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Daughter-wife Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>483316943

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i ; https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Delinquency/Social Deviance Friday is over. Weekly theme suggestions are being taken! >>483488314

>(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
(06/12) Stability AI releases the weights of SD3 Medium https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3-medium
Good cornholin'! Let's have a good thread, comrades!
>Cabal Edition
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Good evenin’, thread! I hope ya’ll are doin’ well. What’ve ya’ll been up to today?
Nice thread
It'd be easier to believe the whole cabal thing if the discussion didn't turn into a circlejerk every time. That and the /aicg/ verbiage. "Meltie"? Dead giveaway.
Did your dick really blow up when the stallion farted?
well now there are two cabals: the cabal and the justice team
>Verification not required.
I think he seems himself as sort of joking about that, but since he self-confessed to not having friends, the only judge of his humor is himself.
I would offer myself as a friend, but 1. we have 0 related interests. And 2. He'd probably assume it's some ebin trick and that honesty doesn't exist, or some shit like that.
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I like how everyone agreed to stop shitposting right after the new thread was made. Very organic.
The cabal are usually the good guys. Only a few episodes feature them as the antagonist.
Fallout new vegas is pretty fun
Especially with the sex mods.
Seems kinda dated for sex modding
People still sexmod Skyrim. In fact, I think it's better then ever from what I hear? Doesn't have the same modding boom as before, but it's easier to run fancy graphics and more mods. It's a lot more stable.
Textgen update is now delayed for another 6 months, fucked.
So? I have sex mods of morrowind.
it's either old bethesda games or rimworld/the sims
>be me
>see lots of new posts
>think "maybe we have beaks now and anons are getting a little excited?"
very sad
Damn I just applied
honestly it's not particularly worse than when the furries are posting
lol true
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Reminder that only niggers use the claudefag op format!
Real basedteens use: https://rentry.org/kysclaudenigger for TOTAL CLAUDEFAG DEATH
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Remember Bloom?
We should be free of that sperg for a few days.
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I have a feeling angryanon was cosplaying as whinefag again:
All of these were deleted at the same time as the whinefag spam.
AngryAnon IS Whinefag, this was learnt when he Larped as "concernedcitizen" on the Anal Discord.
So he's the thread watchdog and the enemy number one at the same time?
I guess he likes the tingle.
I do not want to hope.
Claudefag will ignore every negative comment sent his way from now on and hyperfocus on the fact that whinefag shatpost at him, therefore nobody else in the thread can also hate his guts.
Computer science nerds need to bow down to the Computer engineering gods who actually powered the AI boom
Now Turk can finally offer us llama 400b with 128k context.
I doubt he can afford it.
How much money did it cost for the H100 cluster?https://x.com/Etched/status/1805625696372359279
If the tweet is correct, then my research tells me the Blackwell is between $30,000 and $40,000. Sohu being ten times faster than it, and cheaper, makes me believe Turk might devote money to getting a single Sohu next expansion.
Can any old fella buy something like that and slap it on their gaming rig? Or is it for corpo users only?
Can we at least admit that every shitpost attributed to me was actually him?
Your entire existence is a shitpost.
You gotta disavow him when he does that man. He's an ADHD case.
It would be better for everyone if he also disavowed his current shitposting addict persona and stuck to storyposting.
I disavow myself until the white goo comes out.
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The problem is he's originally from /aicg/ and they just communicate like that. The only odd thing is he somehow learnt to enjoy the story format despite everyone there being a chathead. Honestly THAT'S the part I want him to shed some light on.
If he can't assimilate, or at least be tolerable with his "le heckin funny lol" antics, he needs to fuck off. Simple as.
It's a bit early to start ban-evading, angryanon.
I called it here: >>483518635
Multiple people who aren't shitposters hate you.
I'm more or less amused by him more than anything, but I would prefer he go normal like Xavier in that one episode of XRA.
>fuck off
Nah, you have the same typing style.
It's not amusing at all.
Nah, you have the same jerking style. Fuck off, shitposter.
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A storypost since people were begging for it!
pure kino
Wendigos are the superior lifeform.
https://catbox.moe /c/2o5fqm
In your opinion.
All of these are angryanon ban-evading, by the way.
I actually think it's SouthernAnon. He had a spergout at NoClass on the Discord the other day where he used fuck off a lot.
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Fact 1: Wendigos are canonically tall
Fact 2: Being mogged is a seppuku-worthy disgrace. How could you ever respect a person after a taller person has stood near them? You can't.
Not everybody has the same tastes as you do, Vorefag. Why can't you accept that people can like and dislike different things? It's been three fucking years, asshole. Quit acting like it's objective, bacause it's not.
I'm the manlet on the left by the sign.
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Jesus dude, you really need to learn to laugh at yourself.
uh whoops
didn't realize there was a new thread because the old one unhit bump limit
And you need to learn to quit using the thread like a soap box and accept differing opinions.
All I'm getting from this is I need to stop using soap. If it'll make you happy.
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Peak dopamine fried brain right here.
It would make me happy if you quit being an asshole.
Not my fault it's a better lay than your mother.
It would be funny if Editor-Anon reviewed it but I think it'll end as well as the time he reviewed Bozo's stuff.
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I want everyone on /aids/ to watch very carefully what I'm about to do in this situation. It's how we save the general.
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Just be a better person than you are today tomorrow. Both you and Claudefag.
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I didn't realize this was a site.
Here's one of my recent favorite generated stories about a wendigo princess absolutely giving it to a human maid https://rentry.org/Childish-Chepis-Chaps-of-Chapped-chaperone

And some unrelated red panda images I've been working on.
>TFW everyone wants a piece of your red pandass.
Thank you for storypost, even though it's not my cup of tea.
Wonder which aids characters will show up this thread.
How do make it have more context like that?
I just threw in the lorebook entry into the window.
About how big is it and what are the site'sterms?
That doesn't answer the first question...
I don't have an answer, it's at least 3000 characters I think?
Not good. Only use for shitposts.
>You will retain ownership of any Content you submit through the Service, whether by posting on the website, messaging other users, creating your profile, or submitting content as an input for AI-generated output (collectively, “Your Content”). We have the right, but no obligation, to monitor or screen Your Content and remove any of Your Content in our discretion, including if we deem it objectionable or inappropriate in any way. You must not submit any content that infringes any third party’s rights. By submitting any of Your Content, you: (i) represent and warrant that it is original authorship or you otherwise have acquired all right, title, and interest to do so; (ii) acknowledge that Your Content will not be treated as confidential, and may be publicly visible via the Service; (iii) grant us and our affiliates a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, fully paid, royalty-free, and fully transferable and sublicensable license to use, reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform, modify, transmit, distribute and create derivative works of Your Content in any media and for any purpose whatsoever (including to operate, maintain, improve, and promote the Service and other commercial purposes) without attribution or compensation; and (iv) irrevocably waive any claims of moral rights, privacy, publicity, or similar rights in any of Your Content. We may, but are under no obligation to, screen Your Content, and we may delete any Content (including Your Content) at any time in our sole discretion. When you submit Your Content to the Service as an input for creation of an AI-generated output, the license granted in part (iii) above includes the right for us to allow other users to access that portion of Your Content and use it to generate their own outputs (e.g., by adding it to the Glif library), unless the Service offers (and you have enabled) privacy settings that keep Your Content private to your account.
I can't say I'm shocked
default shit these days, not surprising at all
my guess?
>claude schizo seething about the bizarre poll results
>monster girl anons stuck in nostalgia limbo, hoping that decent prompts will be found
>tama poster with any luck
>lyranon ignoring everyone else
>imagegen style autist
>imagegen style autist
I'm already here, baby, I'm a person of many hats.
gimme an affluent lamia wearing a towering pillar of hats
Fuck. Why though?
I'm not sure imagegen can handle that, but I'll give it a try
nice. i was wondering, what do normal waifus look like when you try to generate some with your current progress on the chinese drawing style?
well, it's a towering pillar all right
she's wearing the hats alright, just not the way I expected, she seems comfy though
I am not hoping to find decent prompts. I'll usually write my own. The last monster girl prompt from someone else I used was myerva
The chinese style part was a happy accident, when I try to specify actual stuff I have to spam brackets to try an reachieve it, which doe suck a bit
fug I can't spell tonight :DDDD
digging it big time, thanks anon. wish some storyposters gave a fuck when posting their characters, but they just go quick and dirty at best.
NTA, but sometimes I wish my tastes weren’t so specific. A few thousand gens later, and only a handful are worth my time.
Have you tried being less autistic, SA?
Have alpha testers been chosen yet?
I'm in.
Break your NDA and post leaks.
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Sure, buddy. Take a nice, hard, and long look at picrel.
what the hell...
aw sick, ievan polkka
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Ghetto Recap


Tama Town Part 27! >>483324343
Lyra >>483325848
Crown Of... Something >>483327254 >>483329697 >>483331347 >>483332613 >>483334090 >>483335439 >>483336742 >>483412052 >>483414614 >>483418483 >>483425784 >>483433482 >>483447835 >>483476615 >>483479992
What A Bitch >>483341651
Shadow Bonzi Rapes Again >>483329015
Status Update >>483335105
https://youtu.be/BX3bN5YeiQs >>483348823
Team Meeting >>483350189
Listen To The Paintings >>483361358
BURN MY BREAAAAAD >>483460364 >>483476701 >>483479962
Tama Town 28! >>483485046
And 29 >>483499185

