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#6115 - Nothing Edition

Previous: >>483283674

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Rage of the Abyss (Jul 27)
●Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers (Aug 24)
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)

●The Infinite Forbidden (Jul 19)
●Retro Pack (Aug 23)
●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)

>●AMC Cup 5 (Jun 30, 1930 UTC)
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SZnZAdpMCnEuC6qUlsMv8oT25ooScVMe/view?usp=sharing
Can't wait for the Flamberge semi in October
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Haha Bennis :D
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no wonder paper is dying
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the translation team has gotten lazy
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Describe these cards.
This surprises absolutely no one. No one at all.
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>Multchummy secret
Time is a flat circle.
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You had 5 chances top stop me from bringing Runick to the AMC. Now it's happening. This is just as much your fault.

It's for the best I do this and force a ban before someone actually good plays it. Also, a fountain ban is all it'll take to kill this deck, right?
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>still not revealing or hinting at the next tcg exclusive
I'd be more surprised if the second 3-of for fiendsmith wasn't also a secret rare.
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Meanwhile the OCG is breaking records with the Tactical Try Decks.
its going to be bad so it doesn't really matter
I hope cydra gets new stuff.
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>mulcharmy purulia
>its going to be bad so it doesn't really matter
most trans deck in year 2000 + 24?
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Toon support, but it's mixed with Relinquished cards.
so, MD names were right, I can't wait for fantasix machinix
the last 2 were dogshit
TCG is ether shit or meta defining. You'd have to be a newfag not to understand that.
I've never seen people less enthusiastic about this game.
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we need more raye
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Meanwhile, on Master Duel's semi limits.
Besides the obvious bullshit that a mandatory 3-of handtrap in the TCG will be a $80+ Secret, I am glad that KoA actually did their jobs for once and translated the effect in a way that makes 100% absolute clear sense by listing out the +6 on both sides
>MD names were right
What other names did they give?
When will Konami realize that the word "or" is pointless in text and you could just do / instead?
>Each time your opponent Normal/Special Summons
They already do Spell/Trap and Deck/Extra Deck
>locals got a message that Konami's tournament software is being discontinued and now we have to scan KCGN IDs instead of just having the info stored on their software
You get brainrot after reading and writing effects a certain way for so long. I'm sure that's why.
>fucking mask change 2
This is it
They never sent the message itself, they just relayed it with a TLDR. Basically they want all locals to migrate to KCGN by Summer 2024 which is now
It's a old semi that only really made sense during that particular meta, that's most of the semis on MD's list really, hits that only made sense during a specific period in time.
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>Scissor hands hovering around 5
>Dreary doll 3 bucks
>Link monster 2 bucks
So I just had these lists saved. Is the Puppet list the standard ratios decks play?
It's not an old semi, it's still limited in ocg.
there was a time where every deck was running mask change/dark law
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Compilation of reactions for the last OCG ban list.
Seeing Horse Prince pop up in every salads list because Code of Soul isn't a Salads card for some reason is real funny.
I'm starting to suspect the GP cards will be low rarity and that TCG will hit the deck very quickly.
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>Had to play vs Voiceless, Tenpai, then 2x Snake-Eye in a row today
Well that was exhausting. Bought an Ulti Feather Duster though. And almost the full Tactical Try Live*Twin deck from a buddy. Slotted in my ancient JP MACR Ash Blossoms :).

That said I gotta fix my TCG Live*Twin Spright list now though.
>Why doesn't Konami create official alternative format
Money. It's the sole reason. Literally nothing else.
It sucks that every time MD does a retro format event its insanely popular. They know the audience is there. But they refuse to make a product to capitalize on it.
And even if they did, they would short it so bad, it would fail anyway.
there's a market for that shit so there ain't a reason for not pandering to that audience
We have alternative format they're called MD, DL, Rush Duel (DL) Cross Duel (rip) and Speed Duels (lol). What more do you need?
>alt format
snakeshit is polluting that format too so there's no difference between OCG, TCG and MD
3 of those are dead and 1 is the same format as the current format, but even worse because its best of 1.
I'll give you rush in duel links.
Konami HAS created alternative formats, the odd thing is why Konami hasn't tried to cash in on the concept.
Release some experimental products to see if the idea of Deck Master structure decks are viable. Release a Time Wizard set, maybe release some structure decks based on winning decklists of the time.
Maybe that one anon was right and western Konami is barely keeping itself afloat and anything slightly more effort than bare minimum is an actual gamble for them
toon support doko
#1 Problem with Edison and time locked formats
>Card pool never changes
>Can't sell new cards
Literally all there is to it.
>western Konami is barely keeping itself afloat
I do think they get shit for budget, but barely keeping itself afloat is a big jump from that. The game makes money, that is undeniable.
A flagship alternative to Advanced format would be good for their bottom line in theory. There's a real issue with Yugioh where products have zero purpose unless they're power creep sets people need to buy from, reprint sets where the couple of cards from the past few years that hold up a few years later get thrown together, or nostalgia bait with Blue-Eyes on the cover that don't need to be good. If Konami decided to redevelop their core set structure to a lower power level for a new casual tournament format the products would actually have a purpose again and would bring in people who are completely thrown off by how complex the game currently is. If they were willing to make draft a part of the YCS circuit for like a year there's no reason why they can't have Advanced and "Modern" YCSes on a rotation with side events for the format not being supported as the main event. It would give them a way to reset the card pool and refresh their failing set design.
>>Can't sell new cards
>sell alt art versions of cards
The appeal for Konami is that it is one-and-done but per format.
Imagine if you will a burst of products
>Time Wizard: "Edison" set containing rarity bumps and reprints of popular cards for that format
>Time Wizard: "Edison" Structure Decks based on winning decklists from that era for different deck types, all in low rarity to incentivize rarity whoring from the set
Now Edison is dried up, but Konami next year can just do
>Time Wizard; "Goat" set containing rarity bumps and reprints of popular cards for that format
>Time Wizard: "Goat" Structure Decks based on winning decklists from that era for different deck types, all in low rarity to incentivize rarity whoring from the set
and so on
In theory they only need to make a box for these formats once and make literally FREE money off the box.
But the problem is they'll short it to hell and make it worthless, it won't sell and then say "lol you guy's didn't buy it! (Only 1 debris dragon per 5 cases)"
A good company would take Edison's popularity as an excuse to focus R&D towards a gameplay pace people will engage with. Konami being Konami, they'll try to milk Edison for as long as possible since it requires no input from them other than a new Time Wizard mat occasionally and a reprint of an expensive card in a side set. They won't recognize that Edison is the pace most casuals enjoy and that a fresh card pool format that grows starting from that speed would be the best path forward.
The issue with a lot of this is that the OCG calls the shots on 80% of the main set contents and design and they don't intend it to be draftable.
I think this version of the deck is a bit more consistent. Thoughts /dng/?
People wouldn't buy that box because nearly every card in Edison format is cheap already. There are only a few cards that are still expensive and that's because they're banned and have no modern printings. And you can't sell a set with Amaryllis and Trap Dustshoot as the selling points.
Continuous format like Edison [BUT] with new cards would be the ideal scenario.
Too bad Konami is even worse than shittiest western company and literally puts zero effort into anything.
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If Konami really wanted to, they could do something interesting like a pseudo-reset format where new cards getting release get a little icon or something to denote it as being part of the new format.
So for example, when releasing INFO they could not give Fiendsmith the icon but give Broomy the icon to allow it in the pseudo-reset format.
That way you aren't forced to adhere to the powercreep of the main format because you can simply drop the powercrept cards
What I mean is take Edison and base the entire power level around it.
dshifter should be in main it's your wincon
That's what Speed Duel is, bruh.
The most fun I have with TCGs is right after rotations or at the start of the game where the card pool is unsolved and grows from there. Yugioh is so power crept and new sets are either so unimpactful or overtuned that they never feel important to learn.
Speed Duel was pretty interesting when it reached the box set stage and figuring out the new meta when new sets released was a lot of fun but it being a gimmicky side oddity made it not worth engaging with. The rules being different, the card pool being too low power for its own good, and it being too easy to ignore meant it was a total failure of a product line.
Speed Duel is an entire different format with entirely different products. To get into a Speed Duel format, you would need to buy Speed Duel products to get the Speed Duel cards.
In my system, while similar, you would be buying the same products you would normally buy, except the "SPEED DUEL" equivalent would be just mixed in with regular cards. That and it wouldn't be anime focused or have a different ruleset.
Ideally it would be the same rules, except its literally just only allowing cards with the little icon and as KoA/E go through their translations they decide "yeah Shining Sarc sucks ass it can be allowed in Reset Format" and give them the icon and also go "Holy fuck no way are we allowing Tenpai Dragons in there" and not give them the icon.
It's a win-win because people wanting to play the smaller format still buy the same packs as people wanting the regular format and it creates demand and trade in different areas.
the skill system is awful
I can relate, but that does tend to be very short-lived in the internet age of set spoilers and so many players labbing decks at the same time.
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Irene's big boobs
What should be moved to the Side then?
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Can't wait for the tri-headed Ultimate Beetrooper Fusion with the most powerful extension effect you will ever see.
I still think that hercules is a waste of a monster and should've been able to count link arrows on insect monsters as materials, so you could go from atlas straight into hercules
after getting my Raye figure something that I noticed and no one seems to talk about is how thin it makes her look, her waist is TINY
I appreciate all the different ways they could have done the Fusion but elected to just make it literally just Polymerization with a 2 turn clock to Gem Knight Fusion it back. Like they printed a mass token spawner based on ATK and elected to not just have Beetroopers fuse based off that and give a neat gimmick to a deck either sorely lacking in one
There are a lot of ways hercules could have been better and most of them involve the fusion spell not being vanilla poly
They could have let you use a link-4 monster as 4 mats for his fusion and at least that makes the move from link into fusion make a bit more sense but nooooo we get a gem-knight fusion with a "except the turn its sent there"
They could've done something cool with rotating the 3 boss monsters, make neptune able to summon itself by tributing/sending/whatever hercules, make atlas summonable off only neptune as link mat
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they could get a bug fusion from deck card and still be bad
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What would a fusion for them be like?
After the level 5 fusion was made, beetrooper fusion from deck would be pretty busted actually.
If it didn't get an insect lock, I think it would have become a ostinato situation, you get a decent amount of bodies for free.
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i'm rooting for white woods and gimmick puppets to be more affordable. so right now it's looking alright for me bros...!
not really
its good but not busted
bugs don't really have many good foolish targets besides gokipole/resonance/beargram
new reveals tonight?
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>I appreciate all the different ways they could have done the Fusion but elected to just make it literally just Polymerization
>There are a lot of ways hercules could have been better and most of them involve the fusion spell not being vanilla poly
join the club
If gimmick puppet is low rarity, the deck won't make it past the next banlist
OCG tapped it, TCG will go for the kill.
they gave her 3 effects per turn at least
I dunno, you could get something like
>fuse saturn, sending beetrooper+praying mantis or goki
>saturn add scale bomber
>banish mantis for token/goki eff SS vanilla
>make pico
>SS bomber
>pico eff to equip bomber with resonance
It jumpstarts your insect plays insanely well. It'd be an instant 3-of. You get 2 bodies+resonance ready+goki route gets you pico draw off 1 card without your normal summon. Thats pretty huge for insects since they lack a true 1 card starter (well, I guess there's the new rescue rabbit we got but that doesn't help the "live or die by the normal" that insects have)
bugs don't have anything good to end on so they could give them a fusion from deck card without issue
like you get to summon atlas or the raika link5 faster
Like I said, without an insect lock, you could just swap resonance for praying mantis for the pico equip in that line and you've basically just gotten 4 bodies with zero locks
i feel like that would just die to nib and maxx c and you have to play with bugs so it balances itself out
>die to nib
So...just like melodious?
>maxx C
we got the squid now
Her OCG name specifically calls out the Adabana which is a specifically fruitless flower, symbolic of being pretty but ultimately useless.
They eventually turned around about a year after her introduction and went "oh she's actually just pretty like flowers she's not BARREN and FRUITLESS don't ask why she's specifically an Adabana though" since they remembered she's the only female Tribrigade (assuming you don't count Kitt) and they needed the waifu bucks and a barren waifu isn't good for the waifu bucks or for the self-inserting yumes.
Squid is a petdeck stomper but I haven't been impressed by its results against meta.
its going to be played here
the OCG isn't going to play a worse maxx c if maxx c is still legal
the almost broken
Niagra is a unique place. It's had beetrooper and libro tops over the years
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Its not as turnskippy as maxx C is but I think this current format is pretty bad for it
SE can play around it well, yubel basically ignores it, stuff like branded or VV don't really care.
Its decent against tenpai I guess but then tenpai ignore any other hand traps you draw into anyway and then kill you.

