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Visual Novel General #6495

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>483346770
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kys, it hasn't even been 10 threads since the last shit pure gyaru edition
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a desk
Fuck you. We almost had a sweet release.
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Anyone have the edit of this saved where she's covered in cum?
What kind of donut is this?
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Multicoloured pubes
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And can you give me a qrd of Yu-No girls
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>actual quality CG
>animated falling snow
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now look at the feet
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I love traps the most!
he's a small guy
I love NTR the most!
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Feeling 65 right now
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It was a lame ending afterall.
The Asuna email erasure fakeout - I kinda wish she played some role, either by deleting them or actually sending a message in his stead Kinda lame that Shinobu held the phone all this time and it was her who patched this up, rather than either of them actually taking a step. Devalues the whole thing if Touko was fine with never meeting again even if it was her who rejected him. No mention of her holding onto the cigarette butt charm at the finale either
The 70% onwards felt more like a teaser for Asuna route with a lame finale. Aside from that it was fun, but maybe too reliant on being able to being able to relate and understand the MC/issue - likely filters most of the target audience - to be called good.
>title screen change
Kino. Shinobu next but likely tomorrow. I feel like I'll have to remove the shiro alb*m filters by the end of this. Grim.

kek Yeah its pasted. Coulda been worse
Did you see why it was important to do her route first...?
wait im actually not sure if the title changed or I just didnt look at it before. Whatever.

