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>M. Bison Gameplay Trailer and guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483434175
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My ancestor...
Dix Dabbed On The Competition
...cock's to take a little slurp.
>Took all this effort just to achieve 10% of Smash's power
Smash 6 will snatch any poor soul who thinks this party game is a real fighting game. With bonus point for no battlepasses or jewish tactics.
Way more fun to play and watch.
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Japan has funded S3 by themselves
>saudi arabia is Japan now
Reposting from the last thread sorry.

I have to add things in slowly, for some reason after day 1 they ranked me and I legitimately can’t win a fight anymore. I have to be like 10-90 by now. Frame data is too advanced for me right now, have to figure out if I’m playing all smurfs in iron or I’m missing something major. I need a combo and to stop them from grabbing me and unloading on me to the point I can’t move, I think everything is going very good in training and with cpu. I mean I can do all of ryus moves by memory and don’t drop that many inputs, but online I get rushed so I can never learn and properly implement a combo. Kinda having trouble finding a guide on YouTube for someone having this problem, but either way I’m going to try and improve.
why do these niggers talk so much
even tho it finds matches almost instantly and is a 5yo game with no updates anymore.
I take a break from this general for a week and it's still full of schizos
Bison goes live for players who bought the Season Pass in about an hour, everyone else will have to wait 5 more hours when maintenance is over to be able to purchase him.
...as they ran away by being better games and dix will go down in history as the most industry plant game ever created.
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I wish Bison's classic had a cape
People who defend SF6 slop are literally kids from LoL who call costumes "skins" and story modes "campaigns"
Only mentally ill black men obsess over SF so much to post here daily
the smashfag goes schizo at random intervals
I found some numbers for you:
Biggest Smash tournament ever was EVO 2019, with 3,534 entrants at the height of its popularity (no "the game is dying now" cope). EVO Japan this year, not even regular EVO, had 4,851 players for SF6. Daigo's most recent Beast Cup had 3442 entrants. So again, every metric we have shows that SF6 is the more competitive scene, with more players overall and more people interested in competing, despite the smaller initial sales. We unfortunately have no way of seeing the amount of casual players still playing Smash though, so competitive numbers will have to do.
Instead of shitpost and doing drills they should prove loyalty to their game by going to locals instead of letting Smashfags who started with SF6 get top 3.
what made the smashfag come here? he has his own general, he should stay there
He doesn't have anybody to play with
You should get my dick out your ass GTAB
Now compare the average players/viewer per tourny.

EVO peaks higher because its a prestige event for SF with a huge legacy and production behind.

On average, SF events do not attend such huge crowds.
It's all interchangeable. Costumes, skins, outfits, alts, etc.
are they counter hitting you when you try to press a button? are they jumping in on you? are they DIing through your moves? how are they getting their combos started on you?
Its extra-funny when you realize EVO is more of a social media show for cosplayers, thots and casuals to gather around than a prestige tournament nowadays.
Even Dale said EVO stopped being a high status tourny 5 years ago.
smash is literally just short hopping at each other and alternating with throws, it's basically two button KoF
He won't do that. Even ComboBreaker this year was a flop.
Capcucks do not play their game. They only show up in their saudi-sponsored events.
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Combo Breaker is trash
Damn, if that is so easy, how come only a couple of players consistently win at high level and nobody else can break into pro play without dumping thousand of hours first?
Is almost like you are a complete shitter who has zero idea on what you talking about, hum?
I’m not 100% sure how they are getting the combos started as it happens so fast, but I think through grabbing lots of the time. And some drive impact but almost never the slime, I do t really ever see slime.
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Is the /sfg/ classic. Trash talking games they absolute blow dick at and have no idea how it works.

It would be the equivalent of a Smashchad saying all it takes for pro play in SF to go green and do bnbs in the corner for 40%, absolute ignorant take.
are they hitting you when you are trying to tech a throw?
No it's not... Skins don't mean costumes. Like a bed can have a different skin as an in-game object, it doesn't mean it's a costume.
Ed is top 3
I only take seriously the opinion of people with high rank in said games.
If you can't play Smash you don't have the receipts to talk shit, your opinion will be discarded, is just that simple.
a year and a half later the framedata still doesn't match the animations, well done john
Ok, there is a Melee tournament going on right now, nothing for Ultimate that I can see though. Can opener is going on for SF6. There are 2 big Smash streams going on now, one with 1.7k viewers, another with 1.2k. For SF6 you have 2 big streams going on too, one at 2.4k and another with 2.3k, plus a random unrelated vtuber at 3.4k lmao.

That doesn't help your case though, because if EVO is not a big deal, why was it Smash's biggest tournament ever? Why is a random Daigo hosted team tournament attracting the same number of players as Smash's biggest stage? Do Smashers not compete?
Characters are also in-game objects.
the other thread is not at the bump limit yet you stupid puerile fucking lemmings
Both Smash and SF6 are party games for toddlers and if you think either require skill you're just dogshit at video games
Yes, they are like a freight train.
wait.... did you just say momocon 2024
THE momocon 2024
you must be mistaken
Skin doesn't contain the shape of an object. It's not a spatial term. Costumes are spatial.
you WILL keep me company ITT while im at work and cant play him!
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sf6 is the Kardashians of the fgc
Bison's classic skin is my favorite one when going top lane
i'm pretty curious about how bison will be, personality-wise, in this game.
But enough about jive
I do know a couple of SF players who tried to get into Smash for a bit and even went to a few local events, but they told me the game just wasn't fun enough to offset the cons. They absolutely hated the community, said most of the people were infantile and annoying, mostly young people, but some in the 30s who acted like teenagers. And, yeah, they complained about the smell, said they thought it was just a stereotype, but turned out to be true lol.
Jive is relatively easy too but definitely more credible than SF6/Smash party games
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We want the SF6 audience.
I keep jumping forward like an idiot
>definitely more credible
We are talking about tournaments. SF6 has players dodging tournies left and right and the audience being pretty mediocre outside the big ones.
Smash still pulls consistently +20k for majors, and smaller tournies on the weekend here and there get +5k. Hungrybox online tournies also get 3k on average with occasional peaks at 5k or more.
>some in the 30s who acted like teenagers
So just like SF community?
stop trying to tech. they can only throw you if they are close. take the throw and press two attack buttons when you hit the ground to recover backwards and get some space from your opponent.
Theres an idea hes fighting with soul power and psycho power at the same time
>It's not a spatial term
You talk as if every term the industry uses is in the most literal sense. If that's your issue then costume isn't a good term either. Costumes are for special occasions or purposes while outfits are generally for daily use.
>Calling Smash easy when one of the most well-achieved SF pros of all time never made a top 3 into it
he has lost his memory, so he will probably be neutral like sagat
Yeah, it didn't have single button fireballs/DPs and it didn't have neutral replaced by "everyone can be Daigo" universal mechanics. Not even worth a discussion, it's obvious to anyone who is an adult.
Going back on now for some feedback
Smashies can't even win a can opener lmao
i like that he doesnt have his dumbass smile on 24/7
from his win quotes it seems like he gets his memory back so... what was the point of giving him amnesia
i hope he and jp are opposed to each other, would be more interesting
Be patient with Capcucks. They got buck broken by some spammy Ness online and never recovered.

