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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Greed edition.

>What is /crpgg/?

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:

>Caribbean Legend - Vile Little God

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

>Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand

>The Wayward Realms


>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy


>New Arc Line

>Dragon Age: Dreadw- I mean Veilguard

>Greedfall 2

>Sector Unknown

Previous: >>483271309
Other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
23.10.2020 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.01.2024 - Sovereign Syndicate
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
ngl famalam I'm pretty excited for the moon cult dlc tbqhwy
I wonder if this the best Azula build possible
Disco Elysium is more of a CRPG than Plan Escape: Torment is.

But this is really only a discussion for the socially thirsty, it's already clear to everyone else.
>next he will provide some meaningless steam player counts which he believes belittles the importance of Disco Elysium
>he will make particular mention of Dream Daddy, yet again, for mysterious (clear) reasons
>no combat
>while planet escape tournament has combat

Back to VN general with your genre irrelevant trash.
For those who played Greedfall, what did you think of the ending?

I went through the entire game as purely goody two shoes as possible and ended up killing everyone in the end to save my cousin. It was a principled decision. My character would never betray family. So when given the ultimatum it was an easy choice to remain loyal.
I didn't even reach the ending, because I was filtered by the combat.
kys tranny
self-atari, gote
Poor moyo, gote, no sente, no shape, very boring.
technically you should throw lightning in there too
>no combat
You did not face off against Evrart Claire, and if you did then you have completely missed the whole idea of CRPGs.
Typical Owlkek update. I wonder how broken RT will be after the "balance" patch lol.
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>Disco Elysium is mo-AAACKKK
I do not have the energy to play roles, what do
watch something passively until you get bored of that. Work with your hands until you get tired. Shitpost in meaningless ways about a game in a way that you think will bring you attention (sente)
I really enjoyed it.
Also I think it's funny how leaving it off every OP and getting buttmad about it just leads to people talking about the game lol.
what kinda retards run this place anyhow
Play trickster with a powergaming build, so it's in-character and thematic by default
Play a shorter, more focused game like Skald.
sometimes i feel like i cum rag post goon
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I love Eilistraee!
>le good drow
Cringe and ribbit.
Wow, that's a weirdly serious and seductive Arue.
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Couldn't find anything quite like that one, but there are a few which somewhat fall into this category.
Rogue trader new patch!!!!
How many new and exciting bugs is it going to introduce, I wonder?
Put Disco Elysium back in the list, you piece of shit.
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Garbage irrelevant visual novels have nothing to do with RPGs.
Yes, you will.
So, this is your job for the rest of crpgg's existence? What a sad routine to have. I almost pity you.
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>inspired by PoE
Good RPG, didn't read the rest.
>I'll just ignore everything that contradicts my autism
>PoE listed as the first inspiration
Say no more, the rest is irrelevant.
Path of Exile is a crpg
We accept your concession
Path of Excrement is hack&slash
whcih Fantasy RPG has the most reactivity? Aside from DA and BG
Pillars 1 and 2. You get reactivity based on stats, faction reputation and the character's disposition (i.e. cruel, aggressive, etc.).
Path of Exile has tons of reactivity based on your starting class, it's an rpg
Which alternative quest solutions does your choice of class provide in path of excrement? Thought so.
>Path fo Exile is free
okay, what's the catch? microtransactions? Expensive DLC which is required to make it playable? old ass game? Freemium?
I'm answering the question about reactivity bugger off
Unplayable without extra stash tabs that you have to buy with money.
Basically the game showers you with lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of currencies and trinkets you need (that alone should filter most of the casuals) because it doesn't just have gold or something similar and you only get limited chest space without paying, also trade-based and you can't do much without paid chest tabs but if you're the kind of person who plays solo and 2 hours a week then you don't need to spend anything
Grim dawn is better
>Grim Yawn
Time to play my favorite crpg, Genshin Impact
Favorite role there?
Froggy what are your thoughts on the latest WOTR DLC (serious)?
Femboy enjoyer
It's barebones and borked in terms of all the new bugs it introduced. Devil is still an absolute joke, Galfrey still has barely any content as a character, but at least it's something. The new archetypes are OK, nothing gamebreaking. All in all, it's a big fat nothingburger presented with too much fanfare relative to what it provides, but I never expected anything good from an Owlkek DLC.
I want to play with you
So what do you think are the best archetypes in the game now that it's got the final update? Is titan fighter for double staves a joke or viable?
>>483552846 is not me

tardwrangler for silly animu characters. Besides all the tropes and shiity writing the game is unironically fun but I won't be discussing here because I was funposting and the game's not really a crpg
quit talking to yourself
Is morrowind a crpg
>>483554810 is not me

As I've said, femboy enjoyer, disregard that retard trying to "tee hee im funposting UwU".
Magic Deceiver is decent for DC casting, if you get past the rough early game with barely any spells, but is pretty much useless for dealing damage due to not being able to metamagic fused spells and rods are no replacement for metamagic. Fake Celebrity has potential to be a really strong DC caster, but is hamstrung by a couple of problems:

1. Inhibit Courage (up to -4saves vs fear) does literally nothing so it needs to be fixed.
2. Inhibit Heroics comes online only at level 20 which is pretty late.
3. Both of these abilities do not count as bard songs for the purpose of lingering song so you can't stack them both on a single target for -8 save debuff vs fear.

If Owlkeks fix issues 1 and 3, it'd be a very strong DC caster capable of competing with the Wizard outside of initiative.

Titan Fighter is good, it's just an alternative take on the 2hf - 2nd row damage dealer with no defenses. Good for what it's supposed to do on any difficulty. Dual wielding staves is interesting, if you can cope with the CL loss from the dip, but the game introduced more dispel dispel caster level check bonus stacking tools in the form of dispel focus which now makes DC caster-dispeller type builds even more effective than ever so you might want to not use a second staff and just Wizardmaxx straight to 20 to have the highest CL possible for dispels.

Sable company marine I don't care about. Last time I checked, you couldn't perform a pounce while riding the birb which is a big issue since it gimps your damage compared to other riders.
Is weird/phantasmal dc stacking still the optimal strategy or are enough enemies immune that blasters are better?
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First of all, with the changes to expanded arsenal you can now effortlessly get max spell DC on 2 schools without any feat/gear conflicts so illusionists can easily be masters of both illusion and conjuration and use spells like grease, glitterdust and chains of light when illusion doesn't work. So yeah, I'd say illusion is still and will always be the best school, now more than ever due to no conflicts with at least one backup school.

When it comes to "blasters" as in AoE damage dealers (not ray casters), then you're going to stack evocation DC anyway and in that case you'll be playing both a DC caster and a damage dealer with super strong disables like selective sirocco, extended selective sound burst, extended selective shout, icy prison (mass). So if you build a proper "blaster", you're still stacking DC except now you don't have instakills (unless you're stacking evocation DC as a Lich for Dictum and/or Holy Word), but rely on disables + damage instead.

Both builds absolutely shit on any difficulty. I've played both and I think Illusionist-conjurer is more powerful on paper, but the evoker is more fun since you have such an overabundance of tools to play around with all belonging to just one school.
Don’t be ashamed. Use your name.
whats with the obvious samefagging
His, and every Owltard's job
Every tes game is a rpg.
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I wanna smooch her.
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Cambros when are you gonna post some good art
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He just posted one above your post. And one of the few good ones at that.
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don't mind me, just posting the better cam
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So what's the best caster/mythic combination now and how do you build it?
What does she even have to do with Cam? They're completely different.
she's cam but better
SHITwin is trash
Same as before, nothing has changed in principle, demon wizard is still the best mythic synergy for a DC caster. Only thing that needs to be updated is the endgame gear for even more bonuses due to the newly added items.
Ydwin is better simply because she belongs to a far superior rpg.
Is Ydwin's ass bigger than Cam's? That's the most important thing.
Well, then I'd say Regill is Cam but better.
is there a good resource for pathfinder wotr? just want to look up abilities and numbers and etc. surely fexxtralife isn't the best we have?
I haven't played wotr in a long time, but last time I did even original kingmaker's wiki was way better for wotr stuff than fextra's shit.
The fandom one I think. I don't know if there are better wikis now
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Here is new companion for RT also shows off some enemy genestealer models in vid + assassin armor and moves in combat (animations)
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Wake up, better Cam just dropped, and there's a video narrated by her https://youtu.be/_pwCNWrK0co?si=etoPbtSCK0pZ2fus
dead game
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Marasisters can we include her in the lowerdecking adventures
Depends on how hard the nerfs will hit. I foresee many people getting mad after their parties will get eviscerated mid playthrough by a forced update.
Is early game just grease spam until you get phantasmal?
Edgy path Xoti is Cam though not Ydwin...
I can't help but feel kind of annoyed that they are already making DLC when the base game is still so unfinished.
Thats the sick stratagem, DLC adds cut content back
They've been doing that since... like the start? NWN2 is still plenty buggy and it had DLCs.
How will Froggy or his acolyte cuckpost about her, what shall be the narrative?
Grease and glitterdust.
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>pale skin
>black hair
>blue eyes
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She's ugly
Put the hood back on
Marazhai seven foot deldar bull etc
what roles are we playing today?
>face piercings
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New romance to cuck Yrliet with
sisters is this cultural appropriation ?
why is a whyte woman wearing head dots (south asian) + nose piercing (african) and )lip piercing (south american)
this is very problematic
Musky xenobeasts. Cumtown's doctor Mengele. Aeldar hunks.
Which of these originated from Froggy and which from his minion?
Honestly no idea. I wasn't paying enough attention.
Do you still have the fullbuild saved somewhere and if so can you post it?
I will never get a serious answer from /v/, and I don't really have anywhere else to ask, so...is there a way to make Dragon Age Inquisition not unbearable to play? I just want to enjoy the game without the MMORPG crap.
Which part? If its the combat, not much you can do. If it's the timer, why the fuck is it still there no one likes it, it can be modded out. If it's the quest design where the game asks you to find certain shit, then I think it can still be modded out.
Cheat Engine for infinite resources and instant wartable missions.
God bless Stygian for bothering maintaining a wiki for their game UNLIKE OTHER PEOPLE.
child of bhaal always
Does toybox let you full respec a companion from level 1 or do I need another mod?
I have the old spell DC breakdown, if you want. The build for an illusionist conjurer is either Wizard20 diviner for initiative stacking or Wizard10 (can be exploiter) Loremaster9 for the bonus conjuration spells like Winter's Grasp, Slowing Mud, Creeping Doom, Cave Fangs, Vinetrap and maybe some others, depending on your fancy. The last level you can spend on whatever, including a sorc dip for undead + serpentine bloodline arcanas or for titan fighter to dual wield staves.

The most important feats are double focus in conjuration at the start, spellpen, double focus in illusion, then depending on what you want: selective + extended + heighten metamagics, persistent metamagic if not using touch of law, skill focus knowledge arcana/world for loremaster preset, improved initiative for stacking initiative, double dispel focus + dispel synergy + destructive dispel for dispel maxxing. There are multiple ways to build, depending on what you want, none of them are really wrong.

For mythic feats you just stack 4-5 expanded arsenals including illusion and conjuration (make sure you have 4 spell focus feats before taking EA illusion/conjuration and not just 2) and mythic spellpen.

For mythic abilities you can take whatever: corruptor for stinking cloud and cloudkill, favorite metamagic extended + selective (can make color spray a 2 round stun that ignores friendlies) + optionally persistent when not using touch of law. If you don't want any of that, then you can just take enduring spells and abundant casting (I don't take any of that on an offensive caster).
That doesn't belong in the RPG genre at all. Its an adventure game.
Daily reminder that shitposting and trying to stir up arguments is fundamentally a social activity.
But this is not a healthy way to get your socialization in.
I'm fine with the combat, I really just don't like the filler type quests/content specifically designed to waste your time.
I'll give that a shot
Then definitely get the no timers mod. It's one of the most downloaded for a reason. As for the quests, I'm okay with it since I did lean in on the fact that I'm supposed to be rebuilding stuff but it does bring up the question why I, the leader of the Inquisition, have to do manual labour.
I demand to speak to froggy.
>muh identityyyyy
shut the fuck up cringelord
Give me a (You) right fucking now, froggy
Might as well shut down this general, it's nothing but a discord for froggy asskissers
You can almost taste the discotroon's mental anguish.
IWD2 doesn't have an EE version, but iirc there's some mods that basically bring it up to EE quality?
Yes, there's an EE mod
>reeeeeeeeeeee my tranny game is being made fun of, shut it down nowwwwwwwwwww
We're still not on image limit, you can post the frogs anon.
>y-you're so hot and sexy you must be froggy
Sword Saint obliterates every Wizard except Lich(He's too fat + Phylactery)
>Its been so in BG1
>Its been so in BG2
>Its been so in PF Kingmaker
It is so in Pathfinder Wrath.
Valanon was more funny than Frog-faggot
Round 1: sword tranny can't do anything, because the wizardchad is immune to death via last stand. Swordtranny gets disabled at the end of the round and then PK'd, triggering xer last stand and bringing xer to 1 hp.

Round 2: swordtranny can't do anything, wizardchad twirls his thumbs.

Round 3: swordtranny can't do anything, wizardchad twirls his thumbs.

