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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Rondo at Rainbow's End Rerun - 6/20 - 6/26

Kraut event
SSR Alvitr
SR Z43
SR U-31
Teacher skins: Alvitr, Illustrious L2D, Duke of York
Preschooler skins: Z47, Z43, U-31, Eldridge

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>483393581
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3d dorm when
Someone please explain to me why the Dido class can't equip the 134s as their main gun?
I love PoW of WoW
PoWs of WoWs
Joffre a cute!

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We hate M*gador here.
>no full view nagacunt
But WHY are botes SKK-sexual
I would suck her WoWs, if you know what I mean
We hate all surrendermonkeys actually
Instructions unclear, just creampied Mogador
Mmmm nyo! I smooch Mogador here.
Kek you got xim
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>could've given child outfits to grown up boats and teacher ones to lolis
>went with the most generic decision instead
Make love, not war, Threesome now...
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>404'd the event thread
>kept the vandalized fagir thread up
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Do not worry, surrendermonkeys won't do that and if they attempt they do it to surrender instantly
sex with joff and mog
It's a krautchad thread amd general, we don't even know who these whiteflaggies are.
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what do you mean
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Based. M*g is more Toad than Frog
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Jeancool and Richecute
Cute discount bremerton with the national french flag's colour
Every single bote is bigger than skk
>obese papership alvitir gets thread header
>z47 gets thread header
>illustrious gets thread header
>kgv gets thread header
>brown archerfish gets thread header
>now agir instead of z43
>agir gets no skin, no content, old washed up shitter from a few pr cycles ago
>agir thread header
Why was this deleted
Nevermind, i didn't actully craft the gun and was looking around for it
We don’t tolerate racism in /alg/
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>frognigger spamming again
See ya in a few hours, assuming he doesn't go full sperg again and spams the whole thread.
this thread needs some owari pics
you can't be racist to subhumans like owari
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>reeee I don't like the op pic
That's it?
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We fuck Mogador here.
this is very true, I had to ask a submarine the other day to get something from the shelf since I couldn't reach it, it was kinda hot
>deleted - 85 matches
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I want to see their socks
The bot broke again lmao
>aieeeee i'm too lazy to make a thread and someone used an image i don't like this is vandalism
kill yourself you retard
Nice ten medals
This time he'll shoot for the stars and aim for 100.
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mmmmm frog legs
maybe not mog but small frogs
Let me mount the right guns for Adalbert and Heinrich you bote kusoge

CN server anon with the hisotrical loadouts surely gets angry when he runs into something like this
>just make a new thread before everyone else so we can all bitch about you being early
Sorry I'm too busy playing the game, something a nigger like you can't really understand.
what is sex with owari like
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Tranny ship
Tranny fags
Holy based, you got the anti-frog troon bot, i kneel anon.
sounds like major cope to me
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sex the angel
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>Still no augment
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We take our meds here.
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aren't they supposed to use 380s?
Not the first time the game made an arbitrary decision to an entire class.
I don't use them so I didn't really notice, but I like seeing them in opponents full kms fleets since it usually means a free win, they won't kill my frontline before triple essex shit out 43+ planes and wipe the screen.
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
Final episode of season 5 airs today
Im sad its over, but glad it happened
11 good years
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We absolutely do, redditnigger
>Let me mount the right guns on ships that never existed
>even hori depicts her as an incompetent retard
Guess France's fame really is that widespread
this is canon, skk just sits on a botes shoulder while going into battle
yea, it just dawned on me after i decided to follow the anons steps and do sovl loadouts for most of my botes, idk why they're classified as CAs instead of CBs
Our time is nigh, Corgi bros.
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Am that /his/fag anon you're replying to, henlo.
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posting BFFs
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Shut up baBBy
>sinks your makeshift raft in the middle of the sea
who tops
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Made me chuckle
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this has proven to be more complicated than i initially anticipated, friend.
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Hot and canon
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Well kek'd
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Why does he keep doing it?
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lmao what a sperg
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Lovely fox
Because the worst that happens to him just requires a quick IP reset.
You mean the frogsissy spamming richelieu pics on cooldown?
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You made sametranny upset.
Unironic mental illness, even worse when he actively deflects and concern trolls after. Richeposter utterly destroyed his game.
uhhh that isn't about Jean Bart bro
Based and screencapped
You're right. It's about Jean Fart
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Boy am I glad janny does his job
Thread's been comfy so far
He's super upset right now.
Looks like his bot failed lole
>log in fritzbox router
>literally click the fast reload button
>get new ip
>2 mins later
>continue shitting up the thread
It's so easy
Can wichita meta with all her buffs compare to hindy and unzen?
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Not wrong, even
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Did you max her already?
Is Richelieu the bote who attracts shitposting the most?
is it really worth it when you have to be basically dead for her buffs to count?
I don't know man, he's bound to get tired or bored of shitting up the thread at some point.
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>replied to himself 16 times in that post alone
I don't know if you realized it, but the entire french faction makes him launch into a spergout.
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I don't think there's a single META ship worth leveling. They're massively outclassed by other botes.
>he's bound to get tired or bored of shitting up the thread at some point.
it's been 7 years and he's still doing it though
>. They're massively outclassed by other botes.
id you mean URs then sure, but what isn't

