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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>483359050

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Post your character and why you take screenshots
Sharter x Farter
List of pso2 cringe doms and your chances with them:
Doesn't play often anymore
25% He's picky
100% if you are csl
100% if you promise not to report him, 0% otherwise
100% but why would you want this
100% if you don't have a cube
20%, very picky
>Asuka Eros
0% if you have a cube, 1% if you don't
50%? Not sure on this one.
What is Boxy guilty of? Why can't anyone give me a straight answer with proof?
Classic GL obsession
Guilty of watching sharder x farder
Guilty of taking his 90th year in college.
guilty of being a benched faggot
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Guilty of
>Failed normalfag schizo from /mhg/ that groomed an underage trans player, spammed bbc sissy shit, eventually got ousted and came here
>Managed to build an alliance despite all the warnings an anon from /mhg/ spammed and later threw it away after the mass banwave
>Control freak that used to bot threads so he could vandalize the OP
>Still vandalizes the OP
>Doesn't like you if you associate with people he hates
>Saves your discord messages with him while routinely deleting his
>Will leak your logs if you talk about him negatively in the thread (Finchy, Grizzermacht)
>If he doesn't have logs he'll instead spam about you for years on end while pretending he doesn't (Rope, Kisaragi, Nashai, Krittening, Buttons, blue fairy)
>posting certain logs of his gets you banned
>Ambiguously black
>Has been in "college" for 4+ years supposedly landed a summer internship but keeps coming back here to shitpost despite his success over the 4chan degenerates he hates
>Hates the word pariah
Proof of college enrollment? Yeah I thought as much.
>0% if you have a cube, 1% if you don't
shouldn't it be 100% if you don't? that dude fucks anything that moves as long as it doesn't have a dick
He sharded and farded 10 units in the University
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>Don't like it? Leave. Simple as.
Fat assed minheight sluts...
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be gentle with csl wtf
Yeah there's some tobles I'd do this to
This game peaked here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO8Ef8rLeZo
A really small peak
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for butts
of course
Why do people even get into relationships with others in this game?
Meanwhile you peaked at highschool LOL!
it really isn't fair
can't they announce eos and remove the minheight restriction?
Globalbab issue
Remove Moira and add Shuna
First phase theme is way better, miss me with that goofy vocal shit
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It's fun.
>New Genesis
More like peak failure lmao
uh oh
lock your doors, hide your fathers hide your sons
this aco harvester is out to hunt
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The black cat!
I don't know who that is. Please stop calling me that..
you've killed so many of my potential offspring
Why do you want to be lonely?
looks like nogshai is still upset
Because I hate seeing trannies happy when I'm not.
Sounds like a you issue
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Depression issue.
Please have mercy.
Fuck you.
Fuck you too.
>Level 100 by April 2025
EOS at the 4 year mark. #SAD!
Have you just tried not being a failure?
still mad that she won't erp with you?
I'm doing my best.
He turned out to be a tranny and I refuse to be gay.
How can you refuse to be something you already are
Holy shit this roadmap fucking blows. There's nothing here to look forward to. It's getting harder and harder to justify playing this game.

More time for PSU I guess. Maybe I'll do more City of Heroes again.
you were lusting for a tranny for ages and then got mad for being turned down lol
wingards are here to stay
I thought cappu was a slut
What's that joke? Men make the best women? Guess it worked on you
Why not play some real games
I'm playing those too but it's nice having a brain off game on the side. EDF will save me in a month.
He only ERPs with like 2 people.
What's new for tomorrow?? Code geas collab was a big disappointment
Not for you uggo!
Giant Mutants, that's it
I'm not gay, fuck you.
Fuck you. They lied.
It didn't.
Fuck you.
nigga you got rejected by a tranny
jesus you're mad
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If you're not taking screenshots of butts in this game then you're doing everything wrong.
actually seething lmao
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Do you guys think there's more male player characters or female player characters in PSO2?

I surprisingly have seen a lot of male characters lately in the lobbies and UQ pug rooms.
Latter because switching to a female character is easy with NGS plus the fact people can have more than one character
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there are more guy players than girl players but not by much but more girl characters than guy characters
It's straight being a t1(male) and fucking t2s (male) because it's like watching porn with your bros
How is it recovering players??
It’s straight to be a T2 and get pounded daily by thick T3 cock as long as you’re an anime girl for real
Why are you trans?
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Straightest thing I've heard all week desu
List of T3s?
the level cap was datamined to be 200 at launch
All of ourgirls in the OCC program
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their data for making content both JP and Global is fucking retarded. When they decide to buff, nerf, or change whatever they are doing it on data based heavily on new players rather than returning/existing players.

Is this why gearing has been shit for the last couple of years? Is this why we have headline news dedicated to this shit THREE years after launch?
>Headline: How Does Sega Keep Winning?!/10
>July: Eminence in Shadow - August: Shangri-La
>Bandai Namco Online goes insolvent (Blue Protocol)
M.A.R.S. looks bussin, fr!
What about t1(male) and t2(female)?
the black cat!!!!!
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It's a fun excuse to take advantage of features, like expressions, that wouldn't see much use otherwise.
even without any of this, just on a 1 to 1 personal level he's insufferable and obnoxious
it's no wonder he resorts to these schizo tactics to keep a stranglehold on whoever was dumb enough to give him a chance, what other choice does he have with a personality like that?
would've been chased out of any and every place if he wasn't a mod on this piece of shit
calm down pariah
thank you...
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>Post your character
>why you take screenshots
I like butts
>he still thinks nogxy is a mod
no wonder he sticks around with retards like you validating him
Kick me in the face... or let me lick!
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>pariah carey is back
Why erp at that point just trade nudes and see each other
>cream hamu
>avoid certain people out of respect
>suddenly, your pyc pics get lewder
if you post anything like this again I'm going to tribute you. final warning. no more warnings. go back to weapon poses and stay out of this warzone. don't reply to me pretending like it was unintentionally. final warning. do it again it's FranzNUT time
t1 x t2 erpers are typically very fat and ugly irl
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As a new player to an MMORPG what I like the most is when on day 1 I'm given 500 things tips and tutorials and reach max level within the span of an hour, so I'm basically done with the game before I have any chance to make friends or grow attached to my character, or even join an alliance
it's so fucking cool and I love that every game does this nowadays
when I go into World of Warcraft, an MMO with 20 years of content built on it, what I LOVE is having the game force me to skip all of the content so I can play in this extremely small little retard baby area, doing Mythic+ over and over or getting my ass raped in PVP by people who minmax by using green gear because stat templates are super cool
>b-but if we allow the playerbase to be spread too thin, the game will feel empty and lonely!
idk nigga, works in vanilla WoW, doesn't it?
Matter of fact, worked in base PSO2 when it took me 2 months to get a single class to 100 after the NGS launch

