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The Most Wholesome Ship

>Previous Thread >>483197458

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and gay sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the astonishing supernatural power of being gay. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (DE)

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

>Upcoming Merch:
Life is Strange: Heatwaves - July 30th 2024

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874000
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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Threadly reminder that cockroachyl is a beyond redemption piece of shit who deserved a much more painful death and her fans DESERVE to get beheaded with a chainsaw and then have their bodies chopped into a tiny cube and fed to wild dogs.
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They won
how cute and canon.
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I'm yet again asking for recommendations of 3D smut creators that do animations and accept commissions.
I agree with everything they said about Michel, if not the rest
Porn coded Sasha Grey lookalike. Thousand cock stare
why does she look so natural taking cock?
first post best post
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PLEASE don't respond to shit posters or schizos.
Lets just have a comfy thread about Victoria and her lovers. Shipping, not shitposts.
Lol Frankie B pounding his cock inside her in Chloe’s room whilst Chloe is waiting for Rachel at the junkyard. Poor Chloe :(. My man, Frank is ruthless and Rachel is cock hungry, giving no fucks well….giving frank a hard fuck I mean
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Yet again you'll get nothing. Wrong place to ask.
Rachel won the chance to become worm food.
I have no problem with Ambertards and would support them in their objectives if not for the fact that many of them hate Max, which is unforgivable
I never give up.
Funnily enough, lots of Pricefielders hate Max as well. And that's what I can't understand.
It was hilarious to see amberfags back in 2017 often getting in arguments with people who hate Chloe and Pricefield just as much if not more than they do because of the constant Max bashing. They are universally hated.
Max Caulfield is relentless in her pursuit of acquiring brown GF. She went as far as to leave Chloe to her demise in the school bathroom to achieve that dream. Well, at least Chloe will finally have Rachel all to herself in the afterlife.
Jefferson’s bathroom I assume. Is she getting ready to ride his cock raw like an obsessed horse girl on steroids?

Let’s pray for Jefferson’s cock as his cock will have no mercy for a cock obsessed manipulator future OF creator for she lived. Cock? Swollen, drained and sore, and possibly STD infected
When amberfags hated on Max, Pricefield fans would defend her. When they also hated on Chloe they would also defend her.
On the other hand, some amber''pricers'' openly admit they hate Chloe.
I'd like to see Amberfield where Rachel survives instead of Chloe and just abuses the fuck out of Max worse than what Chloe suffered, and Max just takes it because she is so passive
>Well, at least Rachel will finally have Frank all to herself in the afterlife.*
Fixed for you.
Nah. Never seen this. Even on Reddit, this is not a thing, schizo.
looks like something out of a porn movie set
>some amber''pricers'' openly admit they hate Chloe
Pricefielders say something to that extent too. Like they'd rather see Max dead than without Chloe
Chloe is built for Rachel.
Max is built for Safi.
I have seen just one or two at best saying that versus countless Pricefield haters that say Max and Chloe will kill themselves out of guilt after Bae. And literally every single ambertard literally killed Chloe, because they would rather see her dying than being with someone who was actually capable of returning the feelings. Come to think about I have never met a non baycuck amberfag.
Chloe is built for Max.
Rachel was built for Jefferson.
I wonder what it would take to make Max cry. The only thing that makes her emotional is Chloe, she is very stoic and doesn't seem to care too much about anything else. Would breaking her camera work?
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Hey guys, just like I promised here is part two to my last picture as per anon's request. Posing a lot more time consuming than I was hoping.

Here is the link for it: https://mega.nz/file/6vQCjKKT#PHzm2tXNDPVzy9t9biQj-WKqV5_P_4MPhtSUMCvR1c0
Her designers knew exactly what they were doing
Max doesn't care about Chloe. She left Chloe on read for 5 years and didn't even care to reconnect with her after going back to Arcadia Bay. Luckily, Chloe found a better replacement, her name is Rachel Amber. They're now girlfriends in the afterlife.
CANON. Rachel au natural habitat
Damon x Rachel is a more believable afterlife ship, btw.
Sick of you faggots conflating Pricefield haters, Baycucks and Ambertards into the same group. We can dislike Chloe for different reasons. This is why people find Pricefielders just as bad as Amberniggers
The only difference between a regular Chloe hater/Priceifeld hater and your average ambernigger is that the latter group may pretend that they care about her to some extent. Not because they really love aboute
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Based Amberson enjoyer.
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Posts across Reddit/Twitter/4chan/Tumblr literally prove Baycucks/Pricefield haters and Amberfards are the same people, faggot. Literally kys
can you also do another canon rachel ship like Rachel x Frank?
Jefferson’s personal dick wetter
>least schizo Pricefielder
>implying you’re not a bayamber schizo
What even…….bayschizos get yo boy his pills yeah?
Ok schizo. You’re samefagging but go be schizo somewhere else, faggot
>accuses me of samefagging
>he’s literally samefagging every amber post
Huh you’re not subtle….
What software are you using to make this?
Like I said, porn coded.
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Victoria and Kate astrological relationship analysis:
>Sextile between Victoria's Pluto (Scorpio) and Kate's Venus (Virgo)
Here we see the emotional warmth of Kate compliment the inner strength of Victoria.
Kate's Venus illuminates Victoria's Pluto and is always able to see the inner good in her.
Victoria's Pluto is positively begging to be changed for the better by Kate once they are in a relationship.
>Trine between Victoria's Uranus (Capricorn) and Kate's Venus (Virgo)
Victoria's and Kate's relationship was destiny.
>Trine between Victoria's Neptune (Capricorn) and Kate's Venus (Virgo)
They are both creatives that share the same general interests.
This aspect in particular indicates a long lasting and happy relationship.
>Sextile between Victoria's Venus (Leo) and Kate's Mercury (Libra)
Indicates free, warm communication between the couple and harmony in general.
>Conjunction between Victoria's Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Kate's Jupiter (Sagittarius)
As a couple they radiate kindness and positive energy. Generally both in agreement on what course of action to take.
>Trine between Victoria's Neptune (Capricorn) and Kate's Sun (Virgo)
Extremely positive aspect for a relationship.
Indicates a long lasting romance that will be filled with warmth and creativity.

Overall this indicates that in a relationship Victoria and Kate would have a happy, loving, passionate and long lasting relationship. Love comes fast and easy to them, lasting a lifetime.
I personally consider this proof that Chasemarsh was fated and is the ultimate Victoria ship. The second best ship overall in the series. I want to see them get married damn it.
Chloe? Dead.
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still more canon friendly than all and any amberprice fanart posted here
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Chloe is the dead of deadest
how fresh was rachel's body when max and chloe found it? asking for a friend
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Can we stop with this garbage please? Stop engaging with those no life weirdos that are coming out of the woodworks to spam the thread to shit.
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That is really the main thing. Anyone that engages with them are just as bad as them.
>6 months
What you think? Nathan's cum in her mouth is in better shape.
The models look too polished to be SFM. It's either Blender or Maya.
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Still waiting for that anon to make a deep analysis of this leak.
It has a bit of credibility in the sense that I could totally see Deck Nine write out a story like this.
At the same time it conveniently avoided explaining about the parallel timelines, the weird owl, double moon, the other person with powers and the supposed "red storm" you can see in one frame of the reveal stream.

So, if it turns out to be fake, that anon is asking to be mocked relentessly by making bold statements like "We'll see in October who's right".
Happy birthday to Nick Gurr
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Have they finally passed out?
we will see in september when story leaks
It would be funny if instead of textual leaks, we get the stort spoiled by the 32 page artbook that is set to come with the collector edition - box
>delay to 2025
I mean, it wouldn't be a first. Remember remastered....
or a cd production anon that grabs the physical disc (happened with twd anf but mfs kept gatekeeping it, ty "dontlookback")
I have the sneaky suspect that Square wants DE to steal the spot that Lost Records would secure for 2024. If that's the case, it's not a far fetched thing to believe.
half of DE's team got fired in february 2022, if you on twitter right now and search all the employees that worked on DE, they all have ex-deck nine in their bio

so who'm ever's on the team still, is crunching for 5 people 100%
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>The Most Wholesome Ship
That honor would go to Kate and Tori's daughter, and her leafy girlfriend. But close enough.
I know, which sucks ass. No wonder they hate their management team and Square, they are giving them fucked up deadlines and compromising the health of their devs
That's more likely.
>Square wants DE to steal the spot that Lost Records would secure for 2024
Square Enix release vs some indy shit
A friend of mine believe the Lost Records announcement at the VGA put "a firecracker under Square's ass" and force Deck Nine to crunch the game for a october relase, if it does come out.
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>they hate their management team and Square
kino, they fund the lis games, say something nice about them (other than the fact that they give a mediocre budget to all lis games)
Microsoft would do a way better job at properly marketing their games and pulling out a budget that you guys do, and that's not saying much.
5 people from that photo are ex-square enix too, it is the end of the franchise
If Double Exposure flop (by Square absurdly high standards, mind you that Max will still gain a lot of audience traction) it might be truly the end for the LiS franchise.