meta SSRs are like T1, that's not terrible
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She has a last stand skill and is greatly benefited by shields, so there's that.
You got the anti-frog troon, king.
How does that even releated to what he's asking, tranny?
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I wish we could all ignore him so he'll get bored and move on but that's not going to happen either.
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/trash/trannies love gay pride month.
Not happening. Frogkeks are all too think skinned and insecure, they actively help him shit the thread.
needs a swimsuit
>think skinned
>think skinned
>meta SSRs are like T1, that's not terrible
True, but for the amount of effort it takes to acquire, level, limit break, and educate them you can get a T0 SSR for far less work in arguably less time too.

You're only collecting these for completion or for the fun in all practicality.
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I can't imagine shitting up thread after thread being that fun. Maybe once in awhile but every thread? You really have to be this much of a lonely attention starved sperg.
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what the fuck
>think skinned
KEK, tranny
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>dumb boned
>think skinned
Lmao I knew he was a pajeet
Why is she looking at me like that...
When will we get another essex skin
Preferabil oath swimsuit or rpg
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he has already been doing it for years and will probably continue doing it for the rest of his miserable life, even when AL EoS comes he will just shit up some other thread (assuming he doesn't already shit up other threads to begin with which is likely by this point), worse part is this is the most social interaction he will get through out his day since I doubt a sperg like him has many irl friends
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>not worth leveling because tierfaggotry
I literally ran San Jacinto in 15-4 and she would consistently get MVP for seemingly no reason.
You can genuinely make most ships work in any map if you aren't retarded.
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>state what the frogtranny will do and why everyone hates him
>he proceeds to do exactly that
I kind of expect him to just move onto whatever other game has (you) pandering and just do similar shitposts. Hell you see this kinda shit in any related general already, so it isn't like he is anything special.
Possibly EN anni or JP anni. Seems like she's been getting at least one a year over the last few years, so she's probably going to get something soon.
Which botes love murder and which botes love rape?
all of them, except for anchorage and echo
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>not worth leveling because tierfaggotry
Or because they're a fucking time and resource sink with little pay off? That's not even paying attention to tiers I'd run Weser before any METAs just because she's more enjoyable.
>he has already been doing it for years
Maybe but he's been into overdrive these last days
There's always some dumb shit going on but frogs drive him into a shitposting frenzy for whatever reason
Les bloqueurs mon amour
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What do you mean "little payoff"
Its a chink anime girl game, its already a huge waste of time. What payoff are you expecting?
Play it for fun, if you're trying to play it for anything else you've entirely missed the point.
Chasing tiernigger slop ships, equipment, etc. only stays entertaining for so long. Go pick some literal who and try to make them work in end-game content and you'll have more fun and interest in the game than just chasing "reddit faggots advice on getting the 17th quad 152mm".
Now now, he is just the brightest kid on the block, it's nothing too complicated, it's simply bullying the frogkek around and him getting mad
>frog events
>people liked said event, be that the story or the cruise
That isn't including the other shitposting he has done this year
Is essex still good for gameplay? Can I take her up to w15?
If I didn't know her VA I wouldn't have remembered her by name, it's a little bit sad
I disagree with the cardinal going out like this...
its not like he doesn't go into overdrive with other factions since he is the nathanfag as well
You're completely right but you are saying this in a general that shits on every UR that didn't make an entire new tier above the highest
Don't be so vague, richelieu.......
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>think skinned
morning sir
It's canon, it's hot.
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You'd think this site would have something that sets off a flag after replying to the same post multiple times from the same IP.
Looks like you made him upset
the same site deleted the IP counter what do you expect
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I haven't browsed the general for awhile but can anyone explain the 3D farm thing?
one of the new 3D game modes they are working on adding to the game
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I wouldn't call manipulating a retard a power.
Upcoming content, date yet unannounced
Not like this shitler bros...
People also said that liked TB and he got so upset he shat up the thread in the exact same way.
If he is a pajeet living in Germany, why does he lose his shit over frogs and not Bongs...you know the ones who colonized the most of India. Don't tell me he was actually from on of France's Indian colonies.
is this game for you ?
or does it have a cuck dev that hate you like gfl 2 ?
Why the fuck do you always have to shoehorn TB mode in every single fucking discussion we bring up?
Like, fuck off, make your own discussion, holy shit. No ome cares.
>is this game for you ?
every single bote in the game is for you and you only
they were created exclusively for you