Maybe fiendsmith being everywhere will boost its power but eeeeh.
loops featuring a very innocent gagaga cowboy that just happens to be sidedecked don't think too much about it
Which side of the border would this be held? Leafland or burganistan?
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gold sarc is the problem
braindead fusion still being at 3 is a crime
but /dng/ said
any 2 level 4s is a free colossus during the RB combo
>gimmick puppet is the first card
it's the reason to play the deck
Rehan Sneed
uh oh
they found out the secret meta
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shipping is included tho
>184,520? What a steal! Wait, 0.52 in shipping? Pass
>184,520.52 FREE shipping??? SOLD! Also I'm british, not sure if that matters
>the one cent undercut
God damn that's petty
ok but where's the all-seeing black tiger?
Are there any clear cut top decks this format or can any deck top? I'm seeing Branded still topping despite it being 3 years old.
snake-eyes is still easily the best deck until we get fiendsmith
The only reason Branded is still topping is because of the Gimmick Puppet lock being basically a FTK.
The moment they get rid of the lock it goes back to being irrelevant.
gg, Triple Tachyon Transmigration too broken
Branded tops because no one runs GY hate even though its fairly strong in this format.
I don't know why no one runs d.d. crow right now, its in a pretty good spot.
gg, I should probably trim some shit down to 40-42 or so even though the deck has 5 hard garnets
Guardragon Fusion
Normal Spell
Link Summon or Fusion Summon one "Guardragon" monster using monsters from your hand, deck, or field. You can only summon Dragon or Spellcasters during the turn you activate this card.
If you tribute summon one Dragon monster using two tributes, you can set this card but banish it when it leaves the field.
You can only use each effect of "Guardragon Fusion" once per turn.
>until we get fiendsmith
Ok, I could wait a month before I get back into the game again.
>The moment they get rid of the lock it goes back to being irrelevant.
If that means they become a casual deck again, then that's a good thing.
Can anyone help me out here? I'm trying to summon SIMM Tablir using his effect by returning Pikari to hand but it doesn't want to activate, did I miss something?
They could probably pivot into mjollnir if the puppet gets hit, it would force them to change lines a bit but its still pretty easy.
Thats why they need to kill sanctifire, any other hit is a meme
Nevermind. I re-read it and saw what the issue was.
>zone a LINKED link monster you control points to
I'll take abandoned mechanics for 500.
colinking is a really annoying mechanic
simm tablir needs to be summoned to a zone a LINKED link monster points to. that is, a link monster that either is pointing to a monster already, or is being pointed to by a link monster.
you're a faggot if you bring braindead to casuals
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I can do you one better, the mechanic that never got used and was removed from the rulebook
They can easily fix Beetroopers, give them a Sanctifire, now both players are Insect locked :)
How many times does your deck summon from hand?
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When are you going to post your Raye statues with a timestamp Son?
Right after he tributes onto her but he's british so it takes him a long time to get it up.
2nd one isn't son
>the deck is so bad it only normals/specials from hand once
>have all the blue eyes stuff in secret rare just waiting for the new support
Hurry up OCG
I'm bringing a casual deck to casuals, as much as that would upset the casuals.
Sadly. It was a kind of cool idea.

It's not so much co-linking as it is just Linking. It's been forever since I've seen it matter on a card.

Yeah. Almost immediately after posting it I saw the issue.
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They're faggots by default if they play branded.
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>with a timestamp

Why are you so obsessed with this lmao
Because you keep accidentally doxxing yourself, I wanna see you how you royally fuck it up this time.
>anime card uses anime line
I fail to see the problem
i hope they make a fusion/synchro lv2 dark machind soon.
Hilariously the fact that multi-chummy is going 2nd only means I know to side this in games 2 or 3. Good luck with 2 cards faggot.
? ive posted my cards here many times before
>he doesn't know
See, this is what I'm talking about, you're not even aware what you missed in those photos.
Updates on Cyber Libro: I tried reincorporating Agent, Doombroker and Intervention back into the deck and took out two Cyberse monsters as well as a Prep. Thoughts?
Can ogdos still be played after losing linkuriboh?
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I am truly amazed at how bad MR4 was
Spright Orcust player detected
Fuck. Meant evols like in your image.
cynet libro. Cyberlobro makes it sound it got mixed with cydra
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Nice larp lol
>surprised people on 4chan want timestamps
How are you this retarded after being on here for yea?rs
>spright orcust
Is that a thing? Whats the play? Just make galatea, start spright combos?
do you really need 3 geekboys?
>expecting a timestamp from a tranny chaser who doesnt have a job, go to school and lives with his parents
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but that's the thing
when i posted pics here i sometimes did it with actual timestamps lol

it's just that this faggot >>483494772 is so adamant about me posting my cards that it makes me NOT want to post them
>Maze out of nowhere
Rent free
I like when you and other people here post your cards. Don't stop because of one obsessed tard.
DON'T post
Darn, you got us Son, I guess you don't have anymore reason to post in the general, we'll miss you bye.
Maze lives in a welfare shelter
mord like cydra player. I wan't duality to dodge imperm/veiler
>we'll miss you bye
speak for yourself, asshole!
Weren't you caught posting others peoples screenshots from Manamoon when your Discord got leaked and you went full scorched earth on it?
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It's interesting seeing data this old and comparing it to what things are like today. Pokemon sideswiped the rest of the Japanese TCG market and is now larger than the rest of the market combined.
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Shut the fuck up Mieru lmao
>avatarfagging again
Couldnt have been our on topic avatarfags like Lidl or Sora could it?
>tranny chaser starts posting
>thread goes to shit
Every time
Baronne could come back and nothing will happen
>bring back the cancer omni negate
no fuck off
lidl sent him to shit up the thread
Free my nigga Shockmaster
I'm trans, btw
This but VFD
Cyber for Cyberse though.