If the leak is true about the Chloe final appareance, at least it would be something. Life is Strange started with them, so it would be poetic if the series ended with them again.
If DE fails, it’s over for d9, either let the franchise die or create another series like DN is doing with Lost records, an OG story with OG characters.
and it would be more poetic to have the game release the game on 30th of january 2025, as a homage to lis 1's release date (exactly 10 years later)
d9 wont close, they have a mmorpg project in the works ever since 2019, unless that project's publisher will back out too after SE
What are you talking about? The IGN article stated that they pretty much lost their deal with Telltale on The Wolf Among Us 2 and TWD due to the layoffs and they are now reliant on LiS to save their asses
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I appreciate your opinion anon. It is not a bad one.
But my counterpoint is: A possessive Victoria lovingly holding a shy Kate, with Alice in Kate's lap.
I do not think anything can beat that.
You know what? I feel like that was exactly what they were planning to, but Square told them to crunch their asses off for an October relase due to Lost Records being seen as a competitor
what competitor? it's a competition if both games release at the same timeframe, but 2 months after LR lost everyone's attention is the perfect timeframe to come in shoving LIS DE, early 2025 wont see GTA VI release either so they are just dumb
I'm not a Square executive, but I could see some of them considering Dontnod as a possible rival with Lost Records, and they would want it to come out as soon as possible to avoid it getting successful and "stealing" potential gamers from them.
there have been listings about a mmorpg project at deck nine and most of the ex-wildstar devs that are at d9 said that they enjoyed watching "the other team" making it
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>so they are just dumb
Well, there you go. You just nailed the whole issue on the head. No matter who "wins" the competition between DE and LR, all that really happens is that DE will sell less and sell slower, because some people are gonna go for LR no matter what. Quite a few people, in fact - hell, I myself probably will do exactly that, at least going by what I know of either game right now.

But to the dumb suits in charge, it's all about competing with imaginary "enemies".
lr will be about 4 girls with witches powers & when they use it, storm equivalent happens
>But to the dumb suits in charge, it's all about competing with imaginary "enemies"
This is unfortunately true in a lot of big studios, they look at profits and market data but they aren't creative in the slightiest
At this point the only one I'm expecting to actually have real powers is Kat. She just gives off some bad energy. I fully expect her to either be directly involved in whatever goes wrong or become the outright antagonist.
I just hope we can avoid another Bae v Bay situation for the ending. Because if given the choice I am just going to automatically pick Nora to live regardless of whatever the trolley problem of the day is. Just like with LiS 1, it sort of undercuts the ending when there is a clearly superior choice.
Is this the real game art? I mean these characters look horrible
>Max takes photo of the owl
>She goes unconscious
>Has blood at her nose
>SE added in their announcement a photo with Max (nosebleeding & on the ground) and Moses
Are you ready for another lis 1 trauma vision?
>She just gives off some bad energy. I fully expect her to either be directly involved in whatever goes wrong or become the outright antagonist
Oh absolutely, there are scenes in the trailer that gives that away, but I wonder if we are going to see her ar 40 year old too being a villain.
such toxit community we have.
yeah, I'm literally gonna cry

>Yesterday was my last day at Square Enix where I spent the last six and a half years working on the Life is Strange franchise with the most talented, passionate and thoroughly lovely bunch of people you could hope to work with, both at Square Enix and at Deck Nine Games. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to contribute to this unique IP, and to have produced two Life is Strange games. So much thought, dedication and heart is poured into these games from all involved. It was a difficult decision to leave but a new adventure beckons. More on that later.

>Thank you to Lee Singleton for all the trust and support, and also to my LiS family-I miss you already!
they are already getting rid of the LIS SE staff as we are speaking
Could you please post the link to them? This is the first time I hear of such project and I don't see D9 pursuing something like that with their current status.
both ex-wildstar devs, only one of them recognizes DE's team efforts, other, gives 0 fucks
as for the job listings, I can't find any anymore, but they were everywhere like 2 years ago
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if DE flops, don't blame deck nine
>Has blood at her nose

>for a moment Max and Safi go into an alt timeline
>Max tried to change things in that timeline and that killed her
>doesn't know they did it together in their joined schizo vision
>usually bloody nose and passing out are sigs that power was used in that moment
>things happening in that timeline caused Safi to kill herself with the help of Max
>murder mystery created
Ok bro I'll trust you
Come of think of it, that leak doesn't seem so far fetched... if they are working on maximum crunch conditions, a 2025 delay might be on the table.

I feel like DE is at 85 - 90% complete stage and the last thing left are bug fixing and optimization. I won't be surprised if the early access version come off with a shitload of bugs, crashes and performance issues like the remasters.
dontnod suffered with SE too, don't forget, bae ending was short because of budget being tight & they wanted to tell a bigger story with the Prescotts

bts suffered too thanks to the budget (we were supposed to have a sequence with trees and fire burning everywhere while transporting Roach to the hospital)
they are already showing odd footage of Max going to Safi's memorial, her hearing her voice, seeing Safi's aura ghost & splitting up the timelines, being shook for seeing her almost like it's first time
then there's sequence where Max's in front of Safi and she's like "Safi's alive"!

this game suffers from rewrites so much already
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I still listen to this almost daily. It is crazy just how much a relationship from a game keeps pulling on my heart even almost a decade later.
Pricefield really is forever and always.
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Kate is the perfect example of "Still waters run deep", or even "Beware the quiet ones".

Sure, she's shy at first, but once they're dating... Well let's just say whichever lucky lady that ended up with her is in for a lot more than they bargained for in all the best ways.
>Kate is the perfect example of "Still waters run deep"
Honestly, surprised that Kate is a Virgo. She comes off as an almost archetypal water sign, I would have even said one with a Pisces or Scorpio stellium.
Compare her to Max, who is a classic Virgo.
>whichever lucky lady that ended up with her
Let's be real. It's Victoria.
>she's shy at first
Maybe if she found a nice passive Pisces or Cancer girl, then I could see Kate being becoming pretty assertive and even outright maternal in the relationship. It is a role that most Virgo and Taurus signs tend to naturally assume when paired with the more emotionally vulnerable water signs. One of the reasons why they are considered naturally compatible couples.
But Victoria is a fiery Leo. Kate is going to be wearing a collar in the relationship and she will like it. The Virgo weakness for fire signs (really just Leo and Aries) is almost as bad as the stereotypical Pisces weakness for Aries.
>this game suffers from rewrites so much already

I saw this comment in the past thread, and made me wonder if it was made by the same anon who said that Chloe is going to be treated as a incognita until the game relase.

Feel like I need to make a theorycrafting post, since that other anon doesn't seem to appear frequently.
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>The writers are absolutely shit, they said Max found Safi dead in the woods, then they said Max found Safi dead in the snow and in reality, Max found Safi dead sitting on a bench. At the edge of the forest.

>When Max finds Safi's body the original script had her on the ground and that's how Max found her.

More like Deck Nine is internally one of the worst organized companies and Level Designers have the full liberty to change the story beats without the writers knowing.
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Alright, here's my theory crafting.
Keep in mind things like >>483553806, because it might explain a lot of things if we take the previous accurate leak.

In august 2022, one dude on the GamingLeaksAndRumors subreddit claimed to have talked with a playtester for the new LiS game, and two years later another dude claimed to have partecipated in a survey dated fall 2022, detailing what's the next LiS game was going to be about. Both of those two have been proven to be almost accurate to what Double Exposure has been revealed to be.
However, keep in mind that there are two key differences in both leaks:

>August '22 leaks detail that the game is going to be about Max jumping another timeline in which she finds her stundent (Safi) alive, and use this to solve the mistery of her death.
>It claims Chloe is going to appear if you choose to keep her alive

First point has been proven correct so far.

Now, on the second leak, it was accurate in regard to the setting, main Safi is dead story and the cat sidequest, but had a couple of differences:
>Survey dude in fall '22 claimed that the game was straight set in the Sacrifice Chloe timeline
>It also claimed the game was called "Aperture" as a reference to the main gameplay mechanic, which was a rework of Max's rewind but working only throught her camera lenses.
>no mention of parallel timelines mechanic

[cont. ]
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And that's come to what they have what they say in the IGN interview:

>“Queer or trans or women of color or just writers of color, folks who are not typically comfortable, able to be at home in the games industry just because of the way that it is,” she continued.
>“Zak left, we managed to reshape the story into something that we liked and cared about and really, genuinely believe in. I think our upcoming game is a really good game, and we built this incredible, diverse team of writers who are very, very good at their jobs, but on top of that extremely good to one another.

