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>The Final Shape

TWAB (06/20/24): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-06-20-24
Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_0_5

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Clan: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/4995217

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>me with my Truth
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>people are actually grinding for a linear
>in 2024
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Is this warlocks getting halfed rewards in nightfalls a meme or actuality?
It's true. It's damn true.
dead general, dead game
So I can’t start an lfg for gm glassway?
I'm wearing Aeon Swift and the game doesn't show me when I mark enemies and make them weaker for my team. I guess that's normal? I wish I knew if it was working or not.
its over
just what happens when you design the end of a 10 year story around a TRICKY PUZZLE RAID so NEETs who stream take 4 more hours to beat it or whatever
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I laughed at this interaction. Some dude was using the El*ksni emote into the basketball emote to throw the babies, and was trying to get them to land in the hot tub. Blanked out the names because I don't want the Praxic order to show up.
why are my tower instances never this cool
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4th encounter?
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Like >>483305653 said a couple threads ago, you can break the AI with the alone in the dark quest and paracausal geometry in the same zone. I still don't know if the geometry quest woçç be in this area but tI found he creepy skullhand statue is already in the enclave with a ghost I can't interact with. Let's see if I'm correct. Pic related, me and my new friend. He became hostile while I was writing this post, unfortunately.
wouldn't most of the hive be female?
I realized destiny’s soul is gone because all the people who were responsible for destiny have either left the studio or were fired. I don’t think I’m buying the next expansion but I’ll check in to see what the episodes are about, mainly interested in a wrath reprisal.
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Any other slay sisters?
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i played 1 match of playlist and my entire team was dying in spawn
never again, pvp is sheit
>mainly interested in a wrath reprisal
never happening lol
What killed the hype?
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does paulina think this is a dunk? lol retard
>paul tassi
>hates stellar blade
>first result on google
>There has been an exhausting amount of culture war controversy surrounding Stellar Blade, but if you strip all that away, it’s a game that reviewed well, sold well, is well-liked by players and a true rarity of a brand new AAA IP from a new developer in that space debuting strongly in an industry full of huge players making endless sequels. It’s a significant achievement.
no failsafe robo-pussy
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>Westiny will never get this cutie
Why live
what the fuck
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Your getting locked up for a long time buddy
*shoves you in white padded room*
Is he ever releasing that game? Is it a form of fraud to never release?
Good morning, /dg/.
Allow me to share my warlock rotation that has been consistently outclassing any and all hunters I've played with in salvation's through LFG.
I apologize that it's all gonna be text and no illustrations.

The weapons you want are Cloudstrike and a Crux Termination with Reconstruction, Explosive Light, and quick access sling.
For exotic armor you just want the bond with a star-eater spirit - The other spirit doesn't matter all that much but if you have one with inmost light or osmio, both of those work pretty well for what the rotation is going for.
Ophidian is good too but it will eat all of your ammo and you'll get fewer abilities per phase.

Subclass is prismatic, aspects are hellion + whatever you want and the facets are Courage, Dominance, Hope and Dawn, the remaining slot[s] are up to you, I've been using Solitude but to be completely honest, I can't tell if the severing blast is dealing any damage to witness.
Abilities are Slowa, Void grenade, Arcane needle and whichever class ability you want.

For the Lazy:
Pre-cast transcendence as the platform is being raised and when the platform reaches the top you pop your super.
Open with rocket, melee + grenade, rocket, melee, swap to cloudstrike and then just alternate between cloudstrike and your rocket while tossing grenades when they're off cd.
This rotation can deal more than enough damage for a one-phase kill, as long as other players are pulling their weight.

For the try-hards:
1. Most charged melees have aftercast animations that you can cancel in various ways like following up with a nade or swapping weapons, here you want to fill with melee before swapping weapons.
2. When Mortal Polarity procs there's a short delay before it can proc again, so every 3 precision hits you have a short window of time that is perfect for if when your nade is ready or when you need to refresh your hellion.

I probably had another paragraph of useless information but the post character limit saved y'all.
They just had to have a comfy Awoken season. Nothing more. And player loyalty would have been extraordinary. But they didn't. They had to make the most boring Vex season ever. And as usual, another Vex season is another retcon season because they still don't know what to do with the Vex.
i don't wanna use rockets when retards will run infront of me
I do this but with still hunt + apex
Got ez top damage today as my warlock
Fair point.
The only decent alternatives I could give you would be Wendigo or Interference but the idiot problem still persists with GLs
explosive light or bns?
Stellar Blade was a hit with all of the gaming journos that these types fucking hate so naturally instead of being normal they made an alternate reality where every journo secretly hates the game and only gave it a good score to quiet the masses.
Quite literally mass delusion made manifest in the minds of internet-poisoned freaks.
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>decide to try solo Ghosts of the Deep
>get yeeted across the room during damage phase
>still got off 14 heavy GL shots and an Arbalest shot
>damage phase ends early
>did less than 5% of his health
good god
who the fuck is this for
why is this like this
I advise against gls unless you have everything wiped out
Scorn captains can shoot your shots midair and it happened to me twice in one run
Bipod :)
Can I do this on Titan? I have a class exotic with HOIL and Armamentarium.
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Nta put rocket chestpiece on and do MASSIVE DAMAGE
Oh that would be nice right? Rocket chest, shoot rockets, shoot cloud strike, shoot the call and then shoot rockets again.
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bro? your nerfed lament?
I got top dps on my titan aswell today with just still hunt + apex damage and TA
Make sure you use thruster though, that is mandatory
Update - nope, paracausal geometry was in another zone. Maybe it's just alone in the dark that is making the AI act weird...
that last run was so absurd that I don't know if I even want to try again
i wouldn't unless you're desperate for navigator
Sounds awesome. What do you do for big damage in regular gameplay?
For anything outside of witness I generally run stuff like outbreak, indebted kindness, and apex
That was my gm loadout this week and oh boy do fucking rocket chest misses SHRED gm champions
It honestly felt like titans were best pick for this week's gm
>nuke wyverns
>nuke champions
>suspend anything with prismatic nade
Titan feels so fucking good and fun for once and it's not tied to melee slop
can't wait for rocket exotic to get nerfed?
Please no
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heresy... trust the plan...
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post yer armor, originally I wanted to wear this with the dead orbit helmet but it kind of clashes with the cape
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weapons that shoot big ass red lasers will forever be badass
>I can't tell if the severing blast is dealing any damage to witness.
it doesn't deal damage does it? I thought it's just a sever debuff
Short answer is yeash.
Longer answer is sort of, but not in the same way.

I think prismatic is still the right choice for this setup on a titan, the only super that I think is a viable pick would be twilight even though it deals significantly less damage than an eater'd up slow nova and it has a tendency to get stuck on fucking nothing because bungie's QA team probably only tested it once and gave it the all clear.
Another thing that is wonky on titans against witness is that their transcendent grenade is bouncy, so it's gonna be a trial and error sort of ordeal to learn how to throw the fucking thing and get it to hit.
The only prismatic melee ability that I think titans can realistically use for witness dps is shield throw and even though I haven't tested, I don't think you can interrupt the aftercast animation on that one.

The good news, though, is that hazardous propulsion has a very nice synergy with sniper + rocket rotations.
I haven't checked if they fixed the buff priority stuff yet for the rockets but if they have it's gonna be very potent.

Where the warlock opens with:
troonscend, super, rocket, etc
I think the titan wants to open with:
troon, super, 3 cloudstrike shots, swap, thruster rocket, nade, rocket.
After opener, I think you want to use thrusters either when reaching max stacks or immediately after swapping to your rocket.
Idk if thrusters can cancel the grenade aftercast but if they can't you want to throw grenades after Mortal Polarity procs and/or between firing rockets.

I haven't tried titan against witness but I don't see a reason why they wouldn't be able to compete with celestial still hunt.
Yeah, I have no idea.
From the description it sounds like something that would deal some area damage.
Especially considering the interaction with transcendance.
But I've only been using it for boss damage and only now wondered if it actually does anything aside for applying sever.
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>Act 1 is completed today after only 3 weeks of story, Act 2 doesn't begin for another 20 days.
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>mfw american calls out cylindrical trianle
>try to play crucible on titan
>cant go one game without getting booted to orbit
>can play it on hunter two games no issue
>warlocks getting half rewards in nightfalls
Genuinely how do you fuck up playlists like this? How much of a diversity hire niggerdry do you shove into your code base to have this?
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Am I blind or has Osiris always been black?
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Yes, I remember the time when this exotic made alot of people cry.
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no he's just an old bald man
If Crow becomes the new Hunter Vanguard, will he be bald?
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And Azirim said to those who knelt enraptured, "Come, let me sing to you of extinction. Let me sing to you of lives lost in beautiful places, o audience mine. Sing with me, sing!" He bade them rise, and led them singing down and away from the gardens of Esila. He spread his wings and flew out into the empty air beyond the steep cliffs that bordered the gardens. And to those who happened to glance toward the gardens from far-off pavilions, it seemed a merry parade, a joyous chorus.

And they did not hear the singing stop.

And they did not hear the bodies dashed against the shore below.