Who the fuck decided catch up mechanics were the move? Bobby Kotick?
pic is actually related
Because fat doesnt automatically make you ugly
I will simply not take advice from pinoys and irishmen who prefer their women to be malnourished and dying than have even an ounce of fat on their asses desu
everyone knows he's Aero, they got him pinned even on /mhg/
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looks like Nogxy is still upset
its more alarming that you have pictures like this saved on your personal computer
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I only know nogxy from his antics in /pso2g/ and I can assure you he's not a mod, just someone who uses multiple IPs to samefag and spam reports
Imagine trying to hijack the OP, spending several hours samefagging your shitty thread and talking to yourself only to have it deleted by the jannies
What sorry excuse of a mod would allow that to happen over and over? lmao
That's not nearly as bad as the shit you've got saved on yours benchy
I wish he was a mod and would do his job. imagine living with a useless mod lmao
you don't have to imagine it, you're living that reality right now as evidenced by the absolute state of /pso2g/
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>Imagine trying to hijack the OP, spending several hours samefagging your shitty thread and talking to yourself only to have it deleted by the jannies
That is not what happened
He was allowed to vandalize the OP with a bot for years, until people started reminding others in every thread to post in feedback about it, after some weeks of doing that he eventually stopped
what likely happened is that other mods got wind of it through the feedback posts and pulled his ear a bit
if you don't believe he's a mod, leak his logs or something in a couple days, see how fast it gets nuked
he's also likely the mod who used to scrub /v/ of any mention of Gwiz when he was still a CM
he also has his little pp in a pink plastic cage right now
>long winded posts about shit nobody cares about
>nigger obsession
>nogxy is le modz!!1
oh it's just mori retard again
>if you don't believe he's a mod, leak his logs or something in a couple days, see how fast it gets nuked
only commenting to say that if you post THAT log talking about him and the age of a certain player from /mhg/ you get banned
I don't think benchy is a mod, but he is a little faggot who runs to eye are see whenever he's being shitposted too hard. Shame the mods seem to have forsaken this place entirely LOL
>what likely happened is [headcanon that confirms my preconceived notions]
My God, you're so fucking stupid and stubborn it actually hurts
Isn't a simpler solution simply that mods actually realized what he's doing after receiving feedback about it? The only reason he got away with it in the first place is cause he'd make the thread early then spam it with multiple IPs to make it look more active when someone made another one
Also, most people didn't care and often posted in his thread anyway, even if someone tried to make a proper one.
Keep feeding his ego though, he's probably kicking his feet over the thought that people think he actually has any kind of power in his miserable life.
>Isn't a simpler solution simply that [contrived bullshit that doesn't account for all the other incongruencies]
We all know.
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You're retarded and your explanation is convoluted
the original cringe dom
Would just for lols
>already organizing my next dick
Is this supposed to be hot?
this is just like me!
If i'm gonna goon it needs to be with a total autist
I fucking lose it every time
What's convoluted about it?
He's a mod and that's why he gets away with shit nobody else gets away with, including botting a general for 2+ years despite daily reports.
Thing 1 leads to Thing 2. It's perfectly linear reasoning and not convoluted in the slightest.
I know this probably isn't Nogxy because his MO whenever he gets called out is to start spamming to slide the discussion away and ban people for 3 days when the next thread is up, but you sure are retarded or some sort of groomed sissy. Does he have pictures of your asshole with his name cut into your thighs like he usually does with his groomed 14 year olds?
its funny how you guys hate on her so much when she literally does nothing but play the game and make friends
Notice how anon can't help but use the same material over and over to try and trigger anons? Oh that guy you hate? It's actually a girl!
They're a complete piece of shit that people avoid? They've done nothing wrong!
Pariah? Don't use that word, it killed my grandma, okay?!
Yeah bro, those 3rd eye sadposts definitely didn't reveal he's actually a friendless loser
but why did they name one of them nidhogger
Tell "her" to post tits or GTFO
>that's why he gets away with shit nobody else gets away with, including botting a general for 2+ years despite daily reports.
None of you retards even try to make threads, I don't know what you expect. if you consistently made a new thread and used it whenever he made his early thread and didn't just stop after janny deleted the wrong one once, this would've been solved a long time ago. Hell, even now nogxy can make a thread and people will go "uhh real thread where?" instead of just making it on their own.
It only took one person to start making threads consistently and giving jannies more work (something they absolutely loathe) for them to do something about it.
Anyway, you're retarded and I'm not gonna try to convince you further. You're firm in your belief that nogxy is a mod and you're working backwards to justify it rather than consider any better explanation.
>check in
>general still awful as usual
see yall again in few weeks
Don't fuck with Nogxy he has 4 doctorates in shitting your life away
Yea I'm going to need to see some evidence because right now some new things are popping up everyday. Now your saying he grooms 14 year olds?
NTA but that only began because all of you faggots kept picking his threads with fucked up OPs instead of the correct ones, didn't matter when it was posted. The original thread makers from then just stopped after a while
Yeah, I already said that. Most people don't care or pay attention to the OP so they just use whatever was made earlier or has more posts (which is why nogxy samefags his shit)
But again, just be persistent with the threads (to give them more work in deleting) and keep sending feedback explaining the situation and they'll eventually do their job cause they're lazy niggers like that.
when's your friend coming back
Oh nah this thread is pretty much no-man's land now. The mods will very rarely respond to reports, and it's really only about spam or an avatarfag going too hard with his imagedumps
Nah that's true, they don't give a shit about the actual content of the thread in 90% of cases. But if you keep making duplicate threads, they're gonna bump other threads off the catalog and clog it which does force them to do their job. (slowly)
>that roadmap
see you in 2026 i guess. maybe the game will really start then
Ollie acting like it was big news that benchy manually spams threads with multiple devices was funny, and made funnier by him dropping it and suddenly going dark about it. You try to play spy far too much bro
You mean PSO3?
Man some characters just aren't made equal
Yeah it's unreal how caseal ass and tits make me go feral
Plap? Plaps aren't for me. For me, it's all about CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG
i really do not like gay people
>None of you retards even try to make threads
Wrong. Lie. Factually incorrect.
His bot would make a thread at 750 posts instantly and then Nogxy would quickly delete any other thread people made by hand.
>post something I can ban
uh no, Nicholas.
I hope you get fucked in the ass
Timeout, who the fuck leaked this? Chu or Zekken?
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Neither, someone was in the room but invisible from using /la dfwarp
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fun wa fun desu ne
Neither. A 3rd party was hiding and the two horny erpers failed to check if the place was clear before doing the deed.
Juggador who was hiding in the room with the Dark Falz emote (allegedly)
I feel like all three had to be in on it though cause how do you not notice his name there at least?
It was juggador, morgan sniffed them out through TWO PIXELS
I've heard the full story and it's a tale of autism, accidents and not knowing that cybering/erp isn't a meme
I don't know if this is different in base after the engine change, but at the time, your name wasn't visible when you used that emote. You would only know someone was there by checking the Nearby Players list from the menu.
you sound upset
calm down
I like how nogxy has resorted to shitposting himself just to muddy the water, as though THAT is the solution to this lol
okay but what if we took all the minheights and tossed them off a cliff?
I'd rather fuck their butts desu
Sugar mouse noooo!
The renowned sugar mouse. now a wanted felon for photon murder.....
>Major Green, the payload has been delivered, I repeat, it has been delivered.
i played wow during early BC. played 5 hours a day after work. two months later, i was level 42. while using the go-to leveling guide. as a drainlock.
it's a balancing act. my wow experience was too far into slow, while modern day mmos are pushing too fast, like you said.
All of them? That's a lot of butts!
>hiding name tags
they deserve it
See >>483471389
>using area chat
This has to be a troll, no one can be this stupid
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Oh yeah, we're totally suppose to believe THAT story. After an investigation, I can confirmed that this was all a hoax, an attempt to gain attention, and it worked. Doesn't take rocket science to know the supposed 3rd person who leaked the logs wouldn't get caught especially when you can see how many people are in the room. And on top of that they would have to lock the door so no one else comes in mid session. This means a MANDATORY check was done. Any objections would only prove my point. There was no 3rd person, the "leaker" were themselves. You're all clowns in a circus for believing such a pathetic magic trick. I mean, anyone could pull this off for attention if they like this type of attention. In fact, there are no restrictions on username. If I wanted to I could create an alt character using the same name as someone else, have a friend do the same, make up some dumb ERP scenario then post it here. Post the logs myself and shit post saying there was a third person in the room.