And then we had those recent, supposedly "fake" leaks >>483528147, claiming that Chloe and Safi being very similar is almost intentional. I think there's might be a reason why.

Essentially, I feel like the story was written with Safi set as a Chloe 2.0 since at that point they were going to be only with the Bay timeline, possibly under Zak Garris direction, and when he left the writers felt it was necessary to add Chloe as a way to respect both endings, as claimed in the recent reveal stream.

That's why she's probably going to have a very reduced role in the game if you choose the Bae timeline, they originally didn't plan to be there at all.
Seems quite normal honestly, the designer pitched an idea and the creative director reworked the scene to include it. But this also makes me question how this small rework is going to affect the dynamic or her death
it basically destroys entire Chronos foundation punishing Max and meteors causing Max's headaches since it wasn't in the original script
I kinda noticed that with every new "leak" the game looks more and more like fan service.
What the hell is this "Chronos foundation" and how it has anything to do with the wat Safi dies?
I think Zak left bc deck nine pushed with adding that tranny
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Honestly it sounds like an absolute disaster that was able to be salvaged into something at-least mediocre, thanks to the long overdue canning of the shitstain on the narrative team.
I'm not really expecting anything great out of DE. But I would be more then happy with something in the ballpark of TC and will some fun Pricefield fan service. At-least all the side characters seem pretty interesting so far, so even if the plot sucks, I'm looking forward to interacting with the new Characters.
Well good thing real (or realistic) people are not governed by arbitrary collection of stars in the sky then, huh?
LR will be great, doubt they will cut anything, if they do end up with unused content, at least it will be justified instead of just:
- Oh no, Max has boobs!!! Remove it!!
- Oh no, Chloe's american flag has cuss words on it!! REMOVE THEM!!!!
(remember that square took from you)
DE had over 5 producers, with all of them fired at some point
While I have good thoughts about Lost Records, there's also the chance it could totally turn into trauma porn in the latter half. Michel Koch loves that stuff, so get prepared accordingly.
Which ones?
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We don't really have to bring astrology into this if it triggers you so much; My point remains the same.
Kate is clearly coded as a bottom and a natural compliment to someone like Victoria who is obviously the opposite. Kate would not give Victoria 'more than they bargained for' in a relationship. She would be on a physical leash inside a week.
>Oh no, Max has boobs!!! Remove it!!
I do not get why this is something you would be upset over. Especially when her model does have breasts.
>Oh no, Chloe's american flag has cuss words on it!!
Of all the actual quality content that Square made DN cut, why single this out?
As long as Zak is gone, I have some level of optimism for DE. Even if the only value it has is ~5 minutes of Pricefield fan service.
By all accounts Nora is going to be a romance option. So I'm already sold.
As long as they give us a chance to save her when everything goes to shit, then I will be fine with LR.
Moses is shifty. I don't trust him.
Around Moses never relax.
I think it is interesting that they decided to focus on him when they insinuated that characters would have slightly different personalities between timelines. I could fully see alt-Moses as knowing more then he lets on.
But certainly not an outright antagonist.
Well, might be a signs of the things to come, at least it was fun while it lasted.
If DE fails Square will just sell the ip to MS.
If anything that would probably improve things for LiS. Square has been a real handicap.
MS would reboot the entire franchise properly, with the actual Max and Chloe game we keep asking for.
How can you be sure that Microsoft would accept the Life is Strange IP?
they reveal every lis game at xbox shows
Moses will make Max addicted to his big black cock. Max in DE will be a certified snow bunny, and once she experiences the BBC, she will never return to being a homo again.
Just imagine it. The cut relationship content from LiS 1 is restored. The series is squarely focused on Chloe and Max as it always should have been.
I can also see it out the corner of my eye. A glimpse at a better future for this series. The future it always should have had: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHYYfoQ1-00
Plenty of reasons:
1) MS is salivating over the idea of getting an established IP with a public reputation for being LGBT focused.
Expect LiS themed pride merch from MS every June. Along with a heavy focus on Chloe and Max during events to signal how progressive their gaming division is. Great stuff.
2) Episodic titles that can released across multiple months are a natural fit for game pass. As it allows them to stretch a game out across multiple billing periods.
3) MS is already interested in the IP, hence why DE and TC were both revealed at Xbox events.
I want people in Max and Chloe mascot outfits like we're at Disneyland.
>MS hires Max and Chloe cosplayers to make out with each other
I wish we lived in this timeline.
you forgot bts was revealed under xbox show too
Small correction, TC was revealed under Square's own stream, not at any Xbox show.
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What's in store for Rachel and Chloe's future?
>Wanting your beloved IP to be sold off to Microsoft
Only if you're retarded to wish that on a game company. Microsoft has been known to kill game companies that they acquired. One of the recently famous game studios that Microsoft purchased and ended up getting the boot was Tango Gameworks. The game studio was known for creating Evil Within (created by the original director of Resident Evil 4) and the only good exclusive game to come out of Xbox, Hifi Rush. It doesn't matter if the game had a good reputation and was selling well for a non AAA game, Microsoft doesn't give a fuck and immediately burns the entire company solely because the game is not generating the company fortnite level of profitability.

You want to kill Life is Strange that much? Just give the IP to Microsoft, and then you'll know the meaning of despair.
roachyl's last days, the game
Chloe and Rachel are fucking while Max is at the corner watching them do the deed.
This, there's no garanteed that Microsoft would be better than Square Enix as a publisher
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Chasemarsh may have my heart.
But I gotta admit that Chasefield is really cute also.
do you accept requests, anon?
can do you max and chloe ass eating? or steph and alex ass eating?
>part two to my last picture
what picture?
can the orph.link/lisg anon fix the link?
This would really only be acceptable if Chloe/Alex were the one on top.
It is an ancient part of the OP anon. Same with the fanfic compilation link, it is just old and unused.
Both are on the chopping block for the post gamescon OP template update I have planned.
now do rachel sucking a bunch of guys next to the ''RACHEL IS A WHORE'' graffiti
I second this.
Microsoft would make Max a tranny
>''RACHEL IS A WHORE'' graffiti
i have a very vague memory of this, where is it located again?
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Just ask Vic.
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We desperately need some news
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They are not in DE.
But Heatwaves seems like it could be a good send off for them.
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Inside the female shower room. Or corridors during the dream sequence >>483583790
>Who's Max video
scream at Hally's boss to let her release it already
I desperately need some Chengrich
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>what picture?
This one. My request was something more spicy but this works too.
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I forget, did Victoria know that Rachel slept with Jefferson?
Yes she knew. If the New Jersey sweatshirt girl knew, everyone knew.
LiS2 is no where near as bad as you guys said it was.
It has it's moments sure, a shame you have to go through the rest of the game to get to them.
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no Lyla romance don't care
I feel like if Victoria knew that for sure, she would have blackmailed Jefferson for the contest instead of just seducing him
Still waiting on a Cassidy game.
It's wild to me that he had a fiercely loyal, ride or die cute Asian girl as just a platonic friend and was obsessing over some popular bitch. He had a future wife right in front of him and didn't see it.
I think everyone just wants to pretend LiS 2 never happened.
Can you really blame them?
If that's the case, why was it re-relesed on the switch?
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How would you react if DeckNine made Moses Max's straight romantic option, the other being the lesbian option with Safi?
Likely desu, but it'll be a wipeout even compared to Ryan and Steph. probably 95% choose Safi.
Come on! A girl like Max with a guy like him? Black and overweight? I’d die of anger ackshully. Max looks like a 10/10 instagram model desu. Ain’t no way, bro. At least give a gigachad straight love interest ot soemthing.
It doesn't matter if it's going to be a wipeout. All that matters is knowing that DeckNine has given the players an option where our once precious, cute, innocuous white girl will be touched and defiled by a black man. Porn makers would literally have a field day with this ship.

Max having sex with a black man, sharing one bed with a black man, even if the game doesn't show them doing the deed, just by the fact that Max can romance Moses would entirely mean all those BBC porn of Max will now be looked at as not something that coomer create out of fetish, instead it's something that can be accepted as canon in the game.
Amanda is his girlfriend, though.
Max's life and relationships are under the mercy of DeckNine.
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>Porn makers would literally have a field day with this ship
They'll do it anyway.
Confirmed by the leaker who predicted Moses's name days before the extended trailer dropped and also Amanda's which was only introduced a couple of days after in an SE blogpost.
These names were taken from promo materials in different languages.
Even if that was the case, having such information in advance would at least require having contact with a person who works at either SE or D9 if they are not an insider themselves.
I see Max has been trying hard to fill the hole in her life after Chloe
Her hole(s) get filled for sure. It's therapeutic for Max to let others fill her hole(s).
You should let the past die. It isn't healthy to keep holding on to something that's long gone. Let it go, anons.
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Blender. SFM is an ancient mess.

