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/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

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Previous: >>483398291

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
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The Log Within.
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what happened to the lothar op that was promised
if there are no shit related quests in TWW it means Hight was the one who eat da poopoo
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Staying comfy, wowgee?
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No, its really not
The new login screen is cool ONLY if it changes throughout the expansion.
the login screen represents the burning shit coming out of the anus of the game
do you need to play night fae to activate the skips on mists next season?

>generic anime op title
this is worse
christ they really never did learn how to make another title screen after hw did they
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>Looks at u like this
How do you respond?
>tfw can't have hanging tongue on femsaken
>the biggest tarisland streamer is max
>but he is playing wow
Always. Pandaria is extra comfy
anyone can use it?
female trolls sex
female goblins sex
Hello wielders of the elements!

Over the first few weeks of testing, we gathered a lot of feedback from you. Subsequently, we aligned that feedback with our design goals, and got to work.

We’ve been recently working through a package of updates for Shamans, and we can now confirm that we’ll have the majority of the changes implemented and ready for testing in thenextBeta build, next week.

Before then, we intend to deploy some Beta tuning hotfixes for the class in the next couple of days. But please know that this tuning is not a part of the package coming next week.

Shaman chads rise up
is fel a meme now that the burning legion is defeated
certain races like ne and tauren can
why in the year of our lord 2024 would someone make a login screen into a fucking flashbang. Even Bungie stopped doing that.
any night elf, tauren, highmoutain tauren, druid of any race, or herbalist can activate it

Ion 'Big Greek Cock' Hazzikostas
huh ok
What about the necrotic wake golems? Engineering?
They don't work in the new season
Its okay I just rp mine having a really long weird tongue anyway
I've always been a bit surprised about people/blizzard thinking +11/+12 is where 'high keys' 'begin'.
+15 is puggable with moderate effort as long as individual skill on everyones part is at a heroic/ low mythic level

I dont even have aotc/mythic kills on some tiers. Surely I'm not super out of the casual range of the game?
I know but they are drawing the line on the sand.
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whatever happened to this? you can't create asian women in the game? did a becky on the development team get angry?
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Are they going to buff bronze again.
>whatever happened to this?
they put it in the game and made a bunch of stormwind NPC darkies
you're going to get everything for free at some point bro
I'm talking about asian women faggot
The game needs more Asmongold creators and less of the following

the asian skins / faces are ingame, you'll notice a bunch of faces are locked to a slightly yellow skin color. but they dont look asian at all. so yes either someone decided epicanthal folds were racist or it was too much work.
You definitely watch ThepoddyC every week lmao
the woke colletive have deem asians white people acescent
pretty sure you can create asian men. you can't create asian women.
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you can make a ladyboy looking motherfucker, best I can do
that doesnt look asian at all
Not him, but i do. They have pretty good takes and while they'd like harder content, they're always keeping the playerbase at large in mind when talking about stuff
just checked female, faces 16 through 30 lock you to black skin tone. faces 31 through 45 lock you to the three skin tones after black which look white on my monitor, with only the darkest one having a hint of asian about it.
methinks OP is right, someone developing it thought everything was racist and got rid of the slant eyes and refused to make true asian skin tones.... weird logic unless someones got a better explanation
>a bunch of cumskin gweilos think their AI generated waifus actually look like that irl
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Of course.
my AI-generated waifus don't exist irl
Asian people are delusional about their slanty eyes and throw a fit when they are depicted accurately in media, so you have to make yellow white person instead of actual Asian people if you want to get the DEI street cred on twitter.
What a horrible looking login screen
find me in lion's rest cowards
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what's the deal with retards spamming their youtube history
Is that mg
only if youre a naked elf
I am actually a heavily armored lightforged ret paladin
at least three of those guys are watchable
lightforged are stupid and don't deserve to be as popular as they are, regular draenei look better, have better lore and a wider range of viable character archetypes including anti-demon light-zealot which is the only kind of character that makes sense for lightforged
How is it every spic barely has 1 brain cell bouncing around in their skull? If you're from ragnaros or quel'thalas you are literally not a sentient human being. You're a cockroach that somehow grew arms and legs and can operate a computer.
lightforged are not popular at all dude and they are never going to make a dent on the regular draenei population because those exist since tbc and they have better custom options.
easy access armor?
They should be even more unpopular than they already are
they look worse than regular drae and have worse racials
0 point to play them at all
easy access to my sweaty cock and balls
In front of the slaughtered lamb playing songs rn
Anon they are completely unpopular and their racials are trash
>could've just been new customization options
-dark iron
>borderline of above category, "body types 3 and 4"
-kul tiran
>faction swap
-void elf
>just actually a new race unrelated to any other

what the FUCK were they thinking with "allied races"
vulperas fit the same category as zandalari and kts, literally reskinned goblins.
Reusing the skeleton would be a stupid reason to add fox people into the goblin customizations.
>what the FUCK were they thinking with "allied races"
"everyone can tell this expansion was half-baked so we need to shit out as much content as possible as fast as possible even if it's shallow as fuck"
well that's why its on the same boat as those two and not the other one

>half baked
>>half baked
I was being generous, quarter baked might fit better
it was always funny to me how it took them till fucking Shadowlands to make void elves actually be able to look like their leader Alleria
Kul'tirans are the only race that was actually done without using an existing playable skeleton
(They also look out of place and are way, way too big without explanation)

>forced to complain about the login screen
Anon this is just sad.

Thanks for the fun B)
where is she
Feralas with a tummy full
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she should be living at the tauren starting zone, ready to service all cocks
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made a gobo shaman
i think ill get ksm and them kms after the shaman rework gets shown next week and it turns out to be shit again (shaman players will suffer forever)
ok but where is the login music
bfa was two unfinished expansion ideas stitched together with azerite, all in service of tying up existing warcraft plot threads to move to the new cosmology based warcraft.
Blizzard is great at reworks
I'm glad they brought back seasonal affixes. It's new m+ content that's related to the current story and it's cool to see what they come up with each patch.
>metzen comes back
>story starts off immediately from where legion ended with locus walker and alleria
uh based?
except rogue that shit sucked and barely did anything
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That's wrong
Well except for subt
You have to be retarded to try do a frontflip when you're over 500 pounds
>world of warcraft sponsorship
Where the fuck was this lmao
Assassination is still ass in m+ content

Outlaw, a fucking pirate spec, was balanced around subterfuge which requires stealth and shadow dance. This should be gameplay for subtlety NOT outlaw.

And for Sub idk I stopped playing it.
Check ugg assa is in a good spot for both raid and dungeons and outlaw isnkino with crackshot
why did WoW sponsor this?
goblin tanlines is my new favorite fetish
Pretty obvious.
> Fishing
>10 Algari Anglerthread Collect and use 10 Algari Anglerthread to permanently increase the power of your Algari Weaverline. Share the Seekerthread Anglerthread collected across your Warband.. 10 points. Account Wide.
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Anduin PoV btw.
azgarn in shambles
post the whole thing coward
Raszageth is such a well conceived fight. I think its heroic version is the perfect casual guild end boss. It has several mechanics which on their own aren't difficult, but as a whole require a raid to work together and learn fight. There's much better mythic fights, but I don't really judge them on boss design since they appeal to such a tiny % of the player base.

