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Headpats Edition

Previous Dinosaur: >>483377626

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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el wiwi
the holy timothy
Thoughts on this Friend Inside Me schizo shit?
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I don't care what the cunts on X are doing.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
Thoughts on this Friend Inside Me schizo shit?
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I'm of the belief that 'getting to hold the hands belonging to a person of your preferred gender' could fix a lot of people here
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I'm of the belief that you should stop posting disgusting shit all day and shut the fuck up
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11 hours
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Have you ever, anon?
It's not too late to try. It's never too late. Put kindness out, take kindness in. It won't fix everything that ails you but it will become your greatest comfort.
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Please someone help me understand Tony's Japanese stuffs. I'm technically under NDA but I'm too confused to respect that.
What is an "otokoyakus" and why did he just call Kris and Ralsei that when explaining a part of the story to me? Is that like an otaku?
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That's why I post gote shotes
It means that Ralsei had sex with Toriel and (confirmed) femKris at the same time. Also, it's spelled 'oyakodon' anon.
>hehe dont be so mad just love stinky buttz like me
disgusting freak
do the shitposters ever fucking sleep
Asriel is the kind of child who would be permanently emotionally damaged from the fact that him growing up is the reason his boss monster parents grow old and die. He would look at old pictures of Toriel and Asgore and hate himself for causing them to age and he wouldn't be able to accept that his parents love him enough for it to be worth it.
raping children isn't a kindness
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is undertale yellow only OCs? I just completed snowdin and I didn't ecnouter sans or papyrus.
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>is undertale yellow only OCs?
Did you miss, you know, Flowey?
for fangame stuff friendo
shut the fuck up your revolting anus spamming faggot sex obsessed freak
You're probably right but 4th wall. It's a bitch, a faggot, a douchbag, a cuntwaffle, a fucklefart, Fred Fuchs in disguise and much more. Majority of us would experience nirvana if we got hugged like we're in Elden Ring.

I think it heavily depends on 'how' Asriel is, perhaps if Chara never fell, or just Chara's plan never happened, I could see Asgore/Toriel/Gerson/Chara helping Asriel grasp and be comfortable with the inevitable. He is meant to be a king and we don't know how long boss monsters last even when their child grows (or if having multiple kids could cause the aging to increase?), so perhaps there's more time to work with than we think. Maybe see it as a tragic part of boss monsters but also not be broken by it, especially is Asgore/Toriel had a peaceful death.
Woah, really? I checked the party member graphics again and Toriel's spare sprite doesn't have the notched X / X tips, I think he mentioned that being related. But maybe he has enough cred to get away with putting something like that in the game, he hasn't told me much about the sex scenes yet.
Yeah, we need less game discussion in /utg/.
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You deserve to be loved by someone.
so fucking true wojack NIGGER
whoa bud cool it with the racism
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Who is this? It's definitely not Ralsei
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woah man mean.... dont be mean to me...
apparently though I dont deserve to discuss the nice aspects of Undertale and Deltarune with like minded anons who also appreciate it on 4channel's /vg/ board
its revolting furry sicko shit thats what it is
His cousin Ieslar
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Ralsei went to the light world and realized his outfit and demeanor was fucking gay so he tried to change it. Problem is he's still gay
I wish these people would just make thier own goat OC. It's so far removed from anything deltarune related. It might as well be one
thats bratty's sister brat
>Can't name a single other game composer
IDK why you should have to if no other game composer's music has touched you the way Toby Fox's did.
Toby Fox is in a relatively unique position as a game composer for also being the lead creative control, allowing him to really precisely craft the songs & their order to power the emotional beats of the game.
The only other close instance of this I know of was Alec Holowka.
Why do furfags make shit like this? Its so off model and out of character that I can only assume they derive sick pleasure from warping the original into this
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found this in my room /utg/ what do
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1. The artist enjoys "corrupting" a saccharinely sweet & innocent character like Ralsei, and/or
2. Making art of a huge online IP vastly boosts your discoverability and following as an online artist.
>Like the design.
>Don't care about personality.
>Want easy likes from pre-existing fanbase
I love fish
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>ai generated sjaks
Sex with cute bubbly Ralsei who giggles and smooches you
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When will Toby admit he made a mistake and make this Ralsei canon for the rest of the game?
this is Ralsei mpreg don't click
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this thing is great
>can't guard their virginity
I was trying not to laugh at one of these but Papyrus is just too funny to not.
AIslop spammers have no soul
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ok im done today after this one
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Friendly reminder for when "Kraut" shows up
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The "unseen entity" is me by the way :)
Sometimes I think I'm a waste but then I remember I've never spent over half a day straight spite-flooding a thread on a Chilean throat-singing forum on a fucking Tuesday.
also holowka wasn't the lead creative control, just really, really fucking good at his music job
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Why dont you guys use the one that generates nice wojaks
krautsie has done that for longer
everything in this image is astonishingly accurate
hello my pizza is done /utg/
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>tweets cryptic teasers every week
God, I wish
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does anyone even still care about dess
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Does anyone have a source for this?
martlet is literally my wife IRL
Source: 3 sets of 20 Ab crunches
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Dead internet theory progressively becoming more and more true
It's been over since 2010.
Sorry you missed the boat and did not experience internet prime.
homosuck wasn't even at its peak yet
homosuck was part of the downfall and was rightfully hated for being pure autism
Me personally, I miss when it was “YouTube - Broadcast Yourself”
more like Youtube - Broadcast Conan O Brien and fucking a shit ton of other unfunny white nerds
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that isn't the same as dead internet theory
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>he doesn't still have bookmarks saved that are so ancient and never clicked on to refresh them that they still have the old tiny You[Tube] text favicon
I miss when youtube had the courtesy to at least tell you the title of the video that randomly got deleted in your playlist instead of just saying “whoopsie it’s gone now lololololol”
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I post a lot of youtube links for music but I remember this was one of the first songs I ever found through the internet and wasn't a radio hit or ancient boomer classic rock or on a soundtrack for something. Still a bop.
I wish I knew where Firefox backs up favicons since I've had some saved forward for almost twenty years now and apparently they're rolled into another big file somehow and need to be extracted.
>4 different minimally changed versions of the red play icon before the current one
Google funding put to good use.
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While thinking about music and early youtube I remembered I used to burn a lot of dubstep mix CDs for friends to listen to in their shitbox cars a year before anyone had even heard of a Skrillex and pass them out to help proliferate some dank dirty dubs. I was also the friend who brought the boombox and chill tunes for smoking during lunch break. This has nothing to do with undertale or deltarune but I bet Susie would be the type to listen to a lot of music while owning very few records or any fancy media devices.
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I'm not sure if anyone had sole/top creative control at Infinite Fall, but on Wikipedia Holowka has top billing in the "designer" category at the top.
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I used to hear a lot of records.
Here is the guy getting an interview sampled at the start of the first link because it's also great
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posting Susie with increased fervor
I'm not actually sure why. Scott Benson was inarguably the main creative force; the recognized art style is his (and formerly infamous from that "THE MATRIX WAS A GOOD MOVIE" strawwank), the story and writing was his and was in drafting before NITW itself, Possum Springs is directly based on Benson's experiences in post-coal-town Pennsylvania. holowka is still the more important of the two though because the music 100% carries/ties the game together and stands strongest on its own, but this isn't Delrarune discussion now
kill her
source is impossible to find
thank god its finally fucking dead
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Not with you posting more, dumb dumb.
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Fave, no. I have IBS. You do not want anything to do with that.
Undertale: Favorite Territory
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The future is bleak
oh my god
/utg/ would cheer if that happened though
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Toby is going to crash the game with no survivors.
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.........I-I'd blush >W<....
Based Johnny Bravo Scooby Doo crossover reference.
The current users would but you have to consider new chapters bring in a flood of outsiders
Normal words,