Eh, maybe but I don't know if there is a proper Frank model available on smutbase. Maybe I can try doing a Frankenstein tier headswapping using his in-game model.

Hmm. Good ideas.
We'll see.
Jefferson was one lucky bastard for clapping them cheeks.
How long did you take to learn Blender?
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2nd best couple in the franchise.
Impossibly cute ship.
nice ass
can you do one of rachel getting proneboned by nathan in his dorm?
I hate this coomer degeneracy
Max should only be for whites!
what the fuck are all those black strings
I dont see Moses being a romantic option this time. Friend? Very likely tho
some actual penetration next time would be nice thank you
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Alright, let's dissect the supposed leak take it step by step:

>D9 had a new main character in mind when they started the development for this new game. SE demand to include Max
I'll give it a 50% chance of believability, we know that from 2021 through that original TC leak it was supposed to be a new Max game, but it's not impossible that Square turned down D9 ideas for a new MC when they pitched it.

>If this game performs poorly in terms of sales, don't expect a new LiS game anytime soon
That's pretty much given for granted due to how Square Enix treats its western IPs.

>Safi's family is part a criminal organization (Safi doesn't know but will later on), her death was just a way to ''send a message'' due to unresolved conflicts
Very mixed on this, I'll say 40% believability. Safi's mom seems suspicious enough tho, and I bet she will have some significant role in the story.

>This will be the first game with another character with superpowers but my friend was reluctant to tell me about their role
It matches one of the reliable leak, but no info is given regarding who the other person is, so it could be just them making shit up.

>Safi and Chloe aren't all that different from one another in terms of personality and this was done on purpose
Yeah, an 80% on that, she's really trying to appeal her spot.

>Safi is described as the family's black sheep
We have a scene of her mother being supposedly supportive in the reveal trailer, so it's a 40% chance.

>also expect scenes referencing some Max and Chloe moments from S1
We already got the "Shaka Brah" reference with Amanda, not surprising if there are other references.

>Chloe won't be playing a significant role in this game but her presence will be felt throughout the game.
I'll say a 50 to 60% on that, we know they are hiding scenes from the Bae path and avoiding talking about Chloe at all, but we have one reliable leak that seems to support Chloe presence in the game
She was psychotic
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>gooped and gagged
What about the rest?
What a beautiful sight.
god i wish i could slap that ass
Max is truly an everyday hero
Jefferson did more than just slapping it.
>If you sacrificed Arcadia Bay, Chloe will make contact with Max via text messages, video calls, etc. The justification for her physical absence is due to a trainee program she enrolled in at a plane factory as a junior mechanic or something.
The mechanic thing does make a bit of sense with Deck Nine showing Chloe being familiar with cars in BtS, but working at a plane factory is kinda eh.

>There is a scene where Max is doing some kind of investigation at a remote rural area and she gets shot by one of the goons from that gang Safi's family have a beef with.
There's a scene at 1:57 of the reveal trailer that show Max seemingly going inside a abandoned building by herself, in comparison to the other scene in which she's with Orange timeline Safi.

>Ashly was meant to voice Chloe, but due to scheduling (and money) issues, she couldn't make it. So Chloe's voice actor from BTS returns. And speaking of voice actors, this game will feature a LOT of VAs from previous D9 games.
Rihanna Devries, has an unannounced role on her career site, one for full mocap and the other for Voiceover, and based on the wayback machine its something she had kept since 2022. It seems also believable enough for D9 to use their past VAs for support/minimal roles (we know that Kylie Brown was posting pics of her working in the studio last year).

>Two endings like the original game. One where Safi is alive but many family members get murdered in response and basically she moves to a very far place using a new ID. The other ending, Safi dies but her family is spared.
I could totally see Deck Nine recycling the first game ending dilemma for this to be true

>Also, there is a considerable chance that this game can get delayed to early 2025
Not far fetched IMO, I'll say a good 80% that's the case. Deck Nine is probably being crunched hard to get the game relased on October.
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I did bing-watch BlenderGuru's latest tutorial series a couple of months ago but I have no previous experience with any 3D software. A big newbie.


They are called bones. They are used to rotate or move parts of a model to adjust your pose.
Based OC anon.
Their names were on the LiS website in the immediately after the first trailer. The screenshots had them in the filenames.
glad you accepted my suggestion, blenderanon
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>Kate has one drop of alcohol and this happens
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she really can't handle her jesus juice
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must be the timeline rachel convinced frank to leave town together
So, In the SE blog, there's this titbit.

"If you played the original Life is Strange, you’ll remember that the game could end in two wildly different ways depending on your choices… **and we’ll say no more on that to avoid spoilers.**
So, which ending does this new game follow on from? **The answer is either of them.**
**You’ll see how the endings connect when you play the full game but rest assured that the events you experienced in the original adventure will remain ‘canon’ to you.**"
I think you will have the option to specify which ending you took at the start with the Safi convo. A lot of context and material has been purposefully edited out, but you can see that the Max mostly used is the one from the Bay/Sacrifice Chloe path, and the Bae related footage is being hidden or edited out.
You'll probably specify what happened with your life in Arcadia Bay, and then Safi will ask you about Chloe. I can see two ways:

>Bay Path (Chloe is Dead)
She was a friend or We were childhood sweetheart

>Bae Path (Chloe is Alive)
She's my closest friend or She's my partner/girlfriend

And my theory is, the alternative/orange timeline will play out the ending you did NOT choose at the start of the game (ex. if you choose Bae, the other timeline will feature the Bay path).
This is the closest thing that could make sense with the context of "both the endings are canon". It could mean that Chloe could tecnically appear towards the latter half without changing too much the main story.
can a valve employee or youtube employee leak lis DE's trade secrets already
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I fully agree and expect this is how they will handle things. As impossibly frustrating as it is, given how they have attempted to hide as much of the Bae timeline as possible. The Chloe/Pricefield doom posting is just really premature. Especially given that between the engagement ring and Rhianna, Chloe returning has already basically been soft confirmed.
My problem now, is just how much of a presence she will have in the story. I have already accepted that DE will not be the Chloe/Max duo story I wanted (ala LiS 1). But I do want them to include enough of Chloe to actually justify bringing back Max. That dynamic between the two of them was core to why I loved LiS 1 and I don't think it is unreasonable to expect even just some echo of that in the narrative sequel.

Right now I think the best case scenario is something like pic related.
Max and Chloe are in a relationship (if the option is picked) and in constant communication for the first half of the game. At roughly the halfway point Chloe actually shows up 'in person' and we get a cute reunion between her and Max that really catches us up with them as a couple. Maybe even going on a date with Chloe just before whatever DE's narrative equivalent of LiS 1 episode 5 is.
Her impact on the story is obviously limited (putting everything else aside, she would only still be alive in one timeline), but she has a big impact on Max personally.

My real question is if we are going to be able to travel between the Bae and Bay timelines. Are we going to be able to contact any of the Bay residents that died (Dana, Joyce etc) as Bae Max? Will Bay Max be able to contact Chloe?
As Bae Max, can we contact Joyce in the Bay timeline and pass a message from her to Chloe in the Bae timeline? I bet Chloe would love to get a message from the mother she suddenly lost a decade ago and I bet still feels guilty about.
These are the sort of things you have to consider when it comes to multiverse travel.
I fully expect someone to get an early copy of the artbook within the Collector Editon in late September / early October and spoil part of the story before any early access of the game.
collector box*
I am reiterating my love for Punk Max.
big ick
It just so happens a superior version of Chloe also exists.
This thread would probably be massively improved by filtering your images.
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Speaking of images, I made a comparison with the DE photo and the same pose I tried to recreate in Blender
The funny thing is that the only time people freak out about them is in the threads where people post the creepy incel porn. It is typically not an issue. Makes ya think.
Why do less traditionally feminine presenting women upset you so anon? Are you really that insecure? Did a butch girl steal a girlfriend once?
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Why Ashly Burch is so ugly like Chloe?

