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The SaveTF2 Cinematic Universe Edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf

>Official Sites
Blog: https://teamfortress.com
Wiki: https://wiki.tf

>Frag With /tf2g/
When: Friday & Saturday Afternoon. Check for posts in the thread or be the one to announce.
tf2g's Official Server: (EU)
Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
>Other 4chan Servers
Weeabootique: (NA)
Team Funtress: fun.tf2.host (NA)
Castaway: Castaway.tf (NA)
Konata: konata.tf (EU)

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Svy4uc7t
Mods: https://pastebin.com/8Q6bzADk
Preview Loadouts & Skins: https://loadout.tf | https://weapons.tf | https://p337.info/tfview
HUDs: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/1644 | https://teamfortress.tv/33738
Scripting: https://pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | https://pastebin.com/R7V4cN8S
Trading: https://backpack.tf | https://trade.tf | https://stntrading.eu/ | https://tf2trade.tf/
Stats: https://pastebin.com/0yaDyWb4
Sprays: https://rafradek.github.io/Mishcatt/
Creators Leaks: https://archive.is/GeYbE
tf2g's Guide to Heavy: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZWgt96

News & Events: https://teamfortress.tv
Lobbies & Mixes: https://tf2center.com | https://pastebin.com/vNTDF4eL
Leagues: https://pastebin.com/UJ9sDAdq

>Previous Thread
The other version of the pic was better btw
I disagree, this one had way more effort behind it with custom logo edits and everything
The other one was just plain black and white text
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Reminder that we don't NEED valve to fix casual.

Vote for my unusual effect plz, update is coming soon

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Sure, I just gave it a downvote
I'm guessing tf2 isnt saved yet?
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It will never be saved
brevity is the soul of wit also I hate wojaks
Bros wtf turn on the news Gabe just sent missiles to bot hosters' houses!
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Why would you do that ? I just shared an effect I worked on, make your own effect if you dislike it
The wojaks are such a minor element of the image if you can't ignore it that's your problem
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It's chewsday innit
the wojaks make it way funnier. seethe, troonies
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Which TFtubers are most likely to touch kids?
Do you think we're your personal army or something? We don't owe you upvotes just because you posted it and begged for votes, get out of here
why the fuck is the postal pummeler an axtinguisher reskin, but the sharpened volcano fragment isnt? that weapon was practically designed to be an axtinguisher reskin, what other stats could it have?
why does the postal pummeler even exist? the hotmail pun isnt funny enough to add it into the game, the backburner pun was already enough
Jill should have made a public apology about, well, everything.
Mechawreck and RobTheAwsm
Why did he get his paki bro fired from his job? Was the 1 dollar pizza really that bad?
Anon, I just asked kindly, I didn’t force anyone to vote on the effect I posted, are you high ?
wojaks are 4chan culture, redditors
Based gaben. "Oh yeah you're gonna boycott our game? What game? Doesn't exist anymore faggots hang yourself. Play deadlock"
dead game
dead general
>le quirky submissive (Am I doing this right?)
No Jill you couldn't have been more wrong
Not anymore newfag, wojaks are basedjakparty now
promo weapons prove how little valve gave a shit about the actual quality of the game
promo hats breaking the artstyle and being ugly? no problem, noone will wear them. but weapons have an effect on gameplay, and for the past 10 years ive had to look at the DIAMONDBACK, a weapon that looks like a gamebanana mod, all because its the META. FUCK these promo weapons, theyre almost all ugly and most of them have no reason to exist other than to promote a game noone has cared about since their addition. everyone wants a diamondback rework, what can you rework it into? spys revolver arsenal is full, every possible role is already filled out, its an extra weapon that doesnt need to exist, just like the sun on a stick, just like the manmelter, just like the third degree
everyone who hates wojaks always ends up being a pedophile. curious.
everyone who loves wojaks always ends up being a pedophile, curious
HOLY SHIT KEK I always thought it was a quick html edit
everyone who posts wojaks always ends up being a pedophile. curious.
I'd like to support /tf2g/'s workshop submissions anon but to be completely honest it doesn't look like anything special, just something that I'd expect to see in a current year TF2 update.
>Oh, it's that effect. Yeah. Anyway...
Nostromo Napalmer > Flamethrower >>>>> shit >>>>>>> Rainblower
idk why but Valve just decided to randomly add 2 reskins in form of the postal pummeler and nessies nine iron into the game one day
everyone who is ends up being. curious.
This is dumb. Bots can just requeue
fuck off Descartes
And how would they know to do so?
He even got banned for it
everyone who is not the enemy spy ends up being the enemy spy. curious.
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>keep seeing players with the "(F2P)" tag in their username so people know they can't communicate
>Meanwhile bots keep spamming chat and voicechat
Can Valve revert that dumb "fix" already
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Why is the community so sunk cost into keeping matchmaking and constantly reworking it? The better solution would be to get rid of it entirely.
every teammate who looks at me too long ends up being a spy, curious
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Copout answer: same way you'll know there's bots on the server
Real answer: requeue every 5 minutes

I'm pretty sure they already do the latter though
It isn't about what should be done. It's what can be done knowing valve isn't going to lift a finger.
>TF2 fags still seething over Deadlock getting more attention from Valve than their 20 year old game that the community already ruined before the bots came along
>Deadcock shills coping that it won't be another artifact
>retard thinks anyone cares about a Hearthstone clone
Because the community can so easily just pull up to Valve's servers and delete matchmatching right you fucking pea brain?
There's that one guy on /v/ that spams every thread about Valve or Valve games
>Copout answer
we know what bots are because there are community maintained blacklists. If those were to fail, then community servers would have bots so it has a reason to be updated. Bots on the other hand have no mechanism of determing bot from player if it doesn't tell them itself.
>real answer
If they did that, they would be much less impactful to gameplay, and the priciple would still hold. Anti-bots would block slots in player servers which have bots join, bots would dissipate and players would take their place, anti-bots leave repeat until server is full.
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The entire situation can be solved by a mass exodus to vanilla community servers with the caveat that ecelebs aren't the only ones to host servers. However, I've seen numerous times recently, both related to TF2 or otherwise, that people are unwilling to make a genuine to boycott something or work on a community run initiative and would instead prefer to complain. I think it's similar to people's inability to use the mute function ingame or on websites, instead preferring to demand that a player is kicked or a user is banned.

There are other issues such as cliquiness and explaining to new players that they shouldn't mindlessly click on the big play now button but these weren't an (enormous) issue prior to 2016.
Why are TheWhatShow and whatever other tf2 tubers even bothering to go to Valve as group if they're just gonna drop the signatures there and leave and going as a group makes it take longer to plan the trip anyway?
They all want to shill that they went and make a video about their epic visit to Valve
Those servers are moderated by redditors who will never give you a vanilla experience. Everyone who wants that already left for those greener pastures. All 400 of them.
>he genuinely thinks these fat unhealthy faggots are even going to bother doing anything other than milking this game and its drama for the 1000th time
>Why are TheWhatShow and whatever other tf2 tubers even bothering to go to Valve
they aren't, and never were
>system runs for a day
>gather all steam ids you see the most and how long you see them
>now you got a list of steam ids you can filter by and requeue whenever there's >6 ids that match
Cool, so I take the software which is just an idle client, run it for my account and I become immune? Cool. Altenrately, just make more antis.
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>fat hanzo but he flies
reminder that parkour captcha would work and only scared troonic bot hosters will try to tell you otherwise
Okay, we've requested valve implement a captcha. Why isn't it working?
they're too busy masturbating to omegatronic porn
uhmmm uhh that wouldn't work because they would need to make an ai that somehow sees and jump at the right time at random moving platforms!!!!
Because it's difficult to book tickets and hotels for six people okay! Adulting is hard!!!
No where did you get that from? You'll still see bots. You'll need to be in a server that's overwhelmingly bot vs antibot for them to just leave

The idea that relies on bots not learning how to jump
Just build out the map already. I'll break it in a day I promise you
why you retards think everyone wants to play on vanilla community servers
I'd play on a fucking prophunt personally, last time I played on it was in 2014
If I wanted to play the game, I would just play casual you fucking retards
cope troonic
someone already made a test map a while ago yet i don't see any videos of bots completing it HHMMMM???
>I run anti-bot client
>get picked up as anti-bot to avoid
>others do same
>attain bot immunity
>play casual bot free
New weapon rebalance gem just dropped.
Prove you’re not a zestybot.
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You want the parkour captcha to be implemented because you think it will stop botters
I want the parkour captcha to be implemented so I can watch botters work around it quickly and I can laugh at you
>t. coping troonic bot hoster
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>Valve would ignore you if you go there unannounced (I'm going to delay this as long as possible 'till this blows over)
>it's hard to book an hotel for few people just to get ignored (I don't want to pay for flight when I can spend it on TF2)
>we need as many people to sign the petition to make an impact (so we can sell it to third parties without them suspecting a thing)
>please protest TF2 by not spending money on TF2 items (so when traders break prices we can clear them)
>until all of this pass why don't you just play on community servers (so we can get clicks and traffic)
>sure install this anti-bot client that has nothing in it.
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You'd open source it ya? Not seeing the issue.
i can see her donut...
I saw a YouTube video with no download if that's what you're talking about

The concept of an antibot means it's not intrusive/doesn't contribute kills/assists/points. So how about this if it joins your server and you have more than 5 kills+assists it counts you as a human. It can still do the blacklist to make f2ps suffer as well

