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Previous: >>483260302

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[6/15-6/26] Kururu (Perma)
[6/21-6/26] Selectable Limited Summer Prize Gacha (Saren, Suzuna, Pecorine, Karyl, Suzume, Tamaki)
[6/26] New Year Hatsune/New Year Kasumi Limited Prize Gacha

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[6/10-6/25] VH x2
[6/15-7/1] Dungeon Mana x2
[6/17] "Twinkle Summer Game" Side Story Addition
[6/20-6/25] Hard x2
[6/21] S.Suzuna/S.Saren/S.Io UE2s Added
[6/24-6/30] 500 Gem Pack On Sale
[6/25-7/1] Normal x2
[6/25-7/1] Investigation x2
[6/25-7/6] Exploration x2
[6/25-6/29] Clan Battle
[6/30] Story Event: 「あつまれイイコトクラブ! ミソラの愉快な夏休み」
[July] Abyssal Hunts

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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I sharted and I'm proud.
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>new thread in only 2 days
we are so back
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Post your hits yuiGOD
I will fuck that Slime, and if it's the last thing I do
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I'm not the one making fast threads by the way, but I don't mind it since whoever does updates them too. I just wonder how he's always around to make them.
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Clans for this feel?
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Wtf CB started already?
I miss this game having readable damage numbers. Why don't they just shorten the numbers with M for million at the end?
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Ayumisturds apparently.
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>2 hours left before reset, really stressed
>decide to fap to calm down before my hits
>cum twice back to back
>instantly fall asleep in my chair
>wake up, pants still down
>dried cum on the floor
i'm sorry looplets, i'll do my hits tomorrow
So this is the power of looplets....
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Specifying the clan was superfluous
don't worry that happens all the time
If your opeco doesn't die, it means you are yellow.
>the very first thing dyanchou did this CB was to get exploded by the turtle
45% of the time it succeeds every time
It's 45% if you're a leech
all pcrg clans so far
>Yui confesses just before a big fight
she doomed us all
*fixes your thread*
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We're so back, /pcrg/bros
*shits your thread*
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it's so over, /pcrg/ bros...
I can fix her.
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I've determined I cannot fix her.
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I did not like the Eris side story, I like the song though.
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Day 2 of not dying to the turtle.
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at the current pace, I should be caught up with part 2 and start part 3 in about 4 days
thanks for reading my blogpost
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If you feel like it, give a look at some of the raids cutscenes that have been left on youtube as you go between the chapters that had them. Especially the final raid, it's really cool.
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Good job, mister. Keep us updated.
shadow spleeto
Theres too much shit on the screen, I can not see whats going on. Fix it monkeyman, its 2024 where is your accessibility settings at.
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>Whale tree required to make it worth running
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Last CB was worse, literally couldn't even see the skill cancels. This CB is comfy for me, only manuals I've got are for D4 and they're easy.
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Sharting some bosses today I don't give a fuck anymore
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Fuck you
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Don't forget to refresh the sheet before doing your hits
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Reminds me of my carpet in my guildhouse.
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If I roll Kururu from perma pool over the summer I get mad, if I don't roll NY Hatsune in under 100 in 3hr I have a melty
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I'm sorry danchou
I can only gather enough stamina for 2 hits, and I can only hit the first boss on lvl 1
Can you post this in clan chat
Reminder you may not the ghost.
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Where's the day 1 rank of each clan?
Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.
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nope, I already closed the game and It's a hassle to do that vpn shit every time I open it.
It’s so over sis
Why didn't you post it?
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>rank mister abandoned us
Something something he was just a baggot yuiturd imam Ayumisturd shitter who never liked the game anyway and also the game is thriving and you're a doomposter
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Priconne girls posting? On MY /pcrg/? Are you so determined to get BANNED?
Last chance, incel. Abandon thread and acknowledge Yui as your QUEEN, your GOD.
Lolify Yui.

I was hoping it would be Mahiru...
All me
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Anyone proficient in 2d image editing mind making all of Nea's body her original skin color? I kind of want to see it. Points up if you can make their hair color black too
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My wife Makoto, holding our daughter.
>190 for ny hatsune
Fak me hope I have better luck with sneneka
I don't like this CB. None of these timelines are comfy.
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just go full auto
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give me you log in info and I'll do it for you
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say it in clan chat
>sparked for hatsune and kasumi
and with that I am no longer building a water team
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How many rolls do people get a month on average on this kusoge?
Like 200 or so
Closer to 100 a month.
a spark every two months
So if I have 3 sparks right now I should have a 4th by end of august hmm. Also I'm pretty much level gated as of right now for quest nodes so maybe some of that will clear over time
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I don't speak third world.