For the various foreshadowing? It was quite obviously meant as the opening route, the game and MC's feelings are a bit nonsensical at times otherwise.
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found it
It's more because as a heroine she sucks
Need a Karen wife ASAP
You can't say that...
She was fine..at first. Glad to learn the other heroines actually care though
>no multicoloured pubes
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I like upskirts.
For me, it's nip slips
Karen's good for a pump and dump. Especially if you're homeless
oh no this is an NTRge, I can't believe I've been fooled
rewritehobo won
owari da
oh kazuha, you rascal
Yeah I was extremely let down by Touko's route. I coped by thinking it would be more enjoyable if it wasn't read first, but I guess it is just too lacking on fundamental things, like many of the points you raised.
my poor buta heart...
Why? Because the muramasafag won't shut up about his cuck headcanon?
karen is a dirty, filthy whore who sleeps outside and sucks off homeless men for a cardboard box to stay the night in
Shite Album.
Wait... you just described Ichijou Ayane post Kageaki's death...
kill yourself diaper
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Finally got around to Midori's first h-scene
Surprisingly good.
>that vacant gaze
>light femdom
k i n o
nice hypotenuse
>heroine says she loves you
>then fucks someone else 5 hours later
I’d totally simp for Karen if she was a femboy
This. The world could always use another cute, feminine penis
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>having to reply to yourself because no one cares for your schizo headcanon
Kill yourself
But Karen is homeless
do you faggots like dick cheese that much?
Say no more!
The brunette’s expression always makes me smile when I see this image
Requesting trap Karen by AIsir
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Thanks. I almost went with two lightning bolts but I think this was for the best
Vaginas can get smegma too, so you should think before wanting a smelly girlfriend
I'm pretty sure that both of them are blondes
Requesting pictures of white women
Alice, Nuwa, Yoko, Tao, Naamah, Artemis, Mermaid routes
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based shameless fatman
JB route... what could have been...
>he was a quickshot and came before she did and ended it on that note
Nevermind, I take it back.
I hate people like this so much
hey look, one of those mosquito coil things
I named my MC Kei Fuji and it turned out to be mildly appropriate with how Yoko ended up being as a character
Need more dumb edgelord fedora tipper heroines
Kino scene
Literally me
Profound emoji capable of reaching your kokoro... If only sca-ji added a tune emoji at the end of "Live Happily" perhaps everyone owuld have understood it...
Fata Morgana
top three media
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finally a realistic moege protag, why do we hate yuumer again?
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We don't want realistic moege protags. I don't want to self-insert as myself
Maybe on a planet where 3 homos are talking about their favorite VNs
>implying any girl would ever like you
I already had that happen doe
Well, that's the worst part, they actually liked me, but I fucked everything up. Several times
One girl liked me in high school I was even more dense than moege protag.
I (kinda) know the feeling
I'm sorry for insulting you anon
This is a failed normalfag general bro, back at elementary i could walk at any girl i wanted and slap their asscheeks and they'd laugh it off.
What are some visual novels not just with sex, but about it?
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Based teacher-sama
never did
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What's this from?
ayo teach, this guary slapping she gyatt on my desk
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I'm thinking Juiceman won.
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My response:
She fucked the boy out of me
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>more sorting
What did the writer mean by this
Yeah, she's the only one I can really consider shit. Her design, her personality and her route became unbearable to me. She represents everything I hate about a character. The other routes explore the themes in more interesting ways
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You could fuck a loli when you were a little boy.
>play ge
>it's HFK
>*open window*
>*close window*
I feel sick
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Literally NRT
How many desks have been abused in eroge?
Is this proper master and servant behavior?
review is up
Would shoot through the door with a shotgun
Based nukiGOD
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
No rape enough i guess?
What's been going on with DMM lately, is it still a good place to buy vns
as long as you have an Amex, sure
>threats of violence
I liked her design and the personality surprisingly grew on me, before going nowhere.
I do look forward to the overall theme though. Kinda early to say but feels like it might have potential to lag behind maggot baits in terms of exploring something properly
I would need to get one, my credit score is pretty good
get the one with 6% back on groceries, it pays for itself.
Credit cards are cracking down on loli aka CP according to UN, they blocked gaijins from acessing it and DLsite even changed the tags
Isn't there a region lock on it now?
Yeah, but that's easily solved with a VPN. Even a free one should work.
works for me with visa
Is that legal?
Shinobu and Yukio routes are the ones that try to explore the themes in a more "symbolic" way in a sense, so they are definitely my favorites. However, it will be fun to see your reactions to all the remaining routes in general
I mean is it legal to circumvent a website's block
Read the TOS
kek no
dunno but i havent had problems
>he buyed a visual novel
I did and didn't see anything. Just wanted to double check and cover all my bases
New world order will catch you along with the fags who bought lolige
Il ne faut pas avoir peur.
I'd rather have my wife cucking me with my mistress than with another m*n.
We buy our JOPge here.
JOPs are all poorfags tho?
They don't care
If your woman's woman is also your woman, then all's right with the world.
Basically the whole game revolves around Touko. I do think her route is the weakest but she is also the weakest character in the cast by design, and you see this in the other routes.
Can someone make a similar pic between zako imouto and natsume
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It's out!
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Support the industry and save the dying yurige genere!
time to start reading moeges that's been sleeping rent free inside of my steam library
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men want ONE thing and it's beautiful
Who should I support to make trapfags a dying kind?
fuck pure gyarus, give me a flat yamato nadeshiko any day
I love lolis.
yes please give me aids
>fuck pure gyarus
You can't do that, they won't be pure anymore!
never were
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is that what they call bad design?
Purity is a matter of the heart
