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Previous: >>483414193

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfgkVGFhN8A
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Interesting OP choice
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Rise takes extremely greasy shits
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I hate women
they were horny
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Why did she do it?
Kind and caring fairy!
So cute...
She thought it was the P3 tranny alarm
Cruel and hardhearted fairy!
Poketto Komputa
Bright red like a dogs dick, she couldn't help but stare.
Why does /pg/ like Gallica so much?
Amazing fairy girl
but anon she isn't white
I hate myself
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Persona character for this feel?
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i love women
inceldom is so old fashioned
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Old hags are the future
Need to impregnate.
Yukari doesn't act like a real woman.
Sex with preggo Kayo
which persona characters are real human beans
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All the ones that have the power of plushsona
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Holy fucking shit...
Holy. Fucking. Shit. The Persona 3 Reload ending credits (unskippable), going on for over 5 minutes minimum were probably the most intense of the entire series.

You see, the main problem with that is that I have a lethal case of autism, so I wanted to finish the game at exactly 150h00m - because today is the 25th of June - and 25*6 is 150. I pretty much finished talking to everyone like 10 minutes before the deadline, thinking to myself "yeah just an ending cutscene, and then I'll skip the credits, and then I'll have 5 minutes extra". But no. I watched the seconds go by, with bated breath. But thank god, I could at least skip the Aigis cutscene after credits and then quickly turn off the game.
Normally, you don't even see minutes in Steam, so for Persona 4 / Persona 5 I was perfectly happy with 350.0 hours or 250.0 hours. But then I found out via GOG's Steam integration that Steam actually rounds this up down, so I only have 349h58m in P4G and - much worse - 250h01m in P5R... At least Strikers is a nice clean 100h00m and Tactica 55h00m.
Ultimately, there was a happy ending because when trying to skip the credits I accidentally put the computer to sleep mode, so it ended at 149h59m, and then I carefully did approximately 30 seconds extra, and it rounded up to a nice and clean 150h00m, on the 25th of June, 2024.

But still, such an unexpectedly high adrenaline finish, phew. At least there's no reason to ever touch the game again, unless the DLC adds... wait why does the DLC have "Very Negative" and "Mostly Negative" reviews on Steam?
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>How about this. You shut your mouth or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and I'll shut it for you.
>wait why does the DLC have "Very Negative" and "Mostly Negative" reviews on Steam?
People are just upset about the price and think it should have been part of the game from the start. The Answer itself is very good but nobody leaving a rating has played it.
Wrong version, FES was beter
Shut up i can lift you up and rape your butt
The DLC added stuff for 35 dollars that was free with P5 for costumes and in the OG PS2 release FES for it was free or 20 dollars separately as a stand alone game.
>why does the DLC have "Very Negative" and "Mostly Negative" reviews on Steam?
I review bombed it with my alts because I hate A*gis
This is unfortunately much less hot than you hyped it up to be and also much more obviously written for women than I expected.
least schizophrenic /pg/ poster
Metaphor dub is actually...good?
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>Hey you want a toothpick?
What was the dub a metaphor for?
It seems mostly pretty decent although the protag voice isn't really doing it for me. Probably will still play in JP.
Very British
I'm so sorry anon... I forget men like different things. Please forgive me...
He's built for anal full nelson
>wait why does the DLC have "Very Negative" and "Mostly Negative" reviews on Steam?
seething FeMCfags and poor thirdies
>cock wobbling in the air with each plap
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>You blinked.
Yeah yours get over here
>Inflation is a thing
You don't say.
Then charging 35 dollars for the DLC and then not adding a bunch of stuff, only the Answer in October and nobody actually likes it overall outside of Yukari being good. It makes sense people are mad, and how there is still no hope for Ultimax Costumes.
Door getting gangbanged in the classroom
The protag's delivery is kinda weird, in some parts he's really good but then his voice peaks too high in others. I honestly expected a lot worse, the guy voicing Strohl is doing a really good job
by who and who and who?
By Yuko, Chihiro and Natsuki
It's very cute, don't get me wrong, but yeah now you have me searching the depths of fanfiction sites for something kotor 2 related to get off to.
This is a very important question.. Futa or reverse gangbang?
P6 is just going to be pulp fiction
Would be kino.
Unfortunately there's very little. There's only a scant amount of drawn porn too. Good luck with your search anon.
Which persona character would buy tasteless alcohol?
>According to Hashino, dungeons will play a major role in Metaphor: ReFantazio. But don't expect to see all of them in one playthrough. Compared to the more-linear timelines found in Persona, Metaphor offers a bit more freedom at the cost of having to make hard choices and not only how you spend your time, but where.

>"Imagine if you go on vacation," Hashino explained. "You go to a city and you have 10 places listed on your travel log. Some of these might take two days to enjoy, whereas others might take half a day. Some might require a guide or more preparations, others might be a bit more safe. But you can't do it all.