Rasz shoulda been the end boss in this xpac. Fyrakk is so fucking boring in comparison.
I agree conceptually, but the reality is this type of design is an absolute pug killer. Rasz has been one of the worst bosses to pug the whole expansion.
>this type of design is an absolute pug killer
I can totally understand why it would be, but for me wow end game is about guilds and friends you play with. In theory, a pug should be willing to wipe just like guilds to learn the fight. This obv doesn't happen cuz experience differences in pug, but still. I fucking loved learning the Rasz fight with my guild.
>preorder tww
>boost a character
>lets see how dflight is
>load in
>immediately bombarded with like 5 quests
>exclamation marks everywhere
>no idea what the fuck im supposed to be doing
is the goal just to completely fucking overwhelm and confuse new players so that they just do literally everything in order to not miss out? i'm tempted to just drop the game until the prepatch
>learning the fight
It should take 2 hours tops to learn a fight
>But you'll just blow over the content!
You'll have more time to gear alts, and it won't be dreadful to play them because you already know the fight and can kill it more easy
very organic post
I just simply do not have the patience, will, or mentality to raid on a schedule anymore. I don't want to be tied down to anything. I've been there and done that for years, i'm over it. I just want to raid when i feel like raiding, and i want to clear the whole thing in one go.
I'm a capable player and raiding has never felt like a challenge to me so i don't care about it in that regard. If raids need to be simpler and easier so i can blitz it with lesser skilled people reliably, then so be it.
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What do you think of my mog?
It's not about the schedule, I raid with friends so it's fun to hang out and kill shit.
i think it sucks dont ask again
Erping should give mythic raid gear
sword doesn't even remotely match
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Playable skeletons WHEN
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>"Mists of Pandaria was the best expansion" --started playing in 2012
literally me
I'm making a dwarf shaman and I don't give a FUCK
>alliance shaman
almost as bad as horde paladin desu
This place is dead as fuck without the AIslop spammers.
bro? your undead?
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What should I pick?
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My character has sadly been found dead (for real this time) in Miami
Everyone left for XIV again.

Thread is completely dead.
Yea i have tons of fun on this boss
make it DI. personally i might make an earthen shaman. nothing more elemental than yourself being made out of stone
How did it happen
Now that the dust has settled, does /wowg/ think a flat difficulty increase in mythic raiding is better than boss fights with hard modes built in?
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Where could all the sloppers have gone, though?
Dark Iron, okay I might go that route, originally thinking Wildhammer gryphon rider type
Wouldn't be caught dead on xiv.
I'm just catching up on some single player goodness where nobody but enemies can make fun of me.
Its more consisent and straightforward vs figuring out which bosses have hard modes
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undead horse penis ripped her stitches and she split in half
>DH tank leaping into mob pack only to instantly die
I am going to play blood dk knight in TWW within!
stop watching fucked up porn
this is the second night in a row we're talking about horse dicks
Look out behind!
draenei are a part of the game
I'm racist
No, its too late for me
It'd be fine without the first phase just being alternating instakill situational awareness checks. When you pug H raz the worst part is having to clench up in anticipation every single knockback/breath as you helplessly wait for someone to eat shit because of the lackluster telegraphing. It's especially bullshit when you're learning the fight and find out the stormcloud graphic actually extends further than it's catch hitbox.
Delete all addons!
I think it's a little too late for that...
Ummm, what the diversity?! You can't say that!
If you can't play the game at a high level, you don't deserve a high item level.
this will be wow graphics in the last titan
retards will try and tell you otherwise tho
New shaman utility should be creating a custom respawn point for the group.
If you don't rp at a high level you don't deserve good looking mogs.
They should shoot all shaman players in the face
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Are we playing demon hunters?
they dont deserve to be shot in the face, they're down bad as it is
they play that awful class
now Evoker players on the other hand
kill every last one of them, unironically
no because im not a m+ metaslave, twelve years old or a bullet for my valentine listener
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I am no longer asking for playable naga
thanks, doc
No, because I hate elfs.
Gonna nut on your paws.
i dont get it if they want the normies who sub up to play cataclysm and WoW classic why do they push characters like this in retail?
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There's no fags or troons, at least not any new ones, so they have to DEI-max elsewhere.
thanks i run the game on ultra settings btw
valdrakken these nuts lol
Ret paladins
Is it the worst login screen in the history of login screen?
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>group of friends in legion: 8
>tww:me and only another one
it's over, i am almost alone
Make new friends.
they are all irl friends, online friends don't hit the same
Isn't this the static placeholder the game uses when you haven't downloaded the 3D scene (like it had for years ever since they introduced the streamed download)
Where did the Cinematics button go?!
The actual login screen is gonna have Xal'atath on it they're just struggling to find an angle that fits her chin.
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>Successfully stopping the cast buffs all players with Cosmic Ascension, granting 1% haste and movement speed per stack for 20 seconds, to maximum of +20% per event.
So the meta I'm guessing will be the sit in front of the boss waiting for orbs so you can pull with your mini bloodlust active, just like Pride but less route autism.
Bm hunter is fun and I am not afraid to admit it anymore!
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I fall asleep playing it in m+
post comfy zone pics
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>Arachnophobia filter
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>do a feast and an assault
>realize i forgot to accept the weekly quest
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*Dream breaths u*
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if I dont get the legend axe this week im ganna fire bomb the blizz office in minecraft
I fart out my boyfriend's cum
God i want a game to implement this feature in the reverse. You turn it on and there are more spiders everywhere to scare these faggots.
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>no homophobia filter
does he share your bussy out to wow geners by any chance?
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my honest reaction to that information.
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Do you watch any wow streamers?
based responder, have some more /comfy/core music if you even care
sometimes i just fly around aimlessly listening to comfy music and enjoy the scenery of a world i could never go to
Is I quit in Warlords, is the game any good still if you are not a mythic + slave?
yeah raiding is alright but i hate that mythic raiding is still 20 people
they should make it 10 man or 14 man or something
>world i could never go to
Who knows
>be frost mage
>press comet storm
das rite
>press glacial spike
how do you even have an opinion on M+ if you quit in warlords
We aint ever seeing this shit in real life
its honestly better if you don't do mythic,non mythic groups are less likely to kick you if you do 0000.1% less damage than is optimal for your class
No, faggot, make it 40 man, the more people the less individual responsibility, because if 1 or 2 lacks, the rest of us can still compensate. I don't want to abandon some of my old friends just because they aren1t as good at the game as they used to be.
I also don't want individual-player mechanics that can wipe the whole raid. Nothing is more annoying than to get raped anally dry because one faggot fucks up one single mechanic and the boss instakills the raid.
I used to watch a guy who mainly plays singleplayer games bit regularly played WoW. He played a lot less after the ActiBlizz merger at least on-stream and I think last time someone asked him about WoW he said something along the lines that everyone who he had as a contact at Blizz either left or got fired.

I also watch a hot egirl who plays WoW occasionally but I'm mostly there to ogle at her before she starts up the game and goes on the small screen instead of the big screen.
20 more years.
White ethnostate on Mars.
Trust the plan.
Maybe not irl but still
So smaller and cozier raids? Like in Season Of Discovery?

i keep up with the game news but considering I don't play, I don1t have the experience, which is why I'm asking.

