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3 days until Livestream edition

Last: >>483288360

Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu," will air on June 28 at 19:00 (UTC+8)
https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezero (EN)
https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezerojp (JP)
https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_Official (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_JP (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Teaser
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hmmm yes this name will make them melty
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Stickers for your zzz folders

Bro just do /zzz/ why are you do obsessed with fucking up the name.

The livestream will be in 3 days and we're still vandalizing thread names
>alien hieroglyphs
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Does the larger normie crowd know this game's art is lead by Waterkuma? What version do you guys think he'll start integrating BBC-coded lolis into the game like his other art?

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>sparkle fag obsessed with BBC codes character

If you want to get blacked go to the hood and do it yourself instead of projecting your DISGUSTANG fantasy here
We are ungovernable like Somalia. They have the most based governmental system.
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you know it will eventually be coded into the game, what girl do you think will be the first to get canonically paired with the equivalent of bbc (which is probably furshit in ZZZ so they'll get knotted instead of blacked)
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How many times will this be posted here I wonder
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Nicole specifically was drawn by him, imagine her on her back getting pressed by Lycaon as the tip of his large throbbing furry penis expands at the head and erupts, shooting a large highly concentrated load of wolf semen into her womb and knotting so not a single drop spills out
I had no idea. What the fuck bro...

>better representation in characters
anyone think we'll get dark skinned males?
don't think they will add niggers with police exist on this game
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I mean, if her faction is different so we might got more 8+ characters with red/black color scheme...
isnt ZZZ developed by some branch in montreal? there's a good chance we'll get Tyrones it would be so kino bros
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There's no way she will make to the live game like this
>One international HoYoverse fan request has been for better representation in characters, especially in the HoYoverse games that feature real-life inspirations of diverse cultures yet neglect to reflect the people who live there
Has this actually happened?
from what i heard yes it's true ZZZ is not developed on mihoyo HQ but for sure the montreal studio is developing the canceled destiny gacha copy
>ZZZ developed by some branch in montreal?
No that was a rumor
That's hot as fuck anon, what's the problem here?
Is this the new QQ?
ZZZ is developed in Shanghai. You can go to mihoyo chinese website and all positions are in Shanghai.

You are confusing that with Project S which has NA input.

AFAIK outside of Lumi N0VA, this is the only other project that NA has actual significant input.
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3 more dayzzz until livestream.

We will not zzz on the job.

Let's keep this thread alive so the hype will not go to zzzero!
no it's just noisy white girls on twitter that were mad that sumeru characters had fair skin aside from cyno
Leave. Now.
Data mined character
I don't think they are all datamined. Just stuff from datamined+leaks from month earlier
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I'm in the process of making a folder for her.
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Please be scrapped. I don't want pig fuckers fags in my game
The femcels are NOT HAPPY
Gonna try to nab Lyc, the shark, and save for pigs.
>femcel money means nothing
>furfaggotGODS will carry the game
based as fuck
femcels mercilessly btfo
Reminder official said many of them are scrapped
Where the fuck are the males???
Sister, Play honkai star rail. THE game for females.
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Half or more of the people starting this game already play HSR
QingYi already got censored btw, her armpits are covered up, kek.
Then continue to play it and never come back to this game.
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hmm nyo
Then you'll play a game with low quantity of males. Despite your complaining.
Your choice sis.
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new kino dropped
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imagine brushing his teeth for him
the only thing this game appeals to at this point are male furfags
I keep forgetting that her and Anby are two different characters.
The first hoyoflop
I am one snip away from being a woman
Pls don't. Ellen must stay pure.
Is this the Arknights killer?
Is the Rabbit girl from the arcade actually going to be a character?
quality kino and nice dubsteppy type shit
is gud is gud
Arknights is getting its own 3D game but its like a bad ripoff of Xenoblade gameplay and likely won't take off...
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>Everything after Caesar are scrapped designs except Asha who's a permanent NPC.
Real big leaks when? I need my 6-months clairvoyance
I doubt it. Looks like someones fan fiction.
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>soldier 11
>sword says 16
Arkknots killing itself with arkknots 2.
Zzz just stealing furry audience.
Definitely one of the better trailers they released. It fits the style way better than a lot of them. Victoria Houskeeping's ones were too much like Genshin trailers.
Bros. We need them... Wasn't one of the reasons HSR and GI hit off so hard cause 30-40% of players are females?
Pretty good demo music slaps
GI won because of covid.
Females and trannies killing gacha games with their mental illnesses
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Honestly, wouldn't be the worst thing. If they actually have to work to keep people, then the game will be better overall. Genshin suffered due to the developers getting lazy.

Wuwa is better. Story rich open world exploration rpg vs zzzomers core cringefest music video

There is still time to come play a real game like ours
wuwa more like poowa
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>Story rich open world
There's a fine line between that and Hoyo pulling resources from them which makes it shit.

Does anyone play Hi3 nowadays? How's it going for the forgotten older child?
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>WuWa 1.1 big update that will solve all issues coming in 48 hours
>At current rate it's another 6 hours thread

Grim. Go shill your game somewhere else
I have interest in both and will play both, stop falseflagging to cause conflict. Also story is like the weakest element of wuwa
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I'm playing both faggot.
Only think I ain't touching again is genshit and wuwa.
Basically a middle child now
Moon>Gakuen>3rd>Genshin>Star Rail>Z3
And you know what happens to middle childs.
>inb4 Tears
Which team should I play if I am a button masher?
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Why are you people such faggots about people playing multiple gacha games
I’m very happy with hsr, wuwa, and now zzz personally
I like Wawu girls but I don't want to play another open world gacha to be honest. I've already quit Genshin.
The different game team.
anon is not wrong that what it said on the twitter page
HI3 2 released and is apparently going decently? I really couldn’t care less since I doubt it fixed how clunky it feels to play
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Who's the Firefly of ZZZ?
We already have shark=QQ and Corin=fofo
I tend to hate open world design and wuwa actually clicked pretty well for me, I’d recommend giving it a try if it wouldn’t be a pain for you; much better experience on pc than mobile though
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ZZZ getting crushed...
Stop. Ellen will not be obnoxiously spread throughout the hoyo threads.
LMAO, wuwa is mogging this censored furry trash
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The lewds for this game are quite something.
furfaggotGODS don't mind fucking the occasional shork
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Real talk why do they act like this?

They don't like hoyo games, which is fine, you can't like every games out there.

