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Pink Mercy Day

>Season 11 blogpost

>Season 11 trailer

>Pink Mercy returning June 25

>Latest patch notes

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>June 20 to Season 12 - Ultrwawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (balance patch by streamers), start of season event (earn exp and Aztec Sombra)
>June 20 to July 9 - Hero Mastery event for new kiri + s76 courses
>June 25 to June 30 - Calling All heroes twitch drops (mercy icon + nihon hanzo)
>June 25 - July 8 - Pink Mercy returns for charity event, plus Rose Gold variant
>July 9 - Summer Games Event, Transformers Crossover
>July 15 - Quick play hacked: Pickable Passives
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon Skin, likely midseason patch date
>Aug 20 - Likely Season 12 start date (could be off by up to 1 week) w/ space Ranger
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>>>483250493
lets use this one, yeah?
Nah fuck the kirkofaggot
>mercy spammers ignored my question
I'm mad now
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be nice to them, today is their holiday
Soldier of the White race and proud Aryan Brother, reporting in. Is this the right thread?

Should point out I'm GM1 in all roles maining Doomfist, Sojourn and Baptiste.
>I play broken meta heroes
anyone who mains Doom has Trve Aryan blood flowing through him
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Spicy latina sex
who is the best mercy main in /owg/
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How spicy?
im a quickplay commando so not me
they're all equally useless and precious
there's hardly any difference between quickplay and comp
quickplay has less throwers
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is that true?
Now we’re talking
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You need to positevily identify your target before shooting.
end your life jose
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thread needs more pink and less crying
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no hablo inglés
i got something pink for you
matate, jose
>jose starts spamming sombra instead of kiriko
>anon: "wtf i love spambots now"
Jose will never spam sombra because he's one of those self hating tards that wishes he wasn't a spic
is this what mercy mains do
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ill be honest, im a tourist, i palyed ow for years on and off but i only just came back for this season
but my most played is mercy... soooo
so what’s the qrd with the mercy posting? False flagging again from kirikobot obsessed schizo or are the mercy erpers just getting more comfortable?
i told you
im a degenerate tourist who has no shame
tranny website
it's not that deep
we love our tourists here
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kek, someone got FUCKED by GODS
omg haiii :3
based janny
you also spent the entire morning living with your mom
Many such cases.
I can always tell the ones that desperately wish they were White because they colour their hair blonde lmao.
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While we're on the topic, I can't help but notice that Sombraposting usually only happens during EU hours, I'm guessing it's because they haven't been exposed to Mexicans enough to grow hatred towards them?

Why would euros hate mexicans?
so this is what the the useless mercy mains in my team are doing when we are getting rolled
That's...my point. They wouldn't be lusting over Sombra if they spent some time around Mexicans.
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kill yourself jose
seems like you fags do need the kiriko bots
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what does that mean
kys unironically
so much for all that game discussion that would be happening if the kirikobots werent here lol
kill yourself
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I'm the most precious
It's obvious
wait jannies actually deleted a kirikopost?
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>EU hating on Spanish rape babies
but we have spaniards to lust over. plus maybe Sombra is mixed with mexi? her VA is only 1/3 or such mexi anyway, iirc
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>the only tank I like playing is Dva
>the moment the enemy team starts getting reamed they all switch to moira/sym/zarya even in QP
This is why no one likes playing tank
yea but nobody like playing against dva
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>nobody does good mercy art

this is fucking sad
>the only dps i like playing is widow
>the moment the enemy team sees me they swap to sombra/winston/lucio even in QP
this is why no one likes playing dps
>pick fun police character
>people swap to characters that don't have their weapons get completely negated even worse than shooting shields
What do you expect?
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You're not looking
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Hello. I don't play Over Watch but I am an artist and I got a request to draw a character from game of yours.
Her name is Silvuple as far as I know. Decided to share my work with you, I hope you like it.
dios mio...
Spanish girls are hot enough as it is. EUbros dont really differentiate between one girl with tanned skin speaking spanish and another.
Bastions ult needs a buff
Its so hard to consistently get value with it. And you need to find somewhere safe to launch it from and cant just bust it out as soon as its ready like other dps can because chances are you'll die and receive zero kills for it
nah keep bastion in shitter tier where he belongs
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I meant good art
its a zoning tool use it as such
Bastion should get a nerf
those look pretty good to me
Retarded logic
>Durr this massive cd ability that others use to wipe teams is a zoning tool
It should be just as deadly as a death blossom or a dragonblade or deadeye
>It should be just as deadly as a death blossom
>3 garbage ults
it is just as deadly as them. or it was at least before they decided to gigabuff high noon for some reason.
>It should be just as deadly as a death blossom or a dragonblade or deadeye
so you mean... not at all deadly
Bastion should be as deadly as death blossom (absolute fucking trash)
I can't tell what side of the fence you're on with this post because Death Blossom is one of the worst ults
I wish I could walk away from all my problems too
nah, they just nuked his thread because this one had more posts
you're not allowed to complain about artillery and compared to way better ults like dragonblade or deadeye which got buffed to hell. Like, no point in arguing with these people who cried like 3 seasons ago how deadeye was the worst ult in the game.
>You're allowed to cry when ults are too strong
>Not when they're too weak
>Its ok when deadeye gets overbuffed
>But Artillery should never be buffed
What the fuck is the answer then
creetards tend to be delusional but deadeye was a shit ult, not bottom 3 but probably bottom 5 and it was literally just a glorified reload button or the mercy-dies-now button. again, i don't know why they buffed it considering he is more meta than tracer even, but nothing blizzard does nowadays surprises me. dragonblade has also been fucking dogshit for a while outside of highly coordinated pro play so idk why you think it got gigabuffed to hell. the truth is no one wants characters that are extremely low skill or have cancerous designs to be hard meta. i don't know a single person who would want a mei/sym/bastion/torb etc. meta outside of people who onetrick said hero.
Nerf bastion so he becomes a console exclusive character. Also if you don't understand why a birds eye view global ult with 3 manually placed shots shouldn't be good or the same thing as a LOS movement debuff ult or something that requires you to be in melee range then you just don't understand the game enough to have opinions worth listening to.
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>the mercy-dies-now button.
make it stop make it stop i just wanna float around stop ulting me AAAA
>Durr the ults should be stronger or weaker than one another because of arbitrary differences I made up in my head
The fact that bastions ult is "global" (on an 8 second timer kek) doesnt mean shit when theres a delay and a fuckhueg "dont stand here" marker that lets everyone and their mother use one of their 5 movement or defensive abilities to get away from.
Dragonblade being melee range is countered by the fact that it pierces everything and has a an xboxhueg melee range. But thats just one difference
Your description of artillery is exactly why death blossom and dragon blade suck except with artillery there's 0 skill involved and 0 danger to bastion.
>dragonblade has also been fucking dogshit for a while outside of highly coordinated pro play so idk why you think it got gigabuffed to hell
I'm not saying blade got gigabuffed, deadeye was gigabuffed. Blade isn't bad though, getting one or two kills with a dps ult is good.
> the truth is no one wants characters that are extremely low skill or have cancerous designs to be hard meta.
Are you implying cree takes more skill than sym or mei? Lmao. That's cute. The character that only shoots and has a roll, lmao.
> i don't know a single person who would want a mei/sym/bastion/torb etc. meta outside of people who onetrick said hero.
not a single one trick wants their hero to be op and meta also sym and mei are meta right now.
not arguing with them, there's a reason why this game is dying, and the community is one of them.
This poster is one of the mercyschizos who can only play mercy and bastion btw
>0 Danger to bastion
If he completely removes himself from the fight to the detriment of his team with zero mobility, true.
Its not practical. Ult is ready, and if you just let it rip you're a free kill to the enemy, if you find somewhere quiet to launch it from, you're giving the enemy time to recover and prepare while your team fights them 4v5.

