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snek edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle Wow - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
永恒之望 - https://cn.everlook-wow.net/ (香草+)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)

>Upcoming servers
Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
Crusade-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC) - Coming July 5th
Frostforge - http://frostforge.servegame.com/ - Coming July 5th

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
<Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news

Previous thread: >>482848135
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everlook fresh soon, niggers
Playing as a Dwarf feels so good my brothers. Take the beardpill if you already haven’t and make a Dwarfchad today.
基于. 说得好,我的朋友
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I'm going to tank Deadmines tomorrow on my warrior, any tips? Do you still spam battle/angry orc shout below level 30 to get snap threat?

I'm just going to mark skull, hit skull and if anything other than skull starts attacking a DPS it's going to be their problem
Get either thorns/ret aura/imp flame shield
Demo shout the pull then hit skull then x
if anything goes anywhere else drop the server
You sound ready.
I want to bring <Khazar Milkers> back to life just so I can kill it a second time.
Okay so do it. You won’t but go ahead.
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Stop making slutty bank alts I get an erection every time I walk into the bank
I read that as bank me smelly
manlet cope
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Melee Hunter Mode Activated
you can do that with literally any ranged classes, good luck fighting against two rows of dots or stunluck into pyro, etc. There's tons of options that doesn't need software help.
Are you actually wishing him good luck or is it passive-aggressive sarcasm? I am autistic so please explain.
Those are just combos that two players can do at any time or reasonably get help with, it's not really the same as a doom stack of boomkins nuking people 24/7 as is the case with real multiboxing.
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Buy The War Within Deluxe Edition
Purchase a 36 month subscription and get the DismorphgenderedX Ronni the Rainbow Rhino Mount for free!

We brought back uuhm
.. We brought back the old man Metzen. Remember Metzen?? Remember Thrall?? Better resub to retail chud, just so you know private servers are ILLEGAL and you are literally BREAKING *clap* this *clap* thing *clap* called *clap* the *clap* LAW okay sweetie?
I went over to the Gnomeregan Reclamation Area and it’s pretty shitty. New quests but the area is so ugly and doesn’t look as polished as actual Gnomeregan. And for some reason you can attack the guards there as Alliance. They apparently are not on the Gnome faction. Feels really scuffed. I’ll try some of the quests later and see how they hold up.
>dildo poster gets banned
>pearl stops posting(inb4 guildie posts a screeny for him)
>sissyshitposter stops
Very interesting... it's almost if...
*checks time in India*
It really is more or less the same time every thread haha
Do they? I was curious so I browsed through the previous thread for times when Pearl and his dildos were brought up.
Times are different. Maybe I’m missing something though.
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don't posts get deleted when someone is banned?
>wow look at all these quality posts
>time to plunge the general into the toilet by starting some namedropping faggotry
>I'm the good guy though, it's the guys I'm namedropping that shit the place up
Not always. Depending of the mod mood (heh) they can just ban you or they can also nuke all your post in a thread/board/4chan.
Not always no.
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>when 90% of your server is elves
>80% of them Chinese elves
>wall server on an american elections year
He's going to be kidnapped by the CIA in 2 or 3 months.
>wow look at all these quality posts
last thread before the pajeet started his daily temper tantrum
who cares, he already finished two-headed ogre. that's literally all that matters to me lmao
Is the pajeet in the room with you right now?
yeah right next to pearl
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Priests should've been able to wear mail shoulders, wrist, legs and boots but only a cloth chest and head.

It would've made mail pieces slightly more competitive and they wouldn't have to use Inner Fire aka the shittier buff in the game. Hell give them one-handed maces as well, wands are magical and have nothing to do with their faith
It's 1am in India
When Pearl and Pajeet talk to you, what do they tell you to do?
Sounds like clerics. I dunno, I like priests in robes.
if im rested and and xp is at 200% do i get double xp from mobs in 5mans ?
Yes it gives 200% XP from every single mob, its what makes just grinding mobs a completely viable strat to level. Hell for my last 2-3 levels I usually just farm the Crusader Enchant
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Everlookbros, not like this...
That everlooks bad.
More like... Neverlook!
>41 raiders
Truly the Sanctuary of pservers.
I don't think they'd be able to separate what material of gear you'd be able to equip by slot.
I'm gonna level and go pvp in stv, even if it only lasts a few months it will be kino.
priests have had 1h maces since alpha wow, you dumb troontard. How about you try playing the game for once?
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With 1.14 client alt tabbing with macros makes it almost indiscernible to people using broadcasting software, the delay is minimal. Allowing multibox pvp is fucking retarded, no matter how you look at it.
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Is this supposed to be antisemitic??

can blizzard just shut this chud down already
Fun fact: Gubber Blump is one of the only NPC's in the game who sends you an item in the mail as thanks for finishing his quest.

Another fun fact: the average fishing skill on alliance characters is almost 3x as high over Horde players. The hypothesis being that Alliance get early quests demanding the player to fish, whereas the Horde ones only appear in level 30 areas and above.
Is Turtle wow any good? Worth playing on?
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>Pearl is too dumb to ban evade!
>Pearl is ban evading!
>Well, actually, it's his guildies that are posting for him; any further post is proof I'm right :^)
How convenient.
>1.14 client
truly these people are worse than hitler
so which guildie are you
What classes do you find fun solo and why? Hunter and Lock for ease and a friend, warrior for its albeit only slightly higher difficulty? drood and shammy for the versatile and play options? Just looking for opinions for an upcoming solo level im gonna be doin
paladin so I can alt tab and masturbate to lesbian porn
Depends of the expansion, duh. I do find spriest surprisingly confy most of the time, it's far from the best solo classes tho.
im not worried about best just what people find fun, expansion this time will be vanilla just going standard
Sub rogue is my favorite class to level in the entire game in vanilla. You're not that strong in open combat, but you get so much powerful utility options that I find it creates a fun dynamic of using all your tricks to complete challenging quests. You have to go sub though, leveling combat is boring as fuck.

If you want an easy time, play warlock, hunter, or mage. Druid is also easy but it's boring as fuck until you get kot form. If you want a hard (fun) time, pick rogue. If you want a hard (miserable) time, pick warrior. If you want to be bored as fuck from 1-60, pick priest or paladin.
anyone playing on whitemane?
never tried sub rogue cause i usually dont rogue, do u use swords or daggers and could you rough out a skill tree or with sub can i get away with things that seem interesting like deception and the stealth talent?
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paladin coz i am based and lightpilled
mage.least tedious cloth wearer, best for farming and grinding with imp blizzard
versatile toolkit with top damage may struggle against group q and elites. only hunter is easier.
makes me wonder how blink does compare to ghost wolf / travel form in % effective movement speed
You want to stick to daggers as sub because the idea is you'll actually be using stealth to open on every mob (so yeah take deception and camouflage) and you'll want to be able to use ambush when you're doing it.
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alright ill give daggers sub a shot since ive never tried it before and pickpocketing and stealthing seems fun.
thanks for the replies and i will keep them in mind once i finish my rogue
Uh, veteran pserver player Anon? The other thread died and I'm still waiting for the name of these pservers with a majority of native English speakers.
is it a pvp realm?
Ofc, chinks need two factions for their farming triads.
>den of derranged and degenerate homosexual sodimites (peak historical pop: 100)
It checks.
>600 votes on a dead subreddit poll

