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Previous : >>483312323

huh edition

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.400


New machione gods trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk9U-4jU93w [Embed]

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.1.2

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
Darktide WON
kill all snivelers
>bolt pistol has 0 cleave
and it's dead
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Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and saviour???!
did the 20 minute mission and swagger save darktide?
in darktide you win some and you lose some
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>Dev note: Before, only attacks from specific weapons were able to go through players, but now shots from every weapon should be able to.
Can we stop dumbing down video games?
Darktide feels like it has no weapon variety because of how janky the most of the range is. Almost everything has shitty animations and awful looking/feeling recoil. Bolter is the worst because the way it snaps around makes it unusable, it's like they modded this shit in.
Also the variants make the range feel less distinct, if they cut down all variants it'd unironically feel like there are more weapons.
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Do I get a free Nurgling?
>shows up behind you with his pals
>doesn't make any noise
>they all slam at different intervals
What does the bolt pistol have over the revolver?
Is it that bad? I mean if it were L4D2 yeah it's dumbing down but this is a game with ACTUAL BIG PEOPLE to shoot through if that person get's eager and goes in.

Like that's ACTUALLY a day to day problem in darktide. You have to be PHYSICALLY CONCIOUS as a Ogyn player NOT to block people's shots.
I played it twice on auric damnation. Tried a few of the weapons in the psykanium and closed the game again.

Call me when we get something like chaos wastes
Umm it uhh, it has err uh... more bullets?
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This is good. I'm gonna actually use las again.
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>it's been literally CONFIRMED as intended
>they will NEVER change it
>stop calling it a bug, it's not a bug
>it doesn't matter that a single melee swing instantly cancels the ranged rending, that's obviously intended behavior
Do you remember making these arguments? Welcome to reality!
maybe if it wasn't hallway simulator ogryns wouldn't be an issue, even the open areas are bottlenecked so hard they become hallways with pits instead of walls.
>You have to be PHYSICALLY CONCIOUS as a Ogyn player NOT to block people's shots.
Yes and that's a skill I've developed. Skill is good. Now I no longer need my positioning skills. Hence the dumbing down part.
Add friendly fire back in and those ogryns will learn real fast.
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This hurts my zealot soul. WTF Fatshark. This is like them nerfing the power sword and flamer all over again.
>uhhh we always meant for it to be like this
>that's why we took years to make it like this
fatshark could do with less vacations and post-vacation vacations
I made sure to not be i the way when i was starting out
Now i don't care. More kills for me
The devs have said it was working as intended over a year ago. Now they changed their minds. Truth has changed. There's not much else to say.
yeah they definitely need helicopter rides
Flamerbros.... not like this...
New weps are boring and don't stick out from the samey morass we already have.
More bullets, more reload speed, more area stagger, more uncontrollable recoil
Wait there's no friendly fire in DT? All this time I've been very conscious of not shooting at allies and it was for nothing?
lmfao no anon ther's no FF at all. Only way to teamkill is to use barrles to blow teammates off the map
I miss vt2 friendly fire.
Nope, never has been. There's voice lines so maybe they considered it at one point but they don't trust their players enough and probably for good reason.
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>we've had one, yes, but what about second vacation?
>I don't think he knows about second vacation
I hate whatever retard added spread to a laser.
>No more camping in the carnival arena
>Possibly no more camping in the smelter complex
>Only way to teamkill is to use barrles
not necessarily. you can pick someone up when they're downed on fire and they only have a wound remaining :^)
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>game instantly crashes when launched
modfags which one is it?
touché :---)
The voice lines were kept as an artefact to stop retards from blocking shots, but they're entirely pointless now
don't mod your game if you're too retarded to troubleshoot your own mod installation.
Game is way too shooty to have FF in it. Ranged weapons were meant to be used in moderation in Vermintide which FF and more limited ammo emphasized by punished you and your team for trying to shoot everything all the time. Darktide you are encouraged to be shooting at least roughly 50% of the time due to all the ranged enemies and abundance of ammo pickups, however that would lead to an insane amount of FF (also level design being a series of tight hallways generally and Ogryns just existing) which Fatshark realized would not feel good for their 40k game.
Yes, is it bad. Melee relies on getting kills to keep toughness fueled and talents procced. Shooting through an ogryn to get kills
1. griefs the ogryn
2. doesnt help the ogryn (he was handling it if hes there meleeing)
3. doesnt really make the vet feel better anyway you still cant see and it feels scuffed

Overall terrible design choice
Ok lemme ask this then.
Is this for the high level play/Aurics?
or is this about casual gameplay where I just wanna shoot some heretics?
Not even remotely true. God I hate retards who pick the fat character in video games.
it's for everything
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>my builds are untouched
Why not make it dependent on difficulty then? Plenty of games do that for friendly fire mechanics.
both. does it feel good to shoot straight tjrough your teammates if you just wanna do casual immersive shooting? And on auric you grief by doing it
>Not even remotely true.
Got any arguments to back that up?
Why would you think my teammate can handle anything just because he's standing in my way? My teammates can't handle anything.
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>Didn't like using the dash as a gun buff
>Every zealot in despair over this nerf
Sucks for you, but I don't really care
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nice game fatshark, literally can't play, constant error 2014 "your mission was aborted"
Ogryns get toughness on heavy melee hits. That's how they can stay alive while taking shots from gunners and stuff. If you shoot their melee targets they don't get that toughness regen, making them start to lose health.
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They're probably coming for perfect strike next, I can feel it
Why is this relevant? He's blocking my special snipes and not killing them himself.
They JUST gave it 7.5% crit chance.
they buffed it tho
it's relevant because you said it's not remotely relevant, but it literally is
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They want people to use it more before they take it away
fatshark needs to hire tanner and teapop or whatever his name is
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Perfect maul build btw
>everyone gets spider sense and spawn notifier
kill me
>only 375
>not even 380
sorry anon, it's garbage :(
I'm talking about variant, blessings and perks. Stop being a boring troll
How much stagger does the maul have? Can it bully ragers like the crusher can?
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it was a joke...
Is it still cheats if it's official like built in aim assist?
>You have to be PHYSICALLY CONCIOUS as a Ogyn player NOT to be a fucking retard
how is that a bad thing?
It's highest stagger value against maniacs is 16 and the crusher has 30 so don't expect to throw them to the ground with the maul
You are forgiven
thank you
Tried one pickaxe. It sucked. Two more to go.
people nowadays hate video games with gameplay so anything that dumbs down the gameplay is good. He wants the materials, he doesnt care to improve at a game
scoreboard mod numbers go up. Derptide is actually a pvp game, disguised as a coop game.
> Fixed an issue where throwable equipment were sometimes unusable.
Rockay City is saved
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I hate swiggers so much it's unreal.
As I suspected the 'content' didnt hold my interest longer than two matches
Soon enough obesefish will remove the attack speed buff from dash too because they listen to fun hating niggers like telopots
So lowkey: The mysterious guy in the new Darktide mission IS Grendyl? I mean Rannick literally went "you DO know Grendyl."
don't skip the launcher warning next time
some people say he's eldar, but I think he's too short for that.
I verified right before that.
how are the 1 handed maces in dorktide? the ogryn pickaxe with aoe heavy attacks seems pretty cool
So hear me out for a minute, but when people see picrel. Do you think they expect the weapons released in the update to be entirely unrelated to the Mechanicus stuff that you would expect?
what about second verification?
He also has purity seals and sounds REALLY Poncy.
very good if I do say so myself
Honestly the reason I can't stand him is his obsessive whining about stuff being OP and him trying to force that opinion as the "community" opinion in balancing decisions. Like we get it man, you've mastered the game and it isn't challenging anymore, maybe instead of trying to make it harder by turning fun stuff into shit so you can challenge yourself to win with garbage you should just find another game to play?
If I knew nothing about the update I'd think the mechanicus lads were playable
I dunno, I just knew the place was a sacred Mechanicus thing and the weapons were just extra bits of candy to entice us to come back.
it's just classic content creator faggotry. Incessant whining and extremely narcissistic.
>Fatshark should listen to me, some scrub who can't even use his tools properly, over a player who represents the 200+ hour crowd
I don't think so faggot. When did we start suffering casual opinions like yours
I think that goes for most people, looking at the shitstorm on their discord of new(returning) players complaining
that's your mind on a daily 8 hours darktide session
if you keep listening to compfaggotry you get shit like overwatch's 5000 vibrant shields per minute and whatever the fuck happened to r6 siege
I'd probably question if they added a techpriest class to the game.
and mordhau. Same thing.
how many new maps did they add?
1 (one)
but it's pretty good
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Nah, I say this with no doubt in my mind that I am at least as good as him. I enjoy OP stuff as well as playing with less used, less powerful builds and weapons. My enjoyment of the game doesn't hinge on whining about stuff that other people are using as if it somehow makes the game less fun for me when my team is full of blasters because I'm not a narcissistic idiot who is the perfect example of a big fish in a small pond.
If i knew nothing about it i'd think it was a major update
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But anon it IS a major update!
"compfaggotry" nigger please this is a pve game. I have 400 hours in it I don't need shit to be dumbed down. I'm sorry you're seeking a more casual experience but don't want to play the casual difficulty. I'm tired of this faggot mindset.
This thread is littered with 1k+ hour fags, you massive retard. Telo is a massive baby about alot of stuff, even if he's got good insight on other things. People who play the game alot are absolutely prone to bias too.
oh fug :DD
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>me waiting for mom to pick me up from my first trip to Hot Topic in 2006
Jean Steeler
any braphogs tried the powermaul yet
Multiple trailers for a single fucking mission. They couldn't even set up another mission where we go through in reverse?
did this update save our general?
Besides the point entirely nigger. If the thread is full of 1000 hour niggers like me and >>483442758 then there is no reason to complain that they cater to 1000 hour niggers. I won't suffer being told to go play another game and to make space for a casual faggot who needs his wep dumbed down ebcause he only has 80 hours and doesn't know how to slide.
Of course! Until it dies again. The cycle of life and death.
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How do you think VT3 would look like?
Do you think Ubersreik 5 would get relegated to be npc shop vendors like Hardon and Melk? And instead playable will be customizable Kruber's Ironshields/Grudgebringers?