But pay attention to it everyday, follow the latest news, and talk how much they hate it 24/7.

hoyo is the only gacha company that seem to have a "dedicated anti culture"

Like I understand for celebrities or famous personalities but a game company? It's just weird
why does anyone spend all their time hating anything? because they are hollow self-loathing shells of despair
if the game doesnt have enough regular males and fails to catch up with genshin and star rail (which is likely going to happen since it also has boring tv gameplay that will filter out the usual hoyo crowd), we will get more furGOD pandering
fuck yes
finally a hoyo game that actively repels all the annoying fags, trannies, femcels, ritualposters and shitposters
furGODs saving zzz
don't bother liking any launch characters btw they're going to be forgotten for newer characters like in every other hoyo game
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you for real? those other 3 biker girls are designs i fuck with alot. they're too fucking good to be scrapped now
hoyo genuinely mindraped every single tendienigger and valvetrannie on the planet when genshin released
these fat balding retarded pedophile manchildren never recovered after genshin, so they are always out there seething about hoyo, genshin, star rail, gacha le bad, etc on almost every single site
reminder that r/gaming used to literally delete genshin threads on sight during genshin's pre-release
another reminder that /v/ was never anti-gacha until genshin released and put all the tendieniggers in their place by absolutely MOGGING their kiddie build slop
the rogue janny on /v/ sometimes keeps deleting on-topic gameplay discussion threads for genshin as well, even to this day
now it's the pokefags' turn to get humbled and humiliated since they are the most annoying little pieces of shits on this site
>I need to wait a whole year for zzz (you) pandering.
grim, I bet is asha
Wrong game, its a brocon/siscon game right from the start.
Idk man I feel like hoyo mindraped other gacha games and their communities.
I play HSR and will play ZZZ
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>Johiel, Sariel, Remiel
what's with the angel names. seems unrelated to them being idols
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angelic lolis
If you look at this art she has a halo so maybe they are angels idols
I do think the exploration/side quests have some really nice ones like the Aix and Inferno Ghost Rider ones.
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ridiculously CUTE
>bro named lighter
>The medabot is the lead singer.
There are a bunch of weird ass niggas (elfs) already existing in this game but angels would honestly take the cake for me, wonder how they'd explain it ingame.
>wuwa mogging us on every front
>censorships still taking names even Qingyi got hit
>barely any hype and most CC won't be watching the livestream in favour of 1.1
>Tectone absolutely shitting on us
We lost bros..
names of brothel whores in biblical times
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>wuwashill still here
they didn't fire all you shills yet? I guess tencent money goes a long way
i hope all the women and girls are covered up in burqa because showing skin is haram and hoyo's primary fanbase are muslims in south east asia
Does anyone know if they'll still do the about (x) character voice lines on their profile pages?
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Man she's definitely a crybaby brat
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we desperately need more sexbot art
trans coded girls
Imagine being so brainwormed you see the colors teal and pink and immediately think of trannies
It's really sad, anon...
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hard to find
even more since they don't use her name
Wait whose the main love interest
Thank you anon.
the sibling.
you sister anon
fuck your sister
god i wanna see how hoyo censors them
sister fucking coded
Star Rail could never
why are you so mad that zzz has trans girls? are you transphobic or something?
>are you transphobic
what is your prediction on ZZZ 1st month?

AFK Journey made 19 million on launch just on global where the USA contributed 60% according to app magic.

I think ZZZ global can match that at least with the addition of JP whales. Plus CN and I think it can reach 30 million
under wuwa
Two female banners with Goth gura.
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Will they hire Shaoji or any other competent writer to give zzz a story as good as hsr? HSR is the king of gachas' stories currently and I don't think this game can have good relevancy without a good plot. Wuwa is there to show that good combat can only get you as far.
this is not honkai
Thanks god ZZZ got skip button.
The same hsr did in it's first full month
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You didn't answer my question: are there good writers writing this shitshow or will the game have the same fate as wuwa?
What's Jap attitude toward mobile button smasher game?
I know most of them only cares about menu simulator gacha, Monster Hunter Now is the only similar game I can think of that also got huge in that country but MH already got a huge fanbase in there.
>yapping simulator
>good story.
Game sold me as a Star Trek scifi anime turning into shitty high fantasy shit, Belobog was the last time SR ever got good story before it turning into shitty yapping sleep inducing shit.
there's not even a (You)
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You aren't doing a good job in selling me your game. I don't see any reason to play this if the only thing it has going for it is the combat, which even wuwa does better and I already quit it because that isn't enough to keep me playing.
Do you kiss him every night before going to sleep?
I'm not selling any shit, I could care less about the story because it got skip button.
The story is very enjoyable, but right now is more of a slice of life
firepag posters have horrible opinion and should be ignored at all cost
the story is lighthearted. Unlike HSR where you are a character trying to save the world with OP friends with OP powers it is more grounded.

You can think of it as a slice of life show.

I thought the story was pretty good but you should play it and judge for yourself.

Also it uses manga, vn and cg to tell the story unlike HSR where you go around and talk to charcater
If you watched kekkai sensen something like that
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>quirky urban story
Gintama bro, we eating good.
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I wish /ZenZ0g/ had thread baking schizos...
Players don't want to accept this truth about story.

Heh. How foolish.
How lost is the cutscene skipper, for when one asks him, “For what reason are you attacking these enemies in this level?”, they shall have no answer.

Much like the hen who rushes forth to peck first at the feed, the hen does not notice the fox in waiting.

My brothers, those who skip story, shall forever be fooled by their own compulsions, never taking in the world of God, and Mihoyo, and Kuro, around them.
Dunno. But I'll probably try this game for awhile as HSR is returning to space china slop again and that shit was awful last time.
I'll be lost in doing 10 minutes daily just like any gacha I've been playing in the last 13 years.
God bless skip button.
>Xianzhou was awful meme

Goes to show that not only did people not pay attention, but that public consensus shapes opinions even here.
where do you see miz?

its 3 in chinese and Z
Damn, das crazy.
Go to the casino. We don’t accept your kind here

Do you even know the names of the characters you rolled for? Can you even comprehend their pain?

