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dlc's out...
LastSoftware: >>483350824


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
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should've parried the boulder
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i miss the murakumo and the ds3 greatmace. all the eldog equivalents suck
they really think that's the problem for people and not how cringe the enemies are to fight compared to other games or even ER base game
fucking kek
greatmace had the more boring moveset ever
isn't the eldog kirkhammer thing extremely similar
I'm at shad level 16, where do I find more of these things? Phase 2 johnny radahn's gelgoog: high mobility type is filtering me, I just need to pump my numbers a bit more.
>johnny radahn goog
yeah the moveset wasn't great but it was a sexy ass weapon nonetheless. do you mean the giant crusher? i think it's ugly
It is the problem. Once you get enough of these things most of the bosses are trivial just because of the stats.
has anyone done the math on exactly how much damage taken/dealt is changed per skibidi upgrade?
apparently 0.95x/1.05x
Finally done with the DLC.
What is the most fun area to gank people?
Also has anyone found any fun meme builds?
i like thiolliers needle :3
So far, Belurat feels very Dark Souls-esque, I like it. But I'm killing the enemies pretty easily, and I'm finding a lot of 4 and 5 smithing stones. Maybe I'm over-leveled for this area?
been more than a decade and i'm still upset that we didn't get what could've been
dark souls 1 was the ultimate roleplaying game. each next entry was a downgrade in some form, demaster included
where are the covenants? they were so cool in ds1 and their rewards would get stronger if you stayed loyal to them, adding to the roleplay aspect. why can't invaders invade up to max level to make it more risky instead of guaranteed ganks? that would be a good incentive to level up higher instead of twinking. why no OP overleveled darkmoons to punish invaders in their own worlds, wouldn't it feel good for scrubs who got their shit pushed in to return later and start fucking up invaders? why no gravelord equivalent?
those mechanics are what made the game truly feel alive and unique (when they worked), instead of making them more functional they introduced more and more limitations and less and less nuance
hell i'm pretty sure shit like this is completely impossible in ER due to its world and level design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WM4jzbobH0
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Nice tower, I'll be taking it.
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anyone have that image (or series of images?) that includes all the cut/changed content from Dark Souls 3? Wanted to show a friend.
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>cut content from Dark Souls 3
here you go
>why can't invaders invade up to max level to make it more risky instead of guaranteed ganks?
youve never invaded have you
wrong reply
no they just throw around every kind of smithing stone
might be a dead link
i have, in ptde
made a low level character, would sometimes get thrown into the world of a guy 100+ levels higher than mine
i knew what i was getting into, so i never thought it was a bad thing
just like i don't think it's a bad thing to have super overleveled cops beating the shit out of you at your own home with maxed out magadjust darkmoon blade buffs if you've done enough bad shit to other players
these things are both good incentives to be higher level to stand a better chance
but more importantly, it's more immersive because the world is not a fair place
So do you have to summon the NPCs to fulfill their quests?
claymore, my beloved
I was just thinking about that this very minute. Are we in sync? Do you like Dark Souls 2 more than Dark Souls 1?
>Do you like Dark Souls 2 more than Dark Souls 1?
no, but i do love ds2 a great deal. i think it's my second favorite after ds1
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okay i made some bad rp bills... time to make more and try out the new spells
Acceptable, may your claymore serve you well.
objectively correct reply*
no one wants to invade sl302s
wrong reply as in "replied to wrong person"
also the * goes at the beginning of a correction
well nowadays no one wants to be invaded in general aside from gank squads
don't complain when they remove invasions altogether in their next game
although the way things are going i don't even care what their next rpg is like
are there any int fth weapons aside from fucking magic fth weapons or fucking magic/sacred/flameart smithscript... fuck
no I didn't and no it doesn't
>well nowadays no one wants to be invaded in general
yeah those are called shitters
not wanting to invade sl302s doesn't make you a shitter it makes you not a degenerate
rellana's twin swords
finger (really scuffed scaling)
madness weapons kinda
yes it does... go look it up
dont care didnt ask
100 esl points have been deposited into your account
this shit is so fucked lmao... i'll test out the madness fists to see if they're okay on int/fth otherwise im going back to fucking sonaf with smithscript throwing discs as a back up or the black knight greathammie
ran some numbers and while rellanas are better on qual, the damage for int/fth is still solid and i think the weapon art hits a lot harder.
all the madness stuff is evil and the hand wa instaprocs and even the torch procs too fast on the wa
madness perfume rolling sparks does like a trillion damage
yeah i was going to say they're better qual because the physical dmg portion scales better with those two stats... and i'm not big on spamming ashes. I'll just throw it on the build I guess just in case.
>rolling sparks
I'm not too keen on using it to nuke shit desu.

Honestly I wanted my madness bill and int/fth bill to be two different things, but if I can't find anything better I'll have to slap the madness hands on there.
double it and give it to the next guy
madness builds are just faith or faith/arc builds...
quadruple it and give it to the next guy
some youtuber said for every 2 it can translate to a 25% difference in power but im unsure how retarded he is
i decided to use magic smithscript cirques and rellana sworns lol
also t he putrescent spells r cool
pmask be like: yeah that was dogshit... time to do that for another 1000 hours
Coop is so much more fun than 'vading. Spamming spells with your bros as unskilled (bad) red man panic rolls will never get old.
i wonder what swift slash ganks are going to look like
pmask really do be out here sissyphusmaxxing
i love how mike directly attacks my fps with his magic spam...
who tf is mike you talking about me nigga?
mike from elden ring
dark souls is an indie game about depression but made by a big studio if you think about it
ill show you depression of the airways faggot
no that's fear and hunger 1
it's made by some random nigga using rpgmaker tho
that's what indie game means nigga
it's not a big studio THOUGH
radahn 2 blows. wouldn't be the worst if not for that dumb fag miquella spamming six trillion light beams and obscuring my vision
I'm going to ruin my blind playthrough and look up a video how to dodge final boss phase 2 attacks, I'm too brainlet to figure this shit out
Elden Ring's DLC would be better without that shitty scadutree fragment mechanic (boy i sure do love padding)
First phase is kino. Miguel A then proceeds to drop your frames and gives radahn some glitchy looking meme moves. It's Kinogon to shitden beast all over again.
Bro just respec to impenetrable thorns build.
does he have the same tornado attacks as the lions? those dropped my frames to 5
just made the roachbill
scadutri di proscuitto
jee just declared that 150 is the meta for the dlc... it's over.
how is it over you can just go up
because he went over.
hmmm proofs?
>I need a couple more int and faith and I don't want to wear any hats so I need 25 more levels
Even legends fall.
I'm a shitter and never got good at bloodborne, cheevo percent is 3. Accept I'm a shitter or git gud try to hammer my head against it?
if you own a console you will always be a shitter
Didn't think pcfats was still butthurt about the game
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what r u having trouble with in bloodborne? if you can play ds3 and elden ring you can play bb.
This is going to sound bad, BB was the first from souls I ever brought. Got filtered so bad I never touched another. Closest would be Let It Die
please please please please PLEASE buff the poise damage on light greatswords
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So let me get this straight:
The fingers are cosmic parasites that grow by basically consuming people from the inside out, they come from a mother ayylmao who manipulated marika, and the finger moniker stems from people's incapability to comprehend what the fuck they're looking at.

Also the thing's face looks likd the black flame seal because why not.
who cares redditor
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you should try it again some day, maybe you'll like it
i asked i care.
but i also dont know anything about elden ring lore, so /erg/ or /v/ might be a better choice .

no u didn't
*piurs water on u*
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the putrescent knight gayaxe is one of the funniest weapons in the dlc... i liek it
>cragblade on the milady if I want it to do actual poise damage
>can no longer use a weapon art
you dont rly need a weaponart with it
Just finished erdtree and while I liked a couple bosses I just feel no desire to play more elden ring. The older games are just so much better, even on the most basic level like input buffering and delay. ER feels so awful to play sometimes
Why does it feel awful?
>input buffering
More like inputeating fucking loathsome inputeater miyazaki :(
>Why does it feel awful?
I don't like open world or crafting elements or tryhard minmaxing my build. Don't get me wrong it's not like I enjoy playing 10 vig 99 str, but the amount of buffing and optimizing you can do in elden ring is ridiculous and the DLC is clearly tuned around it.