Just do it and prove us wrong. You do have experience in programming/map making right? You're not just talking out your ass right anon?
You guys like Quake? Just started getting into the first game. Never played QTF.
if it's the one with grey blocks it wasn't that video the other one was unlisted so of course you can't search for it unless it's liked or scouring through past threads
>I want your solution to be implemented!
>uhhh you're a bot hoster
Explain this mindset?
>double matchmaking outage
>steam summer sale in 1 day and 18 hours
tf2 is getting fixed in time for summer, they feared the boycott
#fixtf2 saved tf2
you all better kneel to weezytf2 and TheWhat
thank you WeezyTF2 and TheWhatShow for saving tf2
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*saves tf2*
Do you like TF2?
I'm retarded, underage, and the best moment of my pathetic life was playing tf2
>4chan will now pretend that they were on the right side of history the whole time
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MARI ruins the game yet again
Why a parkour captcha? Why not just a normal captcha?
>bots can bypass those
These bots aren't programmed to bypass typical captchas.
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Heavy sisters...its over..
if being 'human' is a whitelist for bots
>play casual
>encounter bot
>get counted as human
>later run antibot client
>succesfully capture bots
>players benefit from captures
If being 'human' is a per game setting
>play casual
>round starts
>no one is human
>bots leave
If they wait a while
>play casual
>round starts
>no one scores points because the bot kills them
>bots leave
push her down some stairs
this but heavy is scout and scout is bbw fempyro
Heavy = Jiren
Scout = Goku
we know, troonic
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Remove random krits for pyros. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
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meanwhile in tf2...
I believe it. Valve is fucking retarded. I see /v/tards praising steams social media features all the time but every time you interact with them you're risking a community ban by whatever pmsing fat chick they have reviewing comments that day. Fuck you can get a community ban by marking a review helpful that is later deemed offtopic. Not fucking worth it.
oh shit i can't see who that is huummmm is it the heavy???
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Randomly crit pyros with your cock. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
Not tf2 bots. There's captcha solvers out there that sell thousands of captchas < $1

What about all 3?
Being a bot is a global blacklist. Having points/kills/assists is a whitelist per game that takes priority over blacklist. Minimum 3 minutes per server if it's the start of the round
already answered: steam has cranked up the comment filters to the extreme due to the amount of scamming bots and people falling for said bots, almost everything that mentions trade / sell / buy / unusuals / knives will net you a community ban (which can be removed through support site)
>“Hey, good-lookin’! Gotta bucket o’ chicken!”
why does scout like chicken so much?
Threesome with femscout and fempyro...
This sounds more like a countermeasure against idling bots, though. Better indicators would be the overall play styles of given players, hit:miss ratios, and kill:death ratios. If a player is playing in a manner that suggests he has no fear of anything, has never died, and hits all of his shots, what do you think are the chances he’s a bot?
6 gamers dueling on lakeside on castaway dallas
this but soldier
>can't play demo because there's two demoknights and a hybridknight on my team, so having a fourth demo would be gamebreaking
>can't play soldier because there's two fresh installs and a trolldier on my team, so having a fourth soldier would be OP
>enemy team has three rescue wrangler engineers on payload or two gunslinger users on koth, which is perfectly fine apparently
I hate uncletopia so much it's unreal
Read the entire thread man. Anon was talking about introducing anti-bots to mess with hackers. I'm saying it's a bad idea because antibots are easy to detect
What's the problem? Are you saying that they should ban those players for how they are playing?
>ugh... comp players ruined the game...
have you considered playing on other servers
Retards having the point fly over their heads
Class limits are gay and don't even balance the game, they just cuck you out of playing the class you want and occasionally put one team in checkmate for no good reason
>i was just le pretending to be le retarded
When I saw posts as low-IQ as this in the past, I would cope by saying they had to be trolls, since nobody could actually be so retarded, but I've since come to the conclusion that anyone who gets a kick out of making such posts has got to be genuinely retarded regardless of their intentions, because such posts are actually impossible for an intelligent person to write even intentionally
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Friendly reminder that the 3 central people organizing #FixTF2 in a discord group chat together are all post-MYM babbies and IRL friends. They're literally kids barely older than the game itself demanding the entire playerbase aid their movement and not make them look bad, even though they have no history of internet activism. Their only credentials are MVM videos and literal toy unboxing videos.
How would they be easy to detect? This would be embedded into the game’s anti-cheat system, so any bots that want to farm for items would need to play like the rest of us and not have unfair advantages.
What if everyone just ran the same scripts the bots use to communicate with each other to trick the bots into thinking they are in a server populated by other bots so they leave?
Oh, class limits. He was being literal when he said can't. I don't play on Uncletopia so I didn't realize that was the case there, weird that there's class limits in play
first world behavior
I like the nailgun in TF2C
Me too. It's fun
It's not possible anymore since valve removed that exploit. They use whitelists these days.
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It's still absurd to me that Valve had a real way to 100% correctly identify every single bot, using that secret hidden token they were all using to identify each other, and instead of auto banning anyone using that token they just fixed it and left the bots alone. Sure, the bot hosters would've eventually realized the token's being detected, but only after every single bot got banned so they'd all be slowed down and have to make new accounts.
>Play casual
>Bot joins
>Antis fill remaining slots
>Bot gets kicked
>Antis leave
They still lose their ability to overrun servers even if they counter as outlined. Also
>Antis updated with player detect logic
>Call votes on bots if players are present
The absolute state
Hey stop disrespecting our GODS they will fix tf2 in time
They just have to take their time arranging their schedules so they can all fly at the same time with their tuber equipment ready so they can deliver the signatures
Only one person going with the signatures already and without making a clickbait video about it? Stop with the stupid ideas our DEITIES TheWhat, Weezy and Shork know better
unfunny and unoriginal gimmick, faggot
>Only one person going
Realistically, we saw how Valve reacted to one person (Sign Anon) and they just ignored him
I think these doofuses are uncoordinated and clickfarming too but it would make more sense to go in a group just because it's harder to ignore
I dont remember people using the base jumper before its nerf yet everyone seems to act like it ruined their lives when it got nerfed
This crap has gone for long enough that my tribalistic loyalty to tf2 has died, someone make a tf2 game but with anime girls
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ok here you go
That's literally what Overwatch is
#fixTF2 died the second the entire movement halted to a screech to collectively cry and piss and shit itself over a handful of negative steam reviews
xe/xems are not anime girls
10 games duking it out on koth_king
make that 13 gamers, on castaway dallas
you're a anime girls
Can we talk about class wars? My favorite matchup is engineer vs engineer.
signanon was just some sperg standing outside like a retard, why WOULD valve bother not ignoring him?
like it or hate it youtubers tend to have more clout with companies because muh influencers/content creators have taken over the modern internet
Spy v spy for me
red engineers would always beat blu engineers
Nah, I'm not a fan of mad magazine.
Also Signanon went out of his way not to bother anyone working in the building
Back in the first savetf2 the spy cosplayer kept bugging workers so of course they sent an emergency PR stacy and baloonicorn for that one
so as it turns out, a redditor had the right idea of what a protest actually is and it's being a nuisance to get noticed instead of trying to fade into the wallpaper like an antisocial sperg
I prefer femscout to fempyro
holy kek
troon ratio’d… on reddit?
The internet is healing
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>Be me soldier with 40hp in a corner
>Medic in front of me switches from medigun to crossbow
>Misses shot
>Misses another shot
>Soldier kills me with a rocket
>Medic dies next
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Usually I'd even tell everyone to just be patient but I have 0 credit for those slackers. Since some of those youtubers are "dumb" enough to think that people would believe the excuse of "not spending money on TF2" could coerce Valve to do something just speaks the tone of their underlying plans.
Youtubers have no plan to do jack shit, this whole crap is a stage for harvesting data and them for cashing out from drama. All they ever need to do is contacting Valve, this can be e-mail or as simple as calling them. Then booking a flight wouldn't be so hard when they got an answer but they play the "waiting game" and await more people to fill the forms and sign the petition like this would make a difference. No, when you keep signing it, that won't make them act faster or encouraged to book a flight.

Only when signatures slow down they would consider it's time to move forward which is a good time to observe them. Ask them how many people still sign the petition per day or keep track of it from counter. When they refuse to move forward even though new signatures stopped coming or it doesn't slow down after a while, then know that some bot hosters even interfering with this shit and this is a bad sign. We're witnessing collusion here and both sides are actually in it to cash in. Nobody cares about the state of the game. People played in community servers for years after Valve killed quickplay and they can keep doing that for another decade if it comes to it.
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For all of you
20 gamers rushing for gold on castaway dallas
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shut up shut up weezy, shork, and thewhatshow are saving tf2 and if u disagree ur probably a bot hoster
When even redditors think Weezy and the crew are acting like morons you know it's real bad
I want to impregnate both
TheWhat is actually smart visiting valve as a group, meanwhile this place does nothing
>thinks but not acts thus smart
>cucks himself by not acting on reasonable thought
is TF2 the thinking man's game? fr?
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>meanwhile this place does nothing
why is his body so feminine?
he's chinese
its a femscout cosplay
>castaway is full
see it just takes some patience
Why are we doubting TheWhat/Weezy now? It's damn obvious they were going to visit Valve together
He's the scout
why not
i've thought about this for a while, and honestly it's a bit surprising that a lot of people don't realize that the undertone of the whole thing is just milking drama and making patreonbux out of people that are being tricked into that shit because it helps a "righteous" cause
Also, only tangentially related, but what is the supposed block of printed signatures meant to do, either way? if they're trying to the thing that supposedly helped wow bounce back from its death then they're seriously delusional because while wow could and still makes a shitload of cash for actiblizz (or so i think, i don't really follow that shit), tf2 isn't even a drop in the bucket for valve
>Weezy: please be patient guys as we will deliver it by hand
>redditors: NOOOO things need to happen Tomorrow
I honestly don't think it's malicious, but a group of people who make a living pandering to an audience of primarily 15-year-old gamers are simply incompetent idiots.
>Weezy: Deliver it now? No, we're going to wait after the summer update so everyone spends money on the new case first. Make sure not to boycott, that's a bad idea!
>random dumbass anon: Yes, this is the correct course of action. Clearly Valve is aware of the issue and will act on their own before the summer update comes out *nods in a blowjob motion*
even doe he said he would deliver them this month
They were hoping valve would have responded by now and they never even made plans to fly out to their office.
Where did he say that?
Reminder that Weezy is constantly targeted by Basil, he manipulated reddit to backstab Weezy
i thought thewhat was like 16 years old why is he spearheading this
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Don't worry guys the youtubeGODS have it all under control
in his video
We're not even talking about those types of bots anon. Read the entire threas
oh phew, they said they have a plan, we're safe
*activates rancho relaxo*
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I know anon. All the youtubers tagging their videos with FixTF hashtags and act as if they care. Even the most infamous glitch and exploiters acts like they care about community all of a sudden. The campaign started to lose blood because of their incompetence and they need to act or show us that they walk the walk. It doesn't need to happen tomorrow but an e-mail or a call goes a long way. Before summer update it has to be delivered so Valve would at least make a move or a gesture towards making this game better.