The main piece of evidence missing here is the part where mystery nigga shows their name icons in the room. That is what gives away the false crime scene more than anything. Y'know, like the Nepcool webm? Where is a similar image showing Chu and Zekken together? Even if mystery nigga doesn't have mods installed he still choose to not show the name icons together in the room.

Case closed. Should I just have turned a blind eye to this fact? Become a sheep?
The meseta inflation has lead him to a life of crime…
Idk. Idc. Life goes on.
>especially when you can see how many people are in the room
NGSbab detected, stopped reading there
Your weird fanfiction is nowhere near as funny as what actually happened, sorry
You clearly weren't there.
Circus clowns. Your story is quite pathetic. Don't may it obvious next time.
chu still seething
>go outside
>come back
>still yapping and crying
Good to see you retards do not value your time in the slightest
Your headcanon is irrelevant. Now kindly shove a boot up your ass and keep it there
>Don't may it obvious
bro is shaking lol
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>Don't may it
Lil bro's typing through tears
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So, you're all saying that dude got to see them go at it? The pioneer of let me watch
*cums on u*
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I do it because i thought it was neat to share.
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Ah, and another thing, we're suppose to all just assume mystery nigga didn't have his camera aimed in their direction, watching their movement, ensuring that he in fact would never get caught and can remand hidden without detection. But there's a glitch in that scenario, too. SEGA implemented a very powerful detection range for name icons. Seeing as this wasn't NGS and it was Base PSO2, I decided to TEST the name range myself with a friend in a base POS2 personal room.

Such foolish beings we have here. There were probably more people on it to force this story down everyone's throat without question.

Case fully closed. Continue living in delusion.
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i forgot who this ugly nigga was
>5 hours a day
>2 months for level 42 in TBC
that's not a normal experience, that's crazy
the point is not how long it should take you to get to max level, the point is that the bulk of the game should be fun.
Level 15 in Vanilla to WotLK is fun and addicting, arguably more than sitting at max level and waiting on your weekly and daily locks for content. That's why people had 20 alts back then even though it did take 1-2 months to reach max level
PSO2 is the same, leveling up and getting new talent points, unlocking new difficulties, finding weapons, etc. is all fun - but currently it gets raped by the exp boost and the golden OP weapons trivializing the entire game for you.
Progression is the cornerstone of the RPG experience, you can't just dump it and funnel every player into "endgame", that's retarded.
At that point just remove the leveling and RPG elements entirely and become CSGO.
It's fundamentally flawed design spearheaded by retarded marketing boomers who don't know anything about videogames. Like the act of playing the game is in and of itself some sort of bother, so it's good to skip it.
People will take that option because it feels stupid to handicap yourself, providing the option at all is what ruins the experience.
can it krit
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*cums on you twice the amount* now what
yeah i'd plap a genderbent mito
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Maybe next time you do a circus show you should prepare beforehand and not pull an on the fly stunt, clown.
*drinks it all up and cums on you three times*
we can go all night
how about I put on the genderbent mito sliders and you can plap me in front of him
you son of a bitch I'm in
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You can't "take" screenshots, man. They're part of nature.
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>*drinks it all up
now that you're single to do you accept tributes?
Simply stunning. Beautiful. I love that little smile. It's radiating with confidence! How about we go out on a mission later, just the two of us. it'll be fun.
Stop being mad, ugly cockblocking ass nigga.
That hair makes your forehead look GIANT but also cute
I love you
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My character is cute and I like to see cute things, also the images widget on windows occasionally shows me old pictures I took which helps after getting my ass beat in ranked.
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To get my crush to notice me but she never does!