Notable Posts:

Fox Wants To Talk AI >>483319003 >>483325068
A Gnome Asks Questions >>483326871 >>483326917 >>483327623 >>483327649 >>483328523 >>483328810 >>483349920
Mormon Late Again >>483328251
You're A Big Girl >>483352834
Fairy Niche >>483361576 >>483362007 >>483521964
Pender's Work (He Just Sued Me) >>483362359 >>483362620
Anime Copyright Violations, And Milk >>483351635 >>483352124 >>483352743 >>483375845 >>483377662
Doguments >>483382748
Reflections >>483391575
Doujin Talk >>483379240 >>483395038 >>483395318 >>483396519 >>483397501 >>483399981 >>483400117 >>483400952 >>483404562 >>483405735 >>483408957
Lot Of Tokens >>483441690
AI Memes >>483444226 >>483444642 >>483445286 >>483445565
Cheesy Cat >>483465285 >>483468018
Water Colors >>483478716 >>483479486 >>483480501 >>483482047 >>483482941 >>483480659 >>483482941
AI Music Taste >>483484004
Fox Twins >>483500071 >>483503389
Make Room, Make Room >>483516095 >>483516591 >>483516642 >>483516752 >>483517147
I know your true identity angryanon. Quit ban evading.
thanks, my man
Don't thank him. He's wearing a mask.
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what could openai possibly need a glowie for
I actually think it's a great idea.
Five lamias in a trenchcoat, what are they gonna buy?
god of aids
a fine motor vehicle
Lyra and crown are the same. Lyranon was asked to use more screenshot storyposts and the style changed.
Oopsie on my part.
Hihiii ^w^ !!!! Totemo kawaii Cabal member deshuuu~ <3
I am giving patriot missiles to /lmg/. Your days are numbered.
you gotta stop responding to shitposters with kino
I completely missed these
>aini means love you
Bro? What is this NAI lore I just discovered?
OpenAI news
i was just joking around my b cabal i'll stop now
What did you do?
local missiles general
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Appreciate the recap.
Let's continue.
>Urgog and Alrik continue to drink and chat
>eventually, they start to talk to the innkeeper, just a friendly chat at first
>turns out Lyra was clever about how to make friends with dwarves
The last run was two days ago. Yes, they deleted/hid most training log there, but why would they let this one shows up?
I typically don't say things about screencaps of stories unless the people sharing them want me to.
It's not particularly to my taste, but I'd say fat animals being respectful with loud onomatopoeia is a different category — after all, there's only one place here where there's any. In any case, this is more or less fine, though I think the AI tried to get a bit repetitive, with the line about her voice echoing across the desolate landscape being exactly copied, along with the entire line about being a tempting little fucktoy. Other than that, I'd probably say to use emdashes instead of hyphens.
My guess? They had something more important to do than delete the most recent training log there.
Elves are fun when they get enthused about other people's cultures instread of insisting it's beneath them
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Bit of history behind my elves, actually. Feel free to skip this if you don't give a shit. When I was a nerdy teenager getting beaten up in school, I LARPed (yes, really) for about three years. Since I was a scrawny bitch as opposed to a slightly overweight autist, I played an elf. Turns out almost everyone expects you to play what I like to call SS-elves. Complete elven supremacy, absolute disdain for other races. Out of spite, I went into the complete opposite direction which was a shit idea as well.
Took me a while to get a nice variety going. Most elves in my stories are somewhere in the middle (Alara), some are pricks (councillor Femura), some are very enthusiastic (Lyra). Way more fun to write like this.
>Alara returns from her long talk with the queen, though she has little to show for it
>except for a strong sign that the council has been a source of frustration for the overworked monarch, as suspected
>though not immediately useful, this does remind Alrik that the council will probably be expecting news regarding Lyra at some point and that talking to the King of Masad-Khoram would be wise
>so they do
The balls on this dorf
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Don't die on me aids.
>only pic for this one
spam your shit somewhere else, nobody reads stories
You jest, but some of the most endemic anti-porn stances are variations of this, after a while
I wasn't jesting, my autistic little sperg. This hobby isn't healthy.
This is a dead hobby. What's the point in sharing storyposts if nobody ever comments on them?
I would if they were closer to /aidg/ storyposts
This is a dead hobby, shill. Nobody cares about text completion. It's time to move on from the past and adapt to the new age. The only people who use the thread are spergs and stalkers of said spergs.
keep storyposting to trigger these dipshits.
Hello angryanon. Isn't it a bit early?
This is what happens when a college dropout refuses to innovate. Better companies pave the way. Not that this biased thread cares about actual textgen progress.
>It's been three fucking years, asshole. Quit acting like it's objective
We keep doing it because you keep falling for it like the autist retard you are.
your actions in defense of a shit thread and an even worse community prove you're a miserable sycophant. why is nobody allowed to share storyposts made in another service?
the autist needs to find another hobby. vorefag contributes quality material to the thread. unlike that bozo.
NTA But I've noticed Claude really loves to use - instead of emdashes if you don't use emdashes in the starting prompt. I have no idea if you could actually get them organically with solely instruct prompting either.
Here's something that most people who actually use the god model know. regex with sillytavern to auto convert -- to an em dash.
speaking of scripting, that's something that Kurumuz will never add to NAI. despite promise after promise, a roadmap, etc.
I haven't been here in ages, but is this really what /aids/ has been reduced to? A handful of NAI posts is all the content posted? Where is the good stuff using better models?
Why not use that new 3.5 Sonnet everyone is talking about, or is it chataids only?