People I talked to hyped mythic+ up as peak content and the real end game. Thank you for the tip anon, I was thinking on getting back into the game but what I saw and heard it seems kinda bloated.
Ill believe it when they let undead be paladins
Its the only way to get human male ret paladins to kneel and admit defeat to the superior aryan hyperborean forsaken paladin chuds
if you have friends and gear, go for it, otherwise mythic can more pain than its worth because if you have the gear to even run it all you're really getting is bigger numbers
HOLY SHIT the tw dungeon finder is filled with fire/arcane shitters I thought anon was memeing
This, but kul'tirans instead of undead scum.
TWW pugging is gonna be so much fun
I want undead druids first with insect forms.
>after sitting in lfg for hours and hours everybody fogured out playing fotm is the only sensible choice if you’re a dpsissy
sounds about right
nigga nobody is inviting these people even if mage is meta
Damn, how many kids did Kacey have
Nah. There’s a billion fotm shadowniggers and they still get more invites than some clown-ass warrior or rogue.
Fucks sake Volcanic is bricking all my keys right now, I'm going to be so happy when this garbage is finally removed in The War Within!
thats one large lass, seen her posted in ceegee before
I watch supatease regularly for insight on the ladder and if im playing classic i watch the one and only brothabean because hes actually hilarious and extremely under rated
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actually got an upgrade in the vault, was minor but still
fuuuuck this would be SIIIICK
she's looking for her human bf isn't she
Midnight. Trust the plan
>Tank form is basically a crypt lord
Flight form is a plaguebat
looks more like joy-moonguard if you ask me
Your bis is 5 tier pieces? I though everyone runs with 4 and crafted stuff
frost dk: yea
New log in screen is very low effort.
So with sanguine bursting bolstering raging gone, whats stopping me from picking every trash pack until first boss and pop bl on them on a +9?
desire to do so
yea 5+ crafted necklace
>Honor and Conquest are reagents in TWW

Based or cringe?
shit group which doen't interrupt/cc the pulled 50 mobs and just one shot you
i mena honor is useless currently and having it maxed out doesn't do anything so i guess its better
Reagents for?
No way to micro monetize a flat gearing method
how did you come to this conclusion, the system remains exactly like it is right now but your trophy of conquest or whatever the item is called is a required reagent in place of the spark so you're not timegated on crafting because of muh rtwf
its a currency to purchase a reagent, dont mind his autism.
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>do hc
>everyone needing on everything, even when they dont need it
after rereading my post im now wondering if they're going to split the crafting system up so you cant craft any regular profession items for pvp as they mentioned honor-expensive patterns in the blue post.
Late stage cross-realm culture
I look like this.
Honor can be traded across your warband.
Crafted PvP gear recipes are purchased for a high amount of Honor, but are not BoP and can be traded or sold on the Auction House.
Crafted PvP gear will use reagents purchased for honor and conquest, instead of weekly crafting Sparks. If you have the currency, you can craft the gear!
Recipes are one-time purchases and will not change season to season, though you will recraft the items to increase their item level.
Sockets can be added to PvP using the special Vicious Jeweler's Setting, purchased for Honor or Vicious Bloodstone, or obtained from match victories and certain War Mode activities.

This is great


Who won here?
>join a casual chill heroic run
>everyone needs everything and is a toxic miserable asshole

>join a sweaty virgin mythic guild
>everyone passes on everything and the banter is hilarious
>Click Need
>Get transmog/80g from vendor
>Don't click Need
>Gain nothing
It's not complicated.
the OG one is literal eyerape so I'd say WoW
That's not the reason people roll Need on everything. They do it in the hope that someone will whisper them offering to buy it for thousands of gold.
ya it looks pretty good as i was a little miffed when my exclusively pve ret paladin was done gearing for pve and i didnt have enough sparks to craft both of my welfare pieces.
i like the idea of the "effort gate" with gem sockets and patterns vs time gating, tho in truth youll still be timegated by the conquest cap but at least your weapon is free now.
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it can be, since streaming download is a thing, this is the placeholder screen
I fucking hate Vault and can't get enough dopamine from doing M+ for crests so I'm thinking maybe I simply just don't play this week????
Wow, other one is too faggy. And who the fuck still does these 90s flashbangs?
>i'm a nigger
That's all you had to say.
is that supposed to be kurdran and skyree?
kino if so desu
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> blizzard finally realising everybody quit playing healer in DF

KEK, their only about 2 patches too late on that, i feel like finding healers became impossible when the mega dungeon came out.
Yea i dont think thats final
I would like to add something to this.
When DF launched the screen was a shot of valdrakken, mostly the pillars, looking towards tyr's area with the old egyptian water travel system and etc..
A certain streamer complained that it was boring and lacking... he suggested how cool it would be Alexstrasza flew in and landed atop one of the pillars.
A few days later, blizzard did just that.
Suddenly the log-in screen felt a lot better, and it was nice to see that not only did they listen but they took the advice/suggestion on-board and implimented it in a very short amount of time and immediately pushed it to live within a few days.
Personally, i think that's the only good that streamer has done for this game, well, that, and not really playing it anymore.

So if you guys don't like the log-in stream, i'd suggest to post on the forums about it, or maybe try to reach out to some popular twitter/streamer guy. No. Not that one.
Funny how they were setting up an entire storyline around Tyr and then Metzen made them abandon it. Now he's just chilling in ED
>Now he's just chilling in ED
He is?
Anyway the third expansion in the world soul saga is "the last titan" so i'm sure tyr will be back by then, perhaps there are other side-quest tier stories to tell between now and then and we can get more tyr stories as side/main quests later on, i know everyone likes that one draenei from the new tyr's hand group formed in DF.
(Those quests were really cool btw, i didn't know anything at all about tyr because i'm newer to the game than most players so seeing what he supposedly did or had done was a nice way to learn a bit of lore via gameplay) ((It was also nice to go back to legion and get that disc thing from that time lady ellisandre or w/e))
And? I'll never see anyone in the raid ever again, who cares if they think I'm a nigger? I got 80g and they didn't.
It's the default, original loading screen. When a loading screen is missing, that one is shown instead
>Jerk off after a gruelling M+ marathon
>Money stolen
Valunei? Yeah the Tyrs guard quests were nice. Tyr is the strongest titan watcher afaik, and an important character.
Now that they brought him back there's no doubt that he will show up again
need me a panda wife
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>entire nu-trilogy is going to be focused around Alleria and maybe Anduin
I like these characters so it's fine by me, but why does the Horde even exist anymore?
No-one cares about anyone except Sylvanas who they only recently finished raping her character beyond repair.
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seems like with this 3 part saga story they are doing they are bringing relevant characters back for specific parts.

i fully expect to see picrel back in midnight and other blood elf/draenei characters.
It's not about them thinking you're a nigger. You are a nigger. It's about self respect and a level of dignity and honor. If you don't possess it then that's on you.
>draes in midnight
belf characters obviously would be relevant, along with high/void evles, but why draes?
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>Spam M+
>Get milked by night elf feet as a reward
It's a good living.
Velen wont sit idle while the void invades azeroth
ah yeah true
horde were in the spotlight in one form or another from cata -> SL, I'm fine with alliance getting some attention. The freakshows running WoW these days are incapable of doing good horde stories anyway (yes including Chris "my daughter can't know I'm a coomer" Metzen
t. horde since wotlk
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yea bro ure rly spamming
if i was 2k this late in season i would /rope
nothing without your premade
metzen said it will be a final battle between void and light.

