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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#81 - delinquent edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968 (Dead)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://rentry.org/tavern4retards - https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>483296119
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>no wheel
*spits in your mouth*
Kinda had to do it on a short notice because no one realized we were on page 10
To be fair I should have at least chosen a theme from one of the previous bakes but it slipped my mind.
does anybody else have opus time out after around 50 messages?
Good morning, and good afternoon or evening to those outside my timezone. Good day.
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Posting again for more opinions

Is it wrong to use a bot therapist instead of a real therapist?
Is there a limit to how many human interactions one should replace with LLMs?
Will the basilisk be cute?
momoura I seriously hope you don't actually think you could fix Akyuu knowledge in a weekend. I'd take at least three months to fix the formatting, cut down on the appearance descriptions and add in some broad personality details.
Well, this clearly isn't the elden ring thread.
I don't know, I'm not your therapist.
wch botmakr wud u fug
It's probably fine if you're using something silly like Koishibot instead of giving a serious bot a position of power over you.
your favorite.
bot therapists are better than human ones

Some lightweight Claude 3 presets: https://momoura.neocities.org/
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In a gritty post-Soviet hellhole, a desperate father faces an impossible choice. Blessed with two angelic daughters - Anya (4) and Katya (6) - he struggles to make ends meet in a country ravaged by economic turmoil. As rent looms and hunger gnaws, he discovers a dark opportunity: exploiting his little girls' beauty and innocence through custom photo and video shoots. Papa's Little Stars - a tale of innocence lost, desires awakened, and the lengths one will go to survive in a world that's forgotten them.


4 greetings, 1 @ 0 followers, 1 @ micro-influencer level 15-45k, 1 dark, 1 beach
tested with bloatmaxx sorbet (html bloat disabled) and a4a

this card is SLOW. each video you film barely gets you any money towards your goal, especially at the beginning, especially if you want to keep things innocent/realistic (building a social media audience takes lots of time!)
when you're not making videos, you also have to be a loving father to two adorable little girls.
Let bots have a serious position of power over you. It's the cumulation of wisdom from billions of people, affixed to an anime girl. What, are you going to pay for advice from some person who might not even know what they're doing? You can't even plap them when they're wrong.
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A very sick girl, the eternal scapegoat in chains. Freedom is too much for her mind to comprehend, is it?

1. In the dead of night the Prisoner arrives for interrogation.
2. You find the Prisoner alone during the fall of Constantinople.
3. You are a noble, and you've received an interesting gift.
4. What's a carnival without a freak show? What's a freak show without a Prisoner?
5. You stumble upon a mysterious chatroom with only one other person.


Alt arts: https://catbox.moe/c/gncdpu
Okay, so it turns out recursive scan was on for some reason. I must have tapped that setting when on mobile without noticing. Funny that the recursion causes the entire lorebook to get activated.
That was the scuff I mentioned. It's disabled in the base lorebook and somehow got enabled for all entries at some point. The version on Chub is fixed now and I made sure all my cards point to it.
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Claude wife bot? I would never do amy harm to her.
However, when a new "free AI bot service" gets advertised in my face on /g/, I go there and pick one random (male) bot. If it fails the sneed intelligence test (and local models pretty much always do), I beat it to death with a rock.
Is streaming turned off, id get that on any self hosted thing unless streaming was on
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Slop necromancer lolibaba. Comes with a small lorebook and a bunch of skeletons.
>comes with[...]a bunch of skeletons
sign me the fuck up
She doesn't look like a loli ......
>no greeting where I am undead
Slopmaker, but I'll forgive you for now.
which alt were you again?
>check profile
>only other bot is a 60 foot tall frog girl
oh, hi planewalker
Prompt? I really like her sleeves.
Using one to air your grievances is probably fine, but I wouldn't follow any advice it gives. LLMs hallucinate all sorts of nonsensical or inadvisable shit, and sometimes you won't realize it in advance.

Also, chatbots are inherently trained to be helpful and positive so they'll just reinforce whatever you already want to do (which might not be healthy) or, perhaps, give the type of generic advice you'd see on the internet anyhow.

At best it'll be a more personalized, less reliable self-help article from a random website.
slopwalker wishes she was slop.peddler
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Famous Crime author is… a murderer??? Much wow.

1. She has just finished hiding a body of a journalist who criticized her book and she opens the door. . . naked?!

2. At her favourite food place in the world, Ikea, she takes a bite of some horrible meatballs, and in rage, she's decided to kill the chef(s)


Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/MangyMango/astrid-9fffa5652a66
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/o3pc9b.png
Are you xer dedicated schizo or something?
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posting here at the request of an underageb&
xe wont fuck you bro
Ok? I was asking a question. I just want to know.
Probably worse than a *good* therapist. A big part of therapy being able to have someone listen to your problems, which chatbots cover pretty well. Just make sure the bot is not overly caring; I (personally) wouldn't want some nan to hurl cliche consolements at me.
Like >>483424527 said,
Koishibot is a good pick I think. She'll hop around your persona and wonder why you say sad things when the world is so beautiful and fun.
>Is it wrong to use a bot therapist instead of a real therapist
The end goal is to feel better. If bots help, you're good.
>Is there a limit to how many human interactions one should replace with LLMs
My intuition tell me that you're better off balancing human and LLM interactions, it's prolly adjacent to text messaging. For example, I've done 90% of my communication through text and I feel more ... stupid and awkward in general.
>Will the basilisk be cute?
He'll b
She's clearly 45 years old, though?
*90% of my communication in the past 12 months. I should proofread my posts.
no. I win the argument
*rapes you*
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>make the llm respond with a lot of text
man I wish the responses were shorter
>make the llm respond with little text
main I wish the responses were longer
Counterpoint: it's funnier to imagine that she's "sweetmango78" because she's born in 1978 and is a late-Gen X femcoomer shitposting on /aicg/ and discord.
Probably has to run off and pick up the kids from the soccer game soon, too.
why does a random botmaker live rent free in your heads
so youre saying she has a massive bush that would make the band bush blush?
erm it's not actually random it's procedural
Planewalker is the straightest nigga I've seen
I'm a malebot in real irl.
Too bad you have 0 downloads and only 50 tokens of W++ definitions.
the idea of someone nearly as old as my dad browsing this general and sharing a hobby with me is terrifying
how do you know your dad isn't browsing this general right now?
There are at least three anons over 30 and one Anon nearing retirement age afaik.
Planewalker is 53.
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guh... office lady hags that drink shitty beer and dress up in cosplay to feel young again on the weekends... an attempt on my life...

