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“Next Week” Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>483265594

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
1 month just for ffa and spec mode, you rike?
Just play the first node of the Summer rift where they let you use bikini Wonder Woman for free.
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Another 33% weekly drop. 12k to 8k. What will it be by next week? No patch and people are starting to finish their battle pass'
my guess is 5k
this is such a deranged workaround, what the fuck is this game
It's probably deliberate, they're encouraging you to play the new(ish) rift.
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>WB shuts down PFG for being incompetent and gives all the characters to nintendo to put in smash bros 6

it's inevitable
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>superman is actually on rotation this week
>so is lebron
fucking lmao reality is a joke
Would that mean we'd get The Kirby Who Laughs?
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>lebron doesn't have the "human" tag
>play an adventure time character
>marceline still isnt in the game
I WILL suicide in the joker laughing gas chase 10 times as finn
What’s this week’s free character rotation?
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holy shit uber jason's victory animation
I thought this was another bug at first
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>gimped for an entire month because PFG are too retarded to add jab/side attack switch in a timely manner
poster is too young to write with the level of scathing anger he's going for, sadly
very amateur, embarrassing even
hey tony, nice cope to help deal with your suicidal thoughts.
only 8 tiers and im done with this garbage
4 away for me.
the worst part is im used to it now
>gives all the characters to nintendo to put in smash bros 6

And they're all made into swordie clones for no reason at all
You mean we'd actually get cool and anticipated characters in Smash rather than just anime trash?
there's no anime character in smash retard
smash only allows video games characters
I'm not but I can see how some people could get that way. I've played thousands of hours of Smash and this shit is etched into my brain. It was the first setting I changed in the alpha/beta/whatever.
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anon we all want to talk shit on these retards
but i can still make fun of someone for being an underage failure at it
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>literally nothing, and i mean LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING, for OVER A MONTH
>We can only go up from here!
make it more obvious you're a tranny janny from their discord. oh wait, you can't. btw feel free to shit on them yourself then, I bet it sounds fucking retarded and you can't even do it and you'll say something faggoty like i dont feel like it right now.
Games with generic anime artstyles, Ie JRPG, HacknSlash and Fightan games. Generic humans designed with an anime artstyle, usually fighting with swords.

The absolutely only one I give a free pass for this is Snake. Rou and Marth were acceptable in Melee because in that game they truly were a new addition to the game that didn't feel like the rest, but modern Smash is fucking FILLED with characters that are just normal fucking humans designed with a generic anime artstyle.
or you go super tryhard so that it's just cringe when I just typed out a few sentences with barely any effort, you just bitch because you got your feelings hurt when I called you a subhuman for working on such a dogshit game.
if the game goes down to 1k players what will happen? will it be closed again and relaunched again or is it definitely eos?
cope levels off the charts here, damn
yeah I mean most jrpg have anime sort of design
just like mvs is full of cartoonish designs
yep you got nothing cuz you're a little tranny retard
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KEK I just found out you can't play online unless you say you're 18+
hahaha wait was that seriously your post in the screencap and that's why you're getting so assblasted over it, holy shit you didn't have to come out and fucking admit it like that
lol you type like a fucking retarded tranny there's no way you would ever come up with anything that doesn't sound gay as fuck like every single one of your posts
btw stop replying to me it's fucking repulsive to see things a faggot typed
>writes the game like a baby show
>does this
guys I have a question, why do you still play multiversus?
you must be over 18 to post here
I'm like 15 levels away from completing the Battle Pass so I might as well see it out. After I complete it I'll just wait for the rifts to get Agent Smith and then I'm done playing until S2. If S2 is still as dire as this and goes another month without any kind of meaningful update, I'm uninstalling.
Yep and you should be banned
nice job proving to the world you're a faggot, it's really annoying though, but I know you'll never stop because faggots have to constantly remind everyone they're a faggot while they're still alive because once a faggot dies they are forgotten forever.
>tries to post his le epic troll in discord, a place nobody cares about
>one anon tells him he's dumb
>has minor autistic meltdown and starts furiously samefagging the thread
the absolute state of this game's playerbase, easy wins today boys it's the retard power hour
cringe reddit post, we know you're a faggot now man it's OK.
my guy. stop sperging pls
gay post

It's fun
Beta was better by far but it's still alright, I finished the battle pass already
Faggot you are gayer than lunalux
I feel such second-hand embarassment for you and your parents /:
You make lunalux look like giga chad
oooof you heard that >>483422028 ?
You make lunalux look like a straight cool awesome person
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I hope this isn't indicative of a change they made, and is just their UI being buggy as usual.
Also really fucking weird to me that if it wasn't changed... who the hell was the one who decided to make Megalogdog an unlock for the week with the Velma shark hat on the image rather than the event literally named after him.
It's fun but surrounded by shit. I'm waiting for Jack so I can play him until the game truly dies.
finishing the battle pass + I like playing the jonkler and harley queen, also curious about agent smith, would be soooo much better with a ranked mode
i ahte the faggots who take 1 million years to accept or reject the rematch
Mad because bad
It afín and I want it to get better. I want it to get to a point where’s its at least on par with the beta. The leaks show they have some cool plans and I’d like to see them all the way through
jfyi if you want to have agent smith but don't want to farm rifts, you can just ask someone that already completed them to host and defeat only the bosses with them, the game actually counts them as completed for you too so you don't have to play any level at all
Venezuelans are going to start offering this as a paid service
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what the others said, waiting for it to get to the point i'd like it to be. For now i'm just playing like 1 hour a day, doing dailies and then some more matches after that and idk, i feel the good game under the layers of shit they decided to pull
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i take it you were planning to have anons hop in so that everyone here could get Smith, right anon? Right?
I'm up to help anyone btw
sure man lemme hold $5
how would that work with gems though? Like, do i just eat shit if my gem level is too low?
yeah you won't do that much damage but you can still help laddering the boss or stun him
oh you fucking cocksucker now they're going to patch it
i just like putting my left bishop early on the diagonal when defending and apparently that's called modern defense
Can we fucking log in now
>they're gonna patch out playing with friends in the mode they want you to play with friends
honestly i can see it
surprisingly logging in time didn't lock people out of the new event today, so yeah you could do it earlier too
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how do i cheese this
First day in a month where I don't feel like doing the dailies. At all.
Probably will end up doing them anyways, on the off-chance that this game survives until next week, and the patch isn't complete and utter dogshit.
For me it would have to be
>WW dumpstered, at least 'shaggy without his nair' shit
(I mean, come on Tony, a beginner character being competitively viable at the highest levels won't make people buy new fighters, it hurts your wallet directly, put on your kipa for a minute and think about it)
>FFA, fun modes AND ranked
>At LEAST 25 FC per match
>1 free fighter of your choosing or a free skin if you own everyone
>Input buffer setting
Honestly I also want PvE gone, or at the very least completely reworked, but for a start, I could do with getting rid of any and all levels where you need a specific skin or character and it's not lent to you automatically.
But it's going to be a slap on the wrist for WW, some filler changes on the rest of the cast, and 'important backend upgrades that should make the game feel better'.
post your tag so that people can get in touch with you i guess. I can't do it now myself but maybe in a few hours i will

go into the digital rift, the one with Dexter's bot boss, and in the superman fight (along the last few ones). Go on easy and then try to parry the falling rocket punches whatever, you should be able to do it pretty consistently after a few tries
Changing your gems every rift is so fucking annoying and if you forget you have to exit out ofnthe whole match gay fuck them so hard for being so fucking retarded
fucking lol were the cpus in rifts always named shit with "bot" somewhere in the name or did i just never notice it
Thank God you can still just spam up air on crushing difficulty as the bot keeps DIing into you infinitely
>WW dumpstered, at least 'shaggy without his nair' shit
i get what you're saying but imho they need to go the opposite way. Or rather still tune them down a bit but instead of nerfing them to the ground buff everyone else up. Fuckin Jason especially that for some retarded fucking reason has no armor whatsoever on any of his moves
which, thinking about it, it's like the opposite of what you said about Shaggy, if Shaggy can be viable at all levels and that wont' make people buy more characters Jason being this bad won't make people buy the BP either. Again, them doing everything wrong as usual it's unreal
Just got 50 fighter currency from doing the infinite tier of the bp. Lol 50.... and I know it's random but lol 50
yeah I'll be available in 2-3 hours, I'll post here so that anons can join me
>and I know it's random
i'm pretty sure what's random is the currency you get, not the amount. So it's always either 50 perk currency, 50 fighter currency or 50 gleamium, very likely in this order
ok accidentally screwed up let's try again
>1. do you think Inkling is strong in Smash, without looking it up
>2. do you think the Superman perk that makes chilled opponents take more damage is well designed