Reminder Elite Smash actually requires your Winrate to be above 50% and you can drop outta it if you lose enough, unlike Master LOL
>Smash still pulls consistently +20k for majors, and smaller tournies on the weekend here and there get +5k. Hungrybox online tournies also get 3k on average with occasional peaks at 5k or more.


smashbros... don't look at these links
That's what "skin" means in game development. Costume is an alright term because it merely implies the character is dressing up to represent something particular. Like nostalgia costume implies the character dresses up in his nostalgia costume.
a rule of thumb, if you block two normals there is no more threat of throw unless your opponent walks forward or cancels into DR and gets back in.
Someone post the old fgg smash pic where they go out of their way to post in a nonsmash thread
aki not top 5
If dale view bots then why hasn’t he been caught?
>a bed can have a different skin as an in-game object
that's called a model, not a skin. a skin is a non-technical term for player costumery.
Same reason why he says the most vile sexist, racist and fatphobic shit never gets banned. Twitch CEO is a white oldfart who likes his pet coon, his little Uncle Ruckus.
He has protection from twitch
because then he would bring down the capcom viewbot scandal with him
It had a bunch of other problems lol.
>Capcuck talks about Smash outta THIN AIR all day
>People bite the bait finally
Lmfao what a pathetic little cuck
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He's part of the FGC Illuminati, you think he acts as the fall guy for everything accidentally?
when I fight jamie players I always let them drink at the start so they can't complain about level 0.
Should I masturbate to Cammy or Ada Wong?
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Its just sad at this point because they have no arguments against Smash outside their meme strawmans, and when they bring out numbers they get btfo there as well.
Isn’t twitch woke and cringe and left-leaning though? I don’t get how it’s allowed on so many levels based on the depravity of his content
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Crossed 1850 MR. LES GOOOOOO
Costume is still bad because you have to have characters like Ryu who's outfit 3 is what he wears when he goes into town. It's not a costume, it's his only set of wearable clothes. They should all be called attire.
anon, you posted this:
you're ignoring the reply here:
why are you talking as if you're winning an argument?
That's what I said you drooling idiot, that skins and models are two different things and you can have a model without skin. Skin literally refers to overlay texture of a model, it's not equivalent to costumes.
>Isn’t twitch woke and cringe and left-leaning though?
It never ever was
blacks can do whatever they want
You had people in /sfg/ telling you Bison was not the most iconic villain for Gill and Seth instead.
They also said Bison would NEVER come back because he died.
They also said Season 2 would be 6 characters.
They also said SF would never have guest characters.
They also said the Switch 2 wont come out.

Always believe the opposite of what these shit-flinging, chicken-eating-finger-licking players say.
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congrats who do you play
Everyone ITT is retarded.
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>Skin literally refers to overlay texture of a model
no that's a texture, the term "skin" is used to mean "costume" or "costume pieces" which is why alternate gun models in cs are called skins
Smashers have a huge chip on their shoulder because they want to be seen as a real competitive game after the disaster that was smash 4. Anyone old enough to live through the brawl days would also know about melee and how that is more of a fighting game than even smash Ultimate.

lt is like a containment game meant to hold people who can't really mess with any other game, but its getting old now and very stale so they're branching out to real fighting games. Luckily they're way easier now (strive, dbfz, and now sf6) so they are trying to make up for lost time after getting filtered for years.
I'm pretty sure they aren't doing hottub streams.
>no you cannot see the number of players
>the biggest tournaments having less players than a random Daigo team tournament mean nothing either
>it has less viewers on twitch because it's old! no, it doesn't matter that the all time numbers is smaller either
Why are we even having this conversation when they are called "outfits" in SF6?
Hard truthpill to swallow
>lt is like a containment game meant to hold people who can't really mess with any other game
That doesn't make sense.

>its getting old now and very stale so they're branching out to real fighting games.
The ultimate scene us still oretty string. Bad online holds it back.
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shine is kinda nice today
>Creating a skin for a character in game development is a process that involves designing, painting, and applying a texture to a 3D model
You are genuinely some retard from LoL. No understanding of how video games are made or what words mean.
i may be shit at this game
but you know what
at least i'd 100-0 leffen
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This is a top smasher? and a striver?
The New Generation.
And I'm not interested of retards who use terms incorrectly, they can start calling outfits "rabbits" for all I care but they are not rabbits.
cool appeal to mommy bro, but mommy doesn't control language
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I’m back online now, this is day 4. Pic related, I’m not going to make it am I ?
Bison in 30 minutes.
I said something similar weeks ago.
/sfg/ doesn't have a problem with shitposters, it has some actual low IQ retards who can barely read.
Uhh wheres Alex? Thats not the new gen
You just have to keep with it. You just started and you're playing again people who may have started with SF2 in the 90s
pic related
I never said any of those things so you can still trust me.
that was the new gen 20 years ago, they're old gen now
Twitch has a pretty biased and crooked moderation.
Ice Poseidon got bans for things outside his control (his viewers/doxxers) but some other big streamers show nudity, animal abuse, scammed their audience, and at best got a slap on the wrist.
Look at Dr. Disrespect and the lack of transparancy regarding his ban. Years and we now are finally understanding what happened.
watch replays and see how your opponent is attacking you. if you are pressing buttons after they have already hit you then stop doing that immediately.
Going to do 5 fights in training against level 6 luke cpu and work on zoning, blocking, doing my special. Then I will go to ranked and do 10 matches, heading there now.
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I hope SF7 has this as the starting new cast
>They also said the Switch 2 wont come out.
I said in the previous thread I doubt it's "around the corner". Obviously it's gonna come out one day.
no one gives a shit about boring blonde grappler (yes Abel too)
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sf3 was 27 years ago
Still mad she got in over Remy and Sean
>Switch clearly at the end of its lifespam
>It actually is on borrowed time living more than expected due to its great sales during covid
>Leaks and rumours about the patent and all that jazz been leaking since 2023
Based retard.
>he thinks this is a meme
"People" unironically slopped at a pathetic cast of 18 characters or so and overpriced pass for 4 characters...
SF7 might start with a cast of 12 or 15 characters for >muh balance and quality and these cucks will defend it.
COTW waiting room.
sf7 will also have 3 characters for $34.99
guys please
keep me engaged!
im straying over to the dragoncock section on twitter!
matchmaking down for poopy mbison update =(
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>12 or 15 characters for >muh balance
This is what I find insane.

A bunch of NO NAME losers, who don't even drive to their locals, defending less content in terms of balance.

Nigger, a game is supposed to be fun.
>b-b-but lots of characters mean some characters will never be hecking top tiers and never be playable at Top 8 at EVO!
Who gives a shit? you aren't even playing for money, nigger.
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probably takes a hundred hours of focused DI practice to react to DI in time, honestly
How long will it be down ? I just started my ryu training again and after fighting luke level 6 cpu actually 10 times I was going to test myself in ranked, you have to be shitting me.
I don't remember but there's usually a bunch of Japanese streamers overnight playing the new DLC character when they release so not long
Ok, guess I will fight luke again and then beat the arcade 12 on hard.
3 am est, so 4 hours
E-Sport faggotry is easily the biggest monkey pawn of online vidya. Every dogshit decision that makes a game more soulless and sterile can be traced back to devs trying to make sure the game is 100% sweaty approved.
Instead of having different servers/game modes, everyone is being psyop' into being a ranked fag and farming for a meaningless rank. Even tho they wont even break at pro play, they are sold the idea they are fucking epic for chasing to be at top 1% of the playerbase or some shit.
Esports ruined fighting games in many ways. Casual SF4 was the same as every other SF game down to SF2. You jump around and do normals and random specials. Nobody had a problem with it because the real combos were autistic links. Plus if you weren't really in the fgc then you wouldn't see how deep the game really is unless you really looked. Now its different, capcom is pushing esports in everyone's face, and casuals are aware of what is going on in the high ranks, so they get interested and will be angrier if they can't emulate what they see in tournaments.

SFV was known for being brutally hard for casuals, because esports and social media was much bigger than it was during SF4 so the perception of what a casual thinks he has to do is different. He's watching evo clips and then going online and seeing people do those same combos on him, it was unforgiving. The ranking system was probably not much different than 4, but there were more players, more of them were decent, more of them were trying harder, and ranked mode really shoved it in your face how much you sucked. There are countless reddit posts where people have meltdowns over losing hundreds of games and posting the YOU LOSE screenshot with ibuki's shit eating grin or kens banana head.

