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Post-nerf edition

>Latest patch
>skibidi update

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
>literally undodgable attacks
Tranny boss
>Patch didn't add a Miquella ending.
Yeah, I know I was delusional, but It still hurts.
I beat the DLC pre-nerf.
Is Overhead Slash actually good or is it just Sekiro roleplay?
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>great rune broke
e h ?
tell us the attack that you think is "undodgable" so we can laugh at you
miquella did an oppsie woopsie and a fuckie wucky
Posts below this line MUST include timestamped confirmation of Pre-nerf Radahn kills or they will be assumed to have NOT beaten the game.

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There is zero (0) reason they couldn't have made cracked pots/perfumes/other consumables into things that required more resources to craft but refilled at bonfires. And they could have just made it so you can carry 1 - 4 instead of 10. Then I'd have an actual reason to use this dogshit crafting system
If gamers are hesitant to even use their fucking Elixirs in RPGs so they end up with 50 of them at the final boss, why would I use consumables that don't even replenish unlike those games which recover them when you reload a save so you aren't actually wasting them if you don't beat the boss
Sekiro isa better game with a superior combat system
It's over...
>be an adult
>have work
>have life stuff going on
>have friends that wanna play other games

i'm too old for this thread apparently
>49% on steam
it's over
>sansseaz is a bad boss
YES, however using my 60 int I have devised of a method to slap back that fucker's bullshit with your bullshit. If you're being served bullshit, return it with your own bullshit.
Just run around the arena and poison arrow the bitch while your mimic takes aggro every now and then, the bitch's AI is gimped and it'll just follow you in a circle most of the time, and on skibidi level 8 with 50 vig, the attack that hit every now and then took 4/5 health, meaning there's plenty of time to heal up from the bitch's attack. Helps if your mimic has a status builder, mine has the MGS
Daily reminder that TORRENT is a LITTLE SCAREDY BITCH
>install great merchant mod
>have infinite consumables (farmable ones)
Don't care, not my problem
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>walk under boss
>cast ADLS
>1/5th of the bosses hp disappears
Do we even know the skibidi scaling yet?
>>49% on steam
what is
Even if I had that I wouldn't use them because I'm not crafting for every single dogshit bomb I throw that does 500 damage
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>Bites your dick off
40 AR at 20 sibidis, like 200 at 10
Instead of being a smug tranny how about you post a webm of you beating Radahns and Miquella with pure into or faith build?
It's not that big of a deal, you can have 10 perfumes and 10/20 pots and I've been using both all the time
Just craft a bunch once they're spent and that's it
guy on leddit had 1585 AR before patch at
+15 and now he has 1750
you did not beat the game
Did the DLC introduce any big tiddy bitches on the level of the previous dark souls games? Or are they all flat again?
you bricked your save better start over
>Miyazaki before the DLC
>"There will be no new endings"
>DLC comes out and there ate no new endings
I don't know what you expected
>just got up to radahn
>enabled easy mode
Fuck this shit
>punished for not boss-rushing DLC and exploring it at my own pace
I can't keep up with this nolife meta...
Thats right.
They made the game easier.
Its time to uninstall the game and leave.
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Melina belongs to the Three Fingers.
Is there anything cool in this area with the pink Pests aside from an Ash of War?
The DLC is at 38% on Steam and falling fast!
How's the pvp on pc?
they changed it so the skibidis scale up faster in the first 10 you get
end result is still basically the same though
what is the purpose of this lie
This. From should release Sekiro 2 after this.
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ni hao ma
wo hen hao ching chang too hardo miyazaki nerf
Rellana has some modest milkers but they're covered up.
>"Look at me, I'm an asset-reuse enemy!"
means nothing just talk to npcs sometime soon
Are all the people complaining about how hard the enemies hit in the DLC on high NG+ cycles? I'm doing it on NG, and it felt fine pre-patch.
mechanically? awful like its always been. but it can be fun if you accept that it's just a funny minigame with probably the worst netcode in any game made after the year 1998

that said there are a lot of legitimate players clearing zones with phantoms so you can get up to shenanigans. i've had some good invasions by ganking hosts with my NPC goons and ambushing them with mimic tear. i recommend having a backhand blade with swift slash in a weapon slot so you can kill everyone whenever you run into obvious gank squads who are not interested in playing fair
If your build had over 50 resist you did not beat the game
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Elden Ring if it was good.
>messmer has had lines redone since the trailer
>the pute knight was called knight of the GEQ in the files
>jolans chest piece looks like the logo for blackflame
>Meytr had a gloam coloured eye
>romina is in the game trailer yet has no dialogue and little to no lore
>hand crawler origins seemingly retconned and look out of place in the ruins
>radahn fight out of nowhere with only minimal foreshadowing
>death knights refer to protecting godwyns “cadaver surrogate”

So was there a massive lore rewrite during the development of this expansion? Because it feels that way
>male pc
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>two of Radahn's combos smacks you away even if you block it so you can't do a guard-counter
Yeah fuck you too Miyazaki, you fucking hack.
>still can't fuck the twink
69 lol
some actual effort? fromsoft, hello??
>he didn't beat it pre nerf
move your raid to /v/ discord tranny
>All the recent Lies of Penis shilling on /erg/
We're being raided by discord again
Just counterpoke.
>Instant summons at Bayle
>Fought him about 20 times by now
>Only one made it
>changed build to beat a boss

You didn't beat the game.
How did you know I was using the big dick talisman brosis...
hehe that's right melina, time to play the role of finger maiden
>killed the boss
You didn't beat the game.
>bootleg bloodborne
Nah I'll just play the original.
What is exactly the hand crawler origin in the base game that was retconned anon?
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Get mirror matched bozo
Oh yeah man it was so hard to beat Radahn pre-nerf. How could anyone possibly beat him in the original version? Huh? Rolling Sparks? Carian Sovereignty? Impenetrable Thorns? Fingerprint shield? I don't know what you're talking about bro the original patch was so hard bro.
What type of damage does the lord of frenzied flame deal? Fire? Holy? Both?
>one tapped while guarding from his space nuke
>Ran away like the old fight and got blown up
Alright whats the deal with his new skyfall how do I not die to this
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>full Arcane Fangs w/ Endure
Actually ez mode lmao
it's the same if you put your sign down anywhere
How much easier did the game get after the patch?
>didn't use DDR pad
You didn't beat the game.
i dont understands hunters
imagine being the guy who sees a 2v1 situation and is like
>yo lemme jump in on that
Lies of P is such a stupid fucking name
Bloodborne sucks though, this game is actually good.

The only slop here is this sorry excuse for a DLC.
None of those words are in the Bible so they don't count either.
I beat radahn with the God's weapon, the claymore.
Why would you invade before radahn?
I pirated Lies of P and it was mid
Base game implied they were related to Rykard, visually due to their similarity to his hands and all the rings they had as well as in the text of the big finger hammer weapon that uses their stun abilities. It says their origin was in blasphemy which is rykards whole thing
>try out the Sekiro deflect tear
Holy shit this is good
Where does the knight that guards Ymir go after you kill Metyr? I burned the tree before talking to her afterwards and now she's gone?
>Lori the Inquisitor
>Just runs away and uses ranged attacks
>Wave spam
>Big wave
>Tracking AoE ground shit
>Teleport is anti-melee
>Summons fucking Spirits

You cannot convince me this shit wasn't made for co-op.
it's too linear
when you get to a boss there's nothing to do but keep trying to fight it. why can't i go level up, get new weapons and upgrade my shit by checking out a different area when i struggle with the boss? game forces you to learn the boss patterns like some monkey
the sword looks holy but bosses often deal pure physical on weapons like this, test with a shield. Spells are clearly fire
The blessed blue dew talisman is the best thing they ever added. Actually makes me use WAs even during exploration
For a jump attack build is it better to keep using 2 Great Stars or use 1 with the Two-Handed Sword Talisman?
Doesn't she invade you?
If you just killed the mother, go back to the throne and interact with it I think.
>didn't use vibrating anal beads
You didn't beat the game.
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>it's not a nerf!!! it just smoothes out the experience!11!!!!

Your character has way more stat at every single upgrade level, and at 20 blessings you're basically 21 if it existed prenerf, it's huge shut up.
>game forces you to learn the boss patterns like some monkey
Lack of self-awareness is amazing, as expected of a /v/ NPC lol
Your dmg will be higher with two I imagine
>nah dude my shitty gookslop clone is totally better than the game it's copying
why are shills always so bad at shilling their crap
if you co-op or use spirit ashes then you didnt beat the game
It's very apparent yes, the cg in the trailers is also irrelevant. The tree align with black/white flame at the end of the first trailer? Completely forgotten about.
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Hello fellow Dew suckers.
Can anyone give advice?
I have been trying to give my husband Miquella my tasty dew but his sister insisted she always watches for his safety.
She already watched when I sucked Dew out of him but the problem is that whenever we get going his sister get too excited and she keeps "blooming" all over.
I don't mind her watching now and then but she never gives us space and the pollen are terrible.
Can anyone tell me what to do?
It's a tradeoff between damage and stamina cost
That’s another knight. You can go under the throne before the Meytr fight and you can tell her what happened
Try it with Dryleaf Arts. It's addictive.
Most transparent shilling
another poisecuck heavy/medium rolling to dodge. either go light and actually dodge or just use a shield. both solve the problem
>way more stat
At 20 skibidi you're getting ~20 AR out of 1800 and 0.5 defenses
It's literally nothing
Do buffs scale with stats or weapon upgrades?
Let's say I have a talisman and use the power within clone, does the buff get stronger with an upgraded talisman or more stats?
or is it just a flat buff?
inb4 you claim "that's the fun part"
the fun part is exploring and the lore. boss fights are just there for vtubers
if you think basic pattern recognition is fun, go play zelda
Holy shit I forgot about that, looks like ghostflame. Given all the Goldwyn stuff and mention of a “cadaver surrogate” was godwyn actually going to be the final boss but they changed it?
What weapon did you use to beat the game ?
Instead of being a smug tranny how about you post a webm of you beating Radahns and Miquella with pure into or faith build?
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Bayle would be considerably easier if you could zoom out the camera.
you bricked 3 npcs if you didnt do their quests. like actually you now miss out on their ashes or wep.
probably some mix of people not stacking up on defenses and not collecting skibidis

dragoncrest greatshield talisman should never go off your character unless your enemies are 100% non-physical damage dealers
>like some monkey
it's gookslop made for gooks, repeating shit like monkeys is all they can do
It's pretty straight forward dude, just boot up fextra or something and read
or just use physick that decreases your weight load, that's what I do
Buffs like flame grant me strength or golden vow are flat
Weapon buffs scale off your spell casting tool
Dogshit game
>”I never played the game so let me tell you why it sucks.”
Lies of PEAK mogs Elden Piss and no amount of cope will change this. From Soft fell off and other studios are making better souls games now.
ok how do i avoid getting patched?!
i dont need nerfs
Are there better great hammers in the DLC over Great Stars?
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did i fuck up
what curse is she on about>?
Lmao my Internet went out so I didn't get patched, you guys still want before after Skibis? I figured out how to cheat engine the things in on a fresh save.
Sword of Darkness or Light
cool, ty
Base game did not allude to Rykard birthing them at all. Doesn't give any explanation for their origin either. People assumed they were some fucked up Carian Experiment because of Caria Manor, and people threw shit at the wall from being hands that Rykard cut-off and grew back to being the reanimated hands of giants from Flame Peak. Ringed Hammer description is vague and could easily be describing the act of cutting the finger and making it an hammer as an act of blasphemy, not the birth itself, which makes more sense because if Fingercreepers are the cousins of Fingers, hunting them and making them into weapon would be very much frowned upon
Is Igon voiced by the same dude as OOOH ELDEN RING or they have two absolutely based dudes in the voice team?
how do i stop radahn from reading my inputs

do i need to use a wireless controller to confuse him or something
Is the game even easier if you have enough upgrades?
Use the player 2 controller slot
anon posted he was getting 1700 vs 1400 at +10 skibidi

the end result is the same, yes, but it makes a very big difference for 99% of the time you are playing the game
If you didnt get the protective spirit item then yes
Whatever the final boss was originally, it was not radahn. Everything to do with radahn feels shoehorned in at the last minute. I can tolerate most of the bosses lacking a cutscene or dialogue, but there is no way the main plot of the dlc was worked on for 2 years. The final cutscene is simply nothing.
The word blasphemy is usually exclusively used with rykard and all the finger creepers have rings just like rykard does. Meytr and her fingers got no rings
>poisoned hand in one hand
>madding hand in the other
>both poison and madness exultation charms
i like it
Hmm I don't recall then.
I just remember after fighting the mother, you interact with the chair. Jolan Invades then you fight ymir, then after resting jolan is sitting next to the pillar she was at previously.
I did all that after burning the tree.
If you're looking for Anna she's up near shaman village, otherwise I don't recall.
Scadutree fragments make a world of difference
Tou are trying too hard and impressing no one
i dont think i did which are those?
where do i get them>
I wish madness did anything to non-NPC enemies
Now look at difference for 99% of your time in dlc
>I am gonna act like a faggot while shilling my slop, then cry when shilling doesn't work
So this is the power of average Lies of Piss fag.
>not using the new AoW that basically gives you a free bleed
>Still no explanation as to what the fuck these even are.
why did they make radahn gay
not trying to impress anyone
i just want the real experience, the one the developers wanted me to have.
not the experience twitch fanboys want me to have
If you look closely, you can see that it's a face
It's Pride Month.
they're just parts of Godwyn like every other death looking thing
it's just a spooky cave
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>nearly first try Gaius
>"that wasn't so hard I can get him next attempt"
>only beat him after an hour of trying
You know you can just go back to the previous thread and check it, right?