>plan B and plan C in the works
>in the works
So they don't have any plan but plan improvise as they go. If it was in motion we'd see something.

We'd have a summer update by then. We all know Valve tend to have radio silence after a big update. He just waits for this to blow over.
which video lol
it's really obvious which posts are reddit brigade, /vg/ has always loved their videos
>t. same retard who spammed "/tf2g/ has ALWAYS loved [some youtuber whose name i forgot already]" for a week
>/vg/ loves youtube creators
me and who?
You don't speak for me faggot, I've been here since /vg/ was created and I don't watch any of these zoomertubers
reminder that tf2g was mostly in favor of removing random crits until dane made a video about it
mandella effect
Reminder that literally everyone on /tf2g/ agreed that Uncletopia was the definitive TF2 experience before all the election tourist newfags hopped onboard.
Reminder that /tf2g/ was a Touhou general before the soiteens came in.
reminder that miss pauling is canonically a lesbian
it's really sad to see reddit go one day from a bad troll attempt to the next day hating on the people that actually want to put effort into saving this game
reminder that leaving a negative steam review on other games makes you just as bad or maybe even worse than the bot hosters
No one is knocking them for wanting to save the game. It’s just a poor attempt at doing so.
A huge chunk of players wasn't around before the days before MYM and they don't know things could be better.
Hell, most of them probably weren't even conscious or old enough to play Vidya back then when the update dropped ~8 years ago.
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>b-but the deleted tweet -ACK!
Lulling with promises of doing something and not acting on it is not being smart. It just implies they're at the same trenches bot hosters to slow any meaningful action down. Why wouldn't they? They cash in from this drama and community servers wouldn't want to lose their crowd.
Scout would be a dogshit Rocket League player
Why? He got a lot of practice for it doing Pass Time
I'm a soldier main and I love sucking on fat sausages.
I'm an engineer main and I love sucking on fat titties
Sugon deeze!
>sends a crit sticky
>b-but the fan sfm -ACK!
God I love BBC porn
Scout main btw
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>fan sfm
quite literally, cope and seethe
Thoughts on the manmelter?
Is nice.
>b-but the steam deck commercial -ACK!
>steam deck
nigga can't even read lmao
>"We never made a direct promise of when exactly we'd go" so acxkuhally YOU guys are wrong for expecting us not to wait two fucking months after the entire thing has died out!
miss pauling doesn't have time to play rocket league, making this blatantly not canon
quite literally, cope and seethe
>sucking valve off enough to give a shit about the difference between any of their shitty hardware
nigger can't even stop sucking dick lmao
and how is valve deliberately depicting scout and ms pauling spending time together (along with depicting what all the other mercs are getting up to) somehow LESS canon than a single tweet that no longer exists by a writer that didn't even stay at the company
quite literally, cope and seethe
>you can only spend time with someone if it's romantic
nigger has no social life lmao
pauling is canonically a lesbian
stay coping and seething
nigga you're coping and seething so hard I can smell you, you've run out of goal posts to move
if a girl looks at you like
and lets you put your arm around her and you think that's not romantic I've got a newsflash for you:
YOU don't have a social life you autistic retard
anon is canonically a lesbian
cope harder and seethe also
No she isn't. There are no sources that show her doing lesbian things.
yes she is, it's canon
stay seething and also coping
>b-but the tweet- (it's deleted) -ACK
>b-but her watching soldier and zhanna fight, that totally means she's a carpet muncher and not just watching a spectacle -ACK
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Why should I listen to his opinions on maps when he thinks Dustbowl, Goldrush and Hoodoo are among the best in the game?
He's right.
He's right.
Dustbowl Spy is fun
Is it true that TF2 brings in millions of dollars monthly for Valve?
Except for that one game where we got stuck at phase 2 and could not push out of the gate, I love dustbowl
your desperate coping and seething will never change the fact that pauling is canonically a lesbian
If she's a lesbian then why does all 50GB of my miss pauling porn have her taking cock?
Scout is canonically a lesbian too, so it's okay.
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Dustbowl and Wutville are the only good maps in the game. He's only half right, therefore he fails the test and is a certified retard.
desperate non-canon cope and seethe
pauling is a lesbian
Valve started posting the highest grossing games on Steam every year, and TF2's in Silver, which means it's outselling half the other games on Steam so yes
Yeah its in the silver tier for gross revenue on the steam year in review page. That puts in the same tier as new AAA games like Street Fighter 6 and giga indie hits like Lethal Company which we know earned 100 million dollars last year.
a meltdown is happening in real time, all it can do it spam like a broken robot
So TF2 makes as much as new AAA games and valve doesn't care about it?
Medic vs. anything is surprisingly fun
Pyro vs. Soldier/Heavy is funny because of the scorch shot
Sniper vs. Engineer is a good one

Spy is the only class that is actively bad
Yes, because
>A. it keeps making money without major involvement (a boycott would actually work btw)
>B. their other games make even more money so they can ignore it anyway
>Searched youtube to see if anything happened
>See this
>One of the organizers making a 6 hour video jerking off instead of doing #savetf2
I really don't think any of the organizers actually care, even if they don't have jobs outside of the game.
yes, the seething coping incel is having a meltdown because pauling is canonically a lesbian
He's wrong about that, but completely correct about LORDwerhouse and dustBANQUET
“I Forced TF2bers to Make Original Content Challenge! (Impossible)”
if i could remember to mash q and m2 to extinguish my team when I run backburner or phlog i'd use it more often, the muscle memory just doesn't stick with me
Yes. To elaborate on >>483505727's post, they've left TF2 on less than minimal life support for years and it still earns massive stacks from whales, so they have zero incentive to do anything when the current situation, while annoying as hell for players, suits them just fine.

Additionally, because of Steam's existence, Valve's decision-making process regarding profitable actions is warped. During an interview, they explained that because they think in terms of how many billions of dollars an action would earn them, they oftentimes neglect to think about the actions that would earn them millions of dollars.

They COULD earn even more money with TF2 if they didn't abandon it to a death spiral, but that would only be millions of dollars. Any other developer on the planet would be salivating over the chance to do live service for a game that has such a dedicated playerbase that it still pulls roughly 25,000-30,000 (human) players a day and gets in Steam's Top 50 Yearly Earners. A ton of developers out there are performing live service updates for games with merely a few thousand players for example, because it still earns them money. But TF2 doesn't earn enough money. It earns millions, not billions.

And in the eyes of nu-Valve, that simply isn't enough to be worth hiring even a handful of contractors to keep it not botted to shit. We've fallen a long way from the "Gaben tells the Half Life development team not to worry about deadlines and that he'll pay their wages out of his own pocket if need be" days.
I’m going to start hosting bots and commission a fempyro oc and instead of charging money for immunity I shall grant bot immunity to those whose fanart of my fempyro oc is to my liking. I’d advise you to start working on honing your fempyro artworks in case I actually follow through with my plan.
A good tool to harass enemy snipers or punish them for gazing the sightlines. It's also a good initiate against Medics. Besides that you need an experienced spy in your team to force enemy to switch to rage Pyro so you can farm crits with it. This also rely on your Engineer being a big brainer and put dispenser at a hidden spot and ahead of the sentry line.
You need a nest or roam around the dispenser for this to work though. Anyone who got lit by enemy Pyro will head towards the dispenser or health kits. If you can utilize this it's also better to pick Backscratcher instead of Axtinguisher and Powerjack. You'll be a great sweeper for pocket duos as medics gain uber at an increased rate while healing you.
good thing i've got a head start
I swear to god man if another fucking potato walks in front of my crossbow shots..........
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>slop shartstyle
can you imagine how shitty tf2 would be if for the past 7 years it was getting "actual" updates from nu-valve? the bots are a curse on the game but not having valve's support could have saved us from countless hypothetical shitty updates
The kritzkrieg looks better in TF2V; it's nice and phallic.
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>Submissions cannot be a simple model swap for items that are obtainable through any standard means, including trading.
>Items that are no longer obtainable through any means, such as the Black Rose (due to its associated game being shut down), are exempt from this rule.

>Mods using exploits and cheats that bypass sv_pure settings are not allowed.
>This is different to "casual compatible" mods, which do not completely ignore sv_pure settings and whitelists.