SF6 was a response to this suffering casuals went through for years. Capcom promised them infinite power in SF6, and they delivered. People who felt like they plateaued in SFV or hit a wall, became majin vegeta in 6, thats part of why its so popular.
Marisa shoving her huge futa dick into and impaling Manon while thrusting violently until she gets pregnant
you posted the absolute worst example for your point since every sprite since CT was reused all the way to CF.
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who tops?
>The ranking system was probably not much different than 4
Did you play 4 at all?
My point is that it's not too weird for new fighting games to launch with smaller rosters unless you're Tekken or KoF back in the 90s/2000s with yearly releases reusing assets
SF5 wasn't brutally hard for casuals at all, it removed 1 frame links and replaced them with 5 frame links. It was the beginning of true casualization of SF
Esports will never make sense for fighting games. If you can't be profitable in the league sphere then how could you possibly turn a profit running an org with an entire team of liabilities on events that only draw 3-20k viewers at best and you don't even own the stream. (There is no world in which I would ever buy player merch. Check out this new Daigo hoodie!)

These con-men getting into devs ears and tying the companies into chasing esports is the worst thing that ever happened to the genre. Now the scene needs to grow year over year or the whole bubble will burst so every game going forward needs to be less complex and more ad friendly than the one before it.

Granted that's just game publishers being shitty as usual, but I want to rag on these esports grifters.
Update is live now, restart Steam if it's not available to you yet
>everyone is being psyop' into being a ranked fag and farming for a meaningless rank.
There's nothing forcing you to actually just stick to lobbies. Many pros in 5/6 outright don't have a rank because they just do sets
Street Fighter shouldn't need to launch with smaller rosters. But because Capcom insists on not only making a new engine every time, but making new models every time, we're now getting these limited base roster sizes and its made worse by 4 characters a year.
SFV gave birth to SF6 which is its biggest sin but generally your post is truthful and you have a clue of what you're talking about.
>If you can't be profitable in the league sphere then how could you possibly turn a profit running an org with an entire team of liabilities on events that only draw 3-20k viewers at best and you don't even own the stream
The only reason it doesn't make a profit is because large pot invitationals aren't common, Capcom has a tight grip on how events are run and how qualifying for CPT is a total joke each year.
>Akuma and Bison 1 month apart
>Terry, Mai, and Elena scattered from now until December 2025
Shit game.
Respectfully, your post is naive and ignorant. You say you hate influencers and esports, and you want them to go away because you are basically saying "FGC will exist anyways without them"

The FGC will not "exist anyways" without money. You're welcome to go play Skullgirls or UNIST or virtual fighter or etc, if you want to see what a FGC scene looks like without money. If you want to see what a franchise looks like without financial support, go play some darkstalkers

You're not going to enjoy it. You want esports and influencers even though you don't know it yet. 99% of you want the benefits of esports and are complaining about the side effects without understanding what you will lose (more events, more active and larger community, more content for your game)

Instead of complaining, support the creators you do enjoy. Money talks, nobody listens to reddit complaints, but they will listen to your dollar bills
eh, I'd say 75. reacting to raw DI and canceling safe pokes into DI to counter DI checks is the easy part, 10 hours at most. learning how to do that shit in the corner and staying level headed is the fucking hard part.
>Denying that devs don't steer people into it
Every aspect of it is designed to hijacked your dopamine system to play more and more ranked, hoard points and trick fatherless children and underachiving mentally ill oldheads into thinking they are pros.
I know you want to look smart and argue semantics but the point is the sentiment of what ranked was and what the top ranks meant. I said probably because I wasn't that good in the sf4 era so I am making a guess.

your definition of casual is different. I'm talking about people who don't know what a frame or a link is.
>december 2025
didnt they confirm that mai will be early 2025? it looks like they're shifting dlc drops toward the start of the seasons rather than the ends.
>December 2025
nice bait
The FGC esports doesn't generate money, it only consumes it. Smash did well without any Nintendo support.
>Faggot who doesn't give (you)s has no idea what he is talking about.
CS existed for years without big money. Same for SF and same for Smash.

Ironically, as usual Smash comes close to his ideal >>483510158 since its a game that does not shill its competitive aspect on you. If you look at it, study the game, you can see how complex it is a high level, but you can just mash your favorite buttons, with items and all that shit and have fun as a shitter with other shitters if you want as well.
reee I wanna try bipson already
The FGC is just niggas playing a game. Nothing else matters. So yes, as long as two people want to play a game, that's an fgc. What you are talking about is commercialization.

>you want esports and influencers
holy shit lol

>what you will lose (more events, more active and larger community)
none of that shit is really needed. There will be as many events as the people want to create. The community will be composed of people who like the game, that's ALL YOU NEED.

>more content for your game
this is just laughable. Look at the fucking state of sf6
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Bison's WT content begins at the Nayshall entrance during the day, you will receive a text message when you get there
>So yes, as long as two people want to play a game, that's an fgc.
People need to travel for events. Events that actually help start a scene. If no one competing is even breaking even then whats the fucking point? The organizers are eating the costs and making no money.
do you have to own the character to do it or nah
timmy asked whats the point of playing fighting games if you're not making money
>CS existed for years without big money.
and then it got big money.
>Same for SF and same for Smash.
Smash got fucked by Nintendo multiple times and actively antagonized by it

>Smash did well without any Nintendo support.
It was struggling with money. Several events almost or did outright go under due to money issues in Smash.
iirc, WT additions are free
Events need money to run Darreyl.
And then became dogshit. CS was at its prime when iBP had to beat Titan in 2 bo5 for 20k across the entire team, when players barely got paid to compete.

When the scene got flooded with money, and even shitters got paid 20k just to EXIST, the scene fucking died. Not a surprise the most viewed matches were 2015/16 finals.

Smash existing even with Nintendo meddling is a proof a grassroots community is better than e-sport articial industrialized slop.
how dare you imply money isnt the most important thing in the world? How are you going to play street fighter without an event? I had to watch a few ads just to calm down after you said that. I'm sorry daddy capcom, I failed you...
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Im enjoying a treat DERRICK
he cute
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how is this game so fucking ugly
wheres the preceding quest at?
Where you first get texted by foo
Nothing will ever top third strike sprites. Everything afterwards is just a downgrade in quality.
meant to post a picture of spinoff five sorry guys
This. Visually the series never recovered from transitioning to 3D.
but I liked how goofy everyone looked in xTekken
>When the scene got flooded with money, and even shitters got paid 20k just to EXIST, the scene fucking died.
yet its still alive and active lol.

>Smash existing even with Nintendo meddling is a proof a grassroots community is better than e-sport articial industrialized slop.
It heavily limited what they could or couldn't do. Especially with the crackdown on modded Brawl mods.
god he's so handsome
ru paul is the only ugly one in that shot
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iirc it should be at Metro City during the day, I think after you've convinced Akuma to train you
yeah i think you need the character to do it. inot getting any text unless im in the wrong location somehow
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3D fighting games just look ugly as fuck. All of them. This shit is timeless.
>that fang model
I fast traveled to the starting location when I got the message
capcucks really paid money for this?
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>pixels are smeared to shit
I do wanna get batter at third strike hugo
in strive, you can set a training bot to react to blocking an attack by mashing dp or jab or whatever you want.
is there a way to do that in sf6 training mode?
more like
no buy son
haha fuk u capom
lol lmoa
do the servers ever come up early?
You should get a job as an economic analyst.
When you mean starting location do you mean that Bazaar way area?
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I bought one...