I will let Caledon be destroyed just to kill the troon
This is why SHIT color and LiS 2 are non-canon and should be treated like an aborted fetus.
The funny thing is that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Izzie may pop up in DE. It is not as if she is tied to any of the choices in TC. I actually really hope she does. Gwen seems ok, but especially in the Steph novel, Izzie just came across as a really interesting character. The type of person you just want to chill with or go with to events. Very much my vibe.
While we have not seen much of Gwen yet, she does just not strike me as interesting compared to Izzie.
Fingers crossed we get more Izzie in Heatwaves regardless.
Gwen seems designed as a response to Izzie's story and background being cut off from TC late in development, so I'm doubtful we'll see her again. But at least we can experience alternative Gwen either being a huge sweetheart or asshole.
Truly revolting
Cope and seethe
Izzie showing the number 18, there's your trans individual showcasing nazi numbers
deck nine took dontnod's high poly sculpt and posed it, that's why it's different than remastered/og
i’m still on the third chapter in TC, when does she appear?
>**You’ll see how the endings connect when you play the full game but rest assured that the events you experienced in the original adventure will remain ‘canon’ to you.**"
>endings connect
>'canon' to you

what they mean by that
>you'll see how the endings connect in a way that both Chloe and the town are dead (cause that's how we connect both endings, get it? lol) and this is what we mean by saying that both are canon "to you". A yeah your choices don't matter, just like the BtS ending, none of it mattered :)
Just wait for that to happen
There's a pin on the Black Lantern's rooftop whoose Alex can access memories and hear Steph and Izzie talk, but if you are at Chapter 3 you might have missed it. She then appears as text messages and memories in Wavelenghts, and thats it.
They are going to mingle the timelines, so one will have a dead Chloe and the other will feature an alive Chloe.
>what they mean by that
your choices matter, but not really, kino, since Max's in the same place
ohh that pin, okay. makes sense i picked it up but forgot about it
also black-white-red
could be an inside thing, lots of (fetishized) nazi stuff in the european gay community
link is dead to me
And I thought I was a schizo
>he doesn't know
never enter any gay club in germany/netherlands/czech xD
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Well right country but I'm not gay so I think I'm good.
>i'm not gay
95% of people posting about lesbian-ships in this franchise aren't
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i consider myself a lesbian and yuri supporter, and wish to see a future where women only date women
just like rachel
I'm not surprised, I bet most of us a /POL/FAGS who secretly love this game.
Seems to be working just fine for me.
Max and Chloe fishin’
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how can you fish in the ricefields
life…finds a way
wait, she is actually trans? i thought it was just fugly, you cant tell anymore, damn
>Max and Chloe embarking on a trip in the south - east asian countries for a photography reportage paid by the National Geographic
Sounds like perfect material for a fanfiction
that body is just aching for babies to be put into it
She's cute but she has to work on her vocalization training
welp i didn't copy the whole link that is why
hapa babies
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Not happening, guys.
Why does LiS seem content to move away from the cute lesbians angle when that is their secret sauce? No one cared about the boys in LiS2 and if this general is any indication, only the femslash content has any supporters.
sit on my face and break my neck pls
The best part about Alex fan art is that a magnificent ass is on-model.
Honestly I don't usually care about shipping. I just like the extremely relaxing gameplay and the fantastically comfy settings.
I will say though that Chloe and Max's bond is very sweet and I especially love how attached to Max Chloe is through the first and especially BTS.
how did they get away with this
They understood their audience.
she's so breedable
We know Steph
This is CCP propaganda and it got me
I normally hate coomer posting but ZAMN
Did anyone ever tried recreating Alex using AI?
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I gave it a try a while back, it's probably better now.
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Can you something similar to this but with Jefferson instead of Frank?
ugh not thicc enough
stop posting this
What a lovely warm after-sex glow they have
I bet she didn’t even douche out his thick goopy load
I just know that pussy STANK the morning after
Because they'll get accused of sexualising women for the male gaze. The left eats itself always.
Contrary to popular belief, Life is Strange is not kiss-cute-girls-simulator. There's an actual game in there.
I genuinely think the overabundance of lesbian fan art and fics retroactively warped peoples perception of the games. Yeah it's sapphic core cannot be denied but it also wasn't some slice of life visual novel featuring nothing but gays in mundane situations.
can't we just wait for pride month to be over before getting all homophobic?
LiS is very wholesome and comfy.

None of the girls are busty, so they're not trying to appeal to straight cis-white males.
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Not every game can be FF7.
LiS is only gay if you play it that way
Tifa is indeed amazing, but it is purity and loyalty that straight cis-white males desire most.
>Aeris' nose and chin
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Maybe, but it is widely regarded as the "canon" choice my friend.
I know, right?

>Girl from "German/Nordic" village
>Somehow looks Asian

>Horsefaced, flat and wants Cloud to be yaoi bait
>Also one of the last "Ancients"
>Somehow also white looking
Is this person white? Isn't this yellowface?
Not sure, but Alex never really looked fully Asian. Gabe either, for that matter.
Now that I think about it... Steph doesn't look German. Maybe she was adopted?
It's another LiS 1 situation really. Technically speaking both Alex and Max are ambiguously bi.
But also in both cases the gay romance option has been so clearly superior, that they are both functionally considered gay.

This is why the only romance options in DE are Chloe and Safi. No Warren. No male intrest at all.
All gay.
Steph is the "Axis Mix" - one part German, one part Italian (not to be confused with Sicilian).
Ehh, I wouldn't put Max and Alex in the same boat with the whole in-game romances option.

Unlike Max, Alex actually had a reasonable and viable straight romance option. It wasn't as popular as Chengrich, but viewed on it's own, Luchen is a perfectly fine romance.

Honestly, in some ways even better than Chengrich - straight romances from the POV are rare enough in gaming, and having a dude that's not only not a creep, but as much of a bro as Ryan is? Pretty refreshing, actually.
het shit is banned during pride month get out
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I know her religion prohibits doing the gay, but what if the gay was done to her?
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Love wins.
do gay now, repent later
Max is addicted to Moses big black cock
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Well, seems like Lost Records will be the one to be delayed to 2025.

Snowbunny Max
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>I'm doubtful we'll see her again
I think there is a solid chance she will pop up in Heatwaves.
>experience alternative Gwen either being a huge sweetheart or asshole
That would honestly be pretty interesting. Even if Gwen does not seem like the sort of person I would want to be good friends like Izzie. I'm interested to see what they do with her.
I do not know why game devs insist on giving trans women non-passing voices, when voice training is so effective, easy and universal these days. It is not as if people would not know she was trans had they used a trans VA with a more passing voice
I don't mean to put Warren and Ryan on the same level. Obviously Ryan is a total bro and about as far removed as you can get from the incel creep of the first game as possible.
While I will personally always take Chenrich over Luchen, erasing Ryan the same way as what has been done to Warren just feels kinda wrong to me. And this is coming from someone who normally has little tolerance for het shit.
That said, Chenrich is not my preferred ship for either Alex or Steph, it is just the best option in game.
>straight romances from the POV are rare enough in gaming
It's not like those of us that want lesbian romances in games are eating very well either.
I always got the impression that Kate was only religious due to the influence of her controlling parents. Had the storm and her suicide attempt not happened, I doubt that she would be anything more then a cultural christian by December.
Her sexuality may very well be another element of herself she was repressing due to the influence of her parents. Who knows what may have happened if she had the opportunity to live away from their influence for a few months at Blackwell. Very gay things with Victoria is my bet
Interesting how both Max and Kate are Virgos. A sign naturally compatible with a Pisces like Chloe.
Just ignore them.
I wonder if Kate's father would feel less disappointed with her daughter if she brought home a black guy or another girl...
Me on the left gooning to Max Caulfield getting double teamed by two BBC
A girl for sure.
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At least a black guy can still give him grandkids.
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Max and Chloe are Lynn's honorary big sisters.
Kate's dad would be very happy if his daughter brought back a black boyfriend to his home and inseminate his daughter's virgin womb with his black seed.
Hayden giving Kate the BBC special and straighten her up. Based.
Well, well.

>Honorary big sisters to Lynn
>Aunts to Alice
So what does that make Kate's wife, Victoria then?
Chloe and Max's honorary sister in law?
Alice's step mother?
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A shame, since I was looking forward to some comfy gay Nora posting over Christmas. But I can make due with another year seasonal Pricefield posting. Especially since it looks increasingly likely that DE will have some decent fan service.
It would actually be kinda funny if Lost Records came out closer to the LiS 1 anniversary then DE.
inb4, SE also delays new lis game to 30th of january 2025
what now dontnod?
It would be quite funny but also sad, because it would mean that Square is willing to do anything to crunch over the remaning LiS devs at Deck Nine
Asians are white-adjacent.
Such a cuck move
Its the best possible move they could have done, given the circumstance.
Yeah, it was obvious they'd use DE as a pretext for a further delay. French cucks.
more sad is that the entire game's under NDA, even on shown scenes, developers aren't allowed to comment or show any behind the scenes footage nor talk about the character's names, even though they are all public, Loretta's actor leaked the name
>Loretta's actor leaked the name
Was she punished for that?
>It's not like those of us that want lesbian romances in games are eating very well either.
Indeed. The quantity is actually getting there, the quality, on the other hand...

