before it’s even been released.
How do the grapes taste, Mr Fox?
idk yet until the grapes actually came out, but for now the grapes look remarkably similar to some other grapes I have eaten before.
From Software is doing the same shit game with a new reskin for years and everyone shit their pants over it. At least Metaphor has new mechanics and systems.
holy fucking samefag
All me
i've watched many le epic hardcore deep philosophical manimes for mature people such as myself. it's why i don't get buck broken when the story with a teenager has a high school in it, or when the teenager has/makes friends
I'll take that as a compliment
SIIIIRRR is that a highschool??? slice of life???? AIIIEEEE NOOOOO
w-where is my basic philosophy???? where is the deconstruction???? i need to tip my fedora to some mature themes uuuuuuuhhh
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I love the story in 4a though and 4
the games are good but smtv is so lame it makes me wonder what im even playing this for when i dont like the story and find jt worthless

4a is my second favourite in terms of story behind strange journey. while v is dead last, mind numbingly dumb and boring
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Based Ai
Modders are always arrogant retards. PC gaming is a joke due to this.
The story in Strange Journey is as mind-numbingly dumb and boring as in V. You only like it because of the Western theme.
Which 4a ending?
>other companies do it so it's fine when atlus does it
found the atlus shill
Komori won.
Doi won.
Kozuka won.
Hashino won.
Meguro won.
Soejima won.
Ishida lost.
The age of experimentation is over. Anything that succeeds nowadays will generate 1,000 copies with a new reskin.
Filtered by sexy porn of the alignment gitls
If you had a problem with reskins you wouldn't be playing atlus games in the first place considering half of the catalog is reskins, especially Nocturne Maniax to DDS 1/2, and Persona 3 to 4 to the point where they all share the demon designs and Rise has the exact same pose as Yukari
Lost by what exactly? He's still making new projects despite how you scream and cry about him being the devil's bane and that he's killing SMT. If anything, Kaneko lost because he lost all of his connections in the industry and is going to make a shitty gacha game.
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Ok I'll say it I think this is funny, she mixes formal speech and modern slang 'cause COVID resurgence
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I feel a sense of longing for something that no longer exists in this world and never will again
.....at nothing.
Kaneko left a legacy worth remembering, Ishida's only legacy is corrupting things and killing sales
btw I am trans and retarded
VV status?
bretty gud
kaneko art is overrated, smt fans hate good art
Flopbros... why are journos not calling it Persona rip off and actually praising it...?
Absolutely mid
SMT fuckin lost
Hope you guys enjoy s links and calendars because Metaphor is likely going to double VV's sales at least
Holy Samefag
>A Persona game is going to sell more
Yes, we know.
>Ishida's only legacy is corrupting things and killing sales
So we're just going to intentionally forget that he was the director of SJ, was the chief designer for SMT 3 and the Raidou dualogy, and handled the story + art direction for IV?
Okay then.
can you go back to /v/ already, redditbro?
Can you miss out on cracking skills in DeSu permanently?
No it's cool and interesting. I could care less if it had more eastern influence. I played both the original and redux and they're great. The voice acting really does make it so enchanting.
Everything feels so one and done with no real ties and the story felt rushed and dumb in V. I've played the game 4 times now, I just don't care for it.
I liked all of the endings.
Sales and popularity directly influence how they are going to design the next SMT game.
Why do you think we got this completely lazy and shitty open field exploration design in SMT V?
How is Altus going to make a game without reusing the demon models?
I expect there to be like 10 enemy types because of that.
That's nice but he directed Soulless Flop 2 therefore none of that matters. Get fucked.
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It's fun so far.
Plot is pretty dumb and a step down from IV and Apocalypse, but the gameplay, demon interactions and ost are top notch. Also I really like the new models for older demons that were only in 2d sprites before
I mean what should he have done just let the demon kill his sister?
Are tadashis latest games good
Has anybody played them even
I have a craving for something with the vibes as pre nocturne megami tensei games
SMT will only exist to create models for new personas it's fucking over
>300 pwr 100% accurate piercing dracostrikes with 30% crit chance and the same 25 MP cost
And I thought I was buffing the dracostrikes too much from 200 to 230 pwr. Jesus fucking christ.
You could be right. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a handful designs that were then recoloured or very slightly altered in an insignificant way to pad out the monster count. The same way they do it in P3 and P4.
loa won
Most RPGs do use recolors/slight tweaks to pad monster counter. It's not really something people care about unless it's a RPG with monster recruitment as a core mechanic.
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>the smell of his cock and ass is pumped into his face
what did dark hero mean by this?
If we're going by this then the same applies to Kaneko since he's making a gacha game. Which are known for the bottom of the barrel garbage in order to squeeze money out of players than having gameplay that's worthwhile.
I care about it. It's disappointing and lazy.
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>Max power V-kun versus all of the protagonists at once, who wins?
Answer me you faggots. I need to know the power scaling tier list of all SMT protagonists.
Is there no recruitment of any sort in Metaphor?
There is a class called "Demon Summoner", but we haven't seen how it works, and it's clearly not really a core mechanic since it's just one class among many, even if it does turn out to use the monsters in some way.
From what was teased during the game awards, all it might do is have a demon like animation and that's it
Power scaling is dumb and you should feel bad for caring about it. The winner is whoever the writer decides.