but a Fave guy!
Goat Butte
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Smelly gremlin
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Alphys isn't a gremlin she's a damn cave troll
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>Susie deserved better.
anyway did you just write all this or is it a what-if from /sus/ or something
AI generated shit
Darkners and monsters don't have bones so they're extra "bouncy" if you catch my drift.
What the hell are these things?
I saw a few of them on /omog/ earlier. Are these some sort of AI thing?
huh. not used to seeing AIslop actually keep post times in a properly descending order as well as keeping track of the correct post number backlinks
technology is amazing
Whatever she is, I'd like to sniff her armpits
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Tea Theory unilaterally ruined Deltarune discussion and I'm completely serious
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Wow, with this new app, it's like jak poster never left!
AI-slop spammers should be killed
Please stop with this soulless dogshit
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i just think its fun
I think about the little guy every day
go jangle some keys or something faggot
anon.. you need to let him go...
I don't get how it makes people think Kris LE HATES Ralsei
If you hate someone it wouldn't heal you for any more than like 10 hp, and Ralsei (a guy they just met) is 10 hp below Kris's actual childhood friend
I think the way they like Susie way more than everyone else skewed everyone's perception of what the tea values really imply
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Undertale but all the monsters are beavers.
you know usually i can tolerate ascafag's ai sloppa dumping but this is just fucking shit
There's a power shortage I don't think you should be spending all those resources making pictures nobody is even going to look at
never tolerate AIjeets
Every dumb meme image is one whole dinosaur turned into pure carbon for the atmosphere.
I don't really understand why Kris likes Susie so much. Susie called them a freak repeatedly and I don't think she ever really apologizes for it. And not fitting in with the dreemurrs/hometown seems generally agreed to be Kris' big insecurity.
People point to the King fight but even before Susie redirected King's attention, Kris jumped in the way of Susie first (which is honestly more compelling evidence than tea theory too). So Kris already saw something to like in her?
the page doesn’t exist?
my friend dangled these keys in front of my face so blame him
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>teen fellows having fun and discovering the rules of a weird game-world with real/fake item equivalents, personal quests, and dreamselves while the impending threat of apocalyptic doom looms over their heads is drowned, both in the community and in the story, under endless debates and jerk-off contests involving the Bichromatic Shipping Quadrangle™
Many such cases.
Because EVERYONE needs to like Susie!!! Best girl I want her to be my goofy antagonist-turned-shonen MC without her having to own up to her actions but the player knows she spared Lancer so she's actually nice *adds the Catti Dropping Her Phone And Susie Picking It Up scene to chapter 4*
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works on my machine, it's BHM mettaton
i don’t have an account
shall i AUtism post now instead
i like his fat bastard face
susie is just toby wanting to fuck the guy from yuyu hakusho, the delinquent guy who saved a kid and broke the universe because it was unexpected, but not wanting to be seen as THAT gay
author's note: i have not actually read or thought about that comic in about 15 years and this post came to me from a forgotten part of the brain while dishwashing
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I fucking hate wojaks
Why are they AI generated now
because god is dead
Susie had an older sister named Suzy who got murdered via her head getting bashed with a clock
Thanks, Toby, I fucking hate it.
People who post wojaks are literally so incapable of any amount of creativity or originality, and are so unfathomably lazy that they're literally just having machines generate their own insufferable retardation for them
You know around chapter 4 or 5, there will be an Incident that gets Susie expelled and/or threatened to be put under arrest. But it will be some kind of misunderstanding or unfortunate cause & effect and it will result in Susie getting upset and fleeing to the dark world, planning to stay there forever. Which will cause Noelle to flee to the dark world too. Thus causing the town and Holidays to believe Susie kidnapped her. This will be a huge drama because of how Dess disappeared back in the day.
And because Kris started hanging out with Susie all the time, Kris will get pushed around for being suspected of knowing what happened (which they will, but they'll sound crazy if they tell the truth).
Toby will resort to AI-generated assets to finish deltarune
bitch goin to JAIL
I am so excited for this epic coming of age direct to TV Disney live action movie storyline
This sounds exactly as predictable and easy to plan as I'd expect so I'm just going to assume this is exactly what will happen ingame until seeing otherwise. Especially the fleeing to the dark world part after her end-of-chapter-2 dialogue about how great it would be to stay there forever or bring it into the real world or whatever it was she said.

