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Bazel for OST vote edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New info + Recent trailers: https://www.ign.com/articles/monster-hunter-wilds-the-first-preview

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>483219089
So out of the 10 they posted which song do you think is gonna win? Personally I think it's probably fatalis or zinogre
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I love huntresses
I love huntresses
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I want Bazel to win evidenced by the fact that I made the OP-
But I think Raging Brachydios has a shot
I'm more pissed that the regular Brachy OST didn't make it
It has this shonen-esque vibe to it that I really like
i'm surprised shara wasn't in, i think it's tied between zinogre and valstrax
I appreciate Shara's OST and how rather unique it is, but would I actually listen to a song like that if it wasn't attached to a video game?
lol no

I'd rather listen to Rajang's jazz than Shara's gongs
goddamn forgot how ugly shara is
worse than the wilds monsters
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>Glavenus didn't make it
>>fucking Lagi
Jesus christ I finally got to iceborne without using anything from the defender set
I am so low on supplies because negrinigger had me using consumables like crazy just for some materials
Also the new mon before the dlc did like no damage but his fight lasted forever
Should I go back to the pre-dlc area to farm upgrade mats or should I just work on making weapons from the dlc instead?
I didn't really check out the blacksmith
no just move on. you should have some tickets from the event shit so make the gloves and pants from the oolong song
hornetaur waist
some other shit i forgot. basic progression set is brachy/tigrex until brachy/teostra then r brachy/teostra or velkh + frosty goves
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2 quests are marked as complete the moment you beat base game
I believe one is a HR29 quest with 2 Tempered Bazelgeuse, and a HR50 quest with a Tempered Kirin

My suggestion would be to try to complete those before going to the DLC
But you can move on immediately, nothing wrong with that
Try to mine some ore in the starting new area to get some iron armor + weapons of rarity 9
Should be good enough until... probably Barioth
They VASTLY outclass any weapon HR could provide as they are MR
I want bazel to win. But it's probably going to be something that already has a bazillon versions like zinogre or mizu
Thanks for the hints anons
I think I will go back to the old world if I ever run out of money/research points by doing optional HR quests with my new MR gear
Btw what happens to the tree from the pre dlc area? The one you gets supply mats from
I didn't see it in the new iceborne base
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>he started with world
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There's the Argosy dude in Seliana
He's also the harvester for this hub, so he is permanently in that spot
If he isn't there, then you probably need to progress the main story maybe?

poison works well on the first monster you encounter in the Hoarfrost Reach. So your Rathian tree weapon should also be good enough here
This faggot doesn’t even fight shara, just swoops in like carrion after the hunter does all the work. Nerg could maybe could fight the likes of gore, probably fold to shigaru. But a real crisis monster like Fatalis or Gaismagorm would put him in the dirt.
I dont think I ever made a weapon from rathian materials
Which one would that be?
I usually use greatsword and charge blade
that but with anything past MH1/freedom
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First time trying IB Alatreon and it's a pretty fun fight, save for the instakill attack that happens if you fail the elemental DPS check.
Got a 630 ice GL, any advice aside from not using shellings (at this point in the game in general honestly) and using jerky?
Shara's OST does nail the general feeling the thing gives, feels like you're not even supposed to know it exists, let alone see it. I like it.
Anything from tri back is okay though
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... What tree weapon did you use then?
I'm positive that Rathian is the most well-rounded Charge Blade pre-iceborne, and also makes the final boss of World tolerable
Off the top of my head, gunlance is quite possibly the worst weapon you could bring to the fight since most of your damage is raw. You’re playing with a huge handicap sticking with GL honestly, the best you can do is tenderize his front legs and spam the overhead sweep combo then tenderize head, bonk, then sweep combo on his head.
I mean I know I came into the series late but im pretty sure im just as good as the old players
Get crit element if you don't have it already. Normal shelling is best as ala has lots of openings after almost every attack. Do heavy slaps with some occasionnal shelling until you get one elemental topple then full burst to your heart's content
>worlos really believe this shit
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So... are you aware of what the phase transitions are, what they do, and what is expected of you?
I ask because the game honestly doesn't make it all that clear, they want you to observe and learn

The game does give you prompts on what to do when the situation changes, but the mechanics are not exactly laid bare
I think I just went down the ore tree because it had the dragon element lmao
I just thought dragon element is strong against dragons since its pokemon logic and all
I feel like I need a huge break from world after this because fighting all 3 elders and then the final boss in one sitting was not fun
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>he isn't a solo hunter
So i'm just not valid then? fine fuck you i'll just go play elden ring
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Don't tire yourself out, game ain't going anywhere and there's ample time before Wilds
I do think dragon is good vs Xeno Jiiva, but poison is strictly the best element to use against it

Also did you know that the orange bead-like things that line its head are NOT eyes?
It has a pair of closed eyes next to the snout
I did not know that no, I am not sure how I feel about this mon in general. He feels a little too alien to be in a monhun game
also I know the game isnt going anywhere but I still also want to finish rise with sunbreak
I usually alternate between the two since I'm still in the beginning of rise and play it when I'm feeling tired of the difficulty of world
alot of people seem to hate rise but I actually really like the wyvern riding mechanic and the wirebugs
kinda hope wilds has something similar but somehow stays grounded like base world is I dont know
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Yeah, GL really falls off hard during IB i've noticed. The only reason i'm sticking with it is the challenge of beating the entire game with the GL.
GL is a very hungry weapon for decorations but i'll see if i can cram it in.
To an extent yeah, try to break the horns when it's in dragon state iirc and apply as much elemental damage as possible if there's no NPC reaction.
Also yes, it is VERY poorly explained in-game regarding how you can stop the nova from killing you, it's really contradictory considering you have an in-game tl:dr wiki of monster drops, behaviours and resistances/vulnerabilities
sure, i an tolerate it
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Glavenus' theme is the worst of the farted four. You could pass it off as generic battle music devoid of personality for a map and no one would ever notice
Crit element only exists through velk set bonus and kjarr weapons. Alternatively, you can get a safi ice gunlance and get velk skill on it, so you can wear only one velk armor piece. The kjarr ice gunlance works well, I used it with safi set against ala, took longer than with other weapons but it's pretty fun
I wouldn’t go that far because lightbreak GL is probably my favorite next to hammer. The damage is there but patience and commitment is key, you can defiantly bring GL to his fight and have way more success chance then alatreon once you figure out his moves.
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Mizu and Lagi both have good themes and are popular monsters
Velk is recency bias and the fact that something like 60+% of the consumer base hopped on this generation
Personally I don't see anything that it or Vaal Hazak add musically when compared to Kushala Daora, besides Velk's piano which was stolen from Barioth's real theme and made into a carol accompaniment
*bring GL to fatty
Is wilds good
So this pretty much confirms they have all the 20th anniversary stuff on a strict schedule right? I mean why else wouldn't they just release the #1 pick already? They must have a long schedule planned out starting from the first mention of the anniversary
It's okay but gets better in G
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It's poorly explained intentionally
For example, nowhere is a "dragon state" ever mentioned in their dialogue lol

The game expects you to not go above 3 "cycles"
A cycle consists of
>element mode->dragon mode->ESCATON JUDGEMENT->element mode again
The type of element does not change if you break a horn...
And what if you are out of horns to break?
Well... then you're screwed. You can't force an elemental topple and your overall dmg plummets
Either finish the fight ASAP or sacrifice a cart for the coming Judgement at full force

I won't call it shit, but they really should have explained it in full imo
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Bring it back
I prefer the MR expansion "West"
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This has probably been done before but I just felt like drawing it. The "Violance", next to a hunter in Rathalos armor I don't use lance so I fucked up the poke stick size, should be much bigger
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Thanks for replying anons, safi isn't in rotation currently so i can't get that armor just yet.
However i did manage to beat alatreon right now (like 90% solo because nobody joined until the end) by simply poking and slapping it inbetween attacks, surprised i could actually get it to topple and make escaton survivable.
It probably helped that alatreon was constantly focusing on me while the LS user could wail at him, thanks to me still bringing guard 5 and guard up + a health booster.
Time to slap fatty to death, soon enough.
that's a cello
Solid idea for an event weapon I will never use
What are some weapons you love design wise but Don't like playing?
Swaxe used to be that weapon for me, compared to CB, SW had much better looking weapons, so much I forced myself to like it.
For some reason I feel like there was a Bow that did this
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I actually genuinely like that bit about him
He's essentially a vulture
The Admiral postulates that Nergigante is a "white blood cell" of nature's ecosystem
An attempt at creating a beast that could hunt anomalous being that could wreck uncontrollable havoc