I feel bosses are much less well designed and aren't very intuitive. Which direction you roll, whether to jump or not, what you can parry or block, are all so arbitrary and amount to trial and effort more than anything well defined and based on a set of "rules". Hitboxes in general suck really bad, and like I said before input queuing/delay is the worst of the series by far
>don't like open world
me too desu.
I like the idea of crafting, but I hate actually wandering around to get the stuff I need :\
>dlc tuned around buffing, optimizing
yeah... maybe they're going to patch the game soon and decrease the damage ppl take, cuz it seems to be a pretty common complaint and it makes the game not as fun sometimes.
>boss design
I can't rly make any big judgments about this, but i like them visually at least and I had an okay time fighting most of them. Okay wait, fuck final boss phase 2, absolute dogshit.
>amounts to trial and error
feel like it has been that way since the beginning really, but back then bosses didn't have as many crazy combos.
I thought they were fine? Aside from still not figuring out how to dodge gaius charge lol.
I haven't had a huge issue with it, but I think I got used to it. The game is just dropping inputs a ton for me, which sucks ass.
terra magica yeet hammer...
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serpent flail is kino... actually half decent running r2 cuz of the yemba
more like terra magica whiff hammer lol!!!
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instablees you with crow quills 2.0
it's not the damage that's the problem it's the fact the enemies never stop attacking AND never stop moving, it's so autistic trying to chase them down. I can't imagine how bad it is without having someone take aggro, it's bad enough with only 2 people.
>first boss is a lion
>final boss is a lion
bravo Miyazaki
that acutally makes me so pissed lmao FUCK i hope the blee on the ash gets nerfed so i can have fun with it in pvp and not feel bad when it instableeprocs someone... maybe i should use that cool little dead fly talisman that gives u an immune system so its harder to proc statuses on u again WITH the fuckingg +2 blee horn
fucking stupid ass zaki
Oh yeah the hornsent warriors just don't fucking stop attacking its so fucking funny. I would spam giant hunt on them or go for parries. I didn't enjoy fighting those guys that much. Twinblade black knight is the same ubt you can easily stagger him with a larger weapon. The bosses didn'tr feel as bad but i was using sekiro drink for a lot of them, and I used greatshield for romina which completely trivialized her
This was the real final boss
Gaius, mother finger, hippo, radahn, scadutree, and messmer all have some INSANELY fucked hitboxes off the top of my head. Gaius' charge, finger's spinny slam, hippo's.. everything, radahn's everything in phase 2. Scadutree and messmer have some attacks that feel like they have very large lingering hitboxes that will hit your backside if you dodge or block them. I've blocked some of the snake lunges only to get hit because the hitbox seemingly passed through me only to linger and hit me from behind.

The hitboxes on radahn are just awful all around. I loved phase 1 but phase 2 is one of the worst souls bosses ever
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Hogs HATE Him
this really is the best way to dodge the opening charge. also works really nicely as a gap closer if you don't want him kiting away from you all the time.
the open world aspect was a huge flaw for me. i cannot see myself doing much in the way of replay except beelining for whatever legacy dungeon/boss i want to do again.
i spend more time wandering around the open world trying to find something to do than i do actually doing something, and that is fucking terrible
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why does this combo its own neutral 2h r1's while other colossals don't? it's literally the same visual frame data/moveset as the godslayer sword yet this one casually dicks 80% of your 60 vig if it connects a single hit

somehow still not as dumb as swift slash/midra's but i hate it
>feel like it has been that way since the beginning really, but back then bosses didn't have as many crazy combos.
they generally telegraphed what they were going to be doing in some way. in ER they dance around and delay an overhead and then when it finally comes out after input reading your roll it's not actually a vertical overhead but instead a horizontal flurry meant to rollcatch you and then an auto-tracking poke meant to catch your roll you used to get out of stunlock, and it all happens in under 2 seconds
True combos on bosses is awful
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anyone have good face sliders/resources for ds2? yeah the female character model is built like a fridge, but i always try to make a cute witch if im doing a caster
I was completely stuck on that npc fight after 30+ tries until you guys suggested the fire knight great sword. Quit and came back just now and beat it the first try. The weapon balance in this dlc is truly truly awful.
I miss slow combat and non anime spells. Elden Ring 1v1 pvp is so fucking shit even after the dlc it just got way worse.
the spells baffle me. so many of them are so fucking slow that i can't understand their purpose. yeah it looks cool to conjure a small moon that shoots toward an enemy, but in the time it takes to do so they've already hit you 400 times
what are these spells for
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retvrn brother
retvrn to ranglake
Thoughts? Not the kind of game I'd expect from FROM. They might have to do actual dialogues and shit.
gank squads
They need to properly remaster DS2 already, the potential is there.
i think miyazaki will be exposed for a 0 talent hack if they do that

they clearly just got lucky with lack of technical expertise and jank working to make ds 1-3 good
>have mercy for the spirited away shamans
what did the dev message mean by this? literally just that anime movie guy reference?
i shudder to imagine what new garbage they'd put into it that'd be just as bad for the online aspect as soul memory
if they do, i hope to god they dont use the password system, i am so tired of that shit. you never see any rando signs in ds1 or ds3 anymore because everyone's using passwords, summoning overleveled people from discord help channels or exclusively their friends. i get summoned and find more summons in ds2 just running around; there's small signs in the middle of levels, there's actually a bunch of signs near bonfires or boss doors for once, it's great, it's just like i remember it, it's exactly as it should be. the name engraved ring was fine and shouldve been the extent of it, it's not like there was ever an issue of one guy trying to get summoned by his friend but oh no he keeps getting summoned by a rando, that literally never happened. even if it did, literally just put your sign around a corner 2 feet away
they changed skibidi bonuses
not the problem thoughbeit

making it piss easy to tank every hit doesnt make the bosses more fun unfortunately
the night shield is awful...
the dmg is okay
blocking with a small shield isn't okay
zaki moment
the godslayer gs r1s are faster but they have tier 2 hitstun, they forgot that and gave this moveset tier 3 hitstun thats why
golden arcs kinda bussin
why am I blowing into a bell, dont you ring bells
i was busy with work whent he dlc dropped, are people still playing the dlc?
if i start now can i join others?

also how do i get back into the combat and nuances of the game, i haven't touched it in ages.
Should i just jump straight in or should i just kill random shit to get used to it again?
a lot of people are still at the first area of the dlc because they are like you, normies with jobs
Has anyone grown/been tired of how FS does story in their games? I feel like they do way to much not-telling AND not-showing. You might see something cool and think "what does that mean? how does it fit into the story/lore"/etc, and honestly most of the time the answer tends to be "thats it. thats all we came up with, there isnt anything more" unless you make it up yourself. Or look up schizo videos on youtube. It just feels really lazy and boring, I want to know more, but there isnt any more or not concrete evidence
had a good time with slime today. gn.
the big one is cool.
there's a ton of mobs that r pretty easy to bully in t he dlc if you feel rusty
no it's better this way, there's nothing epic or good about video game stories you should bask in the general coolness of things not get caught up on autistic worldbuilding details
My feelings exactly
Other anon is a shallowminded degen, completely unsalvageable as a human being
i like both
but change isnt bad
just jump straight in, is what I did
invade as you go along to remove the rust from pvp too
there's still a lot of other rusty pvers out there that are good practice
no password
yes, which is why sekiro is their best game
I was invested in the setting and story for base elden ring but the dlc isn't very interesting. Yeah we see where the fingers come from, turns out it's the ground. We find out what the crucible is... it's human sacrifice. We learn why marika was a big meanie, cause of revenge. All this stuff was more interesting when it was left unanswered. The Miquella plotline feels irrelevant once it gets into the resurrection plot tangent. Meanwhile basic questions like "what is the shadow tree, why is there a giant veil, how was this place removed from the lands between" aren't important it's all just there to look cool. Why is there a scorpion rot lady in this specific location? idk we just had the model made already. Everything feels randomly thrown together at the last minute.
I assume 'do not the cat' was one of you
>All this stuff was more interesting when it was left unanswered.
Only because the answer-
>it's all just there to look cool. Why is there a scorpion rot lady in this specific location? idk we just had the model made already.
-is disappointing
where does the dragon babe sleep
in my bed
where does your bed sleep
the floor
>make new invade anywhere ability
>only the invade nearby works
Mike's face reveal
mohg and radahn died for THAT? yuck
A mind-controlling twink, yeah
the only way to not get gank squadded is to put down a duelist sign at a boss gate and surprise people
True. I'm coming around to people calling miyazaki a hack. With base elden ring they did a good job of separating the different cultures and denizens of the world into places that make sense. Depicting their differing views on the world's god, how magic works, what motivates their society. The baseline of the setting cribbing off esoteric gnostic alchemy texts was smart, gave everything an air of a lived in world with rules alien to our own but internally consistent. But now in the DLC you move 30ft in any direction and you're suddenly in a completely different setting with no relation to where you just were and no geographic significance to their placement. It feels like Disneyworld.
How do we feel about the sleep twink?
lmao this nigga alt f4ed when he realized what was happening and almost died
>offhand smith script shield uses the on-hit effects of your mainhand weapon
deathblight bros we are so back
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Why many chinks hate the Blue Bear?
is 125 going to lose its place as a meta level because of the dlc kind of demanding more players to 150/200?
every single chink turns on godmode after their first death on a boss
considering that i never heard of anything other than 150 being for metafags, yes
Elden Ring's open world was a mistake.
This is a given. But do you think Fromsoft has improved upon in with their DLC?
I have't played DLC. Burned out after SL1 run of the main game. From what I've seen and read on 4chan, they haven't improved their open world design, might be even worse now because you need to farm skibidi fragments.
i got banned for spawning in the dragon transformation hearts
the mistake was playing RL1 (what you call SL1)

you burned out and now you think that this means the game is bad. it's just that you ruined it for yourself by forcing such a soulless challenge mode
>100% ar boost and 50% defense at +18 now
>replying to 4 hour old post
shows he cared
retarded zoomer
about my post, not redditor's :)
only retarded zoomers care about le finger lore
lore nuke approach carefully
the tarnished is godwyn
Where's your proof nuke
dont look up what the new Spira incantation does and dont look at the fp cost and dont image fighting a gank using that
good thing ganks are a minority in this game
>invade gank
>waste their time or get spanked
I'm not as strong as sane ryan or jeebananananana
simple as

bros reddit has the same complaints as us, fromsoft got too cocky this time
Just not!finished up, I jotted down my general thoughts over the last week.
I will now dump them unceremoniously and ignore your writhing complaints about the length of it until I wake up tomorrow morning and read all your warm and wholesome responses to my blog kthxbye