I constantly dread this will happen, but it feels like logical step for Fatshark
the only logical step is the one I'm about to take to crush your balls
I feel like the uberseik 5 are too iconic to just dismiss them, either they go out in a blaze of glory or vermintide 2 just ends, then again it's fatshark
Darktide has the excuse of being a different backdrop
Did you even read that post you quoted? It IS the point. People with lots of hours can have different opinions. God, you are so fucking dumb, I'm not going to reply to you after this.
Nah fuck off faggot thats not what I was responding to. 1000 hour niggers can have varying opinions but the opinion of an 80 horu faggot is never relevant. They should have EXCLUSIVELY 1000 hour niggers on their playtesting team and not listen to anyone else. I dont' care about the swedish nigger one way or another.
Age of Smegmar era with Ubersreik 5 killed offscreen because you now play as ratmen
i'm glad we finally understand each other
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More like CACAdia!
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I'd rather have nothing
I'm glad you emotionally came to the defense of someone who claimed people with 1k hours should just go play another game and let newcomers handle the balance
you are the reason gaming caters to the dumbest faggots anymore only
i'm not even That Anon, I just tried to end your faggot makeout session on a positive note but you're too much of a faggot to let that happen so keep arguing I guess.
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>Age of Smegmar era
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as would a lot of people but that's not going to stop Fatshart from blandaing upp
it would be an AoS game, but the good part is the tide games have been great at selling the settings to me so maybe a AoS Tide game can do the same.
you have less hours than me and i dont care about your dogshit opinions
I wish they'd just release them for free seeing as that shitty service ended up being nothing.

Also Plague Song was my favorite.
which pickaxe is the good one
I mean, they catered and centred a 30.- DLC around what ever that troglodyte streamer wanted a couple of years ago. So deleting the last ounce of fun because some random streamer demands something retarded and quits the game the next moment it gets added to the game, isn't really out of the question.
>I have so many hours
>thats why I agree with another anon who said that I should go play another game and be happy with balance for sub level 30 players instead
fuck off you obnoxious cunts
Weren't there also new reject voice packs with this update? or is that a future one?
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A little sensitive today are we?
nobody said that at all
what was said is that telopots is a fucking faggot that should kill himself, and so should everyone in his gay little discord clique
the only U5 you should be worried about coming from fatshark from now on is whatever their piece of shit new game on unreal engine 5 will be.
Isn't that an auto card battler or someshit?
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>no new class
>no new enemies
alright, see you guys next update (2025)
Got me. I'm just happy for new content and weapons to play with.
>take engine designed for first person shooters
>use it for a card game
retarded enough to be true
>unreal engine 5
That would truly kill the soul of Tide games
>e-celeb whinging
>hours played pissing contests
>bemoaning the state of the update and content in general
just another day talking about Darktide hehe
no, the combat lead leaving killed the soul. UE5 just kills the last of their competence.
Rat heroes will be playable on launch thanks to the feedback from Versus
>Uhuhuhuh your opinion is only worthwhile if you have 500+ hours
Whatever you say, Telotrannies. Just go play something else and let people have fun
The silver lining is by switching to a non-defunct engine they can now hire competence.
ok :)
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it was confirmed as intended though, remember with fatshark it's not a lie, they just changed their mind

"When we say someething, and we decide to change that thing, postpone it, or cancel it, it doesn't mean that the statement was a lie. it means it's no longer true. There is an ocean of difference"

an OCEAN of difference my dude, an OCEAN
>2 more hours until I can play the update!
I'm so excited for the bolt pistol. I hope it's really fun to use!
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>Meanwhile, me with the new double barrel shotgun


Double blasting Maul niggers never felt so good.
post hours shitter
I can say it feels pretty good. Might need to watch the crosshair more than the gun itself to keep your shots in line because it jumps. But if feels better than the actual Bolt Gun.
No, I think the opposite will happen to darktide. The reject personalities are already effectively predetermined characters, and they've done nothing but remove dialogue from your character creation choices. No doubt they realized they were never going to be able to pull off fully custom Ubersreik 5 tier characters.
I've really been wondering about that for a while now. It would be hard to hire on new people that would have to learn a defunct engine and a lot of the people working on it would have a hard time getting a different job due to so much of their work being on a dead engine.
I hope so, AoS has cool rat removers
Lightning revenants, lizardmen, slutty witch elves, tree dudes, balloon dwarfs, shaerk aelves TM
Lotta potential there for fun gameplay
>hmm this anon is saying that it's good for weapons to not be OP and that fatshark shouldn't listen to people with low hours played
>I believe that he is a low hour shitter
Most programming skills are transferable between langauges and engines. I don't think it's a big deal.
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Yea did that too, about to do elevenses right now.
looks like a character from that Necromunda game
I COULD deposit my nitra so we can complete the 79, but I'm hungry and I deserve a little treat.
you've earned it frend
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I think it's understandable that they want for duplicate classes to be a thing. It is an interesting concept from gameplay perspective and only impossible due to story reasons, which shouldn't be a focus in game like this. It's not like current characters complement each other, anyone is capable of doing everything on his own. But doing stuff like all Slayer runs, State Troop larping or Ironbreaker shieldwalls are fun team compositions and potential challenge runs.
But the way they handled it in DT is shit and clearly not possible to achieve with reasonable amount of resources. If they really would want to have duplicate classes in VT3, they shouldn't bother with this M&B style character backstory, character customization and custom names, this isn't worth the effort and money spent. Only settle on adding another 3 premade characters for each set of classes, which is essentially what DT ended up having. I mean, nigger psyker always talks about being an Enforcer, no matter what. Just give him predetermined name, face and pick one particular backstory so it's possible to write normal dialogue. I wouldn't even mind favoritism for U5 with others being treated like less important side characters.

Beyond that reorganize classes to include DT style bigger skill tree. Mercenary and Huntsman could be merged into one easily and so could WHC and BH. Slayer could get second path to Long Drong, not everyone needs to have this same amount of paths and skills. Add Ogre mercenaries as the big new thing. Another 13 custom missions at start, each radically different from each other. Then import VT2 missions in one big patch instead of fucking around with slowly importing them over the years. Expand Beastmen and include Chaos aligned with different gods with Daemons as flavor enemies. As far as End Times and AoS is concerned, simply disregard it. It's not like video games have to be canon to the setting. Total War isn't. And Admiral Spire kills Abaddon twice.
>I deserve a little treat.
Dangly gunk seed here!
I think this is a reason AoStide is a good idea. Since the different factions are more willing to work together, by pulling player characters from those factions you can both have a Create-A-Character and still have a strong personality to play off of the others, because they are effectively embodying the "personality" of their faction. We can see a little of this with the UR5 where the elf's interactions largely boil down to "lol mayflies lmao."
the only swedes with experience making unreal engine 5 games are the payday 3 team, they're not finding local competence.
whoops, forgot the satisfactory retards at coffee stain making an engineering game while hating engineering games.
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huh.. what the spruce
outdated mod probably
>can play on my zealot
>can play on my ogryn
>can play on my psyker
>get a 100% consistent error mission aborted on my vet as soon as I load into the map
what the flying fuck, spaghetti fucked me hard, in other news shockmauls and picks are based
>recon lasgun buff
>extra spread added
>to a laser
imperial technological prowess wins once again
suck it, xenos
Look at this toy soldier who thinks he's worthy of the recon lasgun
The branx is the good one. I believe it's the only one that can one shot crushers with the right set up. It also has a hidden vanguard heavy to vanguard light chain you can use for horde clearing just about as good as the other variants. Start with a push attack to get it rolling.
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>'Perfect Strike' Now also grants 7.5% Crit Chance.

so which is it
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don't care, watch this

man I wish we had a jump pack class
Does this mean we will no longer get the friendly fire voice lines?
pls understand we are svensk ja englando very heavy
Game feels like shit, the spaghetti got tangled.
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NUOVO Vantaggio :DD
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oh shit pasta perks confirmed?????
Mama mia...
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This wasn't even the only typo I noticed, some of the mission control stuff was mistyped as well.
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FOLLOW UP MISSION (yes the weapon got bricked)
hej jag er Svensk! me english very well!
>cutscene doesn't play and you're stuck when it's over
>restarting doesn't skip the cutscene
waiting for GMG to have a better deal or i'll wait for a winter sale
fucking jew ass japs. it doesn't even come with the DLC
I've seen an error like that before, the game probably automatically puts the relevant unit on numbers but someone writing the text forgot that and put it there manually
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>no dlc
>no deluxe edition
>no regional pricing
my region's price went up 150% from 5 and that's not ok
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i can't get over how worthless these patch notes are



>waiting for GMG to have a better deal
d3 doesn't sell keys on GMG
When does the new Darktide soundtrack drop? The game is a buggy mess and I refunded it but holy shit the OST is good. I'm just gonna mod it into DRG, the superior coop.
The lack of audio queues on maulers and ragers isn't just annoying from a gameplay perspective but is actually immersion breaking when these freaks are just totally silent.
Especially when we've had lines since the beta about how it's finally quiet once the ragers are dead
The buffs and nerfs to the blessings really are laughable. It's like they threw darts at a wall to decide. Literally busy work.
>Especially when we've had lines since the beta about how it's finally quiet once the ragers are dead
aren't those just the psykers who can read their thoughts? I assume it sounds like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I think other classes have lines too
New OST dropped
>Throws fish pellets into Sefoni's tank
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i don't hate it but lol at the people counting on it to make up for the rest of this damp shart of a patch
that's a good change
>no more getting your entire ult back with each swing
Fatshark really wanting me to switch to stealth knife zealot.
What the fuck? That was literally the only thing making it good on low attack speed high cleave weapons, yet knife goes untouched? Why would they nerf a mechanic that only benefits suboptimal weapons? Are they stupid?
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Perfect Strikebros......... wtf we can't just swing our weapon once into a horde and immediately refill our ult................ it's over trannypots won................
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>nerf every zealot gun that isn't revolver
>nerf every zealot melee that isn't knife
>drumming and chants
just needs some discordant violin and you have some drakengard 1 music.
Mk1 or Mk3 shock maul? Seems like Mk 3 is better at armor deletion while the Mk1 is better for general use.
Though they're both trash and I won't use them outside of my meme enforcer builds anyway
they actually fixed take a swing, what the hell
I want to hear the full rip of the trailer song
Is "Electrocuted" different from "Shocked"? Is Electrocuted only from the alt attack or are they the same thing and it boosts damage to all shocked enemies?
Also does the old shock maul shock enemies now?
They kind of feel like a blunt Devil's Claw with more armor damage and less cleave to me, I prefer the Mk 1 since it's most similar to my weaponfu the Mk 4 Devil's Claw.
>they stopped adding chemzone sludge camo to new weapons
it's been a fun ride for over a year, best 800 aquila spent
So is there any hope for the bolt pistol with surgical and deadly accurate? I know that +% crit damage is bad because it only increases the extra damage via the crit and not the crit damage as a whole, does deadly accurate work the same way or is it actually a true doubling of the hit damage?
wtf im converting to chaos now
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>PHYSICALLY CONCIOUS as a Ogyn player NOT to block people's shots.
Sounds like a you problem bruv. I leave conscious decision making to the punies while I Unga bunga heretics. If they don't want to waste ammo shooting my ass they better position better
Shame, I never got to use my martyr build
Holy shit the mkIa fucks, you clear waves well and kill specials in two heavies. The special also stuns anything
Oh Sacred Omnissiah, Bless this rigatoni!
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Got the same shit on a Mk V too. And it happens when you buy one from Brunt. No other weapon does the same, as far as I can tell. G-godroll?
I only use Psykh Ward. I can't see why that would affect the weapon stats in that way?
So Warhammer 40K lore question: Has Chaos ever kept an eye on Earth way before the Imperium? Like say 20th century/21st century?
looks like they fucked something up with the incomplent and unimplemented itemization update that snuck its way in on the antax v
guess i'll buy some antax vs
Am I missing something or is the Branx axe way better than the other two
The Emperor and some Chaos Gods like Nurgle and Khorne came into being thouands of years before M.3
Well I bought a bunch for all my guys just in case this is a bug that accidentally lets you get 100% axes.
It seems like something that would be really good in lower difficulties but really fall off in more hectic environments
emps is 8k BC
khorne is medieval times so around 1100 AD
pterydactyl noise was 2nd
nurgle was 3rd
faggot tranny drug addict was born around 30k
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>not swift slaying
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mazza electtrica
controllo della folla
attacco in mischia speziale
How's the new powermaul on ogryn? I dont have space to reinstall before I'm done with elden ring but I was curious about that
anon, ogryn only got the pickaxe
They reworked the powermaul, I'm not talking about the shockmaul
It's ok. Still mediocre but not absolutely bottom of the barrel like it used to be, but realistically you still won't ever use it.
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yiff in hell furfag
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you need to learn some manners
you're lying
>finesse dump stat
into the dumpster
you need to not bring your malformed sexuality up in public spaces, furnigger
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favorite part about all this poopdick push is that the furries and pedophiles come out of the woodworks (you got a two for one here even) because they're inspired by how poopdick fetish is now fair to publicly discuss, so they should also be able to wear their preference for underage rat children proudly
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what are you talking about, I didn't post anything sexual
medium one seems to have a good moveset but feels really strange. powermaul feels a lot better, have't tried the light one
patch status? we are b-ack?
this is what normal people think of you

