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Previous thread: >>483409062

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 3 - MirrorClock OrangeRoad
2024.02.01 —

Chapter 6.5 - Timekilling Time
2024.06.13 — 2024.07.11

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
[000] T Corp. Class 3 Collection Staff Don Quixote
[00] T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff Rodion

>Current Extractions

2024.06.13 — 2024.06.27
[000] District 20 Yurodivy Hong Lu
[00] District 20 Yurodivy Ryoshu
E.G.O [WAW] : Everlasting Faust

2024.06.13 — 2024.06.27
Target Extraction: [ Meursault ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Yi Sang, Dyon and Sinclair!
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Outis thread
Yes, they barely count, especially so if it's just whatever nonsense they're trying to pull will Tremor
>Is this new ID A, B or C
>It's a B
>Okay throw it on that team
And that's all the discussion you can glean from it.
>prefarmed mdh
>cant enter normal md now
Moou, what now?
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<It's time>
You kiss Meursault and just do it all over again.
Now you get to play a better game, congratulations anon
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Rodya LOVE!
why is she 8 foot tall...
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Sinclair is cute! I want to cut off his limbs!
anon is sitting down at their easel.
unless you want her to be 8 ft tall...
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It wouldn't be a bad thing
Farm EXP tickets
If you have no need to farm EXP like me, I don't know, play other game
Where can I see how much XP I need to level up? I don't wanna waste 1 energy just for that.
There's a bar with a number in the ID's stats screen
But I wanna know the exact number, not sure if it is sub 100 or not.
I think you can enter a mirror dungeon and exit immediately and not claim any rewards and see what you're looking for
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I'd KILL for a swimsuit Ishmael id.
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Fuck that just gimme a twintails ish id
I'm none of these
Most of these don't even make sense though. The Outis and Ryoshu one should be interchanged.
yeah outis does kinda have a frog face
least deranged female Sinclair fan
The only cat meme sinners ive ever seen are for ryoshu and heathcliff
>ai generated basedjacks
Nah, Meursault and Ryoshu should be swapped because Meursault is a frog
>ai basedjack
we have fallen down too far...
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Sorry Ishfag, but this is the summer of DONTENT
this image is funny because it seems like the creator is really upset at but also simultaneously does not understand what he's upset at
Devoid of any creativity as well whatsoever lol
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How about you guys just kiss?
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low quality AI shitpost
you can do better
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I'm not gay.
Mon amour
I wonder if we'll ever get common gacha fair someday like bunny suits, valentine's stuff etc
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Love me wife Outis.
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We already speedran that with the wedding dress Paus, so yeah, sure. Maybe someday.
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Hong Lu :)
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We NEED more actual military gear in this game
Is this made by someone that doesn't like fanartists for some reason, or is this made by a fanartist trying to make something relatable
made by someone that didn't like their first drawing and gave up
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cutie patootie
o tru
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Is this slop?
When are we getting Zwei Don to continue the trend of mediocre dons with good art?
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I got it from here so don't know for certain but it could be.
A little bit before Rhino Gregor
Zwei Don is a cutie. I would like to see her in work wear.
I would like Zwei Sault. Tacticool fit + Casual fit. Would be amazing.
Once MD5 hits and they finally let non-status units have fun
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I wonder if Limbus will ever have any truly limited content ID/Ego wise.
lol no
At the rate they release things, you would get 2 males and 2 females at best, see you next year
Maybe when they give us better gifts for slash/pierce/blunt IDs.
There are some pretty good gifts for those already the problem is they're nearly all slot based because PM is retarded
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Distortion events SUCK
Mirror stories SUCK
When are we going on an outskirts expedition?
They won't. KJH immediately KNEELS to any kind of backlash and that'd cause a massive meltdown.
you guys suck at seeing
in 5 years when they make the Monster Hunter spin off game.
Arknights collab will be truly limited
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Asking if a picture is slop works better than asking for a source turns out
Non artists can't really tell what they're looking at.
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Yume for Dante?
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
What are your guys' thoughts on drdisrespect also known as guy beahm
That's just a derpier blue haired Don. And those legs look fucked.
I've only heard him being involved in a charity scam or something.
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We must dissent.
There should be more MonHun copy cats desu. No God Eater is not enough.
hahahaha remember that time he paid some pajeets to make a nft "game"
limbus company
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Armaggedon will happen before a non-limbus pm game comes out.
Isn't he the guy who was chatting up minors on twitch
we need more wing CEOS
we need less gay boys like Hubert too
"Anyways, um... I messaged a whole bunch of minors, do you know what a minor is? Anybody know what a minor is? No, not miners, I think they work in an underground mine."
- Guy Beahm

Limbus Company
we need more gay boys like Yan too
we need more straight boys like Sinclair.
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This interaction totally turned me on
yi sang is the same, he can't stop messaging a mirror.
real mrgirl moment, amirite fellow zoomies
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Game Sinclair is pretty much gay. Even with Kromer all he did was check out Demian. So as of now we have a gay and a lesbian in the bus.
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Oh straight alright.
So is Yi Sang the Onceler but actually capable of selfcest
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I just cant really picture any of the Sinners ever had sex. Is it because i never had it?
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Sex is banned you see
Not even with your hand(s?)?
sex don't exist in the city.
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Every sinner has fucked, HARD.
cmon now Ishmael has totally fucked, and Ryoshu a (used to) be a mom.
No way in hell Outis and Meursault haven't fucked before. Not each other obviously.
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>Not each other obviously.
Sure buddy.
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Okay maybe with Molar Outis
I don't want to think about any of them having sex if it isn't with me. So they haven't unless they have either children or the god himself confirms it.
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<I have fucked all the sinners, anally.>
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was too lazy to trace some ugly tranny
At least now i can see human hand.
Yi sang? More like CUM sang
Don quixote? More like Don CUM QUOTA
Heathcliff? More like CUMcliff
Ishmael? More like JIZZmael
Half of those I see them everyday...
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Jizzmael sounds cool.
holy sex
Coming closer to Ideal
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>Favorite sinner is Don
How dare THOU!
>KJH should step down as director
do people actually say this? The entire series is HIS autism project
Ishmael radiates virginity, but it's the angry kind.
I don't know what most of these mean
Yeah, i heard that.
Mostly from Twitter and other retards.
*slaps your ass*
twitterniggers tried to unironically twitter mob PM into making KJH step down. Yes they are that disconnected from the games and the studio that they think they can use western internet lynch mob strategies to get their way
There's always one loud retard screaming about KJH whenever something is an inconvenience, no matter how small the problem itself is.
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Daily pull gave me Pitshuu. It's something, I guess.
Cmon director give me that erkling heathcliff I got 400 shards saved up and I refuse to waste them on that bum sunshower heath.
Maybe I should draw more snausts...
Made for loving childmaking sex
unironically a good burn id
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I love company stooge Don so much bros
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The tertiary? It was me.
unironically a bad burn id
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I'll invest in a burn team when I roll Liu Rodya or Ish. Until then these units will stay benched.
Should I bother trying to use some of my extraction tickets to get rhino meursault before the next extraction?
