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Previous thread: >>483415227
Happy birthday to Vermeil!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Operators you want to cuck?
Bnuuy love
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This thread will be better. Just kidding
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Used that new wojak ai
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I love this gremlin
My soulmate...
I am happy with my wife's placement, thus it is a good list
>enter scout node
>upgrade op instead of taking the 3rd ending
God fucking damn it, had such a good start too
Agreed if this is a sex tier list.
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>warp chaos
Warhammer crossover soon
>/akg/ "jokes" about getting cucked and asks for more cuck edits
>/bag/ simply hates cuckshit
What went wrong /akg/?
You will get more scout nodes later, it's not like it's 1 time thing
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Why is /akg/ like this?
You are the one making shitposts and then you make a post like that for a feedback
they did it to themselves
For me it usually is
>6x run
>2 mangos
Why has PRTS forsaken me?
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We all over her, non-sexually, as a daughter
/akg/ loves male characters.
/akg/ hates waifufags and incels.
/akg/ loves cuckshit and shipping because it triggers waifufags and incels.
this general is completely overrun with women, faggots and cucks.
i have been saying this for years and the only response i get is "shut up maleschizo".
i am completely vindicated.
>Start spamming cuckshit
>People who can't be assed leave for later
>Thread slows down
>"Guys?? Why are we so slow?? I thought Arknights was a good game and we're doing fine? EoS soon??"
Just go back to salesposting or comparing drawpiles
Are you offering her sexually to someone else?
Based /akg/bro
Learn to recognize sanjay posts
1-7 solo list, I'm gonna call it done again until next batch of new characters in a day or two.
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no, I love her in many ways, including sexually
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Why in BA faceless sensei is a chad, but Arknights faceless Doctor is a cuck?
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lol dead thread
Seducing Fiammetta to where she'll have premarital sex with me!
Marrying Mostima!
Because the girls want to fuck sensei? Arknights isn't a game for romance
Ifrit should find herself a nice young man around her age. Preferably darker.
If this is a sex list how is gnosis up there and kal'tsit in A
Don't think anybody has mentioned trying Click or Kjera since they got mods, no clue if Rockrock would be able to do it without the stun, Hib seems pretty unlikely to be able to pull it off, Vandela is probably the same but haven't tried her.
Give me an image and I will deliver
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This is only okay if you let Fia sleep in the same bed as you and raise the resulting children.
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Also Carnelian is at bottom. I actually placed all but 5 of them at random.
Rosmontis using a litterbox
I love my wife, I love her tails
What the fuck is going on?
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summon the cobs
BA anime flopped
whens ra2
shitposting scared everyone away for now
>NGA gets raided
>Prts wiki gets dos'd
>Cuckfags go nuclear
Anti-arkfags have begun the purge
Which operator should I request?
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Guys I'm running out of Gravel pics. Do you have any Summer themed ones?
Fuck it, no more IS4, I'm waiting for W and Logos to carry my ass since even Degen wasn't good enough
>for now
I feel like with every new wave of shitposting, we had less and less people in the thread
Bless you and git gud.
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Five cute facts about Maria:
1. She's a girl!
2. She's a horse!!
3. I pulled her instead of Degen!!!
4. Blemishine!!!!

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No rush bro
Only ones where she's naked, that seems like something she'd do in summer
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The fifth fact about Maria is that her most liked pixiv post is a collection of her getting fucked by a horse in the middle of an arena
BLEMISHED enjoy your cute honse Paladin
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How the FUCK do you job with Degen?
>Doctor Tyrones
i dont like this, this is not ntr
True, but this is a work safe thread.
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That's why you have skim the line
yes, that's how you supposed to use nukers, dumbass.
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This a new low
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*Steals your husband and cat*
I mean, just look how many people rushed to get their requests in, people are clearly interested
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Popular operators today:
>1. Typhon.
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What asc is this though, I'm trying a15
lonetrail killed /akg/
>just look how many people rushed to get their requests in
I can't, Hiroshimoot removed IP count.
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God I want to fuck Gravel
Onaholes can't be popular
Go devil girl go!
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Just another tuesday then
*friendzones doc*
*dies twice*
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Daisy Cutter has quickly become one of my favorite artists despite her being an ESL.
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>This post doesn't exist anymore
I know, it's comfy and chill
I like this boss despite being easy
Gavial the Invincible in her beach-wear looking slightly more muscular, effortlessly picking up the doctor in her strong arms while he blushes uncontrollably in embarassment/arousal
>ehrrr did a Gravel
>Can't find it
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an arknights just flew over my house
Why the fuck's your cursor so big, gramps?
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>admitting to having a tiny cursor
The ESL adds charm
The plot thickens
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ExeBringersisters, we are so BACK!!!
Alive game
looks like jannies visited this thread for once
A rare but welcome sight.
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we lost divegrass because broken sun wasn't our anthem
Kinoscope is better
Fat titty horse is STRONG
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Why did the thread slow down so much when the hornyposting stopped?
Shitposters got banned but they managed to scare newcuties away
non existant, this game does not attract new players
>not the bears
Hi. New player here with a message: kill yourself.
NTA but people back in the day shipped them together despite the both of them having zero interactions with each other because they were released at the same event and that they look good next to each other
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When will HG let Platinum have her deserved date with Doctor? This is unfair.
Factually incorrect
I can't believe I got catfished by Dr. T on a reroll account...