General Stuff
>Finished at SL97, still representing /bbg/ meta. About as challenging as I like it, not that hardest self-imposed challenge I've done, but it was fun.
>The basegame is objectively more difficult than the DLC once you have a few Scat Tree Frags (don't know the Scat cap, but I got 17 / 9 by the end blind). I've still got to finish the basegame since I was putting it off in case the DLC added anything in terms of endings, so returning to Farum in prep for Maliketh and just getting 1tapped was a quick reminder of how bad the difficultyspike is for Eldog, yet they haven't done shit to fix it.
>Wanted to beat it with a new DLC weapon, but lo and behold for some stupid fucking reason there were no pure STR weapons that fit my build or style. Why the fuck do the Smithwork weapons have an 11 fucking INT and 11 fucking FTH requirement. As such, stuck it out with the Ol' Reliable Longhaft Greataxe as a change of pace from my basegame Greataxe + Executioners Greataxe, beat the entire DLC with it (only realised half way through I hadn't upgraded it to +25).

>Overall, it felt the same to me as the basegame - 10/10 blind exploration and scenery, then just downhill from there. dog and bone are still superior in terms of gameplay design.
>Took 4-5 total days to finish (took a day off) or about 45 hours, mostly satisfied.
>Did it completely blind, then skimmed a checklist after I felt like I'd done everything. The only boss I genuinely missed after skimming a checklist before the final boss was the Scadutree boss, since I ran past the lever. Figured out a lot of the "puzzles" naturally too, I liked the one where you resurrect the Fire Titan with a Hefty Fire Titan Bomb.
>There should have been Grace markers, especially for the intended route. I found Divine Lion early, then kept on putting him off since he just 1tapped me every time, and I just assumed he was lategame or something. Turns out his fog attack was massively overtuned, and he was unsatisfying after (at least there was the Death Lion in Babylon, he was far more fun, since I didn't kill him in under 10 hits)
>On the other hand, I was punished by missing out on the first part of Ansbach's quest (where he literally asks you to explore for him) since I got into Scadu Plains early via the spiritspring + explored the nearby collapsed ruins to Bonny Village; so ended up with the Charm broken and everyone gone before I'd faced a single boss. On one hand - cool that you can do it (I think Dormina can be your first boss if you try), on the other, bullshit that you're punished for it. Related was my first encounter with the Fire-Serpent spell, for funny context https://streamable.com/d4447w
>Also, how the fuck were you supposed to know to just blindly drink poison from the loliflower 4 times with no feedback whatsoever. Genuine bullshit, I felt cheated out of a questline I did legit to the end otherwise.

>As an epic 2deep4u lorefig I'm mostly satisfied with how everything fits together, a good amount of questions have been answered, but there are definitely areas that should have been more interconnected. Midra's Mense was a case study on this, literally just "we need a Madness area+boss, fuck it, he exists" - it provides 0 context whatsoever, Nanaya is such a non-character that in the loading screens before then, I thought it might have been Marika with Messmer / Melina's father.
>As somebody paying attention, I think everything laid out does make sense, but the amount of remaining loose ends is dissatisfying.
>No new Outer Being + no new Great Runes was a disappointment, but the serpent one getting it's formal name was cool I guess (instead of "rykard's pet snake")
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>I liked Marika's backstory a lot, and the moment I saw the phrase "chosen people" early on + their irish accent, my dogwhistle detector immediately went off and made me hate the Hornsent pre-justification, which was a good call on my end
>I can't figure out who Melina & Messmer's father is. On one hand it's gotta be from Gelmir since the Abyssal Snake OB hangs out there, on the other he can't be nobody, since despite Messmer being a "bastard", he's still Melina's paired older brother, so Marika had to have came (came) crawling back. Since Rykard & Gelmir was all about foreign goods and being a port / trading hub, maybe he's just a foreign boytoy and the place of birth was incidental, but I just don't get it. Not to mention, Melina's mark in the style of the Snow Witch that Ranni's doll was modelled after. Also, it definitely can't be Radagon, since Messmer+Melina are chronologically post-Godfrey, pre-Radagon brood or the second of four lots; since Messmer was hooking up as an adult with Rellana before Renalla was a power player for Radagon (so Radagon would still have been a mortal half-giant slave on the Weeping Isle as this point)
>Personal headcanon that St. Trina was a pre-natal parasitic triplet, that was in the womb with Miquella and Malenia. Don't care if people disagree, I'm right, even if it's subjective, no other demigod has such a literal alter-ego (not even Morgott / Margit or Mogh / True Mogh) and no other "shedding" of Miquella's body is so literal and visibe (ie, you don't see his abandoned arms anywhere). Trina is her own person, she's not Miquella (like an inverse of Radagon being grafted into Marika or how Serrosh is still independant from Godfrey).
>As for the Miquella boss, on one hand, Maleniafags are so genuinely insufferable that I'm glad they got completely and utterly BTFO, cucked, sucked and fucked in every way conceivable (right down to her "epic flowing master" who invented her style seems to be implied trained by a chimpanzee demihuman) - on the other hand it should have been Godwyn, and it feels like a rewrite for popularity / Radahnfags. As a stalwart and based Godrickfag tried and true, I have no bias in this matter (/mylad/'s faction didn't even show up in the DLC, feelsbadman), but my thoughts are those and those alone.
>Still, I hope the Maleniafag sp/erg/s are suffering + on suicide watch right now.

Combat / Bosses
>I really don't like how pre-buffing / summons are basically intended at this point. I tolerated it in Nioh since it was designed for it, but most of my deaths to Bayle were just trying to fucking summon Igon for his quest in the arena, and either touching a bloodstain or getting caught in the message, then getting oneshot. If I didn't have 999 Boiled Crab, this might have been more of an annoyance; since most other consumable buffs have hardlimits on their resources / materials aside from needlessly brutal grinds, and this is dumb as shit + wasn't fixed in the DLC.
>Jump-to-avoid is still a bad mechanic, and I can think of no better example with how Purescant Knight's bluefire-pulses are jump-to-avoid and catch rolls, while Bayle's visually-similar lighthingfire pulses are roll-to-avoid and catch jumps. There's no consistancy, and the TTK is way too short to be fucking around with that shit, since you don't get to "experiment", even before how short some telegraphs are these days. You just die, to the tune that trying to do it first time blind is unreasonable, which I feel is just cheap + bad design.
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>I'm pretty confident in saying that Messmer literally has at least one frame-1 360' AoE screech in his second phase before one of his stupid-speed snake moves, which is completely unreactable and does enough damage to 1shot. Might have missed seeing the windup, but I don't think I did. A boss should have enough time that you can react out of recovery frames, not be punished for aggression. O&S, Manus and Fume Knigger didn't need frame1 damage to be hard, it's just cheap.
>I still genuinely have no clue how you're supposed to kill Fire Titans. Only done the first one in Gravesite Plains, the rest are either immune to toeclipper damage because of their shinpads or they dry me out of Sunny D before I can pass the endurance DPS check and kill them.
>I don't like schizo-speed bosses with bait-attack patterns, but I'll tolerate them; but it's the ones with fucked movement that will not fucking stay still in one place that piss me off. Gaius is genuinely my least favorite boss I have ever had the displeasure to have to deal with, he's too high damage to be a Torrent boss and too schizo to be fun chasing him around everywhere.
>I've said not!finished because while I've reached the final boss's final phase a few times now, but I've stopped trying. Genuinely, I am playing on PS4 and it is the first time in all of my Souls history where the bullshit particle effects are so bad that it's lagging my game to the point my rolls are being delayed input, and I'm getting hit by attacks I'm unable to respond to. It happened quite a bit for Divine Lion + Messmer (https://streamable.com/wfkzgw) , and it's a problem now for Miquella since it's so severe. I don't care if it's too much for the PS4 to handle, to me, this is absofuckinglutely unforgivable, and cements my opinion that Elden Ring has the weakest combat in almost every slike, and definitely out of the From lineup, and is way too reliant on ADHD lightshows to make up for clean fights.
>prebuffing/summons are intended
half the bosses dont even let you summon mimic tear they attack you too fast lmao

but yeah doing these fights without co-op is aids, you basically get 0 time to ever attack if you go in solo
co-op makes the bosses too tanky imo
just your mimic tear is sufficient
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>Back in my day, Artorias was a badass because he was so agile he could do backflips with a greatsword and had pocketsand goop to catch you out, nowadays it's gotten so severe that I'm sat doing fuck all while my game lags as the boss does their designated weebshit move (eg Bayle's phase change). It's not fun. Gaius, Messmer, Bayle and Miquella are all guilty of this in a massive way; and for Gaius and Miquella in particular, it's genuinely unplayable and inexcusable. I will wait for the first patch until I properly try to deal with Miquella, and they better fix this framerate shit. It better be unintended.