>"In this game, you travel a lot, and when you get to your destinations, you have a choice of multiple dungeons you can do. And all these dungeons have different difficulty levels as well, so it's kind of up to you on how you choose to spend your time. In this way, there's a lot more freedom.
How many dungeons is he even putting into this?
Futa of course. And they are all bigger than him
Probably choosing to do a dungeon earlier or not. Like doing Kameshiro before Maderame.
Dunno, but it looks like they're really looking at giving their games some actual replayability now.
I hate myself
Reverse gangbang of course. Futashit is for faggots
Someone is going to figure out how to do them all
in a single playthrough.
It's a good thing.
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canon couple
>hard choices
You just know it’s gonna be mass effect-tier shit.
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Would be pretty cute in game
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canon couple
I think he means hard as in, you have limited time to do the dungeons so if you do one you might miss the other so you'll have to plan around the main story deadline
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canon couple
whomst is that on the right
Sorry, but she wouldn't even be able to feel Mishima's tiny pecker after Kamoshida.
some whore
I hate myself
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metaphor leaks
>50+ dungeons in total, most are pretty small but some are on P5's palace level for length. They are mostly made where they can be beaten in a single day outside the bigger ones. Select dungeons for each month. Some can only be beaten on a specific day while some (story related) are open the whole month.
>Everybody in the party can be different classes, but every party member has a unique passive which is expanded with talking to them on the ship. Lots of combo potential.
>The "social stats" replacement impacts how people view you overall for your campaign. Impossible to max out outside of NG+.
>Big story twist the game is in the far future compared to modern day. Most things are defined off the surviving ideologies and books humans kept in the protectorate cities they made. Reason for the end of the world is due to a curse that requires a King.
>Themes are about what makes us human
That's good!
My child with Yukari (as the P3 MC, I'm an ugly obese black man in IRL)
That's why
>Themes are about what makes us human
The game is gonna flop
Unironically, they released a bunch of the lore years ago in the OG videos about it with why everyone is living in cities with big walls.
But that doesn't line up with the "leak" where things are defined off surviving ideologies but the books in Metaphor are actively destroyed by ones ruling. The unique passives also seems mostly bullshit since we've seen the menus in the demos and none of them had unique passives
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she is built for gentle lovemaking and mishima is the gentlest
The fact that I'm at risk of reading a p5fag opinion every day I browse this general is a crime
grabbing her butt
>Big story twist the game is in the far future compared to modern
That was pretty obvious from the trailers. Also, this is just your headcanon or do you have a source?
Small girls?
Big girls?
Girls with huge tits?
Girls with flat chest?
Bitchy and mean girls?
Timid and sweet girls?
I love women so much it's unreal.
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Threadly orb
Important update for my fellow screenshotting enthusiasts - I have figured out that the slow screenshots must have something to do with Unreal Engine + Windows + Steam interaction. I tried deleting all my screenshots and the after screenshot delay was maybe 0.2 seconds smaller. However, on the Steam Deck™®©, even after taking over 2000 screenshots (even rapid screenshot taking like 2 per second), no delay at all.
Steam is heavily more integrated with Linux. Everything made with it is made for Linux first and Windows second.
>No mention of Gallica being the antagonist
Why the C so weird
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Just admit you self-insert as mishima
Why would he self insert as him if he wanted sex with her
can't wait for p4re
Days like today make me wake up and thank god I'm not a big fan of P3
what's the source on this
ngl this entire text blurb basically gave me a hard on
Well I'm not a big fan either, my playtime more or less correlates with how much I liked the game. Although I probably finished P3R so fast because I took a 4 weeks vacation just to finish the game in pretty much one month, start to finish.
>VV been out for a week and change
Say it with me folks
Hehe leg
Futaba said Boy and the Heron was mid btw
we watched it last thread if you remember
Holy fuck the FOMO guidefags are going to hate this game.
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I got 2 new figures for my Persona collection
cum tribute?
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>SMTV the biggest SMT game atlus made has 2 dungeons and 4 empty deserts
>Hashino makes persona-like filled with dungeon crawling
I feel kinda bad for smtfags
>Metaphor gets to be anime elden ring not just in the art direction but also in shoving the fanbase out of its comfort zone but with time management instead of boss fights
I hope it's literally impossible to do all the content in each arc and it doesn't just come down to being able to manage your time intelligently but I'd be happy with it either way having a slightly shorter runtime lends itself to game design like this.
It's always refreshing to see /psg/ actually active for a change
It pops up once in a while
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Smol venza
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>Its so tight pull it off!
>leaving out or putting apostrophes at the first syllable of a name
Stop this stupid shit.
As of VV the open areas are actually very dense with a lot of things to find, the dungeons are absolutely inexcusable though
Or what? You're going to poop your pants again?
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She's underrated as a waifu
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How saggy is chihaya?
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i don't self insert
i just like shiho with mishima
you're just paring the spares
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Claiming this composed cutie.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Happy Takamaki Tuesday! It's a day best spent with friends.

Based Shiho appreciator.
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Agreed. I really wanted her to have an SL in Royal.
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Running around Da'at is pretty fun but the areas sadly look bit samey, I wish there was more variety to how it looks like aside the different filters on top of it, the last area is the worst when it comes to this
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i like exploring their mutual trauma
besides literally nothing wrong with paring the spares
people oughta ship characters they like with other characters they like
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And yet it somehow is still shapely... very impressive indeed, to all who pass her by as they jiggle to and fro
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Persona girl who gets raped the most by (you)?
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(Rare) - intelligent information for intellectuals, in between schizospam

Fun trivia information:
>The character "Igor" was inspired by "the dancing man (dwarf)" from the show "Twin Peaks" also known as The Arm
>The Velvet Room is literally based on the "red room" from the show "Twin Peaks"
>Although it may be hard to believe, Japanese people really did think that the gaijin actor's nose was that big, Igor is how Michael J. Anderson looks to the Japanese mind
>The traditionally female attendant started from the complete misunderstanding of the scene, based on the character "Laura Palmer" who was also in the "red room" in the same show