Round 4: swordtranny's last stand wears off, wizardchad kills xer with a magic missile and deposits a Cleveland Steamer on xer chest.
the cardinal sin on 4chan isn't shitposting or being off-topic or anything, it's being unfunny while doing it
So for Underrail, Black Eels or Scrappers? I don't like how smug Silas is though.
Always black eels, they're integrated into the expedition DLC. Scrappers get nothing.
Man that's bullshit. Then again, I took a quick look at the wiki and saw Scrappers only had like 3 quests why Black Eels get 9. Thanks though.
Indeed: Valanon at least write in funny-annoying way, while Froggy talk like he is full rage, while fap violently
Round 1: Sword GOD one-hits and activates Wizardkek's last stand(no need for a fullround even). Wizardkek is trying:
>A - run away(smart approach) but will still be outpaced and will never leave the zone of control.
>B - casts a spell and no matter what he rolls on concentration he drops the spell via SS's counter-attack class ability
Round 2: Sword Saint uses Dimension gate 3 times in a row
>First: to teleport back home and masturbate to Succ porn
>Second: to teleport into local Furry safe-house called(Krautta Wolfafukka die Burhrhrhoorst) and do world a service
>Third: last quick action to teleport back to Wizardkek who wouldn't be able to penetrate SS's saves anyway because Sword Saint killed his pathetic Court Poet cuck friend yesterday.
>Wizard wastes his second Furry dildo's cast on nothing since it breaks against the CounterHit ability
Round 3: Sword Saint elaborates how he doesn't even need mythic abilities or any equipment at all to be able to:
>Hit Wizard with 95% accuracy even if wizard is actually a sorc and he dipped Oracle for Cha-to-AC + ALL the potential armor buffs he could muster
>Have big dick saves by simply dipping Pali twice
>Not being a deadweight that requires entire team to be built around him
>>Meanwhile Wizard: Casts his third Rodd Grandcuckster dildo spell("NYOOO ACTUALLY HE DID ALL OF THIS ROUND!! DUE TO DEMON'S MYTHIC ABILITY") nobody cares nerd
Round 4: Sword Saint calls his buddy Earth kineticist.
>They both activate anti-magic mythic. Wizard can't do shit no more since his Rodd dildo's battery is OUT
>Both remove their pants and start masturbating while aiming at furryturd wizard demon
>"You'd wish to be an Undead soon, sissy furry boy"
>casts a spell and no matter what he rolls on concentration he drops the spell via SS's counter-attack class ability
Retard doesn't know that swift actions don't trigger attacks of opportunity lol. I had only to read a small sliver of your verbal diarrhea and that was already enough to destroy you. Didn't read the rest of your drivel.
Smarter too. You can tell frogshit is low iq because he devolves into the same 3-4 scripted replies about telling you to neck yourself.
>counter-attack ability is an attack of opportunity
Oh nevermind I thought you was the real one.
Man, these threads are really slow when everyone's playing Elden Ring DLC.
>retard doesn't even know how his dogshit tranny class works
>literally too dumb to read ability descriptions

Nah froggy knows that they don't code shit under same "Class" and that they just copypast the entire "Class" per Subclass which you can see under certain class descriptions like Rager's having "Barbrian" description or Skald's having Bard's.
Away with you pretender.
>Sword Saint elaborates how he doesn't even need mythic abilities or any equipment at all to be able to
>See a merchant selling something you want
>Kill them
>Loot their body
>Said item is no longer there
>In fact he only has 25 gold and a piece of string
Is this good or bad RPG design?
bad, you should be able to get the goods but it should come back to bite you hard some way, or haunt you and cause more reverberations than everyone standing around shrugging about it like "What happened here oh that's terrible" if there's even a reaction.
one way around this would be to have some kind of commissioning process, just something where they're not carting around 1 kajillion gold worth of equipment with some discount guards standing around.
You shouldn't be able to get the goods, because the merchant nay be storing them in a while different place, not his actual body lmao.
>Gang leader's cache at the end of the first chapter's dungeon
>Lockpicking Required: 30
>Some poor peasant's closet at the end of the game
>Lockpicking Required: 90
Yeah, I really dislike anything like that, in service to the player experience at the cost of making any kind of sense. I think we might be in the minority though, players don't seem to mind and developers keep doing it
I know they're doing it for progression but it is annoying to see. I suppose people just don't really pay attention to it that much.
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>crazy bitch
>you can fuck her without feeling guilty because in the setting doing evil things is alright as long as you do it for the Emperor
I'm impregnating that.
Do sanctioned psykers feel less shit now with this update
Bow down to the
Bow down to the king
Vincent won.
Arasaka lost.
>less players than tranny's gape
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Rookie numbers compared to LarianGODS.
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sit the fuck down son
the TRVE RPG experience is here!
>less than 1mil peak
literally who?
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Will Kibellah go harder than him or will she be more toned down?
just keep emptybumping until it's eurogod hours again
>Seize the initiative no longer provides an additional turn to the Offcer
Wow I opened this thread for the first time in months and this sure is depressing
Where did all these schizoid retards come from? Froggy copycats?
Oh wait I think I was just reading froggy samefagging a post and replying to himself nevermind
Any good funny combos with magic deceiver?
>the owlcat general is dead
Oh actually that might be it, I see
Shame this place is literal dogshit now from the looks of it
I think some anons genuinely do this.
What are some good shorter crpgs? I'm looking for something that doesn't have to be a gigantic time sink if I can
Define short because I consider Tyranny shorter than it's contemporaries and you'd still take like 30 or so hours to complete it if you're not rushing.
Tyranny like the OTHER GUY said is not only short but very fun and also replayable
I can't think of anything else they're all huge
Going to probably actually play BG1&2 as a Ranger/Cleric, what am I in for, what difficulty should I start at if ive beaten the moderns like PoE, Pathfinder, BG3 all at their hardest settings? Also any mods/fixes I need, id be playing the Enhanced Editions
Oh actually, divinity original sin is reasonably short if you're not taking your time doing every bullshit you can, the acts are pretty straightforward but there IS a lot to do, might run you a good 2-3 weeks of gameplay though but it's not 10 gorillion years of dicking around a la WOTR at least
I'm enjoying Skald at the moment. I haven't beaten it yet, but GOG claims 16 hours for the main story and 27.5 hours for a completionist run.
Well guess if three are saying it that's a decent suggestion to me. And if I had to define short, like less than 40, 50 hours at absolute most as a gut instinct
Not for nothing but if you can invest 50 hours why cant you invest 80, the fuck is the difference
Loved 1 and 2, they're great to me because you can really get done quick if you got a decent build
I'll take a look into Skald, thanks bro
Hey what was that 5e game where you just dungeon delved, it had this "minimalist" phone-game style UI
>the fuck is the difference
About 30 hours
Baldur's Gate 3.
if you want my opinion, go ham on mods. BG1NPC is good fun though you're getting someone else's voice in there, I think it's nice as an 'old veteran' of the series. Besides, the alternative is them not talking at all, basically.
You should do Hardcore probably. There's a magic mod that I think is really good, some (many, really) of the vanilla spells drop off or are never useful, this helps some of them scale, and I think it's well done and balanced. I also think SCS is a decent recommendation. People tend to use this to add more difficulty, but I don't think it has to be that way, it also just adds more enemy behaviors.
So that's my suggestion but I also think it's totally fine to just play it vanilla.
Things to expect: At first you will die to a single wolf bite. By late BG2 you'll be a god. Also, companions will leave if you promise to help them with their stuff and then don't do it in a timely manner. They'll warn you that they're getting impatient which tells you that you should get moving on it. They also might fight each other if they're really opposed to each other. Imo, don't look this kind of stuff up, just roll with it, make it part of the story. There's around 25 companions across BG1/2, so if you're dragging around a corpse saving up money to resurrect them a third time, and come across someone who wants to join up, maybe it's part of your story that you drop the corpse and move on.
I think that's the best way to play.
nnnnno I specifically said dungeon delved
Shadowrun returns is really fucking short, you could finish it in a weekend.
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Shadowrun Returns
That's it, thanks
If I grab SCS theres a way to add new behaviours without adding more monsters? Ty for the recommendations
I don't recall, sorry. Modding BG is a bit gross. I just piled on mods, it happened to work, and I didn't ask questions.
If you're unsure you can always just not install it, but also you still have a difficulty slider even with SCS. So I believe the answer to your question is yes, but again you'd have to read up if you want to know for sure.
https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/spells/spell_rev/ here's the spell one that I think is pretty good (granted I haven't gone all the way through with it yet, so it could turn out to be ass, but so far I like it and will be keeping it installed forever)
Found a neat interaction with Razmir's mask, if you play in turn based mode you can use the free action to cast a spell, delay your turn and then get another free action to cast another spell, you can repeat this as many times as you can delay your turn in the initiative order.
When you install scs you can choose what gets installed. You can install all the smarter ai stuff and ignore the rest if you want.
I'd just play it vanilla first time but its up to you. bg2 Does get too easy at times if you know what you're doing, I don't play without scs anymore.
CRPGs with S-tier story and decision impact?
That seems less interaction and more bug to me
The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim.
much obliged dovah-KUNT
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Well, you can use free actions and delay your turn normally, this is just exploiting the fact that Razmir's mask makes your first spell a free action, maybe the subsequent turns should not give your that free action spell again.
>Kill Vivec
>Bardau doesn't even move
>No one believes you
Also it's genuinely hilarious that you get marked for death the moment you're seen wearing Ordinator armour even though you're the Nerevarine now.
Actually you can use infinite spells if you alternate delaying turns between two characters, just as long as you don't use anything besides the free action.
Maybe I'm thinking 3.5 rules rather than PF ones, but technically you shouldn't be able to make free actions on someone else's turn (only immediate actions do this, but are limited to one per turn or some shit, and generally aren't worth trying to figure out for vidya), and if you're taking any actions you can't delay your place in initiative, so it's less bug or exploit and more like poor rule implementation.
Hmmm S-tier is hard
It really depends on your preferences to be honest
Final Fantasy 6
I'm thinking about a weird Titan Fighter build that uses Elven Curve Blades and primarily dex (since fighters have plenty of feats).
Are there even two good elven curved blades?
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Its pretty neat that you get special quests for each party member based on their background.
Feels a little awkward that you get them all at the exact some time though, they should have spaced them out across the game.
Do the other campaigns have these quests or is it just the main story?
Can't wait for rogue trader dlc so I can blam the new companion and all her little edgelord friends on my ship
>galfrey content in dance of masks DLC
Anything that makes her feel like a real romantic option outside of some ending slides?
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>openly admitting to being an iconocuck
>only le iconokeks are going to kill my hecking psycho waifu!
Hereticus isn't much better.
honestly even someone like noticula has more "romance" content than her
romancing galfrey is such a big letdown
I generally have a weakness for characters that require extra steps to unlock or fuck or whatever, but in her case it's so unrewarding that it just doesn't really work for me.
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Beat the game three times. Every single playthrough was as dogmatic.
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I am loyal to my wife!

I may be on the angel mythic path...but she's the real angel!
This is just Iomadae with an attitude.
I liked it.
The answer is that you don't lock lots of powerful equipment behind merchants when they can instead be behind quests or limited item trades (with the merchant commissioning the item he trades you for the limited item you had, again, as part of a quest or exploration)
A proper blacksmith that can create any item with limited magical enchantment or unique materials (which you provide) would also remove the trader bloat while not allowing players to create items stronger than artifacts and boss drops.

In fact even tabletop pathfinder had hard limits to the kinds of items merchants could sell.
Just make the poor peasant chest not actually have anything good in it, lower the dc, then put the good loot where it makes sense.
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but then everyone stops looting barrels and cabinets forever and game playthroughs drop by 40+ hours
AOE baleful polymorph/Hideous laughter.
AOE targeted Greater dispel or dispel that lets you steal all magical effects on an enemy (permanent becomes 1 hour for you, which means it's 24 hours) but you can't control the effects you steal (Transformation is death, can steal debuffs, oops)
any damage die spell cast at 6th level has its scaling by caster level uncapped, metamagic rods work with spells.
You'd think these people get paid by the hours you waste or some shit for all that stuff
>Titan Fighter build that uses Elven Curve Blades
Dress naked find a head item that looks like a pot and name your character "Let me reddit her".
I will be considerably happier removing the tedium of the game for any game. Wasting your time with looting everything bolted down is not good game design.
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is vince going crazy?
what this
vince was always mentally ill
he literally used to get butthurt and argue with peotall day over balancing issues in his game
plus his get good cult is also as butthurt as him
if you don't play the game exactly minmaxxed according to "their" ways
no sex no buy
what's the use of playing as an anime girl ?
I would rather havrt sex with an anime girl
Do the shitposters here actually play CRPGs or are they just too busy saying and posting the exact same things in every thread over and over again
Most of the discourse is just shitposting about romance options or arguing with the village idiot, but every once in a while people talk about details related to actually playing games
They constantly play Pathfinder and when they're not doing that they're shitposting here
80% of posts are from one mentally ill loser
15% are people who only play owlslop. Their first crpg was wotr and they never moved on
5% are people who actually play crpgs.
Post your the ultimate, subhuman. You do know what I'm talking about, do you? You do actually play rpgs, right?
oh my god your schtick is so tedious, how do you keep it up so constantly

please stop being boring
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>y-you d-don't p-play r-rpgs!
>yes, I do, now prove that you do
>umm akshually...

Never open your dumb mouth in the presence of veterans of the genre, child.
On the one hand I agree, but also I think removing that is just simplifying and streamlining your experience of the world, which I don't like.
How would you feel if there was about 50% fewer barrels and cabinets, but also way more personalized items, and items that have the potential to become useful or at least interesting? Think golden pantaloons, or Jubilost signing his book if you have it on you
I remember finding it a big letdown that all this seemingly unique loot in the owlcat games has the singular purpose of being sold. So maybe, less of that, and more unique stuff?

I'm of two minds on the container-searching minigame.
Searching every crack and crevice in a dungeon sort of makes sense as people intentionally hide shit in those. Having to search through every peasant's boxes of cabbages is just insulting to everyone involved
>muh ultimates
imagine being such a looser that your only accomplishments in life is collecting cheevos
rope yourself frogtroony
Sable Company Ranger in Pathfinder may as well be unusuable imo, the pet is way too fucking big.
Imagine pretending to play rpgs only to be proven that you don't. I accept your seething concession.
>frog is german
>obsessed with shit and its consumption
the jokes write themselves
Best girl

Camdogs seething
that and trannys
are there a lot of them over there or something
I've noticed over the years that the people who scream about trannies and seem to continually think about them usually consume vast amounts of porn featuring them.
given he can't post without talking about that and/or eating shit I assumed as much
>usually consume vast amounts of porn featuring them.
Nothing wrong with appreciating a feminine body with a nice cock.
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Almost done with Elden Bing Bing Wahoo DLC, back to playing roles.
Eilistraee loves you as well, anon!
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I love Nenio, she's fun, I hope I can further promote her scientific research
Scientific research into finding the most ergonomic kissing positions with snooty foxgrills...
I have Camellia for that, but I wouldn't mind giving her scratches behind the ears, foxes have very soft fur
I miss the /crpgg/ old guard. At least Valanon and Monkposter were fun and were discussing RPGs.
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this is fucking horrifying
99% shit posters and 1% tourists from /bgg/
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The path of Aeon, also known as the path of the cuck.
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guys i need help wtf is this shit? there is no status anywhere, i cant cure it, i have no idea how it happened. how the fuck do i deal with this? google did not help
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Neither of you shitposting retards play RPGs.
Known bug, no solution to this shit other than respeccing the character. But before you respec and waste a shitload of cash, try killing the character and reviving them just in case (won't help, but just in case).
i really want to love and play all the spiderweb soft games, but every title the game lacks character variety. after playing avernum 1, i tried out all the other franchises only to be disappointed when they are all a reskin of the same rpg mechanics.
That would likely be from being at negative heath, but not dead. Maybe sleep and paralysis do it too, but I didn't remember. If it's lasting out of combat and your horse has no status effects it's probably a bug
I wouldn't be shocked if there's weird animal companion bugs at the moment
As for fixing it, I dunno. Worst case respeccing would probably work since it's just an animal companion, but I'm sure it can be unfucked in toy box
Have you tried Avadon? If anything, that game has character in spades and has some good C&C (especially in the 2nd and 3rd games).

