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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Quests, stats, shop

>AFK strat pastebin

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Crash the Party in Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Squad up for Fortnite Reload!

>Fortnite Festival Season 4 - METALLICA lights up Fortnite!

>Rocket Racing v29.40: Play Two New Epic-Made Tracks!

>Lego Fortnite v30.10 adds Cozy Mode and Expert Mode!

>v29.10 Apr 4 Hotfix Homebase Status Report – Survive the Horde!

>Connect Your Epic and LEGO Accounts, Get a Free Fortnite Outfit!

>Fortnite Crew June - Jing

Previous Thread:
>previous and dash
this one
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this is the thread
i will take previous and dash over
>thank le heckin bus driver!
>quirky and le funny edition!
any day of the week
and i was the one who argued with the guy about putting previous in it when i would make threads
fuck yourself
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I'm running out of scenarios can you guys stop making 5 different threads and bickering
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Persephone my beloved
Honestly, is it even worth getting to 200? 150 gives the best superstyle and no one ever gives a shit about them as a whole anyway.
You lost, faggot.
nobody cares faggot
>openly admits to spamming gay shit
nothing will happen tho
until he gets to this level, his one erotic gay post a thread is nothing compared to:
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>cute girl OP
This is the thread.
I hate waifufags, husbandofags, avatarfags, all the fags
Based Robert poster
grim innit?
don't hate yourself
Persephone's default is drastically better than the billie eilish alt
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>ywn have a sister like Helsie to do things for 24/7 while she nags and gets mad at you for nothing
consider resizing your femoral artery with a letter opener
>Four /fng/s up right now
Actual euthanasia is needed right now
Blame the dumbfuck who bakes at like 740 for no reason other than to spam his faggy titles and rush to post gay shit with the Metallica guy.
I told ya: Whenever a male skin (that isn't a meme skin) is the OP everyone freaks the fuck out
blame the thread for using the early made threads lmao
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I respect your opinion, and am happy that you’ll be getting her by the end of the week. For me, I perfect Stygian legacy
It was literally him necrobumping his own threads in hopes people would migrate. He kept it alive for 8 hours by himself while the janitoral staff did nothing.
I’ve never baked early though, I wait till around 748, make the post, and then when I go back it’s at 750 and I link it. The last thread made their thread and posted the link before we had even hit bump limit.
yeah i know which is why we need to be the ones moderating ourselves because the jannies do nothing
slit your wrists stop trying to defend yourself at every opportunity, i'd give up my fortnite account with chapter 1 og skins if it meant you died right now
seeing a normal picture of a guy and assuming it's gay says more about you tbdesu
>You lost
If I posted first you would've just schizo'd out and said this thread was made by me too. By the way I don't make any of the threads, I'm just an early bird
>I wait till around 748, make the post, and then when I go back it’s at 750 and I link it
that's literally early baking fucktard
you're supposed to make them at 750+ and page 5+ btw
read >>483449560
yea lol
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The 3 boss medallions, mainly Megalo Don and Mechanist, are quite powerful

But still manage to be way less annoying than Cerberus Dash somehow
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okay, keeping up the trend I did every featured song on lead today. it didn't go well at all! tomorrow is drums and I'm sure it will be worse :(
wish me luck.
it’s so fucking annoying when they do this

you are all cancer
that is early baking you retard holy fuck how new are you?
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oh god they put a sniper in? this season is over
>Completely ignores my claim for a "kys!" reply
Thanks for confirming I'm right
right about what? everyone else is calling you an early baking retard too lol
at least its not moddable like the reaper
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>he doesnt know
well I guess that’s my fault then, I apologize. I genuinely wasn’t trying to spam or anything, I’ve just been having a lot of fun this season compared to past ones and making the threads made me feel a little more involved. I’ll step back from making the OPs for a while
Thankfully Reload is here with giga chad hit scan guns that let you punish snipers
All threads baked before the current one auto-archives are early bakes
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i like this bread
>i apologize hehe i'll stop x3 im just a silly early baker hehe
kill yourself dude
>tfw actually able to compete against a sniper with an infantry rifle
Reloaded feels so good. Makes snipers feel extremely fair in comparison to standard BR.
i appreciated you making cute OPs, but it’s unironically toxic waifu spammers who don’t tolerate any OPs that doesn’t have what they want in it
nice try furtranny
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>unironically toxic waifu spammers
you're the problem
>I wasnt trying to spam guys im just the reason there are 4 fng threads up now and post seconds after we hit 750
lol fuck off m8
>guys in le heckin waifu tards who have a problem!
lol? these threads have remained unchanged and fine for the past like 3 years until this retarded started doing this shit
i am going to NTR Hades and get Persexphone preggers with my kids
always. them.
im a regular poster, im not a avatar
lmfao it's crazy how anons write this thinking anyone will believe it

blud has 2 charisma and thinks he has 10
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Good luck, bro. Drums are really challenging until you get the rhythm
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why doesn't the machinist get cute art with don? it's not fair
High T post
>lol? these threads have remained unchanged and fine for the past like 3 years until this retarded started doing this shit
unironically some kind of faggot invasion, /lgbt/ or /r9k/ somehow leaked into here en masse
guess im not allowed to be nice on the internet. no kindness or fun on fng btw
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it's the same autist posting on cooldown
Heres how the /fng/ meta works.
Post what I like? Based
Post what I dont like? You're one guy I hate
>make broad claim about a group of people
>they tell you to fuck off and it isnt only them
>wtf why are you guys being mean to me?
cry more kid
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how the fuck do i do the reboot rally quests?
i made an alt to play with myself did 3 daily quests and then quit to the lobby
i checked the reboot rally quests and i only have the mandatory 60 points they give you.
why did none of the daily quests i did count?
>i wuz trying to be nice but umm i was denigrating people i don't like
histrionic narcissism lol
I really wish they didn't give her an oversized shirt on both her outfits
actually quite true, between the amazing loot pool and the constant fights reload genuinely feels so refreshing

all we need now is duos/trios along with solos with a gulag system exclusive to it and the mode will be perfect
kill yourself faggot
i need reload solo
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thanks bro.
after finishing on drums tomorrow I'm thinking of doing this again but on expert
I will do significantly worse but I feel like there's a handful of people here will enjoy my inadequacy and it will help make them feel better about themselves
I'm not sure how much longer my psyche can handle not being able to combo 2 notes for 15 seconds straight though
you need to queue up with the alt in your lobby (the alt can leave the game on spawn island)
She deserves to be brutally raped by Don and I mean this in the most loving possible
Your alt is in the loading island with you? Because that is the only way daily quests will count.
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the new heavy sniper is fucking filthy. a one shot kill on headshot or following up a bodyshot with the DMR is crazy good
>*loving way possible
Whoops :l
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thanks I guess, I tried to do OP pics of skins that don’t get enough attention, like I did Gumbo, Peabody, etc but I wasn’t against waifus either, I literally used this OP pic a few thread ago because someone wanted Persephone
Yeah, I’m not proud of the 4 threads. That’s why I just wanted to move into the rust thread to prevent a 3rd one but then someone said we should reward the necrobumpers so I created the fallout one. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done that and I apologize. Like I said, I’m just gonna avoid making the OP and just be in the thread for a while.
Bass and Vocals are fairly easy even on Expert