Without Twin Peaks, no Igor.
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Thank you anon
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Fuuka watches gore videos from wars and executions
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I used my Inland Empire skill and rolled a critical
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Metaphor looks so fucking good bros I can’t wait until October
QRD on how Metaphor is related to Persona?
It’s made by most of the team that made 3 4 and 5 (including the director, character designer, and composer)
joker from the pesrona 5 series appears as a secret boss
It has a calendar system, social stats and social links like Persona.
It isn’t. It would be like saying that Persona and Etrian Odyssey are the same series
taking a 'uuuge sumire in this thread
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Ann Babamaki
Which persona girl has the worst shit taste in music, like she enjoys auto-tuned rap songs
What am I gonna do? I'm Ikutsuki's top guy. Shuji Ikutsuki chose me to lead the revolution...
Futaba, she also listens to nightcore
Metaphor looks so soulless bros December is gonna SUCK
Aigis with the literal vacuum fellatio.
Making bonds with Hulkenberg to unlock the Merchant archetype
by Junpei preferably
Bonding with Hulkenberg
Persona 6 150 Boss floor
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Junpei is very considerate in his own ways
You know it's kind of sad that he actually seems to hate himself over being mean to MC when he locks himself in his room
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Oh no, this is terrible. I found a recording of Futaba working in cafe leblanc with a naked apron. She's surrounded by three guys and it looks like they're going to violate her. I cannot watch this...
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Sounds based
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Why is Death like this?
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the bros
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femc shoudl have had femryoji
Death's big fat tits
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Persona 5 but the girls are actually good
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>PTs with 4 makotos
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I love their semi-forbidden romance angle. It's so hot.
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Shinji if he was in Ultimax
More stories should have it.
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Why would Ryoji be a titty monster?
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>Makoto and Joker getting closer sooner than canon
>Makoto trying to figure out if it's right to have a crush on the "delinquent"
>Makoto being assigned to investigate the Phantom Thieves
>Makoto seeing obvious signs that the boy she has a crush on is a PT but she doesn't want to face the truth
>A lot of will they/won't they and heavy drama
It's delicious.
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Eventually I'll read one or two fics about it.
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Screaming and beating the shit out of Junpei when he rejects me </3
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it's dogshit. joker being an "delinquent" is immediately forgotten about by most of the student body after the first heist
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It never really goes away in the day-to-day desu
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that and the prison time fanfics are my favorite
royal nuking sad christmas and the prison tension is probably the worst change after sumire
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God I need a woman who'll just beat me up and rape me for telling her no
are you an unironic speedreader
school itself is no longer the focus after the first arc, but the delinquent rep is still present and it plays out in kaneshiro's' arc too
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Thanks to the two people who shared their nhentai favorites in the previous thread, my collection increased significantly
I threw my switch at Ann during an argument and she said she wont buy me a new one...but it only broke because it missed her and hit the wall....what do i do...
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should've just punched her instead
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Sho would be a good boyfriend
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I like the Labrys ship
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p6 should have a male tsundere
I’m pretty sure sho was actually retarded.
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in another universe, sho was the p5 protag
boys are cutest when they are retarded
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I'm Mothman in this picture btw
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I liked these numbers:
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Was the comment about Mothman being "popular because cute" added in post-production in P3R or has it always been there
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>need to cook food to eat it
>need to wash the dishes before I cook
>need to clear the desk full of dishes and trash before I wash the dishes
>need to break down the delivery boxes and cans of soda to clear the desk
>need to eat to get the energy to do all that
does little taba want to be spoon fed
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>annfag cope in the comments
my sides
use disposable plates
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Why was she so lewd?
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She a Chww
Iizu-san is down bad...
>Episode: Aigis
I sleep. Episode: Yukari release date when?
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fake annfags fear the ryuann
I cannot read Japanese....
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Only now did I realize that when I was called the "sous-chef" I was the under-chef for the character I was with. I thought it meant I was for some reason cooking "sous-vide" in Japanese cuisine.
Episode Mitsuru when?
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The main story is episode Yukari
I wouldn't be surprised if it were added in because memes
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Mothman has gotten a lot of attention from Atlus due to the memes.
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long ass soom
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Wish it were true
Sex with Chee
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Noot if she big
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The answer is just gonna make Yukari and Aigisfags even more hostile to eachother
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These brats..
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which persona slut should I cum trib
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what a player
it already did years ago. reanswer isn't going to do much
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I'm starting to worry that Gallica might actually turn out to be an evil fairy...
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You are stronger than this.
Read a book instead.
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boyfriend nui get
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What kind of videogames would she play?
After you tribute to Yukari's fat ass, you should play Persona 1 on the psp
nutting to fuuk
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I have played it on the psp
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The content of the DLC should've already been in Reload.
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I have played it on the psp emulator
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It will be in Persona 3 ReReload Vengeance
>no romance
metaphor is gonna flop
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>denying the satisfaction one gains from the femc trannies faced with Persona 3 Reload Complete Edition sans femc
No. P3R Complete being a launch title for switch and them having to cope with it will be glorious
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Why? Romance in social links doesn't even make up 1% of the playtime and it's extremely shallow. Surely you don't get this excited for 1 dialogue line where an anime girl says "I love you" and then don't interact with her for the rest of the game until christmas and/or valentines, because that is little sad
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Reanswer is going to crown Yukari.
Aigisfags are already scrambling to find a cope for that.
p6 velvet room ost
persona fans don't play persona, so they think the romance is a bigger part of the game than it really is.
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There is no cope. We know which way the wind is blowing. There's only the same acceptance that mitsurufags and fuukafags already deal with...
Mitsuru has less personality than Aigis.
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b-but she's funny hamborger girl
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>Walking "I want to be hooman" cliché
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Persona fans do play Persona and so they think romance should be a bigger part of the game than it really is.
Yukari was written horribly in the answer for the sake of drama, and still ended up looking best after the entire ordeal. How does she do it...
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Based Chiechad
Would be funny
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>Surely you don't get this excited for 1 dialogue line where an anime girl says "I love you"
Episode Aigis will canonize Yumkari’s love of pegging
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Bro, your hot pockets?!
Oh no...well if it makes you happy it makes you happy
>Yukari was written horribly in the answer
No she wasn't.
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She wasn't horribly written.
If you are unable to think without hindsight, you shouldn't be posting your takes on story of anything.
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Take it off now
Who is the dad?
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Me. I am both the father and the child. We all have both inside of us from the collective unconsciousness
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Akihiko obviously
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Yukari was willing to destroy the world because she was unable to move on from the past and move forward. It's the same reason she slapped Mitsuru for, and why her persona evolved, because she learned to live on and move forward. In the answer she regressed and had to go through that same character arc but it made her look extremely silly, but the plot needed to happen and the rest of the sees doesn't exactly have much personality to make anything happen
I ate them all...
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Based. Zoomers don't appreciate a good found family trope.
Akihiko is gay. Shinjiro was his lover then he moved on to Officer Kurosawa
Are you aware that psychological regression is a real-world phenomena that people tend to experience when going through traumatic events? Have you considered how this might affect the depiction of a character who goes through trauma?
Wtf are you talking about? Yukari's second awakening is literally about her being vindicated for not giving up on her dad.
Are you the same bitter faggot bitching about The Answer for ruining your post-P3 headcanons?
I don't know why are you still trying to convince anyone that The Answer is bad. It's not working now and it's definitely not gonna work after September.
>he doesn't know
Aki, Shinji and Suru were a throuple.
What if your state won the Stanley cup?
Sure, it makes sense she's missing MC and that she even has her outbursts in desperation, but Yukari from the end of Journey would, at least in my opinion not make the decision once she learned the stakes because it's now what they all have been fighting for.
But hey I guess SEES being bosses you gotta fight is pretty cool, even if it doesn't make a lick of sense or most of them not having an actual reason to fight you.
Did someone die?
Would this kill people since she is a toaster
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>revisionism with the answer of all things
aigistrannies need to be shot on sight
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Yukari wasn't "willing to destroy the world", that's plain character assassination. What she wanted to do was go back in time and "try again" to try and save (You) because she just lost the very same guy who was the only person in the world she felt she could truly relate to, who helped her get over her loss in the first place, the same way Aigis completely regresses upon losing the guy who gave her humanity/a raison d'etre in the first place as well. Nevermind that her emotional state is only further afflicted by jealousy and a sense of cosmic injustice when Aigis is the one to inherit his power and not her.

