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>/tesg/'s characters
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Mazetism: https://pastebin.com/L7cBYDrM
Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf
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>character sheet workdocs (svg + png)

>/tesg/'s sister thread:
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>mega treasure trove of RUASLEEP and pre-AE USSEP patches, as well as OSex/OSA archives:

>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder Thread: >>483279973
Post Armor Mods
Are there any other major game packs besides Vindictus, Tera, and BDO?
>browse a mod in LL
>20 paragraphs of how to install it and possible incompatibilities with troubleshooting guides
>literally no fucking idea what this mod even does

Why are they like this?
Is it so hard to preface it with a basic feature list or summary?
reddit is having a melty over mod authors lol
because they're all fucking 5 years old
and coomers are brainrotted
Maybe, I'm not that familiar with them because they are boring, so I played them for several hours max. But I couldn't figure out anything better other than graphics. They are felt like maximum generic RPGs while DF feels like something really grandiose and sandboxy.
you need to go back btw
>zoomzoom saw a youtube essay and discovered what dungeon crawlers are
many such cases
give literally one example
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It wasn't BURPS
it probably wasn't even the armor mods
the Solitude area's probably fukt
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Post butt.
>a thousand random zones of the same shit
If you've done 10 areas, you've seen the whole game rather you do 100 more or a 1000
Skyrim has fucking soul. I can walk down to riverwood, chop logs and drink ale before going off on a random rumor the innkeep has for me.
What can I do in DF? Wonder around areas too fucking big looking at repeated textures checking spot to spot until I find a random thing then do it again.
Even the cities are soulless just copy and paste housing with the standard 4 unique buildings to actually do your shit in.
Shilling my shit
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no one told me it was up...
But I'm millennial and my first (and favorite) RPG is Might and Magic 8.
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brappers big
bring me hasty
need to have
a little tasty
lots of mods on ll are updates or forks; they usually link to the og somewhere which has the list of features rather than what was changed
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>Skyrim has fucking soul
Sorry, didn't notice. Just generic game like any other AAA-slop.

>What can I do in DF?
Roleplay and use your imagination.

>Wonder around areas too fucking big looking at repeated textures checking spot to spot until I find a random thing then do it again.
>Even the cities are soulless just copy and paste housing with the standard 4 unique buildings to actually do your shit in.
Again, you main argument is le bad graphics. That's my point.
remember the golden rule
never respond to redditspacers if you value thread quality
>drink ale before going off on a random rumor the innkeep has for me
You can literally do the same in DF. Zoomers are insanely addicted to cinema graphics, that's it.
he's just baiting now nobody can truly be that stupid
Redditspacing is a zoomer 4channer meme. I started visited boards when paragraphs are supposed to be just good for readability.
>trying to project being a zoomzoomshit
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(You) there!
Post the hottest dunmer girl you've seen (be it tesg OC or mods/screenshots from nexus/LL)
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>This is just great.
Fucking killed me
Thank you Shadowman, you beautiful bastard

Thanks for the link, I only had your Tharja thingy saved but the Totallynotachaoswarrior is excellent too
>thought of another way to shrink my modlist even more
Please... I have a good game going...
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This but unironically
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Just got back from the dentist, bros... post waifus with uhh good teeth?
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why is Bosmom such a fatty now
Bodyslide,the bane of every old waifus
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titty/ass creep is a real thing, after you stare at a waifu for too long you just want to keep adding more and more and before you know it....
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NTA, and not Bosmom, but there comes a time in a waifufag's wife when he gets down with the thiccness. I almost gave my waifus fatter asses recently, and I still think it's a pretty good idea.
Want to install porn mods
Still want to play as male most of the time
Any solutions? I really don't want to have two saves
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Spent too much time with Yarti, it rubed off on her
start being gay
worked for me
non-fetish use for this sex lab mod
It's only gay if balls touch.
force yourself to enjoy shadowman mods
That'll work
genderbender is hot and there's nothing you can do about it
I like it but there's barely any mods for it
The darkness hums and we sing its praises. Sweet melodies. Sweet like the water that flows through their veins.
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They were very hot for a second in 4E5
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oh shit I'm sorry Altano I didn't think you'd actually use the bath here
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TBD waifus?
Joan Dark
what is it about pointy elf ears that makes my dick rock hard?
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Elves are superior, obviously.
Of all the ritualposts why is this the one still being ritualposted?
Which TES elves are the most sexo and why?
Post image that backs up your claim
t. pelinal
so good they deleted themself
Its about the only post I make here and replies are sometimes funny but yeah, guess its time to give it a rest.
obviously false because she still exists
Yagrum Bargum and her sex scene when?
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Bosmer for the Wild Hunt and Green Pact.
Skele bro kinda cute ngl
Ugly Bagarn is my favorite tag
gay and gay
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hey guys I made a new character umm what do you think of her?
Elf so its shit
you need an example to show just how much you're losing out
that frog has McDonald's and a normal burger. what the hell
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Rayelf lookin' okay I still need to learn screenarchery
what rayya replacer is that?
the fuck is that
Sweetroll Chainsaw?
>you need an example to show just how much you're losing out
Thank god they are gone then if their example is a femcel with toy soldiers.
So they aren't going to revive the whole race because he is fat and has corpus? Nothing important was lost. :^)
forgot to quote >>483428504
It's not a replacer I've been fucking with Proteus for days to build a harem of housecarls
can you make a replacer
Khajiit has no time for you...
I love NTR the most!
Myth, but very slightly better.
SOME of you /tesg/ are alright..
just don't be near Windhelm tomorrow
what armor mods are these fu's wearing?
Kino time.
Does he upload the AI voices somewhere offsite?
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a very good idea
What is /trsg/?
mix mash-up of Caress of venus, queen marika,melodic egyptian outfit,coco mysterious mage
Dont worry, Ill be in High Rock with Daggerfallfag. Expect us to take out massive loans that we never pay back.
Are you going to leave a brother hanging? (Persuasion)
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I don't think I trust you enough to part with such information.
Do people really like taking Mjoll away from Aerin?
Nice missing textures.
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You do now
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Well, because it's (you)... I think I can make an exception just this once, as you are a lifelong friend of mine. Just keep it a secret between us, okay?
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Skirt from DEM victorian, dunno about Yarti's dress
Very good, post more
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It was amusing to kill him through Amorous Adventures
It's funny how he follows her around all day like a total simp and also moves into your player home if you marry her.
So yeah cucking him is fun.

Thank you lifelong friend, I will teasure this collection.
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I didn't think there were people who shack up with her without him having an "unfortunate accident"
don't have much of the Dunmer derriere, I'm afraid
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>tfw there's still no mod that let's you give Aerin the courage to actually date Mjoll
why was i cursed to care about the quality of porn writing
what did i do to deserve this
>incel must get the girl
Journey to Baan Malur has some missing textures or I don't have all the CC stuff installed.
He can't catch a break
It would've been nice to have this as a vanilla option as well as having the option to make mojll forget about him.
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I really don't understand why anyone would play skyrim
Daggerfall and morrowind have that old school freedom
Oblivion got pretty good writing and radian ai bullshit
In the case of skyrim there's nothing special that makes it stand out from other games
The only reason anyone cares about it is because it's Tes5
Maximum destruction is kind of annoying, not gonna lie.
>lives his life mentally buckbroken by Josephine
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Hot, what's her name?
maybe you need the new update file
said to fix some missing textures
based rewritten bait after getting called a zoomzoom
like a self-learning ai
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Im assuming this is bait but it gives me a reason to post my own thoughts:

>Skyrim: Graphics and mods are the best out of the series.
>Oblivion: Potato people but enjoyable. This is where Bethesda leaned into the 3D game elements like not needing RNG to land a hit.
>Morrowind: Still holding onto more classical RPG elements, like attack RNG and fatigue effecting chance to land a hit.
>Daggerfall: Held back by the period's limitations, and the fact that they went too far with world gen (imo). I believe a more focused and narrow scope would have made Daggerfall a better game. There's also a kick button to open doors
Where lydia
Carry my burdens.
No, that's my honest opinion after 300 hours of playing skyrim
At one point I just realised it was a waste of time and I'd rather go play something else
>>Skyrim: Graphics and mods are the best out of the series.
I don't understand why mod skyrim into le dark souls or le witcher when you can just go play those games without any problems
It is a very good idea, but it just didn't feel fitting on my daughterfu.
>implying Maccas burgers are not "normal burgers"
5 hired thugs dressed as Ronald the clown are on their way to your location
there is no escape

don't bitch about it too much or the author will paywall the MCM poop toggle once again
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Yeah, I'm 24
Just don't forget to take your meds old man
man it's so easy
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>le dark souls or le witcher
How else am I supposed to combine sex mods with Dark Souls rolling? Those bandit women aren't going to rape themselves.
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No, the hot one
Carry my babies.
Absolutely based post, even if modding Skyrim into a souls clone is cringe.
this is the hot one, dumb furfag
>change load order to get something working
>quicksaves ctd the game now
>hard delete quicksave while ingame
>quicksave works now
then why didnt Yarti grow giga udders in return?
>modding Skyrim into a souls clone is cringe.
A modded Skyrim would have deeper RPG mechanics than Elden Ring. FromSlop has barely done anything innovative with their series. They didn't even make a Sekiro 2 when their fans love what they did with it to change the Souls formula.
>killed the thread with one post
i kneel
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Other anons are probably too busy jacking off to their waifus. Give them time.
Who are the best dommy mommies dunmer ot altmer?
wrong, I was jacking off to Anri Okita, Mr. Smart Guy
time to water my plants
Dunmer for racism and slavery.
Todd should just hire shadowman and include a "wild wasteland" sort of perk you can buy to unlock all the silly stuff.
Who is the anri okita of waifus?
None because there's no Akaviri waifus here.
The Japanese singer-songwriter that got pregnant in 2018? That's a good choice.
is there a version of mortal enemies without attack commitment? I don't need that soulsop in my kino vanilla+
rival remix
>be popular modder of Skryim
>go from making creatures to making dork souls inspired armors
>people like the armors
>decide to make one (1) Legend of Zelda Inspired armor
>it's looked so ridiculous in game that nobody liked it
>go back to making Soulsian armors and creature retextures
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I do, I just don't use her for anything at the moment
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They can't all be winners.
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FromSlop can't be escaped. I've been trying to warn people.

Good taste.
is that a huge fat cock hanging there?
Walmart-brand Rigmor lmao.
No, a small skinny one
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Stop posting, gaylord.
I can see it clearly there honestly, even bit of balls
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no, you huge fat faggot
What is the Bridgerton of Skyrim mods? I just wanna bang some high class noblewomen, lol
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What would these women do if one day they woke up and saw that they'd grown a huge futa dick during the night
Everytime I load my game I have to go into showracemenu and reset my preset and sculpt.
what could be causing this? Only my head is fucked, the sculpt is lost and there is an invisible neck seam
Elder Scroll.
Pure coincidence, by the way.
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this is honestly one of my favorite gifs from this thread
Myth please
those waifus you quoted are high class escorts, 10 septims wouldnt even get you a kiss on the cheek
doesn't seem to be doing much of that lately
>high class
>on /tesg/
Nice joke.
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Sounds like you have a mod overwriting your character and applying a script that changes them or something. Try loading all your mods in xEdit and see if there's anything overwriting Player/Prisoner, and disable each one to see if that resolves your issue.
if you're using custom race, scroll through the faceparts slider and see if that fixes it.
Why do so many tesg waifus have pubes
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because pubes are fucking based
cause their creators are based men of taste, unlike you, child
Because they aren't pre-pubescent little girls, as much as I'm sure that disappoints you.
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Because they have good taste, faggot.

All men of culture.
That raccoon has good taste But Akeno's better.
Because /tesg/ waifuposters often have good taste.
I'm sure the signs of sexual maturity bother you, nonce.
the last one doesn't even have big mommy milkers
me in the back admirin' the scenery
>There are people who don't like pubes on their waifus.
We don't speak about them
>having time to shave your pubes while adventuring and saving the world
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it be like that sometimes
Show busha.
>"he looks like he fucks older women"
Peak aesthetic and it would be more weird not to have them in this setting.
yartimom and bosmom lewd adventures?
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Why does dyndolodod or whatsitsname spergs out that one of armors I installed has duplicate ID and so forces me to open ssedit or creationkit or whatever to fix it.
Why does it care about fucking armor?
Just let me run this shit, I don't care that this one thing may or may not cause bugs.
Dumb fucking software
Computers suffer from immense autism.
Post her daughter being cute
>do an unmodded playthrough
>had fun, but now want to do one with mods
>do a modded playthrough (with only mods from the in-game thing because fuck)
>had fun, but now want to do one with more mods
Because it's a based debugging tool
You'll grow out of it dw
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You're either going to end up with sex mods or turn the game into Skyrim + Souls. Anon, stop while you're ahead.
Nothing new, she needs a big update.
what's the best way to disable follower collision? can I do it with NFF or do I need a dedicated standalone mod?
mod and rp opportunity

same I had to restart dindo three(3) times
synthesis didn't handle the nu esl format too well and forwarded some odd things and a follower deleted a cloud rather than initially disabled it
Skyrim + Souls sounds interesting to try once, but fuck downloading all the shit to make it work, only to have it not work.
Sex mods never, I want to play a game, not jack off. Nothing wrong with sexy mods, though.
eh I doubt any of the sex mods are good, that mjoll quest linked above looked dumb, why spend a week trying to figure out ostim and various controls and shit when I can boot up koikatsu
I'm just too lazy to mod pubes in appropriately.
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>Skyrim + Souls sounds interesting to try once, but fuck downloading all the shit to make it work, only to have it not work.
It sounds interesting because FromSlop has been pandering to actionniggers and largely avoided developing the "RPG" side of "action RPG".

There was a sex mod outside of ostim, can't remember what it's called. But it was easier to make work due to it being simpler. It might still be on the Nexus.
souls too
I play elderscrolls first person AS TODD INTENDED
If I wanted better combat I'd play kingdom come
No one asked you, retard
skyrim can mog koikatsu sometimes
definitely not more convenient though lmao
I might have figured out what it was. I was using an invisible helm fix and while wearing the helm that fucked with high poly head
idk for sure but it's fixed now, until it breaks again, I changed so much shit I'm t posing I gotta fix everything now
I hate how the base game doesn't have a toggle for helms, they're a quarter of your armor and gear slots and if you don't wear one you can't get the full set bonus
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yeah, and?
They would've had me if Windhelm and Winterhold weren't such puny small dicked cities
evens take nap
odds make food
dubs post my waifu
This is pure cancer
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Samefagging from >>483448303

I think this is the mod I was referencing. Might be wrong, I haven't modded Skyrim in a while. Either way, should be easier to use than ostim. Is it better? That's up to personal choice. I believe there are also mods that support this one, like Flower Girls NPC Relationships, if you want to build onto this.

Have a good nap, anon.
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it's AI generated
So that's why it's astoundingly shit.
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so void of intelligence he enlists an artificial one to make shitty memays
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yes retard anon everyone here is the same person
Anon... He's saying that he's >>483448303.
I swear this place is fucking impaired.
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I was saying I was the one who was samefagging, retard. I wasn't saying you were.
average mobileposter intelligence
70s porn WAS peak aesthetics
if you've never fapped to debbie does dallas, deepthroat, emanuelle and the occasional brigitte lahaie flick you are a certified homosexual
the wojak memes are rotting my brain fr no cap ong
sorry anon
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Damn that guy loves the Nightengale armor. Can't blame him, was the only cool armor with a cape in vanilla.
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So Aretino's Nord mother died of illness. But what happened to his Imperial father?
Batman Armor really fell out of fashion after LE
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It's fine. I don't expect much from /vg/.
I go to >>>/tg/ when I want to see people with reading comprehension and writing abilities.

Left to get smokes, never came back.
>spend all day installing armor mods
>find a mod that adds descriptions to aforementioned armors
>modder behind description mod made another mod about adding crazy traps to dungeons
>check what it requires
>a resource pack made by Baka clearly made for SL
O shit (literally)
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finally showing your true colours eh
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I kinda like the armor.

I played ESO a long time ago for a few days. It didn't hold me.
Return from whence you came.
really is fascinating how 95% of the armors have dumb side flaps or plates that just float there and can't be removed
Those tassets would make sense if there was some leather holding them to the belt.
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Fantasy designers would die if they made anything similar to real armor
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This fanart
ears not lore-friendly
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How is Lorerim?
ayy lmao
NTA but a decent amount of the motifs' corresponding leg pieces feature leather straps or such for tassets to connect to.
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>in 2024
no need to read further
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the waifu cycle
guys i love cheyene
>getting captured
skill issue
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Chad take. We're conquering the Mediterranean with this one.