I couldn't resist. I want to know what leverless is like.
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Looks like you're gonna need to learn Psycho Power from either JP or Ed in order to proceed with the next quest phase

In the reversal page, move left and right until you get to "reversal after blocking". The other options are reversal after getting hit and reversal after wakeup.
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nope that's how he looks
they tried to make a really cartoony looking character like him work in a "realistic" engine and that's what they came up with
could've bought a Haute42, you wanted to splurge, admit it
this really is sad to see genuinely
sf6 is such a fuck ugly game
>once you do have acquired their techniques

AAA game, ladies and gentlemen
>try to make fang look realistic
>give his hat a realistic felt texture
>have hat hover on his head instead of actually being properly worn
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So this Doll that was added with the Akuma update serves a purpose now
>qanba STILL hasn't made a leverless
>and everyone is completely ok with having to dump extra for an adapter
Aside from those grievances, anyone else think its weird the hubbub about leverless kind went silent after SF6 launched?
literally nothing wrong with that sentence
crabbas really have no material
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i asked AI to flame Juri players
why is he called foo now
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bison's last combo in combo trials uses a pre-planted psychomine to do > 7100 damage (normal SA3, not critical art). His optimized psychomine combos will be absurd
I got a haute.
Apparently wont be here til the 10th
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>you'll never work for shadaloo kidnapping and brainwashing hot sf characters
why even live?
>Doing alive and well
>CS pros hate CS2 and MM full of hackers
>but muh mods though!
Smash still has supermajors every 3 months or so alongside Majors and smaller tournaments.
You are so full of shit is barely even funny.
esl sis...
Which Xbox 360 game is this?
because the SOCD changes made it not the best option anymore coming from SFV
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>tekken lost to this
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Uh oh, looks like Max got himself captured
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playing walmart ibuki until bison drops
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stop having fun with this dogshit game
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Will you join me in /mommy/ while we wait?
nigga SF6 is so fuckin ugly what the fuck
>be legacy skill heavy
>cut your roster
>be surprised no one is playing
game might blow up again after season 2-3 depending on who gets added.
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Yeah yeah.. I know. I saw the Chun Li one and said fuck it. I know the price is high but it makes it easier to use on ps5 and pc and I like the design.
>hobo bison was cool at first but realizing i prefer his classic look
>will need to play 60 hours of wt to unlock it
It sounds like a combination of legitimate fundamentals like spacing which you actually need to get a feel for between matchups and mental stack.
It sounds like maybe you need to take a break from ranked and practice the combos in casual where you aren't trying to win you're trying to actually perform the combo despite the pressure from your very alive opponent who will do everything they can to prevent you from doing it. Whether you win or not take a look at the replay. If it worked how did you initially open them up? did you try something new to land the combo oppraoch or feignt or something? when it doesn't work what happened there parried, blocked, grabbed out? take a look at these things and try and make some mental notes on it. It's hard to say if you have a replay webm or something maybe we can tell you like
>oh shit dude you mashed
>oh no they just frame trapped you
>oh they literally have 120000 ping
something more concrete
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Ryubro day 4, found a major issue poking around while servers are down…Combos, can’t do them. Something is wrong with my timing and speed, things get messy and out of control when I try and dial in. I get lots of random inputs and drops, my consistency is very bad because of this. I think that’s why my dragon punch is hit or miss, combos are worse. I can’t even to pic related, am I going to make it ???
what the fuck
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we need more hot girls
literally only cammy is hot enough for me to want to fuck
I thought I would want to impregnate Bison but I'm not really feeling it, I've decided not to impregnate him
to learn combo timing, you should watch the previews and try taking note of when they do their cancels/links.
Yes, something is wrong with my ability to combo. It could be some sort of retardation, can you look at this post I just made here please>>483515507
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Bit busy right now Negro…
even: learn bison
odd: practice boom loops
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D...did he just acknowledge his Japanese name?
mmmmm bison
>after akuma
don't you need to be like level 80 for that?
I got to a little above 50, finished world tour, and havent touched it since.
that's fuckin retarded lol
Mike Tyson is finally gonna finna sue
christ, you CaC just gave me def jam flashbacks.
>be legacy skill heavy
And that's a bad thing how?
>you: come along vega
>claw: are you talking to me?
>you: no my dictator is also named vega
I wish I count rent Manon for an hour.
who the fuck wants to learn a new character in tekken? I certainly don't.
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Be honest how many of you bought it? It's a top seller on Amazon right now.
finna buy the season pass
>buying paper
Just wait to download the pdf version
A bit on the nose, no?
I bought some more ram to bring me up to 48GB
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give it back already we know it wasnt a bug
Does the season pass only go on sale after the season is over?
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look here lil nigga I legitimately have a learning disability but that didn't stop me from getting my ass whooped by some big dogs.

Try these things.
In challenges set the challenges to repeat and do them 3-10 times in a row.
>but I can't do the inputs right I just tol-
shut up, from the pause menu in challenges set the game speed to 50%, turn on the inputs on the side. Breathe deeply, focus on the motions and timing. Do this until you first pass the one you can't get.
>but I can't even g-
shut up, watch the example a few times. The instructions are pretty clear cut but sometimes the difference is a few millimeters between you and the opponent on screen either in the air or on the ground.
>but I stil-
shut up, go to training mode. This is my secret spice how I learned to fight the street. These options Command Completion Display = Little ticker in bottom left that will let you know you successfully input a special move
Action Timing Display = Has something to do with showing you buffer windows
Cancel Timing Display = While your character is red, you can perform a special cancel, while blue certain super arts

I can reveal no more for now. You must walk the streets to learn the streets. I will be watching you. Go and fight to the extreme. Do not come back to the thread until you feel yourself at another wall that you yourself are unable to overcome.
i hate them openly embracing the feet shit, it's only sexy when it's subtle
>juri's feet
>ever being subtle
I don't even remember what level he was prior to finishing his training, but he was level 90 afterwards