Don't feel bad about drums and lead though. Those are pretty intense
>between the amazing loot pool and the constant fights reload genuinely feels so refreshing
too bad it's full of no fun sweats
you can barely play the mode without sweats ruining all the fucking fun like fucking assholes
i just want to have fun and win but you can smell the sweats through the screen.
>amazing loot pool
the big problem with reload is that you can drop on the outskirts and have the perfect inventory and no reason to fight almost immediately
I though machinist was getting PEA'D every day
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Interesting choices
not my machinist
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that's what i'm doing, i literally join my alt's lobby then have my alt quit the game as soon as we land
and yes my alt has the little reboot rally icon by their name
>I’m just gonna avoid making the OP and just be in the thread for a while.
literally no one cares what you do

if you killed yourself right now no one would notice you were gone except maybe people being happy they don't see as much spam about gay fortnite pairings lmao
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Duos and Solos is my biggest hope for the mode. I can only play a few Squad fill games before I stop because all of my team wants to land Tilted and die immediately
Your alt needs to join your main lobby, not the other way around.
have you tried the other way around (the alt in your lobby) that's what I did and it worked
it's a a sweatfest, and that's the best
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Now this? This is a pretty good feel.
Honestly don’t take posters here too seriously, they blow minor issues way out of proportion. You’re all good.
you're the same guy that helped me out when i was feeling bad right (wanda)
nigga you are being gangstalked!
I don’t know what you’re talking about No I’m not. Don’t speak of that guy around me.
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can we compromise?
what if you drew them eating garbage TV dinners filled with preservatives and drinking beers in their trailer home?
well my vocals and bass already struggle on hard... wont get any better on expert ahaha
>random capitalization
oh you're an esl trying to be happy cause he's unhappy
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>that pic
>poor white trash but happy
fuckin blessed m8
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Italian leather sneakers I could have just bought a cow. (HOLY SHIT)
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The 100 character preset limit is really getting to me holy shit there's like 5 skins this season I wanna make loadouts for
>what if you drew them eating garbage TV dinners filled with preservatives and drinking beers in their trailer home?
This is cute
How it feels to post against the waifuspammers
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pretty sure i tried it both ways, joined my alts lobby and had my alt join my lobby
i completed all the daily quests i had each match and when i went back to the lobby to check the progress it's still at 60 points with none of the quests counted as competed.
fuck i just want the man-o-war glider, i don't even care if i get the other shit
Go ahead and try it again, pal.
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>me on the right, Jonesy on the left except he's sucking on my beer bottle if you know what i mean.
you're being gangstalked by the waifuspammers!
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>Hope sells the new sniper too
my daily quests right now are reach top 10 and other annoying tedious shit
i don't have the energy anymore today just to possibly get nothing again
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how many rounds per mag
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hey im scarranon can i shit up your thread and get so fuckin angry over being told to fuck off that i lose feeling in my hands because of the adrenaline?
go for it dawg
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Persephone is so cute! But why is everyone using her alt style instead of her original style?
>I respect your opinion, and am happy that you’ll be getting her by the end of the week. For me, I perfect Stygian legacy
She's great.
What am I missing if I don't want to see gayspammers? This basically removed the entire thread so far but I feel like it could be improved.
how much is barbossa going to cost? my brother and his friend want me to get him so we can play trios as pirates
Like the Heavy Sniper.
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Debating on whether or not I want to further bloat my credit card debt with buying enough veebs to get Remi before he's gone tonight or, just wait it out again
I legit love Scarr so by all means do
Depends, if I’m guessing they’ll do it like they’ve been and it’ll be 2,000 for him, backbling, pickaxe
I think 1800.
the npc persephone on the mapnis using her green style so that's probably why
do you really want to wait another 200+ days again?
fags like to call everyone they don't like "spammers" and "waifuspammers" so make sure to add those
Is level 122 enough for all the V Bucks this season please?
Waifuspammer is a great idea thankss
>Filtering John Fortnite himself
Thats even gayer dude
he's not been relevant to the story in a real way for like 4 years and he's used as a mouthpiece by the faggotspammers
goddamn it, was hoping he'd be 1200 with just him
Jit trippin
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ai slop ahead
don't forget magneto or 'neto
basically any form of magneto
fags don't post that one
>no armpit hair
It might be. They might have him be 1200 and then 1800-2000 for his entire bundle. Nobody really knows. He is a cool skin though.
I’m using mystique’s ability on the NPC who is wearing the Stygian style. Not sure how the people on TikTok are making videos with her default style though
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the loads of sweats play into the whole constant engagement thing I was referring to mostly because they have no problem fighting you

personally speaking I would rather go against a lobby full of competent people willing to fight you than cowards that burn all of their shockwaves the moment a bullet gets shot their way
>no reason to fight almost immediately
the noticeably faster storm along with the smaller map size will force you into fights anyway

better to try and go for a squad wipe early on anyways so you don't have to worry about as many people respawning over and over later on
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He is literally relevant in the current chapters story lol
Anyways you are a mega faggot for that shit, but if you wanna make your life easier, put raiden on the filter too, wandafag spams him
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Obviously no but, I'm also on my poorfag "waiting on end of the month paycheck" bullshit
he's about as relevant as ronald mcdonald is to mcdonalds
It’s funny how just filtering Talent and Raiden will pretty much eliminate him
>like building
>no place to learn against other new/poor builders
This is Epic's greatest failure imo. They should have provided an LTM with strict matchmaking so players can get better at building without autistic solo practice
I've only seen that like once or twice

You're missing the bear and the tiger btw
are you retarded? he’s literally voicing the storyline quests with hope
I mean if he (or you) dont wanna put raiden in the filter, talent will do
True that lol
read what i just said

he's not relevant in a real way he's just there to be there

oscar posters seem to be normal like wendell ones plus i hate actual fags that post human fags way more
it's a shame that he goes away tomorrow or i would gift him to you
When will the shark skin drop? I've heard there is known date
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Good luck on that endeavor
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These are the dates we have right now, but not known for sure
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>how it feels to use zero filters and brute force my way through each thread's faggotry
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>even seeing him is triggering
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if you really like him enough and he's a favourite, you may as well get him
alternative is it eventually eating away at you because you didn't buy him when you could
>furries OK
>normals Bad

In that case you're missing Kyle and MrBeast(granted their names hardly show up and it's just images)
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Guys, quick question. If I buy a Harvester and use it in a Creative/UEFN map, can I still refund it without a Return Ticket? I want to see how it looks and on my character.
You are being as annoying as a gayspammer right about now
Jesus Christ dude, are you wanting to just see waifus or something? You’re gonna filter most of the thread
the way God intended
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Homophobic megalo don
i didn't say they're ok but i never see oscarfags spamming, i do see polar ones though so i'll add that
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>the thread is having another episode again. great.
why do they make them so fucking FLAT everywhere?????
at least if you gonna make a femboy capitalize more on that...