>>not the bears
What a stupid post
There's already art of that, just go look at that if you care about it so much, this fits too so the artist made it, not like artist can only reference some other medium with those exact ops you decide
Fuck Sami
you know what they say about doctors with big cursors..
We can be horny
>Sami date
In Kazimierz summer event
Leave Sami
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we'll have games in the offseason to try it out
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Trust the plan
Platinum alter soon
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People couldn't be assed to deal with the cuckfag/blackedfag so they simply left and will probably be back in few hours to see if he's gone
Skade has too many other ops to give alts to to worry about this nobody
>many other ops to give alts
Operators that will agree to share the Doctor?
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>sami date
Summer event in Sami would be nice. Nothing beats the back winter.
Who should we lewdpost now?
What faction is the left one?
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which skades even have a chance for an alt at this point? zima and pissenger? all of the big ones are already taken
>all of the big ones are already taken
Phantom, Elysium
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Is Kent drawing Vermeil getting fucked by doctor considered canon?
If so does that make Vermeil the only operator who we have canonically seen her vagina and bobbies?
What if I love arknights AND shitposting?
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>The winning heroine
>shitposters spam cuck, off-topic, etc shit
>people leave so they don't have to deal with them
>jannies take a long time to get rid of them (at least they show up eventually)
>threads are comfy for a couple days as people filter back in
>shitposters come back
No, you know very well that's not how canon works
If Vermeil fucking Doctor is canon then Vermeil fucking a random dark skinned gentlemen who took her virginity is also canon, as Kent drew that.
Phantom the SchizoGOD (ritualist bard with built in logos support)
It's still hilarious to me that Plat is in the window of the sauna node, imagine her seeing Doc on an expedition full of big girls
Lewdpost whoever you wish, guidefag.
I personally love the woman who's wonder orbs weight and height goes over the limit.
I'll take it.
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Fucking retards
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yeah, you
Based. Remember this is the first lewd of Vermeil Kent ever drew.
>reach A15 in IS3 in about a month and change
>kept playing at A15 for the rest of it's run and still found it fun
>IS4 comes along
>can't be assed to try for A13, been stuck there for a while, even though it is way easier
what gives
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Stop using the R-word... it's not cute. You're cuter than this...
elf and snek having a friendly competition in bed...
Filthy rats!
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How the fuck do I beat Harold when he insta-deletes my whole team with that snowball barrage?
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Sorry kek I meant Babel
I just got Valarqvin... too bad I also got Arturia, though doing Val's monthly tells me she'd be useless whether I got the dubious angle or not.
skade shilling is eternal. 50 more alts and 100 more god tier modules coming right up
Keep the furnaces lit
Bring NG
looks like he got perma'd
At least she is a god artist unlike Namie
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going by her favorites, Zima, Phantom, Ely, Flatinum has decent chances all things considered, NG would be a bit out of nowhere but still within the realms of possibility, same as Rosa and Gummy
there's plenty of Skade ops that can get an alt at a moments notice
Mostima. I'm not gonna do fucking nerd math to see how many shitter movement speed reduced ops are needed to keep him down half a tile.

It's not like it's the first fuck off boss either. Ghostnova, Gravestone, Big sad lock, Playwright, TLK, Crazy, etc. are vibe checks. You either pass or you fail.
Skade and Ryuzakii own this game
Do you have any E2 Fortresses in your roster or Support list? They can snipe the central heater from a safe distance. Failing that, NG buff everyone.
No, he did not
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If he's a bard then he probably gives impairment damage to all enemies in range as his talent, but I'm not sure how HG is going to deal with the clone he has, because it might make him too similar to redskadi
>You either pass or you fail.
Wise words.
I've been on 4chan since 2012 and I had no idea this page even existed. Good, now I can tell what actually happened to reported shitposters.
Do you think they'll cheap out on IS l2d again?
Was it drawn new? Check on boorus, sadpanda, r34, etc.

Reports work, the problem is enough people have to get off their ass to boost it up the queue. It's why one guy malding goes nowhere but 40+ people often get it moved on. It was fucking awful on /co/ Ban evaders and words that trigger the ban list also get it prioritized.
Where can I see all canon Vermin lewds?
Sadly, no Fortresses. I think I can try to keep the furnaces lit if I point some melee units at them. What's NG?
Skade op alt chances
Phantom - main character of a plotline
Passenger - HG seems to really like him
>pretty high
Elysium - very popular and kind of a protégé of an elite op that might die
>above avarage
Zima - bears aren't really relevant but if any of them would get an alt it'd be her
Nightingale - might get one just cause shining might and Nearl got one too
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>if any of them would get an alt it'd be her
Nightingale. Very popular support, she's the Sarkaz girl in white so she's also easy to spot while spamming refresh. She increases the Resistence of ops in range by a ridiculous amount. If you're Dr.T I can put my NG on Support for you but she's not that built right now, someone else definitely has a better one.
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She's... at least more hope efficient than Arturia in IS4. Technically. That's worth something, I guess.
you forgot to add artist favoritism to the mix, which seems to be a pretty strong factor here, in which case Zima and Phantom get significant boosts
>what gives
Skill issue. IS4 demands you to interact mechanics since unlike IS3 which was designed by a toddler, mechanics matter in IS4.
No, that doesn't affect anything
Checked first page on Twitter and Pixiv to no avail, probably old and I just missed it.
Zima the Winter General... any day now....
I had them both side by side on this IS4 run but didn't E2 either of them, maybe that's why I didn't see Val being useful. Then again neither was Arturia, I tried her S2 there for the first time and had no idea how and when to use it.