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I guess so right now I plan to roll on these squared in blue and can roll 1 of the new summers and hope I don't get fucked constantly having to roll to 200 for everything. Is any of this a bad idea? Even if there's a prifes next week I can spark whatevers on it in 2 months anyways so I don't see why roll on it
Neneka and Yui are both good
are you new? newcuties should have a ton of gems available to them.
Yeah I'm new I have a ton of gems but not enough for 6 sparks at least not until I can clear some more nodes
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Great taste. Also you're new so don't worry too much about rolling you've got like a shitton of rolls from the side stories + arena climbing + luna tower alone every more step you progress.
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I got to 600 on luna tower so im not sure how much else i can get there
skipping yui is always a good idea
Have you done EX's? Those each are a good amount of jimz too, you still have some floors anyway like 100+
I think i couldnt beat ex past like floor 540 or something. At lvl 90
Then you still have a good amount of jimz locked in luna tower of the future, don't stress too hard about your sparks. If you have already good prifes characters like Ameth/Eris/Anemone you're already on a good track.
How about side stories?
I only have like 2k rolls left on side stories. It's pretty easy to collect all those
I have effectively 4 sparks maybe 5 if I can lvl up and do more story im stuck on 63-6 but I also havent been borrowing characters
>larping begins
Yeah that's why
Every 10 levels you also get a fair amount of jimz so there's even more. Honestly as a new player you've got a lot of steam ahead of you just by leveling.
All the nodes I'm fighting right now are like 160 lvls higher than me. Well I could always skip yui if I want more summers
I noticed that too. Never had any use of her besides a single deep quest which I could borrow her for.
I don't suggest that but the closer you shorten the gap the easier it'll get, you don't necessarily have to be max level to progress.
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Priconne for this feel.
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don't fall for her tricks
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Too late.
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They should bring back EN since they're making EN Uma
Why the fuck does Riri already have a fucking Summer Variant? She literally just released last year
There's still no Christina, Rin, Misaki, and Muimi summer
she likely won't be playable
we were out of titcows without alts please understand
Christina is a fucking titcow
I want the flatcow.
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Because we're already more than a year into arc 3 and I think having its cast get alts makes sense.
It's the first alts for those girls from arc 2 too so go figure.
This game has been very good at making sure older girls don't get ignored either thanks to them appearing all over events or sub stories so I think it's fine.
Now that almost all of the fathags have their summer alts there's only the flatties left.
You done fucked up
>almost all
That must be uncomfortable, digging into her like that.
>Christina, Rin, Misaki, and Muimi
Id rather have Riri than any of these
>The twilight caravan doujinshi got scanned
>It is actually a vanilla with all 5 girls
Good civilization, just needs to be TL'd
Yoli and Akali
You forgot to include the arc 3 toons
Sorry, you're getting Matsuri.
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I will forgive KMR if he releases Matsuri, and her ears better be exposed.
You forgot:
among others.
Only added the old ones
Because elements effectively made priconne unplayable, we are all moving to uma global, right?
If you think the game is unplayabe it sounds like you should quit
I already played that game, see you at Gakuen producers.
No but you can quit and stop doomposting 24/7 thinking anyone will join you, sure
What makes you think that Uma, a game made by CyGames, won't have elements implemented?
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>150 jimz
>apologies from the management
Apologies for what? What happened?
For gyame nyot gyood
For some players, the "Random Equipment Box" was not included in the subjugation certificate exchange.
Oh that's such a minor thing lmao I'll take the free jimz, cygenerous
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Wyas thye gyame evyer gyood?
It was before 6*s were added.
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More Matsuri will make the game even better.
It was before UEs were added.
This general sure was better before you started your daily spam
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But enough about the Yuiturd
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Tyoday y lyeft thryee shyarts fyor my clyan
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I used to make fun of kotturds.
Always did me hits, always did me syncs. That was, until one day, I made a turd. One turd turned to two, two turned to three. before I realized it, I had become the very thing I mocked. Thanks for reading my blog.
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I just found out cylia has ue. Don't tell danchou.
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Your syecryet ys syafe wyith mye
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being a kotturd is hard life, people should appreciate kotturds more
is it kot sex time?
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Very good.
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Skipping wdjeeta was seakeks greatest misinfo.
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Oh nyo...
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Nonstop Nenesex.
she had two reruns already
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Bro, it's not worth the jims...
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Horrible things caused me to miss Neneka twice but this time I'll be ready for her
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What about this random EN refugees clan?
Priconne has been unplayabe since BA
not to mention there is no EN
Good Gachas have EN
BA has it
Eversoul has it
FGO has it
Hoyo games have it
Uma has it
GBF has it
name a single gacha that has no EN but is thriving
what do we think of umamusume global being ai translated sis?
because a certain someone made a pact with the devil there's no other explanation all his fucking characters are getting toons
Uma musume, monster strike, puzzle and dragons, heaven burns red
>They took the Cornelia pill
Based, cygames saw the future
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I wish bro
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You may not the Yuni.