ignore every single other deranged shitposter in this hellhole because this simple fact makes them seethe and lie to no end
It's a pajeet larping as a german.
Yes, every girl is for (you)
>are the devs like MICA
100% for (you)
He shitposted ulrich, belfast, roon, baltimore before too, and still shitposts lusty and new jersey, and the dogs sometimes. Frogs are just his biggest melty.
I am expecting them to only reply to the obvious troll.
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(you) look nice here bro>>483488307
Don't forget pastas right until the DR announcement
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The real question with this game is actually how prudish they are or aren't. Every girl is for you without a doubt.
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Here's a reminder of your own posts, xir.
sisters (singular)... /alg/ is dunking on us again...
We are talking about a different subject, we don't need you dramaqueens trying to trivialize the matter
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>literally the same shitposts used for the frog event
>literally the same shitposts used for the frog even
and Ulrich...and Soyuz....wait a minute
Kek, true
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I need to hump that
Oh no no no no xir....
Wonder if she'll let me touch her booty
Damn, why are french girls like this?
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Ok, Riche won over me, she is gorgeous.
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We love Arthas here
Alsace is the Lich King?
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I have a sudden urge to smell Illustrious's feet
Beautiful phrench booty
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Ha, i get it! Because near SKK she needs The Frozen Throne
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>THAT pic
Uh oh
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>What payoff are you expecting?
>Play it for fun
You've just said it. A massive grind slog for unimpressive boats is the complete opposite of fun.

>Go pick some literal who and try to make them work in end-game content and you'll have more fun and interest in the game than just chasing "reddit faggots advice on getting the 17th quad 152mm".
Why bother with the METAs then? May as well go with Comet and get that "fun and interesting" experience with making a common / rare powerful. The METAs are still just filler in that case.
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What's the problem?
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For some reason the chinks call her arthas
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Was her name changed for CN or something?
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make your AL related wish upon the monke paw, others guess how it goes horribly wrong
Genshin collab
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We get USS Alaska
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Can you fucking niggers post it with catbox or something? I'm really tired of logging in twitter shit to see the images
granted, it starts the genshinification of AL
dickwasher troons out and 41%s ximself
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Still the bet song
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granted, she is an elite made by an AI
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one day we will get outfit swap skins
end result is the devs make every bote a tranny to mourn dish
Anchorage Tsu
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its causes everybody to hate anchorage to the point the devs won't even acknowledge her existence anymore
impregnation update gets added
Kek, i can see it.
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In-game POV sex with the botes
Bro, that's not a monkey paw, that's the whole gorilla
>I'm really tired of logging in twitter shit to see the images
>log into twitter once (save my details)
so fucking hard

why should i go out of MY way to make YOUR life easier?
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Best song, Entie approved
no audio, 5 fps video
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>she is an elite made by an AI
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i need this
it shall be done, but everybote is now a dude, and the setting is also run by A/B/O fujos
I'm sure you can imagine the billion things that will go wrong
Ai Kayano returns to AL, remaining the official voice of Atago, Kaga, Renown, Graf.
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chink seethe is so massive the entire cn playerbase uninstalls the game
the monumental loss of revenue ends up causing EoS 2 weeks later
the game finally ends, but AL2 is shortly released which forces you to come back until the day you die
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granted, now Neuvillette is the commander.
It's how she'd want to go.
the KGV class charm is to strong
See you in 3 days bro
it has worse than granblue tier rates and you have to buy premium currency to roll for the latest new boteslut released weekly, each one powercreeping the last so you constantly need to spend money to keep up with current content
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The hoyotrannies were already filtered by a cow.
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honestly no way to monke paw that, you have out smarted it
Wife spotted
wives spotted
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flamenco kino
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I kneel Nagato chad
Akaga Ni
they're event exclusive drop only with worse rates than individual drops of 3-4, event duration is three weeks and will rerun every year but will never be archived
her artist is 2017 hao
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akagi is now mr bobo with tits, fluffy tail, and a very ratchet VA
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>Have one of the sexiest pyjama skin in the game
They will never give other lolis a lingerie skin
If I'm close to dying, would botes forgive me if I shitposted them?
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no, in fact they will make all your shitposting come back to haunt you
bunker hill wouldn’t play ps5 she would stick with a ps3
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I miss this guy
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Botes that think Mountain Dew is the best soda ever made?
Cardinal erotic...
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clevebro and her bros, cruising around alleyways in mustang gt convertibles, sitting on the top deck
Long Island, but only Code Red.
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Guam and San Diego
code red is great, she'd probably love voltage too
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look at her groove
I wanna see her slit.
>serving skkcum at the beach
lewd ass botes.
your skk wish happens, but it goes horribly wrong
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Date a live collab
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Kashino is gonna lose her job!
granted, its an idolmaster tier collab
they're all drawn by whoever did the art for chicago
their skins have a bizzare theme, like circus clown outfits
Thats not a bad tradeoff, I just want to see the DAL cuties ingame idc if they are nep tier
newfag here, do you guys actually talk about ships?
sometimes, but most here know nothing about the actual ships
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no we only post essex
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i have absolutely no interest in naval history and am only here for mommy milkers
Depends if people bring it up, most recent was me and CN bro with his historical loadouts
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I just coom to the magical android women of various cultures.