damn that's even worse than sanctuary launch lol
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you will never be a rabbit
first time chinklook came around i had a lot of fun spending nearly a week at level 28 as a tauren druid and camping duskwood. Do i want to try do this again for the new chinklook though?
chinklook was good for about a month and then wall left and it immediately turned into hong kong. that said, it'll probably be fun for another month again so I'll be playing til I get bored of ganking STV
I'm progging Auriza Hero's Grave and it's not going well
>panda trannies and other assorted (((expansion))) mentally ill rejects keep shunning based evergook in the op
it's been like that for like 3 threads now and you're just now saying something
I thought you were just chinese so you didn't even notice it was off since that's your native language
i was busy touching grass
huntard in vanilla. because i'm autistic and i like solo dungeons it feels like a "personal challenge"
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Having to go out and tame other beasts to learn skills to teach to your main pet was a kino game mechanic and getting rid of it in Wrath was the second worse change to hunters after getting rid of Eyes of the Beast in Cata.
Too complex for most huntards (just like mana), please understand.
Actually wait no the actual worst change was replacing aggressive stance with assist stance and making defensive stance worse for no reason. Fuck assist stance behavior is so fucking stupid.
Not all ESLs are equal. You usually can't tell the difference between the average non-anglo European's typing and a native English speaker's. Meanwhile Latin Americans generally type at the level of a 7 year old child, if they can speak English at all, and it makes me perceive everything they say as if it's coming from a retard even if the ideas they're trying to express aren't retarded (they usually are).
>moving the goalpost
Doesn't change that every pserver was at least 50% eastern euros and that only newfags, somehow, believe that EOPs were the majority on them.
I recently found out a buddy I play with is from Moscow because he apologized for his “bad English” but before that I never thought be was ESL because he spoke English perfectly well. At that point it doesn’t matter if English is his first or one hundred first language because communication isn’t affected.
Meanwhile there are players from China and Latin America, and if they speak English at all it is complete garbage. Even using a translator what they say makes no sense. That’s kind of a problem in a multiplayer game like WoW.
I looked back at the last thread and the anon you replied to said “English speakers” and not “native English speakers.”
>There’s a difference between a server where there are some non-English speakers, and one where the majority are non-English speakers. And the difference is that, for me, one is playable because I can communicate with other players, while the other is unplayable and wholly unappealing. And your description of MB2 makes it sound even more unappealing if it “is so fast paced you have to go out of your way to talk with your fellow players in the open world.” At that point I would just uninstall WoW entirely and play a good single player game. The idea of playing an MMO with little to no interaction with other players outside maybe nine or so guildmates is downright dystopian in my humble opinion.
You shifted the goalpost to “native English speakers” in order to claim a win, which is bad faith argumentation.
Ultimately if you want to play on a server where you cannot speak to the majority of the players then by all means go ahead. I am uninterested in doing that.
only 4 more sleeps bros
Less than 24 hours
stop posting
mmm no
did you see a question mark at the end of my post you little faggot
Only 4 more aunts, poisoners.
Turtlebros how did we go from this
to this
give me a QRD on this meme
Only four more not feel so good, *coughs up blood*
only 4 more dog dildos, pearls
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Ohononononono emergentgamplaybros! What went wrong?
tarisland is sucking up all the players
I've always wondered why the people in the faction are almost evenly split? Almost any server since stark has +- the same balance. I don't know, my brain just refuses to believe in such an even adherence to the charts time after time.
>just grinding mobs
but question was for 5mans like deadmines when ur in a party
do you think anyone here can read
XP is split first, then your portion is doubled. You gain twice the amount you'd get in a party without rested.
It's a shit client (you need several client fixes and addons to make it werk), it's still riddled with Chinese, but it's also the only server with a casual fun playerbase.

In the last 40 minutes i:
>duelled two people in Goldshire
>shit talked a skull troll and undead in the elwynn lumber camp
>had some short walk up RP with a Helf paladin where I killed a chicken in front of her eyes (we decided to run DM later together)
>got invited to a group by a Horde 60 who buffed me with +30 STR Juju

Also most people below 30 have zero clue what the fuck they're doing which is great. I personally immensely enjoy playing with shitters and showing them the ropes. Most other pservers are riddled with parsetranny autists, Turtle is the only server where people still treat WoW for what it is, a video game where it's about the social interactions, not getting your BiSsy within 3 days of server launch and then complaining there's nothing to do.
This is easily the best summary for Turtle Wow. It’s basically the closest you come to 2004 Wow where you just kind of dink around and like roleplay and have dumb casual fun, a lot of people don’t know what they’re doing, but people are also pretty nice and friendly. Only real downside is the Chinese, but if you play on their off hours you may not encounter them that much.
So give it to me straight guys, is everlook a chinese colony or is it just a meme.
me, on deathwing and frostmourne
ni hao
>snek edition
snek chungus is... A CUTE
definitely agree. the community easily carries it. every time i've tried other pservers or even classic wow it just felt like such a fomo rush. being able to fuck around, fish, farm materials, etc is nice.

there are some annoying people, and some subhumans that actively try to ruin the experience but that's par for the course for any mmo, private or not.

biggest concern is the staff torpedo'ing the server with upcoming changes, reception on them seems to be a bit negative but we'll see. maybe if i'm lucky, they'll nerf paladins enough to scare off the "fotm" power players, but not enough so that i can still enjoy a comfy easy class.
Bump my thread on /v/ please
can you guys explain how you find it fun playing the same version of the same over and over again just with new chars? the end game content always stays the same, you do the same shit over and over
>t. retail player who doesn't even like playing alts
The people you play with usually make the game fun for me. Befriending reliable tanks, healers and DPS while shit talking eachother doing dungeons or questing. Usually before I hit 30 my friendlist has at least 20 on it. I'm very forward and social when playing WoW, it's cool to meet new people, the wackier they are the better.
Personally I find the leveling process to be more enjoyable and fun than the endgame so doing it again as different characters is better than just playing the same character at 60. But either way you are stuck doing the same content over and over, with the endgame being far more shallow when it comes to content.
I'm kind of surprised that turtle wow is good. Only level 10 so far so maybe it gets worse. The tents giving fast rested XP are a cool way of addressing the vanilla XP curve. The quest in goldshire that let me fly a gryphon for 30 seconds after as a reward is cool too, clever way of having some degree of "flying" in the game without ruining the world. The new quests in general feel in place.
Vanilla wow = the journey is the important part, not the destination. The main character of vanilla wow is the world itself. Leveling and travel is slower, mobs in general are much more dangerous, it's "you against the world".