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This is scary.
>name a single gacha that has no EN but is thriving
Naruto mobile is almost going head to head with Genshin
that's an 18 year old
Whenever I feel horny I spend half my day playing naruto dating sim games to conquer my wife hinata and fuck her I also never save
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He requires sacrifices
OPeco is safe and effective
>6 seconds
you are truly shameless, yuinigger
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Wake me up when EoS is announced tomorrow
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There you go bro, paypal me $20
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I want to stick my face in there so bad
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Yoli is a lesbian?!
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stop the count
I'd rather stick my face in Yoli.
Asuna = Nozomi
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My sniper went from 4th place to 1st place to 15th place all in the span of 20 seconds. I hope he has learned his lesson.
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Ayumisters are balling this CB
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What about Looplets, how are they faring this cb?
danch too busy being a cuck to care about us
She looks like a moomin
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Will they get separate rate-up banners in half a year from now? Because I already rolled for Hatsune when she first came out and I don't want to get boned by half rates if I try to pull for Kasumi.
Yuni is a goddess 18 in that body
Yeah because they will get UEs
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Pretty good
We're installing Uma right?
joining looplets was a mistake
No, you're screwed until they get old enough to be put in those mass rerun, pick your own rate up banners like the summer rerun we just had.
That, or just pig out for a ticket.
Clean it up please
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Could be worse.
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The absolute state.
the guy asked in the thread that someone else should do it because he doesn't have the time
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got both kasumi and hatsune in 40 rolls
feel good
at this point, you are a wdjeetalet by conscious choice
I only did it last month because the guy who usually did it stopped
Am I being fucking trolled? Which of you guys is right? I wish I took a screenshot of what W.Djeeta and Vikala's banners were like a month ago just so I could confirm because I can't for the love of god remember what this game does when rerunning 2 limited characters after a year.
but not by much
They'll rerun in six months on the same split rate banner when they get their UEs.
Why do some characters not show up on the list of characters you don't have while some characters do like what is the criteria?
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>had to go out an hour before arena cutoff
>set my defence to something not on pcrdfans and hope for the best
>still get dropped 20 places
Only permas and characters who are currently running show up
Even when they get UEs they'll still be together.
Together forever
imo you should roll and spark on every prifes, unless you have all the good ones already
I had to look up video footage of someone opening up the W.Djeeta/Vikala screen from a month ago and yeah you're right. God, NY banners are such a pain in the ass, you either get both of them or suffer with shit rates later. I think I'll just skip Kasumi, fuck this shit.
>NY banners are such a pain in the ass
It happens whenever both the new units in the month are limited.
I have anemone, eris, ames, chris, labyrista, etc. The only one you guys have listed as good that I'm missing is princess kok
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either you leave the game
or play enough to become a kotturd
Fine, I'll be the janny to avoid these
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I wouldn't recommend playing Uma even though I play it.
I wouldn't recommend playing Priconne even though I play it.
which uma are we musuming? https://umamusume.jp/character/
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I already have a spark ready if she comes out
S.Suzume belongs way higher.
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Many Umas are now dead. Super Creek died in 2010.
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Luv me horses
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New ED soon
>this is your average westoid we have to deal with once global comes
you’re dead
Is the pudding horse in the game?
Will /pcrg/ outmusume uma general? I don't thinks so. There are no cute boys.
How dare he heckin' disrespect the japanese like that.
Didn't Special Week die towards the end of the first season?
case in point
I ain't playing your horse game.
Making Pixiv more accessible to English speakers was a disaster.
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All of this user's Uma porn on Pixiv is deleted except one pic which has the naughter bits censored. Did he get warned by moderation?
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Nyes. Official twitter of the show also informed about it.
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Tsumugi, Nozomi and Ameth alt will happen this year
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defeated by the power of idolfaggotry
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Is it okay for her to be a cat?
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CB should be 2 weeks long
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>Kariza attacks the orphanage for no real reason at all
>gets btfo by the lolis
Based, fuck that little shit
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I feel like the artist is referencing the cover of an anime game or series but I can't recall the name
I don't think it's something recent. This composition just screams 90s.
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Yeah I was leaning towards a Falcom game or something
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Kariza whole thing is that he hates being disrespected and/or treated like a kid. So little girls and Neneka making him look like a retard literally made him go apeshit.
CB should be 2 weeks long and reset at Stage 2 every day.
Eriko is amazing there. Such a villain.
why does the pig girl lack her pig ears in that image?
>every guild has the identical score per member
for what purpose?
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Aoi Yuuki's singing is a real treat
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Those were avatars created by Eris for them, not their actual avatars who were killed since they were among the players who died and became Lost.
Then those avatars were also destroyed so they obtained their actual ones back, how and why I've no idea since their circumstances haven't been fully explained yet.
