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Previous Thread: >>483460467

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>16/6 (Sun) 11:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Izuna (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Chise (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Mimori (Swimsuit) (3* - Rerun)
>6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Kanna (Swimsuit) (3*)
Fubuki (Swimsuit) (3*)
Kirino (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Task Force Emergency Nighttime Meeting - 6/5 (Wed) After Maint - 7/3 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Say-Bing! - 6/26 (Wed) After Maint - 7/10 (Wed) 10:59
Total Assault: Binah (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/3 (Wed) 11:00 - 7/10 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 6/27 (Thu) 11:00 - 7/22 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 6/19 (Wed) 4:00 - 6/26 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 6/26 (Wed) 4:00 - 7/3 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 6/29 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hare (Camp) (3*)
Kotama (Camp) (3*)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2587179
Cyber New Year March - 6/25 (Tue) After Maint - 7/9 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hovercraft (Field - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 7/2 (Tue) 2:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 6/24 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/1 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/1 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/8 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Is anyone else considering dropping BA because of it's shitty translation? It seems like the translation has been shit for years with no real signs of it getting better (Iori foot licking and Yosh lobby lines still censored on top of lots more). I really want the devs to shake up and/or verify the translation team because it's getting ridiculous. My only hope is that with acceleration we somehow get a better translation team or at least some people verifying it internally before release.
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C&C Summer please!
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Seia Status?
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trannies and zoomers made me hate hare
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let me rolllllllllllll dress hina and the uncle nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Mika should die
still sexy
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>because of it's shitty
Fucking ESL.
Its just a fucking shitty joke, everytime they try and change actually important shit like a girl hitting on us they get met with massive backlash, we have a tight leash on them so there's no fucking reason to shit and piss. If enough of the community starts rallying that its a shit translation that takes away from Hare's character i'll join them, if they don't I don't care, its not like they're taking away Hare saying she loves us or anything actually important to her character
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It's time
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do better this thread, /bag/
see you tomorrow faggot
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I won the curry gacha
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Let's go, Millennium! Let's go!
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>hating a character because of reasons unrelated to the game
spineless weakling. you never truly liked her
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No! I'm angry and you will feel my anger the same way I felt my dad's anger before he left to start a new family.
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>it's shitty translation
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Maybe if you did better he wouldn't have left
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On my way to get a costco children bake
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Nice try
Is weed bad for you?
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Students that would actually smoke weed?
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Challenge 3 setup doko?
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What is the talking about?
Do bananas count as a snack?
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This event makes me hungry
Never happening, what the fuck are you even going on about.
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Next year
surely some of you smoke weed
>no i d-
Yes you do
Hello, please stop using my daughterstudentwife in your shitposts. Thank you.
Buyfagging stuff arrived https://files.catbox.moe/fb8rej.jpg
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>Camping in the woods
>Characters aren't supposed to walk through the woods
Momoi is a fucking garbage game dev
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You FAT FUCK. Chubby jiggly lard-hauling caloriemuncher. Tubby Bubby Fucktard. Fuck you.
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Be sure to draw your something funny in the aggie
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Someone please post Serikute(summer) lines
>steal a post from last thread
>post it in this thread
>get more replies than the original poster
who else here /devilish/?
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____ ______ ____?
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this pasta just came out of the pan of the previous thread anon it's still too hot to serve don't you see all the retards falling for it?
if you believe bananas are snacks then they are snacks
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Seia breeding soon
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(You) isn't a real currency therefore farming it is worthless
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I can't wait that long!
even if every single /bag/got smoked weed it wouldn't matter, shit TL is shit TL
Missing kids at Costco
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You smell like shit btw
I liked Hare before the update but this zoomer slop language is offputting for me especially because I know she's not actually like this. I'll keep an open mind but I really hope to see the localisation internally checked and tightened so the community doesn't have to be the one policing shit. The fact they're willing to change things and they apparently did a survey asking about the localisation is promising but the localisation this time is pretty cocky as far as localisations have been.
I want to fuck an overweight student...
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my journey to 100 truly begins now
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God I love grilled shrimp
All the foodies
nom nom
birthday lines
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Best I can do
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They turned my studentwife into a marketable plushie...
Weed is for super retards, like you.
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Problem solvers (especially Aru)
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>no rio
That Yukka plushie would kill you when it falls through the shelf
If I knew Japanese to the point of knowing the translation was wrong, I would be playing on JP
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It's currency for the soul
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It'll be here before you know it.
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I don't smoke or drink. I'd rather waste my money on anime figures.
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should i roll hare camp aka striker himari?
>t. has default himari
>post smelly student
Smoke grass was a dumb one, but I cannot imagine being this upset over the use of "mid" in a translation.
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>event releases
>Everyone thought Hare's caffeine addiction moment was funny
>a day passes
>wake up to outrage about it
Mmm yes
Very organic outrage from very organic posters that totally did not come from some xitter e-celeb from SEA
game's reputation is at stake here
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Suzumi alt when
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Goddammit this cop is way too sex
>They turned my studentwife into a marketable
That's the aim of this entire exercise
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>no rio
Holy based
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I can't quit the game until I impregnate Kirino
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do you think if i threw that yuuka at somebody's head, they would die?
I'm going to fuck Koyuki
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They sell out our beloved girls like little sluts...
No steaks
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Is anyone else considering dropping BA because of not having sexy Seia? It's been years without having Seia implemented and there are no signs of her being released. I really want the devs to give her a cute dangable chibi but the lack of her is getting ridiculous.
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My guiding light
Chat, does he know he's playing a gacha?
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This """joke""" stopped being funny ages ago. She's not even that heavy, it's falsified info.
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miyu is this not erotic. miyako is more erotic
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fucking brat
>Game played by boomers who want something that feels more like old anime
>Fill it with zoomer speak
Why the bandages
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fr no cap