Retail, is exact opposite. You are the special champion, you are the main character, Kings will live in YOUR garrison. Leveling is just an obstacle to your greatness. Which makes the world pointless. They could just delete the world and make the game nothing more than a Dungeon/Raid/BG queue lobby and most players wouldn't even give a shit since the world is so superfluous.
i want to play dragonflight classic
It's alright. Everything past 30-35 is still a slog and the number of players heavily decreases but so you long you don't rush it it can be very comfy. Enjoy the ride.
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Nobody wants to look at your 9gag memes faggot monkey
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What class should I roll on fresh?
I think the entire cast of LOTR is in this Tauri guild
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Good feelings
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Wow. The pearlposting really died down after pearl, kotofanya, and milktruck got banned, huh. That is WILD. It's almost as though what people have been warning me about pandafurrytrannies is real.
Give it a rest Sudsy
might be autism but when i like a game i don't mind replaying it. i've replayed games like halo or some of the old ps2 games like ratchet and clank literally hundreds of times.

i typically need a break between "playthroughs" but if it's fun, it's fun. not much more to it. if i absolutely don't want to touch a game again that's typically an indicator of a "bad game" or at the very least, a game that i don't enjoy.
>faggot obsessively namedropping
Get bent
Where did all those weird random hornyposts go? Seems like they disappear a couple days ago. I miss them.
>baby's first falseflag
Talk about the game
What in-game weapon looks the most like a dog’s penis?
What's the power scaling like in Legion relative to previous expansions? Would one be able to go back and clear MoP raids solo?
I know most wow players find this hard to understand but some people don't play wow 24/7 for years nonstop. I'm playing everlook fresh because I haven't played vanilla wow in over 5 years.
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Unplayable, unusable armour
That’s one thing I like about Turtle Wow. You can quit it for months and it’ll still be there when you come back.
Are private servers even worth playing right now?
I have never played Arena and I am interested to start. I a have only played as a Tank Warrior and I consider Arms PVP.
2v2 or 3v3?
Which race?
Can I find a partner who is also a beginner or do I have to lie?
Which are worth even picking up?
Turle WoW for RP / casual levelling

Starfall (Everlook 2) starting 29th June. Classic Fresh with World PVP. May contain severe autism from Horde.

Onyxia for progression from Classic to WoTLK. Currently at AQ event. TBC Starts at September

Warmane for WoTLK. Lordaeron for comfy levelling and PUG raiding, Icecrown for tryhards or Blackrock for Arena only.
I tried Onyxia but for some reason the client just never wants to save my settings.
Probably some of the AQ weapons
I am a Born Again Christian schizo, which class should I play as ?
Dwarf Rogue
Male Human Priest that never breaks roleplay and vocally displays a poorly restrained disgust towards warlocks and every other race except for dwarf.
Female nelf hunter with a wolf. Everybody just know but, since you're born again, they pretend they don't.
based ESL degenerate
Female Pandaren Priest
does kotofanya prefer worgen or tauren?
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Are there any new specs in Valionor or just the usual shit with more skill?
What about Ashbringer?
90% of the 'new' specs are taken from retail
>Are there any new specs in Valionor or just the usual shit with more skill?
They do have a whole spec per class, not originals as >>483565231 said. Also most of them useless due the focus on solo play, so playing anything but a tanky melee is subpar.
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mb3 should have pandaren dk
Whats the deal with wallcraft? is it good or gonna flop?
neither, it's never going to come out
Is warrior, paladin, rogue, or DK good?
I assume yes.
Also is there any resources on their changes or nah?
So as per other anons here I am interesting in having some fresh chow mein on the 29th. Which faction do they lean towards? I'll go for the opposite and gank them.
interested* excuse me sars
I know that paladins have these awful "totally not combo" holy points. Also combo points stay in the rogue/druid, not on target (so the holy stuff is literally the same). Dunno about DKs. Chances rogue isn't hat good due the lack of sustain, unless they added some rune for them.
Horde because Orc's racial gives 25% stun resistance. Horde is insanely aggressive with ganking on Duskwood and on Redridge Mountains. In Westfall there is the infamous Orc Rogue, Ngor, killing Defias Traitor 24/7. In Redrigre expect to see a 60 level cougar pet killing Alliance called "Redridgeboss".

If you want to play Classic on Nightmare difficulty, play as Alliance.
This, horde ganking is already covered, do something original like camping low level horde
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Male dwarf mage is ultimate kino and white man's choice of class.
So... the chinks play on Horde? Is that what you're both saying?
I don't, I expansion hop to whichever server is the most popping, which is currently MoP and seems to be Legion after that. By the time I loop around to the same expansion it will have been years and I will have forgotten most of it.
Stoneralon Mountains have patrols of Horde blocking the Alliance village and the road to Desolace. Also a rogue in the tunnel between Stonetalon & Ashenvale.
How soulless, alliance should be camping stonetalon peak for the 15 minute corpse run
Alliance doesn't suffer autism
Great places to gank Horde:

>Ashenvale, the strand
>Stonetalon Mountains, Venture Co and Spider quest
>Hillsbrad Foothills, the Human town

Best Gank classes:

>Survival Hunter
>Retribution Paladin
>Subtlety Rogue
i'm going to go a cute femnelf hunter with a cat pet and stealth near the strand
>no druid
You suck even at sucking.
Resto Druid, yes. But you need a partner.
"gank" as a paladin, just go around bothering people. You can't kill them but they can't kill you, it's the best way to waste everyone's time.
good health
loooooOOOOoooOOoOOooOOOooong life
white people are tall though
tallest in the world
>femboy robes
>you need a partner to gank leveling people
As I said, you suck at sucking.
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<Not in OP> on Mistblade 2 is currently recruiting for our almost full 10 man roster, currently at 7/13 heroic in ToT. We'd prefer a hunter that really likes sporebats but we really just need someone for spell haste buff. We'll help you get geared. Whisper anyone online for an invite.
>We'd prefer a hunter that really likes sporebats
you guys are sick
mob pathing on turtle is fucked you can't sidestrafe without getting dazed
sporebats are the pet that give spell haste buff in case you really don't know
>maybe if i'm lucky, they'll nerf paladins enough to scare off the "fotm" power players, but not enough so that i can still enjoy a comfy easy class.
The devs are paladin cocksuckers like every other custom server so if anything paladin will get buffed and shaman nerfed
it has felt a lot less schizophrenic lately, it's true
gayness went down a good 80%
you are replying to the poster responsible for it
you are replying to the poster replying to himself who is the person responsible for it
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>Hardcore character 12 levels above the zone followed by his 60 main
Is there anything more pathetic than this? Why even play the game at this point? They're always Chinese as well
I always report it
Vanilla once i get hemorrage do i just spam it or use it once then switch back to bs/ss
If you're leveling sub you shouldn't even need to use hemorrhage. Get the 2 first points in the Ass tree which gives 50% crit on ambush for 20 seconds after a kill, then fight mobs 4-5 levels lower than you and oneshot everything. Keep your dagger updated by doing the occasional dungeon. It's far more fun and effective than combat, FUCK leveling as combat and spamming Cringing Strike
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is turtle worth playing on? is it redditcore and trooncord central?
I've said horrendous shit on Turtle and never got banned or even warned a single time. Just don't do it in /world like a retard.
i've rp'd heinously illegal things and not got banned
wonder if they read the logs though
alright. i guess vanillafixes is what i need to make the shit client a bit better?