Real people are dictated by emotions rather than pure logic and sometimes a particular mental battle needs to be fought over and over again. People can "regress" in response to enough stress and deciding who you are isn't a decision you only make once.

Yukari in the Answer is being forced into yet another very traumatic experience yet instead of shutting herself down like Aigis she instead remains very decisive and knows exactly what she wants to do, however misguided it may be when you're looking at her from the perspective of the all-knowing reader who (being generous here) fully understands what the implications of her actions would be.
No she's not a conduit for a power grid
I am willing to concede because it's been a while since I played the answer and this sounds about right
>guy who was the only person in the world she felt she could truly relate to
Mitsuru (who just lost her father like Yukari did) doesn't exist anymore.
Hey, how were they able to De-Transmogrify this guy just to kill him?
>grieving people are prone to irrational decisions
Are you genuinely autistic? You should have felt the same way when you first played The Answer. Unless you never actually played it, that would explain a lot.
And again, you are unable to let go of hindsight. At the moment they didn't know that there were no other way. Metis was instigating by insisting that they were really short on time.
You end up fighting SEES because Aigis is fence sitting almost until the end. Metis is the embodiment of concentrated ego and self preservation which Aigis ejected.
I never got the appeal of feet until I saw Mitsuru's feet, I think I'm starting to see it now
I think Sophia just wrote more chihiro smut
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Why do the "irrational emotions" excuse only applies to Yukari when all of them fought alongside the guy and bet their life to keep a promise...
Which is why Mitsuru sides with her and is the one to finally pull her back to her senses. But of everyone in SEES Yukari either was, (if you romanced her) or felt that she was the closest person to (You). (You) were her rock and it would be like losing her father all over again.
Please elaborate
She a woman
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Akihiko is irrational too and he is the one who actually wants to take a shit on Door's sacrifice.
Because P3 is relying really hard on the self insert aspect so the people defending the answer just like the idea of two girls fighting over your affection
Yukari and Aigis were the closest to him and so that's why they both had the biggest character regressions. Akihiko also just copes and tries to bury the past instead of facing reality, Mitsuru just lost her dad, and Fuuka is kind of just there.
Metaphor just looks like Xenoblade but better
Silence Shitkuza fan
Persona fans are speaking
Why did she do it?
The answer is a continuation of Yukari's character arc. In her Social Link, she thought that she understood what her mom went through (and so she was dismissive and resentful of her), but she really didn't (being 6 years old and losing your dad is not the same as losing the love of your life), and then the same exact thing happened to her and it all came crashing down, no wonder she clinged to the opportunity to change her loved one's fate so desperately.
>the plot needed to happen and the rest of the sees doesn't exactly have much personality to make anything happen
You're not wrong.
What archetypes are you interested in anon?
Aigisfags cannot explain that shit without some loophole excuse when anyone can see how abruptly the answer ends.
It's dogshit writing simple as, Elizabeth explaining what happened to the group, what happened to the MC, and her plans in 10 minutes would have the same result and be way better than that entire mess but Hashino needed his writer's pet crap an actual reason to exist so he did that.
Thief so I can steal things like a ni-phantom thief
Thief and Merchant party for full profit gameplay
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You are playing with Futaba. You lunge at her to try and tickle her, but she defends herself. She starts kicking you to push you away. She hits your with her bare feet on your chest, legs, face, sometimes even your crotch.
just go to /psg/
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You proclaiming character regression over and over again won't make it true.

Did you save my post from months ago or something, it's literally word for word.
/pg/ stop giving me fetishes
why does yukari get mad?
Oh my... How...Fun.....hehe...
The Answer is and always was good.
Retarded takes by filtered P4babies are irrelevant.
Even in their posts the aigisfags concede that the answer literally canonizes yukari's romance, it's pathetic how they try to rationalize it as "w-w-well they both loved him!"
yeah, yukari romantically, and aigis platonically. the only romance aigis ever has is with dark skinned foreigners
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/pg/ turned me into a lolichad.
you misunderstand the appeal of being horny. We all know how to get persona smut, we can open up rule34 in five seconds. We want to be horny on /pg/ because its exciting.
Spec a Persona character
The answer won't feel the same without Yukari's old portraits
I like that. I hope you won't be able to do every social link in one playthough too.
That sounds funny as fuck honestly, I think I'll commit to that when the game releases. All these combat trees with actual fighting involved?
Worthless, the true chase isn't pixie pussy but for the coin pouch shaped hole in our hearts
S 3
P 1
E 3
C 10
I 10
A 9
L 1
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The Journey goes in length and puts a LOT of emphasis on how the group moved on and let go and then The Answer shows up with a retarded plot with a "nO, tHeY akshully didn't" and you're telling me with a straight face that is not regression?!
Mitsuru does not have 10 charisma what the fuck
Some of the social links seem baked into those dungeons, the link bunny girl's link starts in one of the dungeons and doesn't seem to advance time/kick you out of the dungeon. So I guess that's what Hashino meant by being hard to manage it, since if you fuck up your dungeon timing you might miss the deadline to finishing the link
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Okay, the last part was unnecessary.
>The Journey goes in length and puts a LOT of emphasis on how the group moved on and let go
That's literally your headcanon.
I knew you were that autistic fuck obsessed with "muh stoic faces in the final cutscene".
Charisma also includes looks. Mitsuru is by far the hottest girl in Persona.
Oh yeah
S - 6
P - 8
E - 9
C - 4
I - 1
A - 9
L - 9
I mean I guess I do have to grant you that. She's just so socially retarded that it's hard to put her at 10.
Yet you don't deny it. Aigisfags are completely delusional and get the character they worship so wrong that it may as well be canon.
Thats part of why her perception is 1
She is NOT low INT
Bimbosuru or Hypnosuru?
She's a female alcoholic journalist
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me and my wife
The party customization in metaphor seems bit crazy, I was surprised that they even allow you to have dupes in the party, since they also have special skills for multiples of the same archetype in the party, I wonder if there is a big stealing move with party of only thieves/merchants
>autistic fuck obsessed with "muh stoic faces in the final cutscene"
Not everyone is your fucking boogeyman here, you fucking nigger.
Bimbosuru, please. Extra big.
Can you hold that pose, Chee? Maybe bring your leg up a little after an all star kick!
I feel like everyone's playthrough is going to be wildly different from each other and that's exciting to me.
Ann apology form