The actual weaponry is boring and only something I'd care for on the clock
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I would go further and say that I find the entire shipgirl aesthetic to be pretty ugly and I greatly appreciate how everything is high fantasy/sci fi these days instead
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Pasta UR
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its a UR muniton ship
she's paper, drawn by hao and has a repulsive personality
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Granted, but it's the "monitor" Faa Di Bruno
Belfast love.
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Going to rename my St Louis to Tamandaré
based low iq porn addicted irl loser
Shitler in game.
becomes the most popular character to the point he becomes the true skk
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
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inb4 the next DR is Yoshino
He’s literally me
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next UR is anchorage tsu it was revealed to me in a dream
shame, but I understand since this isnt /k/, anyway heres a pic of my wife
When was the last time we got a really good SSR?
great taste desu, I would certainly like to learn more about her irl
Ah yes that kind of white haired dullards
Does /k/ even have naval threads? isn't it all just Ukrainian war videos and normal firearms stuff?

You can probably talk about the boats in here(briefly), altought it'll probably get tagged as /his/ shit given how it's usually used to shit on factions
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I what sense? Good among toppest tier meta ships or that can be used as placeholders for URs and still perform?
I've seen several naval threads
I hardly go there so i'm not well versed, the only time i went there it was just combat footage and rifles(which is cool)
Meta defining in some aspect
Like unicorn, perseus, flasher
you will get bote threads, granted not as common as the mentioned combat footage and rifle footage, ironically a few days ago there was a thread talking about the bote Nelson, and currently a thread talking about the Admiral Nelson
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Hey there
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Flasher then, i'm going to go further and say maybe Noshiro muse, but we haven't got a new heavy armor boss to test her out more extensively.
As much as I like scylla, surely we got better botes after her
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New Helena kino dropped
I really need to know who the original artist was that all this is based on
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She's pretty alright in W13 and 15.
Tits too big
tits too big
>bros AI is going to be so great
>uses the same dogshit prompts constantly
it's always either Club3 or Nyantcha that they base it from, this one is more club3 like
oh no cry about it you pathetic turd
of cum
do not disrespect Helena with this worthless slop
you got the sloptard
xe's seething because you made fun of xis slop...
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trashsloppers are creatively bankrupt even while prompting, no wonder vanillachad slop mogs it
Any of you ijn bros actually use anything other than DDs for your vanguard?
Noshiro Muse
Maybe Azuma if I feel like walking to the dog
Unzen? Noshiro normal or muse? Shimanto?
I don't need to wish on the paw, I'm already living it.
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>AI more like AIIIEEE
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just started researching shimanto and i'm using Azuma Jintsuu and Unzen to level them up to 125, i'll probably make a second fleet with the atago Dogs or Kinu, just wanted to ask bcs when i filtered for IJN vanguards they're all like 80% DDs in my case
Jeanne, my beloved wife.
Use yuubari with cruisers to grind exp fast
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Jannu sex
Drakengard 3 collab. Can't wait to see what goes wrong with that.
it has male units
>SKK legally marries pre-schoolers
SKK is the highest power in the land, he is the law. It's like that time a king made his own religious branch so he could grant himself a divorce, only with cunny.
I also have 48 wives, I don't see a problem.
kisaragi bros we got robbed by a pikachu
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Kisaragi is already wearing a kindergarten outfit in her base and she graduated on her retro
EH, I like Decadus. As long as Dito isn't one of them.
Chapayev, my beloved wife.
i'm going to plap plap plap my pikachu tonight and send her to school tomorrow
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My lovely cranewives
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Mogs it?!
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Go back to your room, Mogador
Mog's room is my room.
Mogging Mog's Mogs
Helena, you have no stamina, sorry you can't compete with your hotter, sexier, smarter, stronger META counterpart.
Test Site Beta's Helena is just a parallel version anyways, Helena META from the alpha timeline has known and interacted with the Commander for far longer than this second grade copy.
that one drawing of her with the white top and her fat fucking ass wearing jeans, is literally one of the best things to come out of AL, it needs to be a skin, pronto.
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Richelieu sitting on my face reading me bible verses.
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Eventually every bote in my dock will have their designated gear equipped, some might not have their gear but that's manjuus fault
I love her design, please Manjuu shill her like you did with San Jacinto