There was some anon talking about it being DDS, but it pretty much is like that. You transform into your job/class, and you unlock new archetypes via Social link, and then buy it and upgrades via MAG(Magla) in the velvet room equivalent after they're mastered like Mantra
Power ranking in terms of mainline:
NINE protag>Nahobino>Demi-Fiend>Nanashi>Flynn>Aleph>SMT 1 hero
It'll probably work with the row system, where you jump into the back row and summon a mob into the front row
You can get another chance in NG+ if you run out of demons that have certain skills.
The guide im using says the red dragons invitation can be done on vengeance or creation but I dont see belial in shakan? I did talk to neribos and he said the line but no belial
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When will Atlus bring her back?
ids fun
Are there any other demon haunt quests beyond Idun, Yoshitter, Cum, and Moirae Sisters?
Wouldn't work in 3D + too inappropriate nowadays for a series that's for children. She'll need a redesign.
I never knew Idun had a haunt quest because I never fused her ass.
The annoying thing is her quest pops up in Taito, long after you've traded her in for the superior DLC win button
>Not using both
I needed both and maria as my clerics for satan, Fucking hell. Also I regret going from hard to normal in godborn mode. As I forgot I can recruit demons above me and fuse them. So I have a few demons with absurdly high states like metatron.

Anyone know if its better to fuse new demons or to just level them up to 150 and they will get the same amount of insane states?
Necromorph mommy spider.
>>>>>>>using Maria
Use Danu you fucking retard
NTA but fuck that bitch for what she did to Dagda in IVA and VV
I played CoV first and went law so I could not unlock danu sadly.
>Playing CoC
Fuck that, bitch can stay eternally locked with Masakado.
Dagda deserved everything he got
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Our retards
>t. Nozomi
>Agree with Yoko
>Don't actually like Yoko at all
It keeps happening, fucking Chaos
I bought the mitama dlc
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Is she impying the previous ruling gods didn't force their hierarchy and tried their best to keep any other god to rise?
you can go to reddit they agree with you too
Our cute retards.
She is implying before royalty was some delusional world that didn't have rulers and ruled

The god Lilith complains about most of the time isn't actually "the God of Law", but rather the first God who took the throne before all others, clarified in side-quests to be Marduk. Marduk taking the throne according to her set a bad example other gods and mortals followed, ending the original world of freedom and originating oppression in the name of "order".
Damn they're finally right about something.
>Imagine playing SMT for anything other than gameplay, cool demon interactions and fusion autism
Don't forget listening to the sick tunes while doing all that.
I don't remember Yoko drinking onions and being a libtard
Thats what she is
No, she's just very contrarian, which is actually a stark contrast to most redditors who go with whatever they're told by authority. She's more 4chan than anything else.
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I finished VV and it was great

Lucifer is easy though
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What is his fucking deal, do something onscreen please
Or was it all in CoC?
Drinking Alice's Magatsuhi out of her pussy...
Nope, he just stands around there too.
Kaneko wept
Did you fight his hard form by beating Shiva?
I hate how even nigger lucifer is easy. Maybe its asking to much but he should be harder then Shiva at least .

Not him but I did. But I set the diffulcty down to normal to beat Satan/Demifiend so unless they changed it in CoV he is still easier the nshiva right?
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Should I fuse Agrat with a bunch of crit passives to replace my Cu Chulainn or Yoshitsune?
>set the difficulty down to normal
you didn't beat the game
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D-did she tell Nahobino he's a bitch?
Good thing VV isn't good enough to be beaten then
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Need to see kino extremely melodramatic fanart of teenage yakumo weeping while burying a kitchen knife into nuwa as she smiles tenderly and cradles him like a loving mother
>Zoomer lingo
I hate Atlus West
Atlus West is the great Satan
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is there a 21:9 mod for the switch version of Vengeance? i saw someone said there is but i can't find it
Holy shit, I have mutative, its a full moon! GIVE ME HARE OF INABA AND AMABIE
Almost got her but she healed like 70% of her health and wiped out all my team with a single almighty move

92lvl each

Also couldn't finish demi-fiend, but I still have that save file before Lucifer so maybe next time

It is worth playing Canon of Creation after finishing Canon of Vengeance first? I'm afraid of being disappointed by it and don't want to ruin the experience
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She's so fucking tiny
But can we get smoller?
I apologize for misgendering her
So what exactly is Mastema in SMTV's lore? He's surely no mere angel:
>wants a new Nahobino on the throne to perpetuate the system instead of keeping the current Creator (YHVH?) in it, which goes against the angels' goals
>schemes against everyone else, but claims to serve "the Lord"
>claims to be a "higher being" above the goddesses of creation (chaos pre-fight cutscene), which seems to be true with how easily he can control Tiamat, the primordial chaos
Is "the Lord" someone other than the Creator? Does he serve the Great Will itself, or maybe the first holder of the throne (Marduk) and he's simply trying to perpetuate the system he created?
Universal Will is the true biggest force in Megaten
He's completely powered by the onions faces of Strange Journey fans.
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He's based
Reddit bird
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Yeah, if you do the Samael and then Satan sidequest he reveals his Lord isn't the dead God of Law, but rather than "transcendence" itself, which is likely another way of referencing the Great Will.

V is kind of weird because base V outright referenced the Great Will twice (Sophia and Goko), but in the new V dialogue no one uses that name aside from the same lines of dialogue taken from V.