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>Ulpipi will get a broken module
>Passenger the nuker alt (kills all character on the map including your own ops)
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>No, that doesn't affect anything
>Listen to Telescope
>All I can think of is how bad we jobbed in divegrass
Thanks for ruining everything /akg/
Plat Plat I love your flat chest Plat!
Not an argument
>protégé of an elite op that might die
we went undefeated thougheverbeit
granny mantra. she'll surely die of old age soon
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If they also kill Mantra so Ely2 exists, Lowlight really just doesn't like old people. Still better than what's done to French people in AK.
Anon, Gavial has a bias from the games creator, not an artist
burrmaster here, of all the USSG members she's the second least likely to get an alt, only behind Leto who just got added to the game
Zima got trained by Nearl of all people and she's the only faction leader to be of lower rarity than another member of her group
intentional or not they seem to be building Rosa into some kind of prodigy who excells at anything she does in stupidly short periods of time, she also has Ursus Noble blood
both of them are also already planning some stuff in Ursus
Gummy also has her searching for her parents who might or might not be KGB agents by herself, which means she will learn a lot about the world on the way
Istina simply doesn't have the same build up as those 3
For some reason I forgot I could also put on my Ashlock, she's more well built than NG. She can relight the middle furnace without needing her skill up so Harold just keeps wasting an attack on that.
There's something in the air
>Try to roll for Penance
>Get Ho'ol instead
holy fuck what a sex voice, gonna raise her for sure
double burr alt banner
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Ah, that hag that I keep seeing posted here. Does she show up in the story or is she event only?
>Lowlight really just doesn't like old people
They really didn't need to do Outcast dirty like that.
Raping Jessica (she likes it)
Polyester packs aren't that useful right? I have like 70 polyester packs and 100 manganese ore, but I'm guessing I should be farming the ore?
fuck small vulpos
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Opening this felt like a flashbang, dios mĂ­o.
Theres crystalline shit too
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Flattie, flattie!
>mechanics don't matter in IS3
yeah, melee units simply melting in IS3 is something that no one takes into consideration
>le maow
It's fenchie, boys, GET EM
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Mumu love
Isn't that even more rarely used? I never farm it and I still haven't run out.
Suzu needs correction
Under the knife I surrendered
More like Masterburrter. Istina got two modules of hyping and has a whole arc about finally putting forth the effort she didn't in chernobog
Maybe even tripple
This picture is false. My wife is not flat.
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Why did she do it?
QRD on Passenger? People keep calling him a mass murderer but a quick glance at the (Outdated) wiki gives me nothing and I don't feel like reading his event.
He ran a black market in Sargon for years
what if I grabbed her halo and spun it really fast?
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He and Kal'tsit once took a..... Walk in the dust.....
Kintaker is kino
Yeah just farm mango ore, crystals see used once every blue moon and you get poly shoved in your face every event shop
Can Ch’en and Ch’amiya burst through Harold’s invincibility phases with their skills?
Remember the fucking tutorial
Read the fucking enemy info

He extinguishes within 3 tiles at the end of phase 1 but that's not really a problem. You can use a flint then use your ops to take the other heaters back
Snowball barrage goes off every 25% hp lost. Just stop killing him until you've taken every heater back.
Extinguish has a 40s cooldown. Heaters have a 10s cooldown. Skill appropriately.

>Below is a sample of recent bans (not a comprehensive list of all bans)
>Istina got two modules of hyping and has a whole arc about finally putting forth the effort she didn't in chernobog
I just wanna say this in general, not just in this case but...
People like to point at any operator growth in lore and claim it as a point for them to get an alt, when most operators can just grow without them ever getting an alt, not every change needs a big event, most won't have it
he's literally Oppenheimer and his background is literally The Waste Land
So? We're alt posting right now
God I hate England
>Below is a sample of recent bans (not a comprehensive list of all bans)
That statement only applies if there are a lot of bans under one hour. Shit won't matter when there are only 1-9 bans per cycle.
a giant Silence was always in my mind during the sea even, it makes for a great mental image
Do you think Gnosis and Passenger would make good friends and have sex with me?
Modules are barely canon
Sure, Emily
what is this cope
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It wasn't like this back in the day. Believe it or not back in 2020 this was probably the best gacha general.
Nothing good ever lasts.
Babel only for now
God bless your soul, anon
It was just as bad, just not the same kind of bad
What's the lore on his clone
>>Below is a sample of recent bans (not a comprehensive list of all bans)
Pretty sure it still contains all bans, that statement only means bans can be bumped off the list so you might not see them.
I'm sorry, but that simply isn't as strong as what the other girls have going at the moment, Rosa could easily be the MC of the Ursus arc and no one would bat an eyelash, well, maybe Hellagurfags would but that's a small minority these days
>its not canon because i say so
shut up fag
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Keep the bonfi-, torches lit.
>Does she show up in the story or is she event only?
She's talked about in Elysium's file, Elysium sometimes talks about her in some stories he shows up, and she shows up in Elysium's operator record (she doesn't have a sprite though, she only talks to him), she only got a sprite in the babel event
>stuff that's never going to happen
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>only got warned
Kek, same time tomorrow then?
It's true. The in-game story and events are always more relevant than some module lore written by some intern.
I'm just saying Istinalt wouldn't be surprising
Matoimaru content doko?
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NTA but yes it would, exactly because of what that anon says, there's many more ops with a higher chance so her getting one would be surprising
Trust the Higashitent bro.