>Susie says it would be great to bring Ralsei and Lancer and so on into the real world
>10 minutes later, Kris pulls a magic knife out of his ass and opens a dark world in his living room, presumably *for her*
but why?
This lesbian fantasy is brought to you by Studio Shitli
The problem with tea theory is Kris' healing is not based on Kris, or the player, but the Third Entity
I rate this Ralsei bussy a mediocre 60/100.
Actually it’s based on Asriel’s dust and water from the ocean floor
>(which they will, but they'll sound crazy if they tell the truth).
Don't forget you can ALREADY GO TO THE POLICE and Undyne laughs so hard at the concept of a dark world that the dogs all escape. So yeah we're already at the "adults are useless! they'll never understand our secret magic world!" foreshadowing stage of the Disney direct-to-DVD plot.
Suselle gets put on ice after Susie learns that Noelle snowgraved Suzy down the stairs
If it's based on Asriel's dust then why doesn't it like the character who is made of Asriel's dust?
now give me replies
>this is how her "she gets framed for crimes she didn't commit" Maya inspiration comes into play
oh my fucking god you're probably right, aren't you
god damn it FUCK
>the whole time I thought the Maya inspiration was Toby saying Susie was originally going to be less crude/a better person from the get go/had her hair in a ponytail/etc but it was actually just "she did a murder! no she didn't!"
I am frankly disgustipated.
soosie shitsei
soosie eating shitsei hole
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...what is it?
/utg/ cracked the code
Deltarune will stink
Toby is ripping off earthbound by having his game be a massive flop in the west
...much like Alphys' ass and pits
Deltarune is my comfort food. The story doesn't need to be exceptional if the music carries the emotional moments.
Not attacking anyone who has a higher bar than that, that's just what it is to me
Your comfort food is slop on a shingle.
oogohhh i fucking HAAATE deltarune and HATE TOBY and EVERYTHING ABOUT HIS GAME but i come here anyway because
i want to see how the car crash ends
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Toby is the least impressive game developer I have ever seen and it's not even a contest.
He's barely respectable as a composer but making videogames and especially designing and writing characters is not his skill set whatsoever.
>cut to these anons applauding like chimpanzees when the game comes out and the ending is a funny spaghetti joke
>image was also used for a berdfagwhining post
Ever notice how the people who despise the game, its creator, its general and all its posters always seem to be goatfags
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>the ending is a funny spaghetti joke
>goatfags complained about my comfy berd general 2022 and made me a bitter shit for a year
There's a goatfag who had a big review on Undertale's Steam page about how fucking terrible and sucky the game is
You're absolutely dying for someone to reply to this post with, "I'm not a goatfag, I'm an Xfag!" so you can focus on a new possible characterfag to shadowbox for the next 7 years.
its gonna be a halloween hack remake
its gonna be so fucking bad
Add it to the dossier
>Absolutely nothing's changed.
>It's Halloween today, I guess.
>That's pretty cute.
literally and unironically exactly how deltarune is going to end after coming back from the last chapter's dark world and preventing the JRPG world-ending kaboom
it is, and it will still make him 17 gorillion dollarydoos
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that 100% sounds like something susie would say too
Fuck, it absolutely does. And the first screenshot is already a running gag in Toby games with the "not really feelin' up to it, sorry" that Napstablook started.
people dont even need to post gotes anymore for you to act like this
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I think you should take a break from the internet
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In three years he will still be sitting here going "anon gave underpoop 3 stars instead of 5!" which is kinda funny considering Toby's next grand masterpiece of a game still won't even be out by then
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>uh oh they were talking about the game too much gotta spam!! gotta get my stimmies!!!!
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Is "talking about the games" the most frequent shitposter dogwhistle these days?
Krizzy and Ass
>time to ruin the thread for the next 4 hours because toby is like a gamedev prodigy HE'S A ONE MAN GOD and NOT PREDICTABLE IN THE SLIGHTEST and don't you dare notice things based on toby's inspirations and what the characters might be likely to do
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*Diapsy and Ass
>draw ralsei
>remove glasses
>call it asriel
Any time the thread isn't about <personality> it's SHIT so someone has to DO SOMETHING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not
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I still think birdshit should fuck off.
very telling how this post was followed by immediate diapsriel spam
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You are all faggots. I'm outta 'ere
Bada bing
/utg/ doesnt hate kris and asriel btw
This is huge
AND asriel
so true!
did you get enough rest for another 12 hour spam session
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It's not spam, that's what birdshit does. I'm just posting something that canonically happened.
That being Berdly dying.
>Michael Afton
>In the game Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location Mike finds a new friend in Circus Baby
>At the end Circus Baby tricks him and fuses with the other animatronics to crawl inside him
>Friend inside
>Friend Inside Me
It makes too much sense, Toby you are the greatest writer to ever live!
make sure to take breaks and drink plenty of water
This is HUGE
like my big round tum tum
that's HUGE
>anon's tum tum killed the thread
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It all stops at once. Almost like it's one guy
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Chara accidentally ate a radioactive spider donut.
Now they're the Fabled Arach-Risk.
You guys post so much yet none of you say anything, but then again this post is trash too, so whatever.
there's a fucking microwave nuking everything
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>there's a fucking microwave nuking everything
>deletes post
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I think Susie and Noelle are cute together but I hate Suselle because its written like trite anime dogshit
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How are you doing tonight /utg/?
I think Susie and Noelle are fine characters but I hate them together as Suselle because I detest lesbians.
very telling goings on tonight
I'm telling you to fuck off.
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good early morning /utg/. how are you doing?