He does search out the backrow which lets me start my plays usually. What would you recommend in its place? And I guess in that spot what would replace the one E-Tele.
Hosting eu casual
Decks for this feel?
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What are the odds prank kids get unbanned? They released them in master duel a while back. Nothing has really happened afterwards so it should be safe.
the main issue with geekboy is that the best things he can search just boil down to be searchers for the field spell
removing the eteles and cutting him to 1 would be best and replacing it with better discard targets for cynet mining like dotscaper or any other cyberse monster that can do shit from the GY
People in this general are still mindbroken by pranks even though they've been powercrept to hell and back.
Retards here still mald about it and think a 2 year old powercrept deck willl do anything today
At that point you may as well just play a full cyberse deck and cut the libro bricks entirely.
Free my nigga fishborg.
For real, though. What is it supposed to summon that's still so broken in 2024? Same goes for Mind Master
Threadly reminder that Red-Eyes is the best Dragonbro
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That's the thing, I'm trying to keep the identity as much for Libromancer as I can. My basic idea coming into the deck is using Cyberse monsters as extenders and free bodies to not only facilitate the Libro Rituals but to help build a decent board going first should the need arise. But if I were to take out the E-Teles and leave him at one I could potentially add more bodies to the deck as well. It's been something that's been weighing on my mind and the overall idea of deck building in general has been a topic I've been trying to really hone in on. I do appreciate the feedback on this though, and I'm gonna try giving the more Cyberse monster focused version a shot to see what comes of it.
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Almost made me wish to see full power Branded vs full power Snake-Eyes in OCG
Sounds like you need to do some soul sesrching on what you want to achieve with this deck.
Is it cyberse soup? Is it libromancer? Figure it out and go from there.
OCG non-lock Branded still gets top 8 sometimes with only 1 Fusion and Opening
I think it's too powerful for casual but too weak for meta there
When do reveals resume?
why is /dng/ like this
geekboy does kind of suck since he only can get the spells
there are better ways to get the field spell
>i hate red gadget in the "love" section
kek. really hope that was intentional. because it was funny.
>Almost made me wish to see full power Branded
That's just the same Branded but with Expulsion
"This joke would be a lot funnier if it wasn't true."
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And shueisha still doesn't give a damn.
what is the card right next to tiramisu?
funny how they just cut out the dragon
every time a blue-eyes monster is (Quick Effect): You can destroy/banish/shuffle into the deck/return to the hand, magia's price increases by a dollar
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you can't fit it on a card
The thing is the list is running all of the libro spells and while fields are easy to search, the continuous spells are not
Gay sex with Michael
Just imagine sniffing that armpit
The Chinese OCG is like taking a peek at some cursed alternate universe.
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Wait is this a reprint set for decks that got new support in the recent sets?
She won
>one card romulus + foolish of vanilla + sesls
they better release a better sage with eyes of blue-eyes or im going to continue running him plus small world plus laundry as my blue-eyes starter
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Reprint set
New print for AE
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Pendulum and MR4 were so bad that they made Xyz look normal
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Is it only a Pendulum zone when there is a Pendulum placed or can she pop any card placed in the left or right zone?
The former
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Sora why wont you post your Ze Amin pics?
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left or right S/T zone only treated as Pendulum zone when
>place a pendulum monster from hand during open game state
>place *insert* in your Pendulum Zone - via card effect
Note: even when Pendulum monster is placed in the left or right zone by other card effects (such as Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye would place as Continuous Spell), its zone is still treated as normal S/T zone, not Pendulum zone.
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Vaylantz, Exodia, and Centurion will all laugh at faggots who payed 300+ dollars for Multi-chummy playset but what other decks will ignore Multi-chummy or only give one for one?
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How 2 fix Ninja
>Hanzo no longer misses timing
>Tobari's Special Summon from hand is now a Quick Effect
>Meizen summons from hand, Deck or GY.
>Vaylantz and Centurion
oh no, not the garbage shitdecks!
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they have to import like 8000 cards as fast as possible to catch up (they only have pankratops and none of the other dinowrestler cards)
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Whatever it fits.
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/dng/, are (You) going to M∀LICE?
Unless it locks you into Malice, it's just going to be Pendulumslop or Cyberseslop.
Where did they say it's pend?
Set everyone will buy
Set no one will buy
"fiendsmith engraver" is such a better name than "the fiendsmith".
To be fair, it was a part of his name in JP
>Demonsmith who carves the demon
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>30 years old
>still playing card games for children
How do I stop, bros?
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It's also more accurate
Could be worse, you could be in your 30s and wearing diapers that look like they were meant for infants while playing this game like one of our consoomers.
We know you buy too much of this degenerate card game and wear diapers Stephen
Reminder Soranigger wont fuck you and he's one of the reasons this general is dying.
They didn’t and malice aren’t. If crypter was a pendulum the artwork would’ve been squished like vaalmonica’s but some retard keeps pushing this.
probably just this weird hate boner people have for cyberse decks for no apparent reason.
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TCG levels of incompetence know no bounds
iirc the vaylantz artwork wasn't squished
Fiendsmith smiles
Who does he smile at?
Vrains and MR4 mindbroke /dng/, so Cyberse is very hated here
Your wallet
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you know i finally understand why TCG is dying demand wise and is all thanks of the Jewart analogy of the gas station
Like Jewart is basically saying FUCK THE STORES AND THE PLAYER we already got our money
This shit will die unless this clown resigns
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Strongest Evil Twin player
>will die
>sales have gone up
>attendance numbers have gone up even in EU which is seemingly abandoned
Lmao dont forget people like the diaperfag who buy up product
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… make ways for EvilCHADS
>sales have gone up
in OCG land maybe
YGO is being discontinued in stores on a rapid way
Like this retard is saying play my gacha instead of wastting money for the one you want
If rates of cards were more fair and he got more rarities he could have a point
He basically feed and helped the second market grow
>Play 2010 Master Duel event
>Play Nimble Mega Hamster flip deck with monarchs
>Actually have duels longer than 2 turns
>Actually have fun even when losing
This is so shit. Boomers need leave. 0 card combos and 30 hand trap decks are so much more fun. If you don't like sucking Konami's cock you should just unalive yourself.
>YGO is being discontinued in stores on a rapid way
>noooooooo the numbers dont matter my anecdotal data matters
Yeah ok
Will Konami give Evil HEROs new shit that still ignores the current yugioh environment?