draenei are pretty heavily light aligned, tho i hope they dont forget broken draenei shamanism
2k is very high for moon guard
I would never do it but I agree with you completely
And no, it's on Blizzard
God *damn* you are angry.
do the game a favor
delete that realm
when the people that dont play the game are pushed out into the real realms they'll soon have menty b's on the forums and eventually get laughed out of the game and finally quit
>dog in
>no nelf gf
>dog out
i'd say legion was almost entirely an alliance expansion desu, though I agree you with anyway
Post some kino leveling music
>Vareesa won't sit idle while Dalaran falls
>Malfurion and Tyrande won't sit idle when Illidan returns
>Wrathion won't sit idle when the legion comes
>Baine won't sit idle on the floor for an entire expansion when he could be out finding his father or something
don't ask "what would this character do" as "what would blizzard write, knowing what they've written before"
bro out here blasting months old recycled PoE streamer memes
>>Vareesa won't sit idle while Dalaran falls
I still can't believe the current writers forgot she fucking existed until people kept asking them where the fuck Vereesa was when her city just got fucking destroyed
how are they getting paid for this?
No it's definitely on him at the end of the day cause it's entirely a decision he is making of his volition.
Blizzard is culpable and guilty of not putting in safeguards against such trollish behavior. Majority of modern retail WoW players are basically cuntish children. They simply shouldn't be allowed to have free reign and such free choice, they cannot be trusted with it. Blizzard needs to act like a parent and take away their ability to misbehave.
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This Nigerian so mad at the prospect of someone he hates playing the game he ignores all the alts he's been playing and posting on. OBVIOUSLY M+ spam can only be done on one character. Fuck variety amirite.
>if i was 2k this late in season i would /rope
then do it, you dont even play the game you latinx retard
How do you know the "entire trilogy" will be focused on them?
They made Thrall come back ffs.
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World of Warcraft!
>They made Thrall come back ffs
did he go somewhere before?
he left in legion then came back in bfa, right?
It's still horrible. I really wanna play resto next expansion but doing a single key on the beta was enough to remind me why I literally stopped healing in DF.
>t.resto shaman and resto druid main
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Dude. We can't be serious right now.
I do M+ on multiple toons, haven't settled on one just yet to push higher.
But I get the feeling you don't actually play this game. I get the feeling you regularly check up on my characters (and Twitter) just to make yourself mad.
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>how do you know the entire trilogy will be focused on the plot integral windrunner sister and the defacto main character of nu-wow
Velen will move exodar to ek to assist in battle. And that will be alliance's base of operation
Trust the plan
Metzen retired, so retired Thrall as well (and killed Varian lol).
Now Metzen is back and so is Thrall.
But what I meant is that there will definitely be focus on different characters throughout the trilogy, no way they will make it all about Alleria and Anduin.
There's Danath Trollbane and Kurdran Wildhammer in TWW. Pretty sure that this was Metzen's hand
How the hell is black Lothar supposed to defend with that shield? There's literally no way to brace but watch them have her beat ass with it.
It will be Alleria, Anduin, Xal'atath and Faerin (Anduins husband and the father of his child. Anduin is the one who gives birth it's all very progressive)
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About time, fuck those forgettable Danuser OCs
>nothing without your premade
Wait are you grumpy Maye has friends to play M+ with and you don't
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Danuser's baby...
What class does she play?
ure wrong
as per every thread, ever
you refuse to believe that multiple anons hate your guts
just fuck off already
all your "toons" are sub 2k
ytou are shit
nothing without tina and your "friends" (that all left you btw lol lmao lol)
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LMFAO. Seethe more, baby boy!
Go put some cream on your rectal fissures Anon.
>getting sons of lothar kino again
I really liked the dynamic the 5 of them, pure kino desu
bro everything after wod is the horde 'in the spotlight' because they're set up to be the everyone's punching bag, tf you mean 'alliance getting some attention' they're the main fuckin characters, the one single exception is teldrassil and we just got an entire fuckin expansion about night elves getting a new home and everyone kissing their asses about it, what the FUCK are you smoking
actually wait a sec. if being in the spotlight means being shit on...... heyyyyy, I think I get it now. alright yeah I'm on board
Stomped by Metzen. Hilarious how he was booted without saying a word
When did the shift happen?
They're cuntish children because of incentives put in place by design decisions
wowsisters... we won
>metzen comes back
>immediately kicks off the story from where he left it in legion (Alleria and Locus Walker), almost entirely ignoring the plot points of Danuser's abortions (BFA, SL, DF)
>treat the general as your personal blog
>surprised when its not the same bogeyman attacking you
you really need to touch grass
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My ancestor :)
yeah it is pretty weird how hard they dropped that storyline
Pretty sure that some stuff from tww were already in the works, but he probably altered it to fit the saga. Also all the abandoned plot points in df lol

Push week is kill
>Got all the raid mounts/mogs/portals I wanted from DF
>Tomorrow I'll get enough bronze to get the last collectibles from mopmix
What am I supposed to do after tomorrow?
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How's it going, gangsters? I'm doing some MoPmixing to pick up the last few things I can buy.
Push your cock into my asshole
same and i want to have 2 more alts ready for tww
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My TW chests are either some meta trinket or a fucking cloak, no inbetweens
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Kind of a dark reference
Hitler shelter..? Or hellen keller?
>clearcasting has been bugged since 1996
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Cleave still feels awkward to fit in with Whirlwind. I miss Rend applying on Execute from last season's set.
Thinking of playing the less-optimal Fervor of Battle / Collateral Damage build and forgoing Cleave just to make the spec more fun for me. Armsbros, what're we thinking?
Nevermind it was a song by the Beatles before being a Manson thing
I'm a cleave advocate so i cant comment. I will cleave the fuck out in tww
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>Armsbros, what're we thinking?
I dunno, I just hit things.
You tell me. I'm play Fury. I may try out Arms now because I'm getting tried if this current set bonus iteration.
I like Cleave, don't get me wrong. It hits really hard with Overpower stacks. Arms does mega huge damage right now. It just *feels* kinda awkward.
Insightful input from the tribal midget, thank you.
Funny, I actually tried the current Fury tier set and liked it. Big chunky Bloodthirst. Still prefer previous season Fury over this season because Annihilator is a fun build, but still.
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i don't really find much comfy in this game after the flapflapflap of dragonflight. i've got too many alts running hard through things that killed it too. double gogogo feeling where i've been close to just dropping this game entirely because there's not a lot left i'm interested in.
i think i listened to just takanaka for about 2-3 years and there's not much like that in the game right now. the coolest sounds.

>add pop ups and nags for all sorts of trivial rep or new quest nonsense
>"pop up the weekly quest for the current expansion every week, why? who would want that? sounds really annoying!"

>community wants "QoL" that's things like account wide rep for the OCD to look at full bars for no other reason and better heirlooms when they tell everyone the world is easy and level on timewalking weeks with auto scaled gear
>a buffer where npc can recognize that you just wiped out 50 boars with one barrage and there's not even anything left to ask you to kill is not only too much to ask no one even asks
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I will miss Alexstrasza looking at me like she knew that I'm looking at her juicy tits.
if by attention you mean Stowmwind and Ironforge being destroyed by Mana bombs then I agree.
>want to heal next expansion
>try out a +2 key on beta
>don't want to heal next expansion
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What's the proc rate on this bad boy?
You are my boyfriend now
I want to lick her holes
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I used to love playing Resto druid even in Shitolands. I enjoyed Disc priest back in BFA.
No, I'll be retard windowlickin as guard bear / prot pally / ret pally / bw huntard / and when I want to punch myself in the cock Shadow Priest.
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Good night, /wowg/.
I will have my revenge.
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On a Prophet and not a plague?
why not
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Here is my own check
22%, 1.50mn out of 8.20mn
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it has begun
Why would anyone pay a sub to wow to shill a subpar product?
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it's classic players. there's a lot of overlap between classic players and xiv players.
Why are xivtroons like this?
By which I mean the literal lying and making shit up.
meant for >>483546446
Funniest part is them comparing what wow gets at launch vs what tranny14 gets in 4 years
They completely forget about wow patches. We got the tendie post and a new spec in a mini patch
These troons are off their meds
>cm set transmogged with tabard of the lightbringer, wielding cloudsong glaive
>there are still literal hundreds of clones of this guy still playing this game to this day

I'm going to screenshot each one I see from now on.
are you jealous?
The fomobringer..
>letting cmGODS live rent free in your head
Xiv gets content updates as well, but it's what the content is that makes me wonder whether they're that delusional or I'm missing something when I played it.

Like when they released these "deep dungeons", literally forgotten in less than a week after it's came out, because it's that abysmal and only awards some shitty transmogs, pets and mounts, which everyone farms day one.