And they did not see Azirim grow, or laugh, or flee.
inshallah we shall cut crows hair
>Destiny 2 CURRENT PLAYERS 77,907
Revenant will save Destiny 2.
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How's my outfit looking? Wanted to do something that's not white/black.
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Who'd win?
Arbiter would fuck up mithrax
i like it
is mithrax actually good at fighting? he's rather small for a grown up fallen
He's not even a boss level enemy. Pathetic!
is that why we put up to be the kell of light? its like having a spineless politician run a dangerous 3rd world contry so that you have control over it
he killed that one dreg at the beginning of zero hour
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Guys I got it!
The the gun have the linear mode in d1?
Nope but it hit like a truck
They wouldn't dare. That said, I need HoIL
I'd use it if I didn't need HOIL
holy freaking soul...
t. nigel nomates
I need some tips for doing harder content. I feel like my weapons always take forever to kill anything on GMs/Lost Sectors and because the enemies are so tanky any build that revolves around rapid kills to make explosions or other effects aren't that useful. So how should I be approaching hard content? Right now on my hunter I'm using Aeon Swift to put mark and debuff big enemies (even though I can't tell if it's ever activating) and weapon-wise I'm just trying different things out. I don't have a good core understanding of how best to deal damage.
>Slaycation emblem granted
what weapons are you using?
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If you don't have any of these you're not welcome at my birthday party
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i can bring some drinks
none of these look good lol
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it's a display of skill, not about looking good
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fuck you for reminding me
im sorry anon, do you wanna come to mine? its in late october though
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>"Complete Crucible, Gambit or Vanguard activities."
>1 Strike gives 5%...

FUCK Pathfinder.
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this sucks so fucking much lmao
>he couldn't even beat the easiest one
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does this make me your best friend
>bring challenge back
>lose 80% playerbase
like pottery
I started late in the 2nd day and one person had to leave at Nez due to health problems. The lfg vetting was hell afterwards and the group disbanded after 4 posts.
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for me it was taniks
where do you check these?
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>Maya mentions a strange ally with an unusual history and physiology
>Sudden Qugu lorebook
Looks like Braytech
triumphs, respective destination, respective raid
you should see the triumph if you've completed at least one encounter on contest mode
also i have every solo flawless emblem all done within week 1 if im correct
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Let's play truth or dare. I dare you to give me the entire birthday cake.
>Sony Loses $10 Billion In Stock Value
bungie is about to get sacked
who is the DrDisrespect of Destiny?
Oh I'm pretty sure there's been at least one nonce streamer
there are no high test 6'10 destiny players, the best we can do is datto
he asked who is a pedophile among destiny 2 streamers
It's probably easier to list the ones that aren't.
Post kill count, Truth poster.
10 years and they still cannot get this game to work…
>canceled for no reason with no proof of any actual wrong doing just he said she said but what he said is worthless in our society and what she said is gospel
He was the first "good" fallen we came across so the secret order groomed him to divide them from within.

Now their leader has fled to their desolate home world and the remaining houses are shattered. Leaving us with a new generation of Fallen who are being indoctrinated into being reliant on the tower and becoming truly "good".

Eido has been trained by the awoken as a bridge between our races and to force them to realise they were always bad until we made them "good" again.

Soon the savage bugs will be civilized by the last city and be forced to work under us in the travellers name.
having a blasts
Old exotic weapons should be in the loot pool or exotic cyphers should be obtainable from endgame activities. I don’t even bother with the their xur retention mechanic.
I like how episodes don’t offer anything more than seasons. Bungie just substituted the 4th season with gap weeks of no content kek.
Aren't 3-bursts shit outside of euphony now?
Why do people want scintillation
All the other three bursts LFRs in the game have garbage perk pools compared to the nightfall one.
Bait and Switch has ruined the game
I don’t see how I’m supposed to complete the pass unless I’m playing 5 hours a day every day
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you say LFRs are bad
but then bungie releases a boss that is immune to unprecise damage
what then
They already did this with Liminality and it's in GM rotation.
Is DIM super slow for you guys as well? It takes like 3-4 minutes just to equip a loadout. Sometimes like 10 seconds to pull a weapon.
It just because D2's got a high player count right now, which means D2's API is overwhelmed and thus slower? Or is it something more on DIM's end?
Bungos servers have been fucked since the final shape release.

I think its something to do with everyone opening 50 chests a minute.
Whisper does the job of LFRs but better already
That's why everyone uses it on Oryx
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bungie should delete titan
they already did you can't go to that destination anymore
Revert cryoclasm and shiver strike back to how they were before minigame niggers got them nerfed
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mask of the quiet one rework
Fix damage cone of Thundercrash and make it do actual damage
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explain this
challenge was brought back to destiny (API is broken people cleared it within the first 2 hours)
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I thought my team had a chance for a second
revert one-eyed mask back to its glory days
Stasis Titan gets a super that's a knockoff of well, gives 5 stacks of frost armor and bonus precision damage
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If you don't have all seven of these, nobody's gonna bother coming to your loser party.
ok boomer
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The Bungie forums are so based wtf
I don't get why they're time-gating all of it.
Just release it all at once and if there's nothing to do afterwards so what
i really don't know why they bothered saying episodes were gonna be better than seasons when they're both the same kind of dogshit that killed the game
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you WERE there, right anon?
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>trying to get an auto-loading, chill clip fusion from Shaxx for ages
>get the god roll baguette bow after doing the challenge, first try
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Being a red mini game enjoyer pays off.

Well, the only thing left for me to do is GMs and Crimson Minigame, so I'll make Shaxx proud.
>chill clip and vorpal
only thing it is missing is lead from gold
the gun you like sucks
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there's no way nobody else here has hunker down

none of my incomplete contest triumphs are visible, in game and api
cleared caretaker for vow
spent 6 hours with asylum patients on crota challenge and im definitely not mad :)
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you are both CASUALS
I thought this expansion was The Final Shape, not The Infinite Shapes.
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You can have more than 10 emblems now?
Hello, sir.
Allow me to share my Titan rotation.

I punch. And keep on punching until Knockout runs out. Then, I start shooting.
Owning hunker down is more impressive than contest crota
I don’t. My team consisting of 2 warlocks and 2 titans gave up at the first encounter after both warlocks quit because they kept dying to minotaurs. The others went to play Overwatch 2 for the rest of the weekend.
I tried to lfg it later but had a miserable time so I threw my hands in the air.
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>The others went to play Overwatch 2 for the rest of the weekend.
They’re genuinely addicted to that game even more so than Destiny. I don’t get the appeal.
Pink Mercy is back so....I'm booting up too.
>12h old thread
>170 replies
>80k current players
tranny detected
he said "the others" as in, plural as in, they are or they're
him, him and him are genuinely addicted to Overwatch 2
esl monkey
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>it's literally shit
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prismatic is so fucking boring
Let the English speakers handle the transphobia, Pedro
>about 100 combos
>80 of them are throw tier
>19 are good but meh
>1 is irresponsibly broken and will absolutely lead to nerfs later down the line
thanks bungie
Even so bungie has already did this with golgoroth
maybe datto was right about surges
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LOL fuck no
Until there's actually good arc and stasis weapons remove ALL surges from the fucking game
Pantheon week 3 is proof ENOUGH why surges shouldn't exist
To be fair the cabal weren't really involved in allat. The red war happened yes, but the fallen did worse. If it was Mithrax saying this it would make sense.
They should remove weapon surge mods from boots.
Push players towards using other armor charge interactions and holsters n shit.
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Why Osiris black
bro you just exposed yourself as a huge shitter
his name is fucking osiris
whites dont have a named like "osiris"
he is not called "john"
>out damages any arc weapon with solar weapons
Fuck off
*shoots huge spit glob in your face*
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>"what is lighting?"
Also he wasn't always. #whiteerasure
He’s tanned from sitting on Mercury all the time
Eh he looks the same the only difference is he’s bald in D2. I assume pic rel is his supposed D1 model?
Needs more Drifter content. And Eris. And Elsie.
add in more blacks
more gays
Who is the oldest light bearer? Like the very first to be rezzed ever.
It's either concept or fan art. He never appeared in D1.
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the actual model got turned into Vance and retextured.
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Is this supposed to be good?
I have 2 of those (Gold ring and slayer of oryx)
I also USED to have the d2 pre order emblem before the fags at bungie took it away when I transfered to PC (Still in my inventory but unusable unless I log onto console)
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>looks the same
hello my Guardian is a female Titan who is in love with Petra
Get out of here, Kevin.
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Literally identical.
Okay, racist.
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what the fuck were they thinking?
>cuck tassi
i will never, EVER take his ""article"" seriously
>275k on Naraka