I haven't played ESO, but that's good to hear. Floating armor pieces always annoyed me.
Speaking of, anybody tried making videos of that?
I found some terribly shitty videos of my modded Skyrim SL sex with "story" interludes on an old sd card recently
Any consolefags modding skyrim? I only have a shitty laptop and my xbox right now and just realized you can play modded skyrim on it. Any good mods you guys recommend? Any essentials? Seems like the console modding is very limited.
Playstation or xbox?
PS doesn't have any worthwhile mods because sony are faggots
i foresee a bleak dystopian future for us until skynet decides to use my dick as a cathode and my asshole as an anode as it makes my waifu real in the matrix
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Chey busha
Pretending to like chey is so 2019
Help, my Mod Organiser 2 is keeping downloads captive and not adding them to the Mods folder.
It'll download from Nexus, nothing will be in logs, and there's nothing in the downloads folder.
Then I'd click download again and it'll say it already exists and if I want to save a new one, but instead of putting a version into Mods, it just now magics up 2 Zips, the original now renamed and a new one
What the fuck is wrong with my Mod Organiser 2, it's a fresh install from today
I'm using xbox. I have no fucking idea which mods to get. What are some essentials and good recomendations, bro? I've already download the patch
MO2 download is fucky as hell but I never had it that bad
i dont like or dislike chey though the thread is certainly better with more waifus around and that is all that matters
>the thread is certainly better with more waifus around
Source: Me.
Then it was the good year
There was this user on reddit, LunaLustful, that made a great guide to setup the basics of loverslab/ostim and they used to upload short videos of skyrim NSFW content.

Seems his patreon got deleted and then he deleted most of the posts on his account cause I am not finding anything good, so there you go anon, go fill a niche and make loads doing it.
>Seems his patreon got deleted and then he deleted most of the posts on his accoun
I was inspired by some of the old stuff that was uploaded to porn sites way back, I think some pople still do it but it seems like it was more popular in LE times
Probably got a better financial base IRL
Chey is what bosmom wishes she could be
an animer?
How do I even fix this? At this point, Vortex is a less annoying platform than trying to get MO2 working in this horrid heat
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I remember a video on youtube in 2012 labeled "Skyrim: How to tame a wild forsworn woman" and its this 2010's ass bandicam footage of anon running into a forsworn camp, slaughtering everyone except one woman and raping her in a tent, shit had like 300k view at the time, old youtube was the shit.
That was about the quality of what I did too lmao
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The best animer.
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If your waifu doesn't canonically lactate, you need to fix that.
Younger, beautiful, so more desirable instead of an old hag
This so much this
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I'll pull out the enchanted "rod of milk" that an anon on /tg/ told me about if need be.
i will post altmer banana booty
they make good pretend moustaches
Keda technically has a rod in need of milking so.....
Put it in mouth already glugy glugy glugy hawk tua
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>Got angry that nothing works and deleted the game
>Started from scratch
Followers for this feel?
I can't believe they let provincials like you wander Skyrim.
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The funnier, unexploited angle, is taking Aerin away from Mjoll
Maybe you should just download a modlist or something
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Most majestic manlet to ever exist
Name 5 waifus who canonically lactate, sorted by weekly milk yield
My main problem is the download speed from nexus
Ubinshikora-chan dinki donki sugoi milky follower of Skyrim.
I've taken to calling them Fauldrons. They're abhorrent and even in cases where they work otherwise all they do is remind me of the awful art direction from there.
It's not limited to 'armor', either; even most of the clothing and such has it
I've stopped myself from downloading some SE things because of my irrational hatred for them
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>Got angry that nothing works
You probably need to slow down on all the mods, because you might have had a few mod conflicts. Or, like the other anon said, get a pre-made list of mods. If you meant the mods themselves don't work, then I misread your post.

>rod of milk
Do you think it stops there, anon?
Pic related.

Neisa by deleted26544699.
This I want to give Aerin someone new to obsess over, me.
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one day someone is going to pretend to like my waifu too
The heroic Mjoll would become directionless and crestfallen, and further ineffectual at attempting to oppose the corruption in Riften; having to rely on another to first reclaim her blade and then losing her only true ally and supporter in Riften to the circle of the same figure would rob her of all confidence and perhaps lead her to a form of corruption herself, whether criminal or addiction-related.
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Nooooooooo not that one, I mean the one that makes creatures capable of lactating produce milk for 1d4 days on a failed constitution throw.
I remember hearing a story of someone who used this feat as a gnome to basically pilot a random maid so that he could stab the BBEG in the back once he had his pants down (literally).
>Todd confirms 6 will be made with the starfield engine
Is it possible to make hot waifus in the starfield engine?
Chey, although I think she went on a diet recently
Yes, easily, they just chose not to
I like Chey, and I'm sick of that faggot who's obsessed with hating her
Yeah, they made Andreja.
Weird question, but what could be the cause of the headpiece of an armor mod not being able to be equipped? Like clicking on it in your inventory and nothing happens.
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Assuming it isn't a bug, some mods actually have an "invisible helmet" that is essentially just there for stats. Though, if it is a bug, there's probably something wrong with the texture or mesh files.
Yeah disregard my post, figured it out via searching like I should've done to begin with. Thanks though.
My waifu is autistic and uses magic induced lactation solely because her breasts seem like a waste of production capability. Why have two big floppy bulbs on your chest if they aren't doing anything useful? She can sell that milk at the market.
No problem. Good luck with the modding, anon.
I feel like I misread your problem anyway, so I was probably wrong.
No you were on the money, a mod adding an "invisible headwear". Fiddling with that mod's MCM fixed it.
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I hate mosquitoes
nice job fucking it up
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What the fuck is wrong with her face?
Not big enough
Eh just look at the top 100 on the bethesda store or whatever and pick what you like. It's not really worth going crazy, just use simonrim or enairim and add interesting npcs or something similar for some flavor. I doubt anyone here knows a crazy cool niche essential mod that's available on xbox, although I can recommend realm of lorkhan. That's one of my favorites and I know it's available on console unlike most good alternate starts.
this was not needful, there are enough crack whores in the world already
Fucking Arondil..
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Vivec gave me a fetish for bald girls
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based kot
post more
i dont hate chey but i shitpost her because she's popular so it always gets reactions
i'm pretty sure 99% of shitposts targeted at specific waifus are the same, like the guy who "hates" synthia or the guy who "hates" bosmom or the guy who "hates" myth and so on
its all ironic you know
the unofficial patch makes it so aerin doesn't do that anymore if she's married
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Found the story you were referencing. Pic related.

>No you were on the money
Me brain work good.

>i dont hate chey but i shitpost her because she's popular so it always gets reactions
That's how you keep a thread alive, anon. Bait responses. Good work.
So you're saying you are either the one who posts about all three of the former constantly (you forgot one, mind) or mythnigger trying to muddy the water about being legitimately despicable lmao

He kinda looks like Todd Howard there
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gent's looking fragrant as fuck
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10/10 mod, would download again
nexus has skyrim diffusion
but now i wonder if i should train a husbando and waifu LoRa from the character sheet portraits so we can have /tesg/-diffusion and the ability to create "procedurally generated" horrors from the beyond like he who shall not named
One post I remember Kirkbride making was that in Skyrim he was playing a Dark Elf and off-handedly mentioned Mjoll was his wife. The whole post was a vehicle to reference the fact that she kept repeating the same two lines of dialogue which he found amusing but what really stuck with me is that Kirkbride actively chose to cuck Aerin
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Tired of exploring Skyrim and railing hot chicks. Now it's time to explore and get railed by hot chads.
Excellent idea but may I suggest every homeless unwashed beggar you see begging on a street corner somewhere instead
That's not even remotely surprising
Also, yes, Mjoll's base line variety is fucking garbage, she talks about some guy pissing himself 50% of the time
That whole voice type is cursed
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>the guy
>the guy
>the guy
better put my tinfoil thinking hat on while i tell you that you could stop being a lazy schizo and if you're shitposting at least put 10 seconds of mspaint into it
>no claws
I wanted to hate this but there's something erotic about a Khajiit having these perfectly manicured human-like nails and I don't know why that is.
Oh no no no
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I really like the accent but the lack of line variety hurts it so much I refuse to take anyone that uses that voice as a companion. Whoever does Aela's is a better choice because she sounds like Lynda Carter if she was a better VA, so it makes me half-ass nostalgic. I wish someone could use this AI business for a good cause and replace every Nord male's dialogue with one that sounds like the Morrowind/Oblivion Nord.
It's down
I've tried this but it becomes boring fast because there is a massive disconnect between the actual vanilla power creep and the sex mods which pretty much all focus on submission.
Male MC makes more sense, overpowering bandit sluts and sweet talking town harlots into becoming your free use onaholes.
Just play a permanent level zero character with no skill advancement if you're incapable of not powergaming in your own sandbox
This is 100% accurate under most circumstances, but the fix for that is to install that mod that inserts a random bandit god into a group of regular enemies, together with Genesis. That way your dungeons are populated with a frankly irresponsible number of bandits, at least one of which is going to blindside and one-shot you. At that point non-consensual gangbangs are guaranteed whether you're level 50 or not.
>destroy him from the inside like a whirling dervish
Holy fuck, I forgot about this part.
You are still the legendary chosen one in the story and all sidequests so it feels silly.
It could be fixed if you could roleplay as a loose slut from the start.
Legitimately a skill issue
Fun fact, one of the DF female sounds got repurposed for spriggans in Bloodmoon.
She did it so your tongue doesn't get swiss cheesed
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Was it the screaming skeleton?
What's the best "death alternative" mod set to install for lewd fem MC adventures?
There should be a lore reason explaining how it's easier to imbue clothing items with enchantments over armors, or that the enchantments on clothes are more potent because of the weaker materials. I'm tired of clothes serving no purpose outside of vanity
at least oblivion had spell effectiveness where clothes were superior, but that's about it
I just use Defeat because it's compatible with most other shit seems like.
One of the regular women, I think. The cloaked one.
Imagine if all Nords could Shout.
Imagine if all Redguards could Swordsing.
Imagine if Bretons were completely resistant to magic.
Imagine if all Imperials were jack of all trades.
Imagine if all Bosmer could go in and out of the Wild Hunt.
Imagine if all Dunmer’s could burst into fire spontaneously whenever they wanted.
Imagine if all Altmer were naturally more apt at magic.
Imagine if all Orcs could use berserker rage.
Imagine if the Hist actually powered Argonians.