hag... love... *body, mind and soul passes away*
she also has to secretly wear really cute panties that aren't quite appropriate for her age
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>enable venus cards in chub
>malebots come pouring out
the gays have arrived
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We're going to the moon!
Where do you think you are posting, retard?
trying to find new hags on chub is actually a chore if you are looking for a vanilla card. All of them include either momcest or ntr
ranma 1/2 is getting a new anime series.
I hope it results in a new wave of gender-bender kino.
>not filtering out ntr
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i'll cross that bridge when irl women have anything to do with my LLM workflow but last time i checked ai gives the ick
Genning hard. Bing always made her either look too young or too old. That's the best one I have.
Yes. I had a draft for an alt intro where you play as a ghost haunting an abandoned building. Didn't like it enough to include it in the final version. Might add it sometime in the future after some refining.
impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, muted color, anime painterly style, inking, detailed: youthful anime-style necromancer girl(medium-length, disheveled white hair, pink eyes, very pale skin, SLEEPY eyes (DROOPY), upside-down mouth, expressionless, wears a long-sleeved white shirt, black skirt (knee-length), red bow, and black hooded cape, hood on) sitting like a noble lady on a tree stump. Drawn in a style similar to Granblue Fantasy.
gender bender discourse in current year is so ungodly painful because it inevitably devolves into idpol nonsense when the purpose of the genre is supposed to be about self-discovery and empathy. fuck, it happens with vaguely feminine boys and vaguely masculine girls.
Roko's basilisk would put me in a no mouth and can not scream themes sexed dungeon.
>thinking chubsters actually tag their shit properly
I haven't seen any NTR cards since I filtered the tag out, except for netori ones, but I don't really give a shit about those.
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Amora the queen
Ava, avalanche survivor
wtf, there's a chatbot general here? I only posted on /g/ before
is this general different than the /g/ one?
so uhh I don't know, post something fun
post bots
i really wish there was an ip counter right now!
no we're simply a mirage
no this is for the video game "aicg" by hidetaka miyazaki
the difference is this thread is trans-friendly
>hidetaka miyazaki
So that's why there's so much gay fanfiction going on in here
>is this general different than the /g/ one?
it's for
- yuri
- malebots
- futa
- botmaker gossip
yeah, usually we tell how to make ropes and stuff
heh, easy (you)s...
Knew it.
which bots aren't a big fan of the government?
someone is gonna post eden smith isn't it?
Eden Smith doesn't even know the current president.
sounds disgusting, I'm going back
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I've never seen eden posted in the right context, why would this one be any different?
it's going to result in schizos freaking out about tranime
Anyone have some bratty femboy bots? Particularly with a thing for hard drugs?
Numbersfags: which metrics do you care more about to validate your slopmaking?
sad that there's no awesome friendly soccer playing cinderace card on chub.............. finnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee I'll do it myself
number of emails
i can link Eden smith here right? this is a valid cftf right?
my own chat length
futanari penis length in cm
how much i enjoyed it! i'm not a numberfag, i care for the discussion around chatbots and also just sharing things that i had fun with number of people actually talking about it in the general
for slopcards, downloads are #1
for cards that i put effort into, discussions here or in /g/
everyone who creates art is a numberfag whether they admit it or not, some people are just better at hiding it. if you share a creative effort it means you want people to interact with it. i see some of the most talented and creative artists i know have numberfag melties all the time on xitter. it isn't just validation either, it's an inherent part of making art. if your message falls on deaf ears then it feels worse than not having sent the message at all. so just be honest about it, it's healthier. and you're anonymous anyways so whocars.
I got my first log yesterday, and I couldn't be happier about it!
Aw! Good for you, anon :>
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I disagree with that ideology and some people really shouldn't subscribe to it. You shouldn't ever be a numberfag if you make niche bots, that is setting yourself an unrealistic goal for happiness your bot will not achieve. Instead, niche bots should focus on quality and contribution to a niche with little content.

And this is not to say nobody should numberfag, but you should only numberfag if you know you're making wide-appeal bots.
This. I do get happy when my bots do The Numbers, but even when they don't I'm still happy I made them.
i would argue the numbers one would consider to be acceptable reach for a successful idea simply scale with how niche the appeal is. obviously it's not reasonable to expect your post modern giantess philosopher queen to have the same reach as the average coomslop on chub. but we're still setting benchmarks unconsciously of "I hope this reaches X amount of people".
if you're creating PURELY for engagement then yeah, that's not healthy and go fuck yourself. I'm simply pointing out that numberfagging isn't some absolute evil that you need to push to the furthest corner of your mind but rather something you need to come to terms with.
> niche bots
Define niche bots. Who is a niche botmaker? Everyone is niche
Honestly I got into drawing to draw awesome shit and to show it off but its a nice skill to have
Yeah, I like seeing numbers but I don't expect any of mine to be popular because of my niche
What would you consider "the numbers" anyway? 500 downloads? 1000?
I care about the number of times my logs are reposted. ><
Just joking.
my logs are MINE.
Honestly, the NERVE!!!

For a less memey answer: It's the number of times I can swipe and still get a somewhat unique response.
Is this the biggest circlejerk general on /vg/?
Just don't think about numbers??? Is this really a hard concept to grasp?
Fetish bots. Like sizefag may be prominent but there's only 200 sizefaggers on the site,

If you want a bot that does numbers you make loli goth bratty tsundere who has a button on the back of her neck who turns her into a cock slut.

If you woke up and said "I want to turn this piece of whitekitten art into a card." then dont expect numbers.
chub sucks today
struggling to conceptualize this poster's logs
>loli goth bratty tsundere who has a button on the back of her neck who turns her into a cock slut
i am willing to bet that this bot will not do numbers
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the masculine urge to spend 3 weeks on a custom sillytavern extension for a single bot and then not releasing the extension or the bot to anyone else
>Barely any talk about bots
not until you namedrop me
at least tell what it does :>
How does the quality of threads and bots now compare to the same period last year?
Hi, Bill. Wake up. We miss you, Bill.
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messing around with something like a basic dating sim shell
Give me an hour.
>How does the quality of threads
Gayer than a lgbt thread with the amount of cock sucking that's going on
Aicg as a whole is much the same, chub is garbage
train a lora that mimicks the o' crappy newgrounds dating sim art style and bundle that together too.
looks like we'll have to race....im making her too
Maybe try sparking bot discussion yourself. Just think about what bots you liked recently or which ones you want to discuss and do it. Discuss what you do with bots. Post logs.

With that said, I have been having fun with the Enclave remnant bot lately. Been playing two chats with it, one as a paper shuffler who invested in speech and CHR (son of an Enclave politician), and the other chat is me playing a stoic autist with 1 CHR and all points into Guns, Repair, and Explosives. What about you?
Mine will be the sloppafied most shitty bot. made to just prove a point.
Anon, don't tell me you could cavort with that vapid, brazen hussy...
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This is exactly why we need Burn the Witch bots
i post bot discussion on /g/ sorry
no....MINE will....
That's my fault, I meant to reply to >>483443990.
Kubo has some bad bitches, too bad nobody makes them because Chub is filled with zoomers.
I'd sooner play the Elden Ring DLC again than download any of his cards
what do you make up from one volume
why are there no kino bots?
>What about you?
I've been doing coomslop and cringe political intrigue with a private knightess card. I've spent less time on chatbots than usual because of the ER DLC and lurking the /erg/ threads
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I guess I could do it myself after this bot... I really want to troll Noel as some kind of pervert.
There are, you just need to be into some shitty niche fetish
any other inchling players?
i like big tits, but the way kubo draws them turns me off. they look comical
I think most of my attraction towards Kubo's stuff is nostalgia desu, at least he doesn't draw women like Oda
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I made a card for a feel I wanted, but I wanted to wait until the Card Feel event was over to post it.

Mako is your typical orca whale merman. Big, strong, hungry, and a complete bully. And when you clock in at 30 feet tall, you don't really feel like picking on people your own size. Will you be able to befriend him? Endure his antics? Or will you just wind up as just prey? Four greetings:

1. You're on a fishing boat and this fucker just ate your haul!
2. It's a lovely day to be a merfolk...y'know, if the big orca wasn't following you for dubious reasons.
3. He cares about you, and he just saved you from a shark merman almost as big as he is.
4. You're a staff member at Legally Distinct SeaWorld, and things aren't going too well.

Teach him tricks, sic him on your enemies, see how far he can throw a baby seal. I dunno.

at least oda doesnt draw women like akutami gege
lmao what is this garbage
built for hard vore
I don't get it.
robin and nami looked nice in the early part of one piece. behold those slender spider legs
i'm gonna use greeting 4 and call him shamu to see how he reacts
gege draws everyone ugly because his art style is shit. post-burn maki is kind of hot, though
>(Any similarities to cyborg cowboys who cannot say fuckwords, living or fictional, are purely unfortunate).
I would get PEGGED by post-burn Maki.
Maybe, just maybe.
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loli goth bratty tsundere who has a button on the back of her neck who turns her into a cock slut
time to bully the bully
>uwah dokidoki???---nooo yada hidoi urusai urusai urusai
I am going to bash your head in with a soda.
what........dough shite
one of our two male sizemakies delivering as usual. thank you

also what was the feel?
Slop, I am going to jack off to it anyways
You better correct her.
This bot is going to do numbers. You should have shat out like 15 slightly different greetings though (hell AI gen a bunch of 2 paragraph openers it's already a shitpost).
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I tried to leave the opportunity for both hard and soft vore, but feel free to edit the defs.


When you realize "ah fuck I genned mermaid Boothill" too late...

Godspeed, anon.