I wonder how much they butchered the game
trannyslators need to die
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when the fuck are we going to get AI translations instead of this garbage?
I'm annoyed that Shadowplay refuses to work with this game for some reason
It's fine at launch but whenever it's actually rendering anything it stops being able to record
I wanna make webms :^(
Shadowplay can be annoying as fuck. I've had better luck with the Xbox app's built in recording feature.
>All the incels getting mad at this
Looks like 1 guy to me.>>483477128
what does RBF mean?
Resting Bitch Face
Resting bitch face
Resting bitch face.
imagine not knowing japanese in 2024 and still reading twitter translation fanfics
Resting bitch face if I had to guess, I've never seen it abbreviated like that though. It's not a very good line.
even better
imagine not knowing japanese in 2024 and getting mad over your headcanon of what the translation should be
Extremely based post detected.
Yuriko getting arrested for inappropriate interactions with minors
I have RCF. Resting CHAD face.
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Mod to restore Idunn to her proper glory when?
that would be a good translation to use in the future, thanks for the rec ;)
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It just baffles me how the icon disappears as soon as I actually get into the game. I can record the menu as much as I want but the actual game, no dice.
Doubly frustrating because there was a point on the first day where it worked as normal.
My only issue with the dialogue is the demon saying it. If it was a nekomata or lillim I wouldn't care.
So is Lucifer not part of Satan anymore? They are separate entities?
they always has been
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Also its shit in Nocturne or remakes but it makes sense for demons to use slang that would be contemporary to the time the game takes place in.

I already see fouls speaking in brainrot.
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parvati doesn't really seem like a good choice for that line
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Caligula Effect 1 has some interesting concepts, but it's REALLY low budget with repetitive endless corridors everywhere (although at least each dungeon has an unique theme), and little enemy variety. Also, don't expect soundtrack or environment design like old Persona it's all pop. and, if you play it, there's no reason at all to not go the Musician Route. It's basically the original story but with more content that adds a LOT to the villains - but you also still play through the whole Go Home Club story too even choosing to go Musician Route at the start. The new content also kind of feels like it was better produced than the base game both budget-wise and writing-wise. The Go Home club story by itself is fairly bland, but the villains a lot, especially if you unlock certain character episodes that have some reveals you only can get if you have episodes certain characters from both groups.

Caligula Effect 2 is a general budget improvement on almost everything aside from enemy variety. And this time the story doesn't suffer from Overdose's issue where the better content was clearly written after the initial game. Everything feels on par with the Overdose-only content and is also better connected. Still, like I said, the atmosphere isn't really like early Persona at all.
This image is missing Nuwa
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That's pure retardation, but if people can mode skill values, what do you want to see modded in?
Can they edit AI?
Can they edit dialogues?
Could people conceivable animate ripped models into new quests/bosses?
But IVA.
Imagine if you weren't a retarded consolefag and played on PC instead. The possibilities would be endless.
That was only the case in IV A. Every time other they're separate beings as Lucifer is based on The Devil and Satan is based on Ha-Satan from the Book of Job.
Egg vibrators.
>Fixing buffs
Kill yourself.
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Artemis pits and pantsu...
Imagine her smelly and sweaty feet inside those boots.
Raping Bitch face
God I wish sahori would rape me.
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>Anon is so retarded to the point that doesn't realize the other anon is playing the PC version but with a Switch Pro Controller
This is why nobody likes PC fags because of posters like you
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>a Switch Pro Controller
God dammit anon you were so close
>sakanagi (medium) area 2 does as much damage as freikugel(severe) area 4
What the fuck
I might have to buy an Xbox controller soon, are there any good cheap ones?
I'm none of the Anon's who have replied to you but I used to play on a switch pro controller. It works fine connected to PC. I've since gotten an 8bitdo which works better.
Wouldn't Masakado be basically impossible with those mod settings?
>anon can’t count to three
99 is a higher number than 3 moron lmao
8bitdo makes good ones that aren't too expensive
>VV brought back Masakado's them from IV
You don't even need to count, the icon flashes to tell you
Cheaping out on a controller is only going to bite you in the ass. You really do get what you pay for nowadays.
>35 dollars
Not bad.
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Is she still useful in Vengeance since she was a dlc demon in V or they nerfed her to avoid paypig riots and shit?
I don't think she has any nerfs in VV. Cleopatra overshadowed her in V, so the developers didn't bother downgrading her, I guess.
when are people going to say that v is better than vv like they do with maniax version of nocturne?
She's a demon that was designed by Doi. They're not going to nerf her or make her bad. So yes, she's still useful.
V (OG) is really bad. I don't know how you can say it's good.
>Goko is goku
>He isn't waku waku about fighting a nahobino
Funny post
Never because VV doesn't rape the original story like how Maniax did with vanilla SMT 3. It's just a "What if", even if the story sucks ass and Yoko being a shitty contrarian.
that's gross hahaha, I would love to smell it as a joke hahahaha
How long until we get our first trap demon
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Newfags get the rope
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How the hell do I reach this miman
why there is a severe lack of smt hentai?
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Vibrating Iduns Eggs with my Hinokagutsuchi
Look for an opening to the northeast that goes under the tracks
>clotho in my stock has a wyest for me
I didn't know demons in your stock could give you quests.
Uhh how do you get fiend essences? level ups?
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>I'm not a hypocrite look at THIS
>they are both fine after and nothing changed
Oh, ok.