In which case, nature has horrendously failed
And I'm all for it
I unironically hope he comes back for Wilds to job again
What if Nergigante was TRAPPED and BETRAYED in castle schrade?
That's basically what Magnamalo does too, carrion feeder on the outskirts of relevant monsters
They just tried to spin it as some beautiful circ le of life BS for World (see: Zorah)
Gore is also a carrion feeder but at least he grows up as stated
When do I stop being a solo hunter?
Once I finish iceborne story quests?
I am guessing multiplayer is more fun once you have most things unlocked
I just dislike how most people who join are already at extreme late game gear thus making the hunt trivial
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What if Magnamalo was reborn with all his memories?
What if Fatalis turned Good?
What Ibushi was HIV Positive?
What if Nergigante had Fatalis potenial?
What if Rajang was born with Dragon Element?
What if Supy was TRAPPED and BETRAYED by the GuildMasters?
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>What if Rajag turned good? Part 6056
>8:000 hours
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>What if Rajang reincarnated as a Hunter? The End.
>Monster Hunter Iceborn
>8 Billion views
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Mag is way more honest since he's a regular monster, nerg is DA ELDER HUNTER WHO DOESN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING!!! Rajang is my idea of a based elder beater since he's just some monkey who wants everyone to leave his property, yet he fights the likes of Kushala and Teostra while ripping off Kirin horns and eating them like candy.
Is it just me or are invincibility frames different/non existent in rise?
I feel some attacks I could roll through in world don't allow me to in rise.
default dodge in World has something like 13 iframes while in Rise it should be just 8 or 9 at 60 fps. Wirefall had plenty of iframes at the start up but I cannot remember the exact numbers.
They're trying to trick you into using the bugs instead of regular rolling.
it's looking like it'll be better than world in every single way
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>make what is one of the best siege monster fights in the series with an actually unique mechanic (manually controlling aggro with your party)
>you have to fight it 4 times over, doing the exact same thing on a 10 minute time instead of just being a regular fight
Who was the retard who decided this? They don't deserve a job.
I've come to the conclusion that if you steal 6 rajang eggs (see MH Stories, they hatch from eggs lol) and raise them as your own, you could quite possibly do whatever you want.
That sucks, I hate when they try to shoehorn mechanics.
Wire bugs recovering is broken; makes the game easier while not being able to roll through attacks.
>best siege monster
>unique mechanic
Behemoth did the aggro thing first and it honestly doesn't fit MH. I personally always liked Kulve (without the mantle) more as siege fight in World/IB but HR had similar room wide garbage attached to her.
I'm a charge blade and dual blades main, what should I try now to have equilibrated options vs monsters? (I use DB if I need speed, CB when I'm more certain I will hit)
Rise has low iframes but most attacks also have extremely short active frames and small hitboxes so it's not that hard to dodge things (unless you're in the air, lmao)
World has high iframes, Rise's matches the rest of the games in the series
The problem with both is that you need to hit the monster often with them which is also the reason they both burn through sharpness like crazy. You can lessen this by focusing SAED on CB but you'll still need to go back into sword mode eventually to charge again. Just pick a weapon that doesn't hit as often like hammer or GS so that you can hit and run with monsters that move around a lot. This'll be especially useful early game when you might not have easy access to dash juice or a lot of sharpness skills. I'd recommend hammer so you still have a blunt option if you want to use something other than impact phials on CB. Plus hammer is easy to learn
I don't count that piece of shit behemoth. Plus it was actually cool being targeted by safi since the music just turns into a muffled version of itself with an audible heartrate.
You can still roll most attacks but the timing is less forgiving. I think this is also a reason why a lot of people jumped on the counter spam train as it's easier to do. With wirefall be careful as some endgame monsters are designed to punish you if you instantly use it.
I've noticed with that new switch skill with dual blades that you get a lot of invulnerability frames; if you spam that correctly the monster doesn't touch you
I didn't notice that with the other games
>World has high iframes
World has 6 iframes at 30 fps which is the series standard, Rise's iframes are abnormally low.
>I don't count that piece of shit behemoth.
True. Dynamic music is cool and I hope they do it more frequently but the aggro mechanic takes away depth in co-op fights as people know the monster will attack guaranteed this one player. With Provoker skill there is still randomness involved. Co-Op is already easy mode no reason to make it even easier. I dont want future MH to turn into the MMO trinity with some SnS or HH faggot in the corner while the lancer tanks the monster with some edgy DB or LS player as "dps".
We love huntresses
>Dynamic music is cool and I hope they do it more frequently
World already has dynamic music for every monster of sorts with its pursuit and mount variations, and Wilds adds an additional variation on top of that for when the monster is pursuing you (which coincidentally recycles the aggro mechanic from Behemoth complete with red targeting line)
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Ruiner Nergigante would absolutely BTFO Shagaru.

>Gold Crown Large 2310.14 cm
>Gold Crown Small 1626.35 cm
>Gold Crown Large 2187.06 cm
>Gold Crown Small 1564.73 cm
Just going by size, it would win. The only weapon Shagaru has over Nergigante are ranged dragon beams and the frenzy, which Nergigante would easily overcome thanks to both being an apex and having a broken healing factor.
And we aren't even accounting that Ruiner is basically immortal and its muscle mass is more concentrated than any other ED while also being covered in extremely hard spikes on average outside of hunts.

Consider it can chokeslam Shara into the ground and deal the final blow, it would also be a match for basically anything else that can't oneshot it without getting close (Only Fatalis).
It was basically eating Zorah alive before we came and stopped it, and then Zorah eventually died under mysterious circumstances in the Guiding Lands, and Nergigante had a massive power up also in the Guiding Lands, you do the math.

What I'm trying to say is that you anons are morons for thinking Nergigante is a jobber, when it was also leaked that it could chokeslam oneshot Alatreon and eat it with a surprise attack.
I fucking hated the aggro mechanic. You pull aggro and all you can do is sit there with a thumb up your ass and barely interact with the monster. Not that safi is even enjoyable in the first place, but that just made it so much worse
CHADgigante, I kneel...
No, just me.
The mounting and Safi aggro were the only ones I really counted. Pursuit is technically its very own track. The thing with the mounting drums was that you barely could enjoy them and they differed hard in Quality. Zinogre drums drastically improve the theme, Bazel drums ruin it and Alatreon you could ask yourself what's the difference. Rise had dynamic music for Narwa/Ibushi/Allmother with the singing but otherwise nothing else I think. Against purple Mizu the Mizu theme kicks in at some point but this is again an entirely difference track.
Shagaru has wingarm gains, Nerdgigante is a scrawny quadruped
or more accurately a quadRAPED
>singlehandedly beats a barioth to death with a seregios
yeah I don't give a FUCK about your fanfiction
Counter Argument.
Chagaru would SHAG Nergigante and give it FrenzAIDS.
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>Teostra theme adds the clapping which sounds like you're a spanish bull-riding conquistador
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>Ruiner vs Velkhana turf war ends in draw
>Velkhana vs Primordial Malzeno turf war ands with Malzeno winning
Counter Peak Performance Argument.
CHADgigante would bring Heaven's Ruin to Basedgayru with its seedspikes and impregnate it before killing it with a chokeslam.
>bigger and stronger
If KINGgigante is scrawny, then shiggy is a monsterlet.
The vampire femboy is a broken OP monster from Frontier and would mog 99% of the monsters in mainline, thoughever.
>is a broken OP monster from Frontier
if the trend keeps on going mainline will also go down the road of SCP "nu-uh my OC is stronger" route. Cannot wait to see whatever they add in Wilds shit on anything Gen 5.
>Wilds equivalent of Velocidrome chokeslams Scorned Magnamalo in a turf war and wins
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>5 generations in
>still the strongest
Can't beat the suck, man.
No way. Not the suck.
>jobbed to humans all generations
roll over
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Hear me out.
I think monkey with preparation time and after eating Alatreon's horns for super elemental power up would win.
>resorting to bringing up the player character
oh no no no...
malzenoGODS i kneel
What if Rajang Calvo?
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Is this canonically the best way to deal with fuckin' NERDS and their weeaboo shit?
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Rajang Calvo did indeed lose all elemental affinities to further improve its physical strength.
If we take a Rajang Calvo, infect it with frenzy and let it overcome it, it could probably oneshot Fatalis with a punch...
Lancechads are unbeatable even in monster form
>lancecuck suffering from cognitive dissonance and ignoring the fact that velkh is also supposed to be a "lance" monster
Daily reminder that congalala canonically can go toe to toe with deviljho which means he scales to rajang which means he scales to nerg. Congalala can canonically take on nerg
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>Tfw you have to Hunt Risen Rajang Calvo Frenzy Controlled...
Velk does not have a shield, he's a naginata LS at best. Notice how Velk's set even synergizes the most with LS.
> synergizes the most with LS
>when GS makes the best use possible out of it
Actual delusional lancetroon.
Malzeno is a CB monster, you can tell by the fact that it transforms, it does elemental explosions, has a shield and uses the tail like a CB sword, and that it charges up using a phials mechanic with qurios.
Get fucked stupid lancecuck.
i look like this
Erm, actually it's an IG monster, because it pokes, flies and uses bugs to charge up and change moveset and IG also loves to spam explosions...
top 10 matched the analysis of most viewed youtube track previews, so I assume #1 will be the most viewed, valstrax.
Technically khezu got even more views, but...
As long as lancesissies don't get anything good in their life I'm good, therefore I consneed.
Makes sense honestly hope valstrax does win so they keep bringing him back. GU needs the love
You missed the whole thing with LS getting draw attacks huh
Primalz is the Lance monster
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>talking out of his ass and thinking himself an expert
You've never played GS, LS and you probably suck donkeyballs at lance.
Also no, Primalz is even more of a CB/IG monster than lance.
Just kys, it's pathetic to see a human being reduced into your state of existence.
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rajang who?
the true super saiyan monkey coming through
I don't play bad weapons, least of all cope blade which is the one you're trying to talk up because it makes you feel good
not him but you've genuinely got to be retarded to miss his 1:1 lance charge and sweeps
like... its so painfully obvious with his whole knight gimmick but you're too brown to understand
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the fact they're giving both of these out as postcards to anybody that attends the big japan event just proves this shit was set up ahead of time so they deliberately didn't use the wilds hunter in the 20th anniversary art. So the inclusion of that hunter and the palico has to mean something but what?
>admits he doesn't play them
>still wants to have an opinion
Lmao, I accept your concession lancetroon.
Did you miss out the whole qurios charge up thing? Or the explosions? Does lance have a charge up mechanic ? Or some sort of explosions? Do you realize it's more Gunlance than Lance at that point?
Dumb fucking nigger.
the normalhunter is just up front with wathalos because that's the generic-est option for brand reasons
Why would I play a weapon with a shield? You need to stop lashing out, your defensive flailing is kind of embarrassing
In any case, Primalzeno getting bugsick turns it back into what's basically the non-primal bugstick inspiration, yes. Very observant.
Now kiss
That makes no sense though the entire point of the piece is to showcase the armors and flagships throughout the series. They quite literally already have rathalos in the beginning of the lineup so putting him there again has to mean something especially when they could have just used the wilds armor and whatever the wilds flagship is (probably doshaguma)
Does Frontier have a Conga that eats exclusively Dragon Toadstools?
>seething with so much rage he ignores LS having built in sheathes out of spirit roundslash and special sheath
>using the default hunter for an unreleased game to celebrate the HISTORY of monster hunter
that's mega retarded, you're overthinking it
And yet, somehow, GS is straight up better with it.
I know this is shocking to casual hunters that don't actually play the games, but it's the objective truth and saying otherwise is disingenous.
>when they could have just used the wilds armor and whatever the wilds flagship is (probably doshaguma)
nigga are you retarded
like for real
they haven't shown the flagship yet and normally don't for the first few trailers
you're trying to see a pattern when there isn't one
The trailers were only 3 months apart so I'm sure they had the base armor design finalized. They've also already been using doshaguma for the art so it's safe to assume he's probably the flagship of wilds.
I'm assuming the lightning wyvern they showed is going to be the flagship. I don't know where this idea that doshaguma is the flagship came from though.
>they haven't shown the flagship yet
why exactly do you think that? doshguma is a perfectly fine flagship as it encapsulates the biggest change in wilds which is herds and they're literally already using him in art
>Anjanath is totally going to be the flagship of World guys
Journalists said Ray Dau was just the alpha/apex of the region and each region would have its own so I doubt that but who knows.

