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Previous: >>483409880

>Collected Miscellany - "Sigewinne: Gentle Spirit of the Sea"
https://youtu.be/DVlhX5r02_4 [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/J7qv-ThlDaA [Embed] (JP)

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik [Embed] (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA [Embed] (JP)

>Web Event "Heartfelt Doodlings" live until June 26

>Current character banner: Clorinde, Alhaitham, Sethos, Bennett, Thoma
>Current weapon banner: Absolution (Sword), Light of Foliar Incision (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)
The pyro archon is male btw
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>another event that lasts for less than a week
Why are all events so short these days?
Now that Furina’s rerun is the only Fontaine rerun to have earned tiktok hours, what can we learn from this?
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Come home straight man
for (You) waifus are waiting
it will EoS before Genshin so no
I have C6r1 Wandie and C2r1 Nahiders.
I've done my part for now.
>nobody knows how dendro and dendro related characters work other than hypershits need EM on electro
Name a more retarded, uninformed, and illiterate playerbase, I dare you
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sex with alhaitham
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Please roll for Alhaitham. He will become the most meta main-DPS at lvl 100
They're probably gonna market the theater as an event and don't want it overlapping with anything else
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9 hours
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not with the rate genshit is burning goodwill at kek
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That Aerina shilling stunt Hoyo recently did awfully backfired, huh?
Played it for one month straight. And I honestly think it's okay. But as of now I am not really excited to log in at all. The Echo farm is super boring ( But sort of beat domains) I'll check the new character when she releases but I am not even sure if she's any good
>ching chong ding dong

no way fag
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This game desperately needs a Persona 5 collab to bring back the hype.
post your c6r5
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Didn't the first female WuWa banner lose to Clorinde?
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
I'm simply rolling C6R1 Sigewinne in a bit over 3 hours.
so she's just isn't in fontaine?
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
>the actual gacha killer
Please do it.
Kill this game.
You can really tell Emilie was meant to be a 4* there. That zoom in looks so cheap and janky. Its clear you weren't suppose to see it up close.
man wuwa characters really work on the same color pallette lmao theres 4/5 characters here with red black and white
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my queen
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>>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
Damn maybe it really is over, I get it was just for China but to suddenly stop doing that after nearly 4 years...
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I unironically enjoyed Fontaine more than Insipiduma and Snoremeru.
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Childe SOON
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>2 more red haired girls
>3 more gray/white haired girls
>update game
>10 more hours until Sige banner

aussie lolichads how good is Sige paired with Klee? I need to know
You know I'm starting to actually believe that Hoyo deliberately (((leaks))) info about upcoming patches in a desperate attempt to keep people interested
Buy an ad
Chiori, Sigewinne and Emilie all reek of upgraded 4*s, I guess they need money.
Is that image LITERALLY stinky pussy exploding?
and.... what else?
Wow just like 2.0... and 3.0... and 4.0... I am shocked
Furina more like Flopina
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Post your
>favorite genshin
>favorite shounen with tournament arc(s)
yu yu hakusho
they really love black and white lmao the cast has too many white haired chunnis
Now that the hydro buddypoke flopped, what narrative do we have now?
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I enjoyed every Region EXCEPT for SHITstaine.
I dropped HI3 because flashy retardation gameplay like that is just boring to me.

I don't want my units doing thousand retarded moves in the air when I do normal attacks.
Useless without Furina
Aren't there fewer voiced events and there shorter too. I remember people complaining the karaoke event was only 2 acts
The 1.3 one looks good, the rest look meh
I would have too if it weren't for Wormvillette.
if they did we would have actual leaks by now instead of retards vaguely describing what's coming
>the second 4* became a 5*
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This changes everything
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I wish I had more luck so I could roll all of the characters
>shitty pitybait
Chiori burst seems unique enough to be a 5*
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Now that Genshin has flopped and become an irrelevant game that only sunk cost losers would still play, what games are you guys going to play next?
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you're supposed to extrapolate the sales
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>be leak tranny
>don't post screen shots
>don't post concept art
>hang out on their groomcord and telegram
why are they like this?
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So desperated huh,
Let's see, those would be C6R1 bait.
it’s not on reddit
So how are you guys coping with the fact that the game may actually be slowly dying despite the fact the game still makes massive amounts of money
Feels like maybe the devs just aren't into it atm and some higher ups forced some changes
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Kana WON
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sasuga kanacuck with shit taste
KAVEH (forma out of debt)?
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I’ll laugh my ass off when 5.0 beta drops and all these ‘text leaks’ turn out to be some faggots fanfiction
/gig/ and Genshin are dead...but you still come here and keep yourself updated
Neuvillette and Fontaine are hated...only here while praised elsewhere
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>another hydro catalyst
Hydro clamore fucking when?
you wish homotranny
Kaveh Blanco???
>another 5* hydro
fucking hell
RIP Iansan
iansan bros...
Fuck off they're not adding a 10th fucking hydro 5*
Yun Jin
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lansan... now a 4 star...
they saw that the hydro buddypoke didnt sell KEK
5.0 three 5*

female geo polearm
female hydro catalyst
male dendro claymore

team mew
you're supposed to extrapolate the sales based on the player distribution of a different game that has an extremly large PC userbase*
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The leaks you people posted less than three days ago said Iansan was electro.
I slopped.
>5* Dendro male
>5* Pyro Xbalanque

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>still no hydro claymore
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Ms Yun!
I usually come to /gig/ to shitpost and laugh at giggers but the doomposting because a bad unit is selling poorly feels so forced.
Come the next even mildly anticipated character Genshin is going to be first place again as always. Not to mention the playerbase is still growing, almost 4 years in
what can dendro even do anymore? it has burn dps (emilie), healers (baizhu and yao2), main dps (alhaitham), quickswap dps (tighnari), bloom popper (kaveh), shielder (kirara) and reaction support (nahida)
I bet it's just another useless 4*
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New 5* hydro catalyst user
source is auntie /gig/
Why are you fuckers so gullible?
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>bad unit
the geo polearm budypöke...
Good, more time to save.
why are you faggots believing in these leaks?
are we being raided by tourists?
>Team Mew
Aren't those the faggots that said they won't release leaks because of Firefly? Why are you retards believing anything they post
Im done with open world gachas. Im going to try ZZZ since its more my style and maybe Snowbreak for ass and titties. One thing I like quitting Genshin was I don't have to feel attached to the game. I'm, not going to grind dailies as much if I grind either game.
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>release the hydro buddypoke
>it flops badly, horribly, so bad it made kurumi cry
>downgrade the geo buddypoke to 4* afterwards
Retards, Team Mew (unreliable) is just reposting Foul (reliable).
it is forced because the charts aren't even updated
because Foul has a very long streak of accurately leaking the next characters?
Genshin 5.0

Third story quest for Yoimiya. She kisses traveler this time.