Mid is such an inoffensive term though, it's pretty easy to parse what it means even if you aren't a zoomer, I have no idea why someone would find it so contentious.
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Just buy your own sexy Seia.
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Everytime I use an image to shitpost with, someone replies to me and tells me not to shitpost with "their studentwife". So tell me /bag/, which students is it acceptable to shitpost with? Which student should I use when I want to post some truly exquisite bait? Which student will guarantee me the most (You)'s? Which student is ruined beyond repair?
>steal a post from this thread
>post it in this thread
>get more replies than the original poster
who else here /devilish/?
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Is anyone else considering dropping BA because of it's lack of zingers? It seems like the collabs has been shit for years with no real signs of it getting better. I really want the devs to shake up the collabs because it's getting ridiculous. My only hope is that we somehow get a KFC/Zinger collab in the coming years.
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Post it
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made for hotglue
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NA club Arona#1 has 1 spot open
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>She's not even that heavy, it's falsified info.
Proof? It was in the leaked Millennium data
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Don't shitpost with my wife.
There's not a single student who's not someone's wife.
Somebody said it was mentioned during a Korean interview or something or that they'd shown interest in doing it. The alternative is we sit through the same content drought as Japan did with no anime.
any videos of someone cumming on this?
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
That's obvious
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Just don't shitpost.
I have never seen anyone post a good opinion with Fuuka attached, so use her.
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>haruka's been eating weed since forever
>all of sudden hare eats weed too
>the crowd loses their mind
lame ass manufactured zoomie outrage
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Been a while since I got that. Don't remember, sorry.
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Is anyone else considering dropping BA because of it's lack of small breasts? It seems like the student releases have been shit for years with no real signs of it getting better. I really want the devs to shake up student's breast sizes because it's getting ridiculous.
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Good night
>that one blonde raccoon whore from Hyakkiyakko
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Get a hobby
She's my daughter, but I allow you to shitpost with her.
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Whatever you say Yuuka.
If you don't own rights to the character she's not your *anything* fucking retards
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>Scary Movie was 24 years ago
That one hurt
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They definitely hired some new Californian onto the localization department recently who keeps telling them this is a good idea
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*bad opinion*
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Is anyone else considering?
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Hikari is my light though
It's not about understanding the translation it's about ruining the character. She doesn't talk like this. If this was translation for someone using Japanese equivalent slang words it would be fine but she's not like this.
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It is indeed peak tourist hours
Enjoy it while they're here
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In Kivotos they shitpost using Sensei pics. And the girls reply saying them to stop shitposting using their senseihusband.
I want to go back
Yeah but you didn't post my wife so I win.
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Is it time to stop holding back?
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Is anyone else considering dropping scamcoin because of it's shitty value? It seems like the value has been shit for years with no real signs of it getting better. I really want the free market to shake up and/or verify the prices because it's getting ridiculous. My only hope is that with acceleration we somehow get a better trade or at least some people verifying it internally before release.
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But I'm right here?
You can complain about the localization if you want, that's your right, but it's pathetic to dislike a character because some retard made her say 'mid' once. I can't imagine being like that towards my studentwife or anyone else. Your opinions have a backbone made out of silly putty.
your daughter (almost) killed millions
Arata is free? Great.
this anon doesn't exist just like Ako anon.
They must have hired one of the modern borderlands writers.
Her anus of course. She's trying to use her adult-sized anal dildos that were already too large to begin with.
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nobody said that
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>Kotori has a fig
>It's pop up parade
Aris correction
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Is anyone else considering dropping BA because of it's lack of stakes? It seems like the stories have been shit for years with no real signs of it getting better. I really want the devs to amp up the stakes because it's getting ridiculous.
>AI sloppa because she's so forgotten nobody draws her
dios mio
>nobody said that
I bet you'll say that's bait though
It's time to stop holding back. I'm going to use all my pictures of anon's wife.
>Haruka taking care of weeds hobby
>Correctly translated

