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Rebb Edition

Previous thread: >>483351924

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://pastebin.com/dFPEiCWq
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://pastebin.com/86tuc1mA

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
it's beautiful
I want to eat Ember's and Dagath's ass.
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Favourite ninja larp loadout?
I want to wrestle with Hildryn
the winner tops
delete alchemy
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>delete alchemy
I can't handle this fucking KHORA GRIND HOLY FUCK
just buy with plat
I think the Phage sucks ass
This isn't a bump post, I crafted the thing and I think it sucks ass
It feels like i'm tickling the enemy rather than dealing any damage
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Finally got enough plat to finish my Phenex Titania
man, you were 1 off of quints and it would have been so great
wait for circuit
You dropped this, russchizo
/wfg/ CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff
>two (dead) clans
it's over
the bin is not maintained
i tried contacting owner and he is gone
>To have your clan added reply to the OP with the above info.
It says respond to the OP not "contact" anyone retard
I tried that too a few times and there was 0 responses. The bin is not maintained.
link the post where you tried to do that because you wanted your clan added
I didn't see a single person post their clan in the past several threads, provide proof or fuck off
I am searching in the archive now.
Here you go, the bin is fake and has no right to pollute the OP.
>deleted username
why can't we look up clans by name directly?
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smoll indian company, plz understand saar
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>make a troll furry post with emoticons and a furtranny pic
>why did no one add me???? the pastebin must be fake!!!
>Warframe Ffurries General
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>he can't use Kuva Ogris, Stalhta or Kuva Drakgoon in public because he doesn't have the Unreal Tournament skins
what is that even supposed to mean?
furry shit is niche, you'd be lucky if you found a single anon here to join you
dogshit bait, please rope
Do you know where you are? >>483469194
it took us 7 days to go full mental. wfg lost it not even a week after jade update
.... = ......
this is normal wfg behavior
this general was always mental
the game getting an update doesnt magically reset that
Best element for Mesa's regulators? Currently using corrosive and cold.
this is remarkably calm compared to 5 threads in one day of
>jade is a tranny
>epic loot closet
>why can't I get my jade parts
>sirius is what jade wanted
russfinnturkmuttschizo fucking with the OP is par for the course
why is she so hot bros...
I literally do not use those weapons, even though I was a flak cannon fiend back in like ut99 - I get a better experience mimicking that bullshit by lobbing out my contagion or using the bramma
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Give us stalker Helmet, cowards.
No, it's shit.
I'd rather hang myself by the balls than to play conclave with gloom subsume frames.
>epic loot closet
I'm still waiting for fags to realize they patched it so that they can stop letting the pod die on the stairs
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you guys are weird lol
It's okay to be wrong, anon.
I know, that's why (you) still allowed to have shit taste.
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you're shit, stalker is fucking cool

ok then be a fag and don't get the cool stalker helmet you get from the stalker/acolyte syndicate shop and maybe they can add in a baby bitch retard Opt-out option in the settings just for you
Fair enough that it's poorly maintained, but why try twice and then complain about it 4 months later? Why not complain about the FAQ that hasn't been updated since 2020 or the additional FAQ that hasn't been updated since 2022?
I'm starting to suspect he may be less than genuine in his concerns and in fact have some kind of ulterior, perhaps historically long-reaching, motive
because it takes more effort to troll via faq
I'd rather not have to fight an inaros, rhino, or nova that can cc me or slow me to a crawl while being unkillable, while they also use their torid incarnon to erase my family bloodline.

Plus conclave sucks with modern parkour and latency.
that + nekros in squad
not sure if they just like nekros or are unaware that DE fixed duping already, but it's likely the latter
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finally Stalker decided to invade, and I gotta say, I dont like the new voice
the previous one was a harsh whisper, reminding me of the dark brotherhoods door in Oblivion/Skyrim. but i think it fit better, as if he was struggling to speak, which generally warframes are unable to. this new one just sounds like a disgruntled worker. If he can speak so clearly now, why didnt he speak to the tenno during the quest?
>removed a bunch of links
>changed the ones that are there

Why do you let this russianschizo faggot keep hijacking the OP? Someone make a proper one please and report this one for troling
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>I'd rather not have to
did you not read my post? are you the same retard who thinks we can't trade archon shards because people will make plat and you don't like that? fuck you it sounds fun asshole
i will log in for you mother rebb!
>that dress
I'm cool with trading shards. But again, conclave fucking sucks, as someone who did play a lot of conclave. It would NOT be fun to fail or to have a mission slowed down by an invader, and the invader would not have fun being nuked by a 20m explosive weapon where you physically cannot doge, as well as other ranged abilities and frames that ignore LOS. Dante in squad is an auto fail.
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Octaviafags what builds do you use? I've used her base version for a while but seeing as I'm going through the effort of building her prime I might as well go for a non-retarded build.
The usual OP was fucked with and was made by the resident schizo.

Non-schizo thread
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My current build. Kills shit pretty alright but it struggles a bit when I was fighting liches. But I'm also retarded and forget to keep her third ability active.
ignoring "nonzchizo" thread

Whats a good node to farm with nekros and waht shards to put on him?
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>all that's missing/messed with is the inactive clan list and the fucking booru link
Literally nothing of value is missing
she's a whore tho
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frost bros?
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>barely stab kuva lich and move on
>how my kuva lich describes the brief encounter
the ut stahlta skin looks good but the sounds are a literal downgrade
So is farming level 5 grineer missions on earth they best way to go for a kuva larvaling?
Wait nevermind I'm retarded it's gotta be level 20
Prisma Gorgon Moment
Bretty gud upgrade, but overguard ammount is kind of pointless on frost since you just treat OG as a 2nd layer of shieldgating, and frost can just turtle in his globe for a few seconds if need be.
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>never gets banned
>somehow the threads he trolls stick and the ones everyone actually uses get's wiped
Yeah it's all coming together.
kek how many reports did russchizo spam
the wartranny/russchizo lost?
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What's that? Did a someone sneeze and delete the """non""" schizo alt thread?
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butthurt for failed thread lol
jannies are paid by the schizos
Source: me
reminder he got the original pastebin banned, it was that way for years and 4chan would reject any posts containing the link lmfao
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Hey you're about to have your threadly melty.
Jannies usually always delete the ones with the most posts.

Should've made the non-schizo thread sooner. Reminder to put this back in the next OP since it scared him off

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: https://files.catbox.moe/vg3f0b.png
>Warbrethren Alliance clans: https://git.io/fjl18
Hey, one of those is me
and make it a warbros OP just to rub salt in the axe wound.
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Why was russchizo so eager for Jade to be a tranny? Did he just grow up without a proper father figure to show him that chopping your dick off won't make you a happier person? I'm glad we got stalker kino instead of staying in the literary prison of mediocre quests like we have been since after the sacrifice.
>Russian is a furry
not surprised desu
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So he's a furry...
>the schizo is a furry that's upset his furry clan wasn't added
>goes full mentally ill like your typical furry
Ok now this actually makes sense
>he's still not denying it in any way
>russchizo is a furry
holy shit it all makes sense now
I never let that stop me
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>Second Kuva seer in a row.
You can just leave the larvae if the weapon they drop isn't the one you want
You know you can look at the kuva larva dude and preview what weapon is going to be made before you stab him right
>still no season 5
fuck japan
lil bro??
I... Didn't know that.
You can leave the larva and come back for another weapon.
it is "new" (I forgot too)
Oh man the hags are going to eat you alive little MRlet
I'm not a newfag! I have 400 hours! I'm just retarded!
get used to reading the wiki before you do literally anything in this game
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>400 hours
>overframe still isn't updated
How hard can it possibly be to punch in a bunch of numbers like you did for the last few years, holy fuck I just want to fuck around with a bunch of builds while being able to see the proper number.
On that note Simulacrum should just give you infinite mod capacity to do just that but I'm sure some kike at DE told them that this is going to kill the sales of forma.
build a better site
>Simulacrum should just give you infinite mod capacity
This would result in SO many fewer catalysts/forma being sold. Having to invest a catalyst and 2, 3, 4, even 5 forma to see if a weapon is any good is core Warframe, even though I fucking hate it too.
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are you
anal sex with jade
how do people go on knowing they made the wrong choice in choosing sirius?
Viral+heat if you haven't subsumed Nourish. Probably magnetic+heat if you have Nourish. Depending on how you use Regulators, blast could be a good option. Regulators are really good at clearing trash but can't lock onto a lot of newer bosses, so fast trash clear into explosions for faster trash clear should be good on paper.