>has both the walpurg ids
I'd say shard both liu ish and rodion and just go all in on burn. Theyre one of if not the fastest clearing teams in MDs and Ive been doing well with them in regular fights too
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>it was me dongbaek
Old and busted
not at all, it's a filler ID that not even bleed teams run
If you want him then get him bro. He's booty cheeks but he has some cool animations and you can pretend he's good on a bleed team too.
The cringe unfunny anons sure do hate snaust... curious
No, he's very close to falling off the bleed team since his bleed count isnt as important anymore. Just shard him if you just want him because he's meursault
I'd say no
he's kinda meh as fuck
Post Cathy
After Canto 6's ending we are currently post Cathy, yes.
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I'll do that at some point but right now that'd be a lot of resources for something I don't really need, as I already have 4 MD teams.
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i don't know what any of those words mean
If I really think about it, something tells me Cathy lays eggs.
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exploding this bloke with my mind for saying such foul things about cashy
I see you
dante is not he he is teth at most
So what's the connection between this game and Black Souls exactly? Lore related?
both schizo audiences
everyone's based on books
When dramatard posting ramps up, I see a retard or two post that in these threads
I'm gonna post her breeding male Heath with her futa cock. Mating press. Cathy never found out about the letters so she is making him regret leaving without sending a single letter to her
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Dante was already revealed to a WAW bwos
It's unironically terrible writing if Meursault, Outis, Ryoshu, or Rodya are somehow uwuuuuu roll for me virgins.
Did you respond to the wrong person
I didn't.
what does this
>uwuuuuu roll for me virgins
mean then?
That they're Fate/GO toons
funniest face in the game
Outis is indeed a well used body
Fuck off already
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the whore
But enough about Dante
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the saint
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>Just did an MD run for clocks
>used a different preset than normal and forgot to change the sinner IDs to the bonus ones and add Faust's EGO
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These two banners are the true oldfag marks
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oops sorry posted the wrong picture
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List of reasons why you were EXILED from the /lcg/ guild
>no WAW banner
>under level 100
>sunshower heath not level 45 + U4
>didnt make it under the turn limit for all 3 railways
>Can't run bleed without gutting a third of the team if I want clocks
I love it so much
no that is the best and cutest
So is T Don going to be any good?
>t. Don Quixote
How do people even get to level 100? Grinding 100 MDs a day? I feel like I do enough grinding and I'm only reaching level 80.
No, she eats up the enemies tremor and has a worse unique tremor than oufie heath. She might be good on a team dedicated to tremor chain but since this is a gacha making that much team variety for a single status is unbelievably not worth the effort.
the trick is to be a pothead or alchoholic and just play limbus windowed when ever you get fucked up on a friday night
>yi sang
had a wife but we all know how that worked out
who knows faust knows
book faust had sex
"I am no carnal-minded lover, but one of the chaste, platonic sort." ours is too autistic.
dead daughter (probably)
had a lot of sex with his girlfriend, who is liable to appear in his canto.
>hong lu
someone said he's a rock or something
had a kid in the book, but it seems pretty clear that ours would have only gone for cathy. unless he had something with isabella, but I doubt it.
lesbian sailor sex? everyone keeps saying that moby dick is actually rather homoerotic.
probably with sonya.
lol. lmao.
I'd say 'likely'
probably had the opportunity to hook up with someone who recognized him from the posters, but whether or not he'd follow through is the real question.
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>Not each other obviously.
At least in one mirror world.
Hong lu had a whole harem. Sonya in the books was a whore so if we gender flip... then again maybe ge was a whore to big time female ceos.
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Gregor has almost definitely blown some of his military funds on a backstreets prostitute
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Footjob strong.
I feel like game Honger would do it once "for the experience" and then forget about it.
Sonya is a high class escort for the ubermench of older women who rule the city with a fair but iron grip
With high enough numbers even something as conceptually trash as ringsang became an absolute monster. That said most likely not.
>BL Faust
Uh oh... Stinky!
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Real sleeping hours
>highest iq status team
>lowest iq status team
Do people disable not needed gift groups for hard MD runs?
only blunt/pierce/slash
How is bleed lower IQ than charge or poise?
Nah. Its not really needed for this MD, its by far the easiest MDH so far due to being able to choose your enemies.
I should probably disable the slash/blunt/pierce ones but I’m too lazy.
Sinclair had milf pseudo-incest sex with Demian’s mom after the war (if he didn’t get shelled)
If you started day one and did any MD grinding in the past you'd be there.
b-but temporal bridle is pretty good...
Explain to me how rupture is not the best status effect?
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>sunshower heath extracted, level 45 + U4
fixed that for you
most of the ids clash poorly and the status only works with single targets
its next up on the list of statuses that need new toys along with charge
Half of that was /lcg/ when the artist bitch incident happened
>missing the point this hard
Its the best status if youre willing to deal with reset autism, otherwise its literally unusable in any real capacity. The status exists solely for metafaggotry and that won't change if pm isn't retarded, considering how easily out of hand true damage can become
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>Check the last thread
>No dailies reminder
is it me or was Dante a bit more abrasive in the intervalo?
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Main audience.
from that response you should have expected it kek
Ryoshu picked up an orphan girl from the streets and the fingers killed her.
the only toober posting I will tolerate is the fox for revealing her powerlevel as a PM primary on accident
It makes sense, he's getting more protective of the sinners as he grows into the role of manager and as such is more easily annoyed when he isn't allowed input on any punishments dished out from higher-ups
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>Frau Eva (Max's mother) is described as having male features alongside feminine cues. She looks quite a bit like her son.
>Demian's mother is "Frau Eva" to Sinclair almost from the start, which her son duly notes as the name people call her when they are in love with her.
man, sinclair's book is fucked.
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Maybe later...
I want Dante to be female and look like the female version of Alucard so i can waifu Dante
i've also found a tuber i like and will start roleplaying as them here, look forward to it :)
Bro. I mean, this is PM we are talking about, a korean dev team. But still
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kinda based but I prefer this artist's interpretation of female dante
No! Tall woman, long black hair, red or golden eyes, shark teeth and talks like an arrogant thug. That would make me so diamonds
I will summon up my best Schwarzenegger impression and say "eez not a toobah" every time you do so, then.

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I'd rather Dante stay a guy but I think this one is cute too >>483506901
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kinda based but I prefer this
>dante was fang yuan this entire time
so that's where he was hiding from the ccp
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I wonder how people would react if Dante actually was a super handsome asshole in his old life?
This but female
dante will call faust a dumb cunt in canto 7 and her pussy will gush like niagra falls
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Girls and boys doing intimate but non-sexual things is my fetish.
SHITclair book gotta be the shittiest of them all even as invididual books
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it would be a nice contrast to the loveable budding retard we know
I don't think there was a way to phrase that any more autistically than how you did that, anon.
Agreed though.
Rephrase it for me, I considered "men and women" but decided against it.
Very intense ejaculation. Super thick. No surprise since I was too busy yesterday to nut
In what way is the phrasing "autistic"?
Maybe people being intimate but non sexual would have sounded more causal?
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Wait, he had an nsfw account?
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I think your autism detector is on the fritz.
