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Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.



>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Previous thread: >>482049605
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missing lighting
missing the bubble effects
>what if we just... removed the lighting?!
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Nintendo remasters are a meme, they just hand them to random literal who studios.
>A high-definition version developed by Forever Entertainment, titled Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, will be released for the Nintendo Switch in January 2025.
>look up
>Polish dev/publisher focused on remastering literal who indie shit
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Personally I would Agitha and Midna's fat Imp butt.

They skullfucked FRONT MISSION 2's corpse as well.
Average MAME/PCSX2 Experience post when?
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Another emudev takes a dirt nap

SP must pay for his crimes
shots status: fired
Guy who said you can run netplay Nintendo 64 on retroarch, how? I set the check frames to zero but when going on the menu to "host" it just says the core does not support it. Mupen btw on stable retroarch
looks like the feature has been disabled since 1.11.0
>Forever Entertainment
Oh sweet an outsourced wankjob. Perhaps they'll at least patch it up in response to the criticism. Perhaps I'll continue playing it for free in Dolphin with wagglan mapped to a button.
DS2's nerf still saddens me. What's even more infuriating is Scholar was an opportunity to get it right on 8th gen machines but was just a GOTY SKU incompatible with the OG version. Some of the subtle it's-totally-different-guys changes were WORSE.
Is the melonDS DS core supposed to be so buggy compared to the normal melonDS core? This shit breaks so often
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What does it say?
Nintendo have become massive asshole and deserve to have the next Switch hacked from the beginning. Why go such lengths to block emulation when this is what you do with your remasters? Shamefur dispray
So what do people use nowadays to get switch shaders caches?
Last time I checked there was emusak then ryusak, still using that?
ryusak is dead. There's a pack with all the ryusak shaders on the wiki, but it's old and any shader cache made with an AMD GPU may be broken in someway.
Tell you a secret. I emulated yesterday.
how do I
emulating Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck for the nintendo n64 right now in my mind using this little thing called IMAGINATION. maybe you've heard of it
some food for thought. maybe you reflect a little, maybe you learn a thing or two who knows
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>cigs has only gotten more schizophrenic and non-sequitor
This is like some House of Leaves shit what are you even trying to say anymore?
Who are you talking to and what are you talking about?
lurk moar
Daily reminder to keep your resulator up to date. Thank you.
>update emu
>shit broke or is worse
Hmm no I won't
What's the alternative now?
Does PPSSPP support encrypted PSN releases (and DLC)? I don't see anything mentioned on the wiki.
you are supposed to dump the dlc in either GAME folder or MEMSTICK
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I've always liked that trick to display both vertical and 4:3 videos in 16:9, where the black borders are replaced by dynamic borders that are just the content of the video with a zoom and blur, and RetroArch has that, it's called the bigblur.glslp shader... but I really wanted it to have a shadow effect for the 'window' where the content I play is displayed to stand out, making it a little 3D, I just think it looks quite nice and also stops the content I'm playing from blending with both the borders in a way where it looks identical and confuses me a bit... I've found a solution to this...

What I did was take a fullscreen screenshot and open it on GIMP, I made the "shadow" using just a simple gradient effect, added it onto RetroArch, not as a shader, but as an overlay, and used this editor to make turn it from a PNG to an overlay: https://valent-in.github.io/retropad-editor/
>have to make it for every fucking resolution
That really should be an option within the shader itself.
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Indeed, that sucks, and I was surprised that the shader itself... didn't have this option on any of its parameters letting me set something like it. I've made one for a 1366:768 resolution, which most laptops still use, and for 2257:1080, that isn't common, but it's my smartphone's when I use the setting to hide the camera notch, now I have ones for me... but I wish it'd be universal.