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Betayuki sex
>No record
>No skin
>Never appeared in any event
It's over...
Headpatting this stoat.
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Ignoring a sign doesn't make a suprise. Walter wasn't a suprise to real people (other than her stupid power boost)
>modules are not canon
Is this new a shitpost?
Lowlight won't release the Matoitent until we win divegrass again
It's not a new one
We won divegrass once?
and I'm already pointing that within the USSG she has the weakest "alt signal"
her chances aren't zero, but in comparison to the other members she's a lot lower on the priority list, especially when HG seems to consider Zima and Rosa to be the main 2 characters of the group
Who are you quoting?
Sauce on the song?
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>tfw we had to endure months of Sarkazslop then Fishslop just to back to Sarkazslop
>inb4 you just posted a sarkaz
Yeah, I just hate the story not every Sarkaz
Bros, i have been RUINED by this goat. I literally can't GO BACK to using inferior starting operators in IS4. Her ULTRA TIGHT s3 is feels soo good to USE and ABUSE. No other operator feels this good to use. In IS4.
Based ebenfag
Sarkaz run arknights
That's why you can't spell Arknights without Sarkaz
Istina could get an alter but I wouldn't expect it before Zima or another burr. If there's Istinalter it's gonna be a ways off still.
>That's why you can't spell Arknights without Sarkaz
It's different Sarkaz stuff though. Just saying you hate a race doesn't mean much when there's over 20 operators of that race with massively different stories they're involved in
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My Hungarian best friend is too insecure to VC because of the bullying of ESL, stop hating on them
C. . .
So I'm only allowed to hate obscure races who never appear in the story, like Cuora?
>Just saying you hate a race doesn't mean much when
That's literally the opposite of what I said
Same, it's guaranteed to be a year 8 or 9 alter.
Means you're grouping all Sarkaz into the same content
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Leave him, he is a gooner. He has found the joy of goat tails.
Based on what?
Holy shit, shut the fuck up
Based on a true story
Well, we're looking at different Sarkaz content, so maybe it won't be slop like the story
You didn't expect silence to get an alt before ifrit or Saria, or Reed to get an alt at all
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They were obviously setting up a limited saria alt for LT but changed to Muelsyse at the last minute for some bizarre reason.
Based on everyone important to her being dead
Unprotected handholding and cuddling
They thought Muelsyse wouldn't flop unlike Saria or Silence if they were the limited ones
>They were obviously setting up a limited saria alt for LT
>with DV and The Comic making everyone ask where the fuck the elf is
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>My auto is breaking because sometimes my operators do more damage to Harold for no reason and push him to phase 2 sooner.
>Happens about 20% of the time.
>Try to fix it but make it worse
This fucking game I swear
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>>>the comic
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Sarkaztent is infinitely more kino and interesting than fishtent and I will die on this hill
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Then GG x Red is canon cause Namie said so
I hope our GGfags will finally fuck off with his release
>they were obviously setting up a Saria alt
If she didn't get an alt after all that "setup" what makes you think someone like Istina will?
Operator for this feel?
What makes her special when we have like a dozen other characters connected to Kazdel? There's only about seven stories, and after getting through one about Kal, one about Theresa, a couple backstory/lore things about Kazdel, that doesn't leave much room.
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Lowlight makes the call but if Namie said it, then the will is done
Obviously. Fishtent is just a filler slop.
That random dark skinned gentleman? Me.
Why do you want to kill /akg/?
We have like 2 GGfags retard
>the comic
You have to be the most annoying poster here
>Fishtent is just a filler slop.
Why do you want to drive posters away?
Really wondering what's the logic here
Nothing, there is no reason for anyone to think Ascalon would be in Kazdel content as of now (maybe later when all of rhodes goes there), only Ascalonfags would have any hope of that
>What makes her special when we have like a dozen other characters connected to Kazdel?
She's unique irrelevant to Kazdel's future for a kazdel character, which is why she'll probably not be in, but I just want more askytent since chapter 14 left me especially unsatisfied
>Why do you want to drive low quality posters away?
>but I just want more askytent since chapter 14 left me especially unsatisfied
Well get used to it, anon. She's not gonna be getting much more than that.
They are shitposting as much as any of the other obsessed crackshipposters
Says the low quality poster
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I feel like that would be a regression to his character. He doesn't want to sing and wants to leave that part of himself in the past.
Nah fuck off anon, plenty of characters have little to their name and she's already had main story content and an intermezzi
I may be a schizo but at least I talk about the gameplay and lore instead of coomposting 24/7
>Has a playable 6* wife
>with her own event and who was present in 4 story chapters
>still complains about her not getting enough content
What should Weedyfags be doing? Eblanafags? Frostnovafags?
Kill all fxofags
>but at least I talk about the gameplay and lore
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i enjoy Myrtle's song
It's always the people who complain the most that are also the problem themselves more often than not.
But Wis'dale, Logos, Hoederer, Ines, and Manfred will also be there...
Manual GOD assert your dominance
So what you expect people to avatarfag when talking about lore and gameplay to verify they are good posters like (((you)))?
And Skadi doesn't want to become a fishe abomination killing and assimilating the entire world, but neither of them have a lot of say in the matter.
>characters explicitly tied to Kazdel
>character that's busy being Rhodes Islands janny
Comparing Assclown to any of them is insane
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Damn you're a faggot
i was expecting a nigger like how gooks make them, it's fine the skin color is similar to Jotaro pic he made
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Doctuh being beaten to death (she hates you 100%)
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No, fan art is obviously not canon regardless of who draws it.