i am doing alright, thank you.
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I need a cute goat in my life.
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Your [sic] invisible now
And I know that it's hard to get used to
'Cause you're the last secret agent-
Reporting back
But you're reporting back to nothing
i wish toby would throw caution to the wind and just outright steal terezi as his own
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but would he throw caution to every warning sign?
are you in the world of text right now
Alphys appears in a scene right next to the bird and the difference in sprite and animation frames between them is exactly as jarring as you imagine it is.
hi im playing subnautica /utg/
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Native American fave give much wampum for fine scalps.
Does anyone want to explain whats going on in the textworld right now
its a bit telling
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>Does anyone want to explain whats going on in the textworld right now
>its a bit telling
I don't give a fuck what the ADHD kids are doing in their pseudo-iphone-chat.
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nice filename little buddy
>deletes post
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>>deletes post
but.. its huge. and people are making fun of kingposter in there
His hands can probably crush Kris' head like an orange.
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Should I look, or am I better off not seeing it? Is that why someone asked if I was there?
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go there kingbuddy
Of course that's why they asked, you fucking retard. You're here now and they want to troll you because you respond every time.
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Why are you being fucking rude about it
he’s not beating the javascript bot allegations
Because you have a genuine mental disorder.
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Focus in me.
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here's what the world of text looks like right now btw
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Thanks for saving me the trouble of checking. Guess he's latched onto that one image Kraut likes to post, huh
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Toby could never deliver an ending as kino as yume2ki
Wojaktimmy falseflags as kraut, berdfag and krisrielfag. It's basically all one dude.
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yup >>483472380
i wonder how long the real kraut's been gone
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Has the state of /utg/ ever been bleaker than right now
The announcement that chapters 3-5 to be released would become chapters 3-4.
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It probably has, but with that being said we could really, really use some more new content. Before I lose my interest entirely.
Sup, /utg/
Just took a wicked nasty shit. I need more fiber in my diet.
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You should get bored and leave first, chapter 3 is going to follow up on snowgrave very directly which is the worst thing you could spend years waiting for.
Really? I considered it good news since it'd make the next release come sooner. If anything I was honestly wishing for Chapter 3 by itself for a while.
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you are posting more images of berdly's ugly face than berdfag ever did
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So when we command Ralsei to fry Undyne is FOBbywobbyjobbyglobby gonna be like FUCK OFF FISHSHIT YOUR FAVE DIES
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nah, ya'll just got to use the power of friendship in order to beat jack in this arc of the /utg/ show.
who is the villain of this season of the /utg/ show
it's the jack poster, DUH.
The dog did this.
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>it's the jack poster, DUH.
what does he do besides being a mild annoyance
everyone seems to treat him like a big bad so I just assumed.
He's the butt of the joke that is the divine comedy of /utg/
15 IPs max
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I feel like the but of the joke here is the weirdos who post fat catty and alphys but I get where your coming from.
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I feel like timmy is just the fall guy for the actual falseflaggers and he's being blamed for all of it so no one suspects the actual ones
I mean, he's the perfect one to shift the blame to.
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>King and Snail.jpg
All I'm saying is that goteposting goes completely silent when Wojaktimmy runs amok
They're afraid of him
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that doesn't even make sense you retarded avatarnewfriend
that's berdfag's pedophile friend
worldoftext going coo coo cwazy
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wait so if timmy isint the falseflagger then was kingposter the flagger this hole time?
holy shit, this changes everything
/utg/ feels like one of those generals that are forcibly kept alive just because the shitposters are operating on pure sunk cost and don’t know what to do if it dies
What the fuck, no

I'm not a fucking pedo you moron
Oh boy here we go
I'm attracted exclusively to adult men, stupid fuck
Kingfag really does have zero memory permanence huh
The only one lying is you.
Oh so they got bored of trying to troll her in the worldoftext when she wasn't there so they moved it to the thread
spritesies :3
timmy has a point
>they (plural)
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Literally how? He's just making up random shit to cause more fighting.
Kingfag, why are you replying to wojakfag? I can understand an allergy to grass but at least log off and go touch yourself to King for your own sake. Ought to be a better way to spend your free time than this.

Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow, don't let the dreams be dreams or the memes be memes, you can be the anon fave would've fallen for. I love Chara and want to cuddle with her so much.
minty winty’s deady sitey
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can I get a link or something to this video?
He's attacking me for no fucking reason

Stop making shit up. Why are you trying to spread lies about me? Why do you target me in the first place?
He’s targeting you because you keep entertaining him

Turn off the computer and get ready for bed
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEF93w9gKWY >in a pedo cult
Hiding Temmie in a backpack for stress relief later
>krautsie has joined the round
oh god
You mean the video where I explicitly tried to WARN someone about Sam being friends with a known creep? You'd know this if you actually fucking watched it.
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WAIT THERE ASSOCIATED WITH THE SO SORRY CULT?! (that's one hell of a plot twist if ive seen one)
worldoftext is deadsie weadsies :( everyone gone
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>associated with PDFs enough to know about their cult but definitely not in their cult
not looking good.
NO I'M NOT >>483524749