Then they added some shitty island, which turned out to be just an instanced micromanagement minigame with extra farming. I was in a guild with some typical xiv cultists who were constantly spamming chat with how amazing it is.
So then I tried it, only to see it's just running about on an island collecting materials. That was literally it. Yeah then you could decide what kind of production building on what designated plot you want... Where did I see that before?
And then, after the building produces the shit, you realize you can only turn it in for more shitty transmog and pets.

I could go on, tl;dr is, xivtroons are delusional and overhype the shit out of everything.

There was this faggot in the guild that would talk shit about wow at any occasion, turned out he's never ever actually played it, just "read a lot about it on the internet".
ive never understood this phenomenon
there are so many tabards that look better than the lightbringer tabard, that one doesn't fit with any cm sets at all
Not surprised. I know it gets patches too, but that forum shill listed content that won't be in the game for at least 2 3 years from now , in patches
And he's comparing that with wow gets at launch only
Just saying that the comparison is disingenuous to begin with
Good morning New York. Rise and grind.
cmwomen reverse mating press
>og anons be like
>yea d00d our game is bussin
the only video i know from OG is pints doing a jump challenge from some tower and he got destroyed 12 hours later by the dude he copied it from
>trooned out
>played OG
many such cases
where are the og videos of thse "deep dungeons" that are so popular and well loved by the community? i can post a 14 year old video with more views than anything their communitys creators ever made.
But its rare!
>the comparison is disingenuous to begin with
Yeah, just made to sound bombastic to someone who has no idea what it is.
>golden saucer update
When Golden Saucer is just a shittier version of Darkmoon Faire, but you don't see anyone hyping DF like that.
>tribal grind
Comparable to dailies - again, only shittier. Usually "do one of these 3 possible quests", which is A) Collect this one item B) kill this one monster C) talk to this NPC
>more recipes in a good crafting system
Crafting, which looks great when you fist come into contact with it, but then you find out everyone just makes a macro and solves the whole amazing crafting system by hitting one button, which btw becomes tedious as fuck very quickly.
nigga you could buy tabard of the lightbringer for fucking 22k gold on auctionhouse
>3.5m gold to open all account wide warband bank tabs
Why not just make them free? Instead of it just being a fun new addition to the game that facilitates more alt integration, they turned the whole process into a system itself. Oh Blizzard.
Afaik those values are placeholder
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CM mode sets??
Hello friends, I have a question.
How long does WoW usually go down for when a new expansion comes out?
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It doesn't, you just get a quest pop up the moment the timer hits.
Metzen kicking this faggot to the curb was the biggest W in a long time for warcraft as an IP.


> holley longdale loves alextrasza and has probably flicked the bean to queen slut.
you can be logged on, a yellow message will pop up in chat log saying the expansion is live, and you can start the intro quests seamlessly. they've all been fairly smooth launches since legion afaik. but if you're booking holiday off work, it's usually advisable to skip the first few days in case of server issues.
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this faggot gets booted and we instantly go back to stories based around/featuring WC2 characters instead of homosexual OCs
Golden too. She completely emasculated Anduin because she's a simp
Human male ret paladin
I miss him. Such a bad ass smug bastard
>war thin
What I found hilarious more than anything else was her thinly veiled disdain for the Horde kek.
>What I found hilarious more than anything else was her thinly veiled disdain for the Horde kek.
didn't she love sylvanas?
or does that not count since she used to be an alliance character?
It's because sylvanas once was a white, blonde haired, blue eyed thin woman that was also straight
>didn't she love sylvanas?
Not as far as I'm aware? She always got general outlines and plot points for each of the books, but the way she wrote Sylvanas almost always put her in a bad light.
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Regular human head on a gnome doesn't work.
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I went outside and it fucking sucks
She definitely played a part in those sylvanas/anduin cutscenes from sl full of sexual tension
So, how's The War Within shaping up? Thinking about getting into WoW once again, but it seems like it's another generic boring expansion without anything new or exciting, like Torghast in Shadowlands. Or am I missing something?
>literal lying and making shit up
How they are lying?
This game sucks ass lmao
There are going to be Delves this time around which are like a mix of Torghast, Dungeons, and M+. You can get really good gear, push higher Delves for better rewards, and you have rotating companions that you can level up and pick skills for.
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game sucks ass and all this general does is talk about another mmo.
Claiming that xiv is better than wow by any means.
beautiful, bold, brave
Not my demon hunter
Cant wait to try and clear all of them on highest difficulty and get that sweet void airship
As someone who's skipped DF, I'm looking to enjoy the new systems without the tumblr-tier faggot dragons.
Been pretty good on beta so far, but then I'm not planning to be "competitive" about the game.
Don't mind me, I'm just here for the bullions
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Thoughts on electronic sports?
I love healing and it almost feels too easy now compared to season 1
t. resto druid and mistweaver main
I find it interesting how nobody ever mentions the Awakening Machine, which is actually more similar to Torghast than Delves.
when did PPP join wow?
<nod respectfully>
Shadowlands one was bad
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Why is nordolfag spamming images in here?
Has the thread really reached this low?
MDI is kino. Never watched TGP. RWF is cringe now that it gets dragged out over 2 weeks by buggy bosses and splits. AWC is unwatchable.
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if only pandaren in game looked this gruff and kino. Main brewmaster and its a challenge to make pandaren actual look good.
Game's dead, there's nothing else to do.
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Do you mean the art?
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>So this is the face of WoW...
i dont follow this guy anymore but didnt he quit in Sneedolands?
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I wonder how many of you are brownoid subhumans
How does that change anything about the fact?
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Doing harder content doesnt mean you want to be competitive
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which one of you is this
note to self take the deep breath stun talent when taking oppressing roar because nobody is going to make use of oppressing roar even if you have a macro for when you cast it on a pack
male human players are under 6ft irl
why are you asking for manlets?
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The Cosby suite
4800 rep per rare kill in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Grand Commendation of the Golden Lotus + Sign of the Mists + Remix rep buff, easiest and fastest way to grind this rep on Retoilet and there's no competition because most people are on Remix so the rares are always up

Same with the Operation Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive rep, Grand Commendation + Sign + Remix rep buff makes it hilariously fast, like do a few campaign quests and you're exalted already, no need to do dailies

Sign of the Mists 50% Pandaria rep buff goes away next week
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good afternoon /wowg/gers i am going to quest in zuldrak today after i go run BRF and highmaul to drop the belt for this set
what do you expect from futafags?
ok bro but I grinded all that back in MoP
My least favorite wrath zone desu
hey i know this guy
t. kazzakistani
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cant be worse than dragonblight or storm peaks
i just did grizzly hills and it was alright, now zuldrak then icecrown which im dreading because one anon told me its just going back and forth across the zone per quest which is what storm peaks and dragonblight made me do
wrath has only one good zone: borean tundra
i found it quite boring, unlike its namesake achievement suggests
borean tundra is a themepark zone that goes to shit as soon as you finish your faction's initial area
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Why did blizzard add more talents when they can't even balance the current ones?
you now remember that dracthyr use one handed weapon swing animations for two handed swords
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the illusion of choice
Blizzard didn't make the "new" login screen in a couple days. It's called placeholders
because they can swap these out or drop them at any time, unlike the base trees they dont have to be permanent.
Do you mean for just quests? Because for aesthetics I love Crystalsong and Grizzly Hills. I enjoy Icecrown and Zul'drak for questing. I always find the expansion introduction zones like Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord a bit dull.
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1. your race
2. your class
3. your server (just say whether or not you're on MG)
4. are you on a disability pension?
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Everywhere i go....i cant escape it...even in the fucking rift...
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>eu, not mg
>no but i am diagnosed with bile acid malabsorption that doesnt affect my ability (or lack thereof) to play video games
idk what you mean but it's such a joke it took them this long to nerf gragas lol
>idk what you mean
read 3rd line but slowly
fuck that fat fuck finally
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for me it's shin megami tensei v: vengeance
post jawless pic
>tfw nobody is willing to do aberrus "transmog farms" right now
gonna be 7x easier in tww so most are probably waiting until then
I tried doing that in the last two weeks of S3 and the only people that came were mail wearers, it's even worse now in S4 because there's always 100 mail armor classes applying and now all the other people are applying too.
Funniest part? I'm a hunter and i just want my fucking mog bro... been losing rolls on it every time and for some reason the retards in charge aka the larger populace of hunter players voted for the season 1 transmog as the one we get from m+ catalyst.. its joever
>randomly teleported to the skyfire doing mop intro quest
>cant jump off to get back down without being teleported back up
timerunning sissies whats going on im not gonna resub if i cant even level to 20 first
The mongrel horde, yea or nay?
Seems beneath Garrosh to work with such low tier shitters but a Trogg king or something would make for a cool lower stakes villain
nay because they are all gay (centaurs). we only need ogres that's it.
Happened to me, dunno what causes it. You can fly straight away in remix so dragonride a short distance away from the Skyfire then run to the quest objective from the ground. Don't get to close to the area beneath the Skyfire while you're doing the quests or it will port you up there again m
oh wow i hadnt even tried mounting up yet thanks nonny
>been doing LFR sarkareth for the mount
>seen it drop many times
>don't wanna run it in TWW