Probably they're having trouble accounting for the second aura slot.
Is Torid Incarnon with corrosive effective against Grineer like the status rework says or should I choose another element?
What's a frame that is relatively strong yet people don't seem to use all that often?
I barely see him nowadays, same with Lavos. I do see a fuck ton of Dantes, WuKANGZ and Revvys
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no I was just
what would you subume on stys 4? nourish?
against high level armored enemies, each stack of corrosive is slightly stronger than each stack of viral. I would still do viral+HM on Torid, though.

>subsuming over Styanax's best ability when his 1 is right there
i meant his 1 yea
Is Octavia worth subsuming for anything? If you even can IDK how the system works.
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oh yeah though, Nourish is pretty good on Styanax IMO. Makes his 3 stronger, boosts the bleed procs from your 4, all the usual bullshit. Also, Athens and Sparta were constantly accusing each other of being faggot pedophiles, so a hoplite having bowel problems is thematic
my penis hungers for more pregframes so here's my idea
hackpad because too long to post

I've seen it being used on some builds but it's probably going to be a very niche thing
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Just figured I'd ask since I dunno what to do with my base octavia now that I've got the prime.
its best practice to just subsume any frame you have a prime of
Never played Equinox, how should i build it?
Figured, I only have like 1 forma and a potato on it so I'm not losing much I guess.
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>make a new loadout using scourge
>having fun
>there's a bug where you can't use the alt fire
Of fucking course. Does anything work properly in this game?
You shouldnt , case closed
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>he still uses pastebin
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Warframe? More like SHITframe!
Is the Shedu not much of a hassle for farming if doing railjack, or is it better to buy it from the market for about 40 plat. I assume its just MR fodder
Because he thought if the game had a real tranny (that wasn't shoved in a corner like Ticker) then the game would be less popular. His goal is to kill Warframe or at least all discussion of it, as evidenced by him constantly shilling Dedstiny 2 player numbers
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>Mess around with Ivara
>Take her into steel path mr granum's wild ride
>set up a line
>do 99% damage dealt and most kills
Fishing spears disabled due to bug.
I can't get synthesis scanner out without clicking it 5 times
Mining tool doesn't work.
Semi-auto autofire bugs all sorts of things like Glaives
Host Migration fails about 70% of the time.
Orowyrm fight still sucks for client
The list goes on. I feel like the game falls apart more and more each update.

Maybe the rumors that they can't fix shit due to lost talent over the years is true.
I know they were public about like geoff and steve moving over to soulframe, but maybe there are some core engineers or other familiar names that have shifted projects along with them? idk how recent their linkedin or who knows might have been updated with that kind of thing, I'm really out of the loop on anyone who wasn't a regular on the devstreams
post tits
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>frost rework
i wasnt following the news but no such thing happened, in fact, they only nerfed mage frost by increasing enemies hp
I can shoot through friendly bubbles now, so I will no longer tell him how to play
if you had problems with the bubbles you were either trolling or getting trolled
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Fucking Tourist.
trump lost
wartrannies lost
I'll never understand why they dont start schaffleburg
sorry meant for /sp/
Effective as fuck. Even my Corrosive+Heat Grimoire is melting the Grineer dead.
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Call me when they're faceless biomechs
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shit tier bots
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I see, it's that time again
styanax has the longest time gated grind in the game
also he is very boring to play
how long until we get an impregnator/aborter frame?
>marked for plap plap
>plants seed in enemies
>2nd ability forces the enemy to give birth
>3rd ability is physical that just kicks or punches enemies
>if they are pregnant they get aborted
>aborted enemies are more vulnerable to damage
Its probably not true, but its rumored the people who handled making the online portion of the game are long gone and they can no longer fix it.
Connection issues are going to get worse and worse over the updates.
Frumentarius. It's DE's fault with how they handled his released.
Xem/Xer sucks ass is why no one plays that god aweful frame.
>flashbacks to the gas chamber incidents on infested defense missions
>flashbacks to the countless images we posted with floating frost bubbles all over the maps
>aborted enemy babies explode into viscous technocyte fetus goop that inflict viral and slow
In all seriousness what are they actually going to call him because that name is retarded
>no leaderboards for event
>dark sectors don't exist anymore in their original form
>no clan conflicts anymore
>concleave is dead
>lunaro was dead on arrival

why don't we have any form of competitions in the game outside of dojo decorating?
it's fine, horrible names are a tradition
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>invades squad
>300+ms ping
>mesa host brrrrrts your ass before you get up
>you slump down and shit out your loot
>4 niggers teabag you while laughing
>queue next invasion
and if I go through 5 of those for 1 where I get to successfully fuck with the squad or something funny happens? worth
I remember the 2nd map but i was playing warframe for like 2-3 hours total back then.
nearly same, I dipped my toe in near end of closed beta and saw it was really grindy and early on then got convinced to come back around the time archwing released (and missed out on some of the real fun of the glory days here)
Yeah, when i saw that simple weapon craft take 24 real hours i left.
they should add an mr check, a ping check and make stalker super tanky like idk maybe shield gating , health gating and irremovable armor or maybe add more players as his acolytes
otherwise it's pretty much one sided
I started playing with the 2nd star chart there, it was peak soul
More so than wukong or revenant?
he is a bit more active but very basic since nourish is his best subsume
>subsume nourish over 1
>press 1 and 3 at the start of the mission to get troll science tier energy regen for everyone
>press 2 on any target you want to nuke occasionally
>spam 4 to get out of shitty situations and to get overguard for the whole team
4 gets old very quickly and 2 mostly has single target use as you are not building range on him
he also has a mandatory augment and an almost mandary subsume so your options are a little bit limited

he is very strong but also boring if you want to play his strongest build
You're stuck with rad because that's what has primed mods.
i see them in 3 out of 4 missions idk how popular is it on the pakistan server
They capped spawns so slaughtering everything instantly in the closet will make spawns stop entirely, making the rest of the way safe.
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I have an invincible bubble, I do not have room for meme augments.
yeah this sounds reasonable
Styanax honestly doesn't even have a good niche anymore now that Dante is a thing unless you REALLY need team energy regen. As for Lavos he really just isn't that fun to play, the elemental mixing system is a nice idea but requires too much effort for not too great results.
I honestly don't remember the last time I saw someone else play Wukang. But I just use that monke for spy sorties and that's it.
builds dont even matter when warframe is so braindead easy you can throw any mod list together and do fine
you joke but I'd say the vast majority of the possibility space for all combinations of mods on your frames and weapons would have serious trouble clearing the star chart, let alone steel path, even when played optimally without other high-MR endgame crutches

I had the beginnings of decent evidence for this when I was putting together a modding optimizer that went through literally every single possible option including mod ranks from a given frame or weapon and existing builds or target metric like minimum damage output per hit/projectile/time
sorry for esl but i saw no one doing it so...yeah
devshort 20 summary