(Objectively correct) Remembrance Boss tier list

Commander Gaius, Putrescant Knight
Divine Lion, Messmer, Scadutree
Rellana, Metyr, Bayle, Miquella
Midra (may be biased, since his Madness PROC=You're Fucked gimmick was nothing new to me, since I was so underlevelled, everything fucked me up with ease, so he was just "as intended" desu)

>Did some random summons, shitters gonna shit, in awe at how many just sat in a corner while I wailed on the bastards, saw a John Eldensouls tried to kill a Deathrite with the Pure-Poison Perfume, stopped bothering with helping others shortly after
> Will be on from tomorrow onward, will be happy to help out other Anons on PS4 (/ PS5?)
>Honestly would rather just play some bone chalices spelunks
>Like and subscribe, and don't forget to leave a comment, really helps me in the algorithm
I will most likely revert back to being a lurker that only posts like once a week now, thank you all for reading + subsequently disputing anything you disagree with.

forgot to link OP for shameless attentionseeking
depends on what weapon youre using for mimic honestly, which is another reason this dlc sucks

if you arent using a good weapon youre making the bosses like 10x harder even with mimic
>it's the ones with fucked movement that will not fucking stay still in one place that piss me off.
Rot boss?
I was using greatsword for the longest part of the dlc and the amount of times i would do a jump attack and between me leaving the ground and my attack connecting the boss would just be halfway across the arena is insane, rot boss was particularly bad since at one point i got dragged to the other side of the arena because of character collisions without even taking damage so my giant hunt that i was committing to just ended up going in the completely opposite direction of the boss
Unironically turned my strength build into an arcane bleed build after a while because the inflated hp also
good mini essay
Adding to this whiever the homopederast who made it so the summon inside the boss arena defaults to no when every other defaults to yes should be strung up by his balls with hooks
years of summoning my dead phantoms as a gank squad host has prepared me for this moment

it's my time to shine and summon under duress... i got this
>people who think the dlc bosses are badly designed are redditors
who would have thought
>dlc out a week
>0 clubs
ce isnt fully up to date yet so i cant make new bills
it got updated in 2 hours thogu
forgot her, she's in the shit tier too. butterfly nuke also nuked my frames

extremely forgettable even despite being the Quelaag / Najka of the game
BAD/10, might be SHIT but I roflstomped her because my stancebreak build seemed to bully her out of her enhanced form (twice it happened that she couldn't do her faggot weebshit *snap* to detonate the butterflies, because I just smashed her in the face with a cragblade greataxe jump + charged attack + stancebreak physik + axe talisman), and I didn't deal with the scarlet rot ticking away because I just died the moment it applied because underlevelled. Do remember one funny bit where I got caught on one side of her and she flung me halfway across the arena for 0 damage just as she moved around with me caught on her without being in a hurtbox state.
Bloodfiends arm
H2 downpatch?
Although I don’t use the skibi stat cheat, I still feel like they changed some stuff as well without mentioning, Idon’t want to play on baby mode
>missed another random hole in the terrain that lead to an area that i was wondering about for hours
yep that is the entire dlc in a nutshell
Hiding an entire area of the dlc (the worst one) behind a fucking hidden wall and down a ladder that was barely visible is probably the shittiest design decision
skill issue
thankfully I have to the skill to look up guides when I fail to find a way after 30 mins
>Type 1
>No Spells + No FP
>Using an offhand torch to light an area up for exploration purposes instead of a shield
>No head armor + minimal chest armor
>Ash of War is just a simple buff
>About 100 levels under intended
Devastatingly based.
intelligence build skill expression.
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>no good music
shit suckx that overworlds have the best music in eldung
use spreadsheet
soooo proud of you xister one day you will look like your toon!!!!!
die, type b rat
new ymfah kino (ds2)
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just posted some quality bait i saved from a while back in eldog gen
already got 4 yous
lets see how it develops
erg is just v right now lol
So /fsdsacg/ did I beated the gayme?
This is the first time I ever re-specced for a boss in one of these games. The first phase is fun but the second phase is absolutely disgusting, unironically what were they thinking? And all on top of robbing us of Godwyn and resurrecting Fagdahn out of nowhere. I loved this DLC up to this point. And you can bet I'm not putting my summoning sign next to this shit, no thank you.
no. should've just learned how to parry him through the beam spam.
i told u guys godwyn and geq were londor tiers of nothingbaga
just wait until the second elden ring dlc where they let you beat the shit out of miquella after he falls off of radahn's dead back to access the new death dimension. also the final boss will just be malenia again.
die, type b rat
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real nuthinpersonnelburger was snow witch
shame we got a confirmed design on the dragon-women instead (and it's some ugly tengu lookinass instead of coomcanon)

eldog slurm is a slurm
even in a dream
>expecting coomcanon
Bruh lol
>le dragons look like... dragons? not my porn addiction fantasy? NOOOOOO
the design we got is coom worthy
why would dragons have huge fat tits anyways when they're big fire lizards and not mammals
Did you beat the Blue Smelter Demon?
No, I think I won. This is also the first point in the game where I used the deflect tear. I feel like they wanted to put in a way to make blocking relevant and add a new defensive option that can be used by anyone but it really is broken on great shield. I didn't time any blocks, I just spammed L1 any time he was attacking and it would perfect block most of it while what wasn't was absorbed well enough by the GS which was convenient considering I couldn't even roll anyway.
I'll probably try to beat it for real some time on my other builds but I just wanted to get it over with for now.
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Tried to wrong warp to Mountaintop and got this, is there another place to do it that works on PC?
just unlock the grace with cheat engine
I didn't pirate the game, so no.
just turn easy anticheat off to use cheat engine offline. it's a very fast and easy process.
meant for >>483561402
jee did rellanna in 2 tries but he did use bleed and poison, did he beat the game or not
Can you kill yourself
my message wasn't meant for him tho
wtf... what is your problem sis
meant for >>483562346
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women only exist to serve the male gaze
rya got the right idea
i'm type a and proud
tits are nice to look at (and can sell a game by themselveS)
uh get away from me straggot
*oils up and tackles you*
>new radahn armor
>it's worse than the one in the base game
what the fuck were they thinking with this? it just gets more insulting
I'm convinced that they wanted to prevent invaders from getting all the new dlc items and raping clueless hosts during the first few weeks so they intentionally gimped everything to be shit. And then stuff like swift slash and rolling sparks fell through the cracks. There's just no other explanation for the insanely retarded balancing decisions.
the lack of mold makes it weaker
L2 L2 L2 R2
:D gadunk gadunk gadunk
>jee vids getting 5 digit views
is the player character
st trina
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Thoughts on Bullgoatse 2.0
i like it
is black lapp the new bullgoatse or that ds2 set
moore's set is the new goat because it's just better
it has worse strike defense but better slash and robustness, I guess thats better yeah because no one uses (great)hammers
Me again, bought Agheel's Flame and used that to get around the barrier, took the elevator, and nabbed the Forbidden Lands grace.
Wish I knew about that workaround 2 years ago when I got stuck in Leyndell.
better magic too
shut the up
stone club is meta though...
but it's better because it looks better and is more poise efficient
>get invaded
>swift slash spam
can't fucking play without being on linux
The Anvil Hammer WA having lingering hitboxes is neat
verdigris set is also a bit lighter for the same poise
But most importantly, it doesn't look like shit
the anvil hammer wa being an eruption reskin is super awesome and worth the $40 and 2 years
enjoy your tree sentinels an falling star beasts
unfinished shit
what were they doing for 2 years? armored core and what else? the blood borne remake?
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they're working on kino
>game updated as soon as I started steam
It's so fucking over I didn't beat the dlc...
Hurry up before they patch Radahn (what fucking year is it?) and Gaius. Otherwise you will never really beat it.
you might still be able to beat it depending on your build, post it
>catalyst weapon sucks dick
that gay rapier? its such a boring weapon
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Say something nice about Dark Souls 2
umm..... the ruined sentinel ost was neat I guess
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it has a very good lock-on system
It's DLC was better than Elden Shit
blapp (black lapp) doesn't get 133 poise, but moore's does. black lappa makes for a good fire prelate sidegrade tho, and has notable holy resist.
So I'm currently playing demons remake and I was unaware of the fact that dying on human form affects tendency if I just died like 1-2 times did I fucked some quests or event of pure white? Or can I still get it later and comeback for the event
you'll be fine. just kill yourself in the nexus after every boss to avoid that in the future.
is there any weapon setup that can only not stun 133
>>Finished at SL97
Proof or it didn't happen
Big if true