I follow callout Tumblr blogs, do you realize just how publicly documented this shit is
>attacking me for ...
>kingposter is both a cultist and a falsflagger
holy fuck we found our villain of the week.
Kingfag please
They don't actually believe this they're baiting you again
You're talking to fucking wojaktimmy and kraut
And I'm NOT a falseflagger either, why did you randomly shift blame onto me???
why do you think im kraut, I just joined here around 2 months ago.
let's do another world of text tomorrow that was funsies ^_^
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calm down now, don't have another
I miss the early 2000s where mentally ill people didn’t have internet access
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uh kid, did you forget about chris chan
Encyclopedia Dramatica would like a word
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this is some good character development.
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I'm not a fucking pedo
Spade King is an adult you fucking moron
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it's ok little buddy you can let it out on me
this thread doesn't even make me upset, it's just sad
it's like a broken tape with the same couple retards being extra-retarded, or "pretending" to be extra-retarded by acting like a different retard, 24/7, fucking constantly
good god it's pathetic
It’s all so tiresome
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welcome to the party.
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that's just what he needs.
a punching bag.
I don't think Wojaktimmy needs a punching bag, no.
But he's already using me as one anyway, and so are you.
Sometimes I miss the old days. Back when the trolls had class.
you need to work on your reading comprehension.
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No wonder all the contentfags went to X
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Fuck it.
This is the Sans AUtism general now.
Kraut, the only "he" here is Timmy.
I guess you missed my recent pap smear story, you need to catch up on the lore >>482795796
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are we playing pretend now?
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you are valid xister
No, it actually happened and it was fucking unbearable
And you've heard my voice, you literally have proof now and you're still in denial

I'm cis.
when i'm in a falling for obvious bait contest and my opponent is kingposter
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you. are. valid.
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no need to deny your truth self xister.
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Will you guys play Dusttale Brotherly Love when it comes out?
hell yeah.
Sansposter, did you watch the timestamp I told you? Or are you just in on the trolling alongside Kraut and Jaktimmy trying to hurt me on purpose? It was still weird that you randomly accused me of falseflagging too.

Cis means "not trans"...
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I watched the entire thing, I believe ya.
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you're doing good work here. i don't think i'm needed anymore.
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Why the hell are there so many SwapSwap versions?
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Alright, thanks

Kill yourself Kraut
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don't be afraid to embrace your true self xister
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Royal Papyrus, my beloved.
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attack the ogre!
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>attack the ogre!
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What's his name?
Will Toby do something actually interesting with his fighting system or will he leave things half-cooked like he did with Undertale?
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Time to save this thread with homosexuality
Frisk Chara Anderson
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Remember this? >>483330571
>my form of empathy is trying to reform you as a person.
How are you expecting to accomplish that with any of this? You're not. This is just relentlessly bullying and beating down someone you see as a weak easy target. There's no reforming, no "its for your own good!", just beating into submission for your sick kicks.
I wish you could understand the joy that comes from showing kindness to others instead. It's so much more fulfilling.
kraut and timmy still continue to relentlessly double team kingfag
neat concept but absolutely a fuckup considering the mouse hides the exclamation point half the time and you can tell they're moving proactively not reactively
maybe you'll one day change from crying so much.

like i said, your happiness is broken if someone posts about "kingie wingie in my tum tum", but maybe that will change.
That still doesn't warrant actual slander and attempts at character assassination.
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>Sad Shadowy King.jpg
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cheer up little buddy
>timmy wholesome arc
>captcha: AM0G
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Don't be sad, kingposter.
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why are you retards still posting here after all these years? don't you have anything better to do?
i think you guys broke kingfag
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I wish we could just be nice to each other.
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me too
* so...
* guess that's it, huh?
* ...
* just...
* don't say i didn't warn you.
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The summer newsletter will save us.
All we have to do is wait for the four or so thread personalities to all drop dead from their shitty life styles and we can have good threads again
I wish kingfag wasn't so easy to troll and didn't react so badly to everything because she's genuinely a good poster when she's not fighting tooth and nail over King being single
She makes cute drawings and talks about the game way more than any other "thread personality"
But you pretty much never see her good side because she's either getting baited or flipping out at someone for posting a ship at all times
I'm hoping so. I want to hear Toby say that they're almost done polishing up Chapter 4, maybe even just in time for an anniversary release.

I wish more anons talked about the game with me. I want to spend my time doing that.
First time popping my head back in here after a year or 2, I see stuff hasn't changed much from when I left. Not coming back to stay just sticking my head in the doorway. I was no one special, just some retard who did dumb doodles for the threads back than.

Cool to see you're still around with me being gone so long.
Oh heya.
>did dumb doodles for the threads back than.
I wonder if I'd recognize any if you posted them?
Just doing dumb doodles puts you in the top percentile of /utg/ posters
You're practically an heir to the throne
I'll just tell you who I was, I was that idiot that posted the krugsy stuff with the "no vore" hammer thing. One day i just got bored and left. that's it.
Oh yeah I remember that.
When people were calling the unused human sprite Mugsy lol. How did that nickname start anyhow?
Can't really remember why it was called Mugsy, think the theory for it was that Mugsy was a placeholder name for Chara during development.