To: Ann takamaki of the Diamonds (the phantom thieves)

Reason for behavior:
[ ] /pg/ convinced me she was an airhead
[ ] I thought all lovers girls were sluts
[ ] I failed to recognize her moments in persona 5
[ ] I don't know how to read
[ ] I speeded through persona 5 or watched it on youtube
[ ] I was just trying to make Makoto look better

I will hereby respect Ann and other Lovers, past and future, and will vow to post one ann per thread minimum until Persona 6 is released.
>tiny cat is obsessed with his giant girlfriend four times his size
Literally me
Ok, then explain when does the journey shows SEES accepting and moving on.
[X] Mercury was in retrograde
You can respect and want to creampie her at the same time Anon. I'm doing exactly that right now as a matter of fact.
wish there was more art like it.
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I'm so desperate for new BIGvenza content. Any recent ones out there?
what would each mc's highest stat be
With all these is to experiment with, it's going to take a month to find the best solutions, hopefully there will be many different things to be optional with.
Have you tried asking that on twitter and discord instead (I’m telling you to go back)
The replayability is going to be insane for sure, especially if they go deeper down that path of same archetype = bigger sync skills, I've never been one to go for optimal stuff and I enjoy brute forcing shittier builds if I really like what they do in games so even if its at my detriment I will definitely archetype stack to fuck around
Yeah that's the shitty thing about the modern gaming climate is that inevitably people are just going to min-max the "best route" and all the normies just sheepishly follow the youtuber's optimal run
I wholeheartedly reject that shit, I love doing unoptimal stuff for challenge runs and figuring stuff out on my own.
Luck hands down. Being the main character at the center of a story, being granted the Wild Card and velvet room's assitance, constantly meeting and running into people who can help you in some way or another, either with social stats, gameplay wise or intergral to the larger plot whatever game. Well, I'm mostly speaking for Nusona though
With anything like this to experiment with, it will always end in optimization, where most of the fun is gone by that point outside challenges.
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that's not what sheepish means, but I agree
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What if Buttkoto sat on your face?
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she human now
I can't even begin to comprehend what the implications are
imagine the smell
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sleeb time
I'm smelling that seat while she studies in the library.
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Sae would've heavily benefitted from having little brother instead of a sister
I'm going to fertilize every last egg in her ovaries then.
She could have (and should have) done this with either.
Get pregnant
My neck would break and Yaldaboath would win
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Chihiro Fushimi paced nervously in her room. Her parents were out of town for the weekend, leaving her alone in the house. She had invited Makoto over, ostensibly for safety, but the real reason was that she wanted to spend more time with her boyfriend. Chihiro glanced at the clock, her hands trembling slightly.
"Come on, Chihiro, you can do this," she muttered to herself, adjusting her white turtleneck.
A knock on the door startled her, and she nearly tripped over her own feet as she hurried to answer it. Makoto stood there, his expression as unreadable as ever.
"Hi, Makoto," Chihiro greeted him, her voice shaking slightly. "Come in."
He nodded, stepping inside and removing his shoes. Chihiro led him to her room. Once they were inside, she closed the door and took a deep breath.
"Thank you for coming," she said, trying to steady her voice. "I just... I didn't want to be alone tonight."
Makoto's silent presence was both comforting and nerve-wracking. He simply nodded, his eyes on her, waiting for her to continue. Chihiro felt her cheeks flush under his gaze.
"I, um, thought maybe we could spend some time together," she stammered, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. "You know, just the two of us."
He nodded again, stepping closer to her. Chihiro's heart raced as he gently cupped her face. He leaned in, kissing her softly on the lips. Chihiro melted into the kiss, her nervousness momentarily forgotten.
Makoto's hands moved to her shoulders, gently pushing her sweater jacket off. Chihiro's breath hitched, but she didn't resist. His hands moved to her turtleneck, lifting it over her head.
"Makoto, I..." she started, but her words trailed off as he kissed her again, more deeply this time. His hands moved to her waist, undoing her skirt and letting it fall to the floor.
Makoto's hands were gentle as he guided her to the bed, laying her down.
Kino as fuck.
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"Makoto, I don't want to lose my virginity before marriage," she blurted out, her voice shaky. "I mean, I want to be with you, but I just... I want to wait."
He paused, his expression unreadable as he looked at her. Then he nodded, a small, reassuring smile playing on his lips. Chihiro felt a wave of relief wash over her.
Instead, Makoto moved to unbutton his shirt, letting it fall open. Chihiro's eyes widened. She had never seen him like this, so exposed. He removed his pants, leaving him in just his underwear.
Makoto guided her to kneel on the bed, positioning her so she was facing him. He gently took her hand, guiding it to his underwear. Chihiro's breath hitched as she felt him through the fabric. He was hard, and the realization made her heart race even faster.
"I-I'll just, um, get these off for you."
Chihiro slowly pulled down his underwear, revealing his impressive member. Before she could react, it slapped her cheek with a gentle thud, causing her to let out an involuntary yelp of surprise.
Makoto's manhood stood proudly. It was firm and thick, with a smooth, taut skin that stretched over a rigid core. The tip, flushed a deeper hue, glistened with a hint of precum. It was the first time she had ever seen one in real life.
Makoto guided her hand to touch him, and she gasped at the warmth and firmness. Her fingers trembled, but she didn't pull away. Her curiosity overcame her nervousness, and she leaned in, kissing his tip softly.
"Oh, Makoto, your... um, your big thingy feels like a warm sausage!"
She felt his hand on the back of her head, gently guiding her. She opened her mouth, taking him in. The sensation was strange, but not unpleasant.
Makoto's hand rested on her head, his fingers threading through her hair. He guided her, showing her where to kiss, how to use her tongue. She kissed his shaft, her lips exploring every inch of him.
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When he guided her to his testicles, Chihiro hesitated for a moment. She had never thought about this part of a man before, and the idea made her blush. She kissed him there, the texture was different, the skin smoother and more delicate.
Chihiro took one of his testicles into her mouth, her tongue exploring tentatively. The sensation was strange but not unpleasant. She sucked gently, her movements careful and deliberate. Makoto's soft groan of pleasure made her feel a strange sense of pride.
After a few moments, Makoto gently pulled her back. His hands moved with a gentle precision as he reached behind Chihiro, his fingers deftly unhooking her bra. She felt the tension release as the garment fell away, exposing her bare chest to his gaze.
Chihiro's breasts were modest but perfectly shaped. Her nipples were a delicate pink, standing erect against the paleness of her skin. Makoto cupped her breasts in his hands, his touch firm yet tender. His thumbs brushed over her nipples, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. He explored the soft curves, squeezing and kneading gently.
He moved her, positioning her so she was on her hands and knees. "Makoto, what are you...?" she started to ask, but her words trailed off as he moved lower, his hands lifting her skirt.
Makoto's fingers brushed against her white panties, and Chihiro gasped at the sensation. He slid them down slowly, exposing her most intimate area.
He spread her cheeks and he felt his finger at the area around her anus. Chihiro's anus was a delicate rosebud of tender skin, a soft contrast to the paler expanse of her cheeks. The tiny folds and lines formed intricate, almost mesmerizing patterns, like the petals of a tightly closed flower. The color was a gentle hue, slightly darker than the rest of her.
He gently applied pressure with his fingertip. He slowly slid his finger past the initial ring of muscle, her warmth and tightness enveloping him. Chihiro gasped softly.
based random black guys
>removing her only appeal
Into the trash it goes.
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Makoto leaned in closer, his breath warm against her skin. The tip of his tongue brushed against her. He probed gently, his tongue delving into the tight ring of muscle, tracing the delicate patterns of her folds.
"Makoto, you're... you're like a silent ninja infiltrating my, uh, forbidden fortress!"
He continued his ministrations, his tongue exploring every inch of her. Chihiro felt a wave of pleasure building inside her, her body trembling. She had never felt anything like this before, and it was overwhelming.
After a while, he pulled away, his eyes dark with desire. He positioned himself between her cheeks, rubbing his erection against her. Chihiro's breath hitched, the sensation both strange and arousing.
She felt him shift, his manhood brushing against her cheeks. He rubbed himself against her, the tip of his manhood pressing against her anus. Chihiro's breath came in shallow gasps, her mind struggling to keep up with her body's reactions.
"Makoto, is this... is this too far?" she asked, her voice trembling. He paused, looking at her with his calm, unreadable expression.
"Well, I guess it doesn't count as popping my cherry," she said with a nervous giggle. "I mean, it's just... backdoor stuff, right?"
He positioned himself, the tip of his manhood pressing against her entrance. When he started to push inside, she gasped, her body tensing. She felt him stretching her, filling her in a way she had never experienced before.
He moved slowly, giving her time to adjust. She felt him filling her completely.
"Makoto, you're... you're filling me up like a... like a balloon! I feel like I'm gonna float away!"
He continued his movements, his hands steady on her hips. Chihiro's body trembled with each thrust, the pleasure building inside her.
As Makoto's movements grew more urgent, Chihiro felt herself getting lost in the sensations. Her moans mingled with his soft groans, filling the room. She felt a warmth spreading through her.
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"You're really good at this, Makoto! Like, um, a professional... er, plumber? Fixing my pipes?" she started, but her words were lost in a cry of pleasure as she reached her peak. The sensation was overwhelming, her body shuddering with the intensity of it all.
Makoto followed soon after, his release filling her completely. The sensation pushed her over the edge again, her own climax washing over her in powerful waves. She cried out, her body trembling with the intensity of it all.
They stayed like that for a moment, their bodies entwined, breathing heavily. Makoto gently pulled out, lying down beside her.
"Makoto, that was... amazing," she said softly, her voice filled with awe. "Like... Like when Sonic goes Super Sonic!"
Makoto didn't say anything, just held her close.