Source: Uncle Rapist
Furina flopped.
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foul is very reliable
RIP Emilie, she never had a chance
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BIG if true
People will forget like usual
The buddypoke killed this game
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idk i used to think all leakers were gay discord groomers but since they said theyre not posting any leaks until femcels stop crying about firefly that instantly made them likable in my eyes
>they're spamming leaks now to reinvigorate the hype since Fontaine's cash cow flopped
I killed this game
You don't understand bro.... it's not fanfiction... it was the TRVE beta story that got rewritten from the ground up starting in 4.8...
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it's on leddit therefore it's real
rip lansan
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>mildly anticipated character
>the playerbase is still growing
Nice joke buddy.
>missing 4* dendro manlet
>missing 5* anemo loli
>missing 4* hydro loli
>missing 5*cryo manlet
mihoyo needs to hire me
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the geo buddypoke...
We know, Furina.
The geo buddypoke...
sigh... guess a hebe will have to do... wake me up when Iansan comes.
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3 hours
so will she be welfare zhongli for naviafags or will she go full brick route and try to be dps
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I'm not rolling for another 5* hydro
the geo buddypoke killed genshin with her fat ass brick
what does buddypoke even mean, loli potato all have a word or picturesque heritage but what does buddypoke even come from besides being completely made up.
Anyone who got her, how good is Siggy hydro application in practice
>another 5 star hydro
fuck off
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Why are we suddenly pretending that people ever were interested in pic related
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For the people with C6 Furina. Is Splendor better than Key for DPS Furina? I can't seem to find a good answer. I know R5 Key does more in vape comps. What about R1?
Where's the big tits Geo char they mentioned before?
geo healer with a construct
Sorry it's my fault

I shitposted that Iansan and Sigewinne swapped rarities
>and just like that, any hype for the current banner is gone
Gods, what a flop.
Fontaine really fell off.
We are just finishing the hydro nation so it's normal to get 3 five starts.
It's kinda weird that Inazuma and Liyue gave use each two of them though.
NTA and while I don't think it's growing, I do think the game still gets newcuties, it's just that some oldfags are also leaving so it's not really a growth
wait nvm am retarded
If you thought Fontaine was the powercreep region, Natlan is gonna make it look like a joke
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>browns and buddyflops flop so badly that iansan was downgraded to 4* status
holy shit lmao
Should I roll for Yinlin or Jinshi or Changli? Who is the strongest? I hope to have enough for Camellya on top of one of the others. I have Encore and Verina and that other standard Wind 5*.
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>our dual furiner sigepoke banner flopped?
>emergency Natlan leaks: Engage
Key R1 is always better in Vape, while Splendor is better in every other team
You now remember kamisato ayato
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Then you woke up,
There's a chance that this month's revenue could be as shit as it was in May btw
Will Mihoyo notice if I install Wuwa? Will it affect my rolls? I've been pretty happy with them lately, I don't want to risk that.
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if you think Fontaine was a flop just wait until you're this deep into Natlan
I have a lot of doubts about that, chief
>leaks are now coming out in droves
where is big boss when you need him?
As much as I hate to believe in everything the 'leakers' say they did initially say 5.X rather than 5.0
on vape furiner, key is better always while splendor is better anywhere else.
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I'm rolling C2R1 Iansan, and C2R1 Siggy. I would never leave cunny behind.
I will redeem the Welkin and no I won't try Wuwa saar
They don't leak because there's nothing worth leaking. They already understand by now that people don't want Redvillette, but they don't have enough time to rewrite Natlan.
They know hydro is the premium element and they're going to milk it to the grave.
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Stop laughing at us!
>leakers are hoyo employes ready to drop some "hype" whenever shit hits the fan
Don't do it bwo, the desire sensor is going to change it's multipliers
NTA but why do you talk like a tranny?

Honest question, are you trans?
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>another 5* hydro
>ANOTHER 5* dendro
Fuuuuuuuuuck oooooooofffffff
final count, zero tiktok hours, below that yume game. the final nail in fontaine's coffin.
source: https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=CN&date=2024-06-25&device=iphone&os=ios
The geo buddypoke...
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Finally, Dottore
Let's assume I am, now what?
There is no powercreep in Genshin, according to whales who have all C6 you can use any character you want! Isn't that nice?
The hydro buddypoke...
The geo buddypoke...
Firefly's success really did a number on the remaining hype you guys had for this game, huh?
Nahida is really cute.
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Hello obvious newfag.
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I can't take him seriously like this.
holy tourist
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The war ravaged lands....
Well at least i know she will be free
COLUMBINA weekly boss in 5.2
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the twins are placeholders
It's a faggot meme from Granblue transplants.
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Wuwakeks DON'T LOOK
lansan being 4* was fully expected after lynette, probably will be given for free
the dentro claymore could be 5* kaveh to buff nilou or a quicken support, don't see any other viable niches
hydro catalyst could be freeze or electrocharge chevreuse
>5* Fischl (doesn't really need signature weapon, but her weapon is so versatile due to crit weapon)
>5* DPS that needs signature weapon
>5* Xiangling (no need signature weapon)
Pick your poison.
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How big is the gap between R1 Key and Splendor in regular comps? How far behind is Splendor from Key in vape comps? If you ignore the overall versatility, which would you rather have for C6 Furina?
I-I'm finally downloading Wuthering Waves...
lurk more before posting
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It’s over, buddypoke+Archon rerun flopped massively.
why can't we get leaks like this anymore?
>all those mountains and tall tress

This is gonna suck to "explore". At least Wuthering Waves lets us wall run up those cliffs
lands... ravaged by war...
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It's time we had a serious discussion about pic related.
>8 hours 50 minutes
Will Da Wei finally add the skip button?
An improvement.
worth noting that Genshin has never gon anywhere close as low as WuWa currently is
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newcutie... you need to lurk 2 years before posting
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No Emu, No WAR.
>turns out those geological fractures and volcanoes are all result of the tribes' warring which activates the pyro energy and yadayada fantasybabble
our response?
>Sigewinne is such a brick she made a fucking ARCHON flop on her first rerun when that’s supposed to be a guaranteed seller
Holy fuck I’m actually impressed
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the claymore is obviously a burning dps which nobody fills the niche for yet
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>half the thread is filtered
>"the JPs will salvage the banner, I swear-"
>flops in pedoland too
Jesus Christ, what a disaster.
Furina cons or save for a new character?
30 pity with a guarantee, was thinking about Yelan or Zhongli in the future, or maybe some Natlan characters
Hahahaha… nobody cares about your Hydro buddypoke
>Still above fireflop
you lost hrtsister
and so fontaine comes to an end, with a wet fart...
the war ravaged lands...
admitting that you are trans isn’t the best idea but okay, trannies and faggot are not welcom here