Fucking tranny site with tradermains as the mods
Battle passes, balance changes, and seasonal events. Oh no that would be horrible.
Castaway.tf is dead D:
any guide on how to make sv_pure bypasses? I want to do it out of spite
>pl offense
>faggot spamming scorch shot at cart
>equip manmelter, literally hold m2
>nullifies scorch shot's damage entirely
>onetap their sniper, drop their medic in 2 hits
>kill that spamming faggot with his own fire
breddy gud
all of that would be bad, yes
this FOMO brand of c*ntent is used by gamedevs to ease their players' fears about playing a so-called dead game
none of it has any worth besides lining someone's pockets and adding a dull sense of newness to an otherwise unpraiseworthy game
Should I hop on jailbreak
19 gamers on castaway right now what are you talking about?
You will stand on the line closest to cells. Melees out, medics no healing, spy's have your sappers out.
lmao, he's an emporium asskisser, that's why this is happening
What server
I would also like to know
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BOT HOSTING TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/bNoTEz2_BqY
this, it's in literally everything for a reason, forced dripfeed is the perfect way to create artificial player retention and then you put the sunk cost cherry on top by making it paid
it can even be done well, DRG has season passes and seasonal events while not being an always online game so you could even cheat past it willingly if you really wanted, but companies choose to make them FOMO cash grabs because their games aren't good in the first place
Even if the anti bot idea was working, the people behind fix tf2 would never acknowledge it. They don't play casual and already lie about the scope of the problem for profit. They want attention and prestige, not to fix a problem that they don't even care about.
still better than butthurt fags like you who want to stay compliant with the bot crisis
i will always thank them for making it a relevant issue again, whenever i brought it up here prior no one gave a shit anymore
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this fucking site man
Ineffective unsympathetic leadership squanders your political capital and reduces the chances of success. The community let people who don't care about casual set the narrative, and those people used it as an opportunity to self promote. Not wanting some incompetent jackass at the head of my movement doesn't mean I don't want there to be a protest.
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>I did NOT pay $60 just to let some worthless gibusvision download a mod and use my goddamn Iron Curtain!
associating the bot hosters with pedophiles makes them start squirming. it's the most effective thing you can do. making gay porn will not do anything, just link to their trannycords and say that it contains cheese pizza
What site should I use to do a /tf2g/ raffle?
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You will never have one. You will always be a newfag who did not play Poker Night. You will never have the Bloodhound or the Lugermorph. They're MINE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
isn't the iron curtain craftable? i remember most promo items being craftable, i got a duck watch some time ago when i was fiddling with tokens
We all sold our items in solidarity with zesty Jesus, and won't be trading for any more of that trash #boycottvalve #timesup #quicksellnow
don't care, still supporting it, enemy of my enemy is my friend etc.
got the lugermorph gifted but i do wish i had the demo shades
Did you know you can rent items from the in-game shop?
none. all scrap.tf competitors are dead and scrap.tf itself hates us and has done a ban wave just for us once in a honeypot raffle
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>tfw will never be able to recreate the Demopan loadout
It hasn't stopped us from doing tons of them though. They aren't actively monitoring this place.
No, it was only ever available from Poker Night
some are, but the ones that you get from achievements (like the big kill, iron curtain, and black rose) are (or were) only obtainable from actually having those games.
the spacechem items are weird cause you have to craft them out of the material you get from the achievements.
anyone have the screenshot of the bot hosters being mad at the CP advertisers trolling them?
Two threads ago you lazy fuck
This, there's a way to promote them. If you know you know
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You will NEVER have my beautiful Poker Night items! Hahahahaha, you fucking newfag! Hahahaha!
...The Black Rose? Well, I didn't want that, anyway.
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I already have those.
what is steam family sharing
ah, right, forgot about the other poker night items, i only bothered with the luger and the badge
what are "legits"
reminder that mechinator is a pedophile that sells cp in his discord
Non cheaters
bot hoster/cheater slur for real players
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this is literally the solution to the bot crisis, just paste their trannycord links all over the place and say that you can find neked teens in there
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The cheater community also calls each other pedos as if they aren't all the same as Dashie
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why the fuck should I believe that bot hosters aren't pedos? they have zero credibility. the type of person who cheats in an online game is the type whose morals depend only upon what he thinks he can get away with. it's not like there aren't already cases of TF2 cheaters being revealed to be nonces.
castaway.tf is a good server but I’m just a lot better than all of the players there ;-;
>doing it at the library
why did he do it, bros? was it a dare? i can't imagine being so coombrained that i need to go to the library to goon
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how did valve manage to create the best movement shooter in the entire world?
It's unbelievable that team fortress 2 is this good
they are, and that's why they get fidgety when you label them as such and people start believing it
reminder that this is the level of intelligence that is supposedly too great for captchas to work
Hating source engine movement is the easiest way to tell if someone has irrelevant opinions about vidya
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Valve didn’t create Titanfall 2
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Dennis Rader (BTK) was a serial killer who taunted the local police with letters gloating about his victims. In one of these letters he asked if a floppy disk would be traceable back to him. The police reassured him that it was safe. Dennis Rader then sent the police a floppy disk, which they traced back to him.
The point is, even if people are competent at one area of committing crimes, they can be complete retards at another.
actually titanfall 2 runs on source engine
reminds me of someone on this board
my fault for trying to rationalize a pedotroon
Eh, I want to do a giveaway but don't know where to do it so the first one to reply gets this picture of a key. Don't save it unless you're the first replier.
fucking based
desu I rarely get soldiers who can actually hit their rockets bomb me. they always beef their shots which ironically cause me to die painfully because I can't just jump away and am forced to get 30 damage rocketed to death
here's my steam account
Ding ding ding winner thanks for playing.
Why was that game removed from steam anyway?
Anyone got a PNG of a crate I can use this on? Sold all mine on the market.
Telltale went bankrupt
>Anime profile picture
>(she/her <3)
robin give me 300 untradeable fireproof secrete diaries with random unusual effects
I am gabe newell I demand it
Ah shit that's right. I forgot they made it.
I have this one! Does it work?
>tranime discord groomer who digs through dumpsters for laptops so they can bot a f2p shooter from 2007
idk how im supposed to believe they ARENT pedos
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here's my crate #101. it's the crate that drops the patriot peak gl my friend
Its really fucking retarded that you can't gift achievement items anymore. Aside from signing the item what's the point of the giftwrap then?
Nope, it's one of those darn even key crates. Welp I guess I've gotta go trade it to an image of a bot.
suck me off robin. I didn't ask for this, you know the rules around here.
Cumming in femScout so much that your ballsack gets noticeably smaller
>Aside from signing the item what's the point of the giftwrap then?
...Giving gifts?
That's just paying extra money to trade an item though. What's the point?
this but fempyro
Same reason you'd wrap a real gift. For the surprise. That was the whole point of making virtual gift wrap that hides the item until you open it.
It allows otherwise unreadable items to be gifted
That's what it used to do but they changed it back in 2016. Now you can't gift wrap non-tradable items.
But if you hover over it it says 'contains *item name*'
I'm scared to use my mic in TF2, but It's getting to the point now where the game is getting insufferable because I'm not using it. Then again who am I kidding? As if people will actually pay attention and react optimally to what I'm saying.
It only shows that on Steam, in-game it properly hides the item, but yeah Valve has kinda destroyed the value of that by forcing it to be through Steam trading anyway
I don't even play with the volume on anon. If some spy gets a little too annoying and disrupts my dragging I put it back on for a while to dom and bully him, but then it goes right back off. Just get good enough to solo carry.
I'd I actually used my mic in game. Half of it would just be yelling at pyros to unequip the back scratcher and equip a noose.
It's the only weapon in the game that actively pisses me off
so this?
I use voice chat pretty regularly. 40/40/20 chances of a completely dead silent lobby/a lobby where a handful of people talk/a lobby where there's actual chill conversation going on
use THIS pretty regularly
*bends over*
What if the medic from tf2 is the one who made skibidi toilet and they take place at the same universes?!!?!! Do you think they would add skibiti as a hero? That'd be hype af
what if the medic from tf2 is the one who makes the medic booba posts
Zesty Jesus is WRONG about cosmetics
No. Calling people monkeys could be misinterpreted to mean something it's not
I'll call the black nigger slave pyro just so it can't be misinterpreted
always weirds me out how mindbroken peopple in mvm get
a few months ago, maybe around the start of this year some guy got on voice to lecture me about how if i put my sentry like two feet to the left it's better. it was shooting the bots just fine so i ignored him and he started chimping out and tried votekicking me, when it failed and another guy typed in chat that the sentry's just fine he simply left
cant imagine any of these people functioning irl
everyone has me muted in game cause i am too based in the voice chat
Dumb re-balance ideas:The Overdose
>change speed to on equipping
(bad but might be needed)
>on equip, healing a target with max overheal will start overhealing the welder
(mid tier)
>Allows the activation of current medigun's ubercharge and effects while holding the Overdose
>Heals teammates in radius around the user
>-10% uber duration
(its probably OP)
>All medi guns now can charge up to 110%
>once reaching 110% the charge will automatically activate
>at 50% uber charge, grant a mini buff to current heal target
>stock gets -25% damage
>vac gets crit resist from MvM
>Krits deals mini crit (might have to push it up to 75%)
>quick grants knockback immunity
(might need a new weapon)
no I can't aim the crossbow, how could you tell?
Zesty was at his peak calling out workshop copy paste jobs, but his aesthetic sensibilities are not to be trusted. He fills his game client with fetish materials and then lectures about how others should adhere to the art style. His opinions on balance are equally worthless because he isn't able to get his head around opposing arguments. He doesn't understand them, couldn't express them, and doesn't even acknowledge it.
It's funny because PvE modes are almost universally more chill and relaxed than PvP modes in other games.
>-25% damage
should have just put +25% damage resistance but whatever
How do I get gud with the Demoman?
spam a hallway or corner
reload more often
learn sticky arcs and timings
The overdose is a perfectly fine weapon as is and does not need any changes.
but its not the crossbow, not a medigun and not the ubersaw
Why did Charlie from Smiling Friends make a video about Zesty
Why shouldn't spy be given Sobra's abilitys, at least with unlocks?
>throw able teleport, reusing the fire ball, taking a watch slot
>tampering with health and ammo packs using sapper slot
>sapper that bites a chunk out of meters (milk, piss, banner uber charge etc). Cannot affect active abilities
inb4 play overwatch
no backstabs no fun
Babe wake up, new emporium damage control just dropped
he's gotta do something to get his mind off all the wacky adventures
>practice shooting at different angles and across varying distances
>practice aiming where an enemy will move to rather than where they currently are
>explore map layouts to discover good trap spots
>memorize damage thresholds to shoot the situation-appropriate number of stickies
>learn how to juggle your enemies
>learn how to sticky jump
>learn how to trimp
>learn how to sticky sync
>get drunk
>It's Valve's fault for not having quality control and picking trash!
Orrrrr you could just not make trash in the first place?
>why shouldn’t spy be given sombras ability
so infinite cloak, a speed boost upon cloaking, and another get out of jail free card?
A sapper that could take chunks out of ubercharge would be both less helpful for Spy than the normal sapper (due to the commonness of sentries in the enemy backlines) and extremely annoying for enemy Medics. The Medic shouldn't lose ubercharge unless he dies.
cloak N dagger, any disguise slower than his base speed and the dead ringer/kuni
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This game's still getting updates, huh?
Maybe I should start playing this. L4D never really clicked with me; the guns feel kinda weak and the zombie hordes feel weightless. Maybe it's because I only ever played with randoms or in singleplayer.
give spy an smg
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>sapper that bites a chunk out of meters
How about an item that instantly resets meters AND disables enemies from playing up to 25 seconds
Oh wait...
Since everyone started talking about how good Spy's revolver is a couple of years ago, I wonder when people are gonna start talking about how easy it is to telefrag most engineers by standing on the teleporter as they remove a sapper. I swear, on pubbies this works like 80% of the time
Telefragging an engie shouldn't be possible, instead you should emerge with your entire body crammed into his asshole
>any disguise slower than his base speed