>hotfix later today will add replayable stalker jade quest
>more stalker stuff incoming
>this hotfix will fix the elevator going down after host migrate
>also this hotfix will add a qol that allow players throw multiple cell to stack up the speed boost for elevator
>they investigating ash bladestorm bug
>this week archon hunt temporary change to another boss due some crash issue
>1000xair support bp like 100xcipper bp coming soon
>weapon holster position like melee one coming soon too (not promised)
>will fix ash bladestorm not triggering melee crescendo but no eta
>no more umbral/sacrifice mods
>probably some staff weapon coming soon (like harry potter..?)
>will fix blast status self damage issue
>don't cope too hard for first person view
>still working hard on switch cross trade

probably that's all, sorry for bad wording cuz im chinese
>air support bp
thanks for sharing
This game sucks man. Only 100 hours in and I have almost every frame, weapon, and mod unlocked that are purchasable. When are they going to add content that I can use all of this in?
you forgot Reb pits
the treadmill IS the content
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Idk. People in my clan post shit like this unironically. I can only assume they at least doing base SP content.
help me i am of the retard how do i into gun saryn please thanks
yeah right 100 hours isn't remotely long enough
wow bro has rhino and mag and ammo drum lmfao
jesus fucking christ how awful
PLEASE tell me this is a joke
I've seen that exact build in a youtube video.
unironically three howling umbra adaptation shirt is retard-proof, not strictly performant but hard to fail with even and especially when you're not engaging with the game optimally
It's a ranged cc that lasts 30s+. I use it on Nekros.
Buy the augment
I wish this was true. I've been running into alot of people begging for help when they are down.
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over nine thousand seconds in paint.net please tell me someone at least gets it
I doubt that they unironically bothered to make an actual build. I have probably 1 or 2 Forma on mine
Already gave forma to the weapons and subsumed the extra
Not a joke. Dude post a lot in the clan chat and give "advice" to other players. Its usually bad.
Explains a lot.
That is 4 mod slots for armor when you can just mod for adaptation and used Jade's ability to boost shields. Which the idiot subsoomed over.
i do not
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r8 me
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neither do i
>No exilus
>Non maxed mods / arcanes
>Shit left aura
I really hate how you can’t Aura forma the one at the right
>blowing entire map tiles of enemies 20 feet into the air with acceltra prime
>arcane battery but only 300 armor
>paper frame + carapace + hatred
>arcane rise but jade 4 is secondary
>steel charge
standard redditor/wartuber build
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So how good is Jade? How do you build her?
Yeah dude, i really need those juicy 9% in blind rage and 1% in adaptation.
tak on the 'log
Somehow you didn’t felt any shame writing that you are an endolet and probably a formalet or just poor in general
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it's a meme you dips
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I don't even know how to respond to this.
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I don't have anything to contribute to the thread so please enjoy some Yareli tummy.
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oh really? I thought it was a shirt.
>ask people to rate you
>no not that way
>you didn’t felt any shame
Why should i? I'm not going to farm a fucking grass for growing power and i'm not going to max blind rage until they make it 100%. And adaptation is working just fine without that 1%.
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Damn, they're really going all out in trying to get me to stay. Other than the coupon, I guess it could've been 75% off, but still.

Tell you what, if they defenestrate Pablo via Canada's tallest building, I won't ever talk about the first descendant again.

And now he's nerfing my FUCKING RANGE TOO!?
>Ah bububuh, he's giving you more HP
Pablo turning warframe into just another mmorpg where you flail your number bat at the NPCs while they flail in turn, the victor decided by who has the biggest numbers, is the reason I'm growing to despise warframe. I want ninjas in space, not WOW with guns.
His name is Nidus.
happy pride event
thanks you too
Pride is a sin.
It's over, sevabros. We have been discovered by the masses.

Surprise "'buff"' where Pablo gives us overguard or something instead of damage incoming in a few weeks, maybe a month or two. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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doesn't bother me, I've had my fun
Can someone post the nip slip?
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Just finished the jade quest bwos, i wasn't expecting this. Somewhere deep down my fatherly instincts were awakened
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reminder that this was the day mogamu was on as a guest
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stop reminding me, it's the only reason I haven't deleted my old account.
you don't even have 10 hours in pvp
do you retards actually enjoy getting knocked down at random when things outside your control occur? or do you just not play without some other anti-CC mechanism up at all times, like overguard etc
I always run nourish and prime surefooted on all of my builds. I always copy youtubers and scold my friends who don't use youtube builds.
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i got a new gf
the only thing I might want out of conclave are the tron skins, but I have the protokol skins so... idk I don't see the point, I'm at max rank but I just never bothered capping it or getting the final tier rewards, so I probably wouldn't ever bother again unless they brought back a fun gamemode variant or they actually integrate some kind of PvPvE thing like in the leaks
what a thod
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I hate doing mirror defense so fucking much it's unreal , do I just do this shit?
I simply roll
they don't play the game.
>just dodge bro.wmv.exe
I'm constantly rolling just as part of my movement from point to point, but you can't literally do it 24/7 if you're playing normally, and sometimes shit just happens that is literally off-screen or from your view shouldn't have connected but thanks to your latency to the host or just good old sleek does around a corner anyway
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skill issue
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Just farm arcanes from acolytes in omnia fissures then turn them in for arcane dissolution.
>playing warframe in 2024 without overguard gating

skill issue
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Yeah buddy , but using it in anything besides eidolon makes me feel like I'm wasting my rolls. From a money making standpoint that is.
The First Descendent aka the Warframe killer.
I remember when they used to say that about Anthem.
Such a shame too Anthem ticked all my boxes for a game I'd want to play
just do the necralisk one until you get a r5 secondary encumber or whatever dogwater arcane you're going after, at least with the omnia strat you're still earning plat
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TFD is not the warframe killer.
This is the warframe killer.
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>aka the Warframe killer
maybe on planet retard
My kubrow just walked into the bridge of my orbiter, stretched, scritched the floor, and then plopped down. Can tfd do that? :3
Me after Ember farts.
Not including plains will we see terrain on earth other than jungle and mountains that one time?
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How big do you want your squad, bro
>Jade Eximus still target you even if you have a bunch of enemies with Radiation or the Eximus itself
This is bullshit
pics of pits?
the flight and suit classes/customization were amazing
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These things got a shitton stronger after the status rework
Thank you based anon
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truly this working is just proof theyre fnally bringing back 12 man raids
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Oh cool, I didn't know they'll show up. They helped me fight my new lich.
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>12 man raid
>You play as Kahl and his brothers
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How many games had this epiteth at this point. Not many live ones.
>de's pajeet interns messed up voidplume pinions again
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Stop me
you used to be able to link it in chat and check your current stock, but it's even worse than I feared, only voidplume crest shows your current stock
>A Revenant in every cardinal direction plus the inbetweens preventing enemies from entering the circle
>3 Dantes shitting out overguard so I can't even feel the sweet embrace of death
Sounds pretty terrible ngl desu.

Now this I could get behind.
Give us weapon loadouts, maybe a scorpion hook here, maybe a jump pack there, y'know, some nice classes.
11 retards helping me search the map for the stupid pickupables.