I wanna paint Chihiro's glasses nice and white
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I almost dated Sumire, but you miss out on a Christmas date because the second half of her link is locked to the end of the game. Kinda shitty that the new waifu doesn't get as many cute events as some of the other girls. I heard her rank 10 is virtually the same either way, too. That dance scene almost won me over, though. I wish they integrated her better into the main story. She could've easily around the Casino.
Where is Sumi. I don't see her. Where is she.
I want Sae to engage in sexual acts with me without my consent.
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We need more Nanako posts.
>without consent
which is it stupei?
I want Sae to enlarge my proatate.
If I'm good at P5S will I be good at Metaphor?
Because he's supposed to be a peak specimen of a teenager.
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I'm giving her permission to rape me
She looks like she gives men handjobs for money.
Would you say that Chihiro is made for anal?
Nanako is precious.
P4 but Narukami and Nanako's genders are reversed
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any skills (aside from cosmic flare) i can improve on my johanna and anat? stats aside, i think my johanna is borderline perfect, but anat could use some work. almighty amp is so fucking hard to get without hacking it in, so that's out of the question. it was hard enough to get almighty boost on her. i want to keep cosmic flare over megidolaon for flavor purposes.
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Your Ann?
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What should I draw her wearing?
sees outfit
Me to GODtlus for finally letting us /ss/ in a Persona game after so many years.
>I speeded
Annfaggots, everyone
"Speededed" would be correct
Ann is a disgrace to lovers arcana
This video felt like a waste of time. I actually sat down and watched it and it doesn't feel like it has a coherent point. It's him misunderstanding Ann's character and crying about sexualization for 20 minutes but in the last few minutes he basically walks it back and says girls he know like sexualized designs so it okay. Seriously?
I think Kanji is cool
ANY of the phantom thief costumes
Ann's strikers outfit
I second this motion. Kanji is very cool.
Persona 4 looks a lot different than I remember...
replace auto mataru with a null or something, you should make a persona with all three auto skills instead
any youtube video longer than 15 minutes is a waste of time tbqh
I have a feeling the answer will bomb, Aigis did not go over popular with the normies.
Good thing that The Answer is not about Aigis at all.
Why did Deload flop?
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This is the average american Persona fan. "You didn't want to get raped by the abusive shitbag that beats your best friend? Ah I see, you want nothing to do with sex or sexuality period."
She's literally the protagonist.
Like the BBC that flops on shitmire's face hourly?
Yeah and going back to being a non-character is her entire thing.
>p5 has izanagi, orpheus, kotone orpheus, kaguya, and even fucking asterius and tsukiyomi
>p3r has izanagi and kaguya and the entire phantom thief cast plus their awakenings
>no investigation team in sight
if the p4 remake has the phantom thieves personas but not the SEES personas i'm going to be slightly miffed.
Cow print micro bikini.
Fapped to Anne and I'm NOT sorry.
This but Lavenza
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Shinji is for the Coatowner
This but Futaba
Post it.
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Every party mem Persona and all they're awakenings should just be available forever in every game. Persona 9 should let you use every party & MC persona from P1-P8 and if Atlus weren't to money-grubbing it'd just be an unlockable in some way instead of dlc every fucking time.
fuuka can restore some SP in an emergency, because she keeps a can of soda in her ass
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I'm guessing antireloadschizo is sumireschizo? No one has that level of autism to be at it for months.
Before you say yuschizo: that was a gimmick.
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No lmao
Schizo this schizo that schizo please,
Can a schizo borrow a fry? And my first thought wasn't oh he said the word the S-word it was now how is a Schizo going to borrow a fry? Schizo is you gonna give it back?
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Is your ragebait so interesting that you had to make a thread about it?
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He is one of them. Metaphor schizo is also one of the antireload schizos as well because he was mad Reload drew attention away from Metaphor being gameplay revealed at the same time.
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More like hackshinoschizo desu.
Yeah, just because you play as her, doesn't mean the story is about her. She's barely a character in it. The answer is about every character coming to terms with death. It's about closure. That's why the title was localized as 'the answer', because they don't fucking know why the main character died suddenly. They don't know what the great seal is.
Me too. She's so built for sex, it's unreal
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Why deload had to be such a flop?
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Persona 6 Leaked UI and Menu Design
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Is that you midori?
Kill yourself, Paki
P6 New Montage
Sometimes I think about how stupid Yusuke's beach outfit was, then I remember Akihiko's sissy garment and I forgive him
This is correct information.
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>Everybody in the party can be different classes, but every party member has a unique passive which is expanded with talking to them on the ship. Lots of combo potential.
Oh so exactly like fire emblem
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What will reload's lifetime sales look like?
I'm not Paki baka
ass-soda from fuuka... !!!!!!!!!!!
Close to OG P5.
>DO NOT repost/use
anon... why are you so bad at following instructions?
>draws most usable Persona female in existence.
Is he stupid?
>do not repost/use
One fucking job
I really like Yusuke
How would Joker respond?
What if I just send Yusuke car crash compilations