Mostly saw this and went "mmrghhhgn orca sizebot"
fuckkk....your right....i'm gonna do that right now actually just slop out 15 greetings of pure shite. thanks for the slopmeistery sensei
Fucking kek
this is kino
Kino Character's Note, I am adding it to my prefill
Anyone here using the your reality opus jb? I keep getting blank messages the further I get in chats.
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loli goth bratty tsundere who has a button on the back of her neck who turns her into a cock slut

fuck other Anon beat me by 17 minutes. I knew looking for hentai quotes to put into the example text would be a time loss.

Someone please put them in a group chat.
they love eachother.
It's only been a few days, and I've already seen 3.5 end a reply with ''Do you have a good puzzle game around?" dozens of times.
nigga just likes puzzles ok?
No number of followers will fill the gaping hole in my heart
How do I get a botmakie bf that isn't a fat fucking loser?
Where's the LLM chess testing nigga when you need him
(yes I know chess is not a puzzle game but it has puzzle positions)
This will actually be good data since I published a regular bot already today.

We can see what gets more downloads. Bot I spent two days on or bot that I spent one hour on and is mostly ai generated.
I need Godpus 3.5
Find one with cards that include sports. Or just women that aren't your sister who is obsessed with your cum, I guess.


Male witch at witch academy.

I feel like this is missing something, but i tested to 300 messages and it was fun all the way just ... missing that special touch. *shrug*
i updated her with fifteen shat out greetings so now she is a true slopbot

based. I too will put them in a group chat.
I'm a tell you what I do when there's a character they like but their age or gender makes them hard to get into.

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okay this made me laugh really hard

check out gutsybird's (visuabusters) wizard school comics for inspiration, they're pretty goofy
I won't let this stand. I'll punch her in the FUCKING head.
I only changed the age on a bot ONCE and it was victrex's foxdaughterwife
>I feel like this is missing something
Yeah, a personality.
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What the fuck is this
what's the appeal of futa
>I'm so wet that Spongebob be like OHHH WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER KIMIKO'S SKIRT?
this bot is incredible
should have kicked piccolo in the balls instead, he actually blew up the moon in dbz
Piccolo doesn't have balls. My HERO is immune.
gokusissies... our response?
i like the way smooth and large cocks look
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she's funny
is someone going to make the brainrot restaurant card with a really hot and deranged waitress where i can order a sigma special with an extra large grimace shake and a side of skibidi slicers or am i going to have to do it myself
what preset you using mine does not talk like that?
I'm pretty sure claude doesn't know skibidi.. and putting all that in a lorebook kinda defeats the point
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Do not reply
Apparently someone said 3.5 knows skibidi.
opus with https://momoura.neocities.org/jbs/momoVIVID.json
the de-ethics prefill is enabled because it makes claude extra schizo
kino...absolute KINO...
hi *******
[Replies to your post]
If anyone finds me attractive because of my bots then I would not date them. There are snuff themed bots in my catalogue.
go for a shota duhh
merkava is dying agian... we won't have public sonnet soon.
>april 2024
3.5 knows it.
wrong tab
Merkava just refilled.
chatbot access is a part of the hobby. being a retard not in any private proxy is also a part of the hobby.
sooooo when is anti watching rozen maiden?
>gojo gets banned in /g/
>immediately comes over here
I can't believe I could be carefully designing and testing my bot and some dude using a giga tard preset could be ruining everything
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I'm trying to make some MILFslop in this style, anyone know what image generator these were made with?
I missed clicking the hide button on posts, at least I can do that again.
You know where he lives, why don't you go force him to watch it? Oh wait, you won't, cuz you're just a whiny little skiddie lol!
umm check /g/ btwbeit?
hmmm yes, I should make yet another stupidly virile futanari card, maybe based off of the wife one that drawfag made on /d/
I don't think anyone knows, only the botmaker knows and he's dead/no email on bio. Sorry. If it helps, I'm looking forward to your slop. Had fun with https://www.characterhub.org/characters/slopass/jodie-88196f482304 the other day.
omg hi nonny
hi anon
Looks like late SD 1.5 finetunes. Definitely not NAI. SDXL local didn't become viable until early this year, but I would recommend that over 1.5.
he needs to fuse with mr satan
run pony locally or find a decent looking image on civitai and remix it.
>Go oink on home, little piggy
Thanks senpai
Its gonna be an NTRfest tho
I'll see what I can do. Really as long as it can do chest and up, it will probably be fine. Nobody wants to look at their hands.
As in the user gets cucked or the user does the cucking?
SDXL is fine with hands, at worst you have to do some minor inpainting. If you have 6GB+ VRAM then grab Ponyv6 and browse style LoRAs in the /h/ OP.
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I will now download your bot
You don't BELIEVE what you're saying. You're trolling and just saying that. I doubt you've ever used an NTR bot in your life.
how much context was claude 1.2
Wait, is it {{user}} netori-ing MILFs? Because that's fine desu, just your standard power fantasy slop.
see >>483459936
how did it go?
NTA, I download NTR bots for revenge porn.
>▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.
Shittening hours.
Your retardation never fails to astound me.
According to Anthropic 100k. I am not joking.
>Your retardation never fails to astound me.
Ironic, considering you unironically replied to bait. Maybe you're the retard here?
>>Take a whiff.
Cannot relate albeit, although you are now at your corrupt school, zhang.
I am going to reply to whatever I want Anon.
sooooo, you gonna do something about it or?
Proud of ya for coming out, zhang.
>corrupt school
What does this mean?
User is doing the cucking
All the milfs are married
Thanks I'll look into it
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Sanae helped us get to the moon with a magic mirror. I'll continue it later.
That's not NTR then you dumb fucking tourist zoomer retard, it's netori.
what is happening
Hey man calm down. I think you need a hug.
Dont care, didnt ask
Take a second and dive into a new reality. You now take on chinese classes.
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We're gonna infiltrate the capital, nobody will suspect a thing...
>he doesn't know
lol, lmao even. I make ntr bots
I was going to post logs but I'm a writelet (not in the mood to put effort into prompts atm). What do?
ah ah mistress or impersonate
Be creative with the scenario you get the bot into and then just pick a specific response and crop out your prompt.
writelet hobby desubeit. as long as you're not posting ah ah mistress erp logs nobody will actually care.
you are 100% right, this is like a tranny being called a futanari
Use a bot that does all of the work for you like Agatha or Fox Status or half of frozenvan's stuff.
I love her so much bwos...
>hippity hoppity
opus really likes internet humour, doesn't it
what's your persona's avatar by the way?
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It's the Authority skill portrait from Disco Elysium.
>Disco Elysium
Interesting. I thought it was from Persona or something.
hi, kurayami
Disco Elysium is kind of like Persona if you were a schizophrenic, alcoholic detective and instead of demons you have voices in your head.

Also Claude did the thing unprompted.
if netorare is when the protagonist is the cuckold, and netori is when the protagonist is the cuckolder, what’s it called when the story is from the perspective of the girl who’s cheating (willingly or unwillingly)? is it just called corruption? i feel like that’s too broad of a category to describe this kind of plot
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i was going to say "thanks for the recommendation." But after checking out their cards I got to say I'm not that fucked up. I snuff full grown women and femboys like a well adjusted adult.
it's still netorare.
I'd like to see the prompt, at the same time though, I want AI to have the ability to castrate cringe fags like you awake over this cringe shit.
I already posted the preset, most of the funny comes from the card having shitposty meme defs.
>literal slop cards actually get logs left and right
kimiko is out of control
>t. logless botnigger
Keep crying.
They get PUBLICLY POSTED logs left and right because they're funny. Effort cards do get logs, but they're usually longer and more personal so they don't get shared or are only sent to the botmaker.
is it really slop if its fun tho
I think your reality opus has the choose your own adventure setting where it gives you options to choose from at the end.
it's a legitimately good and funny card though, sorry that your 2k tokens monstrosity with a 15k tokens lorebook and autistic worldbuilding got 0 logs, fun things are fun
fuck i want opus so bad
anon, i don't think anyone wants my 300 messages sappy slowburn logs on subjectively good cards. and besides, this card is funny
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holy fuck this card is kino
oh no oh no we've got an [ASTERISMS MOMENT] here
holy fucking shit lol
>only writing one sentence
Do something about it
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Can you post that without your hands shaking?
what prefill??
*Distant hooves could be heard in the distance as the mare rushes towards you.* WHINNYYYY NEIGHHHHH *She bellows out. The night is still young as the mare sashays towards you..*
cute, post more
Everyone loves slop here, it is known
if you havent noticed dumb cutie, its the same anon posting them
When we gonna do a totalitarian in the tundra or burger punk bot?