It'd be like using Arzuros or Cephadrome as a flagship.
Did you also think that Anjanath was the flagship of World?
>alpha/apex of the region
Oh god are we doing this shit again? Having only 1 really big monster per map in World was so fucking dull.
It wouldn't even be first time they've used a non elder as the flagship and you guys are acting like every flagship is super strong when historically they've been weak as shit. Not to mention we literally have confimation that doshaguma is important to at least some aspect of the story in wilds. We see it attacking the village
According to recent interviews, every game Tokuda directs from here on out will be 100% focused on muh ecosystem at the expense of everything else.
>Not to mention we literally have confimation that doshaguma is important to at least some aspect of the story in wilds. We see it attacking the village
You mean exactly the same role Anjanath had in World?
>shows up at the beginning of the game to jumpscare you
>roams around Ancient Forest during the early game to scare new players and fuck up fodder monsters, serving as an introduction to turf wars
>getting rid of it is the final step before the Zorah fight that ends the first half of low rank
There are likely going to be four regional representatives like GU and the fifth is the real flagship monster and probably some boring ass siege (or two if you want to logofag)
That's fine but the maps are supposed to be over twice the size of World's and we still only get 1 high tier monster per region? Why not have multiple territories per biome dominated by a different apex? Plus they already said that having multiple herds of the same monster on the map at once would be common, so that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about the roster.
You will fight the shitbears, shitworms, and shitlizards
You will do this for thousands of hours and you will better appreciate the rathian skeleton for the tiny few times you are PERMITTED to face it
Except that village is very likely tied to the kid's backstory and his story will apparently be a big part of wilds. Most flagships are mid tier monsters too. Rathalos, Nargacuga, Tigrex, Zinogre, Lagiacrus, etc are mid tier monsters so if doshaguma is a mid tier monster is makes perfect sense for it to be the flagship especially if they're using it in art already. Have they even confirmed they have yet to reveal the flagship?
>Why not have multiple territories per biome dominated by a different apex?
They already do this, it's just that their definition of "apex" can mean fucking anything. They called Rathian and Jyuratodus the apexes of the wooded and swamp parts of Wildspire Waste respectively, because I guess you can be considered an apex if your only competition is small monsters and trash tier bird wyverns.
We won't know the fagship until we see the box art, it's a non-term for developers unless they really want to do a marketing push (they don't as evidenced by stressing the gritter sand critters instead of the gameplay or anything else)
Yes, this random ass sand bear that's the first monster they ever showed off for the game, that gets bullied by everything else in the desert, that they hunted during the very first gameplay demonstration, and that you'll be able to fight at gamescom, is 100% the game's flagship
I'm pretty sure the devs know who the flagships are lol since the flagships feature prominently in the stories of their games. People just don't want doshaguma to be the flagship because they think it's ugly despite it having more personality than like 90% of world's roster
Worlo falseflag
Every single time they've revealed the flagship monster for a MH game they openly proclaimed "THIS IS THE FLAGSHIP"
Quit being retarded
>gets bullied by everything else in the desert
lol implying we see this thing break out of the sandtrap the balaharas set up
What the fuck is this post
It's the same boring brown monster as the rest of the World roster, we just haven't seen it do something wacky five minutes in for the game journalists to swoon over like anjanath, tobi kadachi, paolumu, etc
After struggling for 30 seconds, taking a good 500-ish damage, and losing its entire pack
It at least has more imagination put into its design. World monsters are literally just regular animals. Anjanath is literally just a t-rex. Jagras is literally just an iguana. At least dosha is a weird bear lion hybrid
it's a bear with an alien penis for a face just like the diggers being lizards with alien penises for a face and the flying beam guy being a rathian with an alien penis for a face
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>Wilds monsters are so ugly that even the monster girl artists gave up on trying to make them cute
I don't think this has ever happened before
Porn sick
Sure it's ugly but it's still unironically a better design than most of what's in world. It stands out at the very least which is why there's been so much discussion about it which is a good thing.
>which is why there's been so much discussion about it
fucking where???
it was literally all anyone was talking about after both trailers which is kind of ironic considering we had shit like balahara and the thunder wyvern
lol wat. I’ve seen more people complain about how huntresses are still oversexualized than anything about doshaguma
>huntresses are still oversexualized
kek I haven't heard this even once wtf
it's literally just a toadline with a mane.
It has been some time since we last had an amphibian monster after all
that's how low world set the bar that even this thing is better
Chatacabra subspecies


4u sucks ass
Goodnight /mhg/
worlo lumu doko?
Choco doko?
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World PC Lumu/room

I got your lumu right here
keep it warm for me im there in 30
>grab my dual blades
>throw on some tunes

let it rip
>Hey Pard!
>Doodle, I want cuck you for a brachydios!
>Hey pard!
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You forgot you picture.
I will probably be berated for this comparison but I really don't like the helicopter handling by these npc dweebs
especially going "into the field" with the player
it reminds me of the difference between FROM games with a designated level-up thot as compared to the lone comfort of the bonefire
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did you make this
No, you did.
Sexy piece of ass.
because when you actually fight him he'll be Aknosom / Barroth tier
he's definately in the first 5 mons you fight
you're grasping at straws so desperately your fingers are starting to bleeding
and then he gets fucking blasted by Thor Magala
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I guess we're having sex now
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>Is wilds good
Doesn't look like it so far. At least to a MH fan and not some faggot who started with World

A shitty Chink game still captured the MH and MH cutscene vibes better than all the new games and understood what fans want: Better graphics, more content, additions that are optional and not changing the core gameplay loop and controls. No
>garbage story focus
>slinger trash
>clutch claw
>herd gimmick
>gathering animals in a dead world
>poop sniffing and running after monsters in an open world that adds nothing because MH is a PVE fighting game

Though letting us restock items and sinle player scaling alone killed this franchise for good and you should just play the classics with a friend if you have one
the frog ai though
>world bad
just admit you're a tribortion already why beat around the bush?
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>A shitty Chink game
MHO was comfy. RIP
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>going from this to this
What's the connection between knowing World is shit and liking Tri? If anything the two have a lot in common and Tri already pushed realism and antifun gimmicks like swimming or having to use a torch to see shit
he's just desperate to find a group people shit on more than Worlo's
you fucking tendies always shit on world
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For reasons stated. It's literally the video game equivalent of >>483506993. And I prefer Portable P3rd on PS3 over both Tri and 3U. Not everyone is a brand warrior in his 40s like you
the worst part about this is she's using fire dual blades and diablos is immune to fire in world
This would be comfy if it had color, the games looks pretty as fuck with color, reshade saved the visuals for me.
She knows World Diablos is a joke and you can do whatever
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hey the Diablos yunnels were cool at least
we still haven't uncovered this mystery
english is a difficult second language plz understand
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Which one?
gotta be khezu
Val or Narg
or khezzy is u like dong
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You guys think monster hunter will ever do streamer collabs?
Anon, they already did. The voice pack of the queen's agent guy in Sunbreak, that everyone thankfully forgot about, is that one fat fuck who I forgot the name of but won't go away
Having said that, no, I don't believe there will be further ecel 'content' at least to the extent that it is noticeable or grudgingly memorable
T is literally next to Y on the keyboard
The autist clearly meant tunnels
kek never even heard about this so they got prozd in there huh? interesting hope he never does anything controversial or they might have to remove it
No, the other other fat fuck
Just look it up, it's EN only
Apparently they also got ego raptor to do a voice set in sunbreak. Interesting that nobody ever mentions this. Kinda concerning actually we're inching closer and closer to fortnite. i guess the battlepass predictions aren't far off
yeah they had 2 eceleb voices at least but i wouldn't be surprised if there's more did world do anything like that?
>unironic e-celeb collabs in Rise
Ohhh now I get the World bashing
It's the same retards who were spamming the thread with vtumours when the #ReturntoWorld campaign was in full swing
Damn, I genuinely wish the worst upon some of you
Two? I thought it was just him unless the JP one was someone for them
Yeah eceleb voices is...not a good look but honestly even that is another slight on world for even introducing microtransactions in the first place. If it didn't start that we wouldn't have voice packs.
there's this one for ProZD

and this one for egoraptor
Well, those are mercifully unremembered at least.
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If you join my metal rath hunts with a dragon weapon then you're getting kicked and blacklisted.

You've been warned.
so I just checked and there's one more actually this one is voiced by debra wilson of all things lol you know the one that plays the sassy black actress in all those games like star wars