hes a lefty faggot who shits on people for trying to save gaming
>the animated solar shader is finally in the bright dust store
pay piggies once again btfo
just woke up from a 9-year coma, has Destiny gotten better?
You had to be there. Shouldn't have fallen into a coma that's so dumb.
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Why is Drifter so based?
How could you go into a coma with all this fomo?
Give it 9 more years mate. Back in you go.
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>still cares
It's obvious.
bro, he’s probably fucked anything and everything in the solar system and beyond based on all his stories and one-liners he says
and yet he is still straight, funny how that works
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Why did the goblin maul Tassi to death?
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bungie sent it after him for not liking act 1
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It'll do
instant shard
What's a shard?
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ackshually you don't want bait because wewindwound encourages you to not swap off the weapon
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the nickname you got from your father when he first saw your black skin
>do it with randoms
>fail once to someone inside dying right as the fake death happens
>succeed next try
>do it with premade raid team
>wipe 20x
but how
It's super duper big in Korea. It's and really fun but unfortunately still a battle Royale. It also gets unfun at high level when no one wants to make a move. So someone eventually gets impatient makes a mistake then you get touch of death comboed from 100 life.
I thought it was a chink game
I'll only ever use After the Nightfall because of how rare it is.
how is this a bad roll
this gun exists to be high dps but only with cornered and surrounded. that roll is the only roll that matters.
whats the point with surges gone?
How the fuck do you make a surrounded LFR work when they're by design made so you can fuck off and snipe bosses.
It is but it's still really popular with Koreans. I think it's fun but I played it on game pass when you could still do the 1 dollar trick. I don't know that I'd buy it full price.
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>using linear for damage
the gun serves no purpose outside that unique high dps roll.
pretty sure it's F2P on steam now
-t played it at release
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dps phase?
I will be hipfiring my machine gun
Look that roll is interesting conceptually but I cannot think of a single fight in the game that would benefit from surrounded on a linear other than oryx, and even then at least 1 of my 5 team mates would kill all the thrall either intentionally or unintentionally. The fact that you have to corral all 5 of your teammates to NOT kill enemies for you to keep your damage perk active kills all interest in the perk for me in raids, and outside of raids you can really just use whatever so long as your gear isn't shit.
Glimslim that shit
lfg is a shithole. 170k godsloppers with egos. I 100% got lucky with a decent, committed lfg group. somehow it only took 4 groups, and that last group was from second encounter until we cleared.
I think most of them went over 40hrs no sleep. I joined them ~12hrs in after good 4hr sleep. one of the group fell asleep 5 hours into the witness and we had to replace him.
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jolt really has been buckbroken
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Jolt procs mutliple times
ranking it on damage per proc is disingenuous
also doesn't it have scalers for what weapon procs it?
not anymore
scalers got removed long ago
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When does the fun start again?
GMs still have to deal surges
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When we get more hiveslop next year. I sure am excited for more of the yelling retard and sassy wine aunt.
wait wtf whisper of fissures is that fucking bad
god i just wanna fuck that savathussy so bad
The description is very misleading. What it does is add a second instance of shatter damage that isn't attached to whatever created the crystals, so if that pitiful amount of damage gets a kill, it doesn't trigger any perks or mods. They fixed that for Verglas, but only for Verglas.
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why is bungie like this
>Coil but with Hive
I think they said they're bringing the Dreadnaught back for it, but they'll probably fuck it up and remove it afterwards like the Derelict Leviathan.
or worse it will be "brought back" like titan and mars were "brought back"
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>Mars comes back with time fissures that show the Golden Age
>Never use them for anything
did anything come out of that, even in Witch Queen? Was it some minor allusion to the fact that Darkness or whatever had something to do with memories?
Hey you're right. I might try to bait my friends into playing it then.
the mars battleground was in the time fissure
Yeah, it was just a vague allusion to that. All we got to see was part of a hydroponics farm near Freehold.
tfw bungie could have brought mars back on a weekly cycle changing what era it was in similar to the dreaming city
Or either of the Meridian Bay strikes, especially Cerberus Vae III as a tribute to Reddick.
I fucking hate the strange coin cap no cap
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Every resource has to have a fairly low cap or people will eventually have "enough" and won't feel forced to farm ritual playlists or patrol content. Pad the engagement metrics like the good cattle you are.
Is the 12 man mission bugged? I can select grandmaster, the version that shows you the cutscenes along with the mission and just the cutscenes but no option for just mission and no cutscenes and yes I did it with this character before
shouldnt be but didnt they add some way that lets you replay the cutscenes without playing the mission like you said? Look around, make sure you are choosing the right thing
its one thing to bring back a d2 space with the eregor shit
would be fucking retarded to forward port a d1 locale only to delete it 4 months later
sorry im retarded, im pretty regular 12 man has no cutscenes
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Good day gentlemen, I just wanted to state that Destiny 2 The Final Shape slaps and all of its new content is really good: the story, the lore, the weapons... Bungie cooked and it would be nice if you guys buy the deluxe edition with all its new episodes with great stories because they really deserve it
Chuds like Stellar Blade so non-chuds have to signal harder that they like it for the right reasons so their friends don't turn on them. Must suck to live like this but it's a self inflicted punishment.
Caiatl is more to blame for the red war than Luzaku is to blame for Torobatl. Caiatl was part of Ghaul's circle of generals and was just unhappy with his leadership, Luzaku doesn't even remember her past life.
It was used to recover one of the subminds, destroyed in the present, to help Rasputin.
>Chuds like Stellar Blade
Tourists* like Gooner Character Models*
No, I will take use anything besides Collective Obligation or Hammerhead
No, I will use what you tell me to
Yes, I will start my own lfg
Yes, I will kick you for being a whiny metaslave who tries to tell others what to use
Yes, my group will clear the raid+have fun while doing that
Simple as
>there are players who actually bought Xur's artifice armor last weekend
yeah, me, i had extra tokens that needed spending and i didn't feel like buying engram 50 times (or whatever the price is) for 1 token each.
I genuinely have no desire to log in anymore, it is wild how quickly TFS just evaporated into nothing
I did on my hunter because I had 99 coins and nothing to spend them on.
The Red War didn't flatten the last city, at worst it was a minor set back. The cabal acted swiftly and decisively, taking the tower as quickly as possible, limiting human casualties. Its much easier to see them as enemies of circumstance, who did wrong things for the right reasons, honorably, than the fallen who are just fucking savage abominations who would have eaten everyone in the last city just for fun.
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>mfw i dont have laurea prima II because i got kicked by my fireteam when we got to skolas
and yet russia is the nazi huh?
What's wrong with it?
This faggot should be curb stomped.
Mediocre rolls, if you don't have any it's ok I guess but it beats the point of artifice which is a little stat boost to get you over a stat milestone.
>Really like all the various bonds, cloaks and titan bath towels I've built over the years
>if I want to be "meta" I have to wear the ugliest fucking thing ever created
Chill sister, he is right. No one likes hardcore gay pornography
Just focus engrams in the HELM and immediately get better armor. That +3 stat bump is worthless when you can easily get normal armor that's just better.
Oh right, the stats. Yeah, a well rolled normal armour piece is pretty much all you need.
The Consul literally said in a cutscene they were executing anybody that stayed. Sorry but the red war was a major setback.
>Warlocks lose the least by virtue of their class item being tiny
It would be good if you had a single good grenade in your prismatic kit, yes.
Where the fuck is the hype?
they were speaking about guardians
why in gods name would you kill everyone instead of enslaving them?
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Can't you put ornaments on those? Don't have the level to do dual destinies yet.
it got vaulted with into the light
i ate the hype
Bungie's goal is to eventually remove or make worthless every uncapped currency. They don't want players to ever be able to stockpile anything again and therefore keep them constantly grinding for more materials.
I dont know. I think you can buy an ornament for the cloak itself but I dont think you can make it look like something else.
Um.....reasons to play currently?
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>filter the word "hype"
>40-50 posts hidden every thread
the new orbit theme is pretty comfy
Slop status?
Belgium won/10
Wasn't it 0-0?
Yes but they played better.
Also slovakia and romania ended with a tie so Ukraine is eating dirt anyway.
>Doomgods are the only ones keeping the thread alive
How can a nation at war field a soccer team...
>Yes but they played better.
Kek, the same way England played better yesterday supposedly? I've also got no clue how the next round works so I don't even know why I'm paying attention to the early stages.
They are about to get new batch of conscripts kek
It's actually better for them to do so because normies already lost interest in that conflict.
Got 3. I will bring snackies
Just say that you don't have any, nigger
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banban subclass
post them
I think I would be fine with the homosexual romance if I didn't knew it's just a faggot's fanfic turned canon.
i like someone in this general but i’m not saying who
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>Hazardous Propulsion
>Two-Tailed Fox
yep, it's Titan time
This I like me some yaoi and yuri
For me its Eyes of Tomorrow
it is genuinely irritating that people still are completely lost on verity
I think it would be better if there wasn't several mentions in every season
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>episodes will allow us to experiment and shake up the formula players have grown accustomed too over the last few years
>it’s literally the same as seasons but timegated into three chunks
Seasons where overdelivering anon.
Is eververse changing between each act, or just each episode? I want the season of the lost ornaments since its the only season i skipped and it seems like theyll get put in the store eventually.
of course eververse gets weekly refreshes how is this even a question?
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This is the vex episode
There is still a chance
Bringing Nimbus back to Destiny
the items that are possible of being sold i mean, you can see whats available for entire season before it actually appears.
I know this is a stupid question - I quit Destiny during Lightfall. I have everything on Series X.
In the meanwhile I have completely switched over to PC including playing with kbm etc.
I don't need any loot from the previous expansions.
What would happen if I buy Final Shape on PC - would my experience be cringe?
dick status?
You would need older stuff for nightfalls. Like this week is glassway, you would need beyond light for that.
>getting put on adderall for my recently diagnosed adhd
will this make me play less or more destiny
Unironically seeing Nimbus might be a breath of fresh air over all the faggotry of Saint and Osiris, unless he manages to make it worse somehow.
I actually forgot this. I guess there's no way skimping then.
I can get the legacy 2024 collection from cdkeys or something.
Thanks for the reply.
You will probably spend more time doing household chores and feeling more relaxed than anything because you don't need to force yourself to concentrate on uninteresting stuff. This is why you are gaming too much now.
Maybe your psychologist is mentally ill and you will instead get the contrary effect so you'll become a full time raider and get every raid title in a week.
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>Nimbus and Failsafe both remind me of the borderlands tier writing Season 1 had
>Pretty much the one thing most people felt sucked about the earlier D1 seasons, especially the base campaign
>Now for some reason they're bringing it back after heavily moving away from it post forsaken
I dont understand this company.
I don't know where all these posers have come from, but I have always wanted to fuck her
So the lore for ergo sum, is it from the perspective of a guardian who is begging for the traveler to speak to them, and it says nothing? I don't understand what perspective it is from.
this is my hope, although i have a lot of free time so an 8 hour d2 session on the weekends isn't much of a problem
Traveler to us.
You're correct that Drifter has probably fucked every sentient (and probably every non-sentient) being in the galaxy, but he also has the mindset of "I'm straight; anything I put my dick into is automatically a woman"
It's the traveler/gardener coping and actually for once accepting sword logic to defend itself instead of being a cuck that lets everything it creates get destroyed by the winnower, or in this case stop the first knife from raping it.
that wasn't very nice anon
Vex are boring.
it's from the perspective of the Traveler to The Guardian
BUNGIE HATES TITANS. They said they would SAVE us. Bring us HOPE. Then irreparably crippled behemoth titan. Nobody plays titan anyways cause it sucks so nobody cares, but the shard cooldown makes any semblance of viability stasis titan had a goddamn pipe dream. AND they made it so you can't use howl of the storm in the super any more. Actually why??