Welcome back the black cat! I knew a cumshot wouldn't get you down!
I like my character and taking cute/cool pics, especially with friends!
I could take 'em
who's your crush
more butt?
*wipes the sweat from my head* Whooaaahhh, such a fantastic body. Your beauty is a gift and a curse to this world. Thighs the size of the rocky mountains, and an ass that even Rafiki from Lion King would present to the lion kingdom in its full glory!
thank you brother...
I don't know where you got that first idea, but either way no, that shit is gross.
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What content should I farm for like 2-3minutes
Such glory on your chest, Caption. Not even the flying dutchman would stand a chance. Arrrr!
dont namedrop me in some cringe post talking in the 3rd person lmao, after all this time you're still predictable
wdym as people grow older, they become more and more predictable naturally
*parries u*
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Ironically cute
ESL here
What is the difference between “unironically” and “sincerely*
Is it irony
No they mean the same thing in this context
who dis nigga talking to?
white girl save me...
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screenshots = content
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You should get better at them.
Please sit on me...
less clothes...
There needs to be a law where all trannys need to be forcibly subjected to immediate, involuntary, and indefinite institutionalization, be dragged into the streets and beaten to within an itch of their worthless lives, or outright euthanized for the greater good of human civilization.
Why do you care so much about what other people do tho
Sir turn on your monitor.
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Should I login or stick with Elden Ringo?
Friendless behavior
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Oh you a tarnished nigga alright
>global trannies voting no
meant for >>483484198
Why would I vote yes, retard
I don't click on strawpolls on principal, and especially ones by the fat tubs of lard.
one butt pic please…
uh oh melty
Rinka is so hot…
I wish Rinka would let me plap...
>she still hasn't finished the dlc
sister what are u doing.....
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When do we get more cubeworld content?
post the confirmed fat tubs of lard list
I'm still learning...
that's a game I didn't expect to be namedropped here.
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Butt I already beat it
post proof or u didnt beat the game
waiter, I'll have whatever copium that guy has over there
to be fair he said events not content but the good part is debatable still
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>that ugly ass characters
>ugly soulsfashion
>not using a based weapon
I am disappointed we can no longer be frens
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The events and updates are good if you play casually. There is no FOMO whatsoever, not that you should ever feel pressured to keep up in a video game anyways.
what will the new high difficulty standing quest be?
is this male or female?
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any pso2gs like this?
thats aislop though
>milady not based
Frogniggers I swear
You couldn't have picked something better off the catalog?
dalion rank 2
answer the question
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It's fun
an ai slop pso2g? thats emv
Maint today or did they finally get rid of it?
maint is in an hour
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Core "gameplay" mechanic
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sexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsex wit csl desu
The MARS voice needs to be more robotic and emotionless.
Looking for a t1 bf...
me too
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Same except with t2 csl
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I love these sluts with eye infections
I don't it's not and cannot be attractive, neither can their very low and wide mouths.
Same but this one just reminded me of this, maybe it's the mouth placement
Post premaint pics
am I too late to login?
did maitenance already start?
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maint started 9 minutes ago
232 when...?
>Firo gets S for STINKY
I was playing RS3
ff14 went down for three days of maint
refugees inc
Stardust Boobers
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I like looking at myself.
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Sex with half the ARKers
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I fixed the roadmap
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I'm in this pic!
Is that fucking HMZK in the corner?
based, fuck sega for making 80% of the content limited time slop
then they wonder why they can't get any new player retention when the leveling experience is shallow af
that's me in the center!
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I was too busy working on animations so I all I have is this image.
It sucks they made Vael to just be a generic looking Dragon thing. I liked the alien design of the previous falz bosses.
This is probably just phase 1, phase 2 is probably using the 4th clone body using our battle data and arks PAs.
That way they can keep milking phase 2 with an ultimate quest until June.
Which couples are open for 323?
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>This is probably just phase 1
Good point. I forgot how they made dragged out the Aegis/Interception fights
What are my chances with Koumaru, Karinas, and Kouwanseiki?
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You forgot to post the original pic.
Yeah, I would have sex with Koishi
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I want to mating press Koishi into submission
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Wasn't on today so i missed out
Me too, again
me as the skeleton
>Forgot to enclose the salt circle and he floated right out! Many such cases! Sad!
Koishi will have sex with anyone, what's stopping you exactly?
face sliders?
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I guess he has a bone to pick with you.
im really shy and idk what to say ><
Yeah I'd fuck you myself to be honest
The cutest pso2 couple!
Did they really need to take 6 hours for this maintenance to reimplement Giant Mutants
if i send a whisper, will koishi do anything i ask?
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IS THAT............
Prease rook forward to frontroaded updates for Recycled Genesis, anon-san!
>t2 sameface x smeagol
>cutest pso2 couple
You got beta energy
>tfw I have the same mod on all the time
good taste
i just wanna get dom by koishi.........
She's going to turn you into a slut, anon. Not dom you
Not that anon but I want that...
no reason, i just do it when i feel like it.

Yeah i'd play koishi's ass cheeks like bongos
God, you know what I wish I could find? Someone who loves me that isn't abusive/autistic. My criteria for a wife(male) is literally that you'll indulge my hobbies and not fuck other boys. It's really really really that fucking simple.

But nope, it's always some
>oh well i got swept up in the moment
>oh well i thought you weren't interested
>oh well i don't have any self control
Bullshit, cringe, obnoxious nonsense. Like what about the human condition makes people think they can get away with that? I place a simple amount of trust in you to not be retarded and you go and fuck everything up.