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everyday is cb in uma
the jump from 2-9-6 to 2-9-6.9 feels a bit sudden. I assume it had all the raid fights at that point?
Both CDs this year have very inspired art, if the next ED is Misora only it'll be funny to see Misora + Kururu cover
never touching uma then
Yes 6.9 is the cutscene that happens post raid.
Obviously how Zane returns from being tackled into the sea by (You) is explained during the raid fight he's part of.
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I also found part 1 and 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NgbHoKPoL0
wtf that looks crazy when are we getting something like this again?
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Story summary? I don't read. It's all moonrunes.
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The next raid should be August if we stick to patterns and story direction so far. Also this preview looks like it uses official art for a raid to me
Go back some threads there's a summary of the second half of arc 2.
>Because I listened to some priconne OST the dragalia lost OST pops up
>Get reminded of how fucking good it was and how nips killed a 10/10 for their shitty shironeko clown show
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thanks. is there another raid in part 2 where I need to check yt for the story?
is her butt bare?
Oh absolutely. The final raid of part 2 is one of the most hype moments in gacha that I've seen with how well it was handled.
The official youtube has all the dialogues, but I don't know of someone doing TLs of them.
Oh it also had a trailer that was kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnkEKixcVkk
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Yuni sex!
>The next raid should be August
I hope we get to experience this again soon. Killing Mana back in EN was a lot of fun.
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Yeah it'll be fun, which is why I suggest people catch up on the story so they can get invested more in it.
I reckon by the 15th we should know an exact date. If they intend to line it up after 6.5 or before, we'll see.
the game will eos before next raid
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yui btfo
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what happens if I pop the bubble?
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>pop the bubble
>half the clan gets kicked
>finally defeat rage legion
>instantly get btfo by an even more powerful foe
the tables turned pretty quickly
although they are kinda dumb, they could have taken Yui or Kskn as hostage

>Azold gets murdered right in front of Precia
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Well villains love their gloating when everything goes their way, also Azold acted fast to help
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ayumistersbro you can redeem your hit
threre are a bunch of boyfaggots that people seem to have the hots for
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Skipping Misora, pulling Lily
>There are no cute boys.
there are a bunch of girls who looks and act manlier than all of /pcrg/
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You need a better defense.
Im@s Gakuen
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>No summer misaki, ayane, yoli, akari, shiori, rin, rino, pudding etc
Summer Ames and rolls get deleted
One job
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I look like this
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Everything is solved. Still filtered half the shitters that hit it.
I wonder if his wife was also a fatass
As fat as him
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Next month, perhaps
nyow that the dust is settled and there’s nyo free character. which one of them is getting the axe?
She getting saved for the Alter Maiden summer event
hits left?
Lily looks the most generic and honestly her Alter Maiden hair looks better.
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Either Nea or Lily, but who knows I'll wait until the day of the event to comment on the lack of a third character. It has been done before with Saren/Misaki/Kasumi/etc. but they also changed how event announcements are written since the Nakadashi event so it could be it's still 3 characters.
It feels very weird to give Lily a new design and advertise her heavily like this if she's meant for next year.
why do these "gacha expert" posts always forget about gakumas?
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I am sure you are using VShizuru, HMisaki, SSuzume have maxed elements and other chinky shit.
EOPs are retarded please understand
Riri still doesn't have base unit.
>Why do EOPs forget about gachas they can't play
Good question
Skipping any summer under 9.5 these designs aren't doing it for me
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>managed to oneshot the crab
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Proud of you
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priconne needs more NTR to stay relevant
looplets is an anti loli clan
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Danchou, why...
looplets is an NTR scat clan
Nea is for (You) but she likes her shota more.
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Unironically filtered by language
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>lost all 5 P.arena hits
No. Nea loves (You), but she also likes tormenting the shota. It's not love tho, the bonds make a very clear difference on that.
If Nea were let loose she'd just turn Kariza into a sissy she plays dress up on.
The whole shota thing is really weird to me is there really market for shota in a harem game where you can only roll girls or traps. Feel like they're missing the mark
Literally rock paper scissors mode.
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stage 2?
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Looplets is the Nanaka boob touching clan
Looplets is the Gakuen/Uma (En) clan.
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Looplets is the impregnate hiroshit clan
looplets is the avoid at all costs clan
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What happened to namedropping? This would not be posted couple months ago?
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I should double-hit the turtle.
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go back
No. It's cb. I can post here during CB with rest of the kotturds.
namedropping is /pcrg/ core
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I don't disagree with him, monster girls are a good idea for a fantasy game.
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>somehow also gay on top of it all
That's it, I'm leaving looplets.
you forgot the worst part
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chicano even
Hi Lumine did you pull the nurse yet?
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weaker than chink tl
Nyo. She brings no unique new mechanics (like Cloud Retainer) and is just Kokomi powercreep. I haven't seen her real gameplay, but trial was really underwhelming.