That's not a speed boost you gay retard, that's just returning to your default movement speed
equip a sword and shield
make spy into a mexican woman with an asymmetrical haircut
Sombra has infinite cloak that is active while running that also gives her a substantial speed boost. What you’re suggesting is literally the cloak and dagger if it recharged while you were moving.
She also gets a substantial speed boost when she uses her invisibility so you’re suggesting for Spy to become invisible while he’s cloaked. Should Spy really have a on-demand speed boost with no cooldown and invisibility to boot?
Also you wouldn’t even use the dead ringer if you had an invis watch with infinite cloak AND A SPEED BOOST.
I’m glad you aren’t a game designer. Your changes are dogshit, killbind irl.
How he managed to misspell "community"?
make medic a blonde swedish woman with big boobs
I was being sarcastic with that comment dipshit, why did you think someone else listed it instead of being in the first post
make anon a blonde swedish woman with big boobs
China's got you covered
kek the OP image is real
>did he managed
Why are Grammar Nazis always ESLs themselves?
I thought of a new secondary weapon for sniper where he uses a grappling hook that allows him to snipe from different angles so that he may flee one of his pursuers by using the hook against a ledge. This change will hopefully make Sniper a more dynamic character
What if Medic got an ubercharge that allows him to revive a few of his teammates instantly? You use your ubercharge on a fallen teammate and instantly all allied dead players within a large radius of the ubercharged player is revived?
that sounds pretty gay what game would have that
>that one guy on voice overacting a role in hopes of being put in a funny casual comp video
What if you homos didn't spit the same post but slightly altered like you are a parrot?
>People in a casual online game only mess around in voice chat because they dream of secondhand internet fame
Your brain on tiktokism
Had some great times on castaway today. Thanks to anyone who showed up. We had a consistently populated server for 6-7 hours, I'm hoping we can get it like this more often, and without me having to schedule events and seed alone. My dream is that people just log in of their own free will every day regardless of player count.
I think community servers are healing, slowly but it's happening. Quickplay is really a game changer
What if you homos stopped echoing each other's opinions like sheep?
What if you homos had sex with each other while I watched?
What if I had sex with fempyro and you watched
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>sap the sentry with stock sapper
>shoot it with revolver to demolish it
>see engi equipping frontier justice
>sap the sentry with red tape
>just fucking leave as it deranks
>no response from engi
>see him using wrangler, so equip enforcer
>whenever he points the sentry against our pocket I decloak and shoot at it
>he seethes in chat about spies
i know how i can destroy scrap.tf, but i have been too lazy to write the program for it
I like the enforcer because it has a cool firing sound
I like your bussy because when I press your prostate just right you have a cool splurting sound (from your cock)
The enforcer was a better weapon than the ambassador for a majority of TF2’s lifespan.
The ambassador is ridiculously hard to use and now it doesn’t even outperform stock. It’s high-skill, low reward.
>americhads go to sleep
>thread instantly goes to shit
Many such cases!
i'm still awake
>Company does good thing
>Support company for doing good thing
>Company grows so large that it no longer has to do good thing
Great system
>Company grows so large it can actually actively do bad thing with no consequences
Amby can force a medic to deploy uber early and dispatch a scout or pyro easily in active combat. As for snipers, try to walk up to them from behind to get a good angle when you caught them off-guard. Also it's funny to see demos blasting themselves after taking a 54 damage headshot across the map.
or I could use the diamondback and snipe the demoman from across the map for 102 and kill him
Or I could fuck you in the ass until you cry
What is with you schizos and not replying to anyone. Bruh. Why the fuck you clearly addressing me but not replying to my posts, it makes it super obnoxious to actually follow the conversation. Like seriously.
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Irreparable damage from monkeyposting and/or redditors that think a (you) is an upvote
this is how people in generals act. generals are aids
I get dopamine when I get a (You) and therefore I refuse to give others (You)s as to deny them this dopamine
This story is retarded because the original monkeys had good reason not to go up the ladder, but they were just incapable of explaining it to the other ones. One monkey could challenge the status quo by going up the ladder anyways but then they're literally in the same place they were before.
With diamondback I have to pick between who to harass because I always have limited crit shots. You have to scram and look for an abandoned dispenser or some chump with no audio output. With amby I don't have to prioritize shit yet I have as much as resources I'd like.
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POOPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
>>483532093 is correct. The monkeys from >>483531795 should instead smear their shit all over their enclosure in protest.
I'll forever love my enforcer just because it fucks with wrangler engies, double taps kunai/DR spies and the fact that it instantly becomes the best revolver on halloween
>This story is retarded because the original monkeys had good reason not to go up the ladder, but they were just incapable of explaining it to the other ones.
The fuck are you saying? Yes, monkeys can't talk so they had to physically communicate instead (beating the monkey until they understood and stopped). Saying "oh this would've never happened if the monkeys could talk" is like... yeah? The point is monkeys can't talk so it happened.
Umm it’s unfair that the diamondback rewards spy for doing his job (stabbing enemies and sapping buildings) but it’s ok that the frontier justice can instantly 180 you because his mini sentry got an assist on a f2p scout
It is implying that you should think twice before blinding following norms, but the reality is that the monkeys beat the shit out of ladder climbers for a good reason. They should continue to do it. They beat the shit out of each other because that is how they teach the next generation and the following generations are right to follow them.
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
June 26, 2024 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added the Lolislinger for the Engineer
Includes a Mini Sentry reskin
Gay retard above me
Gay retard above me
Gayest retard above me
now kith
grr that spy survived my rocket because he backstabbed my clueless heavy and now has 210 health unfair unfair nerf the kunai
grr that spy killed me with a crit from across the map because he snapped my engineer’s abandoned teleporter, another factor I had no control over, causing me to die due to the folly of my teammates unfair unfair nerf diamondback
oh yeah the engineer’s frontier justice just started glowing blue because our clueless scout ran into his sentry and now I died to his crits, yet another example of me dying due to a factor completely outside of my control, but it’s ok here because it’s engineer and not spy
>They should continue to do it. They beat the shit out of each other because that is how they teach the next generation and the following generations are right to follow them.
But after a certain point the scientists stopped pissing on them for going up the ladder and the danger is no longer there. The monkeys that had never been pissed on never stopped to question it because that's what they were taught. If it was possible to break the status quo without getting beaten again a monkey could go up the ladder and prove that nothing would happen. They're not even real monkeys (and this wasn't a real experiment, and it's a parody of the original image at that), you're just supposed to get that message from it.
actually all three of these weapons are completely fine but people incessantly bitch about the kunai and the diamondback punishing you for the incompetence of your teammates and never apply the same logic to the frontier justice
correct, if the spy wants crits then he can use random crits like everyone else.
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all 3 are unfair but based
tf2 was at its most fun when every weapon was equally unfair before all the nerfs
I didn’t make that retarded image someone else posted it and I saved it to use for ragebait
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BigBros? Our response?
This isn’t even tf2 related fuck off.
What do you mean? the game is full of them
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Do we have an AI wojak generator now
Is that how creatively bankrupt wojaks have become
post the overwatch screenshot i wanna see how bad it compares
Yes it’s actually an ai wojak generator. Disgraceful.
How far we have fallen, people can't even muster the energy to poorly draw in mspaint anymore
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Say no more.
Wojaks have always been creatively bankrupt, the AI changes nothing. Most of the time I just report them for being extremely low quality.
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ow's ui is actually sleek
shields were a massive mistake albeit
No, there was still a little sliver of dignity in at least using a mouse and mspaint to make those wretched drawings, little as it was. Needing a robot to do it for you is abandoning the last sliver, like having a robot wipe your ass for you because you're so fat you can't even do that anymore
at that point, you support new company that does good things
Where can I buy/trade for objectors that already have people's decals on them? I just want to start building a collection of people's random signs.
those aren't wojaks doe
>before its nerf people used to complain about deadringer being annoying
>I had no idea what were they talking about
I miss reserve shooter pre-nerf where I just airblast and shit on both soldiers and spies.
I miss a lot of items pre-nerf before compfags would ruin it all.
what is it with medic players being the most arrogant and stuck-up retarded faggots in this game? especially in mvm
I have to play medic, the lamest class in the game. You should at least suck my dick as recompense.
Healers get shit on in literally every other game, they deserve to have one game where they get to be the shitflingers
that's why
medic nerfs damage because he's idle class
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>europoops wake up
>thread turns to poop
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go back soiteen
deadlock is somehow harder to read than overwatch lmao
didn't ask, mongoloid
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you did though
>movement shooter
Every character is slow tho.
post your jump map medals jumplet
I was too good at jump maps that I've been permanently banned from them
I don't play bhop and rocketjump maps in tf2.
what happened to tf2 after MyM that the dumbest retards got to be the mos influential voices for the community with regards to balancing (this includes zesty)? was it all the non-retards just giving up on the game? I dont remember pre MyM discourse being dominated by people who wanted TF2 to be a different game.
it wasn't really anything to do with TF2, that's just how social media, youtube, and the internet developed in the mean time. it's the same for all games, total morons get to be the popular "influencers" and ecelebs
Honestly true, the majority of my playtime has been in deathrun. I rarely ever play a normal match.
You would have to genuinely be retarded to still play TF2 after MyM. This includes me.
Uncle Dane has a comic?
I don't get it .
I get it
the joke is that he sucks fat cock
What a terrible comic
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*dies of cringe*
>porn on signs
>fails to sticky jump
>"That's the way ya do it!"
>misses point blank pipe
This killed me
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medic booba
>unironically playing TF2 in 2024
Aren't we all pretending to play it? Cringe.
cope and seethe, i love man boobs
Is the joke that Dane can't aim?
prove it
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How did they get away with such a hot cosmetic. Medic is the hottest merc
Joke is that Dane thinks that small air unit is a good hiding spot.
<cope and seethe, i am a faggot
>spy is the worst class
>we need to nerf the diamondback (even doe its not even the dominant revolver)
wha causes this?
*lives of based*
>Medic is the hottest merc
But ever since I first heard of him, I’ve thought he worked for the Nazis given the otherworldly medical experiments he performed.
bbc btw
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Fuck it, Vaccinator rebalance
>30% faster Ubercharge gain rate
>holds 2 charges
>charge grants x% damage reduction and overheal does not decay for 5 seconds
I don't know what downsides to give this, if any. I wanted to experiment with a medigun that revolves around keeping your teammates at max overheal for longer.
Give the enforcer a damage bonus on low health targets and damage nerf on full health targets.
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fix da yo?
yet another redundant weapons in a pool of redundant weapons that dont need to exist. 3 flare guns was enough
i deleted this hat for the fucking phlog is there a way to get back deleted items?
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so its feeder faggots like you that keep feeding snowballers such as kunai spies and bazaar snipers
summer update part 2 with community fixes any second now... any second now...
>i got 60% uber, time to get out of here with my heckin 12% speed boost!
a weapon completely invalidated by damage surfing. a syringeshitter cant do it i suppose
notice how much more blatantly well designed medic is
>remove crit fall off mechanic
Valve sometimes restores deleted cheevo items if you contact support. They used to at least. They won't restore it if your crafted it though.
>its not even the dominant revolver
it is. diamondback is better than ambie, enforcer and even stock. only the letranger holds a candle to it but noone uses it because it doesnt help with the optimal kunai + dr playstyle like the diamondback does
solution: remove it from the game because
1. its redundant and cant even be reworked into anything because spys arsenal of revolvers already fills out every role.
2. i no longer want to look at shitty deus ex promo weapons that shouldve never been added to the game (except widowmaker doe)
most spys use either stock or letranger. I dont see the problem in rewarding spy with a strong bonus on his revolver for doing what everyone cries about being so hard.
I like the Ambassador nerf. The game needs less long-range crits on headshot. I think the falloff threshold is too punishing though