I'm legit gonna start calling my partners ugly. I'm gonna tell them they're uninteresting and no one else would possibly love them. It's the only way to keep people in check I swear to fucking god.
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Cause it's fun.
can I buy your pantsu?
Can we plap while you wear gene's outfit...
koishi is ugly as fuck, what are you guys on about? is it just because he will erp with anyone and everyone?
>there is a chance that shrek knockoff is being a creep near you
Absolutely vile.
>Someone who loves me that isn't abusive
I wish mine were autistic but they are always abusive instead.
people play too much games and then when you call them out on it they claim it's not them or stonewall difficult conversations because they can't seem to handle being told concerning shit.
All i want is to share my time/videogames or watch something it's not difficult to do but they expect you to just know what's good for the time and play guessing games.
All it takes is communication on both parts when shit goes wrong instead of complaining and letting the shit you hate pile up.
no one cares firegreen
But why was FG friends with benchy on discord?
guys, look https://youtu.be/JdLmNaqaEdo
micda lol
gays will cheat 3/4 of the time, they are far worse than women in that regard
I just had a giant bowl of fruity pebbles it was so good
I like the fruity pebbles with marshmallows in them desu
sex with hamu lanta mitsumi blender miloc teddyoshi
I only have regular
I feel like marshmallow versions of cereals is way too much
I beat fatalis
>havent seen my toblewife lately
where is she.....
Yeah i'd plap my fellow tobles when asked, so long as they're cute.
i consistently lied and occasionally cheated on my gf in the best. just don't be retarded about it and set boundaries
you're gay boyfriend is not a girl
if there's a hole, there's a way!
that's not stopping me from making my gay boyfriend feel like a girl
clearly elins are the cause of all of this
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Why does SEGA keep advertising this stupid fucking sale, we all bought this dumb fucking shit a year ago. We don't need to be reminded of it every god damn mother fucking slutty month.
NGS will finally be kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0zSNs5uUDQ
Reminder that all these messages above about sex with middle aged men are sent by a single and same lonely person spamming messages in a dark room.
Yes, this general is kept "alive" by a single looney that starts spamming the moment discussion starts getting railed back to the game.
In other words, abandon ship.
I just think the remaining anons are horny. When global launched, there was literally erp happening in the threads lol
it's gwiz needing to stay busy when he's not stalking his real life friends
I can't believe a single retarded troon did so much damage to a series like Phantasy Star with an extensive legacy.
Sometimes I think about them entering meetings with japanese staff and the japanese devs laughing their asses off in their cars later.
>God, you know what I wish I could find? Someone who loves me that isn't abusive/autistic.
>in /pso2g/
The odds are low but not impossible
I haven't had good, fulfilling erp in months!
Hiring someone who doesn't care about the product is never a good idea
Yeah I'd plap some taken cunny if they were throwing themselves at me I guess
Sega proper raughs
Sega West fears
Boxy here, I am happy. Today was really productive.
does we're boobs?
just grab the slut and have sex
is it really that easy?
>thread kept telling me k is free use
>ask him if he wanna...
>he calls me a nigger and all of his friends laugh and make fun of me every time they see me now.
Fuck you guys.
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Manon > Matoi
>Cell shading
Opinion discarded
Manon is more realistic. Women aren't powerful and should be relegated to supporting roles.
k literally loves niggers though?
trying too hard
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yeah i'd nigger k
calm down lil nigga. stop frowning.
How do you get rejected by koishi lmao
>Someone who loves me that isn't abusive/autistic. My criteria for a wife(male) is literally that you'll indulge my hobbies and not fuck other boys. It's really really really that fucking simple.
Hey that's me! I've been lied, tricked, used and abused every single time!
emv and jiggu..
Do you like that though?
Manon is disliked BECAUSE she's realistic.
She's the only character that didn't stand to lose from the Halpha plan but still had "woman moments" when she threw a fit at Zepheto for doing things exactly right and later on when she tried to kill herself because "uwu i'm so sorry".
From a writing perspective those are things you expect from irl e-girls that grew up without fathers and looking at Manon it seems this is the perception the writers have of women.
Now either this was done on purpose and we are supposed to dislike Manon in which case well played.
Or this wasn't expected and the writers exposed themselves as turbo virgins.
Who is your wife?
Saddest roadmap yet desu
>i need someone that isn't abusive
>i'm gonna start being abusive
>why do only sluts date me?
don't forget to breath, dummie
I bet your slut doesn't even thank you for the cum
Jokes on you I don't have one!
Incels should not attempt to analyze characters.
ERP is not sex.
ERP is not sex.
E-dating is dating!
this new /vg/ ad looks like jakku
They're so cute together, I'm happy Jiggu finally found the one for them.
Of course it's emv
any datamines
that anon is gonna get rich off of 4chan retards
Goodnight /pso2g/!
It's a romhack edit tier update so no.
like dyberbolt? stfu he won’t even see a return in hus initial investment
nodev tranny spotted
Good night CUNT
what’s that mean?
Don't call her a cunt, bitch.
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me on the right (out of frame)
Me on the right (in frame)
I need the help of a Caucasian minheight t2 who's got a knack for dogsitting.
arf arf.

Yeah like that.
Don't reply to me again you disgusting homunculus
what the fuck fine
what is there to do immediately when the servers go up?
I wish a homeless man would gut you with a shit covered shank you white trash mutt.
Trade your cubes for the good shit, then afk until tomorrow and play the palworld update.
how about i give my cube to you for free instead
Get the fuck away from me faggot
>Jiggu and emv are dating.
A Little bit shocking, honestly.
I wish emv asked me out instead...
hi emv
why is cracky pushing this meme
we are just plapping
she’s not my real girlfren. i have a crush on someone else too
hi that wasn’t me
i’m kinda excited to play cards but the sound effects and announcer voice were cringe inducing.
any minheight in particular you're thinking of?
>unironically plapping emv
Unfriended. Blocked. Ghosting you now.
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New AI dropped
kek nice1
dead game. dead thread.
we missed you
no one is plapping emv
same. but i am doing good now.. i don’t need to stay here all day and night anymore. this place is healing and so am i. we can’t be together pso2g
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i'm glad the story isn't being rushed
I can never look at you the same way again, sorry. It's over.
emv just started taking his schizo medicine again, he'll be ok for a little while before going full melty bc depression will make him quit the med
Would you allow pso2g to enter your show?
is MARS and LINE STRIKE released today
Are you for real? That's cool to hear, hope you do get better.
yeah and chapter 7 releases
I am online!
line break, mars, and anniversary is not out, don't listen to troll posts above... no idea why sega announce content and do maintenance for nothing
space and mars is out
Sex with Buelle.
This fucking game is why we are never getting an offline phantasy star game again. Just like warcraft is never getting a warcraft 4 because of wow.
NGS isn't phantasy star
how do I farm more cubes?!
I am running out
Item Lab > Exchange Materials > Other > Trade Class EX-Cubes for regular EX-Cubes
who's vael?
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block 69
where do i go to get plapped i'm a minheight 量産型
I'm 90% sure they are just too stupid to realize they're not renewing the sale when they post it again.
Not joking.
I'm a minheight too
can I watch?
sure but theres nothing to watch atm as there is no plapper.
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Good night pso2g
gnight my AGP slut wife!
I'm at work rn. What's new?
Revival Scratches, Giant Mutants, that's it
No she's not, she's my personal caseal
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who is your wife?
You dumb wageslave
the glazed one.....
doomniggers are a loud minority + some people who left early are now happy with the direction it's taking (less open world memes, less retarded rare drop rates, relaxed gearing, more customizations, class expansions improved all of them aside from JB, shortened wait between standing quests, new bosses and the endgame farms are much more fun than the early game trash, events galore instead of dry spells for months, story is picking up, etc.)
My caseal wife who I love very much!!!
I need a minheight to take care of my cube...
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What are these gay-ass "im a woman i swear" replies.
Fun lol.
I'm doing it because it gets my dick hard when I get a bunch of replies. I think I enjoy pissing people off more than getting nice replies.
You failed as a person.
Find me!
your posts make me laugh more seeing how pathetic you are more than pissing me off lmao
you're really never going to change huh
Needs to be mass reported again.
Guess that's one way to cope with everyone hating your guts
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i don’t do drugs anymore prescription or otherwise.
mhm tyty~
as long as i can see them it character they’re eligible to be contestants in the fashion show
He doesn't talk in public anymore. >>483550394
Funny thing is when Oya got him banned it was just him, other anons made the same joke and didn't get banned
their character**
bro, you literally said on stream a day or two ago that you were smoking weed
>level cap goes up by 10 each year
damn so that 2037 expiration date on those jp permanent scratches is the actual end date for this game. doomtrannies btfo
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i said i had to go to the bathroom bro
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she had to go to the bathroom bro
dead game dead thread
why is cracky creepshooting
Same, I miss my caseal wife so much it's unreal...
Didn't break up or anything, I'm just stuck at work and excited to see her when I get home!
nogxy wasn't bad enough so cracky has to return to the ring too?
This general has really gone downhill lately. .
yeah, where did all the minheight butts go?
You just scared one of the best ones off again.