Dont let the trannies psyop you into thinking that trans lingos are acceptable here
genuinely don't know what you're pointing out
Please filteranon...bestow upon me your knowledge so that I may enjoy /gig/ again...
Friendly reminder that fucking Dehya at least managed to scrape up 12 tiktok hours.
Let that sink in.
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It is what it is.
It’s been 1 week, time to stop letting Firefly live rent free in your head when nobody mentioned them.
uh oh newfaggot melty
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>he thinks it's the end
An even wetter fart coming
disneyland is actually akin to a battlezone if you were ever unfortunate enough to be dragged to one. Actual irl pvp server
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Key in vape is +12%
Splendor outside of Vape is +23.6%
(these numbers are for C2+)
I would pick Splendor if I had to choose
Not surprised, granblue is a flop tranny game, God I hate that tranny game and its tranny fanbase so much
go back
I guess that drowning the thread by posting thrice as much as the locals is a valid raiding strategy too but man, you really need a demented and bitter obsession to pull out such stunts.
She's going to get one last buff after this, guaranteed. They need her to sell.
Fontaine unironically killed Genshin.
Like, for realsies this time.
>visits a general with higher percentage of trans posters than /lgbt/ (~96.625% of /gig/ picked lumine) and starts calling people trannies
go back
It’s ok Furina… if you were the real Archon, things would’ve been different
>which would you rather have for C6 Furina?
splendor if you love her
I wonder if Dawei finally realized that putting a faggot and a fujo in charge of this game was a mistake
Firefly flopped...
Just imagine sucking on Sparkle's massive sparkles here
I told you guys Furina's rerun was going to bomb.
I see. I'll go with Splendor too then. I already have one copy of Key. I was thinking about maybe getting a 2nd copy for my Nilou, but with this info in mind I'll go with Splendor. Thank you.
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>he picked a manlet wearing a crop top
How is that supposed to be the straight choice
It's from Lisa calling (You) cutie, retards
>First female Archon to fl0p on her rerun
>despite having a new, female loli 5* sweetening the deal
all the leaks are fake unless there is a design and bodytype posted
>cunny flops
>tourist starts having a melty and calling people trannies
Why is there way, way more sales posting than ever before?
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nah, clorinde and sige numbers already better than may, clorinde got pulled more than chiori considering this month has 2 chioris is gonna be like 50m+ minimum on cn only wouldnt be surprised if it was 60+, the thing dragging down may was wanderer baizhu, both together dont make clorinde and alhaitam was pulled fine for a second banner
But I thought Furina was a well written character?
none, Furina is the most soulless character in the cast and very boring to play too
Alright /gig/ see you next week enjoy the shitfest threads, maybe someday you will learn how to gatekeep.
don't let anything distract you from the fact that EVERY banner post 4.2 flopped hard.
act 5 literally killed the game but hey at least the funny alien people liked it. we did it reddit
Toilette flopped and flushed entire Floptaine patch.
I only have splendor so cant help you there
But enough about Wormrina
she flopped because she isn't one
>a faggot and a fujo in charge
uh why would a faggot and a fujo choose to make 10 banners in a row limited 5* females taking up a majority of a year and possibly going until it's been a year since furina?
None of this would have happened if our cunnies are using Wuwa's child model instead of our current potato model btw.
>Siggy's bubble only traps enemies for a little over a second
>only the first two bounces trap enemies
>burst is useless until C6 (70 energy btw)
>only good teams are Furina teams that are probably just as good without her
>bad hydro application
Poor Siggy
pajeet is rushing to get his shitposts in before the charts update
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I love (elf) children
you forgot sumeru had those yellow things to pull yourself? the trailer literally shows us transforming into those creatures and being able to do the same as sumeru but also do wall riding and other shit, theres even a flying mount too
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bros... we're gonna get RAPED on the montly revenue chart
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Remember when /gig/ was good?
it is an interesting phenomenon to see literal self admitted tranny, see >>483420851, is trying to tell other to go back, LOL
me thinks you're the one who should go back sis
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Firefly flopped again?
at least she's cute
We know Albedo.
Wuwa will shit up the threads for months kek
But aren't you qll the same people who kept saying she is since she's marketed as one, hmmm?
From Fat Xiao's Q&A
>4.2 Masquerade of the guilty is their most proud work. They have several sketches shown. To compare, Eula's story quest is the worst.
>They also mentioned that they stimulate Neuvillete mental changes. "How would he feels when Focalors appears?" he said
>People may not believe it, but all Fontaine and Sumeru stories are all from Xiao Luohao and Laoyao. Honkai series writers do not join the gnsn team.
>Xiao Luohao most favourite character is Elysia.
>First contact with ACG is <Cardcaptor Sakura> and he ship Syaoran Li x Sakura Kinomoto when he watched it.
Alright /gig/, tell me how would you have saved Furina’s rerun, one of the most anticipated characters from Fontaine ever with a really popular VA
go back ledditor, or lurk some years before posting
Potatoschizo, it's been 4 years. You need to let go
haven't been here in a while, what does this MEAN
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It was only good during the 1.x patches. Everything turned to shit when women and trannies started flocking and taking over the threads.
>g-go back
it's a tranny who's trying to promote xer NFT
holy giga fucking flop
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>20 more days of shitposting
The sales would have recovered if they put out male banners, going a year of only limited males into a year of only limited females was a colossal mistake and has burned the wick at both ends
Sigewine is even worse than dehya. At least dehya is standard.
Shut up!
I'll never live it down...
Especially whenever I see perfection such as Encore...
before inazuma?
And which one are you anon-kun?
But they got so much echo picking to enjoy
Why are they here?
>clorinde did better than furina
nahida is not a kid
siegg is old af too
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It's always good when you are here
Trannyvilette is a disgusting piece of shit