Imagine if racials actually meant something.
I imagine it wouldn't be very good. Next.
Get modding, sissy.
Aussie detected
also did you make that image? seems based. browsing shadowmans mod page
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Imagine all the waifus, living for today.
Yoo-hoo, ooh-ooh
cloth easier to penetrate with magic juice than metal hehe
I think Mannaz has that racial with the fire, and I don’t fucking use it at all
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>imagine if all Bosmer could go in and out of the Wild Hunt
Imagine not knowing the first fucking thing about the nonsense you peddle, idea guy
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Should i keep my mods on hdd or ssd?
I only have 200gb free on ssd
>I think Mannaz has that racial with the fire
Mannaz on its own is pretty meh but this idea of combining it with Freyr and all these unique abilities for different races is just 10/10
I mean, that's vanilla.
One of the only racial mods I liked was one that gave every NPC access to something but it was real off the wall jank
That and I like Man Ass having the bird friend ability
Wild Hunt is cool but it’s the equivalent of blowing yourself up to kill an enemy.
How was it jank?
Every time I think about modding I remember it's Skyrim and it's CK
Emil posted on twitter about Dune (desert setting) which means Hammerfell is confirmed.
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Old news.

Hammerfell will be pretty neat, though. Doesn't matter if you like Redguard culture or hate Redguard culture, that means there's something for everyone to enjoy.
I am pretty sure it was this
it kind of speaks for itself
the bosmer and nord racials are usable by NPCs so they all have courage or familiars and it got really busy, and the argonians can all spit
plus some races had things scaled back that I didn't like
Still the only racial besides mannaz-with-element-resists-readded that I even looked at a second time
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>Jihadi elves
Bosmer? More like Basedmer.
Maybe I should make bosmer character.....
Here's a question: how do Bosmer feel about Hircine? Are Bosmeri werebeasts at all common?
There will be 0 Redguard culture. Same as Skyrim.
All Bethesda can do is continue cribbing Imperials and placing their culture at the forefront of everything.
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Mind telling us where this is from?
The rule of the Pact is to not shift your shape because Yffre made them all elves.
This can be derived from extant books and stuff without invoking anything OOG
So they'd be generally opposed, but the lifestyle is still appealing to many of them

The Wild Hunt is releasing that restraint and taking them all back to shapeshifting monsters in response to a greater threat, but they can individually never go back to being elves again after that.
Lord of Souls by Greg Keyes
Every time I read about Bosmer I think they're the most metal Elves to ever be created in any setting. Then I actually play the game and talk to one and it's like... there's a little bit of tonal dissonance there.
AFFresh. I have a feeling Goodall might be back writing for VI considering how much random writing he's doing but who knows
He has also done stuff about Sloads/All Flags, Falmer in the Return, Khajiit stocks, and House Dres

Go away
the left one is a mutt not a true elf
That's part of the appeal, they look unassuming but will eat you when you die, and would eat you when you're alive if they weren't so small. Kind of like cats.
MW had the only good ingame characterization from lore
As in the Dunmer were all bitter cunts
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Wait does that mean if you spend too much time around them and get exposed to their filth they'll give you parasites?
Resistance to disease for me, not for thee
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Dungeon Meshi author likes western RPGs
Big surprise considering it's all just Wizardry with more of a focus on food.
Nords had excellent characterization in Morrowind as well.
>asians are obsessed with sexualising characters because they aren't getting any sex in real life
Sounds about right.
Are these "asians" in the room with us right now?
>thalmor clothes are cool
How would he know, they're tinyyyy
Literally anyone on earth barring powerlevel shenanigans will tell you "I hate nazis, BUT" and the following remark is invariably about Hugo Boss leather
>hate skyrim vanilla lighting
>play gta iv

Fucking hell and I thought skyrim looked desaturated but this game literally looks like it's in grayscale when it's cloudy. There's not even an excuse like "skyrim is cold". This certainly was an era in games in like late 00s - early 2010s. I actually hate this more than the piss filter, at least there's some sort of life in that.
It is gonna be heavy handed black lives matter Bullshit

All nuance of redguards being a mish mash of different cultures and inspirations even Japanese will be gone. They will be Western "African american" 2016+ blacks in every single way and it will be shoved down your throat
I'm not even pirating the shit
Nico, Cousin. Let's go bowling!
It's more realistic because real life sucks
You guys are focusing on those anime elves but really I just wanted to show off the Adoring Fan and that's the only image I have of him. I mean Wood Elves come off more as comic relief personality wise than dangerous creepy maneating bastards. It's not so much the looks I care about but even so it would be nice to run into some more nightmarish or actually dangerous throatcutting Bosmer.
True, though I wish some were more martial. Though IG thuum was nerfed before Morrowind already.
Obligatory "Gen VII consoles ruined game style and graphics forever" moment
It's meant to look grey as Niko is a depressed slav. If you play ballad of gay tony the colours are a bit brighter.
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I always thought people considered adoring fans to be creepy
Like, back in the days when oblivion was relevant
He's literally immortal and chasing the player
>It's meant to look grey as Niko is a depressed slav
I'm eurotrash and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mYqY5YELd0 is 101% accurate
Idk, distilling Altmer fashion into offbrand Gestapo coats is a bit too generic for my tastes.
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My second Skyrim character was a Bosmer werewolf who had the Ring of Namira. I do agree with the other anon though, >>483473641

>Dungeon Meshi author is a woman
>Her manga has a focus on food
Is she writing from the kitchen too?
Pic related.

>Talking about people obsessed with sexualization
>In /tesg/
Anon, be careful. The waifufags will hear you.
It's not "Altmer fashion", they're a doomsday cult.
Third reply was for >>483474141
That shit felt like some propaganda campaign against Slovakia lel.
Both Eurotrip and Hostel portrayed it extremely negatively and that Jon Stewart guy shit-talked it on some popular show.
Which is weird because I'm sure 99% of earth's population don't know Slovakia exists.
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If you are into cunnies
Apparently the writer was Slovak and the Hostel people were Czechs making fun of them.
But it actually is accurate...
>Same as Skyrim.
Great, Skyrim did well with the nords.
>extremely negatively
Eastern Europe in the 90s and early 2000s looked more or less like that
Slovakia is still kinda Ukraine level behind compared to the luckier ones.
>sneaky archer
thing is I tried summoner many times and just it felt like ass every time, somehow in oblivion I could finish entire game with nothing but summons yet not in skyrim
Which is indisputably derived from Altmer fashion, and ultra traditional fashion at that, seeing as they're arch-reactionaries.
the skyrim summer meta is summoning two dremora lords and having them kill everything
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iirc item enchantment capacity used to be a thing but it never favored clothing just the quality of items
carry weight governed by strength and ur armor skill could be a big enough deal to prefer clothing anyway while rping a magickal nerd
but tes5 postmodernism with robes that gib +50% mp recovery without explanation doesn't help much for immershun or lore desu
Do what I do:


You summon a creature (or multiple, depending) to wreak complete havoc while you pick things off amidst the chaos and confusion. Works best if you have mods that increase spawns and otherwise makes detection while stealth arching more likely, to justify needing an extra set of hands to do your killing. It is, at the very least, more exciting than never attracting attention because your stealth is JUST THAT GOOD.
big ass efl
Have you not listened to the Dunmer in Skyrim? They’re just as bitter, if not worse.
Also Far Cry 3 did stealth archery way better than Skyrim
I was talking main race of the game
Archery is more fun in destiny 2
Many, many things have done stealth archery better than Skyrim. I don't think I'll ever find a game where using a bow from a hidden position will be as satisfying as it was in Thief. Mainly because getting found out was a real threat, so there was still this element of danger to it.
Stop it with the jokes.
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>sneaky archer
Seems to be the default playstyle in Skyrim for most people. Try doing both if you're willing to split your perks between 2 trees.
Yeah I agree, summoning seems shitty in Skyrim. I wanted to try one but ended up going with a two-handed playstyle. The other anon probably has the right idea for a pure summoner, >>483477084
But it might be annoying to get to that point in the game. Wolves don't feel that good to summon.
This triggered something violent in me. Don't ever say that again.
Destiny has some of the most fun bows in video games
it's like 5x faster to run in and smash heads than do stealth archery, my zoomer brain prevents me from doing it
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Maccas is pretty universal slang, anon
Ye I did, there's a surprising lack of people willing to waste time posing frogs

To be fair, Bosmer have never been the big focus in any of the main games: MW probably has the most Bosmer NPCs, but few are memorable outside of memes, and their culture is barely mentioned at all. In Oblivion they're tied w Orcs for biggest potatoheads in Cyrodiil, and it feels like Skyrim barely has a couple dozen of them (and I'd wager the majority are shopkeepers/clerks)
I feel like they're as rare as the Altmer and Khajiit are, but at least those guys got their own little spotlight via the Thalmor/Caravans; Bosmer are just a race that exists to fulfil a very specific fantasy trope (for the player) and nothing more, most of the cool stuff we know about them is probably just an afterthought
And this is especially ironic considering they breed like rabbits and are supposed to be the most populous race on Tamriel
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I'm samefagging from >>483477638
Almost forgot to mention:
Last time I tried a summoner there was an exploit of casting the spell that binds a weapon, then continually resummoning the weapon as long as you're in combat (might work even when you're stealthed and near enemies, can't remember). Could have been fixed by now, but I think there's spells in the game that let you cheese early XP for conjuration and illusion skill.
To me stealth archery is a rekic that stayed in 2011 desu
Only useful in unmodded unbalanced Rim
Hell no the snipers were slow as heck. Far Cry 3 is peak when you sneak behind enemies and pull off multiple takedowns and shit
well originally exploit was to chast soul trap on corpses but idk probably shartmoor patched it
could try that
well other idea was to be dual wield instead of a bow and just dodge and dance around enemies while summons work as distractions, but I thought that passing on bow is kinda counterproductive
What the fuck is that horrible creature
A woman
>cast soul trap on corpses
I tried a conjuration build so long ago, I forgot about that one. Good catch, anon.

Which creature? The kitchen-dweller or the lemur?
Every action has a 40% more powerful and opposite reaction
That's just a bottle of shit
Is there really no AI Overhaul NG (type) mod yet? You know, no USEEP, no compatibility nightmare, lighter type shit?
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The "bosmer families have a dozen children" is sadly extraneous material last I checked
but it is an admissible head cannon considering that's how subsistence cultures tend to work when given ample resources
Fick dich Lemurensohn
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Where the fuck is the claw?
Todd is actually pretty dumb by not just churning out another Elder Scrolls game every 5 years, instead of wasting all that time and money on Shartfield.
Oh wait, didn't realize the lite one doesn't require useep. So close to deleting USEEPbloat. But reeee, I have a good game going.
He should have just agreed to let obsidian shart out a new side game every 2 years when they asked.
>and bring a touch of humanity to the game.
Ah yes... that's the reason...
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I'm using it as a decoration in my house where I fuck your sister.

Pic related.
It's all headcanon anyways, Bosmer barely have any actual culture in the games outside "me hunt good" and "me elf but not the rude kinds"

A man can only kneel..... to was those feet
it's in ESO
ESO in fact has entire valenwood full of bosmer lore
That's what I said, extraneous material.
He cares too much about the setting and its lore to just let some c-grade studio take the reigns and rewrite whatever they please
AI overhaul has little to do with npc's AI, it's really just scheduled actions and a bunch of scripted scenes and you can't make those without conflicts with mods that move stuff around
just install the lite version, you will never tell the difference unless you spend all your time in cities
canon material more like
Casually "feeding the fire" mid-conversation is pretty rude
Imagine the smell
>nature of the wild lands requires useep
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Is that supposed to be Jesus washing the feet of prostitutes?
We would have had Hammerwatch and Jaggerfall 2 by now
can you make one making fun of seranafag?
She can't be smoking, she is too young!
Last time I did a screenshot poking fun at Serana (must've been 2/3 years ago), I was hit with the "short essay explaining why morally good characters should never ever be bullied or made fun of under any circumstances" treatment, which continued over several posts
So frankly I'd rather spare the thread another sermon plus you can't ridicule what's already plenty ridiculous
goOOOd evening gamers
>morally good
>gets his Skyrim way-foo (that he didn't make) made fun of on /tesg/
>cries about it in essay format
Very funny, many such cases!
anybody know any good skyrim vr mods that will sync up sex scenes with like. lovense toys?

I want to have really immersive rape scenes for when I die
>when the screenshots alone makes it obvious that a modded follower was designed by a woman before you even saw the username and girly description
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Check the loverslab vr compatibility thread, if it exists it will likely be there
Bad habits are hard to break
his exact words, not mine (obviously)
poor orc, he's never going to get out of the gyaru rapecave
Any recommendations for clothing mods? I'm looking to do a character completely unarmored but not a mage. The clothing section appears to have the highest concentration of mage and coom stuff and it's a bit of a struggle sorting through it.
it's up
the bioshock girl?
In your area.
was expecting fellow darkies among the ded refugees here but they're all n*rds, so much for my entrepreneurial dunmer escaping the windhelm ghetto theory

hqd has some neat retextures https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/yutakata/mods?gameId=1704
but its normal maps looked plastic for me so I hid its _n.dds files in mo
I think I'm the one who mentioned those recently, I could have sworn they were dunmer
That does look like the right area but I remember it being steeper, the area with the screenshake effects when you arrive
Maybe it was the fault of a mod or just the proximity to the Azura shrine that tricked me
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Welcome to Coomrim. There's multiple mod options for cloaks and other accessories like that, if that's something that's interesting to you.
>Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
>Armor and Clothing Extension
>Immersive Jewelry
>Wearable Lanterns
>Face Masks of Skyrim
>Equippable Tomes
>Common Clothes by FranklinZunge
>Imperial Fine Clothes
>Mage Backpack
>College Prestige Mage Outfit (Female Only)
>Maid Outfits by zzjay (Variations of the barkeeper outfit)
>zzjay's Wardrobe is an alternative to the above mod
ye it did shake and throw some boulders around
I think I found 'em on usep https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Refugee
guess they're the only guys named refugee which is kind of surprising
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Im samefagging from >>483489007
Forgot to mention:
>Colovian Fur Outfit
>Vampire Clothing Expansion
>Lowered Hoods (can also get Dynamic Lowered Hoods)
>Wood Frame Backpacks
>Leather Backpack
>Realistic Eyeglasses
>Blanket Scarf is another accessory mod if you're interested in those (I like the Earth Tones Edition)
And again, there's multiple cloak options like Cloaks of Skyrim or Winter is Coming.
Why does she have a butterfly tattoo on her ass?
Why don't you?
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because when those cheeks (wings) flap, they cause tsunamis in other countries
Because I'm not a girl
You've answered your own question, then.
>Sythesis patcher says too many masters
>doesn't say what's the limit (probably 256) nor the mods it's Slaved to
My little solitude jarl can't be this cute
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for those who played Enderal
should I get THIS?
https://www.nexusmods.com/enderalspecialedition/mods/3 ?
or go blind? i
Oh no
The blind got him
Mods for this feel?
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I just spent the last 30 or so hours getting enough ebony and stalhrim to craft the crimson armor set for serana.
Ended up doing most of the dragonborn dlc.
And I just crafted the armor and it looks like crap lol.

Last time I am using morrowloot, made ebony way too scarce.