Well I'm off again. Might poke my head in again another day to go down memory lane or show back up when my brainrot comes back.
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man papyrus really isn't that tall he just looks that way because he's constantly around his manlet fuckhead of a brother and an 8 year old
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i mean hes still taller than the avrage person its just there are a LOT of tall main characters in undertale
also queen is giant
ALSO also battle sprite papyrus is notibly taller then overworld papyrus as hes as tall as toriel in battle but she towers over him in the overworld
Papyrus is 5'8 on that one height chart I always see
I'm fucking taller than Papyrus
Toby sprites follow no scale, rhyme, or reason, and height charts are dumb and incorrect.
those are just wrong lol
Niggas trying to use door frames and math to calculate exactly how tall a character whose horn direction fluctuates from inward to outward depending on Toby's mood is
some of those charts try to measure him with deltarune sprites for some stupid reason
ok so whats your guys take on it?
is papyrus average height, tall, really tall, or huge
I mean Toby uses Undertale characters' sprites zero height changes at all in Deltarune so it's reasonable to assume they should be interchangable between games
It's just that he fucks up the scaling between them because he doesn't care
im my opinion sans is probably like 4'5 because hes the same size as a child and papyrus is probably around 6'5
i will not be taking anyone elses opinions in account as this is objectivly correct
Do you think Flowey was intended to be level to Frisk's mouth or is it just because an actual correctly-scaled flower in the Quirkbound Depression fake 8bit artstyle would look like shit and have no room for a face
tfw your original the characters are named too damn close to Toby characters but the names roll off the tongue so well that it feels wrong trying to change them and you've already gotten used to the names
For me it's creating characters with original ideas and then seeing some completely different series come out with a character that looks so similar that people would think I ripped it off because I didn't publicize the character beforehand and then getting scared from ever releasing it
that hasn't happened yet but I fucking know it will
dammit why do names that follow the *u*ie format flow so well
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>hear a rustle coming from the window
>figure it's an animal outside
>giant cockroach the width and length of my thumb starts scurrying towards me full speed
>won't die no matter how much I spray or stomp on it

He's tall
plot twist:
the window is 1920x1080 and it's transparent, giving the illusion that the game is in windowed mode
are you in australia or something
oh nevermind you said it's the size of your thumb it'd probably be the size of a whole kid in australia
now when anon makes his game well know he was a /utg/ poster and deltarune player ripping off a ripoff
This is probably how Undertale Yellow's devs felt about Martlet except that they DID publicize her before Deltarune and everyone called her a female Berdly ripoff anyway
unironically yes
The thing about the internet is that there are so many goddamn people making and posting things that the chance you have an original idea or character is essentially zero- the only factor is whether you've stumbled onto your clone yet through the waves of shit on social art media or if you'll never see it unless someone else who happens to be a part of two circles tells you.
I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like
calm down daddy sans
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Update: I posted the pasta as a meme but I actually was. I just came now
Fave's quick and nimble and quick and nimble and quick and nimble and quick and nimble
>he doesn't know the tech
stomp, twist, and scrape, anon
smite its ruin on the sole of your shoe
We're working on a patch for that one, don't worry.
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this quote hits different after toby became a wannabe japanese and stopped interacting with the western world and likely won't be aware of what western indie games are getting popular anymore for him to actually play the undertale-likes
You need to be inspired by good games to create good games.
I don't think Toby is going to be playing Undertale Yellow any time soon.
i don't think he was talking about undertale fangames here but yeah i doubt he played it
flowey in the intro probably said something that would translate to the wrong prefecture dialect in japanese and triggered him into dropping the game instantly
He definitely wanted people to make their own thing, but his fandom can only rehash sans for the millionth time.
Yellow didn't have Sans at all
Which is a good thing because you should only ever use Sans if you're a good writer (like TS!Underswap) and Yellow didn't have very good writers
Toby should become a real Japanese game developer and abuse DMCA to hurt fan projects
He's already halfway there with Materia
Yellow still rehashed flowey something fierce despite how much they were trying to do their own thing. It's immensely creative, not just making another sans, but still not enough to be remotely original.
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I say this and look like this
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>TRUE and HONEST ralsei
>red glasses
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>What the fuck emotion are you?
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I wish a fishhhgsfdsfsdfgs
I think I'm going to die from the heat
That means you're being like fish (the part where she overheats and you need to give her water)
Toby's comments about chapter 3 being "facetious" are misleading and Toriel dies on all chapter 3 routes
I do get a little bit happy when I see one of my edits reposted
I ain't clicking that
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You made the right choice
Fuck yeah I hate that bitch.
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Because Kris is a based HMOFA chad and wants to fuck her, just like me
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boye, frigg, pap
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My mobile internet doesn't work on catbox anyways.
It's less than 3 months until 9/15. Are you prepared for the inevitability that chapters 3 and 4 will take an additional one to two years of development time?
sand under table
like sans undertale
get it guys? ??
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hello frens :D
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Hello gotebro, what's good?
I don't get it
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asriel undertale (me) was playing vrchat today and got approached by a furry creature that got really close to asriels face, maybe it counts as a snoot boop of sorts, and then the furry creature asked if i could fly and i said no, then the furry creature told me to find a high building and jump off and spread my wings and fly.

that was weird
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Internet people are weird. Even more so when they get furry avatars and personas.
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Staggering amounts of autism
I can't believe there's gonna be a new Dead Rising game before Deltarune
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Dead Rising psychos have cooler boss themes than Deltarune schizos.
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I am going to rethink being a fan of Dead Rising now
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Don't worry you are probably fine continuing to be a fan, I only ever played the first one.
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niggas be like 'catti is so hot' and she's literally just a square
Jevil and Spamton being reworked into birthday clown and perfume salesman in the Dead Rising universe could work, with Spamton trying to sell you a faulty substitute for Zombrex that he's desperately trying to convince you and himself of the efficacy of, surrendering to the protag but turning at his final moment and having to be put down anyways.
If Jevil's mini scythe is inexplicably far more powerful and durable than the full size version it sounds good to me.
I'm glad to hear that someone else is unreasonably obsessed with saying this phrase
Cursed dub where Undyne has the voice of Patty Bouvier
It's called having an underdeveloped brain anon, don't worry you will probably grow out of that phase when the next funny fad comes along.
Blessed dub where Alphys has the voice of Midge Simpson
It's been months at this point
My first instinct whenever I learn a new impression is to say the phrase
Actually, Patty's voice is kind of perfect with Undyne's NGAAAAAHHHHH
I tried too hard to stick with the commercial
samefag & completely in denial about the fact if you like UT/DR on any level you're like 99% of the way to being a furry already and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it
How bad as the "Woody theory" meme gotten as of late?
I remember hearing about it last year, but it seems to have exploded as of late.
What changed between now and then?
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Oh jeepers, I'm a furry!
This is well over the borderline of autism but I wonder if Flowey read the lab entries before or after experiencing his mother's mental decay
Visiting his family comes before mucking about with the lab shit I would think
Fair. I can almost definitely see it being the final nail in the coffin for him resenting his father.
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goodnight /utg/. i am going to bed now. cya.
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Goodnight bote
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From the thumbnail I thought that was some kind of plesiosaur type creature with its ass towards the camera
Looks like it's time to step away from the computer for a sec
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FOBby, the Yandere.
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Burgerpants having a son that's really into impressions to the point that even the good ones get spoiled eventually—it takes 2 weeks before he gets the hint and just does them when nobody's home
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>It actually was
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Fuck off birdshit
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wait, did you took that picture or is it my mind that thinks i saw it in a random social media
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1013 days
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I took it
I love peanut butter and berds