Am glad fontaine flopped
siggy is unironically going to kill this game... KEKYPOW!
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>tourist melty
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Alhaithambros...are we getting replaced? It's over if he's a main-DPS with good cons....
>They also mentioned that they stimulate Neuvillete mental changes. "How would he feels when Focalors appears?" he said
Wormvillette is literally Fat Xiao's self-insert lmoa
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I don’t want to see the sensordata revenue now. We are going to be raped and I will have to bend down and take it up the ass
>going a year of only limited males

you need to stop parroting this already
how fucking embarassing
I wonder how he feels right now, in a just world his job would be in danger. I hope he's at least sad. retarded fat fuck
Put her banner along with Clorinde (not with Sigelose) with Chevrolet, Charlotte and another 4* female character.
The women in this game have no sex appeal anymore. They're all fully covered and show no skin. Arlecchino is a travesty. How did we go from Jean's jiggle physics to this?
Damage control for killing the game
Who the fuck cares if they release some random literally who stylist, nurse or parfumer if the only relevant character is dragon worm
Cheating on Firefly with Sparkle! Moaning out Sparkle's name and telling her she feels so much better than Firefly!
>proceeds to have an autistic breakdown and fantasize about trannies
You clearly aren't straight anon
Absolutely 0 fucking chance 2 new 5* and Furina do worse than this, let's be real for a sec
You too.
Who is the most broken Genshin in pvp?
>outed as a tourist
go back
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>losing to this
Chinks should just beat him up till he no longer works on genshin
>I will have to bend down and take it up the ass
im sure you already do
Which one do you want me to be babe?
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>Navia did better than Chiori
>Navia did better than Worm rerun
>Navia did better than Porkrinde, Wormrina rerun AND the buddypoke
A proper sendoff!
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>my game has a greater number of mentally ill incels willing to spend ungodly amounts of money in a vain attempt to please their fictional 2D crush (the one created in an office room by a team of middle-aged Asian manlets) as if it was some kind of Onlyfans prostitute, therefore my game is mathematically better than your game
Why are gacha "gamers" like this?
Scaramouche to wriothesley
We're currently furina to the second half of 5.0
It's the same time frame but they shoved in more 5*s the second time
So all that Neuvi shilling with Sigewinne couldn’t even get the buddypoke to sell. Should’ve just put out a SQ2 with another French song, that’d easily get in some eyes…
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>gives up archon status
>flops horrendously
regret giving up the throne now huh BITCHcalors
C0 solo? Kokomi
I thought /gig/ was dead, why are we still getting tourists?
Please go take your garbage to those healthy, prosperous generals like /wuwa/ and /hsrg/, we're full and don't want more pollution
He'll most likely be Wrio tier at C0 and only reach Alhaitham+ level with C1/2. Al will still be the T0@C0R0
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Focalor is the most retarded archon, she's also as retarded as tranny
They didn't release any standard male so Dehya should still be counted.
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yumeSTACIES won
waifufloppers cried
I fucking wish
All we get is these borderline clown designs and obvious fujo self inserts
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Firefly is the best character Mihoyo ever made. I love her so much.
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>flopfly trannies can't even wait for the banner to go live gobally
bombing really fucked them up
Remember lv100 is coming with seemingly no balance changes from the leaks so hope you're ready to lv100 your kuki kek
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I'm reinstalling PoE.
Literally every single banner since 4.4 banner 1 has flopped
Fontaine was a fucking mistake and we would have been better off if it didn’t exist and we skipped straight to Natlan
Schizo CBT-1 Focalors would’ve broken sales even on rerun…
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>trying to gatekeep now
>after the gate has been wide open for 2 years and counting
Now that Furina's rerun is a confirmed flop. Do you think Hoyo regrets scrapping her 2nd Story Quest for a Cyno/Sethos SQ?
Chiori's design was the only good thing to come out of shitstaine
>replying to yourself on CD
I can't imagine being that much of a loser. Firefly will never exist, you may as well kill yourself now
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Clorinde with thundering fury set and healing bonus food.
KEK, this self admitted tranny >>483422906 is still crying

must have struck a nerve if he's malding this hard
Venti CBT1 comments on the Electro Archon
>Wait... I sense... is it... Baal? Oh no. No no no! We need to get out of here! There's nothing scarier than Baal when she's angry!
Venti CBT1 comments on the Dendro Archon
>I can't say I'm a fan of their philosophically prescribed systemic lifestyle, especially the part about 'no alcohol'. Although, I suppose the God of Wisdom has her unique... wisdom.
Venti CBT1 comments on the Hydro Archon
>Court of Fontaine? The wine over there is a bit different. I'm most partial to their [??] sapphire wine. But that winery, ugh... What are your plans for the next two days? I wanna avoid [???] (Focalors?), so it might be a good time to sneak off somewhere.
Venti CBT1 comments on the Pyro Archon
>That brawler... I can't believe she transferred all her power to you! Whoawhoawhoa, YOU need to protect ME!
Venti CBT1 comments on the Cryo Archon
>Though she may be the way she is now, she was once the warmest of us... ah! You did it! You blew away the ice and snow! You've exceeded every poem I've ever written and wrote a story even I never dared to imagine! Barnabas has an eye for people, heheh... Let's have a big feast tonight to celebrate! Let's bring her along too, 'cuz I want something cold to drink.

You can tell what stayed the same and what was rewritten.
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>iansan is a 4*
Deep down I knew it but i wanted to believe
I guess it will try to get Sige and Emilie now
>2.0 keqing flopped
>Sigewinne flooped
Furina is will carry this patch alone.
kill yourself psychopath
no-one gives a shit about you paying 50k for C6R5 and using max primo resin refreshes every day
fucking disgusting tryhard whale
this is not an MMO, go play trash like ToF if you want to brag about being a subhuman whale, they even have mounts and all the other MMO cancer subhumans like you want
Genshin will never be the PvP MMO you want
fuck multiplayer as a concept
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Furina was always a flop and a sewer rat
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>reddit spacing
Venti CBT1 comments on the Hydro Archon
>Court of Fontaine? The wine over there is a bit different. I'm most partial to their [??] sapphire wine. But that winery, ugh... What are your plans for the next two days? I wanna avoid [???] (Focalors?), so it might be a good time to sneak off somewhere