>Huh? What's that? Behemoth titan is hands down the WORST subclass on the WORST CLASS IN THE GAME but you're still using it because you think it's fun?? Don't worry little titan buddy, buffs on the way <3!!! HAHA JUST KIDDING! FUCK YOU GO PLAY HUNTER!"
which is why bungie sidelined them for 10 years and used them as fodder
only to realise they fucked themselves because now the fallen story is pretty boring/over
hive story is over
human and awoken story is over
exo story is over
witness story is over
darkness and light story is over
taken has no story
worm god story is over
cabal story is over
the stories that they did tell about the few vex characters that there were are over

i mean even the story they are trying to tell now is boring because they created an environment where it cant be interesting
one more word or I will force zavala to cry as he is stripped naked and force to dance for the eliksni
It switches perspectives. Reaching for the sword lets the guardian feel what it feels like being the Traveler, and the human mind translates it into concepts like being a lighthouse keeper, seeing the storm approach and the people in the coast ignore your signals so you have to run or die with them, until someone - the guardian - shows up to help, and you - the Traveler - give them the sword that you - the guardian - are now holding. I like it
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So what kills us?
Bungie WILL let me shoot through bubble OR ELSE
why are most of the "primaries that you can use for boss damage" mostly in the kinetic slot
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Somehow managed a full clear of VoG. Was pretty fun. Everything was pretty easy except understanding the callouts for the atheon oracles but that's because I'm a mouthdrooling retard.
Im sure I'll understand it a lot better with subsequent runs.
No Vex but that's alright. I'll probably try and get another run later when it's cooler because my pc is turning my room into an oven.
He was already in Excision. Bringing him again after that would be a narrative overdelivery.
nimbus wouldnt be so bad if his deubt wasnt in the fucking penultimate expansion
We killed megamind with the care bear stare to save the universe from becoming modern art and it was fun. This is not quite the serious business world it presents as and failsafe is a long way from the worst thing in it.
>grandmaster nightfall is glassway
>can’t select it for fireteam finder
Why is it not showing up?
The architects
>ergo sum is canonically the guardian's favorite weapon
>don't personally care too much for it
according to the API my favorite weapon is Sunshot
So basically the traveller/gardener has given up and now embraces the logic of the winnower, where you have to fight to survive and only the strongest are allowed to live. Total Winnower victory.
Boomed my jizz in your mom.
>Shadow legion smadow legion
They started bringing it back in Seraph. They were mostly able to put it on hold during year 6's seasons and TFS, though it obviously didn't help those stories at all.
They really made saint 14 fake and gay
all this faggot shit in d2 was worth it for the punchline
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>Join a fireteam finder post for warlord's ruin 3rd checkpoint, the tags are Chill - Deaf - Lots of Patience
>dont mind as its 3rd checkpoint, khvostov takes care of Hefnd's eyes for long enough to extend the damage phases and its stupid easy to keep yourself alive with how much you can proc devour
>join and immediately get a friend request from the guy
>suddenly dont want to play and leave
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>friends only asking me to play with them because I'm the 2011 power janny while they're sitting in the 1980s still
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>Accidentally glimmed a pinnacle I needed
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been there numerous times throughout last week

I remember in D1 I saved vanguard points for weeks and was able to buy a high light level helmet I needed and then for some reason insta sharded it for no reason. After Bungie implemented a lock system everything gets locked until I confirm I can break it
>raids first and fourth encounter are the only good ones
>everything else is ball busting darkness psions and boring/buggy shit
>people start leaving the game
Sasuga bungie
That was the fucking act 1 finale?
They end on some fag dialogue that you can't even skip?
I went and made elder flower juice while they were babbling and they were still going when I came back and that was the end of the act quest?!

God, I hope they release Destiny 3 soon so I have a solid reason to finally quit.
Given the progression of their pricing models I will never be able to afford to play it anyway.
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>Outdone in damage by both other classes
>Outdone in support by warlocks
>Designed and balanced around a playstyle that the devs don't want to be viable
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Timegating is shit, I always knew Echoes was gonna be the worst of them all because they always do this, expect the expansion to carry the episode. But expansion was barebones too.
The gay shit is also boring AF but it's nice seeing the forums are turning on them too, 90% of the people in that thread are fed up and only a couple faggots are trying to screech "biggotry"
I think a Destiny card game would be kinda cool
A card game in game would be cool
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Every class does what titan can better. Melee damage? Hunter does it better. Survivability/DR? Hunter and warlock do it better. Support? Don't bother, warlock does it better. For me personally I loved behemoth titan even though it wasn't all that good because it had something unique that the other classes couldn't do, that being getting down a metric ton of stasis crystals with HOIL. Final shape made it so they can't even have that anymore with the cooldown changes. Not to mention the prismatic kit has almost no synergy with itself. The only thing you can really call a build on prismatic titan is knockout consecration with frenzy blade, but again, why bother when hunters have synthos and can do more damage with infinite uptime, while also being able to pull insane damage numbers for dps without changing a thing? Bungie has no idea what makes the idea of titan cool so they pigeon holed them into a "melee class" for years instead of entertaining the notion of the "heavy weapons guy" or the "support tank". Then after leaving them with melee options the only way for them to be viable, they give it away to the others and go "Huh, why does titan feel kinda useless, hmmmmmm"
Sorry for the essay, I just want stasis titan back man :(
First encounter sucks, fourth encounter is pure raid kino.
It's up there with the good encounters from scourge, levi and crown.
did that perses with shoot to loot + explosive payload guy ever get it?
I don't know how much work it would take to make newbie friendly strike versions of the raids but if they could they would be dropping so much new content for 95% of the base that never plays raids
5th is fun if you're a runner honestly
players can't do a basic 2 player mission that has very little comms needed without throwing a fit
never gonna happen and it's the community's fault
Yea that's why I said "strike" versions you would have to dumb them down a little and alter some encounters. Hell simply not having a wipe mechanic would be enough for most
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When VoG is the weekly raid, you can just spam Atheon checkpoints for Vex.
It took me 51 runs to get it. I'm more than happy to help pay it forward if you want some runs sometime.
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>Worst Destiny 1 raid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a bag of shit>>>>>>>>>>>>every single Destiny 2 raid
You cannot refute this.
>dumb them down a little
dumb it down a lot. to the point that it isn't worth doing
The Corrupted orb mechanic proves that you have to dumb it down to literally no mechanics period
What they did for normal mode raids in D1 was design the raid, set it as the hard mode, strip out a bunch of mechanics that would trip LFG groups up, and set it as the normal mode. They decided that was too much work and abandoned the approach for D2, so it's just hard mode and harder mode.
It's worth doing as it gives them a starting point. You don't have to do it with them.

>The Corrupted orb mechanic
There is nothing in the game that tells you if I throw this to a friend it gets stronger.
>3 hour drive
>rain kicks in
>tranquility starts playing
Does the Corrupted ever tell you that passing the ball makes it stronger? Forsaken was so long ago that I have absolutely no memory of such a tool tip.
griefing your team with behemoth/bubble titan will never not be funny
>what is the titan identity?
griefing your team
it's not a starting point without raid mechanics. and dual destiny proves trying to do that is just pissing up a rope.

And yet its WARLOCKS being robbed of our rightful XP gains in every playlist like its YEAR ONE all over again. Obviously the real enemy are HUNTERS. Damn, hell, ass HUNTERS! Did you know they got a gun that allows them to super TWICE in a row. I for one am peanut butter JELLY and I can't take it ANYMORE!
well it glows more if you pass it
>it's not a starting point without raid mechanics
Yea you start them off with training wheels version. Bungie until recently rarely put mechanic into their non raid content so no shock that people are bad at it.

>dual destiny proves trying to do that is just pissing up a rope.

That's more the anti social people not wanting to talk to someone more than anything else
>There is nothing in the game that tells you if I throw this to a friend it gets stronger.
There's a popup at the bottom of the screen the first time you pick it up ever, but that's it.
A 35 minute preamble about how good the campaign is, how hard Bungie works, don't attack them etc followed by five minutes of saying the episode is dull, I take it?
>Yea you start them off with training wheels version.
Dual Destiny is the training version and half the community cried about having to communicate with someone else. Upping that to 6 is not going to work unless you dumb it all the way down to a battlegrounds and what is the point in that?
>That's more the anti social people not wanting to talk to someone more than anything else
Objectively wrong, but keep telling yourself that.
I've had ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS a person literally throw the ball on the ground after I passed it to them because they don't want to do the mechanic where now I have to solo throw 2-3 dull balls at shielded enemies
It doesn't matter, people are way too retarded for this game
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>Almost capped on Vanguard engrams
>Want to save them to focus Shadow Price
its been the main crying point of all, and the very few one that do end up forcing themselves to lfg then realize how stupid the average player of this game is, specially with how unfamiliar they are with Vow symbol callouts or the clock mechanic
This is true. Fuck all unoriginal normalfaggot hunters. Titan warlock brotherhood NOW
>Verification not required.
We are talking about mechanics though not anti social people thats two different issues
The whining and threads haven't been "the mechanics are too hard" they have been "I have to talk to someone that sucks"
Like I said, keep telling yourself whatever you need.
>destiny 2 ends with our guardian dying so they can justify players having to start completely fresh in destiny 3
ah autism anon, hope you had a good sleep
Shit weapon anon
We kill ourselves to prevent Xivu from getting a powerup.
There isn't has never been a normal raid in the game that is too difficult for casual players to clear.