But my point was that with half the world being women, and well north of 90% of either gender being straight, you'd think female-POV straight romances done well would be more numerous than they actually are.
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I don't side actors would be punished, since at this point we already have some of the characters already named. What they would keep under tight NDA however, is whatever presence Chloe is going to have in the game.
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What was Deck Nine trying to accomplish with this particular scene?
>Just a heads up that the following games occasionally discussed on /lisg/ -due to falling under the LNG umbrella- are on sale on Steam until July 11th:
Lake - 55% off - Comfy game set in a small PNW town during the 80s - Generally recommended by /lisg/
Gone Home - 80% off - Classic 'walking sim' style narrative game
SIGNALIS - 30% off - Tragic romance wrapped up inside a scifi horror
Coral Island - 20% off - Farming sim, notable for several romance options being based off of LiS characters
A Summer's End - 33% off - Very stylish visual novel set in Hong Kong during the 80s

>In the interests of expanding the LNG catalogue, if anyone has played any of the following games, I would appreciate some feedback on just how gay they actually are and if you would recommend them:
Synergia - 65% off - Visual novel with a cyberpunk setting that seems to be influenced by SIGNALIS
Twofold - 20% off - Visual novel with a comfy high school setting
Kindred Spirits on the Roof - 50% off - Japanese yuri visual novel that apparently takes the subject seriously
Heaven Will Be Mine - 85% off - Visual novel inspired by Gundam and Evangelion
A New Life - No sale - Short visual novel about a relationship in it's death throws
Refind Self - 20% off - Japanese personality testing game with an emotional yuri story
We Know the Devil - 80% off - Quirky horror visual novel about selecting the best selecting the OTP out of a group of three characters
Always amusing when Ai Anon's stuff actually returns again.
I normally do not like the AI stuff. But I think sometimes the pictures with a 2d style can come out really good.
Chloe and Max attending prom together is not something that I think there is any quality fan art of, so AI anon's picture is the best I have. A shame, since I think they would be impossibly cute.
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Yes to both. Despite how much Chloe may wish it wasn't so.
I'm glad we've slowed down desu.
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>A Summer's End
You can get this on F95 though you should support the devs if you rike it.
in the original script (the one written by Zak), the detective showed his penis instead
Chloe honestly seems jealous. Of Kate
I expect we are still going to get the odd tourist shitting up the thread. But the wave that made this thread borderline unusable since the reveal seems to have moved on. At-least until gamescon comes around.
I hope /lisg/ can return to its normal comfy and gay self now.
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>I hope /lisg/ can return to its normal comfy and gay self now.

Yes please.
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Get a discord room.
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I'm looking forward to all the new Pricefield art come DE. Especially if the engagement ring theory bears fruit.
There can never be enough Chloe/Max marriage art.
If Chloe and Max are married in DE bae universe this general is going to fucking meltdown (in a good way).
The prominence of the rings n the key art is interesting, especially how they are in the separate polaroid suggesting the timeline.
Speaking of AI, heres a set from about 18 months ago.
what happened to the anon who always ritual posted at the beginning of every thread?
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I'm hopeful for a good meltdown. I think most of the fandom would have a meltdown really.
It would be the Pricefield equivalent of the moon landing.
>Engagement ring is not in every screen
>Engagement ring is only seen on the right hand (historically associated with gay couples)
It really seems like the engagement ring is tied to one timeline. It seems natural to assume that would be Bae.
We also see in some screens, Max wearing a ring on her left hand that seems to be Chloe's ring. We never see her wearing Chloe's ring and the engagement ring at the same time. So the logical inference here is that the rings are tied to the timeline.
Bay = Chloe's ring
Bae (In a relationship with Chloe) = Engagement ring
Bae (Not in a relationship with Chloe) = neither ring
And now, once I got bing to play along. Doesnt like anything explosion related.
Bing is awful. They nerfed it so hard that it is basically impossible to generate anything good with Chloe and Max together anymore. Holding hands and hugging is verboten. Kissing is totally off the tables these days.
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I want a recreation of this scene but with Max and Victoria.

I gave it a try.
I don't think any version of Max could summon that kinda energy.
But I could absolutely see a particularly annoyed and condescending Victoria having a similar vibe in a confrontation with Chloe. Just swap out the ribbon for a beanie.
Honestly impressive. I have not attempted to generate anything with it for months. So I guess they must have relaxed some things.
Still works for me.
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Hopefully now that things are quieting down, we can go back to discussing the most interesting /lisg/ topic from shortly before the reveal disrupted things:
The lesbo baby timeline.
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Who's doing the soundtrack for DE? Daughter again? Or will Christmas be especially great this year and Syd Matters comes back?
Did names ever get floated for Alex and Steph's children? I can't explain why but I think they'd have three.
Fuk Mi and Fuk Yu
Pandora, Meredith, Hank.
I think you mean Ryan Jr
Gabriel or Gabrielle.
Gabe or Rachel.
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I remember that Elisabeth Chase was floated as the name for Victoria and Kate's daughter. I really liked that one.
I don't think any names were suggested for Alex and Steph's kids. But it was agreed that they would have the last name Chen.
I don't know if any real details about the music have been released. I have my fingers crossed that they get Koethe. I will take back everything negative I ever said about D9 if they use 'Only One' for the Pricefield ending song.
I'm actually more hyped for the music in Lost Records as things stand now. Nora Kelly is fantastic and Riot Grrrl is one of my favorite genres. Still holding out for the full release of that reveal trailer song.
>Lesbo baby timeline
I think you are missing some critical information. >>483901926 has the right idea.
I think they'd have a daughter named Gabriella, another daughter named Lita, and a son named Ryan.
Im like a dying pilgrim in the desert and DE info is my water. Give me more! I needed it!
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I could see Chloe and Victoria as a pretty cute couple.
I even started writing a Chaseprice fanfic not long after BtS. But it never really went anywhere and I never ended up posting what I had.
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Neither. SE too cheap.
does anyone remember who i’m talking about or am i just a schizo
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The Rachel banana poster?
They are still around. They have just been late recently.
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Lol the French surrender yet again.
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i think i remember someone else, they always posted a cute picture with the phrase, "bae > bay"
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Was it this one?
I use to post it a fair bit in new threads.
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>Why does everyone ship all the Blackwell girls with each other?
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Here is the Max and Chloe one. I should be done with Alex and Steh by Saturday or Sunday.

That scene doesn't look all that complex and it's nice working with reference. We will see.
it was this anon
>A kid named after Alex's brother, Steph's mom, and their best friend
That's kinda sweet but makes me wonder if Ryan's dead in your world.
chloe do be eating good
Maybe he finally gave up. The news of DE release was quite stressful for a lot of shippers.
nice, how long did you take to make this?
Alice knows.
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Guess we're back to me soloing the night shift...
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There's just not much to talk about.
how big were chloe's boobs really
small and secretly torpedo shaped
is there a mega or something for fanart?
this general is one of the worst pertaining to infos, bins and folders.
the only link in the OP is to that one youtube video about art
We have a new LiS game being announced and Max returning back, if this isn't something worth discussing I don't know what else.
Well there's discussing and there's saying how gay you are for 1000 generals. One of those requires content
Max and Chloe, partners in time
Who is Max?
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A talented photographer with a misterious past she doesn't want to talk about and a cute punk partner
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Can't wait to kill Safi. Just go through my wallet? Bitch please.
Time to cry again.
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No tears. Only mud wrestling with Max.
The "Who is Max Caulfield?" Video is now unlocked. Some new footage i think.

All this waiting and all we got was Max hugging the troon
Tbf it was never going to offer much insight than a basic set of Max facts.
Once again, Gwen goes for the win.
Do you think Alex stays running the record store as her permanent job, or will she and Steph gradually transition into a more concrete band?
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Mute and dismissive PTSD laden Max wearing this outfit through the entire game will be a fun playthrough.
she looks like she films herself inserting absurdly large animal themed dildos in her butt
Interesting this keeps coming up.
Characters will comment on your outfit choices, especially the stuff in the more novelty DLC packs.
I extremely doubt characters will comment on Max appareance, expecially when we have skins like this one or the Taylor Swift knock off.
>I extremely doubt characters will comment on Max appearance.
Doesn't seem like too big a stretch given that the base game will have clothing options before you even get to the novelty packs.
For the default clothing already in game? Maybe, but I don't think characters will have much to say in regard to the weird skins like blue hair punished Max
Not to mention that several people commented on Chloe's chosen outfits.
>weird skins like blue hair punished Max
Saffi has seen Max in this getup often, then a few weeks later notices the photo of Chloe in her purse.