It's a known bug that can happen to any character, not just animal companions.
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Owlkeks should buff Xnathir's saves or something.
the only ones I got into were the geneforge series but they're pretty good
Post his statblock.

>two (2) foxes
I should do the same.
How did you build your foxes?
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can someone tell me how to use toybox to unfuck this stupid horse? i tried just adding more dex but that still didnt do anything.
I know nothing about this bug, but it looks like it might be some kind of modifier/buff. Maybe you can just inspect the horse in your party and remove the 'helpless' buff?
Like the other anon said, you could try respec too
i saw 2 entries for the helpless buff in toybox, and neither of them were active. i tried turning them on and off but nothing happens. can i just give myself a bunch of gold and respec somewhere? where do i go to respec?
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His saves are laughable at this point in the game.

Nenio is a Scroll Savant 20 DC caster and dispeller, not going loremaster with her so that I can get the level 15 and 20 Scroll Savant bonus feats for the dispel focus which I will need once I go Devil.

The other memefox is CourtPoet16/Loremaster3/ScaledFist1 tank and buffer via insightful contemplation to selfboost AC, boost my MC's and Regill's smite chaos and at the same time Nenio's spell DC. Loremaster levels are for self-casting Mage Armor and Shield (to eliminate reliance on Shield scrolls).

You can't unfuck it with memebox. It's fucked good. You have to respec.
Any new, fun high fantasy cRPGs you'd recommend? The more obscure, the better.
Bonus points if they have romances.
>frog is resorting to talking to himself
sheesh he's really let himself go these days, huh
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If you want obscure, try to dig up this piece of shit, kek. Won't be as easy as you think.

And play Black Geyser: it's both non-mainstream and has romances.
I looked on every digital storefront, ebay, and every grey market key reseller and none of them had that game. People say it wasn't that great and you're not missing much but I would still at least like to try it. I'm hesitant to pirate it since I haven't done that since I was a kid.

Oh well.
I've played Sword Coast Legends. It was... alright, I guess. The moon elf cleric was cute, and then I realized that the devs cut the romances mid-production.
I think I did play Black Geyser when it was in EA. I don't know what to think of it.
32 touch AC. Kek.
he's been doing it for a while now
SCL is a very mediocre rpg at best, but it's still a high fantasy DnD adventure so for those who like the setting it's worth playing.

And Black Geyser is a BG1-like.
I think it's because the game's servers got shut down, so it no longer has the access to it's online features that was supposed to be their selling point.
Because, sure, fuck the offline component, let's delist the game entirely.
>Black Geyser is a BG1-like.
Only worse in every way.
who's the europoor unironically trying to gatekeep CRPGs all thread kek
Better in every way, because it has much more developed C&C, mutually exclusive companion personal quests which always lead to a dramatic end for some and also isn't written for infantile 9-year olds full of meme characters. Also much better encounter design and combat system in general (being able to block without a shield simply due to wearing heavy armor was a very nice addition).
Calm down, shill. Take it easy on the stock phrases too, really makes you look like a bot.
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Prove you actually played the game and that your opinion should not be discarded on the spot as inane ramblings of a shit-eating subhuman talking about games he never played. Go on, tranimal filth.
This is a underRail general btw.
>no matter what class I play in WoTR I get bored
It's fucking over. I've gotten to act 3 twice since the new dlc came out and instantly quit.
>immediate meltdown over a literal asset rip of PoE
Frog, you're really getting more and more pathetic these days
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>can't prove he played the game, because he didn't

And thus any verbal diarrhea falling from your mouth can be immediately discarded. Snap your fucking neck, shit-eating subhuman. You don't play RPGs.
froggy tapping into his russian ancestry I see
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>retard who doesn't play RPGs has opinions on games he never played

kys trash

Exposing lying poser subhumans like you who talk about things they know nothing about is what I do daily, kek.
>u no proof? U no play games at all!
Yeah, definitely going for the whole deranged russian "everyone is out to get me" rethoric.
Nobody wants to have a serious discussion when the resident schizo spends half his waking hours monitoring the thread to shitpost. Popular topics are why some titles are not rpgs and why he wants to fuck something furry and why you should snap your neck.
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>"Respeccc muh opinion on games I never played!"

Nah, I'd rather shit down your throat.
You forgot to mention that he sometimes snaps completely and starts samefagging because absolutely no one even bother to reply to him.
yeah, I only managed to finish it once myself and that was when I thought up a backstory and character as though I was playing tabletop
If you're going to be in generals on 4chan, you need to learn how to either ignore schizos or get 4chan-x and filter them. The only reason they continue to be a problem is people feeding them (You)s.
What prompt did you put into the ai to get this image bro? It looks good.
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>retardbabble about games he never play

Didn't read lol

You don't play RPGs and know nothing of the genre.
When the game first came out I played every mythic path and I thought a 3 year hiatus would be enough to not get bored when I replayed. I played a caster for the first time and it still wasn't enough to carry my interest.
>Nah, I'd rather shit down your throat
Yeah we already know about your scat fetish, thats not relevant to the conversation
>The only reason they continue to be a problem is
because they don't get banned. As someone said earlier, at some point schizoids just start samefagging because they are mentally ill. Ignoring them does nothing because they just shit up the entire thread, especially if thread is slow, and since no one else engages with them, you end up with an entire thread full of incoherent gibberish a la "this gaem no rpg!!!!" repeated over and over.
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Yeah, we already know you're a shit-eater who doesn't play RPGs and knows nothing of the genre.
sometimes you just are done with a game, I doubt I could replay wotr if I'd finished every mythic
See, that's the main reason I stopped posting playthroughs. Too much work and in the end it will get drowned in shitposting anyway.
Well, maybe you just posted playthroughs of bad games that aren't even crpgs?
Hey, stop stealing my ideas, I started that kind of meme playthrough yesterday. I'm also going Azata

I was completely getting carried by the party in act 1, being the least contributing member.
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You can't post playthroughs of games you never played.
I had trouble getting through one run. The march on Dresden was the best part of the game. Going into the Abyss was pretty interesting thanks to the weirdness of it, but I never want to run around that city again.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Action-"rpg"-slop not that different from Diablo 3.
They shouldn't have made Drezen sound so similar to a real city. My brain translates it automatically.
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Post Diablo 3 multi-solution quests with said alternative solutions depending on character building choices.
I was excited for the new archetypes but it still wasn't enough to draw my attention fully. Even Mantis Zealot which is really strong ended up boring me. Maybe I need to find the right build but you're probably right and it's just a case of being done with the game.
>depending on character building choices.
Nothing in Skyrim depends on your character build, or your race or anything else.
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Yep, I did play the game. You didn't. Therefore all of your nonsense is immediately dismissed as inane ramblings of an ignorant buffoon.
crpg. Diablo on the other hand is gacha/looter shooter tier of games containing character building elements - i'm not calling it rpg on purpose
>Nothing in Skyrim depends on your character build
Wrong, retard. Post yourself passing the persuasion check in my previous post with no investment in speechcraft. You know nothing of the genre and your opinions are worthless dogshit.
>because they don't get banned
That's the nature of 4chan. Moderation has always been spurious and the introduction of generals only made it worse. That's why I filter and ignore. Sometimes half the thread is just hidden replies, but that doesn't really bother me much.
I believe that frogger lives in Dresden and that's why he hates WotR so much while loving it.
Role playing = convincing random AI generated NPC to give you 20 gold because you put points in speech
>Wrong, retard.
>Your Speech skill determines the chance of successfully being able to get information out of an NPC using intimidation or persuasion.
It doesn't matter if you "spec" into speech, you can just keep reloading a save until you pass.
You not knowing this proves that you haven't played the game.
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>Owlcat Marzipan should have been female, goth murderfu so good
>but like possibly not a xenos so I could date her while maintaining my fash roleplay
>Owlcat drops a waifu to anon's exact requirements
>no one cares

>reloading a save until you pass
>success rate depends on investment which immediately contradicts his original claim of "Nothing in Skyrim depends on your character build"
Kek, this retard just destroyed himself lol.
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Combat encounters are fairly brutal even on the normal difficulty. I have seen two mercs that I can hire so far, but I usually only run with story companions in CRPGs. Does anyone know if you're expected to hire mercs?
The fact is that nothing, in any of Skyrim's quests is actually dependant on your character build.
In PoE you get different dialogue options depending on your stats, personality and patron diety even, options that you CANNOT access unless, you guessed it - your character build allows you to do so.
>nothing, in any of Skyrim's quests is actually Dependant on your character build.
Yes, it does, retard, I already annihilated you on this outright lie. Skillchecks don't need to be binary (i.e. either 100% fail or 100% pass) like they are in New Vegas, for example, many RPGs including DnD and PF games have percentage based success rates that scale with your investment in the related aspect of character building (e.g. skills), that doesn't make them non-RPGs, because the success rate still depends on your character building choices.

>b-but other options besides skills!
Contribute to roleplaying depth, but are not necessary for roleplaying to exist by definition. You're not moving the goalposts, retarded subhuman, you're not as "smart" as you think you are.

You know nothing of the genre and your opinions can be instantly discarded as retardbabble.
Hiring mercs was a legit advertised feature and there's even an in-game lore explanation for it. I don't see why you would limit yourself to a no-merc run.
Are dating sims rpgs? you can level up your stats to seduce the girls better
>many RPGs including DnD and PF games have percentage based success rates
Prove it. Especially the "many" part.
>by definition
Your deranged definition, that is. But good attempt at moving the goalposts tho.
Age of Wonders 4 is an RPG. You even have multiple ways to approach the main quest.
I usually skip mercs because games give you more than enough story companions to fill up your party and I can't be bothered speccing and outfitting characters I'll discard anyway.
>retard doesn't understand that making a d20 + modifier roll is a percentage based success rate

Kek, I don't think it's possible to be any more retarded.

>my definition
Wrong. I see we have a retarded newfag here so it's time to start educatin':

>"I do not, and I stress NOT, believe that the RPG is "storytelling" in the way that is usually presented. If there is a story to be told, it comes from the interaction of all participants, not merely the Game Master--who should not a "Storyteller" but a narrator and co-player! The players are not acting out roles designed for them by the GM, they are acting in character to create the story, and that tale is told as the game unfolds, and as directed by their actions, with random factors that even the GM can't predict possibly altering the course of things. Storytelling is what novelists, screenwriters, and playwrights do. It has little or no connection to the RPG, which differs in all aspects from the entertainment forms such authors create for."

Google who said this, retard.

>"acting in character to create the story"
This is the key. This is what a RPG is. What does it mean to "act in-character"? It means to act in a certain way based on how you as a player define your character during the character generation and advancement process. Note that you cannot act in-character, if you don't define the character! So any game where you don't get to define your character yourself through various game systems is not a RPG by definition! Games that provide you with an already predefined character are also not RPGs by definition: "The players are not acting out roles designed for them by the GM."

What does it mean "create the story"? It means the outcomes of your interactions with the world, characters and the narrative are not set. This is accomplished through quests and encounters having multiple solutions that create different outcomes and thus create variation in the narrative, i.e. the "story."
Part of the story is you having connections to a merc company, not even from an in-game lore perspective does it make any sense to skip mercs in Skald, let alone from a pure gameplay perspective.
I know it's part of the story, but even the mercs have a story companion in Roland. Custom mercs is just about my laziness, but if the game is expecting me to hire them and isn't going to fill up my party quickly with story companions I'll go hire them.
>Google who said this, retard.
I don't really care who said it, and since you feel the need to play coy and not actually name this person it's reasonable to assume that they don't know jack. Also, quoting someone saying they "believe in something" is like the opposite of presenting a definition.
>It means to act in a certain way based on how you as a player define your character during the character generation and advancement process
Diablo 3 is an RPG since you act exactly in the way that your character, who has clearly defined personality and goals, is ought to.
You really don't understand that you're simply shooting yourself in the foot with your own overly vague and nonsensical arguments, do you?
World of Warcraft? A multiplayer rpg with a persistent world
Had you known anything about the genre, you wouldn't need to google anything so thanks for confirming that you know nothing. Opinions of fathers of the genre like Gygax > your worthless dogshit ignorant verbal diarrhea that is not even worth reading.

>Diablo 3 is an RPG since you act exactly in the way that your character, who has clearly defined personality and goals, is ought to.
Wrong, retard, you can't even read:

>"The players are not acting out roles designed for them by the GM, they are acting in character to create the story, and that tale is told as the game unfolds, and as directed by their actions"

In a proper RPG quests and encounters have multiple solutions that allow the players to alter the story in one way or another based on their character building choices. Your shitty hack&slash garbage has no multi-solution quests where the alternative solutions would depend on character building choices, thus it's not a RPG, but linear hack&slash trash where players play predefined roles - the very anathema to roleplaying as per Gaygax.

Feel free to snap your ignorant neck.
She is not out yet.
Sorry, but you're wrong. Just google it.
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MMOs can be RPGs, but not MMORPGs are RPGs.
Alright fine, what am I in for?
Nice arguments, retard. You could've proven me """wrong""" by providing an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo, but we all know it doesn't exist and thus I am forced to accept your pitiful, squeaky-voiced concession.
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A BG1-like RPG, except with more C&C. With waifus and an cool alchemy system. My advice: don't underestimate powders, some of them are insanely powerful. Also, pick the companions you want to stay with and stick by them in their quests, not everyone gets a happy ending depending on your mutually-exclusive choices. And decide whether you want to be greedy or generous from the start, these two playthroughs are quite different.
>dlc companion
Most of the playerbase left after the dogshit release. Of course no one is hyped nor cares. You are delusional if you don't think a dark elf waifu wouldn't have been more popular than the twink faggot.
I'm sorry, but had you known anything about the genre, you wouldn't need to google anything so thanks for confirming that you know nothing.
I'm not the one who needed googling, retard. Thanks for destroying yourself yet again.
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wotr won
>I'm not the one who needed googling
Obviously you do need googling, since you have no argument and don't even know what you're talking about. I mean, can you prove me wrong? Can you, like, google?
Already proven you wrong. You cannot present an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo, therefore it's not a RPG per Gygax as you do not acting in character (picking in-character actions from a multitude of alternatives) to create the story (interactions with the game create a nonlinear story).
...the shit game competition
Why are you so averse to googling? You demand that people spoonfeed you while simlutaneously deriding them for supposedly not knowing something. Educate yourself, froggy. Or are you so deathly afraid of facting the simple fact that you're wrong?
You cannot google something that does not exist. There are no multi-solution quests or story nonlinearities that depend on character building choices in Shitablo. You don't even know how your own hack&slash trash works, let alone anything RPG related lol.
>refuses to google and doubles down on his obsession with Diablo
Frog status - mindbroken. Somehow.
There is nothing to google. It does not exist. You have no clue how your own shitablo works - the game you are obsessively trying to present as a RPG when it's not.