>all the undercover summer skins
>except brutus and jules
Fuck ebig
You think everytime she launches the game she melts down
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I've never really grasped the concept of using filters. I simply scroll past anything that doesn't catch my interest and read the thread as it is.
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Entering any mode after buying something forces you to use a return ticket after you come back to the lobby. I'm assuming by your pic you wanna get something from Remi's set for Lennox?
>nooo stop filtering me you have to see me and be around me
go to a parade or something lol
Teaword freakin’nite j*nesy r0bert zaddy fvrgod f****x m*galo PEAword jlt trlppln’ kn*t ‘alent Dlre gr*m m*gneto ‘eato k*le mrbreast
>Gay Nitro
Slap juice essentially
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>people actually celebrating hades (who fortnite made black) fucking an underage white girl with fanart
fags really think nobody is getting tired of them
added them all with wildcards thanks
This is great.
What male skins do you like, genuine question
TF2 has this https://loadout.tf/ for testing any combination of cosmetics on any class and even viewing taunts (emotes). Does fortnite not have an equivalent so people can see how backblings, contrails, emotes, harvesters, etc look? I feel like that kinda tool is way overdue for a game like fortnite
I'd have to look but Havoc and Raptor are fine for starters
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somehow it tripped my filter anyways lel
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>But why is everyone using her alt style instead of her original style?
Because they are using Mystique to steal the body of the NPC, which is green

I also prefer the purple default style
No, just posting a cute Fortgirl. I want to get Halley's katana for Tsuki while I wait for the Tech Future pack to come back. It's a great sword, but doesn't really fit her metallic color scheme she has going on.
fortnite.gg is the closest thing but you can't see combinations, i am unaware if there's a better page out there
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How can he be homophobic if he loves getting his ass loosened?
damn i didnt know that nigga rolled like that
Does this gold wrap instantly makes all your weapons gold or do you need retarded 3 eliminations rule like it was with Ascended midas wrap?
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I appreciate the sentiment truly thank you
It'd only be another $10 + tax so I think I'll just go ahead and do it
yes yes yes yes yes yes
>the replies
I find it weird how "gooner" is a thing normalfags know about now, porn addiction truly is the great filter lmao
very sad. The only roadblock to such a tool would be copyright infringements for emotes with music, but it'd still be more than handy to just see how an emote's animation looks with a character. I'm honestly shocked that nobody has done it yet.
anon's getting his rtl now i guess, gonna have to buy more vbucks since i spent them all kek
>nobuilds crying their game is better
>reload comes out
>zero build meta is portabunker cuck boxes
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You aight
I got him today, but ik he is generally a 30 day rotation shop skin, so you'll prolly be lucky by the end of July
I have good taste I just don't want to see faggot shit
where is it confirmed he’s black?
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You need 3 eliminations if you're not using Midas
But it's the best gold wrap https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nM-3atkfnfA
portabunker is way better than regular buildspamming, people actually are forced to use it as a fort
4chan is no longer the isolated part of the Internet. Everything is interconnected because there are a lot of cross-siters nowadays compared to even ten years ago. Normalfags know gooner from TikTok and Twitter.
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>• July 19th (Fortnite x Pirates of the Caribbean Event)
>• Duration is 1 Minute (can exit) & Max Stack is 1
>• 50 Players Damage, 5000 to Builds & 150 to Vehicles
>• Does ongoing damage every impact/hit
>• Can be damaged (not 100% confirmed)

Get those umbrellas ready. It's going to be a monsoon of buildsissy tears.
Why doesn't Epic capitalize on the clear appeal of RTL?
they did, retard
think about how many people bought vbucks last night before the reset
Portabunker is what building should be, not cuckshed box building simulator
really makes you think...
>I'm on here
Oh. Now I feel bad
Noooooo my castle
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Ahh I see. Yeah I'd say hold, the purple doesn't match her outfit all that well. Depending on what season you started (and if you buy the battlepasses) you should theoretically have a good sword/katana for her. If not then yeah you'd have to wait. The Tech Future Pack might come back in October/Novemeber since they usually bring back packs at a discount around that time
it's okay beastybro we love you
Are you retarded? Bringing her back isn't capitalizing on her appeal. Making new skins with what makes her popular is. Which they have not done. Which is what I asked.
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nobody is buying the cope version of a shop skin
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>the mere sight of the most typical male skin is enough to send him running back into the closet
being this self-repressed must REALLY fucking suck
>Slow moving easy to see ship that destroys builds
>Compfags will still shit their pants at it and demand a nerf
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Okay so it's obvious I am replying to an unironic ESL. Gonna call it here, amigo.
He doesn’t deserve to look at Jonesy anyways
was high stakes club pack ever discounted? was thinking of getting it if it comes back but the price is kinda steep considering i don't get any vbucks
never, but if you count the vpn method you could've bought it for like 4 dollars
>Very slow boat coming at me
>Should I get out of my box via slow side step and beam the guy on it very exposed?
>No I will send death threats to epic!
This mental illness should be studied and given a name
back in the first few seasons that's generally how people played. builds were either just a 1x1x1 with stairs in the middle or a taller 1x1 sniper tower
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Vinderanon, do you Jonesy's ambiguous daughter (my wife)
english is my only language you gadfly
the things that make her popular are
>her ass
>the face
ass is a universal thing that isn't exclusive to RTL. the only other thing that makes her popular is the face. making new skins with such a design would make it clear as day that it's a cope skin. KYS
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>raven team leader was on item shop yesterday
Is she still there? Or is she gone entirely now? If so, i'll buy Remi cuz i'm tired of holding vbucks. Btw, does anyone know a good app for wishlisting items and alerting when it comes on shop?
Yeah, the abomination building is now its not what Epic had in mind
I remember compies absolutely seething at the deku smash despite it being the easiest thing on the planet to avoid
*do you like
Im retarded, FUG!
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yeah u are lol
>Why does Epic do this Jewish thing?
FOMO. That's the answer. They want their most popular skins to stay "rare" and only be sold twice a year because of artificial rarity. The community does their job of hyping up good skins for them. They want the kiddies to ask their moms for V-Bucks because, who knows when RTL is going to come back next? It's Jewish and I hate it.
Wasn't Moon knight also supposed to stay up to 30th?
See >>483456996
A lot of items are easily counterable by just shooting the person before their thing goes off but of course buildtismos cant do that when locked inside their padded walls
there must have got a fuck ton of people asking about RTL because she's not the only skin that was affected but is the only one to get a post like this
damn i really wish i started playing early and knew about the vpn method.i'll just hope for a new joni release, thanks anon
They should have nipped this cancer in the bud immediately but they're literally the biggest fucking pussies on the planet and told the compfaggots to sit down, shut up, and quit acting like children. Epic's inability to stand up for themselves is what's caused this.