this is easier to do genuinely in PvP than anywhere else
thanks but i parried like 3 of them and none of them counted
i guess i'll try again
Why for you bury me in the cold, cold, ground?
try doing it with the superman there if the rockets don't count, that rift is about dodging anyway so parrying should be easier there too
it's 45% perk currency, 45% fighter currency, 10% gleamium
so a 45% chance of getting literally fucking nothing
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>so a 45% chance of getting literally fucking nothing
Flattery will get you nowhere
Fuck Perk Currency
today is like a 100 decrease to yesterday
I guess 50 gleamium is like 50 cents
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Top Dawg Gang won, we ended the Trannymaniacs an the LonneyTroons
>sir bottsalot
>botty botson
>capn botticus
i think they're making fun of rift botting grindfags, just a hunch
you mean the people who are least likely to see these names ever?
You can do the Summer skin/DC quest in the summer rift you can use WW beach outfit for free
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>Completed 3 infinite tiers today by doing all my dailies and weeklies
>50 Perk Currency. 3 times.
Definitely not an order. It's just random.
so it works? why does it say not available then
didn't mean that as the order but as probability, like >>483429338 said
Because they're retarded. They should've just not had any text on it in the first place. It says not available because it's not available for you to claim it yet, since you haven't gotten the XP for it.
based on the description we have from the event when it leaked a few weeks ago, the reindog probably wasn't supposed to be there in the first place
logging in during the event period gives you a random shark week cosmetic every day, and you have a chance at getting the reindog one but it's not guarenteed
they likely took it out of the image so as to not mislead people into thinking they would 100% get it
the bundle going up in the store was apparently an error
They should do that for Nickelodeon too. All these characters should be in a GOOD game for once.
constantly getting shit teammates in pvp is so fucking demoralizing
just had a black adam sit at the side of the corner the entire time spamming projectiles doing nothing else
They're already modded into melee. Brawl 1-3 are exponentially shittier games than this.
what happens if there's two

where's pwners 1-9000
Mash neutral dodge when you're getting combo'd at low percent and you'll get lucky enough times eventually, just be sure you have full dodge meter before attempting or you'll fuck yourself
>thrown into the kiddie Shaggy spammers pool again
Jason singlehandedly killed my performance but i like his moveset too much to swap back
Go to the rift were its raining fishes or any similar
have you learned to parry side kick yet
The lack of priority is really felt with slow characters like Jason. Full heavy charge attacks blocked by basic jabs feels so bad.
oh no i don't have issues with these Shaggies, they mostly break down by just jumping, it's that by beating them i eventually go to people that know how to play the game and then start losing again until i have to face said Shaggies again
i like to think i'm slowly getting better so that i go higher each time before the fall
superman is free tho unless you’re a betalet
honestly he can be a fucking problem in 2v2 just because all his specials fling him in a direction and kill, so it's easy to get nicked by one when you're doing anything else and just eat shit, banana has the same problem the charge is easy to avoid in 1v1 but in doubles shit gets too chaotic and they can snipe you with it so easily
priority has nothing to do with characters who can out-framedata you, it only matters for trades, where you both get hit instead of the stronger attack winning
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What the fuck is this mission, it's physically impossible. Luckily I don't need it but still.
Those were bot names in the open beta.
I'm still playing the game I just got a desk fan blowing directly into the vent holes, multiversus is more GPU intesive and the GPU fans work just fine
Unironically one of my favorite platform fighters mostly because it's the only one that managed to make any mode besides 1v1 fun. I wish smash had 2v2's that were half as fun.
Of course I knew it was going to die again since I'm obviously in the minority of this opinion so I'm just getting in as much play time as I can before EOS.
I completed it after 2 games in dexter's lab, the text is just wrong
You have to play Dexter's Lab
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It's done. Now I can ignore the dailies and bullshit too
i'm kind of already ignoring them because we have a whole fucking month left and i only have like 10 levels to go, it'll finish just by playing the game
also lol they increased the power pledge time
it's fun, I like the roster and it has coom skins. Not to say it doesn't have a million and one problems though, the UI is one of the worst I've ever seen
You never noticed

Sir Botsalot
i don't really do pve
Can someone post the screenof the Summer Throwdown event

For some weird reason, my game doesn't load correctly and doesn't show the exp bar
Both stare
They used to appear on the Bot lobbies
oh i actually do remember that now, yeah, i just didn't recall ever seeing them in the rift fights but i haven't done rifts a lot because they're fucking gay
@TheVidyaAngel your gizmo is shit
Sometimes I see pictures of Chris Chan's room, and then I look around mine and get scared
>wait for today to try to do power pledge drive hoping there would be characters I haven't played to level up
>weekly rotation characters are all characters I have played some
Wow I love this event that literally encourages you not to play the game. This is such a good idea. I'm so happy that I am forced to play characters I already don't want to play to level it, but addition to that I am being punished for having played characters I didn't want to play in the past. Amazing.
That's actually sick. It's things like this that really make me appreciate the game. TOO BAD THE REST OF IT SUCKS!
I'm up to help now for 1-2 hours, I currently have done all rifts in all available difficulties, post your nick and what you need to complete and I'll add you
Think of the buckerinos! We cant allow everyone to have all characters unlocked!
o shid vidyaangel btfo
Power pledge seems to be something for the benefit of new players, but it doesn't work because there really aren't new players.
I haven't unlocked Wedding Steven and Uber Jason yet.
It is also fucking fundamentally retarded because you don't fucking make events that YOUR ENFRANCHISED PLAYERS CAN'T PARTICIPATE IN
Are they retarded are they fucking dense I don't fucking get it.
A potential player isn't gonna be like "if I grind this game for 12 hours I can get 100 of the premium currency!? HOT DOG!
Dear Tony,

I hope you get your eyes slowly gouged out with nail clippers while listening to radio head at 300% volume with your head in between two studio sized speakers with amplified subwoofers.

Fuck you faggot, live and die as a miserable gook nigger

Your #1 hater
Dear Tony,

Middle finger

Hey Tony,

I don't like the things you do
>completed one cycle of the infinite tier
>get a whole 50 perk currency (woohoo) despite it saying not available yet
>the battlepass tab now has a permanent red claim box
thanks tony
he won't see it here faggot
pm him on twitter or on discord instead of acting like a coward bitch

You're a phag8

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>fishing rod
>frying pan
>whipping champagne corks at you with a tennis racket

is he just that cold?
>play on Townsville
>Is play on Dexter's Lab
>Maps doesn't rotate

Fuck you Tony
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I have no problem spending money in games like TF2 and Apex for cosmetics. This game has a good enough roster and cosmetics that I would spend the money, but I have no motivation to do so.
Items designed only for the rifts like the Joker shirts should be fighter currency instead of gleamium, because what Garnet player would choose that variant over literally any other option. It doesn't even match the character's personality, which is a huge thing to consider in a character based video game. Same thing with the Friday the 13th masks, but that selection was seemingly reserved for characters like Joker and Black Adam.
The shop itself is strangely designed. I get the idea of the sales and what not, but it feels like there should be an option to see items based on characters or just a complete inventory of all payable cosmetics.
I like that there's bundles that come with the unlocked character and a legendary skin, but when the price of a legendary skin is DOUBLE the price of the character in gleamium, it seems way too much.
From completing the events and power pledges, I have 1000 gleamium, but there's nothing in the shop that I feel is worth the effort I put in for it. Especially when characters I'd like to get cosmetics for are still locked because I didn't like their moveset. I'm not a fan of how Batman plays, but I'd love to get the BTAS skin for him as I love how it looks. Same thing with Harley's classic outfit, but she's a character I never play so I have no motivation to spend the money.
The reason I bring this up is because the only way this game is a 'success' is that it makes more money than they spend to make the game. It's why Apex and Fortnite have lasted so long as F2P, because the rewards are genuinely worth the effort put in. This game is lacking that same distinction. If they had every character unlocked from the get go, with the promise of new, unlockable characters for the future, I would have gotten the BTAS skins on day 1.
>Complete all weeklies and dailies
>1 full level of xp away from 70