at least she's an actual actress instead of a random eceleb
>he is not a hunter who hunts solo
dumb frogposter
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picture of her for reference
that and the fucking ganguro character they used just makes this seem like a blaxploitation MH joke
>and this one for egoraptor
No wonder I thought his voice sucked ass.
No wonder it was free. Fuck EgoFRUADtor
lmao tan people exist
the character which you can see clearly at the end is literally just a default asian hunter chick spray tanned darkly with pink lips
I was going to call it blackface but then I realized there was a much more appealing term
that's just how the japs portray black people in everything including anime and games if it were really ganguro the hair wouldn't be in that traditional style and likely wouldn't be black
you really expect 5th gen fags to know what elemental hitzones are? frankly you'll be lucky if they don't triple cart
>sunbreak steam reviews
>huh wonder why lets check
>it's because of some drm shit
>on steam
the irony
Steam DRM is not really an issue in a lot of cases
It's a combination of adding it so late in the game's lifespan, really poor handling of explanation, and people being unironically afraid of Russia
kek based enigma devs shitting on cheaters
Solo hunter.
Also Fashion Hunter, I use what looks good, not what does good.
Even with layered Weapons I just do themed sets, like my gore Set with Poison weapon to inflict bootlegged frenzy, even on monsters that resist this.
The only mods I like are mods that add more monsters if DRM fucks with that then I hate it.
If it somehow only kills cheats and coom mods then based.
Who the fuck is the target audience for this? Just do kawaii Japanese voices and print money. Fucking hell.
Who do you think? The retards that buy microtransactions
Enigma didn't even do anything to cheaters, it was just a kneejerk reaction, all mods still work
so are steamfags still gonna cry when wilds has enigma too or something worse?
It will have Denuvo. Which is worse. Then again, all DRM affects paying customer's ability to use what they "purchased". DRM is anti-consumer. It ignores the paying customer's interests for the company's own interests.
>DRM is anti-consumer
Sure but when you're purchasing these big name AAA games it's expected that DRM will be involved and you should expect it especially if that game is multiplayer focused in any way
>and you should expect it especially if that game is multiplayer focused in any way
That makes even less sense. Denuvo is not anti-cheat. DRM is not inherently anti-cheat, that's not what it is for.
In fact, if you are a bit older you would remember times when multiplayer was forced in every game. One of the main reasons for that was to act as incentive to buy the game, as usually multiplayer is something the pirate versions usually miss.
I know it's not anti-cheat. My point was that AAA publishers are always going to use DRM especially on multiplayer titles because they intend for those titles to be "evergreen" so they don't want people cracking them
From Mad TV? Man, that takes me back. Glad she's getting solid work, at least.
Well at least we got music poll results even if we have to wait for the official #1 winner. Now we just need to wait for the demo. So yeah thread is gonna be really dry for a while
I must be doing something wrong in this Behemoth fight. I'm literally using MR weapons and armor and I feel like I'm not making any progress. How tf are you supposed to beat him?
If you're not using Fatalis gear, he's going to be a cunt
No I'm not joking
You misunderstood. I'm failing the HR one.
Haven't even seen Fatalis yet.
I hate W*rld and 3rd gen, both are a testament to how clueless the mainline team is
>Agnaktor and fucking blue Agnaktor
>Lagiacrus underwater
>fucking Volvidon
>Great Baggi
Not much better than most 1st gen shitmons that plague the series to this day and meticulously designed to be annoying. Similar to how World is meticulously designed to piss you off, like how it, for no other reason than just that, no longer lets you flash retarded flying monsters out of the sky
>I'm literally using MR weapons and armor
Doesn't mean much if you don't mean endgame MR. Behemoth is made for base MHW's broken endgame weapons and 4 player scale only (a reason why it's the only fun and exciting fight in MHW)
>no longer lets you flash retarded flying monsters out of the sky
only a big issue because they made kushala cancer
>Doesn't mean much if you don't mean endgame MR
No, I'm still mid MR. Just beat Fulgur Anjanath and wanted to go back and do the special quests I hadn't done yet.
>4 player scale only
It doesn't have singleplayer scaling?
Wilds will have a stat system
>Goss but no swords, made brown and ugly hunting in herds cause browns inherently never fight alone
>The monkey-skeleton but with a frog slapped on it
>Uruktor/Agnaktor but as basic sand lizard with a worm head
The only one that looks interesting so far is the apex which seems to be Seregios with wing talons and rail gun head but the others are as boring as they can get. I didn't particularly like worlds monster design but I take Tobi, Anjanath and even Legiana over those three any day.
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>the open sea is cold
>it's the opposite of hot?
>ESL dev
No wonder the anti-cheat is so weak.
shut the fuck up lmao
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make me
>wirebug counters you
Psssh… Nothin Personnel… Kid…
World was designed in a way that you can actually fight aerial monsters even with bad reach weapons such as SnS and DB. You're just bad.
oops I was attacking your palico so your counter didn't activate too bad anyway here comes my one shot
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You fool. Metsu Shoryugeki still activates even if it whiffs.
why dont you just call it an uppercut like a non virgin
>non virgin
Where do you think we are?
4 player scale only anon. it's tough.
>Seregios with wing talons and rail gun head
Astalos. It's just Astalos except fake and gay.
I honestly cant tell till we see more. In the Trailer with the wings on the ground the stance looks more like Seregios than Astalos.
You misunderstood
I'm taking about HR Behemoth
If you don't have Fatalis gear and you're not a god gamer, Behemoth will tear you a new asshole playing solo
>lightning wyvern with rathian skeleton
>uses lightning railgun attack
>attacks things with it's wings
It's literally Astalos.
don't forget miralis, the most forgettable elder dragon of all time
Seregios doesnt have the same skeleton as the regular flying wyvern that's my point. For me it looks like "Astalos but slapped on Seregios skeleton".
please post gameplay of dual blades and sns vs flying kushala
>It's literally Astalos.
Every Wilds monster is just a soulless version of a monster that already exists. And Capcom knows their new target audience doesn't even know the superior versions

Must be easy as fuck to make and sell this game
Yes it does
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>page 6 again
what can capcom do to generate hype? besides paying journalists who never played the old games and say wilds is the best MH ever. and besides sex appeal because we know this isn't going to happen in new AAA games
Damn. I've seen people say they were able to solo him though. Is it actually possible for a shitter or do you really need meta sets/autism?
You just need to attack his legs and hide behind comets, yes. Hard to believe but this shit was the only fun base World quest
>Hard to believe but this shit was the only fun base World quest
Also AT Nergigante a year after release
They could just look at any animal or insect that exists in real life and do something cool with them, but nope.
>rathian but X
>kushala daora but Y
>what can capcom do to generate hype?
Unironically just hope other games continue to suck. Gaymers are hungry these days, anything above average is GOTY if not GOAT by default
gta 6 releases in 2025, wilds will be dropped like a hot potato and no one will give a shit about its dlc either
Just reached Iceborne with friends today, managed to beat Glavenus somehow. My Teostra set is slowly falling off and I don't think the Lunajiva Switch Axe is very effective anymore either, what's the best progression route now for a Switch Axe user? Just farm Glavenus?
>switchaxewound playing world
>managed to beat Glavenus somehow
world casualized him to the moon and back
Unless they really fuck up the release date wilds should still be FOTM and I'd expect it to sell better than Rise. A lot of World only players I know are looking forward to it... maybe not at full price though.
If they're lucky GTA will be Q4, but this could also mean Capcom will rush Wilds and all its post-release content out and we will get a lot of half-assed shit again
I thought you retards DON'T want Wilds to cater to or become famous with the normalfags anyways
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Lemme timestamp this for everybody
On the ground
>need good positoning and timing
>50 damage per hit
>high chance of stagger with damage surging into the thousands
Kushit starts flying
>running around hoping he stops moving so you can hit his feet for gray numbers
>0 skill or brain power involved
>have to be extremely lucky to get a stagger
Yeah those flying monsters are a real game design marvel in World
that's a good thing
that ship has sailed
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This. GTA will make Monster Hunter niche again and maybe we will return to sovl

From what it looks like Wilds will full force cater to normalfags so the best outcome would be that it underperforms considering the dev cost. Tokuda can go to hell honestly. Video games should be games and not some retarded pseudo realistic ecology simulation.
It was almost 30 minutes with 4 people though, anyway is the armor good or nah
Hate to break it to you but there isn't any armor worth making in World or Iceborne besides Drachen and Fatty besides the armor you use to fight those respective monsters.
bros... are we the casual franchise now?
Been since World.
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Bros Old Fatalis was leaked for Wilds.
>Video games should be games and not some retarded pseudo realistic ecology simulation.
I wouldn't even mind that if they at least did it right with actually impressive graphics, lighting, animations and a dynamic world packed with things, but Wilds is looking like an autistic joke for a 2025 AAA game compared to GTA VI right now. They're making the series less fun and less of a "clunky but rewarding PVE fighting game".....for nothing in return
>didn't even change the filename
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love how animal ecology is just random love for detail in games like that while capcom thinks it's the most hype thing ever in monster hunter kek
>compared to GTA VI right now
to be fair GTA VI likely has ten times the budget of Wilds and they had a decade to work on it. The core of MH will still be in Wilds but it seems to become more and more a cursed mix of shallow gameplay and shivering frogs people will watch once with the Ghillie Mantle if they dont see a video about it on reddit and never bother looking it up on their own.
>clunky but rewarding
MH stopped being that with World and that's when the series died. Clunkiness adds rules and confinements that are fun to master and rebel against; walls that are fun trying to overcome and find cracks and crevices in. All your inputs had to be on point and nigh pixel-perfect. Now you have a retard helmet and wings strapped to your back and you can micro-correct everything. Hitting a monster's head is no longer special or satisfying
sense of perfection. world and rice are too 'loose' to make you feel like your gameplay is perfect
>even the Tokyo server is a ghost town
Worldbros... Not like this... We're getting mogged by the Eldenchads...
Watch out for that slop!
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4's verticality meme started this
I will care about Fromslop games when there is more to the gameplay than pressing R twice and then dodge rolling away, rinse repeat. Not even dual blades are that simple.
>Elden KINGS became the hardcore audience while MH became cinemaslop
it's never been more over
i think this general hates MHW
maybe i should give it a shot
I think From should make a serious competitor to Monster Hunter
thankfully they never will
Why do you not want them to?
just turn it all into movie walking shit already that's all zoomers want. ichihara and ryo killed mh.
From has laughably bad boss fights and they've only gotten worse as the years have gone by
zoomers don't play mh. the median age is probably like 27.
i would sell a kidney to get walled by placidusax in wilds
giginox needs to comeback
>cinematic spectacle fight and not an actual boss encounter
forgot to add, I am trans btw if that matters
It's not a bad game. It's kind of easy outside of some of the endgame content and the unskippable cutscenes kinda suck when you're going through the story, but it's fun.
From literally could not make a game similar to MH
Most devs can't which is why all the ones that tried failed
But From of all devs really can't
game is dead post huntress
This general is worse than /pso2g/ and their game is actually dying, Wilds is fucking DOA at this rate
yeah the "sequel" to a game that sold 23 million copies is going to fail because a thread on 4chan is bad
We still don't know anything major about Wilds other than we are finally united as brothers with crossplay. Tendies will continue to doompost but who gives a shit? Hopefully demo soon but we should be getting more info at least.
The second there's some actual gameplay of Wilds shown to the public we'll be the most alive general on 4chins
The second after that, thoughever....
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Wilds a shit give me more of this.
Why do lunagaron's attack never seem to hit you
Same as odogaron, too tight hitboxes. Good in theory, but monster moves need SOME phantom range just like hunter weapons have.
Not with those dogshit hitboxes
Jam to the thread theme:
>electronic remix
I take back what I said, I'm glad white fatty isn't first
>Valstrax rank 1
I really expected it to be Zinogre. Looks like not all hope is lost but Scarlet Feast not being in the top 10 is insulting.
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shut the fuck up dennis
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>Electricshit straight out of Rajang’s asshole
Looks like we’re in the bad timeline then. Really sucks that this is the winning’s song remix, especially since how it kills everything good about the original. At least Rise’s theme at least tried jfc, they fucking murdered Valstrax’s thems in cold blood today.
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You forgot to spoiler this one
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doesn't look like anything to me
got any choco huntress?
A slingshot is nice and all but it lacks the artistry of a short hoodie with nothing underneath except long socks
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>and you can micro-correct everything
And they already said that Wilds will give you a lot more freedom of movement during combos
It's unironically over
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>I wouldn't even mind that if they at least did it right with actually impressive graphics, lighting, animations and a dynamic world packed with things
I don't think you realize how small Capcom actually is. They are barely AAA by modern standards. There's a reason why their forte has always been very short but highly replayable games. They simply don't have the money or manpower for anything bigger than that. Dragon's Dogma 2 is the best example of this. They're talking a big game and trying to promise shit that they simply can't deliver.
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you must be mistaken
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I wish the feminine animations in Sunbreak (once you mod them to actually be used...) didn't look so... odd. The back is SO bent, and they have this weird "lurch" to them, like it speeds up and slows down mid movement.
hi, playing mh tri low-rank, whats better blitzkrieg R or blitzkrieg B?
is it even possible to make your character walk on PC instead of running everywhere?
Like with a keyboard? I doubt they ever tested anything without a gamepad for more than 5 seconds so probably not.
seriously tho, explore was so much better why did they kill it to put this soulless crap instead
God damn the number bloat has exploded in Now. Nice that they've actually added a bunch of weapons but I'm not going to pick it up again, not even for a gunlance.
that's a yikes from me
every time
number bloat is meaningless they could divide all damage numbers by 100 and you would suddenly praise it
Our boi Valstrax in with the win
yet i'm right
good god this is bad im glad my vote didnt win
It's not meaningless when each 0 takes about 100 hours of staring at your phone instead of the world while walking.
what the actual fuck
Sounds like a racing game menu
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If Monster Hunter somehow existed on PS1, I can see this OST running on it
... Not sure that is a compliment or not myself