Helena bent me over my desk and plapped me for 12 hours straight to prove she has massive amounts of stamina
A bote held my hand
She is now pregnant, congrats!
sorry emden, i couldn't roll u...
You are now Helena property.
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Nobody loves you more than Blucher.
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What if I don't feel the same towards her? What is her endgame?
you do, her endgame is making you realize it
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>A massive grind slog for unimpressive boats is the complete opposite of fun.
Agree to disagree then. I've had more fun making my off-kilter fleets work in the hardest content this game has to offer, challenges and all, than chasing whatever a tierlist told me is good.
I can't speak to everyone's unique experience, of course, but overcoming challenges using creative solutions I think is far more rewarding than having someone figure it all out for you.
you are
There is no one who doesn't like an affectionate girl, is there?
Bluecher isn't even overbearing, or crazy. She's just loving.
>fanbase bands together and kicks out dishwasher
>game becomes massively successful
>slightly grindier
>adds males
>one skin every 2 years
hmmm...... honestly not as bad a deal as I thought it'd be
Nothing will ever beat the basic port theme for me.
I'd like a few more military style songs, same style stuff you'd maybe find in the earlier kancolle OSTs.
i like this one
No SSR will really change the meta anymore because whatever they do will just be blown out of the water by some rainbow fag paper shitter in 3 months time anyways.
Baltimore should be seen more often in US CV fleets but 15% AVI and a free armor break aren't enough for people anymore.
Reject meta defining ships, embrace fucking around with ships in maps they shouldn't be in, but somehow still clear it for you.
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Maya, Isuzu both have usable AA.
Chikuma is cool, I dont know if she's good but I'll throw her in every now and again.
Noshiro, Agano, Sakawa, Mikuma, Mogami, Natori have all shown up here and there for me. Same with Jintsuu, Sendai, and Naka.
Stacking torpedo autism is pretty good, though. Most of the regular, non paper CA/CL just lack any identity.
Helena is in regular contact with Helena META. Mark my words, it's only a matter of time before normal Helena will start hacking into our minds and raping us in our dreams together with Helena META.
Not even essex are this accoustic
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Saint Seiya ass looking Bismarck lmfao
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mmmmmmmmm nyo, i think nyot
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Mmmmmmm nyes
what are we seriously and unironically expecting for JP anniversary?
Not Ayanami Ni, that's for sure.
at most probably some news about slow ahead season two and 3D dorm stuff, beyond that I don't really have any other expectations beyond the usual swimsuits and party dress with Nip UR
god i wish i was a shotakan that lived on a cow ranch
bravern collab
only playable characters are the side character girls and lulu but bravern is there as a disembodied voice saying out of pocket shit
I want my Shinano oath skin. Its a travesty Musashi got hers before Shinano.
>They expect nips to get wedding dresses on JP anni
Remember last year?
B25 UR bombers, B29 bomber as Auxiliary that'll nuke the enemies, USS De Moines, MN De Grasse post war version, enterprise II
and Bache got the slutties street clothes skin in the game

manjuu really doesn't lewd lolis like they used to for some reason, now only titty monsters get the turbo lewd skins
I'm hiding under the bed
the botes are coming for me
I can hear them approaching
the steps are closer and closer
they're here
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and the most amazing thing is that that has been the case for 7 years and the game never got shit for it, even when it has an EN server
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This but the green peppers
i mean that stopped being a problem as soon as kashino dropped, bcs it wasn't about lolis it was about unrealistic proportions and how it was super duper heckin toxic and that gacha should die and that whoever is in charge of manjuu is a sad fat loser
Essex the Kind
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>fallen wings was 20 years ago
it went in a blink of an eye
Please manjuu, Z46 oath skin next
URs were a fucking mistake
but nope have to cater to idiots who can't form any more complex thoughts than shiny==good
It doesn't even make any sense which ships get to be UR because they were introduced late
some botes need more gradual molestation until they ease up
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it's nepotisman, I would be shocked if she doesn't get it this JP
Well, for a little bit they were "pinnacle" ships of their line. Shinano, Shimakaze, New Jersey, then fucking Ulshit von Hutton came along and ruined the whole thing and now UR is just whoever the retarded story needs to be big and powerful.
URs should have never been paper shitters. Keep that garbage to PR.
This would have been the perfect skin theme for something like an Amagi-chan skin.
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>"Pinnacle" that's putting it lightly to say the most
Shimakaze is only a UR bcs the name is popular bcs of the other bote IP, the ship itself was a massive pile of dogshit that exploded miraculously
I didn't mind URs until Yorktown II was a thing, i really don't like this idea of remaking characters in gachas for the sole purpose of power creeping the previous iteration