It seems in your story skipping you... killed them.
seethe harder
chinese and japanese are both pronoused as "san" you idiot
erm it's actually le hecking nipponese
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Did ZZZ get ads like this?
is this the missing sket dance season 3 ?
you wannabe weeabops are something else
whats up zebros.
We're finally living.
Those kind of ads are reserved for Star Rail and woowa. We only get zoomercore ads.
Zoomerchads are based
Complete the transformation. Make the Z Japanese too.
why the fuck did I laugh FUCK YOU
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Hey zzzebro
>are you transphobic or something?
i wasnt until you fkers got so annoying
But they're the shitposters anon! You're falling for their ploy!
it is japanese
This. And we should exclusively speak in Japanese to filter out all the normalfaggots
Yaaaa... Gomen, gomen
good job retards, no wonder this shit was impossible to find in the catalog. why are mihoyodrones so retarded
Dude, relax. /hsrg/ is just messing with us a bit haha...
New (concerned) potential customer here. Will all the areas/maps be smoggy orange tinted city something slop or will there be some theme variety?
The levels will by Tony Hawk 2.
They are reused proto-BA designs that waterkuma did years ago
there is filter settings
The current variety is
>train station
>contruction site
>the inside of a skyscraper
hope you rike it
>No chinkwank
I rabu it.
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>HSR is the king of gachas' stories currently
lol. LMAO
Only 1% of weeboos have a N4 or above level of Japanese despite decades of media consumption and brainwashing. It's honestly embarrassing
Post vtubers crying over any gacha story that isn’t Star railed. Exactly.
Who dis. Is that the Otto apocalypse guy?
uh oh we are going to fail and here is why
Bro the game is Chinese you got tricked
>i rabu it

what pagpag language is this? Tagalog? Pinoynese?
Go to bed grandpa
I'm noticing high amount of tectone posting after wuwa release
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kill all eceleb slurpers
It's /v/isitors and falseflaggers from /gig/
Look at this EOP.
This needs more than Hoyo and Kuro from all the game he has jumped off
this but also while carrying our very own authentic katanas forged from the best nipponese genki steel and wearing the sharpest fedoras
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Pretty much, story is king in all games.
How did Arknights avoid Tectone's hatred? Did getting cucked by Silverash break him so much he wants nothing to do with the community?
I used to think this is Junko Furuta
Why are there more characters with Jap surnames (including all the idol lolis) than Chinese ones and katakanas everywhere then? Wuwa at least respects Chinese culture by having a 100% chink roster.
not enough youtube views so he moved to another game.
Same desu.
He doesn't have gigantic sourgrape ex-genshitter army behind him back then
I gather because Mihoyo must hire a lot of Japanese industry vets, actually a lot of Chinese game companies probably do.

My reasoning behind that is I can see a very direct influence in games like Honkai and Wuthering Waves, compared to something like Stellar Blade which feels Korean, whereas the other examples feel Japanese, regardless of the Otaku culture companies like Mihoyo utilise.
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>ex-genshin players are often entitled kids who have never played other gachas before
>ex-ak players usually have played many gachas and moved on with no hard feelings
I really really hate being a hoyofag sometimes
No really why instead of moving on they keep obsessing over genshin or hoyo in general
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Youtube view, it's that simple
>Why Me and Mr Beast MURDERED my Genshin account!
why do blizzdrones keep obsessing over WoW or diablo instead of moving on?
why do nintendrones keep obsessing over zelda or pokemon instead of moving on?
being a mindless drone is easier
So CBT3 goes up to chapter 3, right? That’s when the Maid group comes in.

How many hours is that? I figured that, like HSR, ZZZ’s 1.0 will be 20 hours long.
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ZZZ in a week. Time flies by so fast. I'm currently reading through Traum and I'm having fun. I'll probably purchase the monthly pass when the game comes out. Ellen Joe looks pretty cool, she deserves a pull.
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No shit anon. Stellar Blade is not an anime game. Of course it doesn't feel weeby.
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Cute Eve
i want to watch nicole get knotted
Nikke doesn't feel otaku either despite having an anime skin on. Shift Up writing and culture is just different. Compare it to other KR gacha like BA or BD2 and it is very easy to see.
furCHADs will save ZZZ
type zenless retard
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hmm nyes
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low anthro bros will follow close behind
Usually when watching blowjobs other than fapping to the girl I like to imagine how good the cock must taste in her mouth too but I really can't do that with furry shit like this. Anyone else just disgusted?
there’s a thin line between being disgusted and just having a good giggle
it’s even better with the music
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Dead or alive!!!!!!!!
ZZZ is developed at the Beijing office
SEX with lycaon
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El gato con cara extrana
>surrounded by nothing but horny repressed maid coworkers
>is willing to do ANYTHING to look out for them
but will be have any knot spunk left after his shift ends?
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make a new one already
>Got 20+ salted emails just for her.
Thanks fuck for skip button.
jajaja la rostra ridiculosa
De verdad que me encanta

Fuck off brazilian, you contribute nothing anyways
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onions gringo de los estados unidos
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Should I preorder this?
that is sony scam wait until 2nd july for the pre-load button appeared
>should I preorder a free game
you do the math
You are not Japanese. Stop coping
is there even any incentives? or are they just straight up accepting payments for a freebie?
Ah, so Stelle fags were just illegal mexican
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No, it's not worth it. It's whale bait.

You get better value with buying the Battle pass.
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They are giving some extra pulls and shit but I haven't played the game yet so no idea how worth it actually is
I am desu~
>2 pulls
Why console players are like this...
to be fair, he’s getting 2 pulls for half of a penny
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You seriously look at that and say 'ah yes, great deal'
What's up with chink beauty standards and adding a million moles to random locations
>he thinks china started it
this isn’t /wuwa/
>Russian using /zzz/

Meanwhile we are still vandalizing threads and debating what to use.

Just bake /zzz/ for the next one
Russians are bad though, so we need to be different from them. Keep the current name.
it should have been from the start, but im not motivated to bake breads to ensure it
my only problem is with OP is they didn't update the video link
you lost we outnumber you
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and we care about the russians using zzz, why?
you WILL be knotted by the furdog
you WILL learn to like it
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I will sell mine as soon as Butt Blade comes to PC but may aswell use it for Hoyo shit in the meantime so I don't have to install any of that chink spyware and compromise my home station and privacy. I have said some heinous shit about the CCP in the past so don't want to be first in the chopping block when America collapses this election and they try coming after me and all freedom fighters around the world
You open Google once you already welcome every countries spyware bwo
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why does hoyo not learn anything from successful games like fortnite? people are willing to put a lot of money if the game has crossovers and collabs with tons of different franchises
fortnite makes more than $6b per year now
Guys we need to get serious with our thread name

Our big live will be in 2 days and we need to look professional.