The only barrier that seems to be stopping casual players are mechanics requiring multiple players whether they require communication or not.
Even master and grandmaster content is fairly casual friendly compared to endgame content in most other MMOs.
Outside of contest mode there really isn't anything in the game, when ran with the intended number of players, that should ever feel insurmountable in terms of raw difficulty.

Players complaining about the barrier to raiding usually only seem interested in making all endgame content clearable solo.
While I understand that point of view, you are playing a multiplayer game where one of the selling points is supposed to be fun and challenging group activities.

As for how hard it would be to implement, you never know with the Tiger Engine and the problems bungie faces when trying to add or change anything in the game, it should be as simple as stripping away a few mechanics to make these activities accessible to a group of Helen Keller deaf mutes.
In Salvation's you could either remove the timers or make them reset to static values after each phase to allow you to clear every encounter except verity without much effort or any communication.
It would, in fact, make them all fairly easy to solo with the only remaining barriers being enrage and final stand mechanics for bosses.
For verity specifically you would have to come up with some creative solutions.
why does the community overwhelmingly not enjoy D2 crota's end
like i said, you are wrong
someone needs to post the clearer of ads webm
They overcorrected and now there are too many hoops to jump through for everything.
Shitters want to get carried
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I'll just clear the ads you guys do the hard stuff
>clearer of ads
>ignores ads
Many such cases!
Why are guardian rank 11 niggas always retarded?
For me, it's the ways they adapted mechanics in order to prevent cheesing or soloing.
They made almost every encounter feel clunky, far too restrictive and counter-intuitive.
The bridge encounter is the worst of them all, the encounter has been slowed down so much that it's making people sleepy running it.
Running onslaught with anarchy and weaver's trance is riveting compared to crota's.

The recycled King's Fall had this problem too but it wasn't nearly as bad.
They don't bother paying attention to anything because it's beneath them.
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They tried to go the heavy weapons guy route with Wings of Ruin, Taikonaut and Actium war rig, but two of those aren't in D2 and the latter is for add clear most of the time. The titan identity is in the name, they should be able to take more punishment than the other two. I play all three and I'm just as scared on titan when a gladiator gets close, in fact more scared because melee is fucking deadly but hunter and warlock aren't designed to pretend it isn't. It's not like it would break the game, Loreley titans on release were unkillable in regular fights but most of the serious challenges in the game are timed or wipe you anyway.
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>I am the wall against which Darkness breaks
>Completely abandoned in favor of them all being drooling unga bunga retards
>Bungie made a public statement ages ago that they wouldn't tolerate the crayon eater jokes because it was offensive to retards
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>uhhh did you know if you kill hive xivu gets power
>oh shit guess I better kill myself
rasputin deserved better
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Warmind had some amazing concepts for his exo form. Fuck Bungie and RIP Vicarious Visions.
>>uhhh did you know if you kill hive xivu gets power
this always felt weird, maybe because im newer to the game, but this feels like she's just cheating her worm.
>i am the hive god of war, any act of war will feed me tithes
>be fed by anything and anyone having conflict in any system to ever exist
at least with savathun, she's the one that had to do the trickery for her worm to be fed
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>years ago they censored Saint/Osiris gay love scene by just having it fade to black in the Chinese version
>Now it oozes everywhere in the story
How do they hide it there? Surely they don't just cut like, 60% of the episodes dialog and animations just to appease the Chinese, and if they do then there'd be so little dialog or content there.
>How do they hide it there?
dialogue changes perhaps?
>osiris i am so gay for you omg
changed to
dual destiny is that and it didn't work
>You must obey your nature forever. In your immortality, Aurash, you may never cease to explore and inquire, for the sake of your children. In your immortality, Xi Ro, you may never cease to test your strength. In your immortality, Sathona, you may never abandon cunning.
>If you do, your worm will consume you. And as your power grows, oh Princes, so will your worm’s appetite.
So long as Xivu tests her strength, her worm is fed. That extends to those tithed to her.
I'm gonna microcosm aaaaaaaa I'm microcosming
is what? I brought up two different points.
This blows my fucking mind. Behemoth is THE WORST SUBCLASS. It has been the worst subclass for years. It has less than 0.2% usage. And they nerfed it.
Rasputin refuses to attack Xivu's fleet once he learns it would power her up, he later decides to drink his last vodka because Eramis will force him to shoot. Related events but not the same.
The act of war must be related to her in some way. Killing her dudes qualifies since she's "losing" a war she's involved in (it's just that she doesn't care)
so she and her brood are the ones that have to keep fighting, yeah no that makes more sense.
thanks anon
Typical "jack of all trades, master of none" take.
Even though one of them is tied to the artifact, have you not seen the number of DR sources you can stack on titan now?

You can play bonk titan in GMs without really worrying about anything as long as you pick up an orb every now and then.
I main warlock, but do play titan from time to time.
The contrast in how much easier it is to survive on titan is silly.
It's still my go to class when I get filtered on my warlock in solo flawless dungeon runs and >90% of the time when I die on the titan it's because of a wipe mechanic or by falling into a death barrier because I was mentally expecting a glide and not the catapult lift.
The remaining 10% are typically because of dumb positioning, forgetting to keep buffs up or because my hubris gets inflated from playing a titan for more than 15 minutes and I start ignoring adds.

Loreley's is still undoubtably strong but you really don't need it with how many other sources there are for healing in this sandbox, even if you may want to sacrifice a surge mod on some subclasses.
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Whose going over tomorrow?
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Why did they make the class items so astonishingly fucking ugly? And why is Prismatic fucking pink of all colors?
Marty still has my vote for congress
I thought Bastion was canonically the guardian's favorite weapon.
>Jack of all trades

But the other classes also do everything. They just do it better and also more.
i think i'd rather kill myself than watch this
That is going to be an absolute fucking nightmare. It's just going to be Biden barely mumbling out prepackaged political promises and Trump interrupting every single sentence with grade school insults. The worst fucking election in American history.
Imagine they did dual destiny together?
this rerun again?
>The worst fucking election in American history.
time to bring the AI president voice trend back
millions will be deported to the sound of "Winter Contingency" blaring in the background
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i think titan players actually enjoy the nerfs, they're like twisted masochists
Is it just me or is seasonal focusing crap now cause im geting 58-63 with the highest being 65. Last season it was 64 common with frequent 65-68
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If it helps, it doesn't matter who wins since you'll get the same thing in the end.
sounds like you don't have the high stat armor thing unlocked yet
>I was playing with biden in dual destiny and we got down the subjigators to the last bar of health
>we killed our wizards and looked at our clocks and biden comes up to me and tells me he can't read a clock
>it's true, the current president of the United States can't read a clock and I spent 25 minutes trying to teach him and we ended up being sent back to orbit
>that's not so good
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>He doesn't have a set of high stat artifice armor halfway through Anno Domini 2024.
Ngmi, honey.
Does anyone know if Adaptive Munitions work on Subjugators? If they're coded to have Stasis/Strand shields and the perk works, that would mean some weapons can get up to a +500% damage bonus against them
it's the dumbed down raid that you're asking for
I have decent armor but need something to replace my old exotic slot since im using the exotic bond now. Spent 30 engrams and it was all shit.
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>Listen fat, you broguth...brought twooo...preemaries, how are you expcetinatating to do damage like that
>Here's the deal, you would probably not even pick combat and avoid confrontation like you skip republican debates
You can make a 30 minute rant on the 1st clock alone since this is an actual debate that some players have with each other
>1-9 left/right
>1-9 clockwise
>a regular clock but 11,12,1 are missing
and why one is better than the other
>bungie posts cosplay thing confirming micah is a chick
that retarded faggot tranny claiming its a dude will kill himself now kek
It requires communication though
Pride month expansion
You're literally misunderstanding lore and VAs.
Micah is female, this was already confirmed in-game you didn't need cosplay-shit to tell you that. However, she was previously male before becoming an exo (you can read this in the Embraced Identity lore tab). Does it count as trannyshit? Depends who you ask, but it's an exo frame you can do whatever the fuck you want.
She's voiced by a trans indian VA named Pooya Mohseni
kill yourself lol
>name is literally Poo
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>Pooya Mohseni
Is this a name they picked themselves?
>correct you with actual in-game facts
>"no you're wrong kill yourself"
that's actual tranny behavior you're doing, you got something to say lil buddy?
confirming where, how
even our schizos talk like youtube clickbait now
"She" is apparently Iranian, not Indian. Unless it's changed in recent years, Iran offers gay men the option of a state-funded transition or execution, because troons are less haram than faggots. With that in mind, I think it's hard to say.
>Micah is female
>However, she was previously male
>Does it count as trannyshit?

_Y_Y_ - E_____ - S
__Y__ - EEEEE .- SSSSS
__Y__ - E_____ - _____S
__Y__ - EEEEE. - SSSSS
micah was never a male. only retarded pedo faggots make that claim
This honestly sounds like the opinion of a titan that has had it too good for too long.
The moment there's a little bit of friction or a nerf they all cry wolf, making absurd statements like "Bungie hates titans".

The opinions on class balance that has always resonated among hunter and warlock players with at least couple of thousand hours wasted on the game is that either all of the devs play titan with the way the class has always been babied.
Seeing the same pattern being repeated over the years, applying sometimes dozens of sciolistic and seemingly arbitrary nerfs to builds that are overperforming before giving up and just virtually removing the build from the game, I think the devs and QA barely even understand most titan metas.