>Hare eating weeds joke
>Incorrectly translated, the cute joke is lost in exchange for dozens of Americans making 420 jokes with Hare from now on
>Genuine Harefags grow more offput as their girl is turned into something she explicitly isn't due to localizers fucking around
That's why she needs correction, she failed.
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Nothing in life is free
If she's "your" studentwife, then why am I the one having sex with her?
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__ ______ ____ ___________ ________ __ _______ __ __'_ ____ __ ______? __ _____ ____ ___ _______ ____ ____ ____ ___ _____ ____ __ ____ _____ __ __ _______ ______. _ ______ ____ ___ ____ __ ___ __ ___ ______ _______ __'_ _______ __________.
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Claim your wife NOW
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Did someone say Kaya?
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there's nothing wrong with eating weed
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Sensei, I come from the future. To prevent the bad timeline where every student dies you must do one thing. You must sleep with Miyako.
none, use a character from another game so I know you're shitposting faster
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>your student
>your age
Zoomers will be bonked to death.
Yeah, I was talking about denying her parole.
Aris posters aren't allowed bad opinions. Just weird songs about rizzing gyatts or some shit. Thank you for reading
You're not a "genuine Harefag" if all it takes for you to start wavering in your love is a shitty mistranslation.
I never said I dislike her retard I said it's offputting. In this update alone she's said "I can't with the Vice President sometimes" instead of "The Vice president is mean". She dude weed lmao'd and she said "It's mid". It's offputting because it seems like they're just changing the way she speaks to be zoomer slang instead of her true self.
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If you're going to call her your wife I better see her in "Outstanding" on the check next week
Hare is kinda spacey, like Chise. She somewhat looks like a doper.
>tomorrow's the new JP event
oh shit, nice
Can't wait to wake up
Do you still believe in the happy ending?
Can someone post this picture but not compressed like it's 2005 and I need to send someone a message through their fucking dial-up modem, I would like to save it
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Does it mean THIS little manchild is making food for his students?
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I'm 20, you're just jealous of my youth old man
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Is anyone else considering dropping BA because of it's lack of Shinon? It seems like the stories have been Shinonless for years with no real signs of it getting better. I really want the devs to amp up the Shinon appearances because it's getting ridiculous.
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With great trepidation, I am going to not log in on JP until maint is over.

With it being such a small update, SURELY it won't COMPLETELY FUCKING BREAK until reset again... RIGHT?
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last2 digits of my post
Hoshino won't lose
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They said on the radio show that the last anime episode was finished sunday morning lmao
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dude achuko lmao
But I got Saten absolutely for free...
There is definitely a Sumire sensei here, he posts pvp clips with her
>It's my actual age
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>say an unreleased student is my wife
>when she releases, switch to another unreleased student
>never have to prove my love
>will always be seen as a genuine Xfag
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I'm 29 and say stuff like "fr fr no cap" and "bussin" all the time.
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Kanna stocks will increase exponentially
I still believe
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What is the cutoff for zoomer exactly?
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But your mom was
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I'm 21. Be nice to the anons who will inherit this website after you die old man.
I'm always in outstanding (except when a new gear just releases and there's a raid that I need every single edge for)
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in which banner should i spent my free 10 draw? this one?
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Real talk, if Plana ever got released as playable for whatever reason, my wife is never getting another gift again. It's just how it is.
my age -1
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You're naive
Is it still a translation if they change one line, is it still a translation if they change one out of every five lines, is it still a translation if they rewrite 100% of her lines and turn her into an entirely different character? At which point is it "look how they massacred my girl" and you can't stand looking at her anymore with what localizers did to her. You have no idea how deep that road goes
>But it's unrealistic to think they'd rewrite a large amount of a characters dialogue to create an entirely different character
I'm from a future where I can tell you I've seen how this sort of thing goes when you don't raise hell over the "minor" mistranslations, and the "minor" personality changes. Yes the localizers do eventually feel emboldened to entirely rewrite 100% of the dialogue and characters, it will happen if you ever stop fighting for an instant. I've seen the exact same thing play out with several other games. When you start seeing localization become more and more common you have to nip it in the bud, any amount of mistranslation is mistranslation.
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Should I roll camping Hare? I just rolled Himari. Picrel is my roster. Nobody in the banner list is coming up that I feel like I HAVE to roll from just liking them right now.
I feel like I am hurt most by lack of good AOE DPS.
My future must rolls are Swimsuit Miyako and Swimsuit Izuna.
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bussin inside toki's gyatt frfr no cap on god sheesh fr
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I want to get stoned with Hare
then she was never your wife dumb pink midori
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That’s an advantage of AI, being able to make more art of your obscure or long-forgotten wives.
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That's a lot of tears just to say you don't like Hare. Post your bond 50 Hare minimum.
except no one has posted bond 50 gamer twins
>gifting Plana philiphines or whatever the fuck he's called card
It'd be nice if she got emotional or if there was an event based around it.
cHare, dAko/Makoto, or anyone else in between you like
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recent developments made me not want to roll for cHare
and i blame trannylators for that
imagine spending 24k blue rocks for some zoomer "humour"
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I want Hare's acid piss to dissolve a hole in my stomach
post pyros. If 30k+ pull
>zoomers like Himari
Does she skibidi your gyatt?
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On the one hand you could check the momos on the wiki to see if it's pozzed but on the other hand it ruins the momos to check them like that.
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>Mine doesn't care about wavecat at all as a gift
What were they thinking?
This is just like Uwu and the relationship it had in the context of some global-related community
shouldn't have smoked weed
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All these people trying to shit on what was a nothing burger yesterday are the same types of people that would defend Yostar's shitty localizations because it's from le holy land of Japan (they will never be welcomed there)
it's over for blue archive
No, save for the D.Hina banner for extra spooks
Damn I love camping now
She seems to be very arrogant. Even Eimi gets annoyed.
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>BA became american joke~the video game
How long till they introduce some dick jokes?
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>that ass focus last square
F-Fuck the police
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Zoomers can't get enough of the cute GILF elf fantasy
Nobody is defending the anime retard
Remember that the game's original language is not Japanese but Korean and the Japanese localization also fucks up occasionally. You should be learning Korean not Japanese seonbae nida
is this woods map zoomed out even further than usual? What the fuck
"weed joke - tranny student" pipeline
Spoken like a true secondary, not like i would expect more of Harunafags
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>/bag/ is full of straightedge pussies scared to get high
Can't say I'm surprised
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>Have you ever been on an edging streak? Edge.
>Do they keep you in a state of edging? Edge.
>When you're not performing your edging, do they make you goon? Edge.
>What's it like to hold the gyatt of someone you love? Rizz.
>Do they teach you how to feel, sigma to sigma? Rizz.
>Do you long for having your heart rizzed? Rizz.
>Do you dream about being rizzed?
>Baby Gronk rizzed up Livvy Dunne. Rizz.
>Do you feel that there's a part of you that's skibidi? Rizz.
>Skibidi Edge Rizz.
Skibidi Edge Rizz.
>Why don't you say that three times? Skibidi Edge Rizz.
Skibidi Edge Rizz.
Skibidi Edge Rizz.
Skibidi Edge Rizz.
it's mida you dirty jap monkey
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Police brutality
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>Japanese equivalent slang words
I'm pretty sure it's a tourist, anon.
>don't drink alcohol
>don't smoke
>don't do drugs
I will live long
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Hare should get some costco hotdogs to go with all that weed
bros.... i only got 2 yellow....
The community is currently divided due to shitposting and translation anger