At least I got level 7 gems for chaos rifts finally
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>It doesn't even match the character's personality,
it's a canon outfit you clown
he said the t-shirts darkie
i did skim the wall of text and forget he wasn't talking about the latest rift but try making your points more concise next time
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I'm talking about this one dipshit
I just woke up. Are the dailies safe to do now? Have they been fixed yet?
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woooo yeeaaaah I love every single match being two people in a call versus you and your literal three year old teammate that doesn't know what the special button is
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During the beta I used to constantly say I love this game. Now I see myself saying "I want this game to do better". or "I want this game to reach the potential it has". I dont know if that's selfish because I want to have fun. I'm not having fun. Do I still love this game? Is my want simply because I want the game to improve? Or is it because I selfishly want something to make me happier. Maybe both can be true? I just wish I didn't have to wait weeks to see if the next patch or update changes how I feel..
Has anyone on the infinite tier gotten anything other than 50 perk currency?
everyone agrees the game is shit right now just leave because you're not going to be happy seeing the eos
I would just like to say how nice it was to see EternalJobber last thread as he was actually playing the game and sharing cool combos. It is refreshing to see that instead of a Batman shirt Woman Women posting clip of spamming the same move against someone who doesn't know how to play the game, or what ever it is Luna does to shit up the thread.
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I wish I was using my main at the time, mighta gone 3-1 instead and become Evo Champ 11th place.
>hit one down attack
>dodge one attack
>suicide the rest of my stocks
that is how we do dailies boys
for fuck's sake can you autists ever concede that you fucked up
holy shit everyone is doomposting mvs and saying it's dead on the discord lmao tony must have a seizure seeing this
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It's hard not to. The game relaunched in an objectively worse state than the beta in pretty much every single way and what should be them adding characters and stages and shit is being spent playing catch up to a build of a game that existed a year ago.
that build sucked though, there were so many problems everyone left
the issue is the should have waited until the game was at a decent state before re-releasing it, like maybe in the fall at least where it could be better tested and have more beta features written back in. Instead they seemed to have rushed it out the moment it was semi-passable as a game.
>there were so many problems everyone left
you mean release version
and there are WAY more complaints for release than for beta
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haha, yeah!
I bought the gg emote FUCK
>You can see her belly button through the fabric
Yeah, that black undergarment was definitely not supposed to be there originally.
Serves you right for buying literally anything while the game is how it is.
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the multiverse needs moms
>perfectly good gay rainbow ringout ruined with nigger pandering
Nope still not taking off the marceline ringout sorry
>no brown
take your meds
What nigger pandering?
I don't think these are equivalent. Joker
merch is a stupid contrivance they only needed for Rifts and no character looks better in a T-shirt, while a hockey mask is potentially cool, especially if you want to play Harley while being Not Like The Other Girls.
nobody even streams this shit anymore whats the point
Team The Joker Harley feels redundant with Mad Love Harley showing up for all the "Joker fan club" plots. They should have given her a Team Batman tee
He's talking about how black people love twitch rather than Tyler the zoomer with a perm.
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I will NOT watch insufferable Twitch streamers for freebies
I will NOT play Steven Universe characters for my dailies, weeklies or rift nodes
I will NOT rematch or toast side-b spammers
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>I will NOT rematch or toast side-b spammers
well yeah. you couldnt afford it.
>gay ringout
>they still haven't added gay shirts
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Faggot skins were a waste of development time and you know it. June's almost over so we were spared from getting them properly implemented.
only 5 niggas have this skin and i am one of them
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Tony? Tony Huynh, is that you?
Tony, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what a man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that other game developers have.
Nobody will remember Tony Huynh. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Tony, being that you're probably over 30 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failures that are Multiversus, the netcode, the speed, the microtransactions, they are your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Tony, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Tony, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on the next Super Smash Bros game. My accountant estimates over two hundred million dollars in sales.
>june is almost over
>thet still didn't gave us the faggot skins
also i doubt that shit was a waste of development. i doubt it costem them a lot of time and resource to a tshirt to an existing model and put some png on top of it
What's funny is that in most games, pride shit tends to be free, so there's a solid chance that between just not releasing those skins or the potential controversy of charging people money for pride shit, they went with the former. Either that or they're aware the game is a dumpster fire and realize now is not the time for rainbow capitalism.
For real. I'd wager those shitty Jason skins cost them more time/resources since they had to squish and stretch the ski mask. The tshirt is just slapping a png on.
i just want to put a faggy rainbow shirt on a pantsless bugs is that too much to fucking ask
>update rolls out
>you can now salt emote while comboing your opponent
Put some ice on it
>that build sucked though, there were so many problems everyone left
Do you not realize what you're comparing it to? Every review of the beta was mostly positive and the few complaints people had, they were sure would be remedied. They weren't and they took the game down, then rereleased it a year and a half later and the game is actually worse.

Stop saying the beta sucked when it was clearly better than what we have as it didn't bleed out anywhere fucking close to as fast as this did.
dead thread
where's everyone
Quit or lying in wait. Take your pick.
We went to go get fresh air
How would you fix the STORY of Rift Mode?
Or playing the game, you shit posting faggot. You should really go back to /v/.
>Speak the truth that anyone can see with their fucking eyes
>Anon seethes
Chill, freak.
why are you dicksucking this game so hard, faggot
everyone acknowledges the game is dying
Keep it up bro. I'm sure Tony will notice you soon enough. 50 gleamium will be deposited into your account for being a good dick rider.
>t. lying in wait
Even normies are doom posting now, my guess is that leddit is being heavily moderated, just go to this comment section and see for yourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsx6r29jUtY
Brawlhalla has 2x the players
I went to the discord and falseflagged as a cocksucker saying the game is doing good and the numbers of people saying the game is dead is big lmaoooo but so is the number of cocksuckers and the saddest thing is that they are unironical
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>you dont actually want the game to get better, you just want to shitpost
my brother in christ...

/r/multiversus is to a certain extent since thats the official subreddit for pfg. /r/multiversusthegame less so.
Somebody take a screenshot, and also take a screenshot doing a quest with a non human character
actually kino holy shit, did not see that coming
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Well, I beat the battle pass, and got 50 fighter currency from one of the infinite levels...
it's not like the currency system isn't fucked anyway...

I'd be A-OK with them just not giving away free gleamium at all if they just HALVED the fucking prices.
Companies have been doing A LOT less pride shit this year. I think they've slowly caught on that while there is a crowd that wants lgbtq pride shit, there's also a large crowd that dislikes it so leaning heavily into it isn't good either.
Of course people are more positive on the beta. The issues with the gameplay happened after it sat long enough and people weren't as harsh because it was a BETA. Nobody knew what MVS was turning out to be so it was exciting despite it having a lot of similar flaws as launch. MVS full launch would receive criticism now that the novelty of MVS no longer has honeymoon tier reception. And because it launched after a year without much to show.
Playing erdtree, about to beat it and then I'll probably do a second run of it again.
To begin with, I'd start it off with something involving Reindog and the multiversal threat and Reindog pulling everyone in to save the day. Like how fucking weird (and stupid) is it that Multiversal Mayhem is all about Reindog's gem being stolen, but we never actually see Reindog until Techno Terror?
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>Power Pledge Drive over and on "claim til june 27"
>Still counted Lebron leveling up and gave me a reward
Insteading of buying skins and playing multiversus I bought Persona 3 Reload and un-installed multiversus until big patch number two/S2. You know, since big patch number one is essentially a nothingburger of features we already had.
The writing needs to be reworked entirely. Chars don't act like themselves. The justification for a lot of these fights are terrible and centering it around a chase for the gem is just really bad.
Quick! Lets protect this crystal and move on!
You know, since the game has that "Stop camping!" message pop up, in the interest of fairness and equality, it should also have a message that says "Stop running around like a spaz and fight!"
Remove dialogue from the target, crystal, and jump rope minigames
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definitive variants tier list
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>Match in Townsville involves Batman, Wonder Woman, the Joker, Shaggy, or Velma
>Mojo Jojo will literally not shut up with custom dialogue specifically referring to them
>Match in Townsville involves literally any other characters
>Mojo is uncomfortably silent for the entire match, unless commenting on the damage done to his ship
he was just lying on the internet
50 perk currency
the pirate T&J is horseshit tier. worst by far
tooniverse bros we won
matrix bugs is kinda kino for me
Hey now. Valentine's Day Wonder Woman is top tier if for no other reason than her render's facial expression and brushing her hair behind her ear.
>Classic Harley below any other Harley skin
objectively wrong
you have a sonic totem too?
>the rock black adam
yeah you're a fucking nigger alright
>Throwing a cowboy hat and vest on shaggy is.. LE BAD
>Throwing a cowboy hat and vest on lebron is... EPIC!
Make it make sense retard.
>Mojo is uncomfortably silent for the entire match
he's not though, he just keeps repeating that he's mojo jojo and that mojo jojo is him
>Chars don't act like themselves.
Velma saying "Rick probably did it because he got paid lots of money" is probably the most out-of-character thing in the entire thing. Rick is the smartest man in the universe with god-level technology. The fuck does he care about money for? He could probably whip up his own money printer in five minutes in the garage.
>The fuck does he care about money for?
Anon he literally had an ongoing relationship with a hitman he sold guns to.
personally I think it's pretty out of character that Reindog didn't do anything lewd yet
>Marvin wearing a Space Jam shirt is bad
>Bugs Bunny wearing the exact same shirt is meh
>Taz wearing the exact same shirt is good
hold up this guy has gold supes in bad
im a lebron main + it looks weird on shaggy
it looks bad on marvin and bugs but taz is creative so i like it
that supes literally overdosed on the mexico piss filter
>Taz wearing the thing he wears in the movie the thing is from is creative so I like it
Genuinely mouthbreather behavior.
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>lebron main
not beating the nigger allegations with this one
You think Smith will have an animated trailer?
It was incredibly based and creative of PFG to add green Finn to the game. Truly amazing. Just the most tremendous stuff. I mean absolutely incredible.
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I like how 4 more portals appear alongside Jason/Smith, potentially implying there might be 4 new fighters coming with them.
i like play banana guard guyes
I only like Banana Guard when I can be an asshole spamming the cry move with ice stacks
giving your teammate rage and ice fists at the same time is funny
>can be an asshole spamming the cry move with ice stacks
In what world? Wtf? Easily his shittiest move and its not even close. Easily one of the shittiest moves in the game period.
Fern was honestly top 5 Multiversus decisions.
because they just splodged some pink shit on his head. would look 10x better without it
The next update will probably not have any Steven Skins, Gizmo Skins, Skins with Unique Character Interactions or a new character so I'm a little sad but still look forward to the fixes. Sucks that its a week away instead of today lol
We had it SO fucking good for those Halloween and Xmas skins man.
We really thought valentineon was the exception rather than the rule, only for them to hit us with these shitty tshirts and ski masks.
It needs to include some form of new content whether it be FFA or Ranked.
Mad love harley to top tier NOW
just go on the discord and ask someone for a game
It's a bandana are you fucking blind and retarded?
Actually it's not a bandana but it's from this
if not a bandana what is it?
When anon said "pink shit on his head" I imagined tom getting scalped by a scimitar, leaving a big pink bald spot on the top of his head.
I'm on the last page of the battlepass with a few weeklies left to go, woot!
playing an hour ago8,034
24-hour peak153,044
all-time peak