I think crits in general and guaranteed ones in particular are just a recipe for seethe
bad player moment
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>we have plan A, plan B, AND plan C, but we cannot give any specifics because le bad actors will SABOTAGE us

Bro thinks bot hosters or reddit trolls will send a fucking hitman to get him over a hat simulator protest lol
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Keep what I DM'd you in mind, Weezy...
>the what claimed they couldnt get 5 people to organize a day to go to Valve for over a month
>us being unorganised is just a myth!
Spy and sniper are both classes oriented around instakilling targets. They cause the most seethe in general because TF2 is designed around noticeably longer time-to-kill than most shooters. When you enter a combat you have a reasonable expectation that it will last X seconds instead of Y seconds(e.g. dying in literally less than a second in CS2, PUBG, Valorant... from flick headshots). The two classes that circumvent this expectation that's baked into the core of the game cause seethe. Random crits, which also circumvent this expectation, also cause seethe

Spy is however the more balanced of the two because of how pretty much everyone else in the game are designed to have higher damage output potential the closer you get to them. Even if a weapon doesn't have spread, it has ranged falloff. So a universal rule of TF2 is that the closer you get to an enemy, the shorter the TTK is for that combat. Spy has to get into melee to achieve his 0-second TTK. In doing so he exposes himself to, realistically, a 1-second TTK(or just eating shit and dying if his target turns around). That tradeoff and interactivity makes him less of an insufferable faggot compared to sniper. Of course there's the whole DR + Kunai shit but that's on a tangent of giving spy the tools to circumvent his own kit's 0-second TTK tradeoffs

The simple fact of it is that Ambassador was being used as a ranged headshot machine. Headshots should be rewarded but it's not 2007 anymore, even Gen A kiddos who spend 5% of their lives watching skibidi toilet know how to click heads good. Ambassador getting range falloff put it in line with the rest of the game's weapons, and put spy more in line with not just the rest of the game's classes but also his own core design of trading TTK for TTK through distance

The nerf was conceptually sound, like a lot of weapon changes over the years. The issue is Valve is incapable of not going overboard and ended up gutting it, the falloff is just too punishing rn
i ain't reading that shit
i am reading that shit
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>these specific classes that have been a part of the game for 17 years are actually...le BAD because im a game design expert (not because i'm a post jungle inferno babby that doesnt really like tf2)
I never said spy and sniper were bad. They cause people to seethe more than any other class because they can oneshot you regularly
All things can be refined and improved
Remove backstabs, they are op and ruin the movement based gameplay.
Remove headshots, they are op and ruin the movement based gameplay.
Remove sentries, they are op and ruin the movement based gameplay.
Remove mini sentries, they are annoying and ruin the movement based gameplay.
remove pyro
Preparing all the filming equipment, video spots and the dialogue for what theyll put in their "tf2 youtubers travel to Valve HQ to save tf2!(OMG they actually let us in) #fixtf2" video takes a lot of time ok?!
I think we should just remove all 9 classes
Remove all of the 9 classes and add a new class named mercenary. He should have the weapons of all the other classes and he has a girlfriend that's miss paulin but fat.
how fat
bad player moment
what weirds me out is why they felt the need to hit spy so hard after literal years of amby being good only for god gunspies who can hit headshot flicks reliably while sniper just surfs past every balance pass for years
ESL retards like you are why no discussions happen here anymore. just circlejerking over youtubeniggers and what the subleddit is doing 24/7
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yeah like tf2 was refined and improved when matchmaking was added into the game to replace outdated icky old quickplay
That isn't what I meant
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oh no bros the AI is takin our jobs
>no spy
>no sniper
>no engie

That's how you get 6s
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left 4 dead is the thinking man's game
If you're talking about the achievement thing:
>unlike what shounic said, bots didn't have to send the achievement to Steam
>if you add a ban system for tokens in the server, it must be restricted to Valve's servers and thus cannot be implemented directly into the dedicated server shipped to the community or bad actors could create servers triggering Steam bans on users.
They'd have to make some plugin on their own side, which they couldn't be bothered to.
what if you removed the headshot range limit on the ambassador but kept the damage falloff
would that even meaningfully change anything
I think sniper would be acceptable as the one true outlier of the distance-for-TTK dynamic if he was genuinely unchanged over the years. The issue with him is the opposite of spy. Not only does he dodge nerfs reliably but, due to item additions, he has actually gotten better

Over the years they've give him ways to guarantee melee crits, get total immunity to backstabs, and all but ignore other class' ranged harass methods
yeah like when jungle inferno nerfed all the fun unlocks to appease comp players that would go on to keep them banned anyway
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don't walk in melee range. shoot him with the revolver.

bad player moment
>things can be improved
>what about when things were made worse
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/tf2g/ is finished
>"sniper is overpowered because when we designed him we didnt think about guys with 1000 hours"
>proceeds to buff him against all counterplay
what did valve mean by this
>haha dude every time valve pandered to retards like me the game got worse, but this time it will be different!
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were they as good as people say?
do you think I'm a competitive player
no, just a faggot
that's not a very nice thing to say
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Good general guys
star did play comp, idk how good he was. jerma was his jester
if you're talking about funny factor nobody else did it like them
calling it now 4chan is gonna be fucking overrun with this shit and it will be inevitably quarantined to a /trash/ general just like the other varieties of generative ai slop
>euro hours
Yeah it's already making its way in. I just saw these memes on /g/ earlier.
>tf2 skill
STAR_ = top 10% of players
Jerma = slightly above average