You are a fucking moron, there is nothing autistic with the way he wrote it. Whatever it is you're doing is far more autistic.
"Friends being casually intimate with eachother is my fetish", mayhaps.
>he had an nsfw account
>do not share or distribute my work.
Fat chance. I've seen already in korean forum.
are u ok
But that would be inaccurate because it would include intrasex intimacy.
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Certified Hongers post
He is not me, but more importantly... why are you so mad?
calm down sis
it didn't sound weird to me either for what it's worth
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Doesn't set the boundaries that that post was going for, easy to misconstrue
I may be retarded, but I don't think of intimate as an immediately sexual thing. I just think of it as skinship first before of actual sex
So what are each of your thoughts on the growing mod scene for Limbus Company? Any of you guys use any of them? The mods that put canto characters over their respective IDs are interesting to me. Namely the Yuri and Kim mods.
poor emotional regulation
many such cases
It doesn't have to be sexual, but it can. That's the issue.
Im interested in using them, but only after there's an official statement about their usage. Im not bricking my account for a nude BL don mod
Calling a moron for what he is brings joy to my cold, dead heart. That it helps idiots learn is a nice bonus.
Im that anon, anon...
I unironically wish I were this delusional. Must be nice to live in that world.
Sure is. Now stop being dumb.
Is white gypseum even good for bleed teams? removing stagger sounds meh
Yeah, it's honestly impressive. But I'll never know if it's just to "save face" in their mind or the person genuinely believes it.
Im too scared to use them
Personally I like to get it and max it out on my bleed teams. If you can't max it out quickly it's not that great imo.
>Bleed on activates on clash / enemy attack
>Stagger removes ability to clash
I know you can connect the dots, anon. I believe in you
cute asia trio
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To clarify, what interests me is people of opposite sex (male and female) to each other engaging in intimate behaviour that is NOT explicitly sexual.
Examples include but are not limited to males and females helping each other dress, sleeping in close proximity or non-sexual touching.
This does not include behaviour between same sex individuals, sexualised touching (kissing, groping) or exposing themselves with the purpose of titillating the other.

I'm sorry for any controversy caused.
the current ones are ugly as sin, but as time goes on hopefully there will be some nicer ones
So asexual married couple life? You spent a lot of time on tumblr huh
You're fine anon, the autistic part of my post was mostly comedic. You're all good.
The question is whether a turn of unopposed attacks and not being attacked by the enemy is worth more than the ideal condition of enemy having 99 bleed on every part and clashing constantly.
It feels like a sidegrade more than a powerspike.
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>save face
Back to ye xianxia
it's worth it anon, trust me
Its a sidegrade when at unleveled, but becomes an objective upgrade at ++ considering its gives so much offense / defense level down that they're effectively still in stagger.
>PM decide to never release a statement about skin mods
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God I wish these PNGs had decent porn (Doujins/MMD videos) like their JP friends
Its a non aggression pact
>dont fuck with server side shit
>but we will let you guys play with skin mods
Never upgraded it so you are probably right, will take it for a spin next bleed MD run I do.
That the watch belt? That’s like the singular gift I’d miss outside of bandolier if I’m running [gun]
Do vtubers do lewd asmrs? If not why would you simp over them
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god I need a scene of Pre-clockhead Dante and Current Dante having a battle debate
that trope is one of my favorites
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Bro don's VA did vtuber asmr
And outis' VA did an asmr stream like a month ago too
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>PM allows cosmetic mods, so long as nothing gameplay related is fucked with
>PM doubles down and not only allows skin mods but provides the tools to modify animations/sounds
>porn modding scene fucking explodes
>unironic 6 hour ingame sex scenes
I hope you rike
bro I dont even watch them I just find the designs sexy and is sad there is no good porn of those designs
Wake me up when they implement workshop support and we get custom fights
It is indeed, very fun to run it with N teams and watch rodya deal fun amounts of damage with her s3
I'm tired of MD farming for event points already.
1-3 times a week was fine, this is way too much.
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Its ok bro, I understood first time.
>don's VA did ASMR
>falling asleep to the sultry sounds of beach vorly borl
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ur totally fine bwo
kiyo kawaii (chinese here)
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Well, i watched Night of the Living Dead
Hard to believe that helicopters existed before 70s
helicopters go back to the 1930s anon
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Yeah, i figured it out already
I'm on track to getting everything by doing 3 mdrs every week that might end 1-2 weeks earlier. What the fuck are you doing?
Vietnam war bro
sex with the purpose of procreation is my fetish
nta, but a certain game recently got its long awaited dlc and it has taken a lot of my time.
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damn this is really the ending CG?
it'll look nicer when we get out of tcorp
Heathcliff and Ish being poorly sized and a lack of shadows make it look worse than it is.
They shouldve kept meursault in the damn chair man, the artist cannot draw muscular men
Don knowing it's her turn next so playing with her trauma toys is great
meur looks fine it's ishmael that's weirdly giant for some reason
the perspective is all messed up
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do NOT focus on the position of Ishmael's legs/knees
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This but with old women
toiny heath and beeg ish
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cant wait for Don's chapter
I hope Sinclair punches her
She's sitting in the stairwell, it's fine.
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The only person that looks good is charon, everyone else got hit with a discombobulator and lost all their form. Meursaults shoulders look like they got pushed down by a hammer
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Everyone is waiting for that moment
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Her hair lost all its fluffiness... no...
I've fully uptied and leveled every Kurokumo ID except Kurokumo Hong Lu. Even Hooklu mogging aside, I find it irredeemably repulsive they made a bleed ID that does much less damage when there's more Bleed count on the target and not less
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Nai_Ga always draws him with downward sloping shoulders. I think it's the perspective that makes it look more odd than usual.
no more fuwa, only suffering
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Haha... right
So if controlling time lowers saturation does that mean that controlling space increases it? Which corp would that be?
If I want to fap I'll close Limbus and open porn simples.
Maybe on an EGO if bodysuit ish and wedding dress faust are anything to go by.
Don't care about mods until they put my favorite limbus npc in a micro bikini
I wonder if there is a prostitute abno
Which female sinner would resonnate with it the most?
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>lose the final battle of canto 6 with the boss at double digit hp
time for a one week break
it's so ass I genuinely hope they get someone else for these ending cgs
1 limbillion per month in revenue only please understand
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>my favorite sinners' ending cgs will get naiga'd
genuinely over
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ID when?
[CENSORED] aberration. Except instead of making you crazy it makes you erect. It is surrounded by mysterious beams of light.
I can easily picture Heathcliff plowing Cashy though?
Sang Yi probably has a Baek Dong wife and 5 children
Naiga is not making it through the entirety of limbus, they already took him off ID and EGO duty.
Anon we just went over a canto about them not even holding hands.
Regardless of how nice the whale looks I'm never going to get over how some of the canto 5 CGs looked. I pin 99% of the blame on them being rushed however.
I do pray that one day any amount of Vellmori's wip work from canto 5 or anything else gets leaked just to see what could've been.
>I can easily picture Heathcliff plowing Cashy though?
Scarecrow duty
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Ishmael's ending CG was by him and it looked fine
>artist discussion again
It's not. It probably seemed like an ai slop because you don't know the context behind this meme. So it seems random hodgepodge ai slop.