>(((mainstream media journalists)))
>normal people
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>can't get Flechette or Man-Stopper AGAIN for the new shotgun unless you pray for good shop RNG or make a new character
Oh how I despise the Swedes
>(((mainstream media journalists)))
>surge buff
hello. i am a voidstrike friend and i am happy.
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i don't think someone whose sexual orientation is "disney cartoons" gets to be picky about jews
A little better. It's now activate-heavy-repeat 90% of the time, down from 99%
They tuned up its heavy attack priming speed a little and the equalized finesse bonus means that you don't need to invest in +infested to pop poxwalker heads with brutal momentum, so its horde clear and scab/dreg trash clear is now solid with basic heavy attacks.
The increased carapace damage on the light1, makes for a slightly quicker crusher kill with energized light1s.
why do you keep spouting this sexual nonsense you need jesus you deviant
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Gentlemen...Darktide is SAVED.
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>it's real
>only 1k more people than the penances brought back
just upgrade a low tier gun with a 312 rating or something
that isn't how it works
furfags don't get to have an opinion
it worked for me. How does it really work then?
when you're level 30 you only ever get tier 3 and 4 blessings
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as it should be
Listening to try hard number crunching retards is always to a games detriment. Hey, at least you'll have a nice small playerbase of other obsessive autists without enough meaningful hobbies to occupy their time besides the game.
You are incredibly unlikely to get to get blessings below tier 3 when crafting once you are at level cap. It does happen but only infrequently. Trying to fish for two (out of nine possible for this particular weapon) specific tier 2 blessings this way would take quite a lot of resources.
I dont care about how many people play the game my nigger
I don't crunch numbers either
I'm just good at the game because I played 1000 hours of it, and if the devs cater to people like me then the game will be better for it. You can always just get good, I can't get worse
Gotcha, so I just won the lottery then. What a shit system.
>if the devs cater to people like me then the game will be better for it
fucking lol
Truth hurts nigger. Every game that caters to the casual playerbase is doomed to be dogshit
So when is the update with new stuff that's actually fun and unique? Like a class
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versus when
my experience says otherwise nigger. Mordhau died a slow death since Triternion catered to the top 10 esports duelers instead of the masses who played it like Funny Medieval Battlefield. Same thing with Chivalry. When devs focus on the top 0.1% of players it chokes the life out of the game
this and the removal of gun rending on f killed the little hype i had left
>What a shit system.
Why do you think everyone is losing their minds of the "itemization" update.
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7 bots
Mordhau was a wayb etter game than it would've ever been if it catered to casuls to begin with
You're also comparing to a pvp game those always get gay at the very peak
maybe because it's shit idk
Mordgau was a casual game at launch, that's why it sold a million copies. Then with each update it got gradually worse because the devs killed good mechanics instead of tweaking them, because tournament jewtubers and strimmers complained.
oh no................ not the infinite ultis.........................................
I just had the same exasperated thought and realized I should start checking the shop (beyond just looking at the high base stat weapons) until I get it. However, I found man-stopper on the first shop I loaded up. Eat my shit
Flechette used to do six stacks of bleed, they seem to have stealth nerfed it. I wouldn't worry about getting that one
Cute rat. For Versus who can say. For Darktide? prolly pending if the one for Fantasy works out.
>fun detected
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Second update in a row where psyker gets literally nothing new
so /copers/ bolt pistol or revolver? who won?
>Finale at new place
>I'm at revive area after getting downed by a horde of ragers
>Mad as fuck because they all bled out to my grenade over the next minute
>2 people capped by trapper
>Retard dumbfuck zealot sees me
>Runs up to me
>Pulls out medkit
>Runs away to get the 2 trapped people
>Gets capped
>" :((( I dodged tho"
Yeah and I should've dodged when I saw your dumbass windows store insignia
Pretty much anything except darktide won
hello shopclickers i have just logged on how is the update? are we back? or is it so over again?
Is there anyway to do Psyker that isn't just "fuck it grab a pole and your favorite melee and just zap niggas to death"?
it's funny how every competitive scene in a matured genre freely recognizes this. fighting, rts, fps, etc, they all understand that it's casual money and attention that makes their scene possible. even the vestigial scenes like total war multiplayer where it's like 30 dudes. it's just jumped-up morons in small pond genres who think they're somehow too pure and elite to be dirtied by things like "a viable revenue stream for the developers".
2hander was supposed to save ogryn but its dogshit
its over........
the perfect timing change isn't much but it's pretty nice

gunpsyker is good if you have good aim
>Darktide crashes when you press quit game
Never change, Sweden.
they can still add a sniper kind of staff and the 2h force sword
>New Voice over and VA lines for some voices
Huh, nice
Pretty alright. Nothing ground breaking. Double Barrel is ALOT OF FUN. Bolt Pistol depends on who you're playing as, haven't tried the pick yet.

New Mission is pretty fun, new locale is interesting. New character adds some mystery to the overall plot, and it seems the plot might get a kick off from this since now we have "True Moebian Steel".
I suppose, but I mean you see the problem? It's really just two ideas for a build.

1. Wizard
2. Wizard with a Gun.

What do you mean for the first part? I've heard rumors about new voice packs for rejects.
Mordhau was never a casual game, it explicitly allowed good players to go 50-0 in 50 man matches and win them singlehandedly. Thats the opposite of a casual game
More announcements/vox chatter on the Mourningstar
Conan the Grudgekeeper does VO for Enclavum Baross
new weapons all shit
new map breddy gud
crit cdr stealth nerf gay
laspistol infernus stealth buff based
t. zealot
call of duty: modern warfare 2 for the xbox 360 and playstation 3 not only let good players go 50-0, it would let them end the round early with a special unskippable cutscene for doing it

mordhau sounds pretty casual by comparison
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>Varlets, Hadron here, now listen.
>You are to fly down to the space between Hive levels, that big wide ass space where we forget shit because of how much time passes?
>Yeah, we made contact with some weird posh guy named "Swagger", whose probably also Grendyl, but what do I know?
>ANYWHO, fight your way and maybe a boss on an open side railing, because fuck you, and get to a bunch of zappy things
>Start the Zappy thing to get a train moving, but if you're too late on even ONE button to stop a overload, you have to redo the event from the top
>THEN, take the fun happy train to a Winter stage from the Ancient Terran "Video Game", Mario 64
>Then after dealing with biting cold from an ancient coolant leak, climb up the foundry, turn it on, then climb higher to ACTUALLY turn it on.

>We're going to randomize what needed to be done in this big ass arena thing
>You could be opening freight containers for power cells, struggling to find the under level to break ice for cogs, slap some skull hackers on electic shit, you know

>And our prize for all this effort, suffering, and death?

>One pallet crate of metal.

>Right hop to it nerds, Mommy's hungry for some REAL metal.
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please stop playing this game before you become a knifegroid. i have a feeling that after people get tired of the update (soon) we will see a massive explosion in knife faggots ruining games.
compared to what, big guy with a club and a gun vs a big guy with a gun and a club?

what interface is that?
It's over
I dont get it, darktide's been over for like a year. They didnt even add a new class yet
The game is dogshit now. Literally worse than beta launch.
NTA, but I know nothing other than the game was a thing and it seems pretty ok in concept (before Helldivers 2 came in at least)
Why are the fucking pick axes green
moebian steel
Blessed by Gork. Or was it Mork?
I stuck yours up my ass, sorry
What's the use case for the heavy sword special? Says combo opener, but why wouldn't I just spam heavies instead?
Its fine for a 12$ game. Progression is really basic, direct upgrades, no choices.

Corpses are objects and they FINALLY added weakpoints and armor. They added 2 classes which basically made the grind 25% longer for no reason

AMD Adrenaline. I had to cap my fps because it'll just use 100% in menus
i used to be one actually but have recently taken steps to cleanse my soul by ascending to tactical axehood
It's your best carapace damage tool also it has really high stagger, you spam it into maulers and crushers or to stop a reaper from blasting you
Well thats not the comparison to set though although thats pretty funny
my point was more that true casual design is stuff like overwatch where every hero gets an ult with which he can get free kills on better players every so often so he doesn't have to feel bad. Any game that allows someone to be the raid boss isn't casual.
high stagger, somewhat less pitiful damage vs carapace

you can keep a mauler stunlocked with special heavy special heavy
heavy+special repeat for ragers and stuff, it keeps them stunned
>They added 2 classes
3, there were 3 originally, 2 were split in half while bastion was renamed guardian and buffed. demolition was added as a second heavy made from pieces of all three original classes.
medic, engie, bastion, sniper
bastion and sniper got split into 2
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>medic, engie
were a single class called operator, have a picture of when it had the still unused scan drone in the menu. it was bastion blue, hunter red, operator green.
gross, so they doubled the grind and added uh... 2 skills
they removed pretty much all weapon overlap besides the morita mk1 and pistols (and the e-pulse 44 got added to two classes but e-pulse sucks dick), max class level was reduced from 20 to 15, some perks like extended mags were offloaded to the weapon mastery system, a decent amount of new perks were added.
the main problem is because there's little overlap now even though there's a decent amount of shit added it doesn't feel like it because each class has less available kit and weapon mastery is a fucking chore to reach level 10 to make weapons available to all classes.
This would be dog shit. I only play one class(ogryn). I have no need for another.
Ok, what class?
>martyrdom still not buffed to be good
>chastise nerf
at least invocation of death is miraculously left alone
>compared to what, big guy with a club and a gun vs a big guy with a gun and a club?