just make it /zzz/. Stop shitposting
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fucking retard
your aloy? what more could you possibly want?
naming it /zzz/ is like asking shitposters to move in
the next thread will be full hiragana
brush up on your japanese
I say we stay with 三Z. Looks cool and innovative.
is this achievable natty?
no it looks like a Z going really fast
>Project S
Is that their shooter game? Thanks for the info, Minty.
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いてぅ ていくす てぅう まちゅ たいむ
that makes it even better
あい らぶ びっぐ ふり こっく
Baiting young horny teens into gambling addiction, nice.
PS5-GODS own this general.
Huh? When did this happen? Their communities are usually pretty dead. You only have fags playing DoTA and a few valvedrones praising Half Life 2 as the best game ever made. Other than that, not much.
I don't get how there would be that much of an overlap with Mihoyo.
>now it's the pokefags' turn to get humbled and humiliated since they are the most annoying little pieces of shits on this site
Isn't that community kinda kill after #BringBackTheNationalDex or some shit? That's where I've quit the franchise, personally. Just go to /vp/ and you'd see them endlessly bashing the current games and their direction. Basically like battered wives.
Is this the furry friendly gacha everyone is talking about?
yes but so far there are only male furries
females are catgirls at best
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>females are catgirls at best
it looks like /EZ/ when i zoom out
I will be so disappointed if Yutane doesn't use her robot model in combat.
Looks good /三己/
Unironically looks pretty cool. I always thought generals that had Eastern Characteristics looked cool. Like /smtg/.
New gacha, only a few characters have been released or leaked. They might add furry girls later.
There's already furry girl NPC in leak image.
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Make it /z00/ like zoophile
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Behead furtroons
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It's already over before it even began.
this game will flop hard when people find out all teams must be either same element or faction
Where do you think Kanji came from anon
>Sixth street
God bless hoyoverse for not using shitting CHINGCHONG naming for their area.
Looks like it'll just be a China Town area. Don't know how big it would be.
6th street is very small, literally a street, the maid mansion isn't even a map, only the subway that goes there, belobog is just a square with a bunch of construction workers, beta was very sad
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I'm cool with 90s china town, modern chink are westernized as fuck.
No one in the west ever calling this legend using his real name Chan Kong-sang
Bestowed on the Japanese by Sun Goddess Amaterasu
Thoughts on Mattjestic covering this game?
Wait, let me write it down on notepad for you.
honestly, I think
You won't BELIEVE what Mattjestic thinks...
Nigga there are chinese letters all over the game. Including stages. They by themself don't mean anything.
>big daddy
i see that pigger from old tmnt cartoons got a new job
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Never trust a furry. They are the kind of "people" that would rather save a dog or a cat in a fire rather than you. Absolutely despicable.
>Cats are cute
>Dogs don't judge every fucking thing you do
He made the right choice.
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The bit where you act like anyone with a functioning brain puts weight on kektone’s opinions makes it too obviously bait
Please tell me we won't be the laughing stock of /vg/ and I'll play this game
Huh? Of course I would save something/someone I love over some literal stranger
We'll be the worst when the game releases. Imagine the posts above but with actual people biting it.
I don't think we'll be dethroning /gig/. The game's just not as popular
>I enjoyed a video game
“fuck off shill”
What about gacha games inspires people to act like this
Why the fuck it should be, its literally the same game made by the same company.
Jesus, you retards and your console war faggotry.
Honestly ashamed of this guy playing the game and trying to use it to shit on hoyo as someone who enjoys it
I can't believe the first banner is gonna be fucking Ellen of all thing
shes gonna flop
nta but that sort of thing seems pretty fun anyways, part of what’s spoiled wuwa’s story for me is that it gets way too serious before you get to know and care about the characters
三Z will far surpass Genshin in popularity, mark my words.
Going by hsr and wuwa this thread will be hell on earth until either a new game comes around or like half a year passes
Thanks god every firefighter around the world is instructed to do everything to save people while never risking their lives for property or pets. Too many dumbasses on the internet.
yeah, something about hoyo games attract people who take every single post on the internet with 100% sincerity
you need to be the kind of person who enjoys trolling others, because it's impossible to make any sort of ironic post without pissing off someone
Any of you with info on what they'll be announcing next stream?
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there are people
that will spend days of their life
that could be used in something better
nothing we can really confirm except Qingyi was shown so only going by that is likely confirming we'll get a full Chapter 3 on launch
who? please say it's not grace......
Expect stuff like:
>New area showcased
>Focus on in-game promotions
>Other characters revealed
>pre-release announcement for preorders or something
What about kuroniggers makes you unable to stay in your general
I can feel a palpable drop in IQ anytime I enter anything Hoyo related compared to the smaller gachas I follow
Ellen is that launch character who will be busted...until powercreep seeps in.
Nicole will be oiled up on the livestream
Chinatown area in this kind of game could actually be good since its a feature of a lot of major cities. I still say HSR has the worst wank since it makes the least sense in that game (Genshin is based on actual places so having NotChina makes as much sense as NotFrance and NotJapan)
a guy will be cosplaying Nicole on stream
Why did God make it so that oiled up women are more attractive?
why care about meta in single player gaem?
I will never look up any kind of guide. Games are meant to be enjoyed and figured out on your own.
I'm going blind on this game story and gameplay, the only thing I look up are the characters art and music and super loving it.
I will make a full robot team over time and i will be happy.
this kitty is too cute...
what no wasabi challenge and crossdress ? only tiesto rave party ?
Do THIS before Zenless Impact!
*2 seconds before release*
The ONLY Tier list YOU need
>no 1.1 stream
I guess that's a good thing consider their case
If the stream has a mini-concert with tiesto, that lasts more than 14 minutes, I'm not playing the game.
Maybe I play other games? Perhaps I’m looking forward to zzz and therefore posting in its general? This is like asking why someone plays more than one video game
was expecting rexlent crossdress as jinhsi
what wrong with 14 minute anon music is great
The recording quality doesn’t do them any favors but god they lean way too hard into dubstep
That is garbage.
New Nikke summer skins just revealed in case you forgot bros