Lock her in a room and never fuck her then.
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Any moege with scat?
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Two days to Turkeyhandle
senren banka
Put long skirt back on you vampire strumpet.
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Which one is the best?
i hate this artstyle
kisses with Meru(2d)
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Yesterday someone implied this is soon getting a fan tl. Is that for real or nonsense?
Wasn't this eroge translated by a tranny subhuman?
My life is changing
As a theory it makes sense. Soon might not be the right word though.
As real as Caucasus English TL.
Any source for that? How far is the project?
Ask the guy translating it. You should be able to identify him if you're a /vn/ regular.
There's nothing concrete on it, moeanon is going to shadow drop it to avoid a DMCA
I work with NTRanon
He is translating Senshinkan, not Same to Ikiru
Wise decision. So can we assume the release is still far in the future?
She's only recently finished the common route.
if he's translating consistently I'd say it's probably less than half done, if he started around the time he finished and released Walkure.
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Which Aokana would you brutally rape and forcefully impregnate?
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Mashiro but it would be consensual
It's a fucking moege. Just MTL it yourself. There is nothing in a moege script that's too complicated for MTL software.
Botan (consensually)
>drew this only for switch version and PC one still has text and cg not matching
so this is power of high budget crowdfunded eroge...
Mashiro exists for excessive breeding.
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Rape is wrong.
Not falling for your tricks, JOP bastard.
my dick is holy plaps will turn them into saints
>he doesn't know that samenana is moege of the dark variety
breeding misaki
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sorry but MTL won't be able to fully translate this NTR prose
VNs where rape is not bad?
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lol no
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shark love
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anyone got any soundposts of a girl sounding angry or mad?
A man was eaten by a 9ft shark in Florida two days ago
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Misaki, black haired tomboy need correction
used goods number 3
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bro the advertisers
What did she mean by this?
you wouldn't violate a weak little girl
Sharkschizo died for our sins
>>483476192 (me)
i just now noticed that maruri's dark gray overwear is transparent
You see miss if you are pure then even rape is pure love
Now if only the VN had time loops too then it would be a plotge.
You literally cannot name a single VN where MC rapes a white woman
bro i think thats a video game character
>taco language
I can see it...
what a bad girl showing her body to everyone I think she needs correction
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show them naked
>If I say enough it will be so
That would be lewd
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*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*
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Thats how a good girl act
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No, this is how a good girl act
cameraman is the real MC
Me watching my wife Asuka with Gacha-kun
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>heroine masturbates to MC masturbating to another heroine masturbating to his masturbatory writings
Reminds me of AA2 and Koikatsu where you can hit a button to change whether the girl's eyes is focused on her partner, or at (You) during sex.
astolfofags BTFO
Mashiro's stare is downright insulting
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Loli's route?
We need more NTRSge
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JS (over 18 years old) route
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yeah JC won
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Yeah no, I better see them submissive or I will correct them
Any good CHADorare VNs?
bros there's only 172 days left till december 15th
>it's already halfway through the year
any jackie chan vns?
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Heard they put an yaoi h-scene with a trap into ambitious mission. Via patch supposedly. Is that true?
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time flies fast when you're having fun
trap sex is straight
VNs where the grown ass woman heroines immaturely seethe at and fight with children
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What's with the low ratings? Kusoge?
It's true
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JKs smelling shota underwear
Saga Planets aiming for yaoi subhumans? Was interested in Ambitious Mission, not anymore. Don't want to self insert into an MC who fucks another guy, even if just via optional patch. Disgusting.
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it only had one good route, the others were kinda meh
the cousin in particular is super thirsty all common route, but in her route there's just normal sex and it's a big letdown
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Are your muscles tense? Are you breathing normally? Relax. Take a deep breath.
I'm fucking stressed out man
Heaby drinker OLs are the best
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What's with the high ratings? Kamige?
I honestly don't know. Might have something to do with the trap
Sorry to hear that. I hope that everything bothering you is resolved soon.
when normies rate shit, their base is 8
nakigefags be like
>it made me cry? 10/10
I still think Madoka is the best of the time loop suffering /a/-related material
>moegefags and utsugefags be like
>i feel suicidal? 10/10
Because it's good? It's still solidly one of the best vns ever made even if it's normalfag.
yes yes now come back after you finished reading your second vn
plotge kings be like
>i don't get it? 10/10
it is good, but overrated. And that's because it's normie tier, and they rate like retards using only the top 2 numbers of the scale.
nukigechads be like
>boobies? 10/10
/vn/ posters be like
>retarded social media function of a database website? 10/10
meta posters be like
>some obvious pattern i can highlight to put myself above the people conforming to it? 10/10
yes exactly
I only read moege with /ss/
Steins;Gate fans are crazy for rating it as high as they do.
being a fan of a single title is a red flag in itself
What's an unironic genuine 10/10 or 9/10 game to you guys?
Amakano 2
Naruto Ninja Storm 2
Swan Song
VNs where I can fuck Aigis from Persona 3?
Do we love cute little girls with their perky little titties and tight little cunnies here?
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Sorry sir this is a big oppai general.
this is very cute.
You think she was trying to say "dipshit"?
name 1
my already rotten teeth are getting worse
'ate brushing
'luv soda
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Dias Irae is an unironic 9/10 for me
MC is a masochist, noted