At 10 Skibidi
1287 vs 1416 AR = +129 AR
59,1 vs 62,8 Def = +3,7
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So if I had the max amount of scadutree fragments before is the game easier now?
Did they make a better spirit ash than the mimic yet? I know we're all hardcore here and play solo only rune level 1, but I'm asking for a friend
the madding hand has fire damage, so that's its positive over just using the poison hand for pve.
>really like holy swords and incants
>pretty much all bosses are resistant to it
Right so, how likely am I going to miss out on questlines and gear if I fuck up quests?
I know there'll be a bit in the shadow keep where I'll either have to help Leda or the Hornyboi.
But despite who you help during these invasions, nothing becomes an issue until later on, right?
I can still get Horni's and Alby's outfits and gear from the final boss by summoning them?
How do i beat rellana with 3 summons?
I don't think I want to be a bleed shitter
Out of curiosity, what Ash is this? Don't you mean the Blooms Twice instead?
you are correct, but the argument isn't very good
>gets unreasonably at it
and LoP had a good story and world. The musical district was kino. Enemy encounters were also very good. Elite enemies actually guarded stuff so you couldn't just run past and there were fewer mobs, but also higher non-trash mob percentage. FromSoft could learn from that instead of giving us
>bloodfiend only zone
>rat only zone
and so on
>frenzy fist and torch both have an INT tax
... Why?

I mean, I guess it gives me an excuse to use smithscript weapons on this built, but it's not ideal
>Filtered by good games
Oof. Oink oink, piggy. Miyazaki has brought more slop for you.
What moves from Promised Radahn can't be parried?
>Actually makes me use WAs even during exploration
the flask restoring when you kill the enemy group fully was since the base game, there's no reason to jew the FP
but there is. they're called godwyn surrogates. godwyn's body is manifesting everywhere.
Doesn't happen in legacy dungeons
These things were around when Marika was still in the realm of shadow though.
The trailer shows her pulling gold hair out of its eye.
Yeah, I uh, might need to level up a bit haha
are you trying to pass off 129 AR as "literally nothing"? even the strongest consumable weapon buff adds less
Yes anon we are all very impressed that you are trying so hard to not play with the nerfed version that adds 1% extra defense, please fuck my pussy
Putresecent Knight is not, have fun bullying him.
Very slightly, enjoy your 3% damage negation and 40 free AR
The trailer shows Marika pulling the golden thread from the belly of a pregnant woman, not from a Godwyn blob.
Very slightly
~40 AR on ~1615
~0.5 Def on ~70+
>the whiny casualtroons got their way again
For fuck's sake and I didn't have the time to finish yet cause I actually got a life. Wish I could just kill all you niggers.
reminder you beat the game when you kill the elden beast, DLC is all optional
Thanks famalam.
Lmao no one plays Souls games for the lore, stfu fag. From Soft has never told a good story ever.
Is it a pregnant woman?
You were suppose to wear the Lion mask to talk to her OR kill her at the end if you didn't complete Hornset's quest, nice going.
You only missed out on a spell/miracle
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Explain this dogshit part of the map because I spent over an hour exploring this shit and playing some stupid hide and seek game with some annoying mobs for literally 2 cookbooks and a smithing stone. And I couldn't even use Torrent.
What the actual fuck?
>>At 20 skibidi
Not really
Which DLC grease is both easy to farm and useful?
So is there no need to test before after Skibis? Otherwise I'm just gonna patch my game the moment I'm done cheat engining shit.
alright I know how to get away from the purple bullshit in his first phase but how do you deal with it in the second one? the one after the after image attacks
Stop shilling if being told to fuck off makes you upset so much, dumdum.
It's time to embrace invading, anon. Holy damage is actually just dark damage from DS3, meaning other players are relatively weak to it.
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Seek church
>death knight spamming the shitty spin attack
Bayle was the only good boss. You know I'm right.
>I said shill, I win
What a fag lol.
Looks like your mom, anon
I beat the main game prepatch on launch, and the DLC prepatch on launch. I absolutely beat the game.
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>bullshit camera boss
>rakaksha doing the slashy attack 9 times in a row (I counted)
Cry some more, it does wonders to your shilling efforts.
starting my dragon communion incantation only run now that a proper dragon form is in the game. Just beat Dancing Lion, not too bad, has a lot of really wide opening to cast Dragonmaw on and that shit will chunk the hell out of a boss
1. There's a dungeon and one of the best bosses in the game there
2. They were trying to do a spooky horror section, with both the woods and dungeon
3. The woods part just doesn't work because it's way too big and empty. It needed to be much smaller.
Good. Gives you opportunity to heal/punish with a jump heavy.
Who won?
Who lost?
Being completely objective, how would you rate this dlc? For me it's a 7.5 at best, the world feels empty and unfinished and some of the boss designs are questionable at best and straight up horrible at worst.
being absolutely held down and fucked in every position by radahn while miquella laughs right now

this bossfight is fucking agony.
Lies of P is a great game, I enjoyed the combat a lot. The level design does get a bit exhausting at the end because EVERY SINGLE item pickup has to be a le epic ambush just like in muh Souls games!
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Try me bitch
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>have to summon NPCs during boss fights to continue their quests
This is fucking retarded
About to fight Bayle, what am I in for?
do you need to summon them on the winning attempt or just once?
Peak camera horseshit
>punish with a jump heavy
Doesn't work, he has infinite poise during the slash attack so I'll just get hit back
You're in for CURSING him
There's so many attacks designed to be jumped in the DLC that you can probably get a lot of use out of dragonclaw. I bet you could even cast a jumping dragonbreath against Dancing Lion's triple breath spin.
I don't think you faggots realize how much is 3% in this game.
If you are playing with decent armour then go put on some clothes to have roughly 3% less negation and see for yourself. The difference is MASSIVE. I changed my fashion to much lighter when I respecced to faith and I had 4% less negation and I was literally getting 1 tapped by attacks that previously only took like 70-80% of my HP.
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>using that Sekiro tear
Fighting the death knight was fun as fuck.
From what I've read it seems like you have to win with them
only an issue on select few bosses like radagon/elden beast who are nearly immune to holy
>the base game gives you FOUR great ghost gloveworts for +10 Ashes

eldfaggots? what the fuck?
God no. Worst the camera has ever been in any of these games.
>don't lock on
I didn't, still shit
The tear made me realize I only love Sekiro's parry system if there's no stamina
>Sekiro mechanics infinitely more fun than rollslop
From should have just progressed with it from the start with Elden RIng
who won? (You)
Who lost?

very cannonical dlc where its post Lord and you could be down anypath (but being lord of FF/Ranni/Marika make the most sense) and go to stop the last demigod from stopping you.
>using ashes
Shitter moment
You can just stop when you know you would have won. Or you can do what my friend did and alt+f4 right as you beat the boss.
kek, good to know some zoomies actually got mindbroken by the "you didn't beat it" meme
just time your block, bro.
You now remember when Miyazaki said the DLC landmass was "about as big as Limgrave"
>Marika doesn't stop you from going for Ranni
>you still have Grace guiding you even if you go FF
>but when it comes to Miquella she immediately sends you to shank him
What gives?
Are shitkiro trannies the single most insufferable faggots in existence? I'm so glad From canned that dogshit gameplay.
>roll radahn grab
>literally behind him
>get grabbed anyway
there aren't enough enemies to run out of FP entirely before a new grace is given to you unless you use horribly inefficient shit or try to WA every single enemy
This game is such a pile of hot trash it's making me glad I'm going homeless and won't play games no more. Everything I read on /v/ turned out to be true.
Bland and empty open world, again.
Nonsensical boring pretentious writing and acting that's globally going nowhere.
Legacy dungeons inferior to base game which were already inferior to the level of quality seen in previous entries.
Still lot of trash minor dungeons, if fewer than in ER.
And most importantly:
absolutely, undoubtedly, very certainly the most ANNOYING and UNENJOYABLE shit bosses in the history of fromslop. Sekiro was press L1 when Simon says. Shadow of the Skibidi Tree is the same, they switch L1 to Circle, and unlike in sekiro pressing circle doesn't reward you with an opening, it merely gives you the right to survive for 0.20 s more as the boss spams a 20 combos,flips from one side of the arena to the other like a living human fidget spinner, and takes away 3/4 of your health in one hit.
Before cock sucking fromdownies cease to build saliva to go down on Miyazaki's small nip cock they'll probably want to defend their hack after reading this, well no need for that stupid whores. I'm not saying that the game is too hard don't worry you miserable retards can go back to fellating Miyazahack, I'm saying that the game is an annoying piece of shit.
Because there's nothing fun about having to redo a boss to learn his gay tranime pattern by heart to do the rollerino at the precise moment the attack lands. The patterns/range are absurd, the aggro/tracking are insane, as a result you're NEVER on equal footing with the boss. But it's perfectly doable. IF YOU ENJOY LEARNING THAT SHIT BY HEART TO PRESS 0 WHEN THE GAME ASKS YOU TO, SO SEKIRO BUT WORSE.
This game is a pure parody of soulborne games, what a mongoloid son of incest would imagine the game to be if you quickly described a soulborne game to him
how do you dodge radahn's gravity pull?
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>Melina just showed up in the Jagged Peaks
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the mechanics were good. the execution was good. even the bosses were good. i thought the black rabbit gang fight was particularly good.

the problem is that boss fights block progress. They prevent access to better parts of the game. it's not enjoyable to learn movesets and dodge timings. it's boring. And because moves come out at random, the learning process is artificially dragged out. it's annoying, but in these linear games like lies of p and ds3 you can't do shit but learn the boss fight once you get to it. at least elden ring lets you go explore other areas and find cool things learn cool techniques, and use your brain to develop strategies. games like lies of p are overly reliant on simplistic memorization tactics and it's not fun to be forced to do it.
What are the in-game clues that guide you toward the expansion zone?
Didn't he also say the base game will take 40 hours to finish?
>Carian Sovereignty
why ar eyou crying? Michael Zaki literally gives you sekiro tear at the very start of the DLC and it lasts 5 fucking minutes
9/10 for the sheer amount of content: weapons, armor, talismans, enemies, bosses, the open world (I liked the subtle changes to the open world design and the more unique areas like Bayle's peak or Rauh where they tried to do something different), and even consumables. I think that the legacy dungeons and encounter design were a little disappointing, but I actually really like all of the minor dungeons.

Starting a second playthrough and having it immediately sink in just how much there is to do solidified my opinion. It adds a lot more Elden Ring to Elden Ring.
At least we know that they are testing it with this tear drop. We might see it in the next game.
She's homophobic (good).
he never got the prime bussy and had to be cucked with radahn in his body as he watched.
its obvious
Marika doesn't support faggotry.
BB snoytroons will always be the most obnoxious, followed by DS2 tards
ur assuming grace automatically equals marika
grace isnt even pro-player, it tells godfrey to kill you in base game
>Korean boyband "we have Bloodborne at home"
Nah it's slop.
Has Shield poking become the meta for all the hard bosses?
If you get pulled in, run away and jump right before he hits the ground.
And there we are. From took a problem (me as a melee user not using fun WAs on all elite enemies) and fixed it with a simple talisman. I will use Giant Hunt on every single Messmer mage and the game is better for it
>Miquella made it so that Mohg got to feel Radahn inside of him
What is wrong with this kid
faggots dont keep a dynasty going. heterosexual relationships do
There shouldn't be a "next game". Soulslop needs to end here. Just go full bore with Sekiro, it's clearly the perfect evolution of these games.
NG+4 but I'm not complaining. More for me to eat
Am i going insane or are some of the light greatsword swings just going through enemies and not connecting
tysm anon
Miyazaki is the nega Todd Howard. He always lies, but it's to undersell and overdeliver.
Technically speaking the Skibidi change was huge. You can now beat everything minus the final boss at around level 10 Skibidi being handedly, and you can get that in like 10 minutes.
>dragoncrest greatshield talisman should never go off your character unless your enemies are 100% non-physical damage dealers
not even necessarily saying this is a true statement but if it is, that's a sign of terrible design lol
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>being a grown adult and crying at a video game because it's too le hard
>waaaaahhh the bosses are stronger than me it's not fair
Embarrassing. I won't even give you spare change when I see you begging in the street, hobo.
>leddit potman
Ruined desu
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Why does she fight you anyways? She went into the Shadow Realm tm to hunt down Messmer. Why does she just fight a tarnished for no reason? It's not like we care about her, she's not an Empyrean and she's not protecting one either, plus by the time we get to her we can very easily be the canonical consort of Ranni, if not that then we are definitely already in her service.
I was wondering about that, cause if I ever wanna replay the DLC I gotta keep picking up those fucking fragments. They made that easier now
what do elden ring and random anime characters have to do with warlords of draenor
stealing this analogy in future conversations, thank you for making me funnier anon
Reminder that if you didn't kill the final boss before this patch, you didn't beat the game and never will.
Im actually really annoyed we never got to really talk to Miquella.
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Do you guys think Messmer's Kindling could burn the Erdtree if you beat Mohg then play the DLC then beat the fire giant but don't have the Frenzy Flame or let Melina do it?

Normally I'd think that's not something the creators would put in, but the item references Melina's burning of the tree. So I was wondering if they did that on purpose to try to get a player to try it and maybe get an alternative Melina dialogue or ending.

>Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire.
its the sign the moment you get steel +1 or 2 whatever it is early on. then upgrade to dragoncrest right in front of malenia. staple for pvp and pve
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Why the FUCK is there no way to re activate the lever?
>Facetank RoB invader with dueling shield
This shit is comical
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Deflecting tear made this guy almost bearable. Almost.
Nah, this isn't even as good as Dark Souls 2
Nigga she's Messmer's cumdump, she's protecting the direct path to his castle
DLC seems to give you a ton of them anyway.
>Why does she fight you anyways? She went into the Shadow Realm tm to hunt down Messmer.
How the fuck did you get that? It's literally the opposite, she's cocklusting for Messmer.
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>lose on him for like 5 hours
>patch game
>beat him in 4 runs
No... my honor
she fights you because she thinks messmer will agree to help you burn himself for the destruction of the tree. she doesnt want him to die.
>Needlessly large, mostly empty
>Terrible performance
>Too many reused/reskinned enemies
>Legacy dungeons too short, but shadow keep was good
>Side dungeons better than main game
>Bosses range from really well made like messmer to awful messes or plain jokes
>Hardly any cutscenes or dialogue, what we do have isn't terrible though (radahn excluded)
>Extremely apparent that there was a big rewrite and things were moved around or repurposed at the last minute
>Scadutree Blessing system not terrible conceptually but executed poorly, in both its power and how it is acquired

Worth the money? Sure. Worth waiting 2 years for? Not really. Severely lacks polish expected for the timeframe.
>she's Messmer's cumdump
In her wet dreams.
>Miquella offers you to join
>No dialogue option to choose to join or resist for alternative endings or even secret ones
Man, they really peaked in Bloodborne, didnt they?
Didn't read but glad you liked Elden Ring anon!
>is mine and mine alone
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>dragoncrest talismans
Read her remembrance again, it's literally spelled that she's fighting on Messer's side.
Is that the sekiro one? Because that would make sense I guess.
Every time I entered the arena in my head all I heard was
>Check my AR
>Went up 18 points
Wowee some buff.
Don't care.
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>Have a weird fetish for armoured bitches
>Don't like fat bitches, yet Smough and Fire Prelate looking mad fuckable and feminine-tier fetish
>Diallos's Mask and the Twinned Helm are oddly erotic
>have over 42 files in images of women in armour
b-bros...? What does this mean?
Wait really?
bros do i max out black steel greathammer or the anvil hammer
i've had a lot of fun dual wield with melania weapons but i want to hit slow for big damage again
Locking the DLC behind Mohg was a mistake.

Why couldnt they just add it to their already existing overworld? Just drop a new map in the middle of The Lands Between and let players have fun?

Its gonna get really tedious to bring new character here, having to go on a fucking Lord of The Rings journey every single time.
The true purpose of the patch is exposing shitters like you who went up to max level. You didn't beat the game
What's you're current Skibidi level? The change for the lower tiers was pretty big.
>beat everything except Radahn, who I didn't even reach because I was busy testing things in invasions
>beat a bunch of bosses on low level characters at 5-10 skibidi as the patch was going live
This is ideal. I didn't really want to even bother with Radahn based on what I was hearing.
So what's the new meta level? 175? 200?
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Y'know, her armour implies she has pretty big tits, right?
I got +20 after beating the game. I beat it at +13.
Fair enough, I guess I misinterpreted when one of the item descriptions said she came here to chase him.
dlc is fully separate, you can't use messmer's kindling for the giant forge nor does Melina even acknowledge it
You need to be endgame level anyway so it doesn't really matter.
Once you know how you can route to mohg in like 1 or 2 hours.
I beat it shortly after the nerf and got Radahn first try on a NG+. Just say fuck rolling and slap on the heaviest armor, use the strongest elemental protection spells based on who you fight, and same with talismans go for defense. Then shield and spear poke your way to victory.
just cheat engine in a cool weapon or have a friend drop it for you
>talk to Varre
>go to Altus
>beat the stupid hammer guy
>kill what'sherface in front of Morne Castle
That takes 10 minutes at most
varres quest is really fast if you invade, or like 30minutes if u just go to volcano and do those invasions. you can be at mohg in like an hour tops on a fresh character with like 8+flasks at +7 or so.
is it annoying sure, but its not some epic journey
200, the DLC pushes you WAY over 175 if you go in at 150 as intended. Stopping at 175 is fine though if you're trying to help people with earlier bosses exclusively.
>gets nerfed on the player
having to use shield if you ever decide to do Igon's quest because otherwise Bayle isn't letting you summon shit
Otherwise it seems to have a slightly modded generic dragon moveset and placidusucks aerial dive on phase transition
Have you tried it? The items and armor carry over to Lands Between.
Why didnt Miquella just go
>"Hey, sis. Please dont attack Radahn. I want to marry him."
Also why was Radahn cucking everyone by holding back the stars? Did he not want Miquella to become a god? Was this a one way romance and Radahn wanted nothing to do with it?
yeah, it points at you for godfrey.

it's basically a compass for those who have it.
>just cheat
I was wondering if it was just me being retarded but yeah in most of these fights there's literally not even enough downtime to hit an NPC summon sign
Miquella sent Malenia specifically to kill Radahn. He needed him dead to get him to the realm of shadows for his plan. Shits fucked.
>beat the stupid hammer guy
Just entering and instantly exiting 3 invasions is faster.
My understanding is that the second half fragments will actually be worse, so radahn should be comparable still. The problem was people weren't getting enough scampi fragments early enough but the map is so fucked that they didn't even know where to go to find more.
So if you pretend there are 4 levels instead of 20 before it was
> +5%, +5%, +5%, +5%
Now it's
>+10%, +5%, +3%, +2%
or something to that effect.
yes, i chudded through without belbearings from farum azula using old shit purely to see if there would be anything and there is nothing
>wrong mountaintop you retard
how do you deal with non-100% phys dmg reduction? Sekiro hardtear? Or regen?
I'm looking for an average level for PVE COOP, invasions, and arena. The 150 meta worked well for this since it matched with 125 and NG+ guys well for coop and invasions. I was thinking of RL166 because this matches with 150 - 200ish, but having some more QoL stats is always nice.
his great rune changed him, he stopped the stars because he could. he ate people because he felt like it. it fixed his anal worms. radahn cared for radahn and nobody else(except leonard)
He's talking about the cutscene before the fight https://youtu.be/yitHkWw6yOo?t=51 you can see the guidance of grace pointing away from him to the boss gate
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>hear that Mohg is awaiting Miquella's ascension and imagine him sitting by the egg watching intently for an event that won't happen
Is there any new content for Melina and Malenia if you play the DLC while they're still alive?
So whats the deal with Mohg then? Why have Mohg move your body?
Did you get mad because you don't have a friend anon
You spelled Romina wrong
none other than leda showing up after you rest at mogh's grace.

well, i guess gideon tells you about the cocoon too.
Ah. In that case I'm going to make a reddit account and claim that you can save Melina and get a secret ending with Melina if you do the DLC before fighting the firegiant to waste Redditor's time.
What stuff hints that the grace was telling Godfrey to kill you? I think that's cool and had always assumed that everyone that lost the sight of grace basically already played their roll for someone (You) to use them as a stepping stone.
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lmao radahn is an utter joke with GS and something like the sword lance
Does Miquella actually mind-control people? I thought he just makes them love him and they do everything to protect him. I assumed Mohg stealing the egg was unintentional
The only thing in the DLC affected by the base game is a line with the dragon lady if you've killed Placi.
I had a ton of fun fighting him with the Backhand blades.
Im taking a nice, long, sip of Miqola.
Sword of Light or Sword of Darkness?
>wow guys bleed is broken?!
My Nigga. Romina is by far the best boss in the the dlc.
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It's a shame, I think if they really just increased the delay between attacks more now that they already buffed scadutree effectiveness, many of these bosses would be considered some of FromSoft's best. It all FEELS like a thirty second cinematic of constant attacking but it's really like two or three attacks stringed together with only a half a second to attack in-between.
The literal gold of grace coming towards you from him during his intro cutscene as he prepares to rightly break you a new set of asscheeks.
Yeah. It made all of his charges very easy to deal with. He also got posture broken after like 2 guard counters and couple heavies so that was nice too.
Also I forgot to type this, but yes you're right. The DLC absolutely shits out runes. I often walk around with 2m runes and I just spend them on consumables before bosses. Most I've lost is 4 million so far on trash mobs! So yeah I think the average player will go above 170 for sure pretty early on in the DLC, especially considering it's easy to get to 160+ in NG if you do all of the content and don't lose too many runes.
I can't believe people need to summon for Midra
I can't believe every time I get summoned for Midra the host dies
Doesn't Miquella being able to shed parts of himself have pretty massive lore implications?
Don't forget the shield too, lmao
Hell fucking yeah I love the guy from GRIME
If you get grabbed too many times you get a unique game over. Instead of "YOU DIED" you get "HEART STOLEN" in gold text
I don't know what sword of darkness does, but light is disappointing
>stand still and summon a laser show that lightly tickles everything in a cone in front of you
>incredibly slow and FP inefficientl
can you attempt the boss again after that or is your save bricked
Either get summoned or NG+
When? And what does it do, in English?
they have bloated health, so the fights just last much longer. if you put out more damage, it's obviously shorter. you can make more mistakes and still win.

that dlc bloated fallingstar beast is a good example to compare to base. that fight drags on far longer than any of them in base.
can't you just alt-f4 when he gets the grab
Makes pre-10 skibidi levels matter slightly more, pretty much the same at max
Also supposedly fixes some PC fps issues
FS became complacent, I expected more honestly, could've shoehorned all the cut content and unused ideas in that DLC.
Okay, so I -should- get to Farum Azula. Thanks.
I'm replaying the base game, I haven't touched the DLC yet: my plan was to keep both Melina and Malenia alive, but the DLC has been out for a while at this point so I might as well ask if what I'm doing is dumb or not.
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It means that you're so terrified of eye contact that you can only imagine having sex with a woman if she's wearing a mask.
how do you dodge Rellana spamming her sword magic at you when you enter phase 2?
Buffed scooby snacks
Yes but it's not mind-control, it's making you love him
Oh I never noticed that, fucking bastard ayylmaos
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It's over
>Go fight Skibidi Avatar
>Attack the stem and kill it in like 17 seconds
>"Oh, I heard this one was hard. Well that was disappointing."
>Turn to leave
Midra is basically Elemer on crack. Same principle of the fight being easy if you're close to him, hard if you're at mid-range, and him having 1 or 2 moves that can force you to mid-range to heal. The issue is that n00bs love to toll away and sit at mid-range, making him harder for themselves.
nobody actually hits max anyway
Really? I've killed him but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary
>that dlc bloated fallingstar beast
The one near Shaman Village? My fight was short but I just discovered the area way late in the game.
Hosts always die before me. Every time.
bleed has nothing to do with it
it's great shields
>that dlc bloated fallingstar beast
I beat that thing in like a minute
It's telling that simply saying you don't like Elden Ring is treated like some big statement, how cultish this fanbase has become
Unless it's going to quarter mod damage it isn't enough. I've got 16 and still get damn-near one-shot by every goddamn attack.

I should just bite the bullet and follow a walkthrough to the ones I'm missing.
buy an ad
And I care about some e-tranny's opinion why?
It definitely matters, it's literally free damage
But I love Emarrel
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did you just get hit by that twice? haha OOPS RETARD
u underestimate normies and COLLECT ALL X videos on youtube. the moment something is remotely "necessary" they will pull up a video and get them all
>Just fought Godfrey using the first weapon
man that was so cool
Maybe your build just sucks? I two shotted him and that was only because my aim was off.
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>tfw i'm resorting to jumping dual wield against Messmer
Should I up my Scadutree blessing from 5 to 7? My biggest fear is trivializing the rest of the game by being overleveled like I did in my Dragon's Dogma playthroughs. So I never know what is a good curve to be in.
By my lord, will I ever make sense of this jumble?
>messing around with that one obscured face preset
>wearing the white masks makes it look like you have downs
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putrescent cleaver looks funny on your back
>2 hours ago, 400 views
not watching it
holy kek
ook ook
>Should I up my Scadutree blessing from 5 to 7?
You shouldn't even be fighting mesmer until you have 12+
Just learn to dodge his attacks, his moveset is extremely predictable and has so many openings after every combo.
they pulled another guardian ape from sekiro with that one.
How do I finish Trina's quest and get the hair ornament?
Please don't tell me I have to beat Radahn.
I'm really tired of every boss having a gap closer that activates frame 0 after going through the fog gate
>mfw no skibidi upgrades
I won, enjoy journalist mode you fucking babies
yeah bullshit
normies are speedrunners. put down a yellow sign ten times and tell me what skibid levels they are at
Why the FUCK can I not climb up to the gates of divinity to have a nice look? Do I not even deserve this after beating that shitty boss? Fucking Miyazaki
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Why are we calling them skibidis again?
Where's Igor summon sign?
yes but as you can see from screenshot(s) it's not even close for the player to be killed
I can just sit behind a GS for an extra 2 minutes and use 1 flask
the fight would still be a joke
You do have to beat him. Why?
Your NG+7??? Don't level vigor??? Set your weapon to +15????
>t. Emarrel
I do know who all these YT e-celeb soulsniggers are and i don't give a single fuck about their opinion
You guessed it
If I can do Bayle at +3 I'm sure he can do Messmer at +5
technically he isn't wrong 40 would be correct if you casually play through story areas
You don't. Just drink the Trina water like 5 times and keep talking to Thiollier if you want the talisman. Idk what this >>483543068 retard is talking about.
Wtf you can see other's scat tree levels? How?
Do you have his item? If so, front left as you exit the gate, like 3 steps away
i was using a single uchi. on that run, i beat the others in base and they were a lot quicker.
>1636 HP
When will the summon NPCs learn, that's not even 50 VIG lol
*prebuff 12
you didnt beat the game
good boy points*
I did bayle at 5, that doesn't mean he's tuned for you doing it at a low upgrade level.
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Probably, or plate armour is just erotic. I'm also going to need the source on that last knight chick in that showcase of masked chicks.
Also don't worry, janny. It's censored.
I mean your character abruptly drops to their knees and begins worshipping him. Sounds like mind control.
In their infinite wisdom they decided to put the sign INSIDE the arena and put the default button to cancel rather than confirm to summon, so you get sniped by Bayle when you try to summon him. It's just a little past the entrance, on the left side.
He meant the hair ornament, not the talisman.
I absolutely love this thing as an invader. The L2 having hyper armor is a godsend, it makes it the ultimate punish for brainless aggression, like waves of darkness but a command grab.
>3 retards with NPC builds holding W+M1 in my direction
>run through a door
>immediately turn and burn with the L2
>if of them has less than 75% HP, they're dead
>invasion is now a winnable 1v2
God, every single boss is just so fucking awful
If they added like an extra half second or one second downtime to bosses after their combos I feel like the complaints about them would drastically lower. Rellana would be a godtier fight where you "dance" with each other rather than whatever the fuck this hectic mess currently is.
What does Enir-Elim mean anyways?
>fanbase is a cult because trannytubber made a clickbait title
Can't tell if pretending 2bh lol
>Yes but it's not mind-control, it's making you love him
that's the same thing, silly
yeah just open the status screen when you're in their world. it reveals their power level
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>Kill it a second time
>In their infinite wisdom
NPC summons inside the arena are great because they don't scale the boss up in return for doing a quest for an NPC that can barely find their own ass, retard
>took the fucking NPC summon like a retard
You will love Miquella in real life anon just like these unfortunate souls.