Gay and homosexual
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Content updates on Sunday are always odd.
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kill yourself
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bit rude today aren't we
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rubbing my kokk
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Why don't we just ban kotturds
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Ban this
they tried that already
kindly explode
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Jannies tried
Kots came out victorious
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don't you know what happened last time?
didn't hear about the "kotturd wars"?
the kotturds won btw, that's why kotposting is not only tolerated, but encouraged in the OP
omo sucked mod dick for kot freedom
hOmo had to suck jannies cock to prevent them from being deleted
つるぺったん 85
Ayumisters 194
Wide Hips 819
Looplets 1178
Fun Island 2250
Quria cult ???
つるぺったん 85
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As a citizen of the free world it is my right and duty to kotpost
>つるぺったん 85
uh loopkeks, care to explain??
You apologize for doomposting the game because you played shit last month
What should i get from BA shop after Monika 6*?
Is Tamaki actually still useful?
elements stink
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I had diarrhea and I thought "I'll do my hits after leaving the restrom", but I fell aslep inside, and when I woke up the day ended...
I'd go for aoi, she's used for some fire deepquest stages
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Join looplets or the kot gets it
Looplets is full
Understandable. Carry on, little pooplet
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all the alts are getting kicked after CB. So there should be 23 spots left open
alts have rights
the right to make space for real players
>kicking alts instead of using them to push further
couldn't be me
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>alts have rights
about as much rights as the average slave has
Forgot to use my astral spheres before doing my hits lol
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you failed me, nozomi
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Say "Cheese"!
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Wasn't I supposed to feel a sense of accomplishment? Why do I feel nothing?
because it's just "number go up"
still congrats though
you can now apply to pettan for comfy top100
Don't worry, there's gonna be a new page in 1-2 months.
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Because you're not really getting stronger, you're just keeping pace with the hamster wheel that Cygames forced upon you and you will never see your efforts result in a better time with gameplay because all of the relevant content will just keep getting infinitely harder to match your "growth".
It's just mindless resource gathering, you only feel relief it's over.
I thought Mimi would grow up into the LL with the biggest tits but after THAT scene I think it might end up being Misogi instead.
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Sorry Ayumisters
post the full screenshot, coward
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>tfw the feet strat no longer works
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do it, spagoots
>omo sucked mod dick for kot freedom
Bwo I'd polish their dicks clean if they ban the Yuiturd
go suck them off on irc then
post full
There is no full.
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That wasn't me bwo
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I hate this cunt who keeps drawing Ayumi cuck pics. There is nothing worse than NTR.
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blacklisted from Looplets
>There is nothing worse than NTR.
I mean you rather see her get brutally murdered and decapitated while she screams for help than her having sex happily with someone that isnt (you)?
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Nearly to 30k for the Misora spark, this pinch jimz farming was painful
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You don't get to decide who blacklists in Looplets. Only I can do that.
Don't talk back, you dirty little kot. Blacklisted.
My bad
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Give me the sauce
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Only one of her Ayumi x Gino pics is NTR-focused, the rest is just a weird ship
Today's enemy is tomorrow's romantic interest
I think it's hot, join ayumisters btw.
>shipping is NTR...!!
when was /pcrg/ filled with so many pathetic losers like these?
they are Ayumisturds
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Miyako nakadashi
>since when
You know
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Ayumisturds have no banter
Ayumisturds have no game
Ayumisturds have no jims
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Ayumisters have top 300
please shut the fuck up you stupid kotnigger nobody likes you
loopletbros....our response?
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Reminder you may not the dumb ghost.
what does 11f mean? Frames? How do I know how many frames have passed?
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chinks have modded game clients that show frame count
how do I do that?
join WorryChefs
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ummm bro....
Why didn't you finish it off?
We are based though.
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clean it up janny
-20m damage, shame on you spagoots
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her body count?
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Are you pulling?
There's no way the one actually sort of hot swimsuit is perma
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Why is this a thing?
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Why is this a thing?
I can almost see it...
Rare case of gyame nyot gyood being objectively true
>might need to roll that disgusting hag Creditta this time
Aieeee I can borrow her for another year danchou
Her union burst has 2D animations baked in with chibi shit.
I'm guessing you can't change speed mid-animation because it'd mess up the sync.
I'm guessing cut-ins hide the buttons for similar reason
princess form ubs are videos
actually I don't even know why I try so hard in CB, why waste my time doing manuals when I can just do a semi and then play a better game
Why waste your time doing semi when you could do FA and finish your hits in 5 mins
The manuals are barely any better than the semi-manuals this time anyway.
whale buffs are much better than manuals
why even bother
Why is what a thing?
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This thing is what.
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Autistic child
wow the not-io hmanga got updated finally
is this a joke? why is the panda crying?