>New Evil HERO cards that search
>but if its Ash Blossomed you're fucked and have no more plays so end your turn
Is there any proof that isnt my store is dying so all stores are dying? As far as yugioh is concerned the numbers and player interaction keeps increasing so occam's razor would naturally favor the opposite conclusion.
Buying yugioh packs in stores were always a waste. Good riddance.
To be fair, they already have Adusted Gold so at least they would have 2 plays if they get another searcher
>playing Evil Hero
>get Ash Blossomed
>Activate EVIL MIND to draw 1
oooh shaking in my tube socks over here
Evil Mind into Thrust into the new deck Fusion.
Just one boss is your endboard?
New Fusion lets end on 1 omninegate, 1 Evil HERO in GY that has Quick Effect banish to pop 1 + 2 hand traps in hand and DPE.
I don't know why you used Ash on my ROTA.
Purest Zefra list
>200 cards in and hero players still make up imaginary combos
you know HERO players are pathetic just like ice barrier players
perfect set.
fujos dream?
The retrain that's inexplicably worse in every single way
Neos is part of the deck now, even if konami had to fucking force him.
I like Evil HERO, but it's just going to go into HEROslop.
I wish it didn't require a discard.
>sales have gone up
>attendance numbers have gone up even in EU which is seemingly abandoned
Competitive attendance isn't representative of the health of a game, it just shows a couple hundred-to-thousand autistic men are able to travel and play it. These people are usually dedicated battered-housewives who would consume whatever slop at whatever price is put in front of them in order to win
kill yourself, apologist
Is it true that more smaller player scenes like OTS and locals spots are closing so events like YCS are starting to become the only place to play cardboard, which explains the higher number of participants?
Where I am from there are 2 locals. One is basically dead and the other has a solid amount of participants but the owner has to branch out into different games in order to actually get income because basically everything Yugioh related fucks his bottom line.
This expansion into different games has caused people to hop to those different games though so we've had less and less people recently because they hopped to One Piece and Lorcana instead
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anyone got a link to buy it?
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thanks sister! anyone excited for the alt kagari one?
He has none

The truth is only UK nats broke attendance records

Other countries have been on a decline specially italy who moved onto OP
tournament attendance is the biggest cope ever and always the go-to excuse for abhorrent format such as MR4 and Tears
Are all TCG players spineless basedboys or is it just the yugioh cucks? Literally all it takes to force tcg to improve is to tank their bottom line by refusing to consume any yugoyoh slopshit products in any form whatsoever but these braindead mentally ill freaks literally NEED to pay for their dogshit 100e flaps of low quality cardboard to "compete" next month in some tournament filled with other mentally ill retards to see who can win the playmat and go -1500 in expenses versus returns. I legitimately hope the game dies in the west because of you
Am I misremembering?
I recall tear format tournament attendance globally to be at an all time low.
Yeah, that sounds about norm where I'm at. I'm in a pretty sizable city but still have to travel the distance find a "lively" place that only has a handful of people at best(most who are playing other TCG). Anecdotal, for sure but it might explain why the turnouts number are technically "higher than it's ever been" on the surface but with a smaller actual player base. It just shows the game is going to the whales
Nobody I know actually buys yugioh products anymore. The most they'll do is grab $10-30 of singles each month split amongst a dozen different vendors on tcgplayer who spend more money on site fees and postage than they earned on the transaction itself.
The game is held up by vendors who are locked into ordering far more cases than necessary of bad sets in order to ensure their shops will get supply for the actual profitable good sets later down the road.
If players stop buying product all together, vendors will to. As they have been doing for the past few years now. And when they do, the locals they host die too because konami tournament regulations are weird.
So it's a weird thing. You want to show the company that you can vote with your wallet.
In doing so you're creating entire counties where the game is actually unplayable in an official way, fucking you and everyone else over essentially forever since banks are being more restrictive in their loans for game store start-ups. What we have are what we're going to have moving forward, until maybe the global economy improves which could be a long while.
Ygo players can't help themselves, as they're the only TCG with such a powerful level of autism that theyd whale and shark in a tournament with no real prize. Imagine paying a thousand+ on a deck, travel/lodging expenses, the entry fee attend, spending literally days playing mirror matches, and the reward for all that is a Nintendo Switch(TM), some card that a collector might pay you a few hundred for, and the "bragging" rights that you topped an event? KoA is banking on the autism to keep their sales alive, it's like an abusive relationship
>the locals they host die too
yes? thats literally the point, kill the game instead of negotiating with terrorists or kike corporations to be more specific. they then get the choice of either resuscicating it or letting it die because of their stupidity and infinite greed
I remember just a few years ago when mkhol looking scalpers used to keep buying out all the yugioh products from our local retailers but they kept stripping all the rares then repacking it back to refund it to the point where all the stores starting putting up signs that they won't sell yugioh(but pokemon and MtG were still well stocked)
POV: you're a pro yugioh player looking at your grand prize of the biggest tournament in the nation, after spending 1000$ on your deck and 800$ in travel expenses (you have to trash the entire deck in a few weeks when fiendsmith and banlist release btw)
>you're a pro yugioh player
lol no nigga
"you're a pro card game player" lmfao nigga that shit sounds so fucking stupid
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Today I will remind them
Alice doesn't show up in KH2 except in Flashbacks
Professional card game player is a solid title if you can pay your bills & make a living off of it.
I don't think you can say that about this game
>its another Yugioh is dead episode
>its another post proof episode and neither side posts proof while spouting anecdotes
>its another let this game die
Son your cards wont be worth shit if the game dies. There is no collectors/investor scene for this game.
Where nigger?
In a flashback >>483546042
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And to rub salt in the wound, the only yugioh game on the switch is a shitty MR4 game that's full of bugs and gacha pulls despite being a single player game and a rushit game. Would it kill them to make another Tag force?

Well, the bright side is that you get to jumpstart a youtube career as a "pro yugioh player" and convince yourselves that your an authority on the game while making up shitty deck profiles that only children would think are good, so you can get paid $15 a month in youtube ad revenue
The flashback is a direct cut of a KH1 cutscenes so you still have to say she is from KH1 not 2
Is there a good water xyz support that doesn't lock you to only xyz during that turn?
Yeah she is in the flashback
Revealer of Ice Barrier just water lock
extenders like shthana and silent sea nettle.
The last Tag Force flopped and a new one would not pull in as much money as a gacha
It still has the best story mode we've ever seen in a yugioh game. Wish they'd import it and the dlc to master duel one day, that would be fun.
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Today I will remind them.
Neos was part of his deck to begin with, we just never saw Hao Judai actually use him
Yeah, there's certain "professions" that sound lame as fuck until you hear how well they pay but yugioh will always be a hobby only. There are no "professional" ygo players, just guys with the free time and disposable income to regularly attend events(and even they are getting tired of it). Then there's the "card market" crowd which is dumb treating a card game like a stockmarket when it's at the whims of konami of all things. I've saw a market watch yugioh video where a guy was bragging that he managed to make a profit of what couldn't be more than $40 bucks selling a card that got into demand. The amount of money earned for the time and effort is pretty pathetic
>Revealer of Ice Barrier, shthana
Those are like starters more than extenders
>just guys with the free time and disposable income
Lidl, Mieru and Sora right there
>The amount of money earned for the time and effort is pretty pathetic
Don't call Son out like that
How did you even find these?
They should give out PS5s instead
That will solve the prizing issue with pro players
This looks like rarity collection 2. Except with good cards.
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Konami is doing fine
PS5s aren't as hard to get as they were a few years ago, but i guess it would be (slightly) less laughable than a 7 year old tablet as a prize.
A ps5 is like 600$ it's still a joke
to be comparable with other tcgs it needs to be a fully blinged gamer pc set
>my friend kikenami is doing great
kill yourself shabbos goy before someone else does it for you
>shabbos goy
>Zoroa and Sakitama out of FUCKING nowhere
The OCG Stories manga and playing around Maxx "C" WARPED you.
That's because Konami still has their arcade division and those guys know how to make good games. The pokemon company has gamefreak who haven't made a good game in a decade and Chinese sweatshops.
Master Duel money goes back to JP Konami, not NA/EU Konami. This general discussion is about the western market. I don't think there is a soul out there that is saying OCG is dying
This game is even shittier than the shittiest EA game as a service game yet people are ok with it because of anime autism.
They're all really "popular" fantasy character design cliches.
don't care. Playing her deck next month.
What game is this? Vanguad
I wish I was low IQ subhuman who got excited for new and shiny things easily.
I will be worried about this game's health when KOA starts playing nice
Duel Masters(I will never forgive WotC for this one)/Vanguard/Battle Spirits(?)
Personally I want more expensive cards to keep out poorfags from competing. You don't deserve to win if your a brokie loser.
Japanese twitter already remarked on the comparison for Redzone.
Googling centaur dragon and red queen
You're not rich if you're still posting on 4chan, at best you're a poser flaunting the fact that you're a parasite or irresponsible with their money.
don't talk about sorafag like that
Shueisha constantly drives, checks, and signs off on Konami's actions when it comes to yugioh. They don't care about westerners from the start
and that's a good thing
we should all bring this runick list
They don't even do a good job of milking goat/edison as it is. Why the fuck konami refuses to release some structure decks for those formats as an incredibly simply way to get people into those formats is beyond me. I honestly dont understand how a company can host tournaments for a game that they refuse to sell product for and instead choose to just watch people hand money to third party sellers for their second-hand copies of cards they need.