I think it's fine. At best.
A waste of resources and time regardless
Kinda glad Bazel didn't win now
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What does this even mean, besides that Capcom is so pozzed now that Wilds is going to be a disaster?
Surely it would have to be a different genre if beetlejuice won, there's no way you could do him in disco
undertale ass soundtrack
>Hard to believe but this shit was the only fun base World quest
I can see it's harder than pretty much everything I've fought from base World but I'm not sure if I find it fun, especially with that dumb tornado spam.
Smart move honestly since people would just be into console war tier shitflingijg over DA TRVE MONSTA HUNTA artist.
bro tendies just got the first W in a decade and for their unwavering loyalty capcom spins out a turd of a "theme" for them we have enough genwarring content for the next 2 weeks we don't need a ranking LOL
So half of /mhg/ posts is just people arguing with other people "my dinosaur is better than yours"?
>other people
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I guess we're not so different
my lizard is cooler than your crab
You see one vg general, you have seen them all.
If the saga has girls
>My waifu!
If not
>X is the strongest!
usually it's "my brand is better than yours" or "my favourite title is better than yours" or "my favourite title is more MH than yours".
Japs really either have the best or worst tastes with no inbetween.
that's definitely a kek
>worst tastes
as apparent by the big Rise fanbase over in Japan
Fanged Beast tribe are the TRVE SUPERIOR RACE, congalala and rajang can fight any eldershit and walk out. Bulfango is also cool.
>chiptune valstrax
well it could be worse but at least a world monster didn't win this community isn't totally lost just yet
hahaha makes sense but kind of unexpected
zinogre would have fitted better for this kind of remix
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you may all kneel now
The very least they could do is include the remix in sunbreak in a small update so we could actually hear it in game
>they release it as dlc music for 2$ you can set as HUB bgm
that'd be the ultimate troll to shit on rise hahaha i love it so evil
kek this is actually probably what they'd do fucking crapcom
I'd just be inside otherwise
pishi lumu?
>8km in an hour
is this a run or do you powerwalk? I'm averaging about 5km/hour
did you know that low IQ people walk slower
I found that interesting
yeah but you're a loser who only does 1 hour walks i do 5 hour walks tagging multiple towns and cities
BASED jappers shitting on itchynoseslop.
Funny, I heard low IQ people make shit up on message boards
Concession status: gleefully accepted
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its that reduced emotional stability shining through
Capcom did a study recently that players of all weapons are actually dangerously low with the exception of hunting horn
Now that they've released all the music poll results they're going to release when can we move on with the 20th anniversary? I'm sure there's more stuff planned
>source: an embed from an aspie's blog
lol, lmao
I run between gathering points and then walk for a bit while I do a huntathon or clear out nearby monsters. If I just run it's 8:30-9:30/mi. I can't run very far though.
What is Capcoms obsession with turning everything into EDM
Were they gonna turn fucking Ceadeus's theme into EDM if it won? Fucking ridiculous
u no rike?
The Fated Four + Valstrax were a mistake
If you read the comments of this video its very clear the main audience for MH now are people who would like to play a real MH game but don't have the money or means to
This means children or indians in 99% of cases
The more I listen to it the more I like it but obviously the original is better not because it's not EDM but because it reaches higher highs. Still if there's any monster that should have gotten an EDM remix it's definitely valstrax. This version sounds like a megaman song which is on brand for capcom so it's all good.
>Still if there's any monster that should have gotten an EDM remix it's definitely valstrax.
zinogre or astalos would have been a better choice for this style
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Well then.
possibly but astalos didn't even chart and zinogre didn't win rocket dragon is still a good fit for EDM in my opinion
are you just blasting through all the games in a month or something? didn't you just finish FU?
I just really like Monster Hunter.
kinda based
Its an unfair comparison but
Come on now
MSI made a 360 pad in current year?
literally the best controller form factor
Hopefully without the dogshit 360 dpad
You say this but the switch pro controller exists. Its probably the only Nintendo product I'd consider buying again if it ever broke
The build quality on that is ass
It's a good controller but they have to fix the drifting issue. It drifts less than the joycons for sure but after a few months it still drifts so I had to buy a new one. I really hope switch 2 controllers are better quality
Eastern Disco Music?
Yeah like cowboy bebop
I wish controllers in general were built better. I still have Gamecube controllers that I beat the shit out of as a kid and that have like 5000+ hours of use on them that still work fine aside from the buttons and paint being a bit worn.
Yeah it's definitely partly because controllers and the parts they're made of aren't as good in terms of quality than they used to be. I've heard people complain about the ps5 controllers and xbox controllers too this gen. It's all slop now
DS4 is my go to controller
i havn't got a sony console since the PSP tho
The new Xbox controller was alright. Used it for about 2.5 years before the left stick started drifting. Better than the 360 pad at least where the sticks would wear out and come off center and the shoulder buttons would break on me every 6-10 months.
I bought myself a Xbox Controller for World when it released for PC and after one year the right digital shoulder button just stopped registering inputs sometimes. After that I got myself an Elite Series 2 when it was on sale and it was the first controller I've ever seen having out of the box stick drift. Meanwhile my 6 years old Pro Controller is still doing well with no drift at all. There are rumours that the next Nintendos next controller will feature Hall-Effect sensors cause they got pissed after all this drift dilemma but if this is true we will see in the future.
im glad valstrax won. for me it was a toss up between valstrax and safijiiva. it also shows that worldos aren't the majority which is heartening.
I got my Xbox one controller 2 years ago and it worked perfectly fine until it randomly just died. My fucking rechargable batteris have lasted longer than some controllers
I had a 360 controller for like 5 years until the stick stopped registering up-right inputs and then went through a bunch of Xbone controllers because the shitty microusb charge port kept breaking
Thank god all these shit companies got forced to USBC
I have a first-wave PS4 controller (with the disintegrating rubber problem) and other than having to replace the rubber with caps on the sticks it's still perfect
I don't use it much though because I now have a PS5 controller that isn't showing any signs of damage
they very much are the majority but most people still voted for the best song which was valstrax which is good because it shows the poll wasn't entirely tainted by gen warring
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Calm yourself down Ichinose.
>I don't use it much
>it's perfect
then your opinion is meaningless because it could have broke down for somebody that did use it
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Logitech F310 gang
>lasts for years
>acceptable form factor (asymmetric sticks are still better)
>perfect buttons
>killed a bunch of billionaire scum
I don't use it much "anymore" then. I only got the PS5 one less than a year ago.
broken* down
I dont know whether to blame the controller quality or the people that genuinely believed this was an acceptable way to control a submarine
they died for a good cause
It's the latter, it's a really godo controller. I've been jumping between overpriced Xbox and Playstation ones for years until yet another one broke, saw that Xbox controllers were fucking $130, decided to try this piece of shit fior only $30 and turns out there's nothing wrong with it
well thats fucking gay
Out of respect???
Brother nobody knows who made the songs in the first place because no one cares to check the credits
World Lunastra is hard and annoying. If you let up on her for a second she gets to microwave everything in a 10 mile radius on top of shitting her blue diarrhea puddles everywhere. It's such a cancer monster.
Complete rankings are trash. It's a vote for top 1. No one cares who gave 10 meme votes to lift something up from the tie for last place.
>asymmetric sticks are still better
i like to have a symmetrical controller to go with my symmetrical hands, people that think otherwise are ill
I love how many of Worldborne's monsters created mass freakouts and crying. The pure seethe filled me with joy every time.
Asymmetrical is better if you want access to your dpad while using the left stick but don't want to claw.
I just switched to bow in base World because nothing released after Deviljho was remotely fun with a melee weapon
I didn't complain though
What does Ichinose do again?
When I started to hammer in MR endgame the tempered Lunastra Event quest was available so I learned the weapon hunting her. Honestly after some time I started to really like the fight.
itches the nose
Wilds will be a cultural event on the level of Super Smash Brothers and will be allowed 15 threads on the catalogue at all times, protected by I_AM_ABIB.
Bow was the only fun weapon in World, they butchered all of the melee weapons and the bowguns
nah they're right since world split the community
nobody used to ever talk about ichinose or tokuda or ryozo or fujioka and now you hear their names nonstop if they released the rankings the composers would 100% be doxxed and laughed at or some other stupid shit
Monster hunter is gay now, why are you suprised
>Body type trannyshit in rise
>Fujioka has been the art director of sf6, whose innate wokeness will definitely affect his line of thinking with wilds
The point of asymmetric is to put the left joystick in a more comfortable position as the predominant stick typically used for movement. On the right side, the buttons are the most important.
Ironically symmetrical controllers will often be held asymmetrically in the default position due to this fact, something I prefer personally.
And it's getting even gayer.
What changes to weapons would you like to see in Wilds beyond what was already confirmed?
The feeling of THUNK, BNNNF, TWACK and PFFFTHFFTSH back.
sorry anon this is world 2, you will hit rocks with foam weapons and you will like it
Very curious what spurs this reply since Rise is the one game that stands out with bad hitstop and sound effects
and Wilds is the one with dust clouds and foam weapons
curious. you are very smart.
hitstop between world and rise is basically identical (mostly nonexistent), people just like to cherrypick power TCS because it was the one move with proper hitstop in 5th gen
remove cringeblade and longsuck
are you high
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Good to see they're finally in stock in US. Unfortunately it's all bundles so I won't be getting the controller trapped in a combo with that 4060 card.