I thought it was a Koala
nhentai link?
here are the real nhentai links
>go in
>Full set
>Come back
It's THAT easy
thank you so much
>eromanga written by women
most of the good ones are
It appears the looplets are suffering from heatstroke, send help.
Women know>>483651363
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Who started this Anemone cat meme anyway
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Why is she so flat?
What characters does gamewith have as t1 that really get used all the time and don't belong that low?
What characters are T1?
>have to try multiple times to beat other people's parena defenses
>they just beat mine on the first try
It feels like I'm being mind-read even though I literally change my defense randomly to different teams I had trouble beating before and always switch them up so it's impossible to predict what I have in defense
Yeah I already use that site what's your point? It doesn't tell you who is using what teams, you still have to figure that out on your own and then find a counter.
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Is SaRuka that strong?
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You ideally scout with one hit, then win the 2nd battle. Make sure your blind teams aren't full retard and you might even win a few battles 2-1 or even 2-0 with some luck.
And unless you find a really solid defense to replace one, just shuffle your teams. Don't just put in new ones.
>Not separated by game mode
NY.Rei and Tsumugi are probably Arena T0.
Seeing T0 might help compare, because having a general tier list is shit in terms of criteria.
>make small pp the big PP
SSS tier
>make small pp the hard Pp
SSS tier
>small pp stay small pp
u gay nigga lmao
T0 is just Anemone, Eris and Ames
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This is their dedicated arena list. I'm really just trying to plan out what I'm saving for though
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>6 day weekend almost over
>all I did was play games, play gacha, watch anime and fap
What waste
>T1 Defense
>T1 Offense
Strange, what the fuck do they have in T0?
They don't
sounds like a great time to me
If there's no T0, then that seems like a really solid list except for missing Magical Kasumi and Student Kyaru on offense.
Chika and SKasumi are permanents
They can make them permanent all they want saves jims anyways
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This is a 13-year-old's bare back
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I messed up.
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Kondou Reina confirmed to be participated in Shinymas new live next month

Expect Prifes Sheffy jumpscare this year
man i really glad bishokuden finaly completed once again
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Oh she already recovered? That's good it means that there's leeway for the next anniversary to be Sheffy based.
If only we have 5 more max lvl hitters we'd break through t1000
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nta but nyes, uniryonically
recruit on maincord
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I'm feelin' like a star, you can't stop my shine
I'm lovin' Landosol, my head's in the sky
I'm Kyaru I’m Kyaru
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru, Kyaru

Yeah, I'm feelin' good tonight
Finally feelin' free and it feels so right, oh
Time to do the things I like
Gonna see Pecorine, everything's all right, oh
No Kaiser to answer to
Ain't a fixture in the palace zoo, no
And since the tranny's off me
I'm livin' life now that I'm free, yeah

Told me, get myself together
Now I got myself together, yeah
Now I made it through the weather
Better days are gonna get better
I'm so happy the tranny is gone, I'm movin' on
I'm so happy that it's over now, the pain is gone

I'm puttin' on my UE to cover up my weakness
I'm jumpin' in my team comp, I'm headin' to CB
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru, Kyaru
I'm pickin' up my staff, puttin' it on my side
I'm jumpin' in my team comp, Korosuke at my side
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru
I'm Kyaru, I'm Kyaru, Kyaru

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All that needs to be said of NTR is that you had to come up with an example like that to make it look more appealing
Please come back
I really have an hard time countering comps that use Matsuri with other disabling characters it feels like I'm missing someone that works best against those
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Best girl.
Try using your brain and it's fairly easy to figure out. Or ask someone on your friend's list to put them up so you can test.
You want a Vikala banner? Were you out of jims a month ago?
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Yeah I mean I mostly fear that figuring it out means I have to upgrade a character specifically to go against Matsuri comps.
I already have her
>Upgrade a character
With synchro, the only worries you'd have are the UE level and stars.
Post your box and it'd be easy to figure that out. Aside from Kaiser being the obvious choice and not as easily available, there are easier to farm up options. Either you've been improperly farming arena targets or you don't understand what Matsuri is weak against.
Yuiturk doesn't need your advice.
He would be a top player in any clan.
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I don't have Kaiser, I guess that's it. Yeah I need to farm up a little, my box isn't really that well developed across the board when it comes to UE/stars
You could just post the teams giving you trouble. Most of them are on pcrdfans. But if not, it should be easy enough to find a solution without Kaiser. And a box would be good to see if you actually have the units, so post it.
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Teams like this one, but this is someone I've defeated by getting his other two teams. It's just that now that I'm in the top 50 I've been meeting more and more people putting Matsuri in their first team.
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This usually handles Matsuri decently well and is an overall great blind hit for top 50 if we're talking P.Arena. Yuki, Kasumi and Magical Kasumi should be top priorities for any Arena player, so I would assume you have them decently farmed.