The Zeus lightning bolt was the exact same shit but they still got it nerfed into the ground.
Yeah, thanks for the tip. I started pretty late (Season OG) so I don't have a lot of stuff. I'm using Snake's knife for now which is OK. I'ln be patient and hold.
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I tried looking at pickaxes and think Silent Sting (Dynamic Hush's pickaxe) would work better for Tsuki
>Play ZERO BUILD tournament
>It has building in it
Epic is a mind-numbingly incompetent company.
Yes I do, I’m very into her style. I will be buying the high stakes club pack for her and Lucien when it comes back around.
They fucking swindled me. They played me like a damn fiddle
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I knew you were my goat
That looks great actually. Wishlisted. Thank you!
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latelets hate this season for missing Indy and Vader
>when it comes back around.
IFFF it comes back around
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Correct it's jewish, I hate it, but I hate myself even more for repeatedly literally buying into the practice
Whoever does these yakuza model swaps needs to make/post more of em
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>latelets hate this season for missing [DISNEY SLOP]
Yeah it will probably in November/ Oct.
if you meant evie and sabina then yes I hate that season because I missed it
I mean they’re both iconic movie characters that existed before Disney bought them.
I’ve never seen anyone cope for missing Indy or even use him for that matter.
Wouldnt they get more money if the skin was always there?
Their @ on twitter is adidaskote, they have made done a yakuza 4 fortnite mod and are making one for 5
Why are white bois so buck broken. Always thinking about coloed Men
Hades is not black, what?
oh boy its another "some guy pretends to be black to start a 90 post long flamewar with south americans" thread
Dumb brown esl trying to bring down white gods
Huh? I see Indy all the time
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why are you taking the bait
No. If all skins are available at all times they can’t trick you into buying something because they make you perceive as “rare”. If something is always available then it’s not rare and has less perceived value.
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>Treating headcanon as canon
>Talking about raceplay cuckshit
laugh at this retard
I was legitimately confused as i saw nothing implying Hades is black
I see
I mean, i would take this over forever locked BPs desu
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That's surprising. usually when stuff leaves due to their fuck ups they don't instantly come back.
Your mother is taking this brown dick
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No problemo. I love making combos
Yeah, my brown dick.
Preparing the masses for legacy passes
im a savage
Based 90% er
I'm so pissed that they said Fortnite Flow would last a week but removed it in one day, and now RTL is coming back but not Savage.
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>RTL comes back but the double agent pack still doesn't
This sucks boyo
I am glad RTL is coming back. Bought Black panther today and realized that RTL claws are perfect pickaxe for him.
I also wanted to buy Moon knight but hes gone already too.
>once again zbsissies attack buildbros out of nowhere
Absolutely unhinged
oh shut the fuck up already
They need that G Ö Ö N money
Who are you replying to?
hades is black?
Gay faggots
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I can only assume RTL made them some serious bucks for them to outright announce she's coming back again after their mistake.
It's because no one likes you faggots, lol
They legally can’t bring back battlepass skins.
This is only true up to some point. I think it's only CH1 skins.
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These threads sure are thirsty to (you)s today
what's stopping them from releasing the same skin with a different color anyways? i don't mean cope like the current summer midas one, i mean the original midas with a different suit color
what ai program can i use that does this?
They can do whatever they want because they own the rights to those older skins and because you signed the TOS you can't sue them, and even if you tried it'd get thrown out of the court room.
twittertards complaining
they legally cant stop me from gooning to remi
>this cope again
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dunno sorry. I saved it from twitter and the orignal tweet is deleted so I can't even find the account for you :(
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Why do they care so much about skins they've had archived since they first got them?
we need more of this
Why do you care so much about getting them?
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i knew it
Because i want to use them?
Because they wasted hundreds if not thousands of hours for a modernday equivalent of horse armor dlc
While the normies were out partying irl, having premarital sex, they were inside studying the battlepass. Now in our time of FOMO we come to them and they just laugh in archived skin
>tfw anons beg for the approval of avatarfags and ask them if they like their skins
Saddest general?
Then why didn’t you play then?
>Tfw epic fucks with you heavy
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they have no values outside of vapid materialism due to being raised by single mothers
>But why is everyone using her alt style instead of her original style?
Bill eyelash cope
We’re in a fortnite general talking to each other. That’s what you do.
In that case

I like all your skins, anons. If you like them then that's all the reason in the world needed to make them great skins
Because build mode sucks?
>Saddest general?
not even close LOL
You latelets will understand in a few years when people are saying they wish they had your skins. It’s a feeling I can’t describe with mere words.
cultural appropriation
Sounds like you suck
beastybro you're gonna make me cry
a lot of them probably think they can sell their accounts in the future
>people aren’t giving me (You)s so im going to complain about other anons talking
saddest poster desu
im og since chapter 1 and i want people to have skins
i wish i could trade skins
why tho
I crave Malico on a carnal level
jokes stale lil bro
wanda nobody loves you however
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how would you feel about a Rupaul icon skin for rainbow royale?
because i have sex
They should just make their own drag skin and call it "Vicky Royale" or something
>vicky royale
Kek, I would like this
We should get a drag show royal LTM
No, we shouldn’t. LGBTQ+ is mental illness and does not need to be introduced to children.
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what does this even mean?
double sloppy
How the fuck did someone call the Veganaboys getting added the other day, is there a Harmonix employee shitposting here?
It’s a retarded joke
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I've tried that new wojack meme generator ai for 'fortnite player'.
This was the result
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I thought it was going to be a fucking junk rift item with the boat what do you MEAN is a fucking vehicle??? holy shit this thing is getting nerfed within like an hour of launch
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unfliter freakynite. NOW!
can someone explain freaky nite to me
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Actually you sign away your argument to sue Epic once you create an account. Epic hasn’t done Legacy Pass yet because they fear the blacklash from OG players but will eventually do it once new players outnumber the cries from the OG playerbase. It’s only a matter of time.
can you match my freak?
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>game lets you summon a fucking Pirates of the Carribean ship and crash it into people
>this is going to upset the "pro" community becauses MUH LOW SKILL ITEMS MUH CORE GAMEPLAY
Just don't fucking add it to build, please god.
I dont like using filters because it feels im missing out on a possible good post
What are the best Jonesy skins i can still get through the shop?
Cuff Em All 1989
Was it a good post? >>483466830
Me too, playing squads with friends is a blast but I don't love playing with randos. How would the reload mechanic work in solos? Would you have a set number of revives before permadeath?
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I want to have SEX as RTL!
The original is all you need
>How would the reload mechanic work in solos?
The same way it works in CoD, duh. Maybe add a Gulag
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Surely you will buy RTL now that they "extended" her stay.
No. I don't want her.
it say's cliff 'em all, a tribute to Cliff Burton, Metallica's late bassist
Mental illness skin. Pass.
I will check out how her claws look on Black panther. If its good I am buying it for them and archive RTL.
I think I might. tbdesu.
i am also going to make futa porn of her in blender
Can you even get freaky, bro?
im in my zone
anyone who wants her that hasn't bought her yet knowing epic's BS doesn't fucking deserve her, honestly. I hope they wait on her for another full week and epic vaults her for a fucking year right afterwards
Only if we get trixie and katya too
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>a year
doo doo da da da da dee dee
Major Lazer?
>trying to focus in festival
>camera keeps zooming in on the erisa vocalist's butt
also fuck arrow notes
If I switch to DirectX 12, do I have to wait for shaders to compile?
why do you always spam that shitty skin here
yes, sometimes your game will even look blocky and have missing textures while it compiles
let people enjoy stuff
I didn't post anything, I was already on Fortnite.gg and decided to take a look at what that anon was referring to.
I joined at the very end of this season and the only thing I feel FOMO for is the Vader walk
>If I switch to DirectX 12
Rainbow Royale's a gay thing?
I never wanted her. She's not a bad skin. Just not interested in her.
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fuck you
yeah just load into a game and afk, usually all it takes
runs better
What’s the appeal of this? Just looks like a mishmash of random shit that doesn’t work or look good together.
>try to focus
>game zooms in on Ruby's ass while it looks like she's throwing it back
my own fault for playing as her but I love her too much not to
Festival backstage should have a skin changer cabin