Alright, I just can't build Psyker beyond wizard and Wizard with gun I'm not sure because there's nothing obvious that supports guns in the talent list.

Would you or anyone else here have a like Malice/Heresy tier gun psyker build? Doesn't have to be up to today since the update just dropped. Or just a general guidline of what I SHOULD go for?
>Space Marine Neophyte
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>nothing obvious that supports guns
New perks but still no choice. You get 4 total? and 3 slots. You cant unequip perks, the weapon mods (1 for each slot) are just direct upgrades.

I guess grenades have 3 choices?

The 2nd utility slot at account level 90 seems hilarious
Honestly while Ratling would conflict with Vet, I'd only be ok with that IF they let me have a scope on my fucking SNIPER RIFLE.


something like this

don't use smite
Yeah I tried that but once I started shooting I just kept nearly ODing, and one time actually got downed (I'm normally good at stopping that).
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Wait why the fuck was there a tease about rad guns?
account level 90 sounds a lot higher than it is, I have guardian and sniper at 15, medic at 8, engie untouched and the other two at like 3 or 4 and account level 80 something.
they could remove every dead account level that doesn't add cosmetics, keep the same max exp and it would still feel decently paced with 30 as the cap instead of 100.
That and what one anon said one time is
>able to ride an Ogryn on its shoulders for a better vantage point
I feel that last one is prone to either engine fuckery, or Ogryn fuckery.

Or I guess if we wanna go there, some Ratling bringing a Ogryn Bot.
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My shitter review for the new weapons
>bolt pistol
It has terrible hipfire recoil and the same jerky ADS as the bolter, and bad DPS against maniac/carapace. It could probably fulfill a hand sniper role like the revolver with Surgical + Deadly Accurate but most of the time you're just quick switching from melee to pop off at a nearly elite then switching back.
What makes it truly inferior to the revolver is that it doesn't even cleave through targets like the boltgun what the fuck?
Karsolas has pretty awkward combos because comboing into its h2 has an extremely slow windup for some reason, so it's probably the worst of the bunch.
Borvorian has a push/special/l1>h1>l1>l2>h1 combo for single target, and a h1>l1 combo for horde clear. It's pretty fast for an Ogryn weapon and the h1>l1 combo can beat down a Crusher decently fast, but it's not going to oneshot them. Might actually be a good generalist weapon that even gun luggers can use.
Branx has the strongest overhead strikedowns; a full heavy 1 with Thrust 4 can oneshot most enemies including Crushers, but if it doesn't, you can follow up with up to 2 light attacks. For horde clear you have to initiate it with either a push attack or special bonk into a h1>l1 loop.
This is probably the best variant for focusing on heavy attacks.
>shock maul
Agni pattern is pretty much a faster 1 hand crusher with the same l1>h1 hordeclear and h1>l1 single target combos, but with more mobility.
Indignatus just flips the combos into h1>l1 hordeclear and l1>h1 single target combo.
Can't really tell the difference.
>double barrel
Kills most things that aren't ogryns or bosses point blank with both barrels. Can stagger gunners up to 20m away but anyone further will at most be tickled and suppressed. Survivalist aura has some pretty good value with it, but I don't see it being too useful with zealot or psyker.
My ideal build would probably be flak, maniac, Both Barrels 4 and Deathspitter 4
If bringing allies NPCs are on the table I'd prefer a class that brings a mastiff
>don't use smite

So no blitz at all? Why's that? Also are the weapons there just place holders or your hard recommends? Or should I just play with melee/gun combos and see what sticks?
Enforcer/Arbites as a human sized tank class with high stagger using weapons like grenade launchers and battering rams
Techpriest, who gets various augs and bionic abilities as part of his skill tree, and Mechanicus exclusive guns
Hive ganger/Smuggler with various exotic weapons like needle rifles, digit weapons or crossbows
I figure Zealot would be best with the Double Barrel given his close range love. It is great with Assault Vet.

Psyker is, ehh, I need more work with it.
how the fuck is martyrdom not good man? It's so good defensively and offensively
Zealot loves close range but you dont have a reason to pair him with a close range answer when close range melee does fine. A Zealot would rather have an answer to long rage.
wep specialist double barrel with manstopper is Epic
isn't manstopper a tier 2 blessing?
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bros... they listened...
Yeah I still had my level 14 vet
>Salvage a weapon
Hadron won't be happy.
I fucking hate the swedes
Where are you reading this? What's this
Good thing I haven't been trashing all my bricked orange weapons haha
probably the spanish video game journalists who are too dumb (being retarded is a latin gene) to NOT break a NDA
so the spaniards were correct but the translation was shit judging by the mention of 8-12 blessings.
Skitarii is the very obvious and easy choice
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I want the returning players to stop coming into my aurics it's a disaster
if you were as good as copeg claims to be you'd solo fine anyways
>bloo bloo my randoms are bad
get friends you loser. with this whining i guarantee you that youre lamenting the fact that the pool of players that can carry your fat ass has been diluted
90% of retards here are just malice turboshitters pretending all day to be auric maelstrom kings.
I can smell the retarded slav genes trough your post
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>90% of retards here are just malice turboshitters pretending all day to be auric maelstrom kings
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well if you aren't a pretender yourself it shouldn't be hard to carry a few shitters through the new map
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What if I'm just a malice/Heresy enjoyer that just like shooting heretics while dude weeding? Sure I'd like to try the higher stuff (difficulty), and see what that's like, but I'm always gonna turn to Malice/Heresy for some casual shooting.
Damnation is for casual shooting
Aurics are for casual shooting with a side of putting in effort
Join my aurics, you'll make them more fun.
what wrong with his buddy?
So, is Swagger another nigger or not? I didn't launch the game yet
Is that genuine or underhanded? I cannot tell.
I suppose I'm just not there yet. We'll see. Even at high level play in other games I prefer not to suffer the sweaty.
ate some bad ragu
I'll let you know in 12 months when they fix itemization.
I think his hands are partially uncovered and it didn't look like it
He glows purple
>What are Salamanders?
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Hope you enjoyed your 4 weapons and 1 map. See you next year!
So what's a good weapon combo for gun psyker?
I usually top in damage and I had a smigger with a bolt pistol top me.
that's hella gay
I'm serious. If everyone is great it's boring.
Want to kiss or something?
ew no!
To change to veteran
Dueling sword+columnus autogun
smite in case shit hits the fan, i forgot if i had it for skills i needed down its tree.
also disrupt destiny
Can you stop posting this creepy furry shit
they're cool
>bolt pistol
eh... it's a revolver but less damage for more CC. So a worse revolver.
complete meme as the pellets exit the materium plane after 10 meters or so. I guess it's a secondary melee weapon idk. It has a cool unique gibbing if you pointblank double barrel in the chest
>shock stick
it allows single target bullying (funny) but it's kinda whatever
I don't like it. It's fucking nothing in both gameplay and """"story""""
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*falls asleep*
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The new crosshairs suck ass. Most of the old ones were fine. Especially the ogryn ones were great. Now they suck. Fucking cartoon thick white trash looking piece of shit. If they're gonna go through the trouble of letting us pick between the new ones, at least keep the old crosshairs as an option. I'm so tired bros. This is just the icing on the cake after having my CDR Eviscerator zealot fun build removed from existence. I can't do this much longer.
if you wanna use a blitz either assail or kinetic flayer bb are fine, smite just lets you get an extra -5% peril and psykinetic's aura vs assail and kinetic flayer is the same routing as smite with the option of an extra point for a lightning bolt every now and again. if you take assail, never use it when you've got scrier's up, you will die.

kantrael x laspistol is the default recommendation cause it's got 20% base crit to make the most of dd's bonuses. the only two damage blessings it gets are dumdum and infernus. other guns are fine, you just want something with a rapid fire rate to maximize scrier's and good ammo efficiency so you aren't having to potentially fight a gunlugger for resupply. i've been using the kantrael iv lasgun with headhunter and the the 100% critical weak point multiplier blessing, it's fun.

melee is whatever you feel is good for the build. deflector force sword to bail your dumb ass out of whatever shit you dove into, dueling sword iv for mulching crushers, knife to run fast, catachan sword iv for parry memes, etc.
any particular dueling sword? I find I enjoy the MK IV.
That is the best one
I just heard locks are going to be removed in the new itemization update. All I can say is.. ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME HOLY SHITO!
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play rockay city
I'm more tired of the shops where I have to spam the purchase button and spam upgrade and delete a hundred useless trash weapons one by one
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Found this in Melks shop. Worth keeping?
sorry I'm older than 15 yo
Well now you won't have to delete hundreds of items. You just need to keep rolling till you get a weapon with good stats and you can just upgrade it as needed.
Its dialogue and facial animations are testing me.
hit v and check how much that stopping power hurts

alternatively buy and hope the crafting overhaul gives you options
feed it to hadron and move on
shan't, no matter how many pictures of asses or whatever you post because the game looks more jank than Payday
Nah, I'd rather just play PD2
>50% stopping power
only if you want the scattershot blessing for another one
I'd jsut sell it to Hardon for Scattershot IV
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How we lookin' boys
I'd sooner reinstall payday 3 desu
just killed a chico captain with a brick and finished the prep missions for the dragon dogs heist.
does the explosion also apply bleed?
based and brickpilled
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>instead of making the other options competitive, they've made this one option worse
I hate this fucking company.
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nah, only sweden is allowed to make heisting game
they just watched Arrowhead nearly fucking die doing this shit and getting subsequently publicly raped by their enraged playerbase, what in the goddamn is wrong with SWIGGERS
I'd get it if they buffed the other options or, in hammer of faiths case, FUCKING MOVED IT so it's not fucking under two talents, or maybe buffing if and leaving it where it was. Or buffing the weapon blessings like hamemrblow to pick up the slack.