That is ALWAYS the case. Mentally ill control freaks.
Is that bread?
They can just post like a normal person instead of like a /alg/ reject
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not really a good hill to die on when people have been talking all week about GG's module and if its worth it and the levels, comparing if a possible 2nd mod would be better to wait for and so on. It's fine to just not like a character you know.
It's a sequel to that image of doc throwing toast in her face, so she's beating him with a Baguete
NTA but W's squad is basically nobodies
Flatinum the ever-mogged
Thoughts on Angelinafags?
Those people aren't GGfags retard
I thought I would be the one to breed Kal'tsit but if she wants to bread me I'll take it too
Oh gotcha, thanks. Had only seen that once and forgot
If you don't know what the darknights trio has to do with kazdel, I'm not even gonna entertain you skipGOD
Off yourself faggot. People like you are why /akg/ is reclining.
Low quality posters
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Is this you
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I choose left
Like six months away
with underflow and lucilla coming in half a year, December I think?
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with shark
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2°06'22.6"N 38°20'40.3"W
Ignore that bot trying to force some awful ritual post
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I smootcha da lapipi

Sanest fish haters
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Wife-shaped Draco spotted
Just ignore the ritual shitpost you fucking retards
That's not Skadi...
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Nightingale alt where they actually manage to shove another personality in her but the existing one remains dominant.
Filtering "doccuck"
Filtering "low quality"
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>Yeah my left arm goes into a dissociative state and casts magic missile at any inattentive youth. Problem!?
How do I filter the "WHERE IS ULPIANUS" thing?
You don't
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Only turbofags assume anon is a woman
Silverash was right. Progress is important. Like if india wasn't a third world country and it opened up to technology instead, then the parents of sanjay could have flushed him down the toilet instead of letting him suffer through a life of being cuck and eternal embarrassment
Yeah it all makes sense now.
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Not yet
Dr E?
hivemind kin
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who is your favorite sloperator
No she was a Doctor p (lowercase), at least before she changed her name
You make me like Talulah just the tiniest bit more each time I see you just apparate
Fuck off Harry
Dr. G is the one shitposting btw
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For me it's WAmiya
I don't get it. That's what you say when things appear out of thin air
truth bomb
Lapp alter will be a Reaper
Arts defender
Chain Healer
Arts liberator.
That's not Skadi bro..
Tell me again how Fartooth's delta module will save her
Chain Arts Liberator
Tell that to Dr. M
all true
Flinger, again
Can hit invisible enemies on the one tile in front of her.
Can pre-damage invincible enemies and they take damage when it ends.
It makes both of her talents apply to all Kazimierz ops, bringing the weird as shit Kazimierz Exodia closer to existence.
>3 people making a fucking HP reference
I hate all of you
>implying she'll get a delta module
It won't, she'll stay at the bottom
when will shu and the babel event drop?
Sorry bro, we're 30 year olds who grew up when the books and movies were a big thing.
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>typhon's name is based off a greek monster
>she doesn't have a sarkaz tail, but a vouivre one
>dragon heads in her e2 art
>not dressed for winter
>her bow inlore is some vantablack horrifying shit but her ingame bow is just some random tacticool bow
i'm 100% typhon was never meant to be a sarkaz, she was originally some vouivre that got recycled because hg needed a quick release for is4
what a long ass wait...
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They had Santalla baking for 4 years
Why not just have her be a Vouivre in Sami, doesn't really change her lore that much as she's still some orphan that Valacyclovir decided to raise
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I haven't read the books or watched the movies in at least 15 years, and I didn't finish the movies
I'm not going to think it's a god damn spell I'm casting on accident
And she turns out like shit
They could have just made her the 6*
>exposed shoulders
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Typhon mating press
She's mid except with three bajillion ASPD on any IS.
I would train and module her again anyways
Sorry bro, I've just never seen that word used ever in any context outside of HP
Is Harold a bad guy?
Which one?
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Don't be mean
Nice. Now post THAT image
He is british
>file ID is one off from Ceobe
>Typhon is the progenitor of monsters including Cerberus
>there's an unused plot hook with Vulcan thinking Ceobe's weapons are familiar
It's a solid theory.
It's latin
Fucking rowling
No, but he ultimately follows Caster's orders, and felt that Kjerag was scheming something that went against Victoria's interests.
not really but he's a victorian soldier so by association he is bad
>an old corpse calls someon else stinky
You stink, you can't breath in to sniff, and you don't have a nose to begin with
>Greek monsters
Where's the Hydra
Saileach is a hydra
I don't get people pretending she's bad off of that, the dude wasn't in the most effective range and even after the skill ends he still ends up dying after walking just over 1 tile into the range of a splash caster. You can just say you've never used her if you haven't, she's in an aoe class and she does good aoe damage and cc.
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Silverash was absolutely scheming something against Victoria's wishes
Just when I thought she couldn't be anymore disappointing
But she's still not as disappointing as I am
>not related to Ceobe or Typhon
*breeds viciously*
>no stripe
absolutely disgusting
So it I behead her she'll grow 2 new ones? Asking for a friend.
Remember when Saileach seemed like she'd be a big deal in the Dublinn plotline only fucking vanish from existence?
Vouivre are just dragon Sarkaz.

Sankta? Sarkaz.
Oni? Sarkaz.
Anasa? Sarkaz.