You have no clue about anything. I will annihilate your wrong dogshit opinions as many times as I'll need to.
>There is nothing to google. It does not exist.
So now you are just flat out denying reality instead of educating yourself. Figures that you would do that since you already demonstrated that you don't know anything about rpgs and games in general.
>denies reality by being incapable of presenting an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo

Kek, this retard is mindshattered. Bring in the next one.
>muh Diablo
It's cute that you think that changing the subject will make your ignorance less obvious. Cute, but also wrong.
It's not about Diablo, never was. Your ideas about what is and is not RPG are wrong, and you would know that if you googled it. But you don't. Because you're a scared little scat-obsessed frog.
>retard obsesses over trying to prove that his hack&slash garbage is a RPG
>gets utterly annihilated
>"ur obsessed! it's n-not about shitablo!"

>retard denies reality by being incapable of presenting an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo
>"ur denying reality!"

>"Your ideas"
>when the quotes presented belong to one of the fathers of the genre

Absolutely mindbroken. Trying to move goalposts for the n-th after getting shit shoved down his throat.
No one cares about Camellia compared to the twink faggot
Weird how you feel so insecure that you have to just completely ignore reality and invent a scenario where you beat up a strawman.
All because you're scared of using Google.
Prove that I'm ignoring reality by presenting an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo.

Here's my proof that you're ignoring reality: you cannot present an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo.

Proceed to snap your dumb neck.
>Prove that I'm ignoring reality by engaging in my retarded attempt to change the subject.
Mmm, no. Feel free to seethe about Diablo some more, though, I'm sure at some point you will convince yourself that all other points you chose to ignore were never real, lol
Come back when you're ready to talk about your complete lack of knowledge about what rpgs are.
>outright admits he has no example
Kek, I accept your seething, shitstained concession. Don't forget to snap your fucking neck.
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she won
>the same exact """"discussion"""" every day every week every month
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I forgot how this fight was pure cock and ball torture as a solo player.
Schizophrenia is a terrible disorder.
Why would you name your character "Urinal"?
Actually, virtually all of the so-called (c)RPGs are not role-playing games, but a kind of skirmish wargame like their mechanical ancestors, or if you want a more descriptive name, then "Baldursgatelike" or "build optimization game with visual novel elements". After all, they make no credible effort at
1) Thematic simulation-esque mechanics: as a matter of fact, genre conventions and core mechanics such as character progression mechanics go well past stretching credulity (are you supposed to believe that a character who has a lifetime of experience will become a demigod during an adventure lasting a few weeks, or indeed, that what appears to be a regular cultist appearing late in the story is a demigod in its own right?). That's putting aside more grounded considerations, such as a character at the absolute peak of achievable human strength (20STR) having ¼ chance of failing "an average" (DC 10) feat of strength: actually it's not even just that, but if you look at how stat checks are actually used in these games, what they are actually about is laid bare. For example, moving a pile of rubble might be a strength check, but as a matter of fact anyone should be able to move the pile of rubble, they'd only be slower about it. The very concept of "failing" to move a pile of rubble is complete nonsense, which demonstrates the mechanic of skill checks isn't there to facilitate character-building from a narrative perspective, but as a stick to encourage or even force the players to make numbers go up for their own sake.
poor frog is absolutely DESTROYED
Per your own words:
>Had you known anything about the genre, you wouldn't need to google anything so thanks for confirming that you know nothing.
You don't know anything, you need to google it, therefore you're wrong. Eks dee.
2) Emergent storytelling: Basically, they are structured just like visual novels, in a branching tree of "routes". It doesn't actually matter what you do per-mechanics (which is might as well, because it's suspect what if anything the player character does is "real", given that the mechanics are obviously game-y nonsense that can't be real): if you ransack the cupboards and cellars of entire cities (as you are so routinely mechanically encouraged to do) and kill thousands of people, nothing. If you execute a child murder-rapist, then the game narrative might start treating you as a tyrant, because this happened during the choose-your-adventure/visual novel segments of the game.

Overall, it can be surmised that the conventional systems and structure of (c)RPGs actively discourages playing in-character (as it's e.g. taken for granted that the player is to act like a kleptomaniac outside the VN-component, regardless of personality and goals of the character), and in no way do they mechanically facilitate such a playstyle: in fact you have to actively ignore all of the mechanics and wave them away. There are role-playing games playable on computers however, like Dominions, Crusader Kings, or UnReal World. They tend to be designed to encourage players to set their own RP-goals (or, anyhow, mechanical incentives for "winning" tend to line up with what player might want to do in-character), the emergent narrative takes into account player actions (if you e.g. commit tyrannical acts, other characters in the game consider you a tyrant, and the emergent narrative will take this into account: if you tax the population so harshly as to leave them below subsistence level, the next chapter of the narrative will likely see a dwindling tax base and peasant revolts), and they at least strive for thematic mechanics such that the actions you take in the game can meaningfully be considered "true" in terms of the narrative.
One cannot educate himself on something that exists in your schizoid skull, subhuman. You are incapable of presenting an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo, because it exists solely in your inflamed imagination. Proceed to neck yourself.
>It doesn't exist... because it just doesn't, okay?!
frog is officially in complete shambles
>Diablo diablo diablo
No one asked, tho. Your problem is that you don't know anything about RPGs, regardless of Diablo. And the fact that you feel the need to go into complete denial and just mindlessly obsess over it only proves that you're scared to actually discuss what RPGs are... because deep inside your shit-obsessed froggy head, you know you're complety retarded and ignorant.
>BG was babby's first RPG

Yeah, everything that comes after this already can be dismissed. You could've at least used something like Wasteland or Darklands or Realms of Arkania. But Babbysfirst Gate? Lmao.

>muh creduility
It's a role playing GAME, not a role simulator. Some game related abstractions and realism concessions to facilitate smoother gameplay are inevitable.

>anyone should be able to move the pile of rubble, they'd only be slower about it
This purely depends on the GM. Some RPGs like WotR actually do this as well: on a failed athletics check it just takes you a couple of hours plus exhaustion to do what could've been done in minutes on a successful athletics check.

>the mechanic of skill checks isn't there to facilitate character-building
The mechanic of skillchecks is there as a tool to create connection between character building choices and the ability to stay in-character in certain situations.

>encourage or even force the players to make numbers go up for their own sake.
You can have roleplaying without numbers, just create class, background, origin, race, whatever reactivity. Dragon Age does this.

>they are structured just like visual novels
Visual novels don't have a connection between character building choices and availability of alternative solutions.

>in a branching tree of "routes"
Which is fine. Every RPG has a certain roleplaying depth. Games that allow infinite different story outcomes have infinite roleplaying depth, but a game does not need to have infinite roleplaying depth to be a RPG, it needs to have some in order to belong to the genre.

>it can be surmised that the conventional systems and structure of (c)RPGs
Work perfectly fine to create a simulation of the tabletop experience of limited roleplaying depth, which is enough for the game to be a RPG.

Basically, your entire post is a big nothingburger: just a pile of graphomania with no purpose.
>retard gets obsessed over diablo trying to prove it's a "RPG"
>"ur obsessed"
Kek, he's doing it again.

Presenting an example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo like you claimed it has, lying subhuman shit-eater.
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It's an RPG because it has levels and stats
What roles are you guys playing today?
>Diablo Diablo Diablo I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU LALALA Diablo Diablo Diablo
Again, nice work at trying to change the subject from "Froggy doesn't know what RPG actually is" to "muh Diablo".
Kinda amusing, even if ultimately completely pointless.
>Some game related abstractions and realism concessions to facilitate smoother gameplay are inevitable.
You're heard it here first, folks, Disco Elysium is a crpg.
>tries to pretend shitablo is a "RPG"
>gets destroyed

>tries to pretend the arguments I'm providing are my own invention instead of the definitions laid down by the fathers of the genre
>gets destroyed

>attempts to move goalposts multiple times
>gets destroyed

Kek, this retard is a real glutton for punishment. Any news on that example of a multi-solution quest or story nonlinearity that depend on character building choices in Shitablo? Yeah, thought so, lol.
I'm role-playing someone who isn't sad and lonely
>no gameplay
>no combat
>No "slay" solution as part of the available solution archetypes
Not a rpG. Enjoy your novel.
>No "slay" solution as part of the available solution archetypes
It's a role playing GAME, not a role simulator. Some game related abstractions and realism concessions to facilitate smoother gameplay are inevitable.
Things are getting pretty hectic in the Camellia Role Playing Games General.
There are three archetypal solutions: sneak, speak, slay. Multi-solution quests provide solution alternatives that are various combinations of these three archetypal solutions. If your solution archetypes are limited to only "speak"... then you have no alternatives, lol. You just have a role of a talker forced upon you which is anathema to RPGs as per Gygax: "The players are not acting out roles designed for them by the GM."
That's sad, anon. Have you considered playing something silly and more cheerful than most CRPGs? I've been feeling a bit down recently too and started playing Genshin Impact, not trolling. Completely different game, but sometimes we need the change of pace. World's gone crazy.
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>There are three archetypal solutions: sneak, speak, slay. Multi-solution quests provide solution alternatives that are various combinations of these three archetypal solutions.
Therefore, if there's any quest doesn't provide all three solutions at the same time, the game isn't RPG anymore.
>You just have a role of a talker forced upon you which is anathema to RPGs as per Gygax
And in every Gygax module the game revolved around fighting or traveling from one combat encounter to another. Which means his own game isn't RPG.
>Therefore, if there's any quest doesn't provide all three solutions at the same time, the game isn't RPG anymore.
That's your retarded strawman, I said exactly the opposite:
>Every RPG has a certain roleplaying depth. Games that allow infinite different story outcomes have infinite roleplaying depth, but a game does not need to have infinite roleplaying depth to be a RPG, it needs to have some in order to belong to the genre.

You can't have infinite roleplaying depth in a crpg, therefore it's limited by definition. You doN't need to have every quest provide alternative solutions that involve combinations of all three archetypal solutions, you just need some for the game to belong to the genre.

But what happens when your only available solution is "speak"? You have no alternatives, lol. You can't play the role of a detective who goes around shooting people and telling them that they should die, because he doesn't like them. Why? Because you have the role of a diplomat forced upon you which already makes it a non-RPG since there is no roleplaying depth.

>fighting or traveling from one combat encounter to another
Because combat is inherently a part of RPGs since RPGs sprang out as tabletop wargames lol. This doesn't mean that combat was the only thing present in game sessions.

Gygax himself both clearly defined and then denounced hack&slash type of gaming - the type of gaming you've described:
>"As false to the game form as the pre-scripted "story," is play that has little more in it than seek and destroy missions, vacuous effort where the participants fight and kill some monster so as to gain more power and thus be able to look for yet more potent opponents in a spiral that leads nowhere save eventual boredom. So pure hack and slash play is anathema to me too."
>This doesn't mean that combat was the only thing present in game sessions.
>Um, bro, you could, like, talk to the monster before inevitably fighting him anyway! It's not all combat!
Uh-uh, right. So much for variety and all that roleplaying stuff and multiple approaches.
>Gygax himself both clearly defined and then denounced hack&slash type of gaming
...While simultaneously gleefully engaging in this type of gaming. Over, and over again. I guess that's why you fellate him so much - you love hypocricy and cope.
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I think Skald has one of the best combat logs of any CRPG I have played. It is extraordinarily clear exactly why a dice roll was resolved the way it was.
>party interactions between players don't exist

>While simultaneously gleefully engaging in this type of gaming
That's your schizo fantasy and the exact opposite of what Gygax both did AND said. It's literally our schizo elusions against his own words I already quoted lmao.
If you like Skald overall, be sure to check out Knights of the Chalice.
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I'm trying to play the role of Hellknight-commander of the fifth crusade, but it's too hot to play anything.
It does look interesting, but I'm not entirely sure since it's using DnD 3.5. I usually find DnD a bit too random for my taste with the constant misses at lower levels.
>constant misses at lower levels
skill issue
>interactions between players = "speak" option
So it's okay to have a completely linear story that consists of "Clear this dungeon", story that doesn't allwo you any other solution or option other than "kill the enemy", as long as there are some completely inconsequential banter between party members?
>completely linear story
>inconsequential banter

Kek, literal strawman warrior attacking scenarios that exist only in his schizo head.

There's plenty of randomness in KotC, but it's also a game with an overall higher challenge level than Skald. If you like the combat in skald from a challenge point of view, KotC is the next logical step. Or at least Temple of Elemental Evil then KotC.
>Kek, literal strawman warrior attacking scenarios that exist only in his schizo head.
Bro, have you ever read any of Gygax' modules? It's pure combat with a few traps thrown inbetween.
>vacuous effort where the participants fight and kill some monster so as to gain more power and thus be able to look for yet more potent opponents in a spiral that leads nowhere save eventual boredom
Funny you quote this when you play the exact same characters and builds every single time and go on tirades whenever someone suggests something different from your pre approved builds.
I do enjoy the combat in Skald, but it has a key difference from DnD in that you hit and get hit fairly easily, but there is also focus on mitigating damage with the soak system. I find it much more enjoyable than DnD where my experience is more binary, i.e. either you hit/get hit and kill/die or you miss. That said, I'll definitely keep them in mind.
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>Bro, have you ever read any of Gygax' modules? It's pure combat with a few traps thrown inbetween.

Lmao. Have you? Tell me how Gygax's modules have no roleplaying, kek.
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I was expecting the game to start describing her hag titties. I'm slightly disappointed.
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Kind of a dick move, placing these guys so close to your first trolls and the fast travel point for this side of the map. Annoying if you aren't quicksaving every other minute. A bit too soon to say for certain, but it does feel sometimes that this game expects you to either savescum constantly or play with a walkthrough open.
>it's just statblocks and more statblocks
lmao even
As we've said repeatedly, men psychos are the ones who sell, not women.
Going off the beaten path early is painful. Expect some really gnarly clusters of monsters that will wreck you if you do it. But I do think you're mostly safe if you stick to the road.
By this definition Final Fantasy 7 isnt a role playing game. I have no problem with that but its a bit much to ask that everyone stop calling the games most known as ‘RPGs’ something else. Even if every ‘founder’ of RPGs was unanimous in their definition of what an RPG is and isnt the way people use the term has long since moved on. Diablo 3 definitely isnt one though iunno what that other guy is on about
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>retarded poser doesn't even understand what he's seeing
Kek, as expected. The players can interact with all those shitloads of NPCs and, surprise: roleplay their characters!