I believe I can mend this divide
I noticed the same thing. You spend so much time running to each battle.
Weed is the softest gayest drug on earth. Do meth or coke instead if you want to act tough.
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Not my problem.
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Mika was right about you

It's crazy how a bunch of shitposts make me dislike a character that didn't even do much wrong (except for being a doomer)
I unironically tried learning korean for starcraft, but it's such a disaster of a language.
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>Have a dream about having a great time playing Dota2
>Ragequitted that fucking game 7 years ago
>Even sold all my skins
>Stare at my library for 30 minutes looking for something else to play
>Give up and reinstall Dota2
Blue Archive
My obese fingers cant click on anything
There are a lot of important targets
If your are a 54 lvl newcutie, it's probably better to roll on bluefes banners. You will get more bang for your buck that way.
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Makes sense
Do zoomers really say this?
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which distro is that?
drinking monster and blowing blunts with zoomer hare
I don't fucking know
I feel old
Wait, I misheard kinyou for kinou. So they finished the last anime episode Friday morning. 60 hours before airing, that's not that bad.
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I tried some weed gummies when I was bedridden and in pain. Has to be one of the worst experiences I've ever had, being made to lay there while everything spins. So yes I will advise my students to never take drugs
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I was in Ohio before I met you
I rizzed too much and that's an issue
But I'm Grimace Shake

Tell your friends it was nice to rizz them
But I hope I never edge again

I know it breaks your fanum
Taxin' in Ohio and I'm still not sigma
Four years, no livvy
Now you're lookin' pretty on Adin Ross' Twitchy

And I-I-I can't rizz
No, I-I-I can't mew

So baby gronk me closer
In the back skibidi toilet
That I know you can't afford
Kai Cenat tatted on my shoulder