Catty leaving her son with Bratty exactly one time and she "accidentally" bites his hand for trying to grab her lighter
>It was like, just a little nibble.
>So you did bite him?
>Don't know where you got that from, Catty.
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
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You can be a fan of Undertale and Deltarune without wanting to see the characters whored out
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The post you replied to was complaining about other posts complaining about furries making fan art for a furry game.
Nobody was talking about whoring about anyone.
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The burgh
fan art of a character dressed like a sleazy whore
which is also what you just posted
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Yeah I do that sometimes.
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Fire in the disco!
Fire in the gates of hell!
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
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Who plucked his feathers?
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He just does that sometimes
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How come Monster Kid and Snowdrake got to be recurring minor characters in Deltarune but not Snowdin Innkeeper's Child That She Has A Decoy Of
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>the friend inside me account shit was all a staggering winds ad
I don't know what that is so I googled it and I saw the letters ARG and now I am cursing you cursing you cursing you!!!
forgive me anon…
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I've been watching the video premiere and it fucking sucks. It's just Kris standing in an alley with static sounds, occasionally interrupted by a number sequence
It's been over an hour now, it's boring as hell
How does Toby feel knowing he'll never make anything as quirky as Ranma 1/2 let alone Cromartie High School or Excel Saga
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how am i supposed to draw knowing theres a wolf spider somewhere in my room
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Toby won't feel anything after he commits suicide by 12 shotgun blasts to the back of the head on September 27th at 14:36 JST
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I expected literally nothing and I'm still disappointed.
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I'm the guy to make it real
The feelings you don't dare to feel
I'll bend the world to our will
And we'll make time stand still
What's going to be Deltarune's Break the Cutie moment that causes Ralsei to torch someone with a fire spell?
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Ralsei is already completely broken and barely holding it together by a thread.
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ok finally drew something today
anyone watching the staggering winds arg shit?
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and the non pixel vomit version
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Ness isn't an UnderTale character Matthew Patrick.
just don't move your chair or feet so you don't accidentally squish muffet
I wanna smash muffet
smash as in crush or smash as in FUCK
as in PLOW
as in RAIL
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the latter
Muffet is an Anal Slut
this dess is like 17 feet tall
dess is going to have blonde hair just like her sister why everyone draw it black
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Because she's A Tomboy who Loves Bats
Fave don't know but they've been told
Fave's about 24 earth years old
because they assume she'll have rudy's hair color
No she's not. Rudy has black hair, she's gonna take after her dad.
but anon... 70% of toby's designs ALL have mullets
especially the girls
if noelle ended up with blonde hair its far more likely his other daughter would also take after the mom
its POSSIBLE she has black hair but blonde is more likely

but EVERYONE gives her black hair
not a single blonde design
noelle has the moms hair color and fur pigmentation
so why wouldnt the other daughter?
Ok but think about it from a character design standpoint.
If all three girls in the family (mom and both daughters) looked the same, that'd be boring. Dess having her dad's palette keeps it balanced and would make her design more distinct.
i want dess to be a redhead to fuel my lammy desire and also because toby apparently has something against redheads
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Do we still have gatorfags ITT
We don't really have characterfags period now other than people who have adopted whatever character as their avatar/off-topic chatroom icon of choice.
>posting *that* version
I made that version.
based, i remember there being two different bulge sizes though
look at the cat family
catti - momcat
Catty - dadcat
muffet doesn't have a mullet
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I'm a susiefag I'm just really chill about it like most other susiefags are.
i no longer post here often, but i just wanted you all to know that i actually love mettaton, and any post i made with him as the image was because i wanted to spread images of him i liked, and not to spam or divert the thread
same with catti, catty and bratty
and napstablook...and shyren..
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>doomerfag's a susiefag
We've been tricked, duped even possibly bamboozled and japed gotebros
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and mewmew...and lancer.....and sometimes spadeking.....and susie too but i only post the cool images
Catti is the only one with a pink nose...
Bratty's dreams being shattered as she finds out her dick is too big for the official MTT Brand onahole shaped like Mettaton's butt®
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Other than having some ralsus saved I don't really post her or care about who wins the susiebowl, I just hope she gets the friends she needs to be a happier and socially adjusted purple lizard girl.
dye why she would dye her nose I dunno doesn’t seem gothic
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>and sometimes spadeking.....
batter up
God catty is hot
Futa gator best gator
seeing people acting all “invested” like its some big deal is embarrassing to watch. nothing fucking happened for 2 entire hours
feels like paid actors
it's okay. i watched it before some dumbass started shilling it
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>tfw recently rediscovered the link to the shitty Bratty fic I wrote for tred late 2022
It's weird to be nostalgic for something that only happened a year and a half ago, but here I am. Wonder if I should redo it.
>catty’s mom
the need to gargle grungy gator girlcock and gonads
now that's a third leg
on the other hand, the thought that she gets off even more on the knowledge that she would destroy her famous sex idol just with the size of her junk is pretty good too
I do not see the vision
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open your mind
Which fic?
It was called Do You Believe In Magic
I didn't work on it for long, cos I was a way worse writer back then. I've been on a training arc since.
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catti's fur is purple, she just powders it until it's white like a Victorian to be gothic
The name sounds familiar, but I'm not at my desk to actually see which one it was. Shoot.
no her fur is literally white like her mothers her makeup is black
the cat mom is just a rip off of marge simpson the HACK
yeah but she's hotter
>people really think catti will be relevant when her family are Marge Simpson, the grill guy from Doug, and a fat retard, and her best friend is a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff joke
Where is that state in game?
Please don't judge my basically-embryonic writing chops
I remember this one, it was fucking good and I was sad when the next chapter never came. Still more writing chops than I've got. especially the gradual and surprisingly detailed bimbo-ification, that's fucking based
I would pay to be pounced by mew mew sexually
it’s not “stated” anywhere but she never said she powders herself nor does Catty say that or is she described with having powder residue or anything like that.