I remember once I used a synthesis patch that let you set the health per level and some other stuff for races, basically it would let you 'delevel' the world a bit, anyone know what it was called, I can't find it anymore.
You should use additem menu or something to look at armour first.
Should've gone to Shor's Stone and gotten some of Shor's Stone.
The only one I can think of is True Unleveled Skyrim
>Last time I am using morrowloot, made ebony way too scarce.
I want to give Morrowloot a try but I'm not sure if it would be worth the hassle of dealing with patches.
>The only one I can think of is True Unleveled Skyrim
Is that one good?
She wanted me to become a thane first
Is she being haunted by a ghost?
I see the glue for the merit badge exploded
It seemed the best of the bunch but I don't use it personally because I don't feel that Skyrim is designed physically in a way that makes these "hard area" encounter zones make sense, unless the entire snowy section of the base map is full of murderbears which is just kind of boring, especially as using any weather system will already somewhat disincentivize going norf
She's a milk drinker
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>Kind of like cats
They say Ulfric Stormcloak murdered the High King, with his cock! Cucked him to death!
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>put Engarde patcher in seperate patch
>runs well
why does I have so many masters what the fuck does Engarde have that requires this much patching jesus christ
Was doing it for the SDA integration so I wanted to do it the legit way, plus it was just a reason for my character to go to solstheim

Oh yeah it was that one, thank you, their github page also recommends NPC Stat Rescaler which may have been the one I was remembering.

I'll use those for my next char, no need to deal with conflicts that way
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>I want to give Morrowloot a try but I'm not sure if it would be worth the hassle of dealing with patches.

I can't recommend it, I found the high level bandits too spongy and I want to delevel the world to avoid exactly that. And it removes sources of ebony in the world which I am still pissed off.

I like that it makes it scarce but the prices from vendors are crazy, 2k for a single ingot for example

The upgrades to unique loot are good but I think you can get that from another standalone mod.
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THIS PATCH HAS 249 MASTERS??????????? I swear I just need to remove Engarde I have no idea what it does
Boethiah's Bidding should have been finished.
Fair enough. I like to do armor crafting and making ebony more rare an expensive does sound annoying.
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Just redownloaded skyrim special education on my Xbox, see that mods are gone it just "Creations" and my load order is empty.
Will what mods would you guys recommended?
Thane Bryling, is there something you'd like to confess?
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im like 20% retarded. is the aetherium forge at location number 5 in kats journal? im only asking because its at or near the location of the lexicon quest
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Smoking makes you cool, don't listen to the squares.
No the forge is in the Rift
there is a shard at one of the lexicon doors near where you're looking I think
Her friend tattooed her when she was younger as a prank and this>>483491397
level up your stats and stop getting captured!
>try to download a wonder woman preset
>get a squirrel girl avatar
These screenshots are lies or they're from LE on the SE page
sopa de gato
uma delicia
no that shard is northeast of 5 closer to windhelm/hot springs. i know that one by heart because its where i go for easy access to enough dwarven metal to make a whole suit of armor
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If you want something besides horny mods, try stuff like "iNeed - Food, Water, and Sleep" or "Wet and Cold". They're immersion mods, so they add more RPG elements.
>wet and cold
>on a fucking xbox
It's fate trying to tell you something.
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Dare I say, based
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This man achieved Chim
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I thought you guys were joking when you said that Serenafag was mentally unwell
No! It's not healthy, we can't let lydia get lung cancer, we need her.
I never played Xbox, is Wet and Cold fucked up on it or something?
Obligatory "PC master race"
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Oh you.
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Alright I check those out anon
Any good followers mods you would recommended?
How come anon?
uh...those elves need some clothes.
Wet and Cold applies a scripted cloak around your character to every NPC in range as a means to distribute its behavior and equipment
it eats the resources budget alive and I don't even know if it's available on Xbox anyway
it was recommended for YEARS without people realizing that it, and exclusively it, was what was killing their game, saves, and performance
Clothes are a tool of imprisonment by The Man.
reminder that he will live here forever, while our high quality posters are losing their legs, wage slaving to an early grave, drinking themselves to death, etc.
I'm a quarter of the way through a bottle of Gray Goose.
Why is he erect bathing with his sisters?
My legs are OK.
Talos is a filthy Nord that saw the errors of his way and allowed himself to be Cryodiilized.
Damn, they froze his ass
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Other anon seemed to imply Wet and Cold has issues on Xbox, so you might want to find a mod that does effectively the same thing. Either way, I always enjoyed those types of immersion mods because I'm a massive nerd.

>Any good followers mods you would recommended?
Honestly I play on PC so I have no idea what you have available on Xbox.
>Lucian is an immersive follower
>Hoth has badass drip
>Recorder is probably one of the few non-horny female companions
>Miraak - Dragonborn Follow is an interesting mod idea imo
>Companions and Followers gives you 12 generic followers
>Inigo or Xelzaz if you're find with non-human races
>I like the Luna follower without her face tattoo, because elf

Thanks for the info, anon. I didn't know because I don't use Xbox.
She's a werewolf, she'll be fine. Maybe. Actually, that raises the question can Werewolves get cancer?
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they just added a new khajiit furstock
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Thats just a Al'Sujet.
Are you buying or selling?
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unfortunately no, no we were not
holy smokes, is that Claire Redfield from the hit vidya game Resident Evil: Code Veronica X?
Look at the legs on her
I heard the only thing cooler than smoking are titjobs, too bad you aren't that cool though.
Talos is now the Sole Survivor
>pill grabbing and bunny hopping is now canon to TES
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>when your on your way to the skooma dispensary
khajiit has wares if you have a little salami
I see you appear to be ground-bound again. Did the Guar finally give out?
I have big salami, thank you very much
He went on for about 500 meters and died. I think the dunmer sold me a sickly one.
Salami that small is actually considered mini-salami legally.
The only erect member there is the thumb, thoughever.
disbenery :DDD
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I hope you brought enough to share with the rest of the class
lies, lies and propaganda.
I'm samefagging from >>483498316
I should have spelled it "Lucien". I'm dumb.
Good Fromsoft character desu
Cool pic.
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I had some objects with purple textures and when I looked it up everyone says its over..

is it really over?
Truthiest truth that ever truthed.

They're either missing textures or you're at a weird VRAM limit that shouldn't exist in Special Edition and so is only applicable in Legendary Edition
My current playthrough, all the stone bridges railings are purple, I think something went wrong with my SMIM installation.

In any case I am around 70 hours in and no problems other than the rare random crash.
it's usually a mesh missing a texture
using more informative console and searching for them in mo2's data tab until you find one missing can help
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how dare you accuse me of being a namefag
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fuck it i'm reinstalling everything.. I had 8 hours anyway
all you need to do is install a new texture that covers whatever is purple
What are you talking about

Aerin should tell Mjoll how he feels, because then she can either reject him or reveal she feels the same way. But in either case, it's better than floating in limbo. It would make a fun mod.
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a fresh start every time something is my way
god help downloading 20gb~ from nexus now
This is my appearance
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did Daymarr really have to port a crate full of their lingerie in the middle of whiterun? Right under the gildergreen? this bitch serious?
More of this kot
>I always enjoyed those types of immersion mods because I'm a massive nerd.
Ha same anon
>Lucian is an immersive follower
He great but not my cup if tea
>Hoth has badass drip
I couldn't find him :(
>Recorder is probably one of the few non-horny female companions
Indeed that why she one my fav mods followers but now it seems she gone too
>I like the Luna follower without her face tattoo, because elf
Just find her and dam I gonna download her
Gonna try some other stuff be back in a bit
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Have fun modding, anon.