At least with Junkrat his tire represents a free kill that forces an aim skill check and forces people to move and play erratically to avoid it, there is very little payoff at all to taking the time to land artillery shots because you have to put a lot of effort in just to deal less dps than turret mode does.
Skill issue
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should I play overwatch today
blade isn't "bad" because you can get a few kills, blade is bad because you need 3 hits and plenty of effort to get kills compared to most other dps ults which are just a button press away from giving you value.
although, yes i am implying that however little skill expression cree has that he takes more skill than mei and sym, the main point was that his design is not cancerous like those two, so him being meta doesn't really bring any complaints outside of it being boring.
sym and mei are meta because they got buffed again for reasons unknown to me outside of blizzard constantly wanting shitter heroes to have 50% wr but give it a week and either they will nerf them again or dps players will just stop playing. them constantly trying to force cancerous characters to be viable and as good as the top dogs is one of the things that brings this game down.
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stupid fucking thing
he cannot predict now because the servers are dogshit and he's having trouble accessing them
Will there be a Mercy in every single game today?
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damn Nostradamus
Good morning everyone. I feel like killing myself over a video game
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>dogshit matchmaking
>increasing queue times
>increase in cheating activity
>bugs and performance issues post patch
>server instability
>battlepass "unspecified"

how much longer this game got
That's not normal.
so you've been playing for how long and you're still stuck in what rank now?
space ranger will save it
who cares
buy the pink mercy
It's normal for me.

2k hours. Plat
Could be worse, Gunface has about 1700 hours i think and he's silver/bronze
I love Lena
then he's even more subhuman than I am and he should feel terrible
stop making fun of disabled people
you are subhuman not because you're bad, but because you value your self worth based on overwat
Gunface has a similar amount of hours as you and is substantially worse than you at the game, that's true. However his life is presumably much happier than yours because he doesn't express that he wants to kill himself over a video game. Who is more subhuman than the other here?
What are the good dps ults
What are the bad ones

My votes:

>Good - Easy to use, easy to get value with, usually a straight boost to dps or fighting power and can either be used at first oppurtunity for momentum mid fight or be saved for a big wombo combo
Tac Visor
Molten Core

>Balanced, and thus bad
>Literally too fair, can get value when wombo comboed, or value with a lot of effort, but can be countered in one way or another and dont stand up to the better ults
Pulse bomb
Tectonic Shock

>Bad - Hard to get value from, often puts you in danger/bad positions, many times the better play is to just not use it

Death Blossom
Artillery Strike
Rocket Barrage after god knows how many buffs and changes

>In its own category because its not a dps ult but somehow on a dps character tier
Photon Barrier
Barrage is not bad and never was bad. It can AT MINIMUM 1:1 trade which makes it better than most DPS ults.

The only really bad ones are death blossom (countered by every CD in the game, makes reaper a free kill because it has 8m range, 50% move speed reduction and you cant even cancel it) and dragonstrike (countered by walking to the side making it not even as good of area denial as artillery)
S Tier
>Pulse bomb
>Tectonic Shock
>Photon Barrier

B Tier
>Rocket Barrage
>Molten Core
>Tac Visor

F tier
>Artillery Strike
>Death Blossom

t. dps player
why do ppl parrot the "thousands of dollars pink mercy mains mad!" like the only accounts that were going for that much were GM support mains that also happen to advertise pink mercy, when the majority of everyone who has the skin just bought it for $15 too
>pulse S
while being
>hardest to land
>hardest to get multikills with
>80% of the cast simply eats it
didn't read the rest
it's literally a free kill on every hero
because the other things sounds funnier
Something being hard to land doesn't make it bad. Tier lists only matter for competent players.
could have just said you're bronze
Yea, but I'm silver, ok? Respect my rank.
A 1:1 trade is not a good ult though. That is the definition of bad because you ulted and they didn't. For an ult to be consiered decent it has to either massively displace the enemy or guarantee a single kill, minimum
Pulse is bad though
it objectively matters a lot since any retard could pop a visor and get a 5k but you're not landing consistent pulse bombs in any rank, let alone getting multikills with it
>A 1:1 trade is not a good ult though.
if you trade yourself for the tank, that means you won the fight lmao.
That's the minimum. And being able to 1:1 trade a support or tank as DPS is literally better than most DPS ults. Retard.

I wish pharahfags would just kill themselves already.
>le blade is bad because he didn't get 5 kills with one blade
>any retard could pop a visor and get a 5k
Where does this happen? Console? I've never seen visor get a 5k but I've also never been in metal ranks.
ok but what if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Its free healer ult charge on 90% of the roster you mean.
Theres a difference between "Hard to land" and "Hard to get value with".
Pulse bomb is bad because it forces a squishy hero into melee sneezing range and requires the enemy to be completely unprepared for it to net even just a single kill. When most supports have a basic ability to save either themselves or an ally from it (Life grip, resurrect, suzu, or even ulting in the case of brigitte, lifeweaver, lucio and zen), it isnt good.
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goddd why cant it be me eee
it isn't even a guaranteed kill on every squishy
Rocket Barrage is not that bad because while it is very risky to use, it has very high team wipe potential. I think Barrage has more impact on a match compared to dragonstrike or bastion artillery even if 2/3 times you just trade. I think for ultimates, high-risk high-reward is better than low-risk low-reward

I think rip tyre is much better than you think it is because it is easier for a junkrat player to drive the tyre in an erratic, unhittable manner than it is for a damage hero to shoot it down. It can very consistently get at least one kill, and also has teamwipe potential if enemies group up. Not to mention there is very low risk to junkrat using it if he is smart with his positioning

I think EMP is the second highest fight winrate ultimate in professional play, just behind kitsune rush. Although professional play does not always translate well to ladder play, I still think it is decidedly above the other ultimates in the "good" tier.

Overclock has largely replaced dragonblade as the teamwipe ultimate ever since the cyber nig got added into the game, but with season 11's changed to her railgun, I don't know how good it is anymore.
A: Double Life
B to F: who cares
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this but unironically
>1v1 trading yourself with rocket barrage against a tank
Lmao good luck with that
>Jumped out
>Defense matrix
>Killed first
The minimum is bad.
And if an abilities minimum result of usage is bad then i dont wanna use it when I could just keep spacing properly and providing actual value with rockets and repulsion blasts
I know I watch necros sometimes
I value my self worth based on the things I do and what I spend my time on. If I spend a lot of time on the game, there's no reason to be bad. If I remain bad, then it's because I'm simply lesser as a human.

He probably is happier but he shouldn't be. People need to feel more shame about being bad at things
you have way more value just being alive you know
barrage is so fucking bad
Angela Ogundimu
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>EMP is the second highest fight winrate ultimate
meanwhile our resident sombra crutches be like
Tectonic Shock is one of the stronger DPS utls wtf you on about? Also Deadeye is not good, it's at best in "balanced" tier.
I miss the old Pharah. I pretty much never play her anymore since she was redesigned and can barely stay in the air.
she just has cycles now
unironically a major skill issue
>Rocket barrage is high risk high reward
If you're combining it with multiple other abilities then you have to rate everything differently. But in vacuum, I'd say its worse than say, Deadeye, because Deadeye doesnt need setup or help to net multiple kills.
I wouldnt even say its high risk high reward. Id say it was more like low risk, mediocre reward. Dragonblade is more of a high risk high reward skill but hes harder to killer during it than pharah acting as as sitting duck in midair.
Artillery is just low risk, low reward.
>Rip tyre
Well thats why I said it was decent. It just isnt as good as say Deadeye or Duplicate or Bob that can can consistently win a teamfight on its own. Yeah you can score massive multi-kills with it, but an attentive sniper or soldier/cowboy could also kill it before it goes off and it has negative impact. The payoff isn't as reliable or consistent.
Oh it wasnt in order. I was just rattling off good ultis
The thing is she definitely feels stronger than before, but now the ult feels a bit low impact. Its not bad because you'll always take that free fast charge for the rail gun, but it does come across a little bit like really? Thats it?
It'd be like a soldier ulti just giving you 3 charges of his missile launcher. Not bad but like, not particularly impressive either
I am glad shitters like you don't play her anymore.
Shock is blocked by everything, only hits targets on the ground and force a hero with a chunky hitbox to stand on the ground bobbing left and right like an easy target. It doesn't do anything that say, Overclock doesn't already do but better.