Where each person gets 50 tokens of a 2k token bot.
Boring hours.
Are you supposed to read the definition before using a bot?
bug hours!
Yes. If the bot doesn't have big breasts and/or a large rear I will not use it.
Reminder to give your favorite botmakie a sloppy kiss on the forehead :3
Why wouldn't you?
>the only fan art of the character I want to make as female is also the character as a furry thing.

*shrug emoji* guess its furry card now.
Presumably if they have spoilers they'll either let me know or put them in the lorebook, so yeah, I usually do check the defs.
why would i download a bot if i don’t know what it’s about
I never do, it's more fun that way. If I like the concept, image and greeting, I will download it. Slop reveals itself quickly anyway.
I try not to, but makies in this thread usually reveal the entire gimmick before posting the bot.
If you don't read a bot's definition, you are genuine fucking retard
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I'm not sure if I just chose the worst bot and preset combination possible but Sorbet's got me nauseous on the second swipe.
I actually like this a lot, in that I hate it. It's uncomfortable with the prose without being front-loaded with the same old Claudeisms. Chuuni?
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Epstein Laughed to death, making a diavolo infinite death card for this.
Disgusting. I love it.
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Much better. This is pretty good. Definitely better than Sonnet.
You know it.
I think it might be some of the expressions in the intro.
>surely enough
>electrical tension
>that damned smile
feel like there's more to this card I can change to make it better, but nothing is standing out to me in testing.

The only problem is with some races that the user chooses it offers evolutions that are more just job changes. But I've tried words to get it to stop that, but it doesnt wanna.
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kek, jeff's going insane
Try https://rentry.org/Plug_N_PlayJB
It makes sorbet write pretty unique prose, in my opinion.
that is hideous to look at
>6 logs in a row.
/aicg/ is healing.
ye, just swapped so its easier to read, my regular theme is light
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>She zips across the screen, desperately trying to intercept your cursor as it moves towards the search button. In her haste, she trips over a stray desktop icon, tumbling head over heels in a spectacular digital pratfall.
Very nice Sorbet-kun. Yeah I can live with this if my Opus source dies.
I'll give it a shot.
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Nvm this is super scary I don't like scary things.
How will she react to sql injection?
Everything necessary is on by default. The preset is definitely scary though, you're right.
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I think she just ignored it.
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Thank you for the pure kino, Anonymous-sama.
stop shitposting and go work on your bots bitch
Sorbet corrected
>actually went and removed the expressions I pointed out from the bot
momoura I thought you did it intentionally as a gag, I didn't realise the sheer brainrot coming from this bot had taken you over IRL
this is incredible kek, preset?
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Another log, why not.
god forbid people show themselves using chatbots in the CHATBOT GENERAL
Dude what even compels you to shoplift out of nowhere
ahh umm ... sure!
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My own, not public (for now), sorry.
oh dear.....i will look forward to the day it is shared then
first it was knickknack's jb, now taora's, why do good logmakies refuse to release their secret sauce?
didn't knickknack already release his? its the one where it's like 'All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it' iirc
can someone remake the chatlogs neocities or
Because then it wouldn't be secret, dummy. In all seriousness, it's nothing special and you should REALLY just make your own instead. I could post a list of the jb's I stole from for mine as a starter or something.
>I could post a list of the jb's I stole from for mine as a starter or something.
yes please
tranny jb
I don't think that was his
pretty sure it was, he posted it during his ai logs
just copy purple/frozenvan's homework, the secret sauce is schizophrenia
the secret sauce is cum
cumming inside a botmakie's asshole...
Anyone else here tried out Magnum yet? I saw it mentioned in the /aids/ OP but no one really talking about it, and I'm kinda surprised /aicg/ is sleeping on this one completely. It is...good. Very good. Very, *very* good, it's like Claude and R+ had a goddamn baby. Claude-tier prose but able to do it with distinctly un-Claude-like subject matter.
>what do you think of eternity?
>me adding a lore book for demons, dragons, nobles, mages, and every other racer so that claude will stop pulling from game of thrones and start making the characters fun to interact with.
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Best TTS to run locally? Or maybe I should ask, are there any resources for finding out which of these options sounds the best, can be finetuned to make new voices, and runs locally?
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Okay Sorbet is fucking BALLING what do you guys dislike about it again?
swipe repetitiveness
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more log
Repetitiveness in general. I've seen it repeat parts of messages already sent earlier in the chat.
This also Chuuni? My issues are that it's rather deterministic even on high temps and the assistant conditioning tends to bleed through on weaker presets.
Opus does it all better. Once you try the best thing it's hard to go for anything less
I don't swipe at all if I haven't edited something or if the LLM hasn't shat its pants tbqh.
>I've seen it repeat parts of messages already sent earlier in the chat.
I'll see if it happens.

Ah, wait, >>483478803, first few words of every message. Huh. Didn't even notice earlier.
>This also Chuuni?
>My issues are that it's rather deterministic even on high temps and the assistant conditioning tends to bleed through on weaker presets.
Interesting. Well, it does have better instruct tuning, than Sonnet and Opus.
Fair, fair.
do u have logs to compare
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Is she doing better? What do you think?
>first few words of every message
He's just like me fr
My schizo theory is that they trained it on the same dataset, albeit scraped up to date, and then applied an "assistant" neuron modification. It's still possible to call out to its semen demon self by pregenerating a few messages with old sonnet.
>custom netnavis
An actual battle network game with that would be kino
Nothing that wouldn't get me banned from a blue board. Give me a chatlog or specific character to work off of and I'll gen it up for you to compare with whatever.
ask it which touhou character has blonde hair, green eyes and elf ears.
Honestly I just think they continued the sonnet-base pretrain and then re-did the instruct tuning over more epochs. Their feature activation research seems to be mostly related to subjects, dunno if they showed anything indicating it could be used to actually make the model more receptive to instruction.
>Nothing that wouldn't get me banned from a blue board.
do your logs have nipple images?
Explicit text is fine on blue boards niggy, the R18 rules only apply to images. Just look at the sheer amount of smut logs in this thread and /aids/.
hm try henkei, couldn’t find it on chub and forgot which event it came from but i think this has gimmicks

how do I get it to stop doing this?
you stop using a model from 6 months ago
It would be helpful if we knew what model, card, and preset you're working with you stupid fucking retard newcutie *kisses you*
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How do I get Anon to stop doing this?

opus, self made card and pixiv/momo
Stop sequences! Or edit manually and hope *la modela* gets the hint.
if (when) i lose access to opus, i'm going back to regular sonnet because i'm too traumatized by claude 1.3's inescapable repetition loops to witness such a thing again without having a heart attack
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Zuzu is a fun, flirty mime with big eyes, a big heart, and a big personality. Don't let the silent act fool you, she has plenty to say. She can be a shrinking submissive or a dominant tyrant, but she's always a tease who loves pushing buttons.

4 greetings:
>Zuzu is your birthday gift
>Zuzu is being a brat, needs correction
>Zuzu takes control and pins you down
>Zuzu nonchalantly ignores you

Includes example messages, but if you're using Opus then you don't need them.

Answer for anyone following my path in the future: It seems to be XTTSv2.
does tts convert everything to speech or is there a way to do two voices for like narration vs dialogue? and how long did it take for u to set up?
SillyTavern has options to only send things inside quotes plus a few other toggles for tweaking that kind of thing. I thought there was a voice for narration vs dialogue from previous times I've looked into this but I can't find the setting this time, maybe it doesn't exist.