EMV post ass
trip back on
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I have lost all interest in this game after seeing that roadmap
That interest should have died a long time ago.
Why is it so obvious when emv post? it's hilarious lmao
don’t do drugs kids
It's never been as bad as one new enemy in 9 months.
your char is so hot.. <3 think im in love
I miss my wife S______ !
*ghosts u some more*
*ghosts the entire alliance*
*comes back after ghosting *
*quits again for the 99th time*
*cums on you*
do you do lewd stuff ingame? i need that
How do I earn the power to live rent free in people's heads despite being a ghosting schizo? I want to be relevant too.
Be so socially lovable people or be very good at lewds
I need a small t2 to plap...
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Why does Cutie face look so uncanny
Literal skill issue
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how small?
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Bestow me with your knowledge
Raise the gaze by a tiny bit. That's already a good face but you also need proper makeup, eyelashes, and eyeballs/eyes.
Smaller lips/mouth and a better makeup
bigger gock
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Adjusted it, thanks
>makeup, eyelashes, eyeballs/eyes
This is my 2nd character so I don't have any of them if it isn't from SG scratch unfortunately
Change your lips. The expression is part of the problem I think.
Nose looks short and that mouth/chin distance is questionable
Post side profile. Your lips don't look good. Could be a makeup issue. Not a fan of the mouth shape. Your eyes looked fucked since you're using Cutie face. That face usually needs big anime eyes to look cute. Your face also looks tiny, to be honest.
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you should inform yourself better because nothing happened to bandai, 1 department did bad, happens all the time, clown
my heckin microtransaction, consumer exploiting, dei infested corporation is better than your heckin corporation
your game is dead and ff14 and ngs remain the last bastion of japanese mmo like god willed it. cope.
You should consider using a different face type. Cutie doesn’t work with what you are trying to do. Use makeup.
bro none cares about ngs lmao, go semi-afk kill mutants while you watch my little pony in your 3 devices
you've been here for 3 years chanting "no one cares" lil bro
projecting when called out
I remember playing blue protocol for a couple days before b& in the honeymoon phase where it's just fun exploration
holy hell the cash shop prices were egregious by any gacha standard
yeah and thats why they are optional, are you retarded
It says a lot when Amazon doesn’t even have the confidence to release the game, ngs may be complete shit but it still made it out the door globally.
yeah because pso2 had 1 decade behind? its like talking with mentally retarded kids with 70 iq
blue protocol lost
Onry took 1 decade LMAO
PSO2 was released globally solely as an advertisement for NGS. We never would have gotten it at all if NGS wasn’t in the works. It’s quite different circumstances from BP making so little money they don’t even want to release it outside Japan.
the funniest shit is the dave collab with nikke will get more money and new players than this code gayass collab in pso2.
it will outlive ngs anyway, even vindictus will outlive ngs
Imagine running defense for a failed slop MMO funded by globohomo in a completely unrelated thread
Wouldn't be me
No seriously where the fuck are the cast parts, what the fuck was the point of the collab???
Vindictus outliving NGS is the biggest slap a game could get
>T-two more weeks...
nikke's collabing with my nigga dave the diver?
>only nerds and neets have time to play mmos
>make mmos more casual and accessible for 'everyone'