And with how loud the casual titan player base is, during the times that they're waiting for the next big titan meta to emerge and they actually have to learn to play the game, I can't really blame bungie for getting confused about balancing titans.

I think titan is the easiest class to play, the skill floor for playing a titan and doing well in almost all content is substantially lower than the other classes, you can't sway my opinion on this, because every time I get on my titan the game feels significantly easier.

A problem that I do have with titan is that it's really boring to play and it has been boring for a very long time.
What I want to see in the titan kit is more utility and interesting synergies that is not just bonk damage stacking.
The rocket chest was a big step in the right direction but I'd like to see way way more.

But to reiterate, I think the claim that titan is underpowered in the current PvE sandbox is pure delusion, PvP I can't speak for because I don't care about the PvP sandbox until bungie improves their servers.
Servers are shit enough as they are for PvE but in crucible you can actually smell the stank.
It's not really trans at all because the original body was not transformed it was abandoned completely. Then they erased the robot's remaining memories ten times in a row. They may as well have used the original body as oil for the robot gears.
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Why does GM Excision break exactly? 3 times now we couldn't converse with darkness to get the sword. And all the hands would bug out and be unkillable.
There's too much shit going on for the terrible engine and netcode to process.
Have you tried waiting for a few minutes for the instance to catch up?
Wait until you stop getting experience and glimmer pop ups.
no lol, you want star-eater on 2nd
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have any of you started the chest grind for class items?
Why don’t you go ahead and play Titan to test your logic. Faggot. Yeah I thought so.
Vow is better than VoG by a country mile, brother.
Take off your nostalgia glasses.
Too much stuff. They already disabled some things like gaining xp for crafted weapons just o it would'nt crash. That happened to me the first time I played it, had some guy in the chat go "we have to shoot the hands!" because the tormentors weren't spawning anymore so clearly the hands have to be the target, right? Nope, orbit time.
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I will get there eventually when I finish everything else
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I haven't even bothered with Dual Destinies yet. Nothing about prismatic seems worth it.
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how do we curb the hunter menace
Literally nothing without Rhulk
Do you think me making everyone invisible was a reason a contribution?
there are at least two players in the in-game /dg/ clan who use the tranny emblem
Please stop playing warlock.
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Got perfect Scintillation my first solo glassway clear. Being solo player pays off.
Does titan have any exotics that encourage a unique playstyle like gyrfalcons?
*song of flames you*
congrats, it isn't the best roll in anyway and the barrel and mag perks are shit
The ones that do have either always been garbage or have been nerfed to the point of being garbage. They want titans to melee and nothing else, so those are the only exotics that get touched.
The rocket chest is quite literally the only viable exotic at the moment. Every single other piece has been nerfed to death.
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But titan is has worse melee options that both other classes.
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>Aztecross is one of the most prestigious titans
Did you read any of the points that were brought up by the titans in this thread? There are real glaring issues you can point to on titan and say wow this class is redundant and is objectively worse than the other classes.

>What I want to see in the titan kit is more utility and interesting synergies that is not just bonk damage stacking

I agree wholeheartedly, sentinel could very easily have this. Behemoth however did have this and they gutted it. I feel like that's grounds for assuming malicious intent.

>I think the claim that titan is underpowered in the current PvE sandbox is pure delusion