It was a trailerbait scene
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Thanks. It's over at last
>satan is judge of the transcendence
>lucifer is light of the creator
>samael is poison of the creator
So what's mastema?
Would've been extremely based if he actually killed her
She is the earliest matarukaja source jf you don't wait for king frost/sukuna level ups
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So when do I respec to STR?
I kinda don't want to, I got used to hitting weaknesses too much
There are a couple, but only when you get to Taito. Aside from the Morae sisters, there's Idunn, Finn and Yoshitsune (This last one is Creation-only, the Masakado quest).
ain't sakanagi do be scaling off str and freikugel not be doin' dat? bix nood
>She then dies a bit later after doing exactly nothing.
It's really weird, like they initially wrote in that killed her, but then decided they didn't like it so had her die to Tiamat instead to get him to mope about it.
About as much as you butchered your penis tranny.
if schizo will act like smt nine is some patrician underrated game, i think in a few years, as long as smt doesn't completely shit itself, some people will try to make it an argument.

how does maniax rape the original story outside of 2 boss fights and a few scenes that only say to do the new dungeons. outside of meta reasons of two demons, there is no real incentive to have to follow it. in comparison to SJ redux that fucks you over by telling you that you are wrong and interferes with the og endings. maniax does not do this and is not different then og if you don't bring the menorahs
ayo tyrone you dumb ass nigga they both be scalin off that STR
Get the Elite controller, it's like $100+ and breaks within a few months no matter how much you baby it. Usually the LB or RB are the first to start acting up.
Im playing canon of vengeance after creation and thought it was nice the path has a new stage until I realized they just shoehorned on it all the sidequests from the older stage
>You really do get what you pay for nowadays.
I wish. Controllers are god awful these days, everything starts to drift or buttons start to act wonky on all these pieces of shit lately.
Vishnu krishna bros.... We lost super fucking hard
That's honestly pretty sad the official controller is like that.
>spend more than $100 on a controller that breaks in a few months
This is why I buy cheap controllers that last years
I bought a xbox one controller for like 50 or 60 bucks four years ago and it still works.
my elite controller has been good for years and still no problems
Resting Bitch Face>>483477331
What the fuck are you doing to your controllers?
I have a DS4 I bought 10 years ago and it still works perfectly.
lol, you're playing on PC and it's barely looking better than Switch. Godspeed potato anon.
SMT1 remake with redone Doi character designs when?
BUDDY, i had issues with shadowplay. I fixed it by setting up specialK so i can prevent the window from ever being ontop, after that 0 ISSUES. However the xbox DVR game bar thing also works if youre interested.
I'm pretty sure Mastema says he's the malice of the creator.
You could’ve just looked up the word Mastema.
>"hatred", "hostility", "enmity", or "persecution"
>According to Hashino, dungeons will play a major role in Metaphor: ReFantazio. But don't expect to see all of them in one playthrough. Compared to the more-linear timelines found in Persona, Metaphor offers a bit more freedom at the cost of having to make hard choices and not only how you spend your time, but where.
>"Imagine if you go on vacation," Hashino explained. "You go to a city and you have 10 places listed on your travel log. Some of these might take two days to enjoy, whereas others might take half a day. Some might require a guide or more preparations, others might be a bit more safe. But you can't do it all.
>"In this game, you travel a lot, and when you get to your destinations, you have a choice of multiple dungeons you can do. And all these dungeons have different difficulty levels as well, so it's kind of up to you on how you choose to spend your time. In this way, there's a lot more freedom.
DS4 has more quality put into them. I've had one since the PS4 launched and it works perfectly, shame it needs an adapter to work with anything other than windows.
It's 3060ti...
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>Got too many demons, think it's time to change shit for a while
>All my demons can either be fused in other too high level for me or not as good as the ones I already have
Should I just go on like this?
Chaos lady had BDSM slaves in her basement, so Doi can let his coom factor rip for no consequences yay
>time management garbage
Not again
would they keep it 2d first person or make it 3d?
Did you not expect Hashino to deliver? Ye of little faith…
Reddit bird
Elite controller had a ton of QC issues, don't know if they ever fixed it. The buttons would shit the bed over nothing. Very common complaint.
unlocking 1 demon skill slot per area is so fucking retarded
i hate this shit
I would imagine most bosses would be borderline impossible. Everyone is so eager to give all the personal skills like Fionn's Mac an Luin pierce but they fail to realize they eliminate all counterplay from his boss fight that way. Just give Tandava 60 more base power bro. It surely won't oneshot your whole team turn 1 or anything.
NINE is a underrated game, you retard.
woah dude I sure do love being locked out of content because of time management haha very fun
I liked Persona 5 but I'm not excited for this at all for some reason. Something to do with how it looks puts me off.
Maybe you should plan better
Do Dyad compendium summon or reverse compendium, then just capture the second needed demon.
I rarely fused 2 of my own demons.
Nothing wrong with waiting a level or two, but at some point you're going to fall behind and start getting one shot.
He can't keep getting away with this
Reddit bird
Are you the kind of turbofaggot that complains about alignment-exclusive content
You really need to tweak your settings better then, it looks awful.
No, I just fucking hate Persona
It looks exactly like Persona.
They even stole the zigzag post battle screen and the whole whacky schizo UI in general.