how did they come to this solution
yup they destroyed mmos for the normies
>Motherfucking Dave the Goddamn Diver collab
I need an adult RIGHT NOW
>want money
>do thing that makes more money
same reason MMOs are an increasingly smaller genre and they shit out gacha games instead
Dave better shake his ass ingame
imagine being sega right now
vindictus will outlive every mmo. somehow they keep the servers open with only 10 players.
but then people would just play a 'good' gacha game instead of a half baked mmo posing as a gacha game?
broooo vindictus 2 might happen if the solo game is a success which probably will
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>Post side profile
Here you go
ngs so popular none is talking about it in its own thread, guess we gotta wait for the deranged spergs to do it
and this isn't even on the roadmap
both of them are living and kicking. also the fact Vindictus managed to survive to this day with 100 players is why doomtrannies will always lose. i wanna have sex with the new twin daggers girl btw
qrd each top alliance leader
nice your forehead is 2 times the size of the rest of the face
nta but isn’t that true for literally every character?
im going to cum
It is, even if you place your face as high as possible you are still an egghead
Athena was based, eatmorevitamins is cringe and a groomer
ship and block?
Profound botnigger bait
im going to cum (to caseal)
Adjust your face shape. Your nose looks alright. Your lips are very thin. But that can work depending on what look you're going for.
Any cringe doms online?
No one who matters will fucking play BP global anyways.
Amazon-run, micro/macrotransaction riddled and aggressively, antagonistically, spitefully censored. Amazon should just pull out and cut their losses
show me your head without hair sis
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im trying to take advantage of the ac deal on microsoft store but i forgot what xbox live account i used when i linked to my pso2 account. how do i check what xbox account i used?
More like quantum leap to the trash bin lmfao
Someone else on xbox/windows store should be able to tell you what your live account is
>single troon
Nah, it's Japs' fault for letting Americans be in charge of global. With how American culture is nowadays, whoever had they chosen instead of HEwiz, it would've been a tranny regardless.
What size is your head? It'll be under the neck adjustment slider. I was told anything under 0 is too small and after I changed mine it looked much better.
How? They check my Arks ID while I'm on Steam?
Sucks to be a Globalbab
No you'll have to be on xbox/window for them to be able to tell but yeah Arks ID should say it when you are
i cant be on xbox/window because i dont know what account im signing into. i just need to know the gamertag tied to the account.
Alright, I'll play around with the face shape sliders later
It's 27
Globalniggers can keep coping and making up lame comebacks like "you will never be japanese", but we're the ones laughing at you retards still on Globalshit server. We don't need to be Japanese to stay way from Globaltroons and enjoy a tranny free game.
It does
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uh oh pariah melty!
They didn't even pick Kallen's bodysuit for the scratch, it was DoA as soon as the preview in the headline showed up. I only bought the mag devices because they look cool + collab factor.
minheights doko?
I'm a minheight!
>theres like only one person from jp who posts their character
Only pity for you because you have sunk cost from spending there that leaves you alone.
There are plenty of pso2g that has both JP and Global accounts. Only true Globalbabs are laughable.
Made pso2g so horny they started cumming everywhere. Still haven't been plapped. It's a curse being this stupid.
do you do "that"?
Imagine being a Globalbab playing with troons and having a troon community manager. LOL!
With you? LOL NO
wtf I said dive the diver as a joke
Imagine being a JPkek who has to use a VPN/Proxy just to play because Sega bans you region hopping insects
You can't you need to already know but you can unlink if you started on Steam
>Eternioath rerun
Where's the anon that said they would buy me one if it did
>new boss enemies
I'll believe it when I see it, the "new" bosses they added with city turned out to be reskins of base enemies
No matter what you say, you're still in the Globalhomo server forever taking L's. You cannot dispute this sole fact that a Globalbab will always be playing with troons and a tranny CM.

Now try again, minus the tears.
>He plays in a server with Shitwizofthesharts LOL!
>but you can unlink
Ah cool thanks
there's 4-5 of us, and a few moonlighting as globals to troll
If I remove someone from my friends list do they have to accept the friend request when I want to readd them?I want to obscure my activity and log in notifications make that difficult.
you can turn the login notifications off so it doesn't broadcast to your friends
I think you can re-add people without them knowing, however if they notice you're online when it says offline for them they'll obviously know
>If I remove someone from my friends list do they have to accept the friend request when I want to readd them?
if they havent noticed no
o-okay... :(
>you can turn the login notifications off so it doesn't broadcast to your friends
Oh wait really? How do I do that?
t.smelly proxy
No matter what insult you throw at us, you are still a third-worlder Globaltranny. And that alone makes all your comebacks invalid.

Globalsharts lost.
im gonna report you to sega that you're not from japan and they will ban you according to the terms of service lol
Now say that again, this time without the tears.
The ToS snippet that they generally ignore as long as you're not being a nigger to the locals or RMTing? Sega JP is far more tolerant of foreigners despite Japan's general dislike of foreign things, probably because of their money.
>"I-I will report you!"
pso2gs make the ugliest looking characters
ok which pariah did we piss off now?
Why the hell do you want to be sneaky?
>Tfw JPkek
>Tfw live in Japan
LMFAO Globaltrannies BTFO
If you play in the Globalshart server, you are the Pariah.
I don't care about your manufactured shitstorms, I just want to plap fat, wobbly caseal ass desu
You will NEVER be Japanese.
You can barely read japanese, let alone speak it.
You are wearing the title of JP when you merely are a tourist.