Saffi is disturbed and feels awkward.
I need to see this scene in game. Saffi spots the photo, thining it's just max, but then, something is different.. it's not her. Max is sat just across the table, her eyes flick back and tow between Max and the picture of Chloe, she begins to sweat profusely.
Lmao, that would be quite funny to make a comic of.
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Oh, I remember that anon. I miss them.
I think all of the shitposting after the DE reveal may have scared them off. I hope they come back now that things are slowing down again. Their ritual posts were the only one I liked and always gave me abit of a boost when I came across them.
Alice knows and approves of what her aunts get up to.
She just wishes that they would not do it in Max's room on days when Max is supported to be watching Alice for Kate.
Chloe is honestly pretty flat. Even smaller then Max.
If anyone were going to have torpedo shaped breasts, it would be Kate.
>You will never just chill with Chloe in her room
It hurts.
Out of all the new characters Gwen is honestly the one I would like to see more of. All of the others range from generic (Moses) to being a cheap replacement of a superior character from a previous game (Safi and Loretta).
Gwen could actually be really interesting depending on just how well we are able to get to know her. Especially when you factor in the personality changes between the timelines.
I wonder if Gwen is still Untransitioned in the other timeline. Do D9 have the narrative chops to pull that off without it seeming distasteful?
D9 is still at the level of feeling the need to signal a characters 'transness' by giving them an unrealistically non-passing voice. The vast majority of trans women who have reached the point of social transition that Gwen has, just do not sound like her. So I do not think they would be able to pull of a transitioned/non-transitioned thing with Gwen. As interesting as that would have been to see.
I think what we will actually get is a happy, open and very friendly Gwen in one timeline. And a more cynical, depressed and shy Gwen in the other timeline. Basically like how Kate normally is vs how Kate is when we see her in LiS 1. It makes sense to me that if Safi = Chloe and Loretta = Victoria then Gwen = Kate.
>D9 is still at the level of feeling the need to signal a characters 'transness' by giving them an unrealistically non-passing voice.
Or maybe her actress gave a good performance and they thought it was nice to have her in the game? I don't think they are being malicious with wanting to cast a trans character, they barely kept Izzie inside True Colors and they do not want Gwen to be a marginal character this time.
Mark my words, Gwen is going to be become the number one shemale content from LiS and replace whatever Futa content has been produce with Max, Chloe or Rachel
has it actually been confirmed that Gwen is Transgender, or are we just basing it off her
initial appearance like people did with Abby in Last of Us 2?
I haven't found any clues about her VA, but the voice seems very transitioning MtF trans person.
I'm not saying they are being malicious. Just that it is an increasing noticeable trope with games who include trans characters. There always seems to be a need to either get VAs to use a less passing voice for the performance or simply hire VAs who do struggle with voice passing for whatever reason. I think this done out of a desire to highlight the inherent 'transness' of a character. I mean, when was the last game that even had a stealth trans women character?
From what little we have heard of Gwen so far, she does sound like she has only be voice training for a month and I think her VA was instructed to give that sort of performance.
Obviously the vast majority of trans women that have fully socially transitioned to the point Gwen has are going to have spent much more then a month on vocal training. So it is unrealistic.
>they barely kept Izzie inside True Colors
I will never forgive Zak for that. What he did to Victoria in BtS was bad enough. But Izzie is such a cool character who really deserved some real screen time.
Fingers crossed for heatwaves. Or maybe even an Izzie cameo in DE via a new in universe band she's a member of.
Futa content has always been pretty marginal when it comes to LiS. And it is not even accurate to conflate futa with a trans woman anyway.
Besides, we all know that when it comes to size: Victoria > Dana > Chloe.
>has it actually been confirmed that Gwen is Transgender
I do not think any details have come out yet. I have not even been able to find any known trans VAs taking credit for her yet.
But Gwen is very obviously MtF.
>are we just basing it off her initial appearance like people did with Abby in Last of Us 2?
The people who thought Abby was trans, have never met a cis butch woman before. A woman presenting as anything other then ultra femme is inherently suspicious and 'woke' to them.
>I will never forgive Zak for that
You know, I highly suspect that at some point he was almost going to turn DE into a Bay only story. Do you remember how in the Rebekah Valentina IGN article it get mentioned how he was sent to help "fix" the next game, how the devs had to protest hard to not have him again and how they stated that they rewritten the project in a way they really liked after Zak left in 2022?
I think at this point, by one of the leak describing a game survey from 2 years ago, the game was still called "LiS: Aperture" and the only differences with Double Exposure was that it was set within the Bay timeline and Max had the power to rewind but only throught the camera lenses, with no mention of alternative timelines. That was the part that was probably changed by adding a Chloe cameo and reworking the mechanic to the shifting timelines.
>You know, I highly suspect that at some point he was almost going to turn DE into a Bay only story.
I suspect they weren't even going to make Max the main character but due to some imposition on SE's part in a hope to bring more crash, they had to oblige. You can replace Max with a new character without changing a damn thing given how self-contained this story is.
In case I am annoying. is there a central hub for fanart/bins/guides etc?
>I suspect they weren't even going to make Max the main character but due to some imposition on SE's part in a hope to bring more crash, they had to oblige.
We had report of DE being in pre-production at the Max&Chloe sequel since before True Colors came out. If Max wasn't supposed to be the original MC, that change happened quite early in the concept phase.
We have that drive folder, but I dont know if it is still functioning
>I highly suspect that at some point he was almost going to turn DE into a Bay only story
I strongly suspect that this was the case, based upon the comments from the narrative team about him. I would even go as far as suggesting that Gwen may have been created after he was fired just so that the narrative team could thumb their noses at him, after the shit he pulled with Izzie.
Obviously I'm happy that the project has been able to course correct after Zak being fired. But I worry that many of his ideas have permanently stained DE. I mean if the original plan for the game was to make Bay canon, then obviously latter reworks to include Bae and Chloe can only do so much. Had Zak been removed after TC (like he should have been), I doubt that DE would very much resemble the game we are going to get now. If given freedom from the start of the project, I actually think that the narrative team may have attempted to merge the endings Deus Ex 2 style.
I think that Chloe/Max sequel may have started life as a separate project from DE. Likely being merged into one early into DE's production when the remaster and TC launches made it clear that D9 has serious capacity issues when it comes to the number of separate projects they can juggle at once.
If the original intention for DE was for it actually be a Bay sequel from the start, then it could even be that the unnamed Chloe/Max sequel may have been a now canceled Bae sequel. The comics/novels show that Square is happy to have different lines of continuity in the series after all.
There is no central hub for any LiS stuff.
The photo gallery in the OP is the best hub I can think of when it comes to LiS fanart.
The only real guide to LiS fanfiction I have ever been able to find is about ~6 years out of date now, but still covers almost all of the most important Pricefield stuff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aqMYeUAFVxU_U0etDAAmYaDP54bypjHbxGW6dOa7dOs/edit?usp=sharing
>I think that Chloe/Max sequel may have started life as a separate project from DE.
Could that be the Chronos thing people were talking about before? I thought it was supposed to be just one of DE nickname titles, like Siren was used for True Colors
>But I worry that many of his ideas have permanently stained DE
Well, we already saw that with Safi seemingly designed as a Chloe 2.0 with the way she interacts with Max. Guess we will have to see how they will evolve through the main game.
>Could that be the Chronos thing people were talking about before?
Probably not. As some ideas from Chronos seem to have been folded into DE, if the theory schizo and one of the leaks are to be believed. Obviously we do not know if this is the case or not yet.
From what little we know about Chronos, it seems to have been DNs idea for another LiS game post LiS 2. But this obviously came to nothing after they got booted off the series as soon as LiS 2 was finished. It seems to have been a concept that came about from a combination of the ideas being explored in the first LiS comic at the time and the negative response to LiS 2. A direct Max/Chloe sequel that got deep into the mythology of powers in the LiS setting and the nature of time/dimensional travel. I guess you could think of it as something closer to season 3 of Twin Peaks, rather then the season 1 equivalent of the first game.

After that, we get a gap of information that lasts from 2019 to 2022 when it comes to any Chloe/Max sequel. A gap broken by the now vindicated leaks regarding LiS: Aperture.
We will obviously never know for sure all of the ideas and plans that could have existed for a Chloe/Max game that got internally floated/experimented with during these information gap years. But just based on the way DE seems to have evolved, if we assume that it is actually totally separate from any Chronos ideas, then it starting life as a project that did not feature Max and was later merged with an existing Max project makes the most sense.