Of course you could always join them anon. You do want to love Miquella, right?
magic shield does good by itself
I get that, just saying anon could probably do it without having to loot the entire map for upgrades, Messmer isn't toobad
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>or plate armour is just erotic
Or maybe you're just autistic and hyper focus on detailed plate armor / robots.
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>can't get the quest rewards for Hornsent/Leda because I already walked in Messmer's room
This is fucking gay, I really hate From's quest design sometimes. I guess I'll just cheat engine them in.
She says this shit from AFRICA
>tricked into thinking a fire knight was passive on the floor below
>hear it when I step out onto the scaffolding that leads to the fire knight captain
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Have you APOLOGIZED to him yet? He proved he's still a skilled gamer by beating the hardest boss in the entire series in FOUR attempts. I'm sure none of you can say the same thing.
Yeah... I was really excited thinking I had first tried a boss for once in my life.
The quests are supposed to be mysterious and optional as hell. Play a different game if you want a quest log
>drink the Trina water like 5 times
wtf how was I supposed to know, I though it was some dumb joke when it killed me
You leveled your Scadutree? You didn't beat it.
how do i parry messmer?
you're right I still need to beat malenia for divine protect+ and then beat the game and then go to the dlc, cause marika has my sword (holy build)

if you mean dick measurement rights, I beat THE ENTIRE GAME with my main without summoning people, ever. not once. and I didn't even get delivered a sword like some ecelebs.
nta but it literally doesn't work at all unless you have a medium or bigger shield or a 2h weapon block, you can instantly guardbroken by any decently strong attack
>the entire map for upgrades
You have access to the entire map prior to facing him shy of the final area, you can hit like 18 before fighting him if you want.
Assuming you kill gaius and a bunch of hippos.
I’ve been here for 5 hours at radahn so if I win before the patch with my LIZARD GREATSWORD then… it’s not too late,
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>want to fight Godfrey again while making it a fair fight
>Normal weapon vs normal weapon
>buffed weapon vs buffed weapon
>fists vs fists
>buffed fists vs buffed fists
>Planned on using the Dryleaf Arts
>mfw I realize he's already dead and there's no stable connection boss rematch method
>mfw I realize I got no saves even close to being able to get the Dryleaf or Godfrey
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excuse me, is that a fingerprint shield?
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im retarded and do not understand AR without using a AR calculator
is the fire knight greatsword good on a dex build? 80 dex to be specific.
>grace automatically equals marika
It does
>grace isnt even pro-player, it tells godfrey to kill you
Godfrey is the husband she sent away and told to come back, everything else is a backup plan for godfrey
Maybe someone on PS5 would be willing to drop me the hair ornament?
>um actually you're supposed to be punished for exploring the map :)
Shut the fuck up
Forgot to mention that I'm on NG+ if that means anything. I don't know if NG+ cycles affect the DLC. I gotten into his 2nd phase a few times though and it feels unironically easier than his 1st for some reason.
Yeah I think that's an actual bug. Those two exact things happened to me
Yeah that's great if you ignore the huge dragon instantly bumrushing you the moment you enter the arena
>greatshield + bleed poke
>still ran out of flask
>still on 20 skibidi
Just shows it's actually retard-proof setup lmao
nta, not sure if there is a hint in dlc but st trina arrows and lilies perhaps talk about how sleep becomes a habit for their priests. they surely dosing multiple times.
there is probably a direct hint SOMEWHERE there usually is. still not far into dlc cause I am autistic and have been working on bringing more of my characters to it.
i use it on my dex build, it's good. you need to make it keen. it works well buffed too
I'm bored of ARC/DEX, how do I build ARC/STR at 150 while having high enough ARC to make occult still useful? Like 60 ARC 30ish STR? Using something like the new Meteoric UGS, Chicken wing, Marais. Or do you need at least 50 STR to make them useful? I'm guessing the split magic damage benefits from ARC making ARC investment still just as good as STR?
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I didn't know this was here
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Either I fix that cutebot or she makes me worse and I wouldn't mind either.
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it really feels like miquellas age of compassion was meant to be like rannis age of stars.
I will never not be mad at how they wasted Miquella
Just roll his attack? Still better than summoning Ansbach for Radahn only for him to do a total of 800 damage before dying, leaving you with a buffed up boss from bringing a summon
>still not reflection of strength update
how do i not get cucked by gaius?
so is faith good in this game? i was thinking of going lightning spears or something and just shooting at bosses and buffing my weapon with electricity
why should I apologize to some malding fag who said they quit on day 2? and used skibidis while complaining?
I can't wait til pax dei adds combat and suddenly he hates it rather than it being a kingdom sandbox for his fucking ego
>i fucked up
>guess i'll cheat now
Equip a shield a trivialize the fight.
yeah devs were retards for that, at least let the dragon spawn once we go a little further inside the are like the first time.
I want to beat Bayle on my own tho. Will I miss anything if I don't summon Igor?
Anyone have some numbers?
Just how much easier has the game become this patch?
I went ~45ish for STR and ARC for my build, but if you want to use occult you're probably better off going all in on ARC
>just spamdying to radahn phase 2

ok im done pretending im some hardcore gaymur, how the fuck am I supposed to beat this? I feel encouraged to just go for a jump attack setup or something. Multiple hits just isnt possible.
Not enough
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become his friend
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Been playing since Sunday, and something fucking clicked for me. The base Elden Ring was fine, but it never really drew me in, as most people describe soul games. But the DLC and how hard it got let me use my end-game moveset, God, it feels so GOOD.
carian piercer trivializes any human shaped enemy. full charge knocks them over and you can fully charge another before they stand up kek just pushed rakashka over like 9 times and took his lunch money
Pray to Kindly Miquella that you get the frame perfect charge dodge
Then hit him until he dies
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Post more 3d models
Yes sir, even donated half of my paycheck!
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>keeps getting 2 hot by phase 2 Rellana
>"haha guys asmongold is so salty he said the dlc is bad because he can't beat the game"
>but he did beat it
>"b-b-but he CHEATED with his weapon and skibidi i-it doesn't count!!!"
Actually embarrassing how you move the goalposts without even trying to hide it. Just admit you were wrong, take the L and move on
he did it pre-nerf
so he can say he beat the game (unlike you)
>do everything correctly
>walk in a room
>woops, looks like you fucked up and will miss out on some of the content you paid for :)
Shut the fuck up
ill remember to put a cute blonde twink im my own game so we can have another go at the whole "I can fix her" thing. with more interactions.
If you wanna try dodging him a bit more, always dodge to the left and around him, by staying behind him you can avoid the spam damage he does after every hit
But the meta way is a greatshield and poking with a bleed weapon or antspur rapier for scarlet rot
What weaps are you using with that build?
>Miyafraudy needs to write a Miquella story
>Everyone already compared it to Griffith
>"Shit, need to come up with something original."
>It fucking sucks
Seriously what the fuck was that ending?I felt zero fulfillment.
I'm losing runes in Belurat?
I take it stuff like Spear Talisman doesn't scale status effects right? So it's good to go for Heavy Infusion on my pokey sticks?
Knowing which build to use for which boss is actually a really good indicator of a skilled gamer. You guys are just mad because deep down you know you wasted your time fighting the boss the same way when you could've easily won just by doing research for 5 minutes.
He legit cheated though. the average player wouldn't be nearly as OP as him at the time he was at the boss and would still most likely beat it with relative ease.
Tell me what's the right amount of hits before you die and the amount of hits before the boss dies?
you can make the antspur rapier bleed as well
or keen. yes.
.just take the L
he QUIT malded and made a video about it (monetized) don't bring your goalposts here fren, at least a thousand morons dropped the dlc because of this guy oh wait thats a good thing.
next time when you see a gold and red summon sign don't just walk past it. if anything, you should be grateful the quest still gave you a chance after you ignored it and went up the lift
In the same way that you have to take off all your clothes to embrace the Flame of Frenzy, it seems like Miquella has to remove even more parts of himself to embrace godhood. Bravo mizaki
I said OR, not XOR :^)
God I hate zoomers and their e-celeb worship
>been working
>only found and beaten dancing, rellana, putresc and BAYYYYYLEEEEEEEEEEEEE, VILE BAYLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>get on today
>see that they nerfed the bosses by buffing scudatree fragments
I do feel kinda cheated now, wish they would just leave this shit alone and make people actually try and learn bosses
He didn't beat the boss
>unable to summon cooperator
>unable to summon cooperator
>unable to summon cooperator
>unable to summon cooperator
>unable to summon cooperator
>unable to summon cooperator
Surprised they're not patching the spell you get from gold hippo, that shit rapes
10-14 is probably the ideal range for the entirety of the dlc.
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Artbook arrived today. And came with a second code for the soundtrack? For some reason?
I haven't gotten there yet you ragebaiting faglords, im taking my time compared to you zoomers.
the difference is I did not rage and say "I quit" on fucking day 2 because of malding. I haven't even used a SINGLE shadow blessing yet. OR complained about anything, only asked how to deal with basket man (and did)
I gave up and summoned for Radahn. I'm glad I never summoned for any other boss, this shit is unbearable. What boss are you trying right now?

Mogh's Spear and Fingerprint has been there for 2 YEARS.
UPDATE ON BAYLE: I can't see what's going on.
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gotta b fast
Mostly STR weapons with blood affinity like the claymore, nightrider glaive or GUGS, also Mohg's spear and the Marais sword.
me too, I prefer vtubers at least they're cute and usually too foreign to influence the tiktok crowd aka these fags telling me to take an L
people saying bleed is broken are INTcels 100% of the time
Anon You are not allowed to have a good ending that would kill Miyazaki. He only lives to bring misfortune. I mean it's not like finally having a good ending would more of a twist than any of these doom and gloom endings. Nobody expected that Miquella was le evil.
Phase 1 Radahn was so fun to learn and perfect. I'd be fine with phase 2 if it was just that + all the new attacks he gets, but the lingering damage on the floor is absolutely unbearable and ruins it
I didn't walk past it though, I went in Shadowkeep through the back entrance.
That's not what research looks like, everyone and their mother just slaps on a greatshield and pokes him to death because they think it's too hard to dodge him.
This is what research looks like.
>fight boss
>his moveset is strong against rolls but weak against blocks
>use blocks
>Strongest sorcery is a Bleed sorcery
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>** This is your God Miquella **
If you used any of the following:
>mimic tear
You are unworthy and did not beat the game.
So what’s does one of those fancy no hit, no roll, no block, no jumping, no ashes, etc. runs look like against Radahn + Miquella? I’m struggling to imagine it without uhhhhh a one hit kill build if they allow ashes and spells or something.
Why did you walk into a boss fog gate before fully exploring the legacy dungeon first?
you know now I think about it i'm probably used to this, because I take somber 4 weapons all the way to haligtree before I bother upgrading further, because of the god awful placement of smithing bells in base game, and at some point just stopped caring about "difficulty", probably after playing dark souls 3 before ER release and not dying once (no really)
this would have been true if there were unlimited respec
the game should be able to be beaten with any build
Not this shit again. Briar sorceries suck bro.
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>Nobody expected that Miquella was le evil.
Several anons in the this thread have been saying Miquella was sus as fuck for 2 years now, only delusional wish-fulfillment pedoshits thought he was a perfect little good boy who did nothing wrong.
someone posted one earlier and it was them stunlocking the boss with some broken 2h weapon and 5 shotting it
nta but Messmer isn't a fog gate
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>101 new weapons
>''people'' are still crouching with double lances
Autism is trully a curse.
Not a fan of rhythm games.
No, this is trivializing the fight by using a clearly overpowered new item that will get nerfed soon. What Asmon did is use items that have been released for a long time and thus are working the way the developers intended.
What's the best halberd/spear in the dlc?
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Yet there is no naked Miquella, Miyazaki you hack!
Why does that chunk so much? The only thing I tried on him was a frost perfume and that did like 800 damage
Break it down for me like I'm a casual PvEer
What's an acceptable skibidi level to beat the game with? I've just been exploring blindly and I'm at 14 right now, am I bricked?
who the fuck even brought this eceleb up
who cares
go on /r/ asmongold I'm sure he has his own subreddit
Ranni never had Torrent you fucking idiot. Melina gave him to us.
How do item drops work in multiplayer? Can someone drop me Haligtree Crest Greatshield? It's fucking annoying to drop/farm.
But... Doesnt Miquella get literally carried by Radahn?
How do you avoid Radahn's gravity meteor balls? I've tried jumping and dodging nothing seem to work
>working the way the developers intended.
I guess that means cheesing him with mimic tear is more "skilled" then by that logic.
>get a cool emote if you fuck up and get grabbed twice during Radahn