Like compare it to molten core. Both do heavy damage to heroes on the ground, both cannot instantly kill and need a double tap or some time,

Except Shock is 4x 130 damage waves that are single shot and done
Molten Core deals more damage per pool per second (160 +90 vs armour) and persist in the area for 10 seconds AND he has 10 pools to place.
Catching a single hero in a single pool for 1 second does as much damage in 1 second, as Tectonic Shock does with 2 shots in 2 seconds. AND core does area denial. Shock isnt AWFUL its just, again, too fair and doesnt have any unique gimmicks to carry it.

I thought the point of it was that it would go through cover and barriers because its an earthquake and that would be her niche but apparently not
do you just solo artillery strike or something? you can always eke out a squishy kill and guarantee a team fight win with artillery strike, the entire enemy team just tries to dive you even if it kills them
>le pharah "rework"
>spam rockets on tank
>sometimes go for a random dps flank
>that's it
it is literally an AoE overclock that you don't even have to aim and has huge teamwipe potential you dumb venture tranny. fuck you and your shitter character.
pro play, pros are good at the game, sombra's ult enables them. a regular person pressing sombra ult does not have the same effect. no one is following up, no one is coordinated, you might call it out at best, throw it out whenever you want most of the time, most sombras just yeet it and die.
that's because most sombras are drooling idiots who have to resort to playing crutch characters because they're dogshit at the game.
I don't get the replies calling dragonblade bad it's great with cardiac or even shout
skill issue
why even engage in gameplay/balance discussion ITT? just look at the webms that get posted here from time to time, everybody's tracking is absolute dog shit with silver-tier gamesense and aiming.

you niggers watch shallow-nigger who's a TF2 pyro main go into a QP lobby at 4 AM get 2 kills on half HP DPS then throw a pulse bomb on mercy standing still while rezzing and call him "based".

this thread is filled with niggers who just waifupost or post the most shit tier level takes, and i can't even tell anymore when people are farming (You)'s when posting their opinions because i genuinely believe some of you are actually this retarded to hold certain opinions like this.
>you niggers watch shallow-nigger who's a TF2 pyro main go into a QP lobby at 4 AM get 2 kills on half HP DPS then throw a pulse bomb on mercy standing still while rezzing and call him "based".
it's called meme'ing
it's called comedic relief, something you wouldn't know anything about
>If you're combining it with multiple other abilities then you have to rate everything differently.
I was not really thinking about combos when writing that up but barrage definitely combos better than the average damage ultimate. I definitely think deadeye is better than barrage because deadeye is more versatile and can be used in more situations - it can be used for damage reduction, reloading, area denial, and of course fragging. Whereas barrage just deals fat damage so there are much fewer situations where you can use it. Indeed I find myself using it whenever it feels safe to use instead of whenever I think I can get a kill with it
>I wouldnt even say its high risk high reward.
Ask yourself: Have you seen more team wipes with death blossom/artillery strike/dragonstrike/deadeye or with rocket barrage? Whenever I see the scoreboard light up with multikills, more often than not it's overclock (pre nerf)/dragonblade (pre health change)/barrage. This definitely doesn't make it as good as overclock or even dragonblade, but I still think those few lucky times where it kills everyone makes up for it being a mostly throwaway ultimate 75% of the time. The very high ceiling on barrage's value makes it good.

>Well thats why I said it was decent.
I think rip tyre is far better than decent because of how safe it is to use, and how consistently you can get at least 1 kill with it. Turning the fight into a 4v5 with very little risk is almost as good as winning a teamfight on its own. The strength in rip tyre doesn't come from its multikill potential (although it does have that) it comes from its very safe, very easy single kill potential.
> attentive sniper or soldier/cowboy could also kill it before it goes off
as I mentioned, it is easier to drive the tyre than it is to shoot it down. The higher rank you go, the less often rip tyre is destroyed because players know how to wall climb and shake their mouse to make the tyre hard to hit
i realize you just came from reddit, but we don't use that language here.
post was too long
>The thing is she definitely feels stronger than before
Interesting, I thought the sojourn change was a net nerf initially but I haven't played enough to say so with any certainty. Overclock is still probably really good though.
>but it does come across a little bit like really? Thats it?
I suppose that speaks to how strong her railgun is by default if her ultimate just charges her railgun passively and it's like the second or third best dps ultimate in the game. Speaking from before the s11 railgun changes of course.
I'm gold btw
no it's not, it's some faggot making mid tracer clips
how about you comedically relieve yourself from this planet
with the amount of blizzard cock this thread sucks and how much you all would take a bulet in your nuts for them, this thread is more reddit than anybody else
sounds about right
Imagine you are a member of microsoft's money team.
They see a game constantly losing money or not earning enough.
What would you do.
Sex with Mei
imagine seething at gold webms
swallowgod makes me angery >:(
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>I wouldn't be much higher, lol.
You are easily gm and you know it...
>Also, Dia isn't low right now.
It's probably higher than it was before the comp change but it still isn't that high skill
Mid masters is when people start playing
>Yea didn't really play around cover at all these games and I kinda just went on the supports or the other dps while ignoring the tank, dunno if that's the right play
I think it is, just be on the lookout for an opening and fly into them
Atleast that's how I see Pharah players play when I play alone
>80 is just too much, I think 60-65 for every healer is the sweet spot. Bap just needs a nerf like an actual nerf on his healing.
I just don't see why aoe healing should ever be stronger than single target healing
Healing in general is just bloated and has been since forever, they should take one season to address it but I don't think they'll ever do that considering they added the dps passive and buffed everyone's health instead...
>I don't though I watched vaati yesterday we missed a npc in the cat boss area, but I don't think anything major
What npc? I'm actually blanking, I don't remember a cat boss? Do you mean the dancing dragon?
>reeeeeeeeee REEEEEEEE oh well have to wait...
You'll be ok, we game soon!
why swallowgod (gold) popular but me (plat, rank above gold) not popular? bad general!
if you can accept the fact that everybody here is a metalfag, then im happy knowing everybody else's takes are incorrect except for mine
i only shitpost here, i don't post webms.
I miss her as well
what take of yours did everyone tear a part to generate this much tushy tumult? such booty botherage? such anal anger? such butthurtio? so much asspain? when did you become the owned retard?
they're canning it after s12 kills the game, likely because the next support is a flyer with an autoaim damage fire similar to moira. she's likely the next brigette type installment, intended to counter dive but will do everything else better anyways. and of course, she'll have the lowest skill floor in the game so everybody will abuse the shit out of her and blizzard will refuse to nerf her because attractive gook make many profit kind of like kiriko.
Overclock was already aoe before the patch now she doesn't even need it to be AOE
And it can hit anyone even airborne targets or heroes above you unlike shock
Shock gets countered by rein barrier
>overclock is AOE
smartest venturetranny
>what take
every take i see that gets posted here. whether it's balance, 5v5 vs 6v6, hero designs and kits. everybody here is a complete fucking retard, there's maybe 2 decent posters here. besides that you all are faggots
>bunch of anal jokes from an overtranny
sounds about right
he gets his knickers in a twist if you call sombra a crutch
so lets hear it, your amazing takes. so far you just cry little bitch tears. is your specialty bitch tears, like some kind of little bitch?
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>play ball
>not even doing well
>enemy still switch to sombra
>in quickplay
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Hey love, welcome back
>You are easily gm and you know it...
lawl not anymore maybe if I play more again
>It's probably higher than it was before the comp change but it still isn't that high skill
I think it's high and you're way better than me
>Mid masters is when people start playing
mid master is literally mid gm from before the reset though
>I think it is, just be on the lookout for an opening and fly into them
Yea, the new dash lets her really play more aggressive, pretty cool change
>Atleast that's how I see Pharah players play when I play alone
I feel like my air control was better after starting with rocket shift, dunno still feels like I play her wrong. She's also kinda the low rank stomper because nobody can aim you, and like most hitscan heroes are bad now in this meta sadly besides cree. It's flex dps meta after all.
>I just don't see why aoe healing should ever be stronger than single target healing
no reason for it other to make bap a better character for e-sport.
>Healing in general is just bloated and has been since forever, they should take one season to address it but I don't think they'll ever do that considering they added the dps passive and buffed everyone's health instead...
yea, don't really see them ever nerf healing, though mercy needs a healing buff.
>What npc? I'm actually blanking, I don't remember a cat boss? Do you mean the dancing dragon?
uhm yea that tiger boss, whatever you just get new spell, actually did some stuff today killed 3 world bosses one you needed to light up yourself in these ruins we didn't know how to enter also moved another npc made him hostile + found new dungeon
>You'll be ok, we game soon!
I hope I don't need to do anything IRL related could be later for me sorry... Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. Be excited about your skins today. I want you
He's talking about the piercing railgun that overclock grants
ay caramba gringo it's ok low diamond sombra otp can only go so far
i know what he's trying to talk about however for his sake he should probably leave talking to people with functioning brains
What would happen if /owg/ were allowed to make the patch notes for season 12?
Why not
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you'd have mercy killing everybody like it should be
because i want to roll around as a little hamster
sombra attracts the subhumanest of the subhumans
>I think it's high and you're way better than me
You wouldn't stay in diamond for a day lol, we should get those characters comp ready and you'll see
>mid master is literally mid gm from before the reset though
Yes and you're above that
>She's also kinda the low rank stomper because nobody can aim you
Ah, now I know why people are crying about flying heroes...
>uhm yea that tiger boss, whatever you just get new spell, actually did some stuff today killed 3 world bosses one you needed to light up yourself in these ruins we didn't know how to enter also moved another npc made him hostile + found new dungeon
You're gonna have to show me where that is
>I hope I don't need to do anything IRL related could be later for me sorry...
You're ok, take your time
>Are you gaming already?
No gaming yet!
So why not do it in the shooting range or against bots if that's all you want?