I dont want to play female vocals with a male skin and vice versa
it looks rad as hell to me which is all that matters
The same could be said about many fortnite skins.
Certainly an interesting Mythic

50 DMG/tick to players
150 to cards
5000 to builds
can you throw a shield bubble down in the crow's nest?
imprison all groids
feels like kingdom hearts 3. Can't wait for them to disable it due to glitches.
it's going to be so fucking funny seeing people call for a nerf when you can just shoot at the player on top of it (unless it's unfinished)
Probably cars
why was he late?
imagine popping this shit out inside a building lol
>the Jack Running emote doesn't play this
why bother
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>Jar of Dirt emote has a heartbeat sound effect when the character listens to it
>Jack never actually had both the heart and the jar, Norrington took the heart when he noticed the loose sand in the boat
wow just like the first scene

which i find very inspiring for some reason, dont know why.
rtl is my favorite skin. her facial animations are so cute and her design is really cool. gameplaywise i really love reload it's so much fun but i still haven't managed to get a win. regular br is pretty fun as well but i really don't like that they brought back the sniper rifle. kinda lame to have a one shot gun you can't really fight back against if they ambush you
didn't stick the landing from the battlebus
>two gatekeepers
>two snipers
am I a terrorist?
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>5000 to builds
Buildies rn
good luck having enough ammo
you just know the first update after this get added will have something like
>mythic ship: reduced damage to builds from 5000 to 50
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ZBchads, we ride to build mode at dawn
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you know you can swap instruments between songs right?
>doesn't play this
nah, i'll just sneak up on you and melt you with a blue pistol
I don't use both snipers often, usually only in sniper battles or ranged fights where I can't easily disengage. fire one to bait them out of cover since they think I have to reload and only then do I use the second one
I wonder if you can hop on with your squad? Maybe shoot off of it?
>Sminem shop tonight
>but the last update removed Rape Boy
it got more than the fallout collab but it seems like epic gave just as little of a shit about it. crazy they seem to put more love and care into the marvel slop than anything else, including other disney shit. literally all the fucking faggots running this game seem to care about. well, that and faggot e-celebs nobodies ever heard of.
he will be there alongside a new em skin. trust the plan
They half-assed Guardians of the Galaxy twice now, so Marvel isn't above it.
>Dance-Off emote doesn't play Ooh Child by The Five Stairsteps
>the baby Groot dance emote doesn't play ABC by The Jackson 5
isnt there a sweat trophy emote that plays oh child?
does crouch walking appear on the sound visualizer?
whacha knowa bout rollin down in the deep
that seems like more of a rights issue than just not knowing shit about the source material
I believe not
no. but if they're listening extra hard they can hear shuffling
hilarious how that song turns into a christian rap whining about "thots" halfway through
>ship bounces off builds like cars do
>Rap boy isn't even in the fucking game files
Genuinely what is wrong with this company
>add a wrap to human bill's bundle, forget to actually put it in the fucking game, need to pull his shop tab
>now after accidentally removing rap boy from the files they're putting all the shit back into the shop anyways
how fucking retarded can they get
dont forget them fucking up all the shop timers
well deserved vacation btw!
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shop timers are a meme and only exist because of the Dutch anyway
>you get to add ONE eminem song to festival
what are you picking, bros?

hard mode: no Lose Yourself
that's not hard at all
Got a nice win in Reload. We had a rare fort battle where my team and two others actually made forts and took pot shots at each other. It was great. I really like Reload, except for all the high-bloom weapons. After getting used to guns with sights with zero bloom, using the M16 AR is a pain.
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>200 for sparkplug cause I already owned stuff
don't mind if I do