>I don't have Karin
Replace her with Eris and it works as well.
I have Karin, I didn't build M. Kasumi and Yuki yet. But thanks a lot, now I'll work on it.
>I didn't build M. Kasumi and Yuki yet
>Arena player
But why
his skills are beyond your understanding
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I upgraded the characters I like the most first
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Then you should have no problem doing this.
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Yeah that works, thanks.
Hopefully you understand why it works, otherwise this entire exercise was pointless.
It works because Yui is the best character, so if you bring two Yuis nothing can stop you.
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new mode soon
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I do, I didn't think of using 2 support healers in the same comp
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>I didn't think of using 2 support healers in the same comp
You learned nothing.
Summer Saren allows Yui to cast her UB and since Kasumi keeps the lead, Matsuri, stunned it kills them and doesn't allow her to get behind the team. Basically making use you kill them before they act.
That's what you wanted to hear?
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>July 4th
So it rotates with the other new mode, interesting
>mister spent an hour spoonfeeding and teaching someone who openly hates everyone in the general
>he still doesn't understand how it works
>Only one of her Ayumi x Gino pics is NTR-focused
Nah, it's way more.
>someone who openly hates everyone in the general
I don't
>spoonfeeding and teaching
I get the spoonfeeding, but where was the teaching part? All I saw was
>use this team, it works
>replace this unit with that unit if you don't have them
>use this team instead
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Priconne for this feels?
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I have been using Christina in the arena a lot lately
literally me
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I figured I didn't need to spell it out for someone who claims to understand Arena, sorry.
>Nothing to stop S.Saren
>Nothing to stop Yukari from being interrupted since NY.Inori only protects herself
>Nothing to stun your first position unit quick enough
>Nothing to prevent you from CC'ing their team with various units as shown in >>483670104
Anyone who puts any effort into understanding Arena should at least know that.
>for someone who claims to understand Arena
I see your mistake, you believed his claims. If he understood arena he wouldn't be struggling against a 4 unit defense.
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I'm always happy to help people learn about Arena so they can get more gems for cute girls, but I guess so anon.
It's not a difficult mode to grasp and with Synchro, it's way more tolerable to actually raise characters for it.
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Fat Peco swimsuit tits.
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Isn't >>483672380 basically the same thing? I can't read your mind to know how you wanted me to answer
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Mini Peco swimsuit tits.
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>He think stopping Matsuri was the point
>Matsuri being behind the team being relevant
>No mention of Yukari being interrupted, stopping Ayumi
>No mention of NY.Inori being a non-factor
Not really, no. The Yuis were for your viewing pleasure, but just give some thought to how your units interact with the enemy. Especially stuns.
>I can't read your mind to know how you wanted me to answer
>Needing to read minds to understand this
It just means you didn't understand why it worked, which is fine. No need to pretend to try and understand, just ask for an explanation next time.
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Okay I guess
If you need blind P.Arena team recommendations, just post your box and it should be fairly easy. You'd be surprised at what teams can be used.
NTA, but what units stop SSaren reliably?
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I wish I had the freedom to post such things in here but it is what it is.
Regardless, if you're willing to put up with me with specific questions like that one I'd appreciate it.
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That usually depends on her position within the team. Magical Kasumi can stop her if they aren't running Rima or NY.Muimi and she is close enough to the furthest backline unit.
Ooedo Mitsuki, Overload Kyaru, can stop her if she's in the right position as well. Obviously fast stuns can stop a S.Saren in the lead slot, like Mifuyu 6*/S.Misogi/Ast.Rei/Mahiru 6* UE2 with a single target stun.
Inori is an AOE stun unit, so if the lead enemy unit is close enough to S.Saren, like Matsuri or Kaya, she will stun them both. This is why lead matchups are important.
Kyaru 6* with UE2 can stop her with her stun as well, not needing to be in the lead slot.
>I wish I had the freedom to post such things in here but it is what it is.
Just post it, what does this even mean?
He doesn't want to out himself because he's in the same bracket as /pcrg/ players.
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I'm pretty fucking sad, I just put on a fake face to make it seem like everything is okay. I dont really enjoying living and I'm happy when I dream. Sometimes I wish I could dream forever. Mine happiest days are behind me, ever year that goes on gets worse.
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Happiness is mostly a choice unless you have no means of basic living
Everything around you is going to get worse as well.
>just be happy bro
Really is that easy for some people
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C-can I be your little kot-champ?
Depends on your clan
>Posting a box is outing yourself
Don't think so, but it's certainly the best way to get advice.
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Seems pretty straightforward
make the kot edit, sharter
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>Cygames is proud to once again announce the continuation of our partnership with the Italian premier Serie A soccer team, Juventus F.C. as an official sponsor!