Could have made IIs as Retrofits that you can swap back and forth between classes(sort of how you do it with the anshans), it is what it is tho.
Amagi Ni (CV)
Shinano Oath skin.
Manjuu is autistic about giving metas and -chans skins
for me my biggest gripe by this point is the fact they insist on at least four UR events each year and now events can have multiple URs, made them feel way less special
how many botes in cheshires outfit has this guy commissioned
four URs a year is kinda nutty not going to lie, do they want that cube buying money that much? sure not a problem if you play the game but the offset is that this is terrible for newfags alongside reruns
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>that this is terrible for newfags alongside reruns
reruns get 32 free rolls and if people care about the meta they're typically irrelevant being so old

you get about 200 cubes a month
you need 400 to guarantee a UR
in 3 months, the same amount of time it takes for a new ur to come out you will have gotten 600 cubes, so you are literally GUARANTEED to get every single fucking UR and still have leftover cubes even if you are the worlds biggest ultra giga lucklet
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Not enough of them.
They ran out of real ships... If URs had been planned from day one the distribution would probably look real different
I've not stopped fapping to Alsace in like a week. Send help.
>waaaaaaaah only burger ships who did fuck all in the war deserve to be URs
This but unironically
I really don't know if i can agree with this, you start with a zero margin of cubes and and you still have ssr events in between ur reruns plus the new ur events, a newfag can't keep up with this, sure other gacha aren't that generous either but "just play for 2 years bro, it gets good after" is not a good argument imo considering this is a 2d chibi auto battler and you are supposed to get the ship to buy the skin you want (the real reason to buy gems in this game)
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Help with what? you are fully functional heterosexual SKK
Duke of York is not going to fail me right? I'm married to her.
You are getting succ'd extra hard this time
>Send Help
for what? seems perfectly normal
Jes giving the botes his precious fluids and expending his vitality. This is a bad thing.
sure, just ignore UR reruns and every single event that doesn't have URs, don't need any of those shit tier SSRs as long as you have the latest shiny new UR
And also, you don't get a good source of coins to roll the gacha until you rush to w11, it's a slog to get coins before it
>, don't need any of those shit tier SSRs as long as you have the latest shiny new UR
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Niggas really can't stop their FOMO or gacha addiction for like a month and a half to get the cubes that guarantee them the rest of their AL career? What brainblasted this latest batch of losers?
I dunno who's the loser here
actually what if you could pay an extra amount of gems to get a copy of the shipgirl when you buy their skin?
i dunno 200 for purple, 300 SSR and 500 UR
sounds like textbook pay 2 win
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I enjoy molesting botes and being molested by botes
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Good morning!!!
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me with my mom
Femskk's little tiny slit
it won't be so tiny after experiencing botes lower cannons
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Would the Single 113mm MkIV be worth using on Sandy for her augment's barrage? Or is it better to stick to the rainbow Twin 100mm?
shotakan's cute small pp sliding inside
Stick to UR
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WH40k collab soon?
Hi bros. I used to play the game a lot but stopped playing for a few years and recently decided to pick it back up again. These are basically the ships I was mainly using when I stopped. I basically just stuck to using Eagle Union ships, but was wondering if there were any new ones that are worth trying to get.
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New Jersey is available in the build pool as a reward UR. Get her.
DDs: Allen M Sumner, Bristol, Ingraham, Stephen Potter, all come from light build pool.
CL: Montpelier, Reno, Birmingham, all pretty usable. San Diego has an augment you should build, and you should try to retrofit her if you haven't.
CA: San Fransisco. Put baltimore with your CVs. Her buff is useful and will serve you even into Ch15 if you choose.
BB: New Jersey. Reward for doing a lot of builds in build pool. Guaranteed. Colorado and West Virginia have good retrofits, seek them out. North Carolina has an augment that lets her heal whenever her AA gun goes off (needs to be the special timed fuse from gear lab).
CV/L/E: Shangri-La, Ticonderoga, Independence (retrofit). Shangri-La has a great augment, Saratoga also has a great augment. All of these should be available in special pool.
SS: Try to pick up archerfish from special if you can.
Eagle Union is the best faction for mono faction. Source: Have run mono USN for every chapter, including 15-4, with "challenge" gear.
Good morning sir
>Eagle Union is the best faction for mono faction.
That's nice to hear considering it was the exact opposite early on in the game's life.
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The inclusion of several high power essex class, New Jersey, Guam, Laffey II, etc. have really boosted their power.
Wait until Yorktown II rolls around again and it'll really kick off for you.
Bunker Hill, Hornet II, and Yorktown II can shit out something like 42 aircraft when all 3 of them attack.
A regular SSR carrier has 8 planes, 24 if you have 3 of them.
Bunker Hill 3FF, 3DB, 2TB (8) + barrage 2DB 2TB (12)
Hornet II 3FF, 3DB, 2TB (8) + barrage 2FF 2TB (12)
Yorktown II 2FF, 4DB, 3TB (9) + barrage 3DB (12)
Then yorktown gives every essex class +2FF on launch, so each carrier launches 14 aircraft, 42 total.
Try it sometime, its a riot.
New equipment.
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oh, it's the Trieste artist
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Thanks for the advice, and since you mentioned them I remember logging back in when I heard they added in the Yorktown II and Hornet II to try and get them but my luck didn't let me sadly.
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If you at least got Hammann II she can be very valuable in Ch13 for her AA, Ch14 for her ASW, and Ch15 for both.
>scuffed archerfish
Cute aspie