Konami could even give them a "RETRO" stamp similar to how speed duel cards have a stamp, and then use their "RETRO" card pool as a foundation of a brand new format using those cards and new ones aimed at that level of gameplay.
Useless trap for a archetype that doesn't need in 30 minutes
Erm, slow burn grind game continuous traps, Steeds, Icarus Attacks, and the archetypal counter trap are all based thoughbeit
That's cool and all but you're getting a 100/100 +- ATK/DEF trap that adds nothing to your board
Fuck you, Urban Demise deserves to be printed
>Urban Demise
Guess I hurt the feelings of a brokie.
Don't worry you can play trident dragion for about 3 weeks before they ban it after tins release.
Not him but like he said youre the definition of a mentally ill poser if you think being able to """afford"""" trading cards means you arent poor. Youre just retarded and mentally ill which is why shitnami is able to trick you into being proud of spending your entire disability check every month on low quality cardboard with images printed onto them instead of a variety of basically anything else
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i look like this irl
Nit the guy you're responding to, but I genuinely don't think a couple hubdred bucks is an issue for people above a certain tax bracket.
Yugioh being expensive is relative. It's expensive for a trading card game. It's cheap for an alternative to gambling, traveling, or collecting cars.
Btw I am poor. I take a couple of months to build my big decks after each meta shift since I usually only have a hundred or two of disposable income after my rent and bills hit. Still a fun hobby though, and I'm pretty confident I'd spend that disposable income on any other hobby I had an interest in.
>but I genuinely don't think a couple hubdred bucks is an issue for people above a certain tax bracket.
spending a "couple hundred bucks" on actual value of any form most likely isnt an issue for an actual adult. yugioh provides no value with its dogshit cardboard and printing practices combined with your daddy corporation literally outlawing your deck after you pay 1000e for it
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>poornigger general complaining about prices again
It's a hobby, dude. The real fun is the cardboard you make along the way.
It's an excuse to socialize with others who share your hobby. To spend many afternoons and weekends playing with them.
The cardboard is just a vector for the companionship it brings and the imaginary battles our cards create on the playmat.
There's no intrinsic value to any of it. And there are other hobbies you could have that bring that same benefits. But this one's familiar, this one has core memories associated with it, and this one's fun. So I like it.

kill yourself kike, it literally costs shitnami pennies to shit out cardboard and youre unironically defending them with your relativist muh feefees bullshit about how achkhually we make the value ourselves, because you are unironically a retarded autist who does not have a single other hobby and no social life outside of yugoyoh which to any actual sane adult makes it look even more predatory how the scam is handled under the pretense of a social gathering / a game
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Raika trap
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Anybody else love the ancient art of haggling?
>Mfw I'm in engaged in a heated 3 day long back and forth battle of the wills with a seller in PMs to turn his £2.60 card into a £2.00 card
My kikery knows no bounds.
>Special this card as a normal monster and dd crows 2 if you have a Raika monster
>Sets itself on the opponent's EP by shuffling back 2 raika types in the GY/Banished
When activated summon as a normal monster (plant 1600/0) then if you control a raika link you can banish 2 from your opponent’s gy
During the end phase shuffle 2 plant/insect/reptiles from gy/banished into deck to set it from gy
Raika something
1:Summon this card as a normal monster (plant type, dark, level 4, attack 1600/defense 0) (still treated as a trap card), then if there is a "Raika" Link monster on your field, you can also banish up to 2 cards from your opponent's graveyard.
2: If this card is in the graveyard during end phase: you can return 2 insect, plant, and reptile monsters from your graveyard or banished to your deck and set this card to your field.
You sound hurt. Are you okay, anon?
Its ok, but not enough
Traptrix support.
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>You sound hurt. Are you okay, anon?
That doesn't sound bad. Shame you have to wait a turn.
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just hit them with the good ol "i just have x amount left in my paypal account..."
lol could you imagine if this is the only thing the Armor Horn reprint was for and all that beetrooper support hype was for nothing (OCG fucking hates supporting TCG exclusives)
This but I'll be playing it for batwife Rciela instead
>beetrooper support hype
there was never such a thing
It’s continuous, it’s bunny support
>Can recover banished types
>Doesn't banish itself after use
Neat, a safe one-off
wouldn't that be funny. hahaha.
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This is... fairy decent. Endlessly recurrable body to start your Raika link climbing loop each and every turn, a double D.D. Crow and it reccurs all of your GY resources too.
It's actually a nice, well designed card. Now how that will translate to making the Raika deck more competitive is another story because well designed fair cards ain't it in this game but I do like the card.
Great artwork too.
new danger monster doko...
new kaiju monster doko...
Kaijus are just boring to design. They are either bog-standard Kaiju design (which leads to a boring card being made because all the effects are locked behind Kaiju counters so the stats are the only thing that matter) or they aren't and are shit (like the Super Anti-Kaiju War Machines)
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Sorry brokie, maybe they'll release Ulkanix so that your 30 dollar deck can win a game for once!
anon... stop...
counterpoint: a level 7 wind kaiju would be really funny in speedroid
I love playing pure kaijus. The counters being applied across the board with the field spell active, allowing both playing to use their effects, is the dumbest and funniest shit out there.
Would love for more kaiju options for the deck.
It's all fun and games until the opponent whips out his own turtle ..
>If this card is in the graveyard during end phase: you can return 2 insect, plant, and reptile monsters from your graveyard or banished to your deck and set this card to your field.
Can you use this in Naturia?
Unviable in plant pile since ragnaraika's boss monsters are insect and no one's gonna end on the link-2 for this. Give ragnaraika a tri brigade revolt you cowards.
plants are for gays, vegetables are gay, and salads are for pussies, real duelists play fish and beast decks
Now for the Ragnaraika Counter Trap
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Revolt wouldn't do shit in Ragnaraika. None of its Link monsters do anything on summon and the maindeck monsters do nothing when sent to the GY besides the Samurai Beetle.
At best you're doing what? Revolting out the Link 5? That's dogshit. Revolt was so good in Tri-Brigade because all the monsters did something when sent to the GY and Shuraig just straight up banished shit on summon, so your revolt was a massive advantage gain as well as disruption.
Ragnaraika is a more slowburn grind focused deck. This new card continues with that playstyle.

But you are correct, plant piles ain't gonna play this new card probably.
Yu-Gi-Oh but it has Modern and Standard format
Ragnaraika but Zombies, Fiends and Fairies
We already have Fiend slop with FiendsmithUnchainedLabYubel
Why those Types specifically?
Fiendslop soup but they float off tributing.
Fiendslop soup but they float off being banished.
Fiendslop soup but they float off being discarded.
I want more Machine/Psychic/Cyberse myself
Melodious is the Fairy Ragnaraika now
Fiend and Fairy already go together but people won't basedface at a type combination being the 'newest thing' if it's not exactly 3.
NTA but the last time Zombies got anything was 3 years ago and they're still unplayable
>Fiend and Fairy already go together
>ynr the DUNE Dinos that tried to separate itself from Dino soup by focusing on Tributing instead of self-popping
I wonder if we will get more Tribute Dinos
>2026: Tribute Dinos ft. Doodle Beast engine
>anon has never heard of a dichotomy
Next you'll be wondering why a disembodied hand made of fire floats into a disembodied hand made of water
Is Zombie, Fiend and Spellcaster (with Fairy boss) because of Ghostrick.
remember transcendrakes doing gy+normal shit too? what was that all about?
My favorite part about the PHNI Psychic stuff is the fact they couldn't even keep the idea going for 2 cards
>Psychic Processor revolves around Psychic, Cyberse and Machine
>Psychic Arsenal, literally the next card in the set, focuses entirely on Machine and Psychic and has nothing to do with Cyberse
It's got that TCG seal of quality
Dinosaurs had a normal monster gimmick because of DimoRabbit. Couldn't tell you what the reason was behind the rest of the Transcendosaurus shit, shallow gimmicks so they can pretend it's a deck and not literally just a mechanism with which to support Dinosoip?
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We'll never know because WISU got memoryholed harder than ANGU. It still has less support than VASM which came after
Fairy Fiend Reptile
So what made you pick Zombies for the third Type?

Trying to give dinos an actual gimmick beyond "uhh, pop your own monster" (though they themselves also float off popping)
i have to admit i have a soft spot for these. they got revealed right as i was coming back so stuck with me. i really want to see transcedrakes get more support.
>ynr we only got 7 Transcendosaur cards in WISU anyway

Yeah but that's only because those happen to be the main Types used by the Ishtar siblings
I'm not the dude who suggested the tri-type.
To be fair, they at least gave two of the WISU archetypes 2 cards worth of support, Ogdos and Solfas got one support card and had to wait years to get 2 mid ones
Dinosaurs having been doing that for a long while, Transcendosaurus are just expanding that a bit
Dinosaurs and Zombies really need some new decks that actually have their own identity instead of just being part of the same soup that has been made for over a decade. They only really have Dinomorph and Eld.
>Pre-WISU Dinos
>Normal Monster focus
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For me? It's Rock/Zombie/Dinosaur.
Survival's End. Dinorabbit. The whole token thing with Lost World.
To be fair all of Zombie's archetypes have different gimmicks, it's just that all of them are terrible so it all blends together into some vague GY slop shit barely more dignified than whatever Fish, Insect or Reptile is doing
You know, Block Dragon is obviously a mistake, but I can't help but feel like Adamancipators being free as hell extenders with situational e-tele effects that can also really easily let you shit out Nat Beast is going to cause massive problems designing future Rock archetypes
My bad, but those talk about Normals on field, whereas the Transcendosaurs talk about Normals in other places, so no Tokens.