Yes. I will not tolerate emperor slander, it is consistently one of the best arcana with some of the realest niggas.
Why is Vergil writing p3 erotic fanfiction?
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Why are Yukiko and Hifumi so unpopular with men when they're the most beautiful girls in each game?
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Yusuke when he sees the 8 car pileup on the highway you tagged him in 5 minutes ago
Maybe yukiko should stop brapping on everyone.
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Joker's (my) reaction to this post
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they're both Weird
>No female self to mark you from head to toe... why even live?
The world simply wasn't ready for their arrival.
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Sending car crash compilations to Sumire
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Black hair, plain appearance. The equivalent to picrel
Yusuke you don't understand, this is important for traversing the metaverse.
Remember those police cars in Alice's Palace?
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What do you expect from persona 6?
Yukiko is extremely popular with men, to the point of it having an effect on her daily life?
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Hot girls who say they love me and music that niggers will latch onto despite never having played the games
List of people femc should've been able to romance
>Officer Kurosawa
>Gourmet king
Who else?
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Did you post this because of the song or do you just like cod compilations?
The final boss music is an orchestral cover of Long Season by Fishmans
>watching Persona videos on youtube
I seriously hope you guys dont actually do this
Your Persona waifu is gonna turn into this btw
She's a sweetheart and does her best for her senile ass husband
Imagine the fun that could be had actuslly playing the games or watching anime instead of listening to some fag whine about "sexualization in media". Why would anyone subiect themselves to this shit?
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>This was someone's Ann or Makoto
Even watching someone else have fun with the game in the most basic way is more fun than bitching about the politics of it
Is this the same person replying to themselves multiple times?
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That too, way more fun. People should value their time more
It's all the other sudden posts about Reload too. Someone trying to force discussion about the game I bet.
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>ywn marry, have children, and grown old with your Yukariwife
Thanks anon, thanks for making me depressed.
It's Persona, you should already start out depressed.
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>Cranidos weight. 69.4 lbs. / 31.5 kg.
Sumi strong....
it takes maturity to understand why yukiko is the best. Most persona fans still don't even understand her social link because its a slap in the face to western "values"
Some people just want to be angry, I used to do it a lot as well and realized thankfully it was a waste of time. It's easy, accessible, and feeds your biases when someone acts like a moron but at the end of the day no one gives a fuck and you're just sitting alone in your room frothing over nothing.
Ren is too young to pick up hookers at a park bench
My bad, Anon
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Being indecisive and retarded and not wanting to actually change anything about yourself because you're happier the way you are is basically western values 101, it's why the west started collapsing almost a decade ago
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How many takeba?
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a gaggle of takeba
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I want to make out with this cute fairy so bad
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Hey discord the bot started posting every 2 minutes instead of every 1 minute please fix your shit thanks
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Ann was gonna even more sex than she already is? Splendid
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Sumi has sex with foreigners
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Do you ever get tired of asking this and getting the same answer every time? Are you just trying to fish for other posters that don't like the game or want to talk about P3 instead?
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With him?
Peace for tonight and tomorrow.
Happy Takamaki Tuesday, and good night Personababs.