This would’ve saved Floptaine
>2 years and never saw someone say newcutie
go back
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Up next: Nilou + Navia.
holy shit, we're doomed. Hahahahaha
the geo buddypoke...
We need a firefly expy to save this game
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>Cyno/Sethos SQ?
Seriously, literally who asked for this? I'm a big fan of Sumeru but not even I wanted it over a second Furina quest
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the rebalance is confirmed at this point
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Take your meds, schizoxis.
Dunno, but after these past few weeks I'm actually glad the Traveler only seems to care about their sibling and is completely immune to cheap (you) pandering
Don't worry I'll get us that 1 tictaktoe by buying nilou's outfit, surely that's enough for 1 of em
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Now that tiktok hours are way too easy to guess...
Predict Emilie's /gig/ minutes
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Me and my husband
Didn't she flop?
Why copy a failure?
>That brawler... I can't believe she transferred all her power to you! Whoawhoawhoa, YOU need to protect ME!
Another female archon stripped of her power
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Slow like a turtle.
it's amazing how floptaine managed to miss every single audience
waifufags don't care, yurifags don't care, yumes don't care, fujos don't care. everywhere you check you'll see widespread apathy for genshin.
who is fontaine for? I don't think they know either.
I really like this headcanon
>>That brawler... I can't believe she transferred all her power to you!
Imagine the shounenkino battle between (you) and capitano
Literally all we need is a female character to be as overtly for you as Firefly is. All we have is Xiao who is an edgelord manlet so not even women want him.
Who is going to rule Natlan then?
"I wanna avoid [???]" is exactly how it played out, except they guessed wrong about the ??? being Focalors.
I give her 7 gig hours until the few people that rolled her get tired of shilling her
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I lost my 50/50 at hard pity to a male for the first time since I started playing 3 years ago while trying to pull furina
And then i didnt pull her until hard pity
And then i lost weapon banner to siggy at 80 pulls in
Im completely out of funds now
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Would (You) roll for female neuvillette?
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Reminder that Firefly sold less than Neuv, Wanderer, Alhaitham, Dan Homo, and Kafka.
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Your calcs....end here!
the new shota pyro archon
trust the plan
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Wow you really proved me wrong
The lines are about Hydro Archon in translation, not Hydro Sovereign
Sigewinne feels a bit irrelevant. I don't even have any team where I'd want to slot her in.
She's cute though at least.
It's been 3 hours. Did they end up beating Tiktok?
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there's no way they had neuv ready since day 1, I can accept 2.4 because of enka but there's just no way since beta....
The voiceline was also recorded and that's indeed Focalors.
>Neuv, Wanderer, Alhaitham
my fucking heroes
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>boy in shorts? flopped
>sea slug? flopped to
Ohhhh, how the mighty have fallen, kufufufufu~
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>had a backlog of like 30 quests including a dozen character story quests and the 4.1-4.2 archon quests
>thought completing them would last me until Natlan
>get bored on my days off and started chugging through them
>finished in 3 days and now have nothing else to do
Man maybe this game really doesn't have content after all
>Neuv, Wanderer, Alhaitham
WaifuFLOPs could never.
Sandrone will be our firefly
>And then i lost weapon banner to siggy at 80 pulls in
Pulling Furina's weapon isn't for poorfags, since you need C4 Furina to use it. Time to swipe.
nta but paimon moe is a garbage site for any metric it is halfway abandoned and people are using it less than before. Maybe only the direct comparison of a dual banner is worth anything. The site regularly doesn't work and isn't being updated on time. Prime example would be like right now with the sige banner not even being available for entry, nobody cares about their rolls a couple days after. Alot of the older banners rise beyond the banner expiration date due to people giving the site "another shot" in hopes that it works this time, that's why you see older banner from the past couple months go up in numbers sometimes.
very unrelieable source, anyone even trying to use that site to support his argument should be ignored by default.
Doesn't mean I'm disagreeing with your sentiment but posting paimon moe is a disqualifier from any conversation that isn't supposed to be bait.
If you don't roll for Emilie you're a bitter incel.
>posts generic slop character
Back to azur lane with you
Everyone in BA flops
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why doesn't Genshin get cute barefoot girls anymore
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Maybe the mesugaki schizo Focalors would’ve saved your asses, genkeks~
Wormvilette is genuinely one of, if not the worst and most disgusting characters in Genshin. 4.2 literally killed people's hype for Fontaine.