Yeah, the only real unifying theme in Zombie decks is a Synchro focus, which is most likely because Konami decided to make lots of Zombie and Plant support in early Synchro era.
The solution to that is simple.
Never design future rock archetypes.
Who gives a shit about Nat beast.
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What Yugioh is missing and desperately needs is a Wall archetype. Cool Demonwalls, Dimension-warping-walls, Fossilwalls like >>483562323 and the obligatory Stuckinwall waifu card.

Think about it logically, it makes perfect sense.
Goblin Zombie being a real card that sees 0 play says a lot about the state of zombies.
>plant pile
fuck plant shitters
they don't deserve shit
I guess?
>women hitting the wall cards
You may be on to something.
We have labyrinth wall, and labyrinth wall shadow, which both feed into gate guardian. And what is a gate but a more accessible wall?
More walls seem like an intelligent decision to be made.
Yami Bakura
Normal Bakura
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zombies live and die off their normal summon
if it gets negated its over
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Make it happen, Konami.
>give Zombies a Catalyzer but with a good GY eff
Would it work?
they would need something like circular to even get to see play
Wall of Temptation
>zombies live and die off their normal summon
That hasn't been the case ever since PUNK got out. Now they cope using Horus and Lightsworn too to mill.
The problem is that they don't have 1 card combos and their ceiling is too low
Basically Zombies don't have a good boss to end on
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i am talking about pure zombies
sure you can splash in non zombie engines to get past their shitty weakness of having no good starter
that doesn't really fix the problem
Give zombies a link-1 that activates world on summon and Goblin Zombie targets that dont need your normal.
Remember the Zombie gimmick of specialing your opponent's monsters that are treated as zombies via Necroworld
>Zombie Poplar
yes. give bad decks good cards
I didn't post that as a criticism. I was simply posting an obvious, if unoriginal, example of "Goblin Zombie targets that dont need your normal".
Super Poly but it's a Synchro summon using the tuners on your field and non-tuner monster(s) on your opponent's field
Would you use it?
my bad. I see so many players overreact to shill designs like poplars or circulars or link-1s and try to cut it off from the unplayable decks and it bothers me every time
>except the turn this card was sent to the GY
Every time
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>Eldlich lore is turning living beings into gold zombies
>no cards in archetype that can do that to your opponent's monsters
There's an old Gishki card that does something similar, but it never saw play because lining up the levels is a pain in the ass.
There are a bunch of cards that link the two together. It makes a lot more sense when you realize "fairy" and "fiend" are just the TCG censored version of their actual names: Angels and Demons
The fusion no one uses because your fusion spell sucks.
Eldlich unironically dondu, the people who got zombified did so because of their own greed
I mean technically eldlich did too but he's just built differently
>/dng/ still doesn't know about the secret white woods zombie decks.
Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord kinda does that if you super poly with zombie world active
Would be way more lore acchrate without the zombie monster requirement on it though
Accurate. No idea what my auto correct is on, but it's not english.
To be fair,
With synchros you can at least have any possible level on your ed instead of having to also draw into the right ritual.
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Archetype with look at hand and main/extra deck gimmick?
It's even funnier because its not like the first effects immediately sets up the second or anything, so its just a restriction for restriction's sake.
thats a lot of cum
Mega zaborg turbo
that's just condensed milk
>these braindead mentally ill freaks literally NEED to pay for their dogshit 100e flaps of low quality cardboard to "compete" next month in some tournament filled with other mentally ill retards to see who can win the playmat and go -1500 in expenses versus returns.
That isn't the issue, meta chasers aren't what's really making the big money for konami. The problem is all the collectors, just look at dragon magia or all the people who appear on stream at a tournament with QCR playsets of cards.

I go to multiple different locals and only a handful of people have snake-eyes or a tier 1 meta deck, yet a large number of people are constantly chasing ultis, QCRs or trying to complete a collection of RC01 and have binders full of rare cards or some shit. Thats where the real money comes from for konami.
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What deck was this for
Support for an Xyz cards that don't exist yet
>your GY or your banishment
Should this have not been "your GY or banishment"? It's not like you clarify for each location in other instances
gotta specify that you can't use your opponent's banished cards
Thats not Omni Dragon Brotaur, he even has bro in the name
For me, its Azathot. Free norden too and give Entity support.
It's already augmented by the your before it. Cards that want to summon from your hand, your deck and your GY don't say
>Special Summon 1 monster from your hand, your Deck, or your GY.
They say
>Special Summon 1 monster from your hand, Deck, or GY.
Same principle should apply here
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Can I draw 2 cards from my side deck?
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I already have my tier 1 Alice in Wonderland deck.
Is there any card that would be busted if this effect was removed every card with it? Is there any card that would be busted if this effect was universally changed to:
"You can only use one effect of [insert card name] once per turn"
>Our Alice deck is going to be nowhere near as erotic as this
>Our Alice probably won't even have the usual 'Alice' look
My disappointment is going to be immeasurable. I can feel it creeping up on me already.
this art style looks so 2009
Alice's snow white panties...
I need them on my face...
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Mystery niggas
Whats the card under kurikara/next to garuda
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>evil seed got BLEACHED
vicious astraloud
Now that the dust has settled, why did synchros fail as a mechanic?
I wish they did a new story for DM. They should stop making things futuristic and shit.
Some mad sacabambaspis energy there.
>doesn't banish itself after resetting itself from GY
very good
Links powercrept everything and now all the old mechanics have to ignore part of their gimmick to keep up or have busted effects.
it became omni negate turbo which is the most boring shit ever
They didn't fail as a mechanic.
sigh.. *gets coloring pencils and paper*
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My headcanon is the OCG doesn't like kaijus because they see parodying as plagiarism (e.g. Thunder King with Ghidorah) so they won't make more support
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Is there a scan/digital version of this?
>tfw you'll never curve out with t1 goblin, t2 grab basically Cthulhu, t3 goblin that shits out another goblin, t4 Alice to buff the goblins, t5 Cthulhu ever again
Yeah sadpanda has it.
its on exhentai
>blue reprint
chance a new support card drops early?
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We're doing better than Cthulhu now.
the explanation for the lack of Kozmo support...
Drop those broken lists then
They didn't and you're coping
Depends which card you mean
but its fine when they do it with dragonmaids
Poplar with Eyes of Blue
Level 1 Light Tuner
If this card is added from your deck to your hand you can: immediately after this effect resolves, normal summon one Level 1 Light Tuner
If this card is normal summoned you can add one spell/trap that mentions "Blue-Eyes".
If this card is sent to the GY you can send one Level 1 Light Tuner or "Blue-Eyes" monster from your deck to your GY.
You can only use each effect once per turn.