I haven't even played the console games yet, just the PSP one
when is mbison live?
arcade mode
3 hrs
hoe long is the single player mode I just got to neyschall
it's so much worse in 6 than it ever was before
literally the first thing you see in her intro is a fucking close up shot of her decroded ass foot
All world tour NPCs are lower quality. This is not a new NPC and we already shitposted about this when the AKI update came out. Either you're recycling shitposts or this thread is full of tourists.
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dash macro bros
>lust for juris feet
>they zoom in on the crusty textures and make her vile and slutty wiggling her feet everywhere in the ps3 horror engine
monkeys paw
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Understood sensei.
>was hoping bison's character would go in a new direction
>watch this
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probably shouldn't have shotgun'd that energy drink,
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>the ps3 horror engine
what's the problem there buddy boy
>both fucking horrified knowing damn well she walks barefoot everywhere
I cannot and WILL NOT understand footfags
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no boner, stop
It was moderately subtle during SF4 era. Nothing like now.
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Favorite character from base roster + season 1?
you being a faggot
My beloved.
just thought the whole amnesia plotline would have a little substance to it instead of immediately falling back into "same shit we've been doing since the character was first introduced" but alright man
so is bison good or is he a stinker
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>Juri Ryona
now we're cooking
nakayama really went went "bison having amnesia matters, you'll regret your words and deeds!" only for this nigga to go back to being the same after 10 minutes
and that makes you a faggot.
bison should be bison.
i havent bought bison yet. can i use him now or have to wait for servers?
the question just becomes "why introduce that plotline at all"
akuma nerf when?
Need to wait. Can't even use rental tickets on him right now.
good morning, street fighter 6 is dogshit.
i see, i wasnt finding that. thanks
good morning sir
calling each other "brother" is the corniest shit
that's why i call my sfg besties "sis"
to give a frame to bison returning and to show that he is basically an asshole elemental and quintessentially evil. I just think they did it too fast and couldve built it up more.
I'm not particularly fond of bison being in a hobo state either. he should be peak condition in every incarnation.
Juri Husband finna cook this nigga Bison
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Thank you sensei, after 2 hrs of suffering your knowledge of the street fighting has allowed me to succeed. I performed the combo 5 times at 50% speed and now performed the combo at standard speed.
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Maybe I should mod her into an Android 18 outfit
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good morning
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I just wonder what Sethanie poster's up to!
fchamp did a meter dump CA combo with bison that did 7k damage...
JH is canonically weak but turns the strongest when people hurt Juri.
yes, exactly. that's fine that he ends up falling on "yeah i'm fucking evil and i love that for me" again, it's just disappointing that they didn't really hesitate and jumped right to that immediately. how does john streets get to learn under him? what's any of this?
and after how hard he got fucked up in sf5 it's reasonable that he's all beat up. i think it's cool.
Have any change for other characters been found? Even if just fixes, I'm curious
none of the world tour faggotry matters at all.
where is that scene?
Dangerously based
akumas teleport throw does too much damage
probably her arcade mode
world tour
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Why do the Japanese hate him?
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It's part of a WT quest that came with Akuma, it can be started in Metro City. Not sure if you need to have gotten Akuma as your master or not
What fucking quest do you have to do to unlock this piece of shit in World Tour? I just unlocked Ed and that didn't give me access to him. Fang has no more quests for me either, and I'm not getting the text message in Nayshall. Fuck this annoying shit.
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Was this really necessary?
>noooo you have to play a rushdown monkey ahhhh
stop swearing
It's time for men.
Multi-generational PTSD of being robbed of quarters, they just hate grapplers in general.
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women rather fuck a cripple than a nigcel.
aw man sonicsol is gonna freak
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Remember this psycho twink you fought in Nayshall while you were looking for Falke? You'll find him here in Metro City sometime afterwards (might need to get Akuma to train you first). He'll get you involved in a quest sending you to the Ruined Lab which is likely required to get the Bison quest going.
he has the epic slimer mixup.
and midscreen throwloops.
this game sucks man.
I haven't done any quests to go find Falke I don't think, so I have no idea who that is.
we wuv throw woops doe
is it actually impressive to be a plat JP or was anon screwing with me?
This has been on my mind since I posted it
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I bought the original one months back.
It’s high on Amazon because the pre-order price is fine
im gonna be impregnating him yup yup YUP
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I'm guessing getting that quest to show up requires building affinity with Ed first if I remember right.
There is no pdf version lol
And nobody has scanned any of the artwork of the previous versions
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Have you guys not seen this
dont forget extremely fast drive rush + overhead
and anti-fireball move fully invincible.
no reason to play cammy anymore, totally outclassed by akuma and bison
>none of the world tour faggotry matters at all.
It's pretty much tied to SF6 by the hip
>we almost got female bison
fuck these cowardly niggas
pretty glad they settled on the one they did. green priest-looking one is somewhat cool but the rest of these are pretty dire.
Cammy…wish I could hug her
Capcom has no real confidence in what it wants to do with it's characters.
>rare concept art worse than final product
Bottom right looks like a Broly reference
they're at least sticking with pushing luke harder than they tried with sf4 and 5's "new main characters" (who even remembers that ratshit was supposed to be the mc of 5??? was he even in the story mode?). but yeah they're huge cowards.
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>was he even in the story mode?
Yeah Necalli murdered his female friend or something.
>(who even remembers that ratshit was supposed to be the mc of 5??? was he even in the story mode?).
Everyone who played the story mode remembers him. And everyone who plays world tour knows he can't shut up about being the one who shut down Bison's moons. So yes, all the people who did both things remember, all 3 or 4 of us.
That was F.A.N.G.
and that's only happening because the VA put in effort to not have his character blown to the wayside. capcom would've definitely let luke fall off if left to their own devices.
Oh right, what a bastard.
Are you fucking shitting me? I have to actually sit here and grind levels on Ed to get him to give me a quest so I can get Bisons costume 2? This is so fucking stupid
they did more with rashit in the SFV story than they did with luke in the sf6 story, which is fucking nothing.
luke just gets forced into all marketing material and people are expected to like him.
Manon is avant garde
they did less with rashit in the SFV story than they did with luke in the sf6 story, which is fucking everything.
Luke just gets rightfully put into all marketing material and people like him.
yeah , like the dmc reboot's story
yeah which is wild. imagine being carried so hard by your dub voice actor of all people. that and fujos i guess.
I have no idea what that means but it sounds French so it tracks
can bison cuck rashid's lvl 2 with ex psycho crusher?
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who tf cares about bison i want some sexy anime girls
>top left
glad they kept him pretty much the same instead of pandering to coomers who wouldn't care about the character otherwise
>inb4 but it's in-character
i don't care
Pretty much, unless you just want to pay for it and call it a day.
-Grind levels with Ed until he gives you the quest to find Falke
-Finish quest, then go to Metro City to find Lee (Might need to get Akuma to train you first)
-Finish the questline associated with him, then fly to Nayshall to get a text from Foo
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>Random easily comes up with a better story than Ninja Theory
he seems pretty genuine so I pray the VA cult doesn't sink their hooks into him. Can't convince me the voice work industry isn't a fucking mafia.
Does bison have a third costume?
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He’s already had his dick sucked by Suzi. He’s already a capo in the VA mafia
Yes, but it won't be out until Elena is added to the game, so see you in May possibly. lol
We finally see Bison's master and a young Rose with them. Bison and Rose have the same master, there never was any bullshit about a Piccolo/Kami situation here with a split soul. Finally confirmation that the Alpha 3 thing was a poorly worded translation or something of the sorts.
Why is an asian voicing a white guy?
dont google m bisons voice actor
so bison just gets his memories back right away then?
asians are honorary whites
well now him wanting female bodies is just weird.
Why's Rashid there and not Aki?
Don’t google the VAs of
imagine how hard this wouldve flopped if they didnt put in the world warriors
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Woah woah hold on
So Rose was never the good half of Bison's soul?
They were just apprentices of Soul power teachings and this was a mistranslation for oVER 20 FUCKING YEARS!?
>There's a video where he talks about other shadoloopoo warriors.

nutting down kimmy's asscrack
>watching jamGAWD do otg combos with ex stomp
this character looks so fucking fun. can't wait.
I thought we'd known for a while that this was a mistranslation
Do we consoom the pass or just him, anon? I'm with you in this
Something about Bison’s Psycho Crusher looks really weird visually in this game but I can’t pin down what it is about it it
this took me awhile didn't even think i was going to finish it at the end
maybe i'm not built for this character
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W-what are we gonna do on the floor Bison Kun~
I have never completed a characters advanced combo trials
The entire gamefaqs
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Ryubro here, I’ve completed ryu intermediate combo trials 4, 5, and 6 within the hour with the help of a sensei on here. No I’ve come to a whole new level of difficulty with trial 7, can I get some input on if I should try and do this trial or if I should do something else because this trial seems quite advanced for my level ??? Pic related
Juri’s mouth looks like it was drawn by a vore artist
yeah the art in Dix is atrociously bad, you would think they would be hire the top tier artists and not these deviant-art tier panels.
God give the artist a raise, I'm so hard right now.
>the art is le bad cus... it's not bengus' sfv scribbles!!
the duality of man
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FYI the art for WT and arcade panels are done by Capcom artists in-house. Bengus drew Ryu/Zangief arcade modes no WT panels thank god
Also here’s Vegas AA
Wasn't here before but combo trials are nice to complete, for me as a new player the value in them was teaching more about cancels/linking/buffering/spacing than the actual combos.
Not mandatory though, can just play some games vs CPU or jump into ranked (better than casual).
They know "people" wont give a shit, why try harder?
The real mystery is how a talentless nigga like Poopji got a partnership.
They 100% hire someone who is a nephew/brother/cousin of the higher ups. Pure nepotism.
S-tier artists like Ilya Kuvshinov where paid to work in some shitty music videos or anime, there is no way Capcom can't afford a artist of his level instead of this pixiv-comic-tier shit.
guilebros how are we feeling about bison
he stole our slot and now our AA sakurasisters...
Yes, I think they are definitely helping my timing and spacing. This one’s advance in my eyes, guess I’ll do so fighting against cpu for a while and try a combo I like. I’m like 10 wins and 84 loses on ranked, only 4 days into sf6 my first fighting game. Think I’m going to make it?
nobody ever told you to do combo trials, unless you find it fun
why doesn't guile just rape bison?
How else would I learn timing and spacing and combos ?
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Bison could just psycho crusher when Guile inserts his dick and tear it off cause he's clenching his ass.
training mode
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don't underestimate the power of FREEDOM
You dont need to finish them. You need a simple short bnb, you can find them on youtube. Don't learn a hard combo right at the start, its useless for you at this point.
Yeah, as much as the learning curve is high you can make pretty big strides early on when you figure out the very basics like blocking, strike/throw, confirming a super.
I had a 17% winrate early on and even today as a casual I don't crack 50%.
How do you check winrate for characters?
I found my first combo in combo trials and just brought it over to training now, it’s cr LK > LP > OD tatsumaki. Going to try and lock it in on the dummy, hopefully work up to using it against cpu level 5.
I’m starting to understand the idea of combos now, in training working one now.
post a single defense that the drive system increases skill expression and consistency in competitive matches
>Bison can ToD Akuma
Thanks, I hate it
no way lmao
Good this will be the cull of all the akuma players.
its incredible how great the SF2 chars are.
My HEROES and Honda.
I straight up feel like I fucked myself by maining a zoner.
Its making picking up a new character very difficult
With CA and 5.5 OD bars on a blocked OD DP, he kill you yes. Plenty of clip going around.
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>tfw no Huey in a fighting game
In all fairness, this is his last trial and its very timing based.