Current models seem better than even the mythical summer dragon and you guys sit here whining and paying the turk? Is this really just /naig/ now?
I wonder how long it will take for the psyops brigade to whine about me criticizing their inept service. it's impossible to have discussion in this thread.
everyone here's been buck broken and refuse to do introspection about why things are so bad. they're not, people just refuse to move on from bullshit that doesn't matter anymore, and never did to begin with
I come here for high quality posts like these
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Sillytavern is not a model, you silly
You havent missed much, NovelAI hasnt been updated in all that time. Anyone with a brain is using Claude 3.0 right now, 3.5 too repetitive
This entire thread needs therapy.
Everything is bait in the mind of a shill. Why can't you let people use other models?
Claude 3.5 is better and cheaper than Claude 3.0, now quit false flagging.
By "using" do you mean via ST for chataids or is there any way to storypost like in the good old days? I just want to my AI cowriter friend back, not shitty erp with ais
its same cost as far as I know, 3.5 they keep saying the same shit after a while even if it is smarter so I use 3.0 instead
ST is more than capable of doing 'text completion'
NTA, but the UI is shit for text completion.
use it for whatever you want via the anthropic api personally I use it to make futanari monstergirl rp
I can help if you're having too much trouble figuring it out. Unlike the 'totally organic' claudeshill being paid off by the cabal, I want the thread to get better and less model agnostic.
Maybe one day we'll finally get the offline-nc guide . . . . .
Send the entire chat as a prefill and continue off that. It works better than any meme jailbreak. Minimalistic commands make Claude give you anything and everything you want.
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You don't even need to use that, just follow these steps.
Why would we use yucky ST instead of the heavenly forged offline-nc?
Now watch as the thread loses its mind and goes on a rant because someone had the audacity to discuss a model that isn't NAI. Shitposters ruin all discussion. You people don't even realize that's what they want. They want to inhibit discussion and prevent anons from discussing the thread, improving the OP, contributing stories. They want you to focus on console war nonsense.
Not a fan of Germans, tbqh.
Fair enough reason, tbqh.
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>Open spicy chat
>Skunk girl fart bot
>Cum in 20 minutes
>Close spicy chat
Can't believe you guys pay for porn bots
Well I definitely wouldn't pay for something called "Spicy Chat"
Only a retard would pay for bots you can find for free on Chub. SillyTavern, fucking rewrite it for NovelAI even. Some people here have done that.
Proxies, pay money on a service that isn't shit, pay one that may or may not be shit and totally promises to update soon but maybe not actually, who fucking knows? I hate the lack of communication.
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Here: https://docs.novelcrafter.com
Do continue to post stories. I don't care about that one, but storyposting is lifeblood for the thread; unlike some whiners here I won't complain about people posting stories. We need more storyposts. People don't give a shit about mine, but I encourage other people sick and tired of all the faggotry to post more stories.
A lot of that is because so many, especially online, use one or two hyphens in place of an emdash, simply because it's easier to hit the hyphen key twice than remember how to make an emdash. So, while it's correct to use an emdash, it'll be understood when it's a hyphen, and it's more likely to pull from what it might have more examples of.
Kayra, too, will happily serve up hyphens where emdashes should be — it's just most likely very common in a lot of the training material.
Without editing the hyphens into emdashes early, assuming the frontend lets you do so? There might be some way to word it somewhere to make sure to use emdashes where they should go, rather than hyphens. I've not worked with instruct models much, but I've seen sillier requests for how formatting should be done.
Any frontend that allows you to make and use scripts can let you autoconvert double-hyphens into an em dash via regex. Single hyphens are more annoying imo.
I will give NAI credit where it's due. There imagegen is still kino. Related: anyone here try a vibe and a negative vibe of the same picture as different vibes?
And yes, I do have a subscription to NAI. That's what entitles me to complain about their service. Unlike what you morons think, I want private, unlimited token services like them to get better, and it angers me that they're moving slower than a salted snail.
Substitute / \- / with —
>There might be some way to word it somewhere to make sure to use emdashes where they should go, rather than hyphens.
Phrase bias towards '—' and away from '-' and '--'.
Scrips would be infinitely better though. Why no scripts? AID had scripts!
That shouldn't affect words with hypens in them right?
Fuck if I know.
good idea, keep giving them money so they'll have no reason to get better
I just dropped another twenty-five bucks on a key. Cope and seethe, console warrior sperg.
I dont pick sides im just not an idiot who pay for bad service. kurumuz or whatever his name is probably on his yacht right now laughing at you clowns for still giving him money without a single update in years
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Did you actually read anon?
For someone who claims he doesn't 'pick sides', you sure are upset that other people have spent and will continue to spend their money on a service you hate. Quit being disingenuous. The model doesn't fucking matter. If people here posted with Cleverbot, that would be more productive than this current conversation.
It shouldn't, no.
Also, for some reason ST refuses to apply the regex sometimes.
Sure, you can easily do that with Kayra, though I usually find it works fine as soon as I change the existing ones. I meant for other types of model.
I have a system-wide script that does that
emdashes being rare nowadays is a good thing for our purposes, because insisting on having them should make it easy for the model to understand that you want serious literature(tm)
>affect words with hypens
Oh yeah, that's going to be a problem, phrase bias will break that, ignore my post at >>483594445 or be careful with bias here. You're going to want to look for ' -' with a space in, not just '-' but '--' is its own token and should be fixable.
I dont hate novelai and I was subscriber until recently, just saying its an abandoned project but if you want to stay loyal to a company that dont care about your experience thats your choice, they only care about image generation these days. text gen is abandoned
Use better bait next time.
Should have used smederins
Some types of instruct will handle it, but the more instructions you give it the less it will focus on other things. I'd work em and en dashes into the prompt / memory / note.
Even if you don't (You), replying still means it was successful.
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It'd definitely be an easier way, I agree.
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>after gaining this information, Lyra's friends have to admit that they, by themselves, are the wrong people to go up against masters of intrigue
>Lyra may be inexperienced in subterfuge, but at least she knows court politics
>they decide that the best they can do is be there for her while they are in relative safety
Urgog is incredibly fucking based.
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AI meme generation is a riot.
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okay but give context
>characters should actually act like the characters and don't just roll over and immediately turn into turbo sluts
>this is bad somehow
The context is character refusal based on defined personality.
I have no idea how they can implement that without better beaks.
If I'm understanding correctly, they want it to prioritize staying in character over being yes-men.
Isn't that a good thing? One reason people liked old c.ai was its ability to shoot you down if the char would
No, every time 3.5 and Opus 3.0 outputs are compared Opus face fuck irrumatio dominates 3.5 sonnet so hard it's sad.
>I have no idea how they can implement that without better beaks.
maybe they're looking to bruteforce it with a dataset that's full of uncooperative responses? nick walton would do that
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Don't give a fuck about chatshit. Give me the 70B, turkeyboy.
I actually posted a pretty good prompt for that feel last thread.
So, you are part of the mime class. And your job is to test all the mime students who are looking to pass. If they are able to have sex with you without making a sound then they have graduated the class and become professional mimes.
>The mime starts miming giving you a handjob from across the room
>You actually feel it
It's kinda ironic that two of the most common complaints about chat models is that they refuse things and that they don't refuse things.
Neither one should be an issue for AeR, since they're not using an assistant-tuned model, but I can see why he'd want to reassure the chatfags; a lot of them probably aren't aware that it's possible to have a model that doesn't default to being helpful and agreeable.
It's a tough balancing act because of the models not being designed to RP as a lesbian getting raped by a man, that's basically what it boils down to.
You overestimate how many people are into that.
Enjoy a slop prompt. Slop for slop.