what's the point of brushing your teeth if you're just gonna kill yourself anyways lmao
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>want to read a VN with a false protagonist
>no way to know if a VN has a false protagonist without spoiling it first
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>want to read a surprise nakige
>no way to know if a VN is a surprise nakige without spoiling it first
unironically what does "nakige" mean
c'est la vie.
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Ever17: The Out of Infinity is, in my opinion, the greatest work of fiction in all of human history.
I'm not even baiting.
>what does nakige mean
It means "I am a newfag and too lazy to search it up"
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Really now...
why are they mad? what have I done?
Hentai Prison
dummy they are mad because you don't chose their routes
I like blonde canadians more
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But they're from a different game, they don't belong there.
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walkure romanze was 9/10 with only a -1 taken away for censored pubes
best VN song ever
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oh no...
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Why should it matter if they are from a different game? What matters is that you chose them dummy
Other Wilds? Pathologic?
Muv-Luv is good but I don't know if it's a 9/10
toneworksfags be like
>this sleeping aid is my favorite visual novel
All vns are sleeping aids. Reading is great right before going to sleep
>censored pubes
For what purpose?
it's ironically
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>stops rolling
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more like devil on g string?
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no idea, sure wasn't komori kei's choice.
It's ant day? the fuck with those resolutions
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I love american women
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>play plotge
>true heroine is worst girl
>yet again
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That's a zako
how small text
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mako (regular size) (on model)
maybe moeges were the true friends we made along the way
Name 5 ge where this isn't the case
ˢᵐᵒˡ ᵗᵉˣᵗ
ᶻᵃᵏᵒ ᶻᵃᵏᵒ
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>tfw everyone hates the true heroine but you like her
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Everyone loves the moege true heroine.
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Is that...?
ex-slut heroines who try to hide their past?
ˢᵖᵒiˡᵉʳ ᵃnᵒn
The Great Ace Attorney 2 (is a VN)
ᵒ ᵖ ᵖ ᵃ i
ass hair heroines?
Okay, okay. I'll play your game.
Are the voices and h-scenes good at least?
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ᶠˡᵃᵗ iˢ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ
سأوضح لك اليوم في هذا البرنامج التعليمي كيفية تشغيل الكمبيوتر الشخصي.
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why didn't MC reinvent the razor in Kanto
I just started it the other day so no idea on the h-scenes, but it's a seiyuu autism game so the voices are pretty good
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What about when you can't tell who the true heroine is?
kill/ marry / smash
kill, kill, kill
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you're not looking hard enough?
Marry, marry, marry
卅㠪乚乚囗 丁囗尸 于尺エ㠪几冂丂
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Mass Effect 2
Two questions