I think the bigblur.glslp shader in particular can look wonderful for those that enjoy a setup like mine with a smartphone and a controller, all of that negative space is filled, without stretching.
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>playing a game on your telephone
Eh... it works for me. I like handhelds for allowing me to play while I'll comfortably lay in bed, but most of them run Android anyways now, and while some are cheap, I already had an old smartphone laying around, and found a controller that was even cheaper. It's just a matter of cost and convenience really. My main issue was that 4:3 content on a 19.5:9 screen meant either tons of negative space or stretching, and this shader fixed it for me, so I figured I'd share my experience.
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Not in a TRILLION years will you experience the game.
Fellow anti-denuvoGOD here. How do you keep Sonic Frontiers from crashing on Ryujinx every few minutes?
The only way to experience the REAL game is to resulate it on your nokia asha android modded
Send detailed crash report to devs and hope they fix it.
More incorrect cropping or a different problem?
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G'day. Are you cunts talking about emulation yet or are you still banging on about your fucken discord drama like a bunch of poofters?
what are you being a schizo about this time
OP got the thread name wrong. This is actually /resgen/. Sorry man.
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Blurry Gear Solid 3
Thank you for proving me right. PCSX2 isn't doing the letterboxing properly on cutscenes.
I hope it gets fixed.
You could also probably have assumed but I'll mention it anyway that the combo system doesn't work because you have to time each button press and with 8 or 9 frames of input lag added by that dog turd of an emulator it's physically impossible to do it with any kind of consistency.
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what if the drama was emulated?
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Another hoarded arcade ROM leaked and another meltdown from the usual suspects. It's already added in HBMAME so these slithering vermin can 41% themselves for all the good it'll do.
You guys know anything about GBARunner3? The GBA emulator for the DSi? Apparently people are already using it, although I can't find any releases. Do you have to compile some shit from the github yourself?
Github Actions and nightly.link
>Luigi's Mansion 2 is perfect -1 day @ 60fps w/ res/enhancement mods
Are you minding your GPU memory while playing? Make sure you're not going over budget. Try the alternative memory configuration , especially if you're uprezzing or modding. SDL2 audio is less janky on my end. Monkey Ball had sound problems on OpenAL. I presume you have the latest NV drivers. Praying might help too.
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Did they add anything new to luigi's mansion 2?
Anybody try SMT VV on Ryujinx? From what I've seen one half of the people say that it's completely borked and the other say that it's fine
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I not only "experience" video games fully, I also beat them and replay them from time to time, I don't get why playing on a smartphone changes that, it's not like I cheat or use save states, if you had me play the titles I usually play on an actual console I'd get to the end just as easily with the stuff I'm familiar with. I'm experiencing the very same video games and I'll discuss them here too.
holy based I resulate on-the-go chad
You use actual buttons so you're fine. Playing with touch controls is the issue with smartphone gaming.
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I used to hate it at first, still do depending on the emulator, but I don't know how, Lemuroid's got a set of overlays that seem to... detect what I want to do better? It's what allows me to play on those occasions where I'm outside waiting and have to kill some time, but don't have a controller, which I keep at home. It helps having a big screen, just takes time getting used to, that's all I suppose.
NTA but personally I just can't stand touchscreen controls, I tried playing P3P a few years back on my phone but I couldn't get through it because of the controls
Phone controllers are... cool I guess? But at that point I can just play on a console or PC or whatever
The big reason touch screens can off putting for so many is due to the lack of tactile feedback which you naturally get from physical buttons. One way to counteract this is by turning on haptics on your device, which is something that should be used by default. Makes a massive difference really, once you get used to it you just simply cannot go back.
Fair, I struggled with touchscreen controls for the longest time too, and really I can only do it up to Genesis, anything with more than 3 buttons can be a bit more complicated and doesn't feel too good. I get your point about the controllers, and I'm still playing on my consoles and PC often, but the controller's good for when I'm lazy enough to not even want to sit down to play, so I lay in bed.

I get that, it'll never come close to feeling as nice as buttons do, I just appreciate how much better they've gotten over time and how it allows me to play outside on my smartphone which I already carry by default instead of having to take extra devices or controllers with me, just convenient, just a shame that said convenience has a bit of a price. At home a controller's always better still.
lol zoomers
very impressed with PCSX2 performance as of late. SC3 doesn't drop frames at all. If only they fixed the HW renderer in Ridge Racer V. It has one of the worst interlacing implementations I've seen.
is angelosa actually a part of mame? if not, I'd swiftly ban him and give happpp a warning for those shitty comments.

genuinely appreciate how separated arcade emulation and console emulation communities are from each other.
What ended up replacing yuzu? Was it sudachi? Or should I just keep using ryujinx
>What ended up replacing yuzu?
a hacked switch
Hacked switch doesn't do 4k 60fps
Now that vimm's is dead what's the next best site?
archive dot org
all of the yuzu forks are nothingburgers but torzu at least builds
Ryujinx is the only real game in town
You stick to Yuzu forks (Sudachi or Torzu) if you want performance. Compatibility is unlikely to change significantly, although the Sudachi dev dropped fixes for Peach Showtime and Paper Mario. You can still play online with these changes:

Does it have per-game settings yet?

Those were the changes. Hit ctrl + enter by mistake.
Anon, he's just pulling your leg. Pay attention to the pic.
I know, it's just that, while I could tell he was just pulling my leg, I've never seen the picture before, so I wasn't sure if it was a reference to anything I wasn't understanding. Also, I know it's a common point, at least on /vr/ and/v/ really, this take with "You didn't experience/beat it" or something, so I figured I'd counter it even if it wasn't told to me in a very serious manner, just to express myself.