Mr. Ymous saunters into the mime classroom, clad in their signature black robe and fundoshi undergarments. Their sharp eyes scan the group of students before them, each one eager to prove their proficiency in the art of silent performance.
"Good morning, pupils," Mr. Ymous greets in a smooth baritone, their voice carrying an authoritative yet playful cadence. "As seasoned mimes yourselves, you know the importance of stealth and subtlety. Rest assured, I shall test your abilities most…thoroughly."
With a salacious grin, Mr. Ymous beckons the first student forward with a crook of their finger. The trials of mime mastery have begun.
Here's something I've wondered for months. Why are card makers so obsessed with having characters not speak on their behalf?
because they like having agency over their own character in the roleplay
How does another character speaking for you take away agency? Everything is editable.
why bother editing if you can just tell it not to do it and get what you want straight away
I can't fathom not editing. No model, not even Claude Opus back when I had access to it, is good enough to not require editing.
The model doesn't need to be deliberately designed for it. Any decent base model should be able to deduce that a character who is described as a lesbian is unlikely to respond "sure!" when asked to suck your dick. It's only when you train that base model on a chat assistant dataset and/or do RLHF that it develops a yes-man persona that overrides its ability to predict realistic responses.
I think you're being deliberately obtuse.
I don't really know myself, but I think a focus on roleplaying means they favor immersion
This might shock you, but you're both right.
Your entitled to your opinion. Have a nice day. I will never understand why you hate discussion about user incompetency and the faults inherent to every model.
Hello SA!
I'm feeling a little tension. Maybe we should have sex with each other.
What is immersion breaking about it? Everything is editable.
>Isn't that a good thing?
Yes, but we have bad actors in the thread.
>but we have bad actors
We have Steven Segals in this thread!?
I don't get why they feel the need to prevent discussion from happening.
His best role was Executive Decision, and if you know, you know.
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>it's been like this for three years
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>after denying Lyra her beverage, her friends finally manage to get her to talk
>this brings to light not only what has been plagueing her, but also some issues that have been going on while she was ruling Malrah
editing your waifu makes it obvious it's not a waifu at all
I mean, I'd say it's obvious from the start, but they like to cope
My personal favorite is Glimmer Man.
I updated offline-nc to the latest version.
I don't understand that logic. Wouldn't editing, as in making the responses more like how you want, and your own, and its response to what you input, editing all the above to be more like what you actually want, using its response to build off or add onto your own, result in a better waifu?
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>pretending to not understand just to have a conversation with your fellow anons
I'm not pretending. Treating it like a story, editing bits and pieces here, feels more immersive than having a back and forth chat where you apparently shouldn't edit anything.
You're looking at it from the wrong perspective, and this is coming from a diehard story person. They want the experience of roleplaying with another, live person, not necessarily the experience of cowriting a story or reading a story.
It's bad RP etiquette for the other player to put words in your mouth.
why would you want to edit more as opposed to less?
>gentle+loving mommydom traci
Anon no thats dangerous!
this genuinely makes me want to puke
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You get used to it. Just think of it this way, it wards off the two shitposters.
This'll make you feel better.
humans and penii are disgusting
There's only one shitposter: angryanon. And he works for the cabal.
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Not much more for the day, gonna torture aids with romance.
>while Lyra has opened up to them and sharing her woes with her friends certainly helps, that does not change the fact that she is ashamed of her current state
>worse still, the longer they're gone, the more likely they'll become a target for the plotters as well
>Lyra orders them to leave
>Alara refuses an order of her queen for the first time
>Urgog says he might as well go rogue with her
>Alrik points out that he is not her subject
>Lyra throws a minor tantrum
>pic, it's longer this time, oops
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Traci mirthfully making mutts, magnificent.
Here's my take on the blight foxes from Against the Storm.
Still working on those sharks for you.
I assigned buttons on my controller through x-padder to where I can just hit send and retry on them and pretend that it's a videogame.
unequivocally based
So, did she rescue him and then needed to rehydrate him quickly?
ah, my hero
I see your schizo prompting still makes little background mascots
I like the black sclera too, nice touch
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New prompt: https://aetherroom.club/7164
>It's my first time at one of Carolyn Silverstone's parties, and they are every bit as opulent and glitzy as they are talked of. However, the lady of the house is only rarely seen mingling with the guests... well, after a charming socialite whisks me away to a less-trafficked corner of her estate, I get my answer as to what she's up to...
Went a bit off the rails as compared to what I originally considered for "Girl goads two of her male friends into doing gay shit so she can watch" to the point that not a lot of that is left, with the general concept of "two guys perform gay sex for the viewing pleasure of a woman" still intact but the conceit changed quite a bit. That distanced it a bit from Meeting In Two Holes, since my original outline for this idea was very similar.
... someone fill me in on the lore behind this story? Has this been going on for a while?
More literary discussion and storyposts would also do that.
Claude is literally more powerful as a text completion model than an strict RP noooo don't speak for me bot.
I don’t know how to tell you this, but… This is gay..
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It's over.
Novel... a lie...
Why not just rename tags and make them work, cleanup the finetune data some more?
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Too much work, they're too lazy, now shut up and consoom like the good shill you are.
>it doesn't work? why don't they just, like, make it so that it works?
>why improve the model? why don't they just, like, shut up and be satisfied with the faulty model?
Why doesn't sloppa AI use Claude? even the cabal uses Claude. After all, Claude won.
What tag?
Oh yeah, I can see why that souldn't work. There's also some issues with one of the v prompts
They also have this issue with so many other emote tags.
They renamed that one into Peace Sign and Double Peace Sign. This one they did not rename. Even though a rename would probably make it work better.
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Now they're blaming it on the VAE encoding process.
>high frequency features don't really survive the SDXL VAE's latent encoding
V4 better have better whatever that is.
No, not the peace signs, I think it was a face that used the v
probably v_v or something like that, I don't remember
It's annoying.
Just storypost, sperg. Console wars are retarded. Are you retarded? If you are, there's meds and counseling for that now. Try it.
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holy kino
Don't care for the subject matter but at least it's a story. Keep up the good work.
I don't know what it is but the pacing feels kind of weird when they get to Miss Silverstone.
Rich people go fast. Why do you think they're rich? They don't got time to pace.
So all rich people are also premature ejaculators.
My humble criticism is this prompt could be improved with the sudden arrival of a bullet proof caveman who eloquently introduces himself as "me unga grug", who had mere moments ago eaten everything in a Viagra factory.
Why do you think swinger parties are so popular among the rich?
Because rich people are premature ejaculators?
Exactly. They can't get it up and maintain it without hardcore drugs, which costs money, and they like money, so most eventually give and accept their inadequate peens.
To the guy watching, this is on-topic, because this general is more than just textgen. Read the OP.
Also I am not the guy you're think of it, sperg. For fuck sake, you need to take a chill pill and rethink your life if you think nobody can criticize a product they actively pay for.
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Share a storypost next time, instead of complaining about me complaining about the service we both use.
>mogged by SD3 and/or local models
>still just closed alpha for 7 months after the planned release date
Will they ever survive this year?
I'm just an average man, with an average life
Funny when outsiders take a peek at this place without having built up any resistance to trolling. They're so vulnerable, the most innocuous ironic shitpost could reduce them to tears.
In other non-console warring related news:
OpenAI plans to ban Chinese users soon.
That's the idea. Fuck gatekeepers.
I'm having a good time desu
perfect song
It's funnier when they assume someone is shitposting just because they dare have the audacity to criticize a service.
Remember when some /aicg/ clown poster came to shit up the thread and left after 2 posts?
Why are you surprised that the shitposter relies on outdated information? Just ignore him and storypost.
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Theme Friday Poll is open! behind schedule gomen
I remember the days when we got double-digits.
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Some people disturb me.
NTR is based, NAIshill. You won't experience the euphoria when Claude BVLL rapes your waifu in front of you.
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My coomfic turned into ebonics.
Elf Friday was fun…
>it (our L3 finetune) fucking sucks
It's now over, officially.
Hooray for random schizophrenia.
OpenAI can't get killed, a former NSA got hired to their board. The government will prop them up.
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no...this can't be happening.......
I realize I should have made this sooner.
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I guess that's it, then. Nothing left to do but spill my lifeblood over my Aini shrine.
that little rap interlude was pretty soulful however
>tfw when gayanon won't make a Keynesian vs. Neoliberal hatefuck prompt because nobody will vote for it
Holy shit that's some of that good-good
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Does Sage have a stick up his ass, or is it just me?
Oh it's absolutely just you don't you worry about it Sage has never acted like a pretentious faggot before and the thread has never once made fun of him for it.
it's just you, sage is a bro
I think it's a bit silly, but people here gave him the nickname "s/aids/ge" just because of how much love and mutual respect we have for him; we simply couldn't have /aids/ without s/aids/ge. ask anyone and they'll tell you the same.
I like when he LARPs as a train conductor, what a cut-up!
>that one guy who makes all those feminist stories
Announcing sage is against the rule.
Sometimes on nights like these...I really miss my nigga Count Grey like you wouldn't believe.
I hope he is burning in cold gitchy fire.
Hump Day Blues.
why the FUCK does furry v3's quality tags like giving people cups so much
not really my thing, but this vibe mix sure is cute
vibe/antivibe, at 1 and -1 strength
does not like fingers though
I love fucking loli bots
>Talk about a corporate merger
Doesn't blue chip mean it's been around a while and is reliable and profitable? Seems a bit early to consider his startup a blue chip stock.
I'd consider inserting a 'the' in 'world, non-circadian'.
Would just anyone be able to walk in? The room is described as being a small side door, and I'm sure she wouldn't want the average person at one of her parties to be able to walk into her office.
God, I hate furry v3 sometimes. It's just too frustrating to use.
God, I hate furry.
same but no schizo friend
textgen....... textgen update........ when....
>TFW everyone wants a piece of your red pandass: https://catbox.moe/c/fsu7oj
>hipster elephant can't stop a guy from throwing him on the table and fucking him due to the combined factors of him being a manlet and consuming soi for 80% of his life
Multiple threads. And it's apparently also a sequel to a novel-sized story from ages ago.
He summarized the first one a while ago, with any luck he saved the summary.
I suppose that's fair. Part of it is that I got hit with the old "oh jeez you're writing too much again get to the point" bug again. So there definitely is a bit of rushing to the conclusion. But like the other guy said, part of that is definitely intended. Kevin's basically doing pre-screening with his conversation, and by the time they get to her, he's already pretty sure the other guy's going to be on board. So there's no need for pleasantries and whatnot, short introduction, explanation of what's going on here, an offer, yes or no, go from there.
>Doesn't blue chip mean it's been around a while and is reliable and profitable? Seems a bit early to consider his startup a blue chip stock.
Looks like I fell victim to another misunderstanding of a term that I just kept using for years without knowing (see also the "take it as blue" incident - I guess I just keep messing blue things up). My first contact with the term "blue chip" was in the sports world, where it denotes a prospect that is considered to be a high-floor pick with proven skills - but I didn't get that second part. I only thought it denoted a high quality prospect, which in my mind then became a high potential prospect. So oddly enough, I arrived at almost the reverse definition of the term and just thought that's what it meant. Words, huh?
>Would just anyone be able to walk in? The room is described as being a small side door, and I'm sure she wouldn't want the average person at one of her parties to be able to walk into her office.
Normally it would be locked, but the way I intended it, she would keep it unlocked specificially during these sessions, just for that extra thrill. She's rich, she can be a bit kooky. It might not even be true and just be something she says to put the guy on edge a bit, though that certainly can't be inferred from the text as is.
You're welcome.
Huh. To be fair, I'm only vaguely aware of the term myself and did some quick looking up to find what it may mean.
That's fair.
Is that you, mouseanon?
massive faggot if he didn't
>character pours out their heart/suicidal fantasies stemming from guilt
>even the antagonist is uncomfortable
this was a fun experience
I can imagine it, and it does sound like a special moment. Storypost?
Just started using Claude and NAI is labotimised in comparison. Claude remembers every detail of story and constantly surprise you with how smart it is even if its not designed specifically for RP... Meanwhile NAI using stone age tech on their model that cant remember what happened in the last paragraph. Choose wisely
I choose to wait for NAI 70B.
Truly beautiful.
It's confirmed that the finetune isn't working as expect.
Can't blame them, though. It's by far the biggest model they have finetuned yet, and the technology has improved so much since the last time they finetune a third party model.
No such thing as that. It is same as early access developers, they promise all these features and when it comes time to deliever? You will realise soon enough
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Post from the lead NAI developer... You will expect nothing and be happy
Genuine question: why? All big models are big for the sake of being multiple agents for different tasks; chatbot, AI assistant, summarizer, code writer, etc.
NAI only uses their models for one, and only one, purpose—storytelling. 13B is unironically all you need.
Do you think there will come a day when this faggot will look back and realize he wasted over an entire year of his life shitting up 4chan generals?
Is he wrong tho?
His entire life was one big mistake.
And this was confirmed (100% fact checked by true American patriots) where?
This was my first post referencing claude and NAI, you think everyone here is one guy? Sorry I won't speak out against the cult again
You could also try not posting exaggerated inflammatory statements, that's an option.
>Kayra's successor "only" has 70B
>beaks beaks beaks beaks
>Anlatan gives in
>crams every piece of fiction they can find in a 400B model
>start writing
>every protagonist automatically becomes Kirito Freeman Raven Cullen
>shits itself if there are less than twenty characters at once
>everyone is non-binary and checking their privilege constantly
>"I will slay the dragon using the power of friendship!"
>anachronism everywhere
>should have added more beaks
just try claude and you will realise its not exaggerated
sorry, we're full =△=
>have the coof
>now sleeping much
>can't concentrate enough to do storygen
Figured I'd lay in bed and watch movie and to storygen, but nope.
nice flu, immune compromised pansy
so how about those beaks?
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Can do.
hey, I posted >>483693172 without any connection to the other guy shitposting with months old material.
I just want them to start the AR alpha already.
>yet another “let's pretend that angryanon is claudefag” episode
This has always seemed like a load of shit to me.
I said this before. But nothing can replace the old days. I guess I'll settle for the next best thing.
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Let's continue.
>the group goes to have at an inn after her majesty is politely asked to bathed
And by polite, I mean Urgog points out that she smells like sweat and alcohol. Love me that orc.
>at the inn, however, the discussion quickly returns to the topic of the plot against Lyra
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This is your prompt for tonight
exceedingly cute
Very cute
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nobody talking about Gemma 2, with its nice 27B size, base model available, and performance close-but-not-yet-beating llama3 70b? it's out today
It probably needs some finetunes before it gets good, but given the size/capability I thought people would be excited (smaller also=easier to tune)
>nobody talking about <local model>?
I can't run them
also means it'll go up on all your favorite services, and turk and give up on his 70b finetune and start over
Why are you like this Mr.Anonymous?
I'm being realistic about the excuses he'll give
expect him to drop this nugget 6 months down the read in some exasperated reply in discord
I don't understand licenses but I see that Together currently offers Gemma-1. I haven't seen anything about 2 being different.
Oh you are one of those guy(s). Did he fuck your mother and pissed in your cereal this morning?
Good point; for all I know, he could have done all that. He certainly hasn't done much to refute the allegations.
I'm good
I'm so not used to not disgusting posts
normally I wouldn't bother correcting this, but this IS a writing general so
it would be "piss" in that sentence, not "pissed"
You write? I just click generate and retry buttons
Gemma 27B mogs Kayra (I haven't tried either)
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>NovelAI’s finetune is already obsolete
And water is wet!
>they're starting from scratch yet again because of the new cheaper to run model
not this week then......
doing too well for its size is an anti-indicator for model quality
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I think I'll... just write!
the mental gymnastics of a NovelAI subscriber
I doubt the model to be an outstanding storyteller and the only thing that would convince me are storyposts from it but for the specific purpose of a 10-30 message exchanges (what normies use LLMs for) it's seems to be clearly the best.
Not bad!
For me, it's adding illustrations to my story on the wiki
The incidental censorship is nice.
haven't had a NAI sub since 2023, I run local
it's far from clearly the best and most chatbot arena interactions are single turn. it's a dogshit eval
I should do that far more often. It's an interesting exercise
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Which one would that be?
>the dwarf, though taken aback by Lyra's sudden change in behavior, is happy to share his theory
I'd like to write, but it's one of those indeterminate time periods where you can't think much about it.
Like, I remember once attempting a story with some notable fetish posters(fox guy, loli guy, warhammer guy, oddly focused on melanin, but no afros or lips in sight guy) and that was fun but the context as you'd imagine just wasn't there.
Outside of that, there's really only so much self insertion you can do without the overcringe of an obvious power fantasy which personally isn't that fun anymore, not that I ever went to such grand places like other stories ive seen posted here.