Pull the gyatt right of the corner
From that fanum that you taxed
From your roommate back in Ohio
We ain't ever not the Rizzler
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Weed never once did anything interesting for me. Highly overrated drug.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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> gamedev lolis
> ps68
> pandemonium society (probably all of gehenna since they're all about freedom and chaos)
> Pic related
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Arona says no to drugs!
How would you stop Hoshino (awake)?
>Trap thousands of civilians in the subway
>lure Hoshino to fight here alone
>prepare your Halo destroyer bomb in advance
>set it off
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I smoked weed back in highschool along with my fellow AP classmates. It has to be one of the best experiences I've ever had, being made to chill there while everything mellows out. So yes I will advise my highstrung students to take drugs.
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She's beautiful, she has a great voice, she gets the cripple pity bonus that brings back fond memories of Katawa Shoujo, she is both extremely intelligent and extremely retarded, her storylines have all the lore, she destroys Rio in a verbal argument any day, she's always on the side of justice, and she's comfymaxxed. What's not to love?
Yes, but zoomer culture is so irony poisoned that it's hard to tell if it's genuine slang, parody of slang, or however many interlocking layers of the two. Zoomers live their lives hiding behind a shield of irony because the Internet has taught them that being genuine and sincere will get you ridiculed and bullied.
>> ps68
Aru would never
Stop snorting pyroxene dust
I am going to cum all over your adorable daughterwife's belly.
>Yo'll Cowards Don't Smoke Crack
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>Arona says no to dru-
>Injects Sensei with water enhancers so he can withstand a direct hit from a cruise missile
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Why is Hare's halo so fucking big?
Most of my World of W******* buds smoked it. We had some very accomplished network/computer engineers in there so ima nominate Veritas.
It's proportionate to her thigh size
This site will die with me.
You are not allowed to have shit, child.
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too soon
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How many layers of holding back is Hoshino on?
But enough of Hina's spaceship
It's World of Archive.
But Kayoko and the other 2 would
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Ijbol :100: :skull: :skull: iykyk
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Why does Hare look vaguely worried?
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I just came across this fanart and I now have a sudden NEED for a casual Utaha alt.
Where the FUCK is it John Nexon? And why aren't there more casual alts? Why only the rat?
I'm now considering dropping BA because of its shitty alt choices.
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always knew hare has sharp sense of comedy
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Is this English? I don't understand half of this...
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I'm not sold on Haruka doing it but more or less
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Same size as her kidney stones
kidney damage
Where's her halo?
Can you write that again but in English this time?
which student for anal?
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inside the afro
Can you blame her? Did you see what trannies did to her?
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She's in a tent in the woods 200 kivotos distance units away from her pc
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how are you bussin', bros?
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I'm 22
Assemble the students.
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why does your chibis wear halos?
I look forward to the Hare smoking weed fanart
Makes me think. Is the Muslim school going to have covered halos?
Akane. She wants children and keeps stalking you so only fuck her in the ass.
>"BEARS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in these mountains before, there could be BEARS anywhere."
>zoomer hours
That explains a lot
Why does Nahida have a leaf coming out of her head?
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So it's lore accurate then
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Otosex Cocktama
Who the fuck was this again?
How do I act like a boomer?
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Thanks anons.
I have 39K pyro.
Would that change the math on if it’s worth to roll or wait for dress Hina?
Or could it be worth going for both dress Hina and Hoshino to maximize spooks?
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I simply object to my students smoking or considering smoking, that's all.
I'm bet, you?
School of journalism representative
why have all my students been doing this recently? whenever they are on schale duty they take off their socks and shoes and want me to lick or smell their feet.
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Normally I’d tell you to die but I sense you made a heavy choice to skip Renge from your words so congrats.
i wish you a thousand pyroxenes
Harukas Hobby being "growing weeds" and having some alone time with her weed seems like a watered down way of her growing her own marijuana and smoking it in remote places that even the other PS members don't know
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>all one year apart
What were they putting in the water in the early 2000's?
If you are only level 54, you will not be doing any raid content difficult enough that you will need Camp Hare. You already have Himari. Save your Pyro and double down on Fes instead.
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Oh yeah skipping this banner, CHare will spook me later
I object to a cute joke being turned into "dude weed LMAO" because of localizers who just think "but it's funnier???". I care if it's accurate.
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>just post some peak zoomerkino and the outrage-addicted lead-inhaling boomers will leave
Now that's how you restore peace to a thread
man, zoomies really DO want a cripple elf wife
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>give the casual alt to an unpopular student
>also make them a Special
>nobody rolls because nobody cares
>consider Casual alts a bad business decision because you're retarded and never do another one ever again
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Why did they give Hina an ENTER scene?
The propaganda arm of the student council
If you manage to get up to 48k pyro for bluefes, it is definitely a good idea to dump it all on either of the banners. And spark both if things go south.
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I'm 23
Nigger you've been crying about this all thread, go use that energy on Twitter where they'll actually listen to you
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Complain about it to nexon then
Does that leave the chill boomers, or did they go as well? Are there chill boomers?
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Is anyone else considering dropping Hina out from Gehenna because of her shitty job as a janny? It seems like her incompetence has been shit for years with no real signs of it getting better (Keeps destroying statues of the Great Makoto and wrecks havoc instead of doing paperwork on top of lots more). I really want the Pandemonium Society to shake up and/or load more paperwork for the Prefect Team because it's getting ridiculous. My only hope is that with acceleration the Pandemonium Society somehow seduces Sensei away from Hina and the Prefects or at least Ibuki's pudding rations get doubled before another Hina blunder.
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LocalizerCHADS won, just like with the name of Aris, go learn Japanese if you want to whine