Archon bait and switch was the most retarded thing ever.
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>Nilou + Navia
They clear wuwa's stinko and yucka at least
I actually would. And I hate Neuvillette. That's how shameless I am.
I hope most people in this general kill themselves desu
>Navia banner coincides with her story quest that is blatantly romantic
>Navia banner ends and every subsequent appearance of hers has her slurping Clorinde's clit
>Navia banner rerun coincides with her first event appearance that does NOT involve Clorinde
why are they like this
just pick one gimmick for a character and stick with it
does she want to slurp Clorinde's clit or Lumine's dick? make a fucking decision already
>Neuv, Wanderer, Alhaitham
I rolled for all of these
I also rolled for her
Conclusion? I won.
these are EU hours btw
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>sold less than kafka
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Begone, stinky gehenner.
having sexual thoughts about female feet
Omg I didn't expect Sigewinne to flop this hard
I did
Are you just dumb or?
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>4.2 literally killed people's hype for Fontaine.
not true. the people loved it
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I wanted it for the nice crit damage number and drip because i farmed some good artifacts for her
BA anime flopped
BA banners flop harder than genshin and star rail homos
Not gonna lie, I'm glad Genshin flopped like a dog
Can you all finally admit that Raiden is better than Sigewinne
If she was even the slightest bit viable she wouldn’t have flopped so hard that she dragged down an Archon’s first rerun into the trash can with her
What png gacha is this?
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a mesugaki makes no sense in this game
/bag/GODS, please have mercy...
What went wrong?
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She won't flop
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RDR2 has made 1.8 billion dollars (that converts to ~4860.5 tiktok hours for you brainlets). What made the Arthur Morgan banner succeed greatly compared to your Mihoyo flops? Why is Arthur Morgan a more compelling character than Furina?
Unless you had 70 ER in those substats you still would have needed to switch her sands to ER instead of HP. It's a whale weapon.
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Why did Nahida's 3rd do better than Furina's 2nd?
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Zoomers call everything they consume for "peak fiction" What causes this phenoma?
Every single banner that redditors have backed has flopped, for example, this banner or any Fontaine banner for that matter.
and when it's time to spend they're curiously nowhere to be found
paid shills or third worlders?
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my t0c0s keep flopping...
>BA anime flopped
Sold more BDs than Genshin anime LOL
I want Clorinde to flop on my dick
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yeah. this is about what I expected
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uh oh real gamers have arrived
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>hrtg homo avatarfag
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Nahida is the only character left who can rerun and not flop in this mess of a nation
Which is insane if you think about it
bro your fecalors that dies in 5 mins
With all those C0 males you got you could've gotten a C6 Yelan to carry you through to EOS.
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>tourist doesn't know how ads work
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dorontabi locked in on her
i hope he moved out of worst korea already and can go back to drawing porn
Im aware, i had an on set er sands with 35 cv prepared which is actually better than my hp one
okay that's cute, how bout you post your sales cunnyfag
Sales update?
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Let's see how much the nips spends on Furina's banner today or tomorrow.
>sandrone for (you)
Too based to be true
So why do baggots come here?
Is it to get humiliated by us?
Are they into that kind of thing?
I know wuwakeks are so maybe it's a common things
twitch hour is THE NEW tiktok hour now??!!
prostate status?
Amber my beloved.
>pag archive
I can't be caught dead spending money on a dead game like genshart or wuwa!
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>Claims his meta males did better than X banner
>Doesn't post tiktok hours
>buddypoke archive
>Nahida is the only character left who can rerun and not flop
Her first rerun was a flop lol
isn't BA an autobattler too?
/bag/ has some schizo and attention hoarding fags ever since the anime. fcking tourist shitting up active threads such as /gig/.
Columbina will be our Firefly
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>long range homing attacks
>skill for quick up close burst damage and blocking other player's projectiles
>burst and CA after to kill basically any two opponents guaranteed
>catalyst so can run meme builds for different situations
Compared to literally everything in Fontaine save for Furina she was not a flop
Her second rerun was the last time we had any tiktok hours at all
nta it's some side scroller chibi game you click to see cutscenes
/ourguy/ Sekapoko is saying that Sigewinne is T0C0
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you should be forced to solve a quiz on /gig/ culture before posting
I don’t mind Genshin flopping. Anything to make sure Fat Xiao gets removed along with his army of fujoshits. Only YumeCHADS like Tiffany and her army of incelGOD simps know how to make a game sell well.
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I hate wormvilette, he is a disgusting tranny, and I refuse to roll for any character associated with him. Simple as that.
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um what
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At C6 he'd be impossible to beat simply because he keeps dropping balls and healing and can spin the entire screen
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I hope this character is good, it really seems like she was made specifically for me
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Trvth nvke
oof... lolifags are NOT happy.
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Everyone who isn't a femcel shares this opinion.
The guy who started the uooh child erotic meme
I honestly didn't expect a meta female archon on her 1st rerun to flop THIS hard to be honest.
It's actually shocking.
Oh I forgot about the homing attacks that go with the beam as well lol
she's neither female nor an archon
Well, I hope Furina carries the retarded bricks like Clorinde and Sigewinne this month to net in 70 mil at least
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now that furina flopped whos up to go back to the GOOD old days of bullying beating and raping the brat
so you rolled for chiori and skipped the rest of the region lole?
Finina slipped...the hydro buddypoke...the geo buddypoke...vivi self insert...
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Why didn't I get to use Albedo in his Story Quest?
Something's not adding up here...
Do pags not know what associate means?
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They're laughing at us again..
Can we make it a quiz on genshin, the actual game? Shitposters ARE the entire thread culture at this point so that wouldn't solve anything.
>Furina’s trailer didn’t have Siggy
>Siggy ruins Furina’s rerun and avoids having Furina in her trailer
Why is Siggy so mean
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It's what happens when you alienate your audience.
Most of the vid was about her support abilities. Don't lie.
I’m tired of losing, why did Fontaine suck so bad. Wtf did they do wrong.
Humiliation ritual: the thread
>do ESLs not know what an english word means
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i didn't watch it
>check abyss
>20 days left
Wait a sec. Does that mean they cut down on our primos?
>first few hours of a new patch
you guys are insane
and it has been going as much as the patch
is not even funny anymore
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>pag archive
>stealing jokes from fgo
>begging artists to draw fetish art with in game pandering
>PAYING artists to draw art of their upcoming characters
>every single banner is a flop
what are you fags laughing about again?
No they doubled the amount of primos you get in a chamber
There's no reason to pull for furina if you didn't get neuvillette or cloud retainer or her C2
She's really not that great especially if you already have a lot of the other support characters
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the writing is honestly beyond saving. even for gacha. isekai generally have better writing than fat xiao's slop
furina flopping is natural when they baited a character arc that didn't go anywhere, just to keep her a one note butt of every joke character. just all around fucking awful writing
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See ya'.
Not going down with the ship like a retard.
The second phese is replaced by Imaginarium Theater. Overall it's a slight increase of primos.
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We flopped… it is how it is
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Then don't complain.
Yes no more primos every 16 days
madam neuviletta...
don't care still rolling
>Suddenly the 2 females is now 1 male 1 female and a 4*
Why does it keep changing...
She didn't even get her second story. They only baited us in 4.2 with something that goes nowhere
I boned hu tao in a coffin using c.ai
were we ever the passion project?
Post your UID and email address along with the password for the account. If you can't do that much then you're just a pathetic faggot looking for attention
just woke up
Siggy flop status?
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A single hydro 4*...
Just one...
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She made my C0R0 Raiden great for the Abyss
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Now that the dust has finally settled over Fontaine, what did you think about her?
It's not even out in EU and NA aka the only part of the world that matters.
>Why does it keep changing...

because no one knows anything
Please make a hydro claymore user!
Please make a 4 star geo sword user with DEF main stat!
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Siggy isn't going to do that well, but you guys could at least wait until she's out for more then an hour to shitpost numbers since they don't fully get updated yet. Come back tomorrow at least.
>She didn't even get her second story
>being retarded
Not an excuse
You're not getting in to the account with his email password too though. New devices need to be verified via email.
Back in 1.x we were
wasted potential and a horrible bait-and-switch
genshin writing be like
Should’ve kept her as the schizo archon. The retarded dragon could be her pet forever.
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You can only say you love Jean if you used her BEFORE Furina existed.
Only for as long as we were called Honkai Project 4.
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There are themes established early on in the Archon Quest that just aren't explored because they just got dropped for the plot of the Narwhal, for example, the unfairness of the justice system. The fact that there are people living in sewers underneath the city is never explored.
"Your so called justice! Your beloved drama! While turning a blind eye to the suffering of the people"
"So this is how justice is done in Fontaine! What a joke!"
Act 1 and Act 2 spend a ton of time building up the issues with the court, and how the entire process is undermined by the fact that the population sees them as a spectacle, and how it's absurd to let a magical AI decide sentences without question.
And what about the things we learnt before the nation was released? The exiled Oceanids who disagreed with the ideals of the new Hydro Archon? How the waters became impure for them? The pollution? The energy crisis?
There's also the rampant issues of crime in the nation, such as what is shown in Lynette's story, and all of this just goes unexplored.
What gets me is the disconnect between the world-building and the storyline. It feels like Fontaine was supposed to be far more problematic and political than what we got, and as a result of all of this, it struggles to properly land the themes it set up. I also think this applies to Furina; I somewhat believe that she lacked proper focus until Act 5. Then there's also this gemstone quote, which seems completely irrelevant now despite having not been said.
These factors combined, to me, reek of a rewrite.
I can't believe there's so less 4 star hydro users.
not an argument
Do you even play the game anymore? Doesn't work like that and no you can't have my shit.
Why are you even here....
Posting should be required with UID, I want to unfriend everyone doomposting siggy so they can't use mine in theatre.
Way better character after the archon quest, it's just a shame she didn't get the story spam like kazuha did during inzuma which she very much needed
would you roll for HRT female neuvillette
did you stop playing in 4.1?
I think it's safe to assume that 4.8 will be a disaster too.
We'll get assraped by Wuwa and HSR until Natlan.
Dark times ahead...
I actually did. But I don't love Jean.
I was asking for your ID you fucking retard. You're the one who doesn't play the game
I hate everything about her. She's just so awfully written.
Lol I still don't have her, which is why I cope with 4* Jean even until now
Genshin writing is immaculate