Most complaints like this are just
>tfw the enemy team makes an effort to win instead of not contesting
>lifeweaver lifegrip cooldown increased
>tracer now recalls on what would have been a death if recall is off-cooldown at that moment
>pharah can now cancel barrage with either of her movement cooldowns
>suzu and lamp no longer affects the caster
>illari gets 2 uses of her shift
i am silver
why did no one tell me samito is a shitter
I don't know her and I don't care to know her.
you can make an effort to win without permahacking the funny ball character
it seems that way..
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>You wouldn't stay in diamond for a day lol, we should get those characters comp ready and you'll see
Didn't we already see it last time with the rank reset, the game will just boost us to high rating
>Yes and you're above that
sure :^)
>Ah, now I know why people are crying about flying heroes...
Well, I guess I understand both people now, those who cry about mercy and those who cry about flying heroes.
>You're gonna have to show me where that is
yea I will, sorry I can't stop playing it
>You're ok, take your time
trying to be faster today, I want to see your skins
>No gaming yet!
you slacker well have fun once you start. when does the shop reset? see you later love, I go now
he looks very aggressive and intimidating at just the face, but it's connected to an asmongold goblin body, his testosterone is entirely concentrated in his beard and angry ow takes.
>He probably is happier but he shouldn't be. People need to feel more shame about being bad at things
And yet Gunface is happy and you are not. Even though you are more accomplished in this game than he is, he lives a happier, more fulfilling life than you even though you think he shouldn't. You think he should feel shameful, and yet he doesn't. Wouldn't it be nice if you stopped feeling suicidal over being bad at Overwatch even if, right now, you are still bad at Overwatch?
All you have to do is to stop basing your self worth on Overwatch. Regardless of how much time you have spent playing it.
You can make an effort to win without playing ball
how to fix ana: if she misses the sleep dart she goes to sleep herself
How? There isn't a single dps hero that can duel ball, or hell, even keep up with a ball. Sombra may be a bullshit crutch character but it doesn't even compare to ball having the best mobility in the game and fucking 700 health somehow
>there isn't a single dps hero that can duel [a tank]
It is easier to go through life being okay with being mediocre or even subhuman I agree. But I am not okay with it. I am not okay with being subnormal or below average, that life isn't worth living.
but that's boring
maybe if I was a top500 ball, but I am a shitter ball
time to kys then
>the game will just boost us to high rating
To where you belong, yes
>sure :^)
>Well, I guess I understand both people now, those who cry about mercy and those who cry about flying heroes.
To be fair, I think any hero with high mobility is a pain for lower rated players, I guess flying ones are even worse
>yea I will, sorry I can't stop playing it
We just need to put more time into the DLC, we're finished soon anyway
>trying to be faster today, I want to see your skins
You mean see me wrestle for the chance to play Mercy? lol
>you slacker well have fun once you start. when does the shop reset?
I will! 8 for us, 1 hour left
See you soon!
Sleep dart fix is simple, duration should be adjusted based on distance travelled.
The longer it travels the smaller is the sleep duration.
>best mobility in the game
that's assuming you have really good mechanics since it's not a free mobility as with most other characters. mechanically demanding characters should be strong and getting hard countered by someone who's perma holding RMB while watching Netflix on her second monitor is part of the reason this game sucks balls.
I could maybe see your angle if your "subnormal or below average" was talking about intelligence, or yearly salary, or attractiveness. But you are talking about Overwatch. It's a video game that you play for fun.
no, any of these "does more based on distance travelled" abilities are retarded. it was stupid when sigma's rocks worked that way and this suggestion is even dumber
What the fuck are you talking about
>Shock is worse then overclock
>"But shock is aoe!"

What point do you think you're trying to make dumb dumb?
i agree with the other guy, you should probably stop debating it here and get your method ready. i recommend the exit bag, it's supposed to be quite peaceful. might be tougher to get your hands on a helium canister, but any light gas should work, or your car exhaust. you'll pass out and die without even knowing it.
>but that's boring
So is playing against ball.
Experiment with EOMM
so incredibly jealous of what you guys have what the fuck.
it's just a guy roleplaying with himself in the thread
Well, maybe the enemy team's sombra was a shitter too. At least sombra doesn't have 700 health and the best mobility in the game.
not true
you can be a shitter on sombra and get 500x more value than a shitter on ball and also she has perma invisibility
>On miss: Hit yourself. Idiot.
at least when you shoot sombra she dies
>playing against a hypermobile tank that doesn't die and knocks you around and doesn't even have a critbox as if knocking you around wasn't anti-skill enough already isnt boring
you can be a shitter on any tank and get 500x more value than any shitter on any dps
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eugh god, please give it to me. i've checked the shop like 8 times today
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me and the sisters are ready :3
you only get to shoot sombra when SHE chooses you can shoot her, that's the entire problem
just like ball
Me on the right
perhaps it's getting about that time. if I didn't fear death i would