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Chocolate or vanilla?
Dios mio... la creatura...
where are all the 30yo anons? Did they all die of stroke?
it's not "weed lmao", it's quite literally useless garden weeds. Because she considers herself a useless weed, something that serves no purpose and no one cares about it. She identifies with weeds because they're just like her.
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This image is fucking disgusting
Chocolate btw
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Does curry even taste good
>zoomers like miyako and himari
This explains all.
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Imagine having to buy a pair of glasses then throwing half of it away
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If Nexon was basing each alt on "business" then we wouldn't be getting soulful alts like our current camp alts or even maid alts. We'd be turned into a soulless husk of a game like nikke with AI-generated goonerslop for every patch.
>Other people keep talking about it
>No you're not allowed to keep talking about it, the other side can keep talking about it but not you
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25 and below is zoomercore
If you're any older you're an old man, I don't make the rules sorry.
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Save as much as you can, preferably 48K to ensure DHina and SHoshino, if you are lucky you can get the bluefes students like Mika, Wakamo or SHanako.
That artist gave Asuna the wrong symbol.
Based 4chin wanted to save anon from tranny travesty.
god imagine
If they did this Arona would have drained me dry
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Pretending to be arrogant to hide the fact your life is fucked and the extraordinary existential dread that comes with that knowledge is the ultimate zoomercore. It helps that I also have a congenital disease IRL
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Himari sex
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I'm not seeing this """outrage""" from anywhere else but here. I haven't and won't ever check twitter so I'll just assume this """outrage""" originated from there and its resident SEAfags.
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I can never forget one of POPQN’s girls.
Tight pants are the best.
Kivotos’ best journalist.
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>tfw love the absolute fuck out of shrimp
>roommate is alergic to shellfish so I can only make beef or chicken curry for us
Man, fat gringos really are retarded, huh?
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Boomercore is just liking the cute elf without the projection
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Explain to me why there are no more casual alts then smartypants.
>Meat and vegetables in a spiced gravy like sauce
Yeah it's great comfort food
This is definitely a man
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The camp alts are technically casual alts
You cannot refute this
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I haven't tried Japanese curry, but Thai curries are fucking amazing.
Just make it for yourself and make that fucker cook for himself anon.
Don't compromise, be true to your desires.
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>no wheelchair
How did she get in there
I carried her
Why is Aru so SEX?
himari sexoo
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Global is currently running camp alts
JP is a few banners removed from the most bland maid outfits they could possibly give to the twins
What deck would Himari play?
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She walked
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Yeah, right, as if I don't hear "hoshino is literally me because ojisan" all the time in these threads.
Forgot image
Same difference
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all zoomers no cap (fr)
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Dumb Zoos poster.
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>zoomers like students with white hair
>and mashiro
It is spoken
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This is what smoking weed does
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There are no zoomies here. Only boomies and the near geriatric pretending to be zoomies. And that's just sad.
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It's clearly written
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Sorry for being naughty nmgk
quite the opposite. smoking weed makes you lose weight
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Don't believe her lies.
Nobody likes Mashiro
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Definitely some stun bullshit. She'd play shock master and azathot if they were still legal.
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Smooching Himari belly
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Maki's camp vagina...
Get back with Chihiro
It's for your safety
So when does camp Maki come out?
I want this figure but my 3d wife who is normally pretty accepting of weebshit might find it to be too much
I don't like Himari but I grabbed her with the last pick ticket and I enjoy her support. I admit complete and utter defeat to the cripple.
Keep that up and I'll suck your cock stupid faggot
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she could have gotten lots of fanarts had she wasnt teamed up with this dumb danganronpa looking bitch
Man i'm so tired, i just want to crawl back into Hina's womb
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Mari would smoke a pack of ciggies a day to de-stress but she would never touch hecking wholesome weederino
What would sex with Himari be like?
2nd camp rerun
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>Sensei spends all his money on children's trading cards
It's actually embarrassing how Sensei will get flustered and whimper whenever a student asks him to spend just a little money on a gift but not even flinch as he drops $500 on a card
Mashiro is SEX
I like Mashiro
She’ll be redrawn (by Mx2J, but even then it’s still an improvement) and be given freckles and braces.
idk bad i guess? sex?
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Mari smokes the ganja.
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>get back
my wife has always been nonomi
it's safer with her because she actually respects me
Rare Himari hours
Certainly would feel like rape.
Sensei has hundreds of students, if they all expected a gift constantly she would go broke
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The ultimate gachanigger self-insert
S.Mashiro has the best midriff second only to s.Shizuko
>Police summer had no midriff
Korea stop being a homo
He spent 50,000 yen buying scratch off tickets for Hoshino on a whim
You only like Shinon because of her huge underboobs and you only dislike Mai because of her tiny breast
Challenge 3 was going fun. Just buffing and healing the shit out of Sumire.
I like this artist a lot
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>steal a post from last thread
>post it in this thread
>get more replies than the original poster
who else here /devilish/?
imagine the smell
which one are you
ryona with crippled elfs
Nonomi will whore you out to all her friends
If people cared about Mashiro she would’ve at least gotten a decent uptick in art when Ichika released like the JTF NPC. But she didn’t.
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>steal a post from this thread
>post it in this thread
>get more replies than the original poster
who else here /devilish/?
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Me too
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>steal a post from this thread
>post it in this thread
>get more replies than the original poster
who else here /devilish/?
The breasts of any girl who is pregnant should be 25% larger than normal. I hate it when artists pull this shit.
So, Veritas spends days, sometimes over a week, in their clubroom.