If Gygax's modules are "all combat and traps" as you say, then why do they feature shitloads of characters players can interact with it?

You fucking mongoloid.
>By this definition Final Fantasy 7 isnt a role playing game
Of course it's not, jrpgs have nothing to do with rpgs same way therapists have nothing to do with rapists.

>its a bit much to ask that everyone stop calling the games most known as ‘RPGs’ something els
Don't care what casuls who know nothing of the genre think. Genre mislabeling to sell a couple more copies by "catering" (pretending to cater) to a certain audience is nothing new. If some marketer says his game is a RPG, it doesn't mean it's actually a RPG.
Well, that's why I felt slightly annoyed - because these giant-size man-things were standing right next to trolls basically, so I kinda ended up aggroing them by walking slightly to the right. Which naturally meant I had to reload and then kill the trolls again.
If you have a rogue or someone else with stealth, try scouting ahead to check out enemy group comps.
What mythic path do you even play as that? I was going to do one myself but true aeon feels awful unless you wanna lean into a badly written Dredd character and Devil comes far too late to feel worth it.
>If Gygax's modules are "all combat and traps" as you say, then why do they feature shitloads of statblocks and loot that players get when they kill and rob everyone
Truly, a mystery.
But I suppose for you "roleplaying" means having stats, and not much else.
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Are the only bosses in the midnight isles standalone mode just star rattle over and over again with more buffs?
Fair enough desu I cant come up with any particular reason to call it an rpg except thats always the box ive had it in. Im going to think up a list of games and ask you guys if youd call them rpgs or not later
Aeon into devil, I'm balancing true aeon points with devil points at n:n-1 ratio.

>"C-characters are only statblocks!"
>*gets proven wrong by characters having descriptions of their personalities*

>multiple ways to interact with shitloads of characters and get useful clues/info that lead to further roleplaying opportunities with other NPCs, get additional items and xp, depending on what your characters are
>not roleplaying
no there are others, you have to fight them multiple times because they game resets every time you beat the boss of the run
If I had to make the case I guess itd come down to theres times when you feel youre ‘pretending to be cloud’ even if the narrative is on a set track, whereas theres never really a moment you feel youre ‘pretending to be mario’ or ‘pretending to be master chief’. But maybe thats just too subjective and some lunatics really did ‘pretend to be mario’ - moreover I would say most of the time you arent actually projecting yourself as cloud or whoever your jrpg protagonist is.
I was thinking of maybe doing a werid one as an evil trickster hellknight, and persuading regil to stay on when he wants to leave. Not sure how bad the 4th wall breaking writing is but it seems interesting as an evil playthrough
>evil trickster hellknight
Lawful trickster? Peak schizo run, I guess.
Rogue Trader good?
it's a good case study on how not to do game development
>I have the old spell DC breakdown, if you want
That would be useful. I'm guessing the conjurer is better if I want to be spamming weird. Crowd control is strong but it's never been something I've enjoyed doing.
>goes back to samefagging
for shame, frogster, for shame
Question for Pathfinder games, do the double weapons, like Orc Double Axe or Double sword, count as a 2h weapon or two weapons?
What are big ticket items you should be saving up for in Pathfinder? For Kingmaker mainly, but tips for WOTR are fine too.
After purchasing a set of full plate for my main tank I have a ton of options and it's a bit overwhelming. In my first playthrough I just bought stat boosting belts but soon realized they don't play well if you run a team that has stat buffers. The meta magic wands look amazing since they have daily recharges but are super pricy. Lastly are the weapons but they seem to have the shortest duration of usefulness and can't be easily given to other party members if you're benching the character it's meant for.
Is Rugdur meant to heal back to full every round? If so this fight is even shitter than I thought.
4/10 at best. They made a lot of weird design choices for the game. I hate the navi points being something you have to use to travel around the overworld and leveling up is a pain because there's a million different abelites you can chose from. The story is unfished and the events in chapter 5 feel like they all just come out of nowhere.
There's no single answer because it will depend on characters and your build.
The rods are indeed good, though I either tended to forget about them, or accidentally leave them on when casting something dumb and realize they had no charges when I actually wanted to use them. Too fiddly for me, in practice.
I wouldn't bother with stat-boosting items, maybe if it's a unique one that does something else, but you find a number of these out in the wild.
Some of the unique shirts and cloaks in Drezen are worth it, you don't find too many shirts, and the ones you can buy can be quite good, I remember one is just complete immunity to fire for example.
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it's excellent because it succeeds at the most important thing a RPG needs to get right: interesting setting/story and memorable characters
Better than Pathfinder at least
>the events in chapter 5 feel like they all just come out of nowhere.
What are you even talking about? Pretty much everything in Act 5 makes perfect sense.
idk I haven't played the game I just trust people in /crpgg/
nta but lol, lmao even
>The story is unfished
it's not, it's rushed but has a clear ending
>events in chapter 5 feel like they all just come out of nowhere.
such as? they're all referenced or hinted at over several acts
based, not touching that trash either
Here's the total Weird DC breakdown for a wizard illusionist demon without taking into account the new chapter 5 items introduced by the DLC:

Intelligence: 74 total
25 Base at level 20
+8 Enhancement from Darkness Caress or Headband of Mental Perfection +8
+10 Morale from Insightful Contemplation with Mythic Inspiration
+10 Other from Ring of Triumphant Advance doubling the Morale bonus
+2 Inherent from Tome of Clear Thought +2
+2 Alchemical from Elixir of Inconceivable Transmutations of Body, and Soul, and Also Mind
+6 Profane from Profane Ascension
+7 Demon from Aspect of Coloxus with Bound of Possibility
+4 Food from Conflagrant Taco

Weird DC: 99
10 base DC
+9 from spell level 9
+32 from 82 total INT
+2 from Demongraft
+6 from 3 Expanded Arsenal mythic feats
+2 from Mythic Spell Focus
+5 from Demonic rage with Bound of Possibility
+4 from Aspect of Incubus with Bound of Possibility
+4 from Aspect of Succubus (-4 will) and Aspect of Nabasu (-4 fortitude) with Bound of Possibility
+2 from Profane Hymn
+2 from Magician's Ring
+2 from Glass Amulet of Clarity
+2 from Quarterstaff of the War Mage
+2 from Robe of Determination (+2 fortitude DC) and Display of Power (-2 will)
+2 from Goggles of Mind Control
+2 from Foretell (Hinder) aura -2 enemy save debuff
+2 from Dispel Synergy
+4 From Shadow Blood
+2 from Dark Aura (The Undying Love of the Hopebringer shield)
+3 from Inevitable Fate

With the DLC items, you will break DC100 on your Weird.
>such as? they're all referenced or hinted at over several acts
What were the hints I don't know much about 40k so maybe I missed them.
Are you gonna bother checking out the new dlc or do you not care?
>Calcazar allied with drukhari to gather suns
scattered across Marazhai, Tervantias and Emelina dialogue, also the mention of the admech database being stolen (it's being used to target suns), Calcazar killing people who knew about it mentioned by Emelina
>the Yoke
Eufrates, Tervantias lab, admech stuff
>the Shard
there in the Nomos questline, talk about Theodora finding something alien and powerful that Pasqal did something with that inadvertently caused Nomos
>Calcazar fucking around beyond the gate
all of those and Space Wolves talk and the Calcazar vs Pasqal and admech schism plotline
the smuggler hideout
>the tech plague
again in Nomos and Pasqal questlines and in Eufrates
Yes, I'm getting there. Was sidetracked by Elden Bing Bing Wahoo.
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Discoxisters... it's ogre.

Discotroons lost. RTrannies lost.
Ok so, gonna play wrath and cream all the DLC. I played until end of act 3 last time, didn't beat the game.
Can anyone recommend me a few class/build suggestion that fits a good aligned character thematically and a mythic path + what are generally decent party comps both gameplay and narrative-wise? (note will most likely kill Cam again)
jesus christ why not just watch a let's play at that point
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Azata shifter, major mammoth aspect and spider + something minor. Stack STR for incredible might.

Party comp:

1. Lann the Tankmann and evil eye spammer Shaman16/Monk1/Loremaster3.

2. Seelah the damage deala: Paladin20 with fauchard and divine weapon bond pure 2nd row damage dealer and party buffer with mark of justice.

3. Sosiel the domain pimp Cleric20.

4. Nenio the cute and fluffy wizard20 or wizard10/Loremaster10.

5. Ember for second evil eye spam and hellfire ray or Ulbrig or a court poet merc (highly suggested).
Fair enough. I'm thinking of going back to MH because Ulbrig'd dlc has killed my motivation to play.
>good aligned
Angel double cursed oracle for spellbook merge. Aeon meshes with inquisitor but I went with a shield bashing slayer cause that was more fun. Azata is really gay and cringe so be warned but it does have zippy magic which lets you double single target spells so it's good for a caster.
Good gam but owlcat is kinda retarded
Speaking of this, how is titan fighter? And are any of the new classes good for multiclassing options on companions?
Why is the Rogue Trader general so dead?
dead game
fanbase consists solely of discorders who occasionally try to bait here
Because the abominable frogman abandoned them.
it's not? you're just used to seeing these thread filled with non stop shitposting
Bought Dragon Age: Origins from the sale and can't get into the combat. It just feels like shitty emulation of a turn based rpg.
I don't think it's the combat people remember fondly
it's morrigan's tits people remember fondling
It's unironically faster than this one at times. Depends sometimes it's dead sometimes it's active
What are the best tank builds for wotr?
Titan fighter is probably good for a second class to go into as legend (even in that case, probably the best to only go 9 levels rather than 18-20), and for lategame level 1 dips, but you take -2 attack penalty for one-handing a twohanded weapon, and then an additional sizable penalty if your offhand isn't light. You can of course use shield in offhand (in which case you only take that -2 penalty) or use a light weapon in offhand (-2 from 2h weapon in main hand, and then additional -2 from dual-wielding), or heck, use 1-hander in mainhand too, and that's the reasonable way to level the character, not to take -8 something penalty from the start, but then, why did you go titan fighter in the first place?

Well, to be cool in mid-lategame I guess. During the normal course of the game you will of course eventually outscale this constraint, or you can run skald+brownfur transmuter+incense synthesizer+freebooter mercs or something to compensate, but realistically, you're getting carried by your party until the beginning of Act 2 or so. Then it's kinda like slayer or ranger in that you can go strength and get dual-wielding feats without dexterity investment, and you hit harder. But 2-handers aren't really that much better than 1-handers, so realistically it's a worse option, and loses fighter's training feats so I'd argue it's worse than base fighter (let alone mutation warrior), too. But if you think dualwielding twohanders is cool then why not.
Just look up inEffect's build, he's awesome.
Because you're used to nonstop shitposting bumping your thread
this, right now people might actually be playing the game to see what the "balance" patch did
its not a good game, it came out in a era of nothingness, like drinking piss water in the desert, well you dont have to do that anymore, youre out of the desert
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Just 1 turned Unfair Areelu with my Eldritch Archer Devil, yeah it's a 50/50 chance of landing that first hit which carries the Hellfire Ray, but if it lands, she dies instantly, even through all her healing.
CAPTCHA was my reaction
Post the damage log. Also why would you go eldritch archer? I swear that delays spell progression massively.
I love almost all the non-xenos companions, which is something that never happens to me. They are also very useful.
>there's a million different abelites you can chose from
I thought I was the only 85 IQ heterosexual cis white man who found that there's at least three times too many abilities to choose from for every character.
>It just feels like shitty emulation of a turn based rpg.
What does this mean? The common criticism I've seen people have is that it's too similar to MMORPG combat with cooldowns and spell rotations.
>Throw an incendiary grenade at a group of enemies
>All but one pretty much die on contact
>Black Eel niggers kill that one guy off
>Walk through my flames somehow and they take damage
>They get mad
>I get gunned down the next turn
Well that's bullshit.
Which Neverwinter server are we playing on, bros?
NTA but it does feel like the usual tab target MMO slop that were widely present before. I guess the UI reminds many of that kind of gameplay. BG and NWN won't really get this kind of criticism since it's using Vancian magic, DA follows the usual mana one. I personally don't really like it since melee has like 4 buttons to press while magic is just far more effective.
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>Also why would you go eldritch archer?
For thematic and mechanical purposes. I wanted to make an archer that was strong, and also I wanted to recreate an Erinys. From the lore, Erinyes come from fallen celestials and like to use bows and fire magic, so going Musetouched aasimar azata into devil made a lot of sense, both thematically and mechanically. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Also, for some reason Leading Strike is bugged in this fight, so the actual damage should have been higher.
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It's smooth sailing from here.
Did Zippy magic double your hellfire rays? I was theorycrafting a hellfire ray build the other day and I'm 90% sure a loremaster wizard hybrid is the most optimal way to build it.
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>Did Zippy magic double your hellfire rays?
Yes, it does.
Also, the leading strike thing a mentioned is important, since the ray attacks are tied to the single first weapon attack, all damage instances apply the damage from leading strike, which gets up to 10d6. If you have both Mallander's Insult and Call of the Fiery things you have 5 (2 from mallander, 2 from fiery things and 2 from the two hellfire ray instances that are split in half) damage instances per ray if you convert all damage into fire, meaning that the three rays are dealing an extra 150d6 just from leading strike. Also, the leading strike portion from the hellfire ray has its damage dice amplified by shit like draconic bloodlines, Legacy of last Azlanti, etc. so the damage is actually even higher.
Sorry, too busy with Worlds of Carnage
I just feel like it would work better as a turn based game or It should have more tactics slots in the start. Feels just clunky to play.
are MUDs CRPGs?
Half the new archetypes just don't work with most mythic paths.

>castlevania themed one doesn't mesh well with lich
>mantis doesn't mess well with anything
this literally looks like a poe assets flip
Don't bother, guy's so far up his own ass that he can't see and claims it BG1-like somehow.
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It's over.
This is where you die.
>leading strike
Can you proc this yourself or do you need someone else to land the first hit/ get into melee range?
>mallander and call
Good to know.
>zippy magic
Fuck. I hate Azata but that's so strong.
How would you go about it if you just wanted the strongest rays rather than the thematic build you made?
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the second best gun in the game but may as well be the first considering how late you get the other
It wasn't true the last 20 times you said this before I destroyed your dumb ass and it's not true now,but keep repeating it I'm sure someone will fall for your retarded bait.
What game
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Colony Ship, from the makers of Age of Decadence.
>Can you proc this yourself or do you need someone else to land the first hit/ get into melee range?
No, you need someone else to proc the first hit. Keep in mind this whole Leading Strike thing only works with Eldritch Archer, because all the ray attacks are tied to the first weapon attack, the effect doesn't even trigger on a normal ray attack.