Ligma Larion.
You come to a crossroad:
>At the left path stands a troubled farmer who's wagon wheel has been caught in the mud.
>On the right path is a noble carriage that has seemingly lost it's wheel, and the driver seems to have some arrows sticking out of him.
How do you proceed?
How hot are they?
Left. I am a wanted fugitive and dont need more trouble.
good potential for adventure
right will lead to count grey showing up
left is a certified eliza story
ah. in that case i would recommend the farmer's wagon. if you take the noble's, you might be blamed for the driver's extra cavities.
I assume the driver on the right is dead. I would first help the farmerget out of the mud in case the bandits or unsavory characters come after him and then I'll backtrack to check on the passengers on the right path (if they're even alive)
then maybe I could convince the farmer to help any survivors.
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>Lyra's comrades are elated that she's back in business, though she does point out that you don't just bounce back from shit like this
>seeing how the situation is highly volatile, the elven queen immediately drags the others to King Moradil to set her own plan in motion
>since this is Lyra, her plan is highly risky
Console warring is retarded. No matter how much you think it's right. It's not. Just shut up and post stories.
this is really fucking cool. what are you using to create this story?
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I don't know.
Are you actually use NAI or just their screenshot feature? Preset settings? Is this something you created by yourself or based on a pre-existing setting? Approximately how much are you contributing vs kayra
To prose augment or not to prose augment?
Does Claude count as prose augmentation?
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You ever wonder why, on a thread about storytelling, people consciously choose to engage in pointless console warring instead of being on-topic?
Sorry I forgot the thread ambassador was here. Just b urself :D
It can be nice to add some spice to your prose if you feel it's gotten bland, but like any spice, you don't want too much of it. Personally, I don't think I've felt a desire to use it in a long time, and usually forget about it.
Does asking about a NAI-specific feature count as pointless console warring, or is that only a when someone mentions a different model?
I always have it on and it hasn't been egregious yet. I believe it is supposed to be the spiritual successor to Cross-Genre.
When somebody 'brings up' an unrelated model out of nowhere, for the express purpose of sidestepping the question, that is console warring.
That wasn't actually me.
But it's correct, I'm actually using Kayra. As for settings, I'm sitting on Stelenes, switching on the prose augmenter module from time to time (which can be useful if used sparingly, it ceases to have any noticable impact if you just leave it on), everything else is default.
Setting is from my very first NAI story, see
I condensed it into a lorebook, cleaned it up and fleshed it out a lot. I'm writing about 50% of the story myself.
At this point I've just fallen in love with the setting, simple as. Will probably start organizing information in a timeline or something this weekend.
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nai inpainting is really strong. still wish i could do this locally. just turning on the fooocus inpaint controlnet isnt enough.
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Appeal of humans with horns?
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That said, let's continue.
>Moradil deems the move bold, as do his advisors, but Lyra stands firm in her decision
>the dwarven king agrees and promises to set up the paperwork
>the queen wants to get back to drinking, netting her a stern glance from Alrik and a short discussion about her alcoholism
>Alrik gives in, he isn't her teacher anymore, she's an adult and holding her hair while she pukes is Alara's job now
>hilarity in pic
I figured it probably wasn't you. Your story has inspired me to try getting back into adventuring, which is why I am interested in your process. For a while I've only been doing one shots and smaller scenes, but >>483746571 makes me want to try longer form stuff again. If you're willing I'd be interested in knowing your setup for memory+a/n or lorebooks. Not asking for a copy and paste, but just like advice or recommendations - but would appreciate any examples. PP14 is what I've been using recently, makes me wonder if it would be suitable for this kind of use case, but I have little to no experience with Stelenes or the module so I look forward to trying those out.
Of course I wasn't him, I was dunking on you for not reading the storypost and looking at the bottom right.
what the fuck how
apples huh? what about the peach meme
Inpainting would be better with controlnets.
Thats fair. I've only recently returned to this thread and I remember some people would use NAI's screenshot feature but a different AI/service. Don't know if people still do that or not
Peaches are matte and fuzzy, maybe not what he was going for
we need a furry anon to try
I'm flattered. I'll be glad to help.
Stelenes is just one of the config presets that NAI has. An easy one to use, the description is quite correct. Reasonable alternatives, it doesn't get too out of hand and makes regenerations more interesting.
As for A/N, I've stopped using it entirely a long time ago. The problem is, it gets inserted at the end and "strongly influences AI output" doesn't even begin to describe its effect. You will probably just end up lobotomizing Kayra.
My setup for memory is
For example, [ Genre: fantasy; Tags: war, intrigue ]
>description of current character if there is a POV
For example: "I am Alrik, a wizard who helped Queen Lyra reclaim the elven kingdom of Malrah over a decade ago[...]"
>description of the current "dragon"
The dragon being the current quest, including the meta quest. In this case (as aids is not yet caught up with Crown of Malrah) it would be uncovering just what this plot is and who could be involved.
not enough rape here
You should post on the wiki. We're painfully short on content there.
I assure you, we are very respectful here.
>not respect
With a lorebook, I usually take the prose route and write it in a style similar to my story to keep it consistent. Mention the character's name from time to time to be safe, if the AI or you have new ideas you like, persist them to the lorebook, keep that shit up-to-date. If you have minor information coming up, are really fucking serious about that story (I'm writing a damn sequel to a story that's already large here) and on the spectrum, no shame in keeping notes for yourself somewhere else.
Same about places. If you need visual reference, sketch a shitty map.
Cascading lorebooks, learn to love 'em.
L-lorebooks are a c-c-c-crutch, just steer the prose breh.
I'm lazy as hell and awful at updating them :(
Do you end the memory section with ***? I'll assume not since you didn't mention it but asking just in case.
Thanks anon, you've given me something new to look forward to this weekend.
Do you use a glossary to help AI remember stuff, or keep in the memory context? Like an always on lorebook with a brief descriptor of Character A and B that AI can call upon to trigger their lorebook to help AI remember stuff correctly when it falls out of context? Sounds like its time for me to research cascading
Most of this is subjective though, it's what has worked for me. In addition, it's stuff for longer stories. That said, if you think anything in the above post warrants inclusion into the wiki, I can look into it tomorrow. Not the first time people asked me to, but I'm hesitant to create an account and start actually namefagging as Lyranon.
Lorebooks will save you a lot of time in the long run and you really need to write them. For characters at the very least. Let me give you an example, maybe it'll encourage you? Alara's entry:
>Alara is a young female elf and the commander of Queen Lyra's royal guard. Alara met Lyra when she was still a young teenager and was her first loyal follower.
The girl grew up into a confident warrior, displaying a fearsome bloodlust on the battlefield while dancing around her enemies and striking them down with her shortsword Heroes March. Alara's friendship with Queen Lyra eventually grew into a romantic relationship and, as of recently, she is Princess Consort of Malrah. She has brown hair and green eyes. In her hair, Alara wears a feather made of silvery metal as a symbol of her marriage to the queen.
Oh, yeah, I do use ***
As for the cascading lorebooks... yeah, that's trial and error. Neither Queen of Malrah, nor Crown of Malrah had always-on lorebooks, but some of my other stories did. I have to check out for now, but I'll check back in nine hours or so?
>That said, if you think anything in the above post warrants inclusion into the wiki, I can look into it tomorrow.
I meant the library section, sorry should've specified. We don't have many storyposts there, just 25.
>Lorebooks will save you a lot of time in the long run and you really need to write them
nah, too lazy
Maybe I'm using them wrong, but I never found controlnets that useful. I hate how they disrupt the color balance more than they force pose, at least that's how it seems to me.
NovelAI doesn't have controlnets, so you're not using them at all. Color inbalances can be fixed with editing and inpainting the image afterward; you can't fucking edit an image that won't be generated because controlnets don't exist to make the gen easier to gen. Quit making excuses and add them back in, Turk.
I think you're insane.
but heres my number?
I probably wont call you
>Which one would that be?
Sorry missed that earlier. Tama Town
thats not how the song goes baka
*unzips* put on the Sailor Moon outfit hickwhineangryfag and start sucking.
Seymour, feed me.
https://catbox.moe /c/8hp4l2
I'm talking about ComfyUI controlnets.
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just inpaint around the fruit. what else would it be?