I'll never understand why they keep doing this
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This has never happened in Looplets
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Football is the most popular sport in Europe so it brings visibility
which clans are okay?
is that why this general is filled with germans and the like?
because looplets would leave him with 60M

This month, we had a full clan battle, but three people didn't come before the clan battle. They were silent. I think it would be okay if they said something. Even I, who is hospitalized, participated in the clan battle. I wonder what these people were thinking when they joined the clan. They are causing trouble for other members.
Sorry for complaining
>Even I, who is hospitalized, participated in the clan battle.
that's sad
>Even I, who is hospitalized, participated in the clan battle.
What was /pcrg/'s excuse before elements?
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But their fans play Fifa, not weeb gachas.
>Even I, who is hospitalized, participated in the clan battle.
Horrendously based.
>no bro, you cannot put me under anesthesia, I need to finish this hit before cutoff
>just make the cut without it, it will be fine
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I don't want to clean after danchou's rampage.
Europe doesn't really have prejudice against people who like anime, the whole idea of "weebs" is american shit.
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I stopped refreshing
Fun Island
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Thanks to the kind anon above I now have a spark for Misora. The only thing that would fuck me over is a surprise prifes so I hope it's not around the corner
remember, you only need one pull for one character
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>consumes stamina
just refresh bwo
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It takes place during 2x normal so does it really matter you're probably dumping your stamina into NYRuka or something equally as unimportant anyways just manage your stamina better or buy the stamina pack you stupid f2poor
Very true but my jimz could also disappear in one rateup... I hope I don't get desire sensor'd by Nea too
how dare you call my SKaori prefarm unimportant, she's gonna be core like all the other welfare UE2s before her
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I'm just grinding NYRuka for the bond stories...
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Gamewith's tier list was updated

Up: Ruka, NShizuru, DPMaho, Rino, Kaya, NYIlya
Down: NYMisato, SNeneka, LMuimi, SKasumi, TSKotturd, SKyouka, Makoto, PRei, PShinobu, TSSuzuna
Poor Makoto is already being replaced...
Useless wolf
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UE2 will save this wet bitch
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I've been buying S.Maho pieces with master coins recently. Are you saying I should have been buying S.Makoto pieces instead?
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Does KMR think he's Kojimbo or something?
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So we all agree that it's impossible for a new player today to catch up right?
Catch up to whom?
For deep quests and the new solo raid thing? Yeah. But it's actually getting easier to get into higher CB ranks, so many players are quitting that a lot of clans are getting desperate for new members.
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My Misora folder is growing steady today
So why is Sneneka "must pull" according to some? Can I save my jims
Smooching left.
Why did they slap a random cape on Misora? Was the bikini not enough for a proper alt?
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Need to show pempokorin somewhere
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She always had it since arc 2
>she's Neneka
>she's getting UE
>she won't be back for another year
Doesn't that just depend on if UE is good enough that she isn't a low tier
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I think most TL dont work if your PK lvl isnt high enough. Hitting stage 4 without a high score just doesn't feel right.
...to a new player? They wouldn't even have the characters to do it
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Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.
don't doxx my nigga Dennis
Verdammt noch mal.
>Jun title
Nah that ain't him
I thought he was mexican
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Sorry to disappoint, but I've never even touched any Jun since I started playing
Regardless if this is her or not I really dont know why some people here are so obsessed with the Yui poster.
She's low tier because water magic as a whole is low tier. Feel free to skip her, just don't complain later if water magic suddenly becomes good but you can't use it.
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summer misaki will save water magic
>controls part of the thread
>not part of the shitcord circlejerk
His mere existence is perceived as a threat by >THEM<
Sad desu.
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Good semi-auto but requires whale tree
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Could be him, going off of >>483452098
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Full set, couldn't get it to work
Cringe post.
god I love backs
Nope, but this doxxing of random people is honestly getting pathetic.
Why are Ayumisturds like this?
that's a petturd
>same bracket as spaerk
You can't wiggle your way out of that you slimy Ayumisturd.
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This is so bad
Oh shit, I didn't realize brackets were sorted by clan.
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>he doesn't cannibalize his clanbros for pvp jims
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rata sexo
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I don't know anything about other game but I want her as a collab character
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Any chance for the idol game to get translated?
Even less chance than the horse game.
nighty night /pcrg/
check how many idolmaster games have official translations
it’s 11am sis
you mean 9am
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you mean 6pm
you mean 11 pm
It's 1 AM in the country that matters
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>mfw someone has a third world time zone near me
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Yeah soon it'll be dinner time which means reset too so get those hits in
It's called Princess Connect, not Prince Connect.
it's 6pm for most of /pcrg/. you must be unusually tired. get some good rest bwo, see you tomorrow
meant for >>483716164
>golden age of /pcrg/
Americans and sudacas posted here.
>current dark ages
Mostly yuros. It really makes you think.

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