Ok that was cool and almost made me not hate the fight for a while
Anything over 10 is too high desu, especially now that they nerfed the DLC
with the new curve, if you go over 10 it's easy mode
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stats for messmer spear? should I go dex/faith or str/dex?
Why did you post a webm of you not beating radahn?
my biggest gripe is that every single boss has an instant crossmap gap closer that they spam any time you try to use an item or cast anything outside of the bosses' recovery window. feels super restrictive. makes distance management and positioning completely irrelevant since everything can shoot you across or instantly jump across the arena even if they're a massive fuckin dragon, all that matters is whether or not you waited for your turn like a good boy
Messmer's spear or the smithscript one. I love playing Mountain Blade when I'm on horseback
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fake news. Radahn received my blessing.
will get nerfed ASAP and be just as shit as the Briar sorceries
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Rate my outfit.
>"guys, i collected and activated 20 easy mode tokens, is it still acceptable for me to beat the game?"
start from scratch. no, not even loading a previous save counts
Yes anon, that was what I was saying. Everyone knew he was evil because Fromsoft does the same thing over and over again. There is no good. Thats why it would be suprising if he was really good
Run to your right and roll or jump
30str is plenty for chicken wing. go win bleedigger
Fighting the last boss

What the fuck is going on both storywise and gameplay wise
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>mfw I get to the endgame immediately before fromsoft nerfs everything
At least I beat og radahn before the nerfs I guess...
I either run to the left or right and then dodge, fairly easy once you get the timing
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fukkn rite up the doothole maet
fukn made this cunt gay and killd im so hed go tah hell ahahahahahahah
No, summons trivialize fights because they require no player input. Using a greatshield requires you to have at least a decent level of skill to manage your stamina and know when to attack.
>But the meta way is a greatshield and poking with a bleed weapon or antspur rapier for scarlet rot
Haven't seen him yet. Is the second phase really that nightmarish or are FROM newfags just not able to keep up?

Never see this much talk of blatantly respeccing to turtle builds just to beat the content when new stuff comes out.
Switch the hood to the blue one, change the legs. As is it doesn't match.
why does ranni ask us if we've been riding torrent?
checkmate marikafag
Miquella is literally riding torrent in the first teaser for the DLC.
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INTbros what weapons we using? I didn't find anything that would be worthy of replacing the wife sword.

STR scaling is tiny. Go Dex/Fth.
For phase 2 you literally just have to learn to roll left instead of right on all of his existing combos, you won't get hit by any of the beams of light if you do that and they're specifically placed to punish trying to go right
You also have to wait an extra second to roll the aoe beams than you had to roll the finishers in phase 1
The gist of it is that it actually creates a line of like 10 sparks that each do kind of mediocre damage, but if you aim directly down they all explode at the same spot and so an ability that does 700 damage suddenly does 7000
You can actually achieve the exact same effect with certain spells like Burn O Flame, the crystal shower spell, or even Founding Rain of Stars, their normal weakness (damage too spread out) becomes a strength because even though anyone ONE pillar of Burn O Flame only does like 800, if the boss is big enough that it gets hit 6 times then that's suddenly almost 5000 damage off of one spell.
Rolling Sparks is also extremely fast and has no end lag, I think it's the only ash of war that has the same kind of high-damage-spread-out nature as Burn O Flame
my dagger r1ed for roughly900 health at +11. now its 1103 dmg on the same mob. (some random shadow guy)
Because the MALENIA BRING ME MY BVLL posters were right.

Radahn found glory in war and decided he didn't want to be a consort to Miquella, Miquella proceeded to seethe about it and sent Malenia to kill him so he could get his soul for the necromance voodoo
Second phase really is that nightmarish. It's not about the speed, it's the fact that he leaves lingering damage on the ground on every attack
other way around
The new curve makes it so the first 10 are more effective than the last 10
It's just not a good fight. Just as an indicator, people were lowering the SFX to low so that they could actually see what the boss was doing.
I opened a door and it started Messmer's fight. I'd be fine with it if it locked you out of that quest if you BEAT Messmer (like it has always worked in souls games) instead of just finding the boss. I even avoided him just because I wanted to finish NPC quests first.
which npc? and which ashes holyfuck...
that's not a spectral steed
based and tengu pilled
The status perfumes do shit damage, only the lightning one shits out damage and that's if you stack every buff you can.
It doesn't matter if a buff only lasts 30 seconds if the fight is over in less time.
As you probably noticed they also took less damage than someone in heavy armor, since again buffs > gear

Most people are just straight up playing the game wrong, refusing to interact with mechanics and struggle in the most braindead methods (like for example shit poking behind a greatshield that never guardbreaks and has close to no chip damage)
imagine messmer but every attack has a delayed aoe component that hits everywhere around him and he also reads your inputs and instakills you if you lock yourself into an animation from neutral
Fuck Radahn.
I wanted your blessing. I went through hell and back for you just to actually talk to you and all I get was messages about how youre cutting off your arms and shit.
>fan daggers
the larger of the two demihuman swords fucks
I used the sword lance all the way through to the end of my first run basically
waiting for the scaling on the meteoric ore greatsword to get fixed
Radahn phase 2 fills the entire screen with his special effects, it's genuinely impossible to see what the fuck is going on
chinese dudes on bilibili are just straight up turning their graphics to low
>the most honorable and honest opponent you ever face in the game is the one saying this

isshin was too based for this world
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animation of rolling sparks with the lightning bottle might be fucked
which is plausible considering how many jeets were sourced to work on the dlc
that artist is a pedophile and so are you
peak pure fai chads winning again. zeus would be proud
For a split second when I saw your post I thought
>Hey, wait where the fuck IS Patches?
Because I forgot this wasn't an entirely new game.
no, it's exactly as i said. 10 new is around 15 OG. that's easy mode.
Yeah I never figured out the dodging left thing cause the first phase taught me to dodge into every sword swing. Sad!
>You also have to wait an extra second to roll the aoe beams
Now this I think is a fun mechanic because it's the exact same for his combo in phase 1 that ends with a ground AoE. So you're rewarded for mastering and recognizing that combo in phase 2
>Already had 18 skibidi blessings
>Game is too easy now
What the fuck do I do?
Just start a new run?
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Star-lined sword
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>a decent level of skill to manage your stamina and know when to attack.
Is this how greatshield users cope now?
There's no arbitrary cutoff, sorry anon
Either using even a single fragment is le easy mode or using all 20 still isn't
for me its the rot breath and dung eater to tank. easiest gaysex of my life
How many other horses in the game do you see like that?
Magic milady and great katana are bretty gud but the wife sword still reigns supreme
>the larger of the two demihuman swords
Which one?
>meteoric ore greatsword
That's a str/arc weapon
Yeah, you got trolled hard by Miyazaki. Start a new character and finish the entire game again.
>Is the second phase really that nightmarish
Yes, most players will never beat him with an average melee build. Unless you're extremely good at the game you'll probably have to rely on cheese build (broken ash of wars that allow you to skip most mechanics, spirit ash summons, shield spam etc) to beat him.
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roll back the update
>nooo there's no cutoff
>that's an arbitrary cutoff
you're playing on easy mode and you didn't beat the game
It's insane that every time a new strategy is adopted by meta125 le hardcore gamer faggots, suddenly it magically transforms into be actually super high skill
I bet if Latenna or Mimic became normalized they'd cope by saying that Mimic copies your build and spell list so it's high skill to know what you should put on it
I'm convinced the only reason the Finger Ruins of Rhia are as huge as they are despite being so empty is because Miyazaki wanted that nice view from the base of Jagged Peak.
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>About to fight Bayle, what am I in for?
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Carian slicer remains the best int weapon,
well it requires 35 dex to wield. so a simple 40d 40f works. dex scaling is higher but more fai lets u use him dumb fireball move.
Miquella is literally riding Radahn
post your character, let's see if you are worthy
This radahn fight is 100% the hardest they’ve made so far and it’s purely because the 2nd phase.
Anyway prepatch I did 728 damage with the R1 and now I do 777 damage with it. Wow… LUCKY!
If you explore too much before Shadow keep you'll trivialize the middle parts for the DLC
I had 13 by shadow keep and some bosses were still challenging but at 18 your AR must be insane depending on where you are in the DLC
r u srs
Have you tried not dying?
Torrent isn't white.

>straight sword pretending to be a katana
Cool. I'll get a new moveset without runing my vibe with weebshit. Thanks.
all of the goats look the same. all of the bears look the same. why wouldn't two horses look the same?
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Is the main damage from the throw/fire art? normal attack doesnt look it does much damage

Not him but I often just google reaction images like that and sometimes the top result is from ifunny
>b-but the filename
He's using a filename randomizer cause he's a little faggot
another dime a dozen 1:1 like every other spellcaster u can coop or face in pvp
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more AI gens please

coded lightsaber but blue? neat
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Help me i'm suffering build crisis

I'm tired of spamming lion's claw, and perfume is too broken i don't even have to learn the boss' moveset