An actual kino use of Kahl mode. That'd be nice.
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should i continue rolling?
Fucking brown shitter, how much i hate youtubers.
>shit dispo
>already starved for mod slots
That would actually be sick as shit.
Could allow them to either go for the classic trinity of tank/dps/healer or maybe fuck around a bit. If they wanted they could make one of the classes that random corpus you save in the veilbreaker quest. What ever happened to that guy anyways?
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I have been BEGGING for a modless endless mode. limited loadouts so theres something that is just skill based.
fuck off grendel
We did it reddit, finally got all the pieces and got two off the last run.
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why the fuck every other time there is some fucking retard NIGGER that instead of extracting just wastes everyone's time fucking around the map? Hope these fucking faggots get raped to death
ngl this is pretty shit
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can't wait to do New War with unmodded level 0 railjack and necramech, I wonder if it's even possible to finish
cute mrlet
you use it for a total of 5 minutes and it is easier than your mum
Every Warframe should have nourish and PSF by default.
Can't believe we never saw nipple
that's the beautiful thing about this webm (not to say she isn't)
Im going to finally play the preggo quest! IWNBAW
unmodded railjack is going to be a bit annoying but the stock necramech will work fine
at least get the freebee mk3 parts from your dojo, assuming your clanmates did the research for them
that's okay anon, me neither I still hate you just the way you are, and now you can know what it's like to PRESS SPACE TO BABY DON'T FUCK IT UP OH GOD PANIC OH NO
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Hey, you guys like my spider-man color?
>spoiler text
It has to be, because everything in Warframe is balanced for retards that don't read and just run in unprepared
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I'm tired of being so useless to my team and spending my entire ammo pool on a single enemy without even getting 10% of their health down.
What build actually works to solo carry and tells me everything I need instead of hiding being 5 layers of non-mod requirements and isn't some big brained "secret op"? Fucking everything I try on overframe doesn't work past lvl50 and I'm not smart enough to be successful on my own.
Step 1: pick the frame with the worst gameplay
Step 2: helminth a shit or counter-intuitive skill over the frame's *best* skill
Step 3: give it mods that don't compliment the skills of the frame
Step 4: same with shards
Step 5: use the worst, equally shit-modded weapon (singular)
Step 6: steel path
pretty slick my guy
>Go invis
>Start scanning
>All the sudden my enemy senses me randomly
>Start shooting at nothing
>I'm getting half scans

What am I doing wrong.
Do you have a smeeta or any other animal companion
>dante and yareli
>phantasma and gotva
Why is reb being so kind to me for eda this week?
why are you a pedophile?

No, I just did it as octavia, started scanning. Drone goes around the room and flies to another room. All the sudden I'm getting -50% scans. I don't really get it.
>join a railjack mission to combat Corpus forces
>get a one way trip to Epstein's dojo
any companion, loud weapons, or standing too close to someone will do it. also i think dead bodies
Do you know where you are?
About to fail the Mastery 5 attempt again
Heirloom's coming in a month
don't care, answer the question.
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The only frame i shoved a lot of forma to the point of spending the first ever Umbra Forma we got back then was the frame who carries me across every single mode in the game whenever it drops. I never needed anything else.
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if I failed I wouldve killed myself
How far along are you? MR, star chart cleared, play time?
sometimes enemies spawn in half alerted. I think it was a pablo decision to stop stealth nuke farming.
>using rhino for mr tests
How honorabu. But, seriously though, most of these tests can be cheesed with a certain frame or weapon, many videos online.
28, haven't been able to solo steel path but in jupiter at the moment, about 2.3k hours.
No, you are just retarded, you are doing something wrong
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What do i put on Stahlta: Internal Bleeding or Hunter Munitions?
Ass for visibility. For real this time.
goodness, anon.
i dont think a simple build will fix all your problems, you might just need to learn how to play the game again.
best gallium farm? don't feel like spamming mars assassination
Mars assassination.
There's nothing to learn. "Press # when x happens" "press fire on enemies", but when the streamers do it they kill everything, when I do it I barely tickle them.
Streamers play on their own server modified by DE to make the game look like it plays better. You will never be able to emulate what they can do there.
I know you're joking, but holy fuck it feels like it. Only way I know I'm not in some truman show shit is because I see people kill things quick in my own games too.
i mean use the appropriate weakness against enemies, bring a frame that either compliments your weapons or can force the enemies to adhere to what you have. what missions are you trying to do?
build xaku, press 4, then 3 to cycle then hold 3, then press 2
wa la
>no more umbral/sacrifice mods
What does this mean?
that hes shitposting
>wa la
It's voila
Where do you guys go to brainlessly farm nano spores with AOE?
the standard build for most guns is
>% damage, multishot, crit chance, crit damage, viral+heat, fire rate
If a weapon's base crit chance x crit damage is less than 0.30, that's around the point where you consider doing more elements instead of the crit mods.

An example beginner build for a rifle would be
>Split Chamber
>Point Strike
>Vital Sense
>Cryo Rounds
>Infected Clip

A lategame rifle would look like
>Galvanized Chamber
>Critical Delay
>Vital Sense
>Rime Rounds
>Malignant Force
>pick 2:
>>(Amalgam) Serration, Vile Acceleration, (Primed) Shred, (Primed) Firestorm, primed faction mod, other utility
>Primary Merciless

Dude how the fuck have you not learned the standard gun build by that point? What did I type half that other shit up for?

I haven't looked at specific break points yet, but if you only use alt fire then Internal Bleeding is the best by a lot. If you plan on using the auto fire, or if you don't get direct hits that often, don't use Internal Bleeding also Hellfire might be better than Hunter Munitions.
I’ve just copied phenmor, laetum and protea prime builds from overframe and I finally feel like Im actually contributing in netracells and the circuit SP instead of being a dead weight just trying to survive
I noticed you also haven't mentioned what focus abilities to use, or arcanes, or whatever the new endgame grind item is. As such, your post is fucking worthless because it's hiding behind all this other stuff that actually makes builds work.
I'm not supposed to be awake right now, but drop an actual build, full with frame and gun and mods, and I'll drop a webm later of it not actually doing any carrying.
cute..... you know you can practice the tests right? really would recommend it
I think kavat stays stealthed but I haven't played ivara extensively lately. She has sleep arrows for alerted enemies. For sentinels you may have to remove their weapon.
ok you're a total fucking nigger and you deserve to be shit at the game at ~2.8k hours you fucking miserable cunt
fuck off and never come back you little shitstain faggot
yeah it was a bit lame and you dont even get to experience the trauma of motherhood, more like fatherhood
>Sweet Baby Inc is now consulting for Soulframe
It's over....
>get called out
>throws a tantrum
>L4 test is to survive 2 minutes vs infested
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more like soullessframe hahaha :)
i got a ton from it one time but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
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>tfw got a Tau from the Boreal Archon At 20%
>The reset didn’t allow me to dip on Nira too
Who the fuck is gonna play it anyway
Steve is already like 5 years late for the soulslike fad
If that mod setup alone on any half decent isn't enough for you to handle early steel path (incursions, Belly of the Beast, etc.) you're a shitter. Most kuva and tenet weapons, Acceltra, Fulmin, any incarnon, etc. Use that mod config and if you can't handle steel path that's strictly a you problem.
Hands off the rhino is mine
>souls combat and difficulty with mobile tier combat impact and atmosphere
dead on arrival
>tfw you'll never crack a cute mrlet rhino's weak ironskin to reach the pink succulent bp within...
No skill in this game, you know that.
Which will you prefer then to show you, acceltra or fulmin?
y'know eventually mrlet are gonna do the mr tests and become hags, it's only a matter of time.
Warframe doesn't have a real difficulty slider, but some of the individual frames are pretty good accessibility options in themselves in case you're differently abled.

Have you tried Nourish Revenant with your incarnon weapon of choice?
guess who woke up
Sweet Baby Inc is already involved with Warframe. It was already leaked that 1999 will make one of the frames a canon transvestite.
I'm classic literature enjoyer, you pleb
ah, still a weird book to choose.
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I had no issue with the necramech part but the railjack segment was a fucking bitch and it took forever
Does Jade Shadows fuck with the stalker spawn rate? Ive had him once since finishing.
>he practiced or watched guides for mrtests
forgot to also reply to the second post >>483529720
absolutely based
where did you get that simulacrum? are there more rooms from Simaris?
When do Jade alerts refresh, once a day or more often?
every half hour, only 3 at time at most
All the relay syndicates have their own simulacrum now. This one is Hexis if you couldn't tell from the drapes. New Loka has that courtyard with the tree from The Sacrifice.