also her mom literally has white fur.
So you're saying you have no concrete evidence?
no it’s the other way around actually you have no evidence.
I have evidence.
and this evidence is?
Flowey fucking freaking out over Frisk doing ridiculous speedrunning tricks to skip the entire Underground.
>Ralsei actually being surprised when the player solves a puzzle without even reading the hint first
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I'm really flattered. This is a complete blast from the past. December 2022 feels like years ago.

Rereading it now, it's not bad, actually; I think I was just on a good time of the month when I wrote all these. This is pretty decent slowburn. I've grown a lot since then though.

So yeah! Bet you never thought you'd see it, but I think I will either rewrite or continue this fic, especially now I've got more experience with makeup.
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Tsk tsk you didn't say the magic word.
Bratty scoffing at Catty losing control and starting to vigorously herself two hours into the Mettaton Show Marathon yet completely unable to hide the bulge uncomfortably stretching her jeans
>the puzzle in question is a connect the dots puzzle
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I think you a word
>vigorously herself
you lose
Between that, the eye puzzle about being blinded by darkness, and RK being the puzzle guy I'm thinking Deltarune is something of a puzzler.
the absolute state of futafags
>December 2022 feels like years ago.
I mean... it was.
>Bet you never thought you'd see it, but I think I will either rewrite or continue this fic,
Consider at least one of the remaining gatorfags "fucking hyped" then.
>especially now I've got more experience with makeup.
That's oddly specific and either a little worrying or respectable for doing research.

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fucking niggers ralsei is not a femboy, is a cute 14 years old shota
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...I don't see the resemblance
alphys unintentionally taught catty and bratty about gooning
the latter would totally whip out her junk though, no point trying to hide it, especially next to her BFF who totally understands she can't help herself
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Ralsei is an adult male who pays taxes and works a shitty job and rents a house with his roommates the deltagang.
His life is like a furry version of Clerks.
I like to think they discovered gooning naturally
I'm supposed to take this guy seriously and he's playing supes in checkers and not even chess?
>esl "is" usage
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i want him to be canon
I want to love Columbone but the Sans bad time eye ruins it
It should say
>you had us all fooled for days,
its definitely fanservice but i gaslit myself into finding it cool
What if I told you it was actually kryptonian checkers that they were playing which is an infinitely more complex game than even tetra chess.

I'd be lying through my teeth since I haven't read the comic, but you'd consider it for a second which would be all the time I'd need to land the killing blow.
Truly you are the master of 4d fractal chess.
I concede.
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>it was
Only seventeen months!
Not years, plural! Just year and a little more

>fucking hyped
You love to see it.

>that's oddly specific and a little worrying
I used to only write about night life and gator bimbos getting dick. Now I live it.
fave say gex
>Now I live it.
Real yuki certified elevate shelf moment.
I want a new thread NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!
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>Gatoranon elevated their shelf
I prostrate in front your greatness oh great one.
>Now I live it.
worry.jpg, too much info
It took 9484736823974^99 years to make.
Yeah, but you can be really hipster and cool and say you were there first when it finally does happen with a whole folder of images prepared and tired busted theories that will be made irrelevant immediately.
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I'm not sure the thread is ready for chapter 3
It's slowly been subsumed by an entirely different, basically-a-chatroom culture since chapter 2 dropped, and around this time last year, the amount of posters that don't fit into that culture has dropped off a cliff. Suddenly the thread will be ignited with posting again, mostly from people who don't know shit about the current state of utg.
Just a bit more time and it'll overflow into being released!!!
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Nobody will ever be ready for anything that happens.
Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise anyways.
Imagine the smell of her sweaty ass baking in the sun like that
>Suddenly the thread will be ignited with posting again, mostly from people who don't know shit about the current state of utg.
This is objectively a good thing. What are you even bitching about? The chat room shit should have been stamped out ages ago but ERP, off-site drama bullshit, and repeated posts of nothing but e621 links are all apparently on-topic now so fuck it.
timmy is baking a new thread as we speak

New thread:
>pointing out the e621 links and ERPing being a bad thing
Woah dude gote thread gote general xDDDD *posts link to random hyena fursona getting buttfucked and only gets spared by jannies because I attached one of my 12 ralsei pics to the post*
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This gets a pass because I like Sybil
Is that game any good
Yes but it's short and you will wish it was larger the moment you get your bearings and figure the map out and acquire abilities. Combat is more of an afterthought, could have been furry dark souls if there was like four more boss fights. Absolutely worth $6 if you ever enjoyed jumping off walls in Super Mario 64 or whatever.
She was obviously younger than Frisk's age group, and Toby didn't feel like doing an age up to pair with Snowy's age down/megasenior status.

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