Do you guys have any recommendation ? I still want it to be strong tho, I tried martial arts but the damage output is miserable
First phase Radahn is quite easy after like 10-15 tries. 2nd phase is just stupid because your whole FOV is just a bunch of effects and on my PC my FPS drops so hard
I can't even see what I'm dodging because of the holy effects
>attacking during the hammer smash
Based, I do this when I get summoned for Radagon and I've almost never seen anyone else do it.
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How do I get here???
Been exploring all around it, but can't find a way into this area
This armor looks awful on PCs. Consider Loretta's, or maybe Blaidd's without the cape. Also if you want this armor at least use the blue hood so it matches.
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What's the counter to fingerprint abusers?
I'm invading and there's always someone using this tranny shield.
Dragon pit nigga
>INTbros what weapons we using?
Rellana's twin blades. Though the better part of it's ashes scales with faith.
Do you not know how lighting works? Thats some tumblr shit
Reminds me when tumbl-tards accused an artist of white-washing when the dark skinned character stepped from the shade into sunlight.
Every single streamer does this. Yes I watch challenge runs, deal with it
>AI gens
im pretty sure the second is not AI
It's not cope at all, your skill is determined by how quickly you can adapt/beat a boss. Everything else is irrelevant.
lighting bottle rolling sparks at their feet
https://x.com/illusorywall/status/1805654417963614462 mh rise has offline pause and nobody complained
Bring something along with the kick ash of war, it guard breaks them
It's to show me your mentally ill sister's tits
Rock Drill, Haima Gavel, piercing fang, scythes, coded sword, the new katana that ignores shield
There's a ladder after the hippo boss, just before the lift
I'm a big fan. They're nice for keeping poise damage up.
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What's your favorite message you've written? In my case, it's a "Jump down here" in Fort Haight. It's next to a gap in the battlements and there is indeed a platform down there. However, the world geometry there is fucked beyond recognition and there's a 90% chance you'll slide ride off the cliff if you jump there. And if you don't? Well, there's nothing there, it's just a place you can easily each from outside. And seeing the message's score, I got quite a few people with it.
>from makes every new souls formula game with the hardest enemies in the previous game becoming standard in the next game
How insane will the next title be if every dlc enemy is a massive sponge with endless combos?
I didnt say my image was ai generated I said "more AI gens please"
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Rolling sparks, also the perfurm talisman + alexander shard + lightning scorping ring all stack.
Throw on golden vow, lightning physique and blooboil.
Buff stacking is the intended way to play Elden ring.
I still don't think he would be that color in that lighting.
Yes AI are pedophiles because they know what is best
Is there messmer cheese yet?
I need this fucker dead to get to the actual good dlc weapon
Kick doesn't guard break shield grease fingerprint shield
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thank god. collecting these fragments without using a guide would take months.
Look where the light isnt hitting him. Hes gre, like torrent.
Theres a harsh light on him and Miquella both.
Show us the goods
no way people are that fucking lame to be running consumables on a fingerprint shield
Whoa at 20 levels you get 100% damage reduction?
>hammers are murderers because someone used the hammer to murder someone
you are a pedophile
huh? bro... im talking about messmer spear... I already have the perfume build
Swapped to the Frenzyflame Perfumer build so I can carry retard hosts before they die
It's kinda fun just melting bosses
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Greatshield users don't even have to interact with the boss, just pay the smallest amount of attention that your green bar doesn't empty out.
Even summoning the mimic tear without getting dumpstered by Radahn requires more thought process than that.
Fingerprint shield+poke.
Ok, Torrent became brown in my brain for some reason. Upon checking an actual picture, you're right. That's probably him.
So do we know more about who the fuck Radagon was and where he came from with the DLC?
Yeah in my experience you're better off going in more faith than dex, it's r1 is kinda lacklustre.
you guys are fucking morons. just play the god damn game, how hard is that? nobody gives a fuck how many fragments you had. nobody cares about you or your elden ring playthrough, play the game you faggots!
Are phantoms scaled to the hosts skibidis?
I just got oneshot by messmer even though he barely 2shots me in my own world
so it really was just two guys in a suit???
>I actually bricked my save file because I had 13 skibidi before
Why the fuck did they change the fragment system instead of addressing the boss issues? Who even asked for this?
The best part of this nerf (or any nerf of these games really) is the hilarious posturing from wannabe hardcore members of the community pretending that the buffs you got from the skibidi trees on release weren't abysmal and needing buffing.
If you went past level 150 you didn't beat the game
I see it all the time on invaders or arena
My son there is no need to keep replying to obvious bait
it was obvious right the the first DLC traler where you actually see their legs and hands holding the jaw
Yes. Didn't you see the hand holding the mouth?
Imagine how strong they would be without the suit holding them back. It would be unwinnable.
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Just delete him from existence with Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike
It solves literally every problem in the DLC except for Radahn.
ouf looks I finished the game just in time
So you can beat the dlc with only 12 scat levels?
>Nobody expected that Miquella was le evil.
if you can't see he's a manipulative pos and dangerous from base game lore, then you're naive. i've said as much since the beginning.
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If they really cared about nerfing broken shit, they would nerf shieldpoking with greatshields, since that trivializes literally every single boss in the game and the DLC, and has only gotten even better with the DLC thanks to the new gear that further buff this lame playstyle.
It's fucking broken if you keep a boss alive to still get invaded
5% is HUGE. I'm sorry to say this but if you didn't beat the DLC yesterday now you'll never be able to.
I just remembered backstep exists. Do you ever use it? What is it for?
Miquella was good though, he only became evil when he abandoned his love
>damage negation goes down
I think whoever made this chart is dumbtarded
What an awful system. I wonder what Mr Zaki was thinking
he was something to do with the fire giants (braid, dog boss, red hair) before marika shattered them and became one (my interpretation)
Yes, always check your status when spawning in.
If you see 1-3 scudas just point down at the host and proceed to hurl yourself off the nearest cliff.
reduvia spam or black knife spam. very strong respectable damage but requires you to still learn when u can swing just when u do its with a stronger wep.
reduvia is the much faster and stronger of the two.
reverse backstep attacks in pvp (ravioli)
You're an actual idiot. That's incoming damage you fucking moron.
it supposed to be damage taken i think
>DLC reveals Marika's origins.
>In the end the setting is fucked because of the cycle of revenge and the outer gods just serve to facilitate it.
>Many of the setting's worst crimes were carried out by people seeking to right wrongs.
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Yeah I know, he labelled it wrong. Therefore he's dumbtarded
>tfw 148
How much rot resistance does Radahn have in phase 2? I can rot him in 12 swings from a rotten battlehammer in phase 1 but in phase 2 I hit him 30+ without rotting him
Now the dust has settled, is the DLC rizz or ohio?
it captures the absurdity of the whole concept very well
1.12 is cheating
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>Miquella was good though
He was mindcontrolling people prior to the DLC, you faggots just refused to listen and called us Schizo for pointing it out.
Reminder that if you used scudatree fragments you didn't beat the game so this buff to scudatree fragments doesn't matter since you're actually trying to beat the game and never used them in the first place.
Cope below
It's 15% at the higest delta, tho. Still, you can just not upgrade it, right? Nobody's forcing you.
>still no option to impregnate marika with triplets
>You're an actual idiot. That's incoming damage you fucking moron.
Yes, therefore whoever made this chart labeled it incorrectly.
Golden Order bros, what are we supposed to be eating this dlc other than a pair of mediocre swords and frenzy perfume
Who are you even quoting you NPC lol
Are you talking to yourself again?
Im going to sleep. But they killed St. Trina too.
Im going to make my own fucking Miquella ending where we hop on radahns back and usher in an age of compassion
says damage negation on the chart
I bet you upgraded your weapons like a faggot, what are the bosses too difficult if you don't rush them down with damage?
lmao. if your invading expect to see fellow consumehackers like 90% of invaders. if your being honest HAHAHAHA good luck.
If it was a female protag and not a faggot I'd agree
>he used weapons
Can someone please drop me one if they got one they don't need? I still can't find one.
C'mon dude, we don't know of any other spectral steeds. And even if it isn't Torrent, the fact that we never see this possibly different spectral steed in the game that was in the promotional art just raises more questions.
>radahn without any scadu blessings used
lmao what even is this
Getting to phase 2 is a chore and I'll probably need 10 minutes in that phase to kill him
I guess this is where I give up my run
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>people still complaining despite skibidi increase
>me never using them
I have simply moved beyond your pitiful level. we have nothing in common anymore.

this is because i've noticed I no longer have anything in common with 90% of current humanity (wasn't always like this) you do you but let me do me from now on.
>Knowing which build to use for which boss is actually a really good indicator of a skilled gamer.
Gotta be a retarded bait
Greatshield + poke w/ Status works on LITERALLY every boss, and it was the same in the base game, it's the staple of "I don't want to play the game but just hold block" shitters
What are you even talking about you drone lol
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Absolutely nothing, none of the new holy spells are golden order, enjoy your 3 new death incantations that all suck.
The even added a new discus spell but cheekily made it not golden order.
I thought I would like Milady, but its moveset is pissing me off.
anyone else stop levelling weapons past +24 because you don't want to waste the dragon smithing stones?
Lmao. Radagon looks so slow after playing the DLC.
shitters made from buff this because they can go out and explore the world because zoomer just want instant gratification holy fuck I hope russia nukes ugly mongoloid brits and america goblins nothing of value would be lost if you make these people vanish forever
it still counts as beating the game even if you used weapons
That's the equivalent of not upgrading your weapon, why are you doing this?
Okay but why?
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>you faggots just refused to listen and called us Schizo for pointing it out.
MANY such cases
t. noticer

on a slightly different note has anyone got the super duper high res dump of the NEW icons (and cut content) so I can add them to my collection.
yes everyone does that except when they want to put a ring on their weaponfu
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the big change really is that most people who will hit that 10-ish blessing phase will basically be near max power for blessings. A lot of people don't want to go hunting for the last 9 fragments out in the world and now they mostly don't need to.
yeah, same
I've got like 7 smithing stones and 7 more somber ones, but what if I suddenly find a billion weapons that I absolutely must use?
>invaded by `support Ukraine`
>exploring the world
lmao fucking casual just go take a walk in real life or something
Oh no bros.
Literally me, same bosses and I just started beating on Putrescent yesterday before going to sleep (2 attempts I think)
btw what skibidi lvl are you on? Normal lvl?
how come you have so much posture and defense with that? what buffs do you use? never thought faith build is this strong lol
it's more than 9 because you need x3 for 1 upgrade tardo
they literally added fragments so you go explore zoom shit when does school start again?
the game is clearly balanced around level 10x skibidis
ie if you go past level 10, you didn't beat the game.
thanks for the warning, anon. whew.
but there are niggers out there
I can't believe I kept this asshole alive for months expecting Gideon to have new dialogue.
Even Maliketh is mild by comparison.
I'm talking about hitting level 18 which is the same as the previous level 20, are you retarded?
Reminder that the zoomer newfag streamer whose first game in this series was Elden Ring beat Radahn with no summons or cheesy mechanics. Just pure determination and improvement.
>he didn't take a week off for the DLC
You didn't beat the game If you used spirit ashes (police) against niggers
>they literally added fragments so you go explore
except they didn't. some of them are in the open world as drops and some are behind mini-bosses, but a bunch of them are dropped by random npc's you'd usually ignore like those black spirit characters. so unless you're killing every single enemy you find in the hope you might strike lucky and get a drop, it's not worth anyones time.
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pretty slick weapon Thiollier, rip my guy
Are you at 20 skibidi? If not then it doesn't really matter. Just don't upgrade it.
why did you use skibidi upgrades if you don't want nerfs?
well that confirms it, I was right, 90% of humanity are actually retarded now
inb4 now
how do i make the host's time more difficult as a coop summon?
>Summoned to Sunflower
>Host doesn't go for riposte in between phases
>Can't do it myself because perfumer
Fucking hosts
i really love the concept behind the 2nd beast claw ash of war, the one where you dodge and attack, but damn the recovery time is so fricking long that you can't use it against a lot of enemies. i think it was mostly made for pvp or something
cant speak for others but tbqh normal levels feel really pointless in the DLC, as long as you're not going 200+ or some goober shit.
His determination is impressive but he's also making bank from having 100k viewers which is pretty good motivation.
He took 60 hours which was longer than my entire Sekiro playthrough.
>Explore the world
>Instant gratification
Pick one. You losers don't even know what you're crying about anymore lol. Forcing dipshits to actually play the content rather than speed run the required bosses is the opposite of "instant gratification". I swear some of you shouldn't be allowed to use the computer without supervision
Stop being a bitchy manchild, you can always just do it again in a new run for christs sake.
Help please how beat radahn time sensitive ques
Cast darkness so he can't see the boss.
Does the Riposte even do anything?
Level 9
Because the DLC was obviously made with the scudatree fragments in mind as your progression curve. Now they've changed it because of outcry so it will never be true the devs original vision.
1. pick the right weapons/skills/spells
2. kill radahn
Just cast screen-obscuring spells like that rot dragon shit
Play support but don't attack, host has to suffer getting wailed on even longer and punished for poorly timed attacks.
I invaded with these and the host thought I was challenging him to a fistfight and he unequipped his weapon. Doesn't feel like the sleep even works I hit him like 12 times before he realized.
aight, Im just cheat engine'ing this shitty fucking shield FUCK
Did Radahn kill this anon?
He died 700 times to radahn.
Honestly, that’s some determination.
darkness works on rellana
Boss starts next phase with less health
this, exploration is by far the most fun part of the game, bosses aren't even secondary, more like tertiary
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Anyone wanna do some kino duels.....?
Put down your sign at scorched ruins......
Pass is erg......
Nice kill
Had his heart stolen mid-text.
maybe over the weekend I got my finals tomorrow
>it will never be true the devs original vision
Is their original vision a thing of value? The way you say is like it's some kind of divine mandate. They set it to what they considered appropriate. After seeing it in action they decided they were wrong. What makes the previous version worth more than the current one?
Neat. I'll keep that in mind if I ever end up fighting him again. For some reason most of the time when I downed him I couldn't even align myself to riposte.
>unfitting off-colour greaves
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>people take this game's PvP seriously
Webm isn't mine but a lot of weapon arts have hyper armor which isn't affected by poise, and as testing have shown.
Being naked with buffs reduces damage more than wearing armor without buffs.
Armor is just something you slap on if you have the END for it.
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Are any of these areas reachable?
>Miquella grabs you twice and forcibly turns you into a homosexual
why are anons defending him again?
So why do they force tarnished to be straight or a lesbian
I'm pretty sure those are the greaves that come with Rellana's set.
When Miyazaki pitched the DLC, the first thing he said was "I want some kind of collectible where the player gets powered up, to exactly x2 damage at max level. If it ends up being x2.05 damage instead, my vision will be ruined"
Yeah, I know. I'm just curious since I entered at 155 but since everyone is shitting runes I lvled to 170.

I'm at lvl 10 now, interesting
I'm wondering if I can still don't update and play offline (I do anyway)
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Just killed it. Absolute fucking kino, specially with Igon screaming.
I don't know which one I like most, Messmer or Bayle, but they are without a doubt my favorite boss fights so far.
Only Romina and Radahn left.
>Bald retard (who I usually agree with) thinks Bayle, fucking Bayle, was a better fight than Midir
His braincells must have died with his hair follicles, Midir SHITS all over Bayle, Bayle is a trash fight, his hitboxes are stupid, you can't hit his body from under him some times because his collission box is larger than his hitbox, over half his attacks have this stupid faggot delayed AoE that makes any kind of flow against him utterly tedious, he facefucks your camera to the point where playing locked on is practically impossible. Mechanically from a design standpoint he is utter fucking garbage compared to Chadir. The ONLY good thing about his fight is the npc summon.