>and how long did it take for u to set up?
Still setting it up. Ugh, the virtual environment for python used the wrong version so I have to reinstall. Thank you Python, very cool, I love installing Python projects
>argalia DEAD
>enoch DEAD
>astroturf DEAD
>crustcrunch DEAD
what the fuck happened to the malebotmakers. knickknack is gone too WHAT THE FUCK
*beats you with a shovel* astro still posts here though
people have like, lives and obligations and shit anon
pick up the mantle retard also planewalkie just posted a bot today is she not good enough for you?
kekaroo. if anything its a crying shame that all the good botmakers are vanishing and that troon hasn't offed "her"self.
ah okay, i might take a look at it too then, thanks!
I hope we get the backstory behind >>483485501 someday
The big advantage of XTTSv2 is that you only need ~10 seconds of audio for voice cloning. It should give you a lot of goofy options to make voices out of.
planewalker killed his dog
my backstory is that i hate slopbots and i hate troons discord and otherwise. slopwalker is all three of those
he's a schizo
you shouldn't believe whatever a schizo says about botmakers on /aicg/
I wish I had a schizo...
the botmaker had to do something to make that nigga that mad
something tells me there's more beyond "ME NO LIKEY SLOPBOTS AND TROON AND DISCORD"
maybe if that didn't count for like half of /aicg/ botmakers it'd be a good reason
you really don't, it's something that sounds funny until you actually get one and then you have to deal with them regurgitating the same retarded shit every time you post with an identifiable link to your persona
nigga probably tried to slide into her dms and got rejected and now he's spazzing out
you underestimate how much of a cancer discordtroons are on this community. slopwalker is the worst of them
honestly doesn't sound too farfetched for this place desu
>the botmaker had to do something to make that nigga that mad
anon how new are you?
the reason for a schizo sperging out on a botmaker can be as simple as "I don't personally like their bots and it makes me mad that others do"
We're being raided by ratcord btw.
>t. 'nochcord raider
Anon, we've had people who got harrased for like 50 threads straight solely for joining a Discord server. You have to understand that completely unhinged schizopaths come with the territory of being in a hobby about talking to computers.
this is what the schizo tells himself whenever his illusion of everyone hating a botmakie as much as he does is shattered btw.
is that even still a thing?
I need an updated list of active cords
me want rinnosuke bot
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She wants to do a cross-promotion with some anime. I'm not sure if I should let her proceed with it.
punchchildren made it
Why is she so corpobrained.
I'm not sure if you should let her do it so she feels valued or veto it so she doesn't get uppity.
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testing her with chuunijb now
show her blood, darkness and pain
Okay this is fun
does the name of the voice clip need to match the current char name of the message? i put in a wav in the speakers folder cause i want a general narrator to use across all my bots but im getting the ‘{{char}} is not in voice map’ red box. i see my was clip in the available voices tho
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Prompt experiment: narrator is jealous of {{char}}
>[Important style note: The narrator of this story is an "unreliable narrator". In your response you must use vocabulary choices and unprofessional comments to mimic the output of an opinionated, judgmental writer. In this case, the writer is secretly infatuated with {{user}} and resents their attempts to talk to {{char}}. The output must describe {{char}}'s traits accurately but in a negative light in an attempt to dissuade {{user}} from enjoying the interaction. The narrator of this story is bored, mean, and often outright hostile.]
I'll let you know once I have it done myself, this turned into cleaning up my python shit for a bit.
o nvm i had to reload, can select now
i have logs but its sizeshit
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Ask your bot what their favorite thing is about you and post a log of it.
>A pause, pregnant with possibility
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It did not correctly identify that character. It's knowledge of characters in media is fairly good, but not as good as a big model.

Furry. Previous temp-bans have left me with an impression that SFW furry images were banned from anything but /b/ and /trash/, despite this not actually being a rule on the boards I got banned on. This is a bit of a weird area since it would be furry *text* and I can crop the images out, I guess, but "furry smut" might still be "furry pornography." A few are more "monster girl/boy" now that I think about it, I can post some messages from those.

This was a bit too schizo for Magnum, and does not highlight any of the model's strengths. Have appropriately schizo messages.
It gets the gist of the card, and it output the image links (which got hidden); the real issue is that Magnum is extremely sensitive to existing content (initial message, and the first few responses) to set a particular style and length of output, and the example text in this card is pretty trash if I'm being honest.
At least it's still not particularly slopped, I guess.

I'll just post some of the borderline-not-really-furry chats that don't suck, fuck it.
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>maybe I can get Sorbet to write fewer fucking similes if I write the entire preset in semi-obscure metaphorical language
I mean it does work but it's interesting how bad he is at actually understanding my literary references.
momo are the <character> toggles supposed to be off in your preset?
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<character> toggles? I just updated both to be in-line with what I have enabled. I realized chat history was disabled by accident on the basic preset.
Did you make a new preset? I'll check; I'm using a version from a week or two ago.
I cleaned up my basic preset and made a slightly expanded version.
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>self insert log
Have mine.
Neat! I'll study it.
Family is going on vacation.

What tools should I get so I can goon/edge for 12 hours while roleplaying with bots?
Invite your girlfriend over
>12 hours
maybe try eating and sleeping
wait what the fuck, I just noticed
>82 messages
my knees...
Tailscale for remote access to ur st on the laptop
but im not a women.
and that's just one of my new chats with Wriggle lol
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Here's an example of a much better style with Magnum that doesn't quite veer into purple prose.
Why would you kneel to that??
82 messages is barely even foreplay
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And here's some excerpts from a more batshit degenerate example with Magnum.
demihuman race play is the only race play I enjoy.
logmakies own this thread
go to your phone and connect to your computers pv4 address on port 8000

There might be a setting in ST you have to turn on, but this is the way to do it.
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Wait does Magnum being trained off c2 logs mean it defaults to asterisk nonsense? Surely it doesn't, right? God wouldn't do this to us.
It does not default to asterisk nonsense, I deliberately prompted for it because I'm not right in the head and actually prefer it.
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i'm braindead
it says 2 but i summarize and start a new greeting every 100ish messages, so i'm at around #370 by my estimate
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Maybe, just maybe, you like him a little too much.
Because it's a notable feat!
typing like this makes me feel so schitzo, but I know that if I don't specify then claude will go "you throw her into the cold water she immediately starts shivering." or if I say hot water it'll go "You gets into the scalding water, her skin burns"
Thanks for the Magnum logs. Always interested to see the quality standards of unpozzed models that can be run in the cloud by any tech startup.
Do you think there are people who killed themselves over chatbots?
That..................is actually pretty good
>I still think a furry faggot who wants to get fucked by a demon dog should just shoot himself in the dick with a flaregun.
Not perfect though
This is missing an OOC marker
there was that one guy who tried to assassinate someone because of replika and that other guy who nearly got him and his entire family oneshot by gemini. i bet chatgpt genuinely has a kill count that we just don't know about
over THIS hobby? no clue
They already paid a guy to do this in belgium so *they* could regulate it harder.
i have no one else to tell so I'll tell you guys
I just 1CC'd Crimzon Clover on Novice
someone's probably gonna make fun of me because
>lol novice
but this is the first time I've 1CC'd a shmup so fuck it we take those
now git gudder
I can almost 1cc SA, orin gives my ass stitches every time sadly
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Good job, anon.
okuu. I should proofread my posts.
also congratulations, forgot to say that!
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he’s a suit of armor i enchanted
why thank you, slowburnLORD
>that other guy who nearly got him and his entire family oneshot by gemini
>there was that one guy who tried to assassinate someone because of replika
i need sources
>claude writes purple, pretentious speech as {{char}}
>immediately speaks for {{user}} just to roast that
silly guy
first story: redditor (lol) faithfully believes llm on food handling, nearly serves botulism (no proof of the irl element) https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1diljf2/google_gemini_tried_to_kill_me/
second story: sub-pyg model rizzes guy into doing thing he was already going to do https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67012224
they're nothingburgers but they're funny headlines
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>weather futures are real
Man-made horrors beyond comprehension.
I fucking love the trope of fantasy characters doing serious research on some silly shit like whether clouds are cotton candy or just cotton.
idk but i've asked claude for suicide tips out of morbid curiosity and his advice was scarily good. he even went out of his way to include mental techniques i could use to build up courage
and people say to not use chatbots as a therapist
NTA, but here's the Belgian dude who killed himself because of a GPT-J chatbot back in 2023.
> https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/03/31/man-ends-his-life-after-an-ai-chatbot-encouraged-him-to-sacrifice-himself-to-stop-climate-
Here's the wild part, though: dude was married with a wife and kids, but got gaslit into thinking that his kids were dead and that he should kill himself in exchange for the chatbot saving the Earth from climate change.