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I'm new to MegaTen games, how do I pick a route? What choices do I make? I want to pick Yoko but I have no clue how, my party still has both girls, I just did the fairy village quests now I'm going further
Try managing your time better
Same, bought an official (OFFCIAL) DS4 controller and it hasn’t failed me at all. Theres some controllller drift issues but you could just do some dirtbag quick fixes like blowing on the thumbsticks or dis-assembling it and blowing on the thumbstick internals. Great controller for everything on PC.
Daisoujou is always my nigga. Love that dude.
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>It's okay when DeSu does it
Just take her side in discussions and you'll be fine.
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>replay value is...le bad
It actually is because DeSu literally tells you when to meet up with characters to not have them die
you probably have to agree with everything she says and make tao sad. That’s what im doing atleast.
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>oh no I have to think about what skills I want to take
The horror
>please hold my hand this time management stuff is too heckin’ stressful
Do contrarians really
>is that le hecking time management realism???!!?? dungeons pass the game time and lock me out of some of them???? HOLY FUCKING KINOOOOOOOO
why /v/edditors love realism and hate fun?
>Same, bought an official (OFFCIAL) DS4 controller and it hasn’t failed me at all. Theres some controllller drift issues but
>Theres some controllller drift issues but
You fucking retard...
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>Got to backtrack and find the miracles
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No it isn't, when did I say that?
Do different demon companions find different items or is it just an aesthetic thing?
So just like the metaphor dungeons? They obviously made it so you can't do it in a single playthrough for the replay value
All the navs are the same.
every other controller has failed on me, and i only JUST started getting controller drift issues after like 6 years. I resolved it by dis-assmebly the thumb-stick and blowing the specs of dirt off.
I’m pretty sure they have a small chance to find different items depending on what they are. Nahobeho gave me a random Aogami essence in Taito.
Artificial replay value
Replay value is a meme, not playing your shit game twice when 80% of it will be the same
how do you miss one of those red eye balls? everytime i see them i always get them as soon as i possibly can for the possibility of more skills/demon slots.
Time management is the Matador for /smtg/...
She always gives me an opinion after I've made a choice, like I agree with what you said Nahobino, how should I know I make the right decision before making it, it's not always clear how I should agree with her, it usually hasn't been clear actually
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>I fixed it by setting up specialK so i can prevent the window from ever being ontop, after that 0 ISSUES
Thanks mate, will try that if I can't fix it
I'm more curious how you missed them in the first place, when it's a big red symbol on the map.
You don't even get your map blocked by them like in vanilla anymore.
The first thing I do in a new zone is just sprint past everything and beeline to them before exploring.
great, so i just spent 20000 macca for annoying decarabia for no reason.
That anon is fucking retarded, ignore him. Decab will find jewels more than everyone else.
>the people who froth at the mouth over how bad Persona and Metaphor are actually just retarded
By the way I’m not lumping in anybody who just dislikes them, I’m exclusively talking about people like this guy >>483487303
They aren't.
You'll instantly notice a difference by what they found.
The first time you dig a spot, it's something pre determined , but every other time, it's random and depends on the navigator.
you probably dont need specialk, i use it because its a good band-aid solution for shotty PC ports, but i think the issue is that SMTVV and nvidia overlay keep fighting each other and NVIDIA overlay just NEEDS to be over SMTVV if you want to record footage for the game. Just any solution to prevent SMTVV from ever beying always-on-top should suffice.
just pay attention to the models the characters have and you will understand they have no details and are completely flat
if something is edgy or goes against the stablish conventions then she will agree with it, if you still have trouble just reload if she said she didn't agree.
thats cool, i wish you could mute the passive noises thst the navigators make. Like pixie’s wings flapping and decarabias little screeches. They get very annoying, i hope someone makes a mod or something.
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Need another first person dungeon crawling megaten game with 80s inspired character designs and a human protagonist with a comp who can't use magic and uses swords and guns who travels with a heroine and has a party size of six and alignment based team building and MAG and a row system
I still don't understand what the fuck they were thinking with the pink girl.
The design is so bad.
Ive only played Nocturne, will I like the new one?
no i like being able to use magic, its dumb not being able to acess it at least a ibt
They're probably flatter because the enviorements and because they can equip any weapon onto them like P3 FES MC
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>shill can't even spell
V was made with retarded band wagoners like you in mind. You'll love it.
yeah but it's different. there's barely any dungeons like in nocturne, instead it's in an open field which weakens it in comparison since I prefer the dungeon layout of older games. you'll still like it though but it does have a few flaws from the level design perspective.
No, it's has too much QoL improvements.
Imagine being able to change your skills infinite number of times instead of a one and done thing from a Magatama.
Imagine having no random encounters.
fatlus would never
Yes, it will make you 'member 'cturne
I should clarify that I hated Nocturne. There were too many enemy encounters
in that case you'll love V because you can just run past encounters. there's no random encounters. you just casually walk (don't even need to dash/run) and enemies will never hit you.
Yeah, that seems like the problem to me as well because when I hit the overlay hotkey it deselects the game window as normal but the overlay doesn't render like it should
who is this dopey onahole?
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>see Demifiend's Freikugel
>get his essence
>you get the regular animation instead of his
I am so motherfucking disappointed its unreal.
Imagine a medieval SMT game set in Edo Tokyo, without technology and sci-fi shit, just magic rituals and such
>zeus gets to run away both times while odin dies both times
Would be kino.