If you mean the alerts that give volatile motes, there's a new one every half hour
>All the relay syndicates have their own simulacrum now.
oh shit, thank god. been sick and tired of Simaris boring empty room
oh damn DE wants people to sit all day farming this
There's also the Ballroom simulacrum that you get from event shops, including Belly of the Beast.
The Cavia have their own too now
42 arcane energizes arent gonna get themselves
>non schizo thread here
>deleted by janny
We have to be inclusive of the Neurodivergent.
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I haven't played in ages, were these a one and done or something?
>make a thread an hour after the first one and after the first one already has like 70 posts
>the mods deleted it
I can't believe this happened who could've seen it coming
They were actually re-run like 3 times but the third time they wanted you to pay for it, and it hasn't come back since then
Feed him plenty of parasitic links so he grows big and strong.
Riven dispos below 3 are not really good except for fringe cases IIRC. But you can still try some stuff for the sake of element enabling.
>but the third time they wanted you to pay for it
wtf did reb sell the company to nef anyo
Source - your ass?
uhm steve?????
I thought you were a chud like me
>wtf did reb sell the company to nef anyo
Correct, but his name is Tim Sweeney
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It's on their website. They're also working on 1999. DEI Detected Group on Steam is going to release an article about it soon go subscribe to them if you want more proof.
Steve must be a real cuck to pay those frauds for any 'poofreading'
The Cavia one has been here since Dante, unless there's a second one somewhere. I just realized Acrithis also has one that probably looks pretty good.
unsure about the other new ones but the duviri sim has duviri idle & combat ost
Yeah I was just mentioning that the Cavia one exists since anon was unaware of any others
On one hand Rebb is hot as fuck, on another hand, how the fuck is she only a few years older than me when she looks like a 45 year old milf
she literally is the type of a +30 y/o woman who does "mature" porn because she has that older face that gets me fucking going.
steve's warframe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reb's nu-frame
Is it true in Warframe you need to constantly move araund you cant stand still for even a moment or else you dont get any rewards for the mission.
Sounds kinda cringe.
She looks like a goblin and I wouldn't even touch that whore if she begged to suck my cock. I want to see her wither away sad, lonely, and childless.
log off scott
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>I want to see her wither away sad, lonely, and childless.
Too late
she looks like a horse
Darvo™ is selling the Skana for 15 plat, is this a good pick?
would be if it was the bo instead
not sex wtf is with the paint all over her face?
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rate my go-to for fun setup
also need new primary weapon getting tired of this thing.
What manga is this
that's kaneki from tokyo ghoul:re
if you plan to read it then do yourself a favor and never read anything beyond the first manga
holy shit what a terrible shoop. you didnt even try
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son of a bitch
well i guess my favorite frame is bricked, what a pleasant surprise to come back to
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>mfw I almost exclusively play weapon platform that increases my damage, and never cared for AoE casters
Post one(x1) webm of him doing cool shit.
anon you have shit tastes
>Next up, Nova's 4 also requires LoS
>another ADD group
>it's another "can't get 10 reactants because the retard thermal sunder titania nukes everything after 0.1 seconds of existence"
Do (you) like Nidus?
>its "retards spam bumps every 2 minutes"
Requires a lot of investment to make him usable in high level, as in anything above 1000, but is quite alright
Not the best by any stretch, but can be comfortably used if you're just mindful of some of his quirks and build him correctly
I do love my Nidus, and take him for most of my endurance runs
i havent played him in like 4 years
so i guess not
what frame is this?
MRlet spotted
Dibs, saw him first
I'm only mr8 yeah.
me IRL prime
Mesa Prime
>if you're just mindful of some of his quirks and build him correctly
Good to know, what should I look out for? I know that his 3 and 4 eat mutation stacks instead of energy
Thanks anon. I actually wasn't sure. Didn't look familiar at all.
I only see this happen if someone joins in when the mission is just finishing.
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The most important is being able to swap Link targets without being one-shot by a passing fart in high levels
Replenishing stacks from time to time to to keep Undying going if you fuck up is also important, but that's obvious
You'll also have to close your heart to how cool it is and how vocal retards who haven't played him in years are, and subsume Ravenous for something better
Yes, maggots are cool and help you A LITTLE, but that's his only skill that's truly and utterly outdated despite the augments. The health gain is minimal compared to shit like Arcane Reaper, or even the silly old Grace, or Shards, and maggots taking agro is useless because they only have 1000 health and die instantly
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he can grief team good
/v/ is laughing at us again while praising TFD...
I can't take it anymore...
Has Nexon Studios improved? My friend likes their single-player game, but CS-Nexon was terrible.
I've had relics fail on steel path survivals because of console hosts, shit is not fun
I will now buy your frame. 60P?
I see, thank you anon
>and subsume Ravenous for something better
Any recommendations? I don't have helminth unlocked yet anyways but I'm still curious what others would recommend
disable crossplay desu
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I have a dream, a dream of a future where our two generals can be at peace.
Surely there's some common ground to be had?
I hope, when the new general comes to be, that we can still share tasteful pics of our favourite characters with each other, while also dissing Destiny for their lack of good butts.
Tharros Strike for armor stripping (less useful after the update, but still decent on high levels). It has great synergy with Larva
Brach Surge for use with Larva and some weapon with wide projectile to trigger it
Terrify for moments when you're overwhelmed and need a breather, like when you need to re-Link (it also armor-strips)
Blood Altar as a direct upgrade to Ravenous
Ophanim Eyes from Jade is also great so far, but I have to test it further
And then we have Subsumes that simply work on most frames, that also mesh well with Nidus, like Eclipse, Dispensary, Roar, Gloom, Wrathful Advance, Warcry, Tempest Barrage. But those are pretty generic and, like I said, work with most frames
Those are the ones I played a bit with, but I'm sure I'm missing one or two that could also synergize well with him
Also, I forgot to mention that I use Rolling Guard for when I'm changing Link targets to stay alive at high levels
Warframe would continue it's gay route if not TFD. Member stynax deluxe and human loid?
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>freeze enemies
Most likely that there aren't going to be new umbra mods going forward which is not exactly surprising
>posts image of enemies alive, standing in a column with AI off
0/10 bait
trolling used to mean something
I need to dust off my Zephyr
I haven't touched her since PoE dropped, how is she today?
memoryholled garbage
i didnt realise it was a video
i dont use reddit
unlike you
The bird is incredibly good. Her tornadoes duplicate weapon damage in a way that still activates arcanes/etc. I'm sure you can figure out why this is funny.
What frame should I get if I enjoy femdom?
Khora, obviously
ur gay
what's the fastest way to farm meso relics?
Is an MRlet Yareli player cute or cringe?
Not a frame
That's like double cute
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nick gurr
he cute
Mars disruption but check profit taker bounty 2 for which it has.
R-really? What if they have a Yareli icon?
Styanax deluxe gave us a fuck ton of R63 artwork. The demand for pretty ladies has always been at an all time high.
She's OK
I wish her flight would work like Jade's but I'm sure DE has some very good reason to keep the current shit implementation
o r g a n i c
>(embed) (embed)
warsissies can't even copy paste
>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: https://files.catbox.moe/vg3f0b.png
>Warbrethren Alliance clans: https://git.io/fjl18
I wish these fucking retards would stop doing LoS checks in a fucking horde shooter. They can't even implement it properly and it never works right.
she deleted it
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My man, just stop
>activates roar and nourish
woah this weapon is fucking op bro hello?!?!
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see for yourself
What build are you using?
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>cant read text infront of you
f-fuck you!!!!!!!!!
Demand of pretty ladies gave us TFD and ember deluxe, not whatever shit you trying to twist.
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Empowered quiver fuckery
>Tim Sweeney
I thought the chinks owned DE.
Who do you think owns Timmy?
blast status
I prefer Garuda tummy but this is appreciated
Real thread when?
I don't have her yet, but if I ever get her I'll make sure to take a garuda tummy pic for you. All I really have right now is Yareli.
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yey, mr30 soon
cool harrow
>zeroed my gallium
>had to farm some for Wisp Prime
>went to Ur with resource booster, blessing and my boi Nekros
>left with 30 gallium after 4 rounds of disruption
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Lotus says its my turn to shit up your EDA
is this nigga sirius?
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You get a bubble heart and that's all you get, anon. Go to your room and think about what you just said..
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What are you Orion about?
If your frame has shields and an exalted melee, use topaz shard for shields on blast+aegis. Missing out on a bit of dps is worth it for on demand invincibility. Very effective on garuda .
Not thematic.
>jade and hildryn prime cooking in the foundry
>new FFXIV expansion will be out when they're ready
Not like this...
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>They still haven't fixed mic on by default feature on mobile fags
its about to get worse with android release on the way
Do I still have to do that weird stuff to join an alliance? I just want to be in a clan with you guys..
>mobile fags
Newfag here, just got Jade. Am I retarded or is she actually pretty strong?
you are retarded and she is strong
if you need to ask if you're retarded, you're retarded
>Can't even cope with regular DA
never mind
Hildryn is just helminth fodder just like Grendel or Sevagoth
i think he meant console?
>he doesnt play warframe on his Apple™ iPhone™
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hmm yes i will enjoy my duviri with shit i don't even own(anymore)
it's okay i am just LR2 and i don't even get to use a single weapon that i invested into at any point in the past 4k hours
my guy....... just reroll
go into normal circuit and complete a round
just buy more weapon slots and forma, bro
Did they already add more forms to get Pathos Clamp like they teased on the stream? I still lack 3 of the Drifter melee weapons
Yes they did.
>Clearing The Undercroft side portals in The Duviri Experience, in quantities of 1 (3 in The Steel Path).
>3 portals appear outside of the Spiral story
Enjoy :^)
... crap. So I have to roam around like crazy wasting time to find that damn portal for a few more? Goddammit might as well do a second run
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This cinematic is drastically improved fr fr
I'm just guessing it's mobile fags, because players who had their mics on drastically increased almost right after mobile version launched (and hasn't decreased since).
>attack of the "drastic" bumper
It's not even out on mobile yet you fucking retard
He stole my word ong.
you think it's coincidence that they just released two horny skins?
I know it's not the first time, but two in a row?