it stabilized? finally?
TBF if anyone has stuck around this long they are just mindbroken as we are and probably gonna play till the inevitable EOS
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How far do you think the Season 2 characters are in development?
7k isn't a number that bad
maybe they can fix shit
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so close.
I'm gonna use that ringout with Steven just to fuck with people.
they MIGHT almost be done with the powerpuff girls.
The few dedicated shills like Bugzvii and retarded whales like CaseOh are going to support this game until its dying breath, no matter how egregious it gets.
I hope that WB doesn't pander to them or at the very least they stop accepting what slop they're given.
caseoh is a whale?
he's not going to save the game alone anyways
If this was any other live service game I'd assume season 2 was already entirely done and they are working on season 3 content. (Though with the 1 year gap I'd say that should be done as well)
But since its PFG I'm betting they release 2 characters at the start of season 2 cause the other 2 aren't finished yet.
Let's start tweeting at them and being extremely overly nice in a way where we're blatantly being sarcastic like @multiversus @tonyhong Thank you so much Tony for granting me the amazing reward of 50 perk currency! This is going to be soooo useful, just need to level 19 more times on top of the 70 levels o already did to be able to afford 1 perk! So grateful for the abundance of perk currency, or it would take forever! Thank you!
Have you seen the lad?
A thing
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So, am I getting extra Gleamium since I already have the GG emote from the Power Pledge event reward?
passive aggressive twitternigger behavior
Doing rifts on my phone via steam link which lets you stream a steam game to your phone and has touchscreen controls.
Yeah I've been sending them aggressive messages too. Gotta switch it up.
It is Twitter dumb fuck
just pm tony and tell him directly what you think instead of behaving like a bitch
yeah but you dont have to act like a gay fucking bitch and behave like a woman just let tony kill himself from his shit decisions
You are a little bitch and I would knock lay you out in 1 punch then curbstomp your pussy
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>tom getting scalped
now i want these as a skin
Damn try to make it less obvious youre an angry virgin if you even can
but enough about what I did to your mom last night while you were crying on twitter, little bitch.
Agent Smith was leaked and it wasnt finished, take a guess, its obvious most dev time was spent porting to UE5 and doing rifts and predatory monetization system
Giga estrogened post btw this basedboy sucks dicks 100%
Mother fucker you've never seen a woman besides your meth-addicted prostitute of a mother faggot fatherless
You will never reproduce
Projecting faggot. You're a little bitch that will never have sex.
The only reason I'm telling you that you're an angry virgin that never had sex is because I read your posts and it's exactly what an angry virgin who never had sex would say, so it's not projecting, I'm just pointing out the obvious. Btw I had sex tons of times with tons of hot as fuck women and some I don't even remember their name because I had sex so many times and I have a shortstack goth 100% fully German girlfriend and I'm not lying. So accept that. Now take a look at yourself.
i am going to have sex with a girl soon she said her name is rein and she goes by reingod and she said she has a cool crystal to show me
I admit I don't recall that particular episode, but was that relationship because of the money, or something else? Like did Rick just like the chaos the hitman brought to the table, or...?
probably not, I was considering buying the gg emote as well but I'm glad I jewed out. The garnet and velma bundle made me realize I should hold on to my gleam like my life depends on it, these dipshits don't even let you buy the Velma skin on its own
>Projecting faggot trying to make up a life on 4chan of all places
I've never seen some faggot bitch as pathetic as you lmao
Kill yourself your parents want you dead you are a pathetic failure of an human being and everyone is ashamed of you.
Having any gleamium reward at all infinitely is great. 50 is pretty good imo.
Lolol more extremely angry 3rd worlder seprging and I'm not lying hahahhaahhaahhahahahahahaa
should i be mashing Marvin's button at close range against garnet in the air and jason whenever he's close? it seems like they don't have anything fast enough to beat it
He wanted the money so he could play arcade games and get plastered.
How come nobody can counter my gizmo car when i'm just going back and forth
I mean, there will be. I'm sure Season 2 will have four new characters.
gonna be honest i didn't even know there was "perk currency" i haven't finished practicing with the free characters and feel no need to buy one
I tried to enjoy this game but the playerbase is fucking insufferable. Anytime my winrate gets to like 75% I'm faced with a torrent of one combo Bugs and batman players who will spam the scummiest openers over and over until it hits. I hate every single person who has touched, worked on or even mentioned this game by name and I hope you all get your nuts slit open as you hold your ass in the air so the ball juices drip into your sobbing mouths.
You mean the new season with a new theme?
first lvl on Rift 5 (Easy) did it for me, I have lvl 9 defense gems so I just took my time. It took me two tries
Go to the stage near the end of Surf's Up where you fight LeBron and Arya in the Space Jam 2 stage, with all the basketballs flying everywhere. Then just button mash. You'll get it eventually.
Perk currency is one of the most useless things in the game and should be axed. It brings no joy to the game.
Yep, you got it. :)
if I get this mission I just go phteven and get it naturally while shielding my ally
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can anyone confirm that lvl 9 is the max level for gems? after I finish my BP I was thinking of doing my daily rifts to see how my gems can lvl.
whats it like being an angry idiot your whole life
Idk ask your boyfriend
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It might be 10. It changes color one last time and the XP bar doesn't reset when you reach this level.
man I hate that it's RNG which ones get levelled up all my exp goes to the fuck ass shu's protection zone one
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Level 9 is max but the devs were too incompetent to make it so it doesn't take xp so you can get gem xp for a level 9 that eventually levels up into level 9 AGAIN
you are MAD
nice picture of you retard
What the fuck my just turned level 9 twice and didn't get to 10?
I’d add 2 tiers
>it is the same as the boring ones but it works
Jason mask harley
>complete shit that makes no sense
Joker t-shirts
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Skill issue?
Because my partner is retarded.
Condolences anon. I've gotten multiple braindeads from 0-80% just by going left and right on my control stick in the Gizmobile. It's insane
thank you for that attempt at a funny post. it made me laughm even if it was a bad joke
Same here, one of my gems leveled up from 9 to 9. They made 10 RNG??
Of course, a level 10 might give a tiny ass advantage in the highest difficulty so let’s make it rng
ive had enough of this garbage game
you just fucking suck at shaggy and it's your fault we lost
I had a gem go from level 7 to 7 when doing the Crushing version of Watermelon Steven's fight, which leads me to believe that being a lower difficulty than intended has a chance to make them not level up - in this case the "intended" being the Looney difficulty we don't have
I don't play shaggy you retard
how many tiers of the battle pass are taken by fucking gem currency?
>Shaggy has the fastest walk speed
I chuckled
Actually batman does
this general suck so much. can you faggots be normal? what a dying game does to a bunch of mfs
The fuck are you talking about faggot?
you guys are talking about gay shit. instead, we should be talking about funny gay shit.
like, for example, making bets in when this game will die (in 6 months)
>haha lewd name in da wb game!
what are you 12
ESL moment
I think we go to 3 digit players this week because this v1.04 fuckin sucks cock
I also use that banner.
>speed up gameplay to be more like beta
>input buffer settings that let you lower it all the way down to 0 if you want to
>5 fucking free characters
Reindog needs YOUR help to save the Multiverse!
But it's no easy task. We're gonna need more recruits! You will have to breed with Reindog for hours on end to make a new generation of warriors!
>tony will go to your house and will make you choose between a sloppy blowjob or a toastie plushie
Reindog needs YOUR help to save the Multiverse!
But it's no easy task. We're gonna need more perk currency! For that, we will need the number on the back of your credit card! Do it for multiverus-land
Reindog's Quest
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They'd have to do alot more than just these to bring people back
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It would actually take more effort to handwrite your resume every time instead of just printing it out or e-mailing
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Who would you rather have sex with.
Harley Quinn, or Tom and Jerry?

Remember, Tom and Jerry is a package deal so you get a threesome.
What do you think is realistic, considering the position they're currently in with just this bare bones ue5 version of the game?
Bruce Timm Harley
That first change would be dogshit. We need a middle ground at least.
Who would you rather have sex with. Wonder Woman, or Irong Giant?