You losers are just contrarians.
>until Natlan

This song was prophetic and right all along. Fontaine truly flopped…
Hilarious but kinda hot
Marketed as an Archon = Is an Archon.
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>AI art already in Ei's birthday tag for this year
>not even 10 likes
fontaine sucks flopped....
Childe story quest II... when?
Peak genshin, best written character in the entire game.
Sigewine's quest is boring as shit. Almost ayato tier.
She never got marketed post 4.2, it's all Wormvillette
>I was asking for your ID
Ok, i'll entertain you for one last time: Give me a good reason to do it. I'll wait.
doesn't matter when its the animations and vfx doing most of the work (especially during gameplay), therefore weak cope and you know it.
I just saw a sketch of Xbalanque, and he feels like Benny Negro.
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Fat Xiao is afraid
Kek get fucked burger
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Not bad.
no you haven't
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Male is this goy.
How many c6 siggys will gig have
What’s worst, being an Archiveschizo or a salesfag?
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no one has posted their personal siggy
no one has rolled for siggy
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>new mode bans the cute cabbage and her element
What did she do wrong
>deletes game
>say you're never going to play again
>won't post UID
So you never played to begin with or you're a faggot that can't practice what you preach
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Help bros… I thought Furina would be the missing puzzle but I still can’t get 36 stars…

What do bros…
Because your source was a random chink shitposter, this one is foul

The element+weapon combos are more believable, knowing hoyo's creative bankruptcy
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if you could make 1 change to Fontaine what would it be?
she had 9 /gig/ minutes
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Do you guys think any original devs still work on genshin?
AI art is always inherently superior to worthless human scribbles and cave paintings
I can't wait to see the day when all new content is AI generated, every artist deserves to starve to death homeless under a bridge
SEAchurl posters don't play the game
Make Arlecchino and Sandrone the main villains
>he says while playing chingchong impact
self awareness?
No Wormvillette
>AI art is always inherently superior to worthless human scribbles and cave paintings
damn ganyu is still undefeated
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Childe actually speaks with skirk
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I just realized that at least Clorinde's JP banner topped for a while.
Siggy couldn't even manage that.
Man, so Nips are HagGODS all along...
No. We're stuck with B team, maybe even C team.
how long for EU to roll?
we fucking rule this board
Fucking nice, he is one of the best hentai artist out there.
Doubt we will get anything crazy though, you can almost see the gun touching the back of his neck when you take a look at his latest drawings.
childe is the knight we fight inside the whale
anyone have the gif of the chelde ball being wrapped in chains and destroyed by a honkai character?
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Is this how you guys feel about neuvillette?
fuck looks so trash, don't care for sloppa, but it being spammed everywhere makes me seethe.
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>AI art is always inherently superior to worthless human scribbles and cave paintings
>I can't wait to see the day when all new content is AI generated, every artist deserves to starve to death homeless under a bridge
AI is already getting sued and classified as on stealing peoples works since yesterday. It's pretty dead bro.
>dendro claymore
DPS for emilie so he will flop
>hydro catalyst
DPS for pyro archon so she will flop

great, bwos! More 0 tiktok hours incoming!
The #1 repost is a good message so it is well deserved
>still 8 hours to get my Furina
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why is bootleg fat raiden in #8 and #9
Is rainbow set Charlotte okay? She's at like 270ER right now which is barely enough with no set bonus. I really can't be assed to farm eosf domain again.
>that many cheld faces
she is simply hotter
2 hours.
Anon I'm pretty sure we're the cheap imitation
Turn Neuvillette into a hot woman
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Mspc has been liking and retweet of her too, so expect porn from her as well.
>bootlegger calling others bootleg
Only in /gig/!
furina remains the archon
genshin doesn't bombard you with chinawank
men dont sell xister
Why were they so afraid of giving him good cons? Nahida and Tighnari are also dendros and they got amazing cons
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>10th hydro 5*
Boothill is a goofy ass looking motherfucker though. Maybe she likes his personality? Because he's ugly as shit.
Swap Neuvi’s and Furina’s kits. It’d make more sense for Neuvi to control both Arkhes, walk on water, and summon Leviathan in battle. Furina can Hydro pump away and she’ll be noob friendly too.
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>The only Fontaine character to get tiktok hours on both release and rerun
>Navia, Xianyun, Chiori, Clorinde and Sigewinne are male
It's over.
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Birthday time!
what roles do 5 star hydro need? they have best support, best healers, best main dps, best off dps
>check /gig/
>Neuvilette seething

Admit it now
Raiden is better than Sigewinne in terms of gameplay for endgame purposes
If you think otherwise, explain why Raiden sold like wildfire and Sigewinne flopped so badly she dragged a first rerun of an Archon into the abyss with her
Focalors not splitting herself into two.
>none of the childefags posts are copy pasta. Each of the thousands of them were carefully handcrafted.
Praise our resident psychopath. Thats how you shitpost.
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I'll always stick with the first 5* hydro
>literally 0 screenshots of people rolling for sigewinne all day
Wow she really flopped, huh?
You mean Yelan and Arlecchino, you worm
How do (you) stop Nahida and Sigewinne from teaming up and raping (you) together?
Most of them moved on but I'm sure a few are still around.
The geo friendypocky...
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>Throws a never ending goblet of salt into the ocean
Wouldn't that uhm... cause it to endlessly flood the water with salt?
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people aren't as classy as before
>first 5* Hydro
Do not lump Nahida in with Sigewinne
She is a good girl that can be trusted
I don't understand the obsession with archons and the need to have them around, as the game has gone on they've shown time and time again they don't matter, what they have doesn't matter, and they don't care about it, and Fontaine finally just said outright for the retarded players but somehow there's still stupid people despite being told point blank
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Post PROOF you bricked your account.
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Based Monachad
>Only the sea has her
They don't play the game anon, only shitpost here.
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I'm speechless
I looked up to you guys, you know?
"The KINGS of /vg/" I remember those days.
Chaotic days, but funny. Nostalgic even.
Now? Much anticipated waifus? Flopping?
I'm heartbroken.
To think the Lord of Gachas would sink this low. ..
There was a dream. A dream called Genshin Impact....
it's time to admit he's a terrible character and killed fontaine, xister
you can still save some face
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They’re planning to replace Genshin soon anyways. They don’t care anymore.
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I unironically forgot about her
The first limited 5* hydro then
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This might've actually saved genshit
But nope your strongest character is a homosexual half dragon Kek
This but Slopvereigns. Thankfully nobody fell for Tranny Xiao's shilling.
>Only mad after neuv and not after apep
This is how I know you don't play the game
>MMO in 2024
will be as successful as the Riot MMO
Reminder that Sigewinne is not a virgin
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Her rerun is flopping because all straight males already have C6 from the first banner. Don't forget, we had an entire year of male banners to save on leading up to it.
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doomkeks are full power today huh
No wonder the oceans are fuckin dead.
i don't like this change.
i prefer the support that unbricks my Euler to be a female.
i skip DPS characters all the time. supports are important.
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tasty soles
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He'll be staying like this in my machine.
Emilie is ugly as shit what happened since 4.5?
You will not be beating imaginarium theatre LOLE
yes, i took it
He did it to torture Osial
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as a straight man, if it wasn't for furina's broken kit I would never have rolled for the queen of femcels
the real problem is "dragon authority"
now archons are obsolete and dragons are mary sues that can use the elements better than everyone else with no effort.
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>using Furina and Eula together