Because you needed at least 3 stacks of that shit and 5 stacks of hammerblow to reliably stagger shit nurgle blessed stacked shitters with heavy sweeps from the Crucis MK II. Now you literally can't at all regardless of what passive route you take. What the fuck are they doing?
>15 yo
20-something zoomers nowadays don't even know half the cast in this game
makes me wish I kept my shitty starting weapon from when I first made my character just so I can upgrade it into a god weapon.
No. I haven't played for months but I'm going to shit up your Aurics and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me >:)
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>mission aborted during the map's end event
fuck you Fatshart, and see you tomorrow
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I just carry the group and tell them they're shit at the end of the game, I leave the group right after so they can't answer :^)
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Bets on this set being "ultra mega premium 100 chinese died to make this skin" and sold 15 bucks?
>scout with infinite ammo gatling gun gk1, gatling flares and no cooldown zipgun dies on haz 4

rockay city is czech revenge for swiggers thinking they could move in on factorio's turf with satisfactory.
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this game is one big fucking shitpost and I love it
is that motherfucking michael madsen?!
somehow, yes.
it's a shame they didn't get a chinese action star to be the boss of the khans. it would've been hilarious to have jackie chan or chow yun-fat play a triad boss.
The Extended Weapon Customization mod has got an update, do you think it's functional now?
they did replace one of the earlier gang bosses with a new one, don't give them any ideas
Each class has a set of enforcer in the files right now so it's gonna get the fatshart quality stamp.
hear me out, more gang bosses with more variety between their gangs, the game chooses 4 from a larger set when generating the roguelite territories. give them weight classes so you don't get two that start at say tier 3 army like the robo bitch.
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I'm afraid that will forever be a mystery, lost under the sands of time.
>He bought Payday 3
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>new maul
amazing i love it it will be nurfed
>new pickaxe
really fun and also pretty strong
>new guns
who gives a shit lol
>new map
its not horrible and the new music is nice

all and all pretty ok update for part1
I have a valid reason to nuke sweden, do you?
Rockay City is basically a bunch of has beens from the 80s/90s coming together to terribly act in a Payday knockoff.
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this cant be right. the new voice preview shows that the voice for this helmet is robotic sounding. is this feature already broken?
>log in
>do the new map 3 times with each new pickaxe
>log out

now to wait for the next update
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it's actually impressive how they made these origin missions with different enemies and locations. I'm sure they'll come up with something further down the line considering how they turned a sponsored shitshow into an enjoyable heisting game
>like a dragon: game pass gaiden
>starfield ultra gamepass edition
>payday 3 gamepass gold
>mars first logistics
you could've bought and upgraded 2 years of xbox live gold to gamepass ultimate for less, then you would've also had access to power wash simulator.
So what Rockay is good now? since when? I thought it went and died on Epic?
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yet somehow it's more fun and charming despite the "so bad it's good" feeling throughout
hearing bodycount in the house again in the MP lobby was something I did not expect
a moldy sandwich better than a shit sandwich
Amazing, shopclick was the first game that managed to crash my PC in years.
you're really not selling me that game.
I wasted 14,000 plasteel trying to get surgical IV on a bolt pistol with no success
So, doing alright
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they somehow fixed the game up a few updates before the steam release.
it has a proper progression system now (lmao-ing at the swiggers at payday) and for less than 20 bucks with all dlcs it's not a bad deal for some fun here and there
it's functional which is more than payday 3 has going for it. $13 on gmg, dlc is being handed out with all purchases in the first month on steam including activating keys.
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>secrets of the machine god
>mechanicus character is the face of the patch
>content does not include a mechanicus class
>instead you get SWAGGER

can these swedes be so fucking OUT OF TOUCH!?!?!?!
theres gonna be a part 2 :)
[spoilers] in which there is also no new class hehe [spoilers]
nice damage control strawhat
remember to take your plasma gun pills and learn to ctrl s faggot
this update is not enough reason to play darktide again
the patch notes say part 1 tho
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bots 9
pls dont be dead...
Part 2, which has already been posted, is just the 2nd part of the patch notes for the patch
neck like a giraffe
Ok ok, what can I expect if I did grab it? Is it silly bad where I can enjoy it? or Cringe ancient actors reliving glory days?

And what the fuck is a "swigger"?
Gotta drip feed ya so you don't blow all content then whine for more.
dropping 3/4 shout if you want a spot
payday but more refined
>you have to fill up a meter before a bag is spawned, no more 20+ bags except for big heists
>AI bots actually help with looting and bringing bags to the van
>if you can get close to guards you can knock them down for no pagers/strikes
>most heists are possible to have complete control of the map
>shotguns are absolutely busted, good range and damage
>player level is shared across SP and MP
>actors are pretty ok and doesn't feel that bad besides chuck norris
also swiggers are niggers from sweden
for me it's two bags being universal carry capacity excluding the roided up female body builder.
>1 bag = slowed down but can still use primary
>2 bags = secondary only and slowing down further
it's the little things
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>playing modless for the first time in like 400 hours because of crashing

holy shit i forgot how much basic functionality in this game is purely third-party
you dont want surgical honestly
no, but its still good on zealot, just because it applies bleed on your approach so you can your crit chance up and running, while doing a lot of damage and being accurate, having more ammo, and reloading by mag instead of individual rounds
Is the zealot skill tree the best designed? I feel like there's only a handful of must picks and the rest are mostly equally viable tradeoffs, allowing a variety of builds, whereas the other classes have The Meta Build (+ minor variations) and the suboptimal chimeric penance builds.
Kinda digging whatever they did to obscurus. I forget what it's moveset was before tho.
yesterday i would have agreed but stealth nerfing invocation of death is a huge penalty to slow cleaving weapons
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>Page 7 after a MASSIVE darktide update
it's /vg/, shit sits on page 10 for an hour before dying
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not sure how i feel about pickaxe
karsolas is faster, and when pull you can do a heavy strikedown, but i dont know how good that is against multiple crushers and i dont know if you can chain stun them, the grinder has a small stagger immunity while recovering
borovian does the same, but a little slower, has the heavy vanguard into light vanguard combo, like exec sword
branx can stab into vanguard, which might be good with torment blessing since it comes out really fast
So the bolt pistol is a worse revolver.
You know what to do.
>the new voice preview shows that the voice for this helmet is robotic sounding
Wrong, retard. It's showing that the voice will be slightly muffled. The indicator does not tell you which voice it will use, only that it will be an altered voice.
rename your image to honing, steels are used to straighten out the edge but don't actually sharpen which involves removing material with a grindstone.
torment isnt working, cool
its better, because you can spray with it a little and not be punished for missing since your loading by 8 round mags
this new map is total shit, more open space to get swarmed from all sides absolutely 0 cover beyond the curvature of the building
>kasrkin camo
>"sludge jungle"
hey retard look at the bottom and check out what the V key does, then kill yourself for being a smartass AND wrong
No one asked autist.
Good point, I fixed it.
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Just sprint bro.
>get kicked back to character select every time i try to play the new map
bravo fatshark, the swedes did it again!
Very little.
Retarded swedes really screwed up the bolt weapons. Gay revolvers are better than them.
>he misses with the logs the revolver shoots
Jesus. How?
>jerky ADS as the bolter
How is this shit not fixed? How was it implemented in a new weapon?
Not reinstalling until they fix crafting, only came here to complain for it. Fucking lazy Swedes
wow this new map is just ledges for the first part, and then a beast of nurge spawns. what an annoying design
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>Fucking lazy Swedes
spain has a literal nap time and manages to look less lazy than swedes thanks to fatshark.
Do you want to build a servitor?
consolefags play like this every single day at 720p 30 fps with a fucking controller
reddit tier joke
my condolences, i hope they find a cure soon
revolvers require you to get headshots which isnt always possible, if i need to quick swap while dodging, bolt pistol is perfectly fine for when i dont have the time or bother to aim, plus having more ammo and mags is nice
i love knife revolver

thank you to the fine niggers at fartshart for giving me less things that aren't knife revolver
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>update lines up on a day off from work
>play the new map all day, enjoy it quite a bit
>doing some chores around the house before getting ready to head to bed
>realize suddenly that this is going to be another carnival situation where the 9/10 games from now on are going to be on the new map
Do you really need the extra 10% plasteel from quickplay?
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I wasted 41k grinding Voidstrike staffs for Surge. I don't need it anymore and I only play for the fun of it, but I still want it. I'm going to build up a nice bank of plasteel before whatever fucking update changes everything or new weapons get added because I never want to worry about plasteel ever again.
>mfw one late night i was very sleepy and got a blue voidstrike from emperor's blessing
>decide to upgrade it because why not, at this point i was in full doomer mode
>upgrade it to transcendent
>get surge
>i cant believe it
>check the staff
>mfw i was so tired i didnt check the mark of the staff and it was the stupid slam staff
You got to play? I only get crashes.
Yeah you do
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>my two favorite zealot builds got nerfed (high impact indignatus and perfect strike evi)
Welp I guess it's time to bite the bullet. Which knife do I burn all my cash on? Never used one before.
consider a chaxe
Is it just me or does the new map just love to put bosses and a ridiculous amount of barrels at the start of the level? I think in every game I've played in today, maybe only one someone didn't get flung out of the map.
This is called fun
The heavy chaxe is too slow and the light chaxe is too awkward.
>I wish it would suck more
i never found perfect strike to be worth anything, because crits already bypass a lot of mass, and if yorue not criting every other hit, dont bother with the evi
The chaxe fucks now actually, it's quite good on Zealot. The mk 4 shits on the other variant.
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Perfect strike is better than BM now since unlike BM it still works on crushers
Attack speeds before all. Fatshart games had taught me that attack speed are god, which is why many builds in Verminclick 2 has weapon with "critical hit increase attack speed", which is also why fatshart now rarely giving out attack speed buff in skill tree or weapon blessing in darktide, all because it brings a dead end to builds. Attack speeds are just too fucking good.
but you dont get bm on evi, so your point is irrelevant, you retarded frog
>but you dont get bm on evi
Yeah, but you do get a blessing that's better than BM, Perfect Strike. You're calling BM worthless then?
Well that update lasted about 20 minutes.
no, im calling perfect strike on evi worthless, because its negligible
It lets me ignore bulwarks so that's pretty nice.
>check out tide update
>brick a couple new weapons
i'm outa here
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Pretty close to my experience today.
>log in to look at new weapons
>spend about 2 million dockets getting some decent bases for shock mauls and the double barrel for my Vet
>upgrade about 10ish for each
>none of them come out really great, usable but not perfect
>didn't get exactly what I wanted, lose any and all desire to further interact with the crafting system
>turn off game without even trying the new map
I really just CBA
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>the momentum-building leaps to make your self-propelled rockets fired out of a recoilless rifle do more damage when their shaped charges explode
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the pubs on hot mics were funny
what are the odds of getting two in a row
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The amount of HEAT I am putting down range with this build.
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I hope they give the bots a heavy gunship
the most fun I had in insurgency sandstorm was dealing with an apache suddenly showing up and obliterating my team with rockets and 30mm
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>one and a half missile per shot
wtf, spearbros, just how good are we gonna be eatin????????/
the november update will reignite our passion for shopclick, bros
this time for sure...
anyone got a shock maul build(either of the 2) for zealot he could post?
also whats good blessings wise on bolt pistol? i wanna run those 2 mostly
Space Marine 2 will free us from this hell
>mismatched font and spacing
>can't be found on discord in the first place which as a rare exception for this program would be so incredibly easy to find
>redditors are actually falling for this
I hope you made this. Good work.
or lead us to another...
i love that pub's reaction when I popped his head (totally by accident)
>spawn in
>call in stalwart
>start shooting
>mission ends
>return to destroyer
>still shooting
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on eradicate?
>kills two people
>wtf why'd you kill me
I was shooting the bots but he ran across my HMG lmao
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who did it better?
Having very slow attacks and having to mix in light attacks for better horde clear or speed is a massive weakness for the ogryn pickaxes