This is bait, it has to be. You're living under a rock if you think titan has anything to offer in the endgame that other classes don't do better. Unless of course you spend all your playtime doing strikes and patrols. Which at this point I think is the case.
That's what's so funny. Bungie is hellbent on them being the dedicated melee class, but whenever they become strong in melee, they get nerfed. Synthos and Wormgod's got 8 nerfs in the TFS patch.
I don't even really mean effectiveness. Titan has less interesting/unique options. 3 of our classes just have the same melee but color swapped. Meanwhile each warlock subclass gets a totally unique melee.
>titans had immortal lorelei
>god tier arc pvp and for a while pve
>void is still good I run it
>strand has been hilariously broken on titan the entire time
>stasis is stasis
titans have been the strongest in non-raid dps situations for years outside of niche shit like starfire warlock or invis hunter
>prismatic titan comes out and doesn't absolutely shit on other classes
>also side note yes hunter is incredibly op right now lol but that doesn't reflect on titan it's just bungie are tards
dual destiny worked just fine it's just that no life faggots are really loud and whiny about not having friends
But titan hasn't been fun since d1
>every faggot content creator is collectively releasing titan crybaby videos all at once
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Yeah you've never played Titan
did it, grinded the shit out of it
there's a few more I want but I'm happy with that one for now
osmiomancy spirit needs a little fine tuning though
works the same, perfect
it's fine, jolt might interfere?
no idea, worthless grenade haven't used it once
only tested on small shit and the ai is still ass and wastes threadlings, need to try it out more I've heard it's good
weird because the actual initial explosion doesn't seem to "hit" and if everything dies then you get nothing but if even a single tick goes off you get a decent amount back and on certain high hp targets you can get tons back
vs walkers you get multiple grenades back a second for instance
So bungie made Zavala a crybaby retard to properly reflect the people who main titans huh? Kino
nah fuck off nigger my void titan is awesome, vexcalibur is great and it's even strong enough to breeze through GMs
Lamb ow
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Prismatic Titan build for this GM?
Lmao good one
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>worthless grenade haven't used it once
This was the final boss encounter. Not justifying the lack of titan dps during ranged boss encounters, but everyone used titans through the raid up until Witness.
osiris is green, retard
What would a Destiny pizza look like?
undercooked disappointment.
It's up
>on solar it gives restorationx2 with touch of flame
>on prismatic it is x1 only
>10%? per player apparently
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Reused content pizza
Nothing grim about it. I used to make fun of him still calling himself a titan main when every video be played warlock. That retard spent 36 hours straight on Titan and didn't give up.
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>Ikora is blinking
>not again
>last time she blinked for an entire year due to a bug
>talk to her, it's some nice dialogue about the end of the light and dark saga
>"Whatever happens, we know you'll be there with us, friend"
>Leave dialogue screen
>stand near her for a second
>"Your lack of loyalty to the vanguard will not be ignored"
>it's the idle dialogue from choosing the drifter in joker's wild years ago
fuck I wish I was recording this, once in a lifetime perfect timing
The funny thing is that they just flagged every character as having sided with Drifter when that content got removed.
$50 but you only get half the pizza, you have to wait 6 weeks to eat each consecutive slice.
>destiny 2 ends with our guardians disemboweling themselves with ergo sum after losing the will to suffer through more saint/osiris slop
smol indian enterprise
Can you beat the quiz?
>Warmup and Acquisition are meh, but they're teaching encounters and do the job.
>Caretaker is a well-balanced encounter for the most part, with different skills being able to fill different roles in the encounter.
>Exhibition is a good encounter that focuses on fast movement and rapid-fire coordination
>Rhulk is an excellent capstone boss for the raid.
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What's some must-have shit for someone new to raiding?
That's about right. Melee prismatic is good up until endgame content like GMs and Raids, everything else on Prismatic Titan is okay but done better elsewhere.
It includes the fucking origin perks too? Fuck that shit I'm out.
Tried for a hazardous propulsion with high discipline at Rahool and it gave me a 61 total with 10 in disc. Bugged or horrible luck?
A decent special weapon. You show up with double primary that's a fucking kick
a good legendary rocket
a good legendary sword
everything else is speedtranny shit
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horrible luck
A microphone. Even if you want to do it mic-less, I would highly advise doing it with a mic for the first time you do any raid.
As far as ingame gear, have a damage strategy, but be flexible. Have some infusion fodder ready in case you need to switch your weapons out to better gel with the rest of the party, or if an encounter asks different shit of you. Good ideas for stuff to have lying around:
>A decent Hand Cannon
>A wave frame Grenade launcher of some kind
>Rocket launcher (Apex Predator is the go-to right now, but Crux Termination IV is also very good and it's a world drop)
>Machine gun (Thunderlord is the go-to for Add Clear + DPS scenarios, but keep a Legendary one around)
>Rocket Sidearm if you got one.
Some encounters will ask you to change it up; Caretaker for example is still pretty susceptible to getting Linear'd despite how shit those are. Just make sure your group knows what your damage strategy is, because it's generally easier if everyone's on the same page.
Tranno is wrong as per usual
Knockout + diamond lance
You can replace knockout with anything but I use it for the free health regen
Thunderclap + shackle nade
Use any weapon loadout but my favorite is outbreak, indebted kindness and apex/crux
Use rocket chestpiece + thruster
Your shackle nade will give you darkness energy while your Thunderclap gives light energy
Your thunderclap is a ranged melee and will 1 shot most if not all redbars and will be your braindead pop for ad clear ability whenever it's up
Get rockets loaded whenever you can and use them on big yellow bars or ads
Either way rocket hits will give you both light and dark energy
Use your transcendence whenever you need to do heavy adclear without wasting heavy/ammo in general
Oh and I guess I use TA for my best one off super damage
Fragments are protection, hope, courage, grace, purpose
I know there's still melee slop with it but you don't have to build on it unlike other shitty builds, my build mainly consists of rocket chest spamming and you don't even need to use a rocket launcher
Enjoy spamming missles while datto cries on his little cuck surge chair
Ad clear weapon (get Godroll indebted kindness to impress people)
Apex predator (gally if lazy or crux)
Still hunt for any precision based bosses
Any machinegun for ad clear
I've personally been having fun on Prismatic Titan with Lash+Consecration, Shield Throw, Thruster, and Second Chance. I haven't tried it in any actual content below -5 yet, but it feels better for survivability than Knockout does, since Knockout requires you to stay in melee range while Thruster+Shield throw let you disengage, suspend, and get a small HP buffer.
Obviously, missing the 3rd Consecration/Frenzied Blade sucks, but I'd rather live than pop 3 Consecrations and die.
For any of the raiders, how did you guys do salvations edge first challenge this week?
Personally my strat that I forced was we kept track where the minotaur was killed and the first minotaur will always be team 1s plate while the second minotaur was always team 2s plate
After we kill the second tormentor, we would split up to our plates and close obelisk like normally and finish the encounter
Mental illness
this is destiny general on the website 4chan
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Don't run defense for this shit, you know exactly what they intended for this gay ass OC
microphone, raid guide and common sense
Sweatcicle tier argument.
Next you're gonna tell me they should nerf still hunt.
Sir this is gay exo porn
>They should nerf still hunt
Yeah they should actually
Do you guys ironically post this gay shit and porn or do you actually masturbate to it?
Why did they nerf severance enclosure twice for TFS
The only thing that's noteworthy about still hunt is its ammo economy, but that's only when you're not using still hunt.
The contest mode clear statistics fall on deaf ears because people were running the easy, convenient and potent enough to clear at a time where the meta hadn't been established.
People just new still hunt was good enough.
The majority choice of weapon for warlocks in contest was microcosm.
Are you gonna tell me microcosm needs a nerf too?
fuck titans
t. bungie
does range matter on the whisper or is handling better
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>Speaker's Sight
>No Hesitations
yep, it's Warlock time
Handling is better
Are you just purposely being obtuse or? Still Hunt plus Nighthawk is one of the most broken combos in the history of this series. Being able to fire off 4 supers in less than 25 seconds is hilariously broken compared to anything else in the game currently, besides another Hunter build funny enough
>Eramis will force him to shoot
which is even stranger because how the fuck did she get onto the station without rasputin blowing her shitty ship into scrap
I'm fairly certain I recognize this artist.
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destiny should have been torn from bungie and given to vicarious visions
>attrition orbs
>attrition orbs
>attrition orbs
>attrition orbs
i will not support my team
i will throw nades off cool down to gen no ammo
i will top the damage charts
my class? warlock
How the fuck did we clear out the seraph station, a clearly super important warmind station literally orbiting above the city, multiple times without sending ONE vanguard patrol there to stop the eliksniggers from making camp there and threatening everything? Such negligence cost humanity its greatest defensive weapon other than guardians using subpar artillery and some shiny lights.
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2nd design seems to have been used as inspiration for the technocrat
skeletons in spacesuits is peak scifi kino
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hahaha the state
this guy wants to bone
>Speakers helm
>Still Hunt
>Random Titan exotic
>Combination blow and spirit of Caliban on Prismatic
What else is getting nerfed
Ah, okay, so actually clueless and regurgitating whatever sweatcicle's most recent hot take is, got it
probably only combination blow and spirit of caliban is getting nerfed out of those because that's the only one that isn't actually breaking anything in competitive PVE and/or PVP content
bone men, or boners as I like to call them, rise up
Her name is "Eramis the Shipstealer" so she's probably used to boarding ships without getting blown up.
Khovstov cus its getting used a lot in red minigame even though its not that good just simple to use.
and random titan exotic, but obviously one with even less application than usual, sorry.
Yep, no argument as expected
khovostov will pay for red minigame sins
Is it really not worth running nightfalls on my warlock? Seriously bungie?
That’s a whole enemy faction right there
something something overdelivery
just transition to being a huntroon :)
Solar is on the chopping block as a whole.
I haven't forgotten that the World's First team was all using Prismatic or Solar, with Solar being more optimal.
Was it anything other than assorted celestial nighthawk hunters + obligatory well lock(s)? maybe a song of flame lock?
He's just baiting dude
Whatever you do don't look under her dress. Worst mistake of my life, some things are better left unseen
This is where i am at with this game
that will be the excuse to sell us the the same exotics for the 3rd time in destiny 3
yeah,mostly due to piss colored mini-gamers complaining.they should delete trials from the game so the sweats anhero.
Alright, keep complaining about it if a nerfed still hunt is what you want.
My group has already moved on to stronger stuff, aside from one specific encounter, doesn't affect me if it gets nerfed.
Never liked the gun anyway.
sucks because i'm really enjoying using it on my warlock in pve
made myself and my mum french toast
Speaker's is gonna get nerfed for basically the same reason.
Haven't even been using speaker's since week 1 but it would be a shame to see it nerfed in PvE.
I hope her cooter has tentacles and fangs
>1 exotic every 2 weeks
>1/100 odds
>50% chance it will be a red war exotic equivalent
>content is even more geared around homoslop dialoguefests
yep that's the destiny 3 we're lookin at
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>never got osmio star eater
I hope it is even grindier and the meta is to re run campaign for exotics
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>en garde was named en guarde in the test
Anybody else feel like this dlc completely fucked the loot economy? It was bad before but now it feels like pure chaos, absolutely no sense of progression or rarity.
the engram changes in wish were the most jewish thing ever
5 fucking engrams for 1 shit roll?
What went wrong?
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your judaism
*stabs you with sharpened toe-nail clipper*
*fucks your dad*
I told you my calculations said this general is dead by February
Gentlemen, this behavior ill fits future scarab lords such as ourselves. I am quite willing to remove you from my fireteam should you continue this tomfoolery. The milk is spoiling, for the love of god.
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>future scarab lords
a lot more "DM raid report" in LFG today for some reason...
>prismatic at lauch
>prismatic now
transition to nighthawk or fuck off
What's wrong, Anon-kun? Are you ashamed to show yours?
Justified I’m afraid. SE doesn’t forgive at all and RoN let newbies get away with too much. There’s too many people going in with no knowledge and unwillingness to contribute.
its becoming progressively more common
verity has shown how shitforbrains people are
Healslut Warlock
Turret Warlock
Golden Gun Hunter
That's it, nothing else
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>still no d1 tower
why is this?
not playing turret or healslut lock
also you forgot combo hunter
All the funding for construction has been cutoff due to fallen immigration
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>30th build video on my youtube recommended telling me to build into consecration spam as a titan
Based novalocker
It's good, but only against ground targets and its boring. We were already doing that with Pyrogale. Any gun build with Titan is mediocre, even the rocket chest is merely ok.
Sorry I meant builds that won't get you kicked. Punching Hunter is not something anyone wants.
The changes they made to Ward of Dawn are so unbelievably retarded
What warlock build do people run in GM nightfalls? Like when people are asking for a warlock what are they expecting? entangle? artist?
I'm a fake fan :(
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there's nothing to do
don't run nightfalls as a warlock right now, you get reduced rewards
Wait what? Is it just rep or?
all of it
this game is so fucking bad man what the fuck
Artist works fine, Mataiodoxia with Khvostov or Outbreak Perfected. Osmio with vortex nades, healslut if you have a good group. Warlocks have plenty of options.
I really like Khvostov, I use it with Artist and Mataio. It's just a very fun weapon overall.
haven't even unlocked that exotic yet
It has a really good strand suspend build. If you haven't reset Rahool yet I recommend speedrunning that rep because you can target the new ones
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It is. I would run Outbreak for this GM just for the shield bypass. However I prefer Khvostov for most content.

I slept on it. It's really strong on prismatic + a strong exotic kinetic like Khvostov keeping you in tranny mode for melee spam. I never seem to run out of melee charges.
>first encounter challenge is filtering people
small indie dev team
imma DO ur mom
How? My group literally did it on first "try" (we said we'd just move on if we fail) without a noticeable slowdown
Does today's lost sector only drop Marcato (strand LMG)?
did they fix the rewards
>shadow broker hood
its true locks are trannies
What legendaries do you run? I rarely see them listed. I usually stick with crux some other secondary
I love how they nerfed Titan suspend just to give Warlocks an even better suspend exotic.
Ummm.... which combo is broken anon?
will the final slice finisher from the battlepass I paid for ever be put back into the game after raidtrannies ruined it
Again, world first groups were working with data that we had just a few days into the expansion and it was also before we even got the exotic class items.
Choice of loadouts is not what's impressive about the world's first team, it was the absolute pace that those guys could figure out mechanics and then organize and execute so consistently as a team.
They got 1st and 8th place in the world's first race, they were in a class of their own in competence.
You're complaining about a gun that is being praised for getting higher numbers than whisper.

Just as a first example, even if it's far more input intensive and quickly falls short if you mess up, the old celestial to dragon's shadow rocket rotation on hunters is still trampling the celestial still hunt rota, even though there might be special options better than izzy these days.

As for the super secret ultra-esoteric knowledge.
It's not secret at all, data-sheets should be coming out any day now that will be using the same ideas but will drag what my team is doing through the dirt.
Every class now has access to star-eater, ophidian and necrotics.
It shouldn't be this hard for you people to figure out that many previously established top-tier DPS rotations have been turbo-charged.

Post-nerf izzy, gl, rockets is beating still hunt when paired with some variants of these exotic class items.
That's without setting up cvars binds to let you overlap some animations, we'll do without cheating, thank you.

Rotations we are comparing right now involve a lot of rockets, breach GLs and snipers.
Notable exotics being Eriana's, cloudstrike, post-nerf izzy, someone mentioned tessellation but I zoned out when he was explaining why and euphony.
The favored class for euphony seems to be hunter even though ours is complaining a lot about the pre-dps ritual.
He swaps from BoP > Celestial > Class item loadout while juggling spindle just before dps.
Character limit, see reply.