both still better than this
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sorry I don't play k*rean games
The hivemind.
Nigger music
Sounds generic
Post YOUR song then. About to end you
Ugh... tasteless pleb.
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Definitely agree with the dubstep thing. Some of the music from CBT2 was pretty good so it may be better when we get to hear it in game. Hope they do slightly different musical styles. I think Splatoon does a good job of this where the next wave of songs has a slightly different style but still fits in with the game. Maybe bring in other artist as well Hideki Nagamura being a prime example
Here’s something I’ve been listening to recently, could do something more electronic though if you want
So this game seem focusing on music, Miku Collab when?
I’ve seen other music related to the game that’s pretty good so I have some amount of faith, it’d be a waste not to touch on other genres when edm and it’s constituents are so broad nowadays
Dub-step-GODS...We Won
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Brown Dust 2 has better fanservice and is on its first anniversary, you should rather join that
I don't even realized it was dubstep, all my memories about this shit genre was from that retard skrillex from more than a decade ago.
None of these sounds like his dubstep for me.
holy shit, did they sample Street of rage?
Fookin based as fuck
Thanks for all these links bro. I'll make sure to post them under any ZZZ thread on this site. Everyone will know.
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Imagine the collab, Adam design by Waterkuma.
I will beat your ass for spouting such blasphemy.
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Stuff Anby with burgers
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Never forget
this game focuses on censorships
wow what's her backstory
so much trauma
so much past revelations
>ate a filet-o-fish from my McDonald's earlier
>my cat looked at me and proceeded to meow as I was eating
>I fed cat some cat food and went back to sammy
>she came over to me and kept asking for my sandwich
>put her in a cage as I then ate in peace
Won't be a Neko main, that's for sure.
made me kek
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I hope she's the next YANK. Vile bitch.
that's literal penis music
here's my taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9wINwlgxRU
made for facesitting
same but for the furries
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How is this despicable or furry behavior exactly?
If he said "I'd rather save dogs than most people" that would make sense, if both the dog or the person are strangers to someone and they prioritize helping the dog then yeah, they're fucked in the head, but fuck yeah in a choice between a complete stranger and my dog, I'm going to prioritize my dog over the life of a stranger when they're still healthy and with years of life in them before I'd attempt to save them, it's my goddamn dog, she's family, and I'd sooner let a hundred strangers die than sacrifice my family be they pet or human, fuck that needs of the many shit.
Oh nice I actually have an album from sevish downloaded I’ve been meaning to listen to. Have a more normal dance track in return
Based feeding fetishist
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>You will never go for burgers with Anby after a commission.
Can i play it without Epic Store on PC? And is it ever coming to Steam?
She's to autty to catch feelings for anybody, so what's the point?
Hoyo games have their own launcher
I'm not sure if these mulipliers are strong enough, can someone knowledgable in matters of powergaming take a look?
All of these are level 1 skills I believe
I see, so she will get better as she gains experience.
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posting cat
Wow her kit is tailor made for me!
damn bratty cat...
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New characters
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I'm sure you'd love censorship wouldn't you?
so what are these anyways? if the sixth street is where our store is, then does that mean the brant street is also a hub similar to the sixth street? is that also what the next area is (with the beauty salon)? a new hub?
Are these datamined character icons?
yeah, hsr definitely is the worst of all, because it feels forced unlike genshin
and the character designs are even worse than the notchina space region
i dont know what they were thinking, despite the space theme of the game
omg middle Band loli confirmed
all of these look boring
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8 more days
is it because none of them look like tectone
The blonde chink in the middle needs to be impregnated ASAP
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don't worry furfag anon our time will come soon!
meant for >>483583248
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This is the kind of characters we need more of.
we lost
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boy spotted
Where did this come from?
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We can hope, robotfuckerbro
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but what do bear dicks look like
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I would like If they showed the shopping district in the stream but most likely it's only coming on 1.1
Since they leaning so heavy on that 90's early 2000's aesthetic they should put some PS1 style music in the game with jungle and all
>make one small non-positive comment about the game or company
>thousands of hoycumslurpers swarm in to defend their overlords
Where is this happening schizofriend
Wonder what you'll be able to do in the shopping center. Salon probably lets you change your looks for the MC. Not sure about the rest. Figure it will be good for slice of life stuff.
in this general, blindanon
Can you forward me a post in which this occurred
You should see the stuff I have seen out there, let's just say that the white girl dog obsession starts at a really young age...
The majority of the discussion was being about the game music and leaked characters
To begin with, unkile HSR, ZZZ's writing is actually fun to read.
>good job retards, no wonder this shit was impossible to find in the catalog. why are mihoyodrones so retarded
Damn, it actually filters retards, we should keep it like this.
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Bros rest assured I will never select my stupid dog over any of you fellow weeb frens. You have my back
I think the setting will help a lot. Not sure about HSR, but the problem Genshin has it is tries to do this much bigger story but also never has it move anywhere, plus they keep adding new things while never following up on old threads. More slice of life stuff with a bit of mystery will work better since the majority of it can be the current problem or character interactions without it feeling like the story is in perpetual limbo
>Wuwa at least respects Chinese culture by having a 100% chink roster
And why do you want this obnoxious shit here? Zenless is the first Hoyo game that actually feels like it was made by otakus.
he has been really quiet bro, hope he's ok
Me too bro
I am going to enjoy this ZZZ-KINO desu
Hsr has a lot of fun ideas but I always found the style of writing itself a little stiff, curious as to whether zzz actually solves that problem
Honestly I'll just enjoy playing both
I’m planning to keep up with both too. zzz just has my interest piqued in terms of where it’ll go with the hoyo model
I need Anby to sit on my face while she eats burgers
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I will never forgive them
It solves it by having a silly and more grounded story, something like Xianzhou and penacony will not be happening in ZZZ anytime soon.
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Will this game be good enough to replace Action Taimanin as my poop time game ?
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No horny
Jesus, just for Anby's panties I might take the modding pill for the very first time. I want those back, god damn it!
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safe horny
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For me it's fofo
wtf I like fofo now
I'm sorry but this is literally made for black cock
All Cops Are Beautiful
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you're just asking for some police brutality at this point
Damn, I want her to bounce on my black cock like that
>safe horny
Thats Hoyo now. ZZZ and HSR are at least better than Genshin. Least give me more tummy sluts
Every single model is unique except for Anby and Soldier 11 for story reasons, that means that this FAT ASS was specifically designed for this police officer.
>Every single model is unique except
Damn, was that the same for Hi3 too?
The irony is what makes it hot, fuck I want a doujin about this.
No one plays that game so we will never know...
A robot is fine too
>USS Bache (DD/DDE-470), a Fletcher-class destroyer, was the second ship of the United States Navy of that name. The destroyer was named for Commander George M. Bache.