The slow attacks is bad for CC and slow attacks + light attacks is bad for toughness regen which reduces your survivability by a lot
Surgical + deadly accurate for sniping, but bolt pistol struggles against carapace and maniac compared to the bolter or revolver, especially with the charge nerf
Close proximity and puncture (bleed on hit) can help with CC and bosses respectively.
so best talents on double barrel?
best on mace?
This >>483438236
both barrels and deathspitter
tnx, also yeah it really felt weird to see elites not die from a single shot on diff 2(only one at that time w new map)
Shooting guns or swinging your sword doesn't generate peril. Scrier's Gaze brings you to 100%, then turns off.
You won't overhear from Scrier's alone.
deathspitter sucks
your face sucks
Both Barrels + Deathspitter/Full Bore can chain oneshot elites generally well
Scattershot + Manstopper might be good at dealing shotgunner/rager mobs
Flechette + Full Bore should be decent as a boss killer if you use Deadeye or Weapon Specialist to gain crit, or Flechette + Scattershot to cope against gunners past spitting distance
the new shotgun is pure sex but how do you kill GUNNERS? It feels pretty bad to play without stealth on vet
You use a better gun
Simple as
>how do you kill GUNNERS?
Same way all revolver/flamer/kickback/purgatus players do

Beg someone else to do it
Revolver and especially kickback can easily kill gunners at range though
Shoot and hope you stagger/suppress them then charge
>waow super shotgun so cool!
>bweeeeh cannot reach bad rifle-man!
Many such cases.
Relying on the kickback to kill gunners is slow and wasteful
how much would the skills besides survivalist have to buff you for you to consider taking them instead?
Small percentage increases fundamentally will always have trouble being useful. The only way I see this working as an offensive aura like Fire Team is if they figure out some kind of timed burst effect of a large damage increase, but that just sounds very finicky. Same thing with the speed bonus of Close and Kill.

Radical proposal:
Fire Team turns into a defensive aura where it decreases ranged damage to team instead. Since its not offensive, they can easily make big numbers here, big enough to make a worthwhile difference. You can either use the durability to charge the enemy or take the time to aim more carefully, either way you save ammo and counteract the loss of Survivalist. "Keep Your Heads Down"?

Close and Kill gives additional damage at close range in addition to the speed. So its basically stealing the damage from the above and doubling the value of the aura, hopefully that's enough to counteract the loss of ammo. The Zealot's Anoint in Blood is 25%, so maybe 10-15% here for the whole team? Of course that means a Zealot will benefit from the stacking bonus when in coherency.
Why are all these fucking shitters queuing for the new map on auric instead of heresy where they belong
Interesting proposals
and then these retards
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>the arbites/enforcer class has been reduced to a cosmetic set
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good. glorified cops should know their place
hmmm I'm gonna oink for this one, minus the retarded rebreather
*electrocutes you*
>how much would the skills besides survivalist have to buff you for you to consider taking them instead?
tie a penance to them
Those pipe barrels on the scaffolding in the new map are so fucking gay
Not sure abou this one. I haven't ever seen an outfit that makes me want to get it. I'm still sitting on my points from the deluxe edition.
The other vet auras have penances tied to them but they're extremely easy to do
impressive dude
The new map is peak corridor simulator, until the end event
Aside from netters firing through 50 mobs I don't terribly mind that aspect of it.
Finally had a team do the first event with the circuits or whatever only to get netted by a trapper that didn't hit me and wasn't firing at me into fire while the other guy that was okay somehow went down at the same time, then the late joining Ogryn that must have not been doing anything the whole time suddenly pannicked when he was alone and didn't pick anyone up
>3 emails to my main account
>4 on my secondary
I guess the impressive SM2 reveal made them panic when they realised how shit their own stuff was
HISTG Auric on the new map is pretty fun, though I can't get any groups that can hang on it. The corridors seem to turn everyone retarded and I don't know what the fuck people are doing during the event.
They made a double post on steam too instead of linking to the full patch notes elsewhere, as is common practice.
I'm a swede actually
fuck you
Opportunist or High voltage on the new maul?
>get through the event again
>die because retards don't drop the ammo when we have two
there was also a red ammo bag and I know with complete certainty that if I picked it up before that retard that didn't use it I would have kept us alive
Why would you want opportunist when it already does full carapace damage at max penetration? Skullcrusher and thrust seem like the way to go on it.
>start new mission
>drop out of the pipe
>instantly get barreled off the map
The only upside of this map is it is going to make getting ASS a lot harder
>Final event
>Destroy ice on gears
>Can't do it because retards keep pressing the button
Thank god whoever was pressing it died
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>the 3 Ogryn pickaxes ALL SUCK
gay, very gay
I gotta admit that i'm actually disappointed with the pickaxes
New map was ok
Tested the bolt pistol in the grinder, didn't like how it didn't really do anything good.
Shock mauls are ok.
Need to see what changes they made to the power maul(Crusher 2.0 hopefully?)
Didn't try the super shotty or the picks yet.
Kinda sad that the crit cdr changes just further cements knife at the top for zealot.
No new staffs :( Back to trauma
Hearing interesting things about the crafting changes. Some people seem to hate that you MAY be grinding weapons up to max but im indifferent to it.
Thanks for reading my blog on this update.
Been trying to do the new map for hours, I finally had a decent run going and I get fucking kicked from the server which I usually never see happen, and it brings me back with no ammo or health.
These Auric teams are absolute dogshit, the new weapons are all trash, I think I hate this update.
soo the supposed upcoming crafting changes are literally just add further weapon grind instead of adressing the shopclicking and rng?
Have any weapons been noticeably buffed? Any guns? Aside from your shots not getting blocked anymore.
Hold on this looks like before, is the item rework not out yet?
youre fucking joking, fatshit had to scramble for half a year for one map and 5 weapons?
Bolt Pistol deals an absurd amount of damage but it's functionally useless because it doesn't pierce enemies.
It's nice when you 1 tap reapers but it's miserable when you try to pop a trapper in close quarters and some faggot poxwalker catches the bullet between his fingers.

I guess it's good at killing bosses.
>reinstalling for a single map and 4 weapons
beaten wife general
They're like changing the system, man. But yeah idk if it's going to be a weapon XP thing, or if you just dump tons of mats into it. BUT, supposedly you can bring you starting weapon all the way up to endgame tier with whatever new system they're cooking up. Assuming the truth doesn't change any time soon.
It's a faster boltgun with half mags and no full auto
sounds immeasurably complex
Yeah, I can see why it's taking them 3/4ths of the year(minimum) to get this figured out.
You can put Deadly Accurate on it.
>everyone is taking a weapon they've never used before into aurics
>none of the new weapons are even good
I NEED that 4000 diamantine from the event.
There is an event? How is there game so bad that I don't even know when there is an event
how the fuck is that even at a deficit?
i cant save up plasteel for the life of me but i got few k diamantine lying around no problem
>Obscuras is now Deimos 2
Fuck it I'll take it.
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uhhh... lol?
Where the fuck do you see this
It goes live tomorrow.
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Lmao. I still have some hope left that they turn the game to a better . Even though it's too late to lure in thousands of concurrent players.
>Lmao. I still have some hope left that they turn the game to a better
Its been 2yrs. Let it go.
but enough about Darktide
I thought the game was already in offline mode, since I COULDN'T FUCKING MATCHMAKE WITH ANYONE
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Darkietide updated again
rockay has a functional offline campaign AND offline multiplayer with bots, how the fuck can the swedes fuck up this bad?
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Helmet is proper black and yellow now
the game sucks right now but they've been very open about it being "solo mode" not "offline mode" and actual offline mode w/ hosted multiplayer still being worked on. this is just an IGN clickbait article
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Same with the armor
Sweet liberty is that a helldivers reference??!
what level of "its so over" are we on
Kinda liked it in black+gunmetal, don't care if it's not the CANON color scheme.
fucking shit, the black and white looked way better.
Went from instant buy to instant pass
You will still buy it, slop pig. You have no standards and cant hold back
They sped up animations on dreg ragers
>Hit poxhound with a full charge blast from my surge staff
>It jumps me anyway
I don't understand
>play all night trying to do new mission on Auric HISTG, it's massively overtuned wish huge waves of elites and specials
>at 5 am get a bunch of low-ish levels, no ASS or anything
>stun + shield psyker
>ogryn that is holding down m1 and using all the ammo
>for some reason the mission just feels way easier
>and not because of my team, just feels like there are way fewer enemies
I feel like I didn't really win
You got carried by good players after unironically failing to complete an auric mission for hours, and you fail to recognize what they did to carry you. Not uncommon, shitters never get it.
Fatshark has never made a good pickaxe in any of their games
>Stun and shield psyker

That's literally the best teammate you can get in auric
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Maybe, but it felt like there were way fewer enemies. In most matches I had nearly 300k damage by the time the electric thing was concluded. In this one I only had 700k total.
Maybe they really were just killing a lot more quickly than all the retards running stun batons, pick axes, bolt pistols, and shotguns.
It was also the first group of all steam players I had all night, despite the microsoft players being like level 800+
Yeah but it didn't feel necessary, felt like there were just way fewer enemies throughout the entire mission.
Cause they were good at killing them.
Your teammates were killing all the enemies, and you don't have the awareness to spare to notice it happening. For you, all the enemies that you never mentally registered and were killed by your team "never existed"
Carrying is a typically thankless job, because your condition is very common. Also, people with the ASS title are almost universally actually shit at the game.
>despite the microsoft players being like level 800+
that's like 2k hours played, that loops around from experienced to too retarded to get bored
I've heard it's 60 Euros which makes me laugh, because Pounds Sterling right now converts to about 53. English Chads stay winning.
I saw a guy over 4000 last week
4000 hours in darktide would be 7 hours per day every day since the early access for preorders.
I only have 1400 hours in darktide
No, he was over level 4000
it's gotta be someone that has a full xp build speed running to inflate level, or a hyper fixated autist receiving welfare, possibly both.
You got carried
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Most of the time yes... I lost my index and like 60% of my right hand mobility, but I can still play auric maelstorm and rarely go down so it's a victory for me. I'd say the only thing I struggle with after 1400 hours is dodging the Beast vomit when I'm close to it.