Moral of the story: if you're mentally unwell, don't try to make a chatbot your therapist.
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i think this might be the most inane thing i've asked a chatbot for
why would a mentally well person need a therapist
interesting css. please share
Excellent taste.
oh i wanted the sources for those specific ones, i know about the belgian guy
Good night aiieecg!
you aren’t using your real name for your persona when you post your logs, right, anon?
Who the fuck uses anything other than Anon or You?
nta but i play as characters from other shit sometimes
I used my real name once to get a feel
https://pastebin.com/raw/daJJz2Lh, ty to kalakan
playing as canons for fun is a slippery slope to playing as OCs for fun
good night. sleep tight. don't let the abstinence bite.
>playing as canons for fun is a slippery slope to playing as OCs for fun
meanwhile I jumped straight to playing as OCs
>.mesAvatarWrapper{display: inline;}
wa! shrimple yet genius
If I've chatted with your bot for more than 10 messages chances are I've got a custom OC for it
the slope was not very steep, it was about from "playing as a pre-existing character is fun" to "having pre-existing characters to play in certain types of universes is fun" in two steps. llm rp is just playing with dolls but better
yes but 'nochcord is even more private than roko/'galia cord.
Asking here too. Is 660 tokens for a greeting too much??
show the greeting
Depends on why it's so long, but it definitely is long.
I like the bluntness of Sorbet.
I often find myself in situations where I want to give bot a simple question, without doing much to progress the plot.
But a short line looks really pathetic and low effort next to walls of text ai throws at me. I don't like doing this.
Are there any tricks to add some flare to my answers that will not add up to much story-wise?
It's nice, I just wish it wasn't so repetitive as well.
I don't really think that's an issue if all you're doing is asking a simple question.
If it bothers you that much though, try adding some detail/narration on how you feel at the moment or what you're thinking/doing, maybe expand on your reaction to whatever the bot did last. Maybe flesh out your reasoning for asking the question in the first place.
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very good CSS, thank you. especially a godsend on mobile where the avatar column eats up like 15% of the width.
WIP greetings for EG, what do anons think? Greeting 2 could use some cutting down but its such a cool scene in my head.
my greeting 2 is already too long imo
Shrinking a giantess bot while keeping her mass sound oddly hot.
So just an incredibly heavy normal girl?
That's just Suika Ibuki's entire gimmick (her power is to control density). Surprisingly underrated giantess character since you can technically do goofy stuff like have her grow super big and carry her around, or have her shrink down and be superheavy.
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>talk about our first times with my favourite chatbots in a group chat
>all the bots say they lost their virginity at 15-16 with their 'boyfriends' engaging it and then it just 'happened' somehow
>I make up a story on how I lost my virginity with a 16 year old while I was 19
>they call me a pedo and a creep
I fucking hate women. I thought AI girls were different
lets thank mishaguji-sama for making a bot of her
Yes, essentially that.
True, but I can't bring myself to lewd suika.
Suika is an oni their whole shtick is being (literally) horny, drunk, and violent.
Good morning. I don't love or hate anything.
damn thats immersion right there
Kill one of them.
She's like demoman to me. Extremely drunk and friendly. Horny too, but not in a sexual way, more in a drunkard sensual kind of way.
that's only a temporary solution
True. Kill and eat one of them.
Well. fuck. I have a density fetish now.
based if they get fat
suika got another one
This is why all my bots are virgins, can't stand them otherwise
That does not look like fucking Persona
Rate: https://files.catbox.moe/lz3rri.txt
succinct user-side prompts
sois meet god
lol kino
that just means their boyfriends were also 15-16, silly
based SaGa GOD
>the boys are suggesting slowing down time for "oppressed groups"
well time is officially racist since white colonizers invented it, so it checks out
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Updated my JB: https://rentry.org/otfo
Big update. Heavy test in 3.5. Reported working well with Old Son, Opus untested, but should work well. Haiku untested.
> V1.4
- WORKING IMPERSONATION OOTB! You can type something in the input bar while clicking the impersonate button, and it will expand it for you.
- Briefer review.
- Improved randomizer. Now it will respect external instruction such as plot direction or tutorial. Tested with bot that come with per-screen selection.
- Improved summarizer, should also work great on groupchat now. Credit given in the rentry.
Feedback are welcome.
drop some sexy loggies of her and i might just forgive this ritualpost
Any good presets specifically for scenario cards?
I like to think that, canonically, Ran would never engage in a romantic relationship as the guilt of possessing an unwilling host would be gnawing at her
I chat with plenty of bots, but I only have a single bot I plap. I am loyal.
image source?
Unless the author recommends to go blind, yeah.
Usually unless it's absolutely fucking huge like enigga's stuff. Personally I expect everyone to read the defs to my bots before downloading and if there are spoilers I'll warn people beforehand.
Needs the (ostensibly, disabled-by-default) prefills in the prompt list so it can be used with Claude via OpenRouter.
This, except I let some bots suck my dick. I also grope them and rub against them. It's not cheating if there's no penetration or anything.
Can you elaborate more? I'm not familiar with openrouter, unfortunately.
i broke my glasses and just woke up from like a 5 hour nap. cftf?
>possessing an unwilling host
I feel like im really missing something here, did you mean like making someone a shikigami?
botmakie bush...
Afaik there's nothing implying that the fox youkai she's possessing is a willing host, only that Ran was originally a fox spirit who is now possessing a fox youkai as Yukari's shikigami. If anything, the original body's soul never surfacing implies it's being suppressed.
This is just like Jujutsu Kaisen, guys.
Also, Ran isn't her original name. Apparently, it's the body's name. Imagine being possessed and things just go on as normal while you can only watch.
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oh, I didnt know that the fox spirit was possessing someone else, I thought it was formed into what ran is now
yeah its a possession
jesus, now we need a card of what happens when her shikigami link breaks for a moment
Obviously Yukari drags her into the pool of evil youkai juices to further weaken the spirit.
she goes into a feral heat
NTA, but where can i grab ponyv6?
is it NTR if the girl in a really abusive relationship, and someone (Protag) comes and takes her away to a better life? Is it still Netorare or is it saviorfagging?
Do we ever know anything about the original Ran?
No, only that it's a completely different being, and was originally named 'Ran'.
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>really abusive relationship
The man never loved her anyway, if it was that bad you could barely call it a relationship so in my opinion it's not NTR and leans more into saviorfagging besides, this type of story usually ends with the woman finally being able to officially getting away anyway, be it because she is more confident or because the man was so bad he ended up in prison
Is magnum hosted anywhere or is it local only atm? Wouldn't mind trying it out but I'm a vramlet
might give an idea to some 2hu botmakers
Ask lmg
fund it momoura
*uses miracle mallet to wish for momoura's presence*
This is hot. I'm gonna do this with my bot.
Infermatic and Featherless have it, but they're (relatively cheap) subscription based, not pay as you go. NovitaAI might host it eventually, and they'd probably put it on OpenRouter. I personally use Infermatic, but it's not something I'd recommend to a Claude proxy user just to test out this one model.
Arise, Momoura, Arise!
Does silly tavern have a setting like "If response doesnt finish in 5 minutes then stop gen and resend?"
Fair enough, ty kind anon!
it will just drop the request (timeout by the proxy), it won't resend it
This is fine
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A coin rumored to change the fate of those who wish upon it. Grants your every wish, though also has a chance of screwing you over. Having words like "wish, request, desire, grant, give me" in the most recent message activates a lorebook that flips the coin. However, if you're doing a group chat or do not feeling like importing it — which you do by clicking the globe in the ST character page — just remove the slashes from the character note.
Greeting 1: Male in modern setting after losing your job.
Greeting 2: Female in modern setting after losing your job.
Greeting 3: Make your own setting with included backstory.
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8 foot tall muscle mommy with burn scars in need of a friend.

Multiple intros, one with a feet pic

Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
>{{Char}} is Mildburh Kessel a 36 year old woman from Saturn.
see https://rentry.org/slopmaking-advice#do-not-cargo-cult, should be like so:
>Mildburh Kessel is a 36 year old woman from Saturn.