Might get this one. Any reason not to?
hitstop formula in mhw takes into account the total damage done
rise one is standardized on a per motion value basis but on average it's about half the hitstop
Must be lucky with ps5 controllers, bought 2 and they still work flawlessly. Both my ps4 controllers had drifting though
>play SB endgame but mhw hitstop
>frostcraft fully charged into strongarm TCS
>do 15k+ dmg
>have to wait now for 5s till hitstop is over
Are you retarded? You want to purchase overpriced trash pc parts because they have a etching of random MH shit on them?
>Please be subject to the actual products
Also they ALWAYS ruin these things with some gaudy bullshit, that giant yellow "20" on everything RUINS IT
I hope they keep the counter and the new forward slam for switchaxe. Other than that I think SA is in a great place with axe doing increased partbreaker damage and now getting amped mode too. I also hope they keep all the new moves they gave to assist type bugs in sunbreak but give them to every bug since they really help with IG damage
All of my F310's had huge dead zones on the sticks, and the triggers started registering false inputs after only a year of use.
It really felt like a step down from the Dual Action.
No it doesn't, hitstop is hard coded for each move based on different tiers of hit response value which is HZV x sharpness multiplier. This works the same way in World and Rise. Rise in some cases actually has higher hitstop than World (here is a comparison for LS for example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T0MeCW8ea_8C79Iav3RRrXXu1Iwlh88_Bmwy4spL7qM), it's just that unless you're hitting a really juicy weak spot Rise tends to only slow down weapon animations rather than freezing them entirely, so the effect isn't as pronounced, and if you combine that with the more static camera compared to World and the weak sound effects, attacks don't feel as impactful despite the presence of hitstop.
No. No, no, infinitely no. ALL evasion counters MUST be removed. Guard counters (eg lance) can stay because they have significant tradeoffs and require a bunch of skill points allocated to making them work. Evasion counters are fucking RETARDED and are NOT Monster Hunter. They're fine to stay in Sunbreak because that game's more like a Frontier sequel in the lategame, but holy shit, NO EVASION COUNTERS. Even foreskin slash is too much.
Sound design in gen 5 as a whole was terrible. None of my GS attacks in either game sounded like my weapon was cutting through flesh like they did in older titles.
who cares what you think lol besides from what we've heard wilds will be counter galore with focus mode which is basically needed now that we'll be fighting multiple monsters at once
Deliberately wrong
Honestly for the prices they're charging I'd rather just make some monhun related stencil and spray paint the side of a plain white/black case. You're not really going to be looking at the inner parts much unless you really like the RGB memes and making your PC look like a pride parade float so I'd just get regular inner components.
we know for a fact wilds will have counters the question is how many and for which weapons stay mad
I think It's pretty clear counters are going to be tied with focus mode. Every weapon that got one should have some iteration to work with.

Eat shit. We're heading to universal Valor Style.
>the question is how many and for which weapons
Only the devs' favorites, the designated low tiers will get shit on extra hard
LS can keep iai if they need guard levels to not get knocked back like a Sekiro parry
>because they have significant tradeoffs and require a bunch of skill points allocated to making them work.
yea I had to fit Offensive Guard into my GS strongarm and SnS Metsu set. What a huge tradeoff.
hammerbros we won
Strongarm and Metsu aren't guard counters as they're totally independent of the Guard skill
>Guard counters (eg lance) can stay
CB faggot detected, your counters are just as cancerous as the rest
Blocking should be a protective maneuver, not a free damage opportunity
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>no anchor rage micromanagement every 30 seconds
>no skyward thrust sniping
>no insta blocks and the accompanying itchynose cross slash that is so horrendously designed
>no leaping thrust spam
>main source of damage over time is still triple pokes and counters

Worldborne Lance is so good. I can't wait for Wilds to return Lance to the meterless, gimmickless weapon it once was.

you forgot
>no damage
>every endgame monster kills you through your shield
That's a very good price for a limited edition merch item that's actually functional
Blocking is an earned damage opportunity.
>>every endgame monster kills you through your shield
4th gen and pre-Sunbreak patch Rise were the last times that was an issue
Blocking is impossible to fail, you did not earn shit
If you want to do damage then learn to position yourself like everyone else
>every endgame monster kills you through your shield
lmao, this debunked scrub argument again.
The truth is that frontierchads will always win in the end because it was the game to push the envelope. It was meant to be monster hunter in its ultimate form. They will continue to take ideas from frontier so you'd better get used to it
Try blocking Shara's laser facing forwards and get back to me on that
I prefer World/Iceborne Lance but I do hope they keep the running shield charge for lance over the original dash in the future, as unlikely as it is.
Why does every weapon need to do high damage? Why can't lance just be a safe, low damage, impenetrable fortress?
As a GL player, I hope they do.
Never played Frontier, but the GL in that game looks WAY cooler than Bingbreak's wahoo rocket jetpack spam weapon. To repeat something I said about Frontier GL a while back, the irony about GL in that weapon is that it actually looks more grounded than Ricebreak's woohoo rocket spam GL despite Frontier being more anime.
Rise nerfed the old dash speed for unknown reasons, I'd rather have that if its fast again since it doesn't eat as much stamina and you can still slide into block whenever during it
>You want to purchase overpriced trash pc parts because they have a etching of random MH shit on them?
That's the idea, yes. I'm planning a new build and I'm willing to overpay by $300 for a monster hunter logo. To me that's no different than paying $100+ for a plastic figure.
I remember World being pretty CPU constrained on release, so that's the main concern as I upgrade for wilds. Am I fucking myself by building before 15th gen chips release?

I could try to construct my own custom case, but that effort has it's own opportunity cost and probably wouldn't come out as clean.
Because nothing in MH is difficult enough for a purely defense oriented weapon to actually be worth using
To block an attack you need to time it right. Otherwise you might as well not have tried blocking at all. That’s like saying attacking isn’t earned because there’s no tradeoff to causing damage. What a brain dead take.
>To block an attack you need to time it right
No you don't
Because quests have a time limit of 50 minutes?
Even in games where Lance does no damage you're never in any actual danger of timing out on normal quests.
You're not going to time out just because you aren't using a DPS focused weapon, you're just going to have a low risk 10 minute hunt instead of a high risk 5 minute one
That's the price of safety and consistency, and what we call "balance"
Can confirm it's very fun albeit I haven't tried extrreme style gunlance yet
lance and GL should do dogshit damage because it's 10 times easier to block than to dodge
Sure, just remain locked in place while the monster jumps behind you and attacks. Or does your guard cover 360 degrees around you?
The problem is Frontier weapons fall into two tiers at endgame: counter and no counter
GL falls into no counter, so absolutely no one uses them on the endgame stuff
I'd wait a few months for 15th gen, or next month if you're alright going AMD.
>he isn't a reflectchad
Wilds removed LBG and HBG
>not guard counters
>yet offensive guard works on them
>you even take chip dmg
OK sure whatever you think
>over a decade of power creep
>GL meta is still Dos guard stab turtling
The absolute stats of this fucking weapon
and replaced them with a mech
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>To block an attack you need to time it right.
They don't require guard skills to work like regular guarding does but they still benefit from offensive guard, the peak of dishonesty.
My current build is AMD. I've got nothing against them.
I mentioned intel since the MSI board is LGA 1700.

I think you're right though. I'll hold off for now.
agreed, but only if we limit guard counters to lance and gunlance
You mean bring back Gen CB? I agree with that.
woah woah slow down their partner thats just unreasonable
Neither does the Lance wirebug counter move nor Morphing Advance on CB the only difference with guard is that you take less chip dmg and and obviously you require guard up to not eat shit against specific moves. It works just like this on Metsu and Strongarm as well. Only because you dont like them doesnt make them less a guard counter.
>slow down their
lance players are ESL confirmed
I like the idea of being able to use a shell as a quick lateral/back evade vs blasting off like a rocket
I have fun with World.
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the problem with blast dash is that it was originally a super move in Gen before they repurposed it into a regular ability in Rise which results in it being comically over the top for a basic move
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I just want to have fun hunting monsters again for some tiny village. I dont care about saving the world
Metsu and Strongarm don't get knocked back by anything like Spiral Thrust does.
Rathalos tier monsters should be the biggest things you hunt
Elder dragons were a mistake
Wasn't it one of the fast cooldown moves
Spamming it is pretty silly but they could just make it briefly overheat or something if they wanna tone down the Gunlance airforce
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That's a man.
tranny obsessed
You're right. Calling it a tranny is closer than a man.
he's right tho virgin
do I *have* to use Citra Gaylentin to play 4u on my computer?
Man playing other weapons really makes you understand what the devs were going for with certain monsters. Tidal najarala in unironically fun when you fight him with fire dual blades because it's one of the only weapons that can keep up with his spastic movement with demon dashes. It's a similar thing with chameleos since he never fucking stops moving. Do yourself a favor if you're playing 4U and make the Wyvern conciliation dual blades. They're made with silver rathalos and gold rathian parts.
>switching to a better weapon means you have more fun because the games are poorly balanced
stunning revelation
>the games are poorly balanced because the monsters aren't frozen in place
Dual blades aren't even top tier in 4U they're not terrible but they're not the best it's moreso that they allow you to actually keep up with the monsters that don't stop moving but yeah it's no surprise that certain monsters are just made for certain weapons. That's why it's funny when people refuse to use anything other than one weapon. You're just making things less enjoyable for yourself
when half the weapons are still designed around lethargic 3rd gen monsters? yeah
sounds like you're just shit
>That's why it's funny when people refuse to use anything other than one weapon
When would I ever need to switch off of GS or IG if I'm playing 4U?
Oh you're right I never noticed this but my initial point that they are guard counter is still true. However I'd honestly hope they get rid of all those command counters you can trigger with any sort of barrel bomb which includes both Metsu and Strongarm.
That's like saying why would I ever need to switch off the meta. Maybe for fun? or to make hunts smoother?
Bad weapons are rarely fun and switching to a worse weapon will not make your hunts smoother
>Bad weapons are rarely fun
i assume you're using ranged and GS exclusively then?
I solod gog with switchaxe nigga, the disparity is not as drastic as you would believe
It generally sounds pretentious but this is true, the "my turn" nature of the back and forth combat was enjoyable and the more rigid movements and inputs, for lack of a better comparison, are more chesslike than most other action titles or arpg-adjacents
it also kept stuff like HBG from being completely overbearing until progression was finished