Nice :)
There's bed bugs in the hotel I'm staying at for 5 nights. What build do you guys recommend I use to destroy them?
it's already fixed though
consecration spam
complain to the hotel build
>Using meta builds
Sorry sweetie but I'm a proud contrari-
>Gets kicked
the finisher still does not trigger, it only does the stupid flying kick retardation
Quick check is this the godroll?
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Why does eris morn not have DSLs in her d1 cutscene model
>3 burst
>veist model
INSTANT glimmer.
Cool but is this the best version the gun I can get?
Haven’t played since the end of week 1, is the final part of act 1 good or is it shit? When can I get fucking Choir of One?
not even close no
episodes are horrible, this is going to be a long year
Ok whats the godroll?
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why do people say that fast ball is a bad mod?
look at its perks and figure it out
think about what you want the gun for and how to best make use of that
it's a really fucking simple gun you shouldn't be struggling on this shit nigga
it doesn't really do anything useful
if you learn how to aim you can yeet grenades far as fuck anyway but there's no real situation where you need to absolutely fucking send a grenade, arms have so many good perks (or did pre-nerf) that it's a waste of a slot
You can just say you dont know its alright.
the best version is the one that you have fun with
nice try but you can figure it out the gun only has a couple of perks worth looking at in the first place
also pay attention to the weapon's stats and when/where you use a heavy
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need just 2 more oversoul for negrogasm catalyst...
>nice try
Already figured it out using a guide, thanks for further proving this general is bad at the game and pretends to be good.
Pick between envious and rewind rounds
pick between Bait and Switch or firing line
thats it
as a warning, a lot of the "guides" you can find from websites on google are just horrifically wrong a lot of the time
I think guides have better odds of being accurate than /dg/ does.
out of curiosity what do you think your goal 5/5 is now lol
Don't curated rolls on raid weapons imply that bungie is aware that a gun only has about 1-2 good rolls and the rest are just there to waste your time?
Yes, obviously. That's how looter shooters work.
it's a lot easier now that backup mag is permanently slotted where you don't have to argue with a bunch of autists about what battery better with boss spec or backup mag honestly
>Prismatic Hunter
>Orpheus Rig Deadfall Tether
>Everything shares damage
>Strand Melee
>Hits everyone nearby
>Swarm Grenade
>Hits everyone nearby
>Exotic Kvostov
>Hits everyone nearby

I don't hit hard, but I hit everything, all the time, forever
Hunter euphony is the only raw DPS build we've cooked up so far that is notably unique though.
For just DPS (not total damage) everything else is variants of special/special/Rocket or GL.
With auto-loading mtop, cloudstrike and an arc rocket looking the most promising right now, full commit on arc surges of course.
One thing we're worried about is Recon BnS Wild Style, with the buff to breach-loaded GLs and this monster of a roll, there is a world where Izzy might take the throne yet again.

For a few niche old encounters weapons like fourth horse, grand overture, parasite, acrius and wardcliff still hold their ground but I can only think of one encounter where still hunt shines as an obvious pick and that is against Hefnd's Vengeance in warlord's.
The weapon is still going to struggle there if you get unlucky with special drops tho.

As a side note, what I would argue is far more interesting than raw "blow your load in 15 seconds" DPS setups is what total damage oriented load-outs can do this season.
Song of flame warlock is definitely something special in the total damage category because not only does it have an insane damage ceiling before you run out of ammo but it also comes pretty damn close to competing with top tier DPS setups.
Try pairing star-eater song of flame with DoT weapons, shotguns or breach GLs.
Auto mtop, salvager's and anarchy with 1 arc holster and 2 arc surges is really smooth.
Or, if you got the wild style roll, try auto Lost Signal, Wild Style and dragon's breath with triple solar surges.

Using the anarchy load-out on kell echo, despite fucking up the rotation plenty of times, was the easiest solo one-phase of my life and I still had a very decent amount of reserves left after.
You need to try this shit out if you haven't.
Bloated perk pools are explicitly there to add RNG for engagement purposes, yes.
>community realises a perk is actually pretty good
>bungie intended for it to be a filler garbage perk nobody would want
>nerfs it into the fucking ground
rip deconstruct you had about a week or two of fame
Why people are OK with expac seasons being dogshit? BDF uses this argument all the time.
>it's expac season bro, it's supposed to be le bad!
>Your shackle nade will give you darkness energy while your Thunderclap gives light energ
I went ahead and tried this out out of curiosity. Triple 100s, a variety of different mod combinations and a various amount of weapon configurations. This doesn't build transcendence to any kind of real speed with a lot of heavy lifting being done by diamond lance shatters which stop doing heavy lifting the second I stepped into GM nightfalls and picking up that thing stops being reasonable with such little sustain.

Didn't feel any synergy at all if I'm going to be honest beyond getting to use Hazardous Propulsion with thruster. Just playing titan behind cover with a melee and grenade every hour occasionally that can go pink every 1-3 minutes.

Or put another way. I simply had issues using it. Didn't feel that good for me at my current skill level.
The sheer amount of people in LFG who keep fucking up their Still Hunt rotation on Witness makes me laugh as I out-DPS them just by left clicking my Micropenism
to be fair it was literally bugged and pulling ammo out of thin air like Craftening Regnant.
that's the only reason it was any good
>oh wow it does big damage to constructs
who cares
Bigger culprit are perks like slickdraw, a pvp perk that is so bad not even pvpoids touch it
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When you lose the lorenerds, you've lost the mandate of heaven.
Because its logical.
I'll just keep using my Code of the Commander HoIL build from my Forsaken days. 6 years strong and still chugging along. Miss me with that gay I'M POOOOOOOOONCHING shit.

gyarus could save destiny
As the new playerbase or if bungie just replaced every useless tower character with one?
i concur.
did anyone expect to enjoy saint and osiris shoving their gay drama infront of the vex?
hell even if they were a normal couple people wouldn't like this shit
tell a story about the vex, not some stupid lesbian whose going crazy (second time they've done this btw)
I don't see the appeal.
Had a dream where the seasonal artifact got replaced with a permanent 4th weapon in our wheel, with a whole list of perks you could turn on and off. This season was a kinetic pulse rifle so the meta became double special and a heavy because people always had an extra kinetic on them in the form of the artifact gun. Last season was a void rocket launcher so people had double heavy as an option.
How the fuck do people not know how to add clear on Witness
I don't give a shit about the Subjugators everyone ignores them fine whatever
Why are screebs making it to the stairs when they have STATIC SPAWNS that you can instantly spawn camp? Same with the piece of shit major having enough time to put up multiple immunity totems
>Why are screebs making it to the stairs
Because I’m busy keeping the psions and totem spawners in check
I don't give a shit about how episodes timegate their shit.
Why is nobody talking about the fact "snatching saint from another timeline" is straight up not what what happened
so do you think they'll put weapons on light on every bubble again?
um no you need to care about saint-14's character this episode which means saint-14's helm should be crucial to any bubble metas going forward
Revert nerfs on the Bubble. Give back armor of light and weapons of light.
Oh, I didn't read the most recent posts. Didn't know Bubble was on topic.
At least give back Armor of light. I can't believe those asshats made you even easier to kill inside the one defense super.
>can't believe it
red MACROgame
>Microsoft buys bungie and puts all their resources into Destiny
>Activision buys bungie and puts all their resources into Destiny
>Sony buys bungie and does nothing, says nothing, changes nothing.

I genuinely don't understand what's their endgame
Microsoft put money on Destiny?
Can I unlock dual destiny solo, or do I have to have a friend to grab the other mote to dunk to get the flag to show up to start it? Also, do I have to kill all 3 of savathuns secret keepers on the same session, or can I spread it out over a few days?
you can technically do it solo but it's tight. It has to be same session
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ever get a 4/5 so abysmally bad you just feel worse?
>what's their endgame
they wanted to brain drain bungie for people who knew how to make a successful live service game
then put all those people into other companies so they have multiple successful live service games running at the same time
this was jim ryan's plan
it didnt work
hes gone and now there is a frenchman in charge who doesnt give a fuck about live service
and bungie went from an industry flagship to a sinking ship
so much so that the heads of sony japan had to literally come to the bungie hq and scare the shit out of the executives and say if things dont turn around fast that heads will roll
>muh 5/5 roll
don't care
look at those mag perks, gun isn't usable.
It doesn't have to be the same session
LFR's aren't good damage compared to rockets or grenade launchers so who cares.
why do you care about mag perks when you have rewind rounds lol
OK damn I guess I will have to find some LFG to even unlock they mission lol. Very cool design.
So I can kill the secret keepers whenever, and the 3rd kill starts the green beam of light thing?
Yep, you can leave at any time. Just need all 3 dead. And once you unlock the mission flag, it adds a node to the director so you never have to go back there, in case you were wondering about that like I was.
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What massacred the hype?
2am on a weekday
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guess i dont care anymore lmao
I accept your concession
concession accepted, thank you for the debate
I out damaged everyone including 2 still hunt hunters as Titan on Witness where's my upvote
enjoy a whopping massive 2% extra damage
thanks anon, i will! it was fun to play a game i like and chase a reward i wanted :)
not making bread
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good for you
she has a dick, doesn't she?
i admire your autism
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>There should now always be a path that can be completed through PvE-only or PvP-only.
so that was a fucking lie
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both are there. red for pvp, blue for strikes only. gambit's somewhere in there.
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im not blind, but i have to diverge a path for PVE only and do 2 bounties in tier 2 because of how retarded paths are for bottom and top paths. This wasnt the case in previous paths. If i could take blue path from pic rel i wouldnt say anything
why do you care that much about optimizing a reward that isn't even pinnacle? you can hit the cap in a week or two, just chill out and do it
>>483679642 >>483679642 >>483679642
>why do you care
i don't but if i can optimize, i will, its a matter of fact that they lied, its a matter of fact that old bounties were better.
but they didn't lie, you have a path to the end.
i finished all three pinnacle pathfinders this week in 90 minutes. git gud
it is a pinnacle though

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