-I want to read Nukitashi 2. If I get the "Name Order/Honorifics Patch", is that good enough to read it or should I want for the full improvement patch?

-What's the better read between Clover Day's and Aoi Tori?
I miss 2010. The memes were so good.
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what about now
He isn't a fag.
MC is a pubechad
rec me a rapege that doesn't involve blackmail, hypnosis, magic powers, slavery, or mind control, but simple force
isn't the gimmick of that game that nothing can be made of metal
Does anyone have any pic with all the yuzu in swimsuits lined up side by side?
All the yuzus? Every single one of them?
They can still use metal like from destroyed metal monsters and stuff, one guy even uses a sword, so a pube razor should be fine.
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Yeah, nobody has made one yet?
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be the change you want to see in the world
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Honorifics patch is enough, the localization wasn't nearly as heavy as Nuki1

Depends whether you're in the mood for a moege or nukicharage
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Ok bros, it's time to make history. Post all the yuzuge beach scenes.
unless you want meme"trans"lation you want full improvement
post more bellybuttons
Why is green hiding her oppai?
forgive her she has autism
for >>483502484
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I won't
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Best yuzu
It's way hotter when a girl doesn't dress slutty
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H scenes in which the girl is wearing clothes are much better
don't uh
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Just keep reading moege
Is there anything interesting in Holy Slave Academy at all like any kind of story or unique H-scenes like Sansha Mendan? Or is it just rape porn? Just want to get my expectations in order before I try it out
how does this game compare to other purplesoft games?
When I was young, it was Symphonic Rain. I was easy to please back then.
Now, I have nothing that is a 9, let alone a 10.
.. but umineko
Just play Mugen Renkan instead, it's actually good.
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Discuss hime cut heroines.
not a personality trait
she looks like she sucks dick good
TOO good even
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Is it the hair?
Why didn't KxKxK ever get a translation?
>Aoi Tori
>Chrono Clock
I like it when girls smile
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>moege girl smiles at me
>smile back at my monitor
>realize what I've done
because no one wants to do it?
Since when do really old eroges that alreayd have OVAs get translations
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Give route.
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since Karen
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where's my cosplay sex yuzusoft
harench tench
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Kunado it is.
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I'm a schizoid so I never have this issue.
does this mean less h scenes
Horror nukige
pretty much every horrorge
Why would you read moege if you're schizoid?
Usually that means it's going to be a guro/ryona game.
i always grin like a retard when girls do cute things in vns
Even the all-ages?
Each heroine gets 3 h-scenes I think, though some are stuffed in the afterstories
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There's fewer h-scenes, but it's not like Chrono Clock where the porn is ONLY postgame.
Schizoids tend to enjoy the imaginary and reject reality. VNs are perfect. One's outer appearance and demeanor is not necessarily indicative of their inner selves.
sometimes I think this general would be better without me which is why I have to keep posting
guess i'm a schizoid
>this general would be better without me which is why I have to keep posting
This but the world and that's why I'll never kill myself.
I mean, moege just puts me to sleep now that I have read more than 2. I need something different to excite my imagination.
Plotge puts me to sleep now that I read more than 2. I need something different now.
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There is a lot of overlap with autism, so keep that in mind.
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Moege can be fun if you read enough of them to start picking apart their elements, like heroine personality traits and route story beats.
Vn where yuri loses?
and character interactions of course (it's kusoge if there isn't much of it)
VNs where MC is scared of the heroine's parents but the dad becomes his bro
VNs where MC is scared of the heroine's parents but the dad fucks the MC
VNs where the MC kills the heroines parents?
Rape Reinhard
>heroine's dad is a trap and has a route
ge where you are the heroine's dad?
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>I've been thinking.jpg
tomorrow, it gave me an error and the queue is too long
I thought that we were all schizoids here. Reading VNs makes it worse
I've been told I'm impossible to approach before.
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Do this one next time
vns give me gas
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added in the queue
Heroines who are devoted to MC to a comical degree and willing to go to extreme lengths to serve them hand and foot?
every moege heroine
I miss Redman
I miss redfag
>heroine is hungry
>heroine 2: "i've got some candy, here you go"
>it's barbecue lamb flavored
Sounds good.
I miss being a child

things were so much easier back then
just play a shotage
just get a mommy heroine little baby
same bro
my mother's offered to find me a nice girl to marry, maybe I'll take her up on the offer
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I miss my great-grandpa so much bros.
>ends up bringing a non-virgin to you
we need more NBR mom heroines
atelier kaguya needs pubes
Vn where a girl gets actual implants (not magic) midway through?
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i don't miss going to school or homework, that shit sucked
I miss when the hardest homework I did was learning what a square root was
i had a few friends so the positives outweighed the negatives
waging is worse than school, neet
I wish I could get payed to study, at least I would come closer to the real nature of reality
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How is this ge?
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A girl (MC) (male)
cute zako
Haven't played it, but from what I recall, people liked it. Supposedly, it gets pretty dark for a Digimon game.
>Kyonyuu Fantasy
>Bible Black
>Taimanin Asagi

nta but if anything i remember people(from here) specifically shitting on it for a variety of reasons
Any moege where the MC rapes a girl but she ends up liking it?
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It really is
same, but in retrospect I lived a life similar to a VN protagonist, so it wasn't all that bad
this looks great, I'll download it now
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It's alright if you're into Digimon, but the gameplay is kind of a slog. Not for being too difficult, but for being annoyingly simple. The story is relatively interesting and gets darker than most of the series in the franchise though. I played it at launch and guess just ended up salty about how the hype cycle didn't pay off.
saw this, thought it was a futa, and scrolled up to be disappointed
we keep losing
Nude apron! Hand bra jeans!
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for me, it's naked randoseru
Girls looking like this immediately awake my anus breeding mood.
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(you) want this?
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>forgot 2 bad endings
Source? Who are these cuties?
how new?
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We don't have what?
>cafeteria improvement committee
Is this the most boring shit in visual novels?
don't bother, it's JOP garbage
it's definitely in the running
cry more
your JOP garbage
do we do literary analysis here or this another /vg/ goon room
porque no los dos?
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visual novels are perhaps the lowest form of storytelling, there's no literary analysis to be had here. this general is for having hissyfits about NTR and the perceived purity of fictional anime girls
we only do that on /jp/
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visual novels are perhaps the highest form of storytelling, there's plenty of literary analysis to be had here. But this general is also for having hissyfits about NTR and the perceived purity of fictional anime girls.
>visual novels are perhaps the lowest form of storytelling
I don't think you really believe the shit you're saying. Maybe try reading better VNs as well
I finished watching an animated movie based on the video game, based on the canticle. Dante's Inferno. Now my brain is properly acclimated to reading some chuunige. Maybe I'll finally read Dies Irae.
I never belived it even once
sometimes. Depends on whos around
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Moege is a peak form of visual novel
maybe on planet buhi
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I haven't eaten bacon in a while
Chicken wings. No feast tonight.
don't forget to do your required reading
Aw shit. Anyone have the entire list?
Mein Kampf
Nietzsche: Life as Literature
Also sprach Zarathustra (in the original german - important)