Remember, Iron Giant will most likely kill you during sex.
neither. Don't stick your dick in crazy, Don't stick your dick in furry.
>more like
Implies it would be increased to be more like beta but not fully, so kind of a middle ground
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Kill, Fuck, Marry
Harley, Velma, Wonder Woman (my order)
Marry Velma
Fuck Harley
Kill Wondy
If you kill Harley batman might be your friend
>Marry harley she is very sweet whenever she is in a relationship
>fuck velma because killing velma would make scooby sad and i don’t want that
>kill wondy she isn’t even human she’ll probably revive later like every super hero
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But I want to FUCK Harley
Fuck Harley
Marry Wonder Woman
Kill Multiversus Velma. hate that sassy bitch
And superman will hate you for killing wondy, oh wait she's immortal
batman hate people who kill other people
in fact, batman would be more pissed if you killed someone like harley rather than joker because harley is actually a victim
Damn why did this game have amazing graphics and then newer games got worse
marry ww, fuck harley kill the nigger from steven universe
pretty sure batman will also hate you for killing wonder woman
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I like this plant
Shit you're right but I was thinking he might be tired of her shit by now reading through the rifts, seems like they've been trying to kill him forever
Clearly the old studio got replaced by DEI hires
Why is she such a slut
This harley was a legit monster that killed innocent people, it makes absolutely no sense for her to turn out the way she does in the suicide squad games
i think this was supossed to be a "thanks for believing in me" but with the long ass kiss it made it look like she wants the bat cock
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i was scrolling through r34 and saw this, they should add zombie banana guard if he actually exists in the show it would be badass
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I’d rather watch Morty and Finn have sex
is this image vacation worthy?
It was supposed to be a Reinmain summer...
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also i think banana guard saying "stay still bitch" is really funny
Me on top
don't worry bro reinshark soon
>Beat a Lebron as cowboy Shaggy
He got sent to broke buck mountain.
At least make it fair.
wasn't there a skin of lebron james in a grey hoodie or am i going insane? i can't find it anywhere
There was. It was one of the leaked skins.
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there is
it was in the pve rifts video
i want to fuck reindog
Lebron Jame's skins, with the exception of filters like the matrix one, are all going to be strictly from what he wore in Space Jam 2. Once they run out, it's over.
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This but Sylvester
>reindog before he talked
>cute dog-like creature
>reindog after he talked
>perverted sex fiend
Supermains LEAVE
could've sworn i saw a guy wearing this in-game yesterday, he was really good too. Maybe the best lebron I've seen in-game
It was the actual LeBron.
not shitposting when I say that I genuinely think Reindog being a pervert is an interesting character trait that not only would fit for somebody who is the last of their kind and has nobody else to seek out but is funny to shitpost about in regards to a character that can literally summon anyone they want
maybe I'm just being contrarian to the whole "uwu wholesome doggo but is actually fierce and tough and he attac and protec OwO" but come on man it's just so boring on its own
to this day this stupid shit keeps fucking me up
why is it so hard for the devs to patch that shit in? it was in the fucking beta god dammit
brown jame
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>play Superman in 2v2
>guy on the other team intentionally starts throwing
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>8k rejected
>This is better than I thought it would be
Womp womp
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>finally got Uber Jason
>current event reward is just a fucking Shark Hat
See y'all next week.
that butt wagging taunt strikes different now don't it?
reinshark sex do do do do do do reinshark sex do do do do do do
>no wonder woman nerfs
thanks tony
we see the steamcharts for peak players per day but how do we see total players per day
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Works on my Marvchine.
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They added a cooldown on her lasso. That was the problem, right?
in the replies to one of the patches I saw somebody on twitter crying that they nerfed her lasso for no reason
I'm honestly pretty sure that they know that WW is such an ezmodo button that they will lose half their playbase over night if they nerf her to the point where she is actually fair to play against, requiring all existing WW mains to actually have to learn the game would probably just get them to leave.
They're lucky I really want the Jason stuff from the BP, cause I'm probably not staying long term once his season ends.
What are you guys going to play when multiversus shuts down again?
fycking taaaaaaaaz
fortnight until i get bored
probably tf2, ol reliable
Elden Ring, Tekken, Octopath Traveler.
e621 tags:reindog
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ff14 is my main game and it's getting an expansion in a few days. I'd like multiversus to succeed but with how much of a shitshow it's been I honestly could not care less if it shuts down at this point.
What fucking beseeches people to teabag mfs when they used busted ass characters
make it stop lagging
the lag is why i quit in beta and why i quit again
it just feels so ASS and cromulons especially sucks the worst, remove that shit like they did dexters
Cause it makes people like you seethe
Shut up Peter
bug's and tom's big naked feet...
I kinda wanna buy batman but im really close to having enough to buy joker, i already have supes WW and harley
Should just buy batman, theoretically joker should go down in price when smith comes out in a week or two.
annnnnd uninstalled thanks tony.

i'm going to pray to God every day that Tony Huynh and the other developers of Multiversus all die slow and excruciatingly painful deaths.

it should be illegal to be THIS fucking incompetent
Pissing people off even more when they're already mad that they lost is just funny. If the game ended immediately when you win like smash bros melee it wouldn't be a problem. You'd just have dumbasses teabagging in the middle of the game but that's risky.
I guess I get tilted cuz WW and Joker just play the game for you
That doesn't make any sense, IF joker goes down in price it would be after the season ends. And that's a big IF given we're talking about pay us first games here, he might not go down in price at all
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overwatch 2 and isaac online when it comes out in november
Yeah they definitely know they're playing an OP character which makes it even more of an asshole thing to do which also makes it funnier
>isaac online
after putting 2k hours into isaac, and playing a shitload of 4 souls with friends, i dropped it cold turkey. had no clue this was happening. very exciting.
The binding of isaac and team fortress. Isaac is fine but I get bored after a while, I hope this game pulls through because I cannot go back to tf2
>Yakuza Kiwami1+2/Y3/4/5
>Elden Ring
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Disco Elysium
>Tales of Vesperia
For starters I guess. The backlog is long, and my patience with PFG is short.
I need to finish Stellar Blade again, and I'm getting back into Master Duel
Redditors keep posting their dogshit bland as fuck noob gameplay on the subreddit
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Another retarded as fuck reddit post
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based jar jar telling it like it is
Also I can't believe how many people there are that let teabagging seriously bother them.
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>not releasing jabberjaw during shark week
I tried this and it was ok, I'd be down to play it if it had more than 30 players tops. I guess it has crossplay so it's more like 100 but still, maybe they'll add more characters and those numbers will go up but I heard it's abandoned by now
>new balance patch out
>it's literally nothing important
>game is still a spammy multihit shitshow
>check playercount
>can't even crack 8k
Kek, this shit is dying so fast man. Watching the chart collapse makes me feel like I'm on /biz/. Haven't seen a yellow name tag in over a week, most of em probably feel like shit investing in a dogshit developer. I'm guessing by mid-season patch, we'll be at sub 6k. No one cares anymore, people see through their idiocy.
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Should I shill out for the funny Velma or the funny Arya coom skin /mvsg/ros
velma's skin is hotter, worse character to play
arya's skin isn't as hot, good character to play
i see yellow names every day though
Consider this: Velma is fat frumpy and ugly
Is weakness OP?
Helldivers and Party Animals probably, since I absolutely refuse to buy Tekken if Julia Chang isn't in it I really don't have any other Fightan games than Multiversus I wanna play.
>Me and my friends get no respect
But I LIKE fat frumpy and ugly.
From what I understand the newest character is the only one that will cost 6k, as a new character comes out one will drop to 3k and the new one will be 6k. Smith, although unlockable, will be able to be purchased as well to unlock. We will see what they end up doing though.
>iron giant spazzing back and forth during the volleyball event whenever there's no ball onscreen
holy fucking shit this is barely mod tier
literally my mom's mod
i like how he can hit you through the net but youre not allowed to hit him
i've hit him with a forward air when he extended his hotbox with an attack
>always misses the ball because he uses up special too late
bravo pfg
I think its meant to be a metaphor for how PFG is always dropping the ball.
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İ play harley and harleys plays start on air with her air down attack every time this map comes my enemy just stand down the platforms and when i try to use a air combo the platforms will decline everything this the same with every character if u play a character that powerfull in ground the oppenent will stay on platforms if your character powerfull on air the platforms will declince this i think this map needs massive platform changes its so boring with playing so much platforms that restricting you
me gogo multivure do good some me gogo big time then and when and Tom y Jerry do ping-pong mad that happen you hog and so we using the attacks button this is happen for the where with especial buton lunch missil gogo in meltovorsees
this, and the opponent is giant because he’s the least polished character
Yeah theese much platforms are annyoingly boring to play
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I bet this retarded faggot with his teeny tiny widdle monitor hasn't been claiming his xp lol
why not make jokers carnival into a stage? the art for the rift looks great?
jokers taken over the sionis steel mill?
file size was too large https://files.catbox.moe/2rdifq.png
My mind says King Shark
My heart says Jabberjaw
My soul says Kenny the Shark
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jpeg, nigga.
I'd argue that Rick is D tier so long as you know how to do thinking with portals.
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Move over.
I meant to say C not D, guess I'm retarded.
>reindog consistently one of the highest winrate characters since launch
>has been top 5 for weeks now, top 3 the past two weeks
>every tier list puts him in B or lower
what a low pickrate does to a mf
this, i main the dog and he's fucking awesome, but i think the win rate is mostly people who don't know how to fight against him, he has huge disadvantages against the usual suspects with his wide hurtbox and long startups
my battle pass is at 53 you think i can make it to uber jason if i mainly just do dailys and weeklies?
there are people who have already finished it and there are still 4 weeks to go
you're fine as long as you don't go into a coma
you have a fucking month, yes retard
>2v2s with a Stripe team mate against a Shaggy and Batman
>We fight hard, carry our weight, and win
>Get most of the 'Win PvP matches' weekly progress with him
>Enemy team likely dips before I could do the last match
>2v2s again
>This time with a Banana Tard against a Superman and Jason
>Team mate plays like he genuinely can't wipe his own ass
>I manage to eek out a victory
>Got the weekly
i missed the first week and im at 68 already, its probably not hard

also jason is complete unforgivable dogshit so i dont know why people even want that skin
i keep having to play him for "villainous" wins and it makes me want to die
the only worthwhile things are the fighter doritos, free funbux, and the bugs taunt because holy shit it's fucking perfect
Tony is retarded but at least he realized releasing the pride month event would be a bad idea, there’s new videos shitting on multiversus every day and that’s by basedboys, imagine having to add more retards to the fire making videos like

i really wanted that proud dad t shirt for superman i would have had so much fun taunting people
streamers would have combusted if they got teabagged by pride shirt supes
Really, Jason's D-tier?
I mean I get it, his hurt boxes are all fucked and alot of other characters have a way easier time over him but... Iunno, I have alot of fun with him regardless, I don't feel completely vulnerable with him like I do Iron Giant, but Iron Giant can feel so fucking WEIRD to play as too. Like one moment you can feel like the most helpless bitch in the game and the next you manage to get a few lucky hits in and KO them. He needs attention badly.
They'll probably be doing them next season or next patch, just without the appropriate month. I do agree some retards will jump on that bandwagon even though the game has too many actual problems to count with it.