The statue behind outis is actually small, greek claydoll artefact called "female mourner". Due to the funny expression of that artefact this became a meme in Korea. Due to how the doll covers its head it was initially associated with memes about headaches. But then Elden Ring community reincorporate this meme with the suffering that was waiting for Elden Ring's dlc. A copypasta associated with this meme was created as well. It goes something like this:
>Elden Ring's DLC releases tomorrow!
>Because I'm gonna hit my head with a brick every 24hrs!
>If I continuously forget everyday till the DLC releases, it would have been like I only waited for a single day!
Soon the image of female mourner and the cooypasta spread through many Korean sites.
In project moon community, it became an abno that makes people forget time by hitting you in the head very hard.
thank you gookanon
W corp breakroom(real)
outis make me forget...
We are a hopeCHAD franchise
The ending Pass On by Dante will be a wedding with Heathcliff bridal carrying Cashy, with Dante being the best man and Meursault being the bridesmaid
How many Dons has that cosplayer done at this point? I know she's also done cinq
>Sang Yi probably has a Baek Dong wife and 5 children
The ideal world... So far away
>Sinclair punches her
The only thing Sinclair will punch is her WOMB with his DICK.
Bro,Heath and Cathy didn't even kiss.
Other couples have done much more and separated permanently.
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Fascinating, thank you for the explanation.
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2 dons and 1 faust. Tragic she ships fausang
If they share sides in the Boys Love/Kurokoomer world, I don't see why people are surprised
kill yourself
Gregbud would be cringe enough to unironically use ohio slang to be hip with the kids
Roland seething that Angelica is gone FOREVER
love yourself
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are they starting again? because I am ready to start.
>concept art
>final art
whale goode
me falling from the boat
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>concept art
Its in the game, dolt. If you want the actual concept art she made I can show you(it's even worse).
>next time we see a l2d cg is of the fucking time ripper's brother getting mangled
I thought it'd be used somewhere in Canto 6 proper but I guess that fucker really needed it
oh i didn't realize u were upset mb
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Could be worse.
You're half an hour late sis, we already talked about it
You should get a trip. You're annoying.
>top right
you just know
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PM should definitely hire Raita
I like them both too
i like both for different reasons
Koreans couldn't handle him
Why is her ribcage collapsed
they should hire Regura for the smoke war G Corp designs
holy shit is this real
ye same
Saw a pair of titties just like this yesterday
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>projects his boogeyman out of nowhere
Tears in his eyes as he wrote this
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Forget velmori, forget Nai_gger. If you can get anyone to be the next main artist for PM shit who would you get?
pic unrelated
NTA but
>Unironically using the bottom right image as defense
Surely there are better options
Nomura for the northern citizens who are meant to look like tacky JRPG characters
>are they starting again?
You're also a dramafag looking to argue
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Love me lineart, hate me colour. simple 'as.
He's far beyond the point of seeing anything objectively. Culturewar nigglets cannot be reasoned with.
crazy that after an entire year there is just one guy left trying to shitstir and rile people up kek
love this dude's work like you wouldn't believe
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I made this before Canto 6. But even then, there's still the 3 other pictures I gave. There's also the Pequod CGs but I was looking more for the 'grand' CGs instead of character focused ones.
If those were the choices you had for character focused CGs then it was the right choice to focus on the other ones
this CG pisses me off because it looks good at a glance but the longer you look, the worse it gets
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heran hei mao, love his style.
>Inane Projection just to fit into his Delusional Narrative
See? I haven't started with The Bull CG yet out of courtesy.
>good at a glance
this is the one CG that completely took me out of the moment. it looks so fucking goofy it's insane he kept it in the game.
I love when they just kinda, nod to the wording rather than actually writing it out.
My beloved. Reminds me of engrish.
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I'm tired of LOOOOOPing threads bros
Ishmael is so fuckin flat dude
Pretty cute
What's a topic that has never been talked about before?
it becomes goofy when i take in all the details and realize they were supposed to be at each other's throats and not just holding the other a little bit aggressively, noticing the impact lines feel like a vine boom
Soon as people stop engaging with the (1) dramafag left it'll stop... right?
>vine boom
Don't ever say that again.
the faces are just too silly for me to take seriously
heath's head smashed into the tree? that one was good.
We were talking about the ending CG art and not this shit
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Who won?
Who lost?
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he tried, he's improving... a bit
Why are there so many fucking zoomers in these threads? Have some tact.
They gyatta be on the rizz for ohio
I'm assuming I'm using Gen Alpha speak properly
I only just now noticed the traitor is in this CG
go to bed grandpa
Nai_Ga won
Nai_Ga's assistant won
Vellmori lost(her job)
Mimi lost(her future job prospects)
Leviathan artist lost(his health)
Majority of the posters here are in their early 20s
they are getting that bread on god, they locking in even. Gyatt zoom zoom something something buzz words
why are you in a 4chan thread about a children's game instead of getting a job and starting a family?
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Melon22's art fits the series perfectly. Naigger if he was a good artist.
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Only clicked in recently for you retard?
The fact that these threads can only get quality discussion once in a blue moon and only for 50 replies per thread at most before turning to shit again didnt clue you in?
Limbus has a pretty high age rating for a kid's game... Not to mention the gambling mechanics...
>Melon22's art fits the series perfectly
pic unrelated...?
I agree with this anon. If some of these guys are still holding onto their V cards that's the biggest fucking bullshit in the world
Bro feels ick after being mogged by true freddy fazbear sigmas. L rizz. You should let people cook before you get fanum tax'd, Lil Skibidi.
>children's game
Ah yes the children game that contains mutilation, gambling, warcrimes, NTR and the upcoming clown mindfuckery.
Nomura's art is too clean for PM. Part of PM's charm is its Jankiness.
Whoever the ID/EGO artist is now.
desu the only ones I can believe that still have their V card are Sinclair, maybe Don, and Faust depending on what her past relation with Dante was.
Just include incest and you'll scare off 50% of the kids.
holy out of touch
Nah, just show them a empty room and they shit their pants out of here.
only correct answer
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Barghest my beloved...
Why do troonllennials think that their "feelsposting" and endless whining is any better than zoomer's contributions?
Where do you think you are?
>gacha artists
never cook again.
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Gonna need whatever you are smoking
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You're blind if you don't see how similar melon's art is to Ruina's.
Yep. There's no way that's not bait. Someone please take care of that Meat Lantern post.
Post some of his non big fat titty art so we can get a better comparison
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I do not play limba papapi
That is not a compliment.
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I absolutely love Iida Pochi's art, but the workload would probably kill her.
I played defence for Vellmori pretty hard when I found out some faggot here just made up the part where she lashed out at people
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I've read Hellscreen
Is Ryoshu = Yoshide?
How are they going to portray the burning in the game?
I really wish I could beat Sinclair until he was an unrecognizable broken and bloody mess right now
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Monzo added a new feature: You can now pay 2 extra modules to skip MD entirely. Same for MDH (20%) of it's original cost added to the base cost. Thoughts?