The three tricky things in the combo is:

1. You need to start charging after hitting the first standing HK even before the animation comes out.

2. You need to do devil's rise with one kick, and head stomp with two kicks as low to the ground as possible, otherwise ->HP won't hit.

3. You need to delay the followup EX two punch special just a tick for it to come out after the ->HP

If you can remember all that, you'll be good. After doing it for a while (like all trials) you'll start to get the rhythm for it.
>Bison didn’t name his horse
Sad, it would have been cute if he actually cared about it
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He does care. Why do you think he braids its mane?
What should I add to my first combo ???
cr.LK > cr.LP > od tatsumaki
He braids it because he needs to practice for when he’s a cute girl
>2:07 AM
>Maintenance STILL now over
Get Honda, Dhalsim, and Blanka out of there.
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I CANT FUCKING PLAY THIS FUCKING NIGGER CHRACTER AAAAAAAA (In the last trail, why the fuck the ex psycho crusher never comes out after the cr.mp, even if i hold db forever during the st.hk animation, FUCKING WHYY)
Based Trans icon Bison. Still not giving up on possessing Cammy.
You need every frame of charge you can get after standing HK, so start charging afftr you press the button, even before the animation starts.
the Guile trials make every other trial look like a complete joke. nothing compares to them
there is no point to use OD tatsumaki unless you have the opponent cornered, use light donkey kick instead.
but if you're in the corner you can do:
cr.LK > cr.LP > od tatsumaki > heavy DP

the state of street fighter
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you need to cancel into psycho crusher later. don't immediately cancel. it's like chun's and guile's trials
i picked USF4 back in 2019, it was dead. after a year playing i got 4% winrate. Nowadays i'm at 40% or something winrate and enjoying the game a lot. Just have fun, anon, those are just numbers.
He is Dudley and his brother Balrog.
did I just catch you waiting for SF6 servers to come back so you can play asap?
Combo trials are littered with sub standard combos.
They really just give you an idea whats possible.
you're better off going into training and seeing what moves have advantage on hit by turning on frame data.
Then you can get into the feel of how comboes are made so you dont look at a combo as a list of inputs and instead understand which moves link into each other.
now post lewds
Yes I think the donkey kick could be better because I could use a dragon punch after but it hasn’t stuck to my hands, I’m starting with my combo because it stuck to my hands. Down the line I will make variations, I’m interested in looking into donkey punch stuff soon. I’m going to give the heavy DP a go now, thanks for the input.
Yes, just getting fired up sometimes. I was tilted af earlier, tore through here like a tatsumaki lol.
Like chuns basic st.mp, cr.mp->m.sbk?
I hate late charge cancels, but at least is muscle memory shit.
thread theme
yes it's just like that chun combo, you do a late cancel
If you're not playing modern, you're a retard. It's like you don't want to win.
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I wanna be Ken's foot fag
you can't do dragon punch after donkey kick except in very specific situations my dude, you barely understand what i'm saying. here let me explain:

If do NOT have the opponent cornered then do:
cr.LK > cr.LP > light donkey kick

If you DO have the opponent cornered then do:
cr.LK > cr.LP > od tatsumaki > heavy DP
i play video games to have fun and i don't find it very interesting when there's no challenge involved

i don't play doom with iddqd either
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JP has a pretty bussin corner combo but I cant stop fucking it up!
for me it's the ed ryona compilation
Ok, thanks.
haha source haha?
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I've been feeling the call recently.
I started with modern (on pad) then moved to classic on leverless but now that people are getting better I feel like I'm left behind and part of is that I can't really execute what I want. Leverless having precise inputs is a doubled edged sword because my inputs are dirty (if I try to DR cancel crMP I sometimes get a DP, that sort of stuff).
I also miss kicking back and playing on pad, despite the sore thumbs and muddy inputs (old PS3 pad).
I played anime games for 700 hours before coming to street fighter and the combos feel 10000x worse
3:14, 5:55, 7:08, 11:22, 13:44 are the best parts
i sure will be coming back to this dogshit game because they added braindead motion input slime rushing bison who can do 70% with a basic ass combo! i love street fighter six!
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What am I supposed to do once I have oki on a grappler?
I feel so scared to be aggressive because when they wakeup reversal I get chunked for half my health. Do I just mix them like normal?
yo what if we made a setplay character that does 7k damage everytime you guessed incorrectly
- nakayama, on designing sf6 bison
I recognize those wedge noses anywhere that's Rampage isn't it sonic sol
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Akoomerbros...I don't feel so good...
fuck why'd you have to say that I don't have any bagels or cream cheese and it's past midnight

new 9-1 matchup just dropped lilybros
they overtuned psycho crusher so fucking much, why is it beating damn near everything?
>Bison dropped
>Snail slow thread
nigger it's 3AM
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>Kicks are motion because of Modern
Okay fine
>All SAs are motion
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make it make sense capcom...
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Ryubro here, check my pic related. That’s right, I’ve already won a match since the servers have come back up. And it was against modern fag controls, that is all.
I FINALLY complete intermediate 11. I love the way he feels to play.
balrog and vega both show up in the m bison storyline in the form of phone messages with a still image cutscene, and sagat is mentioned directly by bison. maybe a sneak peek at season 3?
fun fact: bison has never been top tier (except for 1 season in jive, barely)
>rashid only buffed


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Akoomer bros...
>Can't link lights into mediums
>Can't do DR combo trials because I just mash like a retard after a few inputs
>Can't do Juri's rekkas
>Can't even do Ryu's babby dr combo that's just three back-to-back axe kicks into super
I actually remember one from 5 being like this! Do the Psycho crusher input like a QCB that starts from DB for it. I can't make it to that one myself but it SHOULD do the trick for anyone else.

I'm not gonna make it am I bros
dictator? more like dick taker
there were balance changes?
This. Advanced 2 is frustrating and I never got past the first half.
max is better at doing trials than i am
Max is way better than me too. He gets to master in no time on new characters
True but he just destroys the vast amount of the shit/mediocre characters in 5.