Watch as an Aegir subrace end up being Sea Sarkaz.
No, not like it matters, who cares about being a part of dublinn
How much are we bullying ursaluah posters when she's not a welfare let alone mentioned in IS5
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hmm... nyo
>Aegir capital with Heratia will just be sea kazdel
Evil fucker
Bruh the bellybutton makes the torso look like a OoO face.
Enya would it kill you to go 5 minutes without mentioning how evil your brother is?
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>no Feathers or Fur
it's a Sarkaz.
need more cute operator with gas mask
*Shaves a Forte*
Behold a Sarkaz!
Pallas is a sarkaz?!
Maybe in the sense if you cut one of victorians head others rise against you? She is probably worst character with the connection to their animal.
I like the idea of her character being a front to a nations army whose glory days are over and trying to keep the patriotism and hope up to the common folk.
bro your Jessica?
need more
Pallas sucking my Phallus
How about Podenco?
Bro your Red and Scav?
At least her tail looks cool even if it's not big
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I think we need to feed Saileach more, a lot more
After seeing the rotten carcass that is Victoria, I don't see how she could ever be patriotic for such a beast
What the is the Duke of Caster's problem?
Someone make this a webm please
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need more
Terminally Victorian
Brits meddling with foreign powers and trying to economically dominate them? Get outta here.
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Why can't I see the ascension button when I play on the Google emulator?
Choose your duke
>old war hero who faced off against the greatest legends of the past, tired of everyone else being backstabbing dickheads who ruined the country and killed the ruler, who personally faces off against the greatest general of Kazdel
>dumb old bitch who keeps pulling politics bullshits and two years after a massive civil war where they were punished for being fuck heads tries to act like a fuck head and start a war with a different country
>nepobaby duke who inherited his power and hasn't really done anything of value except get oddly excited remembering child Horn playing with him
Explain why you wouldn't go with Wellington.
She should've been a dps/debuffer (poison) unit with multiple revives instead of a 6* Myrtle
https://ugoira.com/ can make gifs and mp4s, you can probably use something else to reencode from mp4 to webm.
Didn't Wellington betray Victoria to carve out an independent Tara?
>oddly excited remembering child Horn playing with him
I'd get excited remembering Horn playing with me.
She is a debuffing unit, but poison would have been better yes.
Maybe with her being blue and a 6* poisoner, they'd make it blue so they could have given Blue Poison some blue poison
I can't. Wellington is just too based for siding with El Banana.
Your original Eyja?
Lappland alter can't come soon enough. She is the only thing that will fix /akg/ besides post ids
Victoria the country is a husk and Caster fully proves that the dukes will go back to being retarded with what happened in Kjerag. He's agreed to help protect Victoria if necessary. It's not like Tara is just for Dublinn either, Wellington's army also has regular Victorians who prefer that option over the crapshoot of other dukes and Victoria.
He seems like a chill dude.
He did, but I feel like if Victoria left tarans alone and just let them by themselves in some part of the country he wouldn't have joined ebanana, you don't expend decades winning wars for a country you truly hate.
CN nyews when?
There's just something about two hags making out...
Tonight is PV maybe possibly
It sounds like there's perhaps a chance of a PV
>inv4 early July for the event means July 9 or some shit and the PV isn't until next week
Really? That’s hype
Any date before July 15th is technically "early" July...
First time I see it. I guess the emulator has some flaws
Let me remind you:
>[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
>[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun
I don't see a PV happening today at all
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I don't either, I was expanding on what you said to make it even worse with no PV until July 5th or some shit
>go back to being retarded
Victoria arc beats you over the head with its point and you still didn't get it. They didn't "go back to being retarded", they are acting the same way they always were.
Barring Londinium getting nuked and Wellington going rogue, the coup went almost entirely as planned. The royal family and everyone supportive of it was removed from power through assassination and Siege just gave up, handing over all power to remaining dukes.
There wasn't any giant error from which they'd have to learn and improve because they accomplished everything they've set out to do.
Generally yeah, a PV will drop with about a week out of the event so around the 2nd would be a safe bet
Just give me playable Touch and Pith already.
but they are playable, though?
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>let me drink
What is the rate of domestic violence in the Taran population?
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Touch touch
Stop touching yourself
If you were a reincarnated as a Victorian Duke, what would you do
Now you've really done it.
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I miss "normal" Wposting
Thanks for asking
Get blasted by some upcoming noble since i have no idea how to run a city and my tax policy would probably be shit, nor have I political scheming skills to save my ass.
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You mean back when we called her useless?
Wuh still owes me pp stepping
Kill myself and hope I roll something that isn't Victorian the next time.
>Swap out units in my base
>Get to Power Plants
>Have to stare at Goldenglow's face again
Why? Is Namie retarded? Why can't she just draw a simple dot on their faces to act as noses? Why? No other artist has a problem with doing that but she just refuses to do that. It pisses me off so much
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Touch the cat
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>6 drops
She’s just built different
hate pink dog
She's just better. Simple as.
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I'm the greediest poster in this general
Kneel before Eblana
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Wuh love
Push two buttons
Nyo, that’s Dr. Greed
Move out to Siracusa and spent each night at porno theaters
Any rare Ho'ol bros? Which module is better?
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I HATE H10-3
I HATE H10-3
I HATE H10-3
Who is akg favorite operator?
The jew has been defeated
Post your AS skin maxxed Blaze then.
>not becoming the producer
I’ve never seen a Ling hater
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Spend all my wealth into whores
All me.