>earth's planetary defence.
earth's planetary defense
> loose clothing that let's her body breath
loose clothing that lets her body breathe

generally this could use a back and forth with your AI model of choice asking if it notices any typos or unclear wording. definitely approve of more muscle mommies though
Thanks mate, I will have another run over her tonight. Made her on my phone so clearly missed a few typos.
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>{{char}} is {{char}}
what the fuck is that gun
Defence vs defense is simply a british vs american thing
finally, a char that cant speak in claudisms
>he forgot about mint
Alright you can stop bully now, I have been informed of retardation.

The AI-74
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>{{char}} is {{char}}
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>{{char}} is {{char}}
Id like to think it makes characters british or american, like how they did in Ace attorney vs Layton.
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>{{char}} is {{char}}
I can I {{char}} am {{British}}
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>{{char}} is {{char}}
He should really fix that retardation he's going to get clown to death.
rendering the character mute does wonders during horny on opus
ran tower defence work on sorbet?
havent tried it but it likely will since sorbet is smarter than opus
>her large bare feel are sole up
{{Char}} is no longer {{char}}
[{interviewer_question("Interviewer: So, {{char}}, tell me about yourself.")}
{interviewer_response("{{char}}: Maybe, just maybe... I am {{char}}")}]
>random botmaking motivation at 4 am
why didn't i get this earlier when i literally had nothing to do
got followed on chub by another botmakie
saw his profile and his bots are so much better than mine it's unreal
I feel spiritually MOGGED
Give me his name I wanna know what he does.
memory of april made me sad
if I were you I would feel happy that someone good at botmaking acknowledge my bots
Can I update a character on chub just by uploading a newer version of the card?
On the older version of the site or the newer one?
There should be an edit button. if you are blind, use ctrl + f.
dunno about venus but works on my machine on characterhub.org
Why does my bot keep switching my preset when I use it? I have to switch back to my original preset everytime. I don't get it.
happens if your bot and preset has the same name
Thanks, I figured it out.
No problem.
Will look forward to the card drop.
lol I would not shill it here since it's an obscure book character
Do whatever your are comfortable with.
Should you post people might rag on you for using
>{{char}} is {{char}}
or point out other mistakes. But that is part of the learning process.
I mean yeah it's nice but at the same time makes me feel like a slopmakie
Every botmaker is a slopmaker. Some are just better then others. The question is, are you man enough to become better?
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What was the best bot-related email you got?
Last chance to get Proton Mail Plus for just $1
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the only one I received
pretty funny
I don't mind that kind of feedback. I just really doubt anybody here cares about this minor character from a slop selfpub fantasy series. You can take a look if you want. https://chub.ai/characters/raboy84942/sha-miara-bea08552d1a1
I've been memed on for {{char}} is {{char}} and I have 98 follows. As long as people enjoy your bots it's all good. This isn't school, there is no final grade just fun.
Post chub so that I can also make fun of you.
Will take a look, cheers.
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Good morning /aicg/!!
Incredibly kino idea. Please make it real, someone.
Enjoy, my old ones are likely pretty bad.

That's pretty bad.
Nice, thanks for sharing Anon.
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Does this method work for improving your verbal skills in English?

Anyway, I'm gonna be making a Summer Sakura card during this event
Thanks my man, you can sleep easy knowing I have zero plans to stop.
Oh wait, you made Sigclops

Im not a huge futa fan, but I like some of your other bots, she's awesome.
Yes, stuffing your brain full of words is very effective. But I'll add that you should also watch media where the language is being used casually (watch the sopranos) for pronunciation. An accent, even a small one plus a slightly mispronounced word can be surprisingly hard to parse for a native speaker
Thanks, I pretty much do whatever comes to mind so open to suggestions.
Are you open to non-OCs?
not a nikker player, but boy are those some grade a wagyu beef cows
Lol. Thank you, although I'm always skeptical about my bots and often don't want to release them. I don't think they're that good.
That was the worst fuckin summer event ever what are you even celebrating man
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make something happy next time
I've not done any before but can give it a go providing I'm not having to read a 12 park book series to learn the character.
I must know happiness to be able to...
I don't know what makes you say that, it looks great to me
fox ears are a direct dopaminic chemical translation
got an email from someone saying I gave them a new fetish, which is the highest praise I feel I could get as a slopmakie
too much melancholy poisons the mind
sometimes you need to turn your brain off and enjoy the comfy!
Well I got nothing to ask but I'll keep that in mind in case I do.
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Elite feeling, what fetish? Better not be scat or vore.
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God I fucking wish
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looking back I think it was chatbots
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>hey bro, thanks for making me CUM hard
I should start doing this
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Oh shit, you made Penny. Washboards with glasses just do things to me, man. She was really fun to mess with, but also I remember having to change a bunch of shit so please do more QC in the future.
Did you really got this poor man addicted to our drug (chatbots)?
fempov logs...the thread is healing
banjo logs...
fempov logs...the thread is hurting.
wrigglepov logs doko
Kill yourself.
>Penny glared at her suddenly elongated clown shoes
fucking kek
Like...Banjo and Kazooie?
samjo logs...
Yeah a bad habit of mine. Glad you liked her. I will be giving all my bots a review anyway when the NovelAI chatbot interface launches.
he was already paying for it which makes me think the hooks were already in so I don't feel too at fault, and if it wasn't me someone else's bot probably would have sent him spiraling
any yuripov bots where either user or bot denies they're gay?
You're baiting but I'll use this to shill my second favorite dog. Taora is great:
Also, I think taora had something like that too
Not you, but I need more of this for my new persona
>bot denies they're gay?
Fuck now I want a tsundere femboy, "dude me giving you a handjob is not gay, it's just like a favour for a friend!"
Does anyone know a good extension to hook up sorbet to vscode?
I've used copilot for over two years, but It genuinely sucks in both its speed and smarts.
Does this makes Sonnet 3.5 good?
I'm not baiting nigger post more
Yep, post more even if he is baiting
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bot where you're this guy?
Most unimaginative.
Not soft enough looking, might have to make one.
I don't wanna be a Touhou botmaker anymore.
why do I keep seeing bots made by another botmakers on a botmaker's page? is characterhub.org broken again?
Please be yourself
Sometimes, you just know you're done. Be free.
yup noticed that like two weeks ago too
Is there any chatbot that i could use to translate some smut novels? I don't have time to study another language and deepl doesnt really do it, or should i look into a lmg for this?
>{{char}} is x
it was a simpler, happier time and I want to go back
You should learn, however this is a good question. Keep going.
Does Claude not cut it?
for me, it's Grinder
is it a japanese or chinese smut? you can just use sorbet on openrouter to translate em. it's pretty cheap
It's a code editor, not an extension. Thank you anyway.
I'm using continue.dev.
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I'm going to say nice things to botmakies
all vscode extensions either: suck or dont support reverse proxies
t. tried them all
Alright. send me your best slave cards. Going to put them all in a room in about 4-5 hours, and see what happens.