Ann is and always will be very sexy.
Hey metaphorschizo. How does it feel know that once your dogshit game bombs we will finally be rid of your tantrum renaming of our general? You’ll be tossed out like the trash you are. Even ringoschizo is better than you because he didn’t attentionwhore to the point he renamed the fucking general. The only reason its still up is because of laziness.
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So I'm guessing one or both of those were right?
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You are the one who keeps sperging out a out Persona 3 Reload. Awwwww, too bad it stole your shitty game’s thunder. So sad :’(! Nothing you can do.
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Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Reload worst game ever made
Game was made by devs
That've never played a p3 game in their life
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Reload worst game ever made
How could you mess it up
This bad
The Reload Answer update won't really really won't
Make this shit game better you're on copium
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Reload worst game ever made
Boring game
Shit tartarus progression bad boss design
Twilight frag cool downs DLC spenders bad
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Why would you come to /pg/ at 2 in the morning when it's usually dead as fuck to foam at the mouth about how no one is talking about p3r
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He does it however often he has his bot turned on.
Downward dog with Futaba
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How did he become a student? Who checked his ID and address and previous school attendance and contacted a legal guardian and
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>no Sae
Crap dude the video starting off with Life Will Change as though its some actual P5 trailer is so fucking funny
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I started playing Reload.
I think Yuko was the only S.Link I maxed in FES.
I have a soft spot for her. She's a very sweet girl.
Why is she so small?
Enjoy her inferior version
>some metaphor obsessed p3schizo got caught spamming sumire and actually stopped doing it
So? I fast forwarded both of their social links. The only girls whose social links I read were those of Yukari (always), Fuuka (sometimes), Chihiro (initially) and Yuko rarely and Maiko (always). Maya I only spedread because I could tell everything that's going on just from the vibes. Without reading anything, I can tell that Mitsuru's was like "oh no I am ojou-sama with such responsibility please teach me how the common folk do, haha I am so silly and inexperienced" and Aigis was something like "we found the feline of old woman, now I understand what it means human, also we healed her mean grandson who took the money she didn't earn in the first place because it was given to her through a Ponzi scheme called retirement payments, how dare he". I don't care to check if I'm right.
Disgusting and pathetic that you needed /pg/ to do this, I became a lolicon about 1 year after I started masturbating/after I got stable internet connection. I used hentai websites back then which literally don't even exist anymore and the loli flash game I nutted to would be pretty much impossible to find, but I still remember it
I'll save this pasta
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P3fags really like talking about Metaphor huh
Same guy who did it for Aigis
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I lied. /pg/ turned me into a Nanakofag, I don't care for other lolis.
Do they sound like the characters?
mass retardation that takes place when aigis starts going to school is probably the worst writing in p3
it's so weird that atlus went to lengths to make a believable world with kirijo group being all low profile with covering shit up as it happens and then they decided fuck it, we need to hamfist a robot
I just skipped to Futaba and didn't check out the rest, she sounds... okay-ish.
Shut up
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>that suggested video
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Schizos ruin everything, post p4
Aigis got away with it because gaijin
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*monkey paw curls*
the homo maximus
Will there ever be a Persona or SMT game without Denuvo
denuvo won, pay up
I want to fuck that Toharu bitch.
I want to mindbreak her with my monster cock.
I want to make her a mommy.
It is the only way to fix her.
I want to buy the game but without Denuvo
denuvo performance hit is a hoax
Fem-Yosuke and Masc-Rise....
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>naoto is an actual trap
Dude the ai is even trying to replicate the fucking signature and date lmfao
P6 will introduce the anima/animus alongside your shadow, who appears as a gender swapped version of yourself. It will make gamers froth at the mouth with rage about trannies and generate a lot of hot selfcest porn.
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How long before it's revealed that your "Shadow" is actually just an alternate universe version of yourself and then you have another lame ass multiverse plot?
Don't see that happening because that's not what a shadow is supposed to be at all
Atlus will change it up just for this game
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>3 hours
I mean, theoretical Ohya content is nice but that’s a lot to go through to get there…
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The Anima/Animus concept has nothing to do with trannies of selfcest, Anon. Anima/Animus cannot be hostile towards the Self or Ego, because they are protective in nature and their “realm of existence” is much deeper than the Shadow's. However they can influence the individual in certain aspects, be it negative or positive.
In my understanding the feminine side of a man, Anima, (if visualised) wouldn’t even look like a rule 63 version of a said man, she would rather look like a mother figure or a spoiled little girl, and both of those versions could be negative or positive.
But anyway, I'd love to see this in P6.
I don't care about the performance hit, I care about the
>you must play this game in online mode for the first time
on steam, which happens completely unpredictably, when I want to play in Steam offline mode.
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She's taking him away
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Sorta based desu
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Release him!
Too bad I don't have the attention span for books otherwise I'd actually read Jung
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She's Just a Sumi.
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sex behind tartarus stairs
New amateurthrowaway?
>Yukari for the last time we're not dating. I don't have any interest in you or any of the other girls at our dorm.
^Faggot fanfiction
>doing vanilla
You can see the watermark in the corner
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I just find it funny that what we settled on was the P3D models with some meshes from the reload models ported over because of how shit the reload models look outside of the game's carefully curated lighting
different artists

amateurthrowaway is shit btw
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He's like the top persona porn animator
You only don't like him because he likes NTR
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I don't like him because it's like everyone in his videos are made from jelly
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I'm jerking my dinkie to this right now
Why are they using the 3 Dancing models but with the new custom reload outfit
That's so hot
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persona 3d artists are pretty shit, they are still waiting for someone to make a working in-game-like shader
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licky-lick sweaty summer pits
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WOAH a random /pg/ post
I want to lick the crust off of Futaba's unwashed gamer vagina
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dead general
Why can't you just filter all the shit mire md5s
Because it makes half of everything each thread.

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