I would never manually do a MD again. I used to farm normal MD by quitting after the third floor to get 80% of the rewards in half the time. I'm not really worried about module efficiency if I can save a large amount of time
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it could cost 1.5x more and I would still do it.
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>skip exp lux
>skip thread lux
>skip MD
The perfect gameplay experience... I don't even have to play anymore...
toro?? i don't known
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>Skip : ON
>Log out
Hag butt...
that's why I'll never take people that treat her like the devil and get up in arms about it seriously. it's just culture war for the sake of it.
>Skip EXP lux
>Skip Thread lux
>Skip MD
>Skip Canto
Peak gameplay.
>4 refills
>do all 3 thread lux
>do 5 exp lux
>the rest on MDs
Peak gameplay
Where is the skip my life button?
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You can do this in the game right now. Just click any gamemode and press winrate
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>unexpectedly fun battle theme
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Raita rocks. Magical girls rock
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instructions unclear, entire team dead
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will you shard don
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Roblox-playing zoomer franchise
Why is Abnormal Seismic Zone a floor 5 pack?
I claim the frenchie
This is an SCP inspired franchise with YA novel tier lore, what did you expect?
yeah this general is shit, see you next event
on one hand the prospect of "paying extra to not have to play the game" seems fucking stupid but if they wanna keep events as grindy as they are I'm all for it
>thread so dead we're just reposting reddit shit
Don't worry. The Ryoshu footfag will save the thread like he always does
Aaaany minute now...
Hi, newfag here. Which ID is "SexMael"?
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I've been too busy playing Elden Ring to argue about Limbus Company and I'm pretty sure everyone else has been too.
>Hong lu had a whole harem.
Where was this stated in the game?
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most of Ish's IDs are that
MaidIsh...Molar Ish...RIsh...the options are endless
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Rodya just got an id in the intervallo.
I don't think she needs one in the Warp train story. Rather than that give her a story heavy id in Canto 7
wait no...
>Turn 1 ou7is weakness analyzed and molar Ish +3 fragile next turn
>Turn 2 QS for 7 fragile total with 2 weak attributes, then use as many egos as I can for 300-500 dmg
>Be moderately proud of my combo
>Don't play for half a year
>Return to see absurd numbers with sinking and tremor
I was powercrept...
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>egos for damage
Well, I like clearing the map with green stem so I need her. Have they made any better IDs for her?
Which outis should I used if I missed shootis?
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honestly not sure if there's anything I would want to swap here.
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sinking is cool
Even without synergy there is no reaso to use 7tis over Oulgar and Butlertis
>missed shootis
you don't technically miss anything in this game.
Every time I see this I can’t help but think of a jelly donut or cake
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>new Meursault ID for the WARP event
Kino incoming
Who don't have janny ID at this point?
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Please anon... I can only get so erect.
What kind
The bottom half
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>new Meursault ID for the WARP event
But will he have better drip than WSault pre uptie?
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>day 1
>did some mild md grind during events
>havent skipped weekly md ever
so thats a fucking lie
Another excellent ejaculation. Really had a good groan and it was a long one
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Who can beat him?
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I dunno what to tell you mate. I just hit 100 and only grind MDs like a crazy person back when g gregor was a main part of the dream team.
Both the base and uptie art are sick. Going to be hard to top them.
i dunno either desu
my only incentive to grind lately is if new id comes out and i need to shard it/exp to start leveling the non meta ids to max
Sorry bros, I'm here from the future to warn you that the next intervallo's gonna have a 000 Sinclair ID. /lcg/ will corrode again.
I've got so much shit from the previous seasons I'm still using gold tickets for my new IDs. Though I've gone through almost all of them now.
ClockDon doko?
>Meursault saved Poise
>now potentially going to save Charge
el director i kneel
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>another noir detective event
I'm so hype
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Do you think the murder will happen on a Warp Train we're riding or will it just be a murder on some random Warp Train and our group of famous ace detectives is hired to solve the mystery?
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>Meursault saved Poise
He only saved BL.
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I hope for the first but assume the latter.
>Kino incoming
Lol, every id of Meursault, save for Kimsault was a disappointment.
Bwos.... would outis really?
So kino is coming then. Thanks for confirming it lil nigga
No. They're cool.
why am i already subscribed to her?
Can’t wait for the railway announcement next week and then having to wait to weeks for it to get published
>open limbus
>clear 3 md in an hour
>close limbus for a week (besides spending 5 mins everyday swiping dailies)
Great content limbabs.
post her in a swimsuit
Post her armpits.
Holy shit the RR Ahab fight is pure bullshit. How did you even manage to do it without lvl 45 IDs?
It's not even that hard considering KHong alone makes the gimmick irrelevant the whole thing is just ridiculously slow and and grindy. Just keep going and going until you've depleted all your resources.
Can't imagine how bullshit RR4 will be.
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the memory is better than the game itself visit it occastinally for fun
Kong Lu can tank Ahab
I use something called brain and tactics. Kinda hard for someone like you but you can get there eventually.
I only managed to do it by taking down Ahab first (twice) with like 8 Fragile from QS, Leap and Cinqlair's S3
I just used giganiggahong to tank her MAGANEIRA and chipped away ignoring quqeq
Speaking of QQ, wasn't she a candidate for the Big Sisters position? How did we manage to take her down with the support of Ahab while we got turbo gigamogged by Ricardo solo?
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>Speedread not only QQ's shit but QQHeath's uptie
They are fucking up their tattoos and mind as repentance and as they mentioned that the tattoos are in part what gives them power they are obviously weakening themselves. They are slowly weakening themselves via flaying their skin to remove the tattoos.
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What did Ryoshu mean by this?
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rough sex with whatever this is
>turbo gigamogged by Ricardo solo
Ricardo might be just very strong.
Why is telepole so sex?
Can we have every female sinner with telepole EGO?
If your game is dying, why not buy an ad
Ryoshu would never.
Don on the other hand?
el Director can't into marketing
He is probably one of those boomers who thinks marketing is not needed if your product is good
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But I don't want to buy an add for limbus company, I'm still salty those fuckers SCAMMED me on BL Outis Uptie 4 and gave me NOTHING back.
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The only advertisement that can save Limbus is a 2 cour anime.
it's a guy's turn next
QQ is probably stronger than Ahab...
But leaving the Middle comes with a heavy cost
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How can you "mistranslate" an arabic number

That doesn't even make sense
En translators are profoundly retarded
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man i want to fuck roland
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Limbus lore experts, why are these three goofs always sitting together?
Ryoshu and Honglu fuck.
that is their side of the bus
Hong is hung so the local sluts gather around
Why's Sinclair not in Yi Sang's seat then
Fuck PM with the rake for that one. Literally the only reason to give BL Outis U4 is +3 S1 power and her dodge buff. Instead of actually make it +3, they just change it to +1. Fuck gay ass game. I don't want my shards back. Don't even care anymore. Can't make bad IDs suck less. Bunch of faggots.
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Sinclair is a guy.
Huge cock, no game, attracts women who want a living dildo they can put away when they don't want to use.
>Hong Lu
Huge cock, has game, attracts the quiet bitches who only feel validated when they're riding a dick.
Sinclair is a bus bike. Just like Dante.