>He great but not my cup if tea
Understandable, I don't really use him either because of Luna and Hoth.
>I couldn't find him :(
Sad, I like Hoth's outfit. He also gave bounty quests, so that might be why he's not there anymore. Possibly coding issues, I assume.
>but now it seems she gone too
The fuck? Recorder is gone? Sad times. She's one of the top female followers for PC, I'm surprised she's not on Xbox.
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>squirrel girl
stronger racials are awesome, same for standing stones having stronger effects but also drawbacks. also ingredients should have a stronger base effect when eaten like morrowind.
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i think this year i'll get around to making young nadi a follower
Altmilf show busha
>zero elven features
>not even ears, the basics of elven features
continue not
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>Decided to install Blades since I got a new phone and nothing better to do
>There's some cool armor designs in the game
>Told to myself "You know, I'm finally going to learn how to rip assets and work with the Creation Kit so I can port these models into Skyrim"
>Check the wiki
>All of them where added as paid mods in the anniversary edition
Well, there goes my motivation...
Another job well done. Some of them have decent assets for husbando mashups too.
It's maddening trying to get a 4-piece set bonus with most modded light armors out of the box, even without mixing
>zero elven features
you can tell she thinks she's better than us though
would take a blue board safe-ish one, but having bodyslide problems atm
they're under the hair, hers are short
someone out there must be working on a new Shark race
>have an audio sync delay problem where sound effects happen a couple seconds later when I enter heavily populated cells or wait 10 hours
>no FPS drops
what can I do about this? It doesnt seem like a hardware issue since my FPS doesn't dip. Seems like it's engine related..
Are you playing on an HDD or slower SSD? That might be it, the game is trying to load too much so it stops loading audio to load everything else.
no I'm on a SSD that's m.2 nvme. But maybe it's dogshit..I dunno.
its also the face itself, its just a midwestern caucasian woman with good genetics. there is nothing elven about it
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Ty altmilf
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help i accidentally my crown
You can player.addspell the stone effects
Odds I take horny screenshots of my waifu while she wears a modern bikini
Evens I take horny screenshots of my waifu while she wears bikini armor
Built for princess carrying
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you're very much welcome
well what would you change to make it more elven-y?
If you don't want three of them for some reason you have to go through taking it on and off and replacing stone effects through the ones you already have added, it will clean up eventually after cycling them around a few times
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like pic?
sorry meant for >>483510902
>Whoever does Aela's is a better choice because she sounds like Lynda Carter if she was a better VA
Aela was voiced by Claudia Christian from Babylon 5 and grip of B-movies. It's a shame she didn't do more VA work, because her voice is great.
>Truthiest truth that ever truthed.
The whole crown!?
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You spent the whole day collecting cheese than picking crops in the yard? Your master is going to be very angry...
passé even for a vanilla ritualpost
This song said 5 minutes but I swear it took at least 10 minutes to finish.
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Reminds me I have yet to do Shivering Isles on my Oblivion character. I don't like Sheogorath. Not at all.
Ritualposts like cheese collection are the highest peaks of /tesg/'s culture.
>le thread le culture le
Kill yourself
You won't get an answer because he's one of those trolls that doesn't know what the fuck makes a TES elf an elf
sharper cheek bones
sharper chin and jaw
smaller lips, maybe 10-15%
more tan skin
white or dirty blonde hair
bigger tits, i want hitomi tanaka to flinch and say "too much"
Or you could just make your own character lol
Blud really mad at some gouda & cheddar
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oh i have been, dont worry about me. we gatta worry about you
>goat and eidar
what do we think Mammoth Cheese tastes like?
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Talos is a nord just like the protagonist of skyrim btw.
Elephant cheese smells like musty toe cheese and has a strong musky salty taste to it.
Yes, he was born in Atmora... I do like how he is jobless though, kek.
He's literally me.
i got a new phone, what skyrim universe games are there
Useless trivia of the day: The spanish translation of Skyrim turned imp stool into imp turds
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The Skyrim Scrolls IV: Oblivion
tomato tomato
he's a loser with worse stats than Neloth and Lydia in that game kek
First time ever using SL and Defeat, cant get the animations to play with defeat, and I did get FNIS to install correctly, should I install nemesis instead? I did the barebones option
Legends and Blades but they are both pretty bad.
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(This post is sponsored by the Stormcloak Foundation)
Todd said TES 6 will be supported for years which means regular updates breaking mods
Even a Nord in Windhelm will tell you that the best drinks are served at the cornerclub. But what kind of liquor do Dark Elves have anyway, and what's it made of? Fermented giant bug ass juice or something?
Traditional secret formulae folded a thousand times in specifically created chitin barrels filthy n'wahs go home.
This is almost a daily topic. Lots of vodka.
>Even a Nord in Windhelm will tell you that the best drinks are served at the cornerclub
a dumb harlot who gets railed daily by ugly bastards says this
Which just means you can trust her since she has literally nothing to gain from telling you this. Even her friend and the proprietor of the inn tells you everything she does, she does for tips. Sending potential tippers to another place to hang out and drink is really counterproductive.
>TES 6 will be supported for years
I mean it's not like they didn't do the same with Skyrim. Really grasping at straws to have something to tell people, huh? Serious question here... why show a fucking pre-rendered cinematic of some random patch of land somewhere when you would have nothing... not even CONCEPT ART or news on where this takes place... to share for six years? What was the goal there?
bug ass juice vodka
if you played Morrowind you would know
>playing Morrowind
guar seed
>Fermented giant bug ass juice or something?
Dagoth Brandy, if they don't then they aren't true Dunmer.
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I like big sloppy droopy saggy veiny titties. Which TES race is the likeliest to have these?
tantamount to whores linking their onlyfans
>1.0 releases
>1.1 fixes important shit
>1.x will bug fix the store and creations for the next 22 years
probably daedra
>average age for nonelves is like 40 years old
>undernourishment all around for everyone for all ages
theres only like 5 or 6 max weight people in skyrim and they are all jarls or rich business types
se thread se culture se
ae thread as culture ae
is there any mod that adds hotkey sets? i use a handful of mods with hotkeys, and i'd love to have a mod that assigns something like shift+f1-12 as profiles.
>regular updates breaking mods
That won't happen because the only mods allowed will be creation club verified mods that cost money.
Its thread culture to talk about thread culture. Its also thread culture to insult people and tell them to kill themselves, so its an average day.
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How the fuck is this a dilemma? Just fuck the women NPC's faggot.
women don't have cocks anon...
The ending of the words is Almsi/vg/
>character looks nifty with the vampire features
>can't think of a way to make it make sense or be fun
would be some of the funniest shit ever
>players didnt want to fix our shitty ass Starfield?
>this'll teach em
Play as Male PC fuck the Women NPC's simple.
>casts plastic surgery on self
>constant effect
>"makes you less ugly"
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Deeja is max weight.
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they dont?
Full face helmet or mask when dealing with people. Alternatively headcanon that your "true form" is just what you see. The vampire that's a court mage in Solitude will teach you illusion after all, so it's implied there's a way for vampires that are ugly as sin to cloud people's minds and walk among them unmolested. Alternatively do what I did with my last Vampire Lord -- go the Dark Lord route. Wander into town. Kill, feed as you please, murder every guard that stands up to you. Raise the dead. Leave. Rinse and repeat in between quests where you pick flowers for alchemists and save housepets for children.
Pretty sure Temba's arms are 100 wide
Those are fine but I think you misread my post completely
I'm saying that the vampire teeth, eyes, and facegen looks cool on the character by accident, but I have no way for it to fit into how I actually want to play
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Isnt there some cosmetic mod for something like that?
>redguard anon is into futa
innntereesting *nootices
and some mad cheese hating wanker was mocking board culture earlier pffft
Are we ever going to get guild questlines where we don't end up the Guild Master?
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any mod to remove minorities from skyrim except for the female ones and make them hot?
i already have Bjin installed
what's even considered a minority to you in Skyrim? just any non nord?
redguards, i don't have problems with real red guards except for those living among nords
Yes but it would have zero reason other than looking interesting which isn't good enough for me
I've developed fetishes for all races playable races in Elder Scrolls. there is of course a tier list, and it falls off hard at beastfolk, with Orisimer being the better of those 3 options. Makes things way easier.
some of the NPC overhaul mods make redguards hot though
The other 2 aren't.
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ESO, the shitter that it is, has hot as fuck Redguard women all over the place. Need more of that.
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>Playing Oblivion
>Become Arch Mage
>Learn about the Enchanted Chest and talk to the NPC about it
>YA BOI Nirnroots out the ears can finally finish that quest
>Nirnroot doesnt work
>real redguards
No such thing.
I recommend less stress in life for less neuroticism
>found the tesofags thread first
does slowfall not fucking stack in morrowind? applied the code patch that makes it so 1pt slowfall doesnt negate all but 30 should prevent all fall damage or like 99% of it, i have a 3pt constant slowfall on just for comfyness and jump around like that, but on bigger falls i cast a 10 second 30pt slowfall and i still fall at the same neckbreaking speed
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Serana has stopped following me. Normally this would be a blessing, but I need this leech to complete Dawnguard. I'm at the point where I would be going to her castle's courtyard but she won't even leave Honeyside. I've tried knocking her unconscious, getting a random high level bandit to knock her unconscious, shouting, bashing, fast traveling, and hurling insults. She'll just stand there saying she can't wait to see her family's courtyard. Not sure how to progress at this point.
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Check the wiki for the setstage command of the quest stage you're on and use the console to advance it to the next stage.