it's everything though. it's overwatch but it's also my life, my looks, my body, my intelligence and mental health. my self-esteem etc etce tec
i dont even know what the other two are
We needed Mei to be a more proficient spychecker than she is.
I'm pretty sure left is lesbian, and middle is toonsexual
lez bi trans
no thats me......
Are you new? It comes out with the shop reset, 3 minutes from now
So sissies, do you have a sugar daddy that will buy the skin for you or are you pathetically paying for it from your own pocket?
it's for charity
Then getting better at overwatch would not help your mental health. And yet, most of your complaints are directed towards the game.
I also don't believe that you are below average in every single aspect of your life. That's statistically extremely unlikely given that you probably live in a first world country, have a fast enough computer to run overwatch and enough spare time to post on 4chan.
Let go of your desire to be better at the game. Think about it - you can always get better; if you're Plat, you want to be Diamond, if you're Diamond, you want to be Masters - and if you're top 500, maybe you want to be top 400. Someone who bases their self worth off a competitive video game will never be satisfied. Even if right now, you think that your problems would disappear if you suddenly ranked up to Masters, I think that satisfaction would ultimately be temporary as well, and eventually you would wish you were Grand Master instead.
Just play the game for fun, and let improvement come naturally.
looking forward to all the retards crying they can't buy it with coins
Still not buying it for you.
I'm only here to see more Mercy X Bastion.
My shop timer says 11 minutes lol
dirty blizzard making our princesses wait slightly longer so they yearn for it even more...
>popup for skin
>main menu change
>nothing new in shop
Wow, thanks
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>throw 40 comp games
>mass report everybody
>finally get suspended, probably got shit talking people in comms and it's unrelated to the throwing anyways
>get new phone number from fake phone number app
>new account made in 5 minutes with proton email
kek, you'll never get rid of me. i will continue to troll competitive matches every single day until this game is finally dead.
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>gooning to overwatch main menu is now a viable strat
i kneel blizzard-sama
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posting ass because the game is
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You can buy them through battlenet's overwatch shop
But I don't see them unlocked yet... Unfair...
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posting Ball because mine are sweating right now. All one of them
nah, you'd only get a chat ban for comms, which makes me thing it's made up anyway. most of players you ran into in 40 games probably just thought you were dogshit, and they wouldn't be wrong!
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Which flag for this month do I wave to say I exclusively take penis in the mouth?
Bought it on Steam... Nothing yet. RIP.
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posting Sombra because I like girls that remind me of food.
god im cocksexual too...
incorrect, you can 100% get suspensions/bans for inappropriate communications. this one right now is 2 weeks and i had a prior 14 day mute before hand.
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launch the game dumb frog
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right meow
Why can't I buy the skin with coins?
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Also in the store; $30 for OW1 recolors and two shitty dragon skins
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>my anus is bleeding
i knew he was a poofta
/ourguy/ is doing an unranked 2 gm on mercy
b/c it's for charity dummy
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>/ourguy/ is doing an unranked 2 gm on mercy
literally me fr on skibidi gyatt w rizz no cap
>pink mercy is le ebin hebin based!
>errmmm it's not blizzurd being greedy, it's le heckn wholesum becuz it suprots brest canser resurch
>the event is in the middle of the summer and not in October, when breast cancer awareness month actually is
kek, shows just how desperate these faggots are
white kids trying to dress like black kids has always been the most embarrassing thing.
how will da damij jew do damij damij damij as a worthless healbot
>the guy that coached every kiriko to off angle behind enemy lines while the tank is healing himself
Cancer is.... le bad! But only in October!
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I have officially given $35 to breast cancer research. I am OWED a pair of G cup milkers
>play 1 minute of one qp match
>miss all my shots
>rage quit game

I can't handle this fucking horseshit anymore. I am such pathetic fucking subhumn worthless pice of shit I can't even manage to hit a shot with a fucking hitscaan character against peple I outrange holy fuck I deserve death I deserve to fucking die just for that one minute alone.
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the...the money...goes directly to charity???
and why is my ping fucking 120 in the middle of the goddamn day usually it only starts throttling around 8pm but now it's just throttled all day every day I guess because fuck having anything nice or anything going my way ever holy shit kill meeeeeeeeeeeee
damij boost damij boost damij boost
do NOT give blizzard a tax advantage for charity, donate directly... unless you want a pink troon skin...
>breasts...are transsexual!
you're running out of fuel there little buddy
Very brave of Blizzard to promote the breast cancer research foundation while being the champion of breast milk foundation
>play doom
>enemy is hanzo widow
>kill them once
>sombra cree

I hate this fucking game.
>play 2 games
>I'm the only Mercy picker in them
Should have buffed her...
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buying through steam to give gabe the 30% cut of charity money
Just play a singleplayer game little bitch
>imagine thinking any of the money actually goes to charity
thanks, I did my part brothers.
god i missed character models in the menu background
I hate breasts so I wont be buying pink mercy.
very bold of him to talk about breasts considering his are bigger than most women's
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stupid chuds
you aight froggie
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this. when's penis cancer awareness day?
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Well, it does seem in their interest to cure breast cancer.
If more when get breast cancer and humanity can't cure them, how are they going to get their breast milk stocked up in the fridge @ Blizzard HQ?
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blizzard releasing a light purple, or light blue sigma skin with a comically large codpiece, for testicular or prostate cancer charity when?
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>OWoids actually think this shit goes to charity
lmfao, nigga u can't make this shit up...
April, but the Movember thing is also for it.
Look chuddie, when the fuck has Blizzard and Team 4 EVER lied to us?
Do I buy pink mercy or rose gold? I can't decide which one looks better.
cass gets a pearl/silver skin for lung cancer kek.
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Buy the bundle, Anon.
Pink looks better but you should buy both
Which one mommy?
I can only afford one of them
Mommy wants you to get a job, sweetie
I can't talk to broke boys
timmy got the drip... damn...
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Already did
I supported a good cause AND I'm getting a sexy skin for Mercy. Seems like a double win for me
if my E doesn't atleast get me to a D cup ill be upset..
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>redownload game
>log in
>buy both mercy skins
>log off and uninstall
see you all again next time a good skin gets released
sorry pal, but all the charity money went to bobby kotick's severance check that he got for his cocaine and strippers.
you going for the tax break argument in irvine, california? they pay the most taxes in the country. their GDP crushes most states and is nearly double second place. the only reason they haven't done more charity work like this is due to their image post-cosby suite.
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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thanks kiriko
....I like the dragon skins
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the kiriko dance
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can I lick her donut?
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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jesus christ
me and she's not even my main
her dm isn't up forever. if she's wasting time eating all of your poke damage she isn't good
Bet the retarded spammer doesnt even have 5 stars on her veteran mission
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their beams aren't up forever :)
This is what OW2 feels like
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nah, if you think they donate more than 30 cents of the profit to the charity then you're just a faggot.

also breast cancer charity proceeds probably go to plastic surgeons for boobs implants anyways, since there's no cure for cancer lmfao.
>tfw you just make shit up because you're mentally ill and retarded
Wow these hog nerfs sure did the trick. :^)
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>trusting blizzard
you're right, blizzard has never lied to the community before, i should just hang myself now for being so naive.
>trusting some faggot retard schizo on 4chan
Hmmmmm not a hard choice
Its not inconceivable that a reliable treatment with a very high cure rate for breast cancer will be found. There will probably never be one cure for all cancer, but many types of cancer are curable, you might as well expand that list to include as many types as you can.

Also, I have no issue with the money going towards breast implants because it helps people deal with the consequences of one of the more effective treatments.
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pretty contrived outrage. don't swap posting styles in the greentext if you're just swapping to samefag then use the same style you just greentexted with then altered to lowercase in the post itself outside of the greentext.

we can't control where the money goes regardless. the end user is mostly interested in the skins, no one would buy this skin willingly, but for breast cancer for instance.
pocket me
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Green sucks on this staff
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el racisto...
>weebshit kiriko pic?
kill yourself disgusting spammer
>off model kiriko showing off her tits?
post more king
t. my penis thinks for me
What's the next rarest Mercy skin I can wear now that everyone is getting the breast cancer one?
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the dogfucker one, nobody uses that trash
i'm only human after all
The winter one with the blue halo
sucking mercys staff...
>still trusting blizzard
lol, the mental gymnastics you have to go through to do this make you the schizo, now take your meds
1 of them is me
snow angel
dr. ziegler
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go collect your reward and tip off the FTC to blizzard's deceptive business practice. it sounds like you've got all the evidence that needs no mental gymnastics.
>dr. ziegler
is this one rare? I used it because it reminds me of porno doctor lmao
You could only get it in 2 weekly events so it's the rarest one now
they're just ugly and thus rarely used
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interesting i didn't even remember how i got it

it's not ugly, just a little plain
And how many times was that winter one given away?
That's easily the one I see the least
Yeah snow angel is another one.
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she's a bit more frumpy and tumblresque outside of sfm porn.
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lore accurate
why does she look caucasian
by "proceeds" to charity blizzard means "we throw $2 to charity and pocket the remaining $18 for ourselves".
>b-b-but prove it
why don't you prove it? do you also have their financial records if you want to defend them so badly?
>b-b-but they wouldn't
after failing to meet their profit quotas and the game losing players, it's in all likelihood that they're trying to dig themselves out of the net negative they're currently in, which is why they released/will release
>kaiju bundle
>pink mercy
>upcoming recolors
>transformers collab
>2 mythics options instead of one

kek, look just accept the facts and understand in all likelihood this is a desperate cash grab
she has a man jaw instead of a vulpine jaw.
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>water shoes on a fucking beach
ew, not based, take em off shitriko
the burden of broof is on the one making the accusation.