1.12 client is still a piece of shit with all the ductape, have fun un-fucking it
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>download turtle
>log in
>strafe left and right a few times
>alt + f4 and delete client
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Only on turtle.
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what's going on here?
Just took a poop and it wasn't big enough to hurt, yet when I wiped there was a lot of blood. What does it mean?
we need modern wow but with the leveling experience of vanilla desu
You either have Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome or cancer.
If leveling in retail were actually fun how would they sell boosts? Think nigga, they make it shit on purpose.
youve been eating beets
i dont like to hugely outlevel the area im questing in
So for Ascension, I wanna try a healer but unsure what mystic to go with
Is there a good healer that heals by dealing damage and if not something similar to wotlk resto dudu with pre healing
I don't know which brainlet in KM told you I was jimposter.
I'm too depressed on playing WoW. What am I supposed to do?
Exercise and drink lots of water so you pee out the depression
go for a walk in the sunshine
erp with someone in WoW who makes you feel good
worst possible outcome. i already dislike how overpopulated the class is. though i guess holy will still be less played than ret.
It's infamous for it. I was banned for complaining about the team in /bg because AV has been broken forever. They don't care that their change made an imbalanced BG even MORE imbalanced.
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don't forget, you're here forever
>damn I'm feeling kinda nostalgic about vanilla wow...


three more sleeps till everlook fresh, king
pearl harbor...
oh sorry, I don't spell shit the niggermerican way, sorry cuh...

fr fr no cap ngl ong!
Pearl is American so you have to spell things the American way for her.
Or else...
you'll finger my bum amerimutt?

shouldn't you be worried about your fentanyl crackhead brother instead of seething over a random brit online?
Pearl had a man killed irl because he wasn't playing the right spec.
What do you think she'll do to you for this disrespect?
Remember Pearl dogdildo!
it's over
Alex just said starfall is for neo nazis so he's not playing there
literally who?
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<Not in OP> sucks
That's it, no longer accepting any KM refugees
This is war
besides the guild needing a hunter what other classes are needed on mistblade?
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Something you are willing to play for an extended period of time that preferably isn't any of these classes
Our best dps are two casters so we really can't go without the spell haste buff. Of the classes that give it our preferences would be hunter>ele shaman>shadow priest>balance druid
I'll roll a hunter, but I would need guildies to be sending me sissy hypno to keep my dopamine up while leveling/dungeons/raiding. Might get a little distracted.
Your application has been denied, thank you for your interest.
sorry we are full on sissies
Like what?
I wish there was a server with a good RP scene that wasn't twow. I had forgotten how ugly most armor was back then...
Welcome back pearl
For the third and final time it was neither I who was shitposting nor I who was banned
Those were your dildos
It's over :,(
You can report him and get him banned if it's hardcore or pvp flagged
Yeah like the other said just report it and they will handle it.
Used to be a lot worse before it was against the rule. All you could do was shame and ridicule them into quitting.
le aunt poisoner
give me a QRD on this meme
>I wish there was a server with a good RP scene that wasn't twow.
are there other invisible gear options for turtle besides shoulders and belt?
if anyone wants to spam dungeons on whitemane frostmourne let me know
No because they're retards.
give me a QRD on this meme I won't ask again
>she doesn't know
Isn’t Epsilon an erp server?
Isn't that fun, really, even a bit lame IMO, the truth is that you should go back but since you aren't going to do that at least just fucking lurk moar you fucking newfag.
how long do I have to lurk and read "le aunt poisoner" with no context before I glean it's meaning
I would like to play an actual game, but I am seriously an asshair away from just installing epsilon

Also I heard it's SUPER cliquey anyway
It has a mix of ERP and RP on it. If you just want to role-play then you can probably find a group and join them. If you're looking for ERP you can probably find someone to do that with you.
Idk I don't know what that means either.
But I know to lurk and wait until I do instead of asking because I'm not a shameless newfag.
being too insecure to ask questions is something you're supposed to grow out of little bro
My advice if you do wind up on Epsilon is to lurk some, read up on their discord, and talk around to people. Everything is divided into cliques but most of them are looking for new players and will welcome you. Just find a group that fits what you want to do in game and join that group.
Personally, when I started out I just whispered people and said "hey, I'm new to Epsilon, I'd like to get role-playing" and every single person I spoke to was really friendly and helpful. Eventually I found a group whose times matched mine and were doing something I was interested in taking part of so I made a character and joined up with them. And then by playing with them I also got to know other players on the server and got to join in on other RPs.
Maybe it seems daunting at first but really if you just talk to people it's not that bad.
how much erp did you do?
But the thing is is I'd love to be able to just wander around like SW or a random corner in dun morogh and have some random walkups like I can in twow...
All this scheduling and storyline shit sounds tiring.
I get that.
How long have you been posting in these threads?
Since kronos 2
>guy named nigger in the chat
So whats the word on Shaman's on Onyxia, resto until TBC drops?
Just masturbated to futa ntr
Are we making a /wpsg/ guild on Starfall? What's everyone playing?
no bc people are allergic to having fun
Another /wpsg/ guild probably won't happen until Mistblade dies after SoO.
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dumbest class for me to dumbass?
You literally spam 2 buttons as a rogue in vanilla.

Healing is unironically very easy as well.
I don’t see why not. Most anons aren’t in <Not in OP> and those that are mainly raidlog and play on other servers. I won’t play on Starfall but I don’t see why you can’t put together a guild there for leveling or whatever.
i have avoided dwarves for the longest times and played tried everything but them.
but then i tried redoing my very first character, a dwarf warrior and damn ... something about dwarven zones just speaks to my heart. deep down i feel like im home. maybe its because of my mountain living ancestors idk.
Dwarves are soulful.
>Most anons aren’t in <Not in OP>
this entire thread is me talking to myself bro
not enough drama in this thread
we need some juicy drama
t. Schizo
I won't let the voices win I won't let the voices win
Voices here
I won.
Yes I don't see why not. A few anons ITT want to at least play while it's fresh. I've asked one and I'll ask again, which faction do the chinks prefer? I don't know. Play the other side.
Hey guys check out this video youtube.com/watch?v=3GBFqnQQAdk
Please like and subscribe!
when i played on first evelook launch as tauren druid parking myself at lvl 28 and ganking in duskwood, there were literally dozens if not a hundred xiaos camping all the lupos spawns
So what killed the Turtle WoW servers?
He didn't live
Okay so <Unit 731> on Horde then. see you guys on
Nothing. Server is still going.
if vanilla, holy paladin.
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It went pretty well, not one death or sketchy situation. I popped reck on VC and his goonsquad, then switched to defensive stance and disarmed him so he stood there holding his dick in hand for ten full seconds. Even won Smite's Hammer so I'm set until level 30. Warrior tanking is FUN!
Why are the pops so low on Tel'Abim and the RP server
so whats the chance starfall will have 8k china first month then drop to 300 concurrent players 2 months from now on
Official Blizzard Classic WoW relaunches in China tomorrow evening. The chinktide is officially over.
2k concurrent players is pretty healthy.
no one cares about pvp
Crusade-Storm TBC FRESH soon. 2x to 58 and dual spec vendor confirmed.
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You can't make me do dailies!
>84 accounts registered
>38 chars
>dual spec
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This week Lei Shen HC is going to get LITT UP
We're not even attempting Tortos
Stop posting ratmen
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>We're not even attempting Tortos
Not with that attitude we're not!
>/who wetlands
>22/26 players is a paladin