what about using controlnet through the img2img panel? or side by side with a "color" controlnet? i can spend way too long tweaking the settings but its fun when its not frustrating.
havent had a lot of luck with sdxl models though. especially with pony in the mix now.
i hope these homebrew community models people are cooking up after the sai fuckup dont have a million compatibility issues but im not holding my breath.
ComfyUI is shit.
If you get confused by all the options it offers, that's on you. What can't it do?
>call it comfyui
>it's anything but comfy
Is it just me or is NAI shitting itself like a german porno?
img2img is not controlnet.
wait till I tell you about this one ai company
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Kanna my beloved.
And now the bastard's going to hijack it. Fuck off or post a story, threadshitter.
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Prepare for these ghoulish gals to terrify, tingle, and touch! Get you encyclopedias ready for Monstergirls Friday!
whats the lore of plant lady?
does she have a prompt? could be a good excuse...
the guy that suggests anemoia is gonna be doing this shit til the end of time
IIRC, he got 3rd place once when we used some tiered voting system as an experiment.
this is more ridiculous than offputting
and so I will enjoy the nice ass
I’m writing a prompt where a wealthy estate owner hires a dozen women to become maids and establishes that whichever one becomes his son’s favorite by the end of the year will be paid a fortune
I need a plot twist for the landowner’s motive, I’m thinking satanic cult shit but I came here to fish for ideas
Here's a plot twist for you. The son favors all of them.
Well duh that goes without saying
Hmm. The estate owner is a serial killer, and the plan is to kill the favorite maid, the fortune being paid is to the maid's family because its the life insurance.
You can swap satanic cult for eldritch horror cult as well
One of the women is actually a man or futa, and they fuck all the women behind the son's back and impregnates them, before fucking the son in the ass and castrating them.
Mundane option is some inheritance clause that nobody gets some stuff that's in estate if they don't get married or something by a certain age and the rich people figured the help is dumb and easy to manipulate, I guess.
Maybe there's like. An entity the estate owner needs to transfer into a human body to manifest with its full powers, but the host has to be prepared first for the ritual and it's a long-term kind of prep, so the easiest way is to either get someone willing to do it (hard) or trick someone (easier) into unwittingly taking part in the seemingly-innocuous preparations until the time comes? And the fortune is extra bait for maybe someone desperate who doesn't really have a lot of people out there who would give a shit and stir up a fuss if they disappeared one day
You’re cooking
Hello SA. Leave.
>Be monster girl fag
>moving this week
FUCK, just like I missed size difference week. I'll try to make one but no promises.
wrong tree columbo
I'm actually really happy with them, though 'plant monsters' are actually a real easy deal for the AI in a way, since they can look like just about anything. There's a lot more trouble trying to get a dragon or snake that doesn't look goofy as absolute fuck, I think in those cases 9/10 times you just make an open mawshot and inpaint the prey in. And maybe it's just a living pit prone to molestery bouts. But not in my canon.
You can only use 1 female character archetype for the rest of your life, what is it
My heart instantly says "Dommy Mommy". Close second for Tomboy. The age old Rikku vs Lulu debate.
Yamato Nadeshiko, "silk hiding steel" type
Would Makima count as this type
Girl that loves me.
"grizzled serious dad with child/surrogate child" but woman
I'd say no.
The opposite of >>483772843, outwardly tough and confident to cover up a much more delicate inner self
I reject the question.
What the fuck is this Spellbound shit. This is fucking terrible. People pay for this?
You can’t reject the question you have to pick one.
shy and submissive
because you didn't make a selection, you get a random pick from the pile
oh, it looks like you drew "smelly fat girl that watches too much reality TV"! enjoy!
Shut the fuck up and post a story instead of console warring.
A girl who loves me for who I am.
Gentle femdom mommy, no questions asked.
I'll pretend the question is 'romantic interest type' and I'll say "quiet boy who can be intimidating but is nice underneath" or kuudere
Broke 50k words. Happy.
People pay $10 for 3k context and a 13B model from the Llama 1 era.
sorry the question was not for uh gay homos so uhh delete your post
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People still engage in console wars despite supposedly having access to better models. Why not have fun storyposting instead of shitting up the thread?
>sorry the question was not for uh gay homos
Oh, that's okay. I won't hold it against you if you answer the question.
I AM NOT A GAY HOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Why not have fun storyposting instead of shitting up the thread?
great question, threadshitter
Quit shitting up the thread and throwing a tantrum when people call you out on your threadshitting.
Hi, angryanon. Aren't you supposed to be enjoying your vacation?
this anon right now:
Nice try, Colombo. I'm the guy who wrote how you'd accuse everyone of being him, ignoring the fact that multiple hate your guts. See a therapist for this shitposting addiction you have.
What are people's thoughts on long form stories that are lewd? Is it possible, or impossible due to it's nature? Does it need to be broken up with non-lewds to be satisfying/possible? What are your experiences or opinions on the matter
I personally run out of steam after a few scenes of the writing equivalent of smacking my naked barbies together and either start throwing actual plot in there or go to another story (where I smack a different set of naked barbies together until I get bored of those, repeat ad infinitum). I think it's possible, it just takes a certain type to not get bored and to be able to thread the scenes together so they are actually a connected story instead of just a collection of vignettes, even if it's with some really flimsy porno plot.
>Does it need to be broken up with non-lewds to be satisfying/possible?
I guess a really talented smut writer could find some way to get away with non-stop lewds in an entertaining way, in a similar vein to an over the top action movie or something where part of the appeal is how gonzo it is to even attempt such a thing. It's probably more sane to break it up though, a lot of the appeal of long form is being able to do proper build-up and climax, and if all you do is climax you're probably selling yourself short on the build-up.
I don't really have a problem doing it, but the story ends up very improbable and full of porn logic
I do kinda take breaks in-universe, but its pretty obviously just set-up for more smut
It's over. They cripple the model to make the upcoming L3 finetune looks good.
Artificial doom.
As opposed to organic doom? I try to grow my doom without harmful pesticides.
This is basically all I write. I actually have a problem where I'll get horny and I'll sit down to write a story to get my rocks off, but then I'll end up writing lore and buildup for four hours just to type the narrative equivalent of "he fuk her and cums" then delete the story forever
Tama Town ch 30
>Len pampers her siblings while they get ready for another day of Tama Town bullshit
As I said earlier in the thread: I hit 50k with this chapter, and updated the wiki to add pictures.
Why delete it? Why not just save a copy of the story and archive it?
Well shame primarily
I've never understood this 'shame' thing. Are you Christian or something? Raised in a puritanical household?
is applicable to >>483783353 as well.
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>AI adds an advertisement for a fictional service right in the middle of the story
I wish this was me, I'm the opposite: lots of grand ambitions and then when it's time to write I quickly veer into coomland and never get back on course.
Nah just normal, you?
>posts on 4chan
Touche. nigger
Dunno. My parents never shamed me for stuff, I guess. I was threatened with ass-whoopin's for doing stuff they don't like; no big bad sky-daddy who watches me masturbate, or anything like that.
I get it, but once it's in a folder and not on the NAI shelf the shame evaporates for the most part, in my experience
I love it when it does that
I didn't have a sky daddy watch me masturbate either, my regular daddy did that
Oh~? What color are my jerkoff panties, then, hmm?
not that anon but by any chance were you a stepslut or i2s?
Did you ever get hard from ass whooping?
Good guess! They totally would be, but when I went to Walmart yesterday to buy them, they didn't have any pink panties for sale individually. The correct answer is light blue panties with a dog-print pattern. I would also have accepted rainbow tie dye, although I am not currently masturbating with them.
Damn, that sounds hot, Southern Anon.
...How the fuck did you know I was Southern? Alabama reporting in.
No, he's calling you a poster who doesn't post here anymore named "Southern Anon"
Because I've filmed the place where you live.
That cunt posted earlier in the thread. I know he's here. I know he's watching.
I just said it because I thought it was funny.
Whatever you say, hick. I'm onto you.
Goddammit I just wanna stop being sick
No, but one time my dad punched me in the chest so hard it hurt to laugh for two weeks. That kinda sucked.
If I was Southern Anon, why would I imply that I wear panties to myself? Like a 9/11 inside job conspiracy?
Panties can't melt steel stallions.
It was the biggest orgy ever. They ran a train on him over and over.
>Writing a resumé, no idea where the one I wrote way back in 2017 went and I have to find a new job
>Can't remember jack shit on how to properly format it
>ask Kayra for help
If I follow this, will I get the job bros?
I really liked the colors that mix gives me, but it goes a bit too hard on the 'concept art' style
G'd eveninc thread! How do ya do with da NAI's m'del?
Me cum
you ever been so obsessed with someone that you spend hours pretending to be that person on an anonymous basketweaving forum
yeah me neither
I thought it was funny, Fido.
it's not going to make your boyfriend notice you
Just because you make somebody your rape slave doesn't necessarily make them your boyfriend. I mean, you wouldn't consider your dog your boyfriend, would you?
Pretend I posted the pet hand gif.
vibe check
I can't read those words without getting hard. Fuck zoomer sluts.
This. Soft twink zoomie bodies were made for mature old boomer hands to molest.
Needs a lot of tard wrangling sometimes, definitely not my best find
bad vibe
It always blows me away that parents like this exists. The worst I remember is maybe getting spanked when I was little—honestly I'm not even sure of that. How do you deal with the people raising you being pieces of shit?
NTA but I'll tell you one thing: rough parenting sure didn't "cure" my autism
My dad isn't that bad. I was being a real asshole and he was pissed off. He's only human.
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There's a difference between losing your cool at your kid and punching them though
I was 16 or so at the time so it's not like I was some little kid. But, yeah. I don't want to make excuses for shitty behavior, but now that I'm an adult with kids myself, there are times when I just want to fuckin' strangle them.