you're absolutely right though, blizzard has shown a pattern of wanting to make money, especially with...the cash shop. yes, i too think they want people to buy things from them, with money, in the cash, the cash shop. where people spend cash. in exchange for services. they might be trying to push people that way, to spend money, yes. a most devious and heinous plot most foul you have uncovered.
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friendly no kill is crazy rn
What if yes kill
all of them owe me milk
me but holding up pineapple pizza
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Piece of cake.
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>say something about how our team is different (we were all playing in different ways instead of cohesively) yesterday
>teammate replies with ":("
>spend all day trying to find them to apologize
still fine with me
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putting a white baby in there
Start watching replays
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can we get a troon count? who bought?
i'm a closet troon but i'm also cheap as fuck so no
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i bought...
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w-what do you mean?
I know which replay it is, I just can't find their account from their name...
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hetero male here, instantly purchased, love tits and i love pink mercy porn. please stop projecting your poorfag insecurities on my purchasing power and prowess. if you spent as much effort getting a job instead of posting here you'd probably have 5 jobs.
why does this sound so personal
you might have some soul searching to do anon
lol ackshually
no u

"Teehee I want to play an FPS but I'm not good so I'm going to get boosted instead"
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I did, still going to use dr. ziegler or bee mercy for my one mercy game a week
this except moira

"Teehee I want to play an FPS but I'm not good so I'm going to help my team instead"
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This but also Sym and any other hero that requires zero aim
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some characters just aren't made equal, goddamn
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ya some are STACKED
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my balls are stacked with cum
do not, i repeat, DO NOT play ranked right now. mercy throw picks are at an all time high
hating mercies is a sign that you're either
>a shitter dps who can't carry even with a pocket
or worse
>a tankoid
>already getting a mercy in every match even when my dps are going 1/4
it's actually so fucking over. i thought this would be the first season i actually grind out to level 80 but this shit is going to be unplayable for the next month at least
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kirikoposters buying pink mercy?
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my best friend
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>it makes a pretty little princess noise when you equip it
Of course it does
I’m fine if the enemy has one and I don’t
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It is literally impossible to play the game right now. EVERY fucking match has some tranny or the most toxic piece of shit e girl pretty prince UwU who if they're not already so trash they might as well be throwing, actually start throwing the milisecond someone somehow accidently triggers them.
zamn sorry to hear that.
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uh oh damijdamijdamij bros, we seem to be struggling to do damij on mercy
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oh wow people unironically watch Top J and then post here about it
that's not very kosher of you
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>mercies refuse to swap
>rest of enemy team is hard countering you nonstop
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get off rein
I'm not playing rein
>the rose gold mercy saw me die once
I have not seen the beam again
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hypergamy in full effect, she's beaming a deathless chad right now
>owg says merchy bad
really? because it seems like I'm diving every fight to kill her because nothing dies unless she goes first
I thought you guys were meming about it being unplayable rn
>tolerance break during the mercy epidemic
No no no no no no no non ono no
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I had the original one already, and I'm happy to buy the new one. I'm also happy that the people who always wanted it have it now.

I love my wife Angela!
kek I just saw it
That bitch does no healing whatsoever even less with the dps passive
>mercy on my team? gg we lost
>mercy on enemy team? gg we lost
i don't think mercy is the issue, seems like there's another common denominator there
>try to make conversation at the start of a match
>"holy shit this is my first match without someone forcing mercy"
>support swaps to mercy to try and pwn me for "whining about mercys"
>i swap to ball
>suddenly throw picks aren't funny and he begs everyone to report me after we go 0-3 on flashpoint
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For those contrarians out there, which is the rarest skin now?

Is it Combat Medic since it's from an event? Or perhaps Dr Ziegler? Or perhaps Miko because it was a battle pass skin?
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>made a four-stack of "platinum smurfs" tilt and throw a bronze I game
I have a really had time seeing that as a loong now that you said that
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>all role chad
>get 9 tank matches in a row
>all have a mercy on my team
>get 1 (one) dps
>supports are lucio ana
i'm actually gonna go bananas
Snow Angel and Dr. Ziegler are the ones that OW2 players haven't been able to get so far I think.
Dragoon and Camouflage aren't available to buy either, I think they were only in the shop for a week.
what happened to the retard who posted the "SKINS F2PTARD WILL NEVER GET!!!" list every thread
did he finally get mindbroken by the fact his list was shrinking every other week
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lmaoing @ you
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>Buy both Mercy's
>Mercy immediately picked twice before I enter game
Welp, I'm gonna get ready for vacation!
I feel like "all role chad" translates to "filled tank seven or eight times out of ten with the occasional Zenyatta match"
That was the joke you autist
im not being sarcastic when i say i envy your naivety
hella based
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I have 5 min playtime on mercy, and I don’t plan on changing this. should I buy a cancer skin
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if you ever wanna sell the account yeah
that's how it starts. first it's the pink mercy skin and before you know it you're ordering estrogen pills in bulk.
Should I buy both Mercy skins? It's for charity anyway r-right?

If one of the strongest players in the game is easily able to breeze his way to GM on lots of different characters, but starts struggling on a shit tier pick like Mercy, then maybe the pro opinion that Mercy is trash may be right.

Total Mercyfag Death.
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how am i supposed to make space when i have to leave the front line every 2 minutes to deal with the genji that neither of my dps can hit
Are your supports in trouble? Help them.
Are your supports with you? Continue the advance.
DPSniggers have to diff or be diffed.
reported the first useless pink mercy for the day. gonna be a long week
pretty sure almost everyone, including mercy mains, know that she's garbage. she's only good if your DPS is/are good, which is why most people on her gravitate to a 50% winrate because you're basically flipping a coin every game on whether your DPS will be good or not. the ones with slightly higher winrates usually duo with a good dps so they can offset the 50/50 slightly.
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the spilo interview with Alec Dawson is tomorrow are u gonna join in
well yea, I'm gonna listen to it if that's what you mean
cancer skin??? wait I thought you meant literally!!!!!!!!!!!!
metro is juiced up today
funny Astro is champ two
For shotgun character, do you want to aim below the head? does that do more dmg?
>onetricks the most generic hero possible
who cares
>brown asian
just play heroes of the storm at this point
Thoughts on Supervive
Homurachad detected
Pink mercy is here to save the season!
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Why do people still try to tell you that rein is a hard to play hero?
we ever getting a 6v6 mode?
maybe if marvel rivals does well enough for blizzard to shake in their boots
Pink Mercy skin doesn't even look that good. Winged Victory is still the best.
only reintards and other tankoids will tell you that, and you should never care about their opinions anyway
dude reaper is so hard to play now
I haven't played this game in a minute, how trash and unbalanced is it rn?
never been worse
actual garbage ever since season 9 hit
reaper, aim heads on tanks