the effects are a no brainer, we just have to figure out whether it'd be a male or female Eyes of Blue monster
>what is DSOD
Shut up, bitch
Shut Up with Eyes of Green
Illusion / Union / Tuner / Effect
0 ATK / 2000 DEF
If this card is added from your side deck to your hand, you can, immediately after this effect resolves, special summon this card, then shit on a CaC post and draw 2 cards.
okay but how would you design a lvl 8 blue-eyes monster as a starter?
by giving it 0CMC and the ability of attach it 3 Lightning Energy Cards and a DON!
Field Spell
When this card is activated: add 1 Anon-type monster from the deck to your hand.
(OPT): You can special summon 1 Level 4 or lower Anon-type monster from your hand.
When opponent shuffles his deck: destroy 1 Anon-type monster you control, and if you do, banish 1 Anon-type monster from your GY.
Mental illness
discard searcher + gy renamer
>not a negate
Just give it the Kashtira treatment
>Special Summons itself
>searches on summon
>some other 3rd more evil thing (interruption)
Fucking hate the necessity of omni-negates. They strip away any sort identity a boss monster card could have had. "Do a thing to negate a card" is not unique to a card itself.
Honestly, I'm surprised DM hasn't got a reboot anime yet.
Where do I go for off meta deck advice?
Youtube has a few one tricks who obsess over a single deck, but whenever you see them play live they always make pretty simple mistakes and show they don't have a good understanding of the deck despite sometimes literal years of content created around it.
You are probably best joining an archetype discord
You need to be pretty good at deck building while understanding the meta exceptionally well to be an off-meta Chad. You're not going to get good advice from anyone outside of old deckbuilding advice for decks that used to be meta but aren't anymore. For the uncharted territory of new decks that aren't competitive enough to get deep dives from competitive players you're on your own.
Become "that guy" for whatever pet deck you're interested in. It's not as hard as you think (soup decks are more difficult though).
archetype discords are your best bet, be aware that it wildly varies between servers. some have genuinely good advice while others are barely related chatrooms.
NTA but what are some of the best and worst archetype discords in your experience? I don't have discord so I have no idea what they are like.
Yugioh is for homosexuals and the stronger your deck is the gayer you are
Poster above is a faggot and an unplayer
Why aren't lower power/shit deck formats/duels more popular on /dng/? Couple years ago people were hosting shit decks all the time.
t. king of homosexuals
Just as any tournaments here it got ruined by niggers playing stuff they shouldn't
>bringing Spright Krawler in shitdecks
>junk allowing common to play full power Purrely
And that's without counting faggot twink always creating namefag drama from it.
It's unfortunate but those kinds of power level agreement formats require people to actually be amicable or else it falls apart. This general is the furthest from amicable I can think of.
Drama. Shitdeck tournies spawned threads of drama after each one. People running meta decks, people running meta engines, people arguing over what's jank and what isn't, shit stirrers baiting and reaping the (you)s. We even had a few turbo autists proclaim themselves as childbook villains who took pleasure in ruining the fun.
It was very sad to watch.
>but those kinds of power level agreement formats require people to actually be amicable or else it falls apart
The shitdeck tournament *did* have a ruleset made by Pork on how the decks should be, but then again the last host just allowed people to bring whatever. There was one retard even trying to justify playing Sky Stryker just because he didn't played the Spells
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>We even had a few turbo autists proclaim themselves as childbook villains who took pleasure in ruining the fun.
Case in point
the link-3 is so much worse
This card is just them supporting kozmo without stepping on the mouse’s tail though
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Every additional thing you learn about Maze makes him sound like the saddest person in existence
that's a man THOUGH
WISU flopped, that’s why they put 2 waifu decks in VASM and gave 5 whole bandaids to the 3rd deck to make up for it
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I'm trans btw
>vetoclown tournaments
And why aren't you hosting regular tournaments then? Niggerfaggot
Letter Wars
Every card in the deck must start with the same letter
Letters L,G,B,T banned
I have locals on weekends why would I waste my Saturdays here.
The thing is shitdecks isn't even an actual format. The "banned" cards are a dictated by a vague standard of what's considered "too shit" with retards screaming veto on everything and it always ends in a complete stomp from a deck that nobody bothered to read the cards like last time with vampires. The only clownier tournament hosted on /dng/ was waifu wars and even that had better rules.
Traveling to US for vacation next week. What stores in US sell cards? I want to get Traptrix SD, do they still sell it?
If you know where you're vacationing, do a search for game stores in x city. Give them a call and ask if they carry yugioh product, and if so any that you're particularly interested in.
Shitmechanic wars
Like color wars but it's about mechanics like FLIP, LV and Gemini duking it out
No Extra decks or Rituals allowed
But the best flips are rituals, and the best geminis have ED monsters
subterror sweep
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You deserve this for your whining.
What are some other straight archetypes like Hero and Gouki? Ass must be visible in cards by the way.
>favorite card is an anti-special summon floodgate
>most hated card is an anti-special summon floodgate
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Spirits win this, even if you ignore the ritual spirits.

...unless you let unions summon abc dragon.
>tripfag calling people weird
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>No Prediction Princess
Flipsisters they fear us!
Are you really replying to an 9+ hours post?
I miss lidl... why did she leave us bros? she was the last good player and poster here..
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>Dragon Master Magia which has maximum KANTOOOOO energy and is actually a good card is currently sitting at $700
>Meanwhile trash like Ten Thousand Dragon which basically has the same rairty is sitting at $800
>Tfw Blue Eyes is also getting a structure deck with 8 new cards in September
>If Blue Eyes becomes meta then Magia price will explode even higher.
I'm honestly excited to see what happens, the amount of salt, and how high Magia actually goes.
When are you letting maze groom you, stephen?
as long as the blue eyes sd doesn't chimp out on a decentish modern boss because magia exists. ultimate alternative is powercrept, decks have no problem outing untargetables nowadays.
>/dng/ thinking they have any right to complain about formats they don't even play and constantly shit, even in regards of how they handle cardboard
>something that TCG are absolutely incompetent and jews on it
maze is actually good at the game, funny and smart
found the ocgnigger lol
Playing MD is basically the same as OCG.
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How come only the last 2 are sex?
Because they have been pandering to loliCHADS
You mean the first 3 right?
why do people say this is good it;s fucking trash
Because it's fair
Mind Controlslut
Crazy Bitch
Sex 3X
>Rush damsels
Pedo bait
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>Mind Controlslut
>implying it's only to one
>also no reaction on Kotori
You suck nigga
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I have zero doubt magia will be in the structure deck
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He looks like he fucks tall busty mature women.
>Got Fire Slop
>Got wannabe Earthslop(Fairy flavored)
>Waterslop is all but confirmed by the Tournament Pack
Why does Konami hate WIND?
last 3
Letting fate decide on my next deck
>even evil eyes
>odd raidraptor
Punished for floo crimes.
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>Make a (You).dek(engine)
>It's cancer
What did Konami mean by this
>Cancer is the reason (You) got isekai'd
How many Red Lotus King, Flame Crime do you play in RDA decks?
Trying to figure out how many copies to pick up.
>maze is good at the game
Maze thinks plants can full combo under a puppet lock.
>Brazilian distributor confirmed Speed Duels got 1 more set and it's over
>Also confirms it's getting replaced by a new product
Saw it on Reddit btw
They'll start importing RUSH once the third season of RUSH begins.
Tewart lost.
Realistically what can they do with Speed duels, they eithe have to release synchros or start mixing in modern cards that don't mention synchros, XYZ, etc.
The only people who cried about vetos were the faggots trying to sneak shit in that broke the rules.
t. never got my stuff vetoed since it was actually a shitdeck
lmao delusional. They'll use magia to sell reprint sets for a year or two before putting him at an obtainable rarity
The non-(You)s that got summoned earlier like Illegal Knight were dumped since they weren't cancer enough and were just common pulls while (You) are a max rarity pull that synergizes with everyone else.
Tewart is probably happy as fuck
>Fans and DL already did 99% of his job
All he has to do is release shit. He doesn't have to pitch you a product because other people already did it for him.
I honestly don't know. That they made it this far already amazes me.
6.22 Unlimited Weekly Tournament
Top decklists...
1L: Tearlaments
2L: Tearlaments
3L: Tenpai Dragon
4L: Gimminck Puppet Horus
5L: Runick Stun
6L: Tearlaments
7L: Tearlaments
8L: Tearlaments
*97 Participants
Damn. I love speed duels.
Maybe they'll drop speed so they can bring in rush?
unerrata'd sangan is the problem
Fucking triple Painful Choice should be doing miracles, yeah.
Your guess are as good as mine. Could be Rush, could be anything really.
The only guy that topped while FTKing in unlimited.
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>60-card list
>Fuck you all don't get no turn
Because fucking look at all of the draw power.
>he didn't get the diaperfag's imgur link
All lists can work with 60 cards in Unlimited since there's so much draw power and you can fit more power cards in, and to minimize the chance at opening the garnets.
No one actually brings Droll to Unlimited.
Surely Shifter is an autoinclude in these tournaments due to all the Tear lists running around
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For many years I never looked at Trap Hole's art too closely and I always thought it was a guy summoning a blue energy orb with his fingers in a dark room
Have you had something like that happen to you with another card?
Post the Tenpai list
Stuff like Tenpai mains shifter, but Tears can run Gamma to stop her anyways.
>No one actually brings Droll to Unlimited.
>Unlim format has so much gas you don't even need to run the Ishizus
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>Tearlaments truly are the strongest
Holy based...
>Surely Shifter is an autoinclude in these tournaments
*activates Havnis, Gamma or Orange Herald*
Why would you rely on mills when you can instead have complete control over what you dump?
somewhat broken
everyone has a problem with knightmare corrupter lee not having a violin and with guiding quem's legs
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And retards itt will believe this
Rush won.
but dng said....
Ishizu loses all value when you have triple Graceful Charity, Painful Choice and pre errata Future Fusion, Sangan and WotBF
ishizu was never the problem it was always the tears
can't believe magical scientist is simping for the mermaids
Magical Scientist with triple Nodens is some hardcore bullshit.
Shut up mexican retard
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>wasting Magical Scientist on trannylaments when you can FTK the fuck out of the opponent with Turtle or Blaze Phoenix
Gay as fuck
yeah but tears will also win going second
>still censoring cards
>sees homer and thinks of spics
Mindbroken rushnigger
Shut up mexican retard
ok but now what happens if they have a single interaction?
tears don't autolose to a single disruption
You don't understand, 10 year olds are going to jerk off to Coolia's armpits. I've seen it myself.
Magical Scientist is canonically homosexual and is paired with Kozaky, he won't be tempted by the mermussy.
You're not wrong though.
T. Jerked off to censored cards as a 10 year old
Kys teartranny
The Gimmick Puppet list brought it just as a crossout target.
The 7th place Tear list brought 3 but there's a reason it did worse than the other tear lists above it.
If you can stack it's better so you'll see it in Paper Unlimited tournys but usually not on online ones.
kashtira's ancestor
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>The one of book of eclipse
He's only playing 2 Crossout which means he got hit once by Eclipse and was so traumatized that he cut one crossout so he can have Eclipse to call with crossout.
Where is Snake-eyes, did they all knock each other out? Does this prove full power tear clear Snake-eye even with Fiendsmith?
Snake-Eyes can't really compete with the pile of infinite resources that is Tear.
Is this supposed to be funny?
snake-eyes is shit compared to unhandicapped tears
Snake-eyes doesn't do SHIT to tearlaments.
I heard they added a rule for which sleeves can be used.
Does this rule apply to locals, or only larger tournaments?
Tears meta > Fire meta
Snake-eyes is unironically our weakest tier 0 deck released in recent years.
Yes they changed the rules with regards to playmats and sleeves for tournaments. They have to be a solid colour or an official Konami product. It does not apply to locals.
only for larger european tournaments
this rule also applies to gamemats
Also I mained tearlaments (favorite deck of all time) during tear format (dropped them like a hot rock afterwards, snake-eyes is my favorite deck of all time), not sure if that matters
I think it's just regionals and above
Why are so many trans people attracted to tearlaments?
Why is maze obsessed with trans "people"?
Why is the rum gone?
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>expensive cards were sent through tcgplayer direct
nigga what? Last time my ordered got sent from them the fucking cards came banged loose in a giant envelope. Have they gotten better?
Got some of purrely cards sent through them and they still send the same 3-pocket envelope even if it's like 4 cards.
I've only bought from tcgplayer twice and both times the store itself sent them. That said the one time i looked at something done through tcg player direct.