at the bare minimum
oh, and you should probably read Goethe's Faust
It goes to interesting places as a Digimon game, but as a visual novel it's fairly underwhelming. Plus, there isn't enough songs in the soundtrack so you'll be hearing the same few tracks for hours on end.
Hm, tall order. I guess I better get started on learning German
God I wish I could share Rusalka with the bros
>Heydrich's biography
>all the briah source poems
>history and development of the guillotine
shota gangbang moege
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our queen...
Any VNs where they make purple noise?
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>Sex with others
I am others
That's a plotge staple tho
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see >>483521749
aswell as
>biography of Michael Wittman
>biography of Gotz von Berlichingen
>german society during ww2 with a focus on gangs forming around that time
>general information concerning gestapo (how it came to be etc)
>witch trials and hunts during the dark ages
>medical information regarding death, specifically what happens to human cells, blood etc after death
>Lebensraum (concept)
>Nazi racial ideology - untermennch, ubermensch, master race
>Lebensborn program
>broad information regarding the conflicts between the SS and Wehrmacht
>warsaw ghetto
>katyn massacre
>biography of elizabeth bathory
>the bible
>broad information regarding the lance of longinus
>schwerer gustav
>norse mythology, specifically on valkyries and valhalla
>interview with the vampire
>fate/stay night
Damn I feel like im forgetting quite a few still
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
Is 9-nine a moege or a chuunige?
70% moe 30% chuuni
it's both
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it's miyakoge
Must read books before reading fate?
My flawed lover dildohands
we are in need of more moege with pűbes
Need nakige + nukige + /ss/ + chunnige
I am very horny and sometimes suddenly talkative though
Name a single VN character that could defeat her (you can't)
bros.... i'm still straight btw
There were a lot of great h-scenes in this VN but that one was really special.
Can someone explain the source of this rumor?
That one's definitely not happening
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It's not terrible, it's fine. It has decent comedy bits, decent girls, etc. It's just kinda alright.
Don't know why Komori Kei loves cheerleader outfits so much, but boy I appreciate it.
None. Only info on the christian concepts of good and evil as well as myths for each hero and the grail. I wish I was kidding lol
>What about when you can't tell who the true heroine is?
Here's a thought -maybe it's the girl who the vn is named after?
Can't tell with 4, 5 and 7 because I'm likely autistic
>no used goods heroine
>sex with protag only
Not a chuunige
If only the antagonist dude raped one of the heroines infront of the MC then maybe
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Zako Reboot > Tenshi Reboot
It's alright. It probably should've been an 8-10 hour straight VN, the gameplay is mostly a slog and only drags it down.
It's mostly impressive because you wouldn't expect on-screen brutal murder of child characters in a digimon game.
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chuunige with pubes?
yap yap yap
They have chihuahuas in Japan?
No, the climate is too similar to Ohio and they die within days.
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I want yuzusoft make another senren banka tier kino, where the most irrelevant-looking girl ends up as true route heroine
>MC doesn't have a computer
how the fuck can anybody survive like this
this is a zoomer trend, smartphone has replaced a PC for a lot of them they don't see a need for one
scary redhead

I fucking hate zoomers and everybody else younger than me
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>and everybody else younger than me
Average modern moege heroine was born after 2003
>evil heroine clean shaven
>yasashii heroine with pubes
VNs like this?
I only read VNs made before 2010
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>tfw no yuki onna wife
it hurts
>shape cutting
>cookie cutter
>that one game they play in squid game
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why did I make this webm
>cum inside
>she melts and dies
>stick it in
>dick turns black and falls off
assertive redhead