lmao, ugly and cringe, Eula doesn't deserve to be paired with a short wearing shit
Is there a bigger BRICK than siggies weapon banner?
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some femcel dev wanted a self insert
will the new characters save ganyu?
what does this all mean
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Travail comment on Focalors
>The God of Justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the Divine.

Venti CBT1 comments on the Hydro Archon
>Court of Fontaine? The wine over there is a bit different. I'm most partial to their [??] sapphire wine. But that winery, ugh... What are your plans for the next two days? I wanna avoid [???] (Focalors?), so it might be a good time to sneak off somewhere.

Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
>My ideals have no stains. I must correct you. People here bear no sins in the eyes of the gods... Only laws and the Tribunal can judge someone. They can judge even me. So praise my magnificence and purity
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>now archons are obsolete
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what's the point of having staggered banner releases for different countries
you're missing ayato but that's one hell of a c6 lawrence collection
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I ate my first birthday cake.
And used the first black sword as fodder.
>You will not be beating imaginarium theatre
i will run her with Euler until Euler is c6.
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Ganyu should stick to her job and leave family men alone
So they don't have to convert datetime on Twitter posts
Nice soles, sparkek!
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We are so back(kinda)
That's a great question, I wish mihoyo would have fixed the US having to wait like an extra 12 hours after everyone else after 4 years but it seems they just don't feel like it despite being able to argue it can cause less people to pull
I'm speechless
Licking and kissing every inch of Sparkle's perfect soles while my genshin waifu watches
>childe c6
based, wanna be my /gig/ bf?
Isn't C6 Chiori fucking broken?
Why would anyone ever roll for C6 Childe. Did you fall for the "lowered cooldown is broken!" shit in 1.1?
>JP sales
Clorinde banner was #1 for two days
yes, but so are all fontaine c6
>I have a theory that I dare not raise with him directly. Perhaps the Golden Hunter is not the "Devout orphan called and chosen by Egeria," but is in fact one of the last Remurian remnants.
>The songstress who ruled over many tribes never considered herself a sovereign. Instead, she proclaimed herself an oracle who could hear the Queen of All Waters.
fontaine literally had history being replaced and obscured as a plotpoint which is incredibly fucking funny
>pedobait so bad even the land of pedos can't salvage the banner
it truly is over, huh?
That pretty good for only being out like 2 hours.
>neuv edited in
Why would you need to do that
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I'll literally suck your cock
Based, if you're gonna go the distance you do it for who you like playing with so you can continue beating abyss with them as easily as the new powercreep that rolls around
Legit thought this was aether next to the loom
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Can Firefly watch too?
maybe he likes him, do you know what liking a character is?
Maybe later today when I get sigwinne, I have everyone but wriothesley so I'm pretty bricked up
How could you say you "like" a character without getting at least C6R1?
All of his other C6s are strong and were (at one point in the case of Eula) meta though.
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He wishes
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Can doom keks at least wait like more then an hour to doompost about sales. Like holy fuck at least give them to time to actually calculate fully if you want to doompost that badly. Like this doomposting feels so forced right now.
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if it were for meta he would have c6 neuvillette already
It's been five hours.
thats retarded whale logic
Raiden is a better unit than Sigewinne in terms of endgame performance.
Prove me wrong or admit that I am correct.
Arle already breached #1 status within less than 2 hours.
It's been 5 hours now.
NTA, but probably because the page is sorted by level, so else he would need to post his entire page to include Neuv, which he technically could, but yeah.
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Potatokek getting UPPITY KEKER
you are correct
any siegwinne c6 showcases?
yeah but so is c6 diona, kokomi etc
Why is there a lag between banner updates between regions?
That's fucking nothing. We all know she's going to sell like shit, but doomkeks at least wait like 12 hours or something.
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Yes bro/sis, as long as you wear high socks

Chiori and Clorinde have very good C6s but they're still bricks because of their low ownership which is the main criterion I believe

His C4 is incredibly fun in some comps and his C6 just allows me to be in permanent Trace-On mode which I like as I am a huge Fatefag

yep that's my main reason to be honest
This is unironically true though. C2R1/C3R1 Raiden is the best low investment character and that there’s a grand total of 2 DPS at equal or lower investment that are comparable to her. Neuv is only better at AOE, while Arle is very finicky and basically needs a shield to avoid dying horribly
>Furina rerun and Siggy the wriolette daughther lost a yume game
HAHAHAHA pags and fujotrannies lost
Emilie is next
Making them c6e1 make them boring to play
Sigewinne is in imaginarium as the only hydro
That is enough to be better
Stay mad
Lumine likes her brother's height and even prefers him
that's all that matters
Favorite c6? And any plans on your next c6?
Going through the cheld face posts feels like pure unfiltered schizophrenia
I'd say it's Chiori because I can use her in any possible comp, including pyro chiiori, hydro chiori, physical chiori, cryo chiori which is really fun not to mention the comfiness of permanent infusion with long range turrets to boot
I don't know who I'll C6 next, I wanted to C6 Navia but it's not really gimmicky enough to be fun. Maybe Columbina.
is there a character who isnt broken at C6? I feel like that's the whole point of C6ing someone
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>Ganlou retard posted almost 3k times
Lmao if anything Furina is among the worst written characters

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