Holy shit what a braindead take.
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So WHY did I go to all the trouble of curing the frenzied flame if I wasn't going to get any payoff with Melina in the base game or DLC????
They are.
>RL 168
He didn't beat the game.
>Teleport to the right side of Shadow Keep
>game freezes for a few seconds
>get iris of occultation out of nowhere and some random runes

What died?
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Because they were already homosexuals / fujos.
It's like when coomer rannifags excuse all of her wrong doings because porn makes her look fuckable.
if I kill godfrey at the burning tree is it game over or can I still do the dlc? I don't wanna accidentally have to go through ng+ to do the dlc
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That's part of the set.
I switched to something else but all the fitting ones are too bulky.
have you been able to get the skill on after a sleep on anyone?
Niggas really be crying over a 5% increase lmao
You can go underneath the Rauh ones, does that count?
she literally did nothing wrong
It's crazy that they could literally solve every single design problem with every single boss if they just increased the delay between attacks by a single second
>implying this isn't fuckable
>he doesn't like the lore
make your own game
>Summoned to putrescent knight
>Host dies before I can finish the fall into the pit
every time
>Bricked my save and permanently banned online
>Midir SHITS all over Bayle, Bayle is a trash fight
Stopped reading there, Bayle is the best dragon fight to date.
Fuck the ancient dragon fight just before him however, that was pure cancer.
>avenging family betrayed and shattered
Anon, you're just a faggot
I wanna hear those infamous screams, but I don't want to summon like some gay homo fag prancing la-la man knob polisher
what do?
There's a lesser ulcerated spirit there that drops one. I think that somehow got caught somewhere and died.
>game would be better if you had a free heal window between every attacks
>everyone wearing rellana chestpiece and/or lion head
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Marikafags do the same thing with porn marika. All elden ring fags do it besides goldmask chads
Igon barely does any damage and the boss is locked on you most of the time (unless you stop attacking for a while).
Ii wasn't expecting a whole new ending but no new dialogue from gideon? I cant go tell ranni her brother's soul got brought back to get buttfucked by a twink in the shadowlands?
>even stopped right before fire giant in case melina had something to say but she stays silent about her brother
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>Ghostflame dragons
>AI NPC "boss" fights
>Ancient dragon in mountain
Am I wrong to just run past any content that's a clear repeat of content from the base game?
I got the DLC because I wanted additional content, not regurgitated.
Vanilla ER had enough repetitive busywork that didn't actually add anything to my enjoyment
Nice goal post
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>she literally did nothing wrong
She killed the only actually good character in the setting who managed to not only create peace with the dragons, but got all of them hooked on human dick.
All because she didn't want to have babies, Carian women are all lovestruck losers and she is no exception.
>goldmask chads
being a contrarian on the internet won't make you look cool
Personally I'm getting tired of the flask system. It's just an excuse to pump damage numbers up to such a degree that you HAVE to pause and heal after every hit. Really hate that shit infected Armored Core as well.
Me too. I stopped before Malenia too.
Ah that makes sense, had that happen once with the one in the ruins you enter after the lake of rot, minus the freeze.
Radahn is less bullshit than Malenia. There I've said it. If you're complaining about its difficulty then you're a fucking bitch and need to get good.
Stop being a faggot, summon Igon and enjoy the performance.
who is melina's brother
>just do it in another run!
It's still bad design.
you only have 3 repair kits in AC6 and you don't pause shit, because you use them instantly
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>Because the DLC was obviously made with the scudatree fragments in mind as your progression curve. Now they've changed it because of outcry so it will never be true the devs original vision.
so, dont use them
So can anyone become a "god" by discarding pieces of themselves (that can apparently become living beings) untill you're just a soul and then get some butt buddy to high five you when you go into the death gate or is it just one of those empyrian things? What even is an emperyan? Marika was just some nobody before apparently finger aliens came down and gave her the ability?
>Marikafags do the same thing with porn marika.
At least Marika actually has an ass and canonically has a breeding fetish to cope with the loss of her village.
Why the fuck can't I uncap the FPS though?
wtf how
why would you call it that?
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Looks like Swift slash spam is the new Moonveil/ROB spam.
I wanted the smaller cooler lion head, not the gigantic meme one from the boss fight but apparently I have to wait until thr last dungeon to farm it
Doies melina hav SNEG inside her? :DDDD
>Bayle is the best dragon fight to date.
Sinh was better because of his unmatched coolio diving attacks. No other dragon boss in the series had attacks like that.
Ranni is a genuinely good person so if she killed Godwyn it means he was an asshole
Radahn fight is just not fun honestly, like it doesn’t feel fun to fight him
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>only have 2 remembrances beat
>game just got easier
I may as well just uninstall...
Japanese programming.
Watched this guy's DaS SL1 NG+7 videos a decade ago, neat
Magic Milady and Magic Knight Greatsword with Carian Sovereignty. The former for trash mobs, the latter for bosses.
That isn't the developers original vision, that's a challenge run which I'll do afterwards similar to SL1 etc.
Based and misunderstanding alignment pilled
>Ranni is a genuinely good person
name literally, LITERALLY just one single "good" thing Ranni did
>it will never be true the devs original vision
I don't think any Fromsoft game has ever been true to the original version. Do you see how much shit they redo last minute? They STILL haven't managed to figure out the tech to make you place your own bonfires/grace and they've been talking about it for years.
ranni is a lolbert and she probably killed godwyn because he brushed her shoulder and this violated the NAP
Anyone who can help me with Mohg on PC? pass is mogh
t. low rune level
Please fuck a prostitute or something
You stopped reading right there because the shit you were spewing splattered up into your eyes, faggot. Bayle is trash Fucking Ancient Wyvern is a better fight. Bayle is indefensible trash. Why is his head the only lock on when half the fucking time it's behind you because the cunt has no concept of personal space.

You know what I did? I got the shits with trying to guard counter it, I equipped the new HTS with cragblade and I hit his leg. Nothing he did could touch me. It was the most boring and anticlimactic fight I've ever had. Ancient dragons are a better fight, because at least you can lock onto their body and not worry about their spazzy longneck heads.

Now Midir, midir is perfection. And that's the problem. From already peaked.
Look at all this fancy garbage people are using. All I need is my beloved, Longsword with Square Off
Only a empyrian thing and yes most likely a divine gift from Metyr, the daughter of the greater will who's just been winging it this whole time and trying to stall for answers.
Unfortunately the Greater Will stopped caring about this tiny corner of the cosmos after the age of dragons ended and isn't returning calls anymore.
Is there a way to uninstall the latest calibration? I thought I'd get a pop-up on the PS5 home screen, but it just automatically downloaded on the start screen.
>Carian Sovereignty
Is this actually good? Grandeur already took forever to cast and the damage wasn't that impressive.
>I want to fuck her so she's good!
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plebs gonna pleb. save the high fashion for us patricians
Marika's endings are awful and will only lead to more strife because she's unstable as a person and her personhood conflicts with her capacity to be a good god
Ranni's entire quest was pointless and shows how idiotic and even emotional she is lashing out like a spoiled child saying no yet still becoming a god like everyone wanted
Neither should have power. The golden order is necessary for keeping man together. A non human god is necessary for making the order stable. Goldmask achieves this. He perfects it. And even if he isn't talking to the greater will he mathed it out because he isn't a retarded woman or femboy
she gave me the summoning bell
By raising your magic infused fingerprint shield :)
working right now but can probably join in an hour or two
Bayle isn't even better than Placi, which is fitting cause Bayle's a bitch
defended her mom
Ah yes the /erg/ special
>Bro I totally nohit this boss now watch me ranting about it for 5 minutes
lol lmao
In all likelihood Godwyn being a golden order simp like his dad probably made him a good target. He'd hunt her down if she used any other demigod for the ritual.
Is the only piece of evidence against Miquella ascending actually being a good thing just St Trina?
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Damn I remember watching this guys DS1 invasion videos over a decade ago. I feel old now.
dodge the 1st 2 by rolling to the left
next 2 by jumping forwards
roll through last one
>Yes, most players will never beat him with an average melee build.
seems like it. i'm going single uchi and if i mess up a single roll, the following hits from a combo will kill me. i can get in two r1s in an opening, then the dance and aoe and lingering combos start up again.

it's not made for a regular fight.
t. mindbroken Golden Order cultists
You are trying too hard and impressing no one

No one thinks your cool or a epic hardcore game because you are seething about a calibration that gives you 1% more defense at max level
Ranni's character becomes hilarious if you view her as genuinely loving the tarnished. It just means she's as love delusional as her aunt and mom. She fucking let her dragon die to stage a story book romance scene with the tarnished half of her followers notice how she acts towards you selivus somewhat teases you about it and iji makes note of it.
Godrick and Godefroy are children of Godfrey and Marika, right? Their entire shtick is grafting and having axes after all as they try to live up to His name.
looked funny sitting on some books
Marika and the Scadutree are pretty good evidence the whole godhood thing wasn't really the answer in the first place.
Entering the ashen capital is the closing door for the DLC until NG+
i'll carry you through mohg if you'll carry my lv1 twink through it but only i go first
she bought it from the twins in the roundtable for 500 runes. 500. That's like quarter of the price of a mushroom.
and failed miserably btw
Not to mention that she fights you even though SHE NEEDS YOU to get the great rune, so it was double retarded
>no hit
I ate a couple of his spin repositions, and maybe one or two hits while I got back to where I was, but ultimately, for a boss that's so eager to get up in your face, he's surprisingly weak to being attacked from under. I'd care if he wasn't such a fucking shit fight.
It's hard to top just how fucking cool Placidussax is I'll give you that.
Still waiting for that webm, cuck
bitch ain't got no wings
>summoned for Messmer
>host does 20 different buffs
>walks in
>dies in 10 seconds
Also how does skibidi level work for summons? Is it based on the host, or do I keep mine?
ill give you one if youre on PC
500 runes is a lot to give a maidenless tarnished of no renown
One of the absolute best Ashes of War in the game. Crazy damage, good range, good AoE, MASAIVE stagger damage, hyperarmor when used with greatswords. Just used the Stone Barb Cracked Tear and annihilate bosses. Also really good at cheesing player model enemies since they suck at dodging and will take ~8000 damage from a single combo.
>le epic gamer
>has a Console
the jokes write themselves.
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Boss gate or grace? It's been an age since I've fought this boss but I'll do my best for you, anon!
You don't need to discard yourself or at least the same things to become a god. God marika had her full body we see this in paintings of her before the shattering and in the intro. She also kept most if not all of her emotions with goldmask criticism of her being she's too emotional. She's still driven by love too seeing what we know she did to her village upon returning as a god and her reaction to godwyns death.
It's definitely funny, if she had stayed in her 10 foot tall fat-ass red head body I would have liked her nerdy ass a lot more.
Sadly I am a console cuck and I WILL not pay for PS+
Thank you tho, love ya
based on host. start > status. always check skibidi level

report back with what levels people are at
>moving the goalposts
>Malenia doesn't react if you kill Miquella before entering her fight
Biggest disappointment of the DLC. How could you not have such simple reactivity in a post-Baldur's Gate 3 world?
I annihilate Furnace Golem with it
If I'm level 230 can I still find people to help with bosses? Kinda went into the DLC at 200 and the runes just accumulated super fast and it felt bad to not use them so I got fat :(
The latter part is headcanon you built up. She canonically has illegitimate children since godfreys time. She's a cheating whore just as ranni is a manipulative whore. This is what we see in game. This is undebtable. You are a cuckold if you choose marika and retarded simp if you choose ranni.
Good luck, anon. 133 is the maximum limit for the range where the majority of the playerbase is anyway. I don't think you changed much with an extra 30 levels.
whats the most disrespectful build i can make for pve? greatshield poke? status effect spam seems extremely appealing, but im not sure how many bosses are susceptible in the dlc
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Same reason that being a chaos lord doesn't affect Midra's dialogue.
The DLC is entirely separate from the basegame and they said as much.
She's drunk and hazy off the rot, there's a reason Miq abandoned her after the war she's completely unsalvageable. That's why the best he can do is just dedicate her memory and deeds to legend.
Does she even know he got kidnapped? Pretty sure she thinks he's still sleeping in the Haligtree or some shit like that.
they just changed so that the scadutree fragments is bigger in the first half now, there's no nerfs yet
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You can't convince me that the same people who came up with Slave Knight Gael, Orphan of Kos and Friede shat out Consort Radahn.
From just wanted this DLC and game out of their lives, they're moving on. Probably didn't even want to make this horseshit in the first place but were obligated to.
Thanks anon, I don't know why I didn't think of that
Fuck off, Friede and Gael are pissants compared to Orphan and Consort.
The bosses you mentioned are just as shit.
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when im summoned do I get the blessing level the retard has? Commander gaius just hit me with a damage ive never seen in NG+3
cant even shield poke messmer because he fucking deadangles me
she has a cute voice
The first three, their priority was obviously to make a fun, cool cinematic fight. For Radahn they only wanted to do a hard fight because now From are just the "hard game" company, and Miyazaki does not give two shits about ER.
Don't compare shit like Consort to kino like Orphan
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Because Elden Bing Bing Wahoo is not a RPG, but a slasher with stats.
It's for myself, so just don't answer if you really don't care, dumbass.
Whoever came up with Friede should be banned from participating in the industry.
>boss utilizes ds1 tech
>She's a cheating whore
Correct but Marika is still actually hot and would definitely let you plap her as the elden lord.
You probably wouldn't get much more than handholding out of Ranni after yeeting yourself into space.
Personally I'm just here to burn it all down, but I can at least see Marikafags perspective, Especially since the DLC did a lot to explain her actions.
Orphan is even hard, I'm a shitter and was able to beat to beat Orphan. I had to summon for Gael.
>lovestruck loser ranni calling herself delusional of you attack her after giving her the ring
>she dissapears
>likely goes back to her tower to cry that she fell for the same trap her mom and aunt did despite her body being gone.
Boss gate if you want to! Beware of my low health!
>slave knight gael
>give journo mode blessings to choose your own difficulty or not
>nooo not using them all its not the devs original vision
im sorry that you are retarded.
MOHG should of been final boss and you have to defeat him to stop him raping miquella so you can rape him instead
Didn't Radahn want to be a god? Why did he agree to marry Miquella?
>Just got my first spear chucker pvp kill protecting the host
Glorious Greek Warfare based 10/10 dlc
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4 armpits...
the bussy was that good
Extreme ranni blanket snuggle correction
armpits don't look like that what the fuck is this shit?
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I don't even want to fight Radahn anymore.
I am already shit at the game.
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Could you please delete this post? We love to pretend ER is a real RPG, like Betehsda fans pretend Fallout 4 is an RPG
>"Give it to me... Your DARK SOUL"
That cringe worthy line alone makes him shit
Messmer's Orb is so fucking shit, what were they thinking
why do you get so much glovewort in this game? Not using ashes, but don't people just upgrade mimic and tiche and then never use another summon? Do people really swap out summons like they might weapons for the situation? By the time you're considering that, shouldn't you not need them?
the guy who did ds2 is responsible for this mess. it's just got better graphics and ds3/bb speed, so people have rose tinted glasses on.
probably, all the demigods of the shattering were trying to do that
and cause femboys that are so passable they are literally mistaken as women are hot af (fiction only unfortunately)
The only good aligned character in this game is Marika.
Yea, I had to resort to a garbage broken build to beat Messmer, I'm at Radahn's gate right now. Shits so fucking lame, FROM fell off.
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I use a bunch of them
People keep saying he did, but there's no evidence charm foul play is entirely out of the picture.
>Why did he agree to marry
He probably made a joking promise to be his consort when Miquella was a traumatized and neglected little kid.
In the end Malenia nuked Caelid trying to force him to actually uphold that promise and now he ends up getting his soul stuffed into his half brothers corpse, while most likely being mind controlled since he doesn't even have any dialogue.
What about Renalla?
>le random npc is le final boss of the series so ebin
>bro this chalice dungeon boss with a shrimp is the best boss ever!
>Brooo did you know the final dlc boss is the hecking sister of a random npc, she is even barefoot xDDD
I died dozens of times to Radahn before swapping to fingerprint + serpent hunter and beat him first try. It was so braindead easy that I felt nothing from winning
I think If you gave someone who's never played elden ring this build and tasked them to beat Radahn they would be able to do it in hours
only if she bears hundreds of my children
The only prospective of marikafags are being cuckolds let's be honest here. There's no defending them.
I like upgrading a bunch of them for different situations they might be uswful in
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>ds2 bad