the rest of the cast aim body, right under the neck on chest
Good morning owg hope you've been having some good games!! The support games I've been getting are awful
There's an easy way to tell.
If you win the match, it was very well balanced.
If you lose the match, it was very poorly balanced.
notice my ana average 400 per 1min on heal, think ok, i wont flame, check profile. Its a QP warrior mercy main. Knew it. There isn't a single other heo that this happens with. Mercy main have uniroincally ruined the game climbing with no skill, then swapping to skill heroes in elos they don't belong
Mercy slaves spend their savings on digital crap to ensure we can keep enjoying our game, be grateful.
Is Phaerah good
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>skill hero
what happened with awkward can someone fill me in
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>enjoying Overwatch 2
why is some faggot spamming this general with retarded questions?
I’ve seen so many Rein players charge deep into our line, maybe get a pin/kill if he’s lucky, and then die in a 1 vs 3 or 4 against the rest of our team because his team is way too far away to do anything to save his ass. Then when he respawns, instead of learning from his mistake, he goes for another charge into the middle of my team alone. I guess if a Rein main plays as retarded as that, it would be pretty difficult for him to get anything done.
idk why are you?
echo is one of the few characters that i always have fun playing. i look at her in the select screen and im like yeah she works here
Rein players will walk in a straight line towards the enemy dps and then go, "you gotta put up the shield otherwise you'll die" and then tell you this is the pinnacle of skill in OW.
original looks better
Yes, I still enjoy playing this game with Brigitte, my love, and I continue to consistently enjoy the experience and the many wins that come with playing with Brigitte, my love, who I love.
I'm still laughing at how absolutely atrocious Mauga was on release man. Like that character alone just speaks to how bad of a game Overwatch 2 is
Theres no skill curve on lw. that’s why i hate him. venture feels the same way, she's either op or garbage and no skill expression
Fair, I'm lucky enough to have my favs represented in games that do not suck ass, be it via mods or officially (HotS).
A slow and painful death to all hog enjoyers.
Will everyone in /owg/ get a qt latina sombra gf?
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You didn't love an entire season of
Morning scrap
Thorns go brrrrrrrrrr
As with nearly this entire game's lifespan, some heroes are nearly guaranteed pub stompers and others are borderline worthless outside of niche scenarios. Plus, although balance has always been a problem, an even bigger problem overshadows it: hysterically bad matchmaking.
The balance, at least the tank balance, is actually really balanced. Every tank is viable now this season, and roadhog, orisa, and mauga are all very easy to outplay (if your team chooses to counterswap them, that is). The only exception to this is maybe orisa, who i believe is probably the worst tank right now, but besides her being bad, all of the other tanks are equally strong this season (and having her be the worst tank is obviously a good thing). Although I'd like to see roadhog and mauga get further gutted into C tiers like orisa, the tank balance is as good as it has ever been.

As for dps and support....yeaaaa i still think cass needs another FTH nerf and his hinder nade shouldn't exist, as well as tracer should be 150 HP. I also think the dps passive should only activate/reactivate after at least 50 damage has been dealt so tracer can't pellet u from 3 miles away or ashe cant permanently keep you debuffed with her dynamite. Widow also needs to be entirely gutted. And as for supports, kiri needs more nerfs, bap needs a few nerfs, zen needs a discord nerf to 15% and we give him compensation buffs (new ability or buff his HP to 275 again). and illari's ultimate + pylon should be nerfed in exchange for buffing her heal beam and primary fire damage

However, the gameplay itself, even at its most balanced ever, feels like shit because counterswapping merits too much value, the matchmaking is unironically so terrible that it feels like 50/50 is practially forced whenever you try to climb, the general tank gameplay loop is almost suicide at this point, the dps loop is just to m1 the tank or play COD with 0 brain, and support is just a bunch of overturned healbots with retarded utility.

I doubt they can keep it up for much longer given the schism that has been created, severing off a majority of the community from supporting the game because of the 5v5 and 6v6 dilemma. I imagine they'll eventually address it in some way shape or form soon.
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thank you
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Want some candy?
if you're in wraith form as reaper and mauga ults; do you get stuck inside it?
no you're immune to it if you're wraithed while in it. if you aren't wraithed you can't activate it
No, it will mostly be spoonfed questions with rehearsed corpospeak like every other effectively "mock" interview they do for the public.
you only get stuck if the chain attaches to you, it can't stick to you if you're invulnerable to cc
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>borderline a throw pick on most of the maps
>really good on only a few of the maps if the player is actually good
>has the easiest counter in the game that anyone can play and basically force her to swap immediately because it is the most disadvantageous duel in the game
>still causes enormous amounts of seethe
how does she do it?
this >>483490653
Flats did the same shit with Keller, nobody can simply just ask one of these fuckers "what are your thoughts on the growing sentiments of 6v6?". I would like to hear that weasley fuck's voice though, because as head balance guy of this game he's done nothing but ruin it with every character addition he's somehow conjured up and how he chooses to balance their kits
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>this game wants me to believe that jq and mauga are in the same role when cardiac is a better version of shout and mauga can actually brawl some tanks
post the game code, you'll be the first person that complained about a healer that did!
She invokes a deep subconscious resentment in a generation of beta losers who have never fucked a woman with a body like that.
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>>has the easiest counter in the game that anyone can play
Ball is the hardest champion, what the fuck?
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>throw pick
you can make her work on almost all the payload maps and hybrids, some push maps she's really good on, and there are a few KOTH maps that she can also work really well on
>if player is good
she doesn't take skill beside aiming anon, and they lowered the bar for that by making it easier to do the one thing that gatekeeps her anyway
>easiest counter
and there are counters like shoving a brig/bap up her ass 24/7. but regardless, most people don't like counterswapping and think it's a shitty gameplay element to begin with, same reason why pharmercy caused so much seethe until s9 because it was genuinely cancer.

A hero that can deny an insane amount of space at a farther range than anybody else can engage with that can one shot you is poorly designed, failing to counterswap her and your options are
>go out and die
>stay behind sightlines and do not push
Snipers in hero shooters shouldn't exist.
>has the easiest counter in the game that anyone can play and basically force her to swap immediately
thats why i play lucio or better yet brig and protect you to get sombras to buzz off
Please don't associate my favourite tank with a child abuser.
biden's not really a tank, didn't know that about sigma though
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Fine i'll post a different one.
I have ttv in my name and you guys will just disregard anything to make fun of me for that. So no I wont.
>most people don't like counterswapping
then why do play against a sombra in 99 out of my 100 widow games? why are 99 of my 100 pharah games against soldier and cree?
you're goddamned right
Much better, thank you.
I don't think they're having fun. They've been diffed too many times now so they don't want to play the character they like they're going to play the character that counters the person diffing them. It's not a sense of pleasure derived from fun. The only pleasure they're getting is some sense of justice by inflicting the same pain they received from a stranger to another stranger.

tl;dr They're having more fun ruining someone else's.
>I have ttv in my name
Consider suicide
i just know you have literal gigabytes of loli porn on your computer
I don't enjoy child pornography because I am not a member of the "rainbow community", who are in fact child molesters.
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so why do you enjoy it?
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When are they rerunning the line
>enemy pre-counters you off spawn
your concession has been accepted
>easily win first few team fights
>other team goes orisa, bastion, reaper
>my supports continue to ignore me in favor of pocketing the 15/10 dps
why does the enemy team always recognize me as the alpha threat but never my own
>enemy goes [one of the worst tanks in the game, 2 of the worst dps's in the game]
the horror....
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cute couple, and thanks for the screenshot good games today
why are you trolling at 7pm on a tuesday
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Cutest even!
Good games and good night!
He’s right though?
it's 10am on a wednesday
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because if they are not a shittowmaker main like you and their tank won't swap win/doom/ball, then they have no other form of counterplay available.
>pharah games
it's even worse, because pharah by virtue of existing doesn't take any skill to completely nullify 80% of the roster. none of the tanks can really contest her besides a godly hog, half of the dps roster can't touch her, and the supports (especially when pharmercy existed) can't do much/couldn't do anything at all besides pray their dps were competent enough to win the 2v1 against that combo.