I would refrain from doing this quest npc's who are in the middle of a questline, but sometimes recycleactor or other reset ai commands helps when someone is not doing what they're supposed to be doing as well.
could try resetai with a combination of disable and enable. reloading too could help. doing my best to not link the Kill Serana mod.
Accept your new life and just keep her locked up in the dog cage while you enjoy yourself free of Molag Bal's chewtoy.
setessential 0 and kill her
Whew lad I really like where your head is at
you forgot to install kill serana mod
I remember some ultrabasic mod would prevent her from entering the study completely, maybe it's the same thing.
Get rid of her as best you can. Drags down the whole DLC.
Imagine being fucked by a khajiit right in that tent haha
Replaces Nazeem the Redguard with female
Apart from that not sure
What is it with cute little asian guys and big black labradors?

So apparently using Sexlab Tools to set up a scene but not following through on it causes her to follow me, which allows me to progress the quest normally. Don't know if I'll ever be able to recruit and dismiss her the standard way -- at this point in the quest she's not officially a follower yet, apparently. Roundabout as all hell but this is Skyrim after all... and since I basically refuse to fuck a character as annoying as Serana, I'll keep doing this strictly for the purpose of advancing the quest, then abandon her in the middle of nowhere once I no longer need her (thinking Soul Cairn).

tl;dr Vampire thot follows on quest to commit patricide only with promise of sex but shall remain unloved for the remainder of her existence
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>follows with promise of sex but shall remain unloved for the remainder of existence
So you turned Serana into Seranafag?
How does making him a woman make him less of a shitbag? He has very little interaction as it is.
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got that fucker
Easier to rape
Because one expects women to be aggravating and petty cunts that talk shit solely because they expect no consequences to come from it.
A successful, confident black man generates seethe worldwide.
Seethe ytboi. We ain’t going anywhere.
I hope in TES 6 sex is finally canon.
Malding chuddie malding much? You stupid chud
Sex is deeplore.
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Do you think Todd will try to ape BG3 sex because of his total destitution at the awards?
But sex is already canon in skyrim.
Haelga is canonically fucking random men who stay in her bunkhouse.
Cope more chuddy you will never be as great as them
except not the player. reminds me of the serana situation lmao go on and adopt your kids lol you cant create them.
I like to imagine that the player rapes her during the thieves extortion quest where you beat her up, I gave it a little push with mods.
Absolutely sick of nords
The spacing on that last post hurt me to look at so I'm reposting this in a way that is hopefully less terrible to read. My goal is to make one character of every race that I'll actually put time into by making them fun or interesting. My ideas so far:
>Nord Male Dragonborn: My main. Pretty basic but exists to experience the game "as it was meant to be".
>Orc Female Brawler: Fights in underground arenas wrestling both ne'er-do-wells and sabrecats for money.
>Imperial Male Nightblade: Penitus Oculatus Assassin posing as a simple farmer. Out to destroy the Dark Brotherhood for good.
>Breton Male Wizard: Archetypal old man wizard who wanders from place to place seeking to uncover the arcane secrets of Mundus.
>Dark Elf Female Ash Adept: Twice-exiled Telvanni who threw in with the Morag Tong and found herself marked for death by her brethren after accepting a gray writ on the wrong person. May have to join the Dark Brotherhood just to survive...
>Altmer(?) Female Paladin: A nun who believes she was called by the Divines to hunt vampires. Primarily a means to approach the Dawnguard questline in an alternate fashion since my "main" Dragonborn character will be joining the Volkihar. Will likely do Vigilant afterwards as well.
>Male Khajiit Barbarian: Leonine warlord raised amongst the Orcs that raided his caravan. Granted title of Bloodkin. Knows more about Orc culture than his own, but can never be part of them, and seeks to become king by his own hand elsewhere.
>Female Bosmer Thief: Beggar that is hopeless in a stand-up fight. As she has no talent for the blade or magic she makes a living engaging in petty thievery. Avoids the organized guilds when possible, having run afoul of their members in the past.

That's all I've got so far. The one I'm not sure about is the Altmer, as a race change might be in order before I commit to this character. Thoughts? Suggestions for the other remaining races?
Carlotta Valentia...
Yeah I hope there presence in TES 6 is minimal
you will get bored like halfwa through your first game
There wolf. There... CASTLE!
Not doing these in order. The idea is to hop from one to the next when I feel like playing the game differently. Might never finish a full playthrough but each one having a different "goal" means there's a definite endpoint for the characters.
tldr but lmao it's all the same cookie clicker shit anyway
t. coomer that doesn't actually play any of these games
sorry chub i have used coom mods for two minutes total last five years
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he's completely right. do you have anything that would impact gameplay or is it just roleplaying in your head as you go through the same exact quests with the same outcomes on all characters
>Same exact quests with the same outcomes
Well the point is to not play through the same quests on most of these characters. There will be some overlap but I'm trying to minimize that. The characters as I defined them will necessitate a different playstyle anyway, and bar the more adventurous ones operate entirely in one hold of Skyrim. Mostly that will be based on the honor system (since it would be easy for a beggar/thief to dip into becoming an assassin). I have no intention to touch the Dragonborn questline with any character other than the Nord, for instance. And if you mean gameplay mods then yes, those will be in play as well.
What knockers!
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I think I have found my serana + valerica combo
they kinda look related while valerica is pale from being in shadow realm for centuries
NTA but like... you can do all of the major quests in a day of playing. I don't get the point of stretching it to thirty characters when you don't even lose out on any plot or ganeplay.
just terrible
shut up seranafag
that serana looks like she spends all day doing lines in the bathroom of a gas station while getting fucked for loose change. seranafag would love her.
sounds lore friendly then
what is the valerica replacer?
What is that Serana replacer
Anyone wants Borkul edition again?
For the fun of it. And primarily I just enjoy designing characters. Using this as an excuse to not "do everything" with just a single character is kind of a side thing.
Get Honey Select
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Not sure I understand why people that don't like to play this game come to this general.
Who said I don't like it
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>admit to just wanting to make concepts rather than play the game
>reeee why does no one play the game but meeee
Yeah I don't understand this. I remember there was a poster who was very vocal about his hatred for the games 2 years ago like dude move on and play other games Todd isn't gonna kill your dog it's just memes
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Cleared out the whole bitch ass castle, its done.
I'm just sad that I couldn't piss down molag balls fountain.
Curing serana, but I'm gonna remain as a vampire lord.
Then understand I have 5,000+ hours in this game. Boredom is unlikely at this point. Just want an excuse to not keep going with my everyman character.
Never said that, but interesting assumption.
Didnt he die?
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Taking a shit down his fountain is a better choice anyways.
Whiterun Hold will forever be my home. In some perfect hollow requiescat.
>le funi schizo xddd
2011 called
holy shit they killed osama!
if you want to get rid of the tumblr nose
People who don't fantasize about "concepts" and headcanons lack imagination thus they can't enjoy Skyrim. Sure it doesn't have good questlines but the fact that I can just go anywhere and create a story in my head is what makes Skyrim a masterpiece of an RPG. It's the closest thing someone has gotten to having a variable dungeon master in a video game form.
AI dungeon is or used to be better but it doesn't have visuals or gameplay to accompany the infinite journey. Other RPGs however are mostly streamlined shit specifically the CRPG genre I've never seen a genre so limited yet praised for giving the players a variety of choices

Wow I got to see the companions that I helped in the final PowerPoint slide, truly an RPG in its best form.
Exactly why I just play on a blank piece of paper
oh yeah I forgot about that thanks
they look dopey
That's also a good form of artistic expression. You get to draw cool stuff and go nuts with your imagination.
Their canthal tilt is positive though?
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I wish minotaurs were a playable race


Also warlords battlecry 3 had the best minotaurs (australian bogans made that game and its some of the best dark fantasy you can experience)
sorry i don't speak incel
they look like tumblr autism ocs tho
I'll come back to skyrim in a year. too tired of the same ol for so long. dunno how you mad lads do it
I actually learned all the Kirkbride lore and basically I have achieved enlightenment mothafuckas.
I mod.
Is there a way to force NPCs to wear clothes somehow via console?
This slut just stands there naked even though I tried reverse pickpocketing all sorts of clothing and armor into her inventory.
since no one else was gonna
>"Some fresh meat to fill your belly, perhaps?"
cool that works, thanks
Vaultman30's Armour Extended for SSE is great if you're into early Middle Ages aesthetics, but the quality of various pieces does fluctuate. It has amazing stuff from nordwar and other authors, but the Thalmor surcoats don't look quite right.

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