New reset today
>got declined to fyrakk skip in normal (non-awakened)
>2 more DPS spots
>im ilvl 518
i feel personally attacked
if XIV didn't have an anime skin then no one would play it
that happened to me several times when i played an alliance character lol
i had to kill shit in a certain area and wait for respawns despite necessary quest mobs being right in front of me because of that shit
Make your own groups and never have a problem getting invited ever again
That's a very problematic joke right there, Blizzard!
Havent we had like 3 trogg kings so far and they were all dungeon boss jobbers
it's a cool idea (iirc there's a quest in Cata Loch Modan that sewed the seeds for it) but I don't think it could have carried an entire expansion
Without their master's command, the restless troggs will be an even greater threat to low-level questing hubs.
This one would be a raid boss jobber
I assume he also has a gnome slave-wife
how does the item upgrade thing work again, if i upgraded a chest piece to like 520 for example, i know the next chest piece i upgrade with lower ilvl has the price reduced only costing flightstones,
whats the deal with weapons? i have a one hander upgraded to max 528, if i wanna upgrade a two hander do i still get the discount or not?
whites can take the joke
I assume thats facebook, i just checked both X and FB and didnt see that post, if you can't provide me with a link, it's fake.
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will DF worldquests count?
no because a singular 1 hander isn't enough, you need 2 weapons/ a 2h weapon/1h + shield + offhand to trigger the discount much like you need to upgrade 2 rings or 2 trinkets to trigger their discounts
try it and let us know
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>even Riot takes a summer break so they can play OG on release while WoW devs openly admit on twitter that they are going to spam their page full of OG
It's so over

replace the word with Facebook because for some reason 4chan detects the link as spam
Lots of riot devs play wow too. It's just that TWW releases close to the end of summer.
hmm okay, and if i upgrade a two hander do i get the one handers discounted? or how does it work vice versa then
you know whats interesting? boiling water btfos the vast majority of life on this planet
you'd be hard pressed to find a single creature that won't be crippled if not outright immediately killed by just the shock alone of being splashed by boiling water, people included
and then there's boiling oils, just boiling fluids in general, it's as close as you can get to coating things in lava without you yourself dying in the process
It's extra satisfying to kill roaches and rats this way, maybe even vulpera too
if they survive the first volley, a extra fun thing to do is get your second cup of ice water out of the freezer and then dump it on them while their body is still steaming, so that the massive temperature shock gives them a near immediate fatal heart attack and/or completely kills their skin which in turn just kills them later
nothing like a freezer and your microwave to save you money on dedicated traps and poisons for common pests
ok not bad
some banter
but the fact it comes from wow which is an american company/game
fuck off
>chud when the qt rejects him:
dunno mate they say suncream, americans say sunscreen
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my honest reaction to this information
sounds so dumb
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I love my waifu Jaina so much <3 She's so hot and cute and adorable <3
>muh sunblock
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ok tranny. did you try boiling your cock off yet?
you think they will ever lets us play evoker on a race that isnt a dragon? I dont wanna be a gay dragon.... Cant they just have wings pop out for certain spells similar to DH?
no and drachtyr will be able to be other classes and use the humanoid form but not evokers
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Looks like I'm not the only autist who complained about Familiar being a forced pick to reach Presence and Evocation, neat
I tried it for a bit but I can't be fucked rep grinding
I'm trying to understand why you wouldnt want familiar.
>tarisland general dead already
wow won again
It's pointless visual noise and on top of that they changed the spark model into a tiny gay bird
that's what I thought
Why would they? You get 40k a day easily if you just do your login shit and a full raid on heroic, and that's just for playing the game for 2ish hours per day.
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>I can't believe autists play Arcane
>I can't believe autists play WoW
no luck so far bros, ran through highmaul on a good few alts and god BoE gloves but no belt yet, if i can sell the gloves and get enough gold to buy the belt ill just do that
i dont have the resolve that mountsmogscheevo hunters have
dont worry i cant get the waist either
Storm peaks is kino imo
You mean it's peak kino?
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They made the new Arcane tree actually bigbrained, you can't just pick everything good and be done with it like it's been the case since SL prepatch, you actually have to make decisions now
>you can't just pick everything good and be done with it
Well yeah you have to pick full st or full aoe
Would that it were so simple.
them bones break easily when you are that fucking heavy
Is dungooser actually gone?
damn that talent seems very strong. is it triggered when you use arcane missiles or just when you get a proc?
they fired danuser and golden because metzen is back
Half of the bonfires seem to be completely missing. What the fuck.
the clearcasting proc trigger it not using the cc.
hmmm i'm thinking haste will be much better than it was previously for arcane
Yes, the music and vibe there is top tier. Also love snowy zones.
Maybe I remember a friend of mine told me they are increasing the value of haste for all classes but desu I only play outlaw and now haste is our second main stat so maybe he is right plus the current xalnath bargain.
are they doing any fun pre-expansion stuff? is it worth reupping my sub before the xpac drops or should i just wait?

i dont do high end anything, im just an ultra casual story quester if that matters
>are they doing any fun pre-expansion stuff?
There is an event next month
haste is the most fun secondary stat so i'm happy with that, blizzard seems to be actually listening to our feedback that's awesome
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well fuck this, next week again, not bothering with mythic
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that feel when
Yea he was canned shortly after blizzcon last year lol
TWW is still their baby, maybe midnight, we wont see metzens baby until TLT maybe
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is there any point in saving these
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Just kidding anon i dont give a fuck and i already know the axe won't be good in TWW.
I'm not even doing runs for the axe to be honest. How many are you on now? LMAO i bet it's in the double figures across all dificulties as you mentioned not doing mythic next time ahahahaha lmao loser just take the highest ilvl wep you get and use it, this all wont matter very soon.
6x hc, 8x normal 10x lfr,
24 attempts... I know someone whose tried 26 times and still doesn't have it. s-s-s-step it up anon
or instead, walk my path, become enlightened
ashkandur looks better anyway
I know but still they fired them
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They can't even make a login screen anymore
i mean 26 tries is nothing (depending on the difficulty he's doing), you need to get 15 greater emblems or 15 hc kills for a 100% drop, not sure how many i got until now tho
the thing is, those normal and lfr kills are basically meaningless you only have a real chance to get the axe if you do h or m