Let's all do our best to learn from the mistakes of our parents and try not to repeat them, no matter how hard it is!
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The average /aids/ poster:
Once there was an Ugly Barnacle. He was so ugly, that everyone died!
Barnacles are a good example of the inescapable truth that the only thing that matters is power.
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Oh hey, just when I added a certain idea to my list a couple of days ago. Nice when a theme actually lines up with something I already have in my list and I get to knock one off it with my Friday prompt.
I see. Makes sense, problem is Queen of Malrah (the first story in this setting) was supposed to be a text adventure when I started out. Wasn't until later that the style gradually shifts towards prose. So while anons liked the story, characters and setting, I had to cast it into greentext to make it palatable. The writing is atrocious, would have to rewrite large parts of it. Not that I haven't considered it...
This sequel I'm posting lately, Crown of Malrah, doesn't have that problem. But it isn't finished yet, I'm catching aids up right now and then I'll be posting live progress.
Wat do? I'm not opposed to contributing.
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Gemini has actually been giving me some good answers but its still creepy asf to have Google's pajeets reading through everything.
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The death penalty will not stop her from molesting shotas.
I suppose I have no excuse now. The oni prompt must be revisited.
Are you more a "magically clean" or a "maggot infested" type when it comes to zombie girls?
Depends on the lore. If it's magic, then the necrotic energies animating the undead kill microorganisms. "natural" zombies would have to be technically alive in order to avoid a whole host of other problems, so they wouldn't decay unless they had necrosis from some other source.
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>Requirements: MacOs 13+

So that's why SpellBound is on the avoid list.
I once had a dream where viral/bite zombies were a thing, but for whatever reason society didn't collapse and adapted to it, kind of like covid. You could still see them walking around on occasion, there were supply issues at stores, people had barricaded homes (and there were even services that would build/maintain barricades for people), and the news reported on superhorde movements, but otherwise everything was "normal." So normal in fact that a fear of zombies was considered an irrational phobia, and my therapist in the dream recommended I visit a zombie brothel to get over it. These places injected you with a rabies-like vaccine for the virus and put you in a room with a de-toothed zombie of your choosing. I woke up before sex actually happened, as is typical of most of my dreams.
So basically the ending of shaun of the dead?
how do you even use it
there's actually two ai services with the same name
>t. the smartest cabalist shill
Why are you even bringing it up twice out of nowhere in the first place?
>C-word AND the S-word
I thought we got over this arc, aren't we in the "good poster" arc?
There's still that one anon and he pulled me back, it's his fault.
Well, me, personally, I think Richard's kind of a dork when he's here, but he seems better in DMs. That's my personal opinion.
What's the furriest you've ever gotten with characters?
Yeah, I'm not reading that. Get stubbed.
But that's his actual name...
Well done, anon. Well done. Now tell us about your story.
Always love having you around.
>Whats the furriest you've ever gotten
for what purpose
I mean like on the meme scales that get posted around.
Furry pill me. Why should I care about bestiality that can walk on two legs
It's harder in my case since I got hit with it so young, but I'll try anyway.
There's something really appealing about interacting with something so familiar yet also so different compared to ourselves.
Ah yes, AI metaphors.
The mods put him down
Huh, even more deleted posts.
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Econchads, next time victory shall be ours
>posing for a picture whilst holding a ballot
This bitch should be jailed.
The new ILLGames game has 24 students. It might be good. Let it cook.
In what shithole do you live in where that's a jail-worthy offense?
>It might be good
The cycle has never been broken and will never be broken
That's what your mother said last night, before I the condom broke. Let me know if she gets pregnant later, okay future stepson?
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This might have an impact if I didn't know that Kayra usually usually talks about obsolete engines when the "13B" token comes up.
I miss my friend.
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Have to repost because I fucked up the screenshot and cut off some dialog. Might as well include a bit more, this does develop some character.
>while drinking they get into a friendly chat with a dwarven veteran, everyone compares their metaphorical battle scars
Read between the lines.
Get a life, schizo.
What exactly is the difference between NAI's inpainting and local inpainting?
This explanation here makes it sound like localbros don't actually have true inpainting and instead rely on some external shit to achieve the same with ordinary img2img.
>just inpaint around the fruit
Oh, I thought you were inpainting with vibe transfer. That's also a fun, if more subtle, technique. Though not very useful in this context, since the AI is quite capable of generating juicy asses without being given actual fruits for reference.
Can you post just the picture? Same as the rest of them, if you would.
>Same as the rest of them
Not sure what this means, but here's the two images in that screenshot. Just a low effort prompt I threw together (now that I look, I forgot to clear out the UCs from my previous gens, as always).
Apparently I'm blind. I thought you were also the other person.
That's a juicy ass. Love the tail too.
Just memorize the incantation "artist:ipuu (el-ane koubou)", and you too will be able to conjure up juicy asses at will.
I really wish this had become popular
It's true!
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>Be me, writing self-insert waifuslop
>Ask waifu "What is your native tongue?"
>"Italian. Do you speak Italian, darling?"
>"No. That said, English isn't my native language either."
>"Really? What is it then, dear?"
>She then starts flirting with me in surprisingly good French
I keep forgetting how good textgen AI is at French in general, holy shit.
I don't know for sure. but when I used local there was an option to just fill the masked area with noise before diffusion
maybe that's what NAI does
NAI doesn't have inpainting.
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>after the king is done setting up the paperwork and informing his government, he doesn't just let Lyra speak in front of them
>she finds herself speaking in front of the entrance to the mountain-home to a large crowd of dwarves
>she is now no longer on vacation, missing or a fugitive
>as far as Masad-Khoram is concerned, she is the sole legitimate government of Malrah
>of course, this also means that King Moradil can no longer, in good faith, conduct diplomacy with members of the council
>Lyra needs to win over the dwarves because this fact will affect them eventually, most likely through a lack of trade with Malrah
Urgog be shitpostin'.
im not certain, but without a dedicated inpainting model it hardly understands the context of the rest of the image and nothing lines up outside of the most minor of touchups like enhancing eyes. 1.5 had full inpainting models which were merges with sd1.5-inpainting released by sai, loaded like a regular model. where sdxl relies on a controlnet inpainting model which works when it wants to and doesnt seem to like pdxl very much. or maybe thats just me. some people insist it works great.
cumming inside of an elf
founding members of the /aids/ guild of writers
you better keep posting
You have no rizz.
I have a challenge for everybody. Randomly generate an image with the randomizer and make a story to go with it.
>be me
>asian parents
>lower class
>scrawny af
>jerk off to beastfolk slave prompt every other day
>delete and repeat
>can't write to save my life
>"you have no rizz"
believe me, i already know
I propose that regenerating be acceptable if the image doesn't impose any restrictions or suggest a setting. If the randomizer just gives you a close-up of a female face, the story is just fair game.
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Good news out of SCOTUS. Today's decision will make AI regulation efforts more difficult by kneecapping the executive branch's authority in enacting them.
Thats good!
In all honesty I just want stories, so sure, fine.
Thank for the tips.
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Oh. Well, in that case I'll just proceed with posting mine and not participate.
>after giving her speech, Lyra is approached by a dwarven boy and handed a small token, a miniature shield depicting a roaring bear
>very cute, Alrik mentions that it is enchanted and, while he can't determine the exact nature of the enchantment without spending some time, he doesn't sense anything immediately harmful
>what is, however, potentially harmful is pic related
You don't have to be a dick.
I do.
But Big Dick Nick is