It is DLC was better than Eldog Slurm
>tfw you realize Midra is easy
i don't even have to worry about the phase 2 nuke, as the swarm of flies spell stuns him out of it
nah, even a dagger r2 will always stun. 133 poise now lets you tank ps small weapon l1s and small crouch attacks tho.
The tree fragments are a bad mechanic that murders the replay-ablity of the DLC, as if that wasn't enough of a problem for base Elden Ring.
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I like the tree fragments
Can you buff the throwing daggie?
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Thank you Fromsoft
I'm assuming the ore UGS scales the best with Str but the wa scales with Arcane
please understand putting buff effects on projectiles is too hard
kek theres a glitch that gives you permanent +13 vigor for free and stays after death
raughs in ruin sentinel shield
>Invade with nights maiden mist
>Grief gankers the whole way
>buff last line of defense
>sever finger out when last help dies

Kek also I block if 2 or more faggots just want to stunlock with projectiles
>fire knight weapons don't lose fth scaling when magic infused
>D at base
Be honest gents, do you think there is any chance we will get a remake of DS1 with all the missing content in the second half? Or is a BB 60fps patch (or PC port) more likely?
its in the jeecord
prease just screenshottu and postu hereu
we have /erg/ and /v/ redditors here who will report the glitch
I'd be fine with the Scadu fragments if increased resistance was not packaged with increased damage. More survivability against one shot kills would be great, but I like the amount of damage I'm doing, it is enough. I enjoy fighting the bosses and do not want the fights to be over quickly. If I wanted more damage I could start using buffs.
Well are you going to share with the class?
I like fighting armored guys with big weapons. Sir Alonne had the best music of any boss in the series, one of the best arenas too.
not sharing with your fellow jee's is reddit behavior, Godnine will make a video on it anyways
jee this, jee that, where did all the saint rioters go
to hell, with the rest of the jeewtube invadoids
both ecelebs are ringworms
I can't watch him until I beat the dlc
the era of grand merchant and ce
true, all the new ''limited'' strong consumables just scream CE
Elden Ring, and especially the DLC, has made it's boss fights functionally more like normal enemies. In previous games a boss would do comparable damage to stronger normal enemies like knights, but have have many times greater hp. Now players have the means to burst bosses down very quickly, but the amount of damage bosses deal has dramatically increased. So when a player levels up accordingly or otherwise improves ther character it results in a boss which can kill quickly if the player makes a few mistakes but dies very quickly to the players attacks.
Wait till you see the AOW selection on perfume bottles.
We're stuck with Jeenis until Sane comes back
Damn the early scadu buff is huge. I went from 24% physical damage negation to 31% with just one level. Fromsoft really decided to pander to the explorelet casuals who just rushes the main path.
fuck no dude
time to munch of golden vows and lightning geese 2.0 and crab and starlight sharts
Did they update the cheat engine table for Elden Ring?
Use the spreadsheet with the latest table.
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this shit is unusable
why 1h???
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Did you guys hear something
'pa honey.... dont r1 into hyperarmor...
I like to be able to use a shield

that was an r2
Triple split damage might as well just fucking die
he doesnt like to whiffpunish tho so he has no choice but to trade against gugah
*double chips your shield*
with r1 i meant attack in general
I could win that trade with any other weapon because timing the rollcatch is easy but with a milady it's impossible to win that trade because the poise damage (which is shit) is split between two hits and the first one doesn't deal enough poise damage to break him out of the animation before the hyperarmor starts
stupid fucking game
saint is seething over ds2 now
Nobody is using a shield fuck u
Also dude i made the roach buuld its so awful… quality shrieking roach with twinbuh shiel, both branches, roach armor, dueling shit uninfused greatshit talisman… its gonna be so bad
Are you using the skeleton armor?
Buff it with Scholar's shield
Thanks, I'm gonna post webms of the stuff I want to do.
why lol
make him attack first :)
he's mad that the boss twin blades are a int/fth paired weapon lmao
Im using shiel geese and drawstring lightning geese if that wears off
why lmao… they’re magic and fire WHY WOULDNT THEY BE FUCKING INT FTH he should be angry that they’re fucking STRDEXINTFTH DANCER GARBO ALL OVER AGAIN
lgs 1h r2 comes out as fast as a dagger and 'pa wants to buff it :/
Changing all of my builds to green jarfat hyperarmor monsters because i got killed by an lgs chink one time in arena
He wants two epic carian knight sworns
should've roll bsed
the problem is that lgs have 0 options for poise damage
unless I'm reading the frame data incorrectly a 1h dagger r2 comes out faster than the lgs r2 AND deals more poise damage (in one hit instead of 2)
tard ryan
i hope his dog never stops barking
>110 crit
>slightly longer
>worse damage and sleep build up
New trina is dogged
Sworn dans stick is BANNED
i use it with offhand thiolliers needle for epic mixups and the offhand needle weaponart overrides the swords weaponart so u can sleep someone and then explode their aorta with the needle sleep stab
i have an epic webm of raping the shit out of this 2nagi chinaman with itthat i will never bake

it didnt happen
just make the fucking webm
I NYEED entertainment
>offhand thiolliers
Isn't that the shortest weapon in the game lol
Interesting levels? Sorry best I can do is put 5 black silhouette hollows in every single dungeon around every corner. Sometimes we can put a knight too I guess. Oh and one black silhouette guy will wait around a corner, grab attack ready
and yet you bought the dlc..... CURIOUS!!!
I like how the smith dagger will never stun people...
*grab attacks you because you didnt tilt your camera around the corner first*
>Doesn't wake people up from sleep procs
Vgh...jungle mage is back
*rolls on reaction because im not a senile grandpa with slow reflexes*
is it just the grafted gs glitch but with the new vigor buff consumbales
they actually put a cap on a few of the consumables. the new dragon blessing and the scorpion stew can't be put into storage, for example.
this just means I'll have to cheat em in periodically
what a pain in the ass
are crucible wings any good in pvp?
let me guess...
it seems absolutely useless and the winblade spin does 0 poise damage
>is an ash that takes 3 seconds to come out good in pvp
are the new fire ashes any good or are they just buff buttons
the skewer is jeehunt but better
they are the only non-broken good ones
>flame spear can go on daggers
is flame spear just impaling strike but better?
there is no ash called impaling strike
yeah, but int bills still get impaling thrust
Updating my filters for this e celeb obessed faggot
get lost, newfag
>Skewer L2 R2 -> twinblade r1 is true
It's over
saneryan and jeebananananers has been thread culture for years by now
it's pathetic, true, but it used to keep the thread alive
respect the traditions newnigga
please stay we need more of you

Die, pest
Go to /erg/
crazy how faith gets 5 new innate faith-scaling infusable weapons that get bonus scaling from being infused with sacred or flame art
and all that int gets is a single dueling shield
go back to /tf2g/
Int gets slicer.
yeah time to respec my int build into faith methinks
I wasn't using magic anyway, was just fucking about with the darkmoon gs troonyveil and carian knight sword
base game had enough int shit
your ass did NOT know about that factoid until a few days ago, 91
meant for >>483606291
wrong 91, moron
meant for >>483607231
reply properly and it wouldn't be an issue
not my fault that you're too dumb to piece things together
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I still can't believe FromSoft directly ripped the moveset of the fat bastards from Sekiro to put on these giganiggas. it's like they did everything but outright scream to the player "engage with the Sekiro hardtear you FUCKS"
They're lazy faggots after all
damn i wasn't even posting and someone brought me up
typical though really
the deflecting hardtear is incredibly brainless
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fresh sloppa
is the reflect window generous or punishing, i havent tried it yet
is this the weapon the belurat invader uses?
That's his ash of war
that's sick. first time I saw the dude I immediately knew it was something I wanted. same with the blackgoal knight sword. that thing seems like an ideal rollcatcher
1 piece Rakshasa seems kinda good
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why not
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yeah they could be a new thorn gloves desu cause they still give fair poise/wgt

this goofy look gives you 109 with a hat and gloves bonus
The red hood has come to eat us...
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miyazaki gave me some new hoods
I deduce that this is a str build that hardswappas the +5 faith ammy
cuz jee said so
you got me there
is the follow-up true?