Bache was launched on 7 July 1942 by Bethlehem Steel Co. at Staten Island, New York and sponsored by Miss Louise Bache, daughter of Commander Bache. The destroyer was commissioned on 14 November 1942.
Brattiest ship I've ever seen
Needs a creampie, ASAP
This game better get some brats
It will, but they will be censored(both design and dialogue)
what an ugly character design
Hoyo shall receive correction then
>literally fully covered
All that smelly food will push her bowels and she'll end up farting on your face. Bad idea.
It is Halal certified, islamophobic chud
The SEApag audience will not like females who show skin.
That's all I need it life, it will be worth it
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I made an adjustment
the game should be filled with male furries to drive away the usual ritualposters
Global could get all the uncensors easily and without much of a problem but CN players have too much of a crab mentality to let it happen. Fun stuff.
I still haven't gotten any answer to my question posted in the previous thread. Did anyone here play the beta on their phone? Was the game optimized? Does it need high specs to run decently?
Why is SEA muslim? Doesn't make any sense
arcade rabbit girl is kind of disappointing looking. the rabbit nose looks uncanny cause 99% of her looks more human than furry. wishy washy bodypaint shit isnt going to bring in cash from straight furfags, they need to make a bitch that looks loona
they should create a character like hoodwink from dota
We didn't let the hype go to zzzero
We kept the threads alive
Long live /Z/
Long live /ZZ/
Long live /zz0/
Long live /三Z/
Death to /zzz/
hoyo is just held back by their main audience, especially since da wei knows he will get jumped anytime if they make the tiniest of mistakes
they should just move to japan and start developing kino, go back to the old days of collabing and delivering content like the bunnygirl show for global audience
nah /zzz/ is the best thread name
it ran fine on my S24. You were only allowed one device per platform so I couldn't test it on my S21.
>Long live /三Z/
This one is my favourite of all of these so far.
on a $170 phone all at min
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We are getting an AL Bache collab???
One can hope, I need this brat with the Jiggle zenless has to offer
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We just need a Bache expy at the very least.
we better get a similar brat at least
I sleep well at night knowing not a single artist out there will draw her with the stupid spats on. The panties are canon and everyone understands that.
Which Street Fighter 6 character should they add to ZZZ for the collab? I think Juri would be based
new kino is up :
>when it's just a roundtable
sisters.......We aren't getting anything
honestly I prefer zzz maintaining its own identify over immediately going off of sf references
i'm maining akuma
Which male are you supposed to self-insert in this game?
it's not a collab
Since the mcs in this game are voiced, have personality and a story of their own I think there's none this time around
Saw the video. The ending is weird but the idea that collaborating on ideas is interesting.

Honestly 3rd Strike fits with ZZZ the best so anyone from that game. Alex would be pretty kino
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realistically, it's gonna be like 9 months before sex fox, so it would be foolish not to get shork to hold you over
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I'm holding out to see if the idol cunny gets leaks
>add delayed button combos
there, I just made your game mog your competitors for the forseeable future
am I crazy or the collab isn't even anything of note?? HSR literally talked to trails dev and nothing happened
good call. can't tell what element a character is just by their appearance in this game, and that's a good thing
>average SF characters has 10+ moves
>ZZZ has only ONE button attack
It's such an insult to SF to even be considered as collab partner
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You mean like this?
that is not HSR that is just David Jiang
zoomers aren't retarded enough to fall into gambling like previous generations, they are retarded enough to give absurds amounts of money to zoomercore streamers thoughbeit
it's not a collab, motherfucker
>add delayed button
Anby has one combo variant like that actually
and people think fighting game players are dumb lol
uh uhhhh douhhhh uhmmmmm the fight game just have 3 inputs thats sooo few moves what;s a dfombo
gbf did it first
I just held it
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Why are you willingly installing CCP spyware into your machines?
shame it isn't a standard for every character
There are people that remember the old Mihoyo before it just became mihomo. They did not censor their games and had hard pandering to otaku. Pantyshots, cleavages, jiggle physics, gore, blood. You name it. Just look up the first games Mihoyo made. Guns Girl Z or that other Zombie game. What has become is abolute trash. Look at ZZZ: the character design is really good in my opinion but gets totally fucked by censorship. And you niggers keep slurping the slop instead of protesting with the chinks.
I cant believe they censored this ass. Its so fucking annoying. And people wonder why theres so many antis.
bet you type that in your windows
11 does it too since her and anby are the same person
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Never forget, never forgive.
Who do you think will rather use all your information against you and possibly hack or blackmail your ass? This retarded argument keeps popping up. Just keep installing all kinds of rootkits, faggot. If you already have one why does it matter if you have 100, right? Dumb nigger.
This is why people hate this garbage company. And the faggots defending this shit are even worse.
I swear if they make them sing rap I'll lose my shit
they're both sending your information to the same people
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uh... bros?
I feel like the degree to which that would clash with their designs would be too funny for me to care
that is wuthering wave you can't uninstall that game
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>bache ripoff
Glad I wont have to look at her stinky butt in the game.
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>he says from his Google Chrome browser on which he is logged into his Google account while checking his multiple email accounts all of which have his name and information, all over his public IP on his popular corporate internet connection provider.
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What's even the point anymore in all of this...
Jesus, that change alone made me drop her by a couple of tiers last thread.
She's both a Delicious Brown + Nekomimi, which are one of my favourite tags.
Such a shame, really.
>unreleased game has less traction than released game
uh, what is this supposed to prove?
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Good lord, that girl on the left looks like an SnS hunter decked out on Zinogre gear

Absolutely PEAK
I fucking hate rap, I don't mind too much the OST of this game and is kind of cool sometimes but when you put lyrics into it.. I just want to punch my screen. I'll PV have been fucking horrible in terms of music except the Maid one
zAmN bRuH wE KoOk3d FR FR FR oNg noCAp BuSsSsSiN~!!!!!!!!