The First Descendant is making DE move their asses for good.
umm, but it is tho?
>be in Russia
>buy plat through a VPN, paying more money that before 2022
>get b&
Whats those two skins? Ember and?
What was the last one before Ember?
>the fakest scenario
But russchizo doesnt play warframe...
it's literally what happens
can't even buy DLCs without a risk
I did, wanted to come back, decided to paypig and got these tragic news... gotta flip riven mods like before I guess...
pic is Ember and Bunny from TFD
what happens if you don't press spacebar during the birth sequence?
Oни eщe вeйфaйдep oтpyбили нa cтapтe, a тeпepь, пocлe eгo пpoвaлa - вepнyли.
see >>483559582
Yareli is cute, not horny.. I mean sure I've got compliments from random Excaliburs out in Orb Vallis..
Stynax is gay and yareli is gross oyster. Both are pre TFD threat

Make sure that when you release your game, All Canadians are banned on sight for to account for the sins of a few.
suka bled
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Did some interesting test with khora and arcane battery. With full health conversion, I got more energy than what primed flow provided. The only thing I am not sure at the moment is whether it activates the purple shards' double crit damage - currently have 3 on her.
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>just found out that aura mods increase your mod capacity
>just realized forma is a thing
I have seen the light sisters
ONLY good post in like 2-3 threads
Alright, how about this one?
hope you know about reactors/catalysts too then
Those I did know about before. Finally I can rank up my mods!
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>join ascension
>3 console faggots 1 PC Chad(me)
>niggress mom scolds her nigger son
>monkey noises
>suddenly complete silence
I hate console and mobile niggers so goddamn much.
hey newcutie, I hope you are also aware of the 3x Forma bubdles in the sotre, don't but the individual 20p Forma! And Aura forma is also very helpful if you want to multiple builds that don't use the same Aura polarity.
He is testing on a fucking lvl 170?
That's a joke
Voice chat is a thing?
we dont use the n word here
it should activate purple shards. i run the battery arcane on valkyr and i doubt i'd have so much damage if my 5 shards weren't active.
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In a real scenario the tornadoes absorb all the other retards elements so this is the most simulacrum warrior .webm ever made.
Would be nice of Zephyr's tornadoes were susceptible to the player's elements only, but no.
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>monkey noises

I think we know what happened here.
She is a beast and you are retarded.
mid actually
>all the other retards elements
>playing with other people
I see. Alright then. I just forma'd khora the 11th time, today after 3 years. The new stuff really helps with my current playstyle.

With primed flow and HC, you can get 1000+. Crazy.
Arcane battery is fantastic.
For the first time in 10 years i can blast frost like a fucking mage without worrying about energy economy.
Oho, so I heard. Gonna start playing Frost again soon and update his builds.
post your hrt titties faggot
With the Blast changes, are Topaz shards worth using? I can't test it myself, unfortunately.
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how did you know?
>he can't get them titties out of his head...
I wish I had all these fancy mods and stuff people have. I haven't even finished the star chart yet though. One day..
the least believable part of this imaginary scenario is ruzzians actually having money
post build
How do I rank up arcanes?
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>I wish I had all these fancy mods and stuff people have. I haven't even finished the star chart yet though. One day..
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...so fresh...
Forgot to ask: did you give valkyr primed flow too or just use armor?
Anon.. please calm down..
dunno what the purpose of this post is when you literally can google that, translate from russian and see people getting banned
next thing you'll post is a gore webm
nah she has so much armor her warcry will max the arcane with ease. i have like 7-800 max energy
You have no money, but somehow you also bought all destiny2 DLCs.
They get marked on the map after orowyrm fight, also they don't have very many potential locations so I'm always seeing them in the same places.
swap the bramma for magistar and you got 90% of asian lobbies