But it's mostly likely not an intentional move on their part, they're just busy fixing their shit.
Multiversus is anti /peegaming/. sad.
Play on Dexter's Lab
It's retardec
Finally someone with sense. Crazy hot girl, nice hot girl, ugly nerd girl is textbook fuck/marry/kill.
what are you supposed to do in a game with no attack decay if taz just spams tornado and you picked a character without a move that knocks him out of it
Same. I'm lazily meandering through Dark Souls on the side, but ideally I'd just quit vidya.
Superman would forgive me, i could never ever see scooby again if i killed velma
Sorry anon the sex scenes in the harley quinn show make sex with harley seem really good, like the kind of sex you gotta have more than once that’s why i’d go for marry
there is still attack decay it just doesn’t display anymore
>erm proof?
go to training mode and do the same attack 10 times
nerfed to the point of irrelevancy is the same thing
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Is the dickhead Hustle lying again?
>Attacks you make damages you and loses trades
>Has so many recovery frames so you get comboed after dodge/whiff cant dodge cancel
>None of his attacks have impact to KO on the ground unless you hit 150 or 200 on supes
>The tip of his charged punch and, skateboard has almost no active frames so you see them failing a lot of times even if it clearly connects
>Cant do anything against armored characters unless you invest in armor piercing, and even if you do you lose health on every attack
>Light character
Everyone considers him bottom tier
>Has no options to KO un less you rack 150/200 damage
>Gotta setup shop with zoning to get some advantage but its almost imposible due to rushdown meta
>Even if you set shop characters can just runaway some even reflect
>Character on par with IG in terms of recovery frames
Bottom tier too

>S tier
Harley, Bugs, Supes, Batman, Taz(infinite solo ToD), IG (dumb random interactions raking damage like the Bugs safe)
>A tier
Black adam and Banana (many recovery frames on some unsafe moves )
A good Lebron would be A
>B tier
Stripe, Taz (no infinite ToD), Rick(swords carry a lot due to antiair disjointed stuff OTG), Garnet (Bad character but has wonky boxes and has a glitch that lets her die only until getting to 300 damage)

Everyone else is on point
>i really wanted that proud dad t shirt for superman
Is that an actual thing from the datamine? Because if so I wanna see it.
no retard
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Fuck Velma, Marry Classic Harley, Kill Wonder Woman
Marry Velma, Fuck Wonder Woman, kill thot Harley.
I forgot Jake has no priority on any of his attacks thats why he always loses trades
Marry Taz
Fuck Taz
Kill Harley
Fuck harley marry harley kill WW
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>get Steam notification
>salty message from a guy I guess I matched with at some point, forgot I even left public comments on
>look at his profile
>he has commenting disabled
True poetry.
Kill Velma (She's ugly!)
Fuck Harley (She's in charge!)
Marry Lunalux (She's my wife!)
Really? He's the only streamer who claims to have drops, and nothing is showing up.
>they're not make no sense
You don't say.
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tomorrow is the one month anniversary
now that the dust has settled, has the game improved in the past month?
The one good thing they did was increase how much battlepass exp regular matches give you. The balance of the game itself is still fucked.
and the fact that it gives you bp xp in the first place, remember when it didn't at all? What were they thinking?
I may have forgot, did it seriously give nothing? I remember when it was like 10 exp rather than 50.
it gave precisely 0 and it sucked, by comparison i’ve been flying up the pass and am probably only 2 days away from tux steven
I haven't really been grinding it, just doing the minimum for missions so far. I jumped in a bit late because I wasn't sure if I even wanted to pick the game back up at first. Good to know it's a decent pace if I do need to grind it out, though. I'm at like tier 52 or something.
you can also just set up a program to afk matches
>has the game improved in the past month?
I mean, technically yes...
Eh. At that point, why even care about the rewards, know what I mean?
it gives you currency to buy characters
only if you get toasted
it’s in the pass
>But it still hurts...
>Ah, yes, the pass can hurt.
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drops aren't going to happen until the 27th
3K2 is a like 200 minus from yesterday
But... https://x.com/multiversus/status/1805677434806612302/photo/1
>mvs so desperate they're already throwing freebies everywhere
it's O to the VER
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He changed it to "waiting room", lmao.
How long do we have to watch for the drops
Drop the fucking prices WB that’s all i ask for and you’ll have my money i don’t care how bad it is just don’t be this much of a jew about it, i’d gladly buy a bundle with all the harley skins, also please add isekai harley, the one from her own shoe and the one from the batman

Like god why the fuck do you shill her so much if you won’t let me buy her
shut up paypiggie there are real problems
if it's like the previous drops, something like 3 hours?
It was like an hour and a half to get everything last time, but Twitch doesn't care if you have the video muted or aren't tabbed in, just that you have a valid stream open at all. I just clicked on the first guy I saw doing drops and took a nap.
2K6 holy shit
2K6 players
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Why are you going by the current player number and not the 24 hour peak numbers? They're not much better but it's like 5 AM on a Wednesday in the US.
>20 sec matchmaking
>Last 20 games have been gold names or 4 star character badges
>Some players i have repeated matches with
Its over
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Probably gonna get a lot of negative replies but imo I think they've been doing a decent job fixing a lot of shit
>added 40BP points for wins and 20 for losses
>made rifts award you BP points for clearing challenges, retroactively compensated everyone's already complete challenges
>fixed Iron Giant being broken with several infinites
>Compensated players who bought Shark Reindog when they accidentally fucked up
>4v4 coming next week
>Says they're adding another 3 rifts before the season ends so getting Agent Smith for free doesn't seem as impossible as it did in the beginning, I'm only one page away now.
>Gave me a kickass Tom and Jerry skin with one of their events
>Pretty decent Superman skin too

I'm having a good time.
The Agent Smith stuff still seems kinda shit, though I can agree with the rest. Crushing difficulty is still doable but it's a pain in the ass unless you really sweat. Looney is probably a circle of hell forged by Tony personally.
>>4v4 coming next week
it's 1v1v1v1 retard
>>added 40BP points for wins and 20 for losses
>>made rifts award you BP points for clearing challenges, retroactively compensated everyone's already complete challenges
>>fixed Iron Giant being broken with several infinites
>>Compensated players who bought Shark Reindog when they accidentally fucked up
>>4v4 coming next week
>>Says they're adding another 3 rifts before the season ends so getting Agent Smith for free doesn't seem as impossible as it did in the beginning, I'm only one page away now.
>>Gave me a kickass Tom and Jerry skin with one of their events
>>Pretty decent Superman skin too
Lmao they only did that in 1 month? Holy shit i'm fucking done after bp ends
How many carried tier whore asses are we gonna lose when the patch drops?
Some of these things should have been a nobrainer on launch day
Oh yeah, typo lel
I guess it would be easier to abbreviate it as FFA

I've done the Beach rift on Insane and it was doable even though some of the challenges was really though. I haven't managed to get past the third challenge on Insane Dexter's lab rift though because there's a battle with Harley where she has an AOE effect that basically makes you die in 3 hits. I might have to play that one with a friend to be able to beat it.

I imagine Looney is just torture though.
Sure but I'm glad they're actually listening to feedback though.

They've also done some character buffs and nerfs and shit. Like nerfing Wonder Woman and Banana Guard's spam attack. Also done weekly events with some skins and some BP/gleamium rewards and stuff.
>Like nerfing Wonder Woman and Banana Guard's spam attack. Also done weekly events with some skins and some BP/gleamium rewards and stuff.
Crazy how you're trying your hardest to find stuff they did and it only amounts to that. No wonder the game is already dead.
What's Taz's infinite tod?
>Holy shit im fucking done
>after bp ends

people are unironically like this
im giga close to ending it might as well end it just in case the game becomes good then it's goodbye
didn't people already spend gleam on that GG sticker?

Me, fuck them
I fucking hate these low ceilings and the hitbox on wonder woman's up special that covers the entire sky box
marvin was instabuy character for me but i cant get used to how he plays. feels not good
What characters are best to buy for rifts? Best attributes or whatever
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toms going in
Remember when we were going to get a new character every 2 weeks?
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>coom arya + american flag ringout in one bundle
great deal actually
next week SURELY
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Anon, stop being an unreasonable retard and moving the goalposts.

The game's been out for like a month, in that time they've done small patches almost every week. Small quality of life changes, several events, 3 new rifts, a few low tier skins but also some cool new beach skins with unique animations for several characters.

This is very reasonable. Huge mega updates with new levels and characters and shit is reasonable to be a monthly or bimonthly thing. Probably unlike the Beta launch they're releasing characters in large packs instead of dropping them one by one every 2 weeks. Probably a more reasonable way for their staff to work, instead of having to delay shit when a character isn't as ready as they think they now just have one big deadline to worry about.
deep rock galactic
This is what you can expect from literally any game, retard. The fact that this game launched with tons of bugged and missing features is what makes it so bad.
I think they moved away from that business model because it was causing too much issues and stress in the development. I remember when we had that system last year, and I also remember how we constantly had to be told a character had to be delayed a week or two more because they encountered some issue that meant the character wasn't ready.