>entertainment value
both are the best to ever do it and no one's even close
Being good at fps games was STAR's only redeeming quality after he went for the streaming meme, he was definitely a top player in raw skill.
instead of changing anything by making a post about TF2 to combat off topic shitposts why did you decide to also make an off topic shitpost?
What exactly did STAR_ do besides spamming E?
You guys aren't ready for the Star_ and jerma deadlock stream.
At competitive yeah but that's basically a different game. STAR_ was asked what the mad milk did one time and he couldn't answer.
>you should offer an effortpost i can shitpost you too
I pooped my pants while playing on 2fort whoops!
>STAR_ was asked what the mad milk did one time and he couldn't answer
bait or mental retardation? it was star asking scyzer what mad milk does.
Change the Ambassador to give mini crits on back shots.
You misremembered. A comp player asked STAR_ what the mad milk did.
there is no proof of this outside of gabber's headcanon
didn't star burn himself out on competitive games, or am I misremembering
Change the Ambassador to give 102 damage crits on headshot with no range falloff
Change the Ambassador to the Nigger.
Why is the righteous bison so shit bros?
Change the Righteous Bison to the Super Blaster.
It's a dogshit weapon for a dogshit class where the people who main it are dogshit
>That time that they nerfed the righteous bison
Proof no one in valve has played tf2 in at least a decade.
it was bugged :)
it was kind of useless to begin with because as a promo it was "put this steampunk ray gun in tf2" first and "come up with a weapon design for tf2" second. it wasn't bad per se but it was a four shot slow projectile gun on a class that already has a four shot slow projectile gun
and then valve nerfed it
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>Enemy team has an abomination of a scout on a 24-kill streak
>Obvious femscout cosplay, though surprisingly the ponytail is brown and not pink
>She/Her in Steam username, anime girl profile pic, username has heart symbols on both sides, you know the drill
>Equip Natascha just to try and counter him, got destroyed completely, totally outclassed
>Get curious and check his Steam profile
>19,000 hours on TF2
>Jesus fuck
>4,000 hours on some other game I don't know
>Jesus fuck
>Scroll down a bit further
Yeah alright
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>1109 days
jesus fuck
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reddit is not happy about the ytniggers
I bet in a few weeks or days weezy and the rest of the faggots will say that they don't want to do the protest anymore lmao
nobody uses stock unless theyre le epic funny gunspy
Yeah it's me I'm the funny gunspy. *bodyshots you to death from just outside your effective range*
not even op wtf is your reading comprehension are you braindead or something
727 hours is like 30 days, how can they play 30 days in 2 weeks?
homunculi set loose, this is not a real human being
we should send this guy to volvo hq instead
>wtf... its over 2 sentences long AND not about e celebs
>how am i supposed to read this?
Trvth Nvke
Gunspy is just less of a headshot-flicking nigger now and you cant pop them from across the map like Sniper Lite
If ambi had started in its current form and then got buffed people would be losing their fucking minds that Spy gets to crit people from far away while having DR
yes ambie would still be shit because high burst damage is all its for
do it vice versa and remove the falloff instead. the range is limited enough and taking 102 at that range isnt that much of a big deal. the issue was spies repeatedly sniping people from across the map
I play on the 100 man shout server, despite his views on fixing issues
no. theres a reason why jermas audience is all trannies hes not funny hes just autistic
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didn't zesty have a gf like a few months ago? what happened
im his gf now
too many redundant weapons that exist either because of puns (postal pummeler) or because of promos (sharpened volcano fragment)
that stupid mailbox shouldnt exist, noone even uses it because it looks retarded. volcano shouldve been the axtinguisher reskin instead
If a single weapon was guaranteed to be added to the game this Summer Update what would you want it to be and why?
>Hard mode: no obvious shitpost responses like "literal nuclear bomb for hoovy hehe xd"
>shoots 1 rocket and kills you
i love gunspies as much as i love battle engies and non eyelander demoknights, always free kills
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A bat for scout that launches a ball that stuns enemies at range.
spy AoE sapper
i dont want new weapons i want half the weapons to not be useless
everyones practically forced to be a meta slave because 90% of non meta weapons got nerfed so hard that they became unusable, frustrating garbage
yet somehow the wrangler remained almost untouched
*dead ringers away* What now niggerma- *gets shot a second time and gibbed* AAAAIIIEEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
A medigun for Medic whose ubercharge works like a combination of Agility and Haste from Mannpower, maybe tune up the Haste part
Being able to combo at even faster speeds seems fun
what is that weapon?
wait ackshually i have an idea
>some sort of secondary item that replaces teleporters with 2 jump pads
50 metal cost, builds as fast a regular sentry, 100 health, cant be upgraded. i think its pretty neat.
a lot of defense areas are so close to spawn that building a teleporter becomes a waste of time, so instead you could build a jump pad to let your less mobile teammates (and you) get to favorable positions
but the main reason i want a jump pad is because battle engineer isnt a thing and if you actually do engineer stuff instead of waddling around as worse scout, youre still gonna be stuck in the backlines like always.
if there could be another item, that cut mini dispenser pda could be really good for a real offensive engineer
scrapped spy melee, presumably let you shove bullets into people's backs
you failed hardmode
the problem with this is that its main purpose is clearly to do increase dps, and thats the kritzkriegs role
and id rather fight a crit boosted demo or soldier than one that can fire as fast as with haste, haste is fucking cancer it just doesnt seem that way because you can spam grapple away from anything and also everything else in mannpower is even more aids
most people make it into a delayed backstab
>implant someone
>run away
>hit button
>they explode
>if you die, the stab doesn't count
and probably something dumb like only 1 target can be mined at a time making it worthless
I want the Gas Passer to not be fucking dogshit.
I want the Sandman to not be fucking dogshit.
I want the Southern Hospitality to not be fucking dogshit.
I want the Liberty Launcher to not be fucking dogshit.
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>Valve's response to #FixTF2 is downsizing the summer update
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>I want the Southern Hospitality to not be fucking dogshit.
but its a direct upgrade?
fade into irrelevancy like your hick father
>implant someone
>run away
>hit button
>they get autobalanced to your team on the spot
Now that...
>lets give pyro a throwable aoe weapon!
>makes it a fucking GAS CAN
fucking RETARDS. only solution now is to make it work like the gas cans in l4d. turn it into a molotov
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frfr no cap
>no random crits
one shotting spy 90% of the time is more useful than making him bleed, especially since cloak now halves all status effects
oh and also even if it was good its still an extremely boring weapon compared to anything else in engineers melee slot, or in any slot as a matter of fact
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You have no idea what that word means
I want the Bonesaw to not be pointless
nigga which word? none of what i said is a special term theyre regular words
been pointless since the goldrush update
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he's still playing overwatch everyday, making the same complaints he always does
>inside "jab"
Imagine if they actually added this with the name unchanged
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since CS:Source and cs 1.6 both have fucked up by bots server browser
what stops TF2 from suffering the same fate not only in casual, but on community servers as well
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this weapon looks so fucking silly
>go engie
>hold a pretty strong first
>we lose it
>it's okay, prepared for second
>enemy team is steamrolling through mine for some reason
>Check team, our medic switched off
There are 11 of you. You had a single fucking job. Pick the braindead class so you all don't slowly die to chip damage.
Why are you retarded?
Why must I do every single fucking thing in the game?
Why must I be the medic, engie, soldier, demo, and sniper, all at once?
Why are you so fucking stupid?
>team reveals they arent worth playing support class for
this is when you switch off
>wanting a boring realistic grenade instead of something that fits pyro's makeshift aesthetic
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he has. the grenades. strapped. to his chest
but fine if you want to keep the gas can (actually a jerry can) so bad then it should be a copy of l4d gas cans
those bots are run by server hosters to inflate player counts
thats a separate issue that already plagues tf2 along with ping spoofing
niggas play tf2 it's that simple
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>/tf2g/ - (𒅄) Team Fortress 2 General
More like eceleb dicksucking general, you niggers are no different than plebbit and 'cord users anymore.
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uhm, you should wait until summer so you can get a chance for one of the new effects instead of the year around pool
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>#fixtf2 is a shitshow they don't want you to boycott the game
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heres your plan b and c bro
>ew this maps sucks, I WANT, TO PLAY, BADWATER!!!!
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Those are the last two keys for this month
I swear
I'll never forget my first unusual unbox. A green confetti big elfin deal. I never opened crates again.
just get an unusual already, it's just that simple
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Is there anything more cringe than gambling for jpegs in a dead game?
reddit, discord and 4chan are populated by the exact same people. If you think otherwise you're as retarded as redditors who treat this place as some secret hacker club
Uhh, excuse me
Those are 3D MODELS not jpegs!
Why do they love Badwater so much if every Badwater game is a roll?
TF2 players are autistic, more so than your standard gamer autists
They feel comfortable when playing the same 3 maps for years on end, and they go into panic mode when forced to play a new map they don't know
the emporium killed her like they did with Jesses girlfriend in Breaking Bad. This is gonna come up in the video about the crimes of the emporium.
>less than 100 hours
>completely batshit retarded yet smug
>dunning kruger levels off the charts
>ruins the game beyond recognition
Yeah. I think this perfectly illustrates the average tf2 player
this nigga has less than 100 hours and ye all those cosmetics?
>Hey Josh, so uhh, you wanna go upstairs with me ;)
>SHUT UP BITCH! I have to see what happens to Kagami!!!
He's an insufferable retard, I'm surprised he had a gf at all. Unless she was underaged and with daddy issues
>Plan C
I would laugh if he stole the hashtags from this image
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>Taunting against bots (not the cheating kind)
hes tall, fit and educated, which already puts him in the top 1% of american men, however i think his constant egotism, tantrums over nothing, and having to listen to some autism speaks about bionicles and tf2 sniper and how the emporium hates him for liking a matt walsh tweet will sour this over time. while zesty is obviously not good at this, keep in mind what you see of him (and any other person online) is just what he wants you to see.
He caved her skull in after she bought an electric pink dress (it ruins real life's artstyle)
deadlock better end up like alien swarm
leave alien swarm alone nigger
It wasn't that bad, and the hat was cool
deadshit better end up like artifact
how has no other game tried to copy alien swarm? was so fun
not me
I hate the frontier justice, eyelander, and pretty much all "on-kill" weapons (except gimmicks like the YER).
isn't it just helltaker 1 but with some l4d elements thrown in

it's more likely that it'll end up like shartifact or blunderlords since valve seems to just completely give up on any project that isn't inmediatedly gangbusters like dota even if it is a success commercially and there's an audience. icefrog being at the lead will mean nothing to anybody that isn't a dotard and dotards aren't leaving dota to play TPS-noir-demon-nyc smite. This is without even factoring in the abundant cheaters that will just run rampant because valve doesn't care about treadmill work.