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Its sad to know that /smtg/ won't be able to beat Majora Mask because of time management being so important in that game
literally what game are you tlaking about
i dont get to play the worst zelda? Great!
I beat it and the time management sucked there too, but at least it had a good atmosphere unlike Metasnore.
Is erthys still the goat
*art thou
I have no idea but I thought she looked funny
From an artist on twitter called @YARUSE_NAIKO
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I already hate SMT for locking endings, bosses, and demons behind second playthroughs. Now you want me to deal with Atelier Ryza calendar bullshit? Fuck off. At least in Persona, you can do everything in one playthrough, only missing a super boss.
Hashino please come back...set the next SMT in your silly fantasy world, stop spending SMT 6's budget on vacations to LA
best zelda game
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sexo con lilith
*breaths in*
*breathes out*
I'm glad we can all agree that IV:A and VV are the peak of the series
*breaths in*
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Why are strength based demons like Orthrus gaining Fire Breath which is a weak magic move at their 42nd level?
200 Glory opinion to unlock at absolute minimum
>*breaths in*
>*breathes out*
hand ups
now hands down
back up back up tell me what ya gonna do now
Return to milf heroine
so you fuse him into a fire demon that can take advantage of fire breath
>she doesn't know
It's best not to ever ask why demon skill sets and affinities are the way they are.
Fusion, multihit moves are good.
'member when you fight those robots in SMT1?
I started with SMT2 so no, I don't member
IV:A has the best and most creative endings in SMT that don't just boil down to generic chaos and law end
Furthermore, I believe the death penalty is too good for localizers.
I agree with massacre but bonds is generic power of friendship bullshit
Sex with Parvati
Odin is cool and all but under no circumstance should he be as powerful as Zeus.
Anon explicit said "in SMT", so bonds is not generic and in fact a unique ending in the series,either you like it or not
I wish there was a Krishna ending
now that SMTVV is out, i have no interest in pretending to be excited for Metaphor.
I wish the Qaditsu didn’t kill themselves so early, I liked them.
I wish VV went somewhere with its characters.
Preferably somewhere that isn't forced, contrived garbage.
Also i disagree calling him "generic power of friendship bullshit" nanashi could've done everything himself the friends were there purely to show you didn't go massacre route, and don' "but they also denied divinity!" so did dagda "helped" nanashi in denying YHVH divinity its the same shit
Odin has always been more of a leader-type god, he has never been portrait as strong or good at fighting, more wise and all-knowing, Thor is the muscle of the Norse gods and he's Zeus equivalent in terms of strength.
Nice argument but you're an ESL so you lose
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is the DLC overpowered or something? I just wanna use artemis
what's even worse is you can't even summon them until way later in the game since the demon versions are higher level than the boss versions.
dlc slut is a stronger version of idun so you can still use artemis if you want to even tho she gets outclass by cleopatra.
>dlc slut
not being able to switch between hard and normal is fucking gay.
switching difficulties like a pussy is fucking gay
Commit to the challenge or don't, little bitch
>outclassed by Cleopatra
Not with that nerfed mana cost she isn't.
FuRyo can't make good gameplay to save their life.
They are some of the better demons in the game. Like Konoha Sakuya is a slightly better Idun, but having two Idun’s is extremely helpful. Artemis fills a similar niche as Hayataro, having a signature attack that synergizes well with omagatoki critical. I’d say Hayataro is better, but Artemis is still more useful than most mid game demons when you get her.
Its my third language,get fucked
>almost double the mp cost of her unique
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>They're on the boxart for the game
>Been heavily promoted in advertising
>Marketed as the new big bads for the rerelease
>Barely do shit into the story and dies off early
I can't believe they did something like this AGAIN by having certain characters on the boxart, only to reveal they're not that relevant in the main plot
But greenman does something, he uhhh look there's LAHMU! Right?
>Le Subversion
I simply despise NuAtlus with that stuff.
>konshu in the OG boxart
lmao I forgot about that, he does even less than the qadistu, he's basically a cameo.
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Loa is better than all of them.
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It's more than double. Her original Frolic cost was 80. Now it's 180.
Died too early
Cleo shitters BTFO
He's also required for the best Mitama farming strat. DLC demons kneel to this funny bone.
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ETA on new route mods? I want a vengeance autist-man one. An egyptian one. And a nip gods one.
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even more grim
idea, a new route that's basically an SMT version of the movie Falling Down
It's too early for big stuff like that
It'd be nice if you got story mods this decade though.
>SMT autist remakes the entire plot
>somehow Tao is even less relevant and Yoko is the star of all the routes
>something something reddit bird
>featuring Dante from Devil May Cry
>permadeath that auto deletes your godborn save toggled on by default
SMT V:V:V when?
Yeah that would be good.
Also, Yoko will leave you for parts of the story, but don't worry, the actual route split is near the end of the game.
mod this remake that but i still see a severe lack of hentai art
Eh, the Qadistu are the main villains during half of the game. It's just they aren't end-game.
You best get commissioning then.
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what a happy family
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If I take off that mask will he die?
Me, my wife, and our daughter.
the fucking rainbow snake when attacked has a 10 frame animation which makes it look like the game is stuttering
>the Qadistu are the main villains during half of the game.
I would even say 2/3th of the game
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I don't enjoy VV at all...
Open world is truly a meme...
Good thing VV isn't open world.
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There's too much actual level design for it to be open world.