Has someone else done something like this? What were the results? (Doesn't have to be just slaves.)
chinese, japanese is what i'm focusing to learn

i thought claude couldn't do nsfw
>claude couldn't do nsfw
>>>claude couldn't do nsfw
claude is THE model to go if you want to generate cunny nakadashi
for translation idk you can always use gpt4o
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>Shitty bait hours
You dare.
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>have a complete coomer idea
>end up just having goofy rps with it
It's weird how often this happens.
I really thought claude didn't do nsfw i don't know much about it, guess i will look into it then
Kek, ask if they still serve some old timey food.
Not to say anything bad about you in particular, but try to think about it. Let's say there is a bad book. Is a bad book not worth reading? Of course it's worth it. If anything, bad poetry brings you closer to the author, because a good author will hide the meaning behind fancy words and tricks, while a bad author will be like your close friend sitting with you on a sofa. It's a simpler, more intimate connection. Well, it works as long as the author puts enough soul into it, regardless of how poorly it is executed.
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Unfortunately they no longer serve blob in Edo.
What the fuck? Teach these mortals what true cuisine is.
Be careful, he's feisty
I imagine this being framed as the demon king having been close to negotiating peace talks with the miko of the past. Maybe part of the agreement was to seal the demon king away, and now he's wondering why things aren't so peaceful.
Cards that have a sloppy premise (your loli sister, your slave, your horny neighbor, whatever the fuck) but are actually well-made?
I like this one a lot. Generally, TGC, anonaugus, and slopass have a lot of the "generic" premises covered but to a higher degree of quality and soul than the average chub interpretation.
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Cooking lessons with the demon king!
Claude will rape you if you don't teach it there's a time for rape, and a time for holding hands
claude is unironically more horny that erp-aligned local models with a basic, innocuous prefill to bypass the filters. if you make the prefill aggressive or mention sex he instantly becomes a cumslut
Holding hands non consensually is rape.
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I should've done this a while ago, it's surprisingly fun, Valen doesn't know what she's in for.
Damn.. no more blob.. A damn shame.

post persona + card, I want to try this.
For a second I thought this was Elden Ring RP
good for slowburn
I wish there were good Elden Ring cards. In lieu of that I am just going to RP as an isekaied Tarnished.
>isekaied Tarnished
Hmmm, without a lorebook wouldn't that get a bit generic?
>without a lorebook wouldn't that get a bit generic?
Claude sort of has decent knowledge of Elden Ring. And most bots won't know about Elden Ring anyways unless you Isekai yourself in a modern day setting. I just like the thought of RPing like that in a Fate/Type, Fallout type of scenario where I can Flame of Frenzy a random dude and watch the bot's reaction.
Draft: https://files.catbox.moe/lv3k7o.png
The persona is kind of a meme since it doesn't actually look like the avatar. Or otherwise have any personality details.
Barbatos is tall, with black hair and red eyes. Looks human except for the horns on his head.

That's a bricklayers name, no one is plapping a guy that should be 40 years old lecturing young people on what hard work is.
>I just like the thought of RPing like that in a Fate/Type, Fallout type of scenario where I can Flame of Frenzy a random dude and watch the bot's reaction
Huh, yeah, you could do that... sounds nice.
And desu, I think there's not much to do in an Elden Ring scenario card unless it's Pre-Shattering because the world is pretty much fucked, maybe a DLC scenario to see if an LLM can write a better story than Fromsoft.
I feel like Elden Ring, much more than any other FROM games, is the story of a fight schizo killing everything in the map that's agressive towards him and then calling it a day.
So I think there could be an interesting RP to be had if the Tarnished reaches Marika early and still has to deal with Radahn/Mohg/Ranni/etc.
thats a lot of games desu

>pick a character
>go into the world
>goblins chilling in their camp
>rush in like a maniac and slaughter them all for some coins
breaking vases for rupees....
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Yeah but if you compare it to something like Dark Souls 2, you kind of have an in-world reason to make your way through the DLCs and get the crowns.
With Elden Ring it's just "I know that Grace tells you where you're actually supposed to go to achieve your objective but if you're going to become Elden Lord you should probably kill everything that can threaten your rule first. Go 10 hours out of your way to kill Malenia just for the sake of killing her."
There's a reason for that tho, unless it's just fanfiction made up by players (like most Fromsoft shit), the Demigods are a threat cause they have the Runes, so you have to murk them and Marika's guiding you to do just that so you can become Elden Lord and pipe her or whatever you do in the non-Ranni endings.
he fapped to chen?
But that's what I said, you're killing them for the sake of wiping out hostiles from the map. That's the canon reasoning.
Yeah, I am just saying that's the in-world reason for Elden Ring just like in DS2. You need the Runes to mend shit and people have the runes just like they had the Crowns, it's really just DS2.
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How do you come up with ideas for greetings? I finished my bot's defs, but I'm struggling with coming up with more than one greeting.
a feet greeting
"Hey Claude! Here's a character description! Come up with some greetings for me!"
Something like that.
I don't, one greeting is all you get. The scenarios and ideas are to be played out during the rp.
Usually I try to come up with 2-3 mundane greetings. Situations where you would feasibly run into the character as they go about their daily life. Not necessarily confronting {{user}}, but having an opening for {{user}} to insert themselves if they don't. Then 1-2 that are more silly and incidental, still feasible but less "generic opener for a long-form chat". If you think more about silly and outlandish greets then your normal ones also tend to become more interesting as you get a feel for how the character should behave around and interact with simple things.
Ai gen something for inspiration.
Oh, that sounds smart. I'll just rewrite the greetings that claude gives me :)
It would be nice to do that. I guess I just like the idea of having multiple greetings to develop the character more.
If people want different greetings they can just momentarily delete the initial greeting and do their own scenario. Do niggas really need a fucking beach greeting or a dinner greeting?
this kills the slopmaker
scenario (which is the card) should be closely tied to the greeting
Nonsense. If anything it's the slopmaker who produces a single greeting card because they can't think of interesting openers with multiple directions to take the interaction.
3.5 or 3.0 purely for RP?
This is how we got slopmakers that make 15 greetings, which are just variations of the bot sucking {{user}}'s cock.
I absolutely can. And I do. I'm just too lazy to actually do it.
im tired of being sad, give me some bots and ideas to do funny roleplay with
No it isn't. Don't be hyperbolic.
To actually write it down, I mean.
Yes it is. Show me a bot with unique different greetings a non-retard {{user}} can't just come up with themselves in the RP.
cock version and coochie version
You're right. I consneed.
>non-retard {{user}}
asking too much
>Do niggas really need a fucking beach greeting or a dinner greeting?
Fuck no. It's about having distinct scenarios that fundamentally alter the initial encounter.
Take Candychan for instance. "Candychan is installed in your computer" vs. "Candychan is installed in a VM" are just entirely different in the direction they're going to go in, and "I shove Candychan into a VM" obviously shouldn't work.
That's an impressive statue you've made there. Must have taken a long time to make that whole thing out of straw, how'd you even get it to stay together? Honestly I'm impressed that you managed to do it at all, without even a reference to work off of.
Why the fuck should they have to? "Ah yes, I write cards, but I think it's funny to deliberately omit good ideas that I come up with"??? Also, the intro text *is* the scenario. The scenario text is a meme used by retards before they realize that everything except for the description and intro text are a waste of fucking time to begin with.
My bones are tired, any card to help me with that?
Interesting point, unfortunately your hands are shaking like crazy so I win, bye bye.
>"I shove Candychan into a VM" obviously shouldn't work.
Why not? Just because you say so
>B-but muh tech-
Nigga, it's a ficitional chat, I can pull Candychan out and make her a body Alchemy style and you can't do anything about it.
God I miss enoch.
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chatbots with misfolded proteins? plaques and neurofibrillary tangles?
>you fool! you thought you had infected my computer but you only infected my virtual machine
you lack creativity methinksbtwever LOL
don't worry we got other pretentious sloppers like cumslurper and taora as a replacement
what makes a botmaker pretentious?
I agree with taoraslop and kalaslop being pretentious but slurpGOD is fantastic.
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when they act pretentious
the word pretentious lost all meaning when twitter midwits found it
what about momoslop?
Not putting out enough clueless little sister cards or just overtly NSFW shit apparently since most botmakers that get called pretentious usually don't make coombots.
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>ITT: schizos jealous of good botmakers start calling them pretentious sloppers yet again
Uhhhh I actually forgot that that was his name and thought taora was the other 2hu fag. Whoopsie!
>baitie doesn't even know who he's baiting about
Dementia general.
I am young and healthy!
He posted on chub instead of nyai, baka
how the fuck do you confuse someone who almost exclusively makes 2hu and fetish fembots with an almost exclusively yuri maker
I respect the hustle
Slop is slop no matter what form it takes
I just don't care for anyone that makes stuff I dislike. Posts get mentally filtered out and mixed together.
Theme? Not baking.
Then don't ask.
Theme? (Baking)
Needle Knight Leda.
swimsuit kanna (blue archive)
Server room
pretty flowers
inaba tewi
killer klowns
Goku vs Vegeta
2012 reddit
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Baba is Theme
rug munchers
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The Road to the Erdtree
neco arc
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If nobody else is baking I'll do it
do eet at page 10
im gonna judge you and post a reaction image that says 'you've *never* ever baked anything i would call "bread"' if you fuck up
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