>How would you go about it if you just wanted the strongest rays rather than the thematic build you made?
If you plan to do Inevitable Excess, this is probably up there among the highest damage builds, because as Devil you get Zippy magic, Sword of Heaven and Demonic Rage with Aspect of Brimorak. Even without the MR10 abilities I was still pretty much one-shotting everything. Otherwise Trickster is also pretty good if you can manage to get all the critical feats, and because of guaranteed x4 damage crits with Trick Fate. Demon gets Aspect of Brimorak and can cast as a move action, so you can get potentially 4 rays per turn thanks to the new Razmir's mask. Pure Azata is O.K. because of Zippy Magic. The thing about the Devil cantrip Hellfire Ray is that you can't apply metamagic to it, unless you're willing to "pre-buff" by casting three cantrips in a row with the Plague of Madness staff for free empower and maximize, this is too annoying so I barely did it, only if I was fighting those Stormcaller Gallus and wanted to conserve Grandmaster Rod's charges.
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Steam gigasale just dropped. Check your wishlists, it's a massacre of prices.
>Bastard Bonds
I'll frankly just pirate it, it's not even hard to do.
damn thats a hot steaming pile of shit thanks for letting me know
DAI is still overpriced at 4 bucks
What normal class would you take outside of RP?
That depends. If you're going trickster I would get levels in Eldritch Knight so you have enough BAB and bonus feats to pick up all the critical feats, also Spell Critical is super nice because of the free quicken whenever you crit, and that includes rays. The best ray caster is an elemental specialist wizard because of damage conversion, bonus feats to pick up metamagics and less hassle when using metamagicked spells, unlike spontaneous casters, prepared casters don't need to spend a full-round action to cast a metamagicked spell, you can sort of circumvent this if you move in real time and then cast in turn based mode. You can't triple stack draconic bloodlines anymore, but you still want to dip into sorcerer for at least 1 one those for the 1 damage/die.
I think it's really cool that you can cast ritual Transmutation spells as a Transmutation Wizard in order to recharge your stones as many times as you want per day
>need Shadowheart to be able to concentrate well? Give her a concentration stone
>lots of enemies dealing the same elemental damage type? pick your flavor of rock
>want to staple even more speed to your backline diver? speed rock
Thats a yikes from me dawg
Perfect opportunity to pick up that classic CRPG, the award-winning The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrm (Special Edition)
I'm leaning towards demon. The only mythics I like are aeon, angel, demon and lich. Triple bloodline stacking made things so much simpler but the nerf made theorycrafting a lot harder.
cute soulful game, better 5e tactics than BG3
Fair enough, but it feels like this is something appreciators of TB say for every CRPG that's not TB.
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right into my trap card
What is the best place to find updated wotr builds?
You can ask here and people will advise you.
How'd you rate it anon? Underrail is softening me up to anything not fantasy and it looks like XCom which I like.
Or maybe it should have been such as it was, except good in the way WoW is good (responsive, snappy, and all that). Not necessarily filling every global like WoW is in expansions - that part could have been unchanged (and ultimately isn't that different from, say, how a class like paladin works in vanilla, there's a lot of waiting for cooldowns) - but a big part of the problem is simply that DA:O is floatly and clunky and unresponsive and generally bad in a dozen other ways in which WoW is not.

Then again, that's a pretty high bar.
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Neverwinter Nights with all its DLCs or Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous with all its DLCs?
NWN official content is all infantile dogshit full of tumblr writing and hack&slash gameplay. Wotr is so superior it's not even funny. Only reason to play NWN is for community content.
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I'm thinking of getting the Lord of Nothing but I don't have through the ashes, even though LoN seems like a continuation of TTA?
I thought of just doing it for the new races/spells/classes
>also a dance of masks because I am trash and want to spend more time with my waifu
going to pick up this Balrum game for $4, I'll try it out and tell you how I think it is after I've milked the goats and poured myself some brandy
Anything is better than owlslop
content-wise, I thought Through the Ashes was great fun (though it's polarizing, a lot of people didn't like it) but was lukewarm on LoN. I suppose that doesn't matter if you're just doing it for that extra stuff, but my 2cents.
It's pretty good. just wish there was more
I played Balrum for a couple of hours and it was comfy, but I ultimately found it too tedious to get things done.
Who is this mysterious gentleman?
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liked Solasta
loved Rome
I played both conquistadors and vikangs, but Rome is just not a setting I like.
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complete opposite for me
I love Classical Civilization, couldn't give a toss about vikangz
My wife...
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not mine, this is my wife.
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well, this is new
also, i love being psionically immune thanks to super lsd
Conquest of elysium>disco elysium
>discount dominions
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well damn
Wait you can marry her?
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yes, if you romance her you can marry her before going to Gaul
in the ending, at least in the one I got, the Legate and her have several children
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Ah, the #1 reason to get a datajack. 35% combat skill increase.
She had an arranged marriage to some guy. She got out of the marriage by killing him. The family wants justice. You can bail her out of it by marrying her. The law would then classify her as your property. The family has no claim against you, so they would be unable to take any legal action against Calida.

It's lawyer shit. Point is you can resolve her companion quest by marrying her.
goddamn lads just look at those tiddies
>It's lawyer shit.
it's a game about Romans, they basically invented legal loop-holes bullshit
milk and honey
>they basically invented legal loop-holes
I would say chinese because their entire state, culture, religion etc everything is centred around bureaucracy
like that time a general overthrew the emperor because he was late and being late was punishable by death so he overthrew the emperor than die for being late
What this game is like ? I'm intrigued
Expeditions Rome.
Expeditions: Rome
it's a turn based CRPG where you're basically Julius Caesar
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I'm getting contradicting feedback and I'm not smart enough to make my own opinion, help.
Owlslop has its own share of problems like Owlkeks breaking shit all the time and not fixing bugs for years, but NWN is a kiddie game compared to it in every sense of the word: roleplaying depth, tactical depth, character building depth, writing, characters - every aspect of NWN is absolutely primitive compared to WotR. Moreover, official NWN content is mostly a hack&slash adventure with very little roleplaying.
>you're basically Julius Caesar
You take his place in history, to be more specific
>>483745810 and >>483737198 are correct
I only know of Dances with Rogues for no particular reason though.
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But do you know of Dance with the Spies?
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rate my cart
also if you can help me decide between ES2, DW2, GalCiv4, or Stellaris DLC then do so. I played Stellaris early and found it dull and repetitive but I have a space 4x itch that's never been properly scratched.
>some survival crafty shit
>great RPG
>great RPG

A solid 7/10. Would've been 5/10, f your choice of RPGs was shittier.
Does that Wasteland 3 have the DLCs?
Is Midnight Isle good for testing builds?
No. You want Inevitable Excess.
>PoE 75% off
hot damn I knew it
I do. I'm just having to try and clear out 548 other games alongside them
IE will force you to make a level 20 MR10 character outright, also it's not very good when testing Legend builds, because you can't do shit like Trickster into Legend in IE. That said, if you want to stress test an end game build vs end game enemies it is pretty good. Clearing IE Threshold on Unfair with no rests is a good benchmark for my builds.
Is there an excel sheet where I can check which islands drop what in the Midnight DLC for WoTR?
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>mfw getting paid tomorrow
Wish me luck, boys, we're gonna bloat up the backlog again
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The NWN official content is terrible. The community content is pretty good and the advantage there is you can actually have your complete build characters tested by challenging content that isnt act 5 of WOTR (lol) or Inevitable Excess (decently hard but holy hell is it boring). Id still go with WOTR since I find acts 2-4 are always a fun time
Ummmm why are they brown? this is pozzed
My Wife
Since evrythings on sale what retro CRPGs should I grab, im a baby thats only played Larian and Owlcat what are some REAL games I should try
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll pirate all of them
Planescape Torment
anyone got links where i can get baldurs gate 1 and 2 ?
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>Ummmm why are they brown? this is pozzed
This is you.
Pillars of Eternity. Fallout 1-2. Arcanum. Planescape Torment. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. These are the essential genre masterpieces.
What is the best class/build for through the ashes + lord of nothing?
Shifter, beast rider halfling on a boar, anything with a shitpet in general, unironically monk. Avoid anything that relies on meme weapons.
What about the new magus and inquisitor classes that start with a +1 weapon?
I haven't played roles in months
Haven't tried those personally yet.
Any suggestion on race/sub-archetype?
Anything with either +2str or +2wis. Iirc, the oni tiefling was good. Alternatively, just human.

For archetypes, either go base shifter for mammoth major + spider minor or wereshifter in tiger form.
Same. No energy and no interest to do anything.
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RAWR >:3 *pounces u*
This is considered ok but god forbid a caster wants to use triple bloodlines for extra fire damage.
Let's pick a MUD to play some roles on
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For me, it's Sunset over Ocem
I would like to, though I haven't played them before
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The next time you send an army, don't put a fucking woman in charge.
Haven't played WOTR since launch (core difficulty) and want to give unfair a shot. Am I gonna need fully metagamed builds to stand a chance?
>Am I gonna need fully metagamed builds to stand a chance?
If you don't want to go insane, yeah. Unfair>>>>>>>>Hard>>Core.
I'm actually a bit in my cups tonight so probably won't be trying either, and last I did was 15+ years ago but it was an addiction and completely ruined me for when I tried graphical MMOs which are pathetic

but if you want to jump in you should.
Some suggestions: Discworld is a good recommendation for newcomers to MUDs, no you don't need to know the Discworld books or anything but they're great RIP Pratchett.
Most MUDs have a way of connecting from the website, this is a worse experience than using a MUD client but it's obviously quite easy to jump in. Most also have a "Who's Online" thing so you can see and compare number of players (though many might be idling)
zMUD is a popular MUD client, there's many others though.
There's this weird thing that to me is new but I suppose it's quite old now, IRE, Iron Realms Entertainment, who are behind a number of 'popular' MUDs like Achaea, Aetolia, Lusternia, Starmourn, ... These are likely good places for a newcomer to jump in and get a feel for how things work.
'popular' for MUDs means something different than popular like WoW, expect a mostly single-player experience, maybe teaming up. Also as expected there's a "big fish in a small pond" effect, of course, but if you can navigate 4chan schizos then MUD retards are easy to ignore or manage.
Most MUDs will have a kind of tutorial area that shows you how to play. But it's pretty easy, like text adventure, 'north' or 'n' to go north. It's basically just multiplayer text adventure.
Try some out, they're all going to be free and likely not need any kind of account verification. iirc zMUD has a listing of MUDs that ships with it, so you could click on a random one to check it out, or see one suggested and easily try it.
Aardwolf is another that comes up, hack-and-slash low RP. Some MUDs are more or less strict on RP.

I've been in the mood to get into that again so if you find one you have fun with, be sure to mention it.
>Most also have a "Who's Online" thing so you can see and compare number of players (though many might be idling)
Let me stress though, I mostly played MUDs pretty much solo, sometimes teaming up here and there, with randos or irl friends. I would say don't be swayed either by "more active players" or "few active players". It would be great if MUDs were more popular but there's plenty to do solo, and you can even team up pretty impersonally just due to how much 2+ people can punch above their weight compared to running solo.
I've enjoyed being an RPfag in the company of people who just wanted to grind and completely ignored my shit, it's all good.
On the converse, I've hated the few times I got into RPE (roleplay-enforced) but maybe that was situational or server dependent. So it all depends
Sorry for the walls, returning to my cups
is kensai basically a sword saint in BG1-2?
No, kensai dualed to mage maybe in a way, which is how a lot of people do it
but pure kensai is just a fighter subclass
In the sense they mean the same thing, yes. In terms of what they actually do, a kensai is more like a monk-like fighter in BG2, while in Wrath a kensai is a hybrid melee/caster thing. It was common for people to dual class from kensai into a caster in BG2 though, so I guess it's a little more similar than that
How are bears as animal companions in wotr
I had a vague idea for a sylvan sorc (or maybe hunter) thats a stage magician and his marvelous dancing bear that gets dragged into all this demon shit
Planescape Torment if you have enough of an attention span to read
Fallout 1-2 and Baldurs Gate 1-2 if you want to try out some genre classics
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines for some great atmosphere and characters (albeit with jank combat and some rushed end zones)
Compared to something that trips or pounces I'm sure their unique abilities are pretty weak, but they have decent stats at least. The archetype with an animal companion will almost always be stronger than the one without though, so I doubt it's worth worrying about
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I wanted to replay wotr with all the dlc but I've been staring at the character creator for an hour now
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I'm about to buy it what dlc should I grab bros...or should I play through without dlc first
thats my problem too
I just uninstalled it, if I come up with an actual concept for a character and not just a build I'll go back to it
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A shame it doesn't measure up to the lander ending but that's impossible.
the entire fight was more or less this
even got to kill that faggot commie
a shame about mathias, but i role solo and he made a good enough meatshield
retards, all of the extra shit is there for munchkin play.
Literally just play on Normal (roughly equivalent to Tactician in BG3) and adjust difficulty settings lower even, there's a whole page of them, and just play what you think is cool.

Don't autist yourself out of a fun time.
So I just realized that Magic Deceiver is just a weird and heavily nerfed attempt at mimicking words of power alternative spellcasting mechanic.
work on your reading comprehension
Holy shit you're dumb
sometimes you just gotta play a role
I think I've identified the source of a lot of tension in this general, and also why wotr discussion is so popular.