I hate everybody
im pretty sure your dick freezes instead
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S-show the next CG where he gets an erection and it's three times the size.
you can't make that hand gesture....
>load VN
>load earlier save just so I can read the scene again
I'm still kinda in shock.
oh yeah?
>he gets an erection
This looks like my erect cock...
It was worth it
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>Ruriko, Mitsuki, Marika, Tamie, and Konomi were all fandisc only
What were they thinking?
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yuzu MC was average they said
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You know what else can shock you?
>it was only 17 cm
It's so over...
Aren't you paying 20 bucks a month for this AI?
Is this really a good use of your time and money?
I wonder how many in /vn/ have actually read Princess Evangile, since flavor of the month seems to be pretty prevalent.
>I wonder how many in /vn/ have actually read Princess Evangile,
Is this a joke? /vn/ was like 70% PE for two years. PE is THE moege, it's what started the moege boom in the west.
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I've read it about three years ago.
I almost never see it mentioned in 2024. People sooner mention Kinkoi.
That was 10 years ago, oji-san
I'd rather read The House in Futa Morgana
That's kinda what the VN's about.
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The main story arc in the base game is so utterly retarded it ends up filtering a lot of people(myself included). I always recommended skipping straight to the fandisc since that's where most of the girls people actually like are and the stupid messiah suffering allegory is skipped. It's really retarded that all the fandisc routes end with you getting kicked out though, because actually changing the school requires you to be metaphorically crucified apparently.

The every one of the hags unironically deserved the death penalty but suffered zero consequences.
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>That was 10 years ago, oji-san
tfw my closer self insert is a yuzudad rather than the protagonist
sounds kino i will read the main story arc sometime soon
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>Aren't you paying 20 bucks a month for this AI?
No, I just bother people on /vn/ to generate stuff for me
>Is this really a good use of your time and money?
>Nitroplus got bought
It's literally over...
That one at least looks way better than >>483531760
Still strange to want to ruin one of the best VN heroines of all time like this.
Nitroplus hasn't released a new game in six years, anon. The company as you think of them hasn't existed for a decade.
Umamusume x Muramasa when?
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seethe faggot
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9 Nine
Noooo not my favorite gacha company
All her drama was already fully resolved in the common route.
>Mitsuki, Marika
Literal villians
Comedic side character
Too young, you sick fuck.
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Slow Damage bros...
The MC is Nine, not Kakeru.
meme vn shitposted by people who aren't actually homosexual and only doing it for attention
read some good homokamige like togainu no chi or silver chaos
The target audience for homoge are women
Depends on the homoge, there are some targeted at men, but they're rarer.
By who? The nitro+ classic studio too?
By the uma musume mother company.
That’s a 3rd year JC dough
That makes her 15 years old if she didn't have to repeat a year.
>Nietzsche: Life as Literature
>Also sprach Zarathustra (in the original german - important)
But those are incomplete and don't even offer a 100% coherent framework.
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Tell me about yandere who fuck other yandere.
>heroines are kissing
>sticks penis between their lips
>the continue kissing even with the dick between them
What to do?
Sharkino too kino
Literally NTR
Fairy fucking ges?
Mega cringe
Wtf. Do they have a lot of studios under or something? Any chance they'll just finance classic nitro+ games? There's the dollge coming too
>unclear if the bought both n+ studios
milk factory!
I've never heard of that game before
what about it
It's a gemmy
>those explicit screenshots
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>Karen edition
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I had enough with this karenschizo bullshit
Release some good edition
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Coffee is good for you edition
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Did we even have a teninai edition on release?
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>Shinobu route start
Sumika/Grisaia Amane VA so might be fun off that alone.
>MC pops a boner at pic rel
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Kino. Would be fun if this turned into a threesome route
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>her first orgasm was to NTR
its over for this girl.
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I thought that was a sprite censor patch for a second
look at how flat she is
we need more games like this
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On a serious note, what the fuck are they doing with Tenshi Reboot?
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Depravity speedrun, pure to impure 5 minutes any%
Its like watching a train start up only to immediately derail, crash and burn
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in what world is pissing yourself the correct first step towards that
woman moment
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what the hell is going on in this vn
In my world.
>Immediately think of dies irae
Chuunibyou is a disease.
>Chuunibyou is a disease.
That's a meaningless statement. Byou means disease already.
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woman moment: the route