At this point I'm convinced you're basically guaranteed a raiding spot so long you're NOT playing a paladin
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>>/wpsg/ Guilds
><Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
><Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
Uhm... you gotta update the header
All of those guilds are dead
We're progging RIGHT NOW!
Yeah basically if you don’t play a warrior or a paladin you can get into raids and get loot easily
paladins in classic+ funservers should be like endangered neopets where you're only allowed to make one on certain days of the year to control their population and value.
just going to go see my family
good luck
Well originally they were a hero class so hey maybe
le aunt poisoner
Too soon dude
>Paladin should be a defensive support class, not a top DPS.
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Wrong. They should be top support, top DPS, top Tank, top healer, top class.

I don't wanna play any other cringe dress wearing "specialist" I AM the main character. Get fucked brownie noshoe njeggers, here's hoping they buff CHADadins even more
As much as people hate hybrid tax you really can't have something with strong healing and strong damage in vanilla wow, it just throws everything off balance. If you're ever going to buff paladin's damage you'd have to do something to nerf their baseline healing. Like give them a shadow form equivalent or something or lock key abilities in deep ret and deep holy so you can't have both.
This. I only ever enjoy druid in vanilla and maybe TBC because they're still a gimped warrior, priest and rogue combined into one. You're not the best tank, you're not the best healer, you don't have the best damage or CC in the game but you have the full package which is often worth it's weight in gold alone. Wrath and beyond every spec becomes nearly the best at everything, completely negating the point of the hybrid. Also fuck their Wrath cat/bear model.
just two more sleeps
twow or starfall? feelin the itch
If you buff their damage you need to nerf their offensive abilities, chiefly the bubble needs to be nerfed hard. Otherwise you have Turtle Wow where paladins can run in, drop their nukes, then bubble away.
>target mob
>hit seal
>hit holy strike
>can walk away for water or food, talk with friends, post in the thread, etc
why play anything else? the simplicity of paladin is relaxing.
all it needs are genji gloves and excalibur.
Being able to tank and DPS isn't even remotely as much of a problem as being able to heal and DPS
They should just have incredibly emasculating names.
>my favorite class being OP is fine
t. brown
Let me guess, you think wow is balanced around some sissy shit like instanced pve?
There is a game for you, trannydin, retail, look it up.
>Let me guess, you think wow is balanced
As a matter of fact, no I don't. That was my point.

>sissy shit like instanced pve
And then in sissy shit like instanced PvP the paladin is pure cancer by being a tanky healer.
>implying I play w*rrior
all tanking amounts to is shitting out threat, being def capped, and having enough health to not get deleted before your healer finishes casting. Outside of def capping anyone can do that in PVE and it's completely irrelevant to PVP.
Don't bother, you are talking to a fully deranged sissydin player see >483710012 and that amazingly stupid word salad of pure, undiluted transgendered seething.
I assume you're playing Area-52 and not Elune?
>good healer that deals damage
good is arguable but those are
>Cauterizing Flames (Fire/Priest Healer)
>Cryotherapist (Frost/Priest Healer)
>Vampire Lord (Shadow/Paladin Healer)
>Dark Surgeon (Rogue/Priest Healer)
>Grove Ranger (Hunter/Druid Healer)
>Champion of Justice (Warrior/Paladin Healer)
>Tree of Wrath (Shaman/Druid Healer)
Then some are just variations of Priest
>Divine Purpose (Penance Healer)
>Atonement (Smite Healer) + Empowering Smite
>Benevolent Crusader + Empowering Smite

>wotlk resto dudu with pre healing
Seed of Life?
>posts deleted
Yeah you don't shittalk paladins in this general and expect to get away with it you brown little bitch! Know your place.
>anyone can do that in PVE
As a matter of fact, no. Only warriors can do that and they're also the best DPS in the game. You might be retarded for real if you unironically defend this shit.
If you can't wait for Starfall then Turtle.
>turtle mafia banning anyone who dares to criticize their "balance"
I wonder if the r/wowservers jannies also work for 4chan, that way our girl Shenna only needs to pay once.
>if it's not 10k it's dead
Fuck off
Any serious developer would make holy shock baseline and put divine shield in its place
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>"hybrids are an abomination"
>he must be a paladin apologist
Reading isn't exactly your strong point, right?
page 10...
sorry we're all having fun on [server] without you
Damn dude no need to be bitchy bro was just bumping the thread
tell me what server so I can log on and end your fun forcefully
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Everyone is in the Epoch Waiting Room right now, every other release outside of Stormforge stuff is a complete and utter meme. Everyone of those servers will be less than 200 pop a month after release.

>Inb4 Le Warmane xD
Pay to win garbage outside of Lordaeron. Enjoy playing with and against people buying Thunderfury for $250 from the cashshop
>Everyone is in the Epoch Waiting Room right now
It’s fucking insane how true this is. Every anon I’ve spoken to in-game has said they are “just waiting for Epoch.” And I play on multiple servers.
this post feels very ingenuine
It isn’t. I am genuinely astounded by it because when I played one of the betas I was beyond bored of it after like five minutes. Even the idea of an Undead Paladin just bored me to death. I don’t know what other anons see in that server and I hate to piss on their parade but what are you guys thinking?
>Epoch waiting room
Have fun waiting for years
For one it's developed on an actual working client
we're waiting for tauri legion actually
The custom content is the primary allure. But like you said it was just boring to play. They removed Cannibalize as a racial too, instead you just eat food.
Undead paladin is fucking stupid and dwarf shaman fuckers are just as obnoxious. What's the point when the server is crossfaction?
Tbf they didn’t remove Cannibalize. They made it a cosmetic racial and gave every race a cosmetic racial
My main thing is not adding Draenei and Belfs. I would fucking kill for being able to play a Draenei on a good vanilla server.
I bet you would, pervert.
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You could take this shaman pug's spot if you raided with us...
I have a 73 hunter on MB and a boost lying around from the previous server. Any class in particular you need?
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hunter is exactly what we need
You need to come up with a cool recruitment ad first.
I'm leveling on Troondle at the moment, once I get (eventually) bored of that in a week or two I'll let you fags know. I never did ToT but I heard it's a lot of people's favorite raid.
I'll level a shaman if you funnel me gold and gear
I'm bored enough to play with redditors but IIIR your raid times are awful.
>I'm leveling on Troondle at the moment
What are you leveling?
Personally I just like a lot of their changes. A lot of it is what Turtle Wow should have done such as how they’re handling Warmode.
What the go-to database for vanilla all the SOD crap on wowhead is annoying
Warrior. Taking it slow, running every dungeon at least once.
free sample erp with pearl or dostor
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>Spark of Zandalar
we'd make anyone who joins gear, depending on how many haunting spirits we have stored up
no one's giving you gold though
Hell yeah. What race?
Helf Female.
Are their racials any good as a warrior?
Yeah, you get a free 36 rage before pull and the human/orc weapon racials are getting nerfed next patch. It's really nice for sketchy pulls or just outright damage.
Sorry Hunter spot is taken. >>483630402
Integration of Internet Information Resources
Yeah, IIRC that's pretty useful.
raids start at 8 pm server time/2 pm EST thursday and friday
I'm also leveling on troondle. It's comfy.
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Hell yeah that's a good ass racial. I'm playing a Dwarf and enjoying chopping people in half with my axe while running around shirtless like an absolute barbarian.
Oh fuck yeah it's comfy as fuck.
>2 pm EST thursday and friday
Wow that’s pretty bad for amerimutts but probably alright if you’re eurotrash or a third-worldie
why are dwarves so cool? irl manlets get made fun of but in fantasy they kick ass
is it because they're jacked? then again people also like fat dwarves
It’s the same thing Wolverine from the X-Men has going for him. He’s short as fuck but he kicks ass.
>It’s the same thing Wolverine from the X-Men has going for him. He’s short as fuck but he kicks ass.
They made Wolverine a literal bisexual polygamist. He's not cool anymore, nor does he really kick ass much, sadly.
isn't that true for all of hollywood now
any American who can't afford classic is a neet anyway
>They made Wolverine a redditor
Just like dwarves, lol
>not giving blizzard money means you're a neet
A real red-blooded American bootlicks every corporation, you thirdie.
Not so bad, but while checking MoP hunter stuff I remembered that I have to level professions and deal with hordes of spics, so guess I'll wait for the next PvE server.
>Brownies still seething about Paladins in the year of our lord 2024
>Brownies still getting Cripple kited by the based rogue ganker to death
>Seeks validation to cope through parses and mongolian basket weaving forums