faggot clowns
>DLC adds dex/arc weapon with innate rot buildup
>It's complete trash and will never inflict anything with rot
get new material shitmask
i bet pmask burst into tears when he saw the stats of black iron and verdigris armor
why not, all rot weapons other than antspur are already pointless by drawstring rot grease existing
the rot kick explosion weapon art seems good
hmm... young lion helm seems pretty good for a 10 poise hat option. better stats than duelist helm for only 0.2 more weight.
Is he even done with the dlc?
yeah lmao
cry about it
ev&oe you're the one who's having a meltie over armor
also you're brown...
but if i wanted to play sekiro i'd play sekiro

the beauty of dark soul was not having to learn any mechanics and just roll when the big enemy attacks you

now not only do you need an optimized build you need to use buffs and swap out tears and flasks and talismans to have a chance at damaging the bosses, it just feels antithetical to what dark souls used to be. I enjoyed the simplicity and just gitting gud, now it's like I'm trying to solve a puzzle. Ofc older dark souls had ways to make a boss easier, but it didnt feel nearly as necessary as it does now.
maybe he's italian
so...how much str/dex do Occult builds want now?
the dlc didn't really change too much. 35 str if you wanna 1h the meteoric ore gs i guess. dex is less important now that spinslash & 'kibas and nagis are worse.
the hec is coomcanon
headcanon but for gooners
>still need 22 dex for rotberd
which ds2 set
just run prosthesis for rotberd. you'll be running offaxe (or dag) anyways so it won't be wasted.
prosthesis isnt jee-approved anymore
ah sweet
Arc won the comfy competition
jeenanner doesn't even run halberd setups
Because Tanimura (based god) didn't allow Miyazaki's (memehackzaki) filthy hands to touch DS2, it's the only souls game without another god awful lazy poison swamp
ud be surprised how many ppl get hit with the offhand punych after u slap them with the dogshit straight sword
Also god i cant believe they just made it a shitty straightsword FUCK

Is 11/11 worth it on Arc
11/11 what
if he doesnt run it then that says something about the setup innit
11 int and fth for throwing weapons
any reason to use wing stance over impaling thrust
DS2 doesnt have any paired twinblades
but the multi-hit great hammer...
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so here is the miyazaki cocksuckers gathering spot? absolute brainrot retards, imagine having a fromsoft general, what a joke.
miyazaki won
/v/eddit lost
maybe i was overscatted but mithra felt like a dogthree boss(in a good way)
ESL detected
statement ignored
Do you think FROM will reveal their next game this year?
this is so funny. even with that 20% you are going to die in 2 hits.
Best ER pvp content on youtube?
it doesn't exist
JeeNiNe Media™©
who the fuck is jeenine? my favorite eceleb is ippiki
walahi he is blind...
ippiki9 posting has got to stop
Nobody here is even old enough to remember ippiki nor sen
that was like only over a decade ago im sure someone rembers
I could only beat this game because of this tali
Not true, fully stacked with other talis, buffs, physick, and scrapple frags you can eat a lot of damage even from radahn. It let's you lion's claw cheese through bullshit like commander gay ass.
how come poopmask is the only one posting webbums as of late
The bobr kurwa funny albanauric guy.
because he's the best quality poster among the pile of shit-tier losers that inhabit this place, which isn't saying much
he has posted 0 webms of throwing a hefty fetid pot
I haven't fucking found the cookbook yet give me some damn time I'm playing the dlc at my own pace
disgusting slop
what kind of pie is this, looks tasty
where the FUCK is my cat communion
You've never seen jello?
no, I'm not american
Deadly poison smithscript pie +25 fixed ash of war: rolling shit
I got tired of converting I just post my mp4s on discord
it takes a few seconds with a decent cpu bro
if you know your way around ffmpeg you can batch convert a bunch too
but that's not true
whomst has also posted peeveepee webbums then?
>moving goalposts
concession accepted
the l1gion
webmforveryveryverylazy… ill bake some dogshit arena webms tonight and post them on the ‘cord
this is dsg, the peeveepee general however? the peeveepee was implied in the op
quote the last non-'pa pvp 'ebm i dare you
theregs have posted pve webms which means it's a pve general
What helm is arc rockin'
making a 70 hr long pve yt video in webm format no audio rn
they're unironically mine from last thread
if I had time to play I would've made more and posted more but I got hated on for my outdated fa
post them here ):<
I’m stuck in traffic maybe when i get home
thiollier's hat seems good
What about the FaP helm tho
arc builds can afford plenty of endurance, so the fapper isn't super important.
uhm you guys know stat helms aren't allowed by our allah anymore
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I uhhhhhh uhhh
post an elden ring dlc webm
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>everyone hated spirit summons
>dung ahead in front of every great ghost glovewort
>Double down on them in the dlc
>Also weapons and spells are gated behind using an npc summon during a boss teehee
Who did theybmake this for? Vtubers? I don't want to ruin my boss battle that I cannot re do in a playthrough with some baby shit.
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feels wrong using vagabond for arc
moldy and reposted
Does no one in this general play the games?
im not recording my pveing lol that would be fucking lame
too busy fighting fraudahn
ill record some pve instead of working on ‘shit3 tonigh
>the divine beast at Rauh that summons basilisk adds
ebin, simply fucking ebin.
i shot that guy to death
but he summons extra cursefrogs on you if you are above him
'cord fc soon?
ill join if i get home soon
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bone fist gods we are so back
Has anyone tried the fruity mace
That moveset looks god awful and the ash looks bad too
i'll play the game when the ce table is updated with qol i hate doing manual id work
does anyone have a list of things to do before entering messmers boss room and exterminating him?
I'm exploring the entire map before I beat him because I have a feeling that I'll screw up if I don't.
This forced horse riding is taking hours.
>always liked greadshield builds in DaS1 and 2 but didn't care for it in 3 and ER.
>SotE reminds me how much fun it is to tank and counter instead of just rolling.
>New physic makes blocking even better, no rolling required
Heavy chads, we fucking won
The only two events that fuck with quests are getting close to his castle (Miq shatters his rune) and burning a certain tree. Beating Messmer alone doesn't break anything
just got summoned as a red on accident again and wiped them with the bugged perfumes

thank god nobody is using the ghost rings
what weapon should I level up? Got Bloodhound's Fang +10, but think i need a strike or standard weapon too. Prelate's Lightning Inferno Crozier looks best from a raw numbers perspective, but its a bit too heavy

Dex 51
Str 31
int 8
faith 9
arcane 20
Star fists
anything but star fists
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dlc questlines are peak garbage
why'd you post an image of the only cool quest then
I HATED the ending of it
people actually care about plot and story in this game?

its been garbled, incomprehensible nonsense since the beginning.
why doesnt melina show up if i didnt use her to burn the tree
>replaying DS1 after Elden Ring
>get 30 vit
>feel like I have plenty of HP and room for error
God I missed this...
Finally beat that piece of shit final boss, god p2 is so obnoxious. I resorted to using the parry tear, but at least I beat it with my golden halberd.
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>Somewhere, a great rune has broken...
>And so has a powerful charm.
Fuck. How much did I just lock myself out of? And what are the priorities to avoid making it any worse?
they wanted to cut this character from the base game
Nothing, it opens up quests.
Wait a bit before killing the snake dude
I swear they wanted you to use that tear for the boss, it makes it so much more manageable. It's actually pretty kino to block face bosses head-on instead of always rolling. Maybe the next sekiroborne will implement both a bit more carefully, it's inclusion in sote feels like a test for later games.
>replaying ds3
>running out of flasks during long fights (im shit)
>tense near-death moments instead of being insta killed from full health with 8 flasks remaining.
I'ts a good feeling.
I couldn't see shit with the constant aoe bullshit covering the screen, so it felt kind cheap just spamming the block button half the time. But whatever, it was still without summons/status.
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i wish garden of eyes would go die or something
Which Dark Souls should I replay?
Who's starting the FC?
armored core 6
won't even reach 3/4
hust got home let me shit shower and feed cat
Armored Core Last Raven
damn you live with neko? that's freaking epic
miquella's grab animation is the longest, most awful thing ever put me the fuck down
retarded twink keeps talking to me HELP
Okie doke
Just finished a replay of 4 after I finished a replay of Lost Kingdoms
An employee at From once jokingly said that the strongest lore characters are the players and the various player type npcs we summon throughout our journey.

Could the Dung Eater take on the Elden Beast if given enough runes?
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rest in piss, homo....
he gives you a cool emote tho
You also get it after killing him
I once beat all of ds1 as Iron Tarkus :>
This does piss-all damage, but at least it's fun to use.
fucked up how they made a better rancor with frostbite
insane wdc webm
The new sl30 rkpugs
this is the average non poopa webm