I'd expect it to maybe have an ok playerbase at launch that will soon realize valve is a shit live service developer that just keeps making live service games
i mean helldivers btw
>Make new live-service multiplayer online game
>It gets gutfucked to death by cheaters
>Make new live-service multiplayer online game
>It gets gutfucked to death by cheaters
>Make new live-service multiplayer online game
>It gets gutfucked to death by cheaters
Why isn't this treadmill work?
>Make new live-service multiplayer online game
>It gets gutfucked to death by cheaters
never happened
just give it the explode on ignite from mvm (the old version where explosions stacked) and reduce the damage down to like 20 per person doused. there, both pvp and pve camps are satisfied.
valve employees have ADHD
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no that's too fat
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What is it about Badwater that makes it so magical? I personally love this open area, which is completely optional. No other map has something like that.
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I actually like the liberty launcher paired with the gunboats. You're like a more aggressive trolldier
What the fuck? Why do they do this?
>this 20 year old game whose entire code was leaked is botted therefore the new game with entirely different code in a different engine will be botted too
Lauffin at tftoddlers' cope
mental illness
I paid 80 dollars so my medigun would be orange.
Remember that time every Quake game got flooded with bots after John Carmack released the source code
I heard that the TF2 leak was apparently a fan trying to make valve update their game, is this true?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that quake players aren't mentally ill underage faggots
Remember that time I flooded your mom's pussy with cum after she released the source code to her bedroom
>TF2 continues to survive against all odds
>Valve sees that they don't need to do anything
>TF2 dies after years of being botted into oblivion
>Valve sees that they don't need to do anything
>TF2 community boyco-
>but on community servers as well
community mods
then whats the point of the petition? why does the petition magically work where a boycott doesnt? it sends the same message
csgo2 released last year and didn't have its entire code leaked
it doesn't cost anything to spam servers with bots actually
one gets banned, another two show up
>b-but you need to spend $5 to speak!
no need to spend money to hog players slots
Why the fuck can TF2 be played in text only mode
Simply disabling that increases the hardware cost on the hosters by a magnitude
Checking their discords some of these guys are running 10~ instances of TF2 per salvaged laptop/pc
Fucking ridiculous
>he gets mad online over a 20 year old game
Your mom gets mad at a 35 year old still living in his childhood bedroom
>implying Deadlock won't have new and improved anti cheat specifically for it and it alone
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Every class other than heavy and sniper has some way of boosting their speed
Every class can if you count knockback
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the frog couldn't even keep scripters out of dota and had to remove techies and tinker from the game because of it, anon
It will on release and they'll update it regularly for all of 3 months before never touching it again
It's not unbelievable. TF2 is a product of the ongoing evolution of first-person shooters like Quake. A lot of the movement logic in source games is still Quake. It's just that the move from PC to consoles as the main platform for FPS games necessitated simplification of these systems.
valve are hypocrits because literally all work is treadmill work unless they have some endgoal where gabe will just desolve valve when met. so they just use it as an excuse to not have to do anything they dont wanna do.
give sniper a grappling hook and half his ammo
is anyone here even that old
give spy a throwable sapper
I thought Zesty is around that age but he's not even 30 yet
holy... pwnage....
>he's not even 30 yet
no fucking way
i thought he was 35 at LEAST
The "treadmill work" phrase is just another one of those things where a techbro thinks they've innovated a new concept, and it turns out they're describing something extremely universal and basic with cool new entrepreneurial branding. In this case "treadmill work" is literally just maintenance. But if you told an audience that your online multiplayer live-service game development studio considers maintenance beneath it you'd be laughed out of the room.

It's not even a good phrase to use since the point of treadmills is to keep you healthy so sitting in an office all day doesn't turn you into a fat fuck and give you heart issues by the time you're 50 years old.
>What is it about Badwater that makes it so magical?
some would say you can't dissect magic
but i think the desert aesthetic, the mix of wide open areas with chokes, good verticality and opportunities for all classes are what does it
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It's the beard
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yeah he looks between 35-40 but he's going to be 30 next month...not a good thing to look older than you're supposed to be...
i wish instead of #FixTF2 we had a real protest li
just go out of your way to fuck up the time of every player in other valve games
queue for dota match, refuse to play, just spam #FixTF2
queue for a CS match, refuse to play, just spam #FixTF2
it's not like anyone likes TF2 players anyway, i don't see the issue
the only way to gets valve attention is obviously by being as petty and destructive as possible, they're no different than the government, nobody gives a fuck about muh peaceful protest, they're legal because they're ineffective
what, use them to wipe his ass? literally what will this change? you stupid pigfuckers
Don't worry our YoutuberDIVINES will surely carry us to victory
also not to mention besides this just having someone stream on twitch under tf2, forcing everyone to put on the stream, and it just being a looped collection of botting incidents and gaben's lies
if we cross the line of "we can fuck up other things as a form of protest" then queuing for matches on other valve games is the least effective way to do that
the best thing to do would be to #OCCUPYVALVE but that would be a major escalation
Cs2 is already unplayable because of cheaters and no matter what if your mmr is not high enough all you're gonna do is piss off children/newbies. you gotta raise your mmr first and then do it
There will be no real protest
TF2 community is made of of children and manchildren
There is nobody capable of doing anything serious
Noooo thats not wholesome chungus 100 we need to do a heckin' PEACEFUL PROTEST and not do anything other than put our names on the petitionerino so the Youtuberocchinis can visitoria la headquarteria a la Corpporazione Valvo mamma mia lasagna bolognese spaghettini
what, you mean outside their HQ? i don't disagree with that but you're forgetting that many tf2 players are nowhere near washington and may not even be in the us
but i don't disagree, the americans at the very least should've starting on june 3rd made sure that there's a person there protesting EVERY SINGLE DAY
and instead of collecting these retarded signatures on a piece of paper, they should've taken the vetted ones and had an AI read them out over, and over, and over, and over, and over
we need terrorist tier action and escalation of total hostility beyond actually doing anything illegal
>Youtuber organizers starting to get flaky about when, if ever, they will visit Valve hq at all
It would be pretty funny if the end outcome was the rest of the playerbase gets gigacucked by their content creator gods' petition going nowhere and /tf2g/ ends up being the only place where someone actually went to Valve in this whole shitshow.
I want to see a real protest outside of Valve HQ just because a bunch of overweight autists getting arrested for tresspassing would be hilarious
the fact that nobody thought of the twitch thing really signals to me how retarded these youtube niggers are and how none of them take it seriously
getting people to put on a stream daily is the bare minimum effort, and filling it with all sorts of things that make valve look terrible from their ongoing lawsuits to the bad shit in other games would be 11/10 kino
alas, yes, it would not be 11/10 wholesome chungus turbo karma upvoterino, so it cannot be done
is it me or 4chan is shitting itself again
I'm getting constant connection errors
>standing outside in a public space gets you arrested
this post smells really brown
just you
I'm sure the idea must have come up for them at some point. But it's clear the Youtubers are absolutely terrified of any sort of legal culpability. Just look at how they always say PEACEFUL PROTEST in all caps every single time, it's like they're frightened some 15-year-old pyro main is going to call a bomb threat on Valve HQ or some shit and they're pre-emptively creating a legal defense lmfao
We need a new thread link riiiiight here
>waah waaah we need new bread even though we're still up on page 3
>I'm sure the idea must have come up for them at some point.
see, i really doubt that
because everything we've seen from these fuckers shows that they're dumb as fuck and incredibly shallow
it's like they thought people would just post #FixTF2 shit daily, and then what, it would just trend forever? retards
they didn't even have the foresight to think this may have to be a recurring thing every weekend, or every 3rd of the month, or whatever
just pure retardation
Creating new threads is treadmill work
>youtuber doesnt think
shocking!!! and yetbeitfully people will act like they do think, simply because they are!
i'm going to kill you
i hope this game dies before 2030
I am going to shit you
copium aside, anyone agree that deadlock is DoA? this game sucks
i hope valve dies before 2030
Valve is desperate enough to pay shills on /v/ who spam dead(on-arrival)lock constantly and praise it as if it was the next Quake or something
This game is fucked
Could Eric's refusal to put more than 5 minutes a day into TF2 be a health issue? If he spends at least three hours every workday pigging out at the Valve office snack bar, he can't be doing that hot. What does his gut biome look like? What's his stool consistency?
Looks worse than Artifact
TFW zenith hit it big with his meme simpsons challenge video and is 100% abandoning 30 days medic to escape the TF2 matrix
i gave it to a few friends and none of them found the power to play more than a few hours
the biggest problem i have with the game right now is that the map is just so, so, SO bad
one of the best things about dota is that you can just glimpse the screen from the corner of your eye and you know exactly where a person is and can infer what they're planning to do
this is impossible with deadlock as those 4 lanes all look practically identical
also the UI just looks like shit and i genuinely cannot believe they unironically just redid the moba formula but in 4 lanes with 6 players without changing ANYTHING
like nothing at all lol
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which one of you is this?
haven't played it myself and i get that the graphics are in development so i won't comment on those but combining a third person shooter with dota seems like the stupidest idea you could have
dota is already complex enough without adding actual aim skill into consideration or an entire new axis, and if there's anything any FPS players agree on is that CC is GARBAGE to play against. But CC is like half the abilities on mobas, even more so on dota. I'm one of the few that don't mind CC in his shooters and even I can see that it's gonna be a disaster
it really just seems like they're cramming dota elements into another genre like they did for artifact and I really don't think it's gonna work out
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another thing in the game is the verticality
it's kinda hard to tell just by looking at the game but there's quite a lot of places where you can scale in deadlock (and also underground passages)
but i agree, the /v/ shilling seems super inorganic, and there's always those weird furry freaks just spamming that gargoyle, it's weird
OK how about this for a new diamondback:
(+) minicrit buff while a sapper is on a building
(-) can only apply one sapper at a time
(-) +20% damage vulnerability while sapping a building
(-) no random crits
Yes, no one is ever going to be as good as them ever again
>some would say you can't dissect magic
well he gives it a shot here
>35 posts later
>Still no new thread
It's unironically over huh
Mark my words, this is what is going to happen with Weezy and his gang of faggots
>after weeks of silence and twitter seething he releases a video
>"Our visit to Valve" or something like that
>him, TWS and whoever else tagged along traveling to Washington
>90% of it will be a blog about their trip and how fixtf2 was organized
>final portion of the video is the actual visit
>2 seconds of footage outside the valve building
>we weren't allowed to record inside the building we didn't get kicked out on sight please trust me bro
>erm we gave them the petition and told them about the problems and they said they'd think about it
>literally nothing else happens
treadmill work though
watch the ending
Creating new threads is treadmill work
i don't know about you guys but i'm sick of every time i have to hear about weezy
mvmers aren't even tf2 players
he's not even good at mvm
you can tell because he thinks spy is bad and needs a buff even though community mvm mission designers specifically design their waves around not letting spy instakill every giant uncontested
Where's the damage nerf?
here is what will actually happen
>after weeks of silence and twitter seething he releases a video
>it's another mvm trash video
>savetf2 is slowly forgotten with no consequences towards weezy and the other faggots
DRG battle passes arent true FOMO

the worst part of modern FOMO stuff is that is that new stuff becomes gone forever if you didnt log in for that month

sort of like crates
new thread. NOWWWW
move that gear up!
hes 29 but acts like a old person complaining about kids these days constantly ruining everything
>plan C

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