It's dopamine-fried rat-brain zoomers who actually want to play ARPGs but for some reason don't want to accept that about themselves.
Everyone already figured out the source of tension, its one mentally ill furry who shits himself any time someone disagrees with him
for pathfinder Mortismal put out a video this week explaining all the DLC and each adds to the game, just watch that and make up your mind
it's actually the discotroons
the problem isn't the difficulty anon it's finding a good portrait and settling on a character concept
Just buy the dlc that adds the companion Ulbrig. wotr dlc is pretty bad overall.
If you like the game and want more you can always buy the rest later.
>35 posts in 7 hours
Holy yikes, dead genre dead thread
Correctly paced general, actually.
it's the gacha generals that are the problem.
Or maybe we should be on /vrpg/ or something.
giving that a watch now with a bias toward whoever ulbrig is, thanks anons
>watching a video to prepare yourself for playing
lmao just watch a fucking let's play holy shit
I come here to get away from /vrpg/. That board is filled with the most miserable and annoying fucks on the planet.
Its like an entire board where every poster is the frogtard.
says when to play the DLCs anon, no need to have a melty
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>open WotR
>can't decide what race I'll play
>can't decide what alignment I'll follow and what mythic path I'll pursue
>can't even decide if I want to play a martial or casting class

>open RT
>make Imperial Guard RT and go full Dogmatic with absolutely no hesitation
>cadia stans, simple as
I think having a previous attachment to the setting really helps here
For a shifter trickster getting all those critical feats, would bite be better than claw? I feel like attacks of opportunity might default to bites so it would work better with outflank, but I can't remember off the top of my head if shifter's fury changes what your attacks of opportunity are with
yes being a low iq retard helps
Safest bet is to go for bites on all feats and then pick bites for your shifter's fury.
Same, I think I want to do some sort of demon run because I haven't but I haven't really found a build that I feel excited about for the demon path.
That's what I decided on after a really quick test. I'm not sure if that mask that gives an extra bite attack is interfering and prioritizing it as that only just now occurred to me, but without unequipping that it seemed like it was always a bite attack
I think natural attack aoos are always bites.
Been curios about colony ship for a while now and it seems pretty good. Any advice for someone diving in to it?
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what's the verdict on underrail and colony ship?

i looked briefly and they seem like crpg's worth at least trying
UnderRail and dread delusion saved the crpg genre
is underrail a game where every build is viable? which build do you recommend for someone playing the first time
I haven't played Colony Ship, but Underrail is good. I find certain things about it frustrating, like it randomly deciding which sidequests you have at the start of the game, and on a personal preference level I find it a little too geared towards meta knowledge, but it's still really good.
not buying anything this time around
there isn't a single decent crpg other than the pathfinders and poe/tyranny
>implying pfslop is decent
it's bottom of the barrel. look at this list from OP and tell me which of these is worse than pathfinder.
you may like it as a game but in the crpg genre it's one of the worst
> Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry
Kind of a noob in PF, only ever played around with Neoseeker builds that I tweaked a little. I have a specific bud idea that's floating in my mind, but I dunno if its possible to pull off. Basically, I want the MC to be a heavy armored crossbowman that fights in close quarters - sort of like a SWAT guy with a shotgun, or just Doom Marine. Is this at all doable? Because from what I looked it seems that crossbos just don't scale well.
I think ToEE, Icewind Dale, and PoE are worse than pathfinder.
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Go either solo or full party. There's no reason to go half-assed. Guns are better than melee unless you're highly specced for it. Each party member should use a single weapon type. The more you use, the more skill points are spread around rather than concentrated. Faythe is an excellent skill monkey. 10 INT is the best solo build
Old as shit
>Baldur's Gate
Old as shit
>Darklands, Dark Sun,
probably old as shit
>Deus Ex,
fps scifi don't like
ugly, looks like a cheap 3rd person rpg
>Dragon Age,
no magic
it's ok, postapoc is bad though
>Gothic (Risen, ELEX),
not crpgs
>Icewind Dale,
old as shit
>Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights,
old as shit
>Pillars of Eternity,
>Planescape: Torment,
old as shit vn
scifi ew
>Spiderweb Software RPGs,
idk not googling that
>Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic,
star wars, yuck
>Temple of Elemental Evil,
looks fine but too low level
>The Age of Decadence,
>The Elder Scrolls,
>Torment: Tides of Numenera
too little combat
old as shit
>Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines,
fps, yucky modern setting
doesn't even look like a crpg

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Don't be a retard like the Urinal guy and play with a party, devs have been hard at work improving party interactions and companion characterization.

Choose a preferred quest/encounter solution archetype (speak, speak, slay) and stick to it whenever possible. You will accumulate reputation in that solution archetype and if you mix and match too much, you will not reach the highest reputation level.

Don't use more than one combat skill. Don't overlap skills by taking them on multiple characters.

You can make an amazing combat+speaker character by taking Captain on your main character with high charisma.

If you want to be a good non-maxxed speaker, level persuasion + streetwise and always choose the highest challenge in dialogues for the most learning points. All 3 diplomacy skills will level, if you succeed on any diplomacy check and may diplomacy checks rely on at least two skills. Taking all 3 persuasion skills is only worth it if you're going for a pure diplomat run.

Your sneak character should also be your lockpicks and computers character and Faythe is ideal for this role, however do not try to offload ALL non combat skills on her - you will fail.

Heavy armor + energy shield is the most reliable form of defense. Only use evasion + disruptor field on characters who are maxxing evasion. Stealth generator is for characters with no defenses.

Don't waste grenades willy-nilly, use them when you're having legit trouble beating an encounter.
I hate Kingmaker so fucking much, dogshit game, I only barely managed to play through it only six times
>speak, speak, slay
*speak, SNEAK, slay sneed optional
>no magic
>doesn't know about vikang magic

Retard who never played the games. Didn't read the rest of your drivel.
had my fill of nord powerwanks when i played skyrim 13 years ago
There's a couple decent crossbows, but I don't think heavy armor will ever really compliment it. If you're just after a look and don't really give a shit about what you're character is wearing that's easily changed visually, but I don't think there's much fixing the incompatibility there.
The lack of being able to ever add your attributes to damage does suck though. I can't remember if tricksters can get lucky and find them with agile or not to add dex to damage (or if it even works if they find it), but otherwise it's kind of fucked in that regard, and that's a major loss
>devs have been hard at work improving party interactions and companion characterization.
Well good for them, it's still dogshit tho.
Keep shilling it, forggy.
I dislike Owlcat slop, but let's be honest, its the best one out of the "generic tabletop adventure made into a game" CRPGs.
Better than WotR, but about as good as KM
A worse WotR
WotR DLC tier, except its ADnD, which is bad
Very close to PF - gameplay is way more fun, but the story is very very bad, and the DLC story is just mid

However, yes, any game that tries to be more than just a quirky DnD adventure mogs it.
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What's actually dogshit is your worthless opinion.
>worse than wotr
stop kidding around
There isnt really any synergy or way to make heavy armor and crossbows work, which is a shame as its a neat visual
If you do want to go crossbows consider rowdy rogue, its not the most minmax option but it means whatever you shoot will feel it
fighter can add dex to dmg with crossbows
Neat appreciate you both giving advice. Actually was curios about the melee as well what counts as being specced for it? Melee and Cha/diplomacy is my usual go-to in RPGs especially when guns are available. I usually just worry thought about spreading my own dude too thin and being just kinda okay at both.
>kiddy's gate vs owlslop

Ahhh, the classic battle of shit vs piss.
>Camellia canonically cheating on MC with elf hunks
Pacing is shit, ADnD past lvl10 is cancer, story is overrated (Areelu > Irenicus), WotR just has way more build variety and content, Ashes and Nothing are decent (unlike ToB)
bump for answer
some vague advice would be ideal like "xyz leads to many interactions but abc is a waste of points"
>frogster immediately goes full melty
time hasn't been kind to the poor lad, huh. Or maybe his mom didn't give him his meds.
please kill yourself
I guess that means mutation warrior would do okay, but that's a lot of feats for a weapon with so-so feat support, and that happens to be the type of fighter that uses armor the least. I wish there was an archery focused fighter archetype
didn't say old is bad it's just unplayable
On normal, everything is viable, but builds are... *BUILT* different, and a good chunk of them languish during early game, necesitating extreme savescumming. Just do note that you are fucking yourself if you don't invest into trap disarming, though I forget what is the "softcap" for the skill.
>Melee and Cha/diplomacy
10str for juggernaut start. 9 cha for captain, max party size and diplomacy bonus in the form of higher initial disposition that will sway many on-the-brink diplomacy instances in your favor. Heavy armor, energy shield. Big fucking axe. Done.
fighter weapon training gives bonus to melee as well as ranged, just play a normal fighter in armor maxing dex, you just need enough levels for fighter's finesse after that you can go paladin or hellknight or whatever
go back
>is underrail a game where every build is viable?
Undersoy is a game about minmaxing the fuck out of your character. You don't pick things for "roleplaying", you pick skills because in you know you'll be able to craft that specific thing (since you read the wiki beforehand) and another thing to surivive certain enemies (whose stats you checked beforehand in a guide or wiki) later on and kill everyone in one round.
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Underrail is a game about roleplaying a master craftsman who dabbles in combat skills on the side.
wotr is clunky and tedious, it doesn't even automate mage armor.
bg2 has kino quests, dungeons, and boss fights (e.g. Firkraag). I can't even think of a single memorable boss fight in wotr.
the encounters in owlcat games are frequently derided for their poor design.
there's also the toyish crusade mode
bg2 has a huge organic central hub area full of exploration including sewers, temples, colloseums, etc. and that's just the beginning.
wotr has... an inn. and a few shops later.
wotr story is cliche and tired
vs the search for mindbroken imouto and the world-endangering secrets you uncover in the process is kino and fits naturally
>build variety
agree. you can make more builds in wotr than in any other game i know of. you can even have a boar mount, and it's great. imho that's their big sell.
>adnd past 10 is cancer
3.5e past 10 is also cancer.

there's a reason why one of them was a blockbuster genre-defining title while the other is an indie game best known as something recommended to bg3 players
Basically yes, but there's two caveats:
1) It's more about min/maxed party setups than personal builds. For early game you definitely want "a tank" for instance (as the game progresses there are more ways to get by without one, including simply finishing all combats in one round before enemies can do a thing, but it's still nice to have one), but that can and in my opinion most ideally would be Lann (but can also be a leopard pet, or even Seelah in a pinch if you go witch for iceplant hex and lizard familiar and shit). It's not necessary for MC to be a degenerate dip-for-every-AC-source kind of character. Likewise, if you are playing a DC caster than you without a doubt would want a court poet (preferably merc, although Seelah could go one), or if you are playing a melee martial character then a skald (base, inciter), and if ranged then sensei or a bard. And a good supporting cast in general besides, but that would be a major difference between the two options. In any event, it's not so much that there are min/maxed characters but that there are min/maxed parties, court poet would be min/max for a caster party, but dumb if you are playing a martial character.
2) Insofar as it's about personal builds, there's a lot more freedom in later acts as mythic powers, OP gear, and various party synergies (like guarded hearth from community domain cleric at level 8, and mark of justice from a paladin at level 11) comes into play. It is possible to finish the game with a "late bloomer" build or a build that is just consistently mediocre, but most ideally an "unfair viable" build would also frontload a lot of the power so MC contributes early, otherwise Acts 1&2 are going to be real ass
3) It's also about optimizing other aspects than builds. For example, it's basically expected that you abuse "only active party-members gain experience" and "only skill user gains experience" options to reach level 3 during shield maze, level 8 before leper's smile, etc.
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>which build do you recommend for someone playing the first time
Heavy armor with anything automatic will never fail you.
>you and your little sister are the bastard spawn of a god nobody likes
>life has been difficult but you've always stuck together
>now an insane mage obsessed with divinity has kidnapped the two of you and is going to torture you until your mind breaks and the divinity seeps out
>break out, save your sister, and put an end to his vile schemes
>demons are attacking
>demons bad

the writing is awful in wotr as well. technically, for an indie game with a small budget it's not awful, but you can't compare it to bg2's writing
Pure psionic build
what's the alternative? just suffer?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.
The game revolves around pure numberfaggotry and minmaxing. If you like doing that, the game will be fun. If you don't, you'll end up bored out of your mind.
what do you recommend if i don't want to do minmaxing and numberfaggotry
...Not playing Underrail?
right, i wrote something unclear. which game would you recommend if i don't want to do minmaxing and numberfaggotry
Dragon Age Origins. The most milquetoast, inoffensive fantasy setting with plenty of oppotunities to be either an edgelord or good boy. Slow and easy to understand combat where your only "restriction" is that you basically need a mage in your party because, well they can do a lot of stuff. I mean, if you really get into it, you can clear the game without a mage, that's how... accomodating the system is.
I'm assuming you're asking what rpg would be a good pick for someone who never played one.
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Underrail without minmaxing and numberfaggotry on normal difficulty and classic xp mode. You don't need to minmax in underrail, you just need to not utterly fuck up making a character and picking anti-synergistic choices or spreading your build thin.

Here's a protip to you when talking to people in these threads: there are numerous retards ITT who never play the games they talk about and just spout nonsense trying to push their personal biases and agendas. Always demand them to post their characters and/or runs. Now watch the retard you're talking to never post his character.
>Here's a protip to you when talking to people in these threads: there are numerous retards ITT
oh so you're talking about yourself
thanks i'll disregard your post
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Notice how the retarded subhuman immediately shat his pants and fail to post his character, kek. I have a nose for these retards, trust me. They never paly the games and just pull shit out of their asses, kek.
what games have you played
that's pretty far off base from what i was asking about.
>you just need to not utterly fuck up making a character and picking anti-synergistic choices or spreading your build thin.
all right, that's all i was asking about in the first place. can you just write a few sentences about what that would entail?
in a lot of these crpg's, i end up restarting hours into the game because of dynamics that aren't apparent to a new player (for example, charisma might be an ability of major plot impact in one game but only used to reduce prices in another).
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>can you just write a few sentences about what that would entail?

Decide what kind of character you want to play: what type of weapon to use, what kind of armor to use, how heavy do you want to invest into crafting. Stick to a certain weapon type, don't spread yourself thin trying to master different weapon groups.

Next, go to this site:

Use the filter option in the feats section and filter the feats based on your preferred weapon, armor or some other criteria. Use tags like "melee", "guns", "armor", "grenade", "craft".

Choose your desired feats and then carefully observe their stat, skill and feat requirements.

Distribute your stats and skill based on your desired feats.

Adjust the feat order in the lower left section.

Post the build ITT for review.
>oh the game isn't numberfaggotry at all!
>you just have to plan your entire playthrough in advance using external tools or you won't be able to play it!
gotta love how frog always, without fail, managed to make a complete fool of himself
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>retard is so low IQ he thinks outlining the general idea of a build is "numberfaggotry"
Kek, this retard doesn't even realize how badly he's insulting his own level of intelligence.
oh that's very nice. it shows you all the synergies and feats.
what level do characters usually reach? i'd like to put in at least 10 points into constitution
this sort of elementary reading is not what people usually mean by numberfaggotry. it's more akin to reading the game manual.
How come you don't need to plan your entire build out of the game whenever you play any other rpg, but need to do that for Underrail per your own words?
oh he's talking to himself again, nevermind
at least change your speech patterns when you're in your "noob asking for advice" persona, jesus
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>what level do characters usually reach?
If you play on classic experience mode, explore and kill all enemies, you will hit level cap long before you finish the game.