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Rarest ship I've seen
>Random bullshit go
Meursault saying skibidi bop bop bop yes yes in a really somber tone to help dante relate to the nest's youth.
early cantos has art full of SOVL....
Also TROVNED where all the women have no tits
Nai_ga draws them Ishmael and Don flatter than Velmori
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my nigga
cant have everything can we now
Does vellmori have an OF yet?
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do you?
Yeah of me fucking your mom!
naiga likes em flat
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it's been a while dad, i miss you
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What's the most effective way to kill yourself?
nyo... don't do it meursault
Why did he choose to work for PM then
suicide bag
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keeping on living
Because it's their seat order.
gn /lcg/
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Time to post this again.
Only if she gets the second In command W Jannie ID, otherwise ...nyo
I uptie 4’d bl outis purely for the pride dodge to active Sinclair/don/sault’s passive consistently… she’s so bad otherwise.
Every time I see this image it gets smaller.
>rodionfats want constant content
>four cantos since rodion was the focus
>rodion finally displays her quote unquote "real personality" of her own prerogative
>her "real personality" is equally near-nonexistent in all of her IDs as well
>somehow I am meant to apologize
A woman who supposedly lacks self-control spent a year either acting, PERFECTLY, or genuinely not thinking about her problems. Which is more likely?
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Seeing Nikke having a literal NTR summer event makes me feel better about Limbus being dead
You got BTFO in the nikke thread so now you're coming here to shitpost too? Abhorrent.
>get content
>it's m*le sinners interacting with female sinners
I still find it funny that Director personally said sorry for not making an april fools joke. Hope we get some stupid shit next time.
Explain. Who is this anon?
first gacha, limbabs? if you like or tolerate the guys in limbus that aren't (You) you're a cuck
i just want a worth it Yi sang id or ego because i accidentally sharded 400 Yi shards.......
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Post other sinners as students.
>b-but I don't have-
Post them.
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>b-but I don't have-
Who the fuck do you think I am?
People's expectations were sky high after the laughter riot that was last year
I actually hoped we wouldn't get an April fools CG because we were in the midst of canto 6 and just learnt that Cathy is fucking dead, and it would be a complete tonal catastrophe
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Bloody /bag/gots again scurrying in the thread like the rats they are.
Hod wouldn’t have sex with anyone
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Don't you trashtalk the Rabbit Squad, they'll fuck you up.
Hod would have sex with nobody.
I like myo's little rabbit prints on her shoes, so cute
>he dared to reply
Will he apologize for the release schedule or just maintain radio silence like he's been doing since April?
>Ish and Cliff have more interactions with each other than with Danteeh
Canon pairing.
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I know right?
What are the most constant Sinner dynamics anyways? Off the top of my head
>Gregor and Rodion
>Ish and Heathcliff
>Sinclair and Ryoshu
>Sinclair and Rodion
>Yi Sang and Faust
>Hong Lu and Rodion (feels like a more recent development)
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Post Tiphu
Anyone got a link to the gregorfag's google drive? Can't find it in archive
Heathcliff and Don
Christmas event
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Later in the day, I will give you guys my, 54 image, DonCliff folder. Just as I did with my HeathFaust folder.
Ishmael and Rodia
Outis and Dante
Heathcliff and Don
Sinclair and Ryoshu
Yi Sang and Faust
That's the way I see as someone whose brain is still somewhat intact thanks to avoiding waifufagging brainrot, looking back on every Canto.
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>ID artist draws Malkuth and Hod
>gives Malkuth a giant dumpy and makes hod nice and busty
*licks lips*
No Heathcliff and Ish??
What dynamic do they have?
They talk like once per Canto and it's just generic antagonism.
The biggest scene they had was when Heathcliff pulled her out of the pallification coccoon.
He's got like 3 scenes like this with Don, like when he tried to save her from the bomb in Canto 4 against the terrorists.
So was ricardoretard right? I left mid-argument but I didn't see anyone beating ricardo without 000s in active/support role and with only base egos
Saw a couple of videos but ppl either used sunshower saying "he's basically 00 anyway" or with like 10 000 support IDs
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>he SKEDADDLED from an argument
Well, it's not like there's an option to rewind time/tickets to turn my IDs to lvl 35-40 to give it an attempt
It's one of the most fucking prominent dynamics in the game. Their conflict is at the centre of S.E.A, Ish taunts him when he gets the chicken head in Hell's Kitchen, Heath snipes at her with the 'boatbilly' interaction and makes fun of her other slip-ups in Canto IV, Ish snipes back at him again in the mini after the Christmas event, Heath has a moment where he asks Dante to stop Ish from drowning, they get killed together by Ryoshu because they're at each other's throats from the onset, blah blah blah blah blah. It's like, the only dynamic that's been explored in depth. What fucking game have you been playing? This isn't even a case of 'waifufaggotry,' I'm not a goddamn shipper. I'm just astounded by how blind you are.
that's my general strategy
I don't remember the last time I was angry, if I don't like things I just leave
I envy fantasy mages with ability to teleport out of bothersome situations
Limbus are getting no content because PM is busy developing Lobotomy 2
Limbus are getting no content because el Director died in April
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I like how don and sinclair have finished eachothers' sentences on what feels like 5 different occasions, I think they're probably the same person and will die when the Head finds out
Ring, Spicebush, or Sunshower. If you have all 3 already, just pick whatever you think looks nicest.
T-thank you?
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>he actually thinks that they’ll make that when most “fans” hate LobCorp and either drop it or skip it
Lmao, why would they develop a flop
I think lobcorp has real potential to be enjoyable moment-to-moment and not solely as catharsis after hours of suffering.
>A woman who supposedly lacks self-control
A modern pm flop would still make more money than ruina's lifetime sale revenue
Ruina sold a lot though
You people trying to force this narrative that it was a flop are weird lmfao
>That's the way I see as someone whose brain is still somewhat intact thanks to avoiding waifufagging brainrot, looking back on every Canto
Rodya has ten times the amount of interaction with Gregor than with Ishmael.
This has nothing to do with shipping
When did I say ruina was a flop you nigger, its just that the scale of pm fans during ruina vs now means a shit ton of people are going to buy even if it's a "flop"
"let's stay apart for a while" face ass
There's a contingent of PM "fans" who seem to derive enjoyment solely from hating everything other than Lobcorp itself. most of them are specifically attached to ayin and get mindbroken by even the slightest implication that he might not literally be the messiah of the PMverse
You directly brought up Ruina’s lifetime sales as if it flopped or underperformed lol
Last (you) for you, shitposter
He literally is the messiah, stupid bitch.
Sure retard, whatever helps you not kill yourself
That's only showing it is recognised that they often interact with each other.
Those people don’t even understand the story of lc so I always ignore them
Are you people stupid
Lobotomy and Ruina both sold fucking amazingly, they have 31k and 24k steam reviews respectively. The vast majority of people don't review so that's like half a million copies each, there's a reason they could waste money on HHPP which definitely does not break even.
Yeah and shit like Dongrang and Ahab were still the things that went well according to the "plan"
Maybe its not such a good plan actually
>shit like Dongrang and Ahab were still the things that went well according to the "plan"
The plan was curing the disease of the mind, plan is successful.