>dark beckoning beasts for sale, (close enough to me shipping is like $4 generally since i've bought from stores there)
>go to checkout
>its like $20 to ship 3 DBBs
I cancelled it right there. Thankfully I found some closer around.
Why are visas fans so fucking unhinged
This is pretty good. Much better than what people here can accomplish.
I did NOT need to see that
visas pov
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Decks for this feel?
I give you the hard Yugioh equivalent of NTR.
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is this really what yugioh needs to do more of to get more female players
The crop feature is right there grandpa.
Vampires are the dedicated ntr deck
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happy pride month
Don't care sonny.
monsters, monsters (female), and robots
the three genders of yugioh
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You might say the relationship got...obliterated.
>Speed Duel dying before it even reaches Synchros
>non-zero chance of Rush in west
I am genuinely excited to play actual Rush
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I just think Spright is like the most boring deck ever designed in Yugioh, good or bad.
>non-zero chance of Rush in west
Lol lmao even
if rush takes over the tcg I will make it my mission to tank konami
They made level 2 a relevant trait, which to me is still really funny because of much random shit they glued together just cause at least one card in an archetype was a level 2.
God help me I can't tell yugioh dragons apart anymore. They've all blended together.
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My current guesses are:
>TCG Rush (perhaps Duel Links gave more hope to Tewart?)
>official support for alternative formats (like Time Wizard sets)
>a third more mysterious thing that KoA will likely fuck up (imagine if they try to make their own TCG-only Rush-equivalent with brand new cards that the OCG doesn't get and call it Fast Duels or some shit)
Well, three of those are Galaxy dragons, of course they're gonna look the same.
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If it has Galaxy in the name you can stop reading it because its effect will be bad.
The most interesting part about the deck is definitely the mind boggling techs people dusted out of their bulk bins to play, but reading Spright cards makes me feel like my eyes are glazing over.
They don't get much worse than these, don't worry
>reading Spright cards makes me feel like my eyes are glazing over
I can see that. Most of the text can be ignored entirely since the maindeck monsters share their main effects. Only relevant parts are like a single line on each.
Spright reminds me a lot about Snake Eyes, although Snake Eyes at least has the continuous spell thing to otherwise break up the horribly boring monotony of their monster line-up, Spright is just "Jam this shit into any deck with a Level 2"
Imagine TCG making their own Tactical-Try Decks (not allowed to be good like the OCG ones of course).
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Tactical-Try/Structure Decks of TCG exclusives
They'd probably netdeck sub $10 budget decklists and reprint them at a $30 price tag.
I would be perfect if Konami just aligned Main Sets 1:1 with the OCG (removing exclusives and imports in the process) and instead moved those exclusives for the year into 2 Structure Decks released year, aimed to be as competitive as possible.
Sure, they may suck but I would honestly want the band-aid ripped off early rather than waiting 6 months to KNOW its shit
branded is actually a really cool deck as long as you drop the turn skip shit. I dropped earth machines for it since it can tank a handtrap or two and the chokepoints aren't as obvious.
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>branded is a really cool deck as long as you arbitrarily race to the bottom
That's the key issue with branded. The deck's too cracked, you basically have to choose to lose. If you lose on branded, its because your list is shit and you chose for it to be shit.
NTA but I disagree. Every time I face against Branded its just a miserable experience. I think it just simply has too many tools and has too wide of a reach for it to be comfortable to play against. That and it spawns a breed of player that is so bizarre: Those that set up their little "you can't interact with me :)" effects like Branded Lost then seethe when you manage to do something (like using Ash)
Genuinely never seen a archetype playerbase so offended by the idea of someone interacting with them.
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my taste is the best one (objectively
The chance of Rush is still close to zero. If it's anything higher than that Konami has lost the plot.
Rush is effectively dead on arrival since scalpers- ahem, I mean "investors" have years of data to know what to buy out and the game will be too expensive for everyone and will die with a wet fart.
Is tear kash just a clever way of saying you hate both tear and kash?
Personally? I love Branded!
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Konami could do the Speed Duel-style box sets, that sort of fucks the idea of "investors" doing much
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Give me your Traptrix list RIGHT NOW and tell me you have a single Atrax in it
They can't just release core sets like the TCG/OCG main game ones, we're like 4 years behind. People will know what's good ans what's a bust and will avoid boxes like the plague. Either they pull a few AE sets and get the game mostly up to speed with it's japanese counterpart or they drop the idea altogether. I highly doubt it's Rush anyway.
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Scalpers need demand to make their quick burn flip. Rush will have next to zero demand in the West outside of specific rare nostalgia cards.
Don't patronize me or i'll fuse with your mom, bro
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I've used Atrax just once to activate Holeutea from hand and that's it.
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Finally konami of america executives can be canned for their failures for screwing up rush duel's release.
Rush exists to get Japanese boys ages 6-13 to buy and crack packs. The only future that game has in the West is a way to keep Duel Links on life support.
Unironically play a better deck. Puppet lock is a miserable time no matter what, but it's still a former tier 1 deck without it so it'll be punching down at you unless you bring something with serious teeth. It's a perfectly fun deck to play against if you don't set yourself up to lose.
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my god I am in AWE
Is Fire King Snake Eye more fun than pure
snakeshit combos are way too boring
You're right. I hate that you're right, but you are.
Yes, the Fire King cards are a blast in general.
Why did you respond if you don't like the deck
I was asking a question
haha I get it
because fire king is better played on its own
Do you have a list? I've been wanting to play the deck but I don't have the money for any of the pricy cores
I was under the impression pure fire king still does absolutely nothing even after the new wave
because people usually play it wrong
its meant to be played as going second otk deck
you're supposed to make the rank 8, blow up the field, attack and use circle of the fire kings to bring stuff back from the GY which triggers the rank8 to bring back even more fuckers
>it's a going second deck
so it does nothing
It's a shame how lacking this card is because you can't really pop it as easily as you would like to, it would have really benefited from having a DPE pop effect vs the SS1 S/T removal Konami keeps trying to force
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I'm a simple man.
its certainly more interesting than snakeshit combos which are more boring than watching paint dry
>le... le boardwipe
woah... interesting!!
Visas makes Riseheart’s top kneel to him
>>it's a going second deck
You're aware they can xyz summon on their opponents turn right?
Synchrosisters our response?

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