>no prep required
>requires no thinking
>dmg out the ass

its gets boring not doing anything for most missions because everythings been flatten already. meh at least they're not AFK
You fundamentally misunderstand how her tornadoes work. They produce an identical instance of any weapon damage going into them, so other players aren't an issue. It's not like they only 'store' a damage type and periodically apply it to the enemies.
In a bit. Gotta log back in the game.
I keep forgetting this thing has a incarnon form.
got enough money to fund Rebecca's vacation back in 2019
too bad she doesn't want me 5 years later...
To add onto this, this is why funnel clouds and some form of grouping rapes enemies
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So the armour that Valkyr provides now has a purpose to Valkyr herself?
Its not about your money, its about his inconsistency
>Free mod slot now to cause even more cat mayhem
Thank you Reb...
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>the schizo was ru**ian all along
it's not even the same image
wtf is wrong with you, not the russchizo btw
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it is their weird humor that only r**ians understand.
>literally says belarus
the longer you stare at a schizo, the longer schizophrenia stares back at you
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>Saryn Prime trailer is all about how he made Saryn based off his waifu
>Vauban Prime trailer has him outright say "Lust was my sin".
>Multiple quests about him wanting his waifu back
>Now Jade just happens to be a frame who was created while pregnant
Ballas, I see your vision and I support it! Damn shame you got greedy before confirming that warframe pussy is real and functional with Jade.
Please give Hildryn a fatter ass, I beg you DE
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and I get how or why slam magistar is super dominant, I tried it myself look at this shit how am I supposed to compete with this and not get dmgcucked
tbf it had a purpose... many years ago
but yes it has a purpose now. an actual upgrade, swapped p flow for a gladiator mod and avenger for battery. got 1-200 more energy and 5% more crit chance if i calculated correclty. yeah it's not huge but it's still something
oh no, another hot fix is cooming
So call it unuion state? Unionstateschizo etc.
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When you apply a subsume ability, is it only ever able to be inserted into your frames 3rd ability?
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current build on her. I just forma'd her again today but I forgot to test arcane batter beforehand. now I feel like I just wasted a forma or picked the wrong polarity. The dash before I put augur reach.
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Я пpo этo дaжe нe знaл.
>You are braver than I
is that a reference to the tranny forum post?
probably not but still KEK
>tranny forum post
I don't to go radioactive zones, what was the post?
>you are braver than I
>emotional whiplash
They just can't stop dabbing on troons
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bunch of threads and stuff like in related pic. most have been deleted from the forum already tho
You can override any of the four powers and you can override different powers on to different loadouts
A bunch of trannies were crying on the warframe forum because the quest made them realize they can't get pregnant + it had a heterosexual couple. One of them used the words "you are braver than I"
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to add, my crazy cat lady build. not sure if I should use arcane battery here; not sure what to put in that empty slot.
sure am, just got my morning coffee and ready to shitpost with my tits out
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Thread is restored to normal!
NA is awake!!
don't you have frames to rework pablo?
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Oh. Well shit, I already liked Jade but I like her 200% more now. Also don't they have Xaku for their antics? Also let's not forget that it's also effectively a Father's Day event, since it launched only two days after, and the main story is Stalker's dead wife and newfound father status.
rebs face when she pours gallons of cum in my bussy :3
yeah since scott fucked off I think trinity needs another nerf
>nerf trinity again
Please no. I dream of the day I can use her again without worry. I don't want her to be busted, I just want to have fun again.
hildryn quickfire bug fixed lol
Xaku is three niggas in one body and not a tranny.
>Also don't they have Xaku for their antics?

What happens when you cast Golden Instinct near Xaku?
They change elements according to who is firing into them, meaning anyone on the team can change elements.
For Zephyr to work consistently the tornadoes should only take damage type from the user's weapon.
Are your retarded?
yea but what about living rent free
>fucked up his mind with drugs
>now thinks he's a woman
>has a mental breakdown everytime he sees a child or pregnant woman
And they still think it's not a mental illness
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>Fixed Hildryn’s Balefire quickfire Attack Speed being increased when the “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” setting is toggled on.
it's over.....
don't ever try heavy slam spam on tenet exec
wouldn't even bother, magistar is still the best in slot for slamfaggotry
thought provoking warframe discussion
hildrynchads.... you were winning for a week. now back to the dumpster you go
mirage oneiro skin has very nice defined breasts.
xaku is a woman. She fills a female position in both the release and prime orders.
Testing out a 55" tv as a pc chad.
I don't think I can handle this size.
Surprised how well everything works though.
>Fixed a hole in the upper level of the Ascension tile.
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1 dispos have use for melees
but for guns im not really sure what to roll for

>flat chested
no thanks
i'll fill xaku and release in her prime skeltussy
>needing a bug
You weren't tru hildryn enjoyers. I bet you don't even want your pelvises pulverized...
The periodic elemental procs from the tornado aren't what's causing the enemies to explode like that (nobody cares about these). The duplication of the weapon damage instances (kompressa, high status chance, high multishot -> every enemy gets one gorillion blast procs) is what's causing it. Are... you retarded?
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Exact same color pallete.
How about you leave to fight in ukraine
Nice tits, faggot
>not abusing bugs for fun
Why are you using blast specifically if that's the case?
saved, gonna jack off to them faggot
I am retarded, can't you see? I'm playing Warframe.
This is nothing and I'm not even going to mention what I'm using so it goes unnoticed as long as possible.
It's pretty annoying using heavy slams though, anything you carry fucks it up, Using abilities makes me have to use a melee attack first before I can slam.
That's every single russian
>Talking about how other players can change elements at will
>Muh blast
do you see the problem or not?
I'm not the guy that originally posted the video, just a Zephyr enjoyer who gets mad when people don't know how her tornadoes work. Are you aware of how nu blast works?
>Elevator speed boost time from Boosted Ionic Charges now stack when throwing multiple at the Extraction Capsule at once (up to a max of 50 seconds).
>The elevator UI has also been updated to indicate the speed boosts and duration. You can now more clearly see how Ionic Charges affect the elevator.
>Fixed Ordis’ “Uplift” Bullet Jump distance buff in Ascension missions overriding players' Parkour upgrades instead of applying additively.
I will now grind your event
Thats bot how hildryn looks. You are literally a delusional tranny.
Crit chance and crit damage multiply together, anything else just gives mod variety at best.
Do I need to spell this out for you? Nobody gives a shit about the periodic elemental application caused by the current inherited element of the tornadoes. People care about the tornadoes because they create a duplicate instance of weapon damage (that can activate arcanes and the like, as if it came from the original gun) that then gets applies to everything in the tornado. Some retard shooting into your tornadoes does not disrupt this.
>Fixed Ash’s Blade Storm not triggering Arcanes with the “On Finisher Kill” condition (i.g. Arcane Trickery, etc.).
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>see 36.0.4 hotfix announcement in game
>click it
>takes me to their patch website
>it's either just 36 patch notes or 36.0.1 to 36.0.3, no 36.0.4 in sight
What the FUCK are those canucks doing
>Showing tits readily
This is a man with delusions of gender
how will you ever recover?
oh nice
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I hadn't even played a config on him since the patch where I didn't have his 4 subsumed off... I have become the problem, I'm sorry for abandoning you ash
>still no actual hand-cannon weapon apart from tombfinger
I have the majority of my playtime on hildryn and can confidently say that having her energy tied to her shields is a super rough drawback in any kind of SP stuff