can't narrow it down
The Real Slim Shady, My Name Is, Houdini, Just Lose It, Rap God, Berzerk, Not Afraid. So many good songs to add.
hope that they fix that bug for Rap Boy soon, they should give us a style based on the Houdini video.
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Doesn't it say that skins won't be "earnable" after the end of the season? When you buy the season pass you "earn" the skins by leveling up. Sounds like a loophole for selling them. If that's the wording it makes legacy passes less likely. If anything they'd throw the skins in the shop for 2k vbucks each.
I think they should make reload permanent
make maps based on the other chapters (maybe more than one per chapter based on specific seasons)
have a map rotation
in order of what I'd want the most:
Deja Vu
The Sauce
White America
Groundhog Day
97' Bonnie and Clyde (as if lol)
The Way I Am
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>/fng/ on Thursday
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what's he doing here?
I'd love that, but I don't know how bad the playerbase would be fragmented. As long as Reload takes away from Creative rather than BR/ZB, I'm all for it.
i don’t get the jœk :(
I love these commercials.
the gif is taken from an old six flags commercial, the song that was used for it is getting added to festival
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kinda feels like deja vu
I wanna get away from this place, I do
but I can't and I won't say I try
cuz I know thats a lie
cuz I dont, and why? I just dont knooooow
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I got to Elite in Rocket Racing and can fully confirm this now: It sucks lol
>due to an "issue" with shop timers we're going to bring RTL back in 3 days
why though people had 2 entire days to get her
I don't get it why not just build a staircase to get away instead of boxing himself in at the same ground level as the Vehicle in addition to being vulnerable by taking a potion AND not being able to see outside his box?
>fully confirm this now
It always has
why the fuck do last season's mythics still exist? why the fuck does OSCAR'S mythic still fucking exist?
because their brains are hardwired to do boxes after all these years of training 1v1 box maps
Because he's not a coward fraud like the rest of the society
Katalina tonight.
sex with YOU
I don't want to.
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built for me
why do you think tonight?
they need to distract people from Gooner Team Leader being gone with another gooner skin
yeah this ugly flat bitch really replaces a skin with ass and at least a hint of titty
what's up with so many skins having cat tattoos/motif
Everyone likes cats and thinks they’re funni
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underrated icon skins?
white south american pussy...
>cool cybernetic gladiator concept ruined by mahomo's shitty baseline techwear shit
the only decent one is the trenchcoat version of that one singer that has the skeleton face, although it sucks that you can't have the cowboy hat and the skull face on at the same time
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>of all the JT songs they could add they add the one for a Trolls movie
>not Cry Me A River
>or Rock Your Body
>or SexyBack
or What Goes Around Comes Around
>or Suit & Tie
>or Mirrors
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All belong to Meowscles harem
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Might be the 3rd Jam Track I'll ever buy.
shoutouts to simpleflips
BR win! Just goes to show how important positioning is, I guess.
Man, fuck compfags for complaining about the Boom Bolt. It does zero damage to builds.
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I know we like to hate on Icons but this is a pretty cool skin
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I hate tech wear so much, Epics obsession with it needs to be stopped
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Only for this style
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Maybes it's just me but Flakes Powered is pretty neat too
all the techwear ninjas in the survey are driving me insane. I fucking hate it so much
I did buy his emotes and lobby tracks. Don't cate for the skins themselves beyond the gunblade. Which I could honestly splurge for at this point since i'm sitting on 11000 vbucks
I'm sick of everyone wearing sneakers
I just looked up who this Kid Laroi is and i cant believe how many famous songs he has and i never noticed. I thought it was a complete random like J Balvin
For some reason I didn't think crowns would carry over to reload, promptly wasted it on a retarded team lol
They're good for sneaking
Godzilla, obviously
Oh I have no fucking clue who he is. I just liked the emotes and the songs were unexpectedly nice to listen to.
>win game of reload
>only 30k XP
i thought this was supposed to give you crazy xp
so assuming steve comes in 13, if I grab the crew at that date it won't reach up to the next BP?
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I listen to him like every morning going to work and never noticed. I thought it was Justin Bieber
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they're finally adding him?
this season ends on august 16th so no.
that would be too based
robin too pls
hes the only good character of stranger things
him and the racist brother of the ginger who died
cant believe he was 30 playing a teenager
when the show started he was 24 playing an 18 year old, so not that far off
sucker is about drugs right? everyone keeps saying its a love song but there zero fucking chance this song isn't about drugs
who cares
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Couch Potato
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Alright, anything else before I queue for Ranked Zero Buid (I'm Unreal)
I mean, I like the song. I just feel like a lot of people are overlooking the lyrics
I mean, art is in the eye of the beholder and all.
nah shes cute and ur dumb
is the marvel season really gonna be half marvel half samurai concept skins from the recent survey
ahh fug, hope the date is tentatitve then
Those are for chapter 6, not this chapter
You can interpret it that way but it's most likely intended to be about a lady
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trying to broaden my horizons a tad

which skins here do I swap out and for what instead?
"ugly flat" for that guy who keeps baiting
"shark" and "steve"
make sure to filter image MD5s
thanks i couldn't remember the shark's name
what ugly flat guy?
ErisaGODS, her cope's quest pack got updated, she is coming back to the shop soon
this guy >>483476654
thanks added him too
np make sure to keep an eye out for more
Man shut the fuck up who cares. Figure out your filter on your own or, now i usually am not the one to say this, but unironically go to Reddit if you don’t want the 4chan in your fortnite spaghetti
Keep Valeria. That is all
bottom left with mizuki
cute hag
what the fuck is techwear
ah damn, that's a shame. thanks anon
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Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Dot, fuck 'em up
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when is she getting in, broskis?
it should have been her instead of saeko
really modern streetwear with a bunch of pointless straps and shit on it like they're cosplaying a fucking final fantasy character
based as FUCK fellow weird al enjoyer
we need at least one al song
they need to add all songs he's parodied to the radio and then one day swap them all over to the parodies and don't ever comment on it
>big shoes
lmao that anon was right
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Wheelchair anon here! This is my dub for day 4 of my dub a day challenge. Share your dubs anons! :]
>all those filters
might as well add /fng/ - Fortnite General
i liked saeko but ended up skipping her so i can double dip bps and it worked out since i think persephone is much cooler
filters have made this website usable for years
all that but didn’t add furry or furries
oh true i forgot
needs legacy
mizuki is actually pretty good won't lie

not sure I wanna swap out siren for her tho...
at this point the only females to look forward to are collabs because they'll at least look different.
although elizabeth is kind of poking holes in that sail what with not having her dresses or a pirate queen style, and just looking like a particularly effeminate cabin boy
>I want to come to fortnite gen and the only posts I want to see are complaining about snipers
Why jonsy?
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because he questions his sexuality every time he sees him (as he should)
because the only people that post him are fags
Remove Siren
Filterfag lacks soul
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off model
I can't think of the last jonesy post that wasn't either gay as hell or a unfunny jungle fever joke
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>last week Hope had headaches when handling the gem
>this week she's getting schizo hallucinations
Oh boy.
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I post him and im not a fag
The only filter there that makes sense is ''tranime''
better than what i've filtered
Hope really grew on me, she was super annoying at first but I love her hat style

>turn it off for a second
>some faggot posting men crying that he's being ignored and that he "isn't" a fag
It likely is permanent
why would anyone want to filter joni
show em I need inspo
I'm going to impregnate this anon's wife
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remi lobby sightings up 1,000%
one remillion music fiend bundles sold and counting
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>muh fags muh fags
The ledditors who were shitting on Persephone and people like (you) are all the same
Fuck wandafag, fuck adrianno, fuck genshitter and the other annoying faggots here
Jonesy is the goat
Breed cute women
That's all
forgot about her i'll fix it
soon, we will be hopeless
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fine, only because mizuki is really good...
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>Hope really grew on me
>I love her hat style
Same. What turned me into a Hopefag is the Hopimals meme.
get a Charlotte in there dawg...
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one of these days it's actually going to work
Yeah same lol
they look like they're trying to start shit with me
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and nothing keep going
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Glad I got him
may Remi get 100000000 gazillion billion remixes for OG 3 (or sooner than that)
holy shit they need to disable reboots from reload like 10 minutes earlier,
fight at tilted lasted 70% of the match and we died after killing the same people 8 times over because they kept widdling our health away and respawning
uhh I came back c3s1...
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i got too many bro, i just recommend filtering them as you go, eventually you get about 300 posts filtered
i recommend filtering "old men" and "assless"
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To be frank I don't support your excessive and somewhat unwarranted use of filtered but I'm glad you enjoy the hopimal webms I convert. I am not a petty or malevolent individual. Here's a fresh one.
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add "brat" and "pword"
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reminder you can set up a button for quick md5 filtering
I'd buy a remi variant done up like the crew lexa and orin in a heartbeat
cry nigger
Kino Taste bro
baby is angwy i filtered your ugly gay spam?
I like those posters
based how
This season needs a top gear collab
forgive me...