Don't forget to get your heirloom ring starting July 30th
open your profile on the wow website and look at your character page
otherwise known as "armory" or try raider.io if you have logs try warcraftlogs
i already did >>483575408 but i also got some greater emblems from normal/lfr, so that's why it's 6 + something
i mean you still can get it if you're like super super lucky or just wanna get the emlbems from there
Nah, tww for sure was altered to fit the saga. Tons of plot points abandoned in df too. Tyr, dracthyr, green dragonflight
what do you mean they rebuilt him? he will probably be relevant in tlt

their plot ended in aberrus

>green dragonflight
their plot ended in the dream with the daughter of ysera ascending properly and ysera went back to shadowlands
Tyr was the only plotline that wasnt completely finished and left open.
1 more 38k mount in remix and I'm done with all of them
if you could use the bronze, may as well scrap them
I'm holding onto mine on the chance that they'll be converted to vendor greys worth some pittance.
Glad ffxiv exists.
Wow has canon tranny characters, body type selection, and the developers are greedy and evil.
is this confirmed yet?
>developers are greedy and evil.
The publisher is greedy and evil
the developers are just useful idiots.
chat confirmed this is real
Dawntrail seems to be a huge success.
They won't, everything in your bags will be deleted and removed when chars are converted to standard retoilet ones
>retards STILL don't know how the fyr'alath bad luck protection works
it's been almost a year, guys. jesus christ.
Oh, you don't even get to keep the 36 slot bags from Remix either, it's kinda dumb but about on par for NuBlizz
they should add cooldown reduction as a stat
Just like in Tarisland huh?
what a cute kid
her parents have a good sense of humour too
demon hunter obviously

It was already tested on the PTR back in April, you know
So I am newfag who has been playing Remix, and was wondering how accurate it's loot is as a reflection to the main game? Do you try to find anything higher than purples? Do you try to farm specific gear, or just use whatever random shit has the stats you want? If you're looking for specific gear, do people just buy it from the auction house typically, or is most gear dropped at a reasonable enough rate you can find what you're looking for in a week or two of playing/running the same raids?
You would never be able to hit the secondary and tertiary stat caps like in Remix

Once you are on Retoilet you'll see how much slower your character is compared to Remix
I'm wouldn't be in a rush to level up my stuff, I'm just wondering how long it'd take to FIND the gear I need once I hit max level
Remix is a fun mode and IMO a good one, but its loot an ability/gem stat system is entirely its own and does not reflect the real game at all.
Gear is plentiful everywhere, world quests, dungeons etc, but highest ilvl gear is from mazed+ and raid+
depends on how you go about it but fully geared is probably two weeks or so after hitting 70, unless its late season then it will be faster, "Max" gear can take months depending on luck. but you can get into Normal raids, pvp and M+ the week you hit 70 easily and you can be in heroic raids and pushing higher keys the week after that. Pvp gearing is its own world and depends mostly on how high your pain tolerance is.
Same goes for the Fortnite team taking a summer break around the same time.
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how many steps do i need to go trough for a fucking skip?
The fuck is raid+? Awakened?
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They nerfed my boy Last Relic of Argus on the beta, making it share its cd with hearthstones.
I wonder why.
Still usable in combat however.
It takes multiple runs
I wonder if blizzard is going to nerf peril post release or before
i know but before this quest he made me gather 4 farts or something from another boss in the same raid
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fck you
thats the last one, then you get a portal straight to mannoroth.
>is the most kino title screen in you're path

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Bullion :3
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I hope the Amani get a cool storyline in Midnight.

Forest troll allied race, plz.
I literally just got a beta invite too...
Bully on deez nuts
you'll have another elf reskin and youll like it chud
Hey tina! did those cretins drive you out of xiv or what
did you bring mowgli with you too
It's kind of ridiculous that we get all these garbage allied races, a fucking Sandfury skin for the Darkspear, but still no playable Revantusk.
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FFXIV has 48-hour maintenance going on.

I'm unsubbed from wow tho

Have the last picture of my bun before the graphics update.
Gosh, I wish bunnygirls were real
>FFXIV has 48-hour maintenance going on.
Jesus and the shitposters here spend hours spamming when blizzard do a 4 hour maintenance lmao fucking trash devs.
can you take maye back with you? he returned to shit up wowg
>48-hour maintenance
lmao actual paycheck thieves devs
48hr maint. is normal pre expansion launch
I know people are ok with trash devs.
It's okay because we actually like our game and the devs treat us better than blizzard does :)
I hope my potato can run the new expansion.
wtf you cant learn the cosmetics that you can buy with 1 bullion each if you can't equip the item
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No? xD
People have been very kind actually ^.^
I just decided to log on for a bit while FF is on maintenance.
I brought cookies for everyone! :3

Hope everyone here is doing great <3
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The men pretending to be women have retvrned
It do be grim.
futapedo returned a week or two ago bro
Why does he type like he’s a teenaged girl? Weird
wow is not a mobile slop so theres a lot more nuance to consider because there are spells that would be too powerful with cd reduction like battle rez
It do be grim.
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It was nice while it lasted.
you look like shit in that game
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yeah it was then you came back and brought your bum buddy, cunt
fuck off, you were the harbinger
You are retarded.
if you leave wowg he will follow you like a shadow
you are the one who casts that shadow, faggot
Holy consoomer
you aren't being serious, right?
OH SWEET! Thanks!
gw2 got better housing than ffxiv
it's over.
ff has nothing.
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>Men are so pussy free they simp for Fridgestrasza instead of the og
Truly this is a godforsaken timeline
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this is the real alexstraza
please understand, most broccoli zoomers are some mystery meat mut anyways and latrinas usually have flapjack titties and are built like harry potter goblins
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og? og!
off topic? off topic!
shit posting? shit posting!
0 good posts kill 'em all
you are shit poster 1958
shit in your veins not good for u
shit in wowg poerfect place!
og? og! shit there too
og general? shit gotta do!!!
no? XD
can i see
what happened that maye was cast out of your xivg friend group and crawled back to us here?
sauce pls
seek psychological aid
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>seek psychological aid
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Does anyone else think the nu- login screen for TWW looks like a mobile phone game login? It's unironically soulless. I don't think they'll change it but I wish they would. Little things like that matter.
Like, on DF's login we see Alexstrasza roaring and flying. What gives with the TWW login? It feels lazy.
>I am to be blamed for another man's schizophrenia
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that's a man
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i see why you came back here, you followed t*na to xiv thinking he was a girl which is why you suckered up to him before you both left
you simped for him and ended up finding out he was a guy pretending to be a girl (like you) and left xiv to come crawling back to wowg for attention
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>exploit to get free level 70s in 2 hours still in the games weeks later
how did the based devs get away with this?
Peak fanfiction. When's the next chapter?