Anyways, cheers.
Nothing quite like feeling like a retard trying to make RPCS3 recognize your dlc while you kill time waiting for maint for your mobage to end. At least I'm finally playing the Drakengard series. Am I missing something trying to get the Drakengard 3 DLC to work? I've tried a rap file, using multiple versions of the game and double checking my installations.
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I'm putting together a office PC emulation box. I When it comes to bluetooth dongles what is the best option for as low as possible input lag and compatibility?
just got the cheapest orico I found and it works pretty well, dunno that's even a problem nowadays
Just download the pkg and install. Put the raps in RPCS3\dev_hdd0\home\00000001\exdata
isn't it better to have one on your mobo?
>The thing I was missing was legitimately the fact that I needed a Rap file for each DLC individually

Yep, being a retard. I'm off to appreciate Zero's midriff. Cheers Anon
please help

Im trying to load my old savestates from just 2 days ago in dolphin, and every time it immediately crashes. I can create a new save state and load it just fine, its in the exact same save location and everything, and I havent updated dolphin at all so there shouldnt be any incompatibility
never rely on savestates
Interesting emulation fuckup in this area where it's loading the wrong character models. From a distance it's showing enemies as unarmored, but when you get closer they turn into the armored version. You can't shoot armored enemies with arrows so I'm seeing them, taking shots and blowing my stealth.
I know that now but when I tried to do normal saves, the game would crash, hence why I switched to savestates
it's probably just lod
Then it was bound to mess up to begin with. Which game btw?
AX201 if you have any PCI slots. You can find them on AliExpress for $10 if you use coins during their monthly sales.
Yeah that looks like LOD, no point in rendering the character models at full quality when you can't see shit on the TV. But some devs just use a generic LOD which can cause confusion at times.
I don't have any memory or sound issues. It just runs for around 2 or 3 minutes and freezes with no message. Given how issues like this date all the way back to 2022 and you just get told to play the PC version, it's not going to be fixed.
Meant AX210. 201/211 require specific Intel CPUs to work.
Talk about your chink handheld
Are N100 miniboxes enough for a dedicated emu machine?
Hey, that's your picture!
is the video backend you set in retroarch settings used by all the cores?
Anyone knows what happened to jdgleaver?
Thanks, will that work in one of them generic pcie to m.2 cards? this PC doesn't have a m.2 slot
how can I do that effect in an emulator?
which emulator and settings are those?
I want to play the old pokemon games like this...
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nvm, found it by myself
In general yes
besides pokemon, which rpg would you recommend for gb (not gbc)?, something which would feel nice to play with that dot-matrix shader.
and I mean something you personally have enjoyed, I tried this "top rpg for gameboy" lists but I'm not really sure how good they might be.
final fantasy legends
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They have PCI-E variants like this.
Do not search for emu lactation.
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they cute
bro, you can achieve the same with $5 dongles
You'll get worse performance though.

I can get 1.5-2ms on ds4windows
Whatever happened to mudlord?
>you can achieve the same with $5 dongles
lol no
What's your latency on ds4windows?
We can do better.
see >>483875563
Less than yours because I don't use bluetooth like a retard.
People like him and Danny are, surprisingly, trying to settle down and lay low. Better late than never, I figure.
>this terrifies the australian
you are not special for having a USB cable, sperg
In this day and age I may be. I also enjoy extremely low latency.
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>can't afford $5-7 more for something that isn't e-waste with a 6ft range before becoming unstable
i see why you resulate
works on my machineā„¢
The issue with bluetooth is the consistency, not so much the raw latency.
Consistent enough to beat NES Mega Man, so good enough for me.
You weren't there, man...
This fucking sucks ass.
Just got a legion go bros, I am excited to start all the emulation.
god speed, fellow resulator
resulation called then who was phone
What are your personally favorite GameBoy games?
for me it was Kirby's Dream land (because it was my first gb game).
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I will soon have a computer that ISN'T an old toaster, meaning I will finally be able to emulate GameCube and Wii games. I haven't played them (or games in general) since about 2006. Mostly excited about playing Smash Melee and MK Double Dash again, but also want to check out Smash Brawl and MK Wii. Maybe even MK 7 if I set up a DS emluator too.

But what controller should I go with?
>1) Picrel, official Smash Ultimate GameCube controller
Imported from Japan via eBay (are these even real? and are the sellers on eBay from Japan legit?). Fairly expensive, at least 50 bongbux.
+ 8bitdo adapter
>2) Hori controller
Apparently licenced by Nintendo, but made by 3rd party caled Hori, comes in different series themes designs, not that I care. Cheaper, only about 30 bongbux.
+ 8bitdo adapter
>3) PowerA
^apparently same deal as Hori but made by 'PowerA' instead

Or should I let it go and just go with a modern controller
>4) Official Nintendo Switch Pro controller
Would it work with Windows and Dolphin though, how would I connect it?
>5) something in the style of ^, but unofficial controller
e.g. something by 8bitdo. I assume this would be easy to use with Windows and Dolphin
>6) official Xbox Series controller
Again, would it work with Windows and Dolphin?
Also what are the differences between today's Xbox and Nintendo Switch Pro controllers? Layout looks pretty much the same (unlike Sony stubbornly sticking to its shit d-pad and stick positions). Any reason to pick one over the other?
>7) unofficial Xbox series style controler
Again, e.g. by 8bitdo
Again Windows + Dolphin compatible?