rest assured though I have every bp c3s1 onward maxed out
will be useful for filtering fotm like oscar and steve
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yeah i have it
god knows i'm using it on the fags
WHAT DO YOU MEAN HELSIE IS AN EXPY OF VAN HELSING?????????????????????????????????????????????????
what's an expy
>filters schizos and fags
>I like those posters
I get brats, but huh
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add %f to that text box
Hammond you bloody idiot you queued us into Zero Build
people that post Joni and Lexa and Helsie say "pword" I don't wanna miss any cute pics
what’s md5
Jonathan Harker = Joni The Red
Lucy Westenra = Lucien West
Van Helsing = Helsie
Countess Daraku = Dracula
minors shouldn't be on 4chan
>lucy westenra
>lucien west
not to be mean you'd have to fucking retarded to not have picked up on any of this
cute newfriend
its the image id
I'm not the filterfag but thanks for the Hopimal webms.
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>locker still not fixed
>visualizer still not modified/removed/nerfed
it's over actually
I love Helsie actually
>name is helsie
>literally a vampire hunter
if you didn't figure that out from the get go you're a legit retard
there's nothing wrong with the visualizer. don't use it if you don't like it or learn how to crouch walk
you can tell when people use it because if you crouch behind them you're basically invisible
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>visualizer still not modified/removed/nerfed
why is joni busting the largest nut of her life inside of helsie unprotected
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rio is so cute bros
the funniest part of visualizer is how its fucking awful for its actual 'intended' purpose. plenty of shit thats loud as fuck just doesn't show up, like when they had air ducts that made loud banging noises when you walked through them that jut didn't show on it.
things a piece of shit but epic can't remove it because then they get hit with a thousand clickbait articles about 'awful company removes disability option, tells the deaf to go fuck themselves'
>im deaf but umm i need sound enabled ok????????????????

literally everyone who is against this says "errmmm im not fully deaf just a little"

fucking rats
Exported character.
you say that as if someone not using the visualizer is gonna know
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so what wrap/glider do you use with her?
>My filters I need my filters ooouughhh!!!
Nice safespace
crouchwalking has audio but visualizerfags are literal slaves to the little icons
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It's not enough that I can emote on someone that chased me down, I want them to die in real life and never be able to interact with anyone ever again.
the same shit I use on every character because they fucked up presets for wraps
>use tac shotgun
>deal 20 dmg point blank
>get shot with pump shotgun
>get one-shot at full shield and health
the authentic chapter 1 experience where the game sucked ASS
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nice try buddy but she's infertile from all the nitro
I don't use them myself but you can't get mad at people using an option. Like building vs no build
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the furry umbrella
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it keeps getting more and more comf
for glider I just use that shit from the ariana event, the chrome style goes fine with the purple style.
wrap I barely even care about since the lockers fucked. I just go to the first purple one I see and apply all on it
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Hide and seek sucks.
the audio can be heard regardless of whether or not you use the visualizer, I don't really see your point
like 80% of people don't even use the visualizer for close range sounds, but mostly as a long range radar since the range is stupidly large for gunshots
how good are you at the game? how much br do you play?
now these are good filters

no one will ever say either of these in a positive manner, only shittalk
>they fucked up presets for wraps
I hope they bring back the old system of having the character, wrap, and maybe car all in one saved loadout, along with more save slots.
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I really don't care about this fortnite season. I think I will drop it for multiversus. I only have 11 levels left reach level 100
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The Hades wrap is literally perfect for her. Glider I just use the Storm King one.