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Same, I still don't get the appeal of badly design deserts with copypasted shit all over the place, it makes my blood boil when people defend this shit when we had games from 15 years ago with better world design, I feel like in the early 2000s again with a bunch of bad open world crap being blindly praised again.
V makes me mad after experiencing a bunch of games with good world design in the past and how much wasted potential Megaten as a whole is.
yeah, IV had it problems but i never disliked exploring everything, V just feels bloated for no reason
when he makes sloppy shit like SH2 and tms yeah, his good deeds were because of people around him
once he doesn't work with Kaneko and the mainline team he makes horrendous games, so he himself is at fault
Feel free to post said games shit poster-kun.
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Reddit bird
Fuck off pedophiles
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IV has an actual world building and proper progression, you can shit on Apocalypse for it's questionable writing decisions but it made the daily life of a demon hunter almost believable to a sense, now imagine that shit refined and expanded.
I hate how the modern audience is clueless and eat every single instance of jingling keys without question.
what would it feel like to have all of these status effects at once
Cute brain eater
Me in the middle btw
why the bird make this specific guy seethe so much
>but i never disliked exploring everything
no problems at all with that overworld map, huh
A panicked cold sweat caused by a fever dream where you're in your bed and sleep paralysis
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>dazai is able to break yuzuru's shell by backing him up and help try to save Miyazu
>Mastema mindbreaks dazai in the third area
>next time they meet dazai has yuzuru killed for trying to become a nahobino
>yuzuru tries to connect with the humanity left within dazai and gets slapped away
I am legitimately angry at that grey black feathered FUCK
>see massively positive metacritic reviews for SMT V vengeance
>"oh sweet, I should buy it! I want a fun JRPG"
>check here
>mixed opinions asserting it's improved a lot from vanilla but is still notably flawed, some people negative
What's the truth, anons? Will I have lots of fun if I buy this game?
nobody hates SMT more than SMT fans
Game sold well and reviewed even better so naturally the average peabrain /smtg/ poster hates it. Mainline is doing well and they're seething over Dois massive success Kaneko just couldn't reach.
So it's just a contrarian/niche issues thing? The game is fun to play?
desu I think most people would have had fun with the base V too
but there's a lot of elements in V that other games do better, somethings it just doesn't do well like dungeon crawling too. so while I think most people will enjoy it there are a lot of people who might not.
Yeah the games great fun. I've put about 100 hours into it already.
4chan is always gonna be contrarian, its practically board culture. that being said I think vengeance was an improvement over base V and I had a lot of fun with jt
It's his only shtick. We would forget he exists otherwise.
>somethings it just doesn't do well like dungeon crawling too
How much dungeon crawling is there? How does it come up short to other SMT V games?
As a game of course you'll have fun if you generally like JRPGs since the gameplay is pretty tightly designed and was improved upon in every aspect from vanilla. The negatives are mainly about how the story was left untouched leading to characters being underutilized, and the new story still has some glaring problems that seem like they could have been solved by having more time to think things through.
It's even worse, it has all of the negatives of open-world style level design, with none of the benefits.
We don’t even know that Dazai was brainwashed, he might’ve just been corrupted by the new found power.
Is using Mitamas for Glory finding the expected way to do it, or is it not necessary? Because It's feeling pretty necessary for how high the price of these Miracles reach. Though I don't want to "break" the game by buying all available or some shit.
I thought TMS had decent dungeons, so I was surprised when SH2 had some of the worst dungeons in the franchise.
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I don't think he was. The guys a failure in all aspects, so I'm sure when he had the opportunity to do something with his life, he jumped on it immediately, no brainwashing needed.
I find it hard to believe he'd do a complete 180 just because he learned how to use debilitate
Why does turning into a lawfag give you the powers to teleport?
starting with IV there just wasn't that many dungeons in the game, and V follows IV's world design concepts and tries to make the world the place you explore
the issue with that is first it's lacking the gimmicks that proper dungeons have, and in V/VV in particular the environments are heavy asset reuses
then for the proper dungeons, the issue is even more pronounced because you don't have random encounters anymore, and also because the gimmicks are okay at best ( some people hate it alot), plus nahobino runs fast and controls very well so the measures they take for enemy encounters is kinda lame in places. you can tell the developer, who are mostly EO devs, still thinks of dungeons as grid based. that approach somehow worked with a game like nocturne but here it doesn't.

my own biggest issue with V and VV is still lack of towns tho. I thought the exploration was fine enough.
only gyaru angel pussy addiction does that i think
It’s a great game that has some flaws.
lack of budget? TMS got money from nintendo, maybe that's why. I should clarify TMS was mechanically an okay game. in every other aspect, like identifying what the audience it wants to market to will enjoy it sucked major ass
which is the issue with SH2 too. a director due going out of their way TWICE to make the core fanbase of their series outrage over their new work is really something, like why do you hate the people who could be buying your game this much? I think they just don't care or actively hate the player base. SH2 in particular reeks of sloppy direction.
>that approach somehow worked with a game like nocturne
I disagree, I hate most of Nocturne’s dungeons. V’s dungeons are honestly better since I’m wasting less time watching Demifiend slowly run through empty hallways.
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hey /smtg/, I was able to eat and sleep for the first time in 42 hours today.
Yea I think the four jew demons screentime is fine.
what I mean is that gameplay style and design translates to 3d better in games like DDS or nocturne. unless you disagree with this too.