My personal theory being that the original plan set by Square in ~2020 was that over the next ~7 years D9 would put out the remasters, two spin off titles and then work on 2 sequels to the first game. One being Bay canon and the other being Bae canon.
When D9 shit the bed when attempting to juggle the remasters and TC, Square decided to merge second spin off game with the Bay game and cancel the Bae game concept outright.
>we assume that it is actually totally separate from any Chronos ideas, then it starting life as a project that did not feature Max and was later merged with an existing Max project makes the most sense.
That could be possible, but it is all speculation. The only thing we can be sure is that DE working nickname is Chronos, so if anything they took some ideas from the previous concept and mixed toghever with their own original story.
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I love Victoria so much.
nice but max's ass aint that big
My criticism is that between the two of them. I do not think Chloe would be the one eating anything.
C-cup. Confirmed by the devs.
Is True Colors better than Life is Strange 2 at least?
soundwaves dlc worth the time?
TC is a great game. Its main problem is just how short it is. It really only feels like D9 were able to make ~45% of the game and then just had to stitch together whatever they had in the final few months.
It does play things kinda safe. But if you really liked the first three episodes of LiS 1, then you should like TC. Wavelengths is also super good for what it is.
Like the Farewell episode in BtS, it is arguably the highlight of the game.
any predictions on how lost records will be in comparison to the other LiS entries?
>Like the Farewell episode in BtS, it is arguably the highlight of the game.
It's insane just how hard Wavelengths' ending hammers home Steph and Alex were meant to be together
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>any predictions on how lost records will be in comparison to the other LiS entries?
Hard to say yet, since we have really only seen a tiny amount of the game and only a few hints at what the actual story is.
But so far I'm actually more excited about LR then I am DE. It really seems like DN have learnt their lessons and are actively attempting to bring back some of that LiS 1 magic. Nora Kelly is also doing some of the music and she is great.
That is not even mentioning Nora. Her being a romance option would basically automatically make LR GOTY for me.
>It's insane just how hard Wavelengths' ending hammers home
I do not disagree with you. It is actually kinda similar to how Farewell (and BtS more broadly) really hammers home just how much Chloe and Max belong together.
That said, Chenrich is no my preferred ship for either character.
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>not keeping the beanie on
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How would y'all have reacted if this leak turned out to be true?
It gives decent Pricefield stuff, so it's fine.
>Safi's family is involved with a criminal organization
This seem like it would be simultaneously both too grounded and also too fantastical to be in a LiS story. Also only mentions 'goons' and no central antagonist.
I cannot see this being real and it would suck if it was.
>Safi is the only romanceable character for Bay
Honestly makes sense. I fully expect this to be true.
>Only a quick kiss
>Don't get together due to the endings
I sure have heard that one before. If this is true, I would actually feel sorry for anyone that actually likes Safi and Max in a ship. I know this pain.
>Bae gets to be in an established relationship with Chloe
I almost doubt that D9 would do something this good. But I would be overjoyed if this turned out to be true.
The engagement ring suggesting that it is.
>Another character with powers
Almost certainly the detective.
But technically speaking BtS and LiS 1 also had two characters with powers. Since BtS did hint at Chloe having her own ability.
>Chloe and Safi are not the different
Already knew that.
>Recreating Pricefield scenes with Safi
This would legitimately make me resent her and cheer for her death.
>Butterfly brooch
Stupid and impossible to believe for a number of reasons.
Least of all being that they abandoned the butterfly motif for DE and now focus on owls. This includes what Max is wearing.
>Chloe is only returning LiS 1 character
Possible. But I think most Bayers would be rightfully pissed if they do not get a call from the likes of Dana or Joyce.
Hell, Victoria is alive in both timelines so including her would have been easy.
>Ashly was meant to voice Chloe
Absolute bullshit and anyone who knows about Rhianna's relationship with D9 would be able to tell you that.

Over all I give this 'leak' a 1/10 for believability. Does not even reach the level of being possible counter info.
In terms of how much I would like it to be true, I give it a 8/10. Pricefield really being the appeal here.
Huh. This one is actually pretty good.
>That said, Chenrich is no my preferred ship for either character.
Who is Alex for?
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I personally think Alex and Riley (Chenlethe?) just come across like they would be a more cute couple and seem to have better chemistry in my opinion.
There are a number of Steph ships I like better then Chenrich, but my top two would be Pricerich and Richgolis.
I don't dislike Chenrich or anything, I just do not think it is a stand out ship ala Pricefield; Where it is almost impossible to imagine the characters in a relationship with anyone else.
Richgolis, who is that?
Wasn't expecting 2 het ships
Izzie + Steph.
I get the reasons why they broke up. But I have actually always liked them as a couple. Frankly I think Steph really made a mistake by letting herself get attached to some small town in rural Colorado.
I think the idea of her and Steph cruising between gigs up and down the west coast would have been ultimately more romantic and fulfilling then the path she ultimately went down.
Very low quality bait.
>Absolute bullshit and anyone who knows about Rhianna's relationship with D9 would be able to tell you that.
Doesn't seem to be too far fetched, I could believe that at the start they were planning Ashly as the voice while Rihanna at the mocap, like in the Farewell bonus episode, only to fold on Devries for obvious budget reasons.

>This seem like it would be simultaneously both too grounded and also too fantastical to be in a LiS story
Mmh. We have a scene in the trailers that show Max finding out her apartment conpletely trashed out, possibly by someone searching for some objects. And by the damage and approach, doesn't seem like it was made by the detective, the dude seems very professional for the few times we see him roaming around the campus and him illegally breaking inside one of the houses wouldn't help his research.
We know that Safi had a camera in hand when the murder happened, and maybe there's evidence of who killed her. If they are a criminal group, I can totally see doing that to retrieve whatever evidence Max has kept in the house.

>This would legitimately make me resent her and cheer for her death
We see Max saying "shaka brah" with the other girl Amanda, I think they are just going to sprinkle LiS1 references all over the game regardless of the character.
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Dana Strong!
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>the damage and approach, doesn't seem like it was made by the detective
We do not know anything about him. You are just assuming he is some calm professional.
For all we know he could be some creep with a personal vendetta against Max and an explosive temper. We just don't know yet. But he is clearly more likely to have done it them some criminal gang. A criminal gang operating in a small university town in Vermont none the less.
>I think they are just going to sprinkle LiS1 references all over the game regardless of the character
I do not have all that much of a problem with little references to LiS 1 moments. My problem is very specifically about recreating Pricefield moments from LiS 1 with a character who seems to be very similar to Chloe. At that point they stop being cute references to me and instead read like an attempt to replace Chloe with a worse character.
While it would not upset my nearly as much. I would also have a problem with them including Max consoling an upset Loretta that had been covered in paint, or a Gwen that was about to jump from a roof. References are ok, but recreating scenes with equivalent characters gives the impression of attempting to replace characters from LiS 1 with modern stand-ins.
>Side-shave Chloe
I love Afterlaughs so, so much.
Wardmarsh is a very underrated ship.
A ship I always associate with the mental imagine of Dana princess carrying Kate into her room. No idea if that is from an fanart or a fanfic.
I would feel some type of meh way if they pulled a soft reboot of the original game but it's that not entirely unexpected from D9 given their typical ''safe'' approach to everything.
On the other hand, the Pricefield content seems to be more than decent to the point it can put the entire comic series and most fanfictions to shame. I would be eager to laugh at doomposters, amberfags and other shitters.
A cleverer team than D9 would have had Max realise that so many events and similarities keep happening, then it turns out to be connected to her power, time repeating in a different place.
why are they naked
>But he is clearly more likely to have done it them some criminal gang. A criminal gang operating in a small university town in Vermont none the less.
Fair point. But I just think that having Max apartment being broke in such a messy fashion is very suspicious. You would think that the detective would at least try to be as sneaky as possible, rather than broke a door and pulling everything out of shelves and furnitures. And so far, the marketing make it seems like he's a constant presence at the campus, freely going around asking questions and he might have been given permission to explore any room he wants to.

As for why a supposed small university town in Vermont would have a criminal gang? Maybe they were looking for Safi's family's due to some issues they left behind, believing they would have been safer there.
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I'm still on team Wardson.
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What the hell is Max trying to say here?
Hideous. So glad this fad died
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>But I just think that having Max apartment being broke in such a messy fashion is very suspicious
I agree. But again, we do not know anything about the personality and mental state of the detective.
It just seems to me that occam's razor would suggest he did it, since that explanation does not rest upon the existence of a hereto unknown criminal gang.
>As for why a supposed small university town in Vermont would have a criminal gang?
The simplest explanation is that no such gang exists and the obviously fake 'leak' is just a fake leak.
Dana never gets enough love.
Dana Cute!
1) The side-shave is objectively the single most attractive hair style. Only select variations of the undercut even come close to it.
2) If you think it is a 'fad' that 'died', then you clearly are not involved in the queer scene. It is still super popular with afab nbs and futch/soft-butch lesbians.

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