He gave everyone the weapons needed to stand their ground, IF they have a strong enough will.
Damn, I'd open a church for him if I could.
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No, that's Sonya
Yurodivy will crumble on its own in due time.
Like the URSS after Stalin was gone.
I stopped caring when my wife Hod stopped showing up
>la la la I can't hear you carmen has nothing to do with distortions NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT CARMEN IS PERFECT AYIN SAID SO AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>WTF why didnt Roland continue to feel blind seething hatred towards Angela, this is bad writing, doesn't he know how badly she screwed me- I mean Ayin- over?
you niggers shat up ruina discussion for years over your retarded self-worshipping headcanons, get over yourself
Youre a retard if you don't think that any game pm releases at this point won't outsell either of their first two quickly, the scale of the fandom compared from then is gigantic
The story in Ruina was bad to begin with, there was nothing that could be "shat up".
Literally just monster of the week on repeat.
Shut the fuck up.
Who are these greentexts you're quoting? You're literally debating with the voices in your head.
Still last longer than Ayin did
Not necessarily because LobCo reached beyond their fandom due to being "that SCP game"
But anyway, the point was that both posts were framing LobCo or Ruina as not selling well which is just untrue
He’s not wrong though, there’s retards who hold these opinions
Based, getting tired of people deepthroating that crap when it was average at best
Literally half the game was spent on characters we’d see for 10 minutes with exposition dumps and then they’re dead
The payoff wasn’t even good since at best we’re getting 20 minute appearances afterwards and gone for good like the Molar office and Bamboo Hat
You're a sheltered /vg/baby who's barely seen any pre-Limbus discussion then? These are threadly arguments from the Ruina era.
Okay but why are you quoting Ruina thread arguments?
You just described limbus
>someone asks why you'd want to play a lobcorp remake since it'd probably not sell well
>someone else chimes in to say (ruina didn't sell well/any modern PM release would sell better)
>someone ELSE goes after the first interpretation of that post by taking it as an attack on Ruina
>I am reminded of the era where how """bad""" (lmao) Ruina was was a more common topic and mention to the third anon what I'd consider one of the root causes in hindsight (ayin worship)
>when pressed, I post examples
I'm not sure where you got lost.
dw u'll get ur red mst id and u wil like it

60s 1.5 CYCLE
The most fun part of Ruina was the card grind for sure, love that one even more than luxcavations.
Retard no. 2
Genuinely confused at the general retardation of th anons here
Outis and Ishmael is criminally underrated, the Outis is so receptive when she has someone who will actually talk shop with her instead of just dismissing her as a bossy hag.
It's also nice that Outis went from being completely dejected when Ishmael showed herself to be a much better sailor than she was to coming to respect and listen to her, and how Ishmael slowly started delegating to Outis instead of just pushing her out of her way.
Are we just posting literal who ecelebs now
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Ayin? Literally me.
Literally me? Did nothing wrong.
I remember "grinding" for all of three things (WotC, Yujin keypage, Haulers) in all of fucking Ruina. Everything else I got enough of in one or two fights.
Cathy dead
None of the stories are good, because i looked up a summary online
Ayin is literally Jesus Christ.
Still seething that Roland didn’t kill Angela but it is what it is.
At least it was on-topic ecelebs before
Based me.
Ayin is the GOAT.
That's it. That's the entire mindset. The root of like 30% of retarded PM opinions, in one sentence.
It's an indy game developer
The stories suck by the wiki summaries on youtube are great.
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>unironically seething at CHADyin
Imagine being a toasterfag.
>>new Meursault ID for the WARP event
Says who?
W.Sault already exists, disappointing as he is.
It's gonna be two EGOs, no IDs.
Hindcliff will make many distort.
Nah, he was a pretty cool dude with the best of intentions and generally good results. I'm laughing at the people who have spent years seething about every time PM made a choice that didn't suck his dick.
Wait, wot?
Are we getting teaser for that already?
finding out what this was about was hilarious, thank you
limbus should do a dave the diver collab
>fat ugly nice guy event
What were they thinking?
ayin was a bastard stop being delusional
Which Sinner would feel lonely and ostracised by the rest of the Bus out whenever they go out for dinner to celebrate a win?
None of them.
All the ones that would get ostracized are too autistic to care.
The rest got at least one friend.
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My favorite abnormality is Sign of Roses
Wouldn’t be surprised if the director hated the self insert Ayinfags, because they’re pretty insufferable
Tell me which ones would be ostracised so I can self-insert.
How about you don’t? I got better things to do.
figure it out yourself faggot
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Best ship?
Rodya and librarian chan.
I sure feel lonely and ostracised right now like my favorite Sinner Hong Lu.
If I'm reading the wiki right, doing 3 runs of MDH with one weekly bonus each gives 250 BP exp total, and a single run with the 3 bonuses gives only 225 for the same enkephalin cost
>has Hod
>has Hod
>no Hod
I hope we get to see the librarian and have sex with her
She's next in line for a Walpipi announcer
most overrated artist of all time
I'm not doing MDs.
He constantly gets made fun of though
As usual I will do a ten pull and get everything tomorrow
you won't pull your gf back
you mean today?
Who will get which Sephirah ID?
Brother from another mother….
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I pull one by one, without waiting to get a 10 pull.
>12:00 thread dead
>13:00 thread dead
>14:00 thread dead
>15:00 thread dead
>16:00 thread d..
Hey guys Ayin did nothing wrong!
>70 posts
I never reach 200 pulls for guarantee I just slap +-50rolls and then run out of resources
Hey guys!
Concept incinerator!
This. But unironically
Before the Ayin argument it was 5-8am US time, not exactly prime hours.
Remove Ayin from divegrass.
Ayinfags and Angelafags act the same
Why dra/v/anons made her bigger
I actually like Ayin because he is relatable.
He was a total simp and couldn't care less about anything other than following Carmen's plan
As a guy who worships a female great demon it resonates with me.
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I see no difference.
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Because she's actually big?
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She's a big gal.
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Who hasn't had a seasonal ID yet? Assuming Don/Rodion are considered season 4 IDs.Just Yi Sang, Heathcliff, Sinclair right? I'm gonna guess it's W Corp Sinclair for the next event, then maybe some non-Wcorp ID or EGO for Yi Sang? Then probably we finally get Erlking?
There's technically space for a few more if they want to double up on people, but a few of those spaces are REALLY small
Im feeling sinclair 00 and Yi sang 000 for the warp train event
I don't think the image fills out. Last time people were guessing two sets of seasonal IDs left to fill the image previous season, and the only one added was Ahabmael. In this case it's probably just going to be Erlking Heath, or him + a 00.
Heathcliff is likely week or two after RR4.
>W Corp Sinclair for the next event
If next event has IDs. They might release WT butler Sinclair 00 with Heathcliff. Unlikely. But fuck patterns.
>warp janny shitclair
EoS this dogshit game already
We haven't had a charge ID in 8 and 1/2 months
>give him a zayin around shielding
>implying they wont give him a shield based charge id
Good. Fuck charge. It's just blue tremor.
>Tank charge ID around shield barrrier
>But it's good
How will they do it?