They don’t bathe. They don’t change clothes. And now they’re going on a sweaty camping trip. Their panties must smell heavenly. I want to sniff them.
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Sensei tried 100 times to win a Peroro plushie from a crane game for Hifumi. Sensei is just financially irresponsible.
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Oh god damn it not this shit again
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Smellfags would actually retch if they smelled a real unwashed pair of panties
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that doujin could have been a 10/10 if they didn't show the mobs getting raped by beastmen and robots
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ALL her friends
Why does Himari have knife ears? Is she a e*f???
Give me the kot. All I want is the Kot.
When did that happen? I don’t remember.
I love the smell if my own musk
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It's kinda the same with Shimiko and her library.
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I like Hare now
Thanks anons I will save! Spook Wakamo would be a big win.
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Anyone got the regex for iphone filenames?
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Doesn't matter. You don't actually get off to things that smell bad. You like the idea of things smelling bad. You can't handle it.
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Don't threaten me with a good time.

I'd work overtime for her. On her. Hehe.
Why would you need that? Did Apple say you could do that? I will report you to the genius bar.
I share birthday with himari somehow
Is it possible to get 48k gems before the summer banners as a newfag?
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>clear some Momos
>have done about 20 already
>log out
>the number of Momos didn't change
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Himari abuse
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>boomer outrage over Hare being a zoomer stops
>someone starts larping as the bikinischizo
Same people?
Same people.
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I share a birthday with Koharu...
I just want to suck on her clit.
You can get 24k as a newfag, save 40 more days and you'll be 48k
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All of the supplementary Mashiro art that Popqn has drawn is way hotter than her appearances in game
>B-but sameface!
Yeah I know but I'm still right
Don't shitpost with my wife, use the Ui smell joke like everyone else
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It's possible if you just read the story, but if anyone hears that you skipped the story you'll be evicted from the fandom
I really want more popqn students
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I share a birthday with Kanna (I don't have Kanna).
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alright bros I got 54k pyros
Should I roll for c.Hare?
I need to roll these banner units in the future
>d.ako (makoto would be nice too)
>d.hina (already have old man, praying I get s.hanako during this banner as well, hopefully)
>Mine (kind of a dickroll but she seems to be useful to have pretty often)
I'd like to get a 2nd team composition for insane runs soon, so having c.hare would help immensely since im kinda lacking
Even if he draws more, they'll all get the standardized artstyle because that's how the game rolls now. We'll never get unique students, it's all gonna be mx2j sloppa
>koharu is the most popular make up club member despite being the least developed character
>hanako is the least popular make up club member despite being the 2nd most developed character
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take a bath /bag/
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Get in
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You now remember official tan Ui
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It's only been 4 days...
Fapping to the next student that gets posted!
skip c.Hare for now
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Yeah, I wish other artists were willing to lewd their own girls as much as he does.
Himari sex should be first on that list
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I share my birthday with Rumi
So, 2D scat good?
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Large boobs are not needed in the kitchen
pg 18-19
>We'll never get unique students, it's all gonna be mx2j sloppa
We just got an event with 0 mx2j students.
This image makes Shimiko look like she has huge tits
Whats your setup for it?
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i guess ill pull her from the selector ticket in half a year then
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>looks like
neru cute
neru pretty
love neru
I'm skipping over Fubuki because she's ugly!
Fapping to the next student that gets posted!
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Some of you fags need to realize that your degenerate 2D fetishes also apply to IRL as well. If the girl you had a crush on in high school made crotch rice for you, you fuckers would totally eat it.
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I did that.
Sensei here, i don't spend my money on cards, i spend my money on crafting gifts for Hina, my wife.
You will jerk off to Fubuki right now
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It's actually so fucking unfair that she hasn't gotten an alt holy SHIT
Himari and Ako for specials.

Kokonasex, Maki, oChinatsu, and sHanako for strikers.
why is she called striker Himari
Himari and the person you like only for her body
Very nice looking Akaricute.
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What server are you on? Do you have all the other meta students? Bluefes students? Do you have SShiroko?
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It's over
how SEAnigger are you
Mai is pretty cute, I don't know what's with the hate for her (other than being a journalist)
Is it because of the glasses? And all the hate for her comes from the 1 (or 2??) anons here who need to tell everyone they hate glasses every week?
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i forgot to finish the tasks from last month and its not in the guide....
When is it appearing?
sKanna butt!
What do I do with the expert permits?
Gorilla mode Shimiko striker tank alt soon and everyone will have naturally always loved her. Very soon.
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Give me one reason to jerk off to Fubuki
use them in the shop
>managed to get both in 100 pulls
Thank fuck. They're both so cute but I couldn't spend more than the 100 rolls. Now I'm sitting comfortable for DHina (my wife)
How do I challenge 3 without cKotama? I'm struggling to stay alive and deal damage. What's the general layout?
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I haven't had a bath in about 17 years.
what items do I clear out first?
Her artist has shown a lot more interest in Shimiko recently Probably because her biggest cashcow Hololive vtuber got fired kek so here's hoping something is coming down the pipes.
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Erotic voice and body
bro, you had about a month to do it
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I forgot to do the vol 5 ticket guide, when does it come back?
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>Probably because her biggest cashcow Hololive vtuber got fired kek
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>meta students
only ones i don't have are iroha, sUi and nyFuuka
all of them saving for dHina btw
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What tasks?
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She's cute and she'd let you prone bone her for hours.
the volume 5 ones
sex tasks
he forgot a very important question: how many pyros do you have now?
generally you want to get elephs for any limited students you own first. this shop refreshes every month so it's a good way to slowly build up rare students. keep in mind you can't use these elephs to unlock limited students even if you were to get all the elephs need to unlock them. For example you can't unlock Swimsuit Hina with shop Elephs, you need to already have pulled her in the past
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>miscalculated the amount of gifts I need for monthly reset
The dream is dead.
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white school swimsuit = erotic
voice = erotic
brat = erotic
small = erotic
lazy = erotic
cute = cute
first time reading this story, was it like this last time or is everyone experiencing this debauchery first hand? It's not exactly "unplayable" but you can't deny it's there when random shit like "it's mid" comes and slaps you in the face. (I highly doubt the Koreans nor Japs have words for that specific slang)
fes units
oh lame. thought you can just get the student if you had the elephs. guess i'll just hoard these permits then.
We cook for each other since we're not greasy losers and both of us can cook. It's a dick move to cook something just for myself.
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>(I highly doubt the Koreans nor Japs have words for that specific slang)
Slang is cultural, nobody shares words for that. Japanese and Korean have zoomer memes same as any other language, but this is a mistranslation because Hare doesn't talk like a zoomer. The gyarus do.
Sparkling a student who is very usable at 3* makes me very, very upset.
The shop resets every month so you should still grab elephs you need.
It will probably come back permanently like the previous guide missions.
Who knows.
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My account is new and I don't have any cool 3* students so it's pointless to burn them
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if i show you of course you'd say skip but I wanna know if it's worth having cHare when I have Himari already
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They made Fubuki's chibi very erotic this time around. I've been thinking about this line since the stream reveal
Too many dounts
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I'm in the same boat as you. It's confusing, but I should see if this is worth an uproar or not.
get the money, permits and pins (very important if you aren't a pakeji buyer) first, then worry about the limited student elephs
you can also get equipment blueprints and only worry about farming the latest tier when 2x or 3x normals come. but if you're not max level maybe don't spend your limited expert limits in those yet
chibi sex
well at least you guys all swept the raids right
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>he only has 20k pyros
Just skip, it's not worth bricking your Bluefes plans for CHare even though she's very good.
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I got old shun from the guaranteed ticket special. Win or scammed?
>but I should see if this is worth an uproar or not
Send a report for it anyway. If you let them get away with it for Hare they'll get away with it for someone else.
They finally fixed Kasumi's skill abilities last update so they are listening albeit slowly.
Good unit, especially for PVP
Why didn't they have the VAs for the summer alts on stream???
Would be understandable if you really liked Hare but if you're just pulling for meta I would definitely skip with only 20k
If you plan on rolling for any of the limited students there you can grab there elephs until you get the real one so at least you have something to build towards
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Bless the white school swimsuit.
>I got the most beautiful girl at Shanhaijing from the guaranteed ticket special. Win or scammed?
Win. She's the only day1 3* that still isn't farmable (Shunny became farmable before her) and she's good for PVP and speedrun/cleanup teams.
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Is she a jade beauty?
If you put it like that, then scam. There's sexier.
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Alice is my light.
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Grats on your pretty coworker
You are courting death!
She's not in her most beautiful (small) form though.
needs more donuts to have a 1 pixel bigger belly like how mr Zankuro draws them
then it's perfect
Weird Saya desu
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she's chinese tho
can Himari walk or not?
Not him, but I find Chinks to be cuter than Japs.
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Mika love
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Is that bad?
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Got 2 maybe 3 sparks at least on lock for blue fes but wanna try for Himari to shore up my relatively dogshit red game before sparking later for Hoshino do I break down and buy some Pakeji /bag/?
But they speak Chinese.
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You can beat it out of them, just like how their parents do for every other subject.
Hag sex. Need I say more?
Also she's uncontested S tier in PvP if you're into that
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I got yellow bad bwos. Even Filipino girls look hot to me.
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I spent half of my last semester chasing an Arab girl at uni.
death to tranny localizers
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It's okay, bros, we can all have different opinions. It's part of what makes 4chan fun. I just can't believe there are four of you homosexuals all in the same thread, damn, what are the chances.
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Fake chink hours
Very good
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I meant cHare* here
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Hey now, Saya IS very cute. Even if Shun's the prettiest.
imagine hugging her from behind
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I like all of the Shanhaijings. Underrated school.
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Yellow fever will destroy the white race
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Don't forget about Hibiki today too
It's mid.
Jokes aside, she's... VERY. Average in stats. However that buff is definitely worth it. I love her nonetheless.
hibiki won
Everyday I told myself "You really want to make funny things" I continue, "The fact that I'm getting more serious is just to make something funny, maybe something cool" while measuring the thickness of one chibi thigh to the next. "Haha, some have armature specific to having it jiggle" I remarked to myself.
Oogling summer chibis I wonder "How hard could it be to edit UV maps?" unleashing the possibility of nude chibis. My first mistake.
"I only want to make single image blends" A lie, a lie to myself and my fellow posters.
"animation doesn't seem that difficult when you learn the setup it seems" My second mistake.