Guess I'm saving for her
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just mod it
i dont get it. sure its shit that they censor stuff but ZZZ designs are still way more sexo than their other big games.
all modern idols have at least one verse/interlude of rap in their idolslop, just listen to any kpoop or jpoop track from the past 5 or 10 years
so, unfortunately, there's a good chance of it. but as long as it's sort of cutesy rap it doesn't put me off too bad
she's 100% getting censored so do brace yourself for that
Meh, she'll probably still be plappier than the bitches I use in HSR.
Yeah I found 11 harder to time though maybe I didn't read her skills properly
Demoralization shills like you need to fuck off already
This might be my first Hoyo game I'll start using mods for. The censorship changes are really getting to me
Don't really care about this game and getting banned, so it's an easy decision for me
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How will they censor her there's no way she will be released like this in the live game
I hope they make her perflat with no other changes
that would be the perfect body type
I hope they censor even more shit so coomers fuck off from this game
she's getting the rosaria treatment
I'll cope and hope with all my heart that she will be released like this no alterations
punk neru, my beloved
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>3 days before livestream
>Still using shitposting thread name
Homotrannies that have infiltrated Mihoyo won't allow it
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They already got their CN license to publish. There won't be any more censorship.
3 days ? it's tomorrow for me
If she is released like that I'll become a whale and spend money on the game
>stream right during wage slaving hours
god damn it
I want to see what cringe our old friend da wei comes up with this time
i hate people act HSR never get censored
You don't know when those models and animations were leaked. They look like cbt1 era leaks that are only being release recently.
that and a uterus transplant
It is settled now. /三Z/ will be the general name.
Underwear change or what? Rest looks like it does on live unless there's a chest size nerf there that I'm not noticing.
let them cook
everybody wear boxers now
So much false flagging before release
The question is.. Who's behind it?
HSR story is mid at best. the writing is like a dictionary with all those stupid terms and weird shit that they just won't explain. if people can skip the story, ill bet you the opinion about their story would be worse.
its not all terrible though, the quirky part and some more relaxed dialogues are actually fun and good. just not the "serious" stuff.

A good gacha story does not need to force their audience to read it, and people will still find it good.
The same handful of people that shits up every gacha general I’d presume
Not gonna lie, the only thing holding me around is our loli guy. If I don't see good momentum in the first 3 months and more edgy designs I'm out.
If we don’t get any cunny within a few months I’m out
Whats the point of having sex designer when you wont even include for (you)s to complete the circle
You might just be stupid anon.
/hig/tranny detected
Ask any Star Railer, and they won't be able to name a single Hoyoslop writer
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The live stream is 37 hours from now.
Reminder that CBT1 was made by a team of less than 20 people and later on Mihomo padded that number to 400. It's the very definition of organizational bloat
CBT1 basically had no content at all, almost made by a skeleton crew
They're just preparing for the content churn after 1.0
nice, will be able to see it
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HoyoNIGGERS are a different kind of breed.
Just Look at this retard >>483596502 saying this about Zhu Yuan when Kafka is the most popular character in Star Rail, and you can't even stare at her ass because of this ugly ass cape.
They're having a breakdown looking at designs that are so good that they're still sexy even after censorship, they can't comprehend a game not having ugly chink dresses.
The fact is:
ZZZ has actual jiggle physics.
Nicole still has breasts and cleavage as big as it can get in Genshin and HSR.
by playing hoyoslop, you're automatically, by definition, a HoyoNIGGER
What is the malware keylogger chinese spyware status?
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I love china.
If you intend to play this you too are a hoyonigger you know that right
King looks tomboyish... you can easily trick her into sex and NTR her childhood friend
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That's right. We stand our ground. New cunny every patch MINIMUM.
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what i can say is ZZZ model is much better than HSR then again ZZZ is on latest mihoyo unity engine so it's not suprising
I'm self aware.
I know that hoyo is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to gacha character design, but they hired one of the best this time so I'm excited.
My main gacha is Blue Archive.
Adding on to this, All models are unique in ZZZ, Only ones that aren't are Anby and Soldier 11 who shares a model, but that is probably due to lore reasons
If you want a cope reply, femcels hate this gacha, and mihoyo censored this +16 gacha because of those femcels who never spend a dime in gachas.
You'll understand when you hit puberty.
>HSR is the king of gachas' stories currently
Lmao normalfags whose only exposure to gacha being mihomo shit are hilarious.
This game gender imbalance has cause femcel like this to seethe for over a week
I love you...
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Stop falling for obvious bait you tards.
>Xianzhou was awful meme
It was never a meme, Xianzhou is trash.
gotta get the post count to 700 somehow so we can make /zenzo/ bwo
Did this game actually sell more copies than FF7 Rebirth like forecasted?
have to endure shitty xianzhou ship until marshal hua
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>censors Soldier 11's thighhighs
>Anby still has her thighhighs
>censors Nicole's huge breasts
>Nicole still has cleavage
>censors Grace's cleavage
>Grace still has breasts as big as pre-censorship Nicole
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>have to endure shitty xianzhou ship until marshal hua
They choose whatever the worst option is in any given scenario, that's how it works
Thats the hope at least. Still, the developers seem to be part of the reason. HSR allows cleavage which is something that is not allowed in Genshin. ZZZ still has big tits with insane jiggle so its clear the developers want that. ZZZ will probably be better than the other two but still behind most gacha games on the market.
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No idea bro Square Enix never released the failed sales figures but either way SB so far has 1 million copies sold in the first 2 months. Hope they get rid of the stupid PS5 exclusivity by Winter/Spring so everyone can play it.
I'm glad we can all agree that /三Z/ is the final version.
Most of this is too be able to release in China quicker
That's just bullshit. If Snowbreak can have coom then so could ZZZ.
Same here.
Wait, it kinda makes sense, Snowbreak coom came months after release.
Multiple other gachas are now pandering to coomers
Just see Aether Gazer and PGR
And there were a bunch of other turn based games shilled that also had coom, forgot their names
What >>483629598 said and also it's a new and much smaller IP. Idk how things work in China for this to happen but smaller companies always get away with more.
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>even here
anon...it's the same people here as everywhere else, the flattening already happened
Fat Xiao. He's even writing the next patch's story in hsr, btw.
don't worry /zz/ bros china love our game and hate wuwa
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you made me check
wtf is B indeks ?
wtf is "B index"

search by popularity, bwo
There is no story and the gameplay is mash x.
I kneel to Create! our planet chads
Never underestimate spiritual shareholders. Corpo worship has become the new defacto atheist religion.
I want to show CCP what CP is trending in the west.
We are so fucking back
I don't know who that is, what does Tectone think about it?
If there aren't any fuck ups, 100 million at the very least
next bread is coming up

do /zzz/
Don't tell this to anyone, but in 5 years this game will be getting a console fighting game spin-off
Not really since Mihomo wants to feature in stuff like The Game Awards, coom in a game about chinese cartoons won't let them do that since you end losing all the other audiences that fund your game (casual normies and underages)
The people have spoken. >>483628669 >>483629405 >>483630057 >>483630274
Casual normies and underages love sex appeal too dude, what are you talking about? Religious cuckservatives and wokies types don't play these games.
and please update the video link
I've got it.