Warrior is truly the tranny class
if a spic kills you I will track him down and corpse camp him until he logs out
You can just level the professions at 90 with the cheat recipes for the most part
The guild will defend you from spics
are people still leveling and doing lower tier raids in Turtle? Which is better turtle or onyxia? which has less thirdies?
>if a spic tries to waste your time your double down on wasting your time

It's mostly the general annoyance, I'm getting to old for that shit.
That's fair, some people in the guild have never been touched by spics, some have been sexually assaulted and some have been ganked
It's always a toss up
Onyxia is pay2win "GOGOGOGOGOGO GO" soulless garbage.

Turtle is garbage as well but at least it's garbage with a halfway decent playerbase.
cope thirdie
/wowcg/ won
From my experience in MB1 it wasn't that bad, but two three times a week a party will gank you while doing dailies or general chores (getting catch-up gear/reps/legendary quest etc) and be faggots during wbosses and whatnot. It keep adding if you level an alt or two (which I always eventually do).
druid, was planning to go down to feline swiftness for movement speed before travel form then getting omen before furor then back to feral tree, good plan or something better/
I'm going to fail my exam on consolidated financial statements involving non controlling interests and differentials because I came to the raid instead of studying
Thanks anon, I'll go check them out in game and try the one that sounds the most fun and yeah I'm in a-52.
Do any of them stand out as more fun or better to you than others
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I need my dose of F r E s H but I wonder if I should go with everlook or just wait for blizz servers in a couple of years? If I play it now then I won't feel like it then
just wait 10 years for riot's game
is death knight fun to play bros
Not really desu
The idea and the aesthetics are nice but they always end up simple and under-deliver in the class fantasy division
Unholy tanks in wotlk were nice tho
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Are we rolling Ally or Horde on chinklook?
DK is the tits in WotLK but they become progressively more neutered in every following expansion.
It's like a melee warlock, which is nice because its a warlock but bad because melee. I think most people just play them because they're stupidly broken OP in WotLK.
I got a 70 out of 75 on the multiple choice but I'm not confident at all about the written part and didn't even fill in all the boxes for journal entries, fuck you Pearl this is all your fault for threatening me into coming I don't care anymore if you "do a cromwell" on me I'm done living under your thumb!!!
pearl is worse than hairyanus ever was...
>they're stupidly broken OP in WotLK
That was only the case in the beginning of the expansion. DKs became run of the mill by the end, which is what everyone plays.
I'm sorry Pearl please don't hurt me I didn't mean it
I played them all, the best was old champion of justice when played as a sole healer. Genuinely would suggest you to try them out, personally they just feel adding pointless interactions while in harder content you gotta be constantly ready to heal/panic and not care about damage dealing. Most of the time it is you dealing 1% of the dps while keeping a billion shit in mind while someone is playing Low Tide/Mending Tide/Adorned by the Light and brainlessly healing even the hardest content.

It does allow you to do solo content well, though, so thats a plus if you're doing manastorms.
>Pearl's ban ends
>this shit starts up again
I repeat the same nonsense that's been btfo over and over until people stop replying to me because then that means I win
Yep. It was pretty obvious he was doing this shit before and now it's blatant.
why are you replying to yourself?
why am I?
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Why is whitemanes woltk server not listed? Honestly the best server, right now.
Write an entry for it in the style of the OP and maybe it'll be added next thread.
>Server Name - website (Server type)
Furor >>>>>>> Omen