I still think we're getting a shitton of new characters, but instead of getting them every 2 weeks we'll get a pack of them at the start of every season pass.
His moves are complex on the outside but actually fighting people with them is rather simple.
>Enemy on the ground but far away? Use bubble blaster/speedier blaster or both at once to hit them/bring them close
>Enemy close to you? Use down normal to fuck them up with armor breaker move or just use regular tilt combo
>Enemy in the air in any capacity? Literally just shoot them over and over with the up-normal blaster
Everything else is just party tricks really.
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You were complaining about them not doing anything, I listed a shitton of stuff they were doing, and you just keep whining like a gay baby retard
>The game's been out for like a month
After a year long hiatus. The game released with less features than the "beta" and we still don't have them back. Stop defending this dogshit developer.
I'm not the guy you were talking to, the fact you're literally repeating yourself by talking about the only stuff they did and the fact you're cocksucking them so hard over a few gleams and shitty skins truly means you are retarded.
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>play 2v2s with randos
>win game
>guy that got matched as my teammate sends me a friend request
Sometimes it's the little things.
This happened to me yesterday. We also queued up after and had a win streak that didn't end until we both got tired. My 2s win rate went from 35% to 80% with that guy.
Since then though my randos have been dogshit.
>the game is good because there are grindy shitty pve modes shitty skins and they give me crumbs of gleamiums!!!!
Holy shit the people defending this game really are the worst cocksucking faggots retards lmao
We won every game we played except for one. He was playing Banana Guard but at least he was doing more than just the side special every 5 seconds like most people do. Wish he stuck around longer but I think I was being used to help him finish dailies. He toasted every win we got though so I can't be mad.
yeah idk. he needs something more I feel
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dailies are done, see you guys tomorrow
Look at this duuuudeeee
Nigga they literally released the game with features missing from the beta.
And they had 1 year
Is it over?
I'm not gonna suck their dick for doing the bare minimum, they've made mistakes that should have never gone live
they gave us the possibility to fucking TRY the characters for FREE. y'all should stop criticizing the game for real.
Hopefully they wake up and unlock all chars for everyone, just compensate everyone who unlocked stuff with prestige glem.or something.
Right now getting casuals and balancing its the most important
Which DC character to buy? I need one atleast
do you want to have fun or do you want to win
or do you eat crayons
They're never doing that. Casuals won't give a shit about that, all you succeed in doing is pissing more people off and losing serious sources of revenue. That lousy attempt of compensation with bullshit like "prestige glem" is not enough and never would be enough. And all they would do is lose money because the majority of people that even bother buying these stupid skins are the same people that bought/grinded chars. It's a double loss of money.
idk none of them really interest me i just need the DC attribute
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New engine, bunch of new characters, a whole ass new PVE story mode, a bunch of skins, new cinematics (a thing we did not have before), and a shitton of the core mechanics have been reworked (for better or worse).

Reworking the old game to the new engine probably took a lot of development time but hopefully it should maybe make things easier for them to develop new things in the future. Yes there are some shit missing that was in the beta, but they're adding back shit at a reasonable pace and they have also added a bunch of new shit.

Also I'm not perfectly satisfied with everything so far but I'm still having a great time, I'm just annoyed as fuck by whiny doomers that can't appreciate a good thing just because it has a few issues here and there. Grow up.
shaggy is just big lingering hitboxes with no whifflag fucking retard unpunishable character just spams dodge and mashes fuck off cunts
crayons then
get bladam
But Fortnite does it all the time , and there is no money if there are no players, and we are heading to sub 2k lows
Superman's pretty easy to play in my experience. Probably him or Black Adam.
yeah i was thinkin bladam, pretty good for just cheesing rifts. just noticed they put his difficulty as "Hard" btw lul
The Overwatch fiasco proved locking characters is bad for business, they reverted back and that kept the game alive
Anon those are SKINS, MVS characters aren't skins. MVS gives out skins too, but giving out the roster for free would be retarded for the amount of effort poured in MVS.
>And there is no money if there are no players
I guarantee you the people that left wouldn't give a damn if you make the chars free. That isn't what will bring people back nor will that make them the stay. Beta proves it already.
Multiversus isn't Overwatch. Overwatch characters aren't unique, animated or interesting enough. MVS did just fine with locked characters as they're something of value due to being massive IP characters, the entire beta went through just fine and would've kept chugging along if the devs had content to show.
*poured in MVS characters
>morty&morty vs. bg and harley
>we're leading 6-3
>they win the 10th match
>they leave immediately
FUCK I knew we should have won the 10th. Now it's as if we didn't win a single one.
But the Beta also had the characters locked....
And I can guarantee you my FGC group discord forgot about the game when all they could play was only 1 character ...
Hell you can see entire videos about MVS and their comment section dropped the game because they lock their characters and made them grindy
>MVS beta did just fine with locked characters
>Overwatch characters aren't interesting
LOL LMAO the level of this bait don't reply to this nigga
>New engine
Bro said this like it was something anyone asked for
>bunch of new characters
Four so far... ok
>a whole ass new PVE story mode
Bro said this like Rifts isn't the worst trash ever made
>a bunch of skins
>new cinematics
Bro said this like it isn't attached to the absolute shit heap that is Rifts
>core mechanics have been reworked
Extremely polarising changes
>new engine
Wasn't necessary, it really only ruled out the pajeets from playing the game on their Intel HD Graphics igpu.
>Bunch of new characters
4 characters in a years time when the framework for new characters is already laid out is not really an achievement
>PVE story mode
Botmatches with textboxes in between them, designed to make you pay
>New cinematic
Useless from a gameplay perspective
But I too enjoy that 20 minutes of gameplay I get everyday to complete my dailies.
game is dead already retard there's no point sucking the game's dick on 4chan of all places
Disingenuous ass post. The beta also had the characters locked, but the system to unlock them was more reasonable, at least to the point it didn't scare off F2Ps from the game, the slow pace of new content was what did that. Now? It's the monetization, no question. Within 4 weeks the player count has already cratered, it's inarguable that WB and PFG need to make some drastic changes if they want people to keep playing. The compromise would be something like locking newer characters to give people something to grind for, while letting older characters be unlocked for free so that players still have some variety to play with (especially if the dailies, weeklies, and Rift gems literally REQUIRE you to use certain characters.) You want the new guys that came out for the season? You play to unlock them specifically. But you should absolutely have a wider initial roster available to brand new players.
>4 characters in a years time when the framework for new characters is already laid out is not really an achievement
Not to mention we know for a fact that Joker was already completed and Banana Guard probably didn't take much work
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The desync issue has been fixed! You didn't get a desync message, see???
Don't reply to the autist who says characters locked is a good thing he was proved to be retarded the other day, that or he is just keep pretending
Fuck me, or he is just pretending*
Maybe he infected me with his retardation
sry too late. you are now the retard
idek what u were talking about
there's nothing wrong with characters being locked, what's everything wrong is how much they cost right now. 1000 to 3000 x currency to unlock them is fine, basically like it was in the beta, but 3000 needs to be the limit given the rate at which they give fighter currency. They can't actually expect people to just give in and spend money, you can't force whale mentality on everyone, they'd rather just drop the game instead
the thing that's fucked up is they don't give gold after every match any more that is straight up retarded
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I got it

A fighting game...

With no characters!
Can anyone tell me what their Jason rift looks like?
>gem level 6.6

Idk how that makes sense
they didn't before either, just like fighter currency now you only got gold for being toasted, pvp-wise at least. And it was 10 gold too, just like fighter currency now. Except again, characters were like 1000, 1500 and 2000 gold or something like that, not 3000 or 6000, it was much easier to just buy them without thinking twice about it, which is the actual trick to selling anything
72/72 it says aswell so its 100%
So they really didn't even fucking update the game yesterday
I'm in the same boat, you need at least 2 rifts of the same color to reach gems at level 9, next rift will probably be red
same here, i realized the other day the actual big boost in exp is those milestones on the rift stars cauldron, daily rewards give nothing in comparison even on higher difficulties
Oh I see
4k players, 3 digits this week. Tony's playing elden ring right now and his lackeys have no free will to stop masturbating to reindog.
>they didn't before either, just like fighter currency now you only got gold for being toasted, pvp-wise at least
That's clearly false, I clearly remember getting 10 or so gold every match. Did you even play beta?
you clearly remember wrong then, what you used to get just by playing was bp xp, gold was for getting toasted. Like think about it, what do you remember getting toasted giving? Nothing? It was gold, 10 gold for each toast.
You got gold from just playing.
There is a reason so many players had 100k+ of gold.
It's also why they removed it from everyone to try and force people to buy characters again after removing the far easier unlock system.
This is too funny. I'm not logging in to help the player count go to 0 which will happen in a few days because the game is shit. Lol it must feel horrible to make a game that EVERYONE thinks is completely worthless shit.
holy retard
1 week without any message from tony, what the fuck is he doing
Yes and the beta did fine. Your group is a vocal minority nor would it have magically keep casuals engaged. The issue boils down to the tedious grind making unlocking chars hell.
>Entire characters and their comment section
I highly doubt that, at most it's just a tiny vocal bunch of retards that would've played anyway if the launch didn't make it too grindy to get chars.
Don't reply to him
Why are you lying, faggot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGz8yjuPszs
My point was that beta did fine despite locking characters, you retard. The solution for launch doesn't require unlocking all the characters. Leaving old characters unlocked would be fucking retarded when the roster isn't big enough to warrant that decision.
Overwatch characters objectively have less put into them than MVS' roster. The animation work alone shows it. And Overwatch's characters have less star power, intrigue and value than MVS' chars. Cope.
Reply to him
>245 golds from a few games
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i stand corrected on both counts then
pic related why i remembered wrong i guess, i just forgot you were given so much shit just for playing the game
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today i'll remind them
>My point was that beta did fine despite locking characters, you retard
It didn’t. It died.
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for me it's pic related
the anon above me? rang out.
Man everything looked so much better, the gameplay, the UI, the characters, they gave a lot of golds, WTF did they fucking do
It died because PFG were retards that spammed all their content away and tried to make an ambitious game that updated every week with a tiny dev team.
you mean a full character length below and to the side
>it died cause they spammed all their content away
>all the biggest drops in players were due to characters being delayed at launch
The game released with too small a roster and they needed to fill it out. They just never could in a reasonable time before killin the game.
Fuck Harley, marry Wondy, kill Velma
That's easy
When do twitch drops start
tomorrow, even though this picture said it was today >>483456393
tony busy playing elden ring pls don't bother him
every arya in 2v2 is so fucking bad
>does the same attack 24 times in a row
what's his build
I agree with this. I think characters being locked with 4 random characters being free on rotation is fine. What isn't fine is the price of the characters, they should definitely lower that so it's not such a huge effort for new players to get characters they want to play.
Random stats and whatever new thing he finds he picks up because he just assumes that it's better because it's new no matter what
>gun game souls
unironically sounds fun
Who actually play rifts?
Yeah actually I want to do that now, equip everything you find until the next equip you find. Would need a weird build probably. Sounds like... fun... unlike... some... other... games...
I'm so pissed off at how shitty this game is and how fucktarded the devs are I can barely stand it and there's nothing I can do or say besides that I wish I could torture them to death with no repercussions
The more I play the more I miss beta
Harley mains are also raging cock lusting faggots
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if they don't patch harley's bomb glitch in the next update I'm killing myself
truth, completely fucking broken character that never has to account for missing anything because her attacks hit everywhere and never stop
stop trying to mash your way out your attacks aren't fast enough
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oopsie forgot tripcode
anyways here's the full clip, harley's bomb detonator will get overridden by the cooldown and lock you out of detonating the bomb completely randomly and it's fucking aids