simple as
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I'm going to bed good night bwos xx
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>Casual normies and underages love sex appeal too dude
>sex appeal
They sure do!
yeah i don't get why they're so autistic about it, easier to ctrl + f zzz too
Eastern gacha companies don't give a fuck about these people. Why are you trying to bring NA culture war bullshit here?
Where do you think normalfags come from?
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the "mommy" pandemic among zoomies feels so forced, they just say that because it's socially acceptable, I bet they will default to normal and become pedochads in the future i guarantee it
Kinda wanna sexo Anby
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Basado, hoping for zzz cunny leaks close to launch
I dunno if I get the pic. Is safe horny supposed to be coomer stuff but for twitter negroids?
I wanna stuff Anby with burgers
It's any sexuality that is designed to appeal to any group other than straight white males. Hence why it's ok to have actual tranny sex on screen in the last of us 2 but all girls in the mihomoverse have to wear bloomers to protect the pixels from being eye raped by their owners.
Oh god the culture warriors are here again
If only you had gatekept the culture warriors 10 years ago we wouldn't be in the position having to fight mass censorship.
I wanna sexo a McChicken.
I like the mechanic lady. That is all I have to say
is zhu yuan meta

the pendulum can only swing in one direction so far
>The Encore faggots from /wuwa/ are here
no you stupid blue sack of green shit, it filters the undesirables
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Dunno. She'll probably be good.
damn that's really high coming from the chinks for a gacha game
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continued from 2 days ago, which general are you from?
of course its mostly hsrgkek because they are so bored out of their minds that their game has no gameplay
least obvious false flag attempt
my general isn't on there....
It's like safe edgy but for coom.
You know how nowadays "edgy" is just lots of cussing and swearing + ultra violence, blood and gore that shocks or offends no one? That's safe edgy because God forbid you don't tow the line on all the -isms and actually have based edgy characters or opinions that shock or make fags uncomfortable like racism, Islam being right about women or mocking the 51%, even in a cheeky ironic way.
Safe horny is acting like a 4chan coomer but sticking with social media mandated normie tastes such as mannish "women", making sure a drawing is said to be over 18, old hags ("mommy shit"), 0 neotenous
facial features because apparently Eve from Stellar Blade "looks like a child" you pedo, Last of Us tier homosexualism and troon shit because traps are too male gaze, etc, that's safe horny.
>Posts the same shit every thread

Using this site is like a fever dream sometimes.
what general? it must be a very small general
Could have said all that just by posting a picture of any of the girls from hades 2.
What team synergy is there in combat?
Will mods move this out of /vg/? I hate seeing furry shit,
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Sorry, I don't engage with westo*d indie trash. I've heard Hades 2 designs are terrible, but why would I even look that up?
Good for you, best not to have them haunting your subconscious. They are truly abysmal.
I would say the main thing is how characters continue their attack animations when you swap out.
Like, Ben's EX skill is this long 3-hit spin attack, but you don't need to sit there and watch the whole animation, you can just swap as soon as you press E and he'll still be spinning while your next character is doing whatever.
that explains the mentally ill levels of ritualposting and hoyocumslurping
They stole that from Wuthering Waves lmao.
Everyone could already tell because they are the only ones who got triggered when called out for shitting up these generals.
Isn't basically everything the same between those two games in terms of combat
No zzz is much more simple, mostly just one button mashing with the occasional dodge. Wuwa combat is a lot more involved.
>wuwafags talking about "copying from wuthering waves" when Kuso Games' entire business model is to make a copy of every game Hoyo makes and rebrand it as something original
o dis is gud
So like i've got zero context at all for what the stuff in the stock up web event is other than money. What do i want to keep?
those gold rabbit tokens are rolls

literally everything else is trash but you may as well take the weapon too

one L shape. 3 golden 3-slot raving rabbids in the middle and one 2-slot meme.
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Lies and slander!
holy kek it looks identical
Except it actually works in zzz
You can have like 3 characters at same time in the field, looks really smooth and cool.
Reminder, you can pet cats in ZZZ
It's like how they made knights of veda more or less a genshin clone. Fucking heartbreaking stuff, instead of being its own game it's just a rethread.
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don't care
they get one photo for the daily and that's it
I've read a post exactly like this last thread holy shit at least get creative
Why does wuwacuck still trying, everytime they try to mock other game they immediately get BTFO
where is that gif from? That's some dance floor moves.
Every ZZZ video will have wuwa players talking about how their game clears it but they dont show up in any Genshin or HSR trailer video.

Aren't they the Genshin Killer that is making hoyo scared? Shouldn't those 2 games be their target?
>Casual normies and underages love sex appeal too dude
You are correct but Mihomo still can't explicitly sell fanservice in America and yurop because the wokes own the media in those regions. There's a reason franchises like Senran Kagura are dead nowadays, plus Mihomo is actually part of the CCP so they're required to uphold their retarded gaming regulations, unlike Snowbreak.
they also release their games on playstation which is pretty much a death sentence to coom all on its own

How much do you think ZZZ will make in July?
Yeah I forgot about console plebs. You can still disguise a bit of fanservice in your game like in Unicorn Overlord though, but only Japan gets to do this since they aren't creatively cucked by their government.
No more vandalize OP, you already had your fun
I still have no idea what those fuckers at Sony Japan were thinking when they moved the Playstation branch to American subhumans from fucking California.
thanks anon
yes keep it as /三Z/ and don't vandalize with something else
7 Days left..
I don't really know why when the central gameplay format is way closer to genshin. Plus zzz seems compact enough that you could play it and another gacha pretty easily if you wanted
wait is the stream tomorrow or friday?????
>talking about how their game clears it but they dont show up in any Genshin or HSR trailer video

Yeah the dailies are as fast as hsr
The sword and shield chick that was datamined from the beta isn't going to be out on launch is she? she looked sick if memory serves me right
Genshin has terrible (but cozy) gameplay. The action combat is only comparable between ZZZ and Wuwa.
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are we taking over the /r/gachagaming now ?
genshin was kino when it was using venti
looks like wuwashills flooded it too much so now every big release goes into a containment container
glad I dumped genshin forever ago and now have wuwa to take its place honestly. That with hsr and now zzz should keep me busy gacha wise
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Nenless None Nero...
my general isn't on there too....
Baseado mane, pls i need more cunny on zzz
Nine Ninch Nails
zkibidi zone
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Oh shit, Vegas?
What do you think chat should I jump in?
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