Small adjustments made on some characters, mostly bug fixes. They rolled back the changes on Gief's st.MK though. Glad they also fixed Ken's run inputs, it was annoying getting run instead of OD dragon lash
How bad are the slime rush combos
glad they nerfed akuma's air fireballs
they did?
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I guess it wasn't Tuesday
where are juris nipples even supposed to be pn her tits
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she uses pasties, she's a modest woman
Max gets heat for being a shill, but he is a genuinely good player.
He has fundies that carries over multiple games, he rarely gets tilted, and always approach the game with a competitive, and cold mindset, instead of being a permabeg getting emotional at every match.
When he played Dale during SF6 beta was a prime example of that. Dale bodied Max on the first game, Max just adapted his gameplay and farmed Dale in the next games. No raging, no emotions, just calm and collected gameplay from a true scholar of fighting games.
he is top tier in CE and CVS2.

and he wasnt top tier in S1 SFV at all what the fuck are you talking about his pressure didnt even work in S1 because he had no 3framer.
and he was obviously way up there by S5.
just completely wrong post.
??? what retard
>Lusting for a married woman
Might Christ have mercy on your soul and show you the light before its too late.
which of bisons buttons are plus in this? does he have 2 like everyone else. excluding bomb shit
1 season in jive, not season 1 in jive. Dumb ESL.
The only one who can defeat Juri's Husband... is Bison's Husband!
because its not psycho crusher anymore at all.
it has none of the original properties.
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I get what I want
Max also enjoys Smash, he is stupidly based.
If I still wasted my time watching streamers, I would give him my view.
bison looks obnoxious he gets really good oki and pressure from everything with that drive rush
>add air thriw invul to his move
>"hur dur buff?"
stfu retard
t. hawk tuah
>get knockdown as ryu
>only choice is try for a jump in or dash > hasho
>can't even denjin unless its a full screen knockdown
Am I actually forced to just rely on the enemy not doing anything when I charge up or hitting my target combos?
>Loves Smash
>Loves Modern
>Loves competition
>Never gets tilted just admits he got outplayed
>Is white and married
Truly the apex of FGC specimen you can't go much higher.
he also said the n word and got away with it
I will usher in Bison’s world
And in return…well lets just say the Dolls will be in my dollhouse
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Kim got the same buff oh no she's top tier
whats everyone else's reactions to bison coming back especially rashid, ed, and ryu?
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is this a hint that his japanese and overseas name will be unified at some point later?
Veson?? Biga???
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La ilaha illa Allah, ha la ili, hay yo
Hili b'Allah, hey, hili bay yo
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money
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Could have been cheeky and said dictator too. But I hope Gouki becomes akumas real name
M(ilf). Bison when?
>They nerfed air fireball and teleport
Daigo's switching back to Ken for sure now.
I'm calling Ryu rn, hold on. Rashid is reciting some prayer beside me.
Bison mogs JP so hard
GIRLson….(Boywife in japan)
>Air throws nerfed
Any patch that doesn't nerf Guile is a good patch
>Fem bison never ever
>Coomers lost

It hurts bros... Only Sethanie can cure me now...
what if i want to call him dicklicker
Bring chunli too and cammy
kenbros we can actually use EX jinrai without accidentally getting run and being -69 on block now
nooooo please be joshing :(
His name will be Mike
who is foo talking about in world tour? The member of shadoloo that starts with the letter F? it doesn't seem to be fang.
Depends on the knockdown
Falke, you meet her by raising bond with Edward
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oh cool. so balrog, vega, sagat and falke are hinted at for upcoming characters.
Can we get Dmitri and Morrigan next?
>seth got a hot girl body
>#51 in the poll
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My wife.
If we do I'm going to get irked by powerlevel faggotry.
Tell her to dress her age.
You don't he just mentions her.
you meet her? I remember you trying to find her with the photo but I don't remember meeting her.
god i hope not, keep that shit in capcom vs whatever
Our wife
I unironically think we're getting some faggot from Tekken cause of their history with SF. I just hope that I'm dead wrong.
>they didn’t get the secret optional Falke sex encounter
i was actually excited for bison so i came back to play him, less than 30 mins of being on and i'm not having fun anymore because this game is so insufferable to play
Now is the best time to rank up
if we're getting a Tekken character it's gonna be Kazuya, Azucena, or Reina
Sorry if I just came out of a cave, but where is the classic Bison costume? I got the season pass, but do I really have to do the WT?
sauce pls
I got classic Bison from the pass
I dont believe you
you either raise his bond level to 100 in world tour, or your have to buy it with real money in the shop.
You grind world tour or you cough up a dollar (five)
You should already have it. Try resetting.
>Azucena will steal Laura's slot
>Asuka will steal Makoto's slot
u shgould ahve it with the pass
If you're diamond or higher it's not, it's the worst. A bunch of masters are smurfing with Bison and have much lower rank and points than they should have
I had this experience with Ed's release, jumping into ranked thinking maybe a couple of free wins and getting demolished. I wasn't ready
You get it with the ULTIMATE pass. Regular character pass you don't get Outfit 2.

I thought you people were more frugal.
If you're below diamond (or Plat 5) then it makes no difference
Wrong dolls bro. The ones you get to fuck are the dolls wandering around nayshall arena
>actually buying the ultimate edition
Jesus christ, no wonder Capcom's ballsy enough to keep pricing 4 characters as a whole game
So outfit 3's gonna be the one from the art of him killing his master, right?
Yeah Bison is just more of the shit I fucking loathe about this game
>Fast DR
>Mixup jump's that beat anti airs every time
>Jump scare that leave him more than safe or plus on block
Fuck this game
I Like Raoh Bison, but yes... this was cute.
>4 characters a year forever
>Going to take 3 years longer than it took SFV to reach 40 characters
>Going to be missing tons of characters because of slots taken by guests
This is going to be the worst roster since SF3
>pick Ryu
>fight a 1750 turtle dhalsim
>barely win 2-1
>Next match is a 1750 spammy cammy
>barely win 2-1
Can't play anymore after those two sets. Feels like I've completed the entirety of street fighter
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Wow, Bison is really good!
thank friend
Okey, my bad, I bought the normal S2 pass and I didn't realize that there was an ultimate S2 pass. Why does Capcom have to do these absurd things?