all three are just generally mad about something, if not each other
Bro you need to type it out in Japanese and if you already know how to, you'd be playing JP
pso2 biggest mistake was leaving jp, global is like a shitstain that doesnt go away when you flush
See >>483587056
Now say that again, this time without the seethe and the bitter tears.
Game had potential. It just never got anywhere. Many such cases
>You have to VPN! VPNs are for LOSERS
Got called "Homeless" in another general.
Some real low energy disses nowadays.
Globalkeks being squatters in OUR general. LMFAO
They should all get together and have a massive orgy to fuck each other's brains out. Then maybe they won't be so mad
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It's relaxing.
>Globalbabs malding they are second rate citizens playing a third rate server
Many such cases. Enjoy being at the mercy of Shartwizofthetroons all the time.
damn you look like shit, what is that face
>pso2g globalbabs
>No rizz
>No slider game
>No 4090
>Ugly ass characters
>Prison gay or trooned out
what are the chances of Sega NA ever removing the height limit
Is it? I stress trying to get a good flattering angle
Fix your michael jackson brows and nose. Looks like you got hee-heet with an ugly stick.
i thought after whaling and taking 1000 pictures you had some style but your character without mods and 3rd party looks horrendous
does anyone else ever end up getting aroused and rub one out when taking screenshots of their character
>pls shartwiz, remove minheight restriction!
Only when I'm taking pics with friends
3/10 what is that brow nose bridge LMAO
pariah hours
Sometimes. Though only when it's more racy shots. Sometimes during collabs me and the other person will together.
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>Global server
I literally cannot and do not find my character sexually attractive. I take solo lewd screenshots hoping it'd be different but it's the same every time. I find it better taking lewds with others but it's purely platonic, I find the flirting and teasing hotter in an rp sense.
>Plays on JP
>Doesnt even play as a minheight
if you're going to brag about it, at least post some eye candy
>wants to get into a relationship
>does collabs with others
>rubs one with others behind the person they like
>Amerinigger journalists
If you're not a JPchad, you're a Pariah. Simple as. Squatters. Third-worlders. Third-rate citizens. Ghetto.
Now you're taking it too far, a lot of us just wanna game in peace
Bro is desperate to keep this going when it's been him and maybe one anon pitying him
Yes. Not my proudest faps
>she thinks it's not a pariah gaslighting and larping as a jp
Now that would be pathetic
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>"I-It's a pariah gaslighting!"
Mukbang you're exactly one.
lmao, how does sega keep winning
>literally anyone could run an mmo better
>apparently not bandai + amazon
NCsoft cooking up a new MMO, maybe we can still be saved
seriously speaking, how much life left does this game have?
Unless some autists wants to make a private server, maybe within 5 years.
About a year
>no design contest once again
>roadmap for the next year is all recycled shit except for the final boss
It's over
mmmmmhmhmhm what shall I have for lunch today pso2g? some a5 wagyu mayhaps? Would some foie gras pair well with it?
Nice cope Globalkeks. One thing is for sure though, Global is getting axed first.
One thing is indeed for sure. I want to plap
It sucks. I've been waiting for an N release of an old outfit but Sega still hadn't gotten around to doing it. No modders are remaking any any of them either unless it's coomer tier outfits
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We're getting the hylow cast set finally, but where the FUCK is VOGULUS???!?
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>Entire modding scene is basically on Patreon now
Eternal Christmas part Deux, Soon®
next pyc should be post your character without shaders
if i wanted to read EoS doomposting i'd go on reddit
reddit is dead lil bro literally less than 10 ppl there
which pso2gs are confirmed women?
wanna make it hard together and rub it
the best doomposting is on twitter
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kp fixed their shit so this is a non-issue
I just don't get why buttons bitched about Toblerone 24/7 in daicon because of the fat tub of lard cat girl, only to join Toblerone later and expect everyone to just be cool with him
post butt
He's a stupid angry ape, no use in trying to find logic to his actions.
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yes all the time
often I take pictures with my buttplug in!
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Can we have sex while your wife watches?
nice ass
i'm still laughing at these fags that spent years shitting on the story and now all of a sudden care about what's on the roadmap, concern trolling at it's finest
>if you dont like the story you can't criticize the roadmap
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did we soared?
We did for a slight moment...
we soar soon
yes, we soared to minheights, rest is blood and anal tears from the troonies
Why do people stop returning my lookbook likes...
either no lb, ugly, t1, they know ur an asshole
none of those are true
we're still friends, hang out and chat, they just stop returning them one day
Yes, soared as in parachuting.
>no lookbook
>everyone always sends kudos instead
Personally I see kudos as a sorta daily thing for fun, so when I skip over them it's whatever. It's mainly just a way for anons to tell each other they wanna plap, anyway.
Did they say anything about 10* units in the direct? The current SG scratch leads me to believe new units will be coming soon.
As slayer, I need to be pushing normal attack during a PA?
could i get your eyes sliders please, they look nice
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>T2/3 hitting on a smol T2
>We sleep
>T2 hitting on a smol T1
smol t1s are the gift that keeps on giving and I encourage all t1 males to go smol
Yes, skydiving without parachutes.
say anon, i hear you like em young
why is there nothing to do in this game compared to black desert online
>no LB
massive red flags
PSO2 needs its own simulated/divergent universe it's literally endless content
I don't like bdo because there is too much to do and things to do suck. the only thing was really fun was house taming and the fishing/sailing. everything else fucking sucked and took too long for any progress
>talks about small T1s
>posts a picture of a T2
>things to do suck
>nothing to do in bdo
>thousands of hours of content from pve to pvp, can even idle game
no damage numbers
no play
simple as
>game has like a trillion gameplay loops
>NGS's spagetti implodes at two
you can't compare BDO to other MMOs, it's not fair
The biggest thing I hate about NGS besides how awful the overall game mechanics are, is how discounted your character is from the world

If you log out in a combat zone it should log you back in where you last logged out, I hate how you magically get teleported to town everytime you log out or go do a quest everything still feels like shitty lazy lobbies like the older games and why actual real mmorpg players could never take PSO games serious, it's never been a mmorpg series and more of a lobby quick match game with really bad action combat.
good luck farming your mutant even for the 12309123th time, running in circles for 1 week for absolutely nothing, paywalled market anyway
no nigger this isnt an mmo
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Excellent idea anon.
it's literally never been an MMO why do you retards never understand.
anons that take their lookbooks down because they're dating someone are funny
>Having to pay irl money to use market in a vg in 2024
the fuck are you talking about? did you misread my post?
bros i got firefly and ruan mei i'm ready to take on the world
Who does that?

you are retarded, bdo been actually on the rising and will outlive ngs by probably another decade
Most of the stuff you can do in BDO is not fun, it's hilarious to see you guys try to brag about it. Yeah they should add the backpack loop in NGS so you can get better character stats. Who the fuck would want that trash. Of the hundreds of things you can do in BDO only like 10 of them are actually fun.
Yeah I'm mentally Ill
already 10 more than in your shitty 2021 game HAHAHAHA
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Nice. You're set for the foreseeable future.
I'm menhera and evil!
I'm pale as snow do not call me the N word

Because adverts called it a mmorpg and people calledit a mmorpg all the time
Last I heard about BDO, it's a game that encourages p2w and afk grinding. Sounds like the polar opposite of gaming.
lol does ngs have life skills? bdo is a real mmo.
the f2p in bdo is 99999999 times better than in the weabo ngs, yw
>weapon breaking
Yeah, no.
blade and soul is still better than whatever slop you're going to bring up next
Nah, you're thinking of old BDO. Modern age BDO is a completely different experience with optional P2W. In fact if you make a new account you're not even allowed to go to main servers. You have to be a F2W servers that leads you to graduation, and then you can go to a normal server. ]

Basically it's their version of PSO2's upcoming free level 87 event but with more benefits then just leveling.
>brings up irrelevant thing only retards risk nowaday
pathethic globaltard that doesnt touch the game

>male only
into the trash it goes
Any game with gear that breaks on enhancement, is a p2w game that will try to sell you insurance for it
>male only
>forgets there is 2 female versions already out
ok tranie
and the female versions are?
Sounds nice. However, I can't bother with GaaS and stick to single player for the majority of my gaming sessions. GaaS tend to try and fuck players over the majority of the time so I just rather not bother.
t. Someone that just fucks around in NGS from time to time
nta you clearly don't play BDO if you don't even know the two female versions of the trailer you posted to shit on BDO lmao
you are clearly the same person why would you even say "nta"
not really, get fucked nerd
>when samefagging goes wrong
caught that nigga in 4K

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