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Ok cool. I was actually looking through my dock and I actually have Hammann II.
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Gonna marry Taco META. Gonna resurrect her smile.
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Yep, i think it's bredding time.
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Toot 18+ review when?
i recently made a 2 fleet eagle setup, the amount of buffs and cross buffs is kinda insane
also finally gave me a reason to raise essex for good
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Gib missiles
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You want lewdloops to "review" her?
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The biggest whore on the base hanging out wiht St. Louis.
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Has she been released yet?
I bet she tips him extra to deal with H*lena, no way he would hang with her for free otherwise.
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Azumama would never...
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New magnetic quad torp.
disgusting choice of UI
>kindergarten themed event
Should've added more edge?
I already fucking hate it the moment they started announcing skins about playground and kiddie play
>kraut event with no UR
>skin theme that nobody asked for
yeah this is going to be a huge flop and its all manjews fault
>krautbab pre-coping
Hey at least they didn't occupy a CN anni and UR slot like some trashy flopped surrendermonkeys
i ask for OL skins in every survey
Damn, so you are telling me that nobody actually likes krauts and their event can only be popular if there is a mandatory meta ur? That's pretty sad.
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My wife, Taihou.
Do I take it?
Tits too big.
Post the wedding dress gif
Save up, newcutie.
But >>483548331 said take it, who do I listen to
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Don't pick cube research when you don't have enough for UR pity.
Botes that you would take for a nice picnic on the park?
stop asking and just enjoy
bataan, kashino
botes that would turn you into a tradwife?
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Riche too
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Riche-chan soon
R18 Vittorio figure with tits like this
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Usually yes, but event is right around the corner and one of those gives about as many prints as 4 2.5h face researches.
Or in other words you could finish Haku 10 hours faster but it doesn't really matter when it takes as long as it does anyway.
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Maillè, Vauquelin, Attilio
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Based Richebro mindbreaking the local tranny.
Riche and VV, chans for both soon.
>posts riche running for her life and getting buckbroken by Hermes
Getting mixed signals here, anon
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She looks really cute there, chan hopefully soon.
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Is this the longest melty ever?
>the longest melty ever
That'd be nathan.
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Same person
>easily surrender
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
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Jeez this pajeet doesn't ever let up
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hmmmm Riche and Veneto indeed, they both will be lovely to be with.
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>niggerbot is losing to art-reposter bot
She shouldn't do that in that place....
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Why? Someone might see?
When will you get tired of this
one of my wings is white, the other is red
Reminder that these two trannies have been throwing shit at each other and shitting up the thread for weeks now
It started with Mog, they moved onto Joffre, now Richelieu
Do not be fooled, the one that's spamming art does not like or care about frogs any more than the one who cuckposts.
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but i just like Riche (and Veneto too)
I think it's a Nguyen. Just the type of mental illness and cuckoldry obsession SEAmonkeys usually exhibit plus his operating hours plus
the thing with insane people is that their brains are literally not wired correctly, unlike that of normal people
that's pretty much the crux of being mentally unwell, very simple concept
No, he is german.
I don't care what he is, just call him names left and right
>they are equally bad akshually, just think about it
For a second I was worried that concernedtranny went missing.
I can't fault the Richelieuposter, the seething germoid is the one trolling with cuckposts because of his poor mental health.
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You rang?
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What is the cure for such disorders?
That's the präzises guy you are replying to.
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He's also the joffre and mogadorposter, and he's been shitting the thread uninterrupted with the other cuck for weeks now.
Imagine doing this for weeks and for what, its not like he will have done anything notable with his life other than shit on some mongoloid bulletinboard
I don't see how talking about boats they like is "shitting up the thread" and pretty sure more than one person posts Joffre and Mogador, just scroll up to before this insanity. Do you get paid to concern troll like this?
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Heavy objects moving at high speed applied to skull.
The frogfag as much as the anti frogfag, but yeah I agree
Oh you know who it is, don't play retarded
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My wife, Helena, Implacable
if so she wants
>Glad you could make it skk
>Don't post frogs or i will shit up your thread.
That's how your post reads.
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There's only one mentally ill nigger so fixated on one upping another dumb nigger to endlessly shit up the thread and we have seen him spam reply posts about joffre and mogador too, and now spamming richelieu pics
Well, two if you count the cuckposter
He has been playing the concern trolling game far before this ironically with Mog and Joffre too.
The Richelieu or the frogposter spammer whatever you want to call it is not in the wrong posting art, at least is not shitty AIslop.
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>Dear Commander,