stop summoning me !
when's the clubba
it's up just put your non PW sign at mesmer
no... arena club
4 dudes
pass /dsg/
any arena
the same guy summoned me so i had pity and severed
be there in a minute
>there are “people” who sit in limegrave with a summon AND blueberry talisman waiting for reds to invade just to kill them 1v3
for what fucking purpose? all you get is orange finger curl or whatever the fuck they are called
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to annoy you
2/4 club
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what stats do i need to powerstance the vanagarian sword and broadsword?
21 str, 12 dex?
the reqs for the vana are 14 str 6 dex and the reqs for the broad are 11 str 6 dex
they think only winning is fun and the best way to optimize winning is to gank
3/4 clubba
1.5x the highest requirement for each stat
each physical stat*
the * goes at the beginning
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>Honestly the boss design in this game is an absolute sick fucking joke.
>I finally understand why the bosses feel so goddam awful and just plain bad. Here what I found out:
>For some stupid reason, the input delay in Elden Ring is absolutely horrendous. Seriously, go play dark souls 3 and sekiro and see for yourself there is almost no input delay between you pressing a button and the game character performing said action. Bloodborne has horrible input delay as well. I don't if this is intentional or a bug. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole game is buggy as hell.
>Another thing I fount out is that awful delayed attacks are literally unreactable for these reasons:
>1. Unnatural long wind up and lighting fast delivery. One boss can and will delay their attack for ages and then release said attack in a matter of few frames. go try it yourself. These attacks are literally design to be unreactable. You cannot escape them, you can only memorize the wind up length and react before the boss even prepares to release their attack.
>2. The bosses AI will go absolutely insane if you even dare to heal. The boss will stuntlock you into a state where anytime you heal you will get punished with an unreactable attack. If you dare to run away as far as possible the boss will chase and get within breathing distance to instantly punish you if you heal. I've literally ran out of stamina multiple times because the boss wouldn't let me run away and heal. Not to mention that sometimes the boss will throw a range attack (that is unreactable btw) to punish your heal from range.
>3. Stun locks: The DLC is especially bad at this. There are certain attacks that will stun lock you to death without no counter play.
>There is also the fact that AOE spam is another way for this game to artificially increase the difficulty of its bosses. Not only that, these will also tank your fps and obscure your field of vison to the point it is quite impossible to find out what's going on in your screen.
So was Marika just some nobody living in the shaman village? From what I can tell, some cosmic horror landed nearby and she worked with them to become a god and either create or move to the lands between and create a new order where they worship the cosmic horror. Actually everything is cosmic horrors now that I think about it. All the other deities are described as outer gods. So formless mother, frenzied flame, dark moon and whatever else are all just competing with the greater will or whatever the shit that sent the fingers is.
We're just pawns in their game, man.
Weird, it's fine for me.
game bugged i have to restart sigh
>loading up BB after 4k Elden Ring at 60fps
God damn my eyes, not even just the framerate but the aliasing is so bad.
we have 5 i think
then explain the 3/4 rn...
Even with the nerfs, is Blasphemous Blade still the most powerful pre-DLC weapon?
we have 2 lobbies
we had the 3/4 and 2/4 bug
all alone in the 1/4..
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Call me a contrarian but this was one of the most kino fights in the entire game
fingerprint shield clears
nah i love that guy too.
The arena ruins it, its just the Midir one.
light gs is so weak to poise...
it's a very cool and unique boss
>boss does an attack
>swing is followed by an aoe
holy fuck thats so cool, I hope they use that in pretty much every other boss this dlc
is ptde still somewhat alive with the online mod or nah
I think the comparison to the midir arena is exaggerated I bet most players who have played ds3 wouldn't recognise it at all.
I'm not Asmon.
only if u have friends ond iscord
I killed him in 5 hits because i happend to be using a paladinmaxxed build with a colossal that has the sacred order ash on it
He's cool. Just a goofy coffin slime that fell for a femboy and turned into knight because of it. I'm more curious about what the fuck those coffins are though and where they came from.
anon they are clearly boats
that ultra has true r1 r1 btw
Game calls them coffins. I guess question still stands though. Where did they come from? What was in them before it was all just slimes?
he is weak to holy?
steam deck crashes at cerulean coast at 1080p

have to play at a lower resolution to not crash.

didn't have these issues in the base game
linux moment
i wonder if ghammers have faster r1s than gkat...
Where's my infusion
stop playing on a steam deck
How the hell did Mohg get such a loyal knight? Sir Ansbach is such a bro in this. Even when you tell him you killed Mohg, he's just like "oh well, it was a fair fight. Now lets go kill that femboy". I really liked the NPCs in this one in general. Having a big fight with them at the end and it changing depending on your actions was a really cool moment. Only wish Igon could have been there as well.
of course man he's a skeleton
holy + blunt + sacred order anything will rape him
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>See a ladder I missed
>Go down it
>Room with an illusory wall
>Get in a coffin
>Keep exploring further down
>Catacomb opens up to a spooky forest
>This message is on the ground
Gameplay wise, I wasn't a fan of the area, but in terms of atmosphere and theme it was great. Great boss as well.
are there mods to make the demaster not a demaster
in the unlikely scenario that i decide to give money to these fucks for the same game again after they shut down the first one
that WA is so retarded
shitnet godcounter
except i bet it works both ways around and you can get scooped out of spacetime and dragged straight to brazil
fromsoftserve is working on his own lighting/texture mod sort of thing
you can find the ptde particle effects on twitter if you just google it
aside from that idk
funni fc moment
why is the midir arena copypasted into eldog but with some vape smog and flowers
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yump it
why dont i want to invade or play the game even. the final dark souls dlc of all time…
it's 30 frames, almost if not the exact same as the Sekiro parry
My paired l1 should poisebreak > :(
fuck the ss nerf
game shit itself and internet also crapped itself
ggs everyone
grass use the serpent flail its funni lmao
Man I forgot how bad generals are. It's either greentext essays or incomprehensible ESL skitzobabble.
i have not the stats for snakeflail
the loathsome fc killer
What they broke straight sword
erm make a bill for it.. its bootleg boomhammer and the placebo explosion makes running r2 easier to land
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what were they thinking
the 'scent cleaver looks kinda fun
it actually has good scaling for a standard arc build too
Do 1h greataxes get anything tho
not really...
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24/22 remains undefeated
Do any of the colossal weps in this dlc have a cool moveset or is it just the standard on all of them?
gazing finger r2 and the uhhhhh bloodfiend r2
i bumoed it up to 28/18 in light of the powerstance nerfs
the finger gets a unique r2
the fiend arm gets a bloodsplosion greatclub r2
sunflower just has a standard greatclub r2
I guess this is JeeJees for now
jeejees... since i finally beat this dogass dlc, i can get to do buildcrafting time
you still need 22 for rotberd btw
i have prosthesis for when i want to use that dogged halberd
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its funni *breaks back towards you*
they're mostly just sad
isn't the finger r2 just a fucking overhead pickaxe slam or something
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it's like the pickaxe r2 but the animation is funny and it has better hyperarmor
greatclub r2 but you kneel for the 2nd r2 lol
Igotta say man I liked fire giants the first two or three times but by the time I'm fighting the 8th I just think holy shit, how fucking boring is it to keep hitting this niggers legs for 6 staggers total while dodging all his attacks by just fucking jumping? No ledge to throw shit into his gullet in from either. Just tedium
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need to figure out how to play into shieldspear
it's fun to play with though
wtf lol
uhhh u just poke ppl with it and trade
no play into it
as in play against it because it doesn't take much stamina damage it's slow to rotate but on lat that doesn't matter...
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dog inside
dead open
grape flavor...
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hollow infusion when
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hollow? whats that
that's because it takes the two sworns into account for 2h damage
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What a shame
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This boss took me over an hour.
recent players isnt working for me on steam
never mind i finger severed so much they chased me down and i ended up seeing they had perfume equipped, switched to mine, and killed them first

eat shit ganktards
what website is this
why... that's not even good blee buildup and the throwing hammie is gonna do like 100 damage
thanks king
>134 isn't good
multi-shit r2
no that's the same as every other bleer ghammie... and the r2 is dog. you WILL use great stars instead.
You can't throw the other GHs tho
jesus fucking christ why do these vanagarians keep dropping literally everything but their sword
no i do not need 12 dozen pairs of cuffs and shields
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imagine this damage but like half because it's occult
I hope there's another dlc
>all i had to do was complain about it for it to drop
fuck you too miyazaki
Occult damage is fine
Smithy weapons do the best one magic/sacred anyways...
occult damage is very much not fine.
nyo proof
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your so fucking dumb dude
serpent flail explodes on paired attacks btw
paired is ass tho......
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So. which stat should i focus if i want to play the marais executioner sword? im at lvl 220
please friend... i need help...
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>cheesing the bird to level up new character
>get 66k from one of the times
>im lvl220
go to /erg/
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I spent like half a fucking day grinding for this goddamn thing. Luckily I had like 7 Sanctum Crossbows for uhhh reasons so I could just shoot the fucker to death with orbs every time.
str arc
So how do I access the DLC?
kill radahn and mohg and then rest at mohg's grace and there should be an npc in front of the cocoon
you know they stopped caring when there is no cinematic for entering the dlc, just a black screen transition like a fucking waygate
I must admit I was dissapointed, not even a lazy "tarnished vanishes in a puff of smoke and reappears elsewhere" effect.
Wish I could take advantage of stuff like the sanctum xbow, but I can't ever be bothered using consumables in ds2 because buying them increases my SM and farming them from enemies only drops like 3 at a time at most
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What aow should I put on this thing? I'm thinking Stamp Sweep because it just looks right
Farming the drakekeeper set was my least favorite thing I ever did in all dark souls
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She called it.
called what
video games
dunking on newbies with powerstanced +9 lightning infused swords in the belfry feels wrong, but i need them chunks
>tfw loading a save from 5 years ago and trying to remember what exactly I was doing
wing stance is so shit
its a pve aow
So was there any reason for Miquella to be a boy? He has a girl's name, looks like a girl, likes men, etc. It's a shame it's okay for him to be a bussy but niggers on twitter would be calling for Miyazaki's head on a pike if he made Miquella a cunny instead.
why do you care what anyone on twitter thinks?
it probably had golden eyes that one time
Sorry if you misunderstood, it was just an example.
I don't think Japs would care but westoids would cry if miq was a cunny goddess.
>inappropriate activity detected
Huh? I didn't do shit.
Is this what the chinks were review bombing about?
oh it seems I just got the Lordvessel. this is actually a pretty natural starting off point. nice.
chinese people review bombed because the game is gay and they'll go to prison if they get turned on by the man on man final boss
this would make the open world actually good if there was some sort of "zone" goal that made you feel like one part of the world was your home