I... actually like using Blemishine on my teams...
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She's strong
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Just block everything with fishe, they’re immune to death
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Anything with bean-like properties
>Got Blemishine for Mudrock during their first release
>Failed to get Mudrock
>Bench Blemishine for years
I think res sherd is better. Of course the fragility could be pretty good if you can't get it anywhere else, but I don't fuck with that 50% bullshit since it's not that reliable and res shred is simply better for general use. If I want weightless I bring ange and the strats where push is used don't really care if they are 100% health or 50% so it does not get use from there either.
This >>483483594
But we are individuals so don't lump us together like that.
Ling hate
Blemi works really well with Penance. Silly judge lady snowballs pretty quick with Maria's talent, S3 often comes back online before the barrier has a chance to break even in the middle of a wave. Slap the module on and she'll solo a lane for days.
Everyone loves Beanstalk
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Yeah you have a stacked bunch, mine isn't that
Bro wtf
the fact that she has four facts about her is a fact in of itself, thus, five facts
Reed and Lappland
I dont have angie..
Ok, but who is akg’s least favorite operator?
Please give me a smack
Bubble or Hung
Sorry noob question, but can I farm 3500 red certificates before the end of the month? Idk how much stamina we get per day
You still don't want that since when the weightless threshold does not really get better. In some niche cases you can stall some crusher for longer, but you should just play around that with baits or just pure damage. That ange comment was actually pretty useless from my original post.
what do u need them for? and if ur noob you should be farming the event
>Idk how much stamina we get per day
You get 240 stamina a day
That's enough for ~80 certificates
Red cert stage is only available 4 days a week
Assuming you use weekly sanity potions that's an extra 240 per week

80 x 5 = 400 per week at most if you don't refresh with OP or whatever, for a total of 1600 per month.
No. *smooch*
Definitely not. I don’t remember how much stamina we get a day, but 3500 red certs is a ton
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I will never forgive Aak for getting in the way of my Nian
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I'm 6 gold certs short from buying the ten roll, I wanted to farm enough red certs to buy 6 5*s from the shop lol...

Thank you for your help
I need catboxes to convince me
Pretty good calculation but you could theorically get some more sanity since you regen sanity even on days when it is not open so you can get it to the day when it opens up so weekly is some more depending of you maximum sanity cap. lets say you have 120 so you regen that much every day that it is not open and the next day it is.
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Just spam recruits if that little is what you need.
Who is /akg/'s favorite chinky stinky doragon?
That works twice a week since it's back-to-back from Saturday to Monday. So you can save up sanity for an extra 80 certs on Thursday and Saturday for a total of 160 extra per week, or 640 per month, a total of 2240. Still a bit below what the anon wanted, but not as bad.
I want Dusk to be my wife so I can have cheating sex with Ling behind her back
0 recruits left. I'll just wait for the ex stages this friday for more pulls
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I like Nian
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Ling wins the polls all the time
Hard to say. Dusk or Nian.
Chong is cool too.
I don't fuck with Ling.
they are better the more you stack on top
Lower than the rate of alcoholics
>I don't fuck with Ling.
Why not?
Don't forget the wedding ring!
Ling x Whislash drunk lesbian hag sex
nta, but I don't use her because it's hard to run Ling in a themed squad,
if you add her in, it becomes just another Ling squad, which is boring
Ling easily
Don't know. Her event was not that interesting and she does not really do anything cool in others. She just is.
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Operators with nipple piercings?
We all love Shu.
Nian but Shu is winning me over. will hold judgement for when I get her
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two women can't have sex
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shes cool
The dead one.
The 19th and 36th operator in your squad list do
Futa arts 109% exist
First you have to ask yourself, What is sex?
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Lava and Nian disagree.
Where did they go?
IRIS_ is am inconsistent as fuck artist
What the fuck
Small lupo tummy uooooh
Sex is only for having children. Two women can't have sex.
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There's no sex in that pic tho
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Should I be worried?
Is outercourse sex?
give me some of your lmds old stinky
No, if it was La Puta instead yes
Sex has still not been confirmed to exist in tera. Everything is headcanon.
All these animal human hybrids doc's race caused could be parthenogenetic for all we know
Then explain what they show at the porno
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Operators for this feel?
Any kind of sexual act should be only for the purpose of procreation. Two women can't have sex.
>Her event was not that interesting and she does not really do anything cool in others
She dispelled the Sui projection and prevented casualties during the sandstorm.
>if you add her in, it becomes just another Ling squad, which is boring
Ling just wants to prevent casualties...
What did anon mean by this?
>She dispelled the Sui projection and prevented casualties during the sandstorm.
Such a minor character thing to do. She did not even do it in a cool way.
Tips to complete Integrated Strategies ASAP with all endings without RNG fucking my runs?
This artist is based
He is into cannibalism
>Any kind of sexual act SHOULD be only for the purpose of procreation
Sure if you think that way. But in the end anal is still sex.
>Two women can't have sex.
So when we have dispelled the procreation thing. What is sex?
>pic is burger
>into cannibalism
>burger eat burger
So Americans?
>Tips to complete Integrated Strategies ASAP with all endings without RNG fucking my runs?
IS4 save your fora's for floor 5. You should be able to consistently get to whichever ending you want in IS4
IS3/2? Good luck lmao RNG fucks your ass trying to get alt endings there regardless of what you do. And IS3 gets to doubly fuck you over with RNG debuffs also
utage sex
if only my wife had tits this big
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Two women can't have sex it's just mutual masturbation
Just use the blonde gote and kill everything
was he afraid of keeping her as shortstack (and fanarts like that) or what?