So i have to go in WT if I don't want to spend any more money? fuck.
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I’m having micro heart attcks trying to implement what I learned in training today into ranked, but I have 3 wins and 6 loses since the servers came back up and right now I’m on a 2 win streak. Think I’m going to get in bed now because I’m burnt out from the struggle, check pic related.
No shot. It's been way too long. People outside Japan already got too comfortable calling these characters by their "wrong" names. Same with Akuma and Gouki. The only one Capcom was able to save was Nash. But all these other characters are too far gone and are much more recognizable. It would create unnecessary confusion in potential customers
He's good, but it seems very technical and not easy to use. two weeks and there won't be any left around, except for the few good ones.
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Initial thoughts on Bison?
I have work and won't get the chance to play until later
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I love playing a cheater character
does anyone else actually like world tour? I think it's fun
Keep at it anon. Hope you have fun.
bullshit power creep character
Good work anon-san!
>Drive rush DI on an Akuma with level 1 super AND drive meter
That Aki just wanted it to be over
>I love playing a cheater character
You just let EX DP rip after a drive rush into fucking DI on YOUR wakeup. More like you like playing against absolute fucking retards
trip on, vesper
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>I’m having micro heart attcks trying to implement what I learned in training today into ranked
welcome to the club new fren.
Its alright the first few hours then it becomes grindy shit and fetch quests.
>Di with low HP
galatic brain.
Drive rush DI baits every EX DP in the game except Akuma's and Rashid's
>So i have to go in WT if I don't want to spend any more money? fuck.
Take your time with that shit. It's easy to get burned out by such a lame mode.
at that low health though? a stiff breeze killed AKI there
yeah, hopefully they expand on it on 7
sf6 is truly a bad, unfixable game
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I'm seriously considering playing Marisa until Terry is out. How stupid is it considering her walkspeek, garbage anti-air and no reversal ? Shes not bottom tier but not far, maybe I'm setting up myself for torture instead of fun...
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>Never gets tilted
So what exactly does Bison want
The character guide said to use his scissor kicks but I don't know what he gets for making the opponent block it or even for landing it
i like it, i have fun whenever i go back to it to get the 2nd outfit for new characters. it can be grindy if you're trying to max out stats but mixing and matching specials from different characters is cool
>Bison is OP as expected
turn green
EX flash kick blows through DI as well
How about some Street Fighter characters instead?
Don't worry, this game has no chance of lasting 3 years longer than SFV. Out of your fucking mind if you think SF6 is getting 8 seasons or that Capcom will waste time and money making content for a PS4 game in the year 2030.
you're supposed to buy only 1 costume for your favorite character in the roster, then you wait for arcade edition to get all of the costumes in one cheap upgrade bundle
The 1 costume they made for my favorite character looks like shit so I'll just not spend any money at all.
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game needs more character outfits to match the exquisite avatar options
I fought the most Juri Juri earlier. Dashing forward on every throw tech, constant jumping, no thoughts just wanting to be in your face at every single opportunity. I actually just punished every single neutral skip he went for and he gave up and put the controller down. He was 1610 MR.
my guess is get a psycho mine on them and make them fear pressing any button.
Sorry Rashidbro.
Neutral skips are just the way the game is designed. That Juri player will be 1800+ soon.
I wonder if they'll ever make a costume I like more than pink classic Guile
I've bought the game a few weeks ago, spent 120h so far only playing WT, Arcade and character trials
its a disgrace.
how many months until we get the next SF character for this year bros?
bison looks pretty good from glancing over streams
Yeah the st MK disjoint was a bit much. He still has above average pokes, but st MK was too suffocating on top of the other range buffs.
GO1 has a comfy 59 winstreak on Bison
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Yes, I’m having fun and stress all together. It’s like mountain climbing, fun but brutal. I’m happy to know that progression is possible, before tonight I wasn’t sure if I could learn. Tomorrow more combo trial > training > ranked, pic related is my win/loss and hrs played.
I get instantly tilted if someone throws out random DI in neutral
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there are at least 3 concept pieces in this set that would've made better newcomers than half the faggots the game shipped with.
No reversal mid tier at best
>Ryu revealing Bison wanted his body
max is finna about to get master already, he's on a 10 win streak with his day 0 bison and he has zero combos
>psycho mine
That's the hardest part
I have no clue how to hitconfirm into his 214X. I'm used to AKI who has thirty ways to set up poison, but landing one specific attack, one that's a short-range advancing move that's punishable on block, feels like a herculean fucking task in comparison
I swear to god I'm gonna kill myself
Does the psycho mine explode on its own?
>we were THIS close to getting fembison, the second place option after what we got with ultimate green goblin hobo bison
My rental period just ended so I really should kill myself
I got one win in a full hour
getting FemBison in the worst SF game of the 3D era would be another fitting monkey's paw.
yeah it has a timer
after a while yea. it cancels out if bison gets hit though.
I'm thinking light light into mine should be the main way to land it. It's a pretty quick move so I think it can work well on whiffs as well.
Could've been me but I'm 1400 baybee
So the core idea would be landing something that leaves you +4, then chaining lights into mine?
>go1 got to like 1800mr in 10 minutes on a 70 game winstreak
god i fucking suck
So that red suit Dictator will be his costume 3?
MP gets you +6 on hit and 0 on block. I'd say that's a pretty good button to use as well.
that kishuna nigga with the cloak would have been sick
you can also juggle with MP mine after ex scissors which is a pretty decent option to guarantee it hits, it seems like it can whiff at certain spacings if you try to poke into it
1800 in japan is like 1550 in america
>everyone talking about their MR
>im still stuck in plat 1 grinding just to rank up once....
my bi son
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HP Mine would be better for an extra 100 damage. The distance it pushes is negligible.
I love my dead bi son
It's a marathon, not a sprint. You should only compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
This honestly looks like a fitting SNK game roster
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The worst SF game of the 3D era so far!
I imagine it'll be good to have a juggle in your back pocket for the rare situations where Psycho Mine times out and blows up and sets you up for a juggle, what do you guys reckon is best to use there?
go1 lost his 67 winstreak to a redditgief..
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I honestly forget there are actual ranks in this game, master is a matter of time if you are not fundamentally retarded or a 23er
I even got my shitty guile to master and I can't even combo with him outside linking to target combos into flash
whats the BIG DRAMA, DOOD?
As dreaded as the fearsome Default Color Ryu
SFV M. Bison was better, I'm already bored of this new version
Bison is garbage
Bro, nobody is going back to Jive
Sister, everybody is going back to Jive
>yet another neutral-skip combo moster character
Whoa thanks... so much gameplay variety...

People rosterfagging and having melties over their scrimblos being forgotten is so retarded. Everyone plays roughly the same.
Terry will save the game
They must be wanting to see their characters in WT/Fanart/cooming. Theres zero chance they really think any character would play super differently than what we have now.
Gief really didn't get nerfed did he....
He just got one of his poking tools nerfed. They didn't touch the knee
find a new crutch lil bro
And if a character plays differently it will just be destroyed by shoto rushdown like Dhalsim is
They 100% want for the WT lore bullshit and for cooming
is OD Derick Chauvin still in?
Twelve would be unique. Boi has an airdash
I was expecting Bison to be a heavy-damage boss-character with good pressure, a bit slow but less fragile, since Akuma is the glass canon one. Really dissapointed he is just another DR abomination.
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>no new stage
That's the only thing I was hype for, the last few stages had bombastic OSTs
>not replacing the shoto archetype with the shota archetype
more like CRAPcom nyehehehe
Wait are you for real?
How do you find Bison in WT?
Don’t worry Makotos student will be the hokutomaru of SF, he will love rindoukan and the cute arcade worker(Sakura) who taught him Ansatsuken
>Motherfuckers paying premium pricetag for dripfeed incomplete botched content
At least Nintendogs get their game somewhat finished and worthy of their money, this is just sad for capcucks.
who do I play if I want to work harder than anyone else to win?
Modern manon
>t. DSP
Jamie, Lily or Kim
Probably geif.
Most of your win condution relies on hard reads.
Modern, anything.
he just got nerfed and is probably the worst shoto
>Akuma bad because he a glass canon
>Even tho he is extremely deadly and DLC and Boss character privilege
Peak permabeg
Head to Nayshal
https://youtu.be/qaTgwGfPsAE?feature=shared, must have had least started the Akuma quest I’m assuming if not try it anyway
>go through character guides
>testing moves forces you to stop doing anything after you've done the move
Who designed this shit
thank you bro
Do you need to buy him to get his WT content?
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cant wait to see how bad things get.
fuck off you retarded kid
I fucking hate it. It's fine to have different styles and strengths for different characters but why is monkey offense favored so much
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No. All dlc figther WT content is free for any non-paying players. Just have the latest version(patch) to play em
Balrog fans he talks to you
the only thing up for debate was if bison would end up being a cr.mk slimer or a slow fireball slimer.
the only thing this game needs is more grapplers because the current grappler roster is fucking terrible visually and gameplay wise.
but they are obviously super afraid of adding more grapplers because they are hard to work into the system mechanics.
drive system sucks dick. worst shit ever put into a SF game.
>Game lacking at least 4 different archetypes and a proper zoner
eh considering the hateboner SF japs have for grapplers I'd be surprised if they don't nerf Zangief to the ground to appease them.
Sad but true
This is not even a shitpost
proper zoners cant exist in the parry slimer game.
you have Guile, Dhalsim and JP in the base roster but its fucked so they all play like weird abominations.
>the only thing
>Only thing
Some bake a new bread please
What are you talking about, he's easy bro
roster wise, because no other character type addition will make a difference.
gameplay wise its a disaster and needs to be flushed.
already been baked, blind man
It’s 750 you mongrels, good luck
>you have Guile, Dhalsim and JP in the base roster but its fucked so they all play like weird abominations.
Facts. SF6 "zoning" is just a midrange poking game just like 3S "zoning". At least they learned their lesson and made the zoners viable unlike 3S Remy and arguably Necro.
Prove it.
which shizos/personas does /sfg/ have?
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? It's not ugly though.
Pay attention to the rhythm between one button to the next. Remember you are hitting them with another button right after you're recovering from hitting them, and just before they recover or hit the ground.
>tfw fucked up and forgot to buy DJ's Outfit 3 before the sale was over
Well damn
if you can't get mbison on steam deck you need to reverify your installtion files something weird happened to me and once I verified it had the latest update done

ick eck
for niggas ctrl f ing
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Does Bison have an event to get an EX costume like Akoomer did?

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