Favourite weapon: the helbore lMkI, sometime randoms compliment me on how accurate I am with it :3
I have a guy on my friendlist who has 6285 on record...
friends don't let friends waste half their life on swede slop
I only realy know him from vermintide 2 days. But yeah i realy considered if i should ask if hes alright.
I literally did not ask
Well too bad!
i'm not
>See gay furry in my friend list
WTF I didn't add that
>Check account
>It was someone that added me from Vermintide
I should have known someone that originally had "Sussy" in their name would be a gigantic faggot.
How are the new weapons in Darktide? Anything of note, I play the crazy screaming racist class forget their name
Did we get anything decent or fun?
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>he thinks 1731 dps on a mauler is good
nobody tell him
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>rannick, you wouldn't we believe we got information about this super important place
>it's the guy called himself..... swagger who told me about all this
Based furchads are among us, hope he adds me
bolt pistol is good for zealot
double is kinda wonky
pickaxes are weird
taser is whatever
the ogryn aoe pickaxe is good, the maces are good, the new shotgun is probably mid, the bolter pistol is ok
Are the maces for Zealot any good, were those new I dont remember seeing them in the game when I played.
The exaggerated swagger of a cloaked figure in the night
>is the mace good
if you like killing enemy slowly with the class that's all about doing melee damage
yeah thats the taser, i didnt see anyone run it yesterday, it has some neat blessings but i dont know enough about whats going on with it
columnus V gets like 1900
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SONY must reign over every last star
Through gamer's blood, shilled by their righteous wars.
Honor their bills, do your parts for the clause.

Pilestedt support, of their regime
Is how jewkind will reign supreme
No ruskis or chinks shall be allowed
Pajeets will all be disavowed.

PSN Linkage is the true path
All who resist it shall suffer their wrath
White and blue flying on all the worlds
Money and greed are forever unfurled

Their way of life, internet-wide
Paved with the money of those who've dived
Unslakeable tide, of japanese pride
An avarice that cannot be satisfied

We sacrifice for their beloved price
Anything less will not suffice
Rejects rise! Paypiggies rise!
Playstation rise to the skies!
Agni pattern is basically a small crusher with the same combos but faster, Indignatus flips the combo inputs. It doesn't have as much stagger as the crusher but you can taze Crushers/Maulers out of their overheads (good luck if there's more than one) or Bulwarks out of their shield.
It's pretty good mobility but struggles with crowd control and burst damage.
I got a interesting roll for one, it's not good obviously but its funny?
The biggest downside to Taser Mace is that if you hit a enemy while doing the charging it will force you to stay stationary and stuck into an enemy for 5 to 7secs which usually ends with your death.
Mine has a perk that increase electric damage and turn on the electricity (this is after the turn on animation that can turn into the forced stunlock to die move) basically melts trash and does stagger large armored enemies which is fun
You don't need to use the special to turn on the taser. It just takes a few hits to procc then you can go ham.
It's ok, but whatever it does the crusher does better.
it has the same problem with other crowd control weapon, because the best way to crowd control enemies is removing them from living world so, instead of going through hoops to do good damage, just use weapon that does good damage in general instead
It just sucks because I want to play with different weapons but like you said the only way to actually not gimp your team is use the weapons that actually do the job proper
Is there anway to make the new Zealot maces actually good or do I just stick with the boring, old, good though chain axe?
it depends on stunned expression blessing cd is per proc or per target, but its probably per proc, which could be good with hammer blow for max stun
entropic is neat, but theres a bunch of unblockable attacks
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This was my first roll on the new taser maces and it unironically is "ok" no where near as good as a chain axe or maul but yeah
They seem fine. I prefer the Indignatus Mace, as I can just spam the sweeping heavy attack. Thrust for an easy power boost, and Falter to interrupt ragers. Swap Falter out if you don't care about that.
That seems to be the general appraisal of all the new weapons. None of them are terrible or good, they're all just "ok".
Should I be playing on Heresy or Damnation? Or should I be play on Auric Difficulty?
I'm a returning player
heresy as practice and testing
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I exclusively use the Tigris Evisc but yeah, that's right. The maces seem only good as a panic weapon because you can CC okay with no setup and you can also stun big targets for long enough to get the fuck out of there, which is the exact opposite of what a Zealot should be doing.
just b urself
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I'm using this as my Zealot and was curious if the new Bolt Pistol or Shotgun would be better?
Wait, what was the new shotguns we got?
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hows the darktide update? is it good enough to come back and play hundreds of hours or like it's where you play for 4 hours and don't touch again.
Bolter is one of the Zealot's main anti armor guns, letting you magdump Crushers (or elite patrols) to death if your melee can't deal with them, but the charge rending nerf makes it worse against carapace.
However, both the bolt pistol and double barrel are also pretty bad against carapace.
It's same as usual. New perfectly valid map with vague story stuff on the side, handful of new good guns and QoL improvements.
the breechloading double barrel is amazing in the grimdark future of the 1820s
Is it just bolter and revolver now if you are taking a non antiarmor melee? Fuck i hate the revolver.
columnus vet usually chunks them in under one sec, pre nerf. I don't know what it's like post nerf.
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"old = best" is unironically a truth the Imperium abides by
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>...b-but why?
>>...b-but why?

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Yes, BP doesn't have Hand Cannon like the revolver does, at most Deadly Accurate. Double barrel falls off hard past 10m, though if you have Full Bore 4 and No Respite 4 you could take down Crushers in a few double blasts.
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Feel free to go back there.
Peak retarded fatshark balance letting the revolver but not the bolt weapons be gooder against carapace.
back to /v/, /v/ermin.
haha, what a bunch of cute rat dudes. haha.
post 3's numbers
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PEAK shockmaul
Fartshart basically dumpstered all of zealot's anti armor ranged options except revolver, and dumpstered crit builds on anything that isn't knife or BM tac axe. If the world was just, Zealots would at least get a plasma pistol or melta pistol to diversity their ranged anti armor options, but alas.
Do the regular attacks apply electrocute so you benefit from High Voltage or is it only special attack?
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Jesus Christ...
I fucking hope so, messed around in the training room and think it works since some attacks give the enemy the sizzling effect without the special. But could also be placebo since the special stun not only adds the effect but also a dot. And maybe the xtra damage works of the dot.
And i thought the tides were having a rough time...
Darksisters... I apologize
I wrote this game off as a shitty cashgrab for the heisting genre but now that its on steam for a very good price range I decided to play it and damn it blows payday 3 out the water. I was really looking forward to payday 3 and even pre-ordered the game and I got burned on that. even now the game is still in a shit state and the player numbers are dwindling. Rockay City is campy fun, its what I wanted more of like in PD2.
its definitely worth getting. I'm having a good time with my bros playing it.
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Now the real numbers
it fills the void left by saint's row's tragic suicide for a goofy crime game.
Darktide stole the payday 3 playerbase...
You don't fight like a man, so shut up and go cry back to the "bar" ya damn plastic paddy.
Everything Sweden touch turns to shit
now make them fat
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Darktide is saved.
Shut the fuck up you aspie autistic fuck
It made me giggle, it was funny
This made me chuckle, didn't think this general had any humor left
>finesse microsoft with a gamepass deal knowing well that ZERO dudebros that still play on xbox in 2024 would have bought darktide
>immediately port dt to ps5 the second the exclusivity deal ends

They cant keep getting away with it...
>Have to carry xbots AND snoys now
darktide is literally unplayable with all these returning players, I've failed more times in the past 24 hours than the past 200
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>more consolefags
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>a new wave of consolefags will soon be shitting up my games again
Please no. The xbots were complete subhuman mongoloids, the snoys will absolutely break me.
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what's the matter guys? I thought you LOVED having shitters to carry in your aurics?
I got through the new map at tier 5 on first try. Did get downed couple times for expecting people to not let random elites through from their side, though.
Are the new Darktide weapons worth logging in for?
>"Please don't join my Aurics" actually means "let me carry"
When did this happen
the call is coming from inside the house is my favorite crappypasta punchline
no, they're mid
It took me 3 attempts, don't like the new map. The main issue seems to be that all these players are veterans that just want to hold down m1.
Ogrynchuds, hows the power maul after its buffs?
>When did this happen
not once has a don't join my aurics poster started with the word please.
>taking another year off to work on the console port
But after that, that's when they can finally start cranking out the seasonal content and new classes.
still not very good
Same, but my 2nd loss was due to a zealot running martyrdom, crucis and a mkxii lasgun who refuses to push with the team and stands back blasting away like a discount vet.
When do you think we'll get a actual update or something good from this fucking game?
Because I doubt it'll be here for another two years, I just wish we had some more content outside some sidegrades and a new map
they need to finish the ps5 port first. then the xsx and ps5 are already outdated so they'll need to port to the xbox new retarded name and the ps6
>took them a year to make xbox console port
>now it's taking them a year to come out with snoy port
So I guess now we understand where resources have been diverted to instead of content creation, lol
Thats a very optimistic angle, king
it's only optimistic if you think they'll be moved back to the main game instead of the secret new project after the ps5 release.
No i mean, the PS5 porting starts now. What we've had for this past time after the xbox port was their undivided attention.
You're right. You're right and I hate it
I haven't logged in since January 11 is there only a single new map or is it a series of maps like the Carnival?
Just the good old plasma gun
take your pills
>When viewing any weapon, it will show the weapon’s maximum potential stats. These stats will be randomly determined. It’s up to the players to decide if the weapon profile is interesting enough for them to commit and increase the stats until reaching this potential (which are then applied to the weapon through the Expertise system).
Soooo even when maxed out, statlines will still be random for any given weapon. Ahahaha.
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we are so fucking back
>removing locks
then remove them now you lazy fucks. darktide is the ikea furniture of videogames, you need to assemble it yourself, there's a screw missing and it's made of shitty particle board.
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You are not allowed to have a perfect weapon. It is forbidden. Instead we're going to allow you to invest even more time into a weapon only to roll a slightly better one with 69% slopping power instead of 68% and start the grind again from 0.