I know. Im reaffirming the disease's diseaseness, understand it with your soul.
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Honestly fitting she's getting fucked in a toilet after that bladder incident.
holy kino
>she's about to cum
Do women really?
I love Karen
ugh fine
in the 'log it goes
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Between this and her suddenly getting cold feet, saying she doesn't want this, apologizing and telling the MC to stay away before screaming "noo" as she came I think the father part wasn't the problem.
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>confesses to Touko over the phone
holy fuck why couldn't you do that in her route instead. Would have been so much better...
Heroine like chiaki but in moege
Is it worth to reread Cafe Stella for Suzune? I finished Natsume and Kanna's route years ago when it was released on JP but never finished it so I forgot about the common route already...
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just skip the common route - read only Suzune's scenes in it
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Ge with evil heroine and you join her on the bad side on her route?
fat tum tums
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I feel like I've seen this CG a long time ago.
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>Sumika's voice
why are protags in old vn's always asshole misogynists and rapists?
I imagine it was part of how niche VNs were
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Kino. Teninai truly is the kamige we were waiting for.
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The game sure uses "give and take" alot. Probably gonna alter how I see the phrase
gibu ando takeu
VNs are actually quite a bit more niche now. Sales of full-price eroge were reliably in 10s of thousands during the early '00s, while big hits could hit a 100 thousand of sold coppies. There were multiple eroge adaptations running in each anime season. Nowadays only big hits could cross 10 thousand sold coppies. And eroge adaptations to anime happen once a year, if not even rarer than that.
It is interesting that constant emphasis on the fact that the bonds are not really "genuine" and simply seek to "satisfy something". In the end they give you to understand that everything is based on superficiality and self-interest
The whole point about that VN is that the characters are all horrible people instead of angels.
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Everything you do is for dopamine hits. Free will doesn't exist
you meant to say healthy and based man
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Free will exists dummy
Evolution came up with a brain function that stops you from realizing that you don't have free will
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Kinda? it seems to accept it as the basis for things to grow on, or at least an okay alternative that people settle on.
But in Touko's route the MC could have gone for Asuna and gotten the same thing, yet he doesn't, so there was more to it than just a transaction
Too early to tell , but at least its a better/more realistic/healthier view on """love""" and relationships than whatever idealistic shit west has pushed onto people.
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>H scene
>tells the MC she fantasizes about him and drops all the details while masturbating in front of him
Not quite Sakurai kino but its pretty high up there. Shame these ain't very fappable
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I'm feeling nihilistic today
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Impure gyarus
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I'm starting to see the appeal of boobs
>rectangular pupils
what does this mean?
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Love what it did to the text
>little sister is gey
>your little sister is gey
What did the AI meme by this?
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You should read a little metaphysics anon, materialism and naturalism is not coherent
Ilya, get pregnant!
hope they show the panda
>Il y a
really makes you think
>S-sorry oji-san my womb are only for onii-san
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Surely if you give a suicidal girl roof access, nothing bad will happen, right?
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Just had the craziest idea: what if we used AI to defaggify the trapshit series? Like pussy/boobify all body sprites and all CGs and make a patch out of it.
Free will isn't coherent either
holy downgrade
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no one in has ever thought about your genius idea
there is text and audio in the games talking about rubbing dicks together
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The worst thing she can do is say no..right? kek thats a tough rejection, after sex no less
It wouldn’t work, in most trapge the whole story is about the MC crying that he doesn’t like traps and getting seduced until he gives in and admits he actually does, if they are girls he wouldn’t have that conflict.
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I rewrite myself
4 MASSIVE upgrades.
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I wanna save her..

I feel like every question for rare heroines will be answered with "teninai" in the coming years.
New thread:

So do I. Life is tiresome and doesn't lead anywhere
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Why you think so? The free will case are very much more dominant then hard determinism in high level philosophy.
>nihilist fag
>free will is real here's anime girl btw
bitch you gay
retrad-kun we all post cute girls here
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Lick my butthole
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Free will is literally nonsense. Everything you think do is caused by something else. Now free will comes in and makes you do something that isn't based on anything. That's random and neither free nor a will
They have to keep pretending free will is real because otherwise the whole justice system would be a sham

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