Omen has an internal CD, it can only procs every 0.66 minute iirc. Furor gives instant energy in Cat, it makes leveling a breeze. Omen is something nice to have, Furor is essential (and has no heavy investment). After Feline Swiftness I always go 5/5 Furor immediately, maybe pick up Feral Charge before if I'm playing on a PvP server. Rest of the Feral tree is really not that good, highly situational.
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Yeah Vik is right there
What happened to all the anons who said they would join last week? And the week before that? And the week before that? And the week before that? And before that? And before that?
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After thoughtful reconsideration we ultimately decided on rejecting their application. Two of them wanted to play MY class, like LOL you can't replace ME bitch
What class is that?
We actually did have a hunter join recently, but he hasn't been on in a few days. The Darktide™ Secrets of the Machine God™ update must've taken him.
yes you are so very clever pajeet anon for asking questions about the guild and then not actually joining, truly the pinnacle of indian intellect
The actual fun one.
I never said I would join. I'm wondering why it seems your guild has been close to filling their roster for weeks now despite apparently getting applicants in the thread.
It's 7 PM here. I'm American. If you want to mock me for where I'm from, you could at least get it right.
Well you can't really expect people to want to play the boring one now can you?
This retard
>Say the N word
>Mention Trump
>Mention Russia
>No responses
The soul of this game is pretty much dead.
End Time in cata is where world of warcraft 5 mans peaked.
You forgot the trannies
I've made it to 23 on troondle so far and it seems active for leveling.
Is it normal that nobody talks in guild chat, there's like 100 people online. What's the point of the guild?
To put money in the gbank for the clique
You are what we call a "goy"
Ask your guild in guildchat
There’s always people leveling on twow because leveling is the best part of that server
I leveled seven characters to 60 on that server, a dozen more to mid levels, and am currently leveling a new char
why is everlook launching a new server? is the original one dead? do they think this will fix it?
private server players are always looking for the next F R E S H
Starfall hasn't even come out yet and Alexsensual has already killed it
Can we get an Alex was right in the chat?
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Hardcore is the only mode that interests me anymore but it's also unplayable on every server offering it.
It is pretty dumb that there is no dedicated hardcore server. Turtle Wow released a PVP server and it has way fewer players on it than it has hardcore players. They dropped the ball.
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my tmog for starfall (I am the least racist and trans starfall player)
What class and race are you rolling brother?
whos the better erper and what are they both in to?
Only one more sleep and then Everlook fresh
Can't wait to level to 40-50, pvp for a few months then bail.
They’re both into really gay furry shit. Pearl is the better writer but also takes longer to respond.
>female name
ywnbaw, also why not play Onyxia still?
wow-hc.com, but i'm sure the population is too small for you
Sis...........onyxia doesn't have HC and vanilla is poo.
Population isn’t an issue. I prefer smaller pops. I will check it out. Thanks.
neither want anything to do with you, freak
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Make sure to buy your Thunderfury and Bonereavers Edge on Starfall's pre-launch cashshop bros
You've always been a paladin when you posted your previous attention whore pictures, my bad.
While i'm not a fan of the shop, lets be honest here. Gear isn't being sold, closest thing to p2w is probably bags.
Yeah Everlook staff would NEVER sell loot under the table via discord lol. Doesn't happen. Ever! Lol!
Truth is if that anon wanted to he could erp with either of them.
Who cares? It's fresh and Epoch isn't out yet. Just roll Horde join <Unit 731> and kill changs
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No I'm rolling alliance <Auschwitz> and am going to protect the honorary arians against you incel tumblerinas
Giving those cuties to the horde was a mistake.
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Never played 1.14 on a private server before. Why does this come up every time I launch via Everlook's launcher/Hermes proxy? The proxy thing is very gay btw
Of course you were bored, it was a fucking beta. Unless you are a wow fanatic there is zero incentive to play for a month and then lose your character. I myself tried it, fooled around for an hour, was satisfied with how smooth the client is and then never played again.
Unoriginal and changs are certainly not honorary aryans.
what about both at the same time?
I’m going to stuff my big fat dirty green Hordenigger cock so far down your throat I will cum all over your undigested lunch.
NTA but I tried their first beta, the new quest were nice and seamlessly mix with vanillla and the same goes for the new rares. Then I remember how godawful TBC classes are and dropped the server.
schizo theories aren't real
sperg harder you retarded nigger
I'm that anon and maybe you're right. Or maybe you're coping. Look, I'll give it a fair shot if I have the time when it releases.
The TBC spells and abilities and talents are the thing I like the most. For its faults TBC did those way better than Vanilla, to the point where if you want to make Vanilla+ you really ought to just start with TBC as the base.
is unit 731 going to be an actual guild or is this a haha kill bugmen kind of deal.
The funny thing is there won't even be any chinkies anymore because Classic WoW just relaunched in China. Starfall is a DoA server with a scammer crew behind it. Shills and retards here will keep falling for it though
there's not enough anons for a wpsg guild
well, it was my idea but it's based off pure hatred and racism only. I won't make a discord or anything lame like that.
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>found an easy AH niche
>finally playing a class which doesn't have to blow 500 gold on their training skills
Heheheh I'm going to be able to afford my mount at 40 this time faggots
Finally playing lock, Anon?
what's THE class to let everyone know i'm down for being dirty?
uninstall wizard
Priest. Paladin if you want to be interesting about it.
I've never not been able to afford a mount at 40 unless I've been deliberately doing stupid shit like collecting pets or buying blue BOEs that I knew would make it hard to save up 100 mountbux.
Idk man whenever I level a priest shit gets expensive from level 30 onward and you basically need all new ranks of your spells. This is even with selling a couple blue dungeon twink BoE's for a couple dozen or so gold. I always feel melee have it way easier because the new ranks for most of their stuff is pretty meaningless while leveling. You can't solo AoE or fight rares for shit either in vanilla as a priest. Even just grinding solo is painful.
Wasn't a fresher supposed to come out at the end of June?
only one more sleep till everlook fresh daddy
Saturday night is coming up. You ready? I know I am.
is there a server release saturday?
Ready for challenge mode? Who throws a bucket? Honestly!
Oh something will release all right ha ha
i don't get it
Someone will get it ha ha
Nngh! I bleed! But I won't die!
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I've been playing on Private Servers for the past year. Why are there so many schizophrenics? Are they attracted to pservers? Someone needs to study this phenomenon.
freshie is tomorrow and i'm not feeling it bros
i'm experiencing FOMO but yikes, again?
zero incentive to play
mmn yah feshy und fashy yah yah
Are the schizos in the room with you right now?
you have it all wrong, I'M in the room with the schizos!
I think it's just old uncensored MMOs in general. I recently installed the first Guild Wars game which is an official licensed product but no longer has admins watching it, and the chats that I see are like a mix of /x/ and /pol/. Schizos just congregate in familiar places where they won't get banned.
ok sisters are we making a horde or alliance guild on starfall?
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MoPfags, everybody.
>server shitting itself just from open character creation

damn their server must be super shit if they can't handle all 50 people that are going to play tomorrow
Fuck off fag
it's thread culture
lurk moar newfag
y-You only need 40 players to raid!
/wowcg/ has boobies and we don't...
okay pearl...
>we were the inferior option all along
we have worgen men
big green peen
lego star wars is killing <Not in OP>
we're waiting for our cds
what do you guys think for whitemane for cataclysm? should I try another private? I want one where quests are not bugged and I can play quests with a low exp rate (pref even 1x) but I guess any expansion besides vanilla will do for me
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Why does everyone keep calling me Dostor? My name is Taur Stonehoof. I just sell blacksmithing supplies.
yes bro you should try other cataclysm servers taht have been up for as long as whtiemane such as
and maybe try too
ESO won
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So since I'm really bored and there's nothing decent to play I've toying with the idea of playing one of these WoLK server with bot companions. I'm planing the party right now for buffs and synergies.

1) Orc Warlock, WoW's main character, non-negotiable. Brings int/spi if afly and the OP SP buff if demo.
2) Ret paladin, WoW's most NPC class (there's a joke about being a literal bot here in some place). Brings kings, bonus damage and haste auras, replenishment and dispel. Dunno if the bots are good at clutch BoP plays.
3) Meme blood/unholy DK as tank. Brings str/agi buff, 10% attack power aura and +13% aids damage.
4) Guess I'll want a druid for MotW (not that good but I really like it), brez (assuming bots don't waste it), decurse and, if resto, +heling aura.

Dunno about the 5th since I got most stuff covered (IIRC you can use the inscription stuff as replacement for the priest fortitude buff), maybe a hunter or shaman as token mail user.