I think the closest you can still get to this is Rise but with all (all) of the gimmicks removed
No counters, no bugs, identical tracking to prior so the player is still at a disadvantage instead of dictating the terms of engagement at all times. But even that isn't quite the same
I use whatever is strong and fun in a given MH game which in 4U's case was GS and IG
Is that really so strange?
>I use whatever youtubers, speedrunners and redditors recommend
use what you want what do i care but me personally? i'll be having fun using what i want
>not using HBG
you arent following your own rules. Everything is at least 3 ranks beneath HBG so eat a dick
Charge Blade ad Switch Axe make me feel badass when I'm not whiffing.
I love my Animu super giga Saw slasher shit.
is it my impression or does the greatsword hit like a wet noodle in mh3u? going through high rank hub and it feels like i'm not doing any damage, it takes multiple lv3s to the head to stagger a monster
We live in a clown world where Dead Rising is getting a "remaster" before 4u.
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It's alright I guess but I don't like the monster at all
The electronic would be better without the fake physical percussions overstepping in the back and the bass is too loud compared to the front mix
Loses a lot of steam even if it gets a bit better in the 2nd half specifically. The kind of techno futurism is there and fits but gets lost in everything else leading up
For a better example, this is a nice mix besides the middle part dragging
and this has constant percussion without breaking in

and this one just seems more effortful on the whole than Val's
In the case of Dead Rising they're probably trying to see if there's still interest in the series after they basically killed it with DR4.
It's a matter of effort:profit
Monster Hunter would never get away with just a port even if it's free money
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GS and HBG were the first two weapons shown, because they are the protagonists
I wish
Blocking is getting hit with extra steps
What are the worst styles for each weapon, in your opinion? I've found Adept LS and Valor Lance to be particularly bad in my experience.
>hire a jeet to make a shitty AI generated EDM remix
>"here you go bingers we dont give a fuck about you this series is about Dos, World, and Wilds now"
nothing complicated about it really
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How dare you put Dos next to two piles of garbage.
Gen 5 WIB vs RSB Pierce S SFX isn't even comparable
It was the limpest least satisfying thing ever in WIB (to say nothing of blood splatter/spark) and the clinks only slightly returned to their classic feel in RSB
I have seemed to be alone in this sentiment but I don't know how anyone who's been tearing through things for decades now could miss the feedback differences or stay silent about it

as for Rise on the whole the splatters and such are good but they're buried under mountains of seizures
this series is focused on dos, 4U, and i guess world now that wilds is bringing back a lot of world stuff
No, you don't understand. Having no hitstop and blood being replaced with dust is more realistic and immersive.
And Sony requires it.
why are bingies so mad again today? is it because they finally got a "W" by "winning" the OST vote only to be handed a liquid diarrhea version of valstrax' theme?
Dos and XX more like, considering where all the moveset changes are coming from
There are also the overarching themes of movement from Tri and 4 but that's become sort of standard because every action game has tried to add arbitrary vertical or three dimensional movement by now
Well 4U is where the stronger focus on story started as well as dedicated endgames not to mention they keep bringing back 4U characters despite ignoring characters from like every other game. GU definitely had an impact though for sure in terms of movesets
I don't consider the story elements in 4 that different from before. It was just a "monster cause problemn but BIG MONSTER real problem" with extra trimmings. The characters were still secondary to hunting the monsters, there for adornment.
That isn't to say that 4's story wasn't good and nice, just that I don't think it's the same sort of "storytelling" which has now wound its way into G5, moreso from outside influences
>it's okay when nintendo does a story BUT NOT when world does it THEN IT'S LE BAD
it's because of chinese laws about displaying blood in games and films or anything
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Is it an actual law or is it just an arbitrary non-rule like skeletons that they use to leverage people into playing ball with their censor department (and/or bribes)
The difference is the 4U story was actually good and that's in part because it didn't try to be anything more than a very simple story about going on an adventure to find a monster. Nothing about bioenergy or donut steel elder dragon mary sues. It also didn't have as many cutscenes as world despite having more cutscenes than previous games.
fuck off tendie
but I just told you why it's not the same so yes in this instance specifically nintendo good sony bad simple as
i knew about it when in a manga they just made blood white to go around censor, wich didn't go as expected
its literally the same shit you stupid faggot instead of "bioenergy" it's "frenzy virus" and instead of "donut steel elder dragon" is "flying wyvern that's not like the rest of them he's so p[owerful and strong ALL his same species are fleeing the continent hes THAT POWERFUL he is the APEX"
but as always "it's okay when Nintendo does it" rings true and it's pointless to argue with biased manchildren like you
Don't bother to engage with the guy, you can see up there that he's been posting the same limp bait repeatedly hoping for absolutely any feedback
4U was more engaging because it had a story.
I barely remember World's story other than Xeno'CHADva looking immaculate as always
Bio energy and the frenzy are nothing alike. If you want to talk carbon copies then the sunbreak story is way closer to 4U's story than world is.
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I don't get Bio Energy.
Should have been just the natural process of decomposing monsters ad elders have better nutrients n shit.
I look like this
When biology is too difficult for the target audience, you make it into magic instead
Like the stork who delivers babby
>Like the stork who delivers babby
Yeah but that's real, sex is just a government cover up to discredit the stork!
it's true a stork just flew over my house and i heard a baby crying
what the fuck
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I like it!
fighting stygian zinogre with switchaxe and this playing in the background is kino
I love huntresses
>>Fujioka has been the art director of sf6, whose innate wokeness will definitely affect his line of thinking with wilds
motherfucker he's been the director of monhun for 20 years?
i guess monhun has always been woke then?
naadia in mh4 is woke?
asian research base milf in world is woke?
all the dark skinned background characters in mh1 are woke????
damn we better stop playing its fucking OVER
>b-but sf6 ruined his mind!!! y-you dont get it!!!
kill yourself schizo
>naadia in mh4 is woke?
>asian research base milf in world is woke?
>all the dark skinned background characters in mh1 are woke????
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you're so smart
stop playing monster hunter then
faggoty ass faggot
I don't like it
This will be the wilds DLC gimmick
Does it even have a base game gimmick? Imagine starting a new generation without anything special and truly interesting to show for
>2nd gen
>unfucking gameplay
>3rd gen
>4th gen
>5th gen
>story focus, open world
>6th gen
>monsters are ugly
>story focus
Yeah man, I'm SOOOO SAD that this game has no gimmick
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I'm guessing it's fine when Nintendo does it?
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Herd shit and weather nonsense.
You know how shit and casualized World is when playing an older game with a friend and having to explain a million things to them so they don't feel betrayed and have their experience ruined by their World "knowledge"
>nooo, you actually have to carefully prep and can't just restock on the quest
>no, you should actually keep an eye on your stamina consumption
>no, you should bring the cleanser item when fighting monsters like Barroth
>no, you might be better off targeting Teostra's hindlegs because his literal lion's mane protects his head (World forgot about that and it's harder to miss his head than to hit it)
>nooo, this monster might look like Bazel but he isn't just running back and forth in a straight line, be careful
>no, you shouldn't just attack his head or body like with almost all World monsters
>no, flashbombs aren't useless here, so please learn the timing to flash flying monsters and help me out
>no, you can actually poison Kushala and get rid of its wind if it bothers you
>no, tremor proof is actually useful here and doesn't need fucking 3 levels
>no, Alatreon isn't standing around for 20 seconds, but you also don't have to do some retarded element shit
>no, you can't just stand in front of Zinogre but actually have to be wary of his stomps and try hitting his hindlegs
>no, you can't simply focus on Diablos's head with that weapon because weak spots actually matter here and every monster is a different fight
>no, you can't just sonic-bomb him all the time
>no, you actually have to cut the tail and break the horns if you want those mats
Dynamic weather as pseudo-seasons is a far better gimmick than any of the ones anon listed
It's something that can actually add variety to the gameplay and they can bring to the future games
Adds nothing of value to the countless MMORPGs that have it and won't add anything here, just annoyances.
it's not sneeasons
it's Volcanic Hollow <-> Sunken Hollow in real time
I don't think I need to explain why that sucks
But you know it won't.
There'll be a gimmick for two-three monsters per locale for weather and every other monster will ignore it entirely.
In fact there'll be some retarded playtime padding like gating monsters behind the weather or something.
NO!t from me tonight
actually awesome graphics for the first time ever would've been nice but for some reasom wilds look exactly like mhw
>it's Volcanic Hollow <-> Sunken Hollow in real time
How is that not interesting?
People don't like those maps because the areas suck, so it was two bad maps in one
The concept itself was good
As somebody that actually played dos seasons really didn't all that much to the game even if they're an interesting and novel idea. I'm curious to see what wilds does with the idea but I don't expect it to be much more than what we already had in dos.
Because all of the reasons that people disliked the Hollows have become core design features, mainly
I just finished the ER dlc
It was amazing aside from the last boss that was cancer

Any MH news in the last 2-3 weeks? Any future dates?
>How is that not interesting?
it's cheap real time rehashing of the same content and a deluded self-fellating obsession with details. just give us different locales and make them beautiful. they are backdrops
Wait till they want to try ranged because they liked it in MHW where it plays like a third person shooter.
>"I'm playing a female character to look at the ass!"
>can't see ass
>Lego graphics
Female character players are literally just fags who like pretending to be girls. Probably anime girl pfp too
Get a job
makes no sense. the older games had the lewder armor like grimclaw and drilltusk
The only thing that gen 5 gunning truly differs in is the shoot and scoot
if that wasn't in the game at all the same skillset would work across titles
also it would be more balanced for just about everything not named Spread and maybe Charged Shot Artillery
Switch skills is a garbage mechanic and needs to fuck off and never come back. What makes monster Monster Hunter's progression so great is that it gives you all your moves and weapons right away without "2 playthroughs tutorial" bullshit that action games often do, you are just farming for bigger numbers and refine your playstyle with skills from decorations. Splitting weapons' movesets into modular garbage half of which isn't even available from the start was a faggot move.
I chuckled
>world and rise is open world
how come you still gotta load from the town to the map then
also for wilds its
>actually open world, no loading between maps or village
>clashing with the monsters and focus mode
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Kill Navirou
Behead Navirou
Curbstomp Navirou
Dropkick Navirou down a flight of starts
Chef's Kiss Navirou as he's boiled alive in a stew
483625193 is a garbage shitposter and needs to fuck off and never come back. What makes shitposting so great is that it gives you a reason to read the persons well crafted post without seeing fio ass plainly displayed as a way to bait coomers to his post like futa posters do, you are just farming for keks and refine your evening with lmaos and "go backs". Shitposting like this in the thread is a faggot move.
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Same person.
No one took the bait so he needed to falseflag a response.
>Dynamic weather as pseudo-seasons is a far better gimmick than any of the ones anon listed
Nah MH4 verticality and dynamic was a huge add to the MH gameplay, even if Capcom got carried away with it when they designed some cancerous zones. Swimming and hunting leviathans underwater was at least a cool idea and always a nice change-up--easily corrigible and reinvented into something fun

I'd also add styles and arts from GU and Wirebug mobility from Rise even if they didn't start a new generation
Sweaty huntress armour after a long hunt.
It's still a little vague on locale/biome seamlessess. Maps are supposed to be huge but I don't think it's truly open world like a GTA title, more like a bigass expedition with a village built into the map.
but i did
they've stated on jewykhans goyd fleet podcast that you can go from one biome to the next without loading
we'll see how true that is but i feel like its a weird thing to lie about
Not seeing those in that screenshot and there is nothing lewd about Legos
Ah, haven't watched that. Interesting.
And I have one and I'm here once in a blue moon while you live here, my brown homosexual tranny porn enthusiast
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Kit T., my constant companion..
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World PC Room/Lumu hump day edition
The loading screen is the ride on the bird
How do people not see this?
It in fact will take longer to traverse unless you use a fast travel sort of function which, as you guess, is not seamless crossover
I know this general is ow-IQ but sounds like just making them easier to get would be the more logical solution to your issue rather than just getting rid of the entire concept?