Isn't sex between man and a women too mutual masturbation? What makes them different?
The penis entering the others body
Nyo, but a lot of artists just draw the clothes without thinking of any particular breast size.
Is it normal for Chong to be my favorite chink dragon sibling?
Good morning I hate Mumu
Now call me based
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Good morning I love Mumu
Now call me based
Are you chinese, gay, or an extreme fan of martial arts?
So gay sex is sex? What about dildoes? Fingers? Does it have to be a dick specifically?


Kill yourself
Dick is a sexual organ others are masturbation tools
Even fucking more cringe
>So gay sex is sex
It's anal sex, yeah
Dildos are penis shaped. That's like saying eating a banana is oral sex with mother nature (futa)
It does need to be a dick into a vagina for the definition of "sex"
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I like Chongyue too. I like big brother characters like him
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All of you are just tsun for the elf
PLEASE kill yourself
My mumu is still E0lvl1 0 trust
Isn't it still oral sex when you go down on a woman?
Or are women just unable to have sex?
I would even argue that masturbation is self sex.
No offense but I will sprinkle active originium dust on her if she comes 1 step closer to me
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It's okay, she understands your true feelings
>Isn't it oral sex when you go down on a woman
Yes, your tongue will go into her, but "oral" and "anal" are just short form for what it actually is
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Mumubros will fight against /akg/'s oppression. You will never defeat the bonds between Mumu and Doctor.
There are no Mumubros in /akg/
So what did we learn today
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keep up the fight, mumubros
ELF? No kill yoursELF
*stabs you with an originium shard*
The most hated operators are Mumu, Exu, and assclown
People hate assclown?
Wrong, retard.
My hatred for Executor outweighs your gay faggot hatred for female operators.
That's a good one, I'll use at some point
You could hate one that actually gets posted and used by shitposters like Mlynar and Lee.
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Wouldn't be possible to last more than 5 seconds with these legs...
executorfags love spamming their reaction images too
>Lee shitposters
I've only seen that one Lee laughing image, are there even Lee fags here?
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You will love the elf
Theres that one furry, Not sure if he post anymore, but he logs in.
>are there even Lee fags here?
Always, but you're right that doesn't post Lee a lot
>eggfags don't shitpost
What is this revisionism? Did you forget the whole Arturia incest shitposting?
Mumu's 24 op was such a waste
mlynarkeks are just a few shitposters but they're terrible, lee doesn't get posted much to begin with and he's mostly normal anyways
Sui sisters have pubes...?
If they want
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Holy, that's great.
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/akg/ likes Ascalon I think...
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we like dorks
even Reed?!
They can change their bodies so yes. They can also have a fat futa cock if you can convince them to
>(You) are responsible for the most traumatic event in her life
>People still selfship with her
Y'all are fucked up
people also ship Fia and Andoain which is same kind of thing
It's HG's fault for giving her (you) pandering. Said traumatic event makes it hotter and it'd also be one of (you)r's if Theresa didn't do the thing.
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She's ok
Aww yeah I love emotionally damaged girls
but then why did he make them so big for the default skin
Because big tits look good in one piece dresses.
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For me, it's lightly rubbing my bellybutton and licking my lips, whilst maintaining direct eye contact with Platinum.
>lightly rubbing my bellybutton
Then why are they so ugly they should improve their bodies a little more if they had that ability, even more Shu and her non-existent Shus
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>even more Shu and her non-existent Shus
Shu has tits now and fucks trees cause IRIS
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Shu would use the corner of a table to masturbate
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This hottie is from a Sarkaz race that eats corpses in order to live. I want you all to think about that before you kiss her.
You mean wood
>mumu 169cm
>hool 171cm
This nigger artist doesn't even play the game
Nah I'd brush her teeth Monogatari style and we could have fun
why are they so tiny?
They don't eat corpses with their mouths they absorb them
I am NOT tiny...
YOU don't play the game
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What if haha:
>hoo: 211 cm
Imagine how many cocks she ate...
the amount of artists who actually draw accurate heights is very low
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>Sarkaz race that eats corpses in order to live
Oh god, let that be me.
Her fat tail ate all the nutrients that would've gone to the rest of her body
Haha, evil sarkaz lady please don't eat me. I would hate if that happened.
i imagine most girls in Arknights to be around 180-185cm, the particularly tall ones to be around 200cm and the particularly small ones to be around 170cm
Eat me, kill me, do whatever you want to me. Relieve me of this burden.
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Really tall Ho'ol is hot, simple as.
this but 130cm to 140cm and all of them with fat tits
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Have any "Degenbros" reached 100 trust yet?
goodbye /akg/
No. You WILL be alive.
Suffering builds character.
You just made me cum
*rubs your bellybutton*
I love jobbers, they are cool. Not afraid of a mommy goat that can beat up a whole army with anime logic.
are module data blocks the worst resource in the game?
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That's probably on purpose. Modules are essentially E3 but without any artwork to accompany them. If you get that boost to fast, people will complain about the game being too easy again which will lead to more super bosses like Harold.
This but Eblana. I want to nourish her tail
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the reason why i choose Hool Horse over Trash Size is because i actually have Hool
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And no dere.
wtf are you talking about
Amiya is pretty

Sorry. I got hit by "please wait to make a thread"
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I'm at 80

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