I'm really lost, dunno what to go for, pls halp.
Tetris, Link's Awakening DX, Shantae, Link's Awakening DX, Pokemon Red, Crystal and Link's Awakening DX.
didn't know that existed for gb
for some reason I never enjoyed tetris...
maybe because I'm low IQ or something.
For Wii games you can use the Switch Pro controller, it will be fine. It's similar enough to the Wii. It will connect to Windows. Supposedly you can connect it to BT but I never got it working. Otherwise connecting it will work fine. You might have to map the controls yourself or use Steam. I haven't used Dolphin lately so not sure if they support it or not.
For GC games I feel the need to be autistic and get a GC controller for the authentic feel. Now I have both an official GC controller and some third party, and the third party feels fine. Feels cheaper but not too bad. But if it doesn't bother you, just use the Switch Pro controller for GC games too and save some money.

>Also what are the differences between today's Xbox and Nintendo Switch Pro controllers? Layout looks pretty much the same (unlike Sony stubbornly sticking to its shit d-pad and stick positions). Any reason to pick one over the other?
The Xbox controller is easier to connect to BT, needs AA batteries, is recognized by games easier out of Steam(but probably won't matter with Dolphin), and feels different just due to the shape. Personally I like the D-Pad better on it. I also prefer easy to replace batteries like AA. There's pretty good rechargeable ones these days that last longer, in terms of life span, than lithium-ion batteries. You can also connect it to a PC via a USB-C cable and it will work without batteries just fine. A little lighter that way too.
Pokemon Yellow seeing as it was my first game and the GBC was my first game device. So it's mostly nostalgia. I don't remember having a lot of other games. If I couldn't pick such a big game like Pokemon Yellow I'd probably pick Pocket Bomberman.
GameBoy games are really something I need to brush up on. I haven't touched any of the Zelda games yet.
It was on gameboy color and its just kind of ok. Not a particularly great game.
nah fuck you it's great, and a much better platformer than shit like Super Mario Land that people seem to like for some reason
I thought you asked for GB/GBC. They are usually lumped together.
I'd say mario land 2 is much more fun. 1 is pretty bare bones but they didn't really have a handle on the game boy yet at the time.
it's okay, I just wanted to know which one would give that "back to my childhood" vibe if I played them.
here's my story
>around 12 years old
>I was the kind who only played the nes super marios, on a pirated mock-up famicon, because the thing was really cheap at the time
>some classmate gives me this CD with a bunch of roms and emulators, after I told him I wanted to play mario world (never had a snes, and I was a mario fan)
>check it out at home
>it has mario world, play it on my pc (my mom bought a cheap one to do my homework and stuff).
>it was vacation, so after I finished mario world, I checked the other games
>there's a really badly translated final fantasy V
>it was my first time seeing an RPG
>got hooked to that kind of game mechanics, where your characters killed stuff to become stronger
I haven't found any other game which made me feel what I felt the first time I played final fantasy V (that was my first rpg, but it was for the snes), and I still want to find something which may give me a similar feeling.
thanks for reading my essay if you did
dark souls did it for me
>"back to my childhood" vibe
>and I still want to find something which may give me a similar feeling.
Mood, but it's hard.
>Mood, but it's hard.
what's that?
Hard to recapture that vibe. Vibes like that are almost always products of their time. At least for me. Trying to find new games to try helps, but I can't really give any good suggestions. Look at the /v/'s recommend list wiki maybe.
This make me wonder, does being an Emulationchad needs a minimum amount of disposable income?
I mean, minipcs, htpc, handhelds, phones and repurposed laptops do have a significant cost of money.
computer (optional)
Dunno what's 6ft but I use a cheap dongle with a Qualcomm chipset and it works for way over 5m just fine if there's nothing on the way. Never had any issues with it either. I just plug it on USB and it works.
Try playing Tales of Phantasia
>official Smash Ultimate GameCube controller

What's special about these anyways? I bought a brand new in the box normal GC controller for like 30 bucks from Japan and feel like I finessed. Are these smash ones better or is it just a gay little logo on it that's added?
>or is it just a gay little logo on it that's added?
this, they were just released alongside ssbu, no different than old gc-pads
No, Danny is not trying to settle down and you can find him doing the exact same things he did before, he just lays low for a bit when one of his latest autistic behaviors draws too much attention.

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