>longer than 60 second cooldown (while my computer is on fire because of the heat) thanks hiroshima / CIA / NSA (cloudflare...)
Killed Seluvis
She's too much of a simp for Messmer, which means she's delusional and capable of evil. She's like Leda in that regard.
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>summoned for gaius
>take half the hp
>realize the boss is 100% at me and Ive never seen the host in my fov
>look around and hes 100m away

does these people think im Let me solo her or what, wtf is this bs
make a new thread so that I may insult everybody who did not beat the game
He didn't agree shit, the Radahn of the DLC is just Mogh's corpse imbued to Radahn's mannerism, nothing more than a puppet.
It's not that complicated, it's a feature where I can summon the vast majority of enemies to fight with me. I'm interested purely to see them fight with me on the battlefield.
Don't try to understand sniff fags, they're so starved for affected that even just smelling a woman is seen as erotic.
You get the same effect from equipping a slightly lighter armor piece. I don't onow who're trying to impress
>I totally do it for myself
Sure thing man
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>still seething about Friede in 2024
not outright confirmed but speculation based on messmer's kindling description:
>The kindling that burned inside Messmer the Impaler.
>A dark thing, eaten away at by a wicked serpent.
>Burns the sealing tree said to be found at the old Rauh ruins.
>Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire.
people assume it's most likely about melina unless theres ANOTHER super duper secret marika child we dont know about which then fuck off miyazaki
Marika allowed her son to be murdered you moron, she conspired with Ranni and the Black Knives not only to make her own brother feel like shit for failing to keep Destined Death hidden, but for the God-flaying Knife to be made. Then, she cried about it like some Latina woman on TV.
>Even reductionist descriptions of previous DLC bosses are better than "Boss from the base game returns after his brother stuffed his soul into a guy's corpse to marry him"
What the fuck were they thinking
that was me though
Oh wait I read Rellana. Yea, Rennala is probably fine. She doesn't really do good things though, she kinda just sits in the background. She's maybe the most neutral character.
she gave me the moonlight sword
thats it, thats all that comes to mind, I agree with you. my main who used mlgs in bloodborne and is based on that character got to that point and im like "thanks, see ya"
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There's no way Ranni would ever be able to steal something from a dog, Marika let it happen
>there's nothing in the bottom third of the map
new thread where
>Commander Gaius
>Summon my boys Farum Azula Beastman right out of the gate and then dodge the incoming charge
>My boys get immediately one-shot by the charge attack

Maybe I should look for more Spirit Ash Buffs
The mark of a good game is whether you want to play that game again. The fact that you all played the DLC means Elden Ring is a good game.
>Dung Eater
>Mimic Tear
My three favorites you don't need anything else
What's the sekiro thing you guys are talking about?
She's not good aligned. If you actually played the base game you'd understand she's a piece of shit and any problems with the golden order's behavior stemmed from her forceful teachings. She wasn't some figurehead that wanted what's best for everyone, she was a bipolar despot who'd be murderous or generous depending on her moodswings. She had a messiah complex like her son and couldn't stand anyone not worshipping her. This is not headcanon but what people say in the game and what we find evidence of through ghosts.
Checks out, little kids say dumbfuck kid shit like that all the time
So fucking based. What a wacky game.
Wrong, we watched streamers.
they nerfed the damage negation?
probably because there's another lever near the forge
Wow that's reducionist and way more interesting than having a chalice dungeon zombie be the final boss of the Old Hunters
i honestly have no motivation to go through rollrollstab marathon with big gay radahn for hours, cant even be fucked to cheese him. i hope from keeps developing armored core, since even weapon arts cant keep the dark souls format getting stale at this point
Yes? And? Its an invincible shield and the ability to poke.

This isnt sekiro. There isnt a rock/paper/scissors mechanic. Youre not expecting to roll, block and jump, just pick one of roll/block.

You wouldn't magically feel better if you did it with just rolling. The only real solution is to complete ditch the ethos of ER and force a dodge + block + jump meta which they wouldnt do for a last minute b team dlc.
Dak is a bitch and sucks at Elden Ring
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I don't expect everyone to have the will ncesarry to do what is necessary, the greater will was confirmed to have left long ago and isn't coming back.
Things are only going to stagnate and become worse no matter what you do, better to end the suffering.
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>Marika allowed her son to be murdered you moron, she conspired with Ranni and the Black Knives
No witnesses baby, Marika is a saint misused by some dumb giant fingers from the outer space
Fucking kill yourself.
>she's as love delusional as her aunt and mom
Why are Carian women like this
Okay hornsent.
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what a hack
People keep referring to the scroll about the ritual but I don't get how that means he agreed
>no b-b-b-buh you can't pick them because they're...le evil!
Literally why the fuck should I care about whether or not Ranni and Marika are good? (You)'re there to get a god waifu to become Elden Lord, not save the world. I couldn't care less about who they murdered.
sleep arrow delores
demi humans at night

dung is S S tier. mimic depends on your build. tiche is cheese mode (but she CAN NOT "solo" malenia like people say, she will die if you don't draw aggro just the same as anyone else. at +10)
What the fuck does Rellana's Cameo do? Does it only work with her mid swords?
nigga what, elden ring is literally the least replayable title in the series, exclusively thanks to retarded nips still believe the open world meme after a decade
I need a carian woman...
She will be big happy family corrected...
Imagine the daughters rebellious phase...
I have a friend who says using Scadutree fragments is easy mode like spirit summons...
Is he trolling me? I see every streamer use it so i am confused.
Or is his opinion just braindead?
i don't know what builds they designed it around. you should be able to beat a boss with a regular old sword just as you can a meta build, even if the former is harder.

repeating thrust on antspur isn't something you should need to do with a rapier within a reasonable amount of time.
>Was waiting for From to finish this DLC and make something new
>Realize Armored Core is basically Souls game and not a mecha game
They have become slaves to their own formula. It's honestly so demotivating when you remember how much of needed breath of fresh air Demon's and Dark Souls were.
it works with the katanas and straight swords as well they all have stances
Leveling up is easy mode.
It only takes like an hour of ingame time to get a +9 somber weapon and all your flask upgrades which makes it super replayable by open world standards.
Ranni protects her family and tries to hide the fact she cares through chuuni speeches
Marika avenged her family and is largely responsible for your success.
That's all I really need to support them.
Actually if you pay attention to her quest
>she places the elden ring on the moon
We learn through the dlc that like everything else the moon is under the junction of the greater will, far from it but closer than we are she's just putting the elden ring under its domain
>marika is in favor of what she wants
Grace can lead you along her quest if you do it and grace is controlled by marika
>it doesn't actually get rid of marikas order
Her order is still there but without an active vessel god to act as a leading figure letting man figure things out, which, again, isn't out of the realms of what marika would've wanted.

Ranni is unironically more adjacent to marika's golden order than gold mask is and as far as we know she didn't even want to be.
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bro just let me tell u this
The day I speend a total of more than 60$ just for someone to say how I should play the game, my family can bury me bc Im no longer me and just soulless GOLEM
I use Dung Eater most of the time. Tanky, can wreck havoc but even he can get annihilated in this DLC. So far I tried summoning him on Gaius and the second Dancing Lion but both of that boss managed to kill him.
then why are you playing the DLC
It doesn't, it just requires a lord's consent, consent a god who knows how to charm can easily wring out of someone who naturally wants to help others like Radahn.
Use deflecting crystal tear and completely ignore the dodge button unless he's casting the magic projectiles. Makes it 1000x easier.
Nah I'm a marikasimp she's my wife. I just actually understand my beloved and accept her for what she is. She's a mentally ill dictatorial goddess as fickle as the gods of our mythology and as chaotic as them as well. She's the ideal woman who falls to all of woman's faults and doesn't make excuses. She knows what she is. She doesn't deny it. And that's what makes her good. She's honest.
>The only real solution is to complete ditch the ethos of ER and force a dodge + block + jump meta which they wouldnt do for a last minute b team dlc.
you can get through base with whatever you want. no idea why they changed that.
I got through everything by just holding shift and clicking lmb occasionally.
I told you fucks light greatswords were gonna suck
>killing Irina instead of dabbing on yikes and using his dead cumdumpster
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Should I?
we're partaking
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>NOOOOO what if I need it later NOOOOOOOOO
Thank God I'm not autistic like you
Didn't this just ultimately make it the same?
You gain more boost from the scadu enhancements early but it drops off more towards the end, ultimately though it ends up at the same percentage more or less
Or perhaps, I I read the patch wrong.
Maybe the DLC canonically happens after the ending which is why Miquella calls you a Lord.
>3. The woods part just doesn't work because it's way too big and empty. It needed to be much smaller.
Personally? Make the woods smaller in length, or at least the part you can't ride torrent smaller. About 75% of what you had.
The lanterns show up towards the end of the trekt to the Manse not earlier.
They appear in that massive wide open clearing right before the Manse, so you've got lots of room to solid snake instead of that tight fucking corridor they show up in.
Miq should have chosen me, it's not fair...
Also fucked how we fight Radahn AGAIN yet he doesn't say anything. First time he has the rot and the second he watched too many sissy hypno videos to form coherent thoughts
That makes sense. Everything I keep reading seems to lean towards him not consenting or at least going back on it later but I keep seeing people swear up and down he did and how the Promised Consort title is proof lol
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How on earth do I get to this ledge?
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I shall partake
Marika clearly plays favorites
Why is it absurd?
It's okay anon. I misunderstood it too at first since one of the items says "chase after Messmer"
>wow I'm so quirky and cool I don't do the thing literally everyone else does XD
Now tip your fedora which you'll correct me is a trilby retard
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Have you tried not being insane?
>the cheapo garbage item you can buy enmasse that's completely different to items that can only be obtained through farming crafting materials in the world
>somehow proves something
Good job retard. If I could buy 999 of the cracked pots I want, I'd do that as well
okay I'll explain since you're retarded: the only way to nerf rolling sparks would be to make it so every individual sparnk shares a hit detection, meaning that the only instance of damage would count ,like flame fall upon them. rolling sparks works like shard spiral, which too can be used to do massive damage when free aimed, thanks to it's multi hit property
Everybody and their mothers drops pot material, or that material always grows in tge dozens in the same spots, schizo
they did exactly this in TW3 and people on /v/ complained about it
>just go farm it with 10 resets to make 2 of the actually useful shit
>and now every time you use an item you're literally burning 5 minutes of time
>and it's not going to make a difference in the end anyway because all the items that can be easily crafted are complete dogshit
What if you weren't a disingenuous special snowflake faggot
Someone will complain about anything but the only people who disliked the replenishing consumables in TW3 were roleplaying niggers that want to pretend it's Monster Hunter where you have to meticulously prepare for every hunt like retards.
miquella is the hottest girl in his family and he's a dude
kick ash of war, if you got fait, sword of damnation
No oracle envoys appeared near Miquella and Radhan. Meanwhile, several oracle envoys appeared before our fight with Morgott and Godfrey. Unlike Miquella, the player character is fated to become the new god and herald a new age

Oracle Envoy: Monstrous band of musicians who employ sacred arts. It is said that when Oracle Envoys appear playing their pipes, they do so to herald the arrival of a new god, or age.
Wrong. Without Marika seeking godhood, humanity would never escape from the cruel horror of Crucible creatures.
FROM does this all the time, Pontiff was supposed to be the final boss of DS3. Only noobs to the series are surprised or upset by this stuff. Data miners also need to get the rope, it would be like going through writer's rough drafts and then trying to change the meaning of the actual published book
Lots of oracle envoys at Haligtree tho.
Why can miquella charm the player in his fight if he abandoned his charming ability when he broke his rune

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