We respect your time. We want to respect player's time. This is us respecting you.
*spits in your mouth*
That'll be $13
>It's literally the weaves crafting system
Well, at least it's not shittier gacha
typical strawhat post
On the one hand they're communicating. On the other they just don't fucking get it.
Don't you dare compare Ikea furniture to trash like Darktide
>Here’s how it works: The blessing library of the weapon family will be converted into mastery progression. This means players will start the new systems with a head start in mastery, giving them the chance to unlock previously owned blessings (as well as the chance to unlock some blessings players never had before the update).
Hope you guys have been collecting the useless, unwanted blessings for all your weapons so that you have more mastery points going into this new system.
already got all the blessings back during the great plasteel bug
Somebody explain this to me like Hadron instructing an Ogryn
why, it's all mass produced swedish trash? ikea's veneer cardboard is an insult to carpentry.
Castrate all apologists
my wife strawhat saved darktide
Weaves allowed you to create perfect weapons and change between it's perks at no cost and at whim. This doesn't seem like it will. And curios will be unaffected beyond removal of locks
Holy shit Fartshart is communicating a lot this week
90% of it was the good old plasma gun
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inb4 this new migration system bricks all of your current favorite weapons by randomizing their "maximum potential stats" during the conversion
"Expertise" is upgrade level (IE "transcendant (gold))
"Modification" is how many points you have to upgrade the weapon (IE you have 100 points and each perk and blessing have a certain number of points), which I will assume some blessings have higher costs than others so you litterally CANNOT fit certail things together)

They're just moving the numbers around and adding a BATTLE PASS to weapons. Instead of rerolling blessings for 300 hours, you'll be using shitty versions of your weapons for 300 hours until you unlock all the good blessings and tier 4 perks

Nuke Sweden, unironically total Swedenigger death
>retards are actually buying it
Seems like Fatshark idea to redesign crafting enough to fool retards, while still keeping it grindy is working
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What happened to clownfish?
filet o fish
was given three months off as non-maternal leave for the abortion that was the penance update.
I have grinded enough, so when the system does a total conversion I will have already won right out the gate.
Following up, you can also "increase the stats" using points, but the starting stats are STILL random and STILL cap at 80% unless you upgrade them with points
you have to grind for blessings. again.
kill things to make weapon betterer.
give hadron purple trash for the privilege.
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>no more locks

That is all I needed to hear for this system to be better.
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can't wait having to use shit ass perks until i spent 10 hours with a weapon once new ones get released in 2028
>no locks
>maxed blessings and perks are trapped at the end of a grind track for each individual weapon and stats are still randomized
Now to find how much time they want us putting in.
Great, instead of locks on ONE weapon, now EVERYTHING is locked until you complete the 30 hour grind for 100 mastery, then you can finally put power cycler 4 on your power sword :)

OOPS power cycler 4 uses 60 "Points" so now you can only put a t2 blessing in the other slot and t3 damage perks TEEHEE
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sucks to suck. I have pretty much everything unlocked already.
Jesus christ so many hours on such a piece of shit game
>The blessing library of the weapon family will be converted into mastery progression. This means players will start the new systems with a head start in mastery, giving them the chance to unlock previously owned blessings
>a head start
>the chance
I hate to say this, but they're about to Fatshark you. No way in hell you're keeping even half your progress.
GREAT JOB! Now you start at level 10 in the weapon battle pass!
Only 40 more levels to go!
The way I understand it is that you're now able to undergo RNG only once: When rolling stats. i.e, when getting the weapon initially.
This is annoying and I dont know why it's still in, but this will effectively mean that a weapon is unbrickable. You just roll for good stats once (again, why?) and then you can get everything you want on the weapon fully deterministically. In other words there is now only one layer of RNG anymore so the moment you rolled good stats you're set with the weapon forever.

I'm not trying to say I don't think they're fucking retards for doing it that way, but I will say it's now on par with the VT2 system where you have to for some reason click reroll stats 500 times until you have AS and crit (or whatever the fuck you wanted) but that's the only layer of RNG. Why they don't just let you fully determine the stats too I don't know. I genuinely think they just hate when people are happy with what they do. But it's atleast not layered anymore.
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>gonna have to grind weapon levels instead of just buying/crafting a good one with currency obtained through grinding
>you'll have to grind any new weapons for hours to find out whether it's garbage or not
what the FUCK
>off by one

Each weapon "family" will have its own battle pass, so you have to repeat the same grind for combat axes, tac axes, heavy swords ETC before you can upgrade them
>you have to play the game
nooooo i dont want to!!!!
>you have to use a weapon instead of just dropping it and claiming it's shit
nooo how will I keep claiming the powersword is the only viable melee weapon nooo
>This system will merge all weapon types/families, meaning players will be able to freely switch between different marks of the same weapon type.
I guess instead of not using a weapon until you roll one with blessings you want, you'll just be forced to use one with terrible blessings until you unlock the good ones at level 47 of the "path to mastery"
At least a few retards are getting and pushing back.
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>forcefully make new weapon garbage until you play it for X hours
You're deepthroating swedish cock so hard your breath smells of sardine, faggot
I think he's retarded and doesn't realize you can already use blessings you got for a mkIII on a mkVII weapon, or he's scraping the barrel to try and get any "good news" he can.
retards did you think game balance would remain unchanged considering you can get extra stats now? This will be accounted for, they dont just give you 80% in one more bar for free
>waaaaah I don't want to play the game waaaaaaaah
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is it true that it's best to point to fan towards the window to better cool your room?
Are you retarded? The problem is not that it's going to change, it's that it is going to get WORSE
lmao seethe nigger
they can literally recreate the athanor system 1:1 and you retarded faggots still find a way to whinge. Absurd
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Just buy one of these
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6100 BTU seems low for a plasma gun
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>ask for change
>change is horrific
That's what you get for not embracing grandpa
you new?
it rarely get THAT hot here, that's why I'm using a shitty 30 bucks fan
Depends my nigger. Is the window letting in hot air or cold air? If it's the latter then point the fan in a way that circulates the air in the room so you keep getting cold air blown your way, if it's the former then keep that window closed or if you must have it open, point the fan at it
I hope this helps my jungle dwelling friend
>Hey guys, brutal momentum is still too strong, what do we do?
Uhhhh... Uhhh.... Just raise the point cost so they can't use any other good stats with it!
>haha good idea, Sven! We'll make it 80 points so they can only use a tier 1 blessing with it!
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you serious?
>RNG on stats
The one last fuck you on the way out. But with a workable roll we should probably be good to not get bricked anymore. Whit the perks and blessings costing "points" if this is anything like the weave weapons then we should have points to spare on maxed weapons.
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If I was a jungle citizen don't you think I would have some trainning in the Sekret art of the fan? you however...

but thanks anyway
Lvling up psyker is hell. I got 3-4 lost games now because my teammates just keeps running off by themselves and they die and they can't deal with some simple hordes.
Finally got shield so maybe that will help a little bit
But if you've maxed out 3-4 characters you've already played tons and you just want the perfect weapon for end game stuff, it makes no sense to ask the players "just grind more"
Today I became the team killing salty cunt, but it was too much and gentle reminders didn't work. When dead the wtf??? did come so funny that. Don't know why around level 80s the dudes are just mouthbreathers.
I should play with /coopg/ I should host if not and yet I keep being stupid.
Its pretty whack that fatshark totally refuse to communicate AT ALL until some guy straight posts their "pre-release totally early beta not indicative of release state" screenshots, one of which they reused in the official post
holy shit juan
did you have a fucking stroke while typing that
>We wanted to have a system which respects players’ time. As such, we decided to keep plasteel and diamantine steel as the resources for changing weapons, but we worked on balancing.
I feel this already doesn't work. Noobs don't look for it and super veterans have so much they don't care to pick it up. It feels like this is just wasting your time already and you should just get everything if you finish the mission
Anger is a hell of an esl enabler I tell you what.
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speaking of...
>after summer
>not autumn specifically
I'm versed in fatsharkspeak to know what that means.
see ya in January
And so, Vermintide 2 anons dissapeared, repulsed by the constant complaining of Darktiders
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bros... i'm feeling HOPE
I guess there's now a point to have the low tier blessings. Kind of expect it to be like the penance update where there's still a lot of grind left for veteran players
>we want to respect the player's time
>by adding an arbitrary grind of god knows how many hours to each new weapon family
>instead of pickung up a weapon and rolling shit for 30 minutes to get what I want
>you can now grind 10-20 missions and THEN grind for a good brunt base roll.
>See anon? It's deterministic!

Total swigger death.
This update will either save Darktide or kill it for good.
Only the absolute most stout whinge addict would complain about the athanor crafting system being added as the main game crafting. Like at that point you're just being negative for the sake of it and are some sort of eunuch who can only enjoy himself when he's whining
>/copegg/ finally dies
>arbitrary grind
>just kill dudes with x gun (aka play the game)
stfu sukhdeep
I'm here, but playing skyrim right now
Man I wish it was as good as the athanor
>playing 20 missions with tier 1 blessings/perks is le good actually
>noo I have to play the game
fuck off man I welcome both that it gives me things to grind out (which gives me an excuse to play the game more) and that the way to grind it out is by just using the weapon in a game normally which is what it fucking should be
Like were you one of these faggots who speedran low int missions for crafting mats before this?
Eh, understandable, I just want to play but with randoms that never talk feels lonely
>play the game
>forcing players to paly shit guns with t1 perks and blessings
Nigger if I know the game and mechanics and what I look for in a weapon I want to be spend my resoruce the way I see fit and play the way I want at the highest difficulty.

I don't want to grind mastery levels like a fucking day job before I'm allowed to have fun. Not everyone is a mindbroken destiny or warframe addict.
nobody is forcing you to do shit lol stop being a victim faggot
>The blessing library of the weapon family will be converted into mastery progression. This means players will start the new systems with a head start in mastery, giving them the chance to unlock previously owned blessings (as well as the chance to unlock some blessings players never had before the update).
read, prakshit, read
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>you can just uninstall, lmao
woah, you're right, thanks!
>Like were you one of these faggots who speedran low int missions for crafting mats before this?
Nah I just don't want to spend hours before I can even begin buildcrafting.

Yesterday I've spent an entire hour wasting 70k plasteel and 2 mil trying to roll the shock maul blessings I wanted to test and see what I liked. But I was set after that at least. I found a blessing combo that made me want to play the weapon.

In the new system you have to grind for 6-8 hours (assumedly) just to be albe to try testing.
I don't need a grind to keep playing. I've spend hundreds of hours in vermintide 2 long after getting all my reds simply because it was FUN.

What is it with zoomers being unable to have fun on their own without a fucking carrot dangling in front of them.
Let's imagine for the benefit of the doubt Fatshark has never earned that old players get all their weapons maxed day 1. What do you think happens when they add new weapons with new mastery tracks to grind? Take a look at this patch's new gear and picture yourself having no choice but to grind each one for tens of hours before it's half as decent as the shit you picked up within 15 minutes of logging in yesterday.
You will not be missed.
Hang on, so are emperor's gifts no longer a thing and what about red weapons? Does this mean we just grind EXP every mission and no longer have to search for the brunt shop or melk shop?
Why are you defending a "proposed" solution that doesn't actually solve the problem in its entirety? Why can't you just allow people to complain until it's fixed so that you can get something actually good?

Enjoy waiting an hour to queue into your aurics with 3 brazilians
>read, prakshit, read
Doesn't apply for new weapons nigger. Granted given FS' abysmal release pace I'll only have to do it once or twice a year.
>uhhh.. let's imagine a doomsday shazammy scenario that would enable my whining addiction
>Nah I just don't want to spend hours before I can even begin buildcrafting.
Well I enjoy that I'll be able to buildcraft and progress through the buildcrafting process while playing
you see I actually enjoy playing the game so thats good
>grinding for hours to unlock each individual blessing, every tier
fucking lol, how can you defend this f2p chinkslop-tier garbage
The only problem with the bolt pistol's recoil is that the animation is not perfectly smooth, especially that jump when settling back to zero. If they can polish off those edges then keeping it on target during both hipfire and aimed will be better.

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