>good speed
>good numbers
>big self-barrier shield
>shield for the team too
Here. It's done. Throw damage reflection if you want. Who fucking cares about tanking hits in this game.
Wont. Shields dont matter if ids are dogshit beacuse you wont willingly choose a weak clasher over a good one.
Even though it's a warp train theme event, I highly doubt they are going to make the event IDs focused on a faction we already have so much for.
Warp train passengers would be a more likely choice, that or some other faction that will appear in the event. Maybe something to do with Agatha since they namedropped her in TKT and the event is named after Orient Express.
>Charge is just a weak blue tremor that you lose every turn
>Rupture is just a strong teal tremor that does not require tremor burst to proc dmg
What is bleed and poise?
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>WARP Passenger Sinclair
>Sinking/Shield ID
Feel free to give me a (You) three weeks from now praising me for being so smart and cool.
Only way to make tanks interesting is actually doing something interesting with defense skills for once, something PM has been deathly allergic to since Middle don
weird red tremor that bursts every time you clash/deal dmg
Is that a new tremor mechanic?
I will never draw Hod flat
Nor will I ever draw her fat
>Warp train passengers would be a more likely choice
Yeah. Heathcliff has bubble shield that inflict sinking + whatever random status based on A-res.
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Closest I can get is pretending im you for some (you)s
God I fucking LOVE tremor!11
Can we have more tremor IDs??
>log in
>convert modules
>skip thread lux x3
>play a single exp lux
>skip MDs until I'm dry to farm boxes
limbus if it was good
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We won't be stopping the tremor ride until it has a status for every status in the game, in which we will then make a tremor which utilizes the unique tremor status' status effect to enhance the unique tremor's status. This will of course be for every unique tremor status and will encapsulate every status which the unique tremor status uses
I mean who in their right mind actually enjoys the grind?
I enjoy autistic kind of grind like in rimworld \ factorio, but spamming winrate in MD is just boring
>passively applies Charge Barrier to all the other W ID's via S1/S2
>Charge generated by W ID's also generates Charge Barrier via Passive
>S3 Rip Space that consumes the user's charge + everyone's Charge Barrier to boost its own power. If you manage to hit maximum conditions, it rolls like 60 or some shit.
I thought it was a show not a movie
>No tremor
>Good game
>No tremor
>Good game
Now that we have tremor-superposition, explain to me quantum mechanics in tremor terms so that my limbus brain will understand them
Its mildly enjoyable once you're set up well enough to run a bunch of gimmick teams. I rotate between zwei, LCCB, Shi, and N-Corp mainly right now
2 tremors at once
MD is fun when youre a day 1 player because you have a bunch of different teams to rotate through
superposition allows tremor to apply multiple effects at once, basically inflicting the enemy with several colors which is usually impossible like reverb+fracture
after a turn these possibilities collapse into just 1 and you lose the bonus effects
Is there a single Sinner at this point without Tremor? It's amazing how shit it is despite getting so much stuff while Sinking has barely 7 units and still manages to perform far better.
I still find waiting on clashes fun otherwise, otherwise you shouldn't be grinding like a madman, just do enough to maintain your upkeep. I'm sitting on fucktons of boxes by doing it once or more a day, plus hard per week.
the same reason why Don, Yi Sang and Sinclair sit on the middle of the bus right behind Gregor and Ishmael, Heathcliff and Meursault sit opposite to them, it's their seats
>tremor: fracture
>inflict time moratorium
>switch tremor to reverb
>duck faust
>following turn
>switch tremor to reverb
>duck faust
I don't even care about efficiency anymore I just want to do silly rube goldberg setups and see big numbers.
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>open /pol
What are your excuses, limbabs?
...You are right, every single sinners has at least one tremor id
>using /pol/
>in 2024
??? That board has been unusable since 2015
Tremor is the first status to have an ID for every single sinner
>desperately attempt to make shitty tremor viable by making more tremor ids than some of other status ids COMBINED and encroach on othe pr statuses territory (charge)
Why can't el director just accept that tremor is useless?
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wont speak for others but threads are a bit slow whwn im on work
that being said my only cardinal sin(s) were:
>thinking any of other /vg/ threads are even close to civil as this one
>thinking actual human beings populate /a/
other than that i sit in here n scroll trough our funny discussions
I'm Canadian too, whatcha gonna do aboot it, eh?
They're learning that the only time a status is worth the effort is if its another flavoured rupture
good morning sir!
bake bread
How long before they realize hard locking players to status teams is a bad fucking idea that really limits their game design?
Good mornin to you too, eh, how's it going?
Sinking Deluge and tremor reverb (or whatever the thing was that allows tremor to actually deal dmg) shouldn't exist
Sinking should also deal no dmg to abnos.
What they are doing is removing distinction between different statuses and making everything a rupture
theyre going through and fixing statuses by making better units or egos to use with them
that's better than just making a new id thats just BIG NUMBERS that powercreeps everything like cinqclair
will. but by then enemies will have a tremor burst that disables winrate & damage button
also you gotta roll each coin in clashes manually
>mob fight for md
>mobs have on clash lose: apply 10 tremor and 2 tremor count, then burst tremor
you rike?
They're very slowly realizing it considering they added slash/blunt/pierce gifts in this md, but the issue is that releasing a completely unique unit with interesting gameplay mechanics is much more difficult than just slapping one kind-of-unique mechanic on an ID then putting in one of the big statuses as filler. The only way that'll change is if they slow down their release of new IDs, but thats never going to happen
Guys guys! What if we have a tremor that will... increase crit chance depending on the count!
The alternative is people just running the most broken IDs with high rolls and nuke damage, aka S1 where you had no reason to run anything bu R Heath, W Don and N Clair. Status is fine but the problem is that most status are different flavors of damage per turn/action/clash.
Then sinking would be utterly useless in any kind of content outside of specific human fights. Making it really hard to justify wasting resources for it.
youre retarded
>uironically looking forward to the weekly reset
>it's the highlight of my week even though I have everything
>i want to see the number rise rapidly
kill me
A poise/tremor synergy that increases crit damage would actually be pretty nice, we need more mixed status IDs
How about making sinking fulfill its role as clash enabler? Maybe add on top of sanity reduction a buff that gives you +1 clash power for every 5 sinking on enemy and make it not was sinking per attack if enemy is already at min sanity
>Poise increases crit chance
>Tremor increases crit dmg
Here, I fixed poise.
The only statuses that aren't just "damage = to potency when X happens, the reduce count" at this point are Charge and Poise lol.
Honestly there's a lotta unique stuff they could do with charge since it's a blank canvas, stuff like R Mersault, but they just... Haven't released a charge ID in literally 8 months.
They fucking STOLE T corp from Charge into fucking self tremor which is absolutely disgusting
When I was at my most suicidal limbus updates were unironically the only thing keeping me going, its genuinely over for us
>Sinking should also be useless for 50% of the time
Give me ur boxes anon :(
ClockDon tommorow or when?
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10 hours 20 min
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Can I keep my prizes in lost & found for now, or will I be bricked if RR3 is suddenly over?
This might be my least favorite thing in the game. Absolutely awful choice
learn how to spell retard

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