Any ideas?
I've done solo stuff with bots and while it's fun to tinker with your setup it's also by far the loniest and pathetic thing I ever experienced. WoW is an MMO, it's meant to be played with other people. The bots are good. Too good even. They're better than the vast majority of players with minimal optimization. They don't fuck up. They perfectly interrupt. They always heal the most perfect time. They use all of their CC on priority targets. Overall it makes the game incredibly easy and BORING

Just level a character on Lordaeron, trust me. Playing with a bunch of Ivans and Dimitri's who make mistake and will shit talk back to you beats any bot.
Again, I was just toying with the idea. Look like it an be a fun time waster but you're right it's pointless at the end. Maybe I'll just work on my backlog.
Realistically is it even possible to code a third faction into the Vanilla code or would it cause too many screw ups to ever try?
You'd have to tweak almost every single NPC in the game. Several locations would be royally fucked and a large portion of quests would be broken.

You're better of scripting an entirely new game.
I am going to kill myself
okay pearl
any fun servers to play?
pearl won
I asked Pearl where the sign ups for the next raid were and he disbanded the guild
You now remember Deca
Last I played troondle years ago I lost a hc warrior at 47. Returned two days ago and now leveling a sc warlock. Just hit 25. It's comfy. World chat is as cringe as i remember but the people I've partied to do quests with have been fun.
Unironically do you think anyone in the history of world of warcraft ever engaged in heterosexual same-race ERP?
my femorc had an orc boyfriend on turdle
who is pearl
What faction we going on Starfall and why is it Horde
I refuse to go horde ever again
our merciless overlord with an iron fist
Someone who really wants more raiders
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Why? Ally cucks out of every fight open world.
>only 2k players on onyxia on friday night
they released that new evergook server or something?
Classic got relaunched in China ot something which may have pulled some of the xiaos off pservers. Chinklook is tomorrow or later today this day (saturday).
i thought chinks were ip banned from warmane
I don't play warmane so I don't know but I guess the bug men are smart enough to use vpns? Also new final fantasy 14 expansion launched so maybe some players bailed to that for now.
>Classic got relaunched in China
fresh or did they save their characters?
wait, did evergook launch already?
No idea
>June 27, 2024
>Exciting news for Chinese gamers! WoW Classic will relaunch in China on June 27 and promises to pick up where it left off. In April, we reported that Blizzard's games are returning to China through a renewed partnership with NetEase.

It's launching later today
>launching your chinkbait server the same week than oficial chinklassic
Ohnonononononononoono Whitekidneybros!
Blindly following "thread culture" is gay.
wk left the pserver scene like 3 years ago after evergook 1 died
Alex was right
Pearl and RUTT
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>pearl got unbanned
Goodnight Pearl. Sweet dreams.
Seeya Saturday night.
should i go play the everlook server? i kinda want a fresh
Yeah why not?
is it up yet? how many more hours?
only one more sleep(s) left
not my gm... not like this...
i must decide between this or tarisland
p2w but fotm or dead server full of foreigners
truly we live in the golden times
nasty ass
Give me some numbers
10.2" 8.4" 5.2" 6.3" 9.9"
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>Give me some numbers
Yeah, that fits.
are you me?
Christians should not play WoW because it turns you into a degenerate who shoves dog dildos named Rutt up your butt. I pray for you Pearl.
Sunwalker Dezco's story should be in the bible
is this your video anon
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>releasing a new buggy chinkylook 1.12 server
>in the week a new XIVver expansion drops
>on the exact day Wrath Classic launches in China
Oh no no no noo, 54 players after a month clusterfuck incoming
I'll be back to laugh at you in a month, lol lmao even.
I'm sure you and the 53 other autists will have a blast playing with eachother Ngor
>PvP server
Dead. On. Arrival.
Setting a reminder on my calendar.
I better see you here in exactly 1 month laughing at him.
i just wanna fuck around in classic for a bit and so do some other people
Weird turtle trannies MUST attack every other vanilla private server.
Hope you pre-bought Thunderfury from the discord, because most people rolling on PayToWinLook will lol
Haven't played WoW in a long time, was thinking about starting up on Turtle WoW. I can't decide between a prot paladin or a holy priest.

What are the biggest changes to the classes I need to be aware of? And how's the community, is it possible to find a group for dungeons and if so is playing off meta frowned on? I pretty much just want to come back and do all the high level dungeons again, don't have much interest in raiding.
There's a gazillion paladins, unironically 80% of alliance plays one.

No one gives a shit about the meta, most classes are somewhat the same except memespecs are now slightly more viable and all paladin specs have been boosted through the stratosphere.

Roll a priest. Shadow now barely goes oom. People will suck your cock to have you in their party.
I could go for having my cock sucked, I'll give it a shot. I started vanilla in 2005 as a Shadow Priest, always had to heal groups instead of DPS though.
There is no other server to play on and it's PVP, so it'll be fun for a month or so.
The staff at Turtle HATE Horde so Paladins were given insane buffs. That's all you really need to know. Hope you're not a Warlock player either because they got nothing.
It's bizarre they didn't give the ability to stack soulshards to 5 or 10. Farming shards is still a complete pain in the ass.
A lot of qol suggestions got shot down for being “too funserver” and “against the vanilla spirit” with the idea being that vanilla is supposed to be hardcore and making it easier goes against vanilla and yet vanilla itself just took EQ and added tons of qol changes to the game
This general is going to die before starfall comes out.
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probably, but I crave F R E S H
also checked
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pic related playing as healer in vanilla
I've never went oom as a priest outside of tanks pulling way too much on accident or in endgame dungeons like UBRS or Scholo

I've seen way too many faggot healers spam their quick emergency heals instead of waiting for your target to get below 50% HP and only then throw your big slow efficient nuke heal on them, then let mana regen again. Spirit > Int. I don't even heal DPS either, mages get a shield and DPS a renew at best.
i am here going bankrupt coz of melon juices
Always ask for mage water in major cities before you do dungeons. A lot of mages won't charge healers.
is 1;14 playable now?
Feels like this thread is in such a rutt.
The chat is on FIRE ladies and gentleman!
Big if true
Who is Rutt?
what's wrong with it? never tried it before
Quickest way to get to feralas?
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Is that Rutt?
Your in-game name on Turtle Wow is Kotofanya. You are also Pearl. Quit horndogging on animalmen, you fucking faggot.
Yeah I know that
>no chinks
>no troons
Wtf i love everlook now
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time to be a degenerate and level sub rogue for the express purpose of hunting down ally xiao's.
I don't think that's even remotely degenerate compared to some of the shit getting posted in this thread.
Gigastale server, incredibly low quality, tranny as fuck.
DoA under 20 players, retail-- solo fest.
Zero in threat talk, likely dogshit but feel free to prove me wrong.
Time to level hv pvp on starfall, and uninstall after first death
I don't know if you can sign up to China WotLK Classic tho.
I meant on starfall anon
That's the joke, Anon. Chinks are skipping this time.
i know it's over
it's over it's over it's over over over over over
Oh right, wrath. I'll pretend they're xiaos or something. I'll find a cope
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>whitekidney was smart enough to delay the server release six months waiting for netease to drop actiblizz on china
>nu-everlook release the same week than wotlk classic
It's beyond over.
Everlook is a Chinese project now, they bought it and they own it
Erm... What the sigma?!

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