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that's a placeholder i'm sure they'll change it for hallowfall
TWW login screen looks so lazy
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>Glimmer is dead
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That actually made me laugh quite a lot :'D
I'm glad to see this place hasn't changed one bit <3

Anything fun this season?
Glimmer of light? Is it getting removed? :O
Faggiest fucking idea of all time. Just the fact it was proposed on a serious level shows the absolute retardation of the company.
>tfw when you're 30 minutes into the fight of your life and it finally starts to break
can you answer >>483587695 please?
shut the fuck up retard
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They're never going to. Here's what happened:
>Maye likes Tina
>Follows Tina to OG
>Sees Tina ride dick
>Maye gets ignored
>Gets mad, leaves
Now move on and stfu
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NTR bros feasting
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no wonder he came back here saying he's a different person now, and I must say that whole act didn't last
I dunno, I think he's been pretty chill.
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I am begging you to talk about WoW.
Nah, see >>483337095
He was having a meltdown over the op image saying world of warcraft and being "boring" and "sterile"
He hasn't changed one bit
Its not final
nothing going on and the drama is juicy, sorry maye maybe another day
>still crying about this
He cooked you lmao
This just in local mentally ill tranny more interesting than cultural phenomena wowo wacaca.
Thats fucking kino
wow sucks. just like the people who still play it. it's sooooo booooring. FF is much better. and yes, this is a shill post.
You should not have returned
>is a shadowbab in youre path
just lol
unironically, yes
its the end of the patch dude
no one is playing the game besides ladder players and title pushers
why do you think the thread is dead as fuck
we dont even have porn spammers posting anymore
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>Echo making friends with OG world first guilds
It's over
built to be impregnated by me, repeatedly, forever
This is my home.
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Talk about femtaurs
Lol, tranny fantasy is fucking garbage. That's why everyone treats it like second life, because gameplay is dogshit
share the exploit my man
i need to pad out my crafting stable full of ret paladins
>meltdowns daily
>""""meltdown in april""""

wow op sure was "cooked"
you fanboy you got a mans cock so far up your butt its penetrated your brain and is speaking for you
>ywn party at the Marriott Anaheim with your guildies ever NEVER again
Blizzconbros... it's over...
You left it to follow a man in a dress, you belong with him in other thread
talk about maye and his boyfriend
>you want to be the next thread e-cleb!
>noooooooooo there is only room for one e-celeb and thats me!
>there is ai generated images in the op!

pick 1
oh wow the bloodtroll set on a non-troll, you must have felt very original when you created this mog!
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I've never been to Blizzcon but I've always wanted to. I bet it's so fun with friends. Probably really sweaty and gross though because people don't shower.
you dont have to justify yourself lil buddy, hes just having a laugh
i still think theres a reasonable chance tina is an unironic woman, trannies dont create the kind of attitude we've seen from maye and ceph itt
stop avatarfagging
Why do you have so many orbiters? And why do they bring in their dogshit, highschool tier thread drama from dead troon nip game?
because he is a personality from that thread, he just comes here for attention and to derail the thread and blame it on others
tina is the satellite maye is the orbiter
why don't you get banned when you get reported, you're fucking annoying fuck you you ruin this thread with your stupid fucking prsence nobody likes your character either she's not not sexy or smart you're just cringe. FUCK. OFF.
or tina is the planet for lack of a better word and maye is a former orbiter rather
havent drank my coffee, i beg your forgiveness
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No. Filter it.
I'm a strong personality that's easy to like or hate. I talk alot and express myself in a way that makes people listen. I have plenty of friends, but just as many orbiters.
Lol, he's a wow player, and wow is his game
The fuck are you smoking
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>another schizo collage for the collection
Yeah but no I'm not gonna change my characters to male body types. I just don't RP as girls now. There ya go.
Cant teach an old dog new tricks. We all enjoy gooning to wow sluts
>says hes changed
>actually hasnt and returns to the usual shit
dont know why i expected better
>why don't you get banned when you get reported, you're fucking annoying fuck you you ruin this thread with your stupid fucking prsence nobody likes your character either she's not not sexy or smart you're just cringe. FUCK. OFF.
You know anon. Sometimes, I think about this. It is truly a mystery.
I kneel to femnelf feet
I am begging you to talk about WoW.


you fanboy you got a mans cock so far up your butt its penetrated your brain and is speaking for you
he's buddies with the janny or janny hates wowg and wants to see it as a shitheap
I tried>>483591717
The answer to this question is the reason why wowg is complete dogshit for a while now.
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talk about maletaurs
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So if I do a bunch of bosses in lfr, I should get all the bullions I missed right?
Is there any other sources of bullion or is it just raids?
Bullion. That's a funny word xD
this is what happens when you allow avatarfags to take root
Wow you all dance to his tune. He genuinely runs this thread.
Blizzcon with metzen must be fucking insane. The energy was nuts. Such a contrast vs other panels. When he started calling horde and alliance players i knew it was kino
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>In the past 3 years Echo has conquered all aspects of World of Warcraft. Now, the time has come to expand into new horizons
>le nicest heckin person you have ever met in your heckin life is back
Well, there goes the thread.
ya you can get them all from lfr, if you're luck youll get all the ones you've missed on the first boss you kill, not sure what the count is up to but i believe its above 8
bull Ion
the futafag was the harbinger, the moment he came back i knew the other faggot would soon follow
Yea they removed glimmer
>lost aberrus
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Bro I felt them nerd chills when he put on that booming voice FOR THE HORDE. So kino.
great, the avatarniggers are back
ziv is down for two days what did you expect to happen
He brought back that old blizzcon vibe
im baking
Just wait two days and then xiv will be back up
>no kul tiran paladins
fatsos worship the nature and the sea
I just did the Rookery dungeon and it looked kino to be quite desu with you senpaichi
cant they just erp in the vg thread like when the servers are up?
And that is why WoW won.
theres a very simple explanation: the janitors dont give a fuck about the board as a whole and only moderate the generals they actually give a shit about, which is neither of the wow gens. Certain generals have jannies that watch their threads like a hawk and insta delete shit they dont like while our general doesnt have a pet janny so you can pretty much say and do whatever the hell you like with minimal fear of reprisal. literal porn stays up for hours on ceegee. The last time i got banned from here was like six months ago and it was for talking shit about spics if you can believe it.
Its a blessing and a curse honestly
I only did the m+ pool dungeons but yeah blizzard is making good, short dungeons right now.
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I'm still gonna play a healer in TWW
i had a 3 day ban telling the futafag to kill himself a few months ago
What if Maye becomes a janny?
Arigato for your service
>Certain generals have jannies that watch their threads like a hawk and insta delete shit
I hate this shit. I don't like having to think twice about fucking jokes.
i am baking give me a couple minutes
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Blizzard can't be bothered to model the mount.

I'm race switching the second they do though.
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>if you're luck youll get all the ones you've missed on the first boss you kill
Oh wow. Thank you! <3
Omg that is actually a good news! Having the spec being tuned around glimmer felt like it was holding holy paladin back a lot. This will be interesting!
Love Metzen! ^.^
There are old videos from past Blizzcons on youtube and it's actually quite interesting how different it felt.
>Just wait two days
Probably less desu xD
Tww dungeons are kino overload
Wouldn’t be surprised, he gives off discord/reddit mod vibes
Especially with the whole pedo thing
you really wrote that with your stupid alliance avatar while we're stuck in an xpac that's overtly Alliance focussed. Words don't mean anything anympre I guess you just want to say stuff to pretend to be part of a community baka baka desu baka
I thought you quit wow. Or are you waiting for tww prepatch?
its almost ready
can't wait to gangbang you again with the boys when the servers are back up
Maybe I should share my image/word filter lists.
It's been slowly getting to the satisfying point I don't see avatarfag postings, just anons complaining about them.
please do
yes plox uWu
please do
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I like the old Horde. The classic WoW vanilla Horde. The blood and thunder outcasts Horde. I played Horde before I came to MG. I'll tell you, if Horde had a server like Moon Guard with a city full of people hanging out like Stormwind, I would probably still main Horde.
WRA feels tiny and Orgrimmar isn't a great city to be in.
Fair enough
Thanks, btw if you're using 4chan-x you can add ";boards:vg" to the end of each line so it only applies to /vg/
Light-infused sea lion when
>I only did the m+ pool dungeons but yeah blizzard is making good, short dungeons right now.
They’re also absurdly overloaded with mechanics (trash I mean) because blizz keeps trying to make single pulling a thing but playerbase just isn’t taking it. It’s been getting worse since SL and now got to a silly level.
I'm glad to see my void mommy making rounds like this, keep pumping kings

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