Being able to customize your moveset is amazing for obvious reasons and only only increases in value the more Capcom changes up traditional movesets. Though I'd also argue unlocking things is fun and can be a nice extra sense of reward for doing certain quests. It's just retarded how Rise locked them behind making a certain number of weapons
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I'd join but I'm barely managing to keep myself awake right now. Soon as I hit my pillow I'll be asleep.
>It's just retarded how Rise locked them behind making a certain number of weapons
totally forgot about that bs
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Stop watching porn and buy a treadmill for 150 bucks
He said armor, pigfuck.
Don't hit the pillow then simple as
why is world so ugly? kulu looks like a rotten carcass from the thumbnail
>Stop watching porn
I cant im literally goontarded. Its an addiction and i need psychiatric help i refuse to get
My condolences.
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and the background mountains are blue and look like random tessellated fantasy shit. mh backgrounds used to have grace and look down to earth
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Why is porn even allowed? There is a concerted effort to fight the male gaze and make women ugly in the media but somehow porn being everywhere is fine

Praying for you bro
I love untresses
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old monhun never actually looked like that
>deobjectify her by giving her more defined abs
>she literally does not know
You can always move to North Korea or Saudi Arabia.
>deobjectify women by turning them into twinks
holy jej
>de-objectify woman by having her troon out and go FtM
lmao lefties will never understand how funny this is
I know right lmfao fucking let's go MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!
lul do better
do they really shout maga like that?
no. Use the pablo mk7 fork if it's still up, or find some other fork based on the final citra builds.
Fuck this shit, I want to know what my weapon is capable of right away without running back and forth between chest and training dummy or having to do test hunts until the endgame to check if shit weapons suddenly acquired fun movesets. There's like 20 years worth of QoL debt, I don't need any more pointless menu wankery.
>but more movesets is better
Just add new weapon types instead of shitty half-measures.
Kecha wacha is so fun man they really need to bring it back
The first thing women do upon seeing other women is ask themselves "is she prettier than me" and have a minor breakdown if the answer is yes. That is why women want to de-beautify fictional women; they are genuinely intimidated by them. Simp niggerfaggots just go along with it because they're s*y-encrusted pathetic worms.
>bunch of re-releases/remasters including original re 1-3 on gog
>can't get re-release of classic mh even during the 20th anniversary
what the fuck is their problem?
oh neat thanks for the heads up looks like they just added that today. i mean I'm still not going to play resident evil because it doesn't appeal to me but it's neat that it's on GOG
Yeah, I think it's neat it went to gog. It's a surprise though considering capcom loves drm.
probably only happened because they were happy with sales of Dragon's Dogma 1 on gog it was a top seller back in the day and I myself personally bought it too. it was the first big game capcom put on there. i still doubt they'll ever put the newer games on gog though
>i still doubt they'll ever put the newer games on gog though
for the games that have no drm like world, it's a surprise
yeah but fast travel isnt a loading screen
its probably just a quick cutscene like in world
the gog community has a tendency to get a little too strict around DRM which is fine since that's the whole point of the platform but that usually means devs avoid putting multiplayer games on gog because by definition they will have to connect to some external server. that's not to say there aren't multiplayer games on gog but they probably just want to avoid complications not to mention that world and rise are still selling just recently world reached 25 mil and rise 15 mil
Dudes don't look like that either.
In fact the historic monster hunter female models have had that same kind of chunky presentation, just not as deliberately undercut as that art is implied to be (e.g., wider hips/pelvic focus)
that makes sense then
did you draw this?
great work i love it
Also World has platform segregated multiplayer, and the GoG version would instantly become superior because of not having the capacity for region locked matchmaking.
Actually, that's a reason they SHOULD do it come to think of it, could get tons of double dippers wanting global matchmaking.
>esl has a shit opinion
what a surprise
if it does come to gog then i'd buy it in a heartbeat despite having ignored it on steam but i still doubt it'll ever come
Calling everyone else one is not going to let you escape your shithole non-country any faster
yeah, I wouldn't expect it, but maybe they're testing the waters
MH is a multiplayer online game series. They would need to be adapted for PC and also have server support or some decent p2p implementation for PC.
Given that multiple multiplayer games compete with each other for active players, capcom is afraid to rerelease any classic MH entries since they'd cannibalize the current world/rise momentum and possibly impair future Wilds sales.
>capcom is afraid to rerelease any classic MH entries since they'd cannibalize the current world/rise momentum and possibly impair future Wilds sales.
realistically, they'd probably sell like 1m-2m each and people that would buy them either wouldn't buy new mh anyway, or would buy new mh anyway
>Does it even have a base game gimmick?
Persistent seamless world, with changing seasons, and rather than each quest being a new instance of a map, the state of the world (including time of day, weather, and map elements like environmental gimmicks being used) persists from one quest to the next
On top of that the maps contain human settlements with villagers that have 24 hour cycles
your opinion is shit and you're a faggot
I lie the switchaxe counter but I really hope it doesn't stay, it's just too retarded
Do you guys really think the gimmick of wilds is open world? it's fucking herds you dumbos it's literally the defining aspect of the game because dos already has seasons and we've already had open maps with multiple biomes most recently in sunbreak
not seasons
>villagers with 24 hour cycles
I rather doubt that, Todd
It’s a completely open world now with no loading between regions
None of those are gimmicks.
it's not totally open world because there will be multiple maps we already confirmed that. yes there will be multiple biomes but we've already had that. about the only real change here is the maps being bigger and now it's seamless going from village to hunt

the main gimmick is herds and it's what most of the game will revolve around
If we're talking exclusively gameplay gimmicks then
>transforming maps that affect monster behavior and environmental gimmicks (this is the central gimmick that informs everything else, a greater focus on sudden changes during hunts)
>weapon switching
>focus mode and its associated new mechanics
You're right, probably packs is the gimmick. Definitely looks gimmicky.
why does saying your game is open-world make more people buy it?
you dont get it
you see that monster over there?
It's the skyrim effect
The goy love their slop
16 times the tailcuts.
Herds are not the main gimmick, just one of the new mechanics. It's something they've been showing off a lot for now but it's not like all of the monsters will be in packs.
Because it appears mission- and level-based game structures are associated with older games, and journalists already claim that MH's old quest structure was dated and a relic of PS2 era game design. There is an assumption that with progressing technology, there should be an effort made to minimize "videogamey" abstractions to increase immersion and make the game feel more "real".
Remember how frequently they ran up walls in early World trailers
Remember how you forgot that was even a mechanic
Trailer gimmicks are NOT representative of their use in the game
Based knower. I'm not interested at all in Wilds. My dream MH game is something with the graphics fidelity of MHO, combat fluidity of World, maps of 3rd gen and story and difficulty of 4U, but MH as a franchise is gone for good anyways.
shit art fitting for a shit opinion.
Herds are the main gimmick as they have multiple mechanics tied to it already. Slinger ammo for luring monsters away from the herd, small monster herds now have turf wars with large monsters, the alpha system with one leader of the pack that's stronger, etc. The weather/seasons stuff is literally just everything brought back from dos including different small monster spawns, different item spawns/drops, monster strength differences, etc. The new thing wilds is bringing is herds. Nobody will give a shit about mounted attacks after like 10 hours when they realize it does shit damage and wastes time and weapon switching we literally already have but it takes more time currently. It's herds that's the gimmick
>Remember how frequently they ran up walls in early World trailers
Wallrun attacks were really strong for some weapons, it's just that for some reason they gave some weapons TCS tier wallrun moves and others were pathetically weak
IMO they should have made wallrun attacks generally strong but make the wall deteriorate after running on it so you can't use the same wall more than once
>not every monster will be in herds so herds cant be the main gimmick
not every monster in tri / 3u can be hunted underwater
underwater was the main gimmick of those games
your post is horse shit
>not every monster in tri / 3u can be hunted underwater
>underwater was the main gimmick of those games
which is why it was a stupid gimmick, yes
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this is just a fucking bear
The jaggi trio and gigginox are miles better than their 1st gen counterparts. Barioth and ludroth are also fun to fight. The rest can fuck off, I agree.
He has clothes. Show some respect.
Yeah but it was okay because it was introduced in third gen and we literally didn't have any bear monsters until then. World having literally just an iguana or literally just a trex isn't really excusable because we have countless lizards and we already had a trex
good monster, ice is whatever
better than khezu
not as good as other big monster hunts but makes a meaningful impression
better than the t posing preys
literally a cuga
>his reading comprehension: 0
no one is talking about whats stupid and whats not
herds are the gimmick of the game
deal with it illiterate faggot
also filtered underwater was ludo way better than ledge slop in 4u kys
>herds are the gimmick of the game
The devs say otherwise but clearly I'm not going to be able to change your mind
yes "the devs" in your head aren't the real devs
>first paragraph on the game's website
>Dynamic, ever-changing environments. A story of monsters and humans in a world with two faces: one in which the lands are harsh and unforgiving, where monsters fight for scant resources—and another in which the lands are vibrant and brimming with life.
>but transforming maps are not the main gimmick
transforming maps isn't as new as you think it is, it's a glorified seasons mechanic with a bigger visual change
dos had seasons its fundamentally the same idea
it was just simpler
they never had monster packs
so yes thats the main gimmick, especially when you know the KEY FUCKING ART on the website shows 3 monsters on it and not "le weather"
Has there ever been a metal slug crossover in monhun?
Constitution or Marathon Runner for W*rld DBs? Inclined towards constitution myself
just bring dash juice?
What was capcom thinking when they brought back lagombi for 4u but not the rest of the trio?
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>transforming maps isn't as new as you think it is, it's a glorified seasons mechanic with a bigger visual change
>dos had seasons its fundamentally the same idea
By that logic packs aren't new either.
now that I think about it they might have had problems with volvi's rolling and the dumb ledges
not sure about the bear
well they needed an ice monster so it probably just seemed obvious they even created oroshi kirin because they needed more ice monsters
large monster packs we've never had that before
And we also haven't had maps that change in real time, with changes directly affecting monster behavior.

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