it's not fun either, i don't enjoy being forced to swap to 76 or cassidy because some goober got bullied by my junkrat or being forced to swap off of the current dps i'm having fun with and play a super gay character like sombra in order to counter the shittowmaker, and at high elo they just counterswap most of your counters anyway so it doesn't matter. And it's not fun to begin with even if you're able to shit on the widow.
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Okinawa Kiriko
he's talking about winton who absolutely fucks shittowmaker in her tight taut puss
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>posts furry weeb shit
what has this general devolved into....
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more overwatch than your post
nta but i told seagull this game was gonna fail if they don't add more bare feet and swimsuits, and he said "the next healer is a foxgirl miko, i think they know what they're doing!" and boy...was i disappointed to find out it was a hat.
10am wednesday posters who don't know how to press the shift key fr fr
fuck off bubble dyke
Can’t believe there are people here who missed out on hip windows sombrap
nah they cooked
Money was tight and I could only afford one.
went with brig
bro they cooked SO hard this season bro, just like my nigga adolf fr fr on bussin no capperyapperton
shitty is litty frfr. season is fire yo (skull) (skull) (skull)
le aussie shitpost gang have arrived
>cooks with wooden pots
was he stupid?
t. poofta
how's the season so far sisters?
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patch isnt bad, skins are whatever, declining playerbase is extremely evident in game matchmaking quality
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who let bro cook
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Ok I take it back. I’m sorry. I know that feel right now.
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sorry i was too busy saving up for... monkey genji
why zoomers obsessed with cooking
There are zero things in the battlepass that I want. Zero things for any character I like. But I happen to have 1k gold coins laying around. Still deciding if I'm going to buy it. I guess I would get some of the currencies, even if none of the actual items appeal to me. But on the other hand, I can just save the coins in case next season has stuff I want. But on the other other hand I could just buy coins to buy that one.

I regret not playing much for some of the previous passes that did have stuff I wanted. So now that I'm playing more, I'm not really interested in the current pass. And back when I was playing other things and skipped some of the passes, is when there were a couple cool passes.

No real point to this post other than saying fomo is lame. I wish you could play previous passes and they accumulate, rather than dissapearing forever after an arbitrary calendar date. Halo Infinite actually does this and it's awesome. All the battlepasses are all lined up and you select the one you want to work on, and you can still do the ones from launch years ago. Such a better system. Microsoft may be lame in some ways but at least they're right about this.

fomo lame.
we're too poor to order food thanks to boomers. i've been cooking rice, pasta and potatoes every day for the past 6 months.
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girl... these don't match
Don't buy it. If Blizzard's financials for Season 11 look like ass (setting aside potential tax benefits relating to the charity event) it will motivate them to produce better battlepasses in the future. For example, future battlepasses may have less skins for shit eating animals like Venture and more skins for cute waifus like Mercy and Hana.
pink and green are complementary colors
oh i see. then i will let you cook, as the zoomies like to say
strawberry kiwi mercy
nah you overcooked
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Hold it right there anon
cope chang
why the heck didnt they base rose gold mercy on the overwatch 2 design instead of just palette swap
I don’t understand why Blizzard is so weird with skins. If you want people to buy them, just make good ones. There are some heroes with almost no fucking good skins.
t. nigcel
>why didn't they put in more effort when less effort is fine?
rose gold is the way to go right? more bang for your buck, looks better except for hair color
both is the way to go
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Getting both and then not wearing either is the true flex.
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i don't even consider this skin a real in-game skin considering how much i coomed to it
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Just kill people and do the most damage and never die. Game is so simple
i'm posting from 2002 that's the largest image ic ould handle
>COVID is based! I wanna quarantine forever and just play video games and not work
>wtf why inflation
it's your fault
but dva did more damage than you
no one cares about scorefrauding heroes
I need healing.
surely you don’t actually mean this, right?
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>bragging about an unloseable stomp
>on moira
only if you see yourself using the weapon/player card/icons/sprays, i certainly don't like rosegold hair over platinum blonde.
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wish I didn't!
You got carried but at least you didn't play mercy and make it hard on your team.
unemployment is at it's lowest rate in a decade, wuts blud wafflin about
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>five trillion remote employees all in a giant zoom room wearing LGBT masks
fucking based
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I just got a Play of the Game where I tbagged someone... I'm so embarrassed, everyone will think I am toxic
no one wants to work 60 hours a week for pennies! ungrateful zoomers! just pick yourselves up by the bootstraps! back in my day i used to work as a minimum wage shoe salesman and i earned enough money in 2 years to support my 7 kids and buy a house that is now worth over 800k usd. but these youngins are just too lazy nowadays!
yeah that is based
i like mauga reaction pics
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gaming with the kirikofriend
>remote work is a right not a privledge!
>wtf why am I underpaid
your fault
sounds like you're jelly that you don't get to work remote and play overwatch all day
sounds like you're jealous of my salary
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wanna bet?
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>why is my generation poor
>I'm rich tho
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the world would be a better place if this tranny wasn't a part of overwatch video game
been enjoying this 4v4 mode a lot. wonder why these weird mercy bots never deal any damage though, even beginner AI bots do it.
Sloan Rutledge
nigga do you think there's only 2 people on the internet? you and me?
>*pistols you*
go back cumskin

This thread is just me and all my schizo thoughts.
omg....... it's venture...... hiiiiiii
which overwatch heroes are secretly communists
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It's the late 21st century, Communism has since been utterly discredited as a failed ideology, even college kid dummies don't believe in it anymore.
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Wrong. It's based and I like it.
Cute lips
interesting. the world must be at peace then no?
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Over watch...
that's my husband btw
Sadly no, there are other evils to eradicate, such as Null Sector and Talon. But thankfully, the evil of Communism has since been consigned to the dustbin of history where it belongs.
>make her look like this
>make her VA sound like a hot slut
>hot slut
she sounds like an obnoxious retard that needs to get punched in the face desperately
she sounds like a woman trying to sound like a man
so like a hot slut
always the faggots who wanna punch women fr fr
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and a z faggot too wow
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>"uh, did you just post a picture of lenin? ha, you must be russian!" -a guy who posted a picture of a tranny
vlad, this one needs more western reeducation, put him back in the program, take away his phones
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>australians wake up
at least we aren't kiddy diddling pride paraders like you
when the fuck did this happen?
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i wanna play with my cool new mercy skins but it keeps giving me games as DPS
2023 lunar new year I think
I came across a tiktok of her playing with some overwatch people and I her voice was triggering me erotically especially when she spoke in a low soft girly tone
You can get it in the gallery for 1900 gold coins it's been that long.
that's kinda what i was talking about, she plays often with OW creators, bogur mostly, but flats and aspen and eskay, ruben and his vtuber harem. she's bratty and sexy herself, nothing like the character.
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nah me and vlad are cool

Sent from my iPhone 15 Pro
congrats, you now realize the devs are incompetent retards that even with all the changes we are right back where we were before season 9 big changes
>men run around with mullets and mustaches while wearing "thongs"
>aussie 'slang' is just throwing -y or -oo on to the end of random words
australia is possibly the fruitiest country in the world
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lucky you
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Are people really buying Rose Gold? I thought everyone wanted Pink?
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you get a whole suite of cosmetics for rosegold, just a skin for og pink. these breasts are uneven.
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sigma stronge
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smegma balls
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next season then, surely...
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okay pink mercy is out, now what
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Looking at them side-by-side I think Rose Gold is better, she looks pretty while Pink Mercy looks like an anal slut.
the game is unplayable, gotta wait for the paypigs to get bored before we get real supports again
it is better but it's literally just a recolor why would anyone pay full price for it?
anal queen* and that's a good thing
to support charity
It's 100% for charity for one.
I'm barely getting any endorsements! This sucks! I don't feel like a princess at all.
have you tried not playing a throw pick
is there a difference?
12k people watching flats run it down on DPS in quickplay while talking about no one selling clothes in his size with 3 min ad breaks every 10 minutes
flats status?
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You could be watching Aspen...
she was hotter when she was 16 yrs old
sluts like it, queens love it
every time i see a maccas drive through girl i think wow shes really hot then i think yeah its because shes probably 15
ok doc
why are straights like this
this but gays with 6yo boys
oh he mad
I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes the original hair better.
Pink Moira
Both are perfect anal sluts for me
don't say that.

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