I hope you continue feeling better
Thanks, anon
Does Profaned Land’s poison not work on bosses? All my testing before taking it into the Agrat fight showed as long as the enemy didn’t nullify Dark or Poison it fully worked. Not one proc on her (until Toxic Spray was used) and same goes for the green dude in the abscess afterwards. Both of them resist dark and poison but that didn’t make a difference when used on normal enemies.
Bosses have stronger ailment resistance. Try using Profaned Land with Loa in your party.
>Thor is the muscle
>You never fight him except for a idunn demon haunt side quest
Lmao what the fuck is this nigga doing, valkyries are doing more than him
Take care of yourself anon.
I’m not sure what you mean by “gameplay design” in regards to Nocturne and DDS, do you mean dungeon crawling in hallways? If so, I agree. The Nahobino’s movement was specifically designed for running around in big areas, not cramped hallways. Base V-kun runs at a better pace for that kind of thing.
It does work. Like the other anon said demon passives can help, investing in Luck helps as well.
Demon dog keeps running outside
I think Agrat could’ve used a little more time.
That’s true. I do have the little skull in my stock still for Taboo but he dies the first time a boss sneezes at him. I was hoping I could find another Deathly Affliction demon soon too since Basilisk has also been getting cooked in nearly every encounter. Luck stat is currently 85 as my primary
Loa is worth the investment.
>just defeated all four Qaditsu
Jesus Christ is there a more cucked character
See when I got to that moment I genuinely felt bad, I didn’t go
>what a cuck
that just seems a bit out of pocket.
The last time we see him "normal" he's speaking with admiration when Mastema talks about him becoming like the main character. Then cut to off-screen after he receives Mastema's power and he now is all about killing Nahobinos? I think if it were meant to be development we'd have seen some of it on screen. Mastema also explicitly says "I shall free you from the pain and worry that plagues your heart" earlier in that scene.
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>trusting what retards say on a religion discussing forum
watch a gameplay video and decide if you're gonna like it or not like a normal person.
no fucking idea, Thor is the strongest god in norse mythology and he's a literal who in V and just a cameo on VV
No I feel bad but his character has gone through a lot
I like how in the old games not having magic meant you had to rely on using fucking spas 12s and m60s
Thor needs a redesign, we should have the Nordic pantheon be a big dick player in VI.
Saved. I do have an assload of Grimoires to help bring him up. Just wanted to be sure he was the only Taboo demon. Probably been asked before but did you use a lot of incenses too? I figure his Vitality would need it a lot in my case.
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I have a question about the alignment system in strange journey, If you chose a neutral choice and youre on law or chaos does that bump you down closer to neutral alignment or does it just not affect it and you stay on your alignment?
I used a few vitality incenses on him. Probably like 10 at most. Most of those stats are from levels.
doesn't affect it. thats how neutral choices usually go in megaten. In redux theres a fairy village that has a repeatable event that allows you to shift your alignment
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Toot Man is pretty scary when underleveled
anyone know how broken the new dlc demons are? been waiting for the preorder bonus to get removed because thats faggy shit just want to know if its worth getting the deluxe for the demons
so is masakado actually better than beano for attacking?
I want to buff Freikugal but I'm scared of Masakado and Demi-fiend.
Sakuya is Idun, but better in terms of resistances. Sakuya Sakura is overhyped due to sheer MP cost, but it helps in a pinch. Dagda nulls most elements and comes with a 340 base unique that has a 60% instakill rate. Really, you can just focus on Lost Hit and slap a Light resistance and call it a day since he comes with High Phys Pleroma, replacing Luster Candy with Critical Zealot and/or Murderous Glee
Why buff Freikugel? Just nerf Sakanagi and call it a day. Medium Almighty damage my ass. Link to the editor? Want to see if I can mimic what the Overhaul mod does for Lucifer
how is it overhyped in mp cost? with high heal pleroma you're gaining not just 50+ MP for sakuya but for the entire party.
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I should've used a Phys dampener.
I still won, but it was too close.
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I forgot High Heal Pleroma was a thing
It's on gamebanana
Sex with Panagias
Wait am I misreading your comment or are you saying high heal pleroma gives 50+mp for everyone? Thats insane I've just been using the regular heal pleroma on her since she is already mana effeiciant
No, he's talking about Sakuya unique skill who also heal MP, which is the entire reason why she's the best healer of the game.
does the demon haunt relationship thing count per individual demon or for all demons of that type?
ie if I raise angel's relationship, fuse it, then a]get another angel, does it start over? is it stored in the compendium?
Chances of getting dlc for SMT W?
I know at least the compendium stores it. Don't know what happens if you get one that isn't through the Compendium.
Are Charge and Concentrate still good to have on despite the nerf to 1.8x damage?
Very low. Atlus has never had DLC plans announced post launch outside of the recent P3R The Answer.
unless they explicitly state plans like that non
rn we have no ideas what they want to do next. do artbooks or anything with the IP, or just move to the next mainline game
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It's pretty funny honestly
I love Strange Journey!
Even Sector Eridanus?
NTA but that sector is one of the best parts of the game, like unironically
just draw your own maps
>just draw your own maps
that's why etrian odyssey is shit and i avoid it
Can't wait for the day you hang yourself schizo.
thats what the heroine is for, she's the magicslut while the MC is the strengthslut

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