Purple > Pink
>grow an appreciation for women ABS
>skins with them have some kind of issue that detract enough to not even want to use them for ABS
god damn it ringmaster, god damn it
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>try to play festival
>can't hear song selection
>ready up
>disconnected because media streaming error
going to blow my brains out
emotes maybe I can get being separate but fucking wraps??? who doesn't set their wrap to match the skin?
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>tfw RTL gives You the :3 look
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>hiding in ranked to grind circles for the pickaxe skin
>hide in a tree
>anonymous gimp suit snipes with me and proceeds to drop 9 different emotes while I'm in queue for next
>he's gold 2
people take this shit pretty seriously huh?
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persepho my beloved...
lel sucks to be you
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anon he doesn’t play the game and the little he does he sucks at it
did u like hyper freeze tag...
perse's mom
man they're really going far to set up this south park collab
you guys use wraps? I used to, but after the locker update I stopped caring as much
epic i swear to god, dont turn hope into a monster
he kissed that belly for thousands of years
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It was better than the tag mode with 35k people it right now but not really...I don't know if I found the room for it but there were only like 30 people playing.
how do you aim the guitar it never seems to go anywhere i want
I just use the same one all the time
I just have everything on shuffle
I only play Toga and RTL so I just remember to swap.
I just threw on a decent all-purpose wrap and stopped caring
Trade out bottom right for Sabina
lucky guy...
>hyper freeze tag
actual shit tier maps lmao
I set all my wraps to random after presets were ruined.
it really only gets players on the weekend sadly, especially now with reload taking away the regulars. the gameplay is fun but the problem is that the creator doesn't make any new maps
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Which way, western(eastern) man?
i'm a man so the right? don't know why the left is an option
>gay old jew
>girl so flat she looks like a ladyboy
uhhh neither
obviously right
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I hate how so much art of wendell act like he's some sort of brainless dumbass who shipped with oscar. Dudes's a mountaineer. Draw him mountaineering, hiking, climbing mountains or something for once. this is not me hating on furries
because you have redditors here saying she isn't hot here
Hnnnnn….. must…. have… him…
>I'm not hating on furries I just hate the way furries act
these characters literally exist only for porn in these "people's" minds.
So glad we didn't get a dr disrespect collab lmfao
what was persephones survey skin art
it would've been funny though
south park?
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Festival when
>Herschel Beahm IV
hey bros ive been away for a while, do you think RTL will be in the shop today finally?
I don't want either.
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I only have one pic of her loadout during OG.
I haven't changed it except her emotes.
It’s actually kind of funny how badly Epic fucked up the mythology season when that had been one of the most requested themes for a long time.
I mean I can't really complain since I lack the skins to draw something like that myself. People can draw whatever they want. Mainly venting out a minor frustration.
but enough about waifuspammers
based doc
nearly all fortnite skins have 0 personality and serve only as a fucking cosmetic to wear so it goes both ways, retard
The left, only 3rd worlders pick right
I mean Helsie’s only personality trait is boba according to the game
I won't defend myself because that game is really fucking gay. but it's the kind of gay that i like. at least multifaggots doesn't change it core gameplay every season so i won't end up in a shitty season.
this season started good but turned into shit pretty quickly. hope the pirates of caribbeans mythics make it a little better
i will probably come back for the capeshit season
that was before it even got announced doe
bro.... she was there yesterday lol
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let me guess, you need more?
Good thing I use STW chad skins
you're fucking lying
was she really?
she will be here in 2 days calm down
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>waifufags got tired of machinist and now they're latching onto persphone or wathever her name is
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I blame Festival for me knowing how just the drums sound
check the dates babe
I get what you’re saying, but don’t think that Wendell being an airhead and being an outdoors-y guy is mutually exclusive.
I'm completely convinced these people are actual shills planted by epic to trick retards into buying these shitty skins
i changed this one for the fallotu warp but i always forget that i have it. i should switch it back
epic fucked up the date she was supposed to leave so she will come back very soon
Yes, she was literally there lol
she will back on the 27th according to Epic doe
keep trying to push the psyop, you're not fitting in
>friendly fire: ON
no but really they might be paid shills
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Cute :3
i want her too, but i am not gonna obsses over her.
i will keep loyal to my slurptene
yeah there are a couple unironic shills that try to hype the shittiest skins
but persexphone is the best skin to come out since like helsie
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>not buying the BP for the free vbucks (everything else is a bonus)
>not buying Crew to double dip this and the next season BP
>hitting the daily exp limit in StW
how bored do you have to be to actually do that
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why do you conveniently ignore all the machinist posts over the past 3 days?
>t. shill
it's a falseflag bro just filter it
at least machinist made sense. she was a cool skin that everyone wanted. this bitch was also liked bu no one was obssesed about here before she got leaked
if fartgay really want the coomer audience then they should just make their bitches hotter
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>tv show version
booooo. I'd rather play as the gigachad from the comics.
i will main persephone for at least a month
>[ugly flat goblin] is the best skin since [ugly flat goblin]!
I only like good skins (add hush, leelah, remiperse and midas (any) there too)
i don't browse /fng/ everyday. you think i am a loser? lol
well yeah i am
>but don’t think that Wendell being an airhead and being an outdoors-y guy is mutually exclusive.
The annoying pair is that people only ever focus on the former and amplify it constantly. Plus walnut almost never gets any attention.
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I don't play stw a lot, but when i do i try to progress my challenges
You're confusing yourself. I dislike the Machinist but I like Persephone. I'm excited to get my hands on her.
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what do you like then
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>blackbeard will meet his death within a FORTNITE™
wtf how long have they been planning the pirates collab
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>forgot pic
silly me
i only buy male anthro characters
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this thread politicking is simply all too much for me
I just like to post the machinist. sometimes I'll post some hopimal webms when I see nice hopimal videos on twitter. sometimes I offer to buy skins for people. sometimes I talk a out fishing and sometimes I talk about my bad habits.
I am many things but Im not disloyal or a liar. Sometimes I post about festival and how I am at it. But for the most part I just wanna post my wife for pete's sake
both version looks cool. but the comic look slightly cooler.
that said, the comic one looks even a bigger cuck for keeping the rape baby (but i can kinda respect both parents for wanting to keep it). shame that the comics looks like all edge, no flavor and the tv show is just full of lefty gay shit, because the concept is really fucking cool and i like the cool of "group of dangerous nigga wearing leather"
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i rest my case
jonesy before and after egirl pussy
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that looks more like aidan gillen than karl urban
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I almost exclusively use rebel
this faggot isn't me btw, in case the furry shitpost wasn't a clear enough indication of a falseflag
Yeah but why would the fountain prevent the one-legged man from killing him? *ding*
>not disloyal or a liar.
the thing is, who gives a shit. literal psyop.
you're not superior for being "loyal" to a fortnite skin, just post what you like. there are a lot of cute skins in this game. i love the machinist pics.
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Consensus on the new emote /fng/?
We are getting blackbeard, but not that one ZEHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
added to the filter
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>literally just a supe in a trenchcoat instead of spandex
>original fortnite cosmetics at the top of the shop instead of constant collab shit
did hell freeze over? feels like it's been months since they've done this.
that's not new tho
oh don't misunderstand I sometimes post other skins. I just post my favorite the modt
Shouldn't you have dynamo dancer on there?
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Eminem's back, and I think some anons were looking forward for Splode
your loss
its been 500 days
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Somehow Rape Boy returned
that's a given
yeah it's just that people are like "wow ___posters like multiple skins" like of course they do, they have good taste
Not 100% sure but i think it's from his new song, Eminem only had the slim shady emote, if you don't count the mask up built-in emote
>Rainbow stuff infested with black and tranny shit
This shit might be free but I barely want to redeem it
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it's alright
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im kinda surprised there are no billards based skins yet, or even a fucking pool cue pickaxe?? this seems like a thing that should have been done by now
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thoughts on tarr users?
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>splode lego head is an 8 ball
Based. Tempted to get it just for that as probably the only lego player here
And why is gay faggot content always free in modern games lol it's as if it's being forced down players throats especially the vulnerable children in a game like this
>Hush letting you know that she's about to fuck you with her futa cock
>seasonlet doesn't know there was a literal 8-ball skin
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Damn. Houdini is a pretty good song, but the emote is mid.
>free fag shit
nah bro, you gotta pay me if you want me to take that shit
can i anal that thing
can i anal you
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They cool.
Personally, I love Ava!!!
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>gay shop
i sleep.
real shit
Friendly Reminder: You can use the gift function to find out who on your list has all the gay shit in his locker
I've always used Tie Dye set to black for everyone
changing the default skins look was so fucking retarded. why not keep it like season 1? or change it every season?
biz kinda cute
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Woah a bunch of cool rainbow stuff for free?
i forgot about scratch only because i only use his corrupted form, and only see others use corrupted or pure white scratch
i get it, im retarded, but i mean like an actuall billards skin. not a billards ball ninja, though knowing how fortnite does stuff now, nothing can be a basic skin
theres fucking tnt in the lego mode why did they censor a cartoon bomb
billiard man is infinitely cooler than legally distinct Whitty
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I've always used the actual black wrap that doesn't look like smeared shit
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wish she didnt come with the bpd mutt
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happy pride month Jonesysisters!
did they changed the slim shade skin?
based, another good thread
wait can i also force gift it to my friends?
they're like unicorns
but MVS is shit from the start
I mean I'd buy more female anthros if most of them weren't ass. Bryne, Meowskulls, and Katt are all I have and need for now.
Offensive and incorrect
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Yeah. People in /fng/ have already done so.
what is that skin? i look up tarr and nothing comes up, i look up ava and nothing comes up
i look up both ava and tarr and even less comes up
the fuck is this skin called?
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It's not that bad, I have it equipped right here and it just looks all black
Ava is the skin. Tarr is her second style
>Sexualizing Rebel
Kill yourself.
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i like the pride stuff. i wish they would release harmony lee, they already paid the guy for the skin and cut ties with him.
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>not using the rainbow emote to call ppl fags

None of it really fits RTL sadly :(
I'm gifting the gay shit to my friends because, well, it's free.
i also redeem all that shit because, again, it's free. i simply don't have to use it
i would have never guessed that in 40 billion years thanks
>Eminem and the LGBTQ+ shit
I grabbed that shit when fomo still rotted my brain
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>admitting to bug spreading
Miss me with that gay shit, homey.
the emote and the wrap are good though
>>not using the rainbow emote to call ppl fags
>not sucking the cock of your enemies just to call them gay
To be fair I never played CoD.
>>admitting to bug spreading
but anon, asians hate gay shit
Cutie patootie
At one point I was going to buy Drakon Steel Rider when he was supposed to still be in the shop and then it disappeared without warning, fucking Epic... I did get him eventually at a later date though but now they're swindling me again with RTL, fuckin' hell!

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