if you don't trigger aegis, your 1, 3, and 4 don't exist
if you do trigger aegis but enemies are strong enough to knock out her shields anyways, your 1, 3, and 4 don't exist
a frame with pillage and a helminth slot that cannot cast in SP without arcane aegis isn't really a frame
bro your regulators?
do passive reload mods work on incarnons? I'd imagine no but there's no mention of how they interact on the wiki
No, incarnon ammo doesn't get refilled by anything other than the incarnon trigger
post bp
>can't choose an ultrawide resolution in windowed mode
wtf? It works on actual ultrawide monitors perfectly fine.
Has anyone found a way to make Evensong feel good/fun? I just tried a generic HM build with Rifle Elementalist (does it even work on HM?) but it feels like shit to play, and I don't really want to invest more forma into that thing.
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How good is Bladestorm nowadays? I thought Marked for Death+Fatal Teleport was better
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it's ruined my ability to use precision weapons like the lex, just lobbing that big blobby sci fi shooter projectile and popping one head to pop multiple heads will never not be damn satisfying, but if you get the incarnon passives then lexp turns into a real fucking monster of a gun even without its transform that I think is decently deserving of the hand cannon moniker with its huge kick and all
ok, let's go again.
If you use an specific element for the effect, and i am telling you that any retard can change said element at will.
What the hell are you arguing about?
Then why you use blast specifically if it is not important?
wonder if i should have gone for a D instead of another dash.
>no signature weapon bonus for jade
Best arcane to buy for plat reselling once you maxxed out energise and the others you wanted? i can't decide, just another energise?
Sevagoth can delete an entire screen by pressing two buttons and you need to pick targets with ash for mediocre slash damage (that needs a stat stick on top of that) like an autist.
You tell me.
For Ash to get back you would need the old Baldestorm that acted like marked for death (AoE) and integrate the mod for his 3 on the ability.
Tbh kullervo shits all over Ash on every regard, is awful how bad the first gen of frames aged.
New thread soon
wartrannies have been fuming
Aegis and Avenger will probably be OK for selling since they're only 1/9th of the required resources but their selling price was usually more than 1/9th of Energize
>ESL can't understand the point people are making
>he probably doesn't know about the element update either
Stop focusing on tornadoes holding elements. What's happening in that video is the tornadoes are adding hits, so that guy does like a million blast procs. Gas or elec would also work in this situation, but Blast does more damage over short time periods than the other two aoe statuses.
NTA, but I've been enjoying playing Stalker alot and was hoping Ash was similar but yeah you're right. Might just get rid of my Ash, not really using him anymore.
hm, sounds complicated, guess ill just keep building up another energise, its the easy choice, i dont hustle on wfm much.
Was I not making myself clear enough? The instance duplication happens on weapon hit (on the tornado). This DAMAGE INSTANCE (singular) is then distributed between the enemies in the tornadoes' range. This duplication has NOTHING to do with the elemental damage that gets inherited and applies periodically. The damage TYPE that the tornado currently has does not interact with the duplication effect.
What this means is for every kompressa bubble that hits a tornado, a duplicate damage instance of THAT BUBBLE (with all of its traits) is INSTANTLY applied to all enemies in the range of the tornado (again, this damage instance is SEPERATE from the periodic procs that the tornado shits out. For the third time, there is a reason nobody cares about these - because they AREN'T the duplicated weapon damage instance.). This causes enemies to rack up stacks of blast (nu blast inherits damage mods) extremely quickly, causing the big boom. Status effects are not overwritten by other status effects in this game. Other retards applying their own damage instances does not overwrite yours, and may even help if it applies viral/etc.
Is that clear enough for you retards?
big if true
Get kullervo, does everything better.
Electric got kind of gimped in a recent-ish update. It used to chain back and forth between the tornadoes and exponentially scale (which was very funny). It's still usable, but gas fares better. Both are kind of ass compared to blast/corrosive, unfortunately.
>farming pooviri
I'd rather not
I have him, I'll try him out soon.
Holy filtered.
I understand perfectly you petulant faggot.
My point is that
If the damage is just related to the weapon and buffs from the caster, then the element should be irrelevant


The element is a key factor, and playing in groups wouldn't work as well as portrayed in the .webm

Can't be both
You need like 4 runs, it ain't that bad
Also the subsoom is kinda mandatory for melee frames if you want to shit red crits
I literally don't know and should go try it out
So blast stacks damage on the initial cast?
Gonna try it then.
No need to be upset.
You're still tunnel-visioned on tornadoes holding onto elements you colossal retard. The element of the tornado is irrelevant, therefore teammates changing its element in multiplayer is irrelevant. The element of the gun is relevant, and it can be either blast, gas, or electric.
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You don't understand how Zephyr's tornadoes work. That is okay, and we are currently trying to inform you. But you are being a retard and not absorbing new information.
Please reread this: >>483574956
For the fourth time: The element the tornado holds is a SEPERATE thing to the INSTANTLY DUPLICATED damage instance that is applied when ANY WEAPON hits a tornado. The instance INHERITS the STATUS and CRITICAL chance, and ALL OTHER TRAITS of the ORIGINAL projectile/melee/whatever and INSTANTLY DUPLICATES IT onto ALL ENEMIES IN THE TORNADO RANGE.
I'm sick of spoonfeeding ESLs that can't comprehend things. I capitalise words so it is easier for you to lock onto and absorb the information. And no, it is not on the initial cast. Please, for the love of God, reread the explanation.
>misunderstand something even though multiple people explain it in multiple ways
>insult people trying to help you because you're too stupid to understand what's going on
>haha y u mad
ESL bros...
The element of the gun that hits the tornado on the first place?
Yeah I was asking cause I didn't few Bladestorm was doing good even when I used Fatal Teleport along the way for my Ash to join in. Or rather when I did so it felt rather redundant and costlier
LARPing as Stalker is fun but is just brings out how bad Ash is in comparison. Stalker is loaded with a natural Fatal Teleport, a Smokescreen with goddamn Ivara's Infiltrate, a Passive boosting his crit to bullshit levels while invisible and a walking Absorb for emergencies. As if all that wasn't enough his Marked for Death uses the max health than the current one so he doesn't need to combo if she goes wrong.
I'm still gonna play Ash a lot just to imitate but man he needs a rework.
I have but it isn't the same! He lacks the aesthetics and the moves. Kullervo is bullshit good though.
I was trying out and just feels slower. Probably better if you use the arcane that boosts combo permanently for finishers and it should rack up faster.
my pronouns are Rofl/Lol/Soi, please respect my AH-64 identity
What do you guys generally do with rivens you're not gonna use?
Do you try to reroll them to sell or do you just crush them for endo?
ESLbro... It's any projectile/melee/whatever the fuck WHENEVER. Anything that hits the tornado will be instantly duplicated (inheriting all traits of the original damage instance) onto every enemy in the tornado range. Please don't make me repeat myself again.
I understood that, and i didn't knew that info.
What happens if your teammate hits the tornado before you do?
The nado gets his damage stat and shit?
We should give up on him honestly
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>"welp i guess ill get around to building that necramech"
i had no strong opinion on mining until now. fuck this shit
Yeah, Stalker is crazy good, very fun to play too. I'm like you though, only kept Ash as a Stalker knock off.
Gonna try it then if that's the case.
It always felt like shit so i thought it was just changing elements the culprit.
I buy most of the prime access, so I usually Endo them or give them away.
See >>483576463
If you want to try and understand it, get a Soma Prime with Hata-Satya and shoot into a tornado. You'll see the crit chance buff almost immediately max out due to the instance duplication.
Thanks bros.
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Same bro. Same.
I've spent whole day mining heciphron
fuck this yellow piece of shit
how do we fix corpus railjack?
>let's give 3 signature weapons to a frame that spends all her time in her 4
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how do I name her
by removing railjack
9 and you name her kitty
>Patch the game
>Fishing on diemos still broken

What am I doing wrong bros.

I just bought it with plat. Fuck open world maps.
9 and you name her Zephyr
i think negramech is the only thing I've bought from the market
fuck negramechs, fuck railjack and fuck the new war
not based
I hate you all so much
I'm on that mining grind, infact I finished it, just gotta get my hands on the damaged parts
Taking 3 seconds to activate all the buffs is pretty nice, +70% multishot isnt a bad buff to her 4
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glad to see that zephyr's tornados are still frying brains after all these years
if the warbros baker is not here I'll bake it. I don't want another russfurry thread
they don't even do what the update page says they do, where's my fucking melee range buff????
melty time soon
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bake it anon
Use my new kot as the thread image
>wartrannies so mad they baked early
No schizos allowed
>Harmony and Evensong are bugged and don't give their buff if targets die to damage over time
This wouldn't be so much of a problem if, you know, Harmony didn't collapse all damage over time effects into a separate damage instance
same, worstie
a cat is fine too
necramech was an annoying as fuck farm for sure, but i did it, mostly cuz im plat-poor and really regret not buying plat with the multiple coupons i've had since i came back.
>I hate it so I rewarded them with money.

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