major fuck up not adding them, no soul.
>part of the world was your home
I mean that literally is how it is in the original dks.
way of the white has firelink shrine, sunbros have undead burg, princess guard the palace, darkmoon the basement of anor londo.
forest hunters control the forest, darkwraights new londo, dragons ash lake, gravelords the tomb and chaos servants lower blight town. I didn't even have to look them up to remember.
yeah that's my point, i guess they figured getting people to invade in this shitty mode would be a tall ask

the games are a lot less comfy now. maybe it should have been like a player controlled boss, but having one for a lot of different covenants would be a pain I suppose
oh you're talking about elden ring?
yeah, idk, from what I played it certainly seemed to have a lost a lot of the soul in becoming more "accessible". which I suppose paid off in sales. in 2012 it was still feasible even for console gamers to wait 30 minutes to find an online play partner. now matchmaking needs to be instant, even if it means squeezing everyone into the same "streamlined" "experience". with more rules and restrictions to make it "fair".

not that it felt like ubisoft AAA slop or anything, thank god.
>darkmoon the basement of anor londo.
what, the hallway?
nah they just had to bandaid tape the invasions by giving everyone a 2v1 or 3v1 because they were too lazy to balance weapon arts and rotbreath and shit
yeah, the hallway, but in a more thematic sense all of anor londo outside of the delusions inside the palace.

I mean there isn't really any gameplay incentive to "stick to your area" nor do I think there should be, but dark souls did a good job tying each location and its lore and aesthetic to the covenants. it also manages to make you feel like you're trespassing if you're for example in the forest without being a forest hunter or in new londo but not a darkwraith.
WTF is up with the damage of flame spear in pvp??? I thought it was a straight upgrade to impaling thrust in pve but it does no damage for whatever reason
Is spellcasting viable for the dlc?
>22 hours ago
>'back tomorrow'
Help me kill Radahn. He's fucking impossible and I want to kull myself.
I think the thrust hitbox isn't connecting somehow???
He's weak to thrust. I used a great katana but didn't have the free 15% damage buff. I also had 19 skibidi levels.
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It's fucking bugged
Your available spells against bosses are catch flame and carian slicer, against normal shit in the open world and dungeons you can use whatever you want
I've tried everything I can do with what I've got, and I just can't get him passed about 40% in phase 2.
Maybe I'll try greatshield with a thrusting sword I guess. Tired of respeccing/savescumming but I guess I might as well.
just for comparison I hit a dude with impaling thrust and it did 680 damage
a fully charged flame spear does as much as an r1
Flame of the fell god doesn't work? That's kinda shit. At least catch flame works. I want to burn these faggots.
It works but good luck casting anything that takes longer than 0,5 seconds against the worst bosses fromsoft has ever designed
I will be running a dex/fth epee build so I hope that will mitigate the casting time issue. If it fails then I'll fall back on catch flame. By the way, can the moon knight be thrown into the air by burn o flame? It's my favorite part of the spell.
if you mean relanna then no, none of the bosses are affected by forced movement like knockup and knockback, they can only be stance broken
Bloodflame poke+catch flame on stance break it is. Thanks anon.
just wait for one of their openings
there's a cast charm that makes incantations near instant it's actually pretty cool
Are you talking about Radagon's icon or something the dlc added?
skill issue
bottom left
the snake sword
On in a second. Main thing is just juggling aggro, I summoned Ansbach because I don't care about summons if it's quest-related, since it's intentional, and it's trivial if you just let him pull aggro then get some hits in. Apparently Thiollier is even easiermode, since he's got more aggressive AI, so pulls more aggro.
Just like every other boss a summon is present for.
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Set my pass to fsg , I've stuck my summon sign on top of the right fence next to the doorway.
If I'm afk, I'm getting snacks, ready to help

Hopefully ps4 and ps5 can play together, and hopefully I don't get lagged out of the game in phase 2
Why do so many people think the DLC scales with your level?
Ansbach disappeared from my gameafter givibg me the second map.
Thioller fucking sucks. His attacks do no damage and half the time he dies before phase 2 even starts.
because there was something said to that effect before it came out and zoomers are physically incapable of spreading accurate info
he's talking about a new talisman that gives +70 virtual dex at the cost of -30% absorption across the board (its trash)
That's absolutely useless for me. I'll already be going for 60 dex so that the Epee can deal decent damage. If I decide I want to cap my casting speed I'll just go to mohgwyn palace and grind out 10 dex levels.
Honestly SotE is so goddamn awful it's making me retroactively dislike all the Souls games and hate Fromsoft.
No? it's great
questlines are fucked though
The map is nice.
Everything else is awful.
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Thots on the Smithscript stuff that isn't the Hammer?
dont worry king you are right, but this opinion is sadly only held by people with 150+ IQ
What exactly is bad about the dlc
skidibi toilets
how am I so bad at this game I keep dying to demon firesage
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What are the worst spamming bosses/mobs in the DLC?
unreadable badly telegraphed attacks are also good
I have divine beast, rellana and radahn
his magic explosion is kinda fucky. seems like the visual indication of where it is sucks
i was about to tell you to stop using chaos on the demon firesage then i remembered he is weak to fire
>A lot of boring bosses
>Copypasted enemies
>Cookbook rewards for exploration
That said the new armor, talismans and weapons are good, as is the world design itself.
The shield is great
Always stay behind his butt. Then he won't do his AOE attack.
I feel that way about his AoE sweep attack. like I'm standing out of range of it so I don't roll because that'd be "a noob panic roll" but then I get hit when I thought I was outside the animation
>then i remembered he is weak to fire
where are you seeing that demon firesage is weak to fire?
Yeah I don't see it, usually when a game has mixed reviews I can immediately tell what's wrong and shit on it, in this case not so much. The world is great but I hate the dead ends and how confusing the map can be. Besides that the questlines are confusing and require a guide (as per usual) and the weapons are either all shit and bugged or stupidly overpowered (as expected)
Besides that everything else is great
I still don't get what is supposedly so confusing about the map
okay he's not weak to it but he's not resistant to it either
but you would kill him really quickly if you used the princess crown, bellowing ring and gcombustion
yeah but pyromancy is a faggy crutch and I want to re-learn muscle memory with my weapon
The problem is that unlike the regular open world map, the dlc map teases you with tons of regions you can explore, and no apparent way to get to them. If you want to find a certain spot you have to explore for hours and randomly stumble upon it, or look up a guide.

>Start the dlc
>Immediately see the cerulean coast + charo's hidden grave
>Can't get there unless you go north (lol), cross the bridge, find a mini dungeon, clear the mini dungeon, go to the dragon area, THEN finally you can get to charo's grave
>then finally you can get to cerulean coast

Same shit with the east wing of the shadow keep. You would think there would be a path from the normal entrance through the area with the golden hippo boss room, but no, you have to explore an entire side region to the right and only then can you get to it, and access the remaining parts of the storehouse, which the game teases you with.
Seems like a dumb complaint. Imagine if someone who just started ds3 and got to high wall would complain about there not bring an obvious path to get to the big cathedral they can see in the distance.
there's no map in ds3 that shows the cathedral right next to the high wall
you wouldn't even notice the cathedral unless you spend tons of time looking at the scenery, and even then it's poorly rendered meshes in the distance so you have no idea if it's a level or not. There's an entire floor with items you can see right before messmer's boss room in the storehouse, and zero way to access it from there. You have to take a multiple hour detour from an area south of the keep, through the jar village, etc.
>fire wep on fire enemy from hell called the demon firesage
u tell me
I just don't understand kids like you who demands instant gratification in everything.
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>put down sign
>take time of out before bedtime to help an anonigga in need
>still not summoned yet

stupid that it's all got int and faith requirements
NTA, but this is literally not an issue of instant gratification, it's an issue of map direction and level design. It'd be like needing to go through the catacombs to reach the undead parish after beating taurus demon
do you nerds actually change equipment depending on which enemy you're facing in fromsoft games?
also I don't think he's actually resistant to fire. ruins is past the point they had stopped caring.
>See part of dungeon you haven't explored
>Okay let me go retrace my steps throughout the entire dungeon, maybe I missed some hidden path somewhere
>Spend an hour going through everything
>You had to go to a completely unrelated area, explore 2 more unrelated areas, finally get to a related area from the side, and THEN you can get to the part of the dungeon you haven't explored

Are you retarded?
summon new thread
Yes you complete retard. Vidya going mainstream was a mistake, neanderthals can't even rub their neurons together for warmth in order to figure using the same element as the boss on the boss isn't effective
is blee good on dueling shields
you can get to cerulean coast by getting to the river and going down it

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