Then they release this, Nemugaki Fubuki (Bun) veiled only by a thin piece of neoprene between me and a very lickable navel.

It may not be now, but forgive me for what I will upload to the internet in the near future.
Red Winter>Shamehijinx
Post the full version of her sitting
Hibiki is incapable of opening her eyes that wide
Okay, Cherino
I hate Hibiki now
Shanhaijing has always been 3rd best school for me.
aren't they like hk/taiwan chinks? because one of the clubs is named after hong kong's symbol (plum blossom garden)
Yeah, they're all pretty great. Not just because they're cute, either. Shanhaijing volume maybe some day.
the chibisex... IS REAL
>your student
>your PC specs
>your student
>your rating of schools from best to worst
And run the risk of getting stabbed in the face by ridiculous horns? Not to mention her halo. No thanks I'm good
Yes but why can't I have Reijo right now?
skill issue
because fuck you
t. john nexon
I concur.
post bazoos
Simple Man anon would cum himself to death, you must understand.
the timelines...
>your student
>the last type of fruit you ate
What if momoi was in power instead of Hirohito?
ᓀ ‸ ᓂ
>your student
>how many people you've killed irl
Let's stay inside.
>R5 2600
>B450 motherboard
>GTX 1660 super
>32 GB RAM 3200 MT/s
I wonder if I should buy AM5 and RTX 4060 or just upgrade to 5800x3D and then get a better GPU
I like playing with my penis with ᓀ‸ᓂ
Tomatoes, cucumbers, and cubanelle peppers in a soup.
I honestly dislike the grass line, but not because it's a meme, but because it's just flat out wrong. She's not smoking the grass, she's eating it. Entirely different actions.
I like playing with ᓀ‸ᓂ with my penis
>pitied CHare
>but got spooked by Ui, Shiggy and the chink bodyguard
Is this a win? Or is it over?
Where's the monkey? She used to dance a lot, but now she's gone...
Iroha bros are the fattest
Tomatoes are gross, too much fluid
tomato is a vegetable retards ᓀ‸ᓂ
You're a tomato
What chibisex does to a nigga
Gehenna > Everyone else >>> Abydos
I'm all dried up
No come back...

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