nobody cares faggot the game is dead
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I would like the glitch to be patched before EoS at least so I can play harley offline
>getting into bot matches again
it's so over
there's not going to be an offline mode retardbro you'll have to do with beta offline
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that's good too
I'll be playing melee
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I wish I could be that Harley and not the Harley that gets effortlessly killed by any attack from the center of the map at double-digits.
try pressing nair
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woagh they put big chungus in the game?!
My husband has better taste than that.
>tfw big chungus was a datamined file
It could still happen
Get out of the thread faggot
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work on my computer =^)
I like how we all accepted that the game is dead
Standard PFG day count
Would be a funny taunt
They forgot to do the fucking drops right? Every twitch streamer grels like a fucking liar putting it in the title for views
Did all of them
Waiting for July 10 for Looney difficult
Insane people, im sure i’ll get smith but whoever gets matrix code smith is mentally ill i hate rifts
Me. You're missing out on a shitton of battlepass progression if you don't, and I want to try to get Smith.
not dead, just very ill
but they're cooking heads down on the game so it'll be save don't worry

they forgot to tell them it's actually tomorrow, and also forgot to change the first tweet about it
tldr they fucked up again
Didn't even finish my dailies today.
I didn't realize it was 7k BP for each lvl pass the 70 just for a shitty box for perk currency. They really know how to jew it up.
I will get on to the dailies for the events and thats it, so I'll probably just do my 5 rift dailies and get off, won't even do pvp.
>Love explosion
>100 glemium
>GG sticker

Better than nothing i guess...
i did up to level 3 rifts but i haven't done all the missions
i usually do them for a bit to practice new free characters and then do pvp
never figured out how to break the targets efficiently with Tom & Jerry
At least do your dailies to get the daily completion bonus, those 750 points you get for it goes a long way if you collect it every day.
rainbow explosion might be cool
nuke everyone in a fucking tempest of faggotry
Anons have PFG even fixed the disappearing mallet with tom?
>have PFG even fixed
no, they didn't.
Now that the dust has settled, which character do trannies pick most? Bugs or Harley?
harley steven finn
Harley and Garnett.
finn is picked exclusively by the mentally impaired
most cartoon network cartoons are gayshit lgbtq++ so almost every character from adventure troon steven fagniverse
>adventure time
Created by a child groomer
>steven universe
Exists solely to groom children
Fucks his dog
Reproduce asexually
>Tom and Jerry
Gay furry
>bugs bunny
Crossdresses and kisses other men
>wonder woman
>>wonder woman
when did this happen
shes just a femdom fetish character
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>Crossdresses and kisses other men
ah, so a hotwife
trannies always pick girls you retard
literally fucking always
>Only babies need help
Between the three of them, only one of them is well known for having a sidekick.
>Bugs or Harley
Harley, not even a contest. Classic gay furs pick Bugs. Trannies want either characters that are very girly or cute and nerdy like velma, but NO ONE is picking Velma right now because that's playing with a handicap.
lol why's he being a dick
Dreading opening the game, can't force myself to do it
Definitely Harley
how do we fix mvs
Nude harley skin
Came dangerously close to paypigging. Finished the battlepass and have 1700 gleam, was tempted to pay $5 and get a decent legendary skin for my main

But then I came to my sense when I realized I don't even have a reason to play the game right now. No ranked, battlepass done, the event missions take like 10 minutes tops to complete. There's nothing to do besides play and I already have 150 hours, i'm burnt out and there's no content. Sorry tony, you're not getting me to pay money until ranked or other new content
is there any mission that lets me play with a Rick and Morty character? I have a weekly quest with them
Fighter tickets lol
Will we get Ellen?
She's been cancelled, it's not happening.
Can we get Leslie Nielson Dracula? WB owns almost every Castle Rock Entertainment film from 1994-2010?
It must be surreal to be Arya in Multiversus, considering she's from a pre-industrial society.
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He's in
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>Miss Congeniality
>Kangaroo Jack
>Jack Black AND Ben Stiller
IG is still a pain in the ass to deal with apart from being able to juggle him, the fact that he can still hit me even when I am nowhere near the point of his attacks is ridiculous.
Plapping Harley mains and knocking them up
>at a reasonable pace

Nigga we've just gone a month without new content but a grindfest. Not to mention that they still have Match Desynchs every 5th match up.
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Now that he's officially in, what kind of references do you think they'll put in his moveset?
my stability is way better compared to launch, i can go a whole hour without seeing a network error or match desync when before it would go fucking 10 matches in a row desyncing

whatever the fuck they did it worked
Is he going to be a tank or a bruiser?
how do i hit wonder woman's up air spike i'm trying to combo into it with down air i keep turning myself around by accident
i know i don't need it
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>Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman
Can we get underdog, scream, hellraiser, the cast of friends, two broke girls, the new adventures of old christine, two and a half men, the fresh prince of bel-air, spy kids, full house, step by step, growing pains, everybody loves raymond, the drew carey show, the middle, 2 stupid dogs, Casper, freakazoid, the Flintstones, inspector gadget, the Jetsons, Jonny quest, Josie and the pussycats, the mask, mister T, Ghostbusters, smurfs, speed racer, yogi bear, law and order, a Christmas story
wait so the twitch drops thing is actually happening now? I thought they said tomorrow
Okay so we all agree that Townsville is like, the worst map in the game right?
people i'm fighting against just stop moving which i assume is a desync
Dexter's lab is pretty shit as well
I like it.
Yeah they said tomorrow yesterday bro.
I genuinely prefer it to the Game of Thrones stage because at least you can kill people
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Yup YUP I'm thinking he's in
>4 different stage hazards (6 if you include Mojo crashing the stages)
>The crashes progressively cause the stage to get smaller
>Each crash shakes the fucking screen like a schizo having a seizure which makes it difficult to focus what's happening
>Two of the stage hazards are potentially match ending past a certain threshold of damage taken
>You automatically pick up the bombs without meaning to for some retarded reason
Yeah, pretty much.
Cool I have to leave on some shitter faggot who sucks at real smash's stream for an hour and a half on mute and not watching to get some pussy/faggot shit
Holy shit I despise the seizure crashes and the bombs, it's so fucking aids
Disney owns the pagemaster -_-
>a schizo having a seizure
I still hate Treefort the most
Looking back, yeah, it's obvious that no one playtested the Townsville map. There's way too much shit and stage hazards going on especially in a 2v2.
I'll predict a rejection at 7.6k players
>You automatically pick up the bombs without meaning to for some retarded reason
not for me, i have to manually pick them up
Gsmvoid look like a Shakespearean actor
no he looks like a nigger and an ugly one
When you pick up the bombs, a small window above it says to press H to pick it up, but for some reason when you're in the middle of a combo while the bombs are near you, you pick it up automatically.
The A button and other buttons pick them up sometimes for me even though I have it set to LB. It can be A like smash but just make it consistently work the way it should... if I press a trying to pick up a bomb who knows if I'll attack or pick it up.
New Bleh
Brother, we will not get season 3 at this rate.
Just watch my stream bro
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WB also own Family Matters and related characters
If they had the option to remove Mojo it would be way more loved. It looks just like the show and I love it for that
i hate what overwatch has become but holy shit it completely mogs multiversus in terms of animation quality. mvs is no slouch, but the budget and production values are nowhere near the same ballpark. it's absolutely retarded to claim they have "less work put into them" just to cope over the fact that mvs characters are too expensive and the grind for the free unlock is unbearable

the beta did 'fine" because unlocking them for free wasn't a months long process.
and seriously, why the fuck are you so autistic over people wanting a more reasonable unlock procedure? were you mindbroken by people suggesting to make them free?
you've been at it for like three threads by now.
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pissing off who? the soon to be triple digits player count?

that's my issue, as a new player you only have one character and 4 on weekly rotation. maybe you can unlock 2 characters with relative haste but then you hit the quest wall and find yoirself having to hunt the character coin drops in the shitty ass ui.
get at least one free character per class minimum and make gaining fighter currency something easy.
you know, LIKE IN THE BETA.

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