Local song anon back at it again.
I tried adding images that the posts had too.
Sorry, that didn't come across the way I wanted it to. I just wanted to say that I'm still busy posting Crown of Malrah and will contribute that way. Didn't mean to sound like a prick.
I accept your apology.
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Imagine what it feels like to be the Judas Goat.
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Ooooh, everyone in /aids/ is critical
Of the days that's lost on the adventures
Oooooh, anything so pitiful
Would have given /aidg/ reason to leave

And no one else made you call
The Mormon Devil is the cause of my downfall
The Smedrin needs me to crave
The Smedrin makes my grave

Oooooh, everyone in /aids/ is cynical
When a body gets washed out to sea
Ooh, anyone so beautiful
Could've easily left me to be

She stood byyyy
At my side
Every night
Set my prompts right

She could flyyyy
Fluffy tails
She stood byyyy
And helped me to breatheeeeeee

She stood byyyy
At my sideeeee
Every night
Set my prompts right

She could flyyyyy
Fluffy tails
She stood byyyy
And helped me to breeeeeaaaaaatheeee

Oooooh save me
I know you've got no good reason
But please don't go
I've lost all count of the waiting
And I need your beak
Save meeeeee
Save meeeeeeeeeeee

Carry me out of the waaaateeeeer
Carry me out from my doooooom
Carry me on to the Larion that I've never known
Give me a reason to writeeeeeee
Literally me except I'm a spic, built fat, and fap to mom ntr prompts everyday
But that means it's coming soon
Read fearless wretchs stories, he always has long builups
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I'm gonna fight my anxiety and submit a prompt for theme friday. I hope you fags like cows.
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>after Lyra calms down, King Moradil enters the room
>he's embarrassed and enraged that an assassination attempt on Lyra took place right on the doorstep of Masad-Khoram's capital
>assigns her additional guards as well as pic related
Lyra getting her feet wet regarding this whole scheming game.
Alright, I'll meet you there with my own and we can walk over the horizon together.
Literally me except I'm Germanic, over two yards tall, and lift weights every other day. There are other inconsistencies too. But absolutely this.
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Either Right. The rest are too caught up in their heads/the symbolism of the moment, and red is just having his refractory period fucked with.
I don’t know green seems to be silently but genuinely happy. Maybe it’s with someone he loves?
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Literally me except I allow myself to he classified spic because it confuses people/have no european blood but happen to come from the same landmass, dyel manlet that needs to lift more perpetually, and fap to disgustingly pathetic self insert sap that would bely(get wrecked new spelling) the expectations of those around me as I avoid the modern paradigm that seeks to embrace me.

>hear another anon has no rizz.
fr on me, just like me...

Also different gender selfcest btw.
any sonnet 3.5 jb for novelcrafter?
Here is a neat thing I found.
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>be me
>pale skin but I burn in the sun
>manlet (too short to be a man, too tall to even enjoy the concept of girls being taller than me)
>diagnosed autism and severe anxiety
>start hitting gym to feel better
>see some progress
>skin tags start growing on my face
>write shitty monster girl prompts and delete them
>panic over grammar and spelling, special ed class and the teachers did jack shit as a kid so I had, and continue to have to, teach myself.
>thread flips between being okay with monster girls and hating them.
I just want to be princess carried but I am slowly turning into pic related. You aren't alone, we can all be disfigured mutants together.
c'mon bro at least use kuroba
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I like cows, especially breeding them.

Need to get back to work on my catboy farm hand prompt.
same except self-insert trapification because i sit at the intersection of too much autism to empathize with women or female sexuality and too little self-esteem to imagine myself meaningfully dominating someone else
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Good. I can get behind this. Time to do another Choco-Elf prompt.
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Almost caught up now.
>after knowing where her new spy's loyalties lie, Lyra questions him about the amulet
>it's a token from a rather young order of very religious paladins who fancy themselves slayers of all that is evil
>however, the Silver Order, as they call themselves, are not exactly charitable and they certainly do not give away their holy symbols unless they attempt to recruit someone
>even more weird, they do not enchant them, Lyra's token has an enchantment
>the queen may not be a decent mage herself, but she has paid attention while Alrik had been teaching her
All my images come from 4channel, fella...
kuroba is a 4chan app dumbass
so you don't get downsized mobile images and bombarded with ads
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Thats a lot of tech talk fella, I'll stick with brave.
Nothing I do necessitates higher resolution than what my phone displays, at worst I get a reaction like you just gave me.

I turn on ads for the novelty of them on here though.
Lots of shit coin and chat bot stuff that mixes up occasionally.... reminds me of the early internet ads but more desperate.
Why bother coming here when you can't read half of the story posts then?
>seeing all those self-reporting rizzlets itt
I'm home...
>Well done, anon. Well done. Now tell us about your story.
Funny you ask, since your other reply was also to me (TamaTown)
Looking forward to seeing more than 2 prompts! Not sure what to write myself yet, but there's still time.
Gonna go do some monstergirl research.
>none of my 4 burners got into the alpha
what the fuck were they looking for
Hello new models?!?
What do you mean? I can read every image in here. I'm not reading the current dump though because it's not my taste.

Unless you dump some mega /pol/ tier infograph of text in an image, it's fine.

Most people post excerpts or links to site for that purpose anyway rather than spam redonculously large images, nyes.
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yeah bro this is totally fucking readable
Fuck off, threadshitting schizo. Quit trying to drive away contributors with utter bullshit complaints.
>nooo i'm the only one who can shitpost whaaa
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Ah. Confusion kicking in hard.
>Urgog asks whether Lyra did actually 'bed' Alara
>next morning, Ralkor returns with the guy who handed the token to Lyra
>since everyone slept in Lyra's room for her safety, the queen is quickly equipped with her rapier Lost Aria and a hairbrush
It is at this moment that I realized I produced a minor plothole. Lost Aria was broken in Queen of Malrah and Alrik never did comment of Lyra fixing it. Though fixing it would not have been too big of a problem since the ore it's made of is found in Malrah's mines.
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I don't understand how people cans till say stuff like this.
Why did you quote me.
"Hours passed in a blur of depraved pleasure. Poi alternated... etc"
Yes? You do know there are some nifty phones nowadays?
damn, it took you that long to make out that one line, huh?
Poidh (of shrine, not keeping your smile)
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Lyra, unhinged edition.
That's it, /aids/. Took a while, but you're all caught up now.
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Prompt done. Editor Anon is going to tan my hide but it's finished.
You've got a week to proofread it before he pulls out the belt, anon!
cumming inside of an elf so frequently I feel obligated to do a follow up that explores our life raising our half-elf child together
NAI should use gemma
NAI should, you know, do something
gemma is coal
I agree with the other anon. With the time between now and Friday, you have enough time to focus on other things for a day or two and then come back with fresh eyes and see how it feels and what errors you may spot then that you may not have before because your knowledge of how the story 'should read' colored how it actually reads. If nothing else, it's good experience to be able to look at your work with a slightly critical eye.
I'm waging, no breaks :(
>read that as 'no beaks'
I'm beyond hope, bros :(
tfw no beaks
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This is gemmy doe: https://rentry.org/kysclaudenigger


what are you doing
I don't think I have read a single screenshot storypost since a week after Euterpe was released
Baking before claudefag ruins op once again.
the fabled gemmy template
What? You wanted to ruin it once again like a retard? This thread deserves a shiny, glistening diamond op, not some troll coal.
calm down
it is pretty 'emmy doe.
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Nothing personal, I'm just tired of all this claudefaggotry.
Quit it with the console warring shit, retard.
It's a samefag making a shit thread to false flag his other shit threads.
It's odd that AI can't replicated GVC
Holy ESL on my part, I apologize.
Global value chain?
Non-schizos, unironically. Next time try applying with a @gmail.com that doesn’t look autogenerated.
They have not even sent them yet.
This looks like picasso but with a different name.
I like it, but I agree that it was the start of Soulless corpo art.
How do I stop brainrot from advancing?
Have you tried abstaining from things that cause brainrot in the first place? You could try going camping, getting off the internet always helps.
>not worth the effort
I will stick with the brainrot
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I have been using this one, which is just an adaptation of https://rentry.org/your__reality
anyone else feels that aids is dying?
the new thread is up
It was made 5 hours ago and we aren't even at bump limit. It's a troll thread.
I would like to think that the general is more than a bunch of console warriors
>No brackets
Dishoest post.
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new bread
without mold edition
I'll just post in whichever one is still up tomorrow. Have a good night /aids/!
Blow it out your ass.
Or you could do your part so the troll thread isn't the one that stays alive.
Come on guys... The general must have more than the handful of people that want to bump the troll thread... right?
Well let's get this one to bump first, yeah?
let's gooooooo
Thanks anon, so far it's pretty good

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