Constitution builds are very strong. Heavy metal armor with Juggernaut, Conditioning and Thick Skull feats will make you tanky as fuck and virtually immortal on normal difficulty.
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>How come you don't need to plan your entire build out of the game whenever you play any other rpg
Play better RPGs, brainlet.
>oh he's talking to himself
all he ever does
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>the retard still hasn't posted his character and full submerged into his schizoid fantasies

I accept your malding concession.
>doesn't say the level
i looked it up and the level cap is 20 or 25 (dlc?)
the max is important. it's a major commitment to put 10 points into con when you only have 20. but i'd do it every time if i had 40 points to work with.

there's a lot of feats so i'm looking for ones with low base requirements but high results (so far, sprint, hit&run, jugg, point shot, grenadier look good). crafting seems interesting especially since anon here >>483811127 suggested that it's good.
>go on crpgg
>meet mentally ill person
who could have predicted it
If you have all the DLCs, the max level is 30. If you play on classic experience mode, you will hit level 30 before you go into the final part of the game (which is quite long).

Crafting is indeed very strong, especially if you're going to use metal armor. The screen you've quoted shows you approximate crafting skill values for an endgame suit of metal armor, but they can vary somewhat, depending on quality of components (even though I was using super high quality in the screen) and the type of metal used.
he used to scream at people laughing at those NWN modules featuring rape and abuse that he shilled so hard
these days he's just not the same, a shallow husk of a shit-obsessed herman he used to be
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The only ones getting raped and abused here are the lying poser retards who don't play RPGs and then pull ignorant opinions out of their nogames asses, kek.

Doubt these animals even have the mental capcity to beat Underrail tbqhwyf.
well, 30 is better than 20 i guess. personally, i find it unfun to play a game when the xp you get from things is thrown into the trash. so i would prefer the level to be uncapped.

i did search briefly for a way to uncap the level, but it seems that nobody has made a mod for that yet. so i'll just play it the normal way and decide when i hit 30 about whether or not i'll make something to uncap it at that time.

that's a little unfair. surely there's nobody so stupid they don't have the mental capacity to beat a video game. think about it: if you paid them enough or forced them, 100% of people would finish the game. on the other hand, there are people who no matter what the situation is simply cannot do certain kinds of mathematics. that's mental capacity.

honestly, this game doesn't even require you to be able to add numbers. all you need to do is read about the requirements. and since it's a crpg and not a roguelike, you can die as much as you want and still beat the game. it's pretty unrealistic that mental capacity would stop someone from beating the game when all you need to do is read english.

that's not to say i don't like the game. i'm interested in the game after all. but it's a little unfair to think that anyone could be stupid enough to lack the mental capacity to beat a video game. they probably just got bored or frustrated.
This is just dishonest. Demons are a setting piece of the region, and honestly have a stronger narative hook than Amn's eclectic theme of being somewhat steampunky Andalusian place that then instantly becomes basic fantasy woodland once you leave the city. Companions, while definetly not amazing, have more depth, thematic connection to the overall plot and to the region of the Worldwound.

The actual story centers around Areelu and her relation to you and how you respond to this bond that you either accept or reject. Its as in-depth as what you described for BG2, honestly even more, because too much of BG2 relies on you embelishing the story in your head, as opposed to what is actually in-game - your relationship with Imoen and interpretation of Irenicus as a character most of all. Both of which indirectly suffer from the fact that the game wants you to do the side stories first and get derailed from the actual plot, which is rather short and not even that grand, mostly feeling like a prolonged sidequest to beat a sidevillain before the underwhelming finale in ToB that sufferes from being too short and too uninspired.
Countless tards have been filtered by depot A, these visual novel "playing" retards don't play games, they just shtipost endlessly about games they never play.

Speaking of depot A, bring acid resistance. Should be on your metal armor by default.
Froggy at least get rid of reddit spacing when you're samefagging so your posts don't look identical
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>he's coping again after being outed as a lying nogaems poser
Are you implying that a mark of good RPG is that it cannot be enjoyed unless you pre-plan your entire playthrough and use wiki and other tools?
Wotr story is good. Everything about Areelu is amazing and 148% kino.
Imagine a mom that loves her son so much she is ready to became a half-demon and end the world to have like 0.0001% chance to get him back.
Mom/son sex?
Character building depth is an aspect of roleplaying and something that unambiguously improves the overall roleplaying depth. Building your character is a part of roleplaying experience since it is the process of role definition and the more involved the process is for the player, the better. Only brainlets want their RPGs to have primitive character building depth so that they wouldn't need to plan anything.
I wish you got more of a chance to throw it in her face a) how fucked up her choices were and b) if that kid got sent to the abyss in the first place maybe he had it coming
crazy mother is a good motivation for a villain but it never really felt like you had the opportunity to lay into her like you should
You are avoiding the question.
Why is that other RPG games can be enjoyed simply by, you know, playing the game, but with Underrail you need to use external tools to plan your whole game ahead?
Your immediate reaction was to seethe and say
>Play better RPGs
So does that mean that RPG isn't good unless it's so badly designed that it cannot be understood and played comfortably without consulting external sources?
I'm destroying your dogshit strawman.

You can enjoy eating shit, but that doesn't mean character building depth with high player involvement is not objectively good for the overall roleplaying experience.
No fox sex, no halfling sex and no incest. Such are despotic rules of crpg. I'm sorry.
But bara and gay bears are alright. The Jews did it, I swear.

Well legend can bully her and essentially kill her son in front of her.
I've enjoyed the opposite, letting her now that her son is back, that she won and that i have saved one last crystal for her.
She is very deranged tho.

>got sent to the abyss
Was he? I thing Fazarma striped him and make him reborn on an accelerated basis. Like no resurrection, rebirth speedrun.
>Was he?
man I could be remembering wrong, its been a while but I thought that was part of it that was revealed when you go through the trip down memory lane
Why is that other RPG games can be enjoyed simply by playing the game, but with Underrail you need to use external tools to plan your whole game ahead?
Can you answer that simple question?
When someone (lets be generous here and pretend like it wasn't you samefagging) asked for help your first reaction was to tell him to use an external tool to plan the entire build in advance because otherwise the game won't be enjoyable.
Also name those good RPGs that you've mentioned.
i was talking about a specific phenomenon, lacking mental capacity. that's different from being filtered. you can be filtered for many reasons. as i stated above, when it comes to CRPGs it's most likely from getting bored or frustrated.

to give a specific comparison, in the roguelike Caves of Qud you need to recognize that an area will have high fire damage. and you need to be prepare for that, perhaps using potions. all while managing limited inventory. there is permadeath, and you need *mental capacity* to be aware of your surroundings, manage your requirements, and prepare for potential dangers. like some caveman in a cold climate. the key contrast between a game like that and a crpg is that you do not need mental capacity for a crpg: you just reload a save file and prepare the gear you'll need. because of this, the limiter for a crpg is not mental capacity: it's something more like patience and boredom.

that's not to say that even those sorts of games are some high standard of cognition. you'd really have to be a knuckle dragging retard to actually be unable to ascend in nethack. it's just that we play games to have fun. i don't blame people if they get filtered, and it absolutely should not be something to take pride in if your game filters people. i can't speak for underrail but usually games which filter people do so because these games have problems.

i don't usually get a chance to explain how i feel about these things so it's nice to have this kind of dialogue, even if it's just semantics. as an aside, are you the poster that people on here call froggy

if it were the real world, your handsome mc would be banging the halfling singer-songwriter before you even got to the inn.
>Why is that other RPG games can be enjoyed
I already answered that: You can enjoy eating shit, but that doesn't mean character building depth with high player involvement is not objectively good for the overall roleplaying experience.

You shat out a strawman that is obviously false to begin with, because there are plenty of people who beat Underrail without planning anything. You don't NEED to plan builds for Underrail same way you don't NEED to NOT plan builds for Kekfinder or PoE, but the more involved the role definition process is, the richer the roleplaying experience, because role definition is part of the said roleplaying experience.
>No fox sex, no halfling sex and no incest.
Larian did all 3. Well, sort of. There's bear sex, you can be a hafling protagonist and have sex and there is a drow sibling brothel duo that you can three/foursome.
>no incest. Such are despotic rules of crpg
Bad rules.
Mom/son sex with Areelu.
I don't even understand how planning your build ahead and having the tools to do so can be considered a negative. This place is insane.
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>i want fox sex
>we have fox sex at home
>fox sex at home:
>because there are plenty of people who beat Underrail without planning anything.
On lowest difficulty, which you yourself absolutely despise.
>You don't NEED to plan builds for Underrail
So that's the reason your first urge was to tell someone to use an external tool to plan everything and then come back to optimize it even further? Right.
Come on, name those good RPGs you've mentioned.
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>Owlkeks could've buckbroken the industry with their revolutionary, genre boundary-pushing ideas
>instead they shat their pants and played it "safe" only for Latrine to reap all the media PR rewards
Masters of missed opportunities.
Bro, you know full well that if DnD had Kitsune like PF, Larian would have included one as a companion, and since all companions are romancable, you'd get fox sex
With obvious downside being that you have to "play" Reddit Gate 3.
i know full well there's no fox sex in bg3.
it's easy to check
The humor and random DnD encounters are equivalent to the shit you'd find in BG2, NWN or even PF games (theater group rings a bell?). The only "reddit" feature is 3d graphical presentation.
>So that's the reason your first urge was to tell someone to use an external tool to plan everything and then come back to optimize it even further?
Yes? Because planning ahead is good practice and improves the roleplaying experience?

>name those good RPGs you've mentioned
Literally any 3-3.5e DnD game, for example: IWD1-2, ToEE, NWN1-2, KotC1-2: it's always a good idea to plan your characters beforehand, external tools or no. Same goes for Kekfinder and PoE.

You're a fucking retard who shat out a nonsensical strawman and is trying to argue that character building depth is LE BAD. Absolute fucking clown behavior.
why does this guy have some beef with bg3?
Yeah, one theater group is the same as the entire game being unable to take itself seriously 95% of the time.
He already schized out about da joooz. The answer is mental problems.
is it fine to buy the DLC later? or is this one of the games where it's best to buy the DLC at the start
It's best to buy it from the start, you will get new weapon and feat options right from the start.
Yet all of these games are fun without any out-of-the-game preplanning at all, with everything being transparent and easy to understand enough. Unlike Underrail, where your only option is to google what skills to pick beforehand unless you want to basically softlock yourself.
Also, no comment on the diffculty? Are you really saying that people completing Underrail on easiest difficulty is okay, after seething at people not playing on Unfair in WotR so months?
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all right, picked it up. one of the main factors in my decision was their support for my steam deck. i'll probably play it on my desktop or on my laptop the most but i do like to play games on my 'eck
>Yet all of these games are fun without any out-of-the-game preplanning at all, with everything being transparent and easy to understand enough. Unlike Underrail, where your only option is to google what skills to pick beforehand unless you want to basically softlock yourself.
This is not an objective statement, this is your subjective mental fucking illness stemming from lack of mental capacity. In other words: a dumb fucking strawman that you pulled out of your prolapsed asshole.

Plenty of people beat underrail on normal going in blind. One of the most popular builds: AR-totting tin-can is virtually impossible to fuck up, if you follow basic logic and generally good character build practices transferrable from other RPGs.
>This is not an objective statement
Yeah, it is. And your own behavior (immediately demanding that someone uses an external tool to pre-plan their entire build and then tell you so you can optimize it even more) confirmed it.
If anyone asked on tips on how to play PoE would you also demand they check the wiki and pre-plan their entire build too, hmm?
Bring acid resist for Depot A - the great shitbuild filter. Find some mutated dog leather or siphoner leather and stuff it in your boots. Use metal armor which has inherent acid resist or use mutated dog or siphoner leather armor for the acid resist. You will thank me later.
>Yeah, it is.
No, it isn't. It's your worthless dogshit opinion. You don't need to plan anything to enjoy underrail on normal, you don't need to NOT plan your builds to enjoy other RPGs. You are a mentally ill strawman warrior. You plan your build for any RPG or you don't, you don't need to do either to both enjoy and beat the game.
Wait, how come you immediately tell someone to bring acid resistance and what armor to use before everything else, before they even had a chance to play the game? Didn't you just say that the game is completely doable
>if you follow basic logic and generally good character build practices transferrable from other RPGs.
If that was really the case, then your "advice" wouldn't be necessary.
>All this Depot A talk
>I don't even remember which part of the game that was, had no issue
The only bullshit parts I remember were the DLC robots with insane armor and the very first mini boss - that hobo with a dog in your power shed.
>how come you immediately tell someone to bring acid resistance and what armor
Because unlike you, I actually played the game, retard, and know what I'm talking about.

>Didn't you just say that the game is completely doable
Correct, you can always retreat from depot A and re-equip with better gear and comeback, but it will save you quite some asspain.

And nothing I suggested is actually build specific, it's gear selection specific.
>You don't need to plan anything to enjoy underrail on normal
Then why do you insist on making people plan everything ahead and tell them what to do before they even boot up the game?
>And nothing I suggested is actually build specific
But didn't you just call Depot A "the great shitbuild filter"? Also your insistence on telling people what to do is weird if the game is so easy to understand and play.
Suggest, mentally ill strawman warrior.

Because planning ahead is good character building practice and engoodens the roleplaying experience since role definition is part of said roleplaying experience.


Do you enjoy getting shit shoved down your throat, subhuman?
They would've also made her cuck you for good measure.
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Ok so, I have a shifter + the rogue companion in through the ashes. What should I make the other 3 companions? Playing on core and planning on doing lord of nothing too. Any suggestions?
1) That's Owlcat's specialty
2) Why are you so obsessed by cuckoldry?
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how's something like this?

Heavy armor with heavy weapons and crafting.
It's a bit troubling that I have to dump will-dex-agi to meet the requirements for many of these feats but you simply do not get enough base stats. 11 base points at level 30, what were they thinking? I had expected that in the absolute worst case I'd get 20.
If you finish with just 3 unique companions, you get a cheevio.

If you want full party, get yourself a cleric, a second tank and a second row damage dealer like two-handed fighter.
>Because planning ahead is good character building practice and engoodens the roleplaying experience since role definition is part of said roleplaying experience.
Yet when people play PoE you don't immediately jump in to "suggest" that they should use an external tool to preplan their entire build and also tell them about muh "shitbuild filters". Curious! It's as if Underrail is not really fun at all unless you consult wiki beforehand.
if you want to make it easier, a class or two with a pet really carries the first parts of the game

Run through with no mercs and default exp settings for the kino survival experiance.
>bear sex
Allowed by ZOG.

> hafling protagonist
Does not count.

>drow sibling brothel duo that you can three/foursome.
Not real incest. Mom+son = incest. spitroast a chick with your bro =/= incest.
How do you use Foretell (Hinder) effectively? It being a standard action makes it feel kind of worthless unless you don't intend to actually do anything useful until round 2. For a non demon anyway.

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