>Headquarters will carry out maintenance on 6/27, 12:00 A.M. (UTC-7) for approximately 8 hours. Highlights of the upcoming version are shown below.

>For detailed information, please check our website: https://azurlane.yo-star.com/news/2024/06/26/maintenance-notice-6-27-12-a-m-utc-7/
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You ARE replying to the cucktranny, and if it any consolation his shitposts at least appear in the ban page now.
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Yay we get a lucky bag, thank God
Any new equipment except for the torps?
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When will this autist get bored of polluting this place?
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luv erufus
simple as
who the fuck gave Richelieu the axe
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She stole it from algerie.
When do we get a l2d essex swimsuit skin with interactions like bani
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Essex can't afford sexo skins, only meme ones.
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In that case i will take this chance to post my beloved Gas one time.
Why are you gay
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thank you for posting my wife
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Do the needful, Jannysex
our wife
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Cute oversexed frogs
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god her VA has incredible range
>beep boop what are these feelings
God she's so boring
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Why is she going meta?
You missed some, janny
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Cute Jannu
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Well, at least we can confirm the resident schizo is ours because /nikg/ is having a meltdown with fucking Dave the Diver collab announcement.
Ah Nikke bringing the quality collabs as always.
Excuse me?
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>Dave the Diver collab
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>It's real
do nikkefags really?
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I can'e even imagine the meltdown on alg if we got something like this. Gooks really are built different.
>Dave the Diver collab
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>nikke gets dave the diver collab over azur lane, the game with bote girls on water
Say what you want about Manjuu but at least they aren't THAT retarded, perks of being a chinese developer with chinese fans breathing on their neck i guess.
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>aren't THAT retarded
It's literally nyover for nikkebros.
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/nikg/ didn’t care about Denji or 9s being in game, and this kinda stuff only really started around their anni.
The schizo(s) are in the ban page twice right now.
>created a virtual machine
>installed bluestacks
>installing azur la-
>"disk space full!"
wtf? this game is this big?
No...not Mast...
Oathing is pay2win, providing alternative ways to buy things that are acquirable for free is not really
>>caring about pay2win in a PVE game
>his game is this big
With all additional content it should be around 15 gbs.
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Say something about your new T-Ex goddess.
Taihou is like T2
T EX only on leg department
>black long haired beauty
>fat tits
>wiiiiiiiiide hips
>SSR vanguard
>dollar store Taihou
TEX where?
>>SSR vanguard
Are you listening to the warn and switching subject?
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>Calls her a Taihou Clone...

>Looks better than Taihoe
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>better than taihoe
This bitch about to be hit with the 250 illust numbers on pixiv and then forgotten after 1 month.

She's pure sex she'll have at least 400.

Strasser is the water mark as Taihou clones go
that's being really generous
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Inspiring design, very coom, much iron blood.
This skin looks really bland...

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Greatest collab since WW2.
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Nice cream
Open wide~
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wannabe taihou
GOO GOO GAH GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's like, higher than any granblue character released this decade lol
cute joff and gasolina
fake news
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tbf, it's actual cuckge so it's par for the course
if male why skirt
>TEX where?
she already has a better sounding seiyuu and looks nowhere near as greasy while having a sexier body as well

literally an objectively superior version of taihou
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Who won the skin department this round? I think it's a toss up between Adalbert, and Tosa.
Because SKK is from Scotland!
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Adalbert is so boring
She could completely naked and people wouldn't care either
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Whoops ment for..

Also Adalbert isn't boring Heinrich is boring.
trust me we will have floppest month
>Also Adalbert isn't boring Heinrich is boring
Both suck ass
